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SUNTRACK Network Control Unit PC Software Manual.


- Self Powered PV Network Control Unit with single gateway

- Self Powered PV Network Control Unit with double gateway
- Single Line Zigbee Network Control Unit with single gateway
- Single Line Zigbee Network Control Unit with double gateway
- Single Line RS485 Network Control Unit with single gateway
- Single Line RS485 Network Control Unit with double gateway.

Most of the manual applies to all of the NCU models, but some particular
sections apply just to Zigbee models, or RS485 modes. Other sections apply just to
selfpowered models or single lines models. Some settings are also different for single or
double gateway versions.



A 2016-10-21 First review


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1.- FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION ...................................................................................... 11

1.1.- TRACKER CONTROLLER MONITORIZATION ...................................................................................... 12

1.2.- TRACKER CONTROLLER GROUP CONFIGURATION ......................................................................... 13

1.3.- CLEANING POSITIONS ........................................................................................................................... 13

1.4.- WIND ALARM MANAGEMENT ............................................................................................................... 14

1.5.- SNOW ALARM MANAGEMENT .............................................................................................................. 16

1.6.- TIME SYNCHRONIZATION ...................................................................................................................... 17

2.- CONNECTION............................................................................................................... 20

2.1.- NCU CONNECTION ................................................................................................................................. 21

2.2.- TCU & RSU CONNECTION...................................................................................................................... 23

3.- MONITORING SW SETUP ............................................................................................ 25

4.- MONITORING SW OPERATION .................................................................................. 28

4.1.- SUNTRACK .............................................................................................................................................. 28

4.2.- STATUS .................................................................................................................................................... 29

4.2.1.- Gw 1 Communication Alarm....................................................................................................... 29
4.2.2.- Gw 2 Communication Alarm....................................................................................................... 30
4.2.3.- Time not set.................................................................................................................................. 30
4.2.4.- Power fault ................................................................................................................................... 30
4.2.5.- Bad Configuration ....................................................................................................................... 30
4.2.6.- Link Status ................................................................................................................................... 30
4.2.7.- Sw Update .................................................................................................................................... 31

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4.2.8.- Product Id ..................................................................................................................................... 31

4.2.9.- RSU Com Alarms ......................................................................................................................... 31
4.2.10.- Ext NCU Com Alarms ................................................................................................................ 31

4.3.- CONFIGURATION .................................................................................................................................... 32

4.3.1.- NCU IP Address ............................................................................................................................... 33
4.3.2.- Gw 1 IP Address ............................................................................................................................... 34
4.3.3.- Gw 2 IP Address ............................................................................................................................... 34
4.3.4.- Net Mask ........................................................................................................................................... 34
4.3.5.- Router IP Address ............................................................................................................................ 35
4.3.6.- SNTP IP Address .............................................................................................................................. 36
4.3.7.- SNTP sync period ............................................................................................................................ 36
4.3.8.- Port numbers .................................................................................................................................... 36
4.3.9.- External NCUs .................................................................................................................................. 37

4.4.- INSTALLATION ........................................................................................................................................ 38

4.4.1.- Gw Quantity ...................................................................................................................................... 40
4.4.2.- Gw 1 TCU Quantity .......................................................................................................................... 40
4.4.3.- Gw 1 Starting Address .................................................................................................................... 40
4.4.4.- Gw 2 TCU Quantity .......................................................................................................................... 40
4.4.5.- Gw 2 Starting Address .................................................................................................................... 40
4.4.6.- Group Quantity ................................................................................................................................. 41
4.4.7.- Group X TCU .................................................................................................................................... 41
4.4.8.- Group X RSU .................................................................................................................................... 41
4.4.9.- RSU X Address ................................................................................................................................. 41
4.4.10.- RSU X Gw Idx ................................................................................................................................. 42

4.5.- DATE/TIME ............................................................................................................................................... 43

4.5.1.- Synchronization Period ................................................................................................................... 43
4.5.2.- Sync Network ................................................................................................................................... 43
4.5.3.- Manual Time Change ....................................................................................................................... 44

4.6.- REGISTER WRITING ............................................................................................................................... 45

4.6.1.- Register Address ............................................................................................................................. 45
4.6.2.- Register Data 1 ................................................................................................................................. 45
4.6.3.- Register Data 2 ................................................................................................................................. 46

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4.6.4.- Data Length ...................................................................................................................................... 46

4.7.- WIND/SNOW/CLEANING CONFIG .......................................................................................................... 47

4.7.1.- Wind Positions ................................................................................................................................. 47
4.7.2.- Snow Positions ................................................................................................................................ 47
4.7.3.- Cleaning Positions ........................................................................................................................... 48
4.7.4.- Parameter Update ............................................................................................................................ 48
4.7.5.- Manual Requests ............................................................................................................................. 48
4.7.6.- Safe Pos Contro Disable ................................................................................................................. 48

4.8.- WIND/SNOW/CLEANING STATUS ......................................................................................................... 49

4.8.1.- Wind Speed....................................................................................................................................... 49
4.8.2.- Snow Level ....................................................................................................................................... 49
4.8.3.- Wind Alarms ..................................................................................................................................... 49
4.8.4.- Snow Alarms .................................................................................................................................... 50
4.8.5.- Group Cleaning ................................................................................................................................ 50
4.8.6.- External Wind Alarms ...................................................................................................................... 50

4.9.- AUTO/MANUAL ........................................................................................................................................ 51

4.9.1.- Auto/Manual...................................................................................................................................... 51

4.10.- TCU Data ................................................................................................................................................ 52

4.10.1.- Selfpowered TCU Data .................................................................................................................. 53
4.10.2.- Single Line TCU Data..................................................................................................................... 55

5.- ZIGBEE GATEWAY CONFIGURATION ....................................................................... 57

5.1.- NETWORK PARAMETERS...................................................................................................................... 58

5.2.- XBEE NETWORK ..................................................................................................................................... 59

5.3.- MODBUS SERVER ................................................................................................................................... 60

6.- RS485 GATEWAY CONFIGURATION ......................................................................... 63

6.1.- NETWORK CONFIGURATION ................................................................................................................ 65


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6.2.- MODBUS ADDRESS ASIGNATION ........................................................................................................ 66

7.- TRADEMARKS ............................................................................................................. 67


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FIGURE 1.- SITE CONTROL ELEMENTS (ZIGBEE) ..................................................................... 11
FIGURE 2.- SITE CONTROL ELEMENTS (RS485) ....................................................................... 12
FIGURE 3.- CLEANING POSITION ............................................................................................... 14
FIGURE 4.- WIND ALARM ............................................................................................................ 15
FIGURE 5.- SNOW ALARM ........................................................................................................... 16
FIGURE 6.- ZIGBEE ...................................................................................................................... 17
FIGURE 7.- ZIGBEE NETWORK ELEMENTS ............................................................................... 18
FIGURE 8.- DIFFERENT ZIGBEE NETWORKS ............................................................................ 18
FIGURE 9.- SWITCH ..................................................................................................................... 20
FIGURE 10.- NCU CONNECTION ................................................................................................. 21
FIGURE 11.- NCU CONNECTION ................................................................................................. 22
FIGURE 12.- TCU CONNECTION (ZIGBEE GATEWAY) .............................................................. 23
FIGURE 13.- TCU CONNECTION (RS485 GATEWAY) ................................................................ 23
FIGURE 14.- TCU OR RSU CONNECTION .................................................................................. 24
FIGURE 16.- LANGUAGE SELECTION ........................................................................................ 25
FIGURE 17.-ADITIONAL TASKS ................................................................................................... 25
FIGURE 18.-INSTALLATION SUMMARY ...................................................................................... 26
FIGURE 19.-INSTALLATION PROCESS ....................................................................................... 26
FIGURE 20.-INSTALLATION COMPLETED .................................................................................. 27
FIGURE 21.-SUNTRACK MODBUS MASTER .............................................................................. 27
FIGURE 22.- SUNTRACK.............................................................................................................. 28
FIGURE 23.- STATUS/ALARMS .................................................................................................... 29
FIGURE 24.- NETWORK CONFIGURATION ................................................................................ 32
FIGURE 25.- NCU IP ADDRESS MODIFICATION ........................................................................ 33
FIGURE 26.- SAVE DATA ............................................................................................................. 33
FIGURE 27.- NCU NETMASK MODIFICATION ............................................................................. 35
FIGURE 28.- NCU ROUTER MODIFICATION ............................................................................... 35
FIGURE 29.- PORT NUMBERS..................................................................................................... 36
FIGURE 30.- EXTERNAL NCUS ................................................................................................... 37

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FIGURE 31.- INSTALLATION ........................................................................................................ 39

FIGURE 32.- DATE/TIME .............................................................................................................. 43
FIGURE 33.- MANUAL TIME CHANGE ......................................................................................... 44
FIGURE 34.- REGISTER WRITING ............................................................................................... 45
FIGURE 35.- WIND/SNOW/CLEANING CONFIG .......................................................................... 47
FIGURE 36.- WIND/SNOW/CLEANING STATUS .......................................................................... 49
FIGURE 37.- AUTO/MANUAL........................................................................................................ 51
FIGURE 38.- SELFPOWERED TCU DATA .................................................................................. 52
FIGURE 39.- SINGLE LINE TCU DATA........................................................................................ 53
FIGURE 40.- SELFPOWERED TCU DATA .................................................................................. 54
FIGURE 41.- DESCRIPTION DISPLAY SELFPOWERED ............................................................. 54
FIGURE 42.- SINGLE LINE TCU DATA........................................................................................ 55
FIGURE 43.- DESCRIPTION DISPLAY SINGLE LINE .................................................................. 56
FIGURE 44.- CONNECTPORT HOME PAGE ............................................................................... 57
FIGURE 45.- NETWORK CONFIGURATION SELECTION ........................................................... 58
FIGURE 46.- NETWORK CONFIGURATION ................................................................................ 59
FIGURE 47.- XBEE NETWORK..................................................................................................... 60
FIGURE 48.- AUTO-START SETTINGS ........................................................................................ 61
FIGURE 49.- UPLOAD MBTABLE.DAT ......................................................................................... 62
FIGURE 50.- GATEWAY SEARCH ................................................................................................ 63
FIGURE 51.- GATEWAY SELECTION .......................................................................................... 64
FIGURE 52.- GATEWAY CONFIGURATION ................................................................................. 64
FIGURE 53.- MGATE MANAGER NETWORK CONFIGURATION ................................................ 65
FIGURE 54.- PORT MOBBUD ADDRESS RANGE ASIGNATION ................................................ 66

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TABLE 1.- GLOSSARY .................................................................................................................. 10



TCU Tracker Control Unit

RSU Remote Sensor Unit

NCU Network Control Unit

Sw Software

Hw Hardware

Table 1.- Glossary


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The Network Control Unit (NCU) is a supervisor element installed to monitor and
coordinate groups of Tracker Controller Units (TCU) and some Remote Sensor Units
TCUs control tracker operation and can detect some alarms like blocking
conditions or low battery conditions (in case of self powered), but they cannot detect wind
or snow risky situations. RSUs measure wind speed and snow depth so they can be
configured to detect wind or snow alarms. The NCU is the element that coordinates RSUs
and TCUs. It monitors all relevant data from all of them, and it manages wind and snow
alarms by sending safe position requests to all the affected TCUs.
Each NCU can control up to 10 RSUs and 128 TCUs in a single gateway version,
or up to 224 TCUs.

Figure 1.- Site Control elements (Zigbee)


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Figure 2.- Site Control elements (RS485)


The NCU concentrates the summary data of all the TCUs connected to it. This
summary data contains:
- Actual operation mode of TCU (Auto, Manual or Off Mode)
- Actual position of TCU
- Target position of TCU (sun position during day, if no safe position request is
- Motor current
- Sleep Mode (just in selfpowered models)
- Battery Charge (just in selfpowered models)
- Alarms:
o Axis Blocked

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o Low speed
o Overcurrent
o Battery related alarms (just in selfpowered models)


For coordination purposes the NCU can divide the TCUs connected to it into
different groups. For cleaning purposes, for example, it can be interesting to just move a
certain number of TCUs to a fixed position instead of moving all of them.
For wind alarm actuation it is also possible that the different groups of TCUs
receive the request to stow depending on different RSU alarms. For each group it is
possible to assign a RSU or not. If no specific RSU is assigned to the group, the TCUs in
this group will receive the request to stow if any RSU detects an alarm condition.


Making use of one of the safe positions, the NCU can request groups of TCUs to
move to corresponding cleaning positions.
Some on-off switches can be found inside the NCU cabinet. Each one is related to
a group of TCUs. When the NCU detects that one or various switches are turned on, it
sends the Safe Position 4 Request to the corresponding group of TCUs.

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Figure 3.- Cleaning Position

When the switches are turned off, the NCU eliminates the Safe Position Request.
The TCUs go back to tracking if the minimum time for Safe Position 4 has elapsed.


When a RSU detects a wind alarm condition the NCU sends the Safe Position 1
Request to the corresponding TCUs or to all the TCUs, depending on the configuration.
When the TCUs receive the safe position request, they move the tracker to the position
previously configured for Safe Position 1.

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Figure 4.- Wind alarm

When the alarm is deactivated in the RSU, the NCU eliminates the Safe Position
Request. The TCUs go back to tracking if the minimum time for Safe Position 1 has
Each NCU can also communicate with other NCUs to get their wind alarm information. This
way it is possible for a NCU without associated RSU to get wind alarms information from
other RSUs connected to other NCUs.

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When a RSU detects a snow alarm condition the NCU sends the Safe Position 3
Request to all the TCUs.
When the TCUs receive the safe position request, they move the tracker to the
position previously configured for Safe Position 3.

Figure 5.- Snow alarm

When the alarm is deactivated in the RSU, the NCU eliminates the Safe Position
Request. The TCUs go back to tracking if the minimum time for Safe Position 3 has

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The NCU synchronises the date/time in all the TCUs assigned to it. It sends its
actual date/time so it is important to synchronize the NCU before. A NTP (Network Time
Protocol) server can be configured at the NCU so that it synchronises its date/time


In case Zigbee communication interface is used in the site, it is necessary to

establish a Zigbee network. This section contains a basic summary about Zigbee networks.

Figure 6.- Zigbee

Zigbee is a wireless communication protocol that uses the same frequency band as
WiFi or Bluetooth. But apart of being less expensive, it has some particularities that make it
more suitable nowadays for industrial applications.
A Zigbee network is a mesh network. This means that all or some of the elements
in the network can act as repeaters, so two elements on the same network do not need to
have lign of sight to communicate, as they can use intermediate elements as repeaters.
There are 3 types of elements in a Zigbee network: routers, end-devices and a
coordinator. There can be several routers or end-devices in a network, but only one

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Figure 7.- Zigbee network elements

The coordinator is the element that creates the Zigbee network. This network has
a network identifier called PAN ID (Personal Area Network Identifier). Routers and end-
devices can join a Zigbee network but they can’t create it. The difference between these
two types of elements is that routers are always active and can act as repeates while end-
devices have sleep periods and can’t act as repeaters. If there are more than one Zigbee
network available (more than one coordinator around), routers and end-devices can join
just one of the networks. If no specific network is assigned to them, they can join a different
network each time they power up. It is possible to configure these devices to join a specific
network, by indicating them the PAN ID of the desired network.

Figure 8.- Different Zigbee networks


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The TCUs and RSUs are routers inside the Zigbee network. No end-devices are
used. By themselves they can’t create a Zigbee network so they can’t establish any type of
communication. The NCU is the coordinator element, as it has a Zigbee gateway (or two in
double gateway versions) with a Zigbee coordinator module inside. In double gateway
NCUs there are two coordinators, so this means that there are two different networks. In
this case it is necessary to configure the TCUs with the desired PAN ID, so that they
connect to the desired gateway. In big sites, with more than one NCU, even they are single
gateway NCUs, it is also necessary to configure the TCUs with the correct PAN ID. Even if
there is just one NCU with just one Zigbee network it is recommendable to configure the
correct PAN ID in the TCUs and RSUs.

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The connection with the NCU is done using Ethernet interface. Inside the cabinet
there is an Ethernet switch where there are some available ports for external connection.

Figure 9.- Switch

The NCU makes use of a gateway to connect to the TCUs and the RSUs.
Depending on the interface type used in the site, the gateway inside the cabinet is different:
- Digi’s Zigbee gateway for Zigbee based sites.
- Moxa’s RS485 gateway for RS485 based sites.
The corresponding gateway can also be accessed through the Ethernet switch.
This way the user can connect individually to any of the TCUs or the RSUs. When more
than 100 TCUs are connected to one NCU it is necessary to make use of 2 gateways (NCU
with double gateway).

In order to connect to the NCU or to the gateways it is necessary to know their IP

NCU’s default IP address:
Gateway’s default IP address:
Second gateway’s IP address: (just for NCUs with double gateway)

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NCU monitoring software (described in 3. Monitoring Sw Setup and
4.Monitoring Sw Operation) can be used to connect to NCU.

Figure 10.- NCU Connection

Once the computer is connected to the switch, it is necessary to execute

monitoring Sw and select the “Communication” button in order to open the connection
configuration window (see Figure on next page). In this window it is necessary to enter the
NCU’s Ip address: The rest of the parameters do not need to be modified.
Communication is established when the “COMM enabled” button is pressed.
If connection is good, the “Communication” Text box shows the text “Ok”.
If wrong IP address is entered:
- “Connection Failed” window shows up after a timeout. There is no device with
specified IP address (and TCP port).
- “Read Error” is shown in the “Communication” Text box. There is a device with
specified IP address (connection was succesfull) but is not the correct one. For
example, if TCU monitoring software has been used to connect to NCU
(Modbus tables do not match).

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Figure 11.- NCU Connection


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It is also posible to use the gateway to make a remote connection to any TCU
or RSU on the network.

Figure 12.- TCU Connection (Zigbee gateway)

Figure 13.- TCU Connection (RS485 gateway)

The procedure is the same as the one for the NCU connection. But instead of
using the NCU monitoring software, the TCU or the RSU monitoring software must be used
and the configuration of the connection parameters is different.

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In this case the entered IP address is the one corresponding to the gateway: or (when there is a second gateway).
And it is necessary to specify the Modbus address of the desired device.

Figure 14.- TCU or RSU Connection


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Figure 15.-Installables for Selfpowered NCU and SingleLine NCU

Figure 16.- Language Selection

Figure 17.-Aditional Tasks


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Figure 18.-Installation summary

Figure 19.-Installation process


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Figure 20.-Installation Completed

Figure 21.-Suntrack Modbus Master


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This section describes the use of the user interface software for NCU monitoring
and configuration. Each section is described individually.


Figure 22.- Suntrack

The Suntrack product presentation screen.


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4.2.- STATUS

This screen shows a summary of the status of the NCU.

Figure 23.- Status/Alarms

4.2.1.- Gw 1 Communication Alarm

This alarm indicates communication failure with the ZigBee or RS485 gateway
inside the cabinet. It could be active in case the IP address of the converter has not been
correctly configured.

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4.2.2.- Gw 2 Communication Alarm

In case the NCU is a double gateway NCU, this alarm indicates communication
failure with the second ZigBee or RS485 gateway inside the cabinet. It could also be active
in case the IP address of the converter has not been correctly configured.

4.2.3.- Time not set

If the NCU has never managed to communicate with a SNTP server to get the date
and time data, this alarm is activated. Once the NCU gets this data, the alarm disappears.

4.2.4.- Power fault

In case a power fault occurs the NCU switches to battery operation and activates
this alarm.
4.2.5.- Bad Configuration
This alarm indicates that the configuration entered for the NCU (number of groups,
number of slaves/group…) is not correct. As it is going to be shown in the next screens, the
number of slaves in the site, the number of groups and other relevant information can be
modified. This alarm is activated if the number of groups and the number of slaves in the
groups do not match with the total amount of slaves.

More information about these settings can be found in 4.4.Installation

4.2.6.- Link Status

The Link Down indicator is activated when the Ethernet connection fails, for
example when the cable is disconnected. In order to reset the indicator the Reset button
below the indicator has to be pressed.

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4.2.7.- Sw Update
When a remote firmware update to the NCU is performed, the indicator New Sw
available is activated and it needs to be reset in order to install the new firmware. This can
be done pressing the Reset/Install button below the indicator. There are configuration
changes that also need a reset in order to be applied.

4.2.8.- Product Id
The hardware and software identifiers of the NCU. The software identifier is used
for revision control.

4.2.9.- RSU Com Alarms

These alarm indicators show the RSU communication failures. If RSUs are configured in
the NCU and it does not manage to communicate with any of them the corresponding
alarm indicators are activated.

4.2.10.- Ext NCU Com Alarms

In case the NCU has external NCUs configurated (in order to get their wind alarm
information), these indicators show communication problems with them.

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This screen allows the user to change the network configuration of the NCU. It
shows the IP addresses of the gateways inside the NCU cabinet, but they are just for NCU
configuration. This means that this software does not modify them in the gateways. It
just configures the NCU so that it knows what IP addresses it has to acces in order to get
the TCU and RSU data.
For Zigbee versions the used gateway is the ConnectPort X2 - ZigBee from DIGI.
Its web interface must be accessed to change its IP address.
For RS485 version the used gateway is the MB3280 from Moxa.

Figure 24.- Network Configuration


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4.3.1.- NCU IP Address

IP address of the NCU. This is the IP address for the ModbusTCP connection with
the NCU. In order to change this address, the new value has to be entered, and the Restart
button must be pressed. At this moment the connection has to be reestablished with the
new IP address.

Figure 25.- NCU IP Address modification

To save the setting into non volatile memory the Save Data button must be
pressed. Otherwise, when the NCU is switched off, its IP address will be restored to the
previous one.

Figure 26.- Save Data


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4.3.2.- Gw 1 IP Address
The IP address of the gateway. This setting does not change the gateway IP
address. It just configures the IP address to which the NCU has to be connected in order
to get the tracker data. As mentioned before, to change the converter IP address its web
interface must be accessed. Its default IP address in the NCU is For RS485
NCU models Moxa’s MGate program can be used to configure the RS485 gateway.
The changes in this value do not need the Restart button to be pressed, but they
need to be saved in non volatile memory pressing the Save data button.
If this configuration does not match the converter Ip address configuration, the
NCU is not able to communicate with thegateway, and the Gw 1 Communication Alarm is
activated, as mentioned in 4.4.1

4.3.3.- Gw 2 IP Address
The IP address of the second gateway for double gateway NCU versions.Its configuration
is the same as Gw 1.

4.3.4.- Net Mask

The subnet mask for the NCU. The Restart button must be pressed so that the
NCU applies the entered new value and the Save Data button has to be pressed in order to
be stored in non volatile memory.

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Figure 27.- NCU Netmask modification


4.3.5.- Router IP Address

The IP address of the router that provides internet access. Changes in this setting
need the Restart button to be pressed in order to be applied, and the Save Data button has
to be pressed in order to be stored in non volatile memory.

Figure 28.- NCU Router modification


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4.3.6.- SNTP IP Address

The IP address of the SNTP server. The NCU connects to this server to get
accurate date/time information. The server can be a computer in the same LAN, or it could
be a SNTP server in the internet. For the second case, the Router IP address must be
configured correctly, and depending on the router configuration it might be possible to need
the port used for SNTP to be opened in the router. SNTP send and receive timestamps
using UDP on port number 123.
The changes in this value do not need the Restart button to be pressed, but they
need to be saved in non volatile memory pressing the Save data button.

4.3.7.- SNTP sync period

The period in minutes for the SNTP synchronization of the NCU.

4.3.8.- Port numbers

The TCP port for numbers for ModbusTCP connection in NCU, gateway and
second gateway.

Figure 29.- Port Numbers

When new values are entered for the TCP ports, the Save Data has to be pressed
and the system has to be restarted pressing the Reset/Install button in the Status Screen.
The sytem will reboot and the connection will have to be restarted with the new port

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4.3.9.- External NCUs

Each NCU reads the value of the RSU alarms from other NCUs. So the IP
addresses of the other NCUs must be configured, as well as their ModbusTCP port

Figure 30.- External NCUs

If the value of the register “External NCU Quantity” is set to “None”, the NCU will
not do any other NCU polling. But if this value is set to 1-10, it will poll that quantity of
NCUs. It will start from IP address of NCU 1, and it will stop at IP address of NCU X
(X=“External NCU”). This NCU wind alarm scan is repeated every 10 seconds.

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This screen shows the information about the solar plan installation. The number of
trackers connected to the NCU and the group configuration can be changed. These
settings allow the use of the NCU in different sites, whenever the trackers to be
monitored are the same type. When the trackers are different, the NCU needs another
configuration to identify the type of tracker to be monitored. In this case it is necessary to
contact P4Q.

The NCU is prepared for one configuration said before hand, and for a
particular model of suntrack. If it is necessary to use the NCU with other
controller is necessary to reconfigurate the NCU. The internal Modbus
map changes depend on the model tracker.

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The NCU needs to be reset to apply the modifications made in this screen. Before
the reset it is necessary to save the new data in non volatile memory. The procedure is the

- Modify the settings.

- Press the Save Data button.

- Press the Reset/Install button in the Status screen.

Figure 31.- Installation


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4.4.1.- Gw Quantity
Gateway quantity can be 1 or 2, depending on the NCU model. Double
gateway NCUs are used when more than 100 TCUs need to be monitored and control with
a single NCU.

4.4.2.- Gw 1 TCU Quantity

The number of TCUs connected to gateway.

4.4.3.- Gw 1 Starting Address

Modbus slave address of the first of the TCUs connected to the gateway (lowest
Modbus address).
TCU Modbus slave addressing must be done consecutively, so that the NCU
can scan them consecutively.

4.4.4.- Gw 2 TCU Quantity

The number of TCUs connected to the second gateway (just for double gateway

4.4.5.- Gw 2 Starting Address

Modbus slave address of the first of the TCUs connected to the second gateway
(lowest Modbus address).
It is recommended that these addresses are different from the ones in
gateway 1.

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4.4.6.- Group Quantity

The number of groups in the site. The total number of TCUs can be divided into
different groups. Group assignation is done consecutively in a similar way to Modbus
These groups are used with cleaning requests (it can also be useful for group
based wind stow request). The NCU has a switch inside the cabinet to send a cleaning
position request to a specific group. It has 8 switches, so at most 8 groups can be
configured. If just one group is configured, activating the first group switch all of the TCUs
will receive the cleaning position request.

4.4.7.- Group X TCU

These parameters configure the quantity assigned for each group, consecutively.

4.4.8.- Group X RSU

A different RSU can be assigned for each group, or it can be left with no specific
assignation (“Any”). If no specific RSU is assigned for the group, when any RSU detects an
alarm the NCU will send the corresponding safe position request to the group. If a specific
RSU is assigned to the group, the NCU will just send the safe position request when that
specific RSU detects an alarm.

4.4.9.- RSU X Address

The Modbus Address assigned to the RSU. Addresses must be left to 0 if no RSU
is configured.

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4.4.10.- RSU X Gw Idx

For double gateway NCU model, is it necessary to specify for each RSU which
gateway it is connected to (1 or 2). If the NCU has just one gateway, the gateway index is 1
for all the configured RSUs.

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The date and time of the NCU are shown in this screen.

Figure 32.- Date/Time

4.5.1.- Synchronization Period

This parameter sets the TCU synchronization period (hours). The NCU will
synchronizes the TCUs connected with its date/time.

4.5.2.- Sync Network

Pressing this button the synchronization is performed.

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4.5.3.- Manual Time Change

NCU can synchronize its own time/date with an NTP server. But if no server is
available time/date can be manually modified in this section. When “Change” button is
pressed, the entered new time/date is applied in the NCU and the Day/Time above should
change to the new one.

Figure 33.- Manual Time Change


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This screen shows the necessary information to perform a register writing request
in all the trackers connected to the NCU.

Figure 34.- Register writing

4.6.1.- Register Address

Address of the register to be written into all the trackers. When a value different to
0 is written here the writing process starts, so this value must be the last one to be
written. The register value and the data length must be prepared before.

4.6.2.- Register Data 1

It is the desired value for the register in the trackers.

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4.6.3.- Register Data 2

In order to write two registers simultaneously (for example to write a float value in
the trackers), the value for the second register must be written here.

4.6.4.- Data Length

Number of registers to be written: 1 or 2.

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Figure 35.- Wind/Snow/Cleaning Config

4.7.1.- Wind Positions

These values configure the safety position for wind alarm for each TCU group.
These values are sent to the corresponding TCUs every time they are modified.

4.7.2.- Snow Positions

These values configure the safety position for snow alarm for each TCU group.
These values are sent to the corresponding TCUs every time they are modified.

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4.7.3.- Cleaning Positions

These values configure the safety position for cleaning for each TCU group. These
values are sent to the corresponding TCUs every time they are modified.

4.7.4.- Parameter Update

If this button is pressed the NCU sends the wind positions and the cleaning
positions to the trackers.

4.7.5.- Manual Requests

These checkboxes allow the user to move the TCU groups to wind, snow and
cleaning positions remotely.

4.7.6.- Safe Pos Contro Disable

The NCU controls the Safe Position Request in all the TCUs. If the user needs to
operate manually the Safe Position Request in some TCU, this button disables the Safe
Position Request control from the NCU so that it does not interfere with the values written
by the user.

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Figure 36.- Wind/Snow/Cleaning Status

4.8.1.- Wind Speed

These values show the wind speed measured in the RSUs.

4.8.2.- Snow Level

These values show the snow lever measured in the RSUs.

4.8.3.- Wind Alarms

These indicators are activated when the NCU reads from the RSUs that they
detected wind alarms.

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4.8.4.- Snow Alarms

These indicators are activated when the NCU reads from the RSUs that they
detected snow alarms.

4.8.5.- Group Cleaning

These indicators are activated when the switch of the corresponding cleaning
group is activated in the NCU cabinet.

4.8.6.- External Wind Alarms

The NCU now has the possibility to read the wind alarms from other NCUs. If this
feature is enabled in the “Configuration” tab, these indicators show the wind alarm
activation in the other NCUs.
Each NCU will send a safe position request if any of these wind alarm is active, or if
it detects a wind alarm of any of the weather stations connected to it.

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Figure 37.- Auto/Manual

4.9.1.- Auto/Manual
These buttons allow the user to send auto or manual requests to all the TCUs in
the corresponding groups.

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4.10.- TCU DATA

Shown data depends on the controlled TCU type. For selfpowered TCUs battery
charge and battery related alarms are displayed. For Single Line TCUs there is no data
related to battery.

Figure 38.- Selfpowered TCU Data


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Figure 39.- Single Line TCU Data

4.10.1.- Selfpowered TCU Data

Summary information read from each selfpowered TCU.

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Figure 40.- Selfpowered TCU Data

Refer to the TCU manual for more information about the shown data.
Placing the cursor on each of the controls, a description of the control is displayed.

Figure 41.- Description display Selfpowered


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4.10.2.- Single Line TCU Data

Summary information read from each Single Line TCU.

Figure 42.- Single Line TCU Data

Refer to the TCU manual for more information about the shown data.

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Placing the cursor on each of the controls, a description of the control is displayed.

Figure 43.- Description display Single Line


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Digi’s Connectport X2D gateway is used in Zigbee NCU models. Its configuration
can be modified using its web server. The default IP of the gateway is and for the second gatewy in case double gateway NCU is used. The PC that is
going to be used for the configuration must have a compatible IP address. This means that
both IP address must correspond to the same network. For example, if the Connecrpot’s IP
address is and its subnet mask is, the first 3 numbers of the
computer’s IP address must be the same: 192.168.0.XXX ( for example).
The configuration page can be accessed entering the IP address of the
Connectport in a web explorer.

Figure 44.- Connectport Home Page


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Network parameters can be modified selecting “Network” on the menu displayed on
the left.

Figure 45.- Network Configuration Selection


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The IP address of the Connectport can be modified in this page.

Figure 46.- Network Configuration


A list of Zigbee devices that have joined the Connectport Zigbee network is
visualized if the “Xbee Network” option on the menu is selected.

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Figure 47.- Xbee Network

The device named as coordinator corresponds to the Connectport. The rest of

devices such as routers or end devices (for Suntracks routers are used), are the devices
joining the network. The “Extended Address” shown for each device is its own Zigbee
Address. This address is used for the Modbus configuration as shown in the next section.


The Connectport offers a Modbus Server that can be configured in the Industrial
Automation section. But due to its slave quantity limitation P4Q has developed its own
Modbus Server for the Connectport using python programming language. P4Q’s Modbus

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Server is composed of a group of files that are uploaded into the Connectport, in the
Python section. The server is started when the Connectport is powered on. This is
configured in the Auto-start Settings inside the Python section.

Figure 48.- Auto-start Settings

This configuration is done in the P4Q office.

In order to get the Modbus Server working properly, it is necessary to configure the
Modbus addresses for the Zigbee devices. This is done in a text file called mbTable.dat,
and it is necessary to upload this file into the Connectport. If the Connectport already has a
file with that name, a new one can be uploaded to overwrite the old one. However, the
Connectport needs to be rebooted to start the Modbus Server with the new table.
The file content must be similar to this text:
1 0013A20040000001
2 0013A20040000002
3 0013A20040000003

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4 0013A20040000004

Each line establishes one relationship. The number on the left configures the
Modbus address for the number on the right that indicates the Zigbee address. For
example, Modbus requests with slave address 1 will be redirected to the device with Zigbee
address 0013A20040000001.

When the file in configured as desired it is necessary to upload it into the

Connectport. This process is done in the Python section. File must be selected and then
the Upload button must be pressed.

Figure 49.- Upload mbTable.dat

Once the address table is configured and the Connectport rebooted the gateway is
ready to access the devices. The connection can be done as shown in 4.2.- Suntrack
Tracker Communication, where the Modbus TCP connection is explained after the RS485

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Moxa’s MB3280 gateway is used in RS485 NCU models. Its configuration can be
modified using Moxa’s “MGate Manager” application. The default IP of the gateway is and for the second gatewy in case double gateway NCU is
used. The PC that is going to be used for the configuration must have a compatible IP
address. This means that both IP address must correspond to the same network. For
example, if the gateway’s IP address is and its subnet mask is, the first 3 numbers of the computer’s IP address must be the same:
192.168.0.XXX ( for example).
When MGate Manager is executed, the first step is to search for Moxa devices.
This is done when “Broadcast Search” is pressed.

Figure 50.- Gateway Search

If any gateway was found during the search procedure they are shown on the
application. By Double clicking on each device o by selecting the device and pressing
“Configuration” button, the application will show a new screen for its configuration.

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Figure 51.- Gateway Selection

Figure 52.- Gateway Configuration


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Moxa gateway’s network configuration can be modified using MGate Manager.

Figure 53.- MGate Manager Network Configuration


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This assignation is already done at manufacturing process, but it is explained in
case the user needs to modify it.
Moxa gateway needs to be configured with the Modbus slave address ranges
connected to each of its ports. This setting can be modified if necessary.

Figure 54.- Port Mobbud Address range asignation


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Suntrack © 2007. Reserves all rights.

All the products indicated in this manual are copyrighted and are distributed under licence
by P4Q Electronics S.L.

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