12-Targets Hiw9kkt9is
12-Targets Hiw9kkt9is
12-Targets Hiw9kkt9is
w ww.MaximizeYourMuscle.com
Honors Kinesiolgy Degree, P.I.C.P Level 1 & 2, BioSignature,
Precision Nutrition, PIMST, Strength & Conditioning Coach,
WBFF Pro Fitness Model
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First things first – thanks so much for finding
your way to my website and taking an interest
in downloading this free report. I promise that
this information has the potential to help
you not just hit your genetic potential, but go
beyond it, so I’m extremely excited for you.
But before we discuss the 12 untapped targets
to igniting new muscle growth, let’s get you
to think beyond fitness and muscle for a
Yes, this report will contain information to help you go beyond your genetic potential in the
gym, and if you want to be the biggest, baddest, muscle-bound guy or gal, it certainly has the
ability to do that and much more.
Yes, this report will help you bust through any rut or wall that you’ve hit, even if you can’t
remember the last time you built muscle.
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Yes, this report will reveal
content on how to build the
first 25 pounds of muscle or
the last 5 pounds of muscle
your body needs – so you’re in
full control of how your body
turns out.
My famous quote that I’ve been sharing the past 10 years, since I went from being nicknamed
Skinny Vinny to The Skinny Guy Savior is this:
“It takes the same person and the same qualities to live large inside the gym as it does to live
large outside of the gym.”
- Said by me
That’s what gets me jumping out of bed each morning! The muscle is just a platform and
launching pad to prove to myself that if I can build myself up physically then I can build
myself up intellectually, relationally and spiritually.
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• If you can build big muscles then why can’t you build a big business?
• If you can get rid of all your excess fat then why can’t you get rid of your excess
financial debt?
• If you can learn new exercises then why can’t you learn a new language?
• If you can get out of your comfort zone in the gym then why can’t you get out of
your comfort zone in a new relationship?
• If you can commit to working out a certain number of days each week then
why can’t you commit to reading a book or going to church a certain number
of days each week?
Knowing that the gym is just a place where you practice life, gives muscle-building and fat-
burning goals a fresh outlook.
Again, whatever your reasons for wanting a body that looks better than the norm, they are
probably noble and honorable reasons, and I support you and want you to have them all.
So now that you have opened your mind to the new realms of possibilities with your life, I
trust that puts the following information into context and that it can be a launching pad for
literally changing your life, not only inside the gym, but outside of the gym.
As you continue to read, I trust that you’ll maintain a teachable spirit and an open mind – as
you have already done – and use this information to build your body beyond its potential –
but then take it a step further and build your life beyond its potential! Will you do that for
me? Will you do that for yourself and your loved ones?
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1. GROWTH IS NORMAL. There is a myth in life that states it’s normal to hit a plateau – I
disagree. Yes, it happens but that does not mean it’s normal. Life is not static, it’s dynamic
and it’s moving – you are either growing or you’re dying – there is no in between. To not
be growing is not normal and if you’ve hit a plateau in your muscle growth or fat burning
– I applaud you for acknowledging that this is a problem that needs to be fixed and I will
reassure you that it can be fixed. I hate the word maintenance – I hate it with a passion. To
me this means, “I just want to stay where I am at.” As you read through this report,
you’ll see that I’m going to do my best to weed out as many people as possible because
blowing beyond your potential life is only for the top 1% of society. I am not so naive as to
think that everyone wants to look and be better than the norm. My message is for those who
believe it is possible to blow beyond their genetic potential.
2. IT’S NOT YOUR FAULT YOU’VE HIT A PLATEAU. In fact, you had no other option
but to plateau! Please, don’t blame yourself for an extra second. Research and science
geeks claim: “It’s an unavoidable condition...” or “Everyone hits a plateau eventually...” I agree
with the nerds. Catching a plateau is like catching a virus - eventually it’s your turn. At
some point your gains have slowed - and you’re just like the other 99% of the world - myself
included. So congratulations... you’re normal! But who wants to be “normal” anyway? You
don’t want to look like a “normal” guy or gal—you want to look like something greater.
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Well, you’re probably thinking how amazing it would be to blast through that plateau and go
beyond -- WAY BEYOND - your genetic potential. If you have ever wanted an awe-inspiring
one-of-a-kind body, well that’s normal too. That’s right: it’s normal to want something
beyond the norm.
3. I AM THE FACE OF MY MESSAGE. What in the world does that mean? I wouldn’t
expect you to listen to me or trust me if my message had not worked on myself. That’s
probably why I have a hard time respecting a T.V. show host (I won’t name him) who talks
about weight loss and writes books on weight loss but has about 30 lbs of fat to lose
himself! The 12 Untapped Targets are the same targets I used to climb from my plateau of
190 pounds to 210 pounds – nearly 20 new pounds of muscle - over the course of two years.
And it’s much more than your gym’s trainer certification program, which is nothing more than
a weekend course followed by a photo pasted on the gym wall.
BUILT RIGHT INTO THE PROGRAM? How do I know this? You see... unlike all those
self-proclaimed fitness gurus you run into online, my programs also comes backed by
science and REAL WORLD experience. In 2002, I received my Kinesiology degree from the
University of Western Ontario. Not some bogus online diploma mill or liberal arts degree. And
it’s much more than your gyms own trainer certification program, which are nothing more
than a weekend course followed by their photo being pasted on the gym wall. The science
of Kinesiology is more than a fancy word; it is a critical science of anatomy, physiology,
biomechanics and lots of other boring academic subjects. The University of Western Ontario
is a real university in London, Ontario, world-renowned for its cutting edge teaching on
the special science of maximizing your genetic potential, accelerating metabolism and
optimizing your growth hormones. You may have flunked science in High School or not
pursued a health and science degree, which is cool, but if you really want to know why
you’ve plateaued and why your body isn’t growing as quickly -- or at all -- you’ve got to know
how your body really works. Not only do I have four years of Kin, but I have also combined
that with six years of in-the-trenches, real-world training experience, young and old, male
and female, fat and skinny, plus I have clients from over 120 different countries following
my books - I guarantee I’ve worked with someone like you already. Back when I started I
was just applying what I was learning in Kin, but over the last eight years I’ve combined that
knowledge with what I’ve seen work over and over again while eliminating everything else.
It’s time to get into the science and break down the 12 Untapped Targets to igniting new
muscle growth for you - but first..
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Imagine what your muscles and body would look like each morning you woke up, got
undressed and jumped into the shower. Now visualize the delight on your husband or wife’s
face, staring at you from the bedroom – waiting for you to come back to bed!
Whatever image is capturing your thoughts, hold that image and soak in all the emotions and
feelings that come along with reaching that spot.
Now flip those thoughts around and feel all the emotions that go into having that goal out of
Find that place of confidence, pride, fulfillment and positive energy that comes from knowing
you’re about to unlock the gates that are paved with new muscle gains and will help you
blow beyond any limits that are holding you back from your dream body.
Let’s use this metaphor as an illustration...
I start a band with my very close fitness friends, Joel Marion, John Romaniello and Craig
Ballantyne. We’re called the Trend Setters. John’s on drums, Craig’s on bass, Joel is on lead
guitar and I’m on vocals. Our goal is to be world famous and have millions of screaming fans.
As a band, we are one unit, even though we play different instruments and have different
roles that contribute to the rate of our stardom. After a summer of sold-out concerts
(remember, I’m on vocals :)), John “Badass” Romaniello (his stage name) decides to stop
practicing his drums, not realizing the importance of the band improving as a unit, together.
Craigo Bally, the bass player, refuses to learn any other instruments and proclaims he could
carry the band to stardom with his bass skills alone. Super Joe Mario is convinced that
between my vocals and his mean guitar skills, we could team up with Justin Timberlake in
no time. Super Joe Mario doesn’t realize there are more ways to build a song than with just
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two instruments, neglecting all the other sounds we could bring into our band in order to hit
the band’s full potential. Heart Throb Vinny D (that’s me) decides to try out some different
vocals completely unrelated to the band’s original success, thus neglecting the winning
factors that have always won over the crowds. He even tries to sing so loud that he ends
up drowning out some of the other key instruments. During every song he sings, the crowd
throws tomatoes at him and boos.
The next album for the Trend Setters flops and they become like every other band that
has accepted it as normal to hit a rut in their career. Eventually their success comes to a
complete halt while their manager reassures them that this is normal. By the way, the only
seven people in the audience were loyal groupies Six Pack Abs Expert, Arnel Ricafranca; Jon
“7 Minute” Benson; Mike “The Truth” Geary; Jeff “The Muscle Nerd” Anderson; Hot Mommy
and Diet Expert, Isabel De Los Rios; Adam “Bodyweight” Steer and super hyper Dr. Kareem
Samhouri. Thanks guys.
The previous metaphor will help you appreciate the importance of the 12 Untapped Targets,
which are more accurately 12 untapped factors.
I understand that the word target can imply that you can isolate each one but that is not
entirely true. Yes, you can and should isolate each target during different training phases but
the take home message is: Each anabolic target is interconnected with the others and each
target will have an effect on the other targets.
Igniting new muscle growth and blowing beyond your genetic potential boils down to these
12 Untapped Targets. If you’re emphasizing one more than another, you’ll be limited in your
growth. If you neglect a handful, your gains will be limited. If you are only unlocking 1 or 2
factors then, of course, you’re going to hit a rut and see your progress stall.
Basically, after reviewing these 12 Untapped Targets to muscle growth you’ll get an idea of
how far you are away from unlocking your full potential and then going beyond it.
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If you’re currently only unlocking 2 or 3 pathways (most people are lucky if they are hitting
2 or 3), then consider that very good news because your body has a lot of room to grow.
If you’re currently unlocking 7-8 of these, then consider that good news, your body still has
room to grow as well.
Bottom line, until you unlock all 12 of these untapped targets to muscle growth, you’re
leaving a lot of your gains on the gym floor. I’m here to help you go beyond your genetic
Make it happen!
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The Mechanism Behind Maximize Your Muscle & Blowing Beyond Your Genetic Potential
With the re-opening of my masterpiece muscle-building program, Maximize Your Muscle, I’m
going to help you add more lean muscle than you’ve been able to achieve before, and not
only hit your genetic limits but blow beyond them. I’m extremely excited about re-opening
this program for you because it’s already been followed by more than 5,000 students. For
the past few years I’ve worked on it and tweaked it to perfection through practice in my own
training, extensive education and through testing it with bodybuilding friends and private
This program takes everything I learned as an Honors Kinesiology graduate from Western
University and everything I’ve learned through practical application in the gym and combines
it into a program that takes you beyond your genetic limits – regardless of your age or
PhaseBuilding Overview
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I’ve used these techniques myself to experience the best muscle gains of my life and to do it
without the frustration and discouragement of hitting plateaus. This program is an improved
and far more effective version of a program I designed a few years back that helped me to
add 20 pounds of new muscle in three years. This is the programming that helped me climb
from 190 lbs to 210 lbs while keeping my abs in sight the entire transformation.
Before we talk more about the specifics of the program, you need to understand a few things
about all of those plateaus that have stopped or slowed you down before.
First, plateaus are not normal; growth is. Yes, we have all experienced plateaus and if you’re
doing the same thing all the time and expecting to keep getting results, you are going to
plateau. Our bodies adapt to what we demand of them and they do it quickly and efficiently.
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However, a plateau doesn’t mean that you have reached your potential. It means what
you’re doing has reached its potential. Your body is perfectly capable of doing more, but
you have to know what to ask of it. Until then, you are going to be stuck in neutral. But neutral
is not normal and plateaus are not normal. Growth is normal. It’s always the next step, if you
just know what to do next.
Second, you have to understand that more than three quarters of the programs out there
have plateaus built into them. This is because they’re only designed to aim at a few anabolic
targets and because they are too linear. They are not designed to continuously demand more
from your body and in new ways, so your body eventually adapts. You can try adding more
weight, more reps and more sets, but you still stagnate if this is the extent of your stimulus.
Manipulating these variables will help you experience newbie gains at best.
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There are actually two types of muscle hypertrophy. You can understand them best by
imagining your muscle cells as water balloons. If you want to make the balloon (muscle cell)
bigger, you can either increase the amount of water in it (cell volume) or you can increase the
amount of rubber (contractile proteins) in the balloon itself.
The first type of hypertrophy increases the amount of blood, and therefore water and
nutrients, delivered to and stored in your muscle cells. You experience this when you pump
out 50 curls and those muscles pop for a short time afterward. This is important because
research shows that decreased cell volume actually stimulates catabolism or muscle loss,
while increased cell volume stimulates anabolism or muscle growth.
The second type of hypertrophy increases the amount of contractile proteins in the cell walls,
actually enlarging those cells. This means your cells have more capacity and that with all of
those cells together, you see larger muscle. The type of hypertrophy you need to focus most
of your attention on is the second type, but you can see the impact that the two together can
have on your ability to gain.
Hyperplasia, on the other hand, actually increases the number of muscle fibers (where those
hypertrophied cells are located) in your muscles. The reason you haven’t heard that much
about hyperplasia is that it’s been studied far less than hypertrophy, especially in humans.
However, research on birds and other animals suggests that specific types of training can
increase the number of muscle fibers in two ways; by splitting existing muscle fibers and by
stimulating satellite cells around the muscle fibers to become new muscle fibers.
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It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see the potential of combining hypertrophy and
hyperplasia. First, you increase cell volume and increase cell size through hypertrophy and
then you increase the number of muscle fibers (and therefore the number of cells in those
fibers) through hyperplasia in a beautiful cycle of continuous muscle growth.
This program, by stimulating both hypertrophy and hyperplasia and attacking 12 separate
anabolic targets in successive phases is the most exciting thing I’ve done in my own training
and the most exciting thing I’ve introduced to you as well. It will blow your training right past
your plateaus and even your own genetic profile.
Another key aspect is that each phase scales up in volume and intensity over the first three
weeks and then backs off during the fourth week to allow your body to recover and achieve
supercompensation, which simply means to experience the training effect. Remember this
critical equation to growth:
Keep reading as I lay out very specifically, each new step of the PhaseBuilding program, each
one aimed at a new anabolic target and a new level of muscle growth. This program will
change your mind about your potential and your limitations.
--> Click Here to Gain More Muscle in The Next 28-Days Than Most Guys Gained Last Year
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Positions of Flexion training isn’t a brand-new concept but it’s a concept that is the
cornerstone behind blowing beyond your genetic potential. My good friend Steve Holman of
Ironman magazine introduced it years ago. My friend and longtime mentor, Charles Poliquin,
is a huge advocate of POF training and writes about it often. And if you want to understand
the physics and biomechanics behind this method of training take the number one personal
training certification in the world, www.RTS123.com, which will blow your mind to pieces. But
many guys either have never heard of it or don’t really understand how and why it works. If
you are one of those guys, you’re about to get a crash course in kinesiology and educational
growth that will completely change the way you train to build muscle and the results you get
from your muscle building workouts.
The problem with a lot of programs and routines is that many of them are designed with a
shotgun approach to building muscle. You might be doing three different exercises for your
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biceps, but unless you specifically target each flexion position, you’re likely overtraining one
part of the muscle and ignoring or under-training the rest of that muscle.
Creating a POF routine isn’t any more complicated than designing any other program; it’s just
more specific about targeting each motor unit in the muscle. For instance, a biceps routine
might be barbell curls for the mid-range move, incline dumbbell curls for the stretch move
and concentration curls for the peak-contraction move. As you can see, it isn’t complicated or
complex, but there’s a lot of science behind the method. That science is all about stimulating
all the fibers in a specific muscle and to strengthen them along their entire range of motion.
How POF Training Impacts Your Muscles and Maximizes Your Gains
Steve incorporated POF training into his own bodybuilding and went from 120 pounds to
200 pounds – 80 pounds of muscle gained! He’s been using and teaching POF training
ever since.
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The Three Positions of Flexion and How They Work
The three flexion positions are the mid-range position, the stretch position and the
contracted or peak-contraction position, performed in that order. Each move builds on the
muscle response from the previous movement, so it’s essential to success that you perform
them this way. Let me explain each position, what it does to the muscle and which moves are
applicable to each.
The Contracted Position: The contracted position movements target the muscle with
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resistance at the point of total contraction. An example would
be one-arm kickbacks for your triceps or leg extensions for
quads. What the contracted position movements do is finish
off the target muscle, really fatiguing those muscle fibers that
have been seriously activated by the two previous moves.
POF training is the first phase of my Maximize Your Muscle program because it is simply one
of the most effective and game-changing protocols you can employ. Once you have started
training each position of flexion, you will never settle for “partially” training your muscles
again. Instead of talking a “shot gun” approach to your exercise selection, the key is to know
exactly what muscle-building exercises classify as mid-range, stretched or contracted so
that your workout includes all three types of exercises for maximal muscle gains.
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Above, Untapped Target #1 – Position of Flexion Training, I laid out the first phase of my
masterpiece Maximize Your Muscle program, which uses three exercises per body part –
mid-range, stretched and contracted – to target unexploited muscle fibers and stimulate
phenomenal growth by training each muscle through its full range of motion.
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The Inspiration for the 5-Day Full Body Training Phase
Several years ago, renowned trainer Scot Abel introduced his game-changing program,
Metabolic Enhancement Training. Think CrossFit for bodybuilders. The program is essentially
a fast-paced circuit that incorporates both traditional and functional movements and utilizes
a variety of ranges of motion and planes to constantly stimulate new muscle fibers, trigger
an enormous metabolic boost and get incredible growth.
My 5-Day Full-Body Training phase takes those extremely effective components and
expands on them, making this one of the hardest and most effective protocols you will ever
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The Benefits of Both HIIT and Strength/Conditioning
Normally, your muscle-building workout and high-
intensity cardio are two separate workouts. You do one
to realize gains in strength and size and the other to
maximize your fat loss. With this program, you’ll get the
muscle gains you’re looking for and the metabolism
boost you need in the same workout, spending less
time and getting better results than when doing them
separately. You will also enjoy the other benefits of HIIT,
which include improved VO2Max, increased testosterone
production, better insulin regulation and steadier blood
sugar levels.
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All Part of My 360-Degree Attack on Building Muscle and Burning Fat
As I have said many times, if you really want to see phenomenal results in either muscle gain
or fat loss, you can’t just take a standard, one-pronged, and head-on approach to your goals.
You have to attack that goal from every direction with a multitude of weapons. Whether it’s
working that one muscle its entire length from every angle or speeding up your metabolism
with several methods at once, intense results require intense, multifaceted programs.
The key to avoiding a plateau is to be constantly changing up the variables of your program.
The same thing is true of maximizing new muscle gains. If you give your body a chance to
adapt to the demands you make of it, your gains in both size and strength will be slow and
mediocre. The whole point of the way this program is designed is to change up not one,
but almost every variable on a regular constant basis. You never give your body a chance to
adapt to anything, which puts you in a constant state of metabolic transition.
Next, I will introduce you to the next phase of the Maximize Your Muscle program, Untapped
Target #3 – High Volume Training. It will add another level and another layer to your muscle-
building program that will blow your previous best results out of the water.
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I just explained that the first two phases of my new
Maximize Your Muscle program involve Position of Flex-
ion Training first and then 5-Day Full Body Training. Each
of these phases lasts four weeks, just enough time to get
the maximum adaptation of each phase and make the
most of the extremely important transitional period at
the beginning of each new method of training. Then you
quickly move on to the next phase right before you be-
come bored with the workout and hit a plateau, resulting
in frustration and throwing in the towel. That next phase When done
of the Maximize Your Muscle program is High Volume Training.
properly, high
The Misconceptions about High Volume Training volume training is a
A lot of bodybuilders, especially beginner to intermediate very effective form
lifters, will shake their heads when you mention high volume
training. Some of you are probably shaking your heads. Ev- of temporary
erybody knows you need heavy loads and low reps to see real
gains, right? That depends on what kind of gains you’re talking
overtraining that
about. If by gains you mean strength, then you’re not wrong. has been scientifi-
But for gains in size and definition, high volume training is the
platinum short-term method. cally proven
Many people talk down about high volume training because to produce
they feel that it, a) leads to overtraining and, b) becomes cata-
bolic very quickly. What they don’t realize is that when done
properly, high volume training is a very effective form of tempo- hypertrophy and
rary overtraining that has been scientifically proven to produce
phenomenal hypertrophy and definition. It is meant to be a definition.
short-term program.
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The Masters of High Volume Training
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The Keys to the Phenomenal Results of High Volume Training
The people who don’t believe in high volume training are correct; done improperly, it can re-
sult in overtraining and muscle catabolism. But these people are thinking of the type of high
volume training that meant marathon, 2-3 hour sessions of lifting. That is not what Vince Gi-
ronda, Charles Poliquin and I, with the Maximize Your Muscle program, are prescribing. Vince
Gironda made it clear that high volume training needed to be a highly aerobic, demanding
protocol. That means very short rest periods and workouts that are over in an hour or less.
With this type of high volume training, you not only have maximum muscle fiber recruitment,
but also maximum blood flow to the muscles and therefore cell swelling for incredible pump.
Lactic acid buildup is also increased for quicker overload without real overtraining.
This workout is so demanding on your cardiovascular system and your muscles that it’s a
metabolic booster rocket for faster fat loss, while you’re gaining size and definition. It’s de-
manding enough that it can be counted as a cardio session.
“You have to build up to the stage where you can benefit from this extremely advanced form
of training,” Gironda wrote. “I doubt if anyone with less than two years of training experience
could benefit from this method.”
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However, we will be using progressive resistance and a systematic, progressive, tiered pro-
gram to get you to that point. By the last week of Phase 3, you will be doing an 8x8 protocol
and seeing incredible results.
Be Forewarned
The entire Maximize Your Muscle program is for
guys who are serious about getting amazing
growth and committed to doing whatever they
have to do to (safely and healthfully) to realize
that goal. Phase 3 is one of the most demanding
phases in that it requires you to be diligent and
committed when it comes to sleep, rest and nutri-
tion. You need to prepare for that ahead of time
and make up your mind that this phase will be a
month of discipline and commitment. It will also
be a time of tremendous results.
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The fourth phase of my new Maximize Your Muscle Program
is called “Ripped in a Rush.” It will constitute the first cutting
phase of the program and it will employ two methods: cyclical
bulking and pre-exhaustion training.
Every fourth phase of the Maximize Your Muscle program is a cutting phase. You will be
bulking or building muscle for 12 weeks, then cutting for 2 to 4 weeks. This is the best way
to maximize your insulin sensitivity and it allows you to periodically cut any added body fat
as you go, rather than waiting until you’ve gained way too much fat and then having to go
through a long and grueling cutting phase.
However, when you’re cutting, it’s extremely important to continue hypertrophy training.
Many programs recommend bodyweight or circuit training during cutting or they focus on
strength training during a cutting phase. Both of these methods are counterproductive. With
bodyweight or circuit training, the loads are too light to sustain the muscle mass you’ve
worked so hard to gain during bulking. With strength-training, there isn’t enough time under
tension, muscle fatigue or metabolic burn to achieve any real fat loss.
Pre-exhaustion training is the answer to not only sustaining, but building muscle during a
cutting phase while still losing fat.
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Pre-Exhaustion Training Explained
Pre-exhaustion training is most commonly used by guys who are focused on a few lagging
body parts. It’s an extremely effective way to really target a muscle that’s just not developing
in line with the rest of your body or that’s been resistant to growth in general.
The way pre-exhaustion training works is that you do a specified number of sets of an isola-
tion move targeting a specific muscle and then after a very short rest period, you do a com-
pound move for that muscle.
When you’re doing a compound move, the target muscle gets a huge assist from the sup-
porting muscles nearby. For instance, when you are doing a bench press for your chest, your
pecs are getting help from your delts and triceps. Because the delts and triceps fatigue be-
fore your pecs, you never really fatigue your pecs with the bench press; you have to do an-
other exercise to get there.
With pre-exhaustion training, you do an isolation move first to pre-exhaust that target mus-
cle, so when you do the compound move, that muscle fatigues about the same time as (or
sooner than) the supporting muscles. For instance, you might do cable crossovers for your
pecs, followed by the bench press, biceps curls followed by chin-ups or leg extensions fol-
lowed by barbell squats.
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Pre-exhaustion training
Why Pre-Exhaustion Training Is So Effective
also keeps your
You can’t have growth without fatigue. There is no
muscle fiber repair if there is no muscle fiber damage.
metabolism hopping
By doing an effective isolation move first, you ensure
maximum fiber recruitment and fatigue for your target
because of the demands
muscle once you move on to the compound movement. you’re placing on the
Pre-exhaustion training also keeps your metabolism muscle and the short
hopping because of the demands you’re placing on the
muscle and the short rest periods between isolation and
rest periods between
compound moves.
isolation and
A Couple of Precautions compound moves.
That rest period is especially important when you are using pre-exhaustion training because
the whole point is to go into that compound move with the target muscle already fatigued. If
you do that isolation move and then give the target muscle enough time to start recovering,
you have just wasted your time, energy and hard work.
You also need to be aware that you will probably need to reduce your normal loads when it
comes to your compound moves. Remember that your target muscle is already somewhat
fatigued and you’re not going to be able to lift the same load and still maintain proper form
and utilize enough time under tension. You don’t want to go too light, but you will need to
drop some of the weight during this phase but just on the compound moves.
If you think about it, why would you spend six months building muscle and then four months
or so working your butt off and staying hungry to lose all the fat you added on with that
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muscle? And why should you be willing to give up some of that hard-earned muscle while
you’re losing the fat?
The typical bulking/cutting cycle is too long on both sides. The bulking phase goes on too
long, well past the metabolic transition period, so you usually face one or two plateaus and
far too much fat gain. Then you go on a cutting phase that is also too long and run up against
a plateau or two there. Instead of plugging away as you have been, you should be forcing your
body to transition again. That gets you off of what I call the hamster wheel of bulking and
cutting where you gain too much fat during bulking so you kill yourself losing it, but then you
lost muscle during cutting and have to kill yourself getting it back.
Phase 4 of Maximize Your Muscle embodies the principle of working smarter in order to keep
your muscles and your metabolism on their toes. Not only does it facilitate fat loss without
sacrificing muscle, it makes it possible to continue adding muscle while you’re losing fat.
www.MaximizeYourMuscle.com 32
Wave loading has been around for 60+ years and originat-
ed in Eastern Europe in the ‘50s and ‘60s, but it’s still one
of the most underutilized forms of training in bodybuild-
Now, you might be a guy who’s been working out for a year or less and thinking, “But this is
working great for me, Vince.” Well, that might be true, but it’s because everything works for a
beginner; for a while.
The thing is that your neurological system adapts very quickly to your set/rep patterns. In
fact, with most bodybuilders that adaptation will occur within about six workouts. For ad-
vanced bodybuilders, guys that have been training for more than four years, that adaptation
can occur within three workouts. Once that adaptation happens, you’re wasting your time
continuing with the same routine because the intensity is just not there, and it’s intensity that
spurs growth.
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It’s All About Intensity
Wave loading trains your
A lot of guys make the mistake of defining intensity as
how hard they are working, but the intensity of your
neurological system by
workout is actually defined by how close you are to your “tricking” it into adapting
1RM. That’s why, when the scientific community talks
about intensity, they talk about heavy loads. This is why to an exercise before it
wave loading is such an effective method.
really needs to.
Going Proactive by Training Your Brain
www.MaximizeYourMuscle.com 34
What Wave Loading Looks Like
For the first method, let’s say that you can typically bench press 110 pounds for 5 reps. With
wave loading, you might start with a set of 140 x 3. Your brain starts sending messages to
your muscle that you’re about to lift 140 pounds on your next set. That message translates
to more muscle fibers being recruited and more motor neurons being fired in preparation to
protect the muscle from potential injury.
But instead, you lighten the load on the bar to your normal 110 pounds. Because your muscle
has more resources (more muscle fiber recruitment and faster firing of motor neurons), you
are able to lift that 110 pounds beyond your usual max of 5 reps to 6-7 reps. You’re basically
tricking your neurological system into preparing for a heavier load and then taking advantage
of that over-preparation to lift more than you are normally able to lift. That 110 pounds actu-
ally feels much lighter than usual when it follows a 140-pound set and so you’re able to do
more reps than you could before. On top of that, when you lift that 140 pounds the next time
that’s going to be easier as well.
www.MaximizeYourMuscle.com 35
The second method of wave loading is one that I’ve used
quite a bit. Typically, it is a series of 8-6-4 waves. Neural ad-
aptation occurs when you’re working at between 90-150% of
your 1RM and doing low reps of between 3 and 5. By repeating
doesn’t lead
this 8-6-4 series 2-4 times and increasing the lightest load to overtraining;
volume does.
each time, you keep the neurological adaptation process in
play, increasing the intensity of the exercise and increasing
your 1RM.
Let’s use the bench press an example again. For the first
wave, you do 8 reps at 100 pounds, 6 reps at 105 and then 4
at 110, with a fairly long rest period between each one. But in the next wave, you start out at
8x105 and then go to 6x110 and 4x115. For the next wave, you repeat the pattern, starting out
now at 8x110, then 6x115 and 4x120. Beginners and guys that have been training for less than
a year or so might do two waves, while intermediate and advanced athletes will do 3 or 4.
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During the course of the previous phases of the Maximize Your Muscle program, we will have
worked mainly on strength and size through high-intensity training, pre-exhaustion training,
five-day full body training and other specialized techniques. All of these will help you to see
serious gains in size, strength and definition, as well as improved training of your neuromus-
cular system.
You might not even realize where your imbalances are until you start doing some unilateral
exercises. Very often, unless there’s a really noticeable difference in the size and shape of the
two muscles in a pair, you might not be aware of the difference in strength. Doing a phase of
unilateral work is a great way to “take inventory” of individual muscles and target the ones
that need the most work.
Targeting your weaker sides with unilateral training isn’t just about having equal strength
between the left and right muscles. It’s about achieving symmetry and balance in your phy-
sique, which is just as important as size and definition.
www.MaximizeYourMuscle.com 37
There are several benefits to unilateral
training. Here are the key points:
Focus on Form
One of the most important benefits of uni-
lateral training is that working one muscle
at a time, for instance, the left and then
right biceps, means you are completely
focused on that specific muscle. That
means you can really pay attention to form
and concentrate on perfecting it. This can
be hard to do when you’re working with a
barbell or doing bilateral moves on cables
or machines. This is really going to pay off
later on when doing bilateral moves, as im-
proper form with one muscle is one of the
causes of imbalance.
Unilateral work also trains your joints much better than bilateral moves do. When you are
working with a dumbbell instead of a barbell on your bicep curls, your shoulder, wrist and el-
bow joints have to work much harder to keep that weight steady. The cartilage in these joints
is really going to benefit as much as the muscles will.
Most people don’t think about core training when they think
about unilateral or single-limb exercises, but unilateral work
does require a lot more from your abs if you are focusing on
form and posture (as you should be). Specifically, you have to
really work on the stabilizing and rotational muscles in your abs
to keep your body from twisting or leaning to one side as you
work the specific muscle.
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Believe me, this will be as much of a workout for your abs as if you were actually targeting
them, and in some ways, it may be even better. This is because we tend to focus on up and
down movements when we work our core muscles, leaving the deeper rotational and stabi-
lizing muscles almost untouched. Unilateral exercises force those muscles into action, giving
you not only improved core strength but better definition.
Changing up your routine to working on single-limb exercises means that you are taking
advantage of that powerful transitional period yet again, keeping your body guessing and
your metabolism on its toes so that you can breeze right past potential plateaus. As I’ve said
numerous times, you have to keep changing your program and playing with one or more
variables in order to avoid the plateau that comes from working past that adaptation point.
That’s why the Maximize Your Muscle program is all about change; moving quickly from one
phase to another before your metabolism and your muscles have a chance to get accus-
tomed to your program. Four week phases ensure that all but the most advanced bodybuild-
ers will be in a constant state of adaptation.
Injury Prevention
www.MaximizeYourMuscle.com 39
More Muscle Fiber Recruitment
Unilateral movements also stimulate better muscle fiber recruitment, not just from the
muscle that’s doing the work, but from supporting muscles as well. When you don’t have the
opposite muscle to help with a movement, the supporting muscles nearby are called into
play to a greater degree than with bilateral moves. This means improvement in those sup-
porting muscles while you’re doing extremely effective moves with the target muscle.
By the time you get through this phase, you will be much more aware of your strengths and
weaknesses and most of those weaknesses will have been corrected. You will also have a
stronger core, will have improved any form issues and your body will have a more balanced,
symmetrical appearance. You will go into subsequent phases stronger, larger and with a
greater awareness of your individual muscles, all of which will contribute to even greater suc-
cess and better gains as we move though the rest of the program.
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The whole point of the Maximize Your Muscle program is to blast
right past adaptation before your progress has a chance to pla-
teau. The program is carefully designed so that you spend four
weeks in a phase that specifically targets one particular method
or result and then move into something completely different
before your body has a chance to adapt to the work you’re de-
manding of it.
I’ve emphasized over and over again for years that in order to
continue getting great results, you must continuously change up
at least one of the variables, whether it’s volume, intensity, load,
frequency or something else, in order to avoid a plateau that will
frustrate you and slow your progress.
Each phase is
The downside of having to do that is that many guys carefully designed
aren’t sure what they should change next in order to
achieve this, so they take the approach of throwing to play off of
things up against the wall and seeing what sticks. They
increase load for a week or two and when that doesn’t
what you have
do it, they switch from splits to a full body routine and so
on. This random approach not only takes a huge amount
been doing and also
of time and energy, it also wastes the potential of the play into the phase
methods that are being tried.
that’s coming next.
The great thing about Maximize Your Muscle is that you
don’t have to try to figure out what to change next. All of
that work is already done for you and it’s done strategi-
cally. Each phase is carefully designed to play off of what
you have been doing and also play into the phase that’s
coming next. It takes advantage of what you did last
www.MaximizeYourMuscle.com 41
month and are about to do next month with your metabolism, your muscles and your Central
Nervous System. There’s nothing random about it.
In this phase of the program, the purpose is to retrain your Central Nervous System and
speed up recovery. We do this through high-frequency training.
However, when done correctly, high-frequency training has been proven to get excellent
results, without overtraining, and to improve your performance when you go back to heavy,
less-frequent lifting.
Another study, published in the Journal of Physiology in 2003, showed that muscle stem
cells are replenished by Mechano-growth factor or MGF. Each time you sufficiently stimulate
your muscles, a shot of MGF is released to repair and grow those muscle cells. It just makes
sense that stimulating those muscle fibers more frequently results in more MGF being re-
leased and greater muscle growth.
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days. Your brain expects you to stick to a routine or a schedule and that’s what it prepares
for. The interesting thing about this is that if you train each body part 3x a week during this
phase, your mind and your muscles are still going to be on that schedule once you enter the
next phase of heavier, less-frequent lifting. This means that those heavier weights are going
to be easier and that you’re actually going to be able to lift heavier than you were previously.
Although there isn’t as much research on high-frequency training and metabolism as there is
on muscular response, there is evidence that high-frequency lifting improves the testoster-
one-cortisol balance and insulin response, which not only helps growth but also fat loss, so
you may continue to see fat loss progress during this phase, if that’s one of your goals.
Each workout in this phase is designed to stimulate the muscles just enough to prompt that
MGF response and stimulate the growth of new muscle stem cells, without getting anywhere
near training to failure. With each workout, your body recovers faster, yet you’re not working
at a level that makes overtraining a danger. Typically, you will be pretty sore the first week,
less so the second week and by the third week you may not experience any soreness at all.
This is because you are recovering faster and this recovery will go with you into the next
phase as well. That’s going to mean an easier time of lifting heavier weights and an opportu-
nity to see serious gains in both strength and size.
The goal of high-frequency training is not strength – faster recovery and size are the goal.
Strength is improved when you move back to the heavier weights, very often heavier than
you were lifting before the high-frequency phase.
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Each phase of my new Maximize Your Muscle program is care-
fully chosen and just as carefully scheduled to target a specific
goal or solve a specific problem with a very specific plan. Phase
8 of the program is a problem-solver and it’s a powerful one.
The Problem: Steady, All Over Body Gains Will Eventually Stall
Guys at every level of training eventually (and periodically)
experience lagging body parts. Whether it’s because of your
program or your genetics or both, you’ll always see certain parts
developing at a slower pace than the rest of your body.
What these guys find is that they’re now seeing spurts or waves of growth. Where they used
to see gains one pound at a time, from one week to the next, they’ll now see gains of 3, 5 or
even 10 pounds in spurts.
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Why Body-Part Specialization Training is the Answer
When you focus on one specific body part and subject it to a short-term program of serious
training, you can change the way your entire body looks, without bulking and without seeing
gains anywhere else. Look at it this way, when you’re already big, gaining two to three pounds
of muscle overall isn’t going to be very noticeable. But when you add two to three pounds of
muscle to your arms, this is immediately noticeable.
This is why movie stars train their shoulders, upper chest and arms so heavily when they’re
getting in shape for a film. They know that small gains in these areas can make them appear
to have 20-pounds more muscle overall.
The other exciting thing about body-part specialization training is that your body’s recovery
resources are all channeled toward that one specific area. While you don’t stop training the
rest of the muscle groups while you focus on your arms, shoulders or whichever area you
choose, you do decrease the intensity of your work on the rest of the body. By doing this your
www.MaximizeYourMuscle.com 45
body is able to focus recovery in the area that’s working the hardest. This is why you’ll see
gains in size much more quickly.
To ensure that you’re giving 100% to your specialization routine, prioritize it on your schedule.
Make it part of your first workout of the week and make your specialization part the first part
of your workout. You also want to prioritize that part as far as frequency and volume – you hit
it harder and you hit it most often.
What to Expect
Aside from the results that I’ve already explained, there are a few other things you should be
expecting and ready for when you get started on body-part specialization.
First of all, you’re going to be worn out. This is a tough workout. You don’t coast through this
one. It’s not the type of workout where your attention can wander in different directions; it’s
hard. You’re going to feel like you are overtraining, but remember that all of your recovery
resources are being directed at this area of your body. You’re not actually overtraining. How-
ever, you are going to feel it. For example, if training your arms, they will feel like they’re go-
ing to fall off. If training your chest, it will feel like someone hit you with their car. As with all
new routines, things will get better but prepare for it to kick your butt in the beginning. You
will need to follow this kind of one-part focus with a period of deloading to allow that super-
recovery process to take place.
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Worth It Many Times Over
Like I’ve said, this is a tough phase and you are going to be working hard and feeling rough.
But the results will be so worthwhile.
If you’ve been training for two, three or more years, you already know the frustration of work-
ing full-out for weeks, only to gain two or three pounds of muscle that you can’t really see.
When I was a skinny guy, a two-pound gain in lean muscle mass was immediately apparent.
Now, a two-pound gain overall would go completely unnoticed. But a two-pound gain in my
chest makes a huge difference.
Whether you’re facing the typical (and almost perpetual) problem of a lagging body part or
you’re an advanced lifter who’s tired of working for almost invisible gains, body-part special-
ization is a way to see serious change in a very short time. It’s also a great way to change up
your routine and have a little fun and excitement in the gym. Focusing all of your attention on
one body part gets you interested again. It’s actually fun, despite the hard work.
Nobody ever said that being a serious bodybuilder means you can’t have any fun.
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Every sequential step of the Maximize Your Muscle program,
every new phase, is one piece in a carefully designed jigsaw
puzzle. Each phase is a different type of specialized tool
that, used in sequence or in conjunction with the other tools
(phases), will attack every area of your bodybuilding. While
the overall goal is incredible muscle gain, each phase has a
different method by which it addresses more specific goals
– such as creating symmetry, boosting recovery or increasing
strength or explosiveness.
Back in 2002, a study was published in the European Journal of Applied Physiology that
explored the strength-endurance continuum or the point at which a workout goes from
building strength and size to being an endurance exercise. What the study showed was that
www.MaximizeYourMuscle.com 48
bodyweight exercise may not result in size gains on par
with weighted workouts, but it does increase strength Bodyweight training
and endurance, which improves your performance during
your weighted workout, and that leads to increased size.
isn’t as good for gains
Another thing they showed was that the right bodyweight as lifting weights, but
exercises also boost your recovery time, which also gets
you better results from your weighted program. when done correctly,
Bodyweight training isn’t as good for gains as lifting it improves your en-
weights, but when done correctly, it improves your endur-
ance and your recovery rate so that you can realize better
durance and your
gains in size from your weight-lifting program. In the four recovery rate so that
months leading up to the World Fitness Model Champion-
ship, I did 200 push-ups and 50 pull-ups every single day you can realize bet-
and saw incredible changes in my arms, chest and back.
ter gains in size from
How to Do Advanced Bodyweight Training your weight-lifting
The study by Campos, et al and my own personal expe- program.
rience as a bodybuilder and a mentor have shown that
performing advanced bodyweight moves in the 13 to 20
rep range are best for experiencing serious improvements
in strength and endurance and in shortening recovery
time. But you don’t have to limit your results to strength,
endurance and recovery. By carefully choosing the moves you do, you can also work on size
and definition. In just a bit, I’ll share the top 20 moves for building mass with advanced body-
weight training.
Notice that I said “advanced” bodyweight training. I’m not talking about calisthenics or a
handful of moderately enthusiastic push-ups and chin-ups. I’m talking about serious work
here. You will feel it and you will earn your results.
Advanced bodyweight training isn’t just a standalone tool – it’s great to use as a finisher and
is an excellent way to incorporate pre-exhaustion training or to use alongside high-frequency
training. If you’re seeing imbalances, single-limb bodyweight training is awesome for cor-
recting imbalances. You can also eventually start doing loaded moves like dips, chin-ups and
pull-ups, using a dip belt or a weighted vest to keep the adaptation process moving.
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These moves aren’t in any particular order. Each of them is an extremely effective move for
certain body parts and should be incorporated into your advanced bodyweight workout ac-
cording to the areas you want to really focus on.
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Single Leg Hip Thrusts – really effective for the glutes.
Don’t underestimate the impact that advanced bodyweight training will have on your phy-
sique. It’s not only going to force your body to adapt to yet another form of stimulus, it’s also
going to give you a huge increase in stability, strength and endurance, which means you’re
going to start getting even better results with your weighted moves.
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If you’ve been reading closely so far and understanding the
concepts of my new Maximize Your Muscle program, then
you’ve probably noticed several patterns by now. Each separate
phase is four weeks of change and adaptation that boosts me-
tabolism, stimulates new muscle growth and challenges your
central nervous system.
In several other posts in this series, I’ve talked about how you can use certain protocols to
train your central nervous system to increase muscle fiber recruitment, speed recovery and
increase motor neuron stimulation. This is another one of those phases, but the end goal is to
use these neuromuscular changes to increase your explosiveness like never before.
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An Overview of Plyometrics
That storage of energy doesn’t last long, so you have to move fast between reps in plyometric
training. If you remain in the stretched position for too long, it’ll just dissipate as body heat.
www.MaximizeYourMuscle.com 53
For this reason, rest periods must be very short. Try this yourself; have a friend eyeball your
height on a cold vertical jump, then rest a full 30-45 seconds and jump again. This time, rest
only ten seconds before you jump. That third jump is going to be higher than the second.
As I said, there are several ways to work plyometrics into The more effort you
your program. One of the best ways is to do lower-body
plyometrics in between regular upper body sets and vice put into the move, the
versa. The rest period for your regular sets is just enough
time to get in a set of plyometric moves. Some guys prefer more muscle fibers
to focus solely on plyometrics on given days, maybe two
to four days a week for a few weeks.
that will be recruited
and the more energy
Regardless of how you choose to incorporate plyometrics
and which moves you decide to utilize, there are certain that will be stored in
guidelines you need to follow.
those muscle fibers to
Form is just as important with plyometrics as it is with
any other exercise. Not only is proper form a safety mea-
help you do it again.
sure, but proper form and posture will also ensure that
you’re giving your core a good workout. If you think
about movements like side stepping, throwing, catch-
ing and jumping, they all require help from your abs and
back in order to have enough power to complete the
move and enough stability to complete it safely.
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you continue through the phase, you can also decrease your already short resting time be-
tween sets.
Like all of the other phases in Maximize Your Muscle, this is an advanced method of train-
ing and it is hard work. Please don’t underestimate the effort that you’ll have to bring to the
program. By the same token, don’t underestimate the incredible results that you’ll get from
that effort.
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This phase of my Maximize Your Muscle program is
one of several phases that have fat loss as its primary
goal. Some phases are geared strictly for building
muscle mass, while others concentrate almost en-
tirely on losing fat without losing any of that muscle.
With this phase, you’ll not only lose fat, you’ll still see
some gains in muscle.
That’s what this phase is all about and it’s accomplished through what I call High-Definition
High definition training is my own special spin on Charles Poliquin’s German Body Compo-
sition Program. This shouldn’t be confused with German Volume Training, which is also a
favorite of Poliquin’s, but an entirely different program with different goals.
German Body Composition Training has been around for years. It was based on the findings
of a Romanian exercise scientist named Hala Rambie, who discovered through his research
that the lactic acid pathway was more effective for fat loss than the aerobic pathway. Even
www.MaximizeYourMuscle.com 56
today, the general fitness world is hung up on the idea
that the aerobic pathway is what leads to fat loss, but
The key is to
this was debunked decades ago. alternate multi-joint,
What Rambie found was that high levels of lactic acid upper and lower body
in the blood lowered blood pH levels. Lower blood pH
levels stimulate the brain to signal for increased growth moves to keep that
hormone production and, as we all know, higher levels of
growth hormone stimulate fat loss.
heart pumping and
keep that lactic acid
How High-Definition Training Works
pumping as well.
Further research has shown that the best way to raise
blood lactic levels is through multi-joint movements, al-
ternating upper and lower body exercises with very short
rest periods between one set and another. Most commonly, reps are in the range of 8-15 and
done in sets of three. You might alternate deadlifts with chin ups, leg curls with dumbbell
presses or any of hundreds of combinations. Commonly, you do two different exercises per
body part for up to eight sets or three moves for up to nine. The key is to alternate multi-joint,
upper and lower body moves to keep that heart pumping and keep that lactic acid pumping
as well. Basically, you’re super-setting different parts of the upper and lower body in each
workout session.
Make no mistake, this is a tough workout. In fact, most trainers will recommend that you cut
way back on or skip your cardio altogether while doing this type of training. It’s an intense
workout that’s going to boost your metabolism for hours and really stimulate an increase
in both lactic acid and growth hormone. At the same time, you’re not doing straight cardio
– you are pushing some weights throughout the workout and you can still do some form of
your regular lifting program on other days.
To increase the intensity of the workouts, you can gradually decrease the rest periods be-
tween sets by 10-15 seconds every week or two, depending on how you’re progressing. This
will really kick things up a good bit over the course of the session. Although the primary goal
of this phase is fat loss, you will be building your aerobic and anaerobic endurance as well.
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What You Can Expect From High Definition Training
Like I said earlier, the primary goal of this phase is fat loss, but you
will likely see gains in mass at the same time. I’ve seen guys add 1-1 ½
pounds of lean muscle per week, all while shedding several pounds of
fat. Don’t forget that you’re increasing your levels of growth hormone,
which is not just going to help you lose fat, but also help you to contin-
ue adding some muscle while you’re doing it.
You will be sore when you first start this phase. You will be tired. When
you finish a high-definition workout, you will know in no uncertain terms
that you’ve been working. But the results are well worthwhile.
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It’s also extremely important that you get enough rest.
Without adequate rest (at least eight hours of actual
sleep), your body’s not going to be able to recover prop-
erly from this new method of working and you’re not go-
ing to see the gains you could. You’re also going to raise
your cortisol levels, which is exactly the opposite of what
you’re trying to do. Don’t do anything outside the gym
that’s going to undermine everything you’re doing inside
the gym.
As with every other phase of the Maximize Your Muscle program, there will be a short period
of adjustment and adaptation. That’s the whole point. As soon as your body begins to adjust,
everything’s going to change all over again.
www.MaximizeYourMuscle.com 59
This is the final target of my new Maximize Your Muscle pro-
gram, and possibly one of the most important.
Another important aspect of the way the program is de- You might think this is
signed is that it’s built around a 3-1 cycle. By this I mean
three weeks of hard work and one week of backing off a counterintuitive when
bit. You might think this is counterintuitive when you’re
on an advanced program for massive muscle gains, but
you’re on an advanced
that one week at the end of each cycle is just as impor-
tant as the three weeks of hard training.
program for massive
muscle gains, but that
Not de-loading is a huge mistake that will result in you
getting smaller from month to month, regardless of one week at the end of
how hard you’re working. In fact, the harder you work,
the slower your results will be, unless you’ve got supe-
each cycle is just as
rior genetics or you’re taking drugs.
important as the three
Let me explain why. weeks of hard training.
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The Reason for De-Load Training
If you’re an intermediate bodybuilder, with more than a year but less than four years or so
www.MaximizeYourMuscle.com 61
under your belt, you’ll need to de-load more frequently. I find that somewhere between 8-12
weeks is ideal.
However, if you’re an advanced bodybuilder who’s been working hard for more than four
years, you need to de-load every four weeks. Not only do you generally become bored and
complacent by this time, but your body is beginning to adapt and your immune, metabolic
and nervous systems are about fried.
What I usually recommend for an active recovery week is dropping the load by 40-50% and
dropping the volume by 40-50%. This keeps you focused, keeps you on pretty much the
same schedule, but also provides your body with the de-load week it needs.
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and they’ll tell you the same thing.
You already know that your body will
adapt and plateau at some point.
Stop trying to work against how your
body is designed, because you will
lose. Instead, work with the design
and see consistent growth instead of
running aground every month or two.
Instead, take the de-loading week and when you get back into your regular protocol your
Central Nervous System will have regrouped, your metabolic system will have rebooted and
your immune system will have replenished itself. That means greater gains in the next three
During your de-load week, be sure that you’re getting Once you’ve
plenty of rest and fluids and that your nutrition is on
point. This is always a good time to review any changes
integrated de-loading
you might need to make in your diet and your habits – into your program
maybe you need to add a few more grams of fat or get
another hour of sleep, etc. and seen the results
Once you’ve integrated de-loading into your program and that it brings, you’ll
seen the results that it brings, you’ll never think of it as
just “a break” again.
never think of it as
just “a break” again.
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Success Students Who Have
Followed Vince Del Monte Programs
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Success Students Who Have
Followed Vince Del Monte Programs
www.MaximizeYourMuscle.com 68
ABOUT VINCE DEL MONTE He tried everything to gain weight any
way he could, never reaching past 149
lbs., dripping wet. He went through
Meet “Vince Del Monte,” the only Fitness the battles to gain like no other. As
Guru who has been coined The Skinny a former competitive long distance
Guy Savior . He runner, Vince used running to survive
earned this name the embarrassment and insecurity he
by dedicating his suffered from being too skinny. He
life to transforming formed an identity for himself as one of
the lives of the those lean, mean, running machines.
skinny, scrawny
wimpy guys & Vince studied Kinesiology and received
skinny girls – a Honors Kinesiology degree from the
helping them University of Western Ontario. After
become healthier, college, he found a mentor who “told
fitter and more him to burn all of his fitness magazines
confident in and stop wasting money on supplements
their bodies. to gain weight.” Vince’s life started to
In the end his change. He gained some weight, got
students transform muscles and then met the girl of his
themselves to dreams – whom he calls his B.M.W. –
“Live better, Look Beautiful Marvelous Wife!
better & Know Vince helps thousands of individuals
better!” Vince with “muscle unfriendly genetics”;
has transformed make a plan to create new habits and
thousands of lives commit to it. He helps with motivation,
of the skinny, confidence, and teaches the basis for
scrawny wimpy training smarter not harder – individuals
individual with see muscles within 2 weeks, not 2
a perfect mix months! They eat better and have a
of encouragement, humor, no BS, more balance life. And in the end,
inspiration and fun with his popular each individual becomes a better man
best selling “No-Nonsense Muscle or woman all while reaching his or her
Building” system. goals.
Vince has the most popular “skinny to Vince is
muscular” transformation stories in the the Author
world. He was the poster boy of the “I of “No-
can’t gain weight or get the girl” story. Nonsense
Vince became known as “Skinny Vinny.” Muscle
He was 140-150 pounds at 6 feet tall. Building:
The nickname didn’t die; it stuck with Skinny Guy
him all through college. Secrets
To Insane
Muscle Gain.” The book has sold more
than 80,000 copies in more than 120
different countries. He is also a WBFF
Professional Fitness Model.
Vince continues to compete in the
fitness-modeling world and has won the
Canadian Fitness Model Championships.
In June 2008, he competed again and
placed 3rd at the World Fitness Model
Championships. In 2011 Vince become
a WBFF Pro Fitness Model and competed
at the 2011 WBFF World Championships.
He enjoys the natural bodybuilding and
fitness lifestyle, and continues to practice www.VinceDelmonteFitness.com/blog
what he preaches to challenge himself
and inspire his readers.
No Nonsense 21 Day Fast
Muscle Mass Building:
Building: Gain 12 Pounds
Skinny Guy Of Pure Muscle
Secrets For In Just 21 Days
Insane Muscle
This is my original flagship muscle building This is the program I followed to bulk from
program that has been followed by more 214 pounds to 227 pounds in 42 days
than 80,000 guys and gals worldwide. It’s the following a scientifically-proven dietary
same system I followed to gain 41 pounds protocol called cyclical bulking and it can be
of drug-free muscle in exactly 24 weeks. It’s utilized with any muscle building workout.
where I strongly recommend all my students This system includes three unique muscle
begin. It includes a 6-month program for building workouts catered to three different
Beginners and Intermediate trainees and an goal looks: A fitness model physique; a
additional 6-month program for Advanced muscle model physique; and a bodybuilder
trainees. physique.
Click here to read more or buy Click here to read more or buy
No Nonsense Muscle Building. 21 Day Fast Mass Building.
Offer Status:
CLOSED - Re opens every June
and December for 4-days only.
Click here to join the waiting list
Click here to read more or buy Click here to read more or buy
The Best Of Series. Anabolic Finishers.
Click here to read more or buy Click here to read more or buy
Your Six Pack Quest. TheWedding Day Workout.