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International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences Online: 2015-02-20

ISSN: 2300-2697, Vol. 48, pp 107-122

© 2015 SciPress Ltd., Switzerland

Impact of Intellectual capital on Financial

Performance and Market Valuation of Firms in India

G. Bharathi Kamath*
Department of Economics, University of Mumbai, Ranade Bhavan, Third Floor, Vidyanagari, Kalina
Campus, Santacruz (east), Mumbai-400098
*E-mail address: bharathi.g.shan@gmail.com

The Objective of this paper is to empirically investigate the impact of intellectual capital(IC) on
the financial performance and market valuation of firms in India. Thirty firms from S&P BSE
SENSEX index which consists of 30 firms from across various manufacturing and service sectors. The
analysis was carried for a period from FY 2008-2009 to 2012-2013. Multiple linear Regression
analysis is used to study the impact of IC on financial performance and market value of these select
firms. The paper uses the VAICTM methodology to evaluate the data and finds that the financial
performance and market value is indeed influenced by the IC of the firms. This result is crucial for
firm’s management and policy makers to make IC disclosure and reporting mandatory in firms
accounting statements as the stakeholder can get the real picture of the true value of the firm.

Keywords: Intellectual capital; financial performance; India; Market value; intangible assets; VAICTM


The firm value is generated not only from its physical and financial assets, but also its
Intellectual assets which includes, its expenditure on research and development, Human
capital, their skills, its organizational structure, policies and relationship that the firm
maintains with its customers and suppliers. Many researchers have studied this and attributed
the gap between the book value and market value of the firms to intangible assets, intellectual
property and intellectual capital (Edvinsson and Malone, 1997). This is observed more
specifically in technology and knowledge intensive firms especially information technology,
pharmaceutical industry and banking & financial sectors.
Tangible assets of the firm can be measured, managed and accounted in the book of
accounts. However, the same cannot be said about the intellectual capital or intangible assets
of the firm. The difficulty in measuring the asset translates itself in non-reporting and low
level of disclosure across firms.
Measurement, Management, reporting and disclosure of Intellectual capital has seen a
growing interest among researchers across globe. The concept and definition has undergone
several changes over decade as there was little consensus on the definition and its
components; the measurement techniques suggested also has evolved over years, from use of
scorecards, to direct accounting techniques. IC is generally defined as “Knowledge that can be
converted into value” (Edvinsson and Malone (1997). Intellectual capital is the sum of

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108 Volume 48

everything everybody in the company that gives it a competitive edge in the market place.
(Stewart, 1997). The other definitions and components and list of measurement techniques
was done by Jurckzak (2008).
What is not measured cannot be managed, therefore, the first step towards management
of IC is through its measurement, through the systematic literature review Bernard Marr &
others were able to identify five main reasons as to why firms measure the Intellectual capital
(Marr, 2003). These were:
1. To help organizations formulate their strategy;
2. Assess strategy execution;
3. Assist in diversification and expansion decisions;
4. Use these as a basis for compensation; and finally
5. To communicate measures to external stakeholders
Once the stakeholders take into account the IC of firms, it starts reflecting in the market
value of the firms and helps in furthering the goals of profit maximization. Having stressed on
the significance of IC management, measurement and disclosure of IC of firms, it becomes
useful to evaluate IC performance of the firms.
The basic objective of this study is to examine the relationship between IC, financial
performance and market value of select firms in India. The methodology is adapted from
various studies done earlier in different countries (Firer and Williams (2003), Maditinos
(2009), Bozbura (2004), Chen et al. (2005), Chang, 2007). The firms are selected from S&P
BSE SENSEX index. It includes firms from manufacturing as well as from services. The
impact of IC on financial performance and market value of 30 firms for a 5 year period from
FY 2007-2008 to 2012-13 is carried out and the results are analysed. The VAIC components,
human capital efficiency, structural capital and capital expended efficiency is also analysed
and ranking done on the basis of the VAIC score. This research paper is systematically
divided into sections covering review of major literature which has used VAIC method across
various economies and sectors, which is presented in the next section, this is followed by
detailed research design and methods. The discussion of results and major policy implications
along with limitations is given at the end of the paper.


In this section a review of all major literature especially research work, wherein,
country specific and firm specific studies using VAIC method have been done is presented.
Since there are sufficient studies which have focussed on the theoretical foundations and
development of IC framework, the same is not discussed here to avoid duplication and
Firer and Williams (2003) were among the pioneers to use VAIC method developed by
Pulic Ante (2000) to measure the relationship between IC and traditional measures of
corporate performance. Their study of 75 South African public traded companies though did
not show any significant relationship between the components of VAIC and financial
performance, it carved a road for further enquiry in different sectors and countries. The paper
by Clarke confirmed direct relationship between IC efficiency and financial performance of
Australian publicly listed firms, it was particularly observed that Capital employed efficiency
had more impact on performance than Human capital efficiency (Clarke, 2011).
Maditinos (2009) in his study on firms in Greece, found that human capital is significant
and positively associated to customer capital. Structural capital was seen to have a higher
International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences Vol. 48 109

influence especially in non- service industries though the evidence was found in both service
and non-service type of industry. Maditinos et al. (2011) researched impact of IC and its
components on financial performance and Market Value for 96 firms listed on Athens Stock
Exchange (ASE), from four different economic sectors and reported that only human capital
component has significant impact. The empirical evidence failed to show the impact of IC on
financial performance for the banks listed in Milan stock exchange as reported by Puntillo
Bozbura (2004) researched firms in turkey and reported that human capital and
relational capital have positive relationship with market-book value; it was observed that
structural capital was correlated with human and relation capital.
Chen et al. (2005) researched firms listed on Taiwan Stock exchange for the year 1992-
2002. There was sufficient evidence on impact of IC on performance of firms. They also
studied the impact of IC with a lag on the performance of the firms, which also confirmed the
impact. Another study of Taiwanese firm also observed that profitability and disclosure
frequencies of external capital were positively correlated, whereas human capital was
negatively correlated (Chang, 2007). Some other studies found a positive relation between IC
and profitability and inverse relationship with productivity (Shiu, 2006); another study found
a positive relationship between IC and corporate value. (Tseng and Goo, 2005) Researchers
from China found empirical evidence for a positive relationship between corporate
performance and IC disclosure (Yi & et al., 2011)
Yet another study on 80 firms listed on Indonesian stock exchange, found that the
Intellectual Capital efficiency has a significant effect not only on the current but also future
performance of the firms (Pasaribu, 2012). Research on Malaysian firms found that there is a
relationship between IC and profitability as reported by Muhammad and Ismail (2009).
Another study related to technology intensive listed on Malaysian stock exchange reported by
Gan and Saleh (2008), found moderate relationship between IC and profitability &
productivity, however, their research did not show any evidence for impact on market
The research on firms listed Hong Kong Stock Exchange for the period 2001-05, found
no conclusive evidence for any relation between IC and financial performance; however, the
researcher finds a very moderate association between IC and profitability (Chan, 2009).
Ren reveals that relational capital is an important factor that positively influences
corporate performance, followed by structural capital and human capital in case of firms in
China. However, it was found by the researcher that Human capital has an indirect impact on
performance through relational capital and structural capital (Ren, 2009).
Kamath (2008) studied Value added by IC (VAIC) for top 25 firms in the drug and
pharmaceutical industry in India, for a ten-year period from 1996 to 2006, and its impact on
profitability, productivity and market value. The author found evidence for human capital
having an impact on IC, though other components and overall IC failed to show any
significant empirical impact.
The research on firms in Spain observe that there is an increase in sales growth because
of human and structural capital variables. However, the research does not find any significant
relation between IC components and productivity or return on assets (Marı´aDı´ez & et al,
Through this review of literature, we can clearly see that almost all studies are related to
firms in specific country context. Though some studies were for all industries listed on their
stock exchange, some concentrated on one or two industries. However, there were few
researches on impact of individual components of IC and their impact on corporate
110 Volume 48

performance. There are very few studies that went ahead with inter-country or inter-firm
comparisons, primarily because all the studies used the reported data and these vary based on
the accounting standards adopted by those countries.
IC and performance of firms seem to be related to some extent if not strongly as
observed by most of the studies. Some research indicated that the individual components also
have an impact on the performance, however, the results were not uniform and consistent.
Most of the studies indicated impact of human capital and structural capital on corporate
performance, the results here too could not be generalized.



1. To estimate VAICTM and its components for select firms in India for a period of five
years 2008-13 and rank them accordingly.
2. To measure the impact of IC on financial performance and market value of firms in India
for the above period.
3. To evaluate the relative importance and impact of various components of IC on financial
performance and market value.
4. To check whether firms with higher IC are those belonging to service industry or not


H1. Firms with greater IC have higher ratios of market-to-book value

This hypothesis indicates that IC is expected to have a positive and significant impact
on the market value of the firms.
The other hypothesis that follows this would be
H1a. Firms with greater Human Capital Efficiency (HCE) have higher ratios of market-
to-book value.
H1b. Firms with greater Capital Employed Efficiency (CEE) have higher ratios of
market-to-book value.
H1c. Firms with greater Structural Capital Efficiency (SCE) have higher ratios of
market-to-book value.
On similar lines as in case of hypothesis 1, IC is expected to have a positive and
significant influence on the financial performance of the firms.
H2. Firms with greater IC have higher financial performance in terms of profitability
and productivity.
H2a. Firms with greater Human Capital Efficiency (HCE) have better financial
H2b. Firms with greater Capital Employed Efficiency (CEE) have better financial
H2c. Firms with greater Structural Capital Efficiency (SCE) have better financial
H3. Knowledge firms have a higher intellectual capital performance (VAIC) than others
H3a. Knowledge Firms have higher Human Capital Efficiency (HCE) than other firms
H3b. Knowledge Firms have higher Capital Employed Efficiency (CEE) than other
H3c. Knowledge Firms have higher Structural Capital Efficiency (SCE) than other firms
International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences Vol. 48 111


Sample: the firms are selected from the S&P BSE SENSEX index as available in the
year 2014. There are 30 firms from across different sector ranging from banking,
pharmaceuticals and automobiles, the detailed break-up of the same is provided in appendixI.
These firms are of highest importance as they form a significant share of their respective
industries. The empirical investigation is done for a five year period from FY 2008-2009 to
2012-2013, the last year for which the audited financial results are available for all the firms.
The data is collected from the audited published annual reports of the respective
companies, extracted through PROWESS database provided by CMIE.
The statistical tools that are used in the methodology are descriptive tools such as mean,
median and standard deviation of the variables. A simple correlation analysis is followed up
by multiple linear regression analysis on the model specified below, with evaluation and
analysis of the same.
Firstly, the correlation analysis is necessary to see if there are strong correlation
between the variables of financial performance and market value (dependent variable) and the
VAIC and its components (independent variables).
The multiple linear regression analysis would enable determination of the extent or
degree of relationship between the variables and also to analyse relative significance of
various IC components and the degree of impact the financial performance and market value
of the firm.
The data variables are taken from the established framework of VAIC (Ante, 2000)
VAIC is an accepted, consistent and standardized method (Ante, 2001) to measure and
compare the IC performance of the firm; the VAIC method enables the firm to measure its
value creation efficiency (Ante, 2001, 2002); VAIC has been used across sectors and
countries, which enables comparison of results.
In Indian context, since the measurement and management of IC has not yet reached a
mature stage, the data collection through primary research is really a difficult proposition.
VAIC then becomes the best method that could be adopted since it relies completely on the
annual audited financial reports that are published by firms. Therefore the subjectivity held by
other measures is reduced to a large extent by this method (Ante, 2002; Bontis et al., 1999;
Edvinsson, 1997). As observed in the literature survey, this method is being widely used
across countries for evaluating the impact of IC on financial performance of firms, therefore,
the present study also uses the VAIC methodology, so that the results can be analysed in the
comparative scenario.
Independent variables:
VAIC is the value added intellectual coefficient which comprises of Value added by
Human capital efficiency (HCE), value added by efficiency of structural capital (SCE) and
value added by capital employed efficiency (CEE)

VAIC i  HCEi  CEEi  SCEi

CEE i 
Value Added Capital Coefficient for Firmi (CEEi); VAi, Value Added for the firmi; CEi,
book value of the net assets for firm i. The VA is measured by using:

VAi  Wi  I i  DPi  Di  Ti  M i  Ri
112 Volume 48

where VAi, Value Added for firm i computed as sum of; Ii, interest expense; DPi,
depreciation expenses; Di, dividends; Ti, corporate taxes; Mi, equity of minority shareholders
in net income of subsidiaries; Ri, profits retained for the year.

HCE i 

Human Capital Coefficient for the firm i (HCEi); VAi, value added for the firmi; HCi,
total salary and wage costs for the firm i.

SC i
SCE i 

SC i  VAi  HCi

Structural Capital for the firm i (SCEi); VAi, Value added for the firm i; HCi, total salary
and wage costs for the firm i.
Dependent variables:
There are four dependent variables used in the paper MB, ROE, ROA and GS which is
elaborated below
Market value (MB): Market capitalization of the firm’s shares
Book value (BV): Book value of the shareholders capital
MB is the ratio of market capitalization to book value of the total shareholders capital of
the firm for the given year.

MB 
Book value of NA

Return on Assets (ROA):


ROA is a measure of efficiency/productivity of an organization, as it indicates how

efficiently the assets of the firms are being used.
Growth of sales (GS):
GS= [(Current year s ales-Last year sales) /Last year sales] *100
GS indicates the growth in sales revenues of the firms
Since service firms includes banking firms, these firms income from sale of financial
services is taken as sales revenue
Therefore, most of the above indicate whether the firm has been performing profitably
as compared to the previous year.
International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences Vol. 48 113

Productivity (ATO): It is measured using the indicator Asset Turnover Ratio, a ratio of
total revenue to total book value of assets as reported in the annual report; and


Control variables:
The following control variables are used for the study as explained
Return on equity (ROE):

Book value of SE

ROE is a measure of an organizations profitability as it indicates how much profits the

firm generates from shareholders contribution. It is a ratio of the net income (less preference
dividends) divided by book value of total shareholders’ equity as reported in annual report;

Size of the Firm (MCAP): - natural log of total market capitalization of the firms;

Leverage (Lev): - total debt divided by book value of total assets as reported in each
firm’s annual report.

Lev  Total Debt / BV of TA

Multiple Linear Regression Model:

Dependent Variable (ROA, ATO, GS or MB) i = ai + βi1CEEi + βi2HCEi + βi3SCEi +

βi4MCAPLi + βi5Levi + βi 6ROEi+ εi

Where, ROAi is Return on assets; ATO is the measure of productivity; MBi is Market to
book value; CEEi is Capital expended efficiency; HCE = Human capital efficiency; SCEi =
Structural Capital Efficiency; MCAPi is market capitalization; Levi is the leverage; ROEi is
the Return on Equity; βi1-6 = coefficients of variables 1 through 7; and εi = residual term.
Measurement of all the variables has been described in detail in the above section.


Descriptive Statistics:
The mean and standard deviation of all the dependent, independent and control
variables is given for a period 2009-13 in Table 1. It is observed that HCE contributes a
significant amount to the VAIC- The average VAIC of the 30 firms is 10.4 to 11.7 in various
years, of which around 9.6 is contributed by HCE. It is seen that on an average the firms earn
around 9-10 percent return on their assets. The market to book value of the firms did not show
any specific trend, it is quite fluctuating on an average; and the asset turnover ratio which
indicates the productivity ranged between 0.72 and 0.82 across various years. Among the
control variables leverage was in between 0.13 and 0.15 and Return on Equity from 0.19 to
114 Volume 48

0.22. The standard deviation is highest in HCE and market-to-book value, with in specific
trend in other variables.

Table 1. Descriptive Statistics of the Variables: 2009-13.

2009 2010 2011

Average Median SD Average Median SD Average Median SD

HCE 9.647 6.632 13.888 9.572 6.416 12.967 9.551 6.275 12.825

CEE 0.045 0.803 5.871 1.089 0.960 0.693 1.132 0.763 0.841

SCE 0.775 0.849 0.175 0.792 0.844 0.158 0.787 0.840 0.159

VAIC 10.467 8.143 9.587 11.453 8.359 13.346 11.469 8.073 13.412

Leverage 0.157 0.096 0.174 0.138 0.089 0.168 0.140 0.103 0.165

Mcap 12.675 12.792 0.959 13.437 13.238 0.707 13.595 13.620 0.745

ROA 0.107 0.088 0.079 0.108 0.099 0.074 0.112 0.091 0.085

ROE 0.194 0.164 0.126 0.209 0.167 0.156 0.207 0.157 0.155

MB 1.416 3.873 23.314 9.250 7.753 7.232 11.025 6.334 10.571

ATO 0.794 0.651 0.603 0.720 0.644 0.524 0.766 0.635 0.571

GS 21.436 22.089 16.761 8.879 7.441 16.203 19.859 19.513 10.128

2012 2013

Average Median SD Average Median SD

HCE 9.612 6.213 14.064 9.118 5.472 14.449

CEE 1.370 0.843 1.659 0.318 0.654 3.827

SCE 0.785 0.839 0.160 0.764 0.817 0.167

VAIC 11.767 7.833 15.520 10.200 7.127 11.216

Leverage 0.149 0.129 0.166 0.156 0.121 0.168

Mcap 13.517 13.555 0.750 13.530 13.646 0.840

ROA 0.108 0.072 0.089 0.099 0.073 0.092

ROE 0.190 0.144 0.130 0.223 0.142 0.358

MB 10.703 5.078 12.730 4.538 4.644 26.903

ATO 0.801 0.633 0.618 0.786 0.641 0.637

GS 22.273 20.963 14.516 8.471 12.105 18.621

The correlation results (not provided due to lack of space) between the independent,
control and dependent variables were estimated. A brief summary of the results is given here.
The correlation coefficient indicates that ROA has significant (at 1%) correlation with
International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences Vol. 48 115

leverage and return on equity (ROE) and some correlation with SCE and CEE. The market-to-
book value shows positive significant relation only with HCE, CEE, VAIC and leverage (at
1%). The asset turnover ratio (ATO) which indicates productivity of the firms shows
significant positive relation with ROE (at 1%) and all individual components of VAIC and
aggregate VAIC (at 10%).. Thus, it is observed that all the components of VAIC have shown
some significant correlation with any of the dependent variables.

Regression Results:
The results of all the models of multiple linear regression is presented in Table 2. It can
be observed that of the four models fitted, three (ATO, ROA, MB) confirm that they are
statistically significant. The fourth model is not statistically significant, indicating that growth
of sales do not have any influence or impact on the dependent variable. The adjusted R2, is
very high in case of market valuation (0.931) and very low in case of growth of sales (.017).
In the first model (ROA), four independent variables (HCE, SCE, Lev, ROE) are statistically
significant at ρ<0.01, of which SCE and Lev shows a negative sign and the other variables are
with positive sign. The second model (ATO), shows statistical significance only for one
variable i.e. ROE at ρ<0.10, the sign is positive. In the third model (MB), there are two
variables which are statistically significant, CEE and ROE, both at ρ<0.01 with both having a
positive. In the fourth model (GS), none of the independent variables are statistically

Table 2. Results of Multiple Linear Regression.

Growth in Sales
Dependent Market Valuation
Profitability (ROA) Productivity (ATO) revenue/Income
Variables à (MB)
N 30 30 30 30
Adjusted R2 0.637 0.300 0.931 0.017

F 9.480 3.067 66.630 1.083

Sig. .000 .024** .000* 0.401
t-stat. t-stat. t-stat. t-stat.
Intercept .299 .224 2.171 2.154 15.731 28.465 -77.094 74.587

Std. Beta t-stat. Std. Beta t-stat. Std. Beta t-stat. Std. Beta t-stat.
t Variables

CEE .655 1.617 -.524 -.930 .724* 4.113 .317 .475

HCE 1.072* 2.583 -.491 -.851 -.089 -.493 .463 .677
SCE -.434* -2.690 .044 .195 .006 .079 .113 .427
MCAP -.043 -.317 -.129 -.676 -.030 -.503 .235 1.041
Lev -.506* -2.568 -.343 -1.253 -.119 -1.390 -.093 -.287
ROE 0.411** 3.185 .600* 3.345 .239* 4.261 .084 .395

Ranking of firms based on their VAIC in the year 2012-13:

VAIC for all the firms in the study is estimated as per the procedure specified above and
then all the firms are ranked based on their VAIC score for the year 2012-13. The Table 3
116 Volume 48

gives the ranking of the firms on the VAIC. It is observed that there are 3 firms belonging to
service sector and 2 to manufacturing sector among the top 5 rankers; however, there are only
6 firms from service in the top 15. The evidence that service sector has higher IC than
manufacturing therefore is not substantial and results inconclusive. The difference in
performance among the highest ranked firm and lowest ranked firm is also observed to be
substantial (around 20 times) even in the sample of top 30 firms. This result goes very far in
explaining the range when all the firms would be studied. Another important observation that
emerges is that among the top 10 firms ranking, only 3 belongs to the state-owned enterprise.
This is an indication that private firms are giving more importance to human capital
development that public sector firms. When ranked on the basis of HCE, CEE and SCE (not
given due to shortage of space), the ranking does not seem to change much for HCE and SCE.
However, in terms of CEE, the ranking changes substantially, HUL tops the chart followed by
HDFC bank and TCS. The public sector seems to go down below in this ranking as only one
public sector i.e. State Bank of India.

Table 3. VAIC Ranking of companies- Sorted on the 2012-13 Ranks.

2009 2010 2011

Finance Corpn.
Ltd. 75.760 -31.191 0.987 45.555 73.303 3.246 0.986 77.535 70.325 3.669 0.986 74.981
Coal India Ltd. 14.772 1.714 0.932 17.418 18.668 0.988 0.946 20.602 21.234 1.171 0.953 23.358
Axis Bank Ltd. 11.147 0.715 0.910 12.773 9.536 0.826 0.895 11.257 9.686 0.759 0.897 11.342
Industries Ltd. 11.425 0.255 0.912 12.593 15.088 0.210 0.934 16.232 16.631 0.260 0.940 17.831
I C I C I Bank
Ltd. 15.566 0.916 0.936 17.417 13.126 0.634 0.924 14.684 9.540 0.768 0.895 11.202
Bharti Airtel
Ltd. 8.679 0.726 0.885 10.290 10.485 0.789 0.905 12.179 10.629 0.500 0.906 12.035
H D F C Bank
Ltd. 6.744 1.791 0.852 9.387 6.433 0.937 0.845 8.215 6.525 1.145 0.847 8.517
G A I L (India)
Ltd. 9.450 0.500 0.894 10.845 9.425 0.454 0.894 10.774 9.200 0.528 0.891 10.620
Bajaj Auto
Ltd. 3.009 0.994 0.668 4.671 5.283 1.296 0.811 7.389 10.061 2.831 0.901 13.793
I T C Ltd. 6.837 0.592 0.854 8.282 7.454 0.686 0.866 9.006 7.747 0.735 0.871 9.353
Unilever Ltd. 3.690 1.977 0.729 6.396 3.651 2.459 0.726 6.836 4.265 2.120 0.766 7.150
N T P C Ltd. 6.903 0.351 0.855 8.108 7.327 0.369 0.864 8.559 6.832 0.339 0.854 8.025
State Bank Of
India 6.879 1.017 0.855 8.750 5.850 1.650 0.829 8.329 4.974 1.039 0.799 6.812
Motocorp Ltd. 5.379 2.951 0.814 9.144 6.399 1.783 0.844 9.026 5.560 1.741 0.820 8.121
Maruti Suzuki
India Ltd. 6.519 0.576 0.847 7.941 10.058 1.127 0.901 12.086 6.813 0.685 0.853 8.350
Tata Power
Co. Ltd. 6.982 0.338 0.857 8.177 7.358 0.274 0.864 8.496 6.025 0.305 0.834 7.163
Oil & Natural
Gas Corpn.
Ltd. 7.929 0.827 0.874 9.629 6.973 0.740 0.857 8.570 6.945 0.698 0.856 8.499
Industries Ltd. 6.213 0.417 0.839 7.468 4.700 0.413 0.787 5.900 4.401 0.395 0.773 5.569
Mahindra &
Mahindra Ltd. 2.142 0.779 0.533 3.454 3.493 1.135 0.714 5.342 3.752 2.255 0.733 6.741
Tata Steel Ltd. 5.146 1.095 0.806 7.047 5.152 1.055 0.806 7.013 5.509 1.200 0.818 7.528
Cipla Ltd. 5.003 0.308 0.800 6.111 5.745 0.412 0.826 6.983 3.984 0.327 0.749 5.060
Sesa Sterlite
Ltd. 36.476 4.257 0.973 41.705 26.791 0.983 0.963 28.737 31.258 2.657 0.968 34.883
International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences Vol. 48 117

Larsen &
Toubro Ltd. 3.739 0.986 0.733 5.458 3.816 1.258 0.738 5.812 3.467 1.183 0.712 5.361
Services Ltd. 1.477 3.188 0.323 4.987 1.571 2.619 0.363 4.553 1.607 2.100 0.378 4.085
Dr. Reddy'S
Ltd. 3.095 0.490 0.677 4.262 3.392 0.805 0.705 4.902 2.749 0.551 0.636 3.936
Bharat Heavy
Electricals Ltd. 2.769 0.599 0.639 4.006 2.089 0.850 0.521 3.460 2.795 0.714 0.642 4.151
Inds. Ltd. 9.744 0.552 0.897 11.193 6.839 0.696 0.854 8.388 7.669 0.558 0.870 9.096
Tata Motors
Ltd. 2.720 0.999 0.632 4.351 3.616 1.691 0.723 6.030 2.994 0.606 0.666 4.265
Wipro Ltd. 1.467 1.545 0.318 3.330 1.703 1.238 0.413 3.354 1.577 1.200 0.366 3.144

Infosys Ltd. 1.754 1.086 0.430 3.270 1.835 1.043 0.455 3.333 1.767 0.907 0.434 3.108

2012 2013
Finance Corpn. -
Ltd. 79.773 9.122 0.987 89.883 80.908 19.799 0.988 62.096
Coal India Ltd. 28.251 1.206 0.965 30.422 31.424 1.002 0.968 33.394
Axis Bank Ltd. 10.907 1.573 0.908 13.388 11.695 1.398 0.914 14.007
Industries Ltd. 14.674 0.256 0.932 15.862 12.418 0.253 0.919 13.590
I C I C I Bank
Ltd. 10.058 0.901 0.901 11.860 10.650 1.038 0.906 12.594
Bharti Airtel
Ltd. 11.207 0.479 0.911 12.598 10.857 0.511 0.908 12.276
H D F C Bank
Ltd. 7.770 4.059 0.871 12.700 8.470 2.744 0.882 12.096
G A I L (India)
Ltd. 10.496 0.427 0.905 11.828 10.433 0.386 0.904 11.724
Bajaj Auto
Ltd. 8.765 1.706 0.886 11.357 7.929 1.978 0.874 10.781
I T C Ltd. 8.376 0.785 0.881 10.041 9.016 0.714 0.889 10.618
Unilever Ltd. 4.293 2.600 0.767 7.660 4.909 4.019 0.796 9.725
N T P C Ltd. 6.656 0.322 0.850 7.828 7.764 0.319 0.871 8.954
State Bank Of
India 5.854 1.293 0.829 7.977 6.239 1.539 0.840 8.618
Motocorp Ltd. 6.416 2.038 0.844 9.297 5.486 1.808 0.818 8.112
Maruti Suzuki
India Ltd. 5.106 0.497 0.804 6.408 5.696 0.618 0.824 7.138
Tata Power
Co. Ltd. 6.011 0.325 0.834 7.169 5.973 0.309 0.833 7.115
Oil & Natural
Gas Corpn.
Ltd. 8.396 0.692 0.881 9.969 5.458 0.616 0.817 6.890
Industries Ltd. 4.822 0.496 0.793 6.110 4.958 0.457 0.798 6.213
Mahindra &
Mahindra Ltd. 3.590 1.415 0.721 5.726 3.824 1.375 0.739 5.938
Tata Steel Ltd. 5.406 1.520 0.815 7.742 4.260 0.691 0.765 5.717
Cipla Ltd. 3.327 0.421 0.699 4.447 3.380 0.495 0.704 4.579
Sesa Sterlite
Ltd. 15.328 2.146 0.935 18.409 3.490 0.347 0.713 4.551
Larsen &
Toubro Ltd. 3.024 0.657 0.669 4.350 3.006 0.803 0.667 4.476
Services Ltd. 1.734 1.967 0.423 4.124 1.679 2.020 0.404 4.104
118 Volume 48

Dr. Reddy'S
Ltd. 2.828 0.559 0.646 4.033 2.835 0.504 0.647 3.986
Bharat Heavy
Electricals Ltd. 3.045 0.567 0.672 4.284 2.838 0.434 0.648 3.919
Inds. Ltd. 6.477 0.515 0.846 7.838 2.607 0.156 0.616 3.379
Tata Motors
Ltd. 2.459 0.495 0.593 3.547 2.159 0.486 0.537 3.183
Wipro Ltd. 1.506 1.126 0.336 2.968 1.504 1.301 0.335 3.140
Infosys Ltd. 1.806 0.933 0.446 3.185 1.668 1.008 0.400 3.076


It was found in the regression results that profitability of the select BSE index firms is
strongly affected by its efficiency of intellectual capital (VAIC). Among the components,
human capital and structural capital of the firm have greater influence on profitability than
capital expended. It is also observed that Structural capital influences negatively on
profitability. Among the control variables, Leverage and ROE also has an influence on firm’s
profitability. It is observed that firms having lower leverage have higher profitability.
Whereas, ROE and ROA move in the same direction, firms with higher return on its equity is
seen to be more profitable than others. Size of firm does not influence the profitability. This is
a very important and significant conclusion as it shows that intellectual capital does have a
role in the performance of the firms. The stakeholders now have to account for the
contribution of intangible also while looking at the value and performance of the firm.
The second aspect that was observed that the overall Productivity of the firm is also
majorly affected by the IC and its efficiency. The individual components of IC were seen to
be statistically not significant, however, overall model showed a good fit. Only ROE in the
control variables showed a statistically significant influence on the productivity of the firms.
Leverage and size is seen not to have any impact on the productivity of the firms in India.
Therefore, we can say that there is no empirical evidence of IC components influencing the
productivity of firms and the said firms look more at their tangible assets for value creation.
The third model related to market valuation and its relation with efficiency of IC, there
was a clear evidence regarding the overall impact. Among the components of IC, it was only
capital expended efficiency which showed influencing market valuation of the firms. There
was no evidence on Human capital and structural capital influence on market valuation.
Among the control variables, Leverage and size of the firm also did not have any impact on
market valuation of firms. Only ROE seems to have an impact on the market valuation, firms
with higher ROE also has higher market value. It is observed that though intangibles do have
an overall impact on the market valuation of firms, its only capital expended that finally has
highest impact.
The last model that was fitted was related to growth of sales, the empirical evidence
does not support even a minute relation or impact of intangibles on growth of sales. The
overall model is a bad fit, even the components of IC were seen to be statistically insignificant
impact. It is to be noted here that Morteza et al. 2014; Abbasali, 2013 in their research
showed impact of IC on sales, which in Indian context seems to completely non-existent.
Overall, it was observed that the size of the firm had no significant impact on any aspect
of financial performance and market valuation. Leverage had influence only on profitability,
International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences Vol. 48 119

but did not show any major influence on productivity and market valuation. The return on
equity showed clear influence on profitability, productivity as well as market valuation. None
of the control variables had any influence on growth of sales, the result is similar as in case of
other independent variables.


This paper set out to analyse and evaluate the relationship between efficiency of IC and
its components on financial performance viz. profitability, productivity and growth of
sales/Income and market valuation. The objective was to study 30 firms of “BSE Index”
traded on Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE). The study was done for the FY 2008-09 to 2012-
13. VAIC introduced by Pulic Ante was used as a tool to measure and evaluate the efficiency
of IC and its components. The empirical evidence found interesting results, it was observed
that profitability, productivity and market valuation are influenced by overall IC efficiency.
However, the impact of individual components was seen to be varied on financial
performance and market valuation. There are some limitations of the present research in terms
of number of firms studied and time period of study, which can be utilized as an opportunity
for future research. Sector or industry specific studies can be carried out for a time series data
to understand the phenomenon across sectors and industries and get a comparative picture.
Earlier research work in done in pharmaceutical industries in India, had evidence to
suggest that IC did not have any major influence on financial performance and market
valuation of firms (Kamath, 2008). Several other studies (Firer and Williams, 2003; Puntillo,
2009; Chan, 2009) also found evidence that IC and efficiency are not significantly related.
Some research works have reported evidence on IC impact on financial performance and
market valuation (Chen et al. (2005), Tan et al. (2007), Pal and Soriya (2012))
This research conclusions are very significant, as the measurement, management and
reporting of IC by firms is voluntary in India. If the measurement and disclosure is made
mandatory, then the stakeholders would get a clearer picture about the true performance of the
firms and would enable them towards better decision making. The diminishing role of
tangibles in the value creation of firms and the ever increasing significance of intangibles
must be taken into account by the policy makers as well as the managers of the firms on a
priority basis.

Bibliographical Notes

Dr. G. Bharathi Kamath (PhD from Osmania University, Hyderabad, India) is currently Associate
Professor in the Department of Economics at University of Mumbai, India. Her research interests are in the areas
of intangible assets, intellectual capital and intellectual property rights, with a current focus on the industry based
studies. She has several national and international publications to her credit.
120 Volume 48


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122 Volume 48

Appendix I
Classification of companies in S & P BSE SENSEX Index

Banking and Financial Services (5) Axis Bank, HDFC, HDFC Bank, ICICI Bank, SBI

Automobiles (5) Bajaj Auto, Hero MotoCorp, Mahindra &

Mahindra, Maruti Suzuki, Tata Motors
Telecommunications (1) Bharti Airtel

Heavy Industries (5) BHEL, Hindalco Inds, L&T, Tata Steel, SSLT

Pharmaceutical (3) Cipla, Dr Reddys Lab, Sun Pharma

Petroleum, Oil and Energy (6) Coal India, Gail India, NTPC, ONGC, RIL, Tata
FMCG (2) Hindustan Unilever, ITC

IT and ITES (3) Infosys, TCS, Wipro,

( Received 02 February 2015; accepted 14 February 2015 )

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