Ic & Eva

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Iranian Journal of Management Studies (IJMS)

Vol. 7, No. 2, July 2014

pp: 245-269

The Relationship between Intellectual Capital with

Economic Value Added and Financial Performance
Mahdi Salehi1, Gholamreza Enayati2, Parisa Javadi3
1. Assistant professor of Accounting, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran
2. Assistant Professor of Management, Islamic Azad University, Mashhad Branch, Mashhad, Iran
3. M.A Holder in Management, Islamic Azad University, Mashhad Branch, Mashhad, Iran

(Received: 8 May 2013 - Revised: 24 December 2013 - Accepted: 7 January)

The purpose of the present study is to investigate the relationship between
intellectual capital (human capital efficiency, customer capital efficiency, and
structural capital efficiency) and economic value added of the listed companies on
the Tehran Stock Exchange (TSE). The population includes 39 firms selected
through systematic sampling. The data is collected from the audited financial
statements of the firms provided by TSEs website from 2007 to 2010. The results of
multiple linear regression analysis show that there is a significant relationship
between financial performance of firms and intellectual value added, intellectual
capital efficiency, relational capital efficiency, human capital efficiency, structural
capital efficiency, and economic value added. However, the results of fuzzy
regression analysis indicate significant relationships between the financial
performance of firms and all the independent variables except structural capital
efficiency and economic value added.

Economic value added, Financial performance, Intellectual capital, TSE.

Corresponding Author

Tel: +98-9121425323

Email: mehdi.salehi@um.ac.ir


(IJMS) Vol. 7, No. 2, July 2014

In the information age, effective use of intellectual capital is the most
important factor in the success or failure of a business (Goh, 2005).
For achieving superior performance and competitive advantage, firms
have shifted their focus from investment on tangible assets to
investment on intangibles. Intellectual capital is one of these
intangibles with human capital, structural capital, and customer capital
as its components (Chang, 2004). Tangible assets can be easily
imitated or purchased in a free market; thus, they cannot be a strategic
asset and cannot create competitive advantage for the business. Along
with intellectual capital, economic value added is another measure that
can help investors with their decision-making. Basically, economic
value added (EVA) is the value created in excess of the required
return of the firms investors and can be used for evaluating the
performance of firms and developing incentive schemes. This study
can be used by investors and shareholders, managers, and members of
the Board of Stock Exchange Chemical Listed Companies and Capital
Market' Financial Analysts.
Review of Literature
There are various definitions of intellectual capital, some of which are
listed here:
Intellectual capital is the pursuit of effective use of knowledge
(finished product) as opposed to information (raw material)
(Bontis, 1998).
Intellectual capital is a group of knowledge assets that are
attributed to an organization and most significantly contribute to
an improved competitive position of the organization by adding
value to the defined key stakeholders (Marr, 2004).
Recently, a consensus is achieved around the components of
intellectual capital (IC).
Based on the literature, IC consists of the following components:
Human capital: Human capital is the most important asset of an
organization and a source of innovation and strategic renewal. Human
capital is a sum of technical expertise, leadership ability, risk-taking,
and problem solving ability.

The Relationship between Intellectual Capital with Economic Value Added


Customer capital: The main theme of customer capital is the

knowledge embedded in the marketing channels and customer
relationships that an organization develops through the course of
conducting business which will enhance its competitive advantage
(Bontis, 1998).
Structural capital: Unlike human capital, there is not much
consensus on the definition of structural capital. Generally, structural
capital includes all the non-human storehouses of knowledge in
organizations that include the databases, organizational charts, process
manuals, strategies, routines, and anything whose value to the
company is higher than its material value. Ghosh and Mondal (2009)
argue that structural capital is the infrastructure of human capital and
includes buildings, hardware, software, processes, patents, and
trademarks. Diez et al. (2010) believe that structural capital can
comprise internal factors such as infrastructure, processes, and
business culture, and at the same time refers to the ability to renovate
and improve.
Intellectual capital and the current accounting system
In knowledge-based economy, the growing distance between the
market and book value is attributed to intangible assets that cannot be
properly measured and reported within the traditional accounting
framework. It is also possible for each company to use a different
accounting method (Laing et al., 2010).
Measuring intellectual capital
Although various methods have been proposed for measuring
intellectual capital, none of these methods can, in and of itself, satisfy
all the needs of an organization for measuring IC. In effect, a
combination of these methods must be employed for achieving better
results. Some of these methods are listed below:
Balanced Scorecard (BSC): BSC of Kaplan and Norton (1992) is
both a strategic approach and a performance management system that
allows organizations to translate an organizations vision and strategy
into tactical and operational management reality.
Skandia Navigator: This model integrates the assumptions about
intellectual capital that reflects the difference between the book and
market value of a firm.


(IJMS) Vol. 7, No. 2, July 2014

Intellectual Capital Index: This index tries to provide dispersed

indices into a single index and to link changes in intellectual capital to
changes in the market value of firms.
Direct Intellectual Capital Method: The focus of this method is
to identify and evaluate each of the components of intellectual capital.
Human Resource Accounting: This method reports the
expenditures related to human resources as assets on the balance sheet
as opposed to the traditional accounting approach which treats costs
related to a companys human resources as expenses on the income
statement that reduce profit.
Book-to-Market Ratio: Intellectual capital is often defined as the
difference between market and book value of a business.
Tobins Q: This method has traditionally been used for predicting
investment decisions. Tobins Q is the ratio between the market value
and replacement value of the same physical asset.
Value Added Intellectual Coefficient (VAICTM): This method
was introduced by Pulic (1998) as an analytic tool for measuring a
firms performance (Van der Zahn et al., 2004). The value of VAICTM
can be compared across different firms and can be reported to external
EVA: EVA is perhaps the most recent method of organizational
performance evaluation. Its focus is on maximization of shareholder
wealth. In other words, EVA is a measure of whether the intellectual
capital of a firm has been effective or not. Obviously, EVA is a
substitute metric for intellectual capital and provides accurate
information about the effect of IC on firm performance (Ghosh et al.,
Janis et al. (2005) investigated the relationship between EVA and
market added value as well as the effect of economy of such
relationship in the US companies. The results indicated that there is a
positive meaningful relationship between EVA and GDP (as an
economic variable).
Ghanbari (2007) investigated the relationship between EVA and
market added value in India Automotive Industry Listed Companies.
The results of this study showed that EVA is a strong measure for
describing market added value and can be introduced to shareholders
as the best domestic measure for evaluating companies' performance.

The Relationship between Intellectual Capital with Economic Value Added


Yahizade et al. (2009) investigated the relationship between EVA

and profitability ratios. The results show that EVA is significantly
related to stock market value.
Financial Performance
The criteria to measure performance based on accounting concepts are
divided into two categories; the first category is based on accounting
information and the second category is based upon both accounting
and market information (Jahankhani et al., 1995).
Carter et al. (2003) found that return is considered as an important
factor in explaining the company value.
In discussing assets and its relation with companies' intellectual
capital, Hemati et al. (2010) refer to the industry average, arguing that
the model of assets' return is obtained by dividing profit, in a specified
period, by the average value of assets at the same time. Yet, the
difference between the return on the assets is calculated by the
average return on the industry assets and if the observed value
becomes zero or negative, the company with intellectual capital will
not surpass the industry assets and it is hypothesized that the company
intellectual capital is zero.
The first empirical study for measuring intellectual capital was
conducted in the mid 1980s by a Swedish association, followed by
numerous studies on the topic (Tseng, 2006). Bontis (1998) studied
the impact of intellectual capital on business performance. Using
ICAP model, the results suggested a valid, reliable, significant, and
substantive causal link between dimensions of intellectual capital and
business performance.
Chang (2004) studied the relationship between intellectual capital
and business performance in the biotechnology industry in Taiwan.
This study also focused on whether intellectual capital has any impact
on the relationship between innovation capital and business
performance. The findings supported the hypothesis.
Baum and Silverman (2004) examined the effect of the components
of intellectual capital on venture capital decision firms decisions and
performance. The results indicated a significant effect of the
components of intellectual capital on the performance and financial
risk of the firms.


(IJMS) Vol. 7, No. 2, July 2014

Chu et al. (2006) studied the relationship between the components

of intellectual capital and value with the value/performance of the
Industrial Technology Research Institute. They found that intellectual
capital is positively associated with performance and that intellectual
capital is highly relevant to the value creation process and warrant
strategic accumulation for R&D organizations.
Tseng (2006) studied the relationship between human capital,
innovation capital, and organizational performance companies. The
results showed that R&D intensity and the number of patents have
significant effects on organizational performance and that the
interactive impact between the number of patents and salary per
employee is significantly related to organizational performance.
Tan et al. (2007) investigated the association between the
intellectual capital of companies and their financial performance. The
findings show that IC and company performance are positively
related; IC is correlated to future company performance, the rate of
growth of a companys IC is positively related to the companys
performance, and the contribution of IC to company performance
differs by industry.
Rudez and Mihalic (2007) studied the effect of the components of
IC on the financial performance of the Slovenian hotel industry. The
results indicated that there is a positive relationship between the
component of IC and financial performance. They also found that endcustomer relationships have a strong direct impact on financial results.
Garcia-Meca and Martinez (2007) investigated the disclosure of IC
information in a large sample of analysts results reports. Analyzing
260 financial reports of Spanish companies, they verified a positive
relationship between IC information disclosure and corporate
Richieri et al. (2008) studied the effect of intellectual capital on
ROE, ROA, and ROS ratios in a sample with data for the 1,000
biggest companies in Brazil. Using static panel data, the authors found
the existence of a positive relation between both calculated intangible
value and intellectual capital efficiency and the dependent variables
Yang and Kang (2008) investigate the relationship of innovation
capital and customer capital with financial performance of firms. The

The Relationship between Intellectual Capital with Economic Value Added


results demonstrated that the main effects of both innovation and

customer capital significantly and positively impact firm performance.
Also, a significant interaction effect existed only in the hightechnology manufacturing firms.
Ting and Lean (2009) examined the intellectual capital
performance and its relationship with financial performance in
Malaysia. The results showed that VAIC and ROA are positively
related. Moreover, the results revealed that the three components of
VAIC are associated with profitability: human capital and capital
employed were positively related to profitability, while structural
capital was negatively related to profitability.
Hsu and Fang (2009) studied the relationship between intellectual
capital and new product development performance. Based on their
findings, relational capital was the greatest factor among the three
types of intellectual capital in Taiwanese IC design companies,
structural capital was second, and human capital was last.
Nogueira et al. (2010) carried out a study to verify whether
intellectual capital has a positive impact on the profitability of
Brazilian companies. The results revealed a significant positive
relationship between VAICTM and profitability.
Zeghal and Maaloul (2010) studied the effect of intellectual capital
on economic, financial, and stock market performance of UK
companies. The results of multiple regression analysis showed a
significant positive relationship between VAICTM and economic
performance and between VAICTM and financial performance. The
relationship between VAICTM and stock market performance was only
significant for hi-tech industries.
De Barros et al. (2010) investigated the relationship between
intellectual capital and value creation in Brazil. The findings
suggested that the intellectual capital of the companies was positively
related to value creation.
Longo et al. (2011) studied the effect of intellectual capital on
employees job. The results showed that intellectual capital positively
affects the job attitudes examined, although differences emerged
between the three dimensions of intellectual capital.
Ramezan (2011) investigated the relationship between
organizational organic structure and intellectual capital improvement.


(IJMS) Vol. 7, No. 2, July 2014

The results supported the view that organic structure has a positive
impact on intellectual capital.
Wagiciengo and Belal (2012) investigated intellectual capital
disclosures by South African companies. They showed that
intellectual capital disclosures in South Africa. Out of the three broad
categories of intellectual capital disclosures, human capital was
reported to be the most popular category.
Li et al. (2012) studied the relationship between audit committee
characteristics and intellectual capital disclosure. They argued that the
association between audit committee characteristics and IC disclosure
varies across the IC components (i.e. human capital, structural capital
and relational capital).
Abdullah and Sofian (2012) examined the association of the IC
with corporate performance of Malaysian public listed companies.
Their findings confirmed that all IC components have a significant
positive relationship with corporate performance. Furthermore,
relational capital was reported as the component that has the strongest
relationship with corporate performance.
Costa (2012) examined the relationship between intellectual capital
management and corporate performance; they showed that about half
of the sample companies had achieved productivity and the rest of the
companies had surpassed their competitors in improving IC
Jafari Farsani et al. (2012) investigated the association between
intellectual capital and organizational learning capability. The findings
showed significant correlations between the components of IC and
organizational learning capability.
Besharati et al. (2012) investigated the relationship of intellectual
capital and innovation capital with financial performance and value of
the firms. According to the findings, no significant relationship was
observed between intellectual capital and firm value; however, there
was a significant relationship between intellectual capital and financial
performance of the firms. Innovation capital and firm value were not
significantly correlated, while a significant positive relationship was
observed between innovation capital and financial performance.
AL-Musalli and Ku Ismail (2012) examined the relationship
between intellectual capital performance and board characteristics of

The Relationship between Intellectual Capital with Economic Value Added


GCC banks. The results showed that IC performance of GCC listed

banks was low, the number of independent directors had a significant
negative relationship with IC performance of GCC listed banks, and
all other variables were not associated with IC performance.
Mosavi (2012) examined the relationship between the components
of intellectual capital and market value and financial performance.
Only one significant relationship was observed between human capital
efficiency and financial performance of the firms.
Calabrese et al. (2012) investigated the application fuzzy AHP for
managing intellectual capital assets in the Italian ICT service industry.
The results showed that customer relations improve processes and
Mehralian et al. (2013) studied and prioritized the components of
intellectual capital in a knowledge-based industry, i.e. the
pharmaceutical industry. They expressed their concern about
structural capital, investment ratios, and R&D. Meanwhile, relational
capital such as customer relations received the greatest attention.

Chang (2004), Chu et al. (2006), Rudez et al. (2007), Zeghal et al.
(2010), and GharoieAhangar (2011) investigated the relationship
between Intellectual Added Value Coefficient and financial
performance. Findings obtained from studies conducted by Chang
(2004), Chu et al. (2006), Rudez et al. (2007), and Zeghal et al.
(2010) indicated a positive meaningful relationship between
intellectual added value coefficient and companies' financial
performance; however, Gharoie Ahangar (2011) did not find any
meaningful relationship between these variables.
Also, several scholars such as Yahizadefar et al. (2009), Janis et al.
(2005), and Ghanbari (2007) investigated the relationship between
EVA and such dependent variables as market added value, profit per
share, equity and so on. The results indicated a strong correlation or
relationship between EVA and these dependent variables. So the
following hypothesis postulated.
First hypothesis: Value added intellectual coefficient and EVA are
significantly associated with firms financial performance.


(IJMS) Vol. 7, No. 2, July 2014

Chang (2004), Rudez et al. (2007), and Abdullah et al. (2012)

investigated the relationship between Intellectual Capital Efficiency
and financial performance. The findings obtained by Chang (2004);
Rudez et al. (2007) and Abdullah et al. (2012) indicated a positive
meaningful relationship between these two variables.
Second hypothesis: Intellectual capital efficiency and EVA are
significantly associated with the firms financial performance.
Rudez et al. (2007), Tin et al. (2009), Zeghal et al. (2010),
Abdullah et al. (2012) investigated the relationship between
communication capital efficiency and financial performance. The
results showed a positive meaningful relationship between these two
independent and dependent variables.
Third hypothesis: Relational capital efficiency and EVA are
significantly associated with the firms financial performance.
Rudez et al. (2007), Tin et al. (2009), Zeghal et al. (2010), and
Abdullah et al. (2012) investigated the relationship between
communication capital efficiency and financial performance. The
results showed a positive meaningful relationship between these two
independent and dependent variables.
Fourth hypothesis: Structural capital efficiency and EVA are
significantly associated with the firms financial performance.
Rudez et al. (2007), Tin et al. (2009), Zeghal et al. (2010), and
Abdullah et al. (2012) investigated the relationship between
communication capital efficiency and financial performance. The
results revealed a positive meaningful relationship between these two
independent and dependent variables.
Fifth hypothesis: Human capital efficiency and EVA are
significantly associated with the firms financial performance.

Population and sample
The present research studies two types of industries; the chemical and
pharmaceutical listed companies on the TSE. The sample comprises
firms that meet the following conditions:
- Firms that have been listed in the stock exchange before 2007;
- Firms whose financial year ends at the end of the Iranian calendar;

The Relationship between Intellectual Capital with Economic Value Added


- Firms that have no financial year changes;

- Firms that have been operating in TSE during the period of interest;
- Firms that have data available for the period of interest;
- Investment companies are excluded.
Given these conditions, 39 firms were selected as sample. It must
be noted that among the sample 15 were chemical firms and 24 were
pharmaceutical firms.
Since authors believe that intellectual capital and EVA in two
Pharmaceutical and Chemical industries can significantly influence
companies' financial performance in this turbulent economic world,
these two types of companies were chosen.

Independent variables
The present research uses the model proposed by Pulic (1998) for
measuring Intellectual Capital. Intellectual capital comprises human
capital and structural capital (Pulic, 2000). Value added intellectual
coefficient (VAICTM) can be calculated from the following formula:

The value added of firm in year is calculated from the following

is value added,
is operating profit,
is employee cost,
denotes depreciation, and
denotes amortization. Relational
employed efficiency (

) can be obtained from the following

is the value added of firm and
is the book value of net
assets of firm (book value of total assets minus intangible assets).
Human capital efficiency (
) is obtained from:

is the human capital of firm that consist of the total salary
cost. As for structural capital efficiency (
), first we have to
calculate structural capital ( ):


(IJMS) Vol. 7, No. 2, July 2014


can be calculated from the equation below:

Finally, intellectual capital efficiency (

) is as follows:

Economic value added, which provides accurate information about

the effect of intellectual capital on corporate performance, can be
calculated from the following equation:

In the equations above,

denotes total assets at the beginning
of a given financial period,
is the sum of current liabilities at the
beginning of a given period,
is net operating profit after tax
for time ,
denotes weighted average cost of capital for time t,
is the operating profit for time .
Dependent variable
The company financial performance can be measured by factors such
as Tobin Q, profit, profit growth, return on sales, divided profit, crash
flows, profit per share including P/E, ROE, ROA, and ratio of market
value to shares' Book Value.
Return on assets is a criterion widely used in previous studies. The
return indicating use of assts shows the profit per Rial of the funds
invested in the company.
Discussing the return on assets and its relation with the companies'
intellectual capital, Hemati et al. (2010) refer to the index of industry
average arguing that this method provides an approximation of the
company intellectual capital suggesting that how this valuable asset
influences its profitability.
Carter et al. (2003) found that the assets' return is viewed as a
significant factor in explaining the company value.
With an overview on national studies it is found that such
researchers as Poorzmain et al. (2012) used return on assets as criteria
to investigate the performance.
Based on the above-mentioned reasons, the present study has

The Relationship between Intellectual Capital with Economic Value Added


employed the return on tax as a criterion for measuring the company's


ROA= Return on assets

NI= Net income
TA= Total assets
Data analysis
Multivariate regression analysis and fuzzy regression analysis were
applied at the 5% significance level for testing the hypotheses.
Multivariate regression
The regression model proposed in the present research is as follows:

where ROA is return on assets,

is economic value added,
value added intellectual coefficient,
is intellectual capital
is capital employed efficiency,
is human capital
efficiency, and
is structural capital efficiency.

Descriptive and inferential (multivariate and fuzzy regression
analyses) analyses are used for testing the hypotheses of the research.
Descriptive statistics
The data is collected from 39 samples firms listed in Tehran Stock
Exchange for the period from 2007 to 2010. Table 1 provides mean,
median, standard deviation, maximum, and minimum values for the
research variables.
Table 1. Descriptive statistics of the variables

















































(IJMS) Vol. 7, No. 2, July 2014

Inferential statistics
In the regression model, the effect of the independent variables (EVA,
CEE, HCE, SCE, ICE, and VAIC) on the financial performance of the
sample firms is examined. A multivariate linear regression model is
used at the 5% significance level for testing the hypotheses. If there is
no relationship between the independent variables and the dependent
variable, all the coefficients in the regression model must be equal to
zero. Thus, we can test the significance of the regression model, which
is often done using F test. If the obtained F-statistic is less than the
Table value of F at the 95% confidence level, the regression model
will be significant. The results of F-test are provided in Table 2
Table 2. Analysis of variance

Sum of Squares
Mean Squares
Notes: a. Predictors: constant, EVA, CEE, SCE, HCE, VAIC, and ICE
b. Dependent variable: ROA



The results of estimating the regression model at the 5%

significance level are provided in Table 3.
Table 3. The results of estimating the regression model

Dependent variable: ROA








Fuzzy regression
Simple Linear Regression defined based on probability distributio, is
always confronted with some limitations due to the hypotheses
inflexibility. On the other hand, the statistical regression models are
used only when the observations' distribution is done based on a

The Relationship between Intellectual Capital with Economic Value Added


statistical model. However, the fuzzy regression models, in addition to

their flexibility in adaptation to natural conditions, is an efficient
instrument for explaining the effects of those variables with the same
Time fuzzy regression is employed when the variables or the
observations are imprecise and vague, and when the relationship
between variables is imprecise, as well as when the hypotheses'
accuracy is uncertain (in small samples).
Fuzzy regression is divided into three categories:
1. The first category is used when the relationship between the
fuzzy variables is hypothesized; in the other words, the
regression coefficients are viewed as fuzzy; fuzzy regression
when the variables (or the observations related to the variables)
are imprecise and fuzzy.
2. When all variables and the model coefficients are considered to
be fuzzy: it is worth mentioning that the variety in the fuzzy
regression is not limited to the above conditions, but, the
methods proposed per condition (methods for establishing
model, parameters, goodness of fit criteria) have created a
variety of fuzzy regression methods. The present study examines
the regression model with fuzzy coefficients.
3. The regression models provide some patterns based on which the
relationship between a set of variables can be investigated: such
variables include dependent and independent ones. In these
models, based on some observations related to the dependent
and independent variables, a function is built to predict and
control the dependent variable.
However, in many cases, one or more hypotheses may be rejected
or due to the sample size the hypothesis cannot be supported. In such
cases, the common models do not have the required reliability and
performance. The next alternative method is fuzzy regression. This
kind of regression can be employed when the variables or the relevant
observations are imprecise and vague; also when the relationship
between the variables is imprecise; or when the hypotheses are not
certainly true (particularly, when the sample is small). The current
study employs the fuzzy regression with fuzzy coefficients to examine
the model.


(IJMS) Vol. 7, No. 2, July 2014

Given the regression model

Assuming that
The objective function is expressed as follows:

Two constraints are defined for each observation with a total of 416
constraints. For instance, the first two constraints are as follows:

Minimizing the objective function ( ) with respect to the 416

constraints as well as
and for
a problem in linear programming that is solved by Lingo software.
Solving the problem for
leads to the data provided in
Table 4. Estimating the objective function based on different membership degrees



Considering the above Table, we will have the following

calculations for all the h values:

The Relationship between Intellectual Capital with Economic Value Added


By replacing the coefficients obtained in the regression model, for

certain values of independent variables the output is fuzzy and in the
form of symmetric triangular fuzzy numbers. Therefore, we defuzzify
the output using Center of Area (COA) in MATLAB. Finally, the
MSE of the model can be obtained by comparing the estimated model
with real values. In this case, the final regression model is the one
with the lowest MSE. The output of MATLAB is provided in Table 5.
Table 5. Estimating the objective function based on real value

Considering the Table above, the lowest MSE occurs when

Therefore, the fuzzy regression model is:

Defuzzification gives the following model:

Hypothesis 1
According to the first hypothesis, VAIC and EVA are significantly
associated with financial performance. Based on the results of
multivariate regression model (Table 6), EVA has a beta coefficient
of -1.108 and -value of 0.287. Moreover, VAIC has a beta
coefficient of -0.722 and a -value of 0.060. Therefore, there is no
significant relationship between EVA, VAIC, and financial
performance at 5% significance level.
Based on the results of fuzzy regression, there is a significant


(IJMS) Vol. 7, No. 2, July 2014

relationship between EVA, VAIC, and financial performance and the

first hypothesis is accepted.
Table 6. Results of testing the first hypothesis with multivariate regression analysis


Notes: Dependent variable: ROA


Hypothesis 2
Based on the second hypothesis, ICE and EVA are significantly
associated with financial performance. The results of multivariate
regression analysis in Table 7 indicate that ICE has a beta coefficient
of 1.892 and a -value of 0.065, and EVA has a beta coefficient of 1.108 and a -value of 0.287. Thus, the second hypothesis is rejected,
i.e. there is no significant relationship between EVA, ICE, and
financial performance.
Table 7. Testing the second hypothesis with multivariate regression analysis


Notes: Dependent variable: ROA


Based on the results of fuzzy regression analysis, there is a

significant relationship between ICE, EVA, and financial performance
and the second hypothesis.
Hypothesis 3
According to the third hypothesis, CEE and EVA are significantly
associated with financial performance. Based on the results of
multivariate regression analysis (Table 8), CEE has a beta coefficient
of 1.481 and a -value of 0.031, and EVA has a beta coefficient of 1.108 and a -value of 0.287. Thus, there is a significant relationship
between CEE and financial performance at 5% significance level.
However, the hypothesis is rejected, since both independent variables
must be associated with financial performance.
Table 8. Testing the third hypothesis with multivariate regression analysis


Notes: Dependent variable: ROA


The Relationship between Intellectual Capital with Economic Value Added


Based on the results of fuzzy regression analysis, there is a

significant relationship between CEE, EVA, and financial
Hypothesis 4
According to the fourth hypothesis, HCE and EVA are significantly
associated with financial performance. Based on the results of
multivariate regression analysis in Table 9, HCE has a beta
coefficient of -1.442 and a p-value of 0.130, and EVA has a beta
coefficient of -1.108 and a p-value of 0.287. Therefore, there is no
significant relationship between HCE, EVA, and financial
performance at 5% significance level.
Table 9. Testing the fourth hypothesis with multivariate regression analysis


Notes: Dependent variable: ROA


Based on the results of fuzzy regression analysis, there is a

significant relationship between HCE, EVA, and financial
Hypothesis 5
According to hypothesis 5, SCE and EVA are significantly associated
with financial performance. Based on the results of multivariate
regression analysis in Table 10, SCE has a beta coefficient of 4.881
and a -value of 0.008, and EVA has a beta coefficient of -1.108 and a
p-value of 0.287. Therefore, the fifth hypothesis is also rejected.
Table 10. Testing the fourth hypothesis with multivariate regression analysis


Notes: Dependent variable: ROA


Based on the results of fuzzy regression analysis, there is no

significant relationship between SCE, EVA, and financial
performance, and the fifth hypothesis is rejected.

Organizations, especially knowledge-based ones, need to identify and


(IJMS) Vol. 7, No. 2, July 2014

effectively manage their intellectual capital in order to achieve

competitive advantage. Therefore, developing a proper approach for
managing intellectual capital (i.e. structural capital, human capital,
and relational capital) is of utmost importance, and disregard for any
of these intangibles will have irremediable consequences.
Intellectual capital plays an essential role in improving corporate
performance and achieving sustainable profitability. However,
economic value added is another important factor that can help
investors in their decision-making and can create competitive
advantage for organizations. Economic value added is the value
created in excess of the required return of the firms investors and can
be used for evaluating the performance of firms and developing
incentive schemes.
The present research examined the relationship between six
variables (value added intellectual coefficient, intellectual capital
efficiency, human capital efficiency, capital employed efficiency,
structural capital efficiency, and economic value added) and financial
performance of the chemical and pharmaceutical firms listed in
Tehran Stock Exchange. The results of multivariate regression
rejected all the hypotheses of the research. However, the results of
fuzzy regression analysis suggested that all the relationships were
significant except for the relationship between SCE, EVA, and
financial performance.

The first limitation pertains to value added intellectual capital, for
researchers, such as Andriessen (2004), are of the opinion that this
method cannot provide a thorough image of intellectual capital. They
argue that this method focuses on human capital and structural capital
while paying little attention to relational capital.
The second limitation is related to the lack of classified data in the
database of TSE. Therefore, the researchers were forced to use the
audited reports of the firms and data collection became a very time
consuming process.

The Relationship between Intellectual Capital with Economic Value Added


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