Ancient Civilizations - Cornell Notes
Ancient Civilizations - Cornell Notes
Ancient Civilizations - Cornell Notes
C. Rise of Civilizations
1. Rivers valleys - home to the first civilizations
Why were a. Fertile Land – the yearly floods provided arable land
rivers valleys b. Fresh Water – gave people water source
important to c. Transportation – Used the river as a means of transportation
early d. Trade – as the civilizations grew and expanded, more
civilizations? people came into contact with one another
2. Characteristics of a Civilization
a. Cities – populations grew into the thousands due to
increased food supplies
b. Central governments – provide order, organization and
c. Traditional economy – based on farming and other skilled
crafts such as pottery, clothing and other goods
d. Organized religion – polytheistic, where priests would
perform ceremonies to ensure plentiful crops and
e. Specialization of labor - increased food supplies allowed
people to perform different jobs in society
f. Social classes emerge – based on one’s occupation
1. Priests, warriors, craftsmen or artisan, and farmer
2. Chiefs - emerged as leaders
3. Women’s status declined as men took lead roles as
4. Warfare increased as resources became scarce
g. Systems of writing – Used for record keeping. Early
writing used pictures and then developed into symbols
h. Art and architecture – Built temples and palaces to honor
religious and political leaders.
i. Public works – built infrastructure such as roads, bridges
and walls for protection
4. Society
a. Social Classes
1. Upper Class - Royals family and nobles
2. Merchants and artisans
3. Peasants – farmers
b. “Middle Kingdom” - Due to isolation, early Chinese
The belief that thought of themselves as the center of the universe
your culture is
superior to 5. Contributions
others is a. Writing system
known as? 1. Thousands of characters made it hard to learn
2. Pictographs – drawings of objects
3. Ideographs – Drawings of thoughts and ideas
buildings in
the United
States were
influenced by
Parthenon? The Discus Thrower
Greece is often
considered the
father to
contributions A modern copy of what the Parthenon looked like
did the Greeks
provide for 4. Use of columns
Western 5. Symmetry
Civilizations? d. Science
1. Aristarchus discovered that the earth rotated on its
axis and moved around the sun
2. Archimedes explored the principals of levels and
3. Hippocrates, a Greek physician, studies the causes of
illness and looked for cures
e. Mathematics
1. Pythagoras; the formula of a right triangle
2. Euclid: wrote a book that became the basis fir
modern geometry
Why were
aqueducts an
reason why 2. Arches – engineering technique that allowed Rome to
Rome was the create large buildings
first city with 3. Concrete – material used for large buildings
over a million 4. Aqueducts – bridge-like structures that used the
people? roman arch to carry water from the hills to the cities
What modern
building have
been 5. Dome – a half, sphere-like roof
influenced by
trade, military
protection) for
nearly a
years. What
effect do you
think this has
on society, 5. Fall of the Roman Empire
when it is a. Political Causes
taken away? 1. Government becomes too strict
2. People stop supporting the government
3. Corrupt officials
4. Divided empire becomes too weak
b. Economic Causes
1. Heavy taxes
2. Use too much slave labor
c. Military Causes
1. Constant invasions
2. Borders become too big to defend
3. Forced to hire foreign soldiers to protect the borders
d. Social Causes
1. Gap between the rich and the poor widens
2. People become selfish and lazy