7 Magnetic Circuits: B, and State Their Units A H L A

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7 Magnetic circuits

At the end of this chapter you should be able to:

• appreciate some applications of magnets • define permeability, distinguishing between µ0 , µr
• describe the magnetic field around a permanent and µ
magnet • understand the B–H curves for different magnetic
• state the laws of magnetic attraction and repulsion materials
for two magnets in close proximity • appreciate typical values of µr
• define magnetic flux, , and magnetic flux density, • perform calculations involving B = µ0 µr H
B, and state their units • define reluctance, S, and state its units
 mmf l
• perform simple calculations involving B = • perform calculations involving S = =
A  µ0 µr A
• define magnetomotive force, Fm , and magnetic field • perform calculations on composite series magnetic
strength, H, and state their units circuits
• perform simple calculations involving Fm = NI and • compare electrical and magnetic quantities
NI • appreciate how a hysteresis loop is obtained and that
l hysteresis loss is proportional to its area

7.1 Introduction to magnetism and magnetic when freely suspended. The north-seeking end of the mag-
circuits net is called the north pole, N, and the south-seeking end
the south pole, S.
The study of magnetism began in the thirteenth cen- The area around a magnet is called the magnetic field
tury with many eminent scientists and physicists such and it is in this area that the effects of the magnetic force
as William Gilbert, Hans Christian Oersted, Michael produced by the magnet can be detected. A magnetic
Faraday, James Maxwell, André Ampère and Wilhelm field cannot be seen, felt, smelt or heard and therefore
Weber all having some input on the subject since. The is difficult to represent. Michael Faraday suggested that
association between electricity and magnetism is a fairly the magnetic field could be represented pictorially, by
recent finding in comparison with the very first under- imagining the field to consist of lines of magnetic flux,
standing of basic magnetism. which enables investigation of the distribution and density
Today, magnets have many varied practical appli- of the field to be carried out.
cations. For example, they are used in motors and The distribution of a magnetic field can be investigated
generators, telephones, relays, loudspeakers, computer by using some iron filings. A bar magnet is placed on a flat
hard drives and floppy disks, anti-lock brakes, cameras, surface covered by, say, cardboard, upon which is sprin-
fishing reels, electronic ignition systems, keyboards, t.v. kled some iron filings. If the cardboard is gently tapped
and radio components and in transmission equipment. the filings will assume a pattern similar to that shown in
The full theory of magnetism is one of the most complex Figure 7.1. If a number of magnets of different strength
of subjects; this chapter provides an introduction to the are used, it is found that the stronger the field the closer are

7.2 Magnetic fields

A permanent magnet is a piece of ferromagnetic mater-

ial (such as iron, nickel or cobalt) which has properties
of attracting other pieces of these materials. A permanent
magnet will position itself in a north and south direction Figure 7.1
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Magnetic circuits 53

the lines of magnetic flux and vice-versa. Thus a magnetic Magnetic flux density is the amount of flux passing
field has the property of exerting a force, demonstrated in through a defined area that is perpendicular to the direction PART
this case by causing the iron filings to move into the pat- of the flux:
tern shown. The strength of the magnetic field decreases 1
as we move away from the magnet. It should be realized, magnetic flux
of course, that the magnetic field is three dimensional in Magnetic flux density =
its effect, and not acting in one plane as appears to be the
case in this experiment.
If a compass is placed in the magnetic field in various The symbol for magnetic flux density is B. The unit
positions, the direction of the lines of flux may be deter- of magnetic flux density is the tesla, T, where 1 T =
mined by noting the direction of the compass pointer. The 1 Wb/m2 . Hence
direction of a magnetic field at any point is taken as that in
which the north-seeking pole of a compass needle points
when suspended in the field. The direction of a line of flux 
B= tesla where A(m2 ) is the area
is from the north pole to the south pole on the outside of the A
magnet and is then assumed to continue through the mag-
net back to the point at which it emerged at the north pole.
Thus such lines of flux always form complete closed loops
or paths, they never intersect and always have a definite Problem 1. A magnetic pole face has a rectangular
direction. The laws of magnetic attraction and repulsion section having dimensions 200 mm by 100 mm. If the
can be demonstrated by using two bar magnets. In Fig- total flux emerging from the pole is 150 µWb, calculate
ure 7.2(a), with unlike poles adjacent, attraction takes the flux density.
place. Lines of flux are imagined to contract and the mag-
nets try to pull together. The magnetic field is strongest in
between the two magnets, shown by the lines of flux being
close together. In Figure 7.2(b), with similar poles adja- Flux  = 150 µWb = 150 × 10−6 Wb
cent (i.e. two north poles), repulsion occurs, i.e. the two
Cross-sectional area A = 200 × 100 = 20 000 mm2
north poles try to push each other apart, since magnetic
flux lines running side by side in the same direction repel. = 20 000 ×10−6 m2

 150 × 10−6
Flux density B = =
A 20 000 × 10−6
= 0.0075 T or 7.5 mT

Problem 2. The maximum working flux density of

a lifting electromagnet is 1.8 T and the effective area
of a pole face is circular in cross-section. If the total
magnetic flux produced is 353 mWb, determine the
radius of the pole face.

Flux density B = 1.8 T;

flux  = 353 mWb = 353 × 10−3 Wb
Figure 7.2
Since B = , cross-sectional area A =
353 × 10−3 2
7.3 Magnetic flux and flux density = m
Magnetic flux is the amount of magnetic field (or the = 0.1961 m2
number of lines of force) produced by a magnetic source.
The symbol for magnetic flux is  (Greek letter ‘phi’). The pole face is circular, hence area = πr 2 , where r is the
The unit of magnetic flux is the weber, Wb. radius.
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54 Electrical Circuit Theory and Technology

Hence πr 2 = 0.1961
  3. The maximum working flux density of a lifting elec-
0.1961 0.1961 tromagnet is 1.9 T and the effective area of a pole
from which r 2 = and radius r = face is circular in cross-section. If the total magnetic
π π
flux produced is 611 mWb determine the radius of
= 0.250 m the pole face. [32 cm]
i.e. the radius of the pole face is 250 mm 4. A current of 5 A is passed through a 1000-turn
coil wound on a circular magnetic circuit of radius
120 mm. Calculate (a) the magnetomotive force, and
(b) the magnetic field strength.
7.4 Magnetomotive force and magnetic field [(a) 5000 A (b) 6631 A/m]

Magnetomotive force (mmf) is the cause of the existence

of a magnetic flux in a magnetic circuit,
7.5 Permeability and B–H curves
mmf, Fm = NI amperes
For air, or any non-magnetic medium, the ratio of mag-
where N is the number of conductors (or turns) and I is netic flux density to magnetizing force is a constant, i.e.
the current in amperes. The unit of mmf is sometimes B/H = a constant. This constant is µ0 , the permeabil-
expressed as ‘ampere-turns’. However since ‘turns’ have ity of free space (or the magnetic space constant) and
no dimensions, the SI unit of mmf is the ampere. is equal to 4π × 10−7 H/m, i.e. for air, or any non-
Magnetic field strength (or magnetizing force),
magnetic medium, the ratio B/H = µ0 (Although
H = NI/l ampere per metre all non-magnetic materials, including air, exhibit slight
magnetic properties, these can effectively be neglected.)
where l is the mean length of the flux path in metres.
Thus mmf = NI = Hl amperes.
For all media other than free space, B/H = µ0 µr
Problem 3. A magnetizing force of 8000 A/m is
applied to a circular magnetic circuit of mean diam- where ur is the relative permeability, and is defined as
eter 30 cm by passing a current through a coil wound
on the circuit. If the coil is uniformly wound around the
circuit and has 750 turns, find the current in the coil. flux density in material
µr =
flux density in a vacuum
H = 8000 A/m; l = πd = π × 30 × 10−2 m; N = 750 turns

NI Hl 8000 × π × 30 × 10−2 µr varies with the type of magnetic material and, since it is
Since H = then, I = = a ratio of flux densities, it has no unit. From its definition,
l N 750
µr for a vacuum is 1.
Thus, current I = 10.05 A µ0 µr = µ, called the absolute permeability.
By plotting measured values of flux density B against
magnetic field strength H, a magnetization curve (or
Now try the following exercise. B–H curve) is produced. For non-magnetic materials
this is a straight line. Typical curves for four magnetic
Exercise 19 Further problems on flux, flux den- materials are shown in Figure 7.3.
sity, m.m.f. and magnetic field strength The relative permeability of a ferromagnetic mat-
erial is proportional to the slope of the B–H curve and
1. What is the flux density in a magnetic field of cross- thus varies with the magnetic field strength. The approxi-
sectional area 20 cm2 having a flux of 3 mWb? mate range of values of relative permeability µr for some
[1.5 T] common magnetic materials are:
2. Determine the total flux emerging from a magnetic Cast iron µr = 100–250 Mild steel µr = 200–800
pole face having dimensions 5 cm by 6 cm, if the
Silicon iron µr = 1000–5000 Cast steel µr = 300–900
flux density is 0.9 T. [2.7 mWb]
Mumetal µr = 200–5000 Stalloy µr = 500–6000
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Problem 6. A coil of 300 turns is wound uniformly on

a ring of non-magnetic material. The ring has a mean PART
circumference of 40 cm and a uniform cross-sectional 1
area of 4 cm2 . If the current in the coil is 5 A, calculate
(a) the magnetic field strength, (b) the flux density and
(c) the total magnetic flux in the ring.

NI 300 × 5
(a) Magnetic field strength H = =
l 40 × 10−2
= 3750 A/m
(b) For a non-magnetic material µr = 1, thus flux density
B = µ0 H
i.e. B = 4π × 10−7 × 3750 = 4.712 mT
(c) Flux  = BA = (4.712 × 10−3 )(4 × 10−4 )
= 1.885 µWb

Problem 7. An iron ring of mean diameter 10 cm is

uniformly wound with 2000 turns of wire. When a cur-
rent of 0.25 A is passed through the coil a flux density
of 0.4 T is set up in the iron. Find (a) the magnetizing
force and (b) the relative permeability of the iron under
these conditions.

Figure 7.3 B–H curves for four materials

l = πd = π × 10 cm = π × 10 × 10−2 m; N = 2000 turns;
I = 0.25 A; B = 0.4 T
Problem 4. A flux density of 1.2 T is produced in a NI 2000 × 0.25 5000
piece of cast steel by a magnetizing force of 1250 A/m. (a) H = = = = 1592 A/m
l π × 10 × 10−2 π
Find the relative permeability of the steel under these
conditions. B
(b) B = µ0 µr H, hence µr =
µ0 H
For a magnetic material: 0.4
= = 200
(4π × 10−7 )(1592)
B = µ 0 µr H
B 1.2 Problem 8. A uniform ring of cast iron has a cross-
i.e. ur = = = 764
µ0 H (4π × 10−7 )(1250) sectional area of 10 cm2 and a mean circumference of
20 cm. Determine the mmf necessary to produce a flux
of 0.3 mWb in the ring. The magnetization curve for
cast iron is shown in Figure 7.3.
Problem 5. Determine the magnetic field strength
and the mmf required to produce a flux density of
0.25 T in an air gap of length 12 mm. A = 10 cm2 = 10 × 10−4 m2 ; l = 20 cm = 0.2 m;
 = 0.3 × 10−3 Wb
For air: B = µ0 H (since µr = 1)
 0.3 × 10−3
B 0.25 Flux density B = = = 0.3 T
Magnetic field strength H = = A 10 × 10−4
µ0 4π × 10−7
= 198 940 A/m From the magnetization curve for cast iron in Figure 7.3,
mmf = Hl = 198 940 × 12 ×10 −3 when B = 0.3 T, H = 1000 A/m, hence
mmf = Hl = 1000 × 0.2 = 200 A
= 2387 A A tabular method could have been used in this problem.
Such a solution is shown on the next page.
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56 Electrical Circuit Theory and Technology

Part of Material  (Wb) A (m2 ) B= (T) H from l (m) mmf =
circuit graph Hl (A)

Ring Cast iron 0.3 × 10−3 10 × 10−4 0.3 1000 0.2 200

7.6 Reluctance so that NI = S and

Reluctance S (or RM ) is the ‘magnetic resistance’ of a S 3.125 × 106 × 0.1 × 10−3

hence N = =
magnetic circuit to the presence of magnetic flux. I 0.5
= 625 turns
FM NI Hl l l Now try the following exercise.
S= = = = =
  BA (B/H)A µ0 µr A
Exercise 20 Further problems on magnetic cir-
The unit of reluctance is 1/H (or H−1 ) or A/Wb cuits (Where appropriate assume:
Ferromagnetic materials have a low reluctance and can µ0 = 4π × 10−7 H/m)
be used as magnetic screens to prevent magnetic fields
affecting materials within the screen. 1. Find the magnetic field strength and the magneto-
motive force needed to produce a flux density of
Problem 9. Determine the reluctance of a piece of 0.33 T in an air gap of length 15 mm.
mumetal of length 150 mm and cross-sectional area [(a) 262 600 A/m (b) 3939 A]
1800 mm2 when the relative permeability is 4000. Find
also the absolute permeability of the mumetal.
2. An air gap between two pole pieces is 20 mm in
length and the area of the flux path across the gap is
l 5 cm2 . If the flux required in the air gap is 0.75 mWb
Reluctance S =
µ0 µ r A find the mmf necessary. [23 870 A]
150 × 10−3
= 3. Find the magnetic field strength applied to a
(4π × 10−7 )(4000)(1800
× 10−6 )
magnetic circuit of mean length 50 cm when a coil
= 16 580/H or 16 580 A/Wb or of 400 turns is applied to it carrying a current of
16.58 kA/Wb 1.2 A. [960 A/m]
Absolute permeability, µ = µ0 µr = (4π × 10−7 )(4000)
4. A solenoid 20 cm long is wound with 500 turns
= 5.027 × 10–3 H/m of wire. Find the current required to establish a
magnetizing force of 2500 A/m inside the solenoid.
Problem 10. A mild steel ring has a radius of 50 mm [1 A]
and a cross-sectional area of 400 mm2 . A current of
0.5 A flows in a coil wound uniformly around the ring 5. A magnetic field strength of 5000 A/m is applied to a
and the flux produced is 0.1 mWb. If the relative per- circular magnetic circuit of mean diameter 250 mm.
meability at this value of current is 200 find (a) the If the coil has 500 turns find the current in the coil.
reluctance of the mild steel and (b) the number of turns [7.85 A]
on the coil.

l = 2πr = 2 × π × 50 × 10−3 m; A = 400 × 10−6 m2 ; 6. Find the relative permeability of a piece of silicon
I = 0.5 A;  = 0.1 × 10−3 Wb; µr = 200 iron if a flux density of 1.3 T is produced by a
magnetic field strength of 700 A/m [1478]
(a) Reluctance S =
µ0 µr A
7. Part of a magnetic circuit is made from steel
2 × π × 50 × 10−3
= of length 120 mm, cross-sectional area 15 cm2
(4π × 10−7 )(200)(400 × 10−6 ) and relative permeability 800. Calculate (a) the
= 3.125 × 106 /H reluctance and (b) the absolute permeability of the
mmf steel. [(a) 79 580 /H (b) 1 mH/m]
(b) S = i.e. mmf = S

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Magnetic circuits 57

For the 6 cm long path:

8. A steel ring of mean diameter 120 mm is uniformly
wound with 1500 turns of wire. When a current of l1 PART
0.30 A is passed through the coil a flux density Reluctance S1 = 1
µ0 µr A1
of 1.5 T is set up in the steel. Find the relative
permeability of the steel under these conditions. 6 × 10−2
[1000] (4π × 10−7 )(750)(1 × 10−4 )
= 6.366 × 105 /H
9. A mild steel closed magnetic circuit has a mean
length of 75 mm and a cross-sectional area of For the 2 cm long path:
320.2 mm2 . A current of 0.40 A flows in a coil
wound uniformly around the circuit and the flux l2
Reluctance S2 =
produced is 200 µWb. If the relative permeability µ 0 µ r A2
of the steel at this value of current is 400 find (a)
the reluctance of the material and (b) the number 2 × 10−2
of turns of the coil. [(a) 466 000/H (b) 233] (4π × 10−7 )(750)(0.5 × 10−4 )
= 4.244 × 105 /H
10. A uniform ring of cast steel has a cross-sectional
area of 5 cm2 and a mean circumference of 15 cm.
Find the current required in a coil of 1200 turns Total circuit reluctance S = S1 + S2
wound on the ring to produce a flux of 0.8 mWb.
(Use the magnetization curve for cast steel shown = (6.366 + 4.244) × 105
on page 55.) [0.60 A] = 10.61 × 105 /H

11. (a) A uniform mild steel ring has a diameter of

50 mm and a cross-sectional area of 1 cm2 . mmf mmf NI
S= , i.e.  = =
Determine the mmf necessary to produce a  S S
flux of 50 µWb in the ring. (Use the B–H curve 200 × 0.4
for mild steel shown on page 55.) = = 7.54 × 10−5 Wb
10.61 × 105
(b) If a coil of 440 turns is wound uniformly
around the ring in part (a) what current would

be required to produce the flux? Flux density in the 2 cm path, B =
[(a) 110 A (b) 0.25 A] A
7.54 × 10−5
= = 1.51 T
0.5 × 10−4

7.7 Composite series magnetic circuits Problem 12. A silicon iron ring of cross-sectional
area 5 cm2 has a radial air gap of 2 mm cut into it.
For a series magnetic circuit having n parts, the total If the mean length of the silicon iron path is 40 cm,
reluctance S is given by: calculate the magnetomotive force to produce a flux
of 0.7 mWb. The magnetization curve for silicon is
S = S1 + S2 + · · · + Sn shown on page 55.

(This is similar to resistors connected in series in an There are two parts to the circuit — the silicon iron and
electrical circuit.) the air gap. The total mmf will be the sum of the mmf’s
of each part.

Problem 11. A closed magnetic circuit of cast steel  0.7 × 10−3

contains a 6 cm long path of cross-sectional area 1 cm2 For the silicon iron: B = = = 1.4 T
A 5 × 10−4
and a 2 cm path of cross-sectional area 0.5 cm2 . A coil
of 200 turns is wound around the 6 cm length of the From the B–H curve for silicon iron on page 55, when
circuit and a current of 0.4 A flows. Determine the flux B = 1.4 T, H = 1650 At/m.
density in the 2 cm path, if the relative permeability of
the cast steel is 750. Hence the mmf for the iron path = Hl = 1650 × 0.4
= 660 A
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58 Electrical Circuit Theory and Technology

Part of Material  (Wb) A (m2 ) B (T) H (A/m) l (m) mmf =

circuit Hl (A)

Ring Silicon 0.7 × 10−3 5 × 10−4 1.4 1650 0.4 660

iron (from graph)
Air gap Air 0.7 × 10−3 5 × 10−4 1.4 2 × 10−3 2228
4π × 10−7
= 1 114 000
Total: 2888 A

For the air gap: A tabular solution is shown on the next page.
The flux density will be the same in the air gap as in
the iron, i.e. 1.4 T. (This assumes no leakage or fringing mmf 2000
occurring.) Total circuit reluctance S = =
 500 × 10−6
B 1.4 = 4 × 106 /H
For air, H = =
µ0 4π × 10−7
= 1 114 000 A/m
Problem 14. A section through a magnetic circuit of
uniform cross-sectional area 2 cm2 is shown in Fig-
Hence the mmf for the air gap = Hl ure 7.5. The cast steel core has a mean length of 25 cm.
The air gap is 1 mm wide and the coil has 5000 turns.
= 1 114 000 × 2 × 10−3 The B–H curve for cast steel is shown on page 55.
Determine the current in the coil to produce a flux
= 2228 A density of 0.80 T in the air gap, assuming that all the
flux passes through both parts of the magnetic circuit.
Total mmf to produce a flux of 0.7 mWb = 660 + 2228
= 2888 A

A tabular method could have been used as shown above.

Problem 13. Figure 7.4 shows a ring formed with

two different materials — cast steel and mild steel.
The dimensions are:
mean length cross-sectional area
Mild steel 400 mm 500 mm2
Figure 7.5
Cast steel 300 mm 312.5 mm2

For the cast steel core, when B = 0.80 T, H = 750 A/m

(from page 55)
Reluctance of core S1 = and since B = µ0 µr H,
µ 0 µ r A1

B l1 l1 H
then µr = . Thus S1 =   =
µ0 H B BA
µ0 A
Figure 7.4 µ0 H

Find the total mmf required to cause a flux of 500 µWb (25 × 10−2 )(750)
in the magnetic circuit. Determine also the total circuit (0.8)(2 × 10−4 )
= 1 172 000/H
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Magnetic circuits 59

Part of Material  (Wb) A (m2 ) B (T) H (A/m) l (m) mmf = Hl

circuit (=/A) (from (A) PART
graphs p 55)
A Mild steel 500 × 10−6 500 × 10−6 1.0 1400 400 × 10−3 560
B Cast steel 500 × 10−6 312.5 × 10−6 1.6 4800 300 × 10−3 1440
Total: 2000 A

For the air gap: mmf necessary to establish a flux of 0.8 mWb
l2 l2 in the ring. Use the B–H curve for cast steel
Reluctance, S2 = = shown on page 55.
µ 0 µ r A2 µ 0 A2
(b) If a radial air gap 1.5 mm wide is cut in the
(since µr = 1 for air) ring of part (a) find the mmf now necessary to
maintain the same flux in the ring.
1 × 10−3 [(a) 270 A (b) 1860 A]
(4π × 10−7 )(2 × 10−4 )
= 3 979 000/H 3. For the magnetic circuit shown in Figure 7.6 find
the current I in the coil needed to produce a flux of
Total circuit reluctance S = S1 + S2 0.45 mWb in the air gap. The silicon iron magnetic
circuit has a uniform cross-sectional area of 3 cm2
= 1 172 000 + 3 979 000 and its magnetization curve is as shown on page 55.
[0.83 A]
= 5 151 000/H

Flux  = BA = 0.80 × 2 × 10−4 = 1.6 × 10−4 Wb

S= , thus mmf = S

Hence NI = S
and current I =
(5 151 000)(1.6 × 10−4 )
Figure 7.6
= 0.165 A

Now try the following exercise. 4. A ring forming a magnetic circuit is made from
two materials; one part is mild steel of mean
Exercise 21 Further problems on composite length 25 cm and cross-sectional area 4 cm2 , and
series magnetic circuits (Where appropriate assume the remainder is cast iron of mean length 20 cm
µ0 = 4π × 10−7 H/m) and cross-sectional area 7.5 cm2 . Use a tabular
approach to determine the total mmf required to
1. A magnetic circuit of cross-sectional area 0.4 cm2 cause a flux of 0.30 mWb in the magnetic circuit.
consists of one part 3 cm long, of material having Find also the total reluctance of the circuit. Use the
relative permeability 1200, and a second part 2 cm magnetization curves shown on page 55.
long of material having relative permeability 750. [550 A, 1.83 × 106 /H]
With a 100 turn coil carrying 2 A, find the value of
flux existing in the circuit. [0.195 mWb]
5. Figure 7.7 shows the magnetic circuit of a relay.
2. (a) A cast steel ring has a cross-sectional area of When each of the air gaps are 1.5 mm wide find the
600 mm2 and a radius of 25 mm. Determine the mmf required to produce a flux density of 0.75 T in
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60 Electrical Circuit Theory and Technology

From Figure 7.8, distance OX indicates the residual

the air gaps. Use the B–H curves shown on flux density or remanence, OY indicates the coercive
page 55. [2970 A] force, and PP is the saturation flux density.

Figure 7.8

Hysteresis results in a dissipation of energy which

appears as a heating of the magnetic material. The energy
loss associated with hysteresis is proportional to the
area of the hysteresis loop.
Figure 7.7 The production of the hysteresis loop and hysteresis
loss are explained in greater detail in Chapter 38, Section
3, page 488.
The area of a hysteresis loop varies with the type of
material. The area, and thus the energy loss, is much
7.8 Comparison between electrical and magnetic greater for hard materials than for soft materials.
quantities For AC-excited devices the hysteresis loop is repeated
every cycle of alternating current. Thus a hysteresis loop
with a large area (as with hard steel) is often unsuitable
Electrical circuit Magnetic circuit since the energy loss would be considerable. Silicon steel
e.m.f. E (V) mmf Fm (A) has a narrow hysteresis loop, and thus small hysteresis
current I (A) flux  (Wb) loss, and is suitable for transformer cores and rotating
resistance R () reluctance S (H−1 ) machine armatures.
E mmf
I= =
ρl l
R= S=
A µ0 µr A

7.9 Hysteresis and hysteresis loss

Hysteresis is the ‘lagging’ effect of flux density B when-

ever there are changes in the magnetic field strength H.
When an initially unmagnetized ferromagnetic material is
subjected to a varying magnetic field strength H, the flux
density B produced in the material varies as shown in Fig-
ure 7.8, the arrows indicating the direction of the cycle.
Figure 7.8 is known as a hysteresis loop.
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Revision test 2 PART


electric charge of 0.48 µC. The voltage between the

This revision test covers the material contained in plates is 500 V. Calculate (a) the electric flux density,
chapters 5 to 7. (b) the electric field strength, and (c) the capacitance of
The marks for each question are shown in brackets at the capacitor, in picofarads, if the relative permittivity
the end of each question. of mica is 5. (7)
5. A 4 µF capacitor is connected in parallel with a 6 µF
1. Resistances of 5 , 7 , and 8  are connected in capacitor. This arrangement is then connected in series
series. If a 10 V supply voltage is connected across the with a 10 µF capacitor. A supply p.d. of 250 V is
arrangement determine the current flowing through and connected across the circuit. Find (a) the equivalent
the p.d. across the 7  resistor. Calculate also the power capacitance of the circuit, (b) the voltage across the
dissipated in the 8  resistor. (6) 10 µF capacitor, and (c) the charge on each capacitor.
2. For the series-parallel network shown in Figure RT2.1,
find (a) the supply current, (b) the current flowing 6. A coil of 600 turns is wound uniformly on a ring of
through each resistor, (c) the p.d. across each resis- non-magnetic material. The ring has a uniform cross-
tor, (d) the total power dissipated in the circuit, (e) the sectional area of 200 mm2 and a mean circumference
cost of energy if the circuit is connected for 80 hours. of 500 mm. If the current in the coil is 4 A, determine
Assume electrical energy costs 14 p per unit. (15) (a) the magnetic field strength, (b) the flux density, and
(c) the total magnetic flux in the ring. (5)
3. The charge on the plates of a capacitor is 8 mC when
the potential between them is 4 kV. Determine the 7. A mild steel ring of cross-sectional area 4 cm2 has a
capacitance of the capacitor. (2) radial air gap of 3 mm cut into it. If the mean length of
the mild steel path is 300 mm, calculate the magneto-
4. Two parallel rectangular plates measuring 80 mm by motive force to produce a flux of 0.48 mWb. (Use the
120 mm are separated by 4 mm of mica and carry an B–H curve on page 55) (8)

Figure RT2.1

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