Film Direction2017

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FTI ENTRANCE EXAMINATION—2017 & anfteew weer oMe2017 FILM COURSE (PAPER-II) fron creamy (da) ENTRANCE TEST FOR ADMISSION TO THREE YEAR P. G. DIPLOMA COURSE IN FILM WITH DIRECTION AND SCREENPLAY WRITING AS SPECIALIZATION fron 4 Préert oie cea cee fesivsrer & are ds ala Gramtay safer reara F wader oq wer wer SECTION-I : GENERAL KNOWLEDGE (20 MARKS) ATT: TTT BT (20 Sie) SECTION-II : GENERAL DESCRIPTIVE (30 MARKS) AREAL | ATTY TORT (30 sia, SECTION-II : SPECIFIC AREA (50 MARKS) ‘UPT-LL : fafire aa (60 sie) Time : 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. (03 hours) [Total Marks: 100 rT: AE 10 TTA AIET 1 aH (09 HZ) Lysis: 100 SECTION MARKS SIECTION—1(20 MARKS) SECTION—1i (30 MARKS) SECTION—III (50 MARKS} TOTAL—(THTH111)= 100 MARKS, Seat Number : he dae Examination Centre : afta Signature of Invigilator : Pitan reer: [Darn over 1 recA BIT @) Mark / GENERAL KNOWLEDGE EL: HAE ST 20 Note : (i) Write only the corresponding letter of the eorvect answer (a), (b), (e) o (d) in the bracket provided against each question. Do not reproduce the text in the answer. (ii) All questions carry 1 mark cach. Sr: G) ude wet a aR eat wa crew | wel sae a aha ca), ea, 1) sea (a) PRAY 1 eae F frm a Re Gi) wed vey fry yar oe B J. Who among the following wrote the song “How many roads must a man walk down before you call him a man” ? (a) Paut Simon (b) Jerry Garcia (c) Bob Dylan (d) John Lenon. {3 Prefafaa Aa fre ue ait fea & 2 “How many roads must a man walk down before you call him a man” (a) diet arg (Ce) Shaffer ( dia fear via oa 2. Which part of India is associated with the well known singing style called Mann or Maand ? (a) Gujrat (h) Rajasthan (c) Madhya Pradesh (¢) Uttarakhand ( ’ are tr ater apr afer ay ge, GR AM wT Aes ET AAT ey @ ERT (@ TIRE @ aa ate eh Sas 3, Slanko Atikal, the supposed writer of famous Tamil epic Cilappatikaram, was from which religious community 2? (a) Shaivite {b) Vaishnavite (e} Buddhist (@) dain ‘ ) apie ate anor frenfeee o cae ant ama wat afew fret aiff apna a 2 cm) da dere oy ae () 9A 4. Which is the language Vidyapati wrote in ? (a) Bhojpuri (b) Hindi (ec) Maithili (d) Santhali ¢ ) foeraft far caer 4 fered a7 (mA ey RA omy Afra (&) sent [Purr over 1 TacaR BRE @ Mark / 5. Which of the following is the first Assamese film made in 1935 by Prasad Agarwal ? {a) Joymoti (b) Manomati 4c) Rupahi id) Sandhya Raag « + SAR ETE oom ger wT 1935 A wan ae) owe reer fre Peete 4a abit 27 ott et) tet my) are (ay dea eA 6. ‘A Corner of A Foreign Field’ by Ram Chandra Guha is about which sport? (a) Kabaddi tb) Cricket {c) Hocky (d) Golf ) WHORE TE ERT ePha “or ork sith or rel fies’ fer Aa a wae eo ) weet (a) free en Bre a) titer 7. Which of the following part of India does the folk theatre Pandavani belongs to? (2) Bikar (b) Uttar Pradesh (©) Hariyana (d} Chhattisgarh ) Prfeited # a site-new veh asa aa fre art wafers fo cH ferre a) THE Wee a than @) write 8 Who among the following ornithologist wrote ‘Fal! of A Sparrow’ ? (a) Humayun Abdulali (b) Salim Ali (©) Gopal Chandra Bhattacharya (4) Hugh Whistler > Prater Vad fa wall Ref A wien ofie of 28a a aan Pea cm gar sree & wea at Ch test wR NeeTaPl (a) eT Paw 9 The term ‘Vakrokti’ is aisociated with which field of knowledge ? (a) Kavyashastra (b) Ayurveda (©) Darsana (@) Shilpashastra i > ‘amir wa sm fea da a wafer o2 cm) wre ee sya cn ata om freq eer 10. Who among the following is related to Cinema Verite style of documentary film making ? (a) Robert Flaherty {b) Stephen Leakock (c) Werner Herzog (@) Jean Rouch ¢ ) th 12. 13, 4. a) Mark / saegist feet Pet at Rem aed wefoe Perfettrr A a wha cafe e (mH ted rest cet) oEhueer cfr on we ain or te Which of the following film is Om Prakash Puri’s debut feature film as an actor ? (a) Akrosh, (b) Godbuli (c) Arvind Desai ka Ajeeh Dastan (d) Ghasiram Kotwal ne) qe afro & sy 4 ste wor ge at ge olay firey Feafaiad ae ate Mee mH ante ea thee em arPre anf #1 apie area @) arehee wera Who among the following film makers is not seen as primarily associated with the use of ‘long take’ in cinema ? (a) Mikros Janseo tb) Akira Kurosawa (c) Theo Angelopolons (d) Chantal Akerman c ) Prefect 4 8 fa fier fat ot fren a ‘an te’ & sai & ay yea aise ah ter ore b> @) age Seat (@) ath get om) fiat ote (3) Hea ais Which of the following sculptor built the ‘Rock Garden’ of Chandigarh ? aj Le Corbusier (b} Nek Chand (i M,N, Sharma (@) Charles Correa (9 Reiter 8 fee yiters aoghTs wy ee and ara? (ch ohgtrey Hy Ae ee OG eat 8) wef wiftar “The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari’ directed by Robert Wiene is associated with which of the following film movement ? fa) French New Wave (b) Direct Cinema {c) Italian Neoreatism (@) German Expressionism ) iad aig get Péter og atte site Stee Sa Peer fer ro amd UY aaftrr & 7 @® ia ar (@) serve BRAT ey géfeer Pattafeor (FR eater . Who directed the Iranian film Shirin ? (2) Mazid Mazidi (b) Sameera Makhmalbaf (c} Abbas Kiarostami (d) Jagar Panahi ¢ } gaia dere fren PNT amr Pde Pet a Re > om aire aaa ea enter ere oh stare frrtreari cay ame ore [Turnover | mea efay 16. aq. 18. 19, 6) “Blue Period’ is associated with which of the following painters ? (a) Pablo Picasso tb) Henri Matisse (c) Paul Cezanne (d) Georges Braque frefatea 3 a ‘eq dikes fe Paar a eafad 27 (a) wet Preoret (ea) Gre Ret oD tie een (& sifohey Aen What is the meaning of the Arabie word ‘Suf from which the word ‘Sufi? appears to be originated from ? fa) Tree (b} Wool {c) Leaves (a) Barth ord wer “aR ar a oat 8, But qut we al wen what een &? aw (a) SF oy om fret ‘The documentary film “The Inner Bye’ by Satyajit Ray is based on which of the following Indian painter ? (a) damini Roy (b) Nandalal Bose (©) Mukul Do (d) Benode Behari Mukhopadhyay ‘wa vo ot staph guia) fret gar ant Refefua 4 8 fea RoR wy sata & 2 (& SPH wa Fae ae oy yas (a) fare eer gerorexa Who among the following wrote the book ‘Guru Dutt : Teen Anki Shokantika’ in Marathi ? (a} Arun Khopkar (b} Vijay Tendulkar (c) Bhalchandra Nemade (d) Satish Alekar Prati a fier ond gare “qies : ate sigh ateifrer fiat > aR heme (oy fae Agee eas Ts (8) wate) aAtekee Who among the following has conceptualised ‘Database Cinema and ‘Soft Cinema’ as significant audio-visual forms of future in the process of emargence ? (a) Lev Manovich (b) Steven Shaviro (c) Donna Haraway (d) Veiran Sobechack Frafefts 4S arguia aR ara Process of emergence) Wr wll AERA agg ec) @ wabaa stents Rea aM vive Rear A) saws Pasi & (@ do aria cen eters erdiet cy Sry area cm dea atta Mark / m Mark / SECTION-II : GENERAL DESCRIPTIVE rt 1D: are ahaa 1. Write 4 critical note on any one of the following iasues 2 Preis fouel a a fied ear fama ue onelerorw feu feifeae (a) Use and signifieance of songs as a part of narrative in Indian Cinema. (@) ane NA Gara (narratives ® ya wrt wee A Nd) wl Sw ed ARTY 30 (b) Contribution of Bhakti-poete in forming the secular consciousness. (a) et Priore a fet a afr eal we thre | (ce) The phenomenon of installation art in India. 1) wie A em WET TEM (d) New wave in Indian Cinema in 60's and 70's. 60 ae 70% emma ane fem wag cee (e) The emergence of Asian Cinema during Jast two decades. cH frod et emeh F ofrag Rete a urgaia () Changing face of Regional Cinema in post-globalised India. (8) TELaRH PT @ost Global) HRA A Ata Real wT azo KARA (g) Indian English Literature. media orth eae th) Role of multiplex in reshaping the course of popular cinema in India. (a) ake a sto RAM A er aw ga onal, 2A awed A ghar [urn over | weeme Bey U0) Mark . Choose any one of the image below and answer the questions related to that. SAR) ARS oT PaeAl ew Pr at aay sike GA TERA geal see AMA | is (a) In the above photograph (taken in 2008 near the river bank of Tungabhadra in Anogundi, (Karnataks) one ean notice a series of idols of snake-deities while some local people are seen washing clothes heside the river. (ay sealed Draa Gh sete, ikem A dirs aid) ae & Pre we 2008 A Rear ara any eid Secu Bh fie eat ar wed 8 wg Pe BU See aT A ae Ro eee ait we Rang Eee | (i) Comment on the layering natural and cultural clements in terms of spatialising 10 and temporality as can be read from various elements of the photograph, long with their compositional relations fo Skene] BML aed) Bafa valle gd eA erRMUPS a wa A ARETE ure aan wight arch wr wih Crna, waa a] ae Run) ak | (i) Comment how this image can be comprehended ass part of the contemporary — 8 reulity of 21st century post-globstised hyper-mediated world @ Ruel al WB ad] wat aediaey w vad al wAAa fea ot wT andladt & wi A sa fr ol Ba von Quast ul waa a? OR / sex ta) Above is a black and white photograph, “Hyde Park in the Grey Drizzle”, London, 1937 by Henri Cartior Bresson. Me 137 A aah eRe del ae) eT A fle rer suf ores “ees wh wt = te Rise.” (i) What are the compositional clements that caught your attention and why ? () A ER SeeETETH Tew Gin @ GT aval omepttiy awd faite wil > (ii) Hew do the various elements like the composition, light, framing ete. affect the mood of the photograph ? (i) Roe were ART He! (elements) SR serT, TET CATE), BT AMS, aie Wieimty vrata walt el yatir wd ee Gil) What does the picture tell you about the photographer's attitude and point of view ? cay ama ART ats wre Var waren a Hy ate efRewsler a Fae A were Re [ure cen J tote QL 6) SECTION-IIl : SPECIFIC AREA. APTI : fstrat er at Answer ~ sar afig | Question No. 1 OR Question No. 2 AND. Question No. 8 OR Question No. 4 Read carefully the following two stories. Rriase et aera et enrghe fey | Story-I : Kannada Oral tale A housewife knew a story. She also knew a song, But she kept them to herself, never told anyone the story or sany the song Imprisioned within her, the story and the song were feeling choked. She wanted release, wanted to run away. One day when she was sleeping with her mouth open, the story eseaped, fell out. of her, took the shape of a pair of shoes aod sat out side the house. The song also escaped, took the shape of something ike a man’s coat, and hung on @ peg. ‘The woman's husband came home, looked at the coat and shoes, and asked her, “Who is visiting ?” “No one”, She said. “But whose coat and shoes are these?” “I don’t know”, she replied. He wasn't satisfied with the answer. He was suspicious. Their conversation was unpleasant. The unpleasantness lead to a quarrel. The husband flew into a rage, picked up his blanket and went to the Monkey God’s temple to sleep. The woman didn’t understand what was happening. She lay down alone that night. She asked the same queation over and over : “Whose coat and shoes are these?” Baffled and unhappy, she put out the lamp and went to sleep, All the lamp flames of the tows, once they were put out, used to come to the Monkey God's tomple and spend the night there, gossiping. On this night, all the lamps of the houses were represented there-all except one, which came late. ‘The others asked the late comer, “why are you so late to night ?” “At our house, the couple quarreted late into the night,” said the ame. “Why did they quarrel 2” “When the husband wasn’t home, a pair of shoes came into the verandah, and a man’s coat somehow got onto a peg. The husband asked her whose they were? ‘The wife said she didn’t know. So they quarelled. “Where did the coat, and shoes come from ?” ‘The lady of the house knows a story and a song. She never tells the story, and hhas never sung the song to anyone. The story and the song suffocated inside : so they got out and have turned into a coat and a pair of shoes. They took revenge, ‘The women doesn’t even know.” ‘The husband, lying under the blanket in the temple, heared the Jamp's explanation, His suspicions were cleared. When he went home, it was dawn, He asked his wiffe about her story and her song. But she had forgotten both of them. “What story, what song?” she said. Mark / 50 30 az Mark / wert ee ye oo ew aa Ah) see oT Ge tha Ah aT] BT ow oe ond ure fours

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