SOP - Handling Asbestos
SOP - Handling Asbestos
SOP - Handling Asbestos
About the WCB
Preventing on-the-job injury and disease is the first priority of the Workers’
Compensation Board (WCB) of British Columbia. WCB officers inspect worksites
in B.C. to make sure they comply with the Occupational Health and Safety
Regulation, which sets out minimum workplace standards for health and safety.
The WCB also investigates serious workplace accidents and consults with
employers, supervisors, and workers to promote health and safety in the
Under the requirements of the Workers Compensation Act, a worker must report
an injury or a disabling occupational disease as soon as possible to the employer.
The employer must report work-related injuries, occupational diseases, and work-
related deaths to the WCB within three days. A worker may not make an
agreement with the employer to give up WCB benefits.
If a worker suffers a work-related injury or illness, the WCB provides fair
compensation that may include medical costs, loss of earnings, physical
rehabilitation, and pensions. The WCB also works with employers to help injured
workers return to work. If a worker is killed on the job, counselling and financial
help are made available to the victim’s family. For more information on
requirements or eligibility for WCB coverage, contact the WCB office nearest you.
The WCB thanks the many people and organizations who generously donated
their time and knowledge to reviewing this edition of Safe Work Practices for
Handling Asbestos. A special thanks is also due to the organizations and their
representatives who contributed to discussions about low-risk, moderate-risk, and
high-risk work activities.
Safe Work Practices for Handling
WCB publications
This publication and other WCB publications are available on the
WCB web site:
© 2001, 2002 Workers’ Compensation Board of British Columbia.
All rights reserved. The Workers’ Compensation Board of B.C.
encourages the copying, reproduction, and distribution of this
document to promote health and safety in the workplace,
provided that the Workers’ Compensation Board of B.C. is
acknowledged. However, no part of this publication may be
copied, reproduced, or distributed for profit or other commercial
enterprise, nor may any part be incorporated into any other
publication, without written permission of the Workers’
Compensation Board of B.C.
2002 Edition
National Library of Canada Cataloguing in Publication Data
Main entry under title:
Safe work practices for handling asbestos. -- [1996] -
ISSN 1497-2956 = Safe work practices for handling
Introduction .................................................................................... 1
Who should read this manual? .............................................. 1
What does regular mean? ................................................... 2
ALARA ............................................................................. 2
Use this manual as a starting point ......................................... 3
Part 3: Safe work procedures
Procedures for low-risk work activities ..................................... 27
Procedures for moderate-risk work activities .......................... 27
Moderate-risk activities ..................................................... 28
Moderate-risk procedures ................................................. 30
Procedures for high-risk work activities .................................... 32
High-risk activities ............................................................ 32
Procedure: Isolating the asbestos work area ......................... 33
Procedure: Decontaminating workers ................................. 36
Procedure: Controlling airborne asbestos fibres .................... 38
Procedure: Laundering contaminated clothing ...................... 40
Procedure: Disposing of asbestos waste materials ................. 40
Procedure: Inspecting and monitoring the work environment ... 41
Collecting bulk samples of materials suspected of
containing asbestos .................................................................... 43
Removing asbestos-containing pipe insulation ....................... 45
Introduction 1
What does regular mean?
In some places in this manual, the term regular is used (for
example, “regular worksite inspections,” “regular health and
safety meetings”). The word is used in these cases because
circumstances vary with each worksite and it is not possible to
provide more specific requirements.
Some employers may find it necessary to conduct inspections
every work shift (during a continuous, high-risk removal), while
other employers may only need to do monthly inspections (on
sites where circumstances do not change very often). Some
employers may need to hold safety meetings daily (if the
workforce changes every day), while other employers may hold
meetings monthly (in usual circumstances). A qualified health and
safety professional must decide what regular means in each
particular circumstance involving asbestos.
The ALARA principle governs worker exposure to asbestos — all
exposures must be kept as low as reasonably achievable.
Although the Regulation specifies exposure limits and action
levels, every employer must further reduce worker exposure if it
can reasonably be done. If a new technology that will reduce
worker exposure is available and is not unreasonable to apply (for
example, it is not too expensive), it must be used, even if exposure
limits are not being exceeded without the use of the new
Improvements in technology, and new work practices and
procedures will help employers to decrease worker exposures and
move closer to the ultimate goal of zero exposure to designated
(in other words, very hazardous) substances.
The WCB has produced a number of related safe practices tool to help industry
manuals, such as Breathe Safer, a respirator manual. For copies, work safely.
please contact the Publications and Videos Section (listed at the
front of this manual).
Introduction 3
About asbestos
What is asbestos?
Asbestos is the term used to describe a group of naturally
occurring fibrous mineral silicates. Three types of asbestos have
been used commercially:
Chrysotile (white asbestos) is the most commonly used form of
Amosite (brown asbestos) has been used in sprayed coatings, in
heat insulation products, and in asbestos cement products where
greater structural strength is required.
Crocidolite (blue asbestos) is no longer used in B.C. and is rarely
found. Before 1973 it was commonly used in sprayed coatings on
structural steelwork for fire protection and for heat or noise
insulation. It was also used in gasket materials and asbestos
cement pipe.
Other types of asbestos are actinolite, anthophyllite, and
tremolite. These usually have had little commercial value or use.
Defining asbestos
Qualified person
An occupational health and safety professional with experience in
the practice of occupational hygiene as it relates to asbestos
management. According to the Occupational Health and Safety
Regulation, a qualified person must be the individual who:
• Decides what constitutes a low-risk, moderate-risk, or high-risk
asbestos work activity
• Assists in the preparation of site-specific work procedures
• Collects bulk samples of materials suspected of containing
A device worn to prevent the inhalation of hazardous airborne For more
substances. There are two basic types of respirators: air-purifying
and air-supplying. So-called “single-use” or “disposable” information on
respirators are not acceptable for working with asbestos. respirators and
Risk of exposure to asbestos fibres respirator
The likelihood of being exposed to airborne asbestos fibres when
using or handling materials containing asbestos. There is a much programs, see the
greater risk of exposure to asbestos fibres when handling friable WCB manual
asbestos materials than when handling hard, well-bonded
asbestos materials such as vinyl-asbestos floor tile or asbestos Breathe Safer.
cement products.
Heat stress
When a person’s body temperature rises above the normal range,
the body will try to get rid of the excess heat. However, if the body
continues to gain heat faster than it can get rid of it, the body
temperature will increase and the person will experience heat
stress. Health problems that result from heat stress are known as
heat-related disorders.
The tight-fitting, impervious nature of protective clothing used
when working with asbestos may make workers susceptible to
heat stress and heat-related disorders such as heat stroke or heat
Cold stress
Similar requirements exist when a worker may be exposed to
conditions that could cause the body’s core temperature to drop
below 36°C, which can result in cold stress. Health problems that
can result from cold stress include hypothermia and cold-related
injuries such as frostbite.
The requirements for risk assessment, implementation of an
exposure control plan, and instruction and training of workers are
the same as for heat stress. In addition, if the thermal
environment has an equivalent chill temperature below –7°C, a
heated shelter must be provided. This may be necessary when
workers are working on the exterior of a building or in an
unheated building during winter.
Record keeping
Work that involves the handling of asbestos-containing materials
can range from major (a large friable-asbestos removal project) to
minor (the replacement of a gasket). But whatever the size of the
project, employers need to keep records of the actions taken to
prevent exposure to asbestos fibres. Employers must:
• Keep records of asbestos inventories, risk assessments,
inspections, and air-monitoring results for at least 10 years
• Keep records of corrective actions, Notices of Project (NOPs),
and training and instruction of workers for at least 3 years
Note Despite the 10-year and 3-year time limits identified in the
Occupational Health and Safety Regulation, employers are
advised to keep all records for as long as the company
exists because a WCB officer may ask to see records at any
time. If employers cannot produce records proving, for
example, that they have trained workers or conducted risk
assessments in the past, they may have to retrain workers
or redo risk assessments.
Note While the area outside a glove bag is considered a causes non-friable
moderate-risk area, the work activity inside a glove bag is materials to
considered high-risk; if a glove bag is torn or punctured,
the risk level outside the bag automatically increases and become friable, the
the site-specific emergency procedures must be work activity
Clean-up activities that carry a moderate risk of exposure to
airborne asbestos fibres include: immediately
• Using a HEPA-filter vacuum to clean ceiling tiles or light changes to high-
fixtures with light to moderate contamination
• Using a HEPA-filter vacuum to clean an area before setting up
an enclosure
Seal heating ducts and outside vents with poly sheeting to ensure
that the asbestos work area is properly isolated.
30 cm Plastic
Wall (12 in.)
Floor covering
Make sure that the poly sheeting covering the floor extends at least
30 cm (12 in.) up the wall.
work area
Clean room Shower room Personnel transfer
Investigating incidents
Investigation of incidents is important for preventing accidents.
As far as possible, the investigation must:
• Determine the cause of the incident
• Identify any unsafe conditions, acts, or procedures that
contributed to the incident
• Recommend corrective action to prevent similar incidents
Hospital telephone
Name Telephone
Name Telephone
Name Telephone
Name Telephone
Name Telephone
Name Telephone
Name Telephone
Name Telephone
Name Telephone
Name Telephone
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