Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA) Transmission Network and Its Losses
Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA) Transmission Network and Its Losses
Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA) Transmission Network and Its Losses
Electric-power transmission is the bulk transfer of electricity From the energy assessment, it can be concluded that 100
from generating to located near demand centers. This is units saved at home can save 125 units at the power plant.
distinct from the local wiring between high-voltage This should be a real encouragement to save energy for a
substations and customers, which is typically referred to as. greener environment.
Components of Transmission losses in NEA
Power generated in power stations pass through large & Energy losses occur in the process of supplying electricity to
complex networks like transformers, overhead lines, cables consumers. In case of Transmission Grid the losses are mainly
& other equipments and reaches at the end users. It is fact due to technical losses. The technical losses are due to energy
that the Unit of electric energy generated by Power Station dissipated in the conductors and equipment used for
does not match with the units distributed to the consumers. transmission, transformation, sub- transmission and
Some percentage of the units is lost in the Distribution distribution of power.
network. This difference in the generated & distributed units
is known as Transmission and Distribution loss. Transmission line losses in a network, include conductor loss,
radiation loss, dielectric heating loss, coupling loss and corona
In Nepal, average T & D (Transmission & Distribution) losses, conductor losses. It is because current flows through a
have been officially indicated as about 25.03% of the transmission line and a line has a finite resistance there is an
electricity generated. Out of which, Grid Transmission loss is un-avoidable power loss. This is called conductor loss or
5 6 % of total available energy. conductor heating loss and is simply a power loss.
Accurate estimation of T&D Losses has gained importance Transmitting electricity at high voltage reduces the fraction
as the level of losses directly affects the sales and power of energy lost to , which varies depending on the specific
purchase requirements and hence has a bearing on the conductors, the current flowing, and the length of the
determination of electricity tariff of a utility. transmission line. For a given amount of power, a higher
voltage reduces the current and thus the in the conductor.
Today, transmission-level voltages in Nepal are usually Resistive losses increases with increase in the power flowing
considered to be 66kV and above. Lower voltages such as through the lines, which means overloading the lines result
33kV are usually considered voltages but are occasionally in higher power losses.
used on long lines with light loads. Voltages less than 33kV
are usually used for . Dielectric heating losses: A difference of potential between
two conductors of a metallic transmission line causes
Voltages above 220kV are considered and require different dielectric heating. Heat is form of energy which is be taken
from the energy flowing through the line. For overhead
designs compared to equipment used at lower voltages.
transmission lines the heating is negligible. For solid core
transmission lines dielectric heating loss is higher and it
Considering the main parts of a typical Transmission &
increases with frequency.
Distribution network, here are the average values of power
losses at the different steps:
Radiation losses: The electrostatic and electromagnetic fields
· 1-2% Step-up transformer from generator to that surround the conductor cause the line to act as if it were
Transmission line an antenna and transfer energy to any nearby conductive
· 2-4% Transmission line material. The energy radiated is called radiation loss and
· 1-2% Step-down transformer from Transmission line to depends on dielectric material, conductor spacing and length
Distribution network of transmission line. Radiation losses in the cables are less if
· 4-6% Distribution network transformers and cables proper shielding is provided. Radiation losses is directly
proportional to the frequency i.e. increases with increase in
The overall losses between the power plant and distribution frequency.
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Corona: Corona is luminous discharge that occurs between distribution. The major loads are located in the mid and
the two conductors of a transmission line. When difference eastern region of the country while the generation are
of potential between them exceeds the breakdown voltage located at the far off location away from major load
of the dielectric insulator. Generally when corona occurs the centre, connected through long lines resulting in higher
transmission line is destroyed. This loss is generally losses. The power generation being Hydro based the
appreciable in the lines of voltage above 220kV. cost of electricity transmission is higher as compared to
other sources.
Coupling losses: Coupling loss occurs whenever a connection 4. Transformer Losses inherent in the system due to step
is made to or from transmission line or when two sections down transformers. The voltages are stepped down upto
of transmission line are connected together. Mechanical two times before the subtransmission. That is, the
connections are discontinuities, which are locations where transformation from 132kV to 33kV, which again
dissimilar materials meet. Discontinuities tend to heat up, transformed to 11kV results in higher operating losses.
radiate energy, and dissipate power. 5. The recent trends shows unplanned construction of
substation, within few kilometres of each other has also
In any alternating current transmission line, the and of the
contributed to the loss increase due to coupling losses
conductors can be significant. Currents that flow solely in
and losses in the substation equipment.
'reaction' to these properties of the circuit, (which together
6. The energy consumption are some time affected by the
with the define the ) constitute flow, which transmits no
energy meter error and meter reading errors. The error
'real' power to the load. These reactive currents however are
even if is not a technical loss, results in concern.
very real and cause extra heating losses in the transmission
circuit. The ratio of 'real' power (transmitted to the load) to Level of Losses
'apparent' power (sum of 'real' and 'reactive') is the . As The officially declared transmission and distribution losses
reactive current increases, the reactive power increases and in Nepal have gradually risen from about 19 percent in the
the power factor decreases. year 1990 to about 34 percent in 2011 (World Bank report).
The trend has gradually shown the reduction to about 25.3%
For transmission systems with low power factor, losses are in year 2013. Continued rising trend in the losses is a matter
higher than for systems with high power factor. Utilities add of serious concern and all out efforts are required to contain
capacitor banks, reactors and other components (such as ; them.
physical and FACTS) throughout the system to compensate
for the reactive power flow and reduce the losses in power The losses in various elements of the T&D system usually are
transmission and stabilize system voltages. These measures of the order as indicated below: -
are collectively called 'reactive support'. The losses in any system would, however, depend on the
pattern of energy use, intensity of load demand, load density
The other component of the technical losses are due to and capability and configuration of the transmission and
energy dissipated equipment used for transmission, distribution system that vary for various system elements.
transformation, sub- transmission of power like step down
transformers, Current Transformers, Cables, Disconnecting Experience in many parts of the world demonstrates that it
switch etc. The losses due to transformers are mainly the is possible to reduce the losses reasonably but such effort
transformation losses with some coupling losses while in requires investments. Low investment has resulted in
other equipment it is coupling losses. overloading of the distribution system without
commensurate strengthening and augmentation. A clear
Transmission losses in the Transmission network of Nepal
understanding on the magnitude of technical and
Electricity Authority, including losses in Transmission line
commercial losses is the first step in the direction of reducing
and Substation is in the range of 5 6% of available energy.
losses. This can be achieved by putting in place a system for
The losses in the NEA Transmission network can be classified
accurate energy accounting. This system is essentially a tool
as follows:
for energy management and helps in breaking down the
1. The Major Transmission Lines like Hetauda - Bharatpur
total energy consumption into all its components. It aims at
Bardghat 132kV Transmission Line, Kulekhani 2
accounting for energy generated and its consumption by
Suichatar 132kV Line, Kulekhani Hetauda 132kV Line
and 66kV line from Hetauda to Birgunj, with intermittent various categories of consumers, as well as, for energy
substations are under sized (Overloaded), therefore, required for meeting technical requirement of system
congestion of line which reaults in higher losses. elements. It also helps the utility in bringing accountability
2. The reactive compensation in the network are and efficiency in its working.
inadequate, resulting in poor power factor and low
voltage. Recently, some reinforcement work has been Haphazard growths of sub-transmission and distribution
completed which has assisted in improving the system. system with the short-term objective of extension of power
3. The NEA network has unbalanced power house supply to new areas.
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Measures for reducing technical losses the expected load development during the next 8-10 years
Short term measures so that the required strengthening of the Transmission system
Short term measures include Identification of the weakest can be planned and carried out. NEA should prepare realistic
areas in the transmission system and strengthening / power Master Plans for their systems to develop a strategy
improving them so as to draw the maximum benefits of the to meet the growing electricity demands of the different
limited resources. sectors of the economy on a long term basis.
Preparation of long-term plans for phased strengthening
Installation of suitable capacity transformers and substitution and improvement of the Transmission systems along with
of Transformer with those having lower no load losses with associated transmission system based on system requirement
high efficient core. such that the needs of the load centre are fulfilled without
Installation of shunt capacitors for improvement of power any additional losses to the NEA. Formulation of
factor, so that the losses will be reduced as well as the voltage comprehensive system improvement schemes is required
is improved. including detailed investment program so as to meet system
requirement for long term period.
Replacement of existing underrated conductors with the
larger diameter wires or with the conductor with higher Such strengthening program requires the investment. So the
current carrying capacity, which will reduce the losses with estimation of the financial requirements for implementation
increase in the transmission capabilities of Transmission line. of the different phases of system improvement works shall
be carried out and planned as required. The governments
Long term measures support is required to provide financial support in a phased
Carrying out detailed distribution system studies considering a
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