724 Workstation Monitor User Guide

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724 Workstation Monitor

Installation, Operation and Maintenance
Theory of Operation
The SCS Workstation Monitor is designed to monitor
the operation of the wrist strap grounding systems of
two operators. To accomplish this, it uses a DC current
source to measure a loop electrical resistance. The
system uses a special wristband and ground cord that
contain two independent elements. The Workstation
Monitor employs two selectable test voltages (9 and
16 volts) and resistance limits (10 Megohms and 35
Megohms). It also monitors the grounding of up to two
SCS work surfaces. The Workstation Monitor contains
a current-limiting resistor. Resistance is monitored
as the Test Voltage passes through one side of the
wristband, through the skin of the wearer under the
band, through the second side of the wristband, through
the second conductor of the ground cord that contains a
current-limiting resistor, and finally back to the monitor.
Figure 1. SCS 724 Workstation Monitor
NOTE: There is no power switch or LED power
Description indication light. LED lights will illuminate, verifying power
is on, once a wrist strap cord has been inserted.
The SCS 724 Workstation Monitor is intended to monitor
the operation of two wrist strap grounding systems and
two work surfaces. This product has been designed and
tested for use with SCS Dual Conductor Wrist Straps
and SCS Work Surfaces Grounding Systems. If the
equipment is used in a manner not specified in these
instructions, the protection provided by the equipment
may be impaired. Use in any other application has not
been evaluated by SCS and may lead to an unsafe
Meets requirements of ANSI/ESD S20.20 and
recommendations of ESD Handbook ESD TR20.20
which includes “if the products that are being produced
are of such value that knowledge of a continuous, Figure 2. SCS 724 Workstation Monitor with 732 remote
reliable ground is needed, and then continuous (included) and 733 remote (not included)
monitoring should be considered or even required”.

1 724 Workstation Monitor
1 732 Operator Remote
1 Power Adapter, North America
1 Monitor Ground Cord
1 2380D Mat Monitor Cord
1 Two-Wire Connector
4 Mounting Screws
2 Wire Management Clips
1 Certificate of Calibration

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Selection of Test Voltage and Resistance High Operator
Resistance Limit Resistance Low Operator

Figure 3. Resistance and test voltage switches

OK #1 OK #2 Resistance High
The SCS Workstation Monitor allows for the selection Operator Operator Work Surface
of test voltages (9V or 16V) and resistance limits (10
Megohms or 35 Megohms). The additional ranges have Figure 4. SCS 724 Workstation Monitor features and
been added to accommodate global electrical static components
discharge requirements. Selection of the operating
parameters are left up to the user’s discretion. If the resistance of the wrist strap loop is higher than
the selected range (10 Megohms or 35 Megohms) on
Operator Monitoring: Single and Dual the Workstation Monitor, an (OK) wrist strap green
lamp (1 or 2) extinguishes, and a high wrist strap red
The wrist strap monitoring function is activated by
lamp (H) illuminates with an audible alarm. This is an
plugging a wrist strap dual conductor ground cord into
indication of a high resistance in the wristband, or poor
either one of the jacks on the SCS 732 or 733 Operator
contact between arm and band. If the resistance in the
Remote. If the resistance of the wrist strap loop is
loop is under 1.5 Megohms, it is an indication of a low
within the limits of the selected range (1.5 Megohms to
resistance meaning one or both current-limiting resistors
10 Megohms or 1.5 Megohms to 35 Megohms) on the
are bypassed. The low yellow lamp (L) will flash and an
Workstation Monitor, the cord, the wristband, and the
(OK) green lamp (1 or 2) will remain illuminated.
contact to the arm of the wearer, it is considered to be
functioning correctly. At this time, one of the (OK) green
lamps (1 or 2) will be illuminated on the front of the Voltage on Operator When
monitor. Connected to the SCS 724
The wrist strap of the second operator is measured in Workstation Monitor
the same way. Operators are identified by the two (OK) There is a concern about the voltage that is applied
green lamps (1 & 2). However, the same high wrist strap to an operator while they are connected to a monitor.
red lamp (H) and low yellow (L) lamps illuminate when Some of today’s electronic components are extremely
a fault is detected. The green lamp that extinguishes sensitive to electrostatic discharge from a person (less
identifies the operator that is experiencing the fault
than 10 volts). The user should determine if these
condition. voltages can damage the device being handled. The
following chart for the Workstation Monitor illustrates the
level of voltage that will appear on the operator under
various resistance conditions.
A low resistance condition also can be caused by
touching a grounded object or by standing on a
conductive surface. This may trigger the low resistance
alarm on the SCS Workstation Monitor.

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9V-10 9V-35 16V-10 16V-35
If DIP switch #2 is in the ON position (Figure 5) the
Condition audible alarm will activate. If no ESD work surface is to
Megohms Megohms Megohms Megohms
be monitored, the Monitor/Table Mat Cord 2380D and
No Skin the ground wire of the Workstation Monitor must be
0.9V 0.9V 1.6V 1.6V
Resistance connected to an electrical ground (See page 4, column
200K Ohm 1). This is done to ensure that the Workstation Monitor
Skin 1.0V 1.0V 1.8V 1.8V is providing a ground connection for the operators.
Resistance Again, if the loop resistance exceeds 3.7 Megohms the
work surface high red lamp (M) will illuminate and the
Likely Case
alarm will activate if selected. 2380 Mat Cord (without
Before 2.5V 3.6V 4.4V 6.4V
resistor) can also be used with the Workstation Monitor
It can be used when the surface resistance threshold of
Worst Case 3.7 Megohms is reached using the 2380D.
Before 4.5V 7.1V 8.0V 12.6V
Alarm The grounding wire from the work surface and the
Absolute ground wire from the SCS Workstation Monitor must
9.0V 9.0V 16.0V 16.0V be attached to separate electrical grounds. The work
Worst Case
surface monitoring function is active any time that the
NOTE: For more information about wrist strap power supply for the monitor is plugged in.
monitoring, see Additional Wrist Strap Monitoring
Information. Disconnect the SCS Monitor/ Table Mat Cord 2380D
to prevent possible damage to the SCS Workstation
Audible Alarm Tones Monitor before testing the resistance of the work surface
with a high voltage megohmmeter.
For wrist strap malfunctions the SCS Workstation
Monitor indicates a different tone for each operator – a
continuous tone for #1 operator and a fast chirping beep Installation of SCS 724 Workstation
for #2 operator. The volume of the wrist strap alarm Monitor with Worksurface Ground
is adjusted by selection of the internal DIP switch #1.
For work surface malfunctions, a slow chirping beep is
made. This alarm sound is turned on or off by selection Wire Attachments and Grounding - See Figure 13 for
of DIP switch #2. Switch #1 and #2 are accessible complete drawing of the Workstation wire connections.
through a slot located in the bottom of the chassis.
Tools required – Small blade, screwdriver and wire

a) Use a one megohm mat ground cord such as the

Loud On SCS 3040 to connect your worksurface mat to
electrical ground.
DIP switch
b) Using a small screwdriver move the DIP switch #2
Off on the Workstation Monitor to the ON position to
activate the work surface audible alarm (Figure 5).
Switch #1
Switch #2 c) Locate the accessory package that contains an SCS
Soft Monitor/Table Mat Cord 2380D, Workstation Monitor
ground wire (with ring terminal), and the two-wire
Figure 5. Selected desired alarm options. connector plug.
d) Attach the SCS Monitor/Table Mat Cord 2380D
Worksurface Monitoring (tinned wire end) to the work surface terminal of
the two-wire connector by inserting it into opening
The Workstation Monitor monitors its connection to and securing with the screwdriver (Figure 6A or 6B).
ground and the grounding Model 724 bottom
of an SCS ESD workview
surface. Attach the plastic cap end to the snap on the work
A loop resistance is measured from the monitor, through surface.
an SCS Monitor/Table Mat Cord 2380D to the work
surface (See page 3, column 2), across the conductive e) Determine how you want to ground the Workstation
layer of the work surface, through the grounding wire Monitor:
of the work surface to an electrical ground and finally • If you are grounding through the AC adapter
back to the monitor through the Workstation Monitor perform step (f).
grounding wire. If the resistance of the loop exceeds • If you are grounding through the Workstation
3.7 Megohms the work surface high red lamp (M) will Monitor ground wire perform step (g).
illuminate and all green lamps will be extinguished.

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f) Attach the tinned ground wire of the AC adapter to a) Using a screwdriver move DIP switch #2 on the
the ground terminal of the two-wire connector by Workstation Monitor to the OFF position to
inserting it into opening and securing with screwdriver deactivate the work surface audible alarm (Figure 5).
(Figure 6B). Continue with step (h). b) Locate the accessory package that contains an SCS
g) Attach the tinned Workstation Monitor ground Monitor/Table Mat Cord 2380D, Workstation Monitor
wire to the ground terminal of the two-wire connector ground wire (with ring terminal), and the two-wire
by inserting the tinned end into opening and securing connector plug.
with screwdriver (Figure 5A). Attach the ring terminal c) Attach the Monitor/Table Mat Cord 2380D (tinned
end with a screw (not supplied) to an electrical wire end) to the work surface terminal of the two-wire
ground (Figure 8B). Continue with step (h). connector plug by inserting into opening and securing
h) Plug the two wire connector into the jack at the rear with screwdriver (Figure 6A or 6B).
of the SCS Workstation Monitor (Figure 8). d) Cut off the plastic cap on the end of the SCS Monitor/
i) Insert the plug connector of the SCS 732 Operator Table Mat Cord 2380D and strip off approximately
Remote cable into the 732 jack at the rear of the 1/2 inch of insulation and twist the stranded wire
Workstation Monitor (Figure 10). together (Figure 6). Attach this end to an electrical
ground using a ring terminal (not supplied) or by
j) Insert the round connector from the AC adapter into
wrapping the wire around the head of a screw (Figure
the jack at the rear of the Workstation Monitor.
NOTE: Two snap fasteners or appropriate connectors e) Determine how you want to ground the SCS
must be installed at opposite corners of the work Workstation Monitor:
surface to use this feature. For recommended surfaces • If you are grounding through the AC adapter,
to use with the SCS Workstation Monitor refer to perform Step (f).
item table on page 10. Use of an SCS Female Snap • If you are grounding through the Workstation
Fastener 3034 or 3050 (depending on the type of Monitor ground wire, perform Step (g).
surface) is recommended for connection to the SCS f) Attach the tinned ground wire of the AC adapter
Monitor/Table Mat Cord 2380D that is supplied with to the ground terminal of the two-wire connector by
the Workstation Monitor. If you are using the SCS inserting into opening and securing with screwdriver
Dissipative Hard Laminate Material 8300, attach the (Figure 6B). Continue with Step (h).
Monitor/Table Mat Cord 2380D to suitable hardware
used to make an electrical connection to the ground g) Attach the tinned Workstation Monitor ground
layer of the work surface. This may require you to cut wire to the ground terminal of the two- wire connector
off the plastic cap end of the Monitor/Table Mat Cord by inserting the tinned end into opening and securing
2380D. with screwdriver (Figure 6A). Attach the ring terminal
end with a screw (not supplied) to an electrical
If for any reason a snap fastener cannot be used on ground (Figure 8B). Continue with Step (h).
the work surface, the plastic cap on the end of the h) Plug the two wire connector into the jack at the rear
SCS Monitor/Table Mat Cord 2380D can be cut off and of the Workstation Monitor monitor (Figure 9).
replaced with a ring terminal not supplied (Figure 7).
NOTE: Do not physically connect the SCS Monitor/
Disconnect the SCS Monitor/Table Mat Cord 2380D to Table Mat Cord 2380D and the SCS Workstation
check for visual and audible high work surface alarm Monitor ground wire together. The ground wire for the
condition and reconnect. If the high work surface lamp work surface and the ground wire from the Workstation
(M) is on before removing the Monitor/Table Mat Cord Monitor must be attached to separate electrical grounds.
2380D, check for loose connections or high resistance However, by attaching the wires to the same ground but
to ground (>3.7 Megohms). Disconnect the Monitor/ at a different physical location, the Workstation Monitor
Table Mat Cord 2380D from the work surface and check can check for loose or lost connections to ground. This
the resistance to ground by attaching one lead of an would be indicated by the high red work surface lamp
ohmmeter to the connector on the work surface and the (M) illuminating.
other lead to ground.

Installation of SCS 724 Workstation

Monitor without Worksurface Ground
Wire Attachments and Grounding – See Figure 13
for complete drawing of Workstation Monitor wire

Tools required – Small blade, screwdriver, and wire

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Two-Wire Connector

Monitor-Table Mat
Replacement Cord
with Diode

AC Adapter
Ground Wire
Attach Workstation Monitor
724 Ground Cord or AC Monitor-
Adapter Ground Wire Table Mat
Cord with
DC Plug Diode

Monitor 724
Ground Cord

AC Adapter

Figure 6A & 6B. Attaching ground wire/cord and Figure 8B. Grounding the SCS 724 Workstation Monitor
worksurface cord to two-wire connector.

Figure 9. Inserting two-wire connector into rear of SCS

Figure 7. Cutting off table mat ground snap. 724 Workstation Monitor

Figure 10. Connecting the 732 Operator Remote to the

Figure 8A. Attaching system grounds. Note work,
724 Workstation Monitor
surface and unit are grounded at different locations.

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Selection of Test Voltage and
Resistance Limit
Tools required – Small blade, screwdriver.

The SCS Workstation Monitor allows for the selection

of test voltages (9V or 16V) and resistance limits (10
Megohms or 35 Megohms). The additional ranges have
been added to accommodate global ESD requirements.
Selection of the operating parameters are left up to the
user’s discretion. Figure 12. SCS 724 Workstation Monitor mounted under
shelf or bench.
a) Select the desired resistance and voltage limit by
moving the appropriate slide switch (with screwdriver) c) Plug the AC adapter into a 3-prong grounded outlet
on the side of the Workstation Monitor to the (North American System). Outside North America use
desired position (Figure 3). appropriate AC adapter (see specifications Section
11). The SCS Workstation Monitor is ready for
Mounting the SCS 724 Workstation
Monitor and SCS 732 Operator SCS
3M™ Workstation Monitor 724

Remote Rear AC Adapter

a) Mount or position the Workstation Monitor so
SCS Workstation
that the lamps are easily viewed by the operator 3M™ Workstation
Monitor Remote 724
(Figs. 10 and 11). Mount the Workstation Monitor Ground

to the underside of a work bench top or shelf through

the two holes located at the top rear of the case Ground
When not
not using work
using work
station monitoring
using the two screws supplied. If using the screws is Conductive
Work Surface
feature, connect
work surface
surface wire
to ground.
not possible, apply an appropriate amount of durable,
double-sided adhesive foam tape to the case.

Figure 13. SCS 724 Workstation Monitor installation

diagram for single workstation.

Wrist Strap Connection

a) Attach an SCS Dual Conductor Ground Cord to an
SCS Dual Conductor Wristband. Plug the cord into
either of the two jacks on the SCS Dual Conductor
Remote Input Jack 732 (Figure 14). Plugging into a
jack activates the monitor for that input.
b) The high wrist strap red lamp (H) should illuminate
and the corresponding audible alarm for the input (1
or 2) should sound indicating proper functioning of
the monitor.
Figure 11. SCS 724 Workstation Monitor mounted on c) Slip the wristband on your wrist. The alarm should
benchtop. quiet and the wrist strap high red lamp (H) should
slowly extinguish. The corresponding OK wrist strap
b) Locate the Dual Conductor Remote Input Jack 732 so green lamp (1 or 2) should illuminate.
that it is convenient for the operators to attach their
wrist strap ground cord. Mount the remote with the
screws provided.

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SCS 3057 Standby Jack
Since the activating switches are located in the SCS
732 and 733 Operator Remotes, the normal operating
procedure is for the operators to disconnect their
cords from the remotes when leaving the work station.
However, an optional Standby Jack that allows the wrist
strap ground cord to remain plugged into the remotes
is available. Simply attach it to any convenient location
then disconnect the cord from the wristband and attach
it to the standby jack. The OK green lamp (1 or 2)
on the SCS Workstation Monitor will illuminate upon
connection. The low yellow lamp (L) will slowly flash if
the standby jack is grounded. It can be grounded by
attaching a ground wire to the screws or back plate.
It can also be grounded if the plate is attached to a
Figure 14. Connecting a wrist cord to the SCS 732
grounded metal surface. The operator should reconnect
Operator Remote
the wrist strap ground cord to their wristband upon
returning to the workstation.
Fault Conditions
Red Wrist Strap Lamp (H) Accompanied by an SCS 733 Operator Remote
Audible Alarm The SCS 733 Operator Remote is used to separate
This indicates that a high resistance condition (greater the two wrist strap jacks on the 732 Operator Remote
than 10 Megohms or 35 Megohms) exists for an that connect to a Workstation Monitor. This provides
operator or wrist strap assembly. If two operators are a separation up to approximately 10 feet apart. This is
connected to the monitor the high condition is with the done using the SCS 733 in conjunction with the SCS
operator whose green lamp has extinguished. Check the 732 originally supplied with the Workstation Monitor.
operator for good contact between the wrist and band. Two separate workstations can also be created using
Check the ground cord and connections for continuity. the 733 Operator Remote and the SCS 2389 Monitor/
Some operators have difficulty in providing sufficient Table Mat Interconnect Cord (10 ft.). Instructions for
continuity to the wristband due to dry skin or arm hair. creating two separate workstations are included with
They may need to use an approved skin moisturizer or the purchase of the SCS 2389 Monitor/Table Mat
reposition the wristband on the arm. Interconnect Cord (Figure 16).
Yellow Wrist Strap Lamp (L) with no Audible Alarm
This indicates that a low resistance condition (less Installation of SCS 733 Operator
than 1.5 Megohms) exists between the operator and Remote
ground. One or both of the one megohm current-limiting a) Insert the plug connector of the 733 Operator Remote
resistors are being bypassed. A low resistance condition cable into the 733 jack at the rear of the SCS
can be caused by touching a grounded object or by Workstation Monitor (Figure 15).
standing on a conductive surface.
b) Fully insert the small plastic plug that comes with the
Red Worksurface Lamp (M) kit into the #2 wrist strap input on the 732 Operator
This indicates that a high resistance condition (> 3.7 Remote. This disables the #2 input and prevents a
Megohms) exists across the conductive layer of the situation where two users would simultaneously
work surface and/or the ground connections. Check attempt to use the input lines to the Workstation
the work surface, ground cords, and the connections Monitor.
for continuity. Note the audible alarm may also sound if c) Position and mount both remote input jacks in
selected. convenient locations.
Note: The operators may complain that the alarm
is sounding too often until they learn to adjust the
wristband to fit securely or apply an approved skin
moisturizer on a frequent basis. Remember that the
monitor is informing you that the operator is exceeding
the established static control requirement for resistance
to ground when wearing a static protective wrist strap
assembly. These alarms alert the operator when
sensitive electronics are possibly being exposed to
static electricity. Prior to incorporating the work station
monitor into your static control process, the operator
was unaware of these events.
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Verification Procedure for the 724 3MSCS
™ Workstation
Workstation Monitor
Monitor 724

Workstation Monitor Attach

Adapter Rear Adapter
AC Adapter
The Workstation Monitor cannot be recalibrated after the Ground

initial factory calibration. However, the following steps Workstation

724 Ground
Cord AC Adapter
AC Adapter SCS
3M ™
can be used to determine if the Workstation Monitor is SCS
3M™ Monitor
Table Mat
Cord Ground
Ground Ground Wire Remote Splitter
Remote Splitter

operating within its specifications.

Equipment Needed: Dissipative
Work Surface
Surface #1
• Small blade screwdriver. SCS
3M™ Remote
Input Jack
• Resistance Substitution Box (RSB), 1 Ohm to 45 SCS Monitor Table
3M™ Monitor Table Mat
Mat Cord

Megohms ±1%.
• One two-conductor cable with standard 3.5 mm Dissipative
Work Surface
Ground Cord
(miniature) phone plug attached on one end and
appropriate connectors on the other end to connect to Ground

Figure 15. SCS 724 Workstation Monitor installation
Note: Two-conductor cable must have an isolation diagram for two workstations.
resistance of >1 Gigohm between conductors. Two
separated wires may also be used to obtain higher Wrist Strap
isolation resistance. Set Resistance Limit 10 Megohms and Test Voltage 9V
(Figure 3).
• Two wires with alligator clips.
h) Connect the two-wire cable with 3.5 mm phone plug
• Ohmmeter capable of measuring to 45 Megohms into the #1 input of the 732 Operator Remote and
±0.5%, to verify the RSB. attach the other end to the RSB. Set the resistance
as follows and observe the Workstation Monitor
Procedure output:
• 1.3 Megohms – Yellow low lamp (L) flashing,
Worksurface green (OK) lamp (1) ON, and audible alarm
a) Access the dual inline package (DIP) switches SW1 OFF.
and SW2 through a slot located at the bottom of the
• 1.7 Megohms - Yellow low lamp (L) OFF,
chassis. Adjust SW1 to the LOUD position and SW2
green (OK) lamp (1) ON, and audible alarm
to the ON position with a small screwdriver (Figure
• 8.5 Megohms – High red wrist strap lamp (H)
b) Plug in the AC adapter. Note that the red high work
OFF, green (OK) lamp (1) ON, and audible
surface lamp (M) is illuminated with an audible alarm
alarm OFF.
(slow chirping beep).
• 11.5 Megohms – High red wrist strap lamp (H)
c) Adjust DIP switch SW1 to the SOFT position. Note
ON, audible alarm ON (continuous tone), and
that the loudness of the alarm decreases.
green (OK) lamp (1) OFF.
d) Adjust DIP switch SW2 to the OFF position. Note that
i) Repeat step (h) for input #2 of 732 Operator Remote.
the audible alarm is silenced.
Audible alarm will be a fast chirping beep.
e) Attach the SCS Monitor/Table Mat Cord 2380D and
the SCS Workstation Monitor ground wire to the
RSB using the two wires with alligator clips. Set the
resistance as follows and observe Workstation
Monitor output:
• 3.1 Megohms – Red work surface lamp (M)
• 4.3 Megohms – Red work surface lamp (M)
f) Disconnect the cords from the RSB.
g) Connect the ring terminal end of the Workstation
Monitor ground wire to the metal snap of the
Monitor/Table Mat Cord 2380D. The red work surface
lamp (M) should now be OFF.

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Set Resistance Limit 35 Megohms and Test Voltage 9V Set Resistance Limit 35 Megohms and Test Voltage
(Figure 3). 16V (Figure 3).
j) Test as in step (h) above. However, set the n) Test as in step (l) above. However, set the
resistance as follows and observe the Workstation resistance as follows and observe the Workstation
Monitor output: Monitor output:
• 1.3 Megohms – Yellow low lamp (L) flashing, • 1.3 Megohms - Yellow low lamp (L) flashing,
green (OK) lamp (1) ON, and audible alarm green (OK) lamp (1) ON, and audible alarm
• 1.7 Megohms – Yellow low lamp (L) OFF, • 1.7 Megohms - Yellow low lamp (L) OFF,
green (OK) lamp (1) ON, and audible alarm green (OK) lamp (1) ON, and audible alarm
• 29.8 Megohms – High red wrist strap lamp (H) • 29.8 Megohms - High red wrist strap lamp (H)
OFF, green (OK) lamp (1) ON, and audible OFF, green (OK) lamp (1) ON, and audible
alarm OFF. alarm OFF.
• 40.2 Megohms – High red wrist strap lamp (H) • 40.2 Megohms - High red wrist strap lamp (H)
ON, audible alarm ON (continuous tone), and ON, audible alarm ON (continuous tone), and
green (OK) lamp (1) OFF. green (OK) lamp (1) OFF.
k) Repeat step (j) for input #2 of the 732 Operator o) Repeat step (n) for input #2 of the 732 Operator
Remote. Audible alarm will be fast chirping beep. Remote. Audible alarm will be fast chirping beep.
Set Resistance Limit 10 Megohms and Test Voltage
16V (Figure 3). Specifications
l) Connect the two-wire cable with 3.5 mm phone plug Workstation 6.5" x 3.125" x 1.375"
into the #1 input of the 732 Operator Remote and Monitor (16.5 x 7.9 x 3.5 cm)
attach the other end to the RSB. Set the resistance Dimensions
as follows and observe the Workstation Monitor Operator Remote 2.75" x 1.0" x 1.0"
output: Dimensions (7.0 x 2.5 x 2.5 cm)
• 1.3 Megohms – Yellow low lamp (L) flashing, Power Adapter
green (OK) lamp (1) ON, and audible alarm Requirements Input: Output:
OFF. (North American 100-120 VAC 25 VDC @ 50 mA
power adapter 50/60 Hz rated load
• 1.7 Megohms – Yellow low lamp (L) OFF, included)*
green (OK) lamp (1) ON, and audible alarm
OFF. Output Plug Center Negative
• 8.5 Megohms – High red wrist strap lamp (H)
Output Plug 5.5 mm O.D. x 2.1 mm I.D. x 9.5
OFF, green (OK) lamp (1) ON, and audible
Dimensions mm Length
alarm OFF.
Test Voltage 9 VDC / 16 VDC Open circuit
• 11.5 Megohms – High red wrist strap lamp (H) (Typical Value)
ON, audible alarm ON (continuous tone), and
green (OK) lamp (1) OFF. Test Current Less than 3 microamps (Typical
m) Repeat step (l) for input #2 of the 732 Operator Environmental Indoor use only
Remote. Audible alarm will be fast chirping beep. Operating
Temperature Maximum: Minimum: 50°F /
110°F / 43°C 10°C
Humidity Maximum relative humidity 80%
for temperatures up to 31°C to
50% relative humidity at 40°C.
*SCS 724-PSEU Power Adapter with UK / Europe Plugs
sold separately

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Accessories Item Description Size
Item Description Size 8800 Two-Layer Rubber Mats, Various Sizes
4720 Dual Conductor Adjustable
Wristband, Blue Ultra R-2 Two-Layer Various Sizes
(ground cord not Rubber Mat L2RGR,
included) Standard
2368 Dual Conductor Fabric Adjustable Ultra R-2 Two-Layer Various Sizes
Wristband Ultra R-2 Rubber Mat L2RBL,
2381 Dual Conductor Metal Small
Wrist Strap** Ultra R-2 Two-Layer Various Sizes
Rubber Mat L2RGN,
2382 Dual Conductor Metal Medium Standard
Wrist Strap**
8200 Three-Layer Vinyl Mats, Various Sizes
2383 Dual Conductor Metal Large Premium
Wrist Strap**
Three-Layer Vinyl Mats Various Sizes
2384 Dual Conductor Metal Small L3GR, Standard
Wristband Premium
Three-Layer Vinyl Mats Various Sizes
2385 Dual Conductor Metal Medium L3BL, Standard
1864 Conductive Black Plastic/ Various Sizes
2386 Dual Conductor Metal Large Rubber Mat
9900 Conductive Black Anti- Various Sizes
2360 Dual Conductor Coil 5' (1.5 m) Fatigue Mat
COND Conductive Black Rubber Various Sizes
2370 Dual Conductor Coil 10' (3.0 m) Mat FM Economy
**Includes wristband & cord
2371 Dual Conductor Coil 20' (6.0 m)
Cord Only accessories, optional parts and replacement parts
2389 Mat Interconnection 10' (3.0 m) supplied or specified by SCS Company shall be used
Cord with this product.
3040 Mat Ground Cord with 15' (4.6 m)
1 Megohm Resistor Use only a clean dry cloth to clean the SCS Workstation
3057 Stand-By Jack 1.9" x 1.3" x 1.1"
(4.8 x 3.3 x 2.8 cm)
732 Replacement Remote 6.5" x 3.1" x 1.4"
Input Jack (16.5 x 7.9 x 3.5 cm)
733 Dual Remote Splitter 6.5" x 3.1" x 1.4"
Kit (16.5 x 7.9 x 3.5 cm)
770037 Rear Terminal Block, N/A
2 Pin, Pack of 5

SCS - 926 JR Industrial Drive, Sanford, NC 27332 • (919) 718-0000 • Website: StaticControl.com

TB-9013 Page 10 of 11 © 2015 DESCO INDUSTRIES, INC.

Employee Owned
Environmental Conditions CAUTION
To reduce the risks associated with environmental
Industry Canada standard ICES-003 This Class B contamination:
digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003. Cet • Dispose of this monitor in accordance with all
appareil numérique de la classe B est conforme à la applicable local and government regulations.
norme NMB-003 du Canada.
This equipment has been tested and found to be safe to NOTICE
operate within these environmental conditions. This is To reduce the risk of ESD damage to components or
not a warranty of equipment performance within these assemblies being handled:
conditions. • Monitor must be checked periodically to verify each
test mode is functioning correctly.
• Indoor use only. • Ensure proper operation of monitor by performing
• Ingress Protection: IPX0. operational verification test as required.
• Altitude: Up to 2187 yards (2,000 m). • Ensure tester is properly grounded.
• Transient overvoltages up to the levels of overvoltage
category II. WEEE Statement
• Pollution degree 2. The following information is only for EU-member States:
The mark shown to the right is in compliance with Waste
• Temperature: Maximum 110°F / 43°C
Electrical and Electronic Equipment Directive 2002/96/
Minimum 50°F / 10°C. EC (WEEE). The mark indicates the requirement NOT
• Humidity: Maximum relative humidity 80% for to dispose the equipment as unsorted municipal waste,
temperatures up to 31°C. Decreasing linearly to 50% but use the return and collection systems according to
relative humidity at 40°C. local law.

Safety Information FCC

This equipment has been tested and found to comply
WARNING with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to
To reduce the risks associated with fire and explosion: part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed
• Do not use in an explosive environment - to provide reasonable protection against harmful
monitor is not designed to be intrinsically safe. interference in a residential installation. This equipment
To reduce the risks associated with medical device generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy
malfunction: and, if not installed and used in accordance with the
• Persons with heart pacemaker devices should instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio
never use this monitor. communications. However, there is no guarantee that
To reduce the risks associated with hazardous voltage interference will not occur in a particular installation.
and fire: If this equipment does cause harmful interference to
• Use only the power supply provided by SCS and radio or television reception, which can be determined
specified for the country of use. by turning the equipment off and on, the user is
• Do not position the monitor accessories or other encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or
equipment where unplugging the power supply is more of the following measures:
 • Always locate the power source (socket or outlet) • Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
near the equipment. The power supply plug serves • Increase the separation between the equipment
as the disconnect device. and receiver.
• Do not modify or attempt to service the power • Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit
supply or monitor; there are no user serviceable different from that to which the receiver is
parts. connected.
• Do not use the power supply if damaged; • Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV
• Replace power supply if damaged using only 3M technician for help. Restriction of the use of certain
supplied parts. hazardous substances (RoHS): Meets 2011-65-EU
• Do not use the SCS Workstation Monitor or its Directive.
power supply outdoors in wet/humid environments.
 • Do not use the Workstation Monitor or its Made in China
power supply outside of the operating

Limited Warranty, Warranty Exclusions, Limit of

Liability and RMA Request Instructions
See the SCS Warranty -

SCS - 926 JR Industrial Drive, Sanford, NC 27332 • (919) 718-0000 • Website: StaticControl.com

TB-9013 Page 11 of 11 © 2015 DESCO INDUSTRIES, INC.

Employee Owned

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