RZ Broschuere Hi Di
RZ Broschuere Hi Di
RZ Broschuere Hi Di
MAN Service
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ngin rts
MAN Engines.
MAN After Sales.
Your MAN engine in the best hands.
Powerful, dynamic, efficient, environmentally friendly – with these traits, MAN engines put more than
just commercial vehicle customers on the road to success. Customers all round the world benefit from
the wealth of expertise at MAN and exploit the advantages of MAN diesel and gas engines.
In road and rail vehicles, yachts and ships, power generators and cogeneration power plants, construction
plant and agricultural machinery, our engines set to work with vigour, demonstrating impressive performance,
low fuel consumption and almost legendary reliability. Outstanding characteristics that you can enjoy with any
one of our engines.
Opting for a MAN engine means opting for maximum quality. And you know without a doubt that your MAN
engine is in the best hands with us. With our comprehensive range of After Sales services, you can rely on
MAN to provide support even after your purchase. This will allow your engine to tackle even the most demand-
ing requirements to your full satisfaction and work cost effectively throughout its entire life cycle.
MAN After Sales.
Powerful comprehensive solutions.
MAN Service
A strong partner you can rely on. Competent, efficient and fast – the MAN
Quality makes the difference.
MAN Genuine Parts.
Because we know your engine best.
Genuine Parts that pay off.
Even the best engines succumb to wear over time. With its customised servicing and maintenance
The consequences are foreseeable and are evi- plans, MAN is here to help. Our recommendations
denced by decreasing profitability and productivi- include intervals that are perfectly tailored to your
ty. The worst case scenario is irreparable engine engine – always with the aim of guaranteeing that
damage. All these risks will incur significant addi- your engine is operational for as long as possible
tional costs. and of avoiding failures. We are constantly devel-
oping our servicing and maintenance plans to en-
For flawless continuous operation it is therefore sure they are as cost-effective as possible.
even more important to have your engine serviced
regularly. After all, only a serviced engine achieves
its maximum service life and functions reliably and
profitably day in, day out – an investment that re- Use the engine documentation sup-
ally pays off. plied upon purchase comprising an op-
erator‘s manual, a maintenance plan, a
service DVD including all manuals and
an ELTIS DVD (spare parts catalogue).
© SES 06
The environmentally friendly alternative.
MAN Genuine Parts ecoline.
Have your engines been in use for a long time? MAN Genuine Parts ecoline are not only a replace-
If so, you can rely on our high-quality MAN ment for your engine in line with its current value,
Genuine Parts ecoline product range for a but they also protect natural resources. By remanu-
cost-effective repair in line with the engine's facturing old parts in a sustainable manner, it is
current value, while also making a valuable possible to reduce the energy-intensive production
contribution to the environment! of new parts, thereby avoiding high levels of emis-
sions. By properly returning your old parts, you can
In the MAN Genuine Parts ecoline product range, make a major contribution towards an effective
used parts are professionally remanufactured in line replacement cycle, while helping to preserve the
with MAN Genuine Parts standards, either by MAN, natural world.
the original manufacturer (OEM) or audited partner
companies. As part of this, the used parts are Demand for the MAN Genuine Parts ecoline range
carefully tested and cleaned and all wearing parts of spare parts is rising dramatically. To ensure we
are replaced. can provide an efficient service, we are constantly
expanding our portfolio of returned parts.
This intensive remanufacturing means that the
quality of MAN Genuine Parts ecoline corresponds
to the first-rate quality of a new MAN Genuine Part.
It goes without saying that you therefore also receive
the same warranty as for a new MAN Genuine Part.
Our ecoline portfolio for MAN engines
1 Engine
Turbo charger, crankshaft, engine/short-block, flywheel, cylinder head
2 Electrical system
Alternator, starter motor
3 Fuel/exhaust gas
CR injector, injection pump
A solution-oriented approach even after
your purchase.
MAN Genuine Engine Overhaul Kits.
As a customer, you place the highest demands With our MAN Genuine Engine Overhaul Kits we of-
on MAN engines. After all, the robust, compact fer you the ideal solution, perfectly tailored to the
engines have to work reliably round the clock. repair work needed on your engine!
Economical operation over the life cycle of the
MAN engine is therefore essential. Your benefits at a glance
for a ailable
Customised. For your engine too. v
gas ariety o
engi f
All the right parts in the perfect package. nes
To repair your engine, you need a different set of parts depending on the mileage. We make the choice
easy for you with our two engine overhaul kits in sizes M and L, containing all the relevant parts. For natu-
rally aspirated engines we offer you a universal overhaul kit, which contains the same parts as the size M kit.
➜ Overhaul of your MAN engine by: ➜O verhaul of your MAN engine by:
nnEngine Pistons nnEngine Overhaul Kit M
E0834 E302 x
E0836 E302 x
E0836 LE202 x x
E2876 E312 x
E2876 LE302 x x
E2848 LE322 x x
E2842 LE202 x x
E2842 LE322 x x
E2842 E312 x
* Additional kits are currently being prepared
** The universal kit contains the same as the Engine Overhaul Kit M
Always there for you.
MAN Service.
n H
igh customer orientation at all MAN service
points Are you interested in our services?
n H
ighly competent service staff subject to Our Service Advisors will be happy to
ongoing professional development through help. When searching for your local
training on the subject of overhauling and MAN service outlet, you can make use
servicing MAN engines of the online MAN Dealership Search
n T
echnologically sophisticated MAN special tools at www.man.eu.
n D
esignated MAN support points in your region
that are specialised in overhauling MAN engines
can be located using the support point search
function under “Engine Overhaul Kit”
Because we think globally.
MAN parts availability.
Rigorous testing:
the MAN Engine Academy.
The best way to demonstrate the power of an en-
gine is in real operation. At the MAN Engine Acad-
emy in Nuremberg, you can see our impressive
engine expertise for yourself. This 1,100 m² facility
is home to a host of practical service and customer
training sessions. The highlight is our innovative
training test bench on which two engines at a time
can be operated under realistic conditions.
The quickest way to find out more:
All information on our products and services, etc. can be found on our website. Experience the MAN brand
interactively and at first hand.