The Revival No. 7
The Revival No. 7
The Revival No. 7
Tuesday, January ·9 , 1945 THE REVIVAL Page Three
Claus pin. is beyond me even though I had chemistry lab up any more if I
Drooley Jewelry Marjorie Haase received pearl the able assistance of Miss Dal- didn't tell about his receiving a
This Feature Written Exclusively ear-rings which she swears were ton. So take a gander for your- tie clasp. ,understand someone
taken from real hve oysters. self. in Detroit was the giver, but he
for Revival by Carmen Kniesley wouldn't say for sure.
Mary Davis received a panda
The delighted receivers of iden- pin. The little panda gives all
tification bracelets this Christmas appearances of liking the name
were Janet Kishigo, Bernie Kaltz, of Jasper.
M~lvin Johnston, Garth Holiday Looks as if this was the year
and Frances Wilcox. Frances' for pins ~s Helen Hoover sports
was sent from Texas. six of her Christmas pins around.
Much to add to Jane Jardine's Drewann White was showered
happiness was the fact that she with lovely jewelry. She was pre-
received Little Abner, her· pet sented with a gold overseas pin.
dog pin. She wouldn't say in what branch . ~-~~---....,.~~--.::~- · ~ l :!!ii-!~~~~~------.....
Vivi an Bosma received a gold of the service she had been in
locket, but she wouldn't tell or what part of the world she had
whom from! served in. One of the gobs she
Mary Ann Franklin was pre- knows sent her a gold bracelet
sented with a barrette with her that has Great Lakes Naval
name on. · Understand the man Training . Station on.
who gave it to her owns a con- Eleanor Jablinski received a
trolling interest in a big Chicago deer (dear) pin which bears the
name of Bambi. GRAPHIC
Shirley Terpening was given a Please note Winona and Ven- PUBLISHING
ita Standish's prize necklaces and
gold necklace with a tiny heart.
bracelets. Prettiest shells I've COMPANY
Eileen Troup so proudly dis-
plays her handsome little Santa seen for yars and yars.
Marlyn Bethke received a ster-
ling silver ring with two tiny sil-
ver hearts attached. Of course
we would all have a general idea
-·:all for your
what or should I say whom these Upholstering Needs
hearts are supposed to represent.
Eleanor Sterly is flashing · wninc of
around with a silver chain and Upholaterinc
cameo that was sent to her from R"pairing
Italy. Also she received a silver ADAMS'
bracelet bearing two hearts. I'll _AU;REL AWNING an~
CI..ELA.ND'S let everyone draw their own con- Sc TO $1 STORE
clusion on this one too. Guess! UPHOLSTERING ,
· NEWS STAND Doris Burton has a rare pin,
but try as I might a description
1)ddfellow Hall
Davert ----------------- 13
GENERAL Cosens ----------------- 6
Hovey --- - --- - --------- 8
HAtR DWARE Kishigo ___ _ -- ----- 1- - - - - 0
Player Points
Davert ----------------- 10
Kaltz ______ . :. _________ - - 4
Newman ·----------~---- 6
Young ---------- - ------ 5
Kishigo _ __ _ _ _ _ __ __ __ _ __ 8
SHELL They keep lighting-
GUY INGALLS The Drug Store on the Corner
J. N. Shep herd Prop.
You keep buying