Error, Evil, Sin, Iniquity: What IS Evil? Que Es El Mal
Error, Evil, Sin, Iniquity: What IS Evil? Que Es El Mal
Error, Evil, Sin, Iniquity: What IS Evil? Que Es El Mal
In modern-day understanding, and even through a reading of the Bible, it might seem
possible to conclude that evil and good are in equal balance, that there is a struggle
between equal adversaries -- God on the one hand and Lucifer or Satan or the devil on
the other. This concept has led to much confusion regarding the influence of evil in
God's creation. The Urantia Book puts this hypothetical struggle into a more meaningful
perspective. The topical study of Urantia Book teachings about God, as well as this
study of Evil and Sin make clear that the heavenly Father does not create evil, that
instead evil stems from personal erroneous free will choice.
Lucifer and Satan and all of the countless number of other spirit beings that inhabit the
local universe of Nebadon are essentially the Creator Son's children, Jesus' children
when he was here in physical form. There is no equality between Lucifer or Satan and
Jesus -- Jesus is their parent and has parental authority over them. Neither are they
equal with God, who is Jesus' parent. The power of evil of Lucifer and Satan could
appear to us, as mortal beings on this world, to be absolute, but it's not. Lucifer and
Satan, despite having once been high and respected beings, were essentially low-level
administrators in the overall administration of the local universe of Nebadon, which
contains 10,000 other systems and system sovereigns -- Lucifer was but one of those;
he chose to instigate a rebellion. Although disastrous for those beings and inhabited
worlds involved, the rebellion in the system of Satania was a relatively minor episode in
this local universe.
Consider that a local universe, under the administrative control of a Creator Son, has
the potential of containing 10 million inhabited worlds. The 10 million inhabitable
planets of a local universe are further administered in groups of 1,000, called systems.
The local universe in which our world exists is named Nebadon and the system within
Nebadon in which we are administered is named Satania -- 1,000 potential inhabited
worlds administered by a system sovereign. Lucifer was that system sovereign and
Satan was one of his administrative assistants. They were high and respected spirit
beings until the time Lucifer chose rebellion.
Demonic Influence?
In general, when weak and dissolute mortals are supposed to be under the influence of
devils and demons, they are merely being dominated by their own inherent and
debased tendencies, being led away by their own natural propensities. The devil has
been given a great deal of credit for evil which does not belong to him. ~ The Urantia
Book, (53:8.9)
Penalties of Sin
Undiluted evil, complete error, willful sin, and unmitigated iniquity are inherently and
automatically suicidal. ~ The Urantia Book, (2:3.5)
Although conscious and wholehearted identification with evil (sin) is the equivalent of
nonexistence (annihilation), there must always intervene between the time of such
personal identification with sin and the execution of the penalty—the automatic result of
such a willful embrace of evil—a period of time of sufficient length to allow for such an
adjudication of such an individual's universe status as will prove entirely satisfactory to
all related universe personalities, and which will be so fair and just as to win the
approval of the sinner himself. ~ The Urantia Book, (54:3.2)
There are many ways of looking at sin, but from the universe philosophic viewpoint sin
is the attitude of a personality who is knowingly resisting cosmic reality. Error might be
regarded as a misconception or distortion of reality. Evil is a partial realization of, or
maladjustment to, universe realities. But sin is a purposeful resistance to divine reality—
a conscious choosing to oppose spiritual progress—while iniquity consists in an open
and persistent defiance of recognized reality and signifies such a degree of personality
disintegration as to border on cosmic insanity.
Error suggests lack of intellectual keenness; evil, deficiency of wisdom; sin, abject
spiritual poverty; but iniquity is indicative of vanishing personality control. ~ The
Urantia Book, (67:1.4)
Forgiveness of Sin
The forgiveness of sin by Deity is the renewal of loyalty relations following a period of
the human consciousness of the lapse of such relations as the consequence of
conscious rebellion. The forgiveness does not have to be sought, only received as the
consciousness of re-establishment of loyalty relations between the creature and the
Creator. And all the loyal sons of God are happy, service-loving, and ever-progressive in
the Paradise ascent. ~ The Urantia Book, (89:10.6)
By opening the human end of the channel of the God-man communication, mortals
make immediately available the ever-flowing stream of divine ministry to the creatures
of the worlds. When man hears God's spirit speak within the human heart, inherent in
such an experience is the fact that God simultaneously hears that man's prayer. Even
the forgiveness of sin operates in this same unerring fashion. The Father in heaven has
forgiven you even before you have thought to ask him, but such forgiveness is not
available in your personal religious experience until such a time as you forgive your
fellow men. God's forgiveness in fact is not conditioned upon your forgiving your fellows,
but in experience it is exactly so conditioned. And this fact of the synchrony of divine
and human forgiveness was thus recognized and linked together in the prayer which
Jesus taught the apostles. ~ The Urantia Book, (146:2.4)
Jesus taught that sin is not the child of a defective nature but rather the offspring of a
knowing mind dominated by an unsubmissive will. Regarding sin, he taught that God
has forgiven; that we make such forgiveness personally available by the act of forgiving
our fellows. When you forgive your brother in the flesh, you thereby create the capacity
in your own soul for the reception of the reality of God's forgiveness of your own
misdeeds. ~ The Urantia Book, (170:2.23)