Positional Astronomy, Vincent
Positional Astronomy, Vincent
Positional Astronomy, Vincent
By Fiona Vincent
University of St. Andrews
Positional Astronomy
In February 1998, I gave a short series of lectures on Positional Astronomy for second-year
undergraduate students at the University of St.Andrews, Scotland.
These pages were created in 1998 to assist the students. I now maintain them, in a revised and expanded
form, partly to assist the current generation of students at St.Andrews, and partly as a service to the
world-wide community. You are welcome to link to this site from your own pages. But please do not
reproduce any of this material without acknowledgement.
Comments, complaints or queries? Please e-mail me: the address consists of my two initials, followed by
Objects in the sky appear to be positioned on the celestial sphere, an indefinite distance away.
A sphere is a three-dimensional object, but its surface is two-dimensional. Spherical geometry is carried
out on the surface of a sphere: it resembles ordinary (plane) geometry, but it involves new rules and
Fiona Vincent
University of St.Andrews
The terrestrial sphere
Start with a familiar sphere: the Earth (assume for the moment that it is spherical), spinning around an
axis. The North & South Poles are where this axis meets the Earth's surface. The equator lies midway
between them. The equator is an example of a great circle: one whose plane passes through the centre
of the sphere.
(a) as the points which are 90° away from the circle, on the
surface of the sphere.
The length of a great-circle arc on the surface of a sphere is the angle between its end-points, as seen at
the centre of the sphere, and is expressed in degrees (not miles, kilometres etc.). A great circle is a
geodesic (the shortest distance between two points) on the surface of a sphere, analogous to a straight
line on a plane surface. To describe a location X on the surface of the Earth, we use latitude and
longitude (two coordinates, because the surface is two-dimensional).
Draw a great circle from pole to pole, passing through location X: this is a meridian of longitude. The
latitude of X is the angular distance along this meridian from the equator to X,
measured from -90° at the South Pole to +90° at the North Pole. The co-latitude of X is the angular
distance from the North Pole to X = 90° - latitude. There is no obvious point of origin for measuring
longitude; for historical reasons, the zero-point is the meridian which passes through Greenwich (also
called the Prime Meridian). The longitude of X is the angular distance along the equator from the Prime
Meridian to the meridian through X. It may be measured east or west 0° to 360°, or both ways 0° to 180°.
Small circles parallel to equator are parallels of latitude. The circumference of a small circle at any given
latitude is 360 x cos(latitude) degrees. The length of arc of a small circle between two meridians of
longitude is (difference in longitude) x cos(latitude). The great-circle distance is always less than this, as
we shall see in the next section. Note that a position on the surface of the Earth is fixed using one
fundamental circle (the equator) and one fixed point on it (the intersection with Greenwich Meridian).
Celestial navigation used at sea (and in the air) involves spherical trigonometry, so the results are in
angular measure (degrees). These must be converted to linear measure for practical use. We define the
nautical mile as 1 arc-minute along a great circle on Earth's surface. This comes out about 15% greater
than the normal "statute" mile (6080 feet instead of 5280 feet).
Alderney, in the Channel Islands, has longitude 2°W, latitude 50°N. Winnipeg, in Canada, has
longitude 97°W, latitude 50°N. How far apart are they, in nautical miles, along a parallel of latitude?
Distance along a parallel of latitude is (difference in longitude) x cos(latitude) = (97° - 2°) cos(50°)
= 61.06° . But 1° = 60 nautical miles. So the distance is 61.06 x 60 = 3663 nautical miles.
Note: terrestrial coordinates are actually more complicated than this, because the Earth is not really a
Spherical trigonometry
A great-circle arc, on the sphere, is the analogue of a straight line, on the plane. Where two such arcs
intersect, we can define the spherical angle either as angle between the tangents to the two arcs, at the
point of intersection, or as the angle between the planes of the two great circles where they intersect at
the centre of the sphere. (Spherical angle is only defined where arcs of great circles meet.)
A spherical triangle is made up of three arcs of great circles, all less than 180°. The sum of the angles is
not fixed, but will always be greater than 180°. If any side of the triangle is exactly 90°, the triangle is
called quadrantal. There are many formulae relating the sides and angles of a spherical triangle. In this
course we use only two: the sine rule and the cosine rule.
We use the capital letters A, B, C to denote the angles at these corners; we use the lower-case letters a,
b, c to denote the opposite sides. (Remember that, in spherical geometry, the side of a triangle is the arc
of a great circle, so it is also an angle.)
Turn the sphere so that A is at the "north pole", and let arc AB define the "prime meridian".
Set up a system of rectangular axes OXYZ: O is at the centre of the sphere; OZ passes through A; OX
passes through arc AB (or the extension of it); OY is perpendicular to both. Find the coordinates of C in
this system:
x = sin(b) cos(A)
y = sin(b) sin(A)
z = cos(b)
Now create a new set of axes, keeping the y-axis fixed and moving the "pole" from A to B (i.e. rotating
the x,y-plane through angle c).
The relation between the old and new systems is simply a rotation of the x,z-axes through angle c:
That is:
- sin(a) cos(B) = sin(b) cos(A) cos(c) - cos(b) sin(c)
sin(a) sin(B) = sin(b) sin(A)
cos(a) = sin(b) cos(A) sin(c) + cos(b) cos(c)
These three equations give us the formulae for solving spherical triangles. The first equation is the
transposed cosine rule, which is sometimes useful but need not be memorised.
The second equation gives the sine rule. Rearrange as: sin(a)/sin(A) = sin(b)/sin(B)
The third equation gives the cosine rule: cos(a) = cos(b) cos(c) + sin(b) sin(c) cos(A)
The cosine rule will solve almost any triangle if it is applied often enough.
The sine rule is simpler to remember but not always applicable.
E.g. if the sine rule yields sin(x) = 0.5, then x may be 30° or 150°.
In this case, there is no ambiguity if x is a side of the triangle, as it must be less than 180°, but there
could still be uncertainty if an angle of the triangle was positive or negative. So, when applying either
formula, check to see if the answer is sensible. If in doubt, recalculate using the other formula, as a
Alderney, in the Channel Islands, has longitude 2°W, latitude 50°N. Winnipeg, in Canada, has longitude
97°W, latitude 50°N.
How far apart are they, in nautical miles, along a great circle arc?
= 3395 nautical miles. (This is 7% shorter than the route along a parallel of latitude).
If you set off from Alderney on a great-circle route to Winnipeg, in what direction (towards what
azimuth) would you head?
so x = 50.1° or 129.9° .
Common sense says 50.1° (or check using cosine rule to get PW).
Azimuth is measured clockwise from north, so azimuth is 360° - 50.1° = 309.9° . Note that this is 40°
north of the “obvious” due-west course.
Coordinate systems: the horizontal or "alt-az" system
The location of an object on the sky is fixed by celestial coordinates analogous to the terrestrial
latitude/longitude system. There are various systems, suitable for different purposes; each system needs
a fundamental circle and a fixed point on it.
The simplest is the horizontal system, which uses the horizon as its fundamental circle.
The poles of this circle are the zenith overhead and the nadir underfoot; these are defined by the local
vertical (using a plumb-line or similar).
Draw a vertical circle from the zenith to the nadir through object X.
The altitude (a) of object X is the angular distance along the vertical circle from the horizon to X,
measured from -90° at nadir to +90° at zenith. Alternatively, the zenith distance of X is 90° - a.
(Some authors use h instead of a .) Any two objects with the same altitude lie on a small circle called a
parallel of altitude.
To fix a point of origin on horizon, we look at where the spin axis of the Earth intersects the celestial
sphere, at the North and South Celestial Poles. The vertical circle through these is called the principal
vertical. Where this intersects the horizon, it gives the north and south cardinal points (the north point is
the one nearest the North Celestial Pole). Midway between these are the east and west cardinal points;
the vertical circle through these is called the prime vertical (not shown on the diagram), at 90° to the
principal vertical.
The azimuth (A) of object X is the angular distance around the horizon from the north cardinal point to
the vertical circle through X, measured 0°-360° westwards (clockwise).
Note that the altitude of the North Celestial Pole is equal to the latitude of the observer.
Terrestrial Alt-Az
equator Horizon
North Pole Zenith
South Pole Nadir
latitude Altitude
co-latitude zenith distance
parallel of latitude parallel of altitude
meridian of longitude vertical circle
Greenwich Meridian Principal Vertical
longitude azimuth
From St.Andrews, at 6 pm on 1998 February 2nd, the Moon appeared at altitude +39°, azimuth 196°,
while Saturn is at altitude +34°, azimuth 210°.
Which was further east? The Moon is further east, and higher up, than Saturn.
We need a system of celestial coordinates which is fixed on the sky, independent of the observer's time
and place. For this, we change the fundamental circle from the horizon to the celestial equator.
The North Celestial Pole (NCP) and the South Celestial Pole (SCP) lie directly above North and South Poles
of Earth. The NCP and SCP form the poles of a great circle on celestial sphere, analogous to the equator
on Earth. It is called the celestial equator and it lies directly above the Earth's equator. Any great circle
between the NCP and the SCP is a meridian. The one which also passes through the zenith and the nadir
is "the" celestial meridian, or the observer's meridian. (It is identical to the principal vertical.) This
provides our new zero-point; in this case, we use the point where it crosses the southern half of the
A typical star comes up over the horizon (rises) somewhere in the eastern sector; it moves round to the
right, climbing higher in the sky; it reaches its highest point when it's due south, i.e. on the meridian; it
continues moving right, and sinking lower; and it disappears below the horizon (sets) somewhere in the
western sector. Note that this is only true in the northern hemisphere;in the southern hemisphere, the
star will move to the left, and reach its highest point when it's due north. In what follows, I assume we
are in the northern hemisphere.)
The star's highest point, due south, is called (upper) transit or culmination. The star will also cross the
meridian again, in the opposite direction, at the lowest point in its daily path. This is called lower transit,
and it occurs below the horizon unless the star is circumpolar. Stars close to North Celestial Pole never
set; if a star's north polar distance is less than the altitude of the Pole, then that star cannot reach the
horizon. These are defined as north circumpolar stars. Similarly, stars close to the South Celestial Pole
will never rise: these are south circumpolar stars. All others are equatorial stars, which rise and set.
The division between circumpolar and equatorial stars depends on the altitude of the North Celestial
Pole, i.e. on the observer's latitude. To fix the coordinates of an object X on the celestial sphere, draw
the meridian through X. The declination δ of X is the angular distance from the celestial equator to X,
measured from -90° at the SCP to +90° at the NCP. Any point on celestial equator has declination 0°.
Alternatively, the North Polar Distance of X = 90° - δ.
Any two objects with the same declination lie on a parallel of declination. The Hour Angle or HA (H) of
object X is the angular distance between the meridian of X and "the" celestial meridian. It is measured
westwards in hours, 0h-24h, since the Earth rotates 360° in 24 hours.
An object on the meridian (culminating) has H = 0h. Its HA then steadily increases as the object moves
westwards. At lower transit, when it is due north (and possibly below the horizon), H = 12h. At H = 23h,
it is just one hour short of culminating again. This system is still dependent on the time of observation,
but an object's declination generally doesn't change rapidly, and its Hour Angle can be determined quite
simply, given the time and the location.
A telescope can be built on an equatorial mounting, with its axis pointing at the NCP. Once it is set on a
star, if the telescope rotates about its polar axis at the correct speed (15° per hour), the star will stay in
The most northerly star of the Southern Cross, γ Crucis, has declination -57°. At what latitude will it
just be visible?
But the altitude of the north celestial pole is the latitude of the place.
So the latitude is 33°N. So any observer north of latitude 33°N is unable to see the
Southern Cro
Note: as a general rule, if a star of declination x° passes overhead,then the place has latitude x°.
If the SCP is 33° above the southern horizon, then the NCP must be 33° below the
northern horizon. So the latitude here is -33°, or 33°S.
The star will never set (it will be circumpolar) for any observer south of 33°S.
Coordinate systems: the second equatorial or "RA-dec." system
Coordinates in the first equatorial system (HA and declination) still depend on the time of observation.
Now we change the zero-point for our coordinates. We choose a fixed point on the celestial
equator,called the vernal equinox, or the First Point of Aries.
The declination (δ) of object X is measured in the same way as before. The Right Ascension or RA (α) of
object X is the angle along the celestial equator measured eastwards from the vernal equinox to the
meridian of X. Like HA, RA is measured in hours 0-24h, but it goes in the opposite direction.
Comparison of these celestial coordinate systems with the terrestrial system:
The four stars at the corners of the “Great Square of Pegasus” are:
It is necessary to plot the four stars, at least approximately, to find out which pairs
form the diagonals!
Then, to find the length of each diagonal, use the cosine rule:
cos S1S2 = cos S1P cos S2P + sin S1P sin S2P cos P
Sidereal Time
Which stars are on your local meridian? It depends on the time at which you
observe. In fact, it depends on both the date and the (clock) time, because the Earth
is in orbit around the Sun.
Consider the Earth at position E1 on the diagram. The star shown is on the meridian
at midnight by the clock. But three months later, when the Earth reaches position
E2, the same star is on the meridian at 6 p.m. by the clock.
Our clocks are set to run (approximately) on solar time (sun time). But for
astronomical observations, we need to use sidereal time (star time).
Consider the rotation of the Earth relative to the stars. We define one rotation of
Earth as one sidereal day, measured as the time between two successive meridian
passages of the same star. Because of the Earth's orbital motion, this is a little
shorter than a solar day. (In one year, the Earth rotates 365 times relative to the
Sun,but 366 times relative to the stars. So the sidereal day is about 4 minutes shorter
than the solar day.)
We define Local Sidereal Time (LST) to be 0 hours when the vernal equinox is on the observer's local
meridian. One hour later, the local Hour Angle (LHA) of the equinox is +1h (by the definition of Hour
Angle), and the Local Sidereal Time is 1h. So at any instant, Local Sidereal Time = Local Hour Angle of
the vernal equinox.
This means that the vernal equinox has moved 15° (1h) west of the meridian, and now some other star X
is on the meridian. But the Right Ascension of star X is the angular distance from the vernal equinox to X
= 1h = LST.
So at any instant, Local Sidereal Time = Right Ascension of whichever stars are on the meridian. And in
general, the Local Hour Angle of a star = Local Sidereal Time - RA of the star. However, at any instant,
different observers, to the east or west, will have different stars on their local meridians.
We need to choose one particular meridian to act as a reference point; we choose Greenwich. We define
the Greenwich Hour Angle of X as the Hour Angle of X relative to the celestial meridian at Greenwich.
Then we can define Greenwich Sidereal Time (GST) as the Greenwich Hour Angle of the vernal equinox.
This gives the important relation LST = GST - longitude west.
Recall that the Local Hour Angle (LHA) of a star = Local Sidereal Time - RA of the star. In particular, the
Greenwich Hour Angle (GHA) of a star = Greenwich Sidereal Time - RA of the star. Combining these, we
find LHA(star) = GHA(star) - longitude west.
At midnight on 1998 February 4th, Local Sidereal Time at St.Andrews was 8h45m. St.Andrews has
longitude 2°48'W. What was the Local Hour Angle of Betelgeuse (R.A. = 5h55m) at midnight?
RA of Betelgeuse = 5h 55m
At midnight, LST = 8h 45m
Local Hour Angle = LST - RA
so the Local Hour Angle of Betelgeuse was 8h 45m - 5h 55m = 2h 50m.
We are told that the LST was 8h 45m at midnight. But at midnight, Betelgeuse was at Hour Angle 2h
50m, so it would be on the meridian 2h 50m before midnight, that is, at 21h 10m. So Betelgeuse was on
the meridian in St.Andrews at 21h 10m.
St.Andrews is 2°48' west of Greenwich = 0h 11m (divide by 15). So Betelgeuse was on the Greenwich
meridian 11 minutes before it reached the St.Andrews meridian. i.e. at 20h 59m.
Conversion between horizontal and equatorial systems
To convert between the horizontal and equatorial coordinates for an object X, we use a spherical triangle
often called "The" Astronomical Triangle: XPZ, where Z is the zenith, P is the North Celestial Pole, and X is
the object.
We assume we know the observer’s latitude φ and the Local Sidereal Time LST. (LST may be obtained, if
necessary, from Greenwich Sidereal Time and observer’s longitude.)
Given RA α and declination δ, we have Local Hour Angle H = LST - RA, in hours; convert H to degrees
(multiply by 15). Given H and δ, we require azimuth A and altitude a.
which simplifies to: sin(a) = sin(δ) sin(φ) + cos(δ) cos(φ) cos(H), This gives us the altitude a.
which simplifies to sin(δ) = sin(φ) sin(a) + cos(φ) cos(a) cos(A)
Rearrange to find A: cos(A) = , sin(δ) - sin(φ) sin(a) - / cos(φ) cos(a), which again gives us the azimuth A.
Now for the inverse problem: to convert from horizontal to equatorial coordinates:
We can now use the sine rule to get H, using the same formula as above: sin(H) = - sin(A) cos(a) / cos(δ)
Or use the cosine rule instead: sin(a) = sin(δ)sin(φ) + cos(δ) cos(φ) cos(H)
and rearrange to find H: cos(H) = { sin(a) - sin(δ) sin(φ) - / cos(δ) cos(φ)
Having calculated H, ascertain the Local Sidereal Time t. Then the R.A. follows from α = t – H .
Prove that the celestial equator cuts the horizon at azimuth 90° and 270°, at any latitude (except at the
North and South Poles).
Since 90°-φ is not 0 (we are not at the Poles), cos A must be 0, so A = 90° or 270° .
At what angle does the celestial equator cut the horizon, at latitude φ ?
Use the cosine formula: cos SY = cos SW cos YW + sin SW sin YW cos W
This gives cos (90°-φ) = 0 + cos x, So the angle x is 90°-φ.
Galactic coordinates
The equatorial system of coordinates (Right Ascension and declination) is the one most often used. But
the galactic system is sometimes more useful, e.g. for seeing how objects are distributed with respect to
the galactic plane.
In this system, the fundamental great circle is the galactic equator, which is the intersection of the
galactic plane with celestial sphere, with corresponding galactic poles. We define the North Galactic Pole
as that pole in same hemisphere as the North Celestial Pole. The positions of the poles were determined
by the International Astronomical Union (IAU) in 1959.
To fix the galactic coordinates of object X, draw a great circle between the two galactic poles, passing
through X. The galactic latitude (b) of object X is the angular distance on this circle from galactic equator
to X, from - 90° at South Galactic Pole to +90° at North Galactic Pole.
The zero-point for longitude is the centre of galaxy; again, the position was fixed by the IAU. The galactic
longitude (l) of object X is the angular distance around the galactic equator from the centre of the galaxy
to the great circle through X, measured eastwards 0-360°. Although later research may come up with
better values for the positions of the galactic poles and the centre of the galaxy, the IAU values will still
be used to determine this coordinate system. To convert between galactic and equatorial coordinates,
draw the spherical triangle with points at P (North Celestial Pole), G (North Galactic Pole) and X, and
apply the sine and cosine rules.
The North Galactic Pole is at Right Ascension 12h49m, declination +27°24'. What is the tilt of the
galactic plane to the celestial equator?
This one is really easy! The distance from the North Celestial Pole P to the North Galactic Pole G
is just (90°- declination of G) = 62.6°. So this is also the tilt of the galactic plane to the equator.
Ecliptic coordinates
All the objects considered so far have been "fixed stars", which keep almost constant values of Right
Ascension and declination. But bodies within the Solar System change their celestial positions. The most
important one to consider is the Sun. The Sun's declination can be found by measuring its altitude when
it's on the meridian (at midday). The Sun's Right Ascension can be found by measuring the Local Sidereal
Time of meridian transit.
We find that the Sun's RA increases by approximately 4 minutes a day, and its declination varies between
+23°26' and -23°26'. This path apparently followed by Sun is called the ecliptic.
The reason the Sun behaves this way is that the Earth's axis is tilted to its orbital plane.The angle of tilt is
+23°26', which is called the obliquity of the ecliptic (symbol ε).
Any two great circles intersect at two nodes. The node where the Sun crosses the equator from south to
north (the ascending node) is called the vernal (or spring) equinox. The Sun passes through this point
around March 21st each year. This is the point from which R.A. is measured, so here RA = 0h. At RA =
12h, the descending node is called the autumnal equinox; the Sun passes through this point around
September 23rd each year. At both these points, the Sun is on the equator, and spends 12 hours above
horizon and 12 hours below. ("Equinox" means "equal night": night equal to day.)
The symbols used for the spring and autumn equinoxes, and , are the astrological symbols for
Aries and Libra. The most northerly point of the ecliptic is called (in the northern hemisphere) the
Summer Solstice (RA = 6h): the Sun passes through this point around June 21st each year. The most
southerly point is the Winter Solstice (RA = 18h); the Sun passes through this point around December
21st each year.
At the northern Summer Solstice, the northern hemisphere of Earth is tipped towards Sun, giving longer
hours of daylight and warmer weather (despite the fact that Earth's slightly elliptical orbit takes it
furthest from the Sun in July!) Thus the Sun's motion is simple when referred to the ecliptic; also the
Moon and the planets move near to the ecliptic. So the ecliptic system is sometimes more useful than
the equatorial system for solar-system objects.
The Moon’s orbit is tilted at 5°8' to the ecliptic. What is the lowest latitude from which the Moon may
never set (the Moon’s “arctic rcle”)?
The maximum height of the ecliptic above the equator is ε = +23°24'. The Moon can
get 5°8' above this, i.e. up to +28°32'. So the Moon's maximum declination is +28°32'.
An object of declination δ will be circumpolar at latitude 90°-δ, i.e. at latitude
61°28'.So if the Moon is at its greatest possible declination,it appears circumpolar
from any latitude north of 61°28'N. (The northern tip of Shetland is at latitude
No; only at a “major standstill”. Sometimes the Moon’s orbit will be inclined the
other way to the ecliptic, and it will reach a maximum height of only 23°24' - 5°8' =
18°16'. This is a “minor standstill”.
In the ecliptic system of coordinates, the fundamental great circle is the ecliptic.
The zero-point is still the vernal equinox. Take K as the northern pole of the ecliptic, K' as the southern
To fix the ecliptic coordinates of an object X on the celestial sphere, draw the great circle from K to K'
through X. The ecliptic (or celestial) latitude of X (symbol β) is the angular distance from the ecliptic to X,
measured from -90° at K' to +90° at K. Any point on the ecliptic has ecliptic latitude 0°.
The ecliptic (or celestial) longitude of X (symbol λ) is the angular distance along the ecliptic from the
vernal equinox to the great circle through X. It is measured eastwards (like R.A.), but in degrees, 0°-360°.
To convert between ecliptic and equatorial coordinates, use the spherical triangle KPX.
Show that, for any object on the ecliptic, tan(δ) = sin(α) tan(ε), where (α, δ) are the object's Right
Ascension and declination, and ε is the obliquity of the ecliptic.
Use the cosine rule again: cos KX = cos PX cos KP + sin PX sin KP cos P
On the ecliptic, latitude β = 0
So we have cos 90° = cos(90°-δ) cos(ε) + sin(90°-δ) sin(ε) cos(90°+α)
i.e. 0 = sin(δ) cos(ε) - cos(δ) sin(ε) sin(α)
The relation between ecliptic and equatorial coordinates
Draw the triangle KPX, where P is the North Celestial Pole, K is the north pole of the ecliptic, and X is the
object in question.
Apply the cosine rule: cos(90°-δ) = cos(90°-β) cos(ε) + sin(90°-β) sin(ε) cos(90°-λ)
i.e. sin(δ) = sin(β) cos(ε) + cos(β) sin(ε) sin(λ)
Alternatively, apply the same rule to the other corner, and get:
cos(90°-β) = cos(90°-δ) cos(ε) + sin(90-δ) sin(ε) cos(90°+α)
i.e. sin(β) = sin(δ) cos(ε) - cos(δ) sin(ε) sin(α)
Now try applying the sine rule to the same triangle, sin(90°-β) / sin(90°+α) = sin(90°-δ) / sin(90°-λ)
i.e. cos(λ) cos(β) = cos(α) cos(δ)
Aldebaran has Right Ascension 4h36m, declination +16°31'. What are its ecliptic coordinates?
where α = 4h36m = 69.00°, δ = 16.52°, ε = 23.43° This gives β = -5.45°. Now use cos(λ) cos(β) = cos(α)
cos(δ) to obtain λ = 69.81°.
The Sun's motion, and its effect on time-keeping
In the ecliptic system, the Sun's coordinates are fairly simple, because its ecliptic latitude is 0° at all
times, while its ecliptic longitude constantly increases. However, the Sun's longitude does not increase
at a steady speed of exactly 360° a year. And it's important to know the Sun's position, because it's used
for normal time-keeping (solar time, rather than sidereal time).
By Kepler's Second Law, the Earth orbits faster at perihelion and slower at aphelion.
So the Sun appears to move fastest along ecliptic in January and slowest in July.
We can invent an imaginary Sun (the dynamical mean Sun)which coincides with the true Sun when the
Earth is at perihelion, but moves along the ecliptic at a constant speed. The true Sun appears to move
faster than the dynamical mean Sun when the Earth is around perihelion, and slower when the Earth is
near aphelion: one cycle per year.
However, an object moving at a constant speed along the ecliptic is still moving at a varying speed with
respect to the equator, since the ecliptic is tilted to the equator. We invent another imaginary Sun,
called simply the mean Sun, which moves along the equator at constant speed; the dynamical mean Sun
appears to lag behind this where the ecliptic is steeply tilted to the equator (around the equinoxes) and
catch up where it's nearly parallel (around the solstices): two cycles per year.
Combining these two effects gives the total difference in time between the true Sun and the mean Sun,
which is called the equation of time (the solid black line on the diagram).
The true Sun is about 14 minutes late, compared to the mean Sun, around 10th February, about 4
minutes early around May 15th, about 6 minutes late around July 25th, and about 16 minutes early
around November 5th.
The interval between two meridian transits of the mean Sun is the mean solar day.
The upper transit of the mean Sun across the local meridian marks midday, local mean time.
Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) is defined as midday when the mean Sun crosses the meridian of
Apparent solar time, as measured by the the true Sun (e.g. on a sundial), may differ from GMT for three
reasons. Firstly, because of the equation of time, Secondly, because of the longitude of the observer (the
further west, the later the Sun will cross the meridian). Thirdly, because of "Summer Time". Britain uses
GMT as standard time in winter, adding one hour in summer. Most other countries adopt their own
standard time, suitable for their own longitude (large countries may have several time-zones), differing
from GMT by a set amount.
In practice, the Earth's rotation is not quite constant. Time is now regulated by atomic clocks, and called
Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), but this is artificially kept within 1 second of GMT by adding a "leap
second" when necessary. Astronomers also use Terrestrial Time (TT, formerly called Ephemeris Time,
ET) for describing the motions of solar-system bodies. The difference TT-UTC is called "delta-T".
At any location, local mean time and local sidereal time agree at the autumn equinox.
(Why? Because, at the autumn equinox, the Right Ascension of the mean Sun is 12 hours, and the mean
Sun is on the local meridian at 12h, local mean time.)
But sidereal time runs faster than solar time, by one day a year, or approximately 3.94 minutes a day.
At the spring equinox, on or around March 21st, the Sun's ecliptic longitude is exactly 0°. 11 days have
elapsed since then, so the Sun's longitude will be approximately 11°. (Only approximately,
because the ellipticity of the Earth's orbit means that the Sun does not move around the ecliptic at a
steady speed.)
After this digression into the topic of time, we now return to the position of an object in the sky.
There are various physical factors which may change the apparent position of an object.
The Moon
The Moon always keeps the same face turned towards the Earth. How much we see of that face depends
on the direction of the Sun: we only see the part which is illuminated by sunlight,
as shown in the diagrams below.
The interval between one New Moon and the next is the synodic month;
it averages 29.53 days.
However, because the Earth is orbiting the Sun, the Moon will return to the same
place relative to the starsin a shorter interval – the sidereal month; this averages
27.32 days.
The diagram shows the Moon at Full, and lined up with a certain star, at time t0. It is lined up with that
tar again at time t1 , after one sidereal month, but it doesn't reach Full again until time t2 , after one
synodic month.
The Moon's actual motion is extremely complicated: it orbits the Earth in an elliptical orbit, tipped at an
angle to the Earth's own orbital plane (the ecliptic); and its orbit is constantly being perturbed by the
gravitational influence of the Sun.
This is not the place for the full theory of the Moon's motion. However, there are some simple
approximationswhich help to determine when the Moon will or will not be visible.
At New Moon, the Moon lies in the same direction as the Sun. (Owing to the tilt of the Moon's orbit,
it does not generally pass directly in front of the Sun.) The Moon then moves eastwards, relative to the
Sun. It moves 360° in 29.53 days, at which time it is lined up with the Sun again for the next New Moon.
Thus it moves about 12.2° each day, relative to the Sun; which corresponds to lagging behind the Sun, as
it crosses the sky, by about 48.8 minutes of time each day. So, if you know the "age" of the Moon (that
is, how many days since the last New Moon), you can calculate how much later the Moon will cross the
sky, compared to the Sun. The Sun crosses the meridian at noon (you can be more precise than this, if
you know your longitude and the Equation of Time). So you can calculate the time at which the Moon
will cross the meridian. The result will not be very accurate, since the Moon's motion is not uniform,
but should be correct to within an hour.
The Moon was New on December 25th, 2000. At St.Andrews, on January 1st 2001,
the Sun crossed the meridian at 12:15. At what time did the Moon cross the meridian?
On January 1st, 7 days had elapsed since New Moon (the Moon was "7 days old"). So the Moon was
lagging the Sun by 7 x 48.8 minutes = 5h42m. So it would cross the meridian at 12:15 + 5h42m = 17:57. In
fact it crossed the meridian at 17:24, so our calculation is in error by 33 minutes. The error is due to: (a)
not knowing the exact time of New Moon on December 25th, (b) the Moon's motion not being constant.
If the Moon were always on the celestial equator, it would always rise 6 hours before transit, and set 6
hours after transit. We know that the Sun does not keep to the celestial equator. It lies on the equator at
the equinoxes, in March and September, but its declination varies between 23.4°N in June and 23.4°S in
December. At the equinoxes, anywhere in the world, the Sun rises due east, 6 hours before noon, and
sets due west, 6 hours after noon. But at the summer (June) solstice, in latitudes north of 66.6°N, the
Sun never sets at all! (This defines the Arctic Circle.) In latitudes around 58°N, the Sun rises in the north-
east, about 9 hours before noon, and sets in the north-west, about 9 hours after noon.
Similarly, at the winter (December) solstice, in he Arctic Circle the Sun never rises; in latitudes around
58°N, the Sun rises in the south-east, about 3 hours before noon, and sets in the south-west, about 3
hours after noon.
Now, the Moon follows roughly the same path as the Sun (ignoring its orbital tilt) but it takes only a
month to trace the path which the Sun takes in a year. The Sun moves about 1° a day (360° in 365.25
days) The Moon lags behind the Sun by about 12.2° a day, so you can work out the date on which the
Sun will be at the point where the Moon now is. This means you can estimate roughly how long the
Moon will be above the horizon.
Having already calculated the time at which it will cross the meridian, you can now estimate its rising and
setting times. This will not be very accurate. But it should be sufficient to determine, for example,
whether a particular night's observing will be affected by moonlight.
Given the data in the previous exercise, estimate the times of moonrise and moonset
at St.Andrews on January 1st 2001.
We know that the Moon was 7 days old, so it was 7x12.2° = 85° east of the Sun. It would take the Sun
about 85 days to reach this point: it would get there on 26th March, very close to the Spring Equinox. So
the Moon would have been close to the celestial equator, and it would rise about 6 hours before it
transited across the meridian, and set about 6 hours after.
We have already determined that the Moon crossed the meridian at 17:57. So it should rise at 17:57 – 6
hours = 11:57 and it should set at 17:57 + 6 hours = 23:57. In fact it rose at 11:56 and set at 23:06.
This approximate calculation has shown us that, on January 1st 2001, the Moon would be rising about
midday, and setting again around midnight.
And here's an example where you can deduce a great deal from very little information:
At a point with latitude near 58°N, the Last-Quarter Moon is seen rising in the north-east. What time
of day is it? What time of year is it?
If the Moon is at Last Quarter, it is lagging 18 hours behind the Sun - alternatively, it is 6 hours ahead of
the Sun. The Sun crosses the meridian at noon, so the Moon must be crossing the meridian at 6 am. At
this latitude, if it is rising in the north-east, it must be at its most northern point, so it will be rising about
9 hours before it crosses the meridian. So it must be rising about 9 pm.
The Moon is at its most northern point: the point the Sun only reaches at midsummer (that is RA = 6h;
declination = +23.4°). And if the Moon is at Last Quarter, it has travelled three-quarters of the way
around the sky from the Sun. So it is 270° east of the Sun - alternatively, it is 90° west of the Sun. So the
Moon is where the Sun was 90 days ago. So the Sun must presently be at (summer solstice + 90 days) =
autumn equinox.
The apparent position of an object in the sky may be changed by several different physical effects. One
of these is refraction.
The speed of light changes as it passes through a medium such as air. We define the refractive index of
any transparent medium as 1/v, where v is the speed of light in that medium. The speed of light in air
depends on its temperature and its pressure, so the refractive index of the air varies in different parts of
the atmosphere.
Make a simple model of the atmosphere as n layers of uniform air above a flat Earth,
with a different velocity of light vi for each layer (i from 1 to n).
So we have
sin(i1) = (v0 / v1) sin(r1)
= (v0 / v1) sin(i2)
= (v0 / v1) (v1 / v2) sin(r2)
= (v0 / v2) sin(r2)
= ..........
= (v0 / vn) sin(rn)
In other words, the refractive indices of the intervening layers all cancel out. The only thing that matters
is the ratio between v0 (which is c, the speed of light in vacuum) and vn (the speed in the air at ground
Now rn is the apparent zenith distance of the star, z', and i1 is its true zenith distance, z. So sin(z) = (v0 /
vn) sin(z'). Refraction has no effect if a star is at the zenith (z=0).
But at any other position, the star is apparently raised; the effect is greatest at the horizon.
We assume R will be small, so, approximately, sin(R) = R (in radians), and cos(R) = 0.
Thus, approximately, sin(z) = sin(z') + R cos(z').
Divide throughout by sin(z') to get sin(z)/sin(z') = 1 + R/tan(z') which is to say, v0/vn = 1 + R/tan(z').
Here v0 is c, the velocity of light in a vacuum, which is constant. But vn depends on the temperature and
pressure of the air at ground level. At "standard" temperature (0°C = 273K) and pressure (1000
millibars), k = 59.6 arc-seconds.
The formula in the Astronomical Almanac is k = 16.27" P/(273+T), where P is in millibars, and T is in °C.
LST = RA, so the star is on the local meridian, so altitude a = (90°-φ) + δ = 60°.
However, we don't know z', only z. For a first, approximate answer, take z = z' = 30°.
What will be the star’s Right Ascension and declination, corrected for refraction?
Since the star is on the local meridian, the shift is only in declination. The apparent altitude is increased
by 35.5", so the apparent declination is similarly increased. So the apparent coordinates are: Right
Ascension 5h 0m and declination +26°20'35.5".
At large zenith distances, this model is inadequate. The amount of refraction near the horizon is actually
etermined observationally. At standard temperature and pressure, refraction at the horizon (horizontal
refraction) is found to be 34 arc-minutes.
Sunrise, sunset and twilight
Since refraction affects zenith angle, it generally changes both the Right Ascension and declination of an
object. It also affects the time the object appears to rise and set.
The standard formula for the altitude of an object is: sin(α) = sin(δ)sin(φ) + cos(δ) cos(φ) cos(H)
If a = 0° (the object is on horizon, either rising or setting), then this equation becomes:
cos(H) = - tan(φ) tan(δ)
This gives the semi-diurnal arc H: the time between the object crossing the horizon, and crossing the
meridian. Knowing the Right Ascension of the object, and its semi-diurnal arc, we can find the Local
Sidereal Time of meridian transit, and hence calculate its rising and setting times. However, refraction
means that this simplified formula is not accurate, since the altitude should be, not 0°, but -0°34'. This is
not too important for stars, which are rarely observed close to the horizon. But it makes an important
difference in calculating the times of rising and setting of the Sun.
Furthermore, "sunrise" and "sunset" generally refer to the moment when the top of the Sun's disc is just
on the horizon. The formula would give us the time of rising or setting for the centre of the Sun's disc. So
we must also allow for the semi-diameter of the Sun's disc, which is 16 arc-minutes. So sunrise and
sunset actually occur when the Sun has altitude -0°50' (34' for refraction, and another 16' for the semi-
diameter of the disc). Since the atmosphere scatters sunlight, the sky does not become dark instantly at
sunset; there is a period of twilight.
During civil twilight, it is still light enough to carry on ordinary activities out-of-doors; this continues until
the Sun's altitude is -6°. During nautical twilight, it is dark enough to see the brighter stars, but still light
enough to see the horizon, enabling sailors to measure stellar altitudes for navigation; this continues
until the Sun's altitude is -12°. During astronomical twilight, the sky is still too light for making reliable
astronomical observations; this continues until the Sun's altitude is -18°. Once the Sun is more than 18°
below the horizon, we have astronomical darkness. The same pattern of twilights repeats, in reverse,
before sunrise. In summer, astronomical twilight will last all night, for any place with latitude above
The Sun is at declination -14°. What will be its hour angle at sunrise (the moment the top edge of the
Sun first appears over the horizon), at a latitude of +56°20'?
At sunrise, the true altitude of the Sun is a = -0°50' (allowing for semi-diameter and horizontal
where φ = +56°20' and δ = -14°. This gives cos(H) = 0.35, so H = 69.7° or 290.3° = 4h39m or 19h21m.
To decide which, note that the Sun is to the east of the meridian at sunrise, so H = 19h21m.
If the Sun is on the local meridian at 12:03, what time is sunrise? and what time is Sunset?
Set a = -18° and use the same formula again, to obtain H = 101.55° = 6h46m.
So twilight starts at (12:03 - 6h46m) = 05:17, and ends at (12:03 + 6h46m) = 18:49.
Refraction affects the apparent altitude of a star. But there are other phenomena that affect its
apparent position, too. One of these is parallax. Refraction decreases the zenith angle, but parallax
increases it. Our observations are made from the surface of the Earth, not its centre. This is irrelevant
when observing distant objects such as stars. But for closer objects (e.g. within the Solar System), a
correction must be made. This is geocentric parallax, or diurnal (daily) parallax (since it varies daily as the
Earth spins around its axis).
To an observer at O, the zenith angle of object S appears to be z'. Its true zenith angle, as seen from the
centre of the Earth C, is z, which is smaller. Parallax is greatest for an observer at O1, where the object
appears to be on the horizon.
If a is the Earth's radius, and r is the geocentric distance to the object, then the plane triangle OCS gives:
Parallax is greatest at O1, where z'=90°. The parallax here is called the horizontal parallax, designated by
P = 90°-z, where sin(P) = a / r.
For small angles, we may take P = a / r, where P is measured in radians. In the general case, we may
replace the term (a/r) by sin(P), and write sin(p) = sin(P) sin(z') or, since angles of parallax are generally
small, p = P sin(z')
A minor planet passes very near the Earth, at a distance of 200,000 km.
What will be its horizontal parallax?
(Take the Earth to be a sphere of radius 6378 km.) Horizontal parallax P = a/r radians, where a = 6378
km, r = 200,000 km. So P = 0.0319 radians = 1.827°
At St. Andrews (latitude +56°20'), the minor planet is observed to cross the meridian
at an apparent altitude of +35°. What does its declination appear to be?
Meridian altitude a = (90°-φ) + δ, So the apparent declination is δ = a - (90°-φ) = +1°20'. What is its true
declination, after correcting for geocentric parallax?
Parallax increases the zenith angle. The true zenith angle z must be less than the observed zenith angle
z'. So the true altitude must be greater than the observed altitude. So in this case the true declination
must be greater than the observed declination, by 1.497°, making it +2°50'.
Apart from occasional near-earth asteroids,the Moon is the nearest natural object, with average P
around 57 arc-minutes. So for calculating times of moonrise and moonset, we must use an altitude of
0° - 16' [semi-diameter] - 34' [refraction] + 57' [horizontal parallax] = +7'.
The Moon is at declination -14°. What will be its hour angle at moonrise (when the top edge of the
Moon first appears over the horizon), at a latitude of +56°20'?
At moonrise, the true altitude of the Moon is a = +0°7' (allowing for semi-diameter, horizontal refraction
and geocentric parallax).
Use the formula cos(H) = { sin(a) - sin(φ) sin(δ) - / cos(φ) cos(δ) where φ= +56°20' and δ = -14°.
To decide which, note that the Moon is to the east of the meridian, so H = 19h29m. (This is 8 minutes
later than sunrise, when the Sun is at the same declination.)
Allowing for lunar parallax is essential when predicting occultations of stars by the Moon (and, of
course, solar eclipses).
Aldebaran is at Right Ascension 4h36m, declination +16°31'. At a particular instant, the geocentric
coordinates of the Moon are also Right Ascension 4h36m, declination +16°31'. Local Sidereal Time at
St.Andrews (latitude +56°20') is 4h 36m.
What will be the apparent declination of the Moon, after correction for parallax? (Take the horizontal
parallax of the Moon as 57 arc-minutes.)
Both objects are on the meridian. So the Moon’s altitude a = (90°-φ) + δ = 50.18°
so its true zenith angle z = (90°-a) = 39.82°. The shift due to parallax is p = P sin(z'), where P = 57', and z' is
the apparent zenith angle. However, we only know z, the true zenith angle. For a first approximation,
take z' = z = 39.82° Then p = 57' sin(39.82°) = 36.5' = 0.61°.
This would make apparent zenith angle z' = 39.82° + 0.61° = 40.43°. Re-calculate p = 57' sin(40.43°) =
37.0' = 0.62°. No need to re-calculate again.
The semi-diameter of the Moon’s disc is 16 arc-minutes. Will observers at St.Andrews see the Moon
occult Aldebaran?
Aldebaran is still at Right Ascension 4h36m, declination +16°31' (unaffected by geocentric parallax). The
top edge of the Moon will appear to be at declination +15°54' + 16' = +16°10'. So the top edge of the
Moon will appear to pass 21' below Aldebaran: there will be no occultation.
The Earth is not actually spherical. For more accurate calculations, we use the geoid:
a spheroidal solid which closely approximates the Earth's true shape. For any particular latitude, this
gives corrected values for geocentric distance a and geocentric latitude.
Annual parallax
Geocentric or diurnal parallax varies with the daily spinning of the Earth around its axis.
Annual parallax is caused by the Earth's yearly orbit around the Sun. The Earth shifts by 2a from side to
side, where a is the radius of the Earth's orbit (assumed circular) = 1 Astronomical Unit.
For the star S1, the maximum shift occurs as the Earth moves from position E1 to E2.
If the distance between the Sun and the star S1 is r, then we define the annual parallax as Π, where
an(Π) = a/r. And since a/r is always extremely small, we may write Π = a/r (in radians). If the star is not at
S1, but at some other arbitrary position S2, then the shift in position as Earth moves from E1 to E2 will
appear less. Let the direction from the Sun to the star make an angle θ with the line E1E2 .But the star
appears at angle θ' from Earth at E1.
Since (θ-θ') is a very small angle, we can replace θ' by θ, and write θ-θ' = Π sin(θ)
The apparent shift is towards the Sun, and it alters the star's ecliptic longitude λ (so this is another
occasion for using ecliptic coordinates). If the star is not in the plane of the ecliptic, there is a shift in
ecliptic latitude β too.
The star X at (λ, β) is shifted to X' at (λ+Δλ, β+Δβ) along a great circle arc towards the position of the Sun
S. XX' is the parallactic shift Π sin(θ). We need to find the shifts Δλ and Δβ. UX is the arc of a small circle
centred on the ecliptic pole K, passing through the star X. The length of arc UX is Δλ cos(β) – the shift in
longitude. The length of arc UX' is -Δβ – the shift in latitude.
Consider the tiny triangle UXX' as a plane right-angled triangle, and denote the angle at X by the arbitrary
symbol ψ:
To eliminate θ and ψ from these two equations, we use the spherical triangle KXS.
sin(90°+ψ/sin(90°) = sin(λS-λ)/sin(θ)
i.e. sin(θ) cos(ψ) = sin(λS-λ) (expression 2)
Then, by the cosine rule: cos(90°) = cos(θ) cos(90°-β) + sin(θ) sin(90°-β) cos(90°+ψ)
i.e. 0 = cos(θ) sin(β) - sin(θ) cos(β) sin(ψ)
To get rid of the cos(θ) on the right-hand side of this expression, we use the cosine rule again:
cos(θ) = cos(90°-β) cos(90°) + sin(90°-β) sin(90°) cos(λS-λ) i.e. cos(θ) = cos(β) cos(λS-λ)
Now we can substitute these expressions (2) and (3) in equations (1), to get:
Δλ cos(β) = Π sin(λS-λ)
Δβ = Π cos(λS-λ) sin(β)
x = a cos(θ), y = b sin(θ) where x is the shift parallel to the ecliptic * Δλ cos(β) +, y is the shift
perpendicular to the ecliptic * Δβ + and θ is temporary shorthand for * 90° - (λS-λ) +. So we have a = Π and
b = Π sin(β).
In other words, this parallactic ellipse has semi-major axis Π, parallel to the ecliptic,
and semi-minor axis Π sin(β), perpendicular to the ecliptic. So, during the year, the star appears to trace
out a parallactic ellipse, which is a reflection of the Earth's orbit. For a star on the ecliptic (β = 0°) it
reduces to a straight line; for a star at the pole of the ecliptic (β = 90°) it becomes a circle.
The size of a star's parallactic ellipse yields its distance, in units of parsecs (parallax-seconds):
r (in parsecs) = 1 / Π (in arc-seconds), so a star at 1 parsec would have parallax Π = 1 arc-second. (In fact,
no star is this close.)
At the spring equinox, the Sun has ecliptic longitude λS = 0°, so λS-λ = -90°.
Early attempts to measure the distances of the stars, by observing their parallactic ellipses, were
unsuccessful because the stars are so far away, and their parallaxes are extremely small. However,
another effect was discovered instead: aberration. This is caused by the fact that light moves at a finite
velocity, c.
The apparent direction that light comes to us from a star is a combination of its true direction and the
direction the Earth is moving. Stars appear to be shifted slightly in the direction of the Earth's motion.
(This is analogous to the way a person walking through the rain has to hold their umbrella tilted
Take the Earth's velocity as v. During a time-interval t, Earth moves a distance vt, while light travels a
distance ct down the telescope.
where θ is the true angle between the direction to the star, and the direction the Earth is moving around
the Sun, and θ' is the observed angle.
Since vt is very small compared to ct, θ' is very nearly equal to θ. So we may write sin(θ-θ')/vt = sin(θ)/ct.
i.e. sin(θ-θ') = sin(θ) v/c. Because the ratio v/c is very small, sin(θ-θ') is approximately equal to θ-θ' (in
radians), so we may write:
But in which direction is the Earth moving? Taking the Earth's orbit as circular, the tangent is always at
right-angles to the radius.
So the direction of the Earth's motion is always at 90° to the direction of the Sun. Thus F, the "apex of
the Earth's way", is on the ecliptic, 90° behind the Sun. i.e. λF = λS – 90°.
The geometry is very similar to the parallax problem, with the following differences:
Again this is the formula for an ellipse of the form: x = a cos(θ), y = b sin(θ) where θ is now temporary
shorthand for (λS-λ). The aberrational ellipse has semi-major axis k, parallel to the ecliptic, and semi-
minor axis k sin(β), perpendicular to the ecliptic.
There are two important differences between the parallactic and aberrational ellipses:
1) The aberrational ellipse is much bigger. (k is 20.5 arc-seconds, whereas parallax is always less
than 1 arc-second.). Also the major axis of the aberrational ellipse is the same for all stars,
whereas the major axis of the parallactic ellipse depends on the star's distance.
2) The phase is different. When the Sun has the same longitude as the star, then the longitude
shift is zero in the parallactic ellipse, but the latitude shift is zero in the aberrational ellipse.
So far, we have been assuming that the Earth's orbit is circular, and hence the value of k = v/c is
constant; in fact the orbit is elliptical, and this means the velocity v varies with time.
The velocity ET in any elliptical orbit can be resolved into two components:
EF = h/p, perpendicular to the radius vector, EG = eh/p, perpendicular to the major axis of the ellipse.
The values of EF and EG are both constant. It's the changing angle between these two constant
components which causes the orbital velocity to vary (Kepler's Second Law). Here, EF is the velocity for a
circular orbit, as assumed above. EG adds second-order terms, 0.3 arc-seconds or less, which are
independent of Earth’s position, and depend only on the star’s position. A star itself also has its own
proper motion across the sky, but this is always small and generally not known, so it is often ignored.
However, for objects within the solar system, the motion is usually known, and is too large to ignore. So
astrometric observations of a planet have to be corrected for light-time: the time between the light
leaving the planet, and being measured on Earth. The planet may move a significant distance during this
time. Annual aberration and light-time are sometimes grouped together and they are called planetary
aberration, in which case annual aberration alone is called stellar aberration.
This star has ecliptic longitude λ = 90°, and ecliptic latitude β = -ε = -23°26'. At the spring equinox, the
Sun has ecliptic longitude λS = 0°, so λS-λ = -90°.
So far, this series of pages has considered how we assign coordinates to any point in the sky,and the
various physical effects that may alter its apparent position. But there is a more profound problem with
the way we determine coordinates, relative to the celestial equator and the ecliptic,since these are not
ermanently fixed.
The Earth’s axis is tilted to its orbital plane. The gravitational pull of the Sun and the Moon on the Earth’s
equatorial bulge tend to pull it back towards the plane of the ecliptic. Since the Earth is spinning, its axis
precesses. The North Celestial Pole traces out a precessional circle around the pole of the ecliptic, and
this means that the equinoxes precess backwards around the ecliptic, at the rate of 50.35 arc-seconds
per year (around 26,000 years for a complete cycle).
Around 2000 years ago, the Sun was in the constellation of Aries at the spring equinox, in Cancer at the
summer solstice, in Libra at the autumn equinox, and in Capricorn at the winter solstice. Precession
means that all of these have changed, but we still use the old names (e.g. the First Point of Aries for the
vernal equinox), and the symbols for the vernal and autumnal equinoxes are the astrological symbols for
Aries and Libra.
The Vernal Equinox occurs nowadays when the Sun is in the constellation of Pisces.Pisces covers a
section of the ecliptic from longitude 352° to longitude 28°; at longitude 28° the ecliptic passes into
Aries. How many years would we have to go back, to find the Sun at “the First Point of Aries”
at the Vernal Equinox?
The equinoxes regress along the ecliptic at 50.35" per year. So the " 0° " point moves westwards against
the constellations.
It has moved 28° into Pisces, at a rate of 50.35" per year. Divide 28° by 50.35" to get: 2002 years ago.
Precession is caused by the Sun and the Moon. However, the Moon does not orbit exactly in the ecliptic
plane, but at an inclination of about 5° to it. The Moon’s orbit precesses rapidly, with the nodes taking
18.6 years to complete one circuit. The lunar contribution to luni-solar precession adds a short-period,
small-amplitude wobble to the precessional movement of the North Celestial Pole,;this wobble is called
Ignoring nutation, luni-solar precession simply adds 50.35 arc-seconds per year
to the ecliptic longitude of every star, leaving the ecliptic latitude unchanged. This definition assumes the
ecliptic itself is unchanging. In fact, the gravitational pull of the other planets perturbs the Earth’s orbit
and so it gradually changes the plane of the ecliptic. If the equator were kept fixed, the movement of the
ecliptic would shift the equinoxes forward along the equator by about 0.13 arc-seconds per year.
This is planetary precession, which decreases the Right Ascension of every star by 0.13 arc-seconds per
year, leaving the declination unchanged. Combining luni-solar and planetary precessions gives general
precession. (Lunar nutation and planetary precession also produce slight changes in the obliquity of the
Because of precession, our framework of Right Ascension and declination is constantly changing.
Consequently, it is necessary to state the equator and equinox of the coordinate system to which any
position is referred. Certain dates (e.g. 1950.0, 2000.0) are taken as standard epochs, and used for star
catalogues etc. To point a telescope at an object on a date other than its catalogue epoch, it is necessary
to correct for precession.
Recall the formulae relating equatorial and ecliptic coordinates:
Luni-solar precession affects the ecliptic longitude λ. The resulting corrections to Right Ascension and
declination can be worked out by spherical trigonometry.
Consider luni-solar precession first, recalling that it causes λ to increase at a known, steady rate dλ/dt,
while β and ε remain constant.
To find how the declination δ changes with time t, take the first equation and differentiate it:
cos(δ) dδ/dt = cos(β) sin(ε) cos(λ) dλ/dt
To find how the Right Ascension α changes with time, take the second equation and differentiate it:
0 = cos(ε) cos(δ) dδ/dt + sin(ε) sin(δ) dδ/dt sin(α) - sin(ε) cos(δ) cos(α) dα/dt
i.e. sin(ε) cos(δ) cos(α) dα/dt = dδ/dt * cos(ε) cos(δ) + sin(ε) sin(δ) sin(α) +
So if Δλ is the change in λ in a given time interval Δt, the corresponding changes in α and δ are
This is the effect of luni-solar precession. We also have to add in the planetary precession, which
decreases the RA by a quantity a, during the same time interval.
The combination is general precession:
To make this easier to calculate in practice, we introduce two new variables, m and n:
m = Δλ cos(ε) – a
n = Δλ sin(ε)
These quantities m and n are almost constant; they are given each year in the Astronomical Almanac.
Δα = m + n sin(α) tan(δ)
Δδ = n cos(α)
which means that, if you know the equatorial coordinates of an object at one date, you can calculate
what they should be at another date, as long as the interval is not too great (20 years or so). If the object
is a star whose proper motion is known, then that should be corrected for as well.
The coordinates of the Galactic North Pole are given officially as α = 12h49m00s, δ = +27°24'00",
relative to the equator and equinox of 1950.0. What should they be,
relative to the equator and equinox of 2000.0?
(For this calculation, take the values of m and n for the year 1975: m = 3.074s per year; n = 1.337s per
year = 20.049" per year.)
to get Δα = 2.927s per year, or +146.348s in 50 years. Δδ = -19.59" per year, or -979.63" in 50 years.
Alternatively, the Astronomical Almanac lists Besselian Day Numbers throughout the year. Take a star’s
equatorial coordinates from a catalogue, and compute various constants from these,as instructed in the
Astronomical Almanac. Combine these with the Day Numbers for a given date, to produce the apparent
position of the star, corrected for precession, nutation and aberration.
The current standard epoch for star catalogues etc. is J2000.0; the previous one was B1950.0. In this
context, “B” signifies a Besselian year, which begins when the mean longitude of the Sun is exactly 280°;
this always occurs very close to the start of the calendar year, but not always at the same instant.
“J” signifies a Julian year, which is exactly 365.25 days long. “J2000.0” represents midday on 2000
January 1, and every other Julian year begins at an exact multiple of 365.25 days from then. In 1984 the
International Astronomical Union recommended that star positions should be calculated on the basis of
Julian years rather than Besselian ones.
Julian years are named for Julius Caesar, who is credited with the first reform of the calendar. The year
(more accurately, the “tropical year”), is measured from one spring equinox to the next, an interval of
365.2421988 mean solar days. In the Julian calendar, most years have 365 days, with an extra day every
fourth year (called a leap-year), thus averaging 365.25 days to a year, with an error of 1 day every 128
By the 16th century, the accumulated error was 10 days, and Pope Gregory XIII introduced the Gregorian
calendar, where century years are only leap-years if they are divisible by 400; thus 1900 was not a leap-
year, but 2000 was. The Gregorian year thus averages 365.2425 days to a year, with an error of 1 day
every 3320 years. The extra 10 days were arbitrarily omitted, 1582 October 4th being followed by 1582
October 15th. The Gregorian calendar was adopted in different countries at various different dates over
the next 350 years.
When the Gregorian calendar was introduced in 1582, the accumulated error in the Julian calendar
was 10 days. What was the error by the time the Gregorian calendar was adopted in Turkey, in 1927?
1600 was a leap-year in both calendars, but 1700, 1800 and 1900 were not leap-years in the Gregorian
calendar. Thus the Julian calendar was 13 days adrift, by 1927.
(This system was devised by the French astronomer Joseph B. Scaliger, in 1582; he named it, not after
Julius Caesar, but after his father - who was called Julius Caesar Scaliger.)
The sequence starts on January 1st, 4713 BC, so that all known astronomical records have positive values
of JD. The Julian date changes at midday, so that (in European countries) all observations on a particular
night have the same Julian date.
JD must be given to 5 decimal places for an accuracy of 1 second of time. A number in this format can
cause problems in computing, so many modern applications use the Modified Julian Date (MJD), where
MJD = JD - 2400000.5, meaning that MJD, like the calendar date, changes at midnight. 0h on 2000
January 1st was MJD 51544.0 .
Final exercise
You are lost on a desert island with a sextant, a chronometer, a carrier pigeon,
and your copy of Smart's Spherical Astronomy. Explain how you will save yourself.
(Assume that the chronometer is keeping GMT, and that you know the date.)
Measure the altitude of Polaris above the northern horizon, using the sextant. This is
approximately equal to your latitude. (Polaris, the "North Star", lies very close to the North
Celestial Pole.) There are various problems with this. Firstly, if you are in the southern
hemisphere, Polaris will be below the horizon!
Secondly, you need to carry out the measurement in nautical twilight, while it is still light
enough to see the horizon, and Polaris is only a second-magnitude star,
so it may not appear bright enough to measure accurately.
Thirdly, Polaris does not lie exactly at the North Celestial Pole,
so your result could be nearly 1 degree in error.
So, as an alternative,measure the altitude of the Sun at midday, using the sextant. Knowing the date,
calculate the declination of the Sun (it varies sinusoidally, with a period of 1 year starting at the spring
equinox, and an amplitude of 23.4 degrees.)
The midday altitude, when the Sun is on the local meridian, is composed of:
The height of the celestial equator above the southern horizon (equal to the co-latitude) plus the height
of the Sun above the celestial equator (its declination). (If you are in the southern hemisphere, the
celestial equator will be closer to the northern horizon; in this case its distance from the southern
horizon, the co-latitude, will be greater than 90°.) Knowing the altitude and the solar declination,
calculate the co-latitude and hence the latitude. If the sextant can be read to an accuracy of a few arc-
minutes, you should correct your reading for refraction. The apparent zenith angle of an object z' is
greater than its true zenith angle z by the value k tan(z'), where k is approximately 1 arc-minute.
Step 2:
Determine your longitude. Again there are (at least) two possible techniques.
During nautical twilight, if you can locate a star whose celestial coordinates you know, measure its
altitude above the horizon using the sextant, and note the time (GMT) using the chronometer. Knowing
the star's altitude, its declination, and your latitude (previously determined), calculate its Hour Angle by
applying the cosine rule to "the" Astronomical Triangle. Knowing the star's Right Ascension, calculate
the local sidereal time of the observation (Local Hour Angle = Local Sidereal Time - Right Ascension).
Knowing the date, calculate the Greenwich Sidereal Time corresponding to the Greenwich Mean Time of
the observation. GST is equal to GMT at the autumn equinox, and GST runs faster than GMT by one day
in 365.25 days. The difference between the Local Sidereal Time (from your observation) and Greenwich
Sidereal Time (from the chronometer) is your longitude east or west of Greenwich.
Failing a star with known coordinates, use the Sun. Note the time (GMT) when it reaches its greatest
altitude: this is midday, Local Apparent Time. Use the formulae given in Smart's Spherical Astronomy to
calculate the Equation of Time on that date. (Or derive it from first principles: allow firstly for the non-
uniform motion of the Sun around the ecliptic (Kepler's Second Law); then allow for the fact that the
ecliptic is tilted to the equator.) Add or subtract the Equation of Time to your Local Apparent Time, to
obtain Local Mean Time.The difference between Local Mean Time and GMT is your longitude east or
west of Greenwich.
Step 3:
Tear a strip of paper from the title-page of Smart's Spherical Astronomy to write a message giving your
latitude and longitude. Launch it by carrier-pigeon and wait to be rescued!
This question formed part of the final exam at UCLA in 1961. (Trimble, V., "The Observatory" 118, 32,