Labor Law
Labor Law
Labor Law
Labor Standards
Labor Relations
Social Legislation
BOOK ONE: PRE-EMPLOYMENT –sets the period and groundwork to attain a state
of full employment by making the full possible use of its manpower
protection and promotion of the health and safety of the worker.
BOOK FIVE: LABOR RELATIONS – spells out the terms and conditions of
BOOK SIX: POST EMPLOYMENT – provides for security of tenure and conditions
under which a worker may be dismissed.
It shall guarantee the rights of all workers to self- 8. Art. XVI, Sec.8
organization, collective bargaining and negotiations, and The State shall, from time to time, review to upgrade the
peaceful concerted activities, including the right to strike pensions and other benefits due to retirees of both the
in accordance with law. They shall be entitled to security government and the private sectors.
tenure, humane conditions of work, and a living wage.
They shall also participate in policy and decision-making Related Laws
process affecting their rights and benefits as may be 1. Civil Code
provided by law. Art. 1700. The relation between capital and labor are not
merely contractual. They are so impressed with public
The State shall promote the principle of shared interest that labor contracts must yield to the common
responsibility between workers and employers and the good. Therefore, such contracts are subject to the
preferential use of voluntary modes in settling disputes, special laws on labor unions, collective bargaining,
including conciliation, and shall enforce their mutual strikes and lockouts, closed shop, wages, working
compliance therewith to foster industrial peace. conditions, hours of labor and similar subjects.
Administrative rules and regulations must be Agricultural or Farm Worker – one employed in
published if their purpose is to enforce or an agricultural or farm enterprise and assigned to
implement existing law pursuant to a valid perform tasks which are directly related to the
delegation (Tañada v. Tuvera, GR No. L63915, agricultural activities of the employer such as
April 14, 1985; Philsa Int’l. Placement v. Sec. of cultivation and tillage of the soil, dairying, growing
Labor, GR No. 103144, April 4, 2001). and harvesting of any agricultural and horticultural
commodities, the raising of livestock or poultry and
any activity performed by a farmer as an incident to
or in conjunction with such farming operations.
Emancipation Patent – the title issued to the Worker – any member of the labor force, whether
tenant upon compliance with all the requirements employed or unemployed
of the government. It represents the full
emancipation of the tenant from the bondage of Recruitment and Placement – any act of (CETCHUP)
the soil. canvassing, enlisting, transporting, contracting, hiring,
utilizing or procuring workers and includes (CRAP)
Purpose of Prohibition Against Alienation contract services, referrals, advertising or promising for
1. Preserve the landholding in the hands of the employment locally or abroad, whether for profit or not,
owner-tiller and his heirs provided, that any person or entity which in any manner,
2. Minimize land speculation offers or promises for a fee employment to two or more
3. Prevent a return to the regime of land persons shall be deemed engaged in recruitment and
ownership by a few placement.
Lands Not Covered Note: The number of persons dealt with is not an
1. Lands obtained through homestead patent essential ingredient of the act of recruitment and
2. Residential subdivisions placement of workers. The proviso merely creates a
3. Livestock, poultry and swine raising lands presumption (People v. Panis, GR. No. L-58674, July
11, 1986).
Elements of engaging in recruitment and placement
1. The complainant had a distinct
impression that the accused had the power to send
complainant abroad for work
2. The complainant was convinced to part with his
BOOK ONE: PRE-EMPLOYMENT money in order to be so employed (People v. Goce,
Article 12: Policy of the State GR No. 113161, August 29, 1995).
1.To promote and maintain a state of full Private Recruitment Entity – any person or entity
employment through improved manpower engaged in the recruitment and placement of
training, allocation and utilization workers for a fee which is charged, directly or
2.To protect every citizen by securing for him the indirectly, from the workers or employers or both.
best possible terms and condition of
employment License – a document issued by the DOLE
3.To facilitate a free choice of available authorizing a person or entity to operate a private
employment by person seeking work in employment agency.
conformity with the national interest
4.To facilitate and regulate the movement of Private Recruitment Entity – any person or
workers in conformity with the national interest association engaged in the recruitment and
5.To regulate the employment of aliens including placement of workers, locally or overseas, without
the establishment of a registration and/or permit charging, directly or indirectly, any fee from the
system workers or employers.
6.To strengthen the network of public
employment offices and rationalize the Authority- document issued b DOLE authorizing a
participation of the private sector in the person or association to engage in recruitment and
recruitment and placement of workers, locally placement activities as a private recruitment entity.
and overseas to serve national development
objectives Seaman – any person employed in a vessel
7.To insure careful selection of Filipino workers engaged in maritime navigation.
for overseas employment in order to protect the
good name of the Philippines abroad. Overseas Employment – employment of a worker
outside the Philippines.
WORKERS Migrant Worker – refers to a person who is to be
engaged, is engaged, or has been engaged in a
remunerated activity in a state of which he or she is 2. Protection of their rights to fair an equitable
not a legal resident. employment practices
3. Deployment of Filipino workers through
Note: A person to be engaged in a remunerated government-to-government hiring.
activity refers to an applicant worker who has been
promised or assured of employment overseas and
acting on such promise or assurance sustains Regulatory Functions (Republic Act. No. 9422)
damage and/or injury. The POEA shall:
1. regulate private sector participation in the
Emigrant – any person, worker or otherwise, who recruitment and overseas placement of workers
emigrates to a foreign country by virtue of an through its licensing and registration system
immigrant visa or resident permit or its equivalent in 2. formulate and implement in coordination with
the country of destination. appropriate entities concerned, when
necessary, a system for promoting and
Article 14: Employment Promotion monitoring the overseas employment of Filipino
workers taking into consideration their welfare
Allocation of manpower resources is assigned to: and the domestic manpower requirements.
1.Bureau of Local Employment (BLE) 3. inform migrant workers not only of their rights
2.Philippine Overseas Employment Administration as workers but also of their rights as human
(POEA) for overseas employment. beings
4. instruct and guide the workers how to assert
R.A. 8759 (approved on 2000) requires the their rights and provide the available
establishment of a Public Employment Service mechanism to redress violation of their rights
Office (PESO) in capital towns, cities and other 5. in the recruitment and placement of workers
strategic areas. to service the requirements for trained and
competent Filipino workers of foreign
Article 16: Private Recruitment governments and their instrumentalities, and
such other employers as public interests may
General Rule: No person or entity shall engage in require, deploy only to countries: (BOG)
the recruitment and placement of workers, locally a. where the Philippines has concluded
and overseas. Bilateral labor agreements of arrangements
b. Observing and/or complying with the
Exceptions: international laws and standards for migrant
1. Public employment offices workers
2. Private recruitment entities c. Guaranteeing to protect the rights of
3. Private employment agencies Filipino migrant workers.
4. Shipping or manning agents or representatives
5. POEA Adjudicatory Functions (AD)
6. Construction contractors if authorized by the 1. Administrative cases involving violations of
DOLE and the Construction Industry Authority licensing rules and regulations and registration of
7. Members of the diplomatic corps (but hiring must recruitment and employment agencies or entities
also go through POEA) 2. Disciplinary action cases and other special
8. Other persons or entities as may be authorized cases which are administrative in character
by the DOLE Secretary involving employers, principals, contracting
9. Name hirees. partners and Filipino migrant workers.
Article 35: Suspension and/or Cancellation of Note: The recruitment agency may still be sued even if
License or Authority agency agreement between recruitment agency and
principal is already severed if no notice of the
Non License or Non-holder of Authority- any termination was given to the employee based on Art.
person, corporation or entity which has not been 1921 of the New Civil Code (Catan v. NLRC, GR No.
issued a valid license or authority to engage in 77297, April 15m 1988).
recruitment and placement by the Secretary of
Labor, or whose license or authority has been Contract by Principal
suspended, revoked, or cancelled by the POEA and Even if it was the principal of the manning
the Secretary. agency who entered into contract with the
employee, the manning agent in the Philippines
Grounds for Revocation of License (IVEE) is jointly and solidarily liable with the principal
1. Incurring an accumulated three counts of (Seagull Maritime Corp. v. Balatongan, GR
suspension by an agency based in final and Nos. 83635-53, February 28, 1989).
executory orders within the validity period of its Suability of Foreign Corporations
license A foreign corporation that, through unlicensed
2. Violation/s of the conditions of license agents recruits workers in the country may be
3. Engaging in act/s of misrepresentation for sued in and found liable by Philippine courts
the purpose of securing a license or renewal (Facilities Management Corp. v. De La Osa, GR
thereof No. L-38649, March 26, 1979).
4. Engaging in the recruitment or placement of
workers to jobs harmful to the public health or
morality or to the dignity of the Republic of the Chapter 3: Miscellaneous Provisions
Philippines (Sec. 3, Rule I, Book VI, Rules and
Regulations Governing Overseas Employment). Article 38: Illegal Recruitment (as amended by R.A.
Grounds for Suspension/ Cancellation of
License (AC-DDP) Illegal Recruitment – any act of (CETCHUP)
1. The acts prohibited under Art. 34 canvassing, enlisting, transporting, contracting, hiring,
2. Charging a fee before the worker is utilizing or procuring workers and includes (CRAP)
employed or in excess of the authorized contract services, referrals or advertising, promising for
amount employment abroad, whether for profit or non-holder of
3. Doing recruitment in places outside its authority; provided that any such non-licensee or non-
authorized area holder of authority who in any manner, offers or
4. Deploying workers without processing promises for a free employment abroad to two or more
through the POEA persons shall be deemed so engaged.
5. Publishing job announcement without the
POEA’s prior approval (Sec 4. Rule II, Book IV, It shall likewise include the commission of the
POEA Rules). following prohibited acts whether committed by
a non-licensee or non-holder of authority or a
Jurisdiction license or holder of authority (Sec. 6, R.A.
The DOLE Secretary (Art. 35) and the POEA 8042):
Administrator (Sec. 1, Rule II, Book VI, New Rules 1. Those prohibited practices enumerated under
on Overseas Employment) have CONCURRENT Art. 34
2. Failure to actually deploy without valid reason 2. Where the offended party resides at the time of
as determined by DOLE the commission of the offense.
3. Failure to reimburse expenses incurred by the
worker in connection with his documentation Summary of Rules on Prescriptive period and
and processing for purposes of deployment penalty (Secs. 7 and 12, R.A. 8042)
does not actually take place without the
worker’s fault SIMPLE ECONOMIC
4. Recruitment and placement activities of agents SABOTAGE
or representatives appointed by a licensee, Prescriptive 5 years 20 years
whose appointments were not previously Period
authorized by the POEA shall likewise Imprisonment Prision mayor Life
constitute illegal recruitment. imprisonment
Fine P 200T- 500T P 500T-1M
Elements of Illegal Recruitment
1. The offender is a licensee/non-licensee or Note: MAXIMUM PENALTY shall be imposed if the
holder/non-holder of authority engaged in the person illegally recruited is less than 18 years of
recruitment and placement of workers, and age or committed by a non-licensee or non-holder
2. The offender undertakes either any recruitment of authority.
activities defined under Article 13 (b), or any
prohibited practices enumerated under Art. 34 Absence of Receipts Evidencing Payment, Not
(People v. Sadiosa, GR No. 107084, May 15, Fatal to Prosecution’s Case For Illegal
1998, Sec. 10, R.A. 8042) Recruitment
As ling as the witnesses can positively show
Qualifying Circumstances that would make through their respective testimonies that the
illegal recruitment as an offense involving accused is the one involved in prohibited
economic sabotage: recruitment, she may be convicted of the
1. When illegal recruitment is committed by a offense despite the absence of receipts (People
SYNDICATE, i.e., if its carried out by three (3) v. Sagaydo, GR Nos. 124671-75, September
or more persons conspiring and/ or 29, 2000).
confederating with one another, or
2. When illegal recruitment is committed in a Liability of Employee of Company Engaged in
LARGE SCALE, i.e., if it is committed against illegal Recruitment
three (3) or more persons individually or as a An employee of a company or corporation
group. engaged in illegal recruitment may be held as
PRINCIPAL, together with his employer, if it is
Consequences of Conviction (AFC) shown that he actively and consciously
1. Automatic revocation of the license or authority participated in illegal recruitment (People v.
(Art. 39 [e], LC); Cabais, GR No. 129070, march 16, 2001).
2. Forfeiture of the cash and surety bond (Art. 39
[e], LC); and
3. Conviction for the crime of estafa, if found guilty
therefore (People v. Calonzo, GR Nos. 115150-
55, September 27, 1996. Issuance of Search Warrant or Warrant of Arrest
Art. 38 is UNCONSTITUTIONAL in as much as
Act Constituting Estafa: The accused it gives the Secretary of Labor the power to
represented themselves to complainants to have issue search or arrest warrants (the Secretary
the capacity to send workers abroad, although they not being a judge, the authorities must go
did not have any authority or license, it is by this through the judicial process).
representation that they induced complainant to pay
The EXCEPTION is in cases of deportation of
a placement fee. Such a constitute estafa under Art.
illegal and undesirable aliens whom the
315, par.2 of the Revised Penal Code (People v.
President or the Commissioner of Immigration
Hernandez, GR Nos. 141221-36, March 7, 2002).
may order arrested, following a final order of
deportation. (Salazar v. Achacoso, GR No.
Venue of Criminal Action Arising from Illegal
81510, March 14, 1990).
The complainant may, at his option, file at the RTC
of the province or city:
1. Where the offense was committed; OR
Note: The Secretary of Labor may order closure of Immigrants and resident aliens are not
illegal recruitment establishments because it is only required to secure a working permit. They
administrative and regulatory in nature. are required to secure their Alien
Employment Registration Certificate
See RA 8042 under social legislation for further (AERC) (Almodiel v. NLRC, GR No.
discussion. 100641, June 14, 1993).
ALIENS The following categories of aliens are exempt from
securing employment permit in order to work in the
Article 40: Employment Permit of Non-Resident Philippines:
Aliens 1. All members of the diplomatic service and
foreign government officials accredited by and
Alien Employment Permit (AEP) – is required for with reciprocity arrangement with the Philippine
entry into the country for employment purposes and government;
is issued after determination of the non-availability 2. Officers and staff of international organizations
of a person in the Philippines who is competent, of which the Philippines is a member, and their
able and willing at the time of application to perform legitimate spouses desiring to work in the
the services for which the alien is desired. Philippines;
3. Foreign nationals elected as members of the
Employment Permit Required other position, but have only voting rights in the
1. All foreign nationals seeking admission to the corporation
Philippines for the purpose of employment; 4. All foreign nationals granted exemption by law
2. All non-resident foreign nationals already 5. Owners and representatives of foreign
working in the Philippines; nationals whose companies are accredited for a
3. Non-resident foreign nationals admitted to the limited period and solely for the purpose of
Philippines on non-working visas and who wish interviewing Filipino applicants for employment
to seek employment; and abroad;
4. Missionaries or religious workers who intend to 6. Foreign nationals who come to the Philippines
engage in gainful employment. to teach, present and/ or conduct research
studies in universities and colleges as visiting ,
Note: Employment permit should be secured exchange or adjunct professors under formal
regardless of the source of compensation and agreements between the universities or
duration of the employment, whether the colleges in the Philippines and foreign
employment is part-time or temporary (Secs. 2 and universities or colleges; or between the
3, Revised Guidelines for Issuance of Alien Philippine government and foreign government;
Employment Permit). provided that the exemption is on a reciprocal
basis; and
An AEP is issued based on the following: 7. Resident foreign nationals (Dept. Order No.
1. Compliance by the applicant employer or the 75-06, May 31, 2006)
foreign national with substantive and
documentary requirements; Grounds for suspension of Employment Permit
2. Determination of the DOLE Secretary that there 1. The continued stay of the foreign national may
is no available Filipino national who is result in damage to the interest of the industry
competent, able and willing to do the job for the or the country, and
employer; and 2. The employment of the foreign national is
3. Assessment of the DOLE Secretary that the suspended by the employer or by the order of
employment of the foreign national will redound the Court (Ibid.).
to national benefit.
Grounds for Revocation of Employment Permit
Note: D.O. No. 12 and the accompanying DOLE 1. Non-compliance with any of the requirements
Primer sate that the Understudy Training or conditions for which the employment permit
Program is no longer a requirement in the was issued;
issuance of AEP and the employer has now the 2. Misrepresentation of facts in the application
option to implement transfer of technology. 3. Submission of falsified or tampered documents
4. Meritorious objection or information against the
Requisite for Employment of Resident Aliens: employment of foreign national as determined
by the Regional Director
5. Foreign national has a derogatory record; and Chapter 1: National Policies and Administrative
6. Employer has terminated the employment of Machinery for their Implementation
the foreign national (Ibid.).
Article 43-45: (TESDA)
Validity of Employment Permit
ONE (1) YEAR, unless the employment The National Manpower and Youth Council (NMYC)
contract, consultancy services or other modes has been replaced by Technical Education and
of engagement provides otherwise, which shall Skills Development Authority (TESDA) created
in no case exceed 5 YEARS (Ibid.). under R.A. No. 7796 or the TESDA Act of 1994.
Apprenticeship Programs can be undertaken or Article 69: Responsibility for Theoretical Instruction
sponsored by:
1. The plant shop or premises of the employer or Related theoretical instructions to apprentices
firm concerned if the apprenticeship program is may be undertaken by the employer himself if he
organized by an individual employer or firm; has adequate facilities and qualified instructors for
2. The premises of one or several firms designated the purpose. He shall indicate his intention to
for the purpose by the organizer of the program if assume such responsibility in the apprenticeship
such organizer is an association of employers, standard of his program. (Sec. 27, Rule VI, Book II,
civic group and the like; and Rules Implementing the Labor Code)
3. DOLE Training Center or other public training
institutions with which the TESDA has made
appropriate arrangements. (Sec. 4, Rule VI, Book Article 70: Voluntary Organization of
II, Rules Implementing the Labor Code). Apprenticeship Programs
Requisites (DNP)
Exhaustion of Administrative Remedies (Art. 67) 1. Apprenticeship program must be duly
1. The exhaustion of administrative remedies is a recognized by the Department of Labor;
condition precedent to the institution of action. 2. Deduction shall not exceed 10% of direct labor
2. The plant apprenticeship committee shall have wage; and
initial responsibility for settling differences arising 3. Employer must pay his apprentices the
minimum wage.
3. The employment will neither create unfair
Article 72: Apprentices Without Compensation competition in terms of labor costs nor impair
working standards.
Apprentices may be hired without compensation
where on-the-job training is: Article 75: Learnership Agreement
1. Required by school
2. Required by the training program curriculum It shall include:
3. A requisite for graduation; or 1. The names and addresses of the employer and
4. A requisite for board examination (Sec. 40, the learner
Rule VI, Book II, Rules Implementing the Labor 2. The occupation to be learned and the duration
Code) of the training period which shall not exceed
three (3) months
Rules on Working Scholar 3. The wage of learner which shall be at least
1. There is NO employer-employee relationship 75% of the applicable minimum wage; and
between students on one hand, and schools, 4. A commitment to employ the learner, if he so
colleges or universities on the other hand, desires, as a regular employee upon
where there is agreement between them under completion of training.
which the former agree to work for the latter in
exchange for the privilege to study free of Note: A learner who has worked during the first two
charge, provided the students are given real months shall be deemed a regular employee if
opportunities, including such facilities as may training is terminated by the employer before the
be reasonable and necessary to finish their end of the stipulated period through no fault of the
chosen courses under such agreement (Sec learner (Sec. 4, Rule VII, Book II, Rules
14, Rule X, Book III, Implementing Rules). Implementing the Labor Code).
2. Under this Article, the student is not considered
an employee. But if he causes injury or damage Article 76: Learners in Piecework
to a third person the school may be held liable
under Art. 2180 of the Civil Code (Filamer Learners in piecework or incentive-rate jobs are
Christian Institute v. IAC, GR No. 75112, August to be paid in full for the work done during the
17, 1992) training period.
Chapter 2: Learners
2. Private entities that improve or modify their Note: not limited to the employees of a particular
physical facilities to provide reasonable employer, it shall include any individual whose work
accommodation for disabled persons shall also has ceased as a result of or in connection with any
be entitled to an additional deduction from their current labor dispute or because of unfair labor
taxable income equivalent to 50% of the direct practice if he has not obtained any other:
costs of the improvements or modifications. This 1. Substantially equivalent; and
does not apply to improvements required under 2. Regular employment
B.P. Blg. 344.
Cases Where Employer-Employee Relationship 1. To safeguard the health and welfare of the
Exists laborer; and
Jeepney drivers on boundary basis (Villamaria 2. To minimize unemployment by utilizing different
v. CA, GR No. 165881, April 19, 2006) shifts.
Drivers or helpers of salesmen are employees
of the company (Alhambra Industries v. CIR, Part-Time Work
GR No. L-15984, October 30, 1970) 8-hour labor law prescribes the maximum but
Employees of unregistered association not the minimum. Therefore, part-time work, or
(Orlando Farm Growers v. NLRC, GR No. a day’s work of less than 8 hours is not
129076, November 25, 1998) prohibited.
Street-hired cargadors (Caurdaneraan Piece
Workers Union v. Laguesma, GR No.113542, Compressed Work Week (CWW)
February 24, 1998) CWW is resorted to by the employer to prevent
Workers in movie projects (Maraguinot v. serious losses due to causes beyond his
NLRC, GR No. 120969, January 22, 1998) control, such as when there is substantial
Salaried insurance agent as distinguished from slump in demand for his goods or services or
registered agents on commission basis (Great when there is lack of raw materials. To be an
Pacific Life Assurance Corp. v. Judico, GR No. exception to the “eight-hour a day” requirement,
73887, December 21, 1989) the workers must agree to the temporary
Tailors, seamstress, servers, basters, change of work schedule and they do not suffer
plantsadoras paid on piece-rate basis (Makati any loss of overtime pay, fringe benefits of their
Haberdashery v. NLRC, GR Nos. 83380-83, weekly or monthly take home pay (DOLE
November 15, 1989) Explanatory Bulletin, July 23, 1985).
In-house lawyer as distinguished from an This scheme is an altenative arrangement
outside retainer (Hydro Resources Contractors whereby the normal workweek is reduced to
Corp. v. Pagalilauan, GR No. L-62909, April 18, less than 6 days but the total number of normal
1989) hours per week remains at 48 hours. The
University proferssors and instructors (FEU v. normal workday is increase to more than 8
CIR, GR No. L-17620, August 31, 1962) hours without corresponding overtime premium.
Taxi driver, barber (Citizens League of Free This applies as well to 40 or 44-hour workweek
Workers v. Abbas, GR No. L-21212, September firms.
23, 1966)
Conditions of a Valid CWW Scheme (DOLE
Cases Where There is No Employer-Employee Advisory No. 02, Series of 2004)
Relationship 1. It is expressly and voluntarily supported by
Farm workers are not employees of the sugar majority of the employees affected.
central (victories Milling Co., Inc. v. NLRC, GR 2. If work is hazardous, a certification is needed
No. 116347, October 3, 1996) from an accredited safety organization or the
firm’s safety committee that work beyond 8
Working scholars are not employees of the
hours is within the limits or levels of exposure
schools (Filamer Christian Institute v. IAC, GR
set by DOLE’s occupational safety and health
No. 75112, August 17, 1992)
Company vs. collecting agents on commission
3. The DOLE is duly notified.
basis (Singer Sewing Machine Company v.
Drilon, GR No. 91116, January 24, 1991)
Normal Hours of Work of Health Personnel
Shoe shine boys (Besa v. Trajano, GR No.
72409, December 29, 1986)
For health personnel in cities and 2. An employee need not leave the premises of the
municipalities with a population of at least 1M workplace in order that his rest period shall be
OR in hospitals and clinics with a bed capacity counted, it being enough that he stops working,
of at least 100: may rest completely and may leave his workplace,
1. Regular office hours shall be 8 hours a day for to go elsewhere whether within or outside the
5 days a week, or 40 hours a week, exclusive premises of his workplace.
of time for meals. 3. If the work performed was necessary, or it
2. In case of exigencies, they may work for 6 days benefited the employer, or the employee could not
or for 48 hours, but they shall be entitled to an abandon his work at the end of his normal working
additional compensation of at least 30% of their hours because he had no replacement, all time
regular wage for work performed on the 6th day. spend for such work shall be considered as hours
worked if the work is with the knowledge of his
Note: There is nothing in the law which supports the employer or immediate supervisor.
contention that personnel in hospitals and clinics 4. The time during which an employee is inactive by
are entitled to a full weekly wage for 7 days if they reason of interruption in his work beyond his control
have completed the 40-hour/5-day workweek in any shall be considered time worked either if he
given workweek (San Juan De Dios Hospital imminence of the resumption of work requires the
Employees Assoc. – AFW v. BLRC, GR No. 12683, employee’s presence at the place or work or if the
November 28, 1997). interval is too brief to be utilized effectively and
gainfully in the employee’s own interest.
Health personnel in government service are
excluded from the coverage of Arts. 82-96.
Their employment benefits are governed by Rules on Hours Worked
R.A. 7305. A. Waiting Time
Considered as hours worked IF waiting:
Work Day vs. Calendar Day 1. Is an integral part of his work
2. The employee is required or engaged by the
Work Day- 24-hour period commencing from the time employer to wait; or
an employee regularly starts to work regardless of 3. When employee is required to remain on call in
whether the work is broken or continuous. It may not the employer’s premises or so close thereto
coincide with a calendar day. that he cannot use the time effectively and
gainfully for his own purpose.
Calendar Day-24-hour period commencing at 12
midnight and ending at 11:59pm. It is possible for an ENGAGED TO WAIT WAITING TO BE
employee to work for 2 calendar days (e.g. If X’s work (Employee is required ENGAGED
schedule is from 10pm of Monday up to 6 am of to wait) (Employee is not
Tuesday, his work day covers 2 calendar days). required to wait)
Waiting is an integral Idle time is not working
Article 84: Hours Worked part of the job, the time time, it is not
spent waiting is compensable
Hours Worked Include: compensable
1. All time during which an employee is required to e.g. X works as a driver. e.g. Y works as a Partas
be on duty or to be at a prescribed workplace His task is to drive a trans bus driver. His
2. All time during which an employee is suffered or truck to Naga to load route is from Vigan to
permitted to work gravel. While gravel is Baguio, leaving at 6am
3. Rest periods of short duration during working being loaded, he played and arriving at 12nn. He
hours which shall not be more than twenty (20) mahjong and then slept. is completely relieved
minutes; and The time he spent from duty until 6pm,
4. Meal periods of less than twenty (20) minutes are playing and sleeping is when he again goes on
only a rest period of short duration and are thus compensable because duty for the return trip to
considered as hours worked. he is engaged to wait for Vigan. His idle time is
waiting is an integral not compensable
Principles in Determining Hours Worked part of his job. because he is
(Sec. 4, Rule I, Book II, Implementing Rules) specifically relieved from
1. All hours are hours worked which the employee is all duty. He is merely
required to give to his employer, regardless of waiting to be engaged.
whether or not such hours are spent in productive
labor or involve physical or mental exertion. B. Working While on Call
When employee is required to remain on call in
the employer’s premises or so close thereto
that he cannot use the time effectively and
gainfully for his own purpose.
E. Power Interruption
1. 1st 20 minutes is compensable.
2. Succeeding minutes not compensable.
3. If despite the lapse of the 1 st 20 minutes, the
employees are required to stay in their
workplaces, such time is compensable.
F. Semestral break of Teachers a. Where the work is non-manual work in
Compensable hours worked for. It is a nature or does not involve strenuous physical
form of interruption beyond their control. exertion.
b. Where the establishment regularly
Only for regular full-time teachers (Univ. operates not less than 16 hours a day;
of Pangasinan Faculty Union v. Univ. of c. In cases of actual or impending
Pangasinan, GR No. L-63122, February 20, 1984). emergencies or there is urgent work to be
performed on machineries, equipment or
G. Lectures, Meetings, Trainings, Programs installations to avoid serious loss which the
Not counted as working time if all the following employer would otherwise suffer;
conditions are met: d. Where the work is necessary to prevent
1. Attendance is outside of the employee’s regular serious loss of perishable goods (Sec. 7, Rule I,
working hours; Book III of the Rules Implementing the Labor
2. Attendance is in fact voluntary; and Code).
3. Employee does not perform any productive 3. if less than twenty (20) minutes, it becomes
work during such attendance. (Sec. 6, Rule I, only a rest period and is thus considered as
Book III, Rules Implementing the Labor Code) work time.
H. Attendance in Labor Relations Activities Note: Meal periods during overtime work is not
1. CBA Negotiations – generally, not given to workers performing overtime for the reason
compensable, EXCEPT if: that OT work is usually for a short period ranging
a. There is an agreement for from one to three hours and to deduct from the
compensability in the parties Ground Rules; same one full hour as meal period would reduce to
b. There is an established practice or nothing the employee’s OT work.
policy allowing compensability; and
c. When it is done during regular work Shortened Meal Break Upon Employees’
hours. Request
Employees may request that their meal period be
2. Grievance Meeting – generally compensable, shortened so that they can leave work earlier than
except when there is a CBA, policy or practice to the previously established schedule. Such
the contrary. shortened mealtime is not compensable.
3. Hearing, Arbitration, Conciliation – not
compensable. Requisites
4. Strikes – not compensable, except if there is an 1. Employees voluntarily agree in writing and
agreement to allow, “Strike duration pay”. Non- waive the overtime pay;
compensability is more compelling in case of 2. No diminution in the salary and other fringe
illegal strike. benefits of the employees already existing;
3. Work is not physically strenuous and they are
I. Work Hours of Seamen provided with adequate coffee breaks in the
Presence on board for more than 8 hours a day is morning and afternoon;
required by the nature of their service. 4. Value of benefits is equal to the compensation
due them;
Article 85: Meal Periods 5. Overtime pay will become due and demandable
if ever they are permitted or made to work
Rules on Meal Periods beyond 4:30 pm; and
1. Should not be less than sixty (60) minutes. It is 6. The arrangement is of temporary duration.
non-compensable except: Where during the so-
called meal period, the laborers are required to Note: The eight-hour period does not include the
standby for emergency work, or said hour is not meal break. Nowhere in the law may it be inferred
one of complete rest, such period is considered that employees must take their meals within the
overtime (hours worked). (Pan American World company premises. Employees are not prohibited
Airways System v. Pan American Employees from going out of the premises as long as they
Association, GR No. L-16275 February 24, return to their posts on tome (Philippine Airlines,
1961) inc. v. NLRC, GR No. 132805, February 2, 1999).
2. May be less than sixty (60) minutes, but should
not be less than twenty (20) minutes and the Article 86: Night Shift Differential
shortened mealtime must be with full pay under
the following instances: Concept of NSD
Additional compensation of not less tha
10% of an employee’s regular wage for Daily Wage: 800
every hour of work done between 10:00 pm Work schedule: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
and 6:00 am, whether or not such period is Overtime: 5:00 pm – 12:00 mn
part of the worker’s regular shift.
Step 1: Get hourly wage rate.
Note: If work done between 10 PM and 6 AM is Daily wage divided by number of hours worked
overtime work. Then the 10% night shift differential e.g. P800 / 8 hours = P 100
should be based on the overtime rate.
Step 2: Compute wage between 8:00 am –5:00 pm
Rationale e.g. 8 hours x P 100 = P 800
NSD pay is given as a premium for working at a
time when the employee is supposed to sleep and Step 3. Compute OT Premium pay between 5:00 pm –
rest in accordance with the law of nature. 12:00 mn.
[(25% x wage per hour) + wage per hour] x no. of OT
NSD Not Waivable hours] e.g.
Additional compensation for nighttime work is
founded on public policy (Mercury Drug v. Dayao. (25% x P 100) + P 100 125
GR No. L-30452, September 30, 1982). NSD is not X no. of OT hours (5 pm – 12 mn) X 7 hrs
waivable except for higher and bigger benefits. 875
Sample Illustrations
A. Regular Workdays
[Regular basic wage + 25% of regular basic wage]
8am – 5pm X P 300 = P 2,400
(8 hours)
Step 1: Get hourly wage rate. 5pm –10pm X P 390 = + P 1,950
Daily Basic Wage divided by number of hours (5 hours)
worked multiplied by rest day and legal holiday Total wage earned P 4,350
wage rate.
e.g. (P800 / 8 hrs) x 260% = P 260 Article 88: Undertime Not Offset by Overtime
Step 2: Compute wage between 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
using holiday wage rate. Offsetting of Undertime work by overtime work
e.g. 8 hrs. x P 260 = P 2,080 whether on the same or any other day is
Step 3: Compute OT Premium pay between 5:00 prohibited by law.
pm – 10:00pm Permission given to the employee to go on
[(30% x Hwage per hour) + Hwage per hour] x no. leave on some other day of the week shall not
of OT hours e.g. exempt the employer from paying the additional
(30% x P 260) + P 260 338
X no. of OT hours (5pm-10pm) X 5 hrs Rationale
P 1,690 The undertime hours represent only the employee’s
hourly rate of pay while the overtime hours reflect
Computation: both the employee’s hourly rate of pay and the
8am – 5pm (8 hours) X P 260 = P 2,080 appropriate overtime premium such that, not being
5pm – 10pm (5 hours) X P 338 = + P 1,690 of equal value, offsetting the undertime hours
Total wage earned P 3,770 against the overtime hours would result in undue
deprivation of the employee’s overtime premium
F. Double Holiday (NWSA v. NWSA Consolidated Unions, GR Nos. L-
[Double holiday wage rate + 30% of double holiday 26894-96, February 28, 1969).
wage rate (300%)]
Article 89: Emergency Overtime Work
Daily Wage 800
Work Schedule: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm General Rule: Employees cannot be compelled to
(inclusive of 1 hour render overtime work against their will.
meal break)
OT: April 9 Exceptions:
1. In time of war or any national or local
emergency declared by the Congress of the General Rule: The employer may not require the
Chief Executive; employees to work on a rest day.
2. To prevent loss or damage to life or property
due to emergencies and force majeure; Exceptions: (UPANAC)
3. When there is urgent work needed on 1. In cases of Urgent work to be performed on the
machines and equipment; machinery, equipment, or installation;
4. When work is necessary to preserve perishable 2. To Prevent loss or damage to perishable goods;
goods; 3. In case of Actual or impending emergencies
5. To prevent serious obstruction or prejudice to caused by force majeure to prevent loss of life and
the business or operations of the employer; and property, or imminent danger to public safety;
6. When it is necessary to avail of favorable 4. Where the Nature of the work requires continuous
weather or environmental conditions where operations and the stoppage of work may result in
performance or quality of work is dependent irreparable injury or loss to the employer;
thereon (Sec 10, Rule I, Book III, Rules 5. In the event of Abnormal pressure of work due to
Implementing the Labor Code). special circumstances, where the employer cannot
ordinarily be expected to resort to other measure; and
6. Under other Circumstances analogous to the
Article 90: Computation of Additional foregoing as determined by the Secretary of Labor.
Note: The failure to work during an employee’s rest
Regular Wage shall include cash wage only, without day does not justify the disciplinary sanction of
deduction on account of facilities provided by the outright dismissal from employment as such is so
employer, for purpose of computing OT and other severe a consequence, more so when justifiable
additional remunerations in Chapter I. grounds exist for the said failure. (Remerco Garments
Manufacturing v. Minister of Labor & Employment, GR
Chapter 2: Weekly Rest Period No. L-56176-77. February 27, 1985)
Article 91: Right to a Weekly Rest Day When an employee volunteers to work on hir rest day
under other circumstances, he may be allowed to do
Duration: NOT less than twenty-four (24) so, provided he expresses such desire in writing and
consecutive hours after every six (6) consecutive he is paid the additional compensation for working on
normal workdays. his rest day.
Note: All establishments and enterprises may operate Article 93: Compensation for Rest Day, Sunday,
or open for business on Sundays and holidays or Holiday Work
provided that the employees are given the weekly rest
day and the benefits provided under the law (Sec. 2, Premium Pay or Differential Compensation –
Rule III, Book III, IRR of LC). additional compensation for work rendered by the
employee on days when normally he should not be
Who Determines: working such as special holidays and weekly rest days.
The employer determines and schedules the weekly
rest period subject to the following: Note: This article does not prohibit a stipulation on the
1. Collective bargaining agreement; CBA for higher benefits.
2. Rules and regulations issued by the Secretary
of Labor; and Formula to Compute Wages on Holidays
3. Employee’s preference based on religious (Memorandum Circular No. 1, Series of 2004)
1. For REGULAR HOLIDAYS, the following rules
Note: When such preference will prejudice the shall apply:
business operations of the employer and no other a. If it is an employee’s regular workday
remedial measure are available, the weekly rest i. if unworked – 100%
period may be scheduled to meet the employee’s ii. if worked –
choice for at least two days a month (Sec. 4, Rule III, 1st 8 hours – 200%
Book III, IRR of LC) Excess of 8 hours – plus
30% of hourly rate on said day
Article 92: When Employer May Require Work on b. if it is an employee’s rest day
Rest Day i. if unworked – 100%
ii. if worked certain conditions
1st 8 hrs – plus 30% of 100% Limited to the 11 Not exclusive since a
Excess of 8 hrs – plus 30% enumerated by the law or ordinance may
of hourly rate on said day Labor Code provide for other
special holidays
2. For declared SPECIAL DAYS such as Special Rate is 200% of the Rate is 130% of the
Non-working Day, Special Public Holiday, regular rate if worked. regular wage if worked
Special National Holiday, and nationwide
special days, the following rules shall apply: Rate of Additional Compensation for Work on a
a.If unworked – No pay, unless there is a Rest Day, Sunday or Holiday
favorable company policy, practice or
collective bargaining agreement (CBA) DAY RATE OF
granting payment of wages on special ADDITIONAL
days even if unworked. COMPENSATION
b.If worked Work on a scheduled 30% of regular wage
i. 1st 8 hrs.- plus 30% of the daily rate rest day
of 100% No regular workdays
ii. Excess of 8 hrs. – plus 30% of hourly and no specific rest
rate on said day days
c. Falling on the employee’s rest day and if Work on Sunday when 30% of regular wage
worked it is his established
i. 1st 8 hrs. – plus 50% of the daily rate of rest day
100% Work on special 50% of regular wage
ii. Excess of 8 hrs. – plus 30% of hourly holiday falling on
rate on said day scheduled rest day
Work on regular 230% of regular wage
3. For those declared as SPECIAL WORKING holiday falling on
HOLIDAYS, the following rules shall apply: scheduled rest day
Wage – the remuneration or earnings, however Facilities – shall include all articles or services for
designated, capable of being expressed in terms of the benefit of the employee or his family but shall
money, whether fixed or ascertained on a time, task, not include tools of the trade or articles or services
piece or commission basis or other method or primarily for the benefit of the employer or
calculating the same, which is payable by an necessary to the conduct of the employer’s
employer to an employee under a written or unwritten business.
contract of employment for work done or to be done
or for services rendered or to be rendered and Requirements for Deducting Amount of
includes the fair and reasonable value, as determined Facilities
by the Secretary of Labor, of board, lodging, or other 1. Proof must be shown that such facilities are
facilities customarily furnished by the employer to the customarily furnished by the trade;
employee. 2. The provision of deductible facilities must be
voluntarily accepted in writing by the employee;
Fair and Reasonable Value – shall not include any and
profit to the employer or to any person affiliated with 3. The facilities must be charged at fair and
the employer. reasonable value (Mabeza v. NLRC, GR No,
118506, April 18, 1997).
Fair Day’s Wage for a Fair Day’s Labor (“No work,
No Pay Principle”) Supplements – constitute extra remuneration or
If there is no work performed by the employee, there special privileges or benefits given to or received by
can be no wage or pay unless the laborer was able, the laborers over and above their ordinary earnings
willing, and ready to work but was illegally locked out, or wages.
suspended or dismissed or otherwise illegally
prevented from working (Aklan Electric Coop. V.
NLRC GR No. 129246, January 25, 2000).
Exceptions: (DFA)
1. When payment cannot be effected at or near the
place of work by reason of deterioration of peace
and order conditions, or by reason of actual or
impending emergencies caused by fire, flood or
other calamity rendering payment thereat
2. When the employer provides for free
transportation to the employees back and forth;
3. Under any other analogous circumstances.
Death – loss of life resulting from injury or sickness. Chapter 2: Coverage and Liability
ECC is the policymaking and appeal body of the Chapter 6: Disability Benefits
Employee’s Compensation Program.
Disability Categories
1. Temporary Total – if a result of the injury or
Thrusts of the ECC sickness, the employee is unable to perform any
1. Preventive – to minimize and control hazards in gainful occupation for a continuous period not
the working environment exceeding 120 days.
2. Compensative – through GSIS or SSS, it pays
benefits to government and private sector The period covered by any relapse he suffers,
workers who suffer work-connected or recurrence of his illness which results in
contingencies disability and is determined to be
3. Curative – it takes responsibility for the compensable shall be considered
treatment of sickness or injury that a worker independent of, and separate from, the period
may suffer in line of duty and the rehabilitation covered by the original disability in the
of those who are disabled. computation of his income benefit for
temporary and total disability (Sec 2[b]. Rule
Chapter 4: Contributions X, Amended Rules on Employees’
Article 183: Employer’s Contribution
1. Temporary total disability for more thatn 120 Distinguished from Permanent Total
days except as may otherwise be provided. The test of whether an employee suffers from
2. Complete loss of sight of both eyes “permanent total disability” is a showing of the
3. Loss of two limbs at or above the ankle or capacity of the employee to continue performing
wrist. his work notwithstanding the disability he incurred
(Vicente v. ECC, GR No. 85024, January 23,
4. Permanent complete paralysis of two limbs Earning Capacity May Still Be “Impaired”
5. Brain injury resulting in incurable imbecility or even if earning is Higher After the Injury.
insanity; and Employee who receives higher wages after an
6. Cases as determined by GSIS or SSS, as the injury than what he earned before may still have
case may be, and approved by the suffered an impairment of earning capacity (149
Commission. A.L.R. 438).
TITLE ONE: POLICY AND DEFINITIONS Note: Employer and employees are ACTIVE
parties while the public and the state are
Chapter 1: General Provisions PASSIVE parties. (Poquiz, 2006, p. 3)
Employer – one who employs the service of others, Bargaining Representative – means a legitimate
one for whom employees work and who pays their labor organization whether or not employed by the
wages or salaries (Feati University v. Bautista, GR No. employer.
L-21278 December 27, 1966)
Labor Dispute – includes any controversy or matter
- any person acting in the interest of an employer, concerning:
directly or indirectly. The term does not include a labor 1. terms or conditions of employment; OR
organization or any of its officers and agents, EXCEPT 2. association or representation of persons in
when acting as an employer. The mere fact that negotiating, fixing, maintaining, changing or
respondent is a labor union does not mean it cannot arranging the terms and conditions of employment.
be considered an employer for persons who work for
it. Much less should it be exempted from labor laws. Regardless of whether the disputants stand in the
(Bautista v. Inciong, GR No. L-52824, March 16, 1988) proximate relation of employer and employee.
1. ULP cases
2. Termination disputes Concurrent with NLRC
Contempt Cases
10. Complaint arising from violation of a training
Cases Referred to Grievance Machinery and agreement (Singapore Airlines v. Pano, GR No.
Voluntary Arbitration L-47739, June 22, 1983); and
11. The Labor Arbiter is without jurisdiction over the
The following are cases which must be disposed of case once his judgment has assumed the
by Labor Arbiter by referring the same to the character of finality (Cayena v. NLRC, GR. No.
grievance machinery and voluntary arbitration: 7613, February 18, 1991).
1.disputes on the interpretation or implementation
of CBA; and 2005 NLRC Rules of Procedure on Venue of
2.disputes on the interpretation of enforcement of Filing Cases
company personnel policies. 1. All cases which Labor Arbiters have authority to
decide may be filed in the Regional Arbitration
The original and exclusive jurisdiction of the Branch (RAB) having jurisdiction over the
Labor Arbiter under Art 217 [c] for money workplace of the complainant/ petitioner.
claims is limited only to those arising from
statutes or contracts other than the CBA (San Note: Workplace is understood to be the place or
Jose v. NLRC, GR No. 121117, August 17, locality where the employee is regularly assigned
1998) when the cause of action arose. It shall include the
place where the employee is supposed to report
No Jurisdiction over the Following back after a temporary detail, assignment, or travel.
1.Foreign governments (JUSMAG Philippines v.
NLRC, GR No. 108813, December 15, 1994) In case of field employees, as well as ambulant
2.International agencies (Lasco v. UNRFNRE, GR or itinerant workers, their workplace is:
No. 109095-109107, February 23, 1995) a. where they are regularly assigned;
3.Intra-corporate disputes which fall under P.D. b. where they are supposed to regularly
902-A and now fall under the jurisdiction of the receive their salaries and wages
regular courts pursuant to the new Securities c. where they receive their work
Regulation Code (Nacpil v. IBC GR 144767, instructions from, and
March 21, 2002); d. report the results of their assignment to
4. Executing Money claims against government their employers.
(DAR v. NLRC, GR No. 104269, November 11,
1993); 2. Where 2 or more RABs have jurisdiction over
5. Cases involving GOCCs with original charters the workplace, the first to acquire jurisdiction
which are governed by civil service law, rules or shall exclude others.
regulations (Art. IX-B, Sec. 2, No. 1, 1987 3. Improper venue when not objected to before
Const.); filing of position papers shall be deemed waived.
6. Local water district (Tanjay Water district v. 4. Venue may be changed by written agreement of
Gabaton, GR Nos. 63742 and 84300, April 17, the parties or when the commission or the Labor
1989) except where NLRC jurisdiction is invoked Arbiter so orders, upon motion by the proper
(Zamboanga City Water District v. Buat, GR No. party in meritorious cases.
104389, May 27, 1994); 5. For overseas Contract Workers, where the
7. The aggregate money claim does not exceed complainant resides or where the principal office
5,000 pesos and without claim for reinstatement of the respondent employer is located, at the
(Rajah Humabon Hotel, Inc. v. Trajano, GR No. option of the complainant.
100455 September 17, 1993); The Rules of Procedure on Venue was
8. Claim of employee for cash prize under the merely permissive, allowing a different
innovation program of the company, although venue when the interest of substantial
arising from employer-employee relationship, is justice demands a different one. (Dayag v.
one requiring application of general civil law on Canizers, GR No. 124193, March 6, 1998)
contracts which is within the jurisdiction of the
regular courts (San Miguel Corp. v. NLRC, GR Service of Summons
No. L-80774, May 31, 1988); In the absence of service of summons or a valid
9. Cause of action is based on quasi-direct or tort waiver, thereof the hearings and judgment rendered
which has no reasonable connection with any of by the labor arbiter are null and void.
the claims enumerated in Art. 217 of the Code
(Ocheda v. CA, GR No. 85517, October 16, Compulsory Arbitration
1992) The process of settlement of labor disputes by a
government agency which has the authority to
investigate and make award binding on all the 2. Hearing after due and personal notice has been
parties. Labor arbiter has the authority to conduct served in such manner as the Commission shall
compulsory arbitration (PAL v. NLRC, GR No. 55159, direct to
December 22, 1989). a. all known persons against whom the
Note: The NLRC may conduct compulsory arbitration relief is sought; and
ONLY in national interest cases referred to it by the b. also to the Chief Executive or other
DOLE Secretary. public officials of the province or city
within which the unlawful acts have
Article 218: Powers of the Commission been threatened or committed charged
with the duty to protect the
Powers of the NLRC (RCI-COI) complainant’s property.
1. Rule-making power – promulgation of rules and 3. Reception at the hearing of the testimonies of
regulations witnesses with opportunity for cross-
a. Governing disposition of cases before examination, in support of the allegations of the
any of its divisions/ regional offices; complaint made under oath as well as testimony
b. Pertaining to its internal functions in opposition thereto.
c. As may be necessary to carry out the 4. Finding of fact of the Commission to the effect
purposes of this Code that:
2. Power to issue Compulsory processes a. Prohibited or unlawful acts have been
(administer oaths, summon parties, issue threatened and will be committed, or
subpoenas) have been committed and will be
3. Power to Investigate matters and hear disputes continued unless restrained, but no
within its jurisdiction (adjudicatory power, original injunction or temporary restraining order
and appellate jurisdiction over cases); shall be issued on account of any threat,
4. Contempt power; prohibited or unlawful act, except
against the persons, association or
5. Ocular inspection (art 219); and organization making the threat or
6. Power to issue Injunctions and restraining committing the prohibited or unlawful act
orders. or actually authorizing or ratifying the
same after actual knowledge thereof;
Injunction or TRO b. that substantial and irreparable injury to
Orders which may require, forbid, or stop the doing the complainant’s property will follow;
of an act. The power of the NLRC to enjoin or
restrain the commission of any or all prohibited or Note: Irreparable Injury – an injury which cannot
unlawful acts under Article 218 of the Labor Code be adequately compensated in damages due to
can only be exercised in a labor dispute. the nature of the injury itself or the nature of the
right or property injured or when there exists no
Note: A restraining order is not an injunction at all but pecuniary standard for the measurement of
a writ to compel parties to maintain the matters in damages.
controversy in status quo until the question of
whether or not a temporary or preliminary injunction c. that as to each item of relief to be
ought to be issued may be determined. (BF Homes granted, greater injury will be inflicted
v. Reyes, March 16, 1971) upon complainant by the denial of the
relief than will be inflicted upon the
Who May Issue defendants by the granting of the relief;
1. President (Art 263[g]); d. that complainant has no adequate
2. Secretary of Labor (Art. 263[g]); and remedy at law; and
Note: Adequate Remedy – one that affords relief
Note: Art 218 limits the grant of injunctive power to with reference to the matter in controversy and
the “Commission”. The labor arbiter is EXCLUDED which is appropriate to the particular
STATUORILY hence no NLRC Rules can grant him circumstances of the case. If the remedy is
that power. specifically provided by law, it is presumed to be
adequate (PAL v. NLRC, GR No. 120567, March
Procedure for the issuance of Restraining Order/ 20, 1998)
1. Filing of a verified petition e. that public officers charged with the duty
to protect complainant’s property are to
protect or unwilling to furnish adequate The Chairman, any Commissioner, Labor Arbiter or
protection. their duly authorized representatives may, at anytime
during working hours:
5. Posting of a bond. 1. Conduct an ocular inspection on any
establishment, building, ship, place or premises,
Injunction from NLRC is NOT the Proper Remedy including any work, material, implement,
Against Employee’s Dismissal machinery, appliance or any object therein; and
It is an essential requirement that there must first be 2. ask any employee, laborer, or any person as the
a labor dispute between the contending parties case may be for any information or date
before the labor arbiter. In the present case, there is concerning any matter or question relative to the
no labor dispute between the petitioner and private object of the investigation.
respondent as there has yet been no complaint for
illegal dismissal field with the labor arbiter. (ibid.) Article 221: Technical Rules NOT Binding and
Prior Resort to Amicable Settlement
Requisites Before TRO may be issued Ex Parte
Technical Rules NOT Binding
1. The complainant shall allege that, unless a Administrative and quasi-judicial bodies like the NLRC
TRO is issued without notice, a substantial are not bound by technical rules of procedure in the
and irreparable injury to complainant’s adjudication of cases (Ford Phils. Salaried Employees
property will be unavoidable; Assoc. v. NLRC, GR No. 75347, December 11, 1987).
2. Testimony under oath is sufficient, if
sustained, to justify the Commission in Rules of evidence are not strictly observed in the
issuing a temporary injunction upon hearing proceedings before the NLRC (Bantolino, et al.
after notice (Affidavit of Merit); and v. Coca Cola Bottlers Phils., Inc. GR No.
3.The complainant shall first file an undertaking 153660, June 10, 2003).
with adequate security/bond in an amount to A formal or trial-type hearing is not at all times
be fixed by the Commission sufficient to and in all instances essential to due process, the
recompense those enjoined for any loss, requirements of which are satisfied where
expenses or damage caused by the parties are afforded reasonable opportunity to
improvident or erroneous issuance of such explain their side of the controversy at hand
order or injunction, including all reasonable (Llora Motors Inc. v. Drilon, GR No. 82895,
cost, together with a reasonable attorney’s fee, November 7, 1989)
and expense of defense against the granting
of any injunctive relief sought in the same Res Judicata applies only to judicial or quasi-judicial
proceeding and subsequently denied by the proceedings and NOT to the exercise of administrative
Commission. powers.
Note: The TRO shall be effective for NO LONGER Prohibited Pleadings and Motions under 2005
THAN 20 DAYS and shall become void at the NLRC Rules of Procedure
expiration of said 20 days counted from the date of the 1. Motion to dismiss the complaint except on the
posting of the bond. ground of lack of jurisdiction over the subject
matter, improper venue, res judicata, prescription
It may be lifted or it may be upgraded to a and forum shopping;
permanent injunction. 2. Motion for Bill of Particulars
3. Motion for New Trial
The TRO takes effect upon its issuance and not 4. Petition for Relief from Judgment when filed with
upon receipt of the parties. (A.M. No. RTJ-98- the labor arbiter;
1405, April 12, 2000) 5. Petition for certiorari, prohibition and Mandamus
6. Motion to declare respondent in default; and
The procedural and substantial requirements of 7. Motion for reconsideration or appeal from any
Art. 218[e] must be strictly complied with before interlocutory order of the labor arbiter.
an injunction may issue in a labor dispute.
Amicable Settlement
The Labor Arbiter shall exert all efforts to arrive at an
Article 219: Ocular Inspection amicable settlement of a labor dispute within its
jurisdiction on or before its first hearing or during the
mandatory conferences set for the purpose (The rules
of mandatory Conciliation/Mediation Conference are effected through forced contributions
provided for under Rule V of the 2005 NLRC Rules). from the workers from their own funds
as distinguished from union funds.
Approval of a Compromise Agreement by a Labor c. Neither the lawyer nor the union itself
Arbiter may require the individual workers to
The compromise agreement shall be approved by the assume the obligation to pay the
Labor Arbiter, if: attorney’s fees from their own pockets.
1. after explaining to the parties, particularly to the Any agreement to the contrary shall be
complainants, the terms and conditions and null and void.
consequences thereof;
2. he is satisfied that they understand the agreement; Article 111 Article 222
3. that the same was entered into freely and Prohibits the award of Prohibits the payment of
voluntarily by them; attorney’s fees, which attorney’s fees only
4. and that it is not contrary to law, morals and public exceeds 10% of the when it is effected
policy (ibid). amount of wages through forced
recovered. contribution from the
Article 222: Appearances and Fees workers from their own
funds as distinguished
Appearance of Non-Lawyers Before the from union funds
Commission PURPOSE: to fix the Purpose: to prevent the
limit on the amount of imposition on the
General Rule: ONLY lawyers can appear before the attorneys fees. The workers of the duty to
NLRC or a Labor Arbiter. victorious party may individually contribute
recover in any their respective shares in
Exceptions: Non-Lawyers can appear ONLY in the administrative or judicial the fee to be paid to the
following instances: proceeding. attorney for his services
1. He represents himself as party to the case; to the union.
2. He represents a legitimate labor organization
which is a party to the case provided that he
shall be made to present a verified certification
from said organization that he is properly
3. He represents a member or members of a Chapter 3: Appeal
legitimate labor organization existing in
employer’s establishment; Article 223: Appeal
4. He is duly accredited member of any legal aid Grounds for Appeal (FLEP)
office duly recognized by the DOJ or IBP; 1. If the decision order or award was secured
5. He is the owner or president of a corporation or through Fraud or coercion, including graft and
establishment which is a party to the case. (Sec. corruption.
8, 2005 NLRC Rules) 2. If made purely on questions of Law
3. If serious Errors in the findings of facts are
Attorney’s Fees raised which would cause grave or irreparable
1. Art. 111 (simple monetary claim) damage or injury to the appellant; and
a. The maximum amount to be given a 4. If there is Prima facie evidence of abuse of
lawyer for his legal assistance rendered discretion on the part of the Labor Arbiter.
is 10% of the total monetary award
adjudged the employees excluding the Periods within which to Appeal
award for moral and exemplary 1. Decisions of the Regional Director – within 5
damages. To demand more than this is calendar days from receipt of the order (Art. 129,
unlawful. LC – Recovery of wages and simple money
2. Art. 222 claims of an amount not exceeding P5,000)
a. Attorney’s fees for CBA negotiations and 2. Decisions of the Labor Arbiter – within 10
conclusion shall be in the amount calendar days from the receipt of the decision.
agreed upon by the parties to be taken
from the union funds and not from Note: The Code states calendar, not working days.
individual union members. Hence, in counting the 10-day period, Saturday, Sunday,
b. This Article prohibits the payment of and Legal Holidays are not excluded (Vir-Jen Shipping
attorney’s fees only where the same is
and Marine Services v. NLRC GR L-58011-12, July 20, posting of a bond in a reasonable amount in relation to
1982). the monetary award.
If the 10th day, as the case may be, falls on a
Saturday, Sunday or holiday, the last day to Note: Failure to give a copy of the appeal to the
perfect the appeal shall be the first working appellee within 10 days is not fatal IF the latter was not
day following such Saturday, Sunday, or prejudiced by the delay in the service of said copy of
holiday. the appeal- technical rules must yield to the broader
No Motion for Reconsideration is available in interest of substantial justice. (Modern Fishing Gear
questioning the Labor Arbiter’s decision Labor Union v. Noriel, GR No. 53907, May 6, 1988).
(2005 NLRC Rules).
Notice of Appeal
Period Not Extendible A mere notice of appeal does not stop the running of
The perfection of an appeal within the statutory/ the reglementary period of appeal.
reglementary period is not only MANDATORY but also
JURISDICTIONAL and failure to do so renders the Execution Pending Appeal
questioned decision final and executory as to deprive the The decision of the labor arbiter ordering the
appellate court of jurisdiction to alter the final judgment reinstatement of a dismissed or separated
of the Regional Directors and Labor Arbiters (ACDA v. employee shall be immediately executory insofar
NLRC GR No. L-39686 June 28, 1980, Aboitiz Shipping as the reinstatement aspect is concerned and
Employees Association v. Trajano, GR No. 112955 the posting of an appeal bond by the employer
September 1, 1997). shall not stay such execution.
Period for the Perfection of an Appeal to the NLRC There is no need for a motion for the issuance of
1. filing of a verified memorandum of appeal writ of execution on the reinstatement order as it
containing the grounds, issues raised and is self-executory (Pioneer Texturizing Corp. v.
arguments propounded and reliefs sought within NLRC, GR No. 118651, October 16, 1997)
the required period of appeal and with a
statement of the date appellant received the
appealed decision, order or resolution; Options of The Employer In Complying With An
Order of Reinstatement Which is Immediate and
1. He can admit the dismissed employee back to
work under the same terms and conditions
2. in three legibly typewritten or printed copies prevailing prior to his dismissal or separation or
3. proof of payment of the required appeal fee to a substantially equivalent position if the former
4. in case of monetary award, an appeal by the position is already filled up; OR
employer may be perfected only by the posting 2. He can reinstate the employee merely in the
of a bond (cash deposit or surety bond) payroll with payment of the accrued salaries.
equivalent in amount to the monetary award
exclusive of damages and attorney’s fees Note: The exercise of one of the foregoing options
5. proof of service upon the other parties; and may be compelled under pain of contempt and the
6. certificate of non-forum shopping. employer may be made to pay the salary of the
employee instead.
Appeal to the NLRC Division appeal from NLRC to the Remedies of a Third Party Whose Property Has
Sec of Labor abolished under P.D. 1391) been wrongfully levied to enforce a decision
1. File a third-party claim with the sheriff of the
Labor Arbiter, and
Court of Appeals (Certiorari under Rule 65) 2. Action for damages
Supreme Court (Petition for Review under Rule 45) Independent reivindicatory action (Section 16,
Rule 37 of the Rules of Court)
RTC injunction against NLRC The parties may, by agreement, settle their
Generally, not available. However, the general rule differences by submitting their case to a
that no court has the power to interfere by injunction voluntary arbitrator rather than taking the case to
with judgments of another court with the BLR
concurrent/coordinate jurisdiction applies ONLY
when no third party complaint is involved (Ibid.). E.O. 292 or the 1987 Administrative Code
Therefore, if the property under levy does not belong provides for the current functions and authority of the
to the judgment debtor in the NLRC case, it could BLR:
bot be validly levied upon by the sheriff for the
satisfaction of the judgment therein. If the third party Sec. 16. Bureau of Labor Relations THE BLR shall:
claimant does not involve nor grows out of a labor 1. set policies, standards, and procedures on the
dispute, a separate action for injunctive relief against registration and supervision of legitimate labor
such levy may be maintained in court (Co Tuan et. union activities including denial cancellation and
al. v. NLRC and CLUP, GR No. 117232, April 22, revocation of labor union permits.
1998). 2. set policies, standards and procedures relating
to collective bargaining agreements and the
TITLE THREE: BUREAU OF LABOR RELATIONS examination of financial records of accounts of
labor organizations to determine compliance
Article 226: Bureau of Labor Relations with relevant laws
3. provide proper orientation to workers on their
Absorption by NCMB schemes and projects for improvement of the
standards of living of workers and their families.
Pursuant to E.O. 126, the National Conciliation
and Medication Board (NCMB) has absorbed the Intra-Union Disputes – refers to any conflict
conciliation, mediation and voluntary arbitration between and among union members, including
functions of the BLR. grievances arising from any violation of the rights
and conditions of membership, violation of or
THE BLR functions, as it now stands, are disagreement over any provision of the union’s
confined largely for union matters, collective constitution and by-laws , or disputes arising from
bargaining and labor education. chartering or affiliation.
Med-Arbiter – an officer in the regional office or Coverage of Inter/Intra- Union Disputes (Sec. 1,
bureau authorized to hear, conciliate and decide Rule XI, D.O. 40-03)
representation cases or assist in the disposition of 1. Cancellation of registration of a labor
intra or inter-union disputes. organization filed by its members or by any other
labor organization;
Exclusive and Original Jurisdiction of The BLR 2. Conduct of election of union and worker’s
To act at its own initiative or upon the request of association officers/nullification of election of
either or both parties on all: union and worker’s association officers;
1. INTRA-union conflicts; 3. Audit/accounts examination of union or worker’s
2. INTER-union conflicts; and association funds
3. Other related labor relations disputes. 4. De-registration of CBA
5. Validity/invalidity of union affiliation or
Note: E.O. 251 OF 1987 removed from the disaffiliation
jurisdiction of the BLR “all” labor-management 6. Validity/ invalidity of acceptance/non-acceptance
disputes. The effect of E.O. 251 is to transfer to the for union membership
NCMB the mediation, conciliation, and arbitration 7. Validity/ invalidity of impeachment/ expulsion of
functions of the BLR. union and worker’s association officers
8. Validity/invalidity of voluntary recognition
9. Opposition to application for union and CBA 6. action of the administrative agency is patently
registration illegal, arbitrary and oppressive
10. Violations of or disagreements over any 7. issue is purely a question of law;
provision in a union or worker’s association 8. where the administrative agency had already
constitution and by-laws; prejudged the case; and
11. Disagreements over chartering or registration of 9. where the administrative agency was practically
labor organizations and CBAs; given the opportunity to act on the case but it did
12. Violations of the rights and conditions of union or not.
worker’s association membership
13. Violations of the rights of legitimate labor Effects of Filing or Pendency of Inter/intra-union
organizations, except interpretation of CBAs; Dispute and other Labor Relations Disputes (Sec 3,
and Rule XI, DO 40-03)
14. Such other disputes or conflicts involving the 1. The rights, relationships and obligations of the
rights to self-organization, union membership party-litigants against each other and other
and collective bargaining parties-in-interest prior to the institution of the
a. between and among legitimate labor petition shall continue to remain during the
organization; and pendency of the petition and until the date of
b. between and among members of a finality of the decision rendered therein.
union or worker’s association. Thereafter, the rights, relationships and
obligations of the party-litigants against each
Other Related Labor Relations Disputes (Sec. 2, Rule other and other parties-in-interest shall be
XI D.O. 40-03) governed by the decision so ordered.
Shall include any conflict between a labor organization 2. The filing or pendency of any inter/intra-union
and the employer or any individual, entity or group that is disputes is not a prejudicial question to any
not a labor organization or worker’s association. This petition for certification election and shall not be
includes; a ground for the dismissal of a petition for
1. cancellation of registration of unions and certification election or suspension of
worker’s association and proceedings for certification election.
2. a petition for interpleader.
Substantial Requirements
1. must be freely entered into Options when compromise agreement is violated.
2. must be contrary to law, morals or public policy; 1. enforce compromise by writ of execution; or
3. must be reasonable; and 2. regard it as rescinded and insist upon original
4. must be approved by the authority before whom demand.
the case is pending (see discussion on Article
221 – approval of Labor Arbiter of an amicable Requirements of a Valid Quitclaim
settlement in a case before him) 1. The quitclaim must be voluntary arrived at by the
Formal Requirements 2. It must be with the assistance of the Bureau of
1. in writing; and Labor Standards, Bureau of Labor Relations or
2. signed in the present of the regional director or any representative of the DOLE; and
his duly authorized representative. (Sec. 8, Rule 3. The consideration must be reasonable (required
II of the Rules on Disposition of Labor Standards only when entered without the assistance of
Cases in the Regional Offices) DOLE).
When May Compromise Agreements be Effected Note: Dire necessity is not an acceptable ground for
It may be effected at any stage of the annulling the releases, especially in the absence of proof
proceedings and even when there is already a that the employees were forced to execute them (Veloso
final executory judgment (Art. 2040, NCC). v. DOLE, GR No. 87297, August 5, 1991).
It cannot be entered into when the final judgment
is already in the process of execution (Jesalva, et Waiver of Reinstatement
al. v. Bautista, GR No. L-11928-L-19330, March Like waivers of money claims, a waiver of right which
24, 1959). must be exercised personally by the workers
themselves (Jag and Haggar Jeans and Sportswear
Compromise Agreements with v. withour Assistance Corp. v. NLRC, GR No. 105710, February 23, 1995).
Without Assistance of Article 231: Registry of Unions and File of Collective
With Assistance of DOLE Agreement
Independent Union
Purpose of Registration
Registration with the BLR is the operative act that gives
rights to a labor organization.
1.It is the fact of being registered with the DOLE that
makes a labor organization legitimate in the
sense that it is clothed with legal personality to
claim representational and bargaining rights
enumerated in Article 242 or to strike or picket
under Article 263.
2.The requirement of registration is NOT a
curtailment of the right to association. It is
merely a condition sine qua non for the
acquisition of legal personality by labor
organizations, associations or unions and the
possession of the rights and privileges granted
by law to labor organizations.
3.It is a valid exercise of police power sine the
activities in which labor organizations,
associations, or unions of workers are engaged
affect public interest, which should be protected
(PAFLU v. Sec. of Labor, GR L-2228, February
27, 1969).
Decision of the Regional Office or the Bureau
denying the application for registration shall be:
1. in writing
2. stating in clear terms the reason for the
decision; and
3. applicant union must be furnished a copy of
said decision
Decisions of the Regional Office shall be
appealable to the BLR and CA. The BLR’s
decisions on cases appealed from Regional
Director are final and not appealable to the
Secretary of Labor.
Decisions of the BLR denying the registration of
a labor organization (federation or national
union) is appealable to the Secretary of Labor
within 10 calendar days from receipt of the
decision, on grounds of:
1. Grave abuse of discretion; or
2. Gross incompetence
Independently Registered Unregistered
By signing a contract of affiliation By application of the union with the
federation for the issuance of a charter
certificate to be submitted to the
Bureau accompanied by the following:
1. Copies of its constitution and
2. Statement of the set of officers
How to Affiliate
and books of accounts, all of
which must be certified by the
Secretary/ Treasurer and
attested to by the President. In
such case, the union becomes
a local chapter of the
Would not affect its being a legitimate Upon severance, it would cease to be a
labor organization and therefore it legitimate labor organization and would
would continue to have legal no longer have legal personality and
personality and to possess all the rights the rights and privileges granted by law
and privileges of a legitimate labor to legitimate organization, unless the
Effect of Disaffiliation to the Union
organization. local chapter is covered by a duly
registered collective bargaining
agreement. In the latter case. The local
chapter expires it will lose its legal
personality unless it registers as an
independent union.
An existing CBA would continue to be The CBA would continue to be valid.
valid as the labor organization can The local chapter will not lose its
continue administering the CBA. personality until the expiration of the
Effect of Disaffiliation to the CBA
CBA. After the CBA expires, the local
union loses its personality, unless it
registers anew.
Labor organization is entitled to the Union dues may no longer be collected
union dues and not the federation from as there would no longer be any labor
which the labor organization union that is allowed to collect such
disaffiliated. union dues from the employees.
Entitlement to Union Dues After
Disaffiliation Note: Follow the principle of agency
between federation and local
Principal – employees
Agent – local/ chapter
Agent of agent - federation
Modes of Appeal Note: Take note of the cancellation proceedings if
Denial or Cancellation by: violation is [d] and [j] of Art. 239, LC.
1. Transmit records within 24 hours from receipt of For:
Memo of Appeal 1. Federations
2. BUREAU decides within 20 days from receipt of 2. National or Industry unions
records. 3. Trade union center
B. BUREAU Where to File
1. Transmit records within 24 hours from receipt of Bureau Director (30 days to decide)
Memo of appeal
2. SEC. OF DOLE decides within 20 days from receipt Who May File
of records Only the members of the labor organization
3. COURT OF APPEALS – Rule 65 concerned if grounds are actions involving
violations of Art. 241, subject to the 30% rule.
Note: Appeal by memo of appeal within 10 days from
receipt of notice. Effect of Cancellation of Registration in the Course of
Grounds Where a labor union is a party in a proceeding and later it
1. Grave abuse of discretion loses its registrations permit in the course or during the
2. Violation of rules as amended pendency of the case, such union may continue as a
party without need of substitution of parties, subject
Article 238: Cancellation of Registration however to the understanding that whatever decision may
be rendered therein will be binding only upon those
The certificate of registration of any legitimate labor members of the union who have not signified their desire
organization, whether national or local, may be cancelled to withdraw from the case before its trial and decision on
by the Bureau, after due hearing, only the grounds the merits (Principle of Agency applied-the employees are
specified in Article 239. (as amended by R.A. 9481) the principals, and the labor organization is merely an
agent of the former, consequently, the cancellation of the
Article 238-A: Effect of a Petition for Cancellation of union’s registration would not deprive the consenting
Registration (new provision inserted by R.A. 9481) member employees of their right to continue the case as
1. A petition for cancellation of union registration they are the considered as the principals).
shall not suspend the proceedings for certification
election nor shall it prevent the filing of a petition Article 239: Grounds for Cancellation of Union
for certification election. Registration (as amended by R.A. 9481)
2. In case of cancellation, nothing herein shall
restrict the right of the union to seek just and Grounds
equitable remedies in the appropriate courts. 1. Misrepresentation false statement or fraud in
connection with the adoption or ratification of the
For: constitution and by-laws or amendments thereto,
1. Legitimate individual labor union the minutes of ratification and the list of members
2. Chartered local who took part in the ratification;
3. Worker’s association 2. Misrepresentation, falise statement or fraud in
connection with the election of officers, minutes
Where to File of the election of officers and the list of voters,
Regional Director who has jurisdiction over and
the place where respondent principally 3. Voluntary dissolution by the members.
operates (30 days to decide).
Note: A pronouncement as to the illegality of the strike is
Who May File not within the meaning of Art. 239 of the Code, which
Any party-in-interest, if ground is: provides for the grounds for cancellation of union
1. Failure to comply with any of the registration.
requirements under Arts. 234, 237 and
238, LC.
2. Violation of any provision under Art. 239,
Article 239-A: Voluntary Cancellation of Registration of the union or any member or members specifically
(new provision inserted by R.A. 9481) concerned may report such violation to the Bureau.
Where to Register
Government employees’ organizations shall
register with the Civil Service Commission and
The application shall be files with Bureau of Labor
Relations (BLR), which shall process the same in
accordance with the provisions of LC.
Applications may also be filed with the Regional
Offices of DOLE, which shall immediately
transmit the said applications to the Bureau of
Labor Relations within 3 days from receipt
thereof. (Sec. 7, E.O. 180)
Voluntary Recognition
A duly registered employees organization shall be
accorded voluntary recognition:
1. Upon a showing that no other employees
organization is registered or is seeking
registration, based on records of the Bureau of
Labor Relations, and
2. The said organization has the majority support of
the rank-and-file employees in said organization
unit (Sec 12, E.O. 180).
Any dispute which remains unresolved after
exhausting all available remedies under existing
laws and procedures may be jointly referred by
the parties to the Public Sector Labor-
Management Council for appropriate action.
Likewise, the PSLMC has jurisdiction to hear
charges of ULP filed by government employees
against their employer.
It is composed of the following:
1. Chairman – Civil Service Commissioner
2. Vice-Chairman – secretary of Labor and
3. Members:
a. Secretary of Finance
b. Secretary of Justice
c. Secretary of Budget (Sec 15, E.O 180)
Article 245: Ineligibility of Managerial Employees to the presence of managerial employees in union
Join in Any Labor Organization: Right of Supervisory membership (Bulletin Publishing Co. Inc. v. Hon.
Employees Sanchez, GR No. 74425, October 7, 1986).
A. Managerial Employees – Note: Art. 245 does not absolutely disqualify managerial
those who are vested with powers of prerogatives to employees from exercising their right of association.
lay down and execute management policies and/or to What it prohibits is merely the right to join labor
hire, transfer, suspend, lay-off, recall, discharge, organizations.
assign or discipline employees.
B. Supervisory Employees – those who, in the interest
Managerial employees Managerial employees of the employer, effectively recommend such managerial
under labor standards under labor relations actions if the exercise of such authority is not merely
Primary duty consists of the Lay down and execute routinary or clerical in nature but requires the use of
management of the management policies independent judgement.
establishment on which and/or to hire, transfer,
they are employed or of a suspend, lay-off, recall, Supervisory Employees May Form, Assist, Join a Labor
department or subdivision. discharge, assign or Organization
discipline employees On their own and NOT with the rank-and-file employees
(R.A. 9481)
Includes the officers and Does not include the
members of the managerial managerial staff since they Test: Do they exercise independent judgment
staff are classified as supervisor which is not subject to evaluation of other
employees (who may/may department heads/other superiors? If in the
not be eligible to join a affirmative, then they may/must form a labor
labor union with the rank organization of their own (separate from the rank-
and file employees) and-file employees).
If their responsibilities do not inherently require
To determine whether or To determine an the exercise of discretion and independent
not certain employees are employee’s eligibility in judgment, (or merely routinary/clerical in nature)
covered by Book III of the joining/ forming a labor then they may join the union composed of the
LC on Conditions of union. rank-and-file employees.
Note: It is the nature of the employee’s functions and not
the nomenclature or title given to his job which
Reason for ineligibility determines whether he has a rank and file or managerial
Managerial employees are the alter ego of the status (Engineering Equipment, Inc. v. NLRC, GR No. L-
employers and thus they are supposed to be on 59221, December 26, 1984).
the side of the employer to act as its
representatives and to see to it that its interests Note: The rank and file union and the supervisors’ union
are well protected. The employer is not assured operating within the same establishment may join the
of such protection if these employees are union same federation or national union (as amended by R.A.
members. 9481).
In the same manner, the labor union might not be
assured of their loyalty to the union in view of the C. Confidential Employees – A confidential employee is
evident conflict of interest. The union can also one entrusted with confidence on delicate matters, or with
become company-dominated with the custody, handling, or care and protection of the
employer’s property.
The inclusion as union members of employees outside ULP has a technical meaning.
the bargaining unit shall NOT be a ground for the
cancellation of the registration of the union. Said It is a practice unfair to labor, although the
employees are automatically deemed removed from the offender may either be an employer or a labor
list of membership of said union. organization.
Article 246: Non-Abridgment of the Right to Self It refers to acts opposed to workers’ right to
Organization organize (Anti-unionism acts). Without this, the
act, no matter how unfair, is not ULP.
It shall be Unlawful for Any Person to (RCDI)
1. Restrain It commonly connotes anti-unionism
2. Coerce
It also refers to gross violation of CBA provisions.
Gross means the act is malicious and flagrant.
Labor Arbiters of MTC/RTC, as the case may be (Art. 288)
the NLRC
Quantum of Proof Needed
Substantial Beyond reasonable doubt (subject to prosecution and
evidence punishment)
Prescriptive Period
One year from the One year from the accrual of the ULP act (Art. 290), however,
accrual of the ULP it will be suspended once the administrative case has been
act (Art. 290) filed and would only continue running once the administrative
case has attained finality.
Final judgment in the administrative proceeding finding that
ULP has been committed is a prerequisite in filing a criminal
case for ULP.
1. Interference
To interfere with, restrain or coerce employees in the
exercise of their right to self organization.
1. outright and unconcealed intimidation
2. in order that interrogation would not be deemed
a. the employer must communicate to the
employee the purpose of questioning
b. assure him that no reprisal would take
c. obtain employee participation voluntarily
3. must be free from employer hostility to union
4. must not be coercive in nature
5. intimidating expressions of opinion by employer
What is ULP is the employer’s retaliatory act Organization motive must be proved because it is a
regardless of the subject of employee’s complaint definitional element of ULP.
or testimony. In effect, if a retaliatory act is done
under Art. 118, the consequence is ULP under Discrimination For or Against Union Membership
Art. 248 (f) Mabeza v. NLRC, GR No. 118506, Test of Discrimination: that the discharge of an
April 18, 1997). employee was motivated by his union activity. Such
inference must be based on evidence, direct or
7. Violation of Duty to Bargain circumstantial, not upon mere suspicion.
To violate the duty to bargain collectively as prescribed by
this Code. Constructive Discharge – ULP where employer
prohibits employees from exercising their rights under the
The following acts are held to constitute refusal to Code, on pain of discharge, and the employee quits as a
bargain: result of the prohibition.
1. Alleging that the union is irresponsible;
2. Transferring operation to elude the union; (run- Principles of Union Security Clauses/Arrangements
away shop); 1. Protection – to shield union members from whimsical
and abusive exercise of management prerogatives.
Run-Away Shop – is an unfair labor practice of 2. Benefits – an additional membership will insure
management which usually takes place by effecting the additional source of income to the union in the form of
transfer of ownership, the plant itself, or its equipment, or union dues and special assessment.
by temporarily closing its business purposely to bust the 3. Self-preservation – it strengthens the union through
union or to evade the payment of legitimate obligations. selective acceptance of new members on the basis of
1. Delaying negotiations by discussing unrelated commitment and loyalty.
2. Refusal to accept requests to bargain; Different Kinds of Union Security Arrangements
3. Rejecting a union’s offer to prove it’s majority (Exceptions to ULP on Interference on the
claim; Employees' right to self organizations)
4. Shutdown to avoid bargaining; and 1. Closed-Shop Agreement
5. Engaging in surface bargaining. The employer undertakes not to employ any individual
who is not a member of the contracting union and the
Surface Bargaining – going through the motions of said individual once employed must, for the duration
negotiating without any legal intent to reach an of the agreement, remain a member of the union in
agreement. It involves the question of whether or not the good standing as a condition for continued
employer’s conduct demonstrates an unwillingness to employment.
bargain in good faith or is merely hard bargaining Does not have any retroactivity.
(Standard Chartered Bank v. Hon. Confesor, GR No. Applies only to new hires.
114974, June 2004).
8. Paid Negotiation a. Employees belonging to any religious sect which
To pay negotiation or attorney’s fees to the union or its prohibit affiliation of their members with any labor
officers or agents as part of the settlement of any issue in organization are not covered by such agreement.
collective bargaining or any other disputes. The free exercise of religious belief if superior to
contract rights (Victoriano v. Elizalde Rope Workers,
9. Violation of CBA No. L-25246, September 12, 1974).
The violation must be gross flagrant and/or malicious b. Members of the rival union are not covered by such
refusal to comply with the economic provision of the CBA arrangement.
(Art. 261). c. Confidential Employees excluded from rank and file
bargaining unit.
Note: “Grossly violate” phrase is an amendment by R.A. d. Employees excluded by express term of the
6715. Hence, if the violation is not gross, it is not ULP but agreement.
a grievance under the CBA.
representing all the employees in the appropriate
bargaining unit.
Note: This is directed against “FREE RIDER” 2. To cause or attempt to cause an employer to
employees who benefit from union activities without discriminate against an employee, including
contributing support to the union, to prevent a discrimination against an employee with respect
situation of non-union members enriching themselves to whom membership in such organization has
at the expense of union members. been denied or to terminate an employee on any
ground other than the usual terms and conditions
Employee members of another rival union are not under which membership or continuation of
considered free riders since when the union membership is made available to other members;
(agent) bids to be the bargaining agent, it
voluntarily assumed the responsibility of Note: A union member may not be expelled from the
union, and consequently from his job, for personal or
impetuous reasons or for causes foreign to the determined by the evidence presented by the union
closed-shop agreement. (Manila Mandarin as to its economic demands. Thus, if the union
Employees Union v. NLRC, No. L-76989, September requires exaggerated or unreasonable economic
29, 1987) demands it is guilty of ULP (Standard
3. To violate the duty or refuse to bargain Chartered Bank v. Hon. Confessor, GR No. 114974,
collectively with the employer provided that it is June 16 2004).
the representative of the employees;
4. To cause or attempt to cause an employer to pay ADMINISTRATION OF AGREEMENTS
or deliver or agree to pay or deliver any money or
other things of value, in the nature of an exaction, Article 250: Procedure in Collective Bargaining
for services which are not performed or not to be Agreement
performed, including the demand for a fee for
union negotiations. Collective Bargaining – obligation to meet and
convene promptly and expeditiously in good faith for
Featherbedding (make-work activities) – refers to the the purpose of negotiating an agreement with respect
practice of the union or its agents in causing or to wages, hours of work and all other terms and
attempting to cause an employer to pay or deliver or conditions of employment including proposals for
agree to pay or deliver money or other things of adjusting any grievances or questions arising under
value, in the nature of exaction, for services which are such agreement and executing a contract
not performed or not to be performed, as when a incorporating such agreements if requested by either
union demands that the employer maintain personnel party but such duty does not compel any party to
in excess of the latter’s requirements. agree to a proposal or to make any concession. (Art.
Note: It is not featherbedding if the work is performed
no matter how unnecessary or useless it may be. General Rule: No court or administrative agency or
official shall have the power to set or fix wages, rates
5. To ask for or accept negotiation or attorney’s fees of pay, hours of work or other terms and conditions of
from employers as part of the settlement of any employment EXCEPT as otherwise provided under
issue in collective bargaining or any other the Labor Code.
dispute; or
Purpose: to encourage a truly democratic method of
6. To grossly violate a collective bargaining regulating the relations between the employers and
agreement. employees by means of agreements freely entered
into through collective bargaining.
Persons Civilly Liable for ULP:
1. Officers and agents of employer; Exceptions:
2. Labor organization, officers and agents; and 1. National Wages and Productivity Commission
3. Agents and officers who participated or and Regional Tripartie Wages and Productivity
authorized or ratified the act. Board – as to wage fixing (Arts. 99 and 122)
2. National Conciliation and Mediation Board and
Sweetheart Doctrine – considers it ULP for a labor the National Labor Relations Commission-as to
organization to ask for or accept negotiation or wage distortions (Art. 124)
attorney’s fees from the employer in settling a 3. Secretary of Labor and Employment and
bargaining issue or dispute. President of the Philippines-as to certification and
assumption powers over labor disputes (Art. 263
Resulting CBA is considered a “sweetheart (g))
contract”, a CBA that does not substantially improve
the employees’ wages and benefits and whose Jurisdictional Preconditions
benefits are far below those that are provided by law. 1. possession of the status of majority
representation by the employees’ representative
Blue-sky Bargaining is defined as making in accordance with any of the means of selection
exaggerated or unreasonable proposals. Whether or or designation provided for by the Labor Code;
not the union is engaged in blue sky bargaining is
2. proof of majority representation (Certification of Note: During the conciliation proceeding in the Board the
the BLR that the representative of the employees parties are prohibited from doing any act which may
is the sole and exclusive bargaining agent having disrupt or impede the early settlement of the disputes (Art.
won in a certification election); and 250 (d) LC).
Article 253: Duty to Bargain Collectively When there Economics Provisions May Include:
exists a Collective Bargaining Agreement 1. Wages
2. Family planning
General Rule: When there is an existing CBA, the duty 3. Effectivity of the agreement
bargain collectively shall also mean that neither party 4. Other terms and conditions of employment
shall TERMINATE nor MODIFY such agreement during its
lifetime. It is the duty of both parties to: Non-Economic Provisions May Include:
1. keep the status quo; and 1. Coverage of the bargaining unit
2. to continue in the full force and effect the 2. Union Security clauses
terms and conditions of the existing CBA. 3. Management prerogatives and/or
rights/responsibilities of employees
Exception: 4. Grievance machinery and voluntary arbitration
During the 60-day period prior to its expiration, upon 5. No strike no lock-out provision
service of a written notice of a party’s intention to
terminate or modify the same, a party may choose to Effectivity of Retroactivity of Other Economic
terminate or modify the non-representational aspect of the Provisions of the CBA
CBA only after the expiration of CBA of fixed duration. 1. If CBA is the very first for the bargaining unit, the
parties have to decide the CBA’s effectivity date.
Automatic Renewal Clause 2. Those made within 6 months after the date of
Art. 253 provides that the CBA shall remain effective and expiry of the CBA are subject to AUTOMATIC
enforceable even after the expiration of the period fixed RETROACTION to the day immediately following
by the parties as long as no new agreement is reached by such date of expiry.
them. 3. Example: CBA expired on December 31. New
CBA concluded on March 31. The effectivity date
What May be Done During the 60-Day Freedom is January 1.
Period 4. Those not made within 6 months, the parties may
1. A labor union may disaffiliate from the mother agree to the date of retroaction.
union to form a local or independent union
only during the 60-day freedom period This rule applies ONLY if there is an
immediately preceding the expiration of the existing agreement. If there is no
CBA. (Take note of the limitation – see existing agreement, there is no
discussions registration of labor unions.) retroactive effect because the date
2. either party can serve a written notice to agreed upon shall be the start of the
terminate or modify the agreement at least 60 period of agreement.
days prior to its expiration period (on re-
Note: Article 253-A on retroaction does not apply
if the provisions were imposed by the secretary of General Rule: NO temporary or permanent injunction or
Labor by virtue of arbitration. It applies only if the restraining order in any case involving or growing out of
agreement was voluntarily made by the parties. labor disputes shall be issued by any court or other entity.
Article 253 Articles 253-A/256 The Following are Authorized to Issue Injunctions or
Freedom Period Restraining Orders
The notice of Representation aspect of
intention to the CBA shall be for a term 1. NLRC or any division. (Art. 218)
terminate, amend, of five (5). A petition for 2. President. In case of labor dispute in industries
or alter the certification election may which are indispensable to national interest. (Art.
provisions of the be entertained and a 263)
CBA shall be filed certification election may 3. Secretary. In case of labor dispute in industries
within the 60-day be conducted within the 60- which are indispensable to national interest, the
period, immediately day period immediately Secretary may assume jurisdiction over the
prior to the prior to the expiration of the dispute or certify the same to the Commission for
expiration of the CBA. compulsory arbitration. Such assumption or
CBA. certification shall have the effect of automatically
The economic enjoining the intended or impending strike. If one
provisions, has already taken place, all striking or locked out
however, may be employees shall immediately return to work and
renegotiated not the employer shall immediately re-admit
later than three (3) employees and resume operations.
years. Those
economic Jurisdiction to Issue Injunctions
provisions entered General Rule: Regular courts are without authority to
within 6 months issue injunction orders in cases involving or originating
from the expiry of from labor disputes even if the complaint was filed by
their term as fixed non-striking employees and the employer was made a
in the CBA shall respondent.
retroact to the day
immediately Exception: A regular court may issue injunction to
following such protect the interest of neutral employers in common situs
date, if beyond 6 picketing.
months the
effectivity is by Note: In cases of strikes/picketing, third parties or
agreement of the innocent bystanders may secure a court (regular court)
parties. injunction to protect their rights (PAFLU v. Cloribel GR No.
What May be Changed During the 60-Day L-25171, August 17, 1967). (See notes under Arts. 263
Freedom Period and 264).
Re-negotiable provisions of Representation aspect may
the CBA particularly the be resolved by holding Article 255: Exclusive Bargaining Representation
non-representation aspect certification election. and Worker’s Participation in Policy and Decision-
(Economic Provisions may making
be renegotiated not later
than three years). Extent of the Worker’s Right to Participate in Policy
and Decision-Making Processes
Such right refers ONLY to participation in grievance
Article 254: No Injunction Rule procedures and voluntary modes of settling disputes and
NOT to formulation of corporate programs and policies.
Note: An employer may solicit questions, suggestions
and complaints from employees even though the
employees are represented by a union, provided:
1. the collective bargaining representative executes
an agreement waiving the right to be present on
any occasion when employee grievances are
being adjusted by the employer; and
2. employer acts strictly within the terms of this
waiver agreement
Run-Off Election
A. run-off election is proper if the following
conditions exist namely:
1. valid election took place because majority of
2. the said election presented at least three choices
(e.g., Union One, Union Two, and No Union);
Note: Petition for cancellation of registration is not a bar to a Petition for Certification Election. NO
PREJUDICIAL QUESTION shall be entertained in a Petition for Certification Election (D.O. 40-03).
Article 258-A: Employer as Bystander (new provision the CBA except during the 60-day period
inserted by R.A. 9481) immediately prior to the expiration of the CBA.
Requirements in order to invoke Contract-Bar
In all cases, whether the petition for certification Rule:
election is filed by a employer or a legitimate labor 1. Agreement is in writing and signed by all
organization , the employer shall not be considered a contracting parties;
party thereto with a concomitant right to oppose a 2. it must contain the terms and conditions of
petition for certification election. employment;
The employer’s participation in such proceedings 3. covered employees in an appropriate
shall be limited to: bargaining unit;
1. being notified or informed of petitions of such 4. it is for a reasonable period or duration;
nature; and 5. it must be ratified;
2. submitting the list of employees during the pre- 6. it must be registered with the Bureau; and
election conference should the Med-Arbiter act 7. the violation of the contract-bar rule or the
favorably on the petition existence of a duly registered CBA must be
specifically impleaded as a defense.
Rules Which Prevent the Holding of a Certification
Election Effect of an Invalid and Unregistered CBA
A. Contract Bar Rule There is no bar and therefore a certification election may
While a valid and registered CBA of a fixed be held.
duration is subsisting, the BLR is not allowed to
hold an election contesting the majority status of Note: Registration of CBA only puts into effect the
the incumbent union during the five year term of Contract-Bar Rule but the CBA itself is valid and binding
even if unregistered.
continues to bind the employees up to is expiration
Exception to the Contract-Bar Rule date. They may, however, bargain for the shortening
The existence of a collective bargaining agreement will of said expiration date.
not bar certification election in the following instances: The employees cannot revoke the validly executed
1. The CBA is unregistered, i.e. not certified by the BLR collective bargaining contract with their employer by
or not registered by the Regional Office. the simple expedient of changing their bargaining
2. The CBA is inadequate or incomplete, i.e., it does not agent. The new agent must respect the contract
contain all the substantial demands on terms and (Benguet Consolidated, Inc. V. Employees’ and
conditions and leaves out matters which should have Workers’ Union-PAFLU, No. L-24711, April 30, 1968).
been stipulated where the stipulation becomes
sweetheart contract. Limitations as to its Application
3. DOCTRIN OF PREMATURE EXTENSION- the CBA It cannot be invoked to support the contention that a
was hastily entered into, i.e., the renewal or extension newly certified collective bargaining agent automatically
of the agreement was premature, frustrating the right assumes all the personal undertakings of the former
of the employees to petition for a certification election agent – like the “no strike clause” in the CBA executed by
at the proper time. the latter (ibid).
4. Withdrawal of affiliation from the contracting union
brought about by schism or mass disaffiliation B. Deadlock Bar Rule
5. Contract where the identity of the representative is in A petition for certification election cannot be
doubt (ALU v. Ferrer-Calleja, Gr No. 85085, entertained if, before the filing of the petition for
November 6, 1989) certification election, a bargaining deadlock to
6. CBA entered into between the employer and the which an incumbent or certified bargaining agent
union during the pendency for certification election is a party, had been submitted to conciliation or
(Vassar Industries Employees Union v. Estrella, GR abitration or had become the subject of a valid
No. 46562, March 31, 1979). notice or strike or lockout.
7. CBA concluded between the employer and the union
(incumbent bargaining agent) is not a bar to a Deadlock – arises when there is an impasse, which
certification election filed by another union and said presupposes reasonable effort at good faith bargaining
CBA can be renegotiated at the option of the new which, despite noble intentions, did not conclude in an
bargaining agent (ATU v. Hon. Noriel, No. L- 48367, agreement between the parties.
January 16, 1979).
8. A CBA registered with falsified supporting documents Indications of a Genuine Deadlock
(Sec. 5[b], Rule XVI, Book V, Rules implementing the 1. The submission of the deadlock to a third party
Labor Code). conciliator or arbitrator; and
9. CBA was concluded in violation of an order enjoining 2. The deadlock is the subject of a valid notice of strike
the parties from entering into a CBA until the issue of or lockout.
representation is resolved; and
10. Petition is filed during the 60-day freedom period. C. Negotiation Bar Rule
A petition for certification election cannot be
Successor-In-Interest Doctrine entertained if, before the filing of the petition for
When an employer with an existing CBA is succeeded by certification election, the duly recognized or
another employer, the successor-in-interest who is a certified union has commenced negotiations with
buyer in good faith has no liability to the employees in the employer in accordance with Art. 250 of the
continuing employment and the collective bargaining Labor Code.
agreement because these contracts are in personam.
D. Certification Year Rule
Except: No petition for certification election may be filed
1. when the successor-in-interest expressly assumes within one year form the date of a valid
the obligation; certification, consent, or run-off election or from
2. the sale is a device to circumvent the obligation; or the date of voluntary recognition.
3. the sale or transfer is made in bad faith.
Examples of Bad Faith Bargaining
Substitutionary Doctrine 1. Surface Bargaining – occurs when employer
It is where there occurs a shift in the employees’ constantly changes its positions over the agreement.
union allegiance after the execution of a collective 2. Boulwarism – occurs:
bargaining contract with the employer, the employees a. When the employer directly bargains with the
can change their agent (the labor union) but the employee disregarding the union.
collective bargaining contract which is still subsisting
The aim was to deal with the Union In a unionized company, Art. 255 allows an employee
through the employees, rather than with whether union member or not, to raise a grievance
the employees through the union. directly to the employer.
b. Employer submits its proposals and adopts a
“take it or leave it” stand. This is not Arbitration May be Initiated By:
negotiation because the “take it or leave it” 1. Submission Agreement – where the parties define the
stand implies threat disputes to be resolved; or
2. Demand or notice invoking a collective agreement
R.A. 6715) Distinguished from Mediation
A mediator is a disinterested 3rd party who helps settle
Article 260: Grievance Machinery and Voluntary disputes involving terms and conditions of a CBA. He is
Arbitration assigned and paid by the State and is not selected by the
parties. He renders no final and binding decision, but
Grievance Machinery – a mechanism for the adjustment merely suggests solutions.
of controversies or disputes arising from the interpretation
or implementation of the CBA and the interpretation or Effect of Merger and Consolidation
enforcement of company personnel policies. Wiley Doctrine – It states that, a duty to arbitrate
arising from a collective bargaining agreement
Grievance – arises when a dispute or controversy arises survives the employer’s ceasing to do business as a
over the implementation or interpretation of a CBA or separate entity after its merger with a substantially
from the implementation or enforcement of company large corporation, so as to be binding on the larger
personnel policies, and either the union or the employer corporation, so as to be binding on the larger
invokes the grievance machinery provision for the corporation, where relevant similarity and continuity
adjustment or resolution of such dispute or controversy. of operations across the change in ownership is
evidenced by the wholesale transfer of smaller
Nature of Grievance Procedure: corporation’s employees to the larger corporation’s
It is a “must” provision in any CBA and no collective plant.
agreement can be registered in the absence of such
procedure. Article 261: Jurisdiction of Voluntary Arbitrators or
It is a part of the continuous process of collective Panel of Voluntary Arbitrators
bargaining intended to promote a friendly dialogue
between labor and management as a means of Arbitrable Disputes
maintaining industrial peace. 1. Contract-negotiation disputes – disputes as to terms
of CBA
Note: Waiver of grievance machinery procedure does not 2. Contract-interpretation disputes – disputes arising
amount to a relinquishment of employee’s right to avail of under an existing CBA, involving such matters as the
voluntary arbitration (Apalisok v. RPN, May 29, 2003) interpretation and application of the contract, or
alleged violation of its provisions.
Voluntary Arbitration – contractual proceedings where
parties to a dispute select a judge of their own choice and Jurisdiction of Voluntary Arbitrators
by consent submit their controversy to him for Exclusive Original Jurisdiction Conferred By Law
determination. 1. All grievances arising from the interpretation of
the CBA;
Note: All grievances not settled within 7 days from the 2. those arising from the interpretation or
date of its submission to the grievance machinery shall enforcement of company personnel policies;
automatically be referred to voluntary arbitration 3. hear and decide wage distortion issued arising
prescribed in the CBA. from the application of any wage orders in
organized establishments; and
Although the provision mentions “parties to a 4. unresolved grievances arising from the
collective bargaining agreement,” it does not mean interpretation and implementation of the
that a grievance machinery cannot be set up in a productivity incentive programs under R.A. 6071.
CBA-less enterprise. In any work place where
grievance can arise, a grievance machinery Note: it is the Labor Arbiter and not the grievance
(regardless of name) can be established. machinery which has jurisdiction over dismissals pursuant
to the union security clause. Violations of the CBA, except
those which are gross in character, shall no longer be arbitrations in
treated as ULP and be resolved as grievance. similar cases.
Appeal is to the Appeal is to a
Gross Violation – flagrant and/or malicious refusal to CA under Rule higher court
comply with the economic provisions of the CBA. 43 of the Rules under the Rules
of Court of Court and B.P.
Jurisdiction by Agreement of the Parties (Art. 129.
The disputes the parties may submit to a Voluntary Judicial Review Grounds (JADES)
Arbitrator can include any or all the disputes 1. Lack of Jurisdiction;
mentioned in Art. 217 which otherwise fall under the 2. Grave Abuse of discretion;
exclusive jurisdiction of a Labor Arbiter. 3. Violation of Due process;
4. Erroneous interpretation of the law; and
Distinctions among a Voluntary Arbitrator, Mediator 5. Denial of Substantial Justice.
and a Court of Law
Certiorari Applicable
Arbitrator Mediator Court A Voluntary Arbitrator is a “quasi-judicial” instrumentality
(Sec. 9, B.P. 129, as amended by R.A. 7902). Its
A person A disinterested Regular Courts.
decisions are therefore appealable to CA under Rule 43
accredited by the party, usually a
of the Rules of Court. Hence, a petition for certiorari
Board as such or government
under Rule 65 of the Rules of Court will lie ONLY where a
a person named employee who
grave abuse of discretion or an act without or in excess of
or designated in helps in settling
jurisdiction of the voluntary arbitrator is shown, which may
the CBA by the disputes
be filed with the Court of Appeals.
parties to act as involving terms
their Voluntary and conditions of
(See Chart after Book V For Comparative Chart on Areas
Arbitrator or one a CBA and is
of Jurisdiction and Remedies)
chosen with or NOT selected by
without the the parties, but is
assistance of the usually assigned
NCMB, pursuant and paid by the
to a selection State
Chapter 1: Strikes and Lockouts
agreed upon in
the CBA, or any
Article 263: Strikes, Picketing and Lockouts
official authorized
by the Sec. Of
Concerted Activity – one undertaken by two or more
labor to act as
employees or by one on behalf of the others.
Arbitrator upon
Strike – any temporary stoppage of work by the
written request
concerted action of employees as a result of an industrial
and agreement
or labor dispute.
of parties to a
labor dispute.
Land Dispute – includes any controversy or matter
Informal A mediator Formal
concerning terms or conditions of employment or the
proceedings; renders no final proceedings,
association or representation of persons in negotiations,
Arbitrator and binding Rules of Court
fixing, maintaining, changing or arranging the terms and
determines what decision and and the Rules on
conditions of employment, regardless of whether or not
is admissible merely suggests Evidence apply
the disputants stand in the proximate relation of
evidence. solutions. He
employers and employees. (Gold City Integrated Port
usually suggests
Service, Inc. v. NLRC, 245 SCRA, 627).
that parties
submit the issue
Importance: It is the most effective weapon of labor in
to an arbitrator
protecting the rights of employees to improve the terms
Arbitrators are Judges are and conditions of their employment.
not obliged to required to 1. Government employees may form labor unions but
follow precedents observe stare are not allowed to strike.
set by other decisis.
2. Only legitimate labor organizations are given the right property of the employer or refuse to vacate the
to strike. premises of the employer.
3. Unionized workers may hold a protest action but not a
strike. ILLEGAL: amounts to a criminal act because the
4. Not all concerted activities are strikes; they may only employees trespass on the premises of the employer.
be protest actions. And they do not necessarily cause
work stoppage by the protesters. A strike, in contrast, B. Wildcat Strike – work stoppage that violates the labor
is always a group action accompanied by work contract and is not authorized and is disowned by the
stoppage. union.
Lockout – means the temporary refusal of an employer ILLEGAL: fails to comply with certain requirements of
to furnish work as a result of an industrial or labor dispute. the law, to wit: notice of strike, vote and report on
strike vote.
Note: Strike and lockout are similar in the sense that they
connote temporary stoppage of work. The difference is C. Sympathetic strikes – work stoppages of workers of
that strike is done by employees or labor union while one company to make common cause with other
lockout is done by the employer. strikers of other companies, without demands or
grievances of their own against the employer.
Boycott – an attempt, by arousing a fear of loss, to
coerce others, against their will to withhold from one ILLEGAL: because there is no labor dispute between
denominated “unfriendly to labor” their beneficial business the workers who are joining the strikers and the
intercourse. latter’s employer.
Slowdown – a method by which one’s employees, D. Secondary Strikes – are work stoppages of workers
without seeking a complete stoppage of work, retard of one company to exert pressure on their employer
production and distribution in an effort to compel so that the latter will in turn bring pressure upon the
compliance by the employer with the labor demands employer of another company with whom another
made upon him. union has a labor dispute.
Picketing – act of marching to and from the employer’s ILLEGAL: because there is no labor dispute involved.
premises, usually accompanied by the display of placards
and other signs making known the facts involved in a Note: A strike can validly take place only in the
labor dispute. This is an exercise of one’s freedom of presence of and in relation to a labor dispute between
speech. employer and employee.
Strike-Breaker – any person who obstructs, impedes or E. Cause Oriented Strikes – to make a stand on certain
interferes by force, violence, coercion, threats or national issues.
intimidation with any peaceful picketing by employees
during any labor controversy affecting wages, hour or “Welga ng Bayan” ILLEGAL: a welga ng bayan is
conditions of work or in the exercise of the right to self illegal because it is a political strike and therefore
organization or collective bargaining. there is neither a bargaining deadlock nor any ULP, it
is a political rally.
Strike Area – the establishment, warehouse, depots,
plants or offices, including the sites or premises used as F. Quickie Strikes – brief and unannounced temporary
runaway shops of the employer struck against, as well as work stoppage.
the immediate vicinity actually used by picketing strikers
in moving to and fro before all points of entrance to and Grounds for the Declaration of Strike
exit from said establishment. 1. Deadlock in collective bargaining (ECONOMIC);
Types of Strikes 2. Unfair Labor Practices (POLITICAL).
1. Economic strikes – used to secure the economic
demands such as higher wages and better working
conditions for the workers. Economic vs. Political Strike
2. ULP strike – protest against ULP of management.
Economic Strike ULP Strike (Political)
Forms of Strikes and Their Validity
A. Sit-Down Strike – characterized by a temporary work Nature
stoppage of workers who there upon seize or occupy A voluntary strike because An involuntary strike; the
the employee will declare a labor organization is forced 5. The work stoppage is done through the concerted
strike to compel to go on strike because of action of the employees; and
management to grant its the ULP committed against 6. The striking group is a legitimate labor organization
demands. them by the employer. It is and in case of bargaining deadlock, is the employees
an act of self defense since sole bargaining representative.
the employees are being
pushed to the wall and their Non-Strikeable Issues (NILA) (Article 263 (b); Dept.
only remedy is to stage a Order no. 9, Rule 12 Sec. 2)
strike. 1. Violations of CBA which are not gross in character
shall be resolved via the Grievance Machinery;
Initiated by 2. Inter-union or intra-union disputes;
The collective bargaining Either: 3. Labor standards cases such as wage orders
agent of the appropriate a. Collective bargaining (Guidelines governing Labor Relations [19 Oct. 1987]
bargaining unit can declare agent; or issued by Sc. Drilon; see also Article 261, LC;
an economic strike b. The legitimate labor 4. those issues which had already been brought to
organization in behalf voluntary or compulsory arbitration.
of its members.
Tests in Determining the Legality of a Strike
Cooling Off Period A. Purpose Test – the strike must be due to either:
30 days from the filing of 15 days from the filing of 1. Bargaining Deadlock;
the notice of strike before the notice of strike 2. Unfair Labor Practice
the intended date of actual B. Compliance with Procedural and Substantive
strike subject to the 7-day Requirements of Law:
strike ban. 1. Notice of Strike – must be filed prior to the
Exception to the Colling-Off Period intended date of strike, taking into consideration
No exception mandatory Cooling-Off period may be the cooling-off period.
dispensed with, and the Note: the failure of the union to serve the company a
union may take immediate copy of the notice of strike is a clear violation of
action in case of dismissal Section 3, Rule XXII, Book V of the Rules
from employment of their Implementing the Labor Code. The Constitutional
officers duly elected in precepts of due process mandate that the other part
accordance with the union’s be notified of the adverse action of the opposing party
constitution and by-laws, (Filipino Pipe and Foundry Corporation v. NLRC, 318
which may constitute union SCRA 68).
busting where the
existence of the union is 2. Cooling-Off Period before the intended date of
threatened actual strike subject to the 7-day strike ban.
Strike Duration Pay in Case of A Legal Strike a. Bargaining deadlock – 30 days
Not entitled to said pay Said pay may be awarded b. ULP – 15 days
based on the principle that in the discretion of the c. Union Busting – cooling-off period need not
a “fair day’s wage accrues authority deciding the case. be observed and the union may take action
only for a fair day’s labor”. immediately after the strike vote is conducted
and results submitted to regional branch.
Characteristics of Strikes:
Cooling-Off Period – that period of time given the
1. There must be an established E-E relationship
NCMB to mediate and conciliate the parties. It is that
between the strikers and the person/s against whom
span of time allotted by law for the parties to settle
the strike is called;
their disputes in a peaceful manner, before staging a
2. The existence of a dispute between the parties and
strike or lockout
the utilization by labor of the weapon of concerted
refusal to work as a means of persuading or coercing
3. Strike Vote – a requirement wherein the decision
compliance with the working men’s demands;
do declare a strike must be:
3. The contention advanced by the workers that
a. Approved by a majority of the total union
although the work ceases, the employment relation is
membership in the bargaining unit concerned
deemed to continue albeit in a state of belligerent
(not of the whole bargaining unit); and
b. Obtained by secret ballot in meeting or
4. There is work stoppage, which stoppage is
referenda called for the purpose.
Purpose: to ensure that the intended strike is a
majority decision. When can the Secretary of Labor Assume
Jurisdiction Over a Strike
4. 7-Day Strike Ban – the 7-day waiting period There exists a labor dispute causing or likely to cause
before the date of the purported strike (within a strike or lockout in an industry indispensable to the
which the union intending to conduct a strike national interest.
must at least submit a report to the Department The Secretary of Labor may:
as to the result of the strike vote) intended to give 1. assume jurisdiction and decide it, or
the Department an opportunity to verify whether 2. certify the same to the NLRC for compulsory
the projected strike really carries the imprimatur arbitration.
of the majority of the union members in addition
to the cooling-off period before actual strike. Note: What constitutes “indispensable industry” is based
solely upon the discretion of the Secretary of Labor.
Should the strike vote be taken within or
outside the cooling-off period? Effects of the Assumption of Jurisdiction of the
The law does not specify but NCMB’s Primer Secretary
on Strike, Picketing and Lockout states that if 1. automatically enjoins the intended or impending strike
the strike vote is filed within the cooling-off or lockout as specified in the assumption or
period, the 7-day requirement “shall be certification order;
counted from the day following the expiration 2. if one has already taken place at the time of
of the cooling-off period” assumption or certification, all striking or locked-out
employees shall immediately return to work; and
C. Means Employed Test – a strike may be legal at is 3. the employer shall immediately resume operations
inception but eventually be declared illegal if the and re-admit all workers under the same terms and
strike is accompanied by violence which is conditions prevailing before the strike or lockout.
widespread, pervasive and adopted as a matter of
policy and not merely violence which is sporadic Note: A motion for reconsideration does not suspend the
which normally occurs in a strike area. (See effects as the assumption order is immediately executory.
prohibited activities under Art. 264)
Issues that the Secretary of Labor Can Resolve When
Note: The 3 tests MUST concur. Non compliance with any He Assumes Jurisdiction over a Labor Dispute
of the aforementioned requisites renders the strike illegal 1. Only issues submitted to the Secretary may be
resolved by him (PAL v. Sec. Of Labor, GR No.
Good Faith Strike Doctrine – a strike may be January 23, 1991, January 23, 1991)
considered legal where the union believed that the 2. Issues submitted to the Secretary for resolution and
company committed ULP and the circumstances such issues involved in the labor dispute itself (St.
warranted such belief in good faith, although Scholastica’s Collage v. Torres, GR No. 100158,
subsequently such allegations of ULP are found out as June 29, 1992).
not true (Bacus v. Ople, GR No. L- 56856, October 23, 3. Secretary of Labor may subsume pending labor
1984) cases before Labor Arbiters which are involved in the
dispute and decide even issues falling under the
Doctrine of means and Purposes – a strike is legal exclusive and original jurisdiction of Labor Arbiters
when lawful means concur with lawful purpose (GOP- such as the declaration of legality or illegality of strike
CCP Workers v. CIR, GR No. L-33015 September 10, (Int’l Pharmaceuticals v. Sec. Of Labor, GR. No.
1979) 92981-8, 3 January 9, 1992).
4. Power of Secretary of Labor is plenary and
When Strike is ILLEGAL discretionary (St. Luke’s Medical Center v. Torres,
1. contrary to specific prohibition of law, such as strike GR No. 99395, June 29, 1993).
by employees performing governmental functions;
2. violates a specific requirements of law; Entitlement to Strike Duration Pay
3. declared for an unlawful purpose, such as inducing General Rule: Strikers are not entitled to their wages
the employer to commit ULP against non-union during the period of a strike, even if the strike is legal.
4. employs unlawful means in the pursuit of its objective, Exceptions:
such as widespread terrorism of non-strikers; 1. In case of a ULP strike, in the discretion of the
5. declared in violation of an existing injunction; authority deciding the case (see table for more
6. contrary to an existing agreement, such as a no strike distinction between Economic and ULP strike.)
clause or conclusive arbitration clause
2. Where the strikers voluntarily and unconditionally 2. AFTER certification or submission of the dispute
offered to return to work, but the employer refused to to compulsory or voluntary arbitration; or
accept the offer (e.g. “we will return tomorrow” and 3. DURING the pendency of cases involving the
NOT “willing to return provided”). same grounds for the strike or lockout.
Note: They are entitled to backwages from the date the Third Persons
offer was made. NO person (3rd persons) shall obstruct, impede or
3. Where there is RETURN-TO-WORK ORDER and the interfere with by force, violence, coercion, threats
employees are discriminated against or intimidation:
1. any peaceful picketing by employees during
Rules on Reinstatement of Striking Workers any labor controversy or in the exercise of the
General Rule: Striking employees are entitled to right of self-organization or collective
reinstatement, regardless of whether or not the strike was bargaining; or
the consequence of the employer’s ULP. 2. shall aid or abet such obstruction or
Reason: Because while out on strike, the strikers are not
considered to have abandoned their employment, but C. Employers
rather have only ceases from their labor. NO employer shall use or employ any STRIKE-
BEARER nor shall any person be employed as a
The declaration of a strike is NOT a renunciation of strikebreaker
employment relation.
D. Public Official or Employee
Exceptions: NO public official or employee, including officers and
The following are NOT entitled to reinstatement: personnel of the New Armed Forces of the Philippines
1. union officers who knowingly participate in an illegal or the Integrated National Police, or armed persons:
strike; and 1. shall bring in, introduce or escort in any manner,
2. any striker/union member who knowingly participates any individual who seeks to replace strikes in
in the commission of illegal acts during the strike. entering or leaving the premises or a strike area,
or work in place of the strikers,
Note: Those union members who joined an illegal strike 2. The police force shall keep out of the picket lines
but have not committed any illegal act shall be reinstated unless actual violence or other criminal acts
but without any backwages. occur therein:
Improved Offer Balloting Reduced Offer Balloting Reliefs Available to an Illegally Dismissed Employee
1. Reinstatement; and/or
Purpose 2. Payment of backwages
1. To determine whether 1. To determine whether
or not the improved or not the improved Reinstatement – restoration of the employee to the state
offer of the offer of the UNION is from which he ahs been unjustly removed or separated
EMPLOYER is acceptable to board, without loss of seniority rights and other privileges.
acceptable to the union trustees and partners.
members 2. To ascertain the real Forms of Reinstatement
2. To ascertain the real sentiment of the silent 1. Actual or Physical Reinstatement – the employee
sentiment of the silent majority of the union shall be admitted back to work.
majority of the union members on strike. 2. Payroll Reinstatement – the employee is merely
members on strike. reinstated in the payroll.
Period of Filing
On or before the 30th day of On or before he 30th day of What is the Effect of the Reversal of Labor Arbiter’s
the strike the lockout Decision to the Reinstated Employee?
Article 266: Arrest and Detention If the decision of the labor arbiter is later reversed on
appeal upon the finding that the ground for dismissal is
General Rule: A police officer cannot arrest or detain a valid, then the employer has the right to require the
union member for union activities without previous dismissed employee on payroll reinstatement to refund
consultations with the Secretary of Labor the salaries s/he received while the case was pending
appeal, or it can be deducted from the accrued benefits
Except on the ground of: that the dismissed employee was entitled to receive from
1. National security; his/her employer under existing laws, collective
2. public peace; and bargaining agreement provisions, and company practices.
3. commission of a crime. However, if the employee was reinstated to work during
the pendency of the appeal, then the employee is entitled
An arrest can be lawfully made in the following cases: to the compensation received for actual services
1. Any person who obstructs the free and lawful rendered without need of refund (Citibank v. NLRC, G.R.
ingress and egress from the employer’s premises Nos. 142732-33, December 4, 2007)
or who obstructs public thoroughfares.
2. Any person who shall have in his possession May a Court order the Reinstatement of a Dismissed
deadly weapons in violation of B.P Bldg. 6 and Employee Even if the Prayer of the Complaint did
firearms and explosives (Guidelines for the NOT include such relief?
conduct of PNP/AFP Personnel in Labor
Disputes) YES. So long as there is a finding that the employee was
illegally dismissed, the court can order the reinstatement
BOOK SIX: POST-EMPLOYMENT of an employee even if the complaint does not include a
prayer of r reinstatement, unless, of course, the employee
has waived his right to reinstatement. By law, an
TITLE ONE: TERMINATION OF EMPLOYMENT employee who is unjustly dismissed is entitled to
reinstatement, among others. The mere fact that the
Article 279: Security of Tenure complaint did not pray for reinstatement will not prejudice
the employee, because technicalities of law and
Security of Tenure- the constitutional right granted the procedure are frowned upon in labor proceedings
employee, that the employer shall not terminate the (Pheschem Industrial Corp. v. Morldez, GR No. 1161158,
services of an employee except for just cause or when May 9, 2005)
authorized by law. It extends to regular (permanent) as
well as non-regular (temporary) employment (Kiamco v. What happens if there is an Order of Reinstatement
NLRC, GR No. 129449, June 29, 1999) but the position is NO longer available?
Note: Security of tenure clause is not confined to cases of The employee should be given a substantially equivalent
termination of employer-employee relationship alone. It is position. If NO substantially equivalent position is
available, reinstatement should not be ordered because
that would in effect compel the employer to do the law. (St. Michael’s Institute v. Santos, GR No. 145280,
impossible. In such a situation, the employee should December 4, 2001)
merely be given separation pay consisting of one month
salary for every year of service (1:1). (Grolier Int’l Inc. v. How it is Computed
ELA, GR No. 83523, August 31, 1989) Under existing law, backwages is computed from the time
of the illegal dismissal up to time of actual reinstatement
Doctrine of Strained Relations
When the employer can no longer trust the employee Rule on Backwages
and vice-versa, or there were imputations of bad faith The backwages to be awarded should not be diminished
to each other, reinstatement could not effectively or reduced by earnings elsewhere during the period of his
serve as a remedy. This doctrine applies only to illegal dismissal. The reason is that the employee while
positions which require trust and confidence. (Globe litigating the illegality of his dismissal must still earn a
Mackay v. NLRC, GR No. 82511, March 3, 1992) living to support himself and his family (Bustamante vs.
Under the circumstances where the employment NLRC, G.R. No. 111651, March 15, 1996; Buenviaje v.
relationship has become to strained to preclude a CA. GR No. 147806, November 2002)
harmonious working relationship, and that all hopes
at reconciliation are after reinstatement, it would be Included in the Computation of Backwages
more beneficial to accord the employee backwages 1. transportation and emergency allowances;
and separation pay. 2. vacation or service incentive leave and sick leave;
Separation Pay in Lieu of Reinstatement 3. 13th month pay.
Proceeds from al illegal dismissal wherein reinstatement
is ordered but cannot be carried out as in the following Note: Facilities such as uniforms, shoes, helmets and
cases: ponchos should NOT be included in the computation of
1. Reinstatement cannot be effected in view of the long backwages.
passage of time or because of the realities of the
situation; Reason: said items are given free, to be used only during
2. That it would be inimical to the employer’s interest; official tour of duty not for private of personal use.
3. Reinstatement may no longer be feasible;
4. It will not serve the best interest of the parties Note: The award of backwages is computed on the basis
involved; of a 30-day month (JAM Trans Co. v. Flores, GR No. L-
5. Company will be prejudiced by the reinstatement; 68555, March 19, 1993).
6. It will not serve a prudent purpose; and
7. That there is a resultant strained relations Circumstances that Prevent Award of Backwages
1. Dismissal for cause;
Note: Under present laws and jurisprudence, separation 2. Death, physical or mental incapacity of the employee;
pay may be viewed in four ways: 3. Business reverses;
1. in lieu of reinstatement in illegal dismissal cases, 4. Act of State; and
where the ee is ordered reinstated but reinstatement 5. Detention in prison.
is not feasible
2. as employer’s statutory obligation in cases of legal Which Takes Precedence in Conflicts Arising
termination due to authorized causes under Art. 283 Between Employer’s Management Prerogative and
and 284; the Employee’s Right to Security of Tenure?
3. as financial assistance, as an act of social justice and
even in case of legal dismissal under Art. 282; The employee’s right to security of tenure. Thus. An
4. as employment benefit granted in CBA or company employer’s management prerogative includes the right to
policy (Poquiz, 2006) terminate the services of the employee but this
management prerogative is limited by the Labor Code
Backwages – the relief given to an employee to which provides that the employer can terminate an
compensate him for lost earnings during the period of his employee only for a just cause or when authorized by
dismissal. It presupposes illegal termination. law. This limitation is because no less than the
constitution recognizes and guarantees employee’s right
Note: Entitlement to backwages of the illegally dismissed to security of tenure (Art. 279, Labor Code, Art. XIII, Sec.
employee flows from law. Even if he does not ask for it, it 3, Constitution)
may be given. The failure to claim backwages in the
complaint for illegal dismissal is a mere procedural lapse Article 280: Regular and Casual Employment
which cannot defeat a right granted under substantive
1. Regular Employment
Employment arrangement where the employee: project or any phase thereof will not mean severance
a. has been engaged to perform activities which are of E-E relationship. UNLESS, the workers in the work
usually necessary or desirable in the usual pool are free to leave any time and offer their services
business or trade of the employer; or t other employers. (L.T. Datu & Co. Inc. v. NRLR, GR
b. has rendered al least one (1) year of service, No. 113162, February 9, 1996)
whether such service is continuous or broken,
with respect to the activity in which he is Requirements: (Policy Instruction No. 20 and DO.
employed. No. 19, Series of 1997)
a. Specific project phase thereof stated in the
Test of Regularity: reasonable connection between employment contract;
the particular activity performed by the employee in b. Estimated date of completion of project or phase
relation to the usual business or trade of the thereof likewise stated in the contract;
employer. c. Employee must have been dismissed every after
completion of his project or phase (gaps must be
Note: Whether the work undertaken by the employee shown in his length of service); and
is necessary or desirable can be determined by d. There must be a report to the DOLE of his
looking at the services rendered and its relation to the dismissal on account of completion of contract.
general scheme under which the business or trade is
pursued in the usual course. Entitlement to Separation Pay
General Rule: Project employees are NOT entitled to
2. Casual Employment separation pay if they are terminated as a result of
Employment arrangement where an employee is the completion of the project or any phase thereof in
engaged to perform activities which are not which they have been employed.
necessary or desirable in the usual trade or business
of the employer. Exception: if the projects they are working on have
a. the status of regular employment attaches to the not yet been completed when their services are
casual employee who has rendered at least one terminated; project employees also enjoy security of
(1) year of service whether such service is tenure during the limited time of their employment.
continuous or broken, with respect to the activity (De Ocampo v. NLRC, GR. No. 81077, June 6, 1990)
in which he is employed and his employment
shall continue while such activity exists. 4. Seasonal Employment
b. A casual employee is only casual for one year, Employment arrangement where an employee is
and it is the passage of time that gives him a engaged to work during a particular season on an
regular status (KASAMMA-CCO v. CA GR No. activity that is usually necessary or desirable in
159828, April 19, 2006) the usual business or trade of the employer.
During off-season, the relationship of employer
Purpose: to give meaning to the constitutional and employee is not severed; the seasonal
guarantees of security of tenure and right to self employee is merely considered on leave of
organization (Mercado v. NLRC, GR No. 79869, absence without pay.
September 5, 1991). Seasonal workers who are repeatedly engaged
from season to season performing the same
3. Project Employment tasks are deemed to have acquired regular
Employment has been fixed for a specific project employment.
or undertaking, the completion or termination of
which has been determined at the time of Note: One-year duration on the job is pertinent to
engagement of the employee. deciding whether a casual employee has become
Where the employment of project employees is regular or not; but it is NOT pertinent to a seasonal or
extended long after the supposed project has project employee. Passage of time does not make a
been finished, the employees are removed from seasonal worker regular or permanent (Mercado v.
the scope of project employees and considered NLRC, GR No. 79869, September 5, 1991)
regular employees.
When the business establishment is sold which
Note: Members of a work pool from which a effectively terminates the employment of the
construction company draws its project employees, if seasonal employees, the latter would be entitled
considered employees of the construction company to separation pay.
while in the work pool, are non-project employees or
employees for an indefinite period. If they are 5. Temporary or Fixed-Period Employment
employed in a particular project, the completion of the
Employment arrangement where an employee is General Rule: Probationary employment shall not exceed
engaged to work on a specific project or six (6) months from the date the employee started
undertaking which is usually necessary or working.
desirable in the usual business or trade of the
employer, the completion of which has been Exceptions:
determined at the time of the engagement of the 1. when it is covered by an apprenticeship agreement
employee. stipulating a longer period;
A fixed-period employee does not become a 2. when the parties to an employment contract agree
regular employee because his employment is co- otherwise;
terminous with a specific period of time. 3. when the same is established by company policy; and
4. when the same is required by the nature of the work
Criteria under which Fixed-Period Employment May performed by the employee.
be Valid
a. the fixed period of employment was knowingly and Example: The probationary period set for professors,
voluntarily agreed upon by the parties without any instructors and teachers is three (3) consecutive years of
force, duress, or improper pressure being brought to satisfactory service pursuant to DOLE Manual of
bear upon the employee and absent any other Regulations for Private Schools.
circumstances vitiating his consent; or
b. it satisfactorily appears that the employer and the Extension of Probation
employee dealth with each other on more or less The employer and employee may extend by agreement
equal terms with no moral dominance exercised by the probationary period of employment beyond six (6)
the former or the latter (Brent School v. Zamora, GR months.
No. L-48494, February 5, 1990).
Note: By voluntarily agreeing to such an extension, the
Note: Seafarers cannot be considered as regular employee waived any benefit attaching to the completion
employees. Their employment is governed by the of the period if he still failed to make the grade during the
contracts they sign everytime they are rehired and their period of extension (Mariwasa Mfg., Inc. v. Hon.
employment is terminated when the contract expires. Leogardo, GR No. 74246, January 26, 1989)
Their employment is fixed for a certain period of time.
(Ravago v. Esso Eastern Maritime Ltd., GR No. 158324, Double or Successive Probation NOT Allowed
March 14, 2005). The evil sought to be prevented is to discourage
scheming employers from using the system of double or
Article 281: Probationary Employment successive probation to circumvent the mandate of the
law on regularization and make it easier for them to
Probationary Employment – Exists where the dismiss their employees (Holiday Inn Manila v. NLRC, GR
employee, upon his engagement is made to undergo a No. 109114, September 14, 1993).
trial period during which the employer determines his
fitness to qualify for regular employment based on Termination of Probationary Employment
reasonable standards made known to him at the time of Probationary employees are protected by the security of
his engagement. tenure provision of the Constitution. HOWEVER, a
probationary employee may be terminated at any time
Characteristics of Probationary Employment before the expiration of the probationary period on two (2)
1. it is an employment for a trial period; grounds
2. it is a temporary employment status prior to regular 1. just cause; and
employment; 2. failure to meet the standards for qualifications for a
3. it arises through a contract with the following regular employment.
a. the employee must learn and work at a particular Note: The probationary employee is entitled to procedural
type of work; due process prior to dismissal from the service.
b. such work calls for a certain qualifications;
c. the probation is fixed Limitations to Termination of Probation
d. the employer reserves the power to terminate 1. The employer’s power to terminate a probationary
during or at the end of the trial period; and employment contract must be exercised in
e. and if the employee has learned the job to the accordance with the specific requirements of the
satisfaction of the employer, he becomes a contract;
regular employee. 2. If a particular time is prescribed, the termination must
be within such time and if formal notice is required,
Duration then that form must be used;
3. The employer’s dissatisfaction must be real and in c. in connection to the duties which he had
good faith, not feigned so as to circumvent the been engaged to discharge (Acesite
contract or the law; and Corporation, et. al v. NLRC, GR No. 152308,
4. There must be no unlawful discrimination in the January 26, 2005)
Note: There is no law that compels an employee to
Regular Status After Probationary Period accept a promotion for the reason that a promotion is in
If the probationary employee is allowed to work beyond the nature of a gift or reward, which a person has the right
the period of 6 months or the agreed probationary period, to refuse. Hence, the exercise by the employee of the
said employee becomes a regular employee by operation right to refuse a promotion cannot be considered in law
of law as insubordination, or willful disobedience of a lawful
order of the employer (PT&T Corp. v. CA, September 29,
Article 282: Termination by Employer 2003).
Guidelines to Determine the Validity of Termination: C. Gross and Habitual Neglect of Duties
1. Gravity of the offense; In order to constitute a just cause for the
2. Position occupied by the employee; employee’s dismissal, the neglect of duties must
3. Degree of damage to the employer; not only be gross but also habitual.
4. Previous infractions of the same offense; and Gross neglect means an absence of that
5. Length of service. diligence that an ordinarily prudent man would
use in his own affairs (Department of Labor
Totality of Infractions Doctrine Manual. Sec. 4343 01[27]).
It is the totality, not the compartmentalization of company Habitual neglect implies repeated failure to
infractions that the employee had consistently committed, perform one’s duties over a period of time,
which justifies the penalty of dismissal (e.g. number of depending upon the circumstances (JGB and
violations committed during the period of employment). Associates, Inc. v. NLRC, GR No. 10939, March
(Manila Electric Company v. NLRC, GR No. 114129, 7, 1996).
October 24, 1996)
Forms of Neglect of Duty
Just Causes 1. Habitual tardiness and absenteeism
A. Serious Misconduct 2. Abandonment
Misconduct has been defined as the a. Failure to report for work or absence without
transgression of some established and definite valid or justifiable reason;
rule of action, a forbidden act, a dereliction of b. Clear intention to sever Er-Ee relationship
duty, willful in character, and implies wrongful being manifested by some overt acts. (Labor
intent and not mere error in judgment. (Dept. of et., al. v. NLRC, GR No. 10388, September
Labor Manual, Sec. 4343.01) 11, 1995)
The misconduct to be serious must be: Note: The filing of the complaint for illegal
1. of such a grave and aggravated character; dismissal (with a prayer for reinstatement) is
and consistent with the charge of abandonment
2. in connection with the employee’s work (Kams Int’l, Inc. v. NLRC, GR No. 128806,
September 28, 1999). HOWEVER, the rule has
Examples: no application where the complainant does not
1. Sexual harassment pray for reinstatement and asks for separation
2. Fighting within company premises pay instead. (Jo, et. al v. NLRC, GR No. 121605,
3. Uttering obscene, insulting or offensive words February 2, 2000).
against a superior
4. Falsification of time records D. Fraud or Will Breach of Trust
5. Gross immorality To constitute a just cause for terminating the
employee’s services,
B. Willful Disobedience or Insubordination 1. fraud must be committed against the employer or
1. The employee’s assailed conduct has been willful his representative; and
or intentional, the willfulness being characterized 2. in connection with the employee’s work
by a “wrongful and perverse attitude”; and (Department of Labor Manual, Sec. 4353.01[3]).
2. The order violated must have been:
a. reasonable and lawful; Examples:
b. made known to the employee; and 1. falsification of time cards
2. theft of company property
3. unauthorized use of vehicle
1. Notice (Twin Notice Rule) – the employer is
Guideline for the Doctrine of Loss of Confidence to required to furnish an employee who is tot be
Apply dismissed with two (2) written notices before such
1. loss of confidence should not be simulated termination:
(reasonable basis for loss of trust and a. Pre-Notice – a written notice served on the
confidence); employee specifying the ground or grounds for
2. not used as a subterfuge for causes which are termination, and giving to said employee
improper, illegal or unjustified; reasonable opportunity within which to explain his
3. not arbitrarily asserted in the face of side;
overwhelming evidence to the contrary; b. Post-Notice – a written notice of termination
4. must be genuine, not a mere afterthought to served on the employee indicating that upon due
justify earlier action taken in bad faith; and consideration of all the circumstances, grounds
5. the employee involved holds a position of trust have been established to justify his termination.
and confidence. (which comes only after the employee is given
reasonable period from receipt of the first notice
Note: generally, employers are allowed wider latitude to answer the charge, see requirement 2 below)
of discretion in terminating the employment of (Pepsi Cola v. NLRC, GR No. 90964, February
managerial personnel or those who, while not of 10, 1992).
similar rank, perform functions which by their nature
require the employer’s full trust and confidence. 2. Hearing or Conference – a hearing or conference
(Coca-Cola Bottlers v. NLRC, GR No. 82580, April should be held during which the employee concerned
25, 1989) with the assistance of counsel, if the employee so
desires, is given the opportunity to respond to the
E. Commission of a Crime or Offense charge, present his evidence or reput the evidence
Refers to an offense by the employee against the presented against him (Lavador v. “J” Marketing
person of his employer or any immediate member of Corporation and Soyao, GR No. 157757, June 28,
his family or his duly authorized representative and 2005).
thus, the conviction of a crime involving moral
turpitude is not analogous thereto as the element of Burden of Proof
relation to his work or to his employer is lacking. The burden of proof rests upon the employer to show that
the dismissal of the employee is for a just cause, and
Note: The conviction of an employee in a criminal failure to do so would necessarily mean that the dismissal
case is NOT necessary to warrant his dismissal by is not justified, consonant with the constitutional
his employer. guarantee of security of tenure as implemented by law.
Note: The phrase “to prevent losses” means that D. Closure or Cessation of Operation of the
retrenchment or termination from the service of some Establishment or Undertaking
employees is authorized to be undertaken by the Must be bona fide or in god faith
employer sometime before the losses anticipated are
actually sustained or realized. Evidently, actual losses Rules:
1. Where closure is due to serious business losses, 10. Retirement.
no separation pay is required; (North Davao
Mining Corp. v. NLRC, GR No. ---, March 13, Totality of Infractions Doctrine
1996) Where the employee has been found to have repeatedly
2. Where closure is NOT due to serious business incurred several suspensions or warnings on account of
losses, workers are entitled to separation pay; violations of company rules and regulations, the law
3. Where closure was due to an act of the warrants their dismissal as it is akin to “habitual
government, the workers are not entitled to delinquency” (Villeno v. NLRC, 251 SCRA 494)
separation pay (National Federation of Labor v.
NLRC, GR No. 127718, March 2, 2000). Procedural Steps Required
1. Written notice to DOLE 30 days prior to the intended
Note: Article 283 includes both the complete date of termination;
cessation of all business operation of an
establishment and the cessation of only part of a Purpose: to enable it to ascertain the verity of the cause
company’s business (Cheniver Deco Print Technics of termination
Corp. v. NLRC, GR No. 122876, February 17, 2000).
2. Written notice to employee concerned 30 days prior
to the intended date of termination;
E. Disease
Requisites: Note: When termination of employment is brought by the
1. the continued employment of the employee is failure of an employee to meet the standards of the
prohibited by law or prejudicial to his health as employer in case of probationary employment, it shall be
well as to the health of his co-employees; and sufficient that a written notice is served the employee
2. with a certification from a competent authority within a reasonable time from the effective date of
(such as a public health officer ) that the disease termination.
is incurable within 6 months despite due When termination is brought about by the
mediation and treatment (Solis v. NLRC, GR No. completion of the contract or phase thereof, no
116175, October 28, 1996). prior notice is required.
Periods of Prescription
Cancellation of registration of
federation or National union by the
Denial of application of registration of
federation or national union by the
Decision of BLR in Inter/Intra Union
dispute; and
Decision of Med-Arbiter in Petition for
Certification election.
Social Legislation
Labor Law
1. provided that the dependent illegitimate children shall
be entitled to 50% of the share of the legitimate,
(R.A. 1161 AS AMENDED BY R.A. 8282)
legitimated or legally adopted children;
2. provided further, in the absence of the legitimated,
Definition of Terms legally adopted or legitimate children, illegitimate
children shall be entitled to 100% of the benefits;
Employer – any person, natural, juridical, domestic or 3. in their absence, the dependent parents who shall be
foreign, who carries on in the Philippines, any trade, the secondary beneficiaries; and
business, industry, undertaking or activity of any kind and 4. in the absence of all the foregoing, any person
uses the services of another person who is under his designated by the covered employee as secondary
orders as regards the employment except Government beneficiary.
and any of its political subdivisions, branches or
instrumentalities, including corporations owned or Contingency – The retirement, death, disability, injury r
controlled by the Government. sickness and maternity of the member
Employment – Any service performed by an employee 3. Upon such self-employed persons as may be
for his employer. determined by the Commission including but not
limited to the following (Sec. 9-A): (P2A2F)
Beneficiaries – The dependent spouse until he or she a. All self-employed Professionals;
remarries, the dependent legitimate, legitimated or legally b. Partners and single proprietors;
adopted and illegitimate children who shall be the primary c. Actors and actresses, directors, scriptwriters
beneficiaries of the member; and news correspondents who do not fall
within the definition of the terms employee in
Section 8[d] of this Act;
d. Professional Athletes, coaches, trainers, and Note: Employees of bona fide independent contractors
jockeys; and shall not be deemed employees of the employer
e. Individual Farmers and fishermen. engaging the service of said contractors.
B. Voluntary Benefits:
1. Spouses who devote full time to managing the
household and family affairs (Sec. 9(b); A. Monthly Pension (Sec. 12)
2. Filipinos employed abroad recruited by foreign- 1. Monthly pension shall be the highest of the
based employers (Sec. 9 (c) ); following:
3. Persons separate from employment to maintain a. P300 plus 20% of average monthly salary
his right to full benefits (Sec. 11); and credit plus 2% of average monthly salary
4. Self-employed, who realizes no income for a credit for each credited year of service in
certain month (Sec. 11-A) excess of 10 years;
b. 40% monthly salary credit; and
C. By Agreement c. P1,000 provided that the monthly pension
Any foreign government, international organization, or shall in no case be paid for an aggregate
their wholly-owned instrumentality employing workers amount of less than 60 months.
in the Philippines, may enter into an agreement with 2. For members with at least 10 years credited
the Philippine government for the inclusion of such service, the minimum pension shall be P1,200;
employees in the SSS except those already covered and
by their respective civil service retirement systems. 3. For members with at least 20 years credited
service, the minimum pension shall be P2,400.
Effective Date of Coverage (Sec. 10)
1. Employer – on first day of his operation A-I. Dependent’s Pension (Sec. 12-A)
2. Employee – on the day of his employment 1. Equivalent to 10% of monthly pension or P250,
3. Self-employed – upon his registration with SSS whichever is higher;
2. Payable on account of death, permanent total
Effects of Separation from Employment (Sec. 11) disability or retirement; and
1. Employer’s contribution on his account ceases; 3. Payable to each conceived child on or before the
2. Employee’s obligation to contribute also ceases at the date of contingency but not exceeding five (5)
end of the month of separation; and dependents beginning from the youngest with
3. Employee shall be credited with all contribution paid preference on legitimate children.
on his behalf and entitled to benefit according to the
provisions of this Act. A-II. Retirement Benefits (Sec. 12-B)
1. A member who has paid at least 120 monthly
Effects of Interruption of Business or Professional contributions prior to the semester of retirement
Income of Self-Employed Individual shall be entitle to monthly pension as long as he
1. He shall not be required to pay contributions for that lives, provided that:
month. a. He has reached the age of sixty (60)
2. However, he may be allowed to continue paying years and is already separated from
contributions under the same rules applicable to a employment or has ceased to be self-
separated covered employee member. employed; or
b. He has reached the age of sixty-five (65)
Excluded Employment (Sec. 8(j)) years.
1. Employment purely casual and not for the purpose of
occupation or business of the employer; Note: Member has the option to receive his 1 st eighteen
2. Services performed on or in connection with an alien (18) monthly pension in lump sum at a preferential rate of
vessel by an employee if he is employed when such interest as determined by the SSS.
vessel is outside the Philippines;
3. Service performed in the employ of the Philippine 2. A covered member who is sixty (60) years old but
government, instrumentality or agency thereof; was not able to contribute at least 120 monthly
4. Service performed in the employ of a foreign contribution prior to the semester of his
government, international organization or their wholly- retirement shall still be entitled to a lump sum
owned instrumentality; and benefit equal to the total contribution paid by him
5. Services performed by temporary employees which and on his behalf, PROVIDED, he is separated
may be excluded by regulation of the Commission. from employment and is not continuing payment
of contributions to the SSS on his own.
Upon Death of Retired Member (Sec. 12-B(d))
1. His primary beneficiaries as of the date of his C. Funeral Benefits (Sec. 13-B)
retirement shall be entitles to receive the monthly In case of death of any member, a funeral grant
pension; and equivalent to P12,000 shall be paid in cash or in kind
2. If he has no primary beneficiaries and he dies within to help defray the cost of funeral expenses.
sixty (60) months from the start of his monthly
pension, secondary beneficiaries shall be entitled to a D. Sickness Benefits (Sec. 14)
lump sum benefit equivalent to the total monthly A daily sickness benefit equivalent to ninety percent
pensions corresponding to the balance of the five- (90%) of his average daily salary credit shall be paid
year guaranteed period, excluding the dependent’s by his employer or by the SSS, if unemployed or self-
pension. employed.
Disability – Any loss or impairment of the normal B. Separation Benefits (Sec. 11)
functions of the physical and/or mental faculty of a 1. Cash payment equivalent to 100% of the average
member, which reduces or eliminates his/her capacity to monthly compensation for each year of service
he paid contributions but not less than P12,000;
years of service, he may be allowed to complete the said
Conditions period.
a. Payable upon reaching the age of sixty (60)
years; E. Permanent Total Disability Benefits (Sec. 15-16)
b. He has resigned or separated from service;
and General Conditions: Employee suffers disability not
c. Has rendered at least three (3) years but less due to his: (MisNIK)
than fifteen (15) years of service. Grave MISconduct;
Notorious Negligence;
2. Cash payment equivalent to eighteen (18) times Habitual Intoxication; and
his basic monthly pension at the time of Willful intention to Kill himself or another.
resignation or separation, plus an old age
pension benefit equal to the basic monthly 1. Monthly income benefit for life equal to the basic
pension monthly pension.
Conditions: Conditions:
a. Payable monthly upon reaching the age of a. Effective from the date of disability;
sixty (60) years; b. He is in service at the time of disability;
b. He has resigned or separated form service; c. If he is separated from service, he has paid at
and least 36 monthly contributions within the five-
c. Has rendered at least fifteen (15) years of year period immediately preceding disability,
service. or has paid a total of at least 180 monthly
contributions prior to the disability;
Note: A member separated form the service shall d. If he is in service and has paid a total of at
continue to be a member, and shall be entitled to least 180 monthly contributions, he shall
whatever benefits he has qualifies to in the event of any receive an additional cash payment of
contingency compensable under this Act. eighteen (18) times his basic monthly
pension; and
C. Unemployment or Involuntary Separation e. Member cannot enjoy monthly income benefit
Benefits (Sec. 12) and the old-age retirement simultaneously
Monthly cash payments of equivalent to 50% of the
average monthly compensation. 2. Cash payment equivalent to 100% of his average
monthly compensation for each year of service
Conditions but not less than P12,000.
1. Employee is separated from service due to the
abolition of his office or position; and Conditions:
2. He has been paying integrated contributions for a. Member does not satisfy the conditions under
at least one (1) year prior to separation. the preceding number; and
b. Has rendered at least three (3) years of
D. Retirement Benefits (Sec. 13) service at the time of disability.
1. Lump sum payment, payable upon retirement
plus an old-age pension benefit payable monthly Suspension of Disability Benefits
for life, upon expiration of the five-year 1. He is re-employed;
guaranteed period covered by the lump sum; or 2. He recovers form disability; or
2. Cash payment equivalent to eighteen (18) 3. He failed to present himself for medical
months of his basic monthly pension plus monthly examination when required by the GSIS
pension for life payable immediately
F. Permanent Partial Disability (Sec. 17
Conditions Cash payment in accordance with the schedule
a. He has rendered at least fifteen (15) years of prescribed by the GSIS
b. He is at least sixty (60) years of age at the Condition: Employee satisfies either [1.b.] or [1.c.d.e]
time of retirement; and under permanent total disability.
c. He is not receiving a monthly pension benefit
from permanent total disability.
Note: Retirement is compulsory upon reaching sixty-five G. Temporary Total Disability (Sec. 18)
(65) years of age with at least fifteen (15) years of
service. BUT if he has rendered less than fifteen (15)
75% of the current daily compensation for each day
or fraction thereof of temporary disability Conditions:
a. Employee has rendered at least three (3)
Conditions: years of service prior to his death; and
1. Such benefit shall not exceed 120 days in one b. He failed to qualify under the 1 and 2
calendar year; mentioned above.
2. Employee has exhausted all his sick leave credits
and collective bargaining agreement sick leave Note: If there are no primary beneficiaries, secondary
benefits; beneficiaries are entitled to :
3. He is in service at the time of his disability; Cash payment equivalent to 100% of his average
4. If separated, he has rendered at least three(3) monthly compensation for each year of service
years of service and paid at least six (6) monthly he paid contributions, but not less than P12,000
contributions in the 12-month period immediately PROVICED that the member was in service at
preceding the disability; the time of his death and has rendered at least
5. Member cannot enjoy temporary total disability three (3) years of service; and
benefit and sick leave pay simultaneously; In the absence of secondary beneficiaries, such
6. If the disability requires more extensive treatment benefits shall be paid to his legal heirs.
that lasts beyond 120 days, the payment of the
temporary total disability benefit may be extended I. Funeral Benefits (Sec. 23)
by the GSIS but not to exceed a total of 240 In the amount fixed by the GSIS rules and regulations
days; and but should not be less than P12,000, to be increased
7. Such benefit shall not be less than seventy pesos to at least 18,000 after five (5) years, payable upon
(P70) a day. the death of :
1. An active member;
H. Survivorship Benefits (Sec. 20) 2. A member who has been separated from the
1. Basic survivorship pension which is 50% of the service, but who may be entitled to future benefit;
basic monthly pension; and 3. A pensioner; or
2. Dependent children’s pension not exceeding 50% 4. A retiree who at the time of his retirement was of
of the basic monthly pension. pensionable age.
Prescriptive 10 YEARS from the time the right of action 4 YEARS from the date of contingency.
Period accrues.
years or more and has served at least 5 years in the
PATERNITY LEAVE ACT OF 1996 (R.A. 8187) said establishment (optional retirement)
Note: Delivery shall include childbirth or any miscarriage. Retirement Plan vis-à-vis Retirement Pay Law
A retirement plan in a company partakes the nature of
Note: Paternity leave benefits shall not be convertible to a contract, with the employer and the employee as
cash in case it is not availed of. the contracting parties. R.A. No. 7641 only applies in
a situation where:
RETIRMENT PAY LAW (R.A. 7644 AMENDING ART. 287 1. There is no CBA or other applicable employment
OF LC) contract providing for retirement benefits for an
employee; or
2. There is a CBA or other applicable employment
Coverage contract providing for retirement benefits for an
1. All employees in the private sector; employee, but it is below the requirements set for
2. Part-time employees; by law.
3. Employees of service and other job contractors; and
4. Domestic helpers or persons in the personal service Even if the company does not include 13 th month pay and
of another. service incentive leave as part of the salary base, R.A.
No. 7641 does not apply where the employee receives a
Note: The law does not cover employees of : lump sum of 1 ½ month’s pay per year of service. The
1. Retail, service and agricultural establishments or company already grants to its retiring employee more
operations regularly employing not more than 10 than what the law gives which is ½ month salary for every
employees; and year of service. (Oxales v. United laboratories, Inc., GR
2. Government and its political subdivisions, including No. 152991, July 21, 2008)
GOCC’s, if they are covered by the Civil Service Law
and its regulations.
When to Retire
1. Upon reaching the retirement age established in the
CBA or any other employment contract. Complete Title
An Act Declaring Sexual Harassment Unlawful in the
Retirement Benefits – as he may have earned under Employment Education or Training Environment and for
existing laws and any CBA and other agreements Other Purposes.
provided that:
a. it shall not be less than those prescribed by the Declaration of Policy
Retirement Pay Law; and The State shall:
b. if such benefits are less, the employer shall pay 1. Value the dignity of every individual;
the difference between the amount due under the 2. Enhance the development of its human resources;
Retirement Pay Law and that provided under the 3. Guarantee full respect for human rights; and
CBA or retirement plan. 4. Uphold the dignity of workers, employees, applicants
for employment, students or those undergoing
2. In the absence of retirement plan or CBA regarding training, instruction or education.
retirement employee upon reaching the age of 60
All forms of sexual harassment in the employment, 2. Against one whose education, training,
education or training environment are hereby apprenticeship or tutorship is entrusted to the
declared unlawful. offender.
3. When the sexual favor is made a condition to the
When Sexual Harassment Punishable : (WET) giving of a passing grade, or the granting of
1. Work-related; honors and scholarships, or the payment of a
2. Education-related; and stipend, allowance or other benefits, privileges or
3. Training-related. considerations; and
4. When the sexual advances results in an
Work, Education or Training-Related Sexual intimidating, hostile, or offensive environment for
Harassment Defined Who May Commit the result, trainee or apprentice (IHO)
1. employer;
2. employee; Note: Any person who directs or induces another to
3. manager; commit any act of sexual harassment as herein defined,
4. supervisor; or who cooperates in the commission thereof by another,
5. agent of the employer; without which it would not have been committed, shall
6. teacher; also be held liable under this Act.
7. instructor;
8. professor; Duty of the Employer or Head of Office in a Work-
9. coach; Related, Education or Training Environment
10. trainor; and It is the duty of the employer or head of office in a work-
11. any other person who, having Authority, Influence or related, education or training environment:
Moral (AIM) ascendancy over another. 1. To prevent or deter the commission of acts of sexual
Where Committed 2. To provide the procedures for the resolution,
In a work or training or education environment. settlement or prosecution of acts of sexual
How Committed 3. Promulgate appropriate rules and regulations in
Generally: Demands, requests, or otherwise requires any consultation with and jointly approved by the
sexual favor from the other regardless of whether the employees or students or trainees, through their duly
demand, request or requirement for submission is designated representatives, prescribing the
accepted by the object of the said act. procedure for the investigation of sexual harassment
cases and the administrative sanctions therefore;
Specifically 4. Create a committee on decorum and investigation of
A. In a work-related or employment environment, cases on sexual harassment to increase
sexual harassment is committed when: understanding and prevent incidents of sexual
1. The sexual favor is made as a condition: harassment; and
a. in the hiring or in the employment 5. The employer or head of office, education or training
b. Re-employment or continued employment of institution shall disseminate or post a copy of this Act
said individual; or for the information of all concerned.
c. In granting said individual favorable
compensation, terms, conditions, promotions Note: Administrative sanctions shall not be a bar to
or privileges. prosecution in the proper courts for unlawful acts of
2. The refusal to grant the sexual favor results in sexual harassment.
limiting, segregating or classifying the employee
which in any way would discriminate, deprive or Liability of the Employer or Head of Office, Education
diminish, employment opportunities or otherwise or Training Institution
adversely affect said employee; Shall be solidarily liable for damages arising from the acts
3. The above acts would impair the employee’s right of sexual harassment committed in the employment,
and privileges under existing labor laws; and education or training environment if the employer or head
4. The above acts would result in an intimidating, of office, educational or training institution is informed of
hostile or offensive environment for the employee such acts by the offended party and no immediate action
is taken thereon.
B. In an education or training environment, sexual
harassment is committed: Independent Action for Damages
1. Against one who is under the care, custody or Nothing in this Act shall preclude the victim of work,
supervision of the offender; education or training-related sexual harassment form
instituting a separate and independent action for 2. when the child below fifteen (15) years of age, (i) in
damages and other affirmative relief. work where he/she is directly under the responsibility
of his/her parents or legal guardian and where only
Penalties members of the child’s family are employed; or (ii) in
Any person who violates the provisions of this Act shall, public entertainment or information.
upon conviction, be penalized by imprisonment of not less
than one (1) month nor more than six (6) months, or a Collective Needs of the Family – Such basic needs as
fine of not less than ten thousand pesos (P10,000) nor food, shelter, light and water, clothing, education, medical
more than twenty thousand pesos (P20,000), or both transportation and other expenditure items necessary for
such fine and imprisonment at the discretion of the court. the survival of the family of the child.
Note: Its equivalent includes: Note: Part-time employees are entitled to 13 th month
a. Christmas bonus; pay.
b. Midyear bonus;
c. Profit sharing payments; and Note: Managerial employees may receive 13 th month
d. Other cash bonuses not less than 1/12 of the pay if such payment has been a company practice
basic salary.
Time of Payment
4. Employers of Household helpers and persons in Shall be paid not later than December 24 of each year. An
the personal service of another in relation to such employer however may give to his employees one half
workers; and (1/2) of the required 13th month pay before the opening of
5. Employers of those who are Paid on: the regular school year and the other half on or before
a. Purely commission basis; December 24 of every year. The frequency of payment
b. Boundary basis; or may be subject on agreement between employer and the
c. Task basis; or collective bargaining agent of the employees.
d. A fixed amount for performing a specific work,
except where the workers are paid on piece- Non-Inclusion in Regular Wage
rate basis in which case the employer shall The benefits granted under this issuance shall not be
be covered by this issuance insofar as such credited as part of the regular wage of the employees for
workers are concerned. purposes of determining overtime and premium pay,
fringe benefits, as well as premium contributions to the ground is illegal (Isalama Machine Works Corp. v. NLRC,
State Insurance Fund, social security, medicare and {1995])
private welfare and retirement plans.
14th Month Pay
Rule on certain types of Employees the granting of 14th month pay is a management
1. Employees Paid by Results prerogative and is not legally demandable. It is basically a
Employees paid on piece work basis are by law bonus and is gratuitous in nature (Kamaya Point Hotel
entitled to the 13th month pay. v. NLRC, [1989])
Employees paid a fixed or guaranteed wage plus
commission are also entitled to the mandated 13 th MIGRANT WORKERS AND OVERSEAS FILIPINOS
month pay, based on their total earnings during ACT OF 1995 (R.A. 8042)
the calendar year, i.e., on both their fixed or
guaranteed wage and commission.
2. Those with Multiple Employers Definition of Terms
Government employees working part time in a
private enterprise, including private educational Migrant Workers – Person who is to be engaged, is
institutions, as well as employees working in two engaged or has been engaged in a remunerated activity
or more private firms, whether on full or part time in a state of which he/she is not a legal resident; to be
basis, are entitled to the required 13 th month pay used interchangeable with overseas Filipino worker.
from all their private employers regardless of their
total earnings from each or all their employers. Overseas Filipinos – Dependents of migrant workers
Private School Teachers and other Filipino nationals who are in distress.
Private school teacher, including faculty members of
universities and colleges, are entitled to the required Deployment of Migrant Workers
13th month pay, regardless of the number of months The State shall deploy overseas Filipino workers only in
they teach or are paid within a year, if they have countries where the rights of Filipino migrant workers are
rendered service for at least one (1) month within a protected. The following are recognized as a guarantee
year. on the part of the receiving country for the protection of
Resigned or Separated Employees overseas Filipino Workers:
If resigned or separated from work before the 1. it has existing labor and social laws protecting the
time for payment of the 13th month pay, entitled to rights of migrant workers;
this monetary benefit in proportion to the length of 2. It is a signatory to multilateral conventions,
time he worked during the year, reckoned from declarations or resolutions relating to the protection of
the time he started working during the calendar migrant workers;
year up to the time of his resignation or 3. it has concluded a bilateral agreement or
termination from the service. arrangement with the government protecting the
rights of overseas Filipino workers; and
Pro-Rated 13th Month Pay 4. It is taking positive, concrete measures to protect the
General Rule: Pro-ration of this benefit applies only in rights of migrant workers.
cases of resignation or separation form work;
computation should be based on length of service and not Termination of Ban on Deployment
on the actual wage earned by the worker (Honda Phils, The government, in pursuit of the national interest or
Inc. v. Samahan ng Manggagawa sa Honda, 460 SCRA when public welfare so requires, may, at any time,
186, [2005]). terminated or impose a ban on the deployment of migrant
Exception: Employees who are paid a guaranteed
minimum wag or commissions earned are entitled to 13 th Illegal Recruitment (See Art. 38)
month pay based on total earnings. (Philippine Country Team Approach
Agricultural Commercial and Industrial Workers Union v. All officers, representatives and personnel of the
NLRC, 247 SCRA 256 {1995}) Philippine government posted abroad regardless of their
mother agencies shall; on a per country basis, act as one
Adjudication of Claims country-team with a mission under the leadership of the
Non-payment of 13th month pay shall be treated as ambassador. The ambassador may recommend to the
money claims cases. Sec of DFA the recall of officers, representatives and
personnel of the Philippine government posted abroad for
Note: Difference of opinion on how to compute the 13th acts inimical to the national interest such as, but not
Month pay is non-strikeable and a strike held on that limited to, failure to provide the necessary services to
protect the rights of overseas Filipinos.
2. If the contract of the employment is ONE (1) YEAR
Jurisdiction AND ABOVE, then the salaries for the entire
A. NLRC (Sec. 10) unexpired portion of the contract OR three (3) months
Original and exclusive jurisdiction over money pay for every year of the unexpired portion,
claims arising out of an employer-employee whichever is lesser, shall be paid.
relationship or by virtue of any law or contract
involving Filipino workers for overseas Note: The date when the termination of employment
deployment including claims for actual, moral, occurred is material. If the termination occurred on or
exemplary and other forms of damages. after July 15, 1995, apply provisions of R.A. 8042.
Cases to be decided within ninety (90) calendar
days after the filing of the complaint. Mandatory Periods for Resolution
The preliminary investigations of cases under this Act
Liability: Principal/employer and the shall be terminated within a period of thirty (30)
recruitment/placement agency for any and all claims calendar days from the date of their filing.
under this section shall be joint and several. The Where the preliminary investigation is conducted by a
performance bond to be filed by the prosecution officer and a prima facie case is
recruitment/placement agency, as provided by law, established, the corresponding information shall be
shall be answerable for all money claims or damages filed in court within 24 hours from the termination of
that may be awarded to the workers. If the the investigation.
recruitment/placement agency is a juridical being, the If the preliminary investigation is conducted by a
corporate officers, directors or partners shall be jointly judge and a prima facie case is found to exist, the
and solidarily liable with the agency. corresponding information shall be filed by the proper
prosecution officer within 48 hours form the date of
B. POEA receipt of the records of the case.
Retains original and exclusive jurisdiction to hear and
decide: Repatriation
1 All cases which are administrative in character, General Rule : (Sec. 15)
involving or arising out of violations of rules and Repatriation of the worker and the transport of his
regulations relating to licensing and registration of personal belongings shall be the primary responsibility of
recruitment and employment agencies or entities; the agency which recruited of deployed the worker
and overseas. The repatriation of remains and transport of the
2 Disciplinary action cases and other special cases, personal belongings of a deceased worker and all costs
which are administrative in character, involving attendant thereto shall be borned by the principal and/or
employers, principals, contracting partners and the local agency.
Filipino migrant workers.
Venue: POEA Adjudication Office of DOLE or POEA 1. If the termination of employment is due solely to the
Regional Office of the place where the complainant fault of the worker, the principal/employer or agency
applied or was recruited, at the option of the shall not in any manner be responsible for the
complainant. repatriation of the former and/or his belongings; and
2. In case of war, epidemic, disaster of calamities,
C. RTC natural or man-made, and other similar events, and
Criminal action arising from illegal recruitment shall where the principal or recruitment agency cannot be
be filed with the RTC of the province or city where the identified, the Overseas Workers Welfare
offense was committed or where the offended party Administration (OWWA), in coordination with
actually resides at the time of the commission of the appropriate international agencies, shall take charge
offense. The court where the criminal action is first of the repatriation
filed shall acquire jurisdiction to the exclusion of other