Procurement Flow Chart v2
Procurement Flow Chart v2
Procurement Flow Chart v2
The Basic Procurement Process** For clarification of thresholds, see Procurement Thresholds
Establish the price
Purchase Requisition is
approved in ProMaster Requisitioner verifies Requisitioner authorises
goods/services have Accounts Payable to process
been received in good the invoice for payment against
order & the charges on the Purchase Order
Purchase the invoice are correct
Requisition is
exported to
Banner Accounts Payable process the
invoice into Banner against the
Purchase Order
Supplier submits a Tax
Purchase Requisition is Invoice (or invoice &
turned into an official Copy of the Purchase Order Statement by Supplier Invoice is included in a
Purchase Order by is sent to the requisitioner they do not have an ABN) payment run based on the
Purchasing Supplier’s payment terms