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International Journal of Computer and Electrical Engineering, Vol.4, No.

2, April 2012

P. F Correction Control of 3-Ф Induction Motor Drive

through PWM Current Controlled Technique
G. Venkataratnam, K. Ramakrishnaprasad, and N. Yadaiah

 voltage is studied in order to make motor efficiency high. The

Abstract—This Paper presents power factor (P.F) correction remainder of the paper is organized as follows Section (II)
control of three phase Induction motor drive using Pulse Width focuses on the system configuration. Section (III) describes
Modulation (PWM) current control technique. Single-phase
the PWM control technique Section (IV) Modeling of boost
boost rectifier is used to obtain near unity power factor and to
reduce harmonic distortion in the main supply. This is PFCconverters Section (V) Implementation of proposed
illustrated in MATLAB/SIMULINK environment. technique Section (VI) Results and discussion.

Index Terms—Power factor correction boost-converter,

PWM inverter, three phase Induction motor drive. II. SYSTEM CONFIGURATION
A Boost converter (DC-DC converter) in continuous
I. INTRODUCTION conduction mode is an excellent choice for the power stage of
an active power factor corrector because the input current is
Variable Voltage Variable Frequency (VVVF) drive of an continuous and this produces the lowest level of conducted
induction motor is widely used both in industrial and domestic noise and the best input current waveform. The boost
applications. Especially in domestic applications a regulator input current must be forced or programmed to be
single-phase input and three-phase output inverters for motor proportional to the input voltage waveform for power factor
drive have become popular. In AC systems, poor power factor correction. Feedback is necessary to control the input current
causes to increases the current loading on all wiring and and either peak current mode control or average current mode
components, thus leading to higher capital and operating control may be used as discussed before. The converter
costs, shortened equipment lifetime and higher utility bills. consisting boost converter is shown in Fig.1 along with Power
Power factor correction (PFC) converters holding an Factor Correction circuit.
important area of study and research in power electronics [1].
The AC-DC converters provide stable DC voltage at the
output with high input power factor [2]. PWM converter is
one of the solutions for the problems of the converter
circuit.[3] the control scheme of the converter circuit of the
converter-inverter system.[4] the design method of the
converter inverter system based on the loss of controllability
and the output harmonic distortion. However, in designing
high efficiency VVVF drive system for practical applications, Fig. 1. Principle scheme of Boost Converter employing average current
it is the motor efficiency that should be taken into
consideration [5]. In the Peak current mode control approach, the peak
The output of an uncontrolled converter can be controlled current of the inductor is used to force the input current to
by controlling the performance of rectifiers[6]boost follow the reference. This approach has a low gain, wide
converters provide regulated dc output voltage at unity power bandwidth current loop which generally makes it unsuitable
factor and reduced Total harmonic distortion of input ac for a high performance power factor corrector since there is a
current ,These converters have found widespread use in significant error between the programming signal and the
various applications due to the advantages of high efficiency, current. This will produce distortion and a poor power factor.
high power density and inherent power quality improvement For Average current mode control An amplifier is used in
at ac input and dc output[7] The magnetic flux control PWM the feedback loop around the boost power stage so that the
method is used as the PWM strategy of the inverter. The input current tracks the programming signal with tiny error.
modulation factor of the inverter which uses controllable dc This is the advantage of average current mode control and it is
makes active power factor correction possible.
A diode rectifier effects the AC/DC conversion, while the
Manuscript received February 15, 2012; revised March 16, 2012.
G. Venkataratnam is with the Department of Electrical Engineering
controller operates the switching device MOSFET in such a
Osmania University Hyderabad (e-mail:venkataratnam.gera@gmail.com). way to properly shape the input current iL, according to its
K. Ramakrishnaprasad is with Department of Electrical and Electronics reference. The output capacitor absorbs the input power
Engineering, SaiSpurthi Instate of Technology Sathupally, Khammam. pulsation, allowing a small ripple of the output voltage V0.
N. Yadaiah is with the Electrical and Electronics Engineering
The block diagram of the drive employing Power Factor
Department, Jawaharalal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad,
Kukatapally, Hyderabad-500085 (e-mail:svpnarri@yahoo.com). Correction (PFC) is shown in Fig. 2 and the circuit

International Journal of Computer and Electrical Engineering, Vol.4, No.2, April 2012

configuration is shown in Fig.3. is generally a saw-tooth wave whose frequency is equal to the
frequency at which the boost converter is designed. This
method has advantages like simple configuration, ease of
analysis and control, lowest voltage and current stress.
Therefore it is extensively used in PFC circuits. For the
minimization of converter size PWM technique and
generation of significant switching loss.


Fig. 2. Block Diagram of Drive with PFC The modeling a PFC converter has first-order
differential equations, for describing the state of current
through inductor (s) and voltage across capacitor (s). The
discrete switching function obtained from the controller is
also incorporated into the modeling equations to obtain
details of switching ripple. Additionally, other components of
the PFC converter system, such as the single-phase ac supply,
feedback controller and load, are also modeled and solved
concurrently to simulate the entire system. All the different
components of the PFC converter are modeled separately and
Fig. 3. Circuit Configuration
then integrated to form a comprehensive model of the system.
PFC Converter topologies considered in this above Single Simulation parameters of the converter is carried out under
phase AC supply is given to the diode rectifier And then it will similar conditions with a sinusoidal ac source, 230V ac, 50Hz
gives pulsated dc connected to the boost converter it will input, 500W converter with a switching frequency of 50 KHz.
boost up the voltage and potential divider will check the input The output voltage is 400V dc
and output voltage levels and given to the input of inverter A. Supply System
and it will gives ac output and connected to load Under normal operating conditions the supply system can
be modeled as a sinusoidal voltage source of amplitude Vm
and frequency fs. The instantaneous voltage is,
In PWM based power factor correction approach, the Vs (t) =Vmsin ωt (1)
power-switching device switching according to pulse pattern
of pulse-width-modulation mode of operation. Harmonics where ω=2πfs electrical radians/second and t is instantaneous
exists on source line and load, somewhat Harmonic problems time.
can be eliminated by introducing filter at the input. The In the input is rectified line voltage Vd (t) which can be
non-ideal character of the input current drawn by these given as,
rectifiers creates number of problems like increase in reactive
Vd(t)=Vs(t)=Vmsin ωt (2)
power, high input current duty cycle of the boost switch
connected at the output of converter. The switching type of From the sensed supply voltage, an input-voltage template
conversion can introduce distortion and generate low input u(t) is estimated for converter topologies with ac side inductor
power factor, lower rectifier efficiency Large input voltage as,
distortion etc.
u(t) =Vs(t) / Vm (3)

The input-voltage template for converter topologies with a

dc side inductor is obtained from,
u(t)=Vs(t)/Vm (4)

B. Feedback Control :( Current Mode Control)

PFC converters function with feedback control. Figure 3
Fig. 4. PFC circuit employing PWM Current Controller shows a typical control scheme for PFC converters-the
current mode control. This control scheme ensures regulated
Basically this technique switching frequency of active
dc output voltage at high input power factor. Here the control
power switch is constant, but turn-on and turn-off mode is
philosophy is fairly intuitive. The output dc voltage regulator
variable. Fig 4. Shows the PFC circuit configuration
generates a current command, which is the amount of current
employing PWM. In this method, the reference current and
required to regulate the output voltage to its reference value.
actual current are compared in the comparator. This error
The output of the dc regulator is then multiplied with a
signal is amplified and compared to a fixed frequency carrier
template of input voltage to generate an input current
wave to generate the pulses to the MOSFET. The carrier wave

International Journal of Computer and Electrical Engineering, Vol.4, No.2, April 2012

reference. This current reference has the magnitude required F. Single-Phase Boost PFC Converter
to maintain the output dc voltage close to its reference value This is by far the most popular topology. It is used
and has the shape and phase of the input voltage-an essential extensively for front-end high power factor rectification in
condition for high input power factor operation. offline power supplies and electric drive applications. The
C. DC voltage Controller boost converter (shown in Figure 6) is modeled using two
differential equations for inductor current iL and dc link
A proportional integral (PI) voltage controller is selected
capacitor voltage Vdc*.
for zero steady-state error in dc voltage regulation. The dc
voltage Vdc is sensed and compared with the set reference
piL= (Vd-Vp)/Ls-r (iL/Ls) (8)
voltage Vdc*. The resulting voltage error Ve (n) at the nth
pVdc= (ip-Vdc/R)/Cd (9)
sampling instant is,
where P is the differential operator (d/dt). Vp is the PWM
Ve (n) = Vdc*- Vdc (n) (5)
voltage across the switch and is defined as,
The output of the PI voltage regulator Vo (n) at the nth
Vp=vdc(1-d) (10)
sampling instant of the PI controller will be,
ip is the current through the boost diode and is defined as
Vo(n) = Vo(n-1) + Kp{Ve(n)-Ve(n-1)} + KiVe(n) (6)
ip=iL (1-d) (11)
Here Kp and Ki are the proportional and integral gain
constants, respectively; Ve (n-1) is the error at the (n-1) the
Here d is the switching signal obtained from the current
sampling instant. The output of the controller Vo (n) after
regulation loop. Its value is 1(ON) or 0(OFF) depending upon
limiting to a safe permissible value is taken as the amplitude
the state of the switch S. As is obvious from the circuit
of the input current reference.
topology and modeling equations, the dc output voltage in this
1) Reference supply current generation:
converter has to be kept higher than the peak value of the
The input voltage template u (t) obtained from the sensed
input voltage to allow current control.
supply voltage is multiplied by the amplitude of the input
current reference A to generate a reference current. The
instantaneous value of the reference current is given as,
iL*=AB (7) VVVF output is generated from the inverter by using the
where B is the input voltage template u(t). principle of PWM, which controls the ON/OFF periods of the
2) Active wave shaping of input current: inverter devices [6]. The devices used are self-commutation
The input current error is the difference between the device like GTO’s, IGBT etc. as thyristors require forced
reference current and the actual current (∆iL*-iL). A number of commutation circuits. Because an inverter contains switching
current control strategies can be employed to contain the elements, it is possible to control the output voltage frequency
current error within the desired range so that the input current as well as optimize the harmonics by performing multiple
tracks its reference with minimal error. The switching logic is switching within the inverter.
dependent on the type of converter topology used. In the
present work used the both hysteresis current controller and
PWM current controller.
D. Modeling Devices and Selection of Load
The various devices and elements in PFC converters can
exhibit highly complex dynamics, however, in this work their
ideal behavior is modeled for simplicity and appropriateness.
The inductor is modeled as a linear inductance Ls (or L1
and L2 in multiple inductor topologies) with a dc resistor.
Similarly, a capacitor is modeled with capacitance Cd (or C1 Fig. 5. Complete simulink model of proposed system
and C2 in topologies with multiple capacitors). The
equivalent series resistance of capacitors is not considered.
The Load of converters is modeled as resistive loads having
resistance R.
E. Semiconductor Switches
Semiconductor switches, MOSFETS and diode D are
modeled as for pure ON-OFF switches. No snubbers or
non-idealities in the switches are modeled. Power circuit: The
power circuit is modeled by first-order differential equations
describing the circuit behavior. These modeling equations are Fig. 6. Boost converter circuit
obtained to the power circuit in the following section.

International Journal of Computer and Electrical Engineering, Vol.4, No.2, April 2012

Fig. 12. Motor torque at no load with PFC

Fig. 7. Inverter induction motor power circuits


Fig. 13. Three phase rotor currents at without PFC
In order to illustrate the proposed method, the following
parameters are considered.
Input voltage = 230V R.M.S.
Frequency = 50Hz
Inductance = 1100 µ H
Capacitance = 470 µF
Voltage controller = Discrete PI
Current controller = PWM control Fig. 14. Motor speed at no load without PFC
Switching frequency of boost converter = 50 kHz
Converter output voltage = 400 V
Inverter switching frequency = 1.05 kHz
Three-phase Induction motor = 0.5 HP, 400 V, 50 Hz,
The proposed system is implemented in the MATLAB
Environment as given in the previous section. The results are
Fig. 15. Motor torque at no load without PFC
shown as follows:

Fig. 8. Single phase input voltage Fig. 16. Three phase rotor currents at half load with PFC

Fig. 9. Single phase input current With PFC Fig. 17. Motor speed at half load with PFC

Fig. 10. Three phase rotor currents at With PFC

Fig. 18. Motor torque at half load with PFC

Fig. 11. Motor speed at no load with PFC Fig. 19. Three phase rotor currents at half load without PFC

International Journal of Computer and Electrical Engineering, Vol.4, No.2, April 2012


Full Load
No Load Half Load
With With
Without PFC Withou PFC Without With
Descripti PFC Cont t PFC Cont PFC PFC
on control rol control rol Control Control
Fig. 20. Motor torque at half load without PFC Input PF 1.00 1.00
0.77% % 0.77% % 0.77% 1.00%
THD in
Current (1 110.63 110.63 5.12 110.63
– Φ) % 5.12 % % % 5.12%
THD in
of 120.30 1.50 120.30 1.50 120.30
Fig. 21. Motor speed at half load without PFC
Converter % % % % % 1.50%
i/p Phase
A Current 56 20 29.15 6.27 29.55 2.57
i/p Phase
B Current 53 25 28.75 7.86 28.1 2.59
i/p Phase
Fig. 22. Three phase rotor currents at full load with PFC C Current 52 21 34.08 3.96 32.9 2.52
i/p Line
Voltage 82 39 81.1 38.4 81.15 38.4
i/p Line
B-C 39.0
Voltage 82 38 83.74 3 83.52 38.96
Fig. 23. Motor speed at full load with PFC
i/p Line
C-A 37.4
Voltage 73 37 72.67 9 72.74 37.53
0 0 1.1 1.2 1.8 1.9
Fig. 24. Motor torque at full load with PFC reached
3.1 3.1 2.2 2.5 3 3.2

1 1 0.7 0.75 0.7 0.75

Fig. 25. Three phase rotor currents at full load without PFC
reached 1 1.1 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8

The Discussions are summarized as per observation of the

 The Input Power Factor increased by using PFC
correction technique when compared to without PFC
Fig. 26. Motor speed at full load without PFC correction technique.
 THD in the Input Current and THD in the Converter
Output Voltage decreased drastically by using PFC correction
technique when compared to without PFC correction
 The high sharp currents changed to sinusoidal currents
when PFC correction technique is used.
 Peak, Steady State values of the Input Current are less
Fig. 27. Motor torque at full load without PFC
by using PFC correction technique when compared to without

International Journal of Computer and Electrical Engineering, Vol.4, No.2, April 2012

PFC correction technique. The Values of the above 3 – Φ Rotor Currents has decreased and hence Power Factor
parameters have remained unchanged for all loads. has increased for all Loads when PFC Technique is used when
 The THD of the Input Phase Currents and Line compared without PFC Technique. Overall the performance
Voltages decreased drastically by using PFC correction of the drive is improved by using PFC Technique when
technique when compared to without PFC correction compared without PFC Technique.
 The Value of the THD of the Input Phase Currents has REFERENCES
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