The Revival No. 7

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R E M 1.


No. 7 TUESDAY, J~NUA,RY 9, 1945


Chester Rogalski after having
The H arbor Rams were defeat-•:· --....---"--------~_..;.,­ been in the Air Corps Reserve
ed last Friday night by East J or- 1 since early last summer, finally
got his call to report to Fort Edna Beland
dan 35 to 26.
Sheridan by Jan. 4, 1945. He left John Bosma
The first quarter started off John Canada
with Harbor making the first Monday, Jan. 1. From Fort Sher-
idan he will be sent to another Wayne Chellis
score. There was a foul shot for Robert Clement
the Rams just after this that camp for his Basic Training.
Richard Davert
m ade it 3 to 0 in Harbor's favor. I Ann DeWitt
E ast Jordan came back with a 1
basket and foul shot to tie the ' Ward A.n~ Sterly Robert Fowler
Mary Ann Franklin
game. The quarter ended 8 to 6 Frances Herrick
in favor of the locals. . ~
On Boot Leave Nellie Holland
The second quarter contirmed Carmon Kniesley
Merl Sterly and Lenard Ward
as an excibng game. The score Marjorie Lamb
came home from boot camp last
was close at all times at the half · Betty Moser
Thursday. They have been in
showed a 14 to 14 tie. Each team
had made 6 baskets and 2 free
the forces of the Navy ten weeks i I Shirley Moser
Tom Newman
The thi
·r·d · d
peno was a c1ose
When they arrive back at
Patricia Powers
Harriet Sagataw
battle all the way. The Rams camp, they'll be put in an out go- Douglas Smith
ing unit .
... f.,..,,rr"'led hard to get ahead. East Joy Smith
Jordan improved on their shot[ II Coming up they got as far l La Nilta Smith
an d tn
Is p eno
• ents in the lead, 26-23.
'th th
e oppon-~
I · ·
Grand Rapids on the trairi. There 11
were no. trams commg north so1
Marion Smith
Audrey Standish
During the balance of the they deci.ded to go by Parker Mo- Venita Standish
a . Mrs. Barbara Kosequat has re- tor Freight trucks. Leonard
. d M erI m . C d'll Shirley Terpening
ggain me athe 1 Rams
d Th were unable
; t to ceived word from the War de- misse a I ac so M erI Lillian Troup
w r ea · ree po . . n s. on1Y partment that her son, Cpl. W. J. was a few hours late in getting
e e scored by the locals m the Kosequat had received a back h Drewann White
fourth quarter, but East Jordan injury and was very nervous andl e~h'l · b t M 1 Harmon Wilcox.
made 9. The game ended East j . . I e m oo {!am? er e was
had been landed at San Francis- First Class Petty Officer. He says
J mdanb 35; , Harbor . 26. co. H e IS
· now at L e tt erman' s · he likes the Navy and its a lot of
Har or s line-up.
hospital. Joe has been stationed fun. Extra! Extra!
Pl~yer , Points at New Guinea for several To fellows who will be 18 soon,
W;.lcox - --- - - - --- - - - -- - --11 months. he says to get all the schooling
Newman ___ _____ __ __ ____ 9 ·
D t · you can also It helps to know a
y~~~r~ ~ ~~ ~~= ===~ = = == = === ; Ice Skating Rink little about marching.
Kishigo _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1
------------ -- -- -- -
Second Team Game
The second team won their P. lowed off now and ready for ice- 1 ~
game Friday night by a score of
37 t 0 21 Th d .mg. It has not been ready eari- 1 ·,
q .
. .
. · e secon team play- ier because every time it was 1 18 and 19
ed qmte a fast game. East Jordan plowed it ·would snow and con- ~
Semester exams will be given
seemed to be uable to work the 1 sequently it would have to be
ball through Harbor's · defense. : 1 d on Thursday and Friday, Janu-
There were two substitutes used p oTwhe C~tverh. "'
. d .· The Camp Fire Girls had a ary 18 and 19. Students with a
. 1 e I y a., acquire a music- 1
• • •
"B" average may be excused if
m the
. second team
. game. Doug · a b ox f rom a carniva. 1 so th ere 1, cooperative dmner . on Dec. 18 m
1 instructor wishes so. Exams will
Smith and Kyle Sanderson were WI. b e ove 1y music . f or th e s k a t - the. Home Economic room of the
. 11 1 last one hour and fifteen min-
the subs used. The lme up was as High School. There w ere four-
follows: ers. teen members present nt the din- utes. All students must remain
Center-Norman Cosens ' ner. the full time of the exams.
Guard-Wes Hovey
Guard-Dick Davert 00
S h l Ca /en dar
I c
They sent ·a set of crossword
puzzles to the United Seamen
Exam Schedule
1st period- 8:30- 9:45 Thurs.
Forward-James Schwertfeger Jan. 8-Recreation night. Service. The Camp Fire Gi;rl have 2nd period- 9:45-11:00 Thurs.
Forward-Wayne Chellis · I
Jan. 12-Petoskey, there. sent three sets of puzzles to the 3rd period-11:00-12:15 Thurs.
4th period- 1:30- 2:45 Thurs.
Pellston Game . Jan. 16- Recreation night. men in the Service. There are
5th period- 8:30- 9:45 Fri.
c:e~~sH_a~~~~-~~~s-~~~~~~ t e;ml ~:~: ;:~~o:n:a~~ty, here. 125 puzzles to a set. 6th period- 9:45-11:00 Fri.
(Continued on page 4) J an . 23- Alanson, h ere. BUY MORE WAR BONDS! 7th periocl-11:00-12:15 Fri.
Page Two THE REVIVAL Tuesday, january 9, 1945

the road and over near some

Sponsored by the Se11ior Class Other times they are checking
Published Everyother Tuesday · up on where you were during the
dance when you were sitting out
Editor- Bob Fowler in the car minding your own
Ass't. Editor - Art Kaltz business. Sometimes they keep
Social !Editors - B. Moser, F. Wilcox you waiting for hours while they
give someone the low down on
Sport Editor - Tom Newman someone.
Bus. Mgr. -Doug Jardine The worst trick a sister can
, play is when · she cleans your
Single Copy Sc Sisters are nice ~hings to have room. Honest when she gets
around, but sometimes they can through, you can not find a
be unbearable. A sister is swell . thing. You have to hunt for a
EQUIVALENT TO TREASO·N when she helps you with your ' week to get things ready for an~
Strikes have been such a common occurrence dur- home wor)t or presses your other raid from the feminine side
·tng the war that, unpardonable as they are, they no long- clothes before a date. ·They help of the family.
er shock some people except in cases where the abuse is a lot. when they are willing to go W!len theY:_ go hunting with
hunting. They are very poor you it is awful. They · stand and
most glaring. A recent strike in Detroit ~as · one of the sports, but they .are loads . of fun I watch the game disappear into
latter. A jurisdictional dispute tied up work in 24 vital after they have had the1r own the woods while you stand behind
war plants. It is not hard to imagine the bitterness that way. them and grit your teeth.
this uncalled for action must have aroused in the hearts At other times sisters can . be Sis~ers in a general way can
a great calamity especially when be nice; but that depends on
of millions, with members of their families serving in the they don't get their own way, or their moods, and sisters are
armed forces and dependent upon the products of those get mad at you. They make you, moody. I know from experience.
Detroit plants to carry on the war.,_ They cannot be take them places, and on the way
blamed for wondering .what in the world has happened they make you let them drive Freshman-! don't know.
to the souls of workmen who sanction these strikes, the car while you hold on for Sophomore-I'm not prepared.
dear life and thank the good 1 Junior-! don't remember.
knowing full well the consequences to our fighting men. lord that you have life insurance. Senior-! don't believe I can
'At least in the case of this Detroit strike, a govern~ They, in the meantime, are doing add anything to what has been
ment official came forth with an unqualified condemna- their best to keep the car out of said.
tion. Undersecretary of War Robert P. Patterson wired
local union officials as follows: "Your strikes are stop-
p~ng the flow of ammunition, guns, trucks and tanks that FOR
are vitally needed at the front. Your strikes have noth- GENERAL
ing to do with wages, hours of work or working condi-
tions and represent no honest grievance. Such conduct
is equivalent to treason when it paralyzes plants making
munitions that must be speeded to General Eisenhower Michigan Potato FRIEND FUEL AND
and General MacArthur."
Of course, the strike ended-but that does not al- Growers Exchange SUPPLY CO.
ter the fact ·that it happened and that production was
held up.

Liberty is a heady wine. We have been so deprived

of it for four years that I fear we have become unaccus~
tomed to it. In our press and posters let us talk less of
liberty and l.e t us heed more in practice the obligations it
imposes.-]erome Tharaud; member French Academy EATS

Real Estate MEATS


Tuesday, January ·9 , 1945 THE REVIVAL Page Three
Claus pin. is beyond me even though I had chemistry lab up any more if I
Drooley Jewelry Marjorie Haase received pearl the able assistance of Miss Dal- didn't tell about his receiving a
This Feature Written Exclusively ear-rings which she swears were ton. So take a gander for your- tie clasp. ,understand someone
taken from real hve oysters. self. in Detroit was the giver, but he
for Revival by Carmen Kniesley wouldn't say for sure.
Mary Davis received a panda
The delighted receivers of iden- pin. The little panda gives all
tification bracelets this Christmas appearances of liking the name
were Janet Kishigo, Bernie Kaltz, of Jasper.
M~lvin Johnston, Garth Holiday Looks as if this was the year
and Frances Wilcox. Frances' for pins ~s Helen Hoover sports
was sent from Texas. six of her Christmas pins around.
Much to add to Jane Jardine's Drewann White was showered
happiness was the fact that she with lovely jewelry. She was pre-
received Little Abner, her· pet sented with a gold overseas pin.
dog pin. She wouldn't say in what branch . ~-~~---....,.~~--.::~- · ~ l :!!ii-!~~~~~------.....
Vivi an Bosma received a gold of the service she had been in
locket, but she wouldn't tell or what part of the world she had
whom from! served in. One of the gobs she
Mary Ann Franklin was pre- knows sent her a gold bracelet
sented with a barrette with her that has Great Lakes Naval
name on. · Understand the man Training . Station on.
who gave it to her owns a con- Eleanor Jablinski received a
trolling interest in a big Chicago deer (dear) pin which bears the
name of Bambi. GRAPHIC
Shirley Terpening was given a Please note Winona and Ven- PUBLISHING
ita Standish's prize necklaces and
gold necklace with a tiny heart.
bracelets. Prettiest shells I've COMPANY
Eileen Troup so proudly dis-
plays her handsome little Santa seen for yars and yars.
Marlyn Bethke received a ster-
ling silver ring with two tiny sil-
ver hearts attached. Of course
we would all have a general idea
-·:all for your
what or should I say whom these Upholstering Needs
hearts are supposed to represent.
Eleanor Sterly is flashing · wninc of
around with a silver chain and Upholaterinc
cameo that was sent to her from R"pairing
Italy. Also she received a silver ADAMS'
bracelet bearing two hearts. I'll _AU;REL AWNING an~
CI..ELA.ND'S let everyone draw their own con- Sc TO $1 STORE
clusion on this one too. Guess! UPHOLSTERING ,
· NEWS STAND Doris Burton has a rare pin,
but try as I might a description


Body Bumping SERVICE
at the

1)ddfellow Hall




$1.00· Per Couple

Proceeds Benefit of Charity
Page 4 THE Tuesday, January 9, 1945

Davert ----------------- 13
GENERAL Cosens ----------------- 6
Hovey --- - --- - --------- 8
HAtR DWARE Kishigo ___ _ -- ----- 1- - - - - 0

Total ---- -------------- 34

Player Points
Davert ----------------- 10
Kaltz ______ . :. _________ - - 4
Newman ·----------~---- 6
Young ---------- - ------ 5
Kishigo _ __ _ _ _ _ __ __ __ _ __ 8

Total ---- ---------------'-- 33 .

Our Studios Score by quarters:
Harbor ____ _ 8 12 23
Will Be Pellston _____ 11 17 28
Conference standings as
J a n. 2.
East Jor d an ____ 2 0
TROUP'S Harbor Springs .. _2 1
STUDIO Mancelona ___ __ 2 1
Pellston ______ __2 1
Boyne City _____ 1 1
Charlevoix _____ 0 3

For The Senior Sketches ...

Best Of The S enior for t his
sketch as none other than blue
FOODS eyed, brown haired Frances Wil-
cox, better known to most of us
as "Franny" or " Fran."
H.ARBOR SPRINGS She is sixteen years old, five
feet one inch tall, and weighs
GROCERY ooe hundr ed and ten pounds.
Her favorite sports are basket- O!Iicial U. S . Army Photo
Enough, and on time, is a slogan of the Army's Air Transport Command,
ball and skating. which ferries supplies by air to all our far-flung battlefronts. Here is a C-54
"Franny's'' favorite movie is cargo plane, being unloaded with the use of a forklift truck at Carney Field,
Guadalcanal. This equipment was purchased with War Bonds. Are you
"Casablanca," and her favorite buying at least an extra $10:> War Bond during the Sb:th Drive?
actor is Paul Henreid, with Bette From U . S. Treasur1
Always Davis as her favorite actress.
When asked what h er favorite
food is she said, " anything but Last Thursday morning a free r Happy Birthday!
vitamin p ills !" movie was given to the students. l
Harbor High "Fran" carrie llere to enter' Th e movie was "Wake Island"
schol at the b eginning of h er starring Brian Donlev y and Wil-
freshman y ear. Precious to this liam Bendix.
HOVEY'S DRUG time she attended the Whitaker Todav th~re w ill b e a movie,
STORE schol. F r om what I :hear she "It Ain't Hay," starring Abbot
thin}<s school is O.K. if you skip and Costello. This movie is spon-
sored by the. Junior Class and ad-
~----------------= . once in awhile to a r ouse some
ex citement. And how! mission will be fifteen cents.
B ernie Kaltz, J a n uary 5.
Mary Davis, Janu ary 31. ·
s c h 0 0 }.
Bumping - Repair Work J ane Ann Jardine, January 16
G en evieve Roga lski, January 3 '
Supplies Ignition Parts - Batteries Eileen T r oup, J anua.:y 11.
Mechanical Repairing

SHELL They keep lighting-
GUY INGALLS The Drug Store on the Corner
J. N. Shep herd Prop.
You keep buying

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