Lesson Plan 2
Lesson Plan 2
Lesson Plan 2
Alverno College
Lesson Plan 2
Please use this framework to design your plans for effective instruction. The embedded shaded guidelines and
questions will help you consider aspects to address as you prepare your plan. Be sure to keep in mind the Gradual
Release of Responsibility Model as you write your plan. Remember this learning model guides the learner through
teacher modeling and demonstration, shared teacher/learner demonstration, learner guided practice, and learner
independent practice. Please enlarge cells as needed when writing this plan.
General Information
First Name of Focus Learner: Date: 7/13/17
Grade/Setting: 3rd and 4th Grade Class: Reading Readiness Length of Lesson:
Elementary School 15-20 mins
Subject/Unit: Focus Learner Disability(ies):
Non-Fiction (Bats) Intellectual Disability
Learning Goal
The students will continue reading a non-fiction text and use its picture clues and context evidence to retell what
they have learned, demonstrating understanding.
Relevant Academic, Alternate, or Early Childhood Standard
Guided Group 1: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RI.3.1
Ask and answer questions to demonstrate understanding of a text, referring explicitly to the text as the basis for
the answers
Lesson Objective
Guided Group 1: By using text evidence the student will accurately retell 1 fact they have learned about bats,
following reading a page in the book.
Guided Group 1: The students will respond with the phrase “I learned…” when retelling one fact about bats.
-use of visuals
-cueing of students
-direct instruction
-small group instruction
-checking for understanding.
Resources and Materials
List resources and materials:
Rev. 12/9/15
Kelly McGonagil
Alverno College
Lesson Plan 2
-kidney table
-books, copies for each student and myself
-markers and white board
-visual prompts
-instructional guide
Academic Language
List unit concepts/academic vocabulary: List lesson concepts/academic vocabulary:
Guided Group 1: Students will engage in conversation Guided Group 1: Some possible vocabulary words
prior to reading to activate their background knowledge, the student will encounter:
and previously learned information about non-fiction -colonies
text. Students will also express what they have learned -echo
thus far about bats. -echolocation
10:05- -We will begin reading the text picking up from where we
10:15 left off yesterday.
Rev. 12/9/15
Kelly McGonagil
Alverno College
Lesson Plan 2
Rev. 12/9/15