More Marches

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Specific Magic
Silver Mail of the Unicorn Queen: This +1 elven chainmail bears a
small symbol of Lurue at the center of the chest. The wearer is pro-

B eset eset by orcs and strange monsters, and

struggling to protect its borders and establish a
national identity, the Silver Marches is a place where
danger is always near and clever magic is always needed. This web
enhancement offers 18 new magic items and spells for your campaign.
tected as if carrying a periapt of proof against poison and may cast
cure light wounds three times per day. The wearer gains a +4 com-
petence bonus to Charisma-based skill checks as they relate to deal-
ings with good-aligned magical beasts such as unicorns, pegasi, and
giant eagles.
The armor bestows one negative level on any nongood creature
wearing it. This negative level persists as long as the armor is
worn and disappears when the armor is removed. The negative
level never results in actual level loss, but the wearer cannot over-
Some are used often by the people of the Silver Marches, while others come it in any way (including with restoration spells) while wear-
are long lost or best forgotten. In addition, we present the lair of Grim- ing the armor.
light, a behir of the Cold Vale famous for his vicious and clever nature. Caster Level: 5th; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor,
To use this web enhancement, you should already have The Silver cure light wounds, neutralize poison; Market Price: 23,950 gp; Cost
Marches accessory by Ed Greenwood and Jason Carl. This bonus to Create: 14,050 gp + 792 xp.
material is brought to you by the official FORGOTTEN REALMS®
website: <>.

Additional Credits
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Editorial Assistance: Penny Williams All Wizards characters, character names, and the distinctive likenesses thereof are
Web Production: Julia Martin trademarks owned by Wizards of the Coast, Inc. This product is a work of fiction. Any
Web Development: Mark Jindra similarity to actual people, organizations, places, or events is purely coincidental.
Graphic Design: Robert Campbell, Robert Raper This material is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of Ameri-
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More Marches

Specific Magic Storm Star: These magical morningstars are of ancient design and
thought to have been created in Netheril. Made of electrum-plated

Weapons steel, these weapons display small arcs of lightning that play up and
down the weapon’s length when wielded, although they do not harm
the wielder or anyone the weapon strikes. Once per day the weapon
Graybrother: This +2 shortspear of a very old style is obviously of can invoke a weakened chain lightning spell at caster level 8. Most
orc manufacture. Its gray wooden haft and dull steel blade are storm stars have a +1 enhancement bonus, but some have been cre-
carved with orc runes representing murder, hate, and power. It deals ated with +2 or even +3 bonuses.
+2d6 points of damage to humans and elves. Unlike bane weapons, Caster Level: 3rd; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor,
the spear’s enhancement bonus is not +2 greater than normal chain lightning, creator’s caster level must be three times the
against humans or orcs. This weapon is legendary among the tuskers enhancement bonus; Market Price: 20,308 gp (+1), 26,308 gp (+2),
of the North. Many tribal leaders over the centuries have searched 36,308 gp (+3); Cost to Create: 10,308 gp + 800 XP (+1), 13,308 gp +
ruins and dark places for it, as the clerics of Gruumsh say the orc 1,040 XP (+2), 18,308 gp + 1,440 XP (+3).
who wields it is favored by He Who Watches and will be able to
amass a great unbeatable army to sweep over the human and elven Tuskreaver: This +1 orc-bane longsword was created by a young elf
lands, reducing the inhabitants to slaves. wizard. It has an Elvish name which means “The blade that causes
Caster Level: 8th; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, orcs to fall like drops of rain in the hardest storm,” but most call it
summon monster I; Market Price: 32,302 gp; Cost to Create: 16,302 by its Common nickname. Its hilt is decorated with an overlapping
gp + 1,280 XP. leaf pattern, enameled with green and white markings. The blade is
engraved with hundreds of teardrops in a spiral pattern, inlaid with
Nightbreaker: This +1 ghost touch disruption heavy mace is a burnished copper. At the proper angle, portions of the tears spell out
sacred item to the church of the Morninglord, having been wielded the sword’s name in Espruar runes.
by a successive line of paladins of the Order of the Aster. The item Caster Level: 8th; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and
was lost in 1344 DR, when its bearer left to destroy a lair of Armor, summon monster I; Market Price: 18,315 gp; Cost to
specters, and has not been seen since. Certain members of the clergy Create: 9,315 gp + 720 XP .
believe this item to be the “rightful sign” of Lathander’s favor
described in the Rhyester’s Matins (temple) entry in the Silvery-
moon section of The Silver Marches.
Caster Level: 14th; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor,
Nonmagical Item
heal, plane shift; Market Price: 32,312 gp; Cost to Create: 16,312 gp Chardalyn: These rare black stones can naturally absorb and
+ 1,280 xp. release magic, with larger stones able to hold more potent spells.
Found only in the northern Sword Coast, they require no magical
Orcblinder: At the command of Lady Alustriel, the churches and preparation to function. A spellcaster can cast a single spell into a
wizards of the Silver Marches commissioned a large number of chardalyn stone, and when the stone is broken (usually by throwing
these +1 arrows decorated with distinctive fletching bearing eyelike it against a hard surface) the spell escapes, centered on the location
markings. Said to pierce orc eyes with amazing frequency, they deal of the stone’s break. A chardalyn stone may remain charged with a
an additional +2d6 hit points of damage to orcs. Unlike bane spell indefinitely. A chardalyn fragment cannot be used to store
weapons, their enhancement bonus is not +2 greater than normal spells again. Some clever folk charge a chardalyn with a fireball spell
against orcs. They are destroyed when used, just like normal arrows. and attach it to a shield or a blunt weapon such as a mace, which
Crossbow bolts with this power exist but are less common. causes the magic to release when a foe strikes the stone on the shield,
Caster Level: 8th; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and or when the right part of the mace strikes the target. Obviously such
Armor, summon monster I; Market Price: 167 gp; Cost to Create: an attack is best planned by someone resistant or immune to fire.
87 gp + 7 XP. Some particularly rare chardalyn stones reputedly have the power
to absorb fire and electricity magic that isn’t directly targeted at
Scouring Sunlight: This +1 holy light mace sheds light when drawn. At them (negating the spell effect entirely and charging the stone for
the end are three large gems, one red, one orange, and one a brilliant releasing the spell), but no such stones have been found for several
yellow, each carved with Lathander’s holy symbol. Once per day the years. Those who have them are certainly hoarding them.
mace can invoke searing light. The weapon was lost in a crusade against Market Price: 1,000 gp (up to 3rd-level spell), 3,500 gp (up to
the forces of Ghaunadaur, drow god of oozes, and has not been seen for 6th-level spell), 8,000 gp (up to 9th-level spell).
nearly 100 years. Certain clergy members believe this item to be the
“rightful sign” of Lathander’s favor described in the Rhyester’s Matins
(temple) entry in the Silverymoon section of The Silver Marches.
Caster Level: 5th; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor,
holy smite, searing light, creator must be good; Market Price: 28,305 Sending Rings: Each of these simple silver rings bears a single piece
gp; Cost to Create: 14,305 gp + 1,120 XP. of ravenar, a glossy black variety of tourmaline. On the stone is
engraved an eye and a star. Each of these rings is part of a set; the stone
Selune’s Moon-Arrows: Crafted in greater numbers in recent of each ring in the set is a polished piece of a larger uncut ravenar stone
years by the church of the Moonmaiden to combat the People of the (a typical set of sending rings is five to 11 rings). Once per tenday the
Black Blood, these +1 arrows are made of silver from tip to fletch- wearer can activate a ring’s power, broadcasting a short message to all
ing. They deal an additional +2d6 hit points of damage to evil lycan- other bearers of rings in that set, as if using a multiple-target sending
thropes. Unlike bane weapons, their enhancement bonus is not +2 spell. Each other ringbearer may give a short response, as described in
greater than normal against lycanthropes. They are destroyed when the sending spell. The ring cannot receive or send a message if it is not
used, just like normal arrows. worn. There is no way for a wearer to know who might be wearing the
Caster Level: 8th; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, summon other rings (for example, if a ring were stolen and fell into the wrong
monster I; Market Price: 167 gp; Cost to Create: 87 gp + 7 XP. hands), so secret messages are best sent in code or by other means.

More Marches

Normally these rings are created as a group and handed out to Caster Level: 17th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, Extend
individuals who live far apart but may need to contact each other in Spell, summon monster V, summon monster VI, summon monster
emergencies. Several rings in the same set have been given to the VII, summon monster VIII; Market Price: 25,500 gp.
stewards of key fortifications along the Silver Marches border,
allowing them to warn the interior cities of impending invasions.
Caster Level: 9th, Prerequisites: Forge Ring, Rary’s telepathic
bond, sending; Market Price: 10,000 gp.
Alicorn Lance
Wondrous Items Evocation [Force]
Level: Clr 2, Drd 2 (Lurue)
Common Sword Pendant: This battered and plain-looking steel Components: V, S, DF
pendant is shaped like a sword or possibly a simple holy symbol of Casting Time: 1 action
Tempus or another deity whose symbol is a sword. On command, it Range: Short (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
transforms into a masterwork longsword or back into pendant form. Effect: Horn of force
These pendants are favored by people who have to travel into dan- Duration: 1 round/level
gerous areas but do not want to risk carrying obvious weapons. Some Saving Throw: None
of these items are designed to look like a brooch instead of an Spell Resistance: Yes
amulet, and others may turn into a weapon other than a longsword.
Caster Level: 5th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, shrink You create a horn of force on your forehead, similar in size and
item; Market Price: 1,315 gp; Cost to Create: 802 gp + 40 XP. shape to a unicorn’s horn. At any time up until the spell expires, you
may launch the horn at a single target as a free action. Striking the
Greater Sword Pendant: As the common sword pendant, but the target requires a successful touch attack. If the horn hits, it is
item transforms into a +1 longsword. destroyed and deals 3d6 points of force damage to the target crea-
Caster Level: 5th; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, ture and outlines it in silver-colored faerie fire for the remaining
Craft Wondrous Item, shrink item; Market Price: 4,315 gp; Cost to duration of the spell. If it misses, the spell dissipates.
Create: 2,315 gp + 160 XP.
Alustriel’s Banner
Klen’s Gargoyle Skull: Created by the sorcerer Klen when he planned Illusion (Figment)
to investigate the gargoyle-infested stronghold in Fell Pass, this actual Level: Brd 1, Sor/Wiz 1
skull-like gargoyle head is coated in a thick layer of transparent hard- Components: V, S, M
ened blue resin (a common feature of many items Klen created). When Casting Time: 1 action
the user holds and concentrates upon the item, it detects gargoyles Range: Long (400 ft. + 40 ft./level)
within 60 feet by becoming unnaturally cold to the touch. Effect: Figment of a banner and sound of a trumpet or horn
Caster Level: 3rd; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, locate Duration: 1round/level (D)
creature; Market Price: 3,000 gp. Saving Throw: Will disbelief (if interacted with)
Spell Resistance: No
Rose Mask: This “mask,” made of a hard rose-colored crystal, is
shaped like the front of an open-faced helm rather than a tradi- An early spell created by Alustriel, this illusion has been circulated
tional mask. At the brow is etched the symbol of Lathander. The among the arcane spellcasters of Silverymoon and to others beyond the
wearer of the mask gains a +4 morale bonus to saves against fear city. A simplified form of minor image, it allows you to cause a banner
effects and a +4 enhancement bonus to Constitution. Certain mem- (such as a battle standard, family crest, or other identifying device) to
bers of the clergy believe this item to be the “rightful sign” of Lath- appear anywhere within range, accompanied by musical fanfare or the
ander’s favor described in the Rhyester’s Matins (temple) entry in sound of a horn blowing. The banner may appear large or small (up to
the Silverymoon section of The Silver Marches. 10 feet square), new or old, clean or dirty, and of any color or pattern
Caster Level: 14th; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, you desire and bearing any identifying images you desire. The banner
heal, plane shift; Market Price: 21,000 gp. sheds light as a light spell. You can move it anywhere within range as a
move-equivalent action. The fanfare or horn is normally of the sort
Tome of Twelve Seals: This strange book has a cover made of red announcing the presence of an important person or a military unit,
dragon hide and 12 pages made of thick black leather. Each leather although the spell can create any sort of horn signal. Normally, cast-
page has one rune-inscribed metal disk attached to it, like a seal on ers use the spell to rally troops or direct people to a particular location,
an urn, door, or drawer. Although all 12 seals were originally shiny especially at night when its light aspect becomes more useful.
gold, now seven have turned to dull, charred lead, their magic spent. Material Component: A horn or trumpet, whether normal size or
Each seal contains a summoning spell tied to a different creature, miniature.
and the runes on the seal are the command words to activate the
seal. An activated seal summons the appropriate creature, which Favor of Yathaghera
serves for 17 rounds as if conjured by a summon monster spell. Once Transmutation
used, a seal’s gold turns into lead and loses its power. Level: Clr 3, Drd 3 (Lurue)
Although only one tome of 12 seals has been found, other forms Components: V, S, DF
of this book may exist with different creatures bound into its seals Casting Time: 1 action
or with a different cover. Some versions may even contain normal Range: Long (400 ft. + 40 ft./level)
spellbook pages or maps to old treasures. Target: One unicorn or equine animal
The remaining five seals of the one known tome summon the fol- Duration: 10 minutes/level (D)
lowing creatures: huge air elemental, large fire elemental, huge Saving Throw: None
earth elemental, gibbering mouther, janni. Spell Resistance: No

More Marches

You give the target creature large feathered wings in the manner of If the watch-troll hears or spots intruders, it alerts the other
a pegasus, allowing it to fly with a speed of 100 feet (average maneu- trolls (if present). One of the others alerts Grimlight.
verability). The creature reacts to these wings as if they were natu-
rally part of its body and can use them immediately. Ride checks to d Troll: 63 hp; see page 180 in the MONSTER MANUAL ®.
manipulate the mount are made as if it were not flying (so a rider
familiar with horses can handle a flying horse just as easily as a
normal one). B. Troll Den (EL 8)
The spell gets its name from the Elvish name for Lurue: This is the trolls’ sleeping area. While they can tolerate filth and
Yathaghera the Winged Queen, ruler of the pegasi and unicorns of stench, Grimlight prefers a cleaner lair, and makes the trolls keep
Evermeet. this place relatively unfouled. During the day, three trolls sleep
here; at night it is empty. The trolls have meager treasure because
Grimlight claims most of it, but they eat well, so they have few
Lair: Grimlight’s d Trolls (3): 63 hp each; see page 180 in the MONSTER MANUAL.
Ravine Treasure: 320 gp, silver ring with two moonstones (300 gp).
The Cold Vale is a dangerous place of sudden deep gorges, many
of which are inhabited by trolls and other fell creatures. One
ravine is the home of Grimlight, a very large behir with a sharp C. Grimlight’s Den (EL 10)
mind, vicious nature, and a taste for dwarf flesh and dwarven This is Grimlight’s sleeping area. Dragonlike, he spreads his coins
gold. Grimlight has gathered to him four likeminded trolls, and and treasures about in this den (as well as acid-smoothed frag-
with their help has created a lightly fortified lair. The five crea- ments of the armor and weapons he couldn’t fully digest) and uses
tures use it as a starting point for raids on travelers and rival them as a bed. The treasure here includes the items he claims
monsters. (See the map of the area on the next page.) from the trolls.
The ravine was carved by a river, although the river has long
since diminished and split into many smaller streams. One of Treasure: 1,740 gp, 4,120 sp, rich olive green peridot (500 gp),
those streams still winds through the ravine, although it alter- two pearls (100 gp each), gold headband with four small diamonds
nates between two different beds every few years. The walls of (1,500 gp), gold necklace set with 11 moonstones (300 gp), horse
the gorge are fairly rough (Climb DC 25) and climb steeply from chainmail barding with gold accents (400 gp), ivory scarab set with
the ravine’s floor to a height of 50 feet (the level of the sur- five tiger eye agates (150 gp), platinum coronet (500 gp), set of six
rounding land). The stream, which measures never more than ivory dice (25 gp total), silver acorn with one green spinel (150
about 2 feet deep, runs from the southwestern end of the ravine gp), silver decanter with many zircons (1,500 gp), potion of cure
to the northeastern end. After another hundred feet it empties moderate wounds.
into a small pond, which
drains through the rock into d Grimlight: male advanced
the Underdark. behir; CR 10; Gargantuan mag-
The middle of the ravine has ical beast (electricity);
a hill, part of which the mon- HD 18d10+126; hp 225;
sters hollowed out to form a Init +5; Spd 40 ft., climb 15 ft.;
small cave. Several boulders dot AC 18, touch 7, flat-footed 17;
the ravine, and the trolls Atk +26 melee (2d6+12, bite),
moved the smaller ones to +24 melee (1d6+6, 6 claws);
form a pair of simple walls Face/Reach 10 ft. x 60 ft./10 ft.;
flanking the cave entrance. To SA Breath weapon (lightning),
get in and out of the ravine in constrict (2d8+18), improved
a hurry, the trolls carved a steep 10-foot-wide stairway on the grab, swallow whole; SQ Can’t be tripped, darkvision 60 ft., electric-
northwestern end and secured a large, thick rope to the eastern ity immunity, low-light vision, scent; AL NE; SV Fort +18, Ref +12,
cliff wall. Grimlight has a Climb speed of 15 feet, so he can easily Will +10; Str 34, Dex 13, Con 25, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 12.
scale any of the cliff walls without artificial means. Skills and Feats: Climb +22, Hide +9, Spot +18; Cleave, Improved
The trolls and the behir normally sleep during the day, with one Initiative, Iron Will, Multiattack, Power Attack
troll standing watch in the morning and another in the afternoon. Breath Weapon (Su): Once per minute, Grimlight can breathe a
At twilight, the trolls leave the ravine to hunt as a pack (with one line of lightning 5 feet high, 5 feet wide, and 20 feet long. His breath
remaining behind to watch the treasure). Grimlight hunts alone, weapon deals 7d6 points of electricity damage (Reflex DC 26 half)..
although the monsters usually hunt on the same side of the ravine, Constrict (Ex): With a successful grapple check, Grimlight can
so they can come to each others’ aid if they encounter something big. crush a grabbed Colossal or smaller opponent, dealing 2d8+18 points
of bludgeoning damage. He can use his claws against the grappled
A. Cave Entrance (EL 5) opponent as well.
Improved Grab (Ex): If Grimlight hits a Huge or smaller oppo-
The troll on guard usually waits just inside the cave, listening for nent with his bite attack, he deals normal damage and attempts to
approaching foes. Grimlight has trained the trolls to be careful start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of
of ranged attacks (such as fireballs and breath weapons), so they opportunity (grapple bonus +42). If he gets a hold, he can constrict
make good use of cover while foes approach. The trolls keep a on the same round and try to swallow whole on the next round.
few 40 lb. rocks near the entrance to use as thrown weapons (+6 Thereafter, Grimlight has the option to conduct the grapple nor-
melee, 1d8+6 damage). mally, or simply use his jaws to hold the opponent (–20 penalty on

More Marches

grapple check, but Grimlight is not considered grappled). In either hold two Large, eight Medium-size, 16 Small, 64 Tiny, or 256
case, each successful grapple check he makes during successive Diminutive or smaller opponents.
rounds automatically deals bite and constrict damage. Can’t Be Tripped (Ex): Because of his many legs, Grimlight is
Swallow Whole (Ex): Grimlight can swallow a single Large or immune to trip attacks.
smaller creature by making a successful grapple check (grapple Scent (Ex): Grimlight can detect approaching enemies, sniff out
bonus +42), provided he already has that opponent in his maw (see hidden foes, and track by sense of smell.
Improved Grab, above). Upon swallowing one opponent, Grimlight
can use his Cleave feat to bite and grab another opponent. Once The map below illustrates the layout of Grimlight’s ravine lair.
inside Grimlight, the opponent takes 2d8+12 points of crushing
damage and 8 points of acid damage per round from the advanced
behir’s gizzard. A successful grapple check allows the swallowed
creature to climb out of the gizzard and return to Grimlight’s maw,
About the Author
where another successful grapple check is needed to get free. Alter- Sean K Reynolds was born in a coastal town in southern California.
natively, a swallowed creature can try to cut its way out with either A professional game designer since 1998, he coauthored the FOR-
claws or a light piercing or slashing weapon. Dealing a total of at GOTTEN REALMS Campaign Setting and the Living GREYHAWK®
least 25 points of damage to the gizzard (AC 20) in this way cre- Gazetteer, as well as many other books. He spends his free time read-
ates an opening large enough to permit escape. Once a single swal- ing and painting miniatures. His next product, Skreyn’s Register:
lowed creature exits, muscular action closes the hole; thus, another The Bonds of Magic, is due out from Malhavoc Press in Fall 2002.
swallowed opponent must cut its own way out. Grimlight’s maw can Read more about him at <>.

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