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The lab manual outlines experiments and procedures for general chemistry lab experiments. It includes introductions, objectives, procedures, and report sheets for 10 experiments. Safety precautions and proper lab techniques are emphasized.

The purpose of the lab manual is to provide guidance to students on performing chemistry experiments and collecting data in the lab. It aims to teach important analytical techniques and reinforce concepts from the general chemistry course.

The manual outlines important safety precautions that should be followed in the lab, including wearing protective equipment, knowing the locations of emergency equipment, and handling chemicals carefully. The instructor is a resource to ensure experiments are done safely.

CHE 1401

Name: ________________________

Section: ________________________



Last Update: 7 July 2015

Last update: June 2011 1

CHE 1401

Preface ii
To the student iii
Safety in the laboratory iv
Common laboratory equipment ix

Experiment 1:
Basic laboratory techniques [Relates to Chap. 1] 1

Experiment 2:
Identification of substances by physical properties [Relates to Chap. 1] 12

Experiment 3:
Separation of the components of a mixture [Relates to Chap. 1] 17

Experiment 4:
Chemical formulas [Relates to Chap. 3] 23

Experiment 5:
Chemical reactions [Relates to Chap. 3] 29

Experiment 6:
Vinegar analysis [Relates to Chap. 4] 36

Experiment 7:
Reactions in Aqueous Solutions [Relates to Chap. 4] 39

Experiment 8:
Analysis of bleach [Relates to Chap. 4] 47

Experiment 9:
Bomb calorimetry [Relates to Chap. 5] 53

Experiment 10:
Flame test [Relates to Chap. 6] 58

Appendix I 60
Appendix II 61
Appendix III 63

Lab Manual i
CHE 1401

Most students who take freshman chemistry are not planning for a career in this
discipline. As a result, the introductory chemistry course usually serves several
functions at various levels. It begins the training process for those who seek to
become chemists. It introduces non science students to chemistry as an important,
useful, and, we hope, interesting and rewarding part of their general education. This
manual has been prepared with these objectives in mind.

To assist the students, we have included review questions to be answered before the
experiments are begun. These are designed both to help the student understand the
experiment and as an incentive to read the experiment in advance. An effort has been
made to minimize the cost of the experiments. We have at the same time striven for a
broad representation of the essential principles while keeping in mind that many
students gain no other exposure to analytical techniques. Consequently, balances, pH
meters, and spectrophotometers are used in some of the experiments. A list of
necessary materials is given at the beginning of each experiment.

Each of the experiments contains a detachable report sheet at the end of each

Lab Manual ii
CHE 1401

To the Student
You are about to engage in what for most of you will be a unique experience. You are
going to collect experimental data on your own and use your reasoning powers to
draw logical conclusions about the meaning of these data. Your laboratory periods are
short, and in most instances, there will not be enough time to come to the laboratory
unaware of what you are to do, collect your experimental data, make conclusions
and/or calculations regarding them, clean up, and hand in your results. Thus, you
should read the experimental procedure in advance so that you can work in the lab
most efficiently.
After you’ve read through the experiment, try to answer the review questions we’ve
included at the end of each experiment. These questions will help you to understand
the experiment in advance.
Some of your experiments will also contain an element of danger. For this and other
reasons, your lab instructor is present to assist you. He is your friend. Treat him well
and above all don’t be afraid to ask him questions. Within reason, he will be glad to
help you.
Chemistry is an experimental science. The knowledge that has been accumulated
through previous experiments provides the basis for today’s chemistry courses. The
information now being gathered will form the basis of future courses. There are
basically two types of experiments that chemists conduct:
1 Qualitative – to determine the nature of processes, which are often
unanticipated and sometimes unpredictable.
2 Quantitative- to determine the amount of a measurable change in mass,
volume, or temperature, for example, including the time rate of change on
processes for which the qualitative data are already known.

It is much easier to appreciate and comprehend the science of Chemistry, if you

actually participate in experimentation. Although there are many descriptions of the
scientific method, the reasoning process involved is difficult to appreciate without
performing experiments. Invariably there are experimental difficulties encountered in
the laboratory that require care and patience to overcome. There are four objectives
for you, the student, in the laboratory:
1 To develop the skills necessary to obtain and evaluate a reliable original result.
2 To record your results for future use.
3 To be able to draw conclusions regarding your results (with the aid of some
coaching and reading in the beginning).
4 To learn to communicate your results critically and knowledgeably.

By attentively reading over the experiments in advance, and by carefully following

directions and working safely in the laboratory, you will be able to accomplish all
these objectives.

Best wishes for an error-free and accident-free term!

Lab Manual iii

CHE 1401


Safety in the laboratory must be emphasized. The compounds you will work with do have
some hazards associated with them. Therefore, it is important to follow the safety rules
outlined in this lab manual. You should assume that all compounds encountered in the
laboratory are toxic and handle them accordingly. Safety goggles for eye protection are
recommended and lab coats are to be worn by all students at all times when entering the
laboratory. Many chemicals, common in chemical laboratories, will make holes in clothing.
Always wash your hands thoroughly when leaving the laboratory. The location and use of the
safety equipment in laboratory were already discussed in CHE1401 and will be reminded by
your instructor the first day the laboratory class meets. You should become familiar with the
proper use of the safety shower, eye-wash fountain, fire blanket and fire extinguisher.

Report any accidents which occur immediately to the laboratory supervisor.

Safety rules to be strictly followed by all students:

1. Wear goggles when required.
2. Do not touch chemicals with your hands. Spatulas will be provided for handling solid
3. Do not eat or drink in the laboratory.
4. Do not taste any chemical.
5. Do not smell any chemicals directly. Use your fingers to waft the odor to your nose.
6. Do not pipet solutions by mouth. Rubber pipet bulbs are provided at each lab station.
7. Do not put flammable liquids near an open flame.
8. When heating a test tube, make certain that the open end of the tube is directed away from
the students.
9. When finished with your Bunsen Burner for a given portion of an experiment, turn it off.
10. Do not sit on the lab benches.
11. Do not engage in games in the laboratory. Failure to follow this rule will result in
immediate dismissal from the lab and subsequent conduct action.
12. Do not pour any chemicals into a sink without authorization from the instructor.
13. Notify your instructor if a mercury spill should occur.
14. All broken glassware should be cleaned up immediately. The instructor should be notified
of all breakage, especially if a thermometer is involved.
15. Do all reactions involving malodorous, noxious or dangerous chemicals in a fume hood.
16. If a chemical gets on your skin, immediately wash the affected area with large quantities
of water. The instructor should be notified; no matter how insignificant the incident might
17. When pouring one liquid into another, do so slowly and cautiously. To dilute an acid,
pour the acid into the water; never pour water into an acid.
18. No student shall be permitted to work alone in the lab, you should be supervised by a
laboratory instructor (or the lab technician during make up sessions).
19. Exercise good housekeeping practices in the laboratory. Be sure that the lab benches
remain free of disorder during the experiment. In the event of a spill, clean the area
immediately and be sure to use a wet sponge to wipe off the work station at the end of the
lab session.
20. Know what you have to do before entering the lab. Read the experiment carefully before
coming to the laboratory.

For more information, a booklet titled “Student’s Chemistry Laboratory Safety Manual”
will be provided to you in your first lab session. Please get acquainted with it.

Be cautious and think about what you are doing!

Lab Manual iv
CHE 1401

Safety rules

The laboratory can be but is not necessarily a dangerous place. When intelligent
precautions and a proper understanding of techniques are employed, the laboratory is
no more dangerous than any other classroom. Most of the precautions are just
common-sense practices. These include the following:

1. Wear approved eye protection when required while in the laboratory. Your safety
eye protection may be slightly different from that shown, but it must include
shatterproof lenses and side shields to provide protection from splashes.

Typical eyewash Approved eye protections

The laboratory has an eyewash fountain available for your use. In the event that a
chemical splashes near your eyes, you should use the fountain BEFORE THE
The eyewash has a "panic bar," which enables its easy activation in an emergency.

2. Eating, drinking, and smoking are strictly prohibited in the laboratory at all times
3. Know where to find and how to use safety and first-aid equipment.
4. Consider all chemicals to be hazardous unless you are instructed otherwise.
Dispose of chemicals as instructed by your instructor. Follow the explicit
instructions given in the experiments.
5 If chemicals come into contact with your skin or eyes, wash immediately with
copious amounts of water and then consult your laboratory instructor.
6. Wear shoes at all times. “Baboosh” shoes are not allowed in the laboratory.

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CHE 1401

6 Never taste anything. Never directly smell the source of any vapor or gas; instead,
by means of your cupped hand, bring a small sample to your nose (see figure
below). Chemicals are not to be used to obtain a "high" or clear your sinuses.

Wafting vapors towards one’s nose

8. Perform in the hood any reactions involving skin-irritating or dangerous chemicals

and/or ill-smelling chemicals. A typical fume exhaust hood is shown below.

Fume hood found in the laboratory

Exhaust hoods have fans to exhaust fumes out of the hood and away from the
user. The hood should be used when noxious, hazardous, and flammable
materials are being studied. It also has a shatterproof glass window, which
may be used as a shield to protect you from minor explosions. Reagents that
evolve toxic fumes are stored in the hood. Return these reagents to the hood
after their use.

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CHE 1401

9. Never point a test tube that you are heating at yourself or your neighbour. It may
erupt like a geyser.

Beware of spattering

10. Do not perform any unauthorised experiments.

11. Clean up all broken glassware immediately.
12. Always pour acids into water, not water into acid, because the heat of solution
will cause the water to boil and the acid to spatter.
13. Avoid rubbing your eyes unless you know that your hands are clean.
15 Many common reagents, for example, alcohols, acetone, and especially ether, are
highly flammable. Do not use them anywhere near open flames.
16. Observe all special precautions mentioned in
17. Learn the location of fire protection devices.
In the unlikely event that a large chemical
fire occurs, a powder extinguisher and a CO2
extinguisher are available in the lab.
In order to activate the extinguisher, you
must pull the metal safety ring from the
handle and then depress the handle. Direct
the output of the extinguisher at the base of
the flames. The carbon dioxide smothers
the flames and cools the flammable material Powder and CO2 extinguishers
quickly. If you use the fire extinguisher, be sure to return the extinguisher in at
the stockroom so that it can be refilled immediately. If the carbon dioxide
extinguisher does not extinguish the fire, evacuate the laboratory immediately
and call the security. One of the most frightening and potentially most serious
accidents is the ignition of one’s clothing. Therefore, certain types of clothing are
hazardous in the laboratory and must not be worn. Since sleeves are most likely
to come closest to flames, ANY CLOTHING THAT HAS BULKY OR LOOSE
students should wear laboratory coats with tightly fitting sleeves. Long hair also
presents a hazard and must be tied back. If a student's clothing or hair catches fire

Lab Manual vii

CHE 1401

his or her neighbours should take prompt action

to prevent severe burns. Most laboratories have a
water shower for such emergencies. A typical
laboratory emergency water shower has the
following appearance.
In case someone's clothing or hair is on fire,
immediately lead the person to the shower and
pull the metal ring. Safety showers generally
dump 151 to 190 litres of water, which should
extinguish the flames. These showers cannot be
shut off once the metal ring has been pulled.
Therefore, the shower cannot be demonstrated.
(Showers are checked for proper operation on a
regular basis, however.)
18. Whenever possible use hot plates instead of
Bunsen burners.

A safety shower

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Lab Manual xi
CHE 1401


Basic laboratory techniques

To learn the use of common, simple laboratory equipment.

Relates to chapter 1 of “Chemistry the Central Science, 12th Ed.”.


Balance Iron ring and ring stand
150-mL beaker Bunsen burner and hose
50- or 100-mL graduated cylinder Clamp
10-mL pipet Rubber bulb
25-mL Erlenmeyer flask Thermometer
125-mL Erlenmeyer flask

Chemistry is an experimental science. It depends upon careful observation and the use
of good laboratory techniques. In this experiment you will become familiar with some
basic operations that will help you throughout this course. Your success as well as
your safety in future experiments will depend upon your mastering these fundamental
Because every measurement made in the laboratory is really an approximation, it is
important that the numbers you record reflect the accuracy of the device you use to
make the measurement. Our system of weights and measures, the metric system, was
originally based mainly upon fundamental properties of one of the world's most
abundant substances, water. The system is summarized in Table 1.1. Conversions
within the metric system are quite simple once you have committed to memory the
meaning of the pre-fixes given in Table 1.2. Recently, scientists have started to use a
briefer version of the metric system of units in which the basic units for length, mass,
and time are the meter, the kilogram, and the second. This system of units, known as
the International System of Units, is commonly referred to as the SI system and is
preferred in scientific work. A comparison of some common SI, metric, and English
units is presented in Table 1.3. Conversions within the metric system are quite easy if
you remember the definitions for the prefixes and use dimensional analysis in problem

Lab Manual 1
CHE 1401

Table 1.1 Units of Measurement in the Metric System

Measurement Unit and definition
Mass or weight Gram (g) = weight of 1 cubic centimeter (cm3) of water at 4°C and 760
mm Hg
Mass = quantity of material
Weight = mass x gravitational force
Length Meter (m) =100 cm =1000 millimeters (mm) =39.37 in.
Volume Liter (L) =volume of 1 kilogram (kg) of H2O at 4° C
Temperature °C, measures heat intensity:
 o
 9 
F  32 or o F    o C   32
9 5 
Heat 1 calorie (cal), amount of heat required to raise 1 g of water 1°C
1 cal = 4.184 joules (J)
Density d, usually g/ml, for liquids and g/L for gases:
d = mass/unit volume
Specific gravity Sp gr, dimensionless
Sp gr = density of a substance/density of a reference substance

The quantities presented in Table1.1 are measured with the aid of various pieces of
apparatus. A brief description of some measuring devices follows.

Table 1.2 The Meaning of prefixes in the metric system

Prefix Meaning Abbreviation
(power of 10)
femto- 10-15 f
pico- 10 p
nano- 10-9 n
micro- 10-6 µ
milli- 10-3 m
centi- 10-2 c
deci- 10-1 d
kilo- 103 k
mega- 10 M
giga- 109 G
Table 1.3 Comparison of SI, Metric, and English Units
Physical quantity SI unit Some common Metric units Conversion factors
Length Meter (m) Meter (m) 1 m = 102 cm
Centimeter (cm) 1 m = 39,37 in.
1 in. = 2.54 cm
Volume Cubic Liter (L) 1 L = 103 cm3
Meter (m3) Milliliter (mL) * 1L = 10-3 m3
1L = 1.06 qt
Mass Kilogram (Kg) Gram (g) 1 kg = 103 g
Milligram (mg) 1 kg = 2.205 lb
1 lb = 453.6 g
Energy Joule (J) Calorie (cal) 1 cal = 4.184 J
Temperature Kelvin (k) Degree Celsius (°C) 0 K =- 273.15 °C
 o
F  32 
* A mL is the same volume as a cubic centimeter: 1 mL = 1 cm3

Lab Manual 2
CHE 1401

Laboratory Balance
A laboratory balance is used to obtain the mass of various objects. There are several
different varieties of balances, with various limits on their accuracy. Two of these
balances are pictured in Figure 1.1. Most modern laboratories possess single-pan
balances. These are the most accurate balances; generally, they are also the simplest
to use and are the most delicate and expensive. The amount of material to be weighed
and the accuracy required determine which balance you should use.

Figure 1.1 Digital electronic balances. The balance gives the mass directly when
an object to be weighed is placed on the pan.

Graduated Cylinders
Graduated cylinders are tall, cylindrical vessels with graduations
scribed along the side of the cylinder. Since volumes are
measured in these cylinders by measuring the height of a
column of liquid, it is critical that the cylinder has a uniform
diameter along its entire height. Obviously, a tall cylinder with a
small diameter will be more accurate than a short one with a
large diameter. A liter (L) is divided into milliliters (mL) such
that 1 mL = 0.001 L and 1 L = 1000 mL.
Graduated cylinder

Most thermometers are based upon the principle that liquids expand when heated.
Most common thermometers use mercury as the liquid. These thermometers are
constructed so that a uniform-diameter capillary tube surmounts a mercury reservoir.
To calibrate a thermometer, one defines two reference points, normally the freezing
point of water (0°C, 32°F) and the boiling point of water (100°C, 212°F) at 1 atm of
pressure (1 atm = 760 mm Hg). Once these points are marked on the capillary, its
length is then sub-divided into uniform divisions called degrees. There are 100°
between these two points on the Celsius, (°C, or centigrade) scale and 180° between
those two points on the Fahrenheit (°F) scale.

Lab Manual 3
CHE 1401

Pipets are glass vessels that are constructed and calibrated so as to deliver a precisely
known volume of liquid at a given temperature. The markings on the pipet illustrated
in Figure 1.2 signify that this pipet was calibrated To Deliver (TD) 10.00 mL of
liquid at 25°C. Always use a rubber bulb to fill a pipet. NEVER USE YOUR
MOUTH! A TD pipet should not be blown empty. It is important that you be aware
that every measuring device, regardless of what it may be, has limitations in its
accuracy. Moreover, to take full advantage of a given measuring instrument you
should be familiar with or evaluate its accuracy. Careful examination of the
subdivisions on the device will indicate the maximum accuracy you can expect of that
particular tool.

Figure1.2 A typical volumetric pipet, rubber bulbs, and the pipet filling technique.

In this experiment you will determine the accuracy of your 10-mL pipet. The
approximate accuracy of some of the equipment you will use in this course is given in
Table 1.4.
Not only should you obtain a measurement to the highest degree of accuracy that the
device or instrument permits, but you should also record the reading or measurement
in a manner that reflects the accuracy of the instrument. For example, a mass obtained
from an analytical balance should be observed and recorded to the nearest 0.01 g. This
is illustrated in Table 1.5.

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CHE 1401

Table1.4 Equipment Accuracy

Equipment Accuracy
Analytical balance ±0.0001 g (±0.1 mg)
Top-loading balance ±0.001 g (1 mg)
Graduated cylinder ±0.1 mL
Pipet ±0.02 mL
Buret ±0.02 mL
Thermometer ±0.2°C

Table 1.5 Obtaining Significant Figures

Analytical balance Top loader
85.9 g (incorrect) 85.9 g (incorrect)
85.93 g (incorrect) 85.93 g (incorrect)
85.932 g (incorrect) 85.932 g (correct)
85.9322 g (correct)


A. The Bunsen Burner

Melting points of metals

The Bunsen burner is a convenient source of heat in
the laboratory. Although there are several varieties,
their principle of operation is the same and is similar
to that of the common gas stove. The Bunsen burner
requires gas and air, which it mixes in various
proportions. The amount of air and gas mixed in the
chamber is varied by use of the collar illustrated in
Figure 1.3. The relative proportions of gas and air
determine the temperature of the flame.

Examine your burner and locate the gas and airflow

adjustments (valves) (see Figure 1.3). Determine how
each valve operates before connecting the burner to
the gas outlet. Close both valves; connect a rubber
hose to the gas outlet on the burner and the desk; then
open the desk valve about two-thirds of the way. Figure1.3 Typical Busen burner.
Strike a match or use a gas lighter. Hold the lighted
match to the side and just below the top of the barrel
of the burner while gradually opening the gas valve on
the burner to obtain a flame about 7 or 10 cm high. Gradually open and adjust the air
valve until you obtain a pale blue flame with an inner cone as shown in Figure 1.3.

Flame temperatures can be observed using the melting points of metals.

Lab Manual 5
CHE 1401

Adjust the burner to a non-luminous flame to measure the temperatures in the various
regions of the flame. Use crucible tongs to hold 2-cm strips of iron wire, copper wire,
and aluminum wire in the various regions of the flame. The melting point of iron is
1535 °C, that of copper is 1083 °C, and that of aluminum is 660 °C. On the Report
Sheet, record the estimated temperature of the flame in the regions designated in
Figure 1.4.

 Top of the outer cone

 Center of the outer cone

 Top of the inner cone

Metal Melting point
 Center of the inner cone (oC)
Iron (Fe) 1535
Copper (Cu) 1083
Aluminium (Al) 660
Figure 1.4 Regions of the flame for temperature measurement.

B. The Graduated Cylinder

Examine the 100-mL graduated cylinder and notice that it is scribed in milliliters. Fill
the cylinder approximately half full with water. Notice that the water meniscus
(curved surface of the water) is concave (see Figure 1.5). When water is the liquid,
the lowest point on the curve is always read as the volume, never the upper level.
Avoid errors due to parallax; different and erroneous readings are obtained if the eye
is not perpendicular to the scale. Read the volume of water to the nearest 0.1 mL.
Record this volume. Measure the maximum amount of water that your 125-mL
Erlenmeyer flask will hold. Record this volume.

proper position

Figure 1.5 Proper eye position for taking volume readings.

The meniscus reading here is 50.0 mL.

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CHE 1401

C. Using the balance to calibrate your 10-mL pipet

Weighing an object on a single-pan balance is a simple matter. Because of the
sensitivity and the expense of the balance (some cost more than $2500) you must be
careful in its use. Directions for operation of single-pan balance vary with make and
model. Your laboratory instructor will explain how to use the balance. Regardless of
the balance you use, proper care of the balance requires that you observe the
1. Do not drop an object on the pan.
2. Center the object on the pan.
3. Do not place chemicals directly on the pan; use a beaker, watch glass, weighing
bottle, or weighing paper.
4. Do not weigh hot or warm objects; objects must be at room temperature.
5. Return all weights to the zero position after weighing.
6. Clean up any chemical spills in the balance area.
7. Inform your instructor if the balance is not operating correctly; do not attempt to
repair it yourself.

The following method is used to calibrate a pipet or other volumetric glassware.

Obtain about 40 mL of distilled water in a 150-mL beaker. Allow the water to sit on
the desk while you weigh and record the weight of an empty, dry 25-mL Erlenmeyer
flask (tare) to the nearest 0.1 mg. Measure and record the temperature of the water.
Using your pipet, pipet exactly 10.00 mL of water into this flask and weigh the flask
with the water in it (gross) to the nearest 0.1 mg. Obtain the weight of the water by
subtraction (gross – tare= net). Using the equation below and the data given in
Table 1.6, obtain the volume of water delivered and therefore the volume of your
mass m
density  
volume V
Normally, density is given in units of grams per milliliter (g/mL) for liquids, grams
per cubic centimeter (g/cm3) for solids, and grams per liter (g/L) for gases. Repeat this
procedure in triplicate-that is, deliver and weigh exactly 10.00 mL of water three
separate times.

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CHE 1401

Table 1.6 Density of pure water (g/cm3) at temperatures ranging from 10.0°C
to 30.9°C by 0.1°C increments (example: density at 20.6oC = 0.998078 g/cm3)

0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9

10 0.999700 0.999691 0.999682 0.999673 0.999664 0.999654 0.999645 0.999635 0.999625 0.999615

11 0.999605 0.999595 0.999585 0.999574 0.999564 0.999553 0.999542 0.999531 0.999520 0.999509

12 0.999498 0.999486 0.999475 0.999463 0.999451 0.999439 0.999427 0.999415 0.999402 0.999390

13 0.999377 0.999364 0.999352 0.999339 0.999326 0.999312 0.999299 0.999285 0.999272 0.999258

14 0.999244 0.999230 0.999216 0.999202 0.999188 0.999173 0.999159 0.999144 0.999129 0.999114

15 0.999099 0.999084 0.999069 0.999054 0.999038 0.999023 0.999007 0.998991 0.998975 0.998959

16 0.998943 0.998926 0.998910 0.998893 0.998877 0.998860 0.998843 0.998826 0.998809 0.998792

17 0.998774 0.998757 0.998739 0.998722 0.998704 0.998686 0.998668 0.998650 0.998632 0.998613

18 0.998595 0.998576 0.998558 0.998539 0.998520 0.998501 0.998482 0.998463 0.998444 0.998424
Temperature (oC)

19 0.998405 0.998385 0.998365 0.998345 0.998325 0.998305 0.998285 0.998265 0.998244 0.998224

20 0.998203 0.998183 0.998162 0.998141 0.998120 0.998099 0.998078 0.998056 0.998035 0.998013

21 0.997992 0.997970 0.997948 0.997926 0.997904 0.997882 0.997860 0.997837 0.997815 0.997792

22 0.997770 0.997747 0.997724 0.997701 0.997678 0.997655 0.997632 0.997608 0.997585 0.997561

23 0.997538 0.997514 0.997490 0.997466 0.997442 0.997418 0.997394 0.997369 0.997345 0.997320

24 0.997296 0.997271 0.997246 0.997221 0.997196 0.997171 0.997146 0.997120 0.997095 0.997069

25 0.997044 0.997018 0.996992 0.996967 0.996941 0.996914 0.996888 0.996862 0.996836 0.996809

26 0.996783 0.996756 0.996729 0.996703 0.996676 0.996649 0.996621 0.996594 0.996567 0.996540

27 0.996512 0.996485 0.996457 0.996429 0.996401 0.996373 0.996345 0.996317 0.996289 0.996261

28 0.996232 0.996204 0.996175 0.996147 0.996118 0.996089 0.996060 0.996031 0.996002 0.995973

29 0.995944 0.995914 0.995885 0.995855 0.995826 0.995796 0.995766 0.995736 0.995706 0.995676

30 0.995646 0.995616 0.995586 0.995555 0.995525 0.995494 0.995464 0.995433 0.995402 0.995371

Using the procedure given above, a weight of 10.0025 g was obtained as the weight of
the water delivered by one 10-mL pipet at 22.0°C. What is the volume delivered by
the pipet?

SOLUTION: From the density equation given above, we know that V 
For mass we substitute our value of 10.0025 g. For the density, consult Table 1.6. At
22.0°C, the density is 0.997770 g/mL.

Lab Manual 8
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The calculation is:

10.0025 g
V  10.0249 mL  10.02 mL
0.997770 g / mL

The volume must be rounded off to 10.02, because the pipet's precision can be
determined only to within ±0.02 mL.

The precision of a measurement is a statement about the internal agreement among

repeated results; it is a measure of the reproducibility of a given set of results. The
arithmetic mean (average) of the results is usually taken as the "best" value. The
simplest measure of precision is the average deviation from the mean. The average
deviation is calculated by first determining the mean of the measurements, then
calculating the deviation of each individual measurement from the mean and, finally,
averaging the deviations (treating each as a positive quantity). Study Example 1.2 and
then, using your own experimental results, calculate the mean volume delivered by
your 10-mL pipet. Also calculate for your three trials the individual deviations from
the mean and then state your pipet's volume with its average deviation.

The following values were obtained for the calibration of a 10-mL pipet: 10.10, 9.98,
and 10.00 mL. Calculate the mean value and the average deviation from the mean.

10.10  9.98  10.00
mean   10.03
Deviations from the mean: |value – mean|
|10.10 -10.03| = 0.07
|9.98 - 10.03| = 005
|10.00 - 10.03| = 0.03
0.07  0.05  0.03
Average deviation from the mean   0.05
The reported value is therefore 10.03  0.05 mL.

Lab Manual 9
CHE 1401


You should be able to answer the following questions before beginning this

1. What are the basic units of length, mass, volume, and temperature in the SI
2. A liquid has a volume of 1.35 liters. What is its volume in mL? in cm3?
3. If an object weighs 1.47 g, what is its weight in mg?
4. Why should you never weigh a hot object?
5. What is precision?
6. Define density? Can it be determined from a single measurement?
7. What is the density of an object with a mass of 9.03 g and a volume of 0.1987
8. Weighing an object three times gave the following results: 10.2 g, 10.1 g, and
10.3g. Find the mean weight and the average deviation from the mean.
9. Normal body temperature is 98.6°F. What is the corresponding Celsius
11. What is the weight in kilograms of 950 mL of a substance that has a density of
1.274 g/mL?
12. An object weighs exactly five grams on an analytical balance that has an accuracy
of 0.1 mg. To how many significant figures should this weight be recorded?
13. What is the dominant color of a properly adjusted flame from a Bunsen burner?
14. How many distinct cones does a properly adjusted non-luminous flame have on a
Bunsen burner (one, two or three)?

Lab Manual 10
CHE 1401

Experiment 1
Basic laboratory techniques


Date Laboratory Instructor


A. Bunsen Burner
Indicate the approximate temperature of the following regions of the flame
(see Figure 1.4)
a. region : Top of the outer cone __________ °C
b. region : Center of the outer cone __________ °C
c. region : Top of the inner cone __________ °C
d. region : Center of the inner cone __________ °C

B. The graduated cylinder

Volume of water in graduated cylinder ___________________________ mL
Volume of water contained in 125-mL Erlenmeyer flask _____________ mL

C. Using the balance to calibrate your 10-mL pipet

Temperature of water ___________ oC Density of water ___________ g/cm3

Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3

Weight of Erlenmeyer (tare wt) ______ ______ ______ g
Weight of Erlenmeyer plus
~ 10 mL H20 (gross wt) ______ ______ ______ g
Weight of ~ 10 mL of H2O (net wt) ______ ______ ______ g
Volume delivered by 10-mL pipet ______ ______ ______ mL
 show calculations overleaf
Mean volume delivered by 10-mL pipet __________ mL
 show calculations overleaf
Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3
Individual deviations from the mean ______ ______ ______

Average deviation from the mean ____________________ mL

 show calculations overleaf

Volume delivered by your 10-mL pipet ____________ mL ± __________mL

Lab Manual 11
CHE 1401


Identification of substances: Physical properties


To become acquainted with procedures used in evaluating physical properties and the
use of these properties in identifying substances.

Relates to chapter 1 of “Chemistry the Central Science, 12th Ed.”.


Balance Capillary tubes (5)

250 mL beaker Spatula
25 mL Erlenmeyer flask Ring stand and ring
10 mL graduated cylinder Utility clamp
10 mL pipet Thermometer clamp
5 mL pipet Thermometer
50 mL beakers (2) Stirring rod
Burner and hose Apparatus for boiling point determination
Wire gauze Naphthalene (1 g)
Small rubber bands Ethyl alcohol (15 mL)
Boiling chips Cyclohexane (20 mL)
Large test tubes (2) 2 unknowns (liquid and solid)
Small test tubes (6) Soap solution
Test-tube rack

PROPERTIES are those characteristics of a substance that enable us to identify it and
to distinguish it from other substances. Direct identification of some substances can
readily be made by simply examining them. For example, we see color, size, shape,
and texture, and we can smell odors and discern a variety of tastes. Thus, copper can
be distinguished from other metals on the basis of its color.

PHYSICAL PROPERTIES are those properties that can be observed without altering
the composition of the substance. Whereas it is difficult to assign definitive values to
such properties as taste, color, and odor, other physical properties, such as melting
point, boiling point, solubility, density, viscosity, and refractive index, can be
expressed quantitatively. For example, the melting point of copper is 1087 °C, and its
density is 8.96 g/cm3. As you probably realize, a specific combination of properties is
unique to a given substance, thus making it possible to identify most substances just
by careful determination of several properties. This is so important that large books
have been compiled listing characteristic properties of many known substances. Two
of the most complete references of this type that are readily available today are The
CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics and Lange’s Handbook of Chemistry.
In this experiment you will use the following properties to identify a substance whose
identity is unknown to you: solubility, density, and boiling point.

Lab Manual 12
CHE 1401

The solubility of a substance in a solvent at a specified temperature is the maximum

weight of that substance that dissolves in a given volume (usually 100 or 1000 mL) of
a solvent. It is tabulated in hand-books in terms of grams per 100 mL of solvent; the
solvent is usually water.
In the preceding experiment you learned that the density of a substance is defined as
the mass per unit volume: d …

A liquid is said to boil when bubbles of vapor from within it, rise rapidly to the
surface, and burst. Any liquid in contact with the atmosphere will boil when its vapor
pressure is equal to atmospheric pressure-that is, the liquid and gaseous states of a
substance are in equilibrium. Boiling points of liquids depend upon atmospheric
pressure. A liquid will boil at a higher temperature at a higher pressure or at lower
temperature at a lower pressure. The temperature at which a liquid boils at 760 mmHg
is called the normal boiling point. To account for these pressure effects on boiling
points, people have studied and tabulated data for boiling point versus pressure for a
large number of compounds. From these data, nomographs have been constructed.

FIGURE 2.1 Nomograph for boiling point correction to 760 mmHg

1) Connect the actual (reduced) pressure on line C to its corresponding bp on line A
using a straight line
2) An intersection found by step 1on line B serves as an approximate bp at
atmospheric pressure

Lab Manual 13
CHE 1401

A nomograph is a set of scales for connected variables (see Figure 2.1 for an
example); these scales are so placed that a straight line connecting the known values
on some scales will provide the unknown value at the straight line’s intersection with
other scales. A nomograph allows you to find the correction necessary to convert the
normal boiling point of a substance to its boiling point at any pressure of interest.
Note that the atmospheric pressure in Ifrane (~626 mm Hg) is less than the
atmospheric pressure at sea level (760 mm Hg).


A. Solubility
Caution: cyclohexane is highly flammable and must be kept away from open flames.

Qualitatively determine the relative solubility of three solutes: water, cyclohexane, and
ethyl alcohol. Determine the solubility by adding 5 drops of solute to 2 mL of each of
the three solvents in separate, clean, dry test tubes (it is not necessary to measure these
volumes accurately). Place some parafilm in each test tube and shake briefly. Record
your conclusions on the report sheet using the abbreviations s (soluble), sp (sparingly
soluble), and i (insoluble).
The formation of two layers indicates immiscibility (lack of solubility) - i.
Cloudiness indicates partial solubility - sp.
Now repeat these experiments using your liquid unknown as a solute and record your

B. The density of a liquid

Weigh a clean, dry 25-mL Erlenmeyer flask to the nearest 0.01g. Obtain at least
15 mL of the unknown liquid in a clean and dry test tube. Using a 10-mL pipet, pipet
exactly 10.0 mL of the unknown liquid into the 25-mL Erlenmeyer flask and quickly
weigh the flask containing the 10.0 mL of the unknown to the nearest 0.01 g. Using
the weight of this volume of unknown, calculate its density. Record your results and
show how (with units) you performed your calculations.


C. Boiling Point of Liquid Unknown

Obtain a 260 °C thermometer. Assemble the boiling point apparatus in Figure 2.3.
Complete two measurements for the boiling point of your unknown.
a. Assemble the Boiling Point Apparatus.
Place enough of the liquid unknown (use some of the same material you used to
determine the density) into a 75-mm test tube, so that the thermometer bulb gets
completely immersed.

Caution: The liquid may be flammable - keep it away from an open Bunsen flame.

Position it beside the thermometer bulb using a rubber band. Invert (open end down) a
10-cm capillary tube in the liquid. Place the apparatus into the water bath.

Lab Manual 14
CHE 1401

b. Measure the Boiling Point.

Place 2-3 boiling chips in the water bath. Slowly heat the water while stirring with the
stirring rod. When a rapid and continuous stream of bubbles escapes the capillary tube,
discontinue heating the water bath, and gently take the test tube out of the bath. The
stream of bubbles slows as the tube cools. When the bubbles cease to escape and
before the liquid re-enters the capillary tube, record the observed boiling point (the
temperature will become constant at the boiling point of the liquid). Estimate the true
(normal b.p. at 1 atm = 760 mmHg) using the pressure correction.
c. Repeat the Measurement.
Add some cold water to the bath and determine the boiling point a second time. The
same liquid may be used; however, the capillary tube must be removed, emptied, and
inserted before heating resumes.

Figure 2.3 Apparatus for determining the boiling point of a liquid.

D. Unknown Identification
Your unknown is one of the substances contained in the table of physical properties
enclosed. Compare the properties that you have determined for your unknown with
those in the Appendix I. Identify your unknown and record your results.


Before beginning this experiment in the laboratory, you should be able to answer the
following questions:
1. List five physical properties?

2. A 8.692 mL sample of an unknown weighed 10.02 g. What is the density of the unknown?

3. Could you determine the density of cadmium nitrate using water? Why or why not?

4. Why do we calibrate thermometers and pipets?

5. Is bromoform miscible with water? with cyclohexane?

6. When water and toluene are mixed, two layers form. Is the bottom layer water or toluene? (see table enclosed)

7. What solvent would you use to determine the density of cadmium nitrate?
8. The density of a solid with melting point of 52 to 54°C was determined to be 1.45 ± 0.02 g/ml. What is the

Lab Manual 15
CHE 1401

Experiment 2
Identification of Substances:
Physical Properties


Date Laboratory Instructor

Unknown n°

A. Solubility

s = soluble Solvent (~2mL)

sp = sparingly soluble
i = insoluble Water Ethanol Cyclohexane
Solute (~5 drops)


Liquid unknown

B. Density of Liquid Unknown

Volume of liquid 10.0 mL

Weight of 25-mL Erlenmeyer ____________________ g
Weight of 25-mL Erlenmeyer
plus 10.0 mL of unknown ____________________ g

Weight of liquid ____________________ g

Density ____________________ g/mL
 show calculations overleaf

C. Boiling point of liquid unknown

Observed b.p. 1: ______ °C Observed b.p. 2: _____ °C Average b.p. : ________ °C

Note: You should expect a slightly lower boiling point than that given in Appendix I
(Ifrane is located at 1600 meter above the sea level)

D. Unknown Identification

Liquid unknown ___________________

Lab Manual 16
CHE 1401


Separation of the components of a mixture

To become familiar with the methods of separating substances from one another using
decantation, extraction, and sublimation techniques.

Relates to chapter 1 of “Chemistry the Central Science, 12th Ed.”.


Balance Glass stirring rod
Ring stands (2) 50- or 100-mL graduated cylinder
Tongs Unknown mixture of sodium
Watch glass chloride, ammonium chloride and
Evaporating dishes (2) silicon dioxide (2-3g)

Materials that are not uniform in composition are said to be impure or heterogeneous
and are called mixtures. Most of the materials we encounter in everyday life, such as
cement, wood, and soil, are mixtures. When two or more substances that do not react
chemically are combined, a mixture results. Mixtures are characterized by two
fundamental properties: First, each of the substances in the mixture retains its
chemical integrity; second, mixtures are separable into these components by physical
means. If one of the substances in a mixture is preponderant-that is, if its amount far
exceeds the amounts of the other substances in the mixture-then we usually call this
mixture an impure substance and speak of the other substances in the mixture as
The preparation of compounds usually involves their separation or isolation from
reactants or other impurities. Thus the separation of mixtures into their components
and the purification of impure substances are frequently encountered problems. You
are probably aware of everyday problems of this sort. For example, our drinking water
usually begins as a mixture of silt, sand, dissolved salts, and water. Since water is by
far the largest component in this mixture, we usually call this impure water. How do
we purify it? The separation of the components of mixtures is based upon the fact that
each component has different physical properties. The components of mixtures are
always pure substances, either compounds or elements, and each pure substance
possesses a unique set of properties. The properties of every sample of a pure
substance are identical under the same conditions of temperature and pressure. This
means that once we have determined that a sample of sodium chloride, NaCl, is water-
soluble and a sample of silicon dioxide (sand), SiO2, is not, we realize that all samples
of sodium chloride are water-soluble and all samples of silicon dioxide are not.
Likewise, every crystal of a pure substance melts at a specific temperature, and at a
given pressure, every pure substance boils at a specific temperature.

Lab Manual 17
CHE 1401

Although there are numerous physical properties that can be used to identify a
particular substance (as you learned in the previous experiment), we will be concerned
in this experiment merely with the separation of the components and not with their
The methods we will use for the separation depend upon differences in physical
properties, and they include the following:
1. Decantation: This is the process of separation of a liquid from a solid (sediment)
by gently pouring the liquid from the solid so as not to disturb the
solid (see Figure 3.1).
2. Filtration: This is the process of separating a solid from a liquid by means of a
porous substance, a filter, which allows the liquid to pass through
but not the solid (see Figure 3.1). Common filter materials are
papers, layers of charcoal, and sand. Silt and sand can be removed
from our drinking water by this process.
3. Extraction: This is the separation of a substance from a mixture by preferentially
dissolving that substance in a suitable solvent. This process is used
to separate a soluble compound from an insoluble compound.
4. Sublimation: This is the process in which a solid passes directly to the gaseous
state without the appearance of the liquid state. Not all substances
possess the ability to be sublimed. Iodine, naphthalene, and
ammonium chloride (NH4C1) are common substances that easily

Figure 3.1 Description of the processes of decantation and filtration.

The mixture that you will separate contains three components: NaCl, NH4C1, and
SiO2. Their separation will be accomplished by heating the mixture to sublime the
NH4C1, extracting the NaCl with water, and finally drying the remaining SiO2, as
illustrated in the scheme shown in Figure 3.2.

Lab Manual 18
CHE 1401

Figure 3.2 Flow diagram for the separation of the components of the mixture

Carefully weigh a clean, dry evaporating dish to the nearest 0.01 g. Then obtain from
your instructor a 2- to 3-g sample of the unknown mixture in the evaporating dish.
Weigh the evaporating dish containing the sample and calculate the sample weight.
Place the evaporating dish containing the mixture on a hot plate under THE
FUMEHOOD. Heat the evaporating dish until white fumes are no longer formed (a
total of about 15 min). Heat carefully to avoid spattering, especially when liquid is
present. After the first 10 min gently stir the mixture with your glass stirring rod; then
apply the heat again.
Allow the evaporating dish to cool until it reaches room temperature and then weigh
the evaporating dish with the contained solid.


The loss in weight represents the amount of NH4C1 in your mixture. Calculate this
Add 25 mL of water to the solid in this evaporating dish and stir gently for 5 min.
Next, weigh another clean, dry evaporating dish and watch glass. Decant the liquid
carefully into the second evaporating dish, which you have weighed, being careful not
to transfer any of the solids into the second evaporating dish. Add 10 mL more of
water to the solid in the first evaporating dish, stir, and decant this liquid into the
second evaporating dish as before. Repeat with still another 10 mL of water. This
process extracts the soluble NaCl from the sand. You now have two evaporating
dishes; one containing wet sand and the second, a solution of sodium chloride.
Place the evaporating dish containing the sodium chloride solution carefully on the
hotplate. Begin gently heating the solution to evaporate the water. Take care to avoid
boiling or spattering, especially when liquid is present. Near the end, cover the

Lab Manual 19
CHE 1401

evaporating dish with the watch glass that was weighed with this evaporating dish, and
reduce the heat to prevent spattering. While the water is evaporating you may proceed
to dry the SiO2 in the other evaporating dish as explained in the next paragraph, if you
have another hotplate available. When you have dried the sodium chloride completely,
no more water will condense on the watch glass, and it, too, will be dry. Let the
evaporating dish and watch glass cool to room temperature and weigh them.
The difference between this weight and the weight of the empty evaporating dish and
watch glass is the weight of the NaCl. Calculate this weight.
Place the evaporating dish containing the wet sand on the hotplate and cover the
evaporating dish with a clean, dry watch glass. Heat slowly at first until the lumps
break up and the sand appears dry. Then heat the evaporating dish to dull redness and
maintain this heat for 10 min. Take care not to overheat, or the evaporating dish will
crack. When the sand is dry, remove the heat and let the dish cool to room
temperature. Weigh the dish after it has cooled to room temperature. The difference
between this weight and the weight of the empty dish is the weight of the sand.
Calculate this weight.
Calculate the percentage of each substance in the mixture using an approach similar to
that shown in Example 3.1. The accuracy of this experiment is such that the
combined total of your three components should be in the neighborhood of 99%. If it
is less than this, you have been careless. If it is more than 100%, you have not
sufficiently dried the sand and salt.

What is the percentage of SiO2 in a 7.69 g sample mixture if 3.76 g of SiO2 has been
SOLUTION: The percentage of each substance in such a mixture can be calculated as

wt component in grams  100

% component 
wt sample in grams

Therefore, the percentage of SiO2 in this particular sample mixture is

3.76 g  100
% SiO2   48.9 %
7.69 g

Lab Manual 20
CHE 1401


Before beginning this experiment in the laboratory, you should be able to answer the
following questions

1. What distinguishes a mixture from an impure substance?

2. Define the process of sublimation.
3. How do decantation and filtration differ? Which should be faster?
4. Why does one never weigh a hot object?
5. How does this experiment illustrate the principle of conservation of matter?
6. A mixture was found to contain 3.10 g of SiO2, 0.38 g of cellulose, and 6.72 g of
calcium carbonate. What is the percentage of CaCO3 in this mixture?
7. How could you separate a mixture of zinc chloride and cyclohexane? Consult the
table for physical properties, Appendix I.
8. How could you separate zinc chloride from SiO2?
9. Why is SiO2 washed with water three times as opposed to only once?
10 A student found that her mixture was 15 percent NH4C1, 20 percent NaCl, and 75
percent SiO2. Assuming her calculations are correct, what did she most likely do
incorrectly in her experiment?

Lab Manual 21
CHE 1401

Experiment 3
Separation of the Components of a Mixture


Date Laboratory Instructor

Unknown n°_


A. Weight of evaporating dish ____________ g

Weight of evaporating dish and original sample ____________ g
Weight of original sample mSAMPLE = ____________ g
Weight of evaporating dish after subliming NH4Cl ____________ g
Weight of NH4Cl ____________ g
Percent of NH4C1 (show calculations) ___________ %

B. Weight of evaporating dish and watch glass ____________ g

Weight of evaporating dish, watch glass, and NaCl ____________ g
Weight NaCl ____________ g
Percent of NaCl (show calculations) ___________ %

C. Weight of evaporating dish and SiO2 ____________ g

Weight of evaporating dish ____________ g
Weight of SiO2 ____________ g
Percent of SiO2 (show calculations) ___________ %

D. Weight of original sample mSAMPLE = ____________ g

Weight of determined [NH4Cl + NaCl + SiO2], mTOTAL
mTOTAL = mNH4Cl + mNaCl + mSiO2 = ____________ g
Differences in these weights |mSAMPLE – mTOTAL| = ____________ g
Percent recovery of matter
g matter re cov ered m
  100  TOTAL  100  ___________ %
g original sample mSAMPLE

If the percent recovery of matter is not exactly 100%, account for your errors below:

Lab Manual 22
CHE 1401

Chemical formulas
To become familiar with chemical formulas and how they are determined.

Relates to chapter 3 of “Chemistry the Central Science, 12th Ed.”.


Balance Copper wire (~ 2 g)
250-mL beaker Crucible and cover
Hotplate Evaporating dish
25-mL graduated cylinder Carborundum boiling chips
Ring stand and ring stirring rod 6 M HCl
Granular zinc (~ 1 g) Powdered sulfur (~3 g)

Derivation of Formulas
Suppose you were working in a hospital laboratory today, and suppose further that
this morning the emergency ward admitted a patient complaining of severe stomach
cramps and laboured respiration and that this patient died within minutes of being
admitted. Relatives of the patient later told you that he may have ingested some rat
poison. You therefore had his stomach pumped to verify this or simply to determine
the cause of death. One of the more logical things to do would be to attempt to isolate
the agent that caused death and perform chemical analyses on it. Let's suppose that
this was done, and the analyses showed that the isolated chemical compound
contained, by weight, 60.0 percent potassium, 18.5 percent carbon, and 21.5 percent
nitrogen. What is the chemical formula for this compound?
One simple and direct way of making the necessary calculations is as follows.

Assume you had 100 g of the compound. This 100 g therefore would contain
100 g    60.0   60.0 g potassium
 100 
100 g    18.5   18.5 g carbon
 100 
100 g    21.5   21.5 g nitrogen
 100 

Chemical formulas tell what elements are present and the ratio of the number of
atoms of the constituent elements. Hence, the next step is to determine the number of
moles of each element present:
60.0 g
Moles potassium = n K   1.54 mol
39.0 g / mol
18.5 g
Moles carbon = nC   1.54 mol
12.0 g / mol

Lab Manual 23
CHE 1401

21.5 g
Moles nitrogen = nN   1.54 mol
14.0 g / mol

Hence the chemical formula is K1.54C1.54 N1.54 but molecules are not formed from
partial atoms; therefore, the above numbers must be changed to whole numbers. This
is accomplished by division of all subscripts by the smallest subscript. In this case,
they are all the same.
K 1.54 C1.54 N 1.54  KCN
1.54 1.54 1.54

The smallest whole-number mole ratio is 1:1:1. Since KCN is a common rat poison,
we may justifiably conclude that the relatives' suggestion of rat poison ingestion as
the probable cause of death is correct.
The above calculation has given us what is known as the empirical formula. There is
another type of chemical formula, the molecular formula. The distinction between
these two is simply that the empirical formula represents the smallest whole-number
ratio of the combining atoms in a chemical compound, whereas the molecular formula
gives the actual number of atoms in a molecule. Recall; however, as we stated earlier,
that not all compounds exist as discrete molecules. This is true for most ionic
compounds, whereas most covalent compounds do exist as discrete molecules. The
distinction between empirical and molecular formulas may be clarified by the
following example.

A chemical compound was found by elemental analyses to contain 92.3 percent
carbon and 7.7 percent hydrogen by weight and to have a molecular weight of 78. The
empirical formula may be obtained just as in the previous example-that is, in 100 g of
the compound there are 92.3 g C and 7.7 g H. Hence,

92.3 g
Moles C = nC   7.7 mol
12.0 g / mol

7.7 g
Moles H = n H   7.7 mol
1.0 g / mol

The empirical formula is then C7.7H7.7, or CH, whose formula weight is 12 + 1 = 13.
But the molecular weight of the compound is 78. Therefore, there are 6
empirical formula weights in the molecular weight. The molecular formula is then
C6H6. In this experiment you will determine the empirical formulas of two chemical
compounds. One is copper sulfide, which you will prepare according to the following
chemical reaction:
x Cu (s) + y S8 (s) CuxSy (s)

The other is zinc chloride, which you will prepare according to the chemical reaction

Lab Manual 24
CHE 1401

x Zn (s) + y HCl (aq) ZnxCly (s) + y H2 (g)

The objective is to determine the combining ratios of the elements (that is, to
determine x and y) and to balance the chemical equations given above.

A. Zinc Chloride

CAUTION: Zinc chloride is caustic and must be handled carefully in order to avoid
any contact with your skin. Should you come in contact with it immediately wash the
area with copious amounts of water.

Record the weight of an empty evaporating dish. Obtain about 0.5 g of granular zinc
and add it to the weighed evaporating dish. Weigh the evaporating dish containing the
zinc and record the total weight. Calculate the weight of the zinc.
Under the fumehood, slowly and with constant stirring, add 15 mL of 6 M HCl to the
evaporating dish containing the zinc. A vigorous reaction will ensue, and hydrogen
gas will be produced.



Stir the mixture gently at room temperature for 5 min. Next, heat the evaporating dish
very carefully on a hotplate until all the zinc has dissolved. Finally, keep heating until
of the liquid has evaporated. During this last stage, heating should be monitored,
otherwise there will be spattering and some loss of product will occur.



Leave the compound looking somewhat pasty while hot.

Allow the dish to cool to room temperature and weigh it. Record the weigh. After this
first weighing, heat the dish again very gently for 5 min; cool it and reweigh it if these
weightings do not agree within 0.02g, repeat the heating and weighing until two
successive weightings agree. This is known as drying to constant weight and is the
only way to be certain that all the moisture is driven off. Zinc chloride is very
deliquescent and so should be weighed quickly.
Calculate the weight of zinc chloride. The difference in weight between the zinc and
zinc chloride is the weight of chlorine. Calculate the weight of chlorine in zinc
chloride. From this information you can readily calculate the empirical formula for
zinc chloride and balance the chemical equation for its formation. Perform these
operations on the report sheet.

Lab Manual 25
CHE 1401

B. Copper Sulfide
Record the weight of a clean and dry porcelain crucible and its cover.
Place 1.5-2.0 g of tightly wound copper wire or copper turnings in the crucible and
weigh the copper, crucible, and cover. Calculate the weight of copper. Record your
In the fumehood, add sufficient sulfur to cover the copper, place the crucible with
cover and heat the crucible. Keep the cover on for the first 5 min to raise the
temperature of the crucible quickly, then take it out. Keep heating until sulfur ceases
to burn (observation of a blue flame indicates burning). Finally, heat the crucible to
dull redness for about 5 min. Allow the crucible to cool to room temperature. This
will take about 10 min. Then weigh with the cover in place. Record the weight. Again
cover the contents of the crucible with sulfur and repeat the heating procedure. Allow
the crucible to cool and reweigh it. Record the weight. If the last two weighings do
not agree to within 0.02 g, the chemical reaction between the copper and sulfur is
incomplete. If this is found to be the case, add more sulfur and repeat the heating and
weighing until a constant weight is obtained.

Calculate the weight of copper sulfide obtained. The difference in weight between the
copper sulfide and copper is the weight of sulfur in copper sulfide. Calculate this
weight. From this information the empirical formula for copper sulfide can be
obtained, and the chemical equation for its production can be balanced. Perform these
operations on your report sheet.

Lab Manual 26
CHE 1401


Before beginning this experiment in the laboratory, you should be able to answer
the following questions:

1. How do formula weights and molecular weights differ?

2. What is the percentage composition of CaCO3?
3. A substance was found by analysis to contain 65.95 percent barium and 34.05
percent chlorine. What is the empirical formula for the substance?
4. What is the law of definite proportions?
5. How do empirical and molecular formulas differ?
6. What is the weight in grams of one copper atom?
7. Soda-lime glass is prepared by fusing sodium carbonate, Na2CO3; limestone.
CaCO3; and sand, SiO2. The composition of the glass varies, but the commonly
accepted reaction for its formation is
Na2CO3 (s) + CaCO3 (s) + 6 SiO2 (s) Na2CaSi6O14 (s) + 2 CO2 (g)
Using this equation, how many kilograms of sand would be required to
produce enough glass to make five thousand 400-g wine bottles?
8. Caffeine, a stimulant found in coffee and tea, contains 49.5 percent C, 5.15
percent H, 28.9 percent N, and 16.5 percent O by mass. What is the empirical
formula of caffeine? If its molar mass is about 195 g, what is its molecular
9. How many lithium atoms are present in 0.01456 g of lithium?

Lab Manual 27
CHE 1401

Experiment 4

Chemical Formulas


Date Laboratory Instructor


A. Zinc Chloride
1. Weight of evaporating dish _______________ g
2. Weight of evaporating dish and zinc _______________ g
3. Weight of zinc _______________ g

4. Weight of evaporating dish and zinc chloride:

First weighing ________________ g
Evaporation to dryness Second weighing ________________ g

5. Weight of zinc chloride ____________ g

6. Weight of chlorine in zinc chloride ____________ g

7. Empirical formula for zinc chloride _________________

 show calculations overleaf

8. Balanced chemical equation for the formation of zinc chloride from zinc and HCl

B. Copper Sulfide
1. Weight of crucible and cover _________________ g
2. Weight of crucible, cover, and copper _________________ g
3. Weight of copper _________________ g

4. Weight of crucible, cover, and copper sulfide:

First weighing __________________ g
Evaporation to dryness Second weighing __________________ g

5. Weight of copper sulfide ____________ g

6. Weight of sulfur in copper sulfide ____________ g
7. Empirical formula for copper sulfide _________________
 show calculations overleaf

8. Balanced chemical equation for the formation of copper sulfide from copper and

Lab Manual 28
CHE 1401


Chemical Reactions
To observe some typical chemical reactions, identify some of the products, and
summarize the chemical changes in terms of balanced chemical equations.

Relates to chapter 3 of “Chemistry the Central Science, 12th Ed.”.


Crucible and cover 6 M HCl

Mossy zinc 6 M NH3
Copper wire (2-in. length) 0.01 M CuSO4
Copper sulfide 6 M H2SO4
0.1 M sodium oxalate Conc. HNO3
Na2C2O4 3 M (NH4)2CO3
0.1 M KMnO4 KMnO4 (solid)
10 M NaOH Na2CO3 (solid)
0.1 M Pb(NO3)2 Na2SO3 (solid)
0.1 M BaCl2 6-in. test tube
1 M K2CrO4
0.1 M NaHSO3 (freshly prepared)

Chemical equations represent what transpires in a chemical reaction. For example, the equation
below means that potassium chlorate, KClO3, decomposes on heating ( is the symbol used for
heat) to yield potassium chloride, KCl, and oxygen, O2.
2 KClO3 (s) 2 KCl (s) + 3 O2 (g)
Before an equation can be written for a reaction, someone must establish what the products are.
How does one decide what these products are? Products are identified by their chemical and
physical properties as well as by analyses. That oxygen and not chlorine gas is produced in the
above reaction can be established by the fact that oxygen is a colorless, odorless gas. Chlorine,
on the other hand, is a pale, yellow-green gas with an irritating odor.
In this experiment you will observe that in some cases gases are produced, precipitates are
formed, or color changes occur during the reactions. These are all indications that a chemical
reaction has occurred. To identify some of the products of the reactions, you can consult Table
5.1, which lists some of the properties of the substances that could be formed in these

Lab Manual 29
CHE 1401

TABLE 5.1 Properties of reaction products

Water soluble solids Manganese oxyanions

KCl white (colorless solution) MnO4- purple
NH4Cl white(colorless solution) MnO42- dark green
KMnO4 purple MnO43- dark blue
MnCl2 pink, (very pale) Gases
Cu(NO3)2 blue H2 colorless, odorless
Water-insoluble solids NO2 brown, pungent odor (TOXIC)
CuS very dark blue or black NO colorless, slight pleasant odor
Cu2S black CO2 colorless, odorless
BaCrO4 yellow Cl2 pale yellow-green
BaCO3 white SO2 colorless, choking
PbCl2 white H2 S colorless, rotten- egg odor (TOXIC)
MnO2 black or brown

TABLE 5.2 Activity series

Lab Manual 30
CHE 1401

A. Reaction between the elements Copper and Sulfur
Samples of copper (I) sulfide and copper (II) sulfide synthesized in the previous lab experiment
will be provided to you.
Copper (II) sulfide, CuS, is insoluble in aqueous ammonia, NH3 (that is, it does not react with
NH3), while copper (I) sulfide, Cu2S, dissolves (that is, reacts) to give a blue solution with
NH3. Place a small portion of your product in a test tube and add
2 mL of 6 M NH3 in the hood. Heat gently with a hotplate.

1. Does your product react with NH3?

2. Suggest a possible formula for the product.
3. Write a reaction showing the formation of your proposed product:
Cu (s) + S8 (s) ?

B. Oxidation-Reduction Reactions
Many metals react with acids to liberate hydrogen and form the metal salt of the acid. The
noble metals do not react with acids to produce hydrogen. Some of the “unreactive” metals do
react though with nitric acid, HNO3 (see Table 5.2); however, in these cases gases that are
oxides of nitrogen are formed rather than hydrogen.
Add a small piece of zinc to a test tube containing 2 mL of 6 M HCl and note what happens.
4. Record your observations.
5. Suggest possible products for the observed reaction: Zn (s) + HCl (aq) ?
Place a 1-in. piece of copper wire in a clean test tube; add 2 mL of 6 M HCl and note if a
reaction occurs.
6. Record your observations.
7. Is Cu an active or an inactive metal?

WHILE HOLDING A CLEAN TEST TUBE IN THE HOOD, place a 1-in. piece of copper
wire in it and add 1 mL of concentrated nitric acid, HNO3.
8. Record your observations.
9. Is the gas colored?
10. Suggest a formula for the gas.
11. After the reaction has proceeded for 5 min, carefully add 5 mL of water. Based upon the
color of the solution what substance is present in solution?

Potassium permanganate, KMnO4, is an excellent oxidizing agent in acidic media. The

permanganate ion is purple and is reduced to the manganous ion, Mn2+, which has a very faint,
pink color.
potassium permanganate, KMnO4, solution to 1 mL of 6 M HCl.
12. Record your observations.
13. Note the color of the gas evolved.
14. Based on the color and familiar odor of the gas, what is the gas?

C. Metathesis Reactions
Additional observations are needed before equations can be written for the reaction above, but
we see that we can identify some of the products. The remaining reactions are simple, and you

Lab Manual 31
CHE 1401

will be able, from available information, not only to identify products but also to write
equations. A number of reactions may be represented by equations of the following type:
These are called double-decomposition, or metathesis, reactions. This type of reaction involves
the exchange of atoms or groups of atoms between interacting substances. The following is a
specific example:
NaCl (aq) + AgNO3 (aq) AgCl (s) + NaNO3 (aq)
Place a small sample of sodium carbonate, Na2CO3, in a test tube and add several drops of 6 M
15. Record your observations.
16. Note the odor and color of the gas that forms.
17. What is the evolved gas?
18. Write an equation for the observed reaction: HCl (aq) + Na2CO3 (aq)
(NOTE: In this reaction the products must have H, Cl, Na, and O atoms in some new
combinations, but no other elements can be present)
Note that H2CO3 (carbonic acid) and H2SO3 (sulfurous acid) readily decompose as follows:
H2CO3 (aq) H2O (l) + CO2 (g)
H2SO3 (aq) H2O (l) + SO2 (g)
To 1 mL of 0.1 M lead nitrate, Pb(NO3)2, solution in a clean test tube, add a few drops of 6 M

19. Record your observations.

20. What is the precipitate?
HCl (aq) + Pb(NO3)2 (aq) ?
21. Write an equation for the reaction

To 1 mL of 0.1 M barium chloride (BaCl2) solution, add 2 drops of 1 M potassium chromate

(K2CrO4) solution.
22. Record your observations.
23. What is the precipitate?
BaCl2 (aq) + K2CrO4 (aq) ?
24. Write an equation for the reaction

To 1 mL of 0.1 M barium chloride, BaCl2, solution add several drops of 3 M ammonium

carbonate, (NH4)2CO3, solution in a test tube.

25. What is the precipitate?

(NH4)2CO3 (aq) + BaCl2 (aq) ?
26. Write an equation for the reaction

Use a centrifuge to separate quickly the precipitate from the liquid phase and decant (that is,
pour off) the excess liquid. Add 1 mL of water to the test tube, shake it, and isolate the solid
again by using the centrifuge. Pour off the excess liquid. Finally, to the remaining solid, add
several drops of 6 M HCl.
27. Record your observations.
28. Note the odor.
29. What is the evolved gas? (recall the reaction in step 26 of this experiment)
30. Write the equation of this reaction.

Lab Manual 32
CHE 1401


Before beginning this experiment in the laboratory, you should be able to answer the
following questions:

1. Before a chemical equation can be written, what must you know?

2. What observations might you make that suggest a chemical reaction has occurred?
3. How could you distinguish between NO2 and NO?
4. Define metathesis reactions. Give an example.
5. What is a precipitate?
6. Balance these equations:
KBrO3 (s) KBr (s) + O2 (g)

MnBr2 (aq) + AgNO3 (aq) Mn(NO3)2 (aq) + AgBr (s)

7. How could you distinguish between the gases H2 and H2S?
8. Using water, how could you distinguish between the white solids KCl and PbCl2?
9. Write equations for the decomposition of H2CO3 (aq) and H2SO3 (aq).

Lab Manual 33
CHE 1401

Experiment 5

Chemical Reactions


Date Laboratory Instructor


A. Reaction between the elements Copper and Sulfur



Cu (s) + S8 (s)

B. Oxidation-Reduction Reactions


5. Zn (s) + HCl (aq)










Lab Manual 34
CHE 1401

C. Metathesis Reactions




HCl (aq) + Na2CO3 (aq)




HCl (aq) + Pb(NO3)2 (aq)



23. _____________________________________________

BaCl2 (aq) + K2CrO4 (aq)



(NH4)2CO3 (aq) + BaCl2 (aq)




29. _____________________________________________

30. _____________________________________________

Lab Manual 35
CHE 1401


Vinegar Analysis
To determine the percentage by mass of acetic acid in vinegar.

Relates to chapter 4 of “Chemistry the Central Science, 12th Ed.”.


50 mL beaker Ring stand and buret clamp
100 mL beaker 0.200 M NaOH
2 Erlenmeyer flasks Red and white vinegar
Funnel Phenolphthalein
25 mL graduated cylinder

Household vinegar is 4-5% (by mass) acetic acid, CH3COOH, solution. Generally, caramel
flavoring and coloring are also added to make the product esthetically more appealing. This
experiment compares the acetic acid concentrations in at least two vinegars.
A titrimetric analysis is used to determine the percent by mass of acetic acid in vinegar. A
measured mass of vinegar is titrated to the phenolphtalein end point with a measured volume of
a standardized sodium hydroxide solution. As the volume and molar concentration of the
standardized NaOH solution are known, the moles of NaOH used for the analysis are also
The moles of CH3COOH are calculated from the balanced equation:

CH3COOH (aq) + NaOH (aq) CH3COONa (aq) + H2O (l)


The mass of CH3COOH in the vinegar is calculated from the measured moles of CH3COOH
and its molar mass, 60.05 g /mol:

massCH3COOH  nCH3COOH  M CH3COOH (7.2)

Finally, the percent by mass of CH3COOH in vinegar is calculated:

massCH3COOH ( g )
% by massCH3COOH   100 (7.3)
massvinegar ( g )

Procedure Overview: Samples of two vinegars are analysed for the amount of acetic acid in
the sample. A titration set up is used for the analysis, using standardized NaOH solution as the
titrant and phenolphtalein as the indicator. Stoichiometry calculations determine the percent of
acetic acid in the vinegars.

Lab Manual 36
CHE 1401

Two samples of two vinegars are to be analyzed. Obtain about 150 mL of a standardized
NaOH solution prepared by the lab technician. Record the exact molar concentration of the
NaOH solution. Your instructor will advise you.
Clean at least two 125- or 250-mL Erlenmeyer flasks. When dry, label each flask and measure
its mass (±0.01 g).

1. Volume of vinegar.
The volumes of the red and white vinegars that should be analyzed are 5 mL and
3 mL respectively.

2. Prepare the vinegar Sample. Add the volume of one brand of vinegar to a clean flask with
a previously measured mass (±0.01 g). Measure the combined mass of the flask and sample.
Add 2 drops of phenolphthalein to the solution and rinse the wall of the flask with 20 mL of
deionized water.

3. Prepare the buret and titration setup. Rinse a clean 50-mL buret with the standardized
NaOH solution, making certain no drops cling to the inside wall. Fill the buret with the
standardized NaOH solution, eliminate all air bubbles in the buret tip, and, after 30 seconds,
read (use the proper technique) and record (±0.02 mL) the initial volume. Place a white sheet
of paper beneath the flask containing the vinegar sample.

4. Titrate the Vinegar Sample. Slowly add the NaOH solution from the buret to the acid,
swirling the flask (with the proper hand) after each addition. Occasionally, rinse the wall of the
flask with water from your wash bottle. Continue addition of the NaOH titrant until the
endpoint is reached. The endpoint in the titration should be within one-half drop of a slight
pink colour. Be careful not to surpass the endpoint. The colour should persist for 30 seconds.
After 30 seconds, read (±0.02 mL) and record the final volume of NaOH titrant in the buret.

5. Repeat with the Same Vinegar. Refill the buret and repeat the titration at least once more
with another sample of the same vinegar.

6. Repeat with Another Vinegar. Perform two analyses of the other vinegar (white or red)
and determine its acetic acid content.

Disposal: All test solutions and the NaOH solution in the buret can be discarded in the sink,
followed by a generous flow of water.

Lab Manual 37
CHE 1401

Experiment 6
Vinegar analysis


Date Laboratory Instructor


Molar concentration of NaOH: __________mol/L

Red Vinegar White Vinegar

Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 1 Trial 2

1. Volume of vinegar ~ 5 mL ~ 5 mL ~ 3 mL ~ 3 mL
2. Mass of flask (g) ________ ________ ________ ________
3. Mass of flask and vinegar (g) ________ ________ ________ ________
4. Mass of vinegar (g) ________ ________ ________ ________
5. Buret reading of NaOH,
initial (mL) 0 . 0 . 0 . 0 .
6. Buret reading of NaOH,
final (mL) ________ ________ ________ ________
7. Volume of NaOH used (mL) ________ ________ ________ ________

1. Amount of NaOH added (mol) ________ ________ ________ ________
2. Amount of CH3COOH in
vinegar (mol) ________ ________ ________ ________
3. Mass of CH3COOH in
vinegar (g) ________ ________ ________ ________
4. Percent by mass of CH3COOH
in vinegar ________ ________ ________ ________
5. Average percent by mass of
CH3COOH in vinegar ___________ ___________

 show calculations for “White vinegar – Trial 1” overleaf

Lab Manual 38
CHE 1401


Reactions in Aqueous Solutions:

Metathesis Reactions and Net Ionic Equations

To become familiar with writing equations for metathesis reactions, including net ionic

Relates to chapter 4 of “Chemistry the Central Science, 12th Ed.”.


Small test tubes (12) 0.1 M lead nitrate

1.0 M sodium acetate 0.1 M copper (II) sulfate
0.1 M potassium chloride 0.1 M barium chloride
1.0 M sulfuric acid
1.0 M sodium carbonate
0.1 M silver nitrate
0.1 M sodium phosphate
0.1 M cadmium chloride
1.0 M hydrochloric acid
1.0 M sodium hydroxide
0.1 M nickel chloride
0.1 M sodium nitrate
1.0 M ammonium chloride


In Experiment 4 we briefly encountered metathesis, or double decomposition, reactions. We will
now examine these reactions in more detail, recognising the ionic character of the species in
solution. You may recall that metathesis reactions have the general form
AB + CD AD + CB 1
This kind of reaction is fairly common, especially in aqueous solution, where the cations and
anions of the substances involved exchange partners. The reaction of barium chloride with
silver nitrate is a typical example:
BaCl2 (aq) + 2 AgNO3 (aq) Ba(NO3)2 (aq) + 2 AgCl (s)
This form of the equation for this reaction is referred to as the molecular equation. Because we
know that the salts BaCl2 AgNO3, and Ba(NO3)2 are strong electrolytes and are completely
dissociated in solution, we can more realistically write the equation as follows:
Ba2+ (aq) + 2 Cl- (aq) + 2 Ag+ (aq) + 2 NO3- (aq) Ba2+ (aq) + 2 NO3- (aq) + 2 AgCl (s) 3

This form is known as the ionic equation. Reaction 2 occurs because the insoluble substance
AgCl precipitates out of solution. The other product, barium nitrate, is soluble in water and

Lab Manual 39
CHE 1401

remains in solution. We see that Ba2+ and NO3- ions appear on both sides of the equation and
thus do not enter into the reaction. Such ions are called
spectator ions. If we eliminate or omit them from both sides, we obtain the net ionic equation
Ag+ (aq) + Cl- (aq) AgCl (s) 4
This equation focuses our attention on the salient feature of the reaction: the formation of the
precipitate AgCl. It tells us that solutions of any soluble Ag+ salt and any soluble Cl- salt, when
mixed, will form insoluble AgCl. When writing net ionic equations, remember that only strong
electrolytes are written in the ionic form. Solids, gases, nonelectrolytes, and weak electrolytes
are written in the molecular form. Frequently the symbol (aq) is omitted from ionic equations.
The symbols (g) for gas and (s) for solid should not be omitted. Thus equation 4 can be
Ag+ + Cl- AgCl (s) 5
Consider mixing solutions of KCl and NaNO3. The ionic equation for the reaction is

K+ (aq) + Cl- (aq) + Na+ (aq) + NO3- (aq) K+ (aq) + NO3- (aq)+ Na+ (aq) + Cl- (aq) 6

Because all the compounds are water-soluble and are strong electrolytes, they have been
written in the ionic form. They completely dissolve in water. If we eliminate spectator ions
from the equation, nothing remains. Hence, there is no reaction:

K+ (aq) + Cl- (aq) + Na+ (aq) + NO3- (aq) no reaction 7

Metathesis reactions occur when a precipitate, a gas, a weak electrolyte, or a

non-electrolyte is formed. The following equations are further illustrations of such processes.

Molecular equation:
2 HCl (aq) + Na2S (aq) 2 NaCl (aq) + H2S (g)
Ionic equation:
2 H+ (aq) + 2 Cl- (aq) + 2 Na+ (aq) + S2- (aq) 2 Na+ (aq) + 2 Cl- (aq) + H2S (g)
Net ionic equation:

2 H+ (aq) + S2- (aq) H2S (g) or 2 H+ + S2- H2S (g)


Molecular equation:
HNO3 (aq) + NaOH (aq) H2O (l) + NaNO3 (aq)
Ionic equation:
H+ (aq) + NO3- (aq) + Na+ (aq) + OH- (aq) H2O (l) + Na+ (aq) + NO3- (aq)

Lab Manual 40
CHE 1401

Net ionic equation:

H+ (aq) + OH- (aq) H2O (l)

In order to decide if a reaction occurs, we need to be able to determine whether or not a

precipitate, a gas, a non-electrolyte or a weak electrolyte will be formed. The following brief
discussion is intended to aid you in this regard. Table 8.1 summarizes solubility rules and
should be consulted while performing this experiment.

TABLE 8.1 Solubility Rules

Water-soluble salts
Na+, K+, NH4+ All sodium, potassium, and ammonium salts are soluble
NO3-, ClO3-, CH3COO- All nitrates, chlorates, and acetates are soluble.
Cl All chlorides are soluble except AgCl, Hg2Cl2, and PbCl2a.
Br- All bromides are soluble except AgBr, Hg2Br2, PbBr2a and
I- All iodides are soluble except AgI, Hg2I2, PbI2, and HgI2.
SO4 2- All sulfates are soluble except CaSO4 a, SrSO4, BaSO4, Hg2SO4,
PbSO4, and Ag2SO4.
Water-insoluble salts
CO32-, SO32-, PO43-, All carbonates, sulfites, phosphates, and chromates are
CrO42- insoluble except those of alkali metals and NH4+.
OH- All hydroxides are insoluble except those of alkali
metals and Ca(OH)2a, Sr(OH)2a, and Ba(OH)2
S2- All sulfides are insoluble except those of the alkali
metals, alkaline earths, and NH4+.
(a) slightly soluble.

The common gases are CO2, SO2, H2S, and NH3. Carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide may be
regarded as resulting from the decomposition of their corresponding weak acids, which are
initially formed when carbonate and sulfite salts are treated with acid:
H2CO3 (aq) H2O (l) + CO2 (g)
H2SO3 (aq) H2O (l) + SO2 (g)

Ammonium salts form NH3 when they are treated with strong bases:
NH4+ (aq) + OH- (aq) NH3 (g) + H2O (l)
Which are the weak electrolytes? The easiest way of answering this question is to identify all
of the strong electrolytes, and if the substance does not fall in that category it is a weak
electrolyte. Note that water is a very weak electrolyte. Strong electrolytes are summarized in
Table 8.2.
In this experiment, you will study some metathesis reactions. In some instances it will be very
evident that a reaction has occurred, while in others it will not be so apparent. In the doubtful
case, use the guidelines above to decide whether or not a reaction has taken place. You will be

Lab Manual 41
CHE 1401

given the names of the compounds to use but not their formulas. This is being done
deliberately to give practice in writing formulas from names.

TABLE 8.2 Strong Electrolytes

Salts All common soluble salts
Acids HClO4, HCl, HBr, HI, HNO3, and H2SO4, are strong electrolytes.
All others are weak.
Bases Alkali metal hydroxides, Ca(OH)2, Sr(OH)2, and Ba(OH)2 are
strong electrolytes. All others are weak.

The report sheet lists 16 pairs of chemicals that are to be mixed. Use about 1 mL of the
reagents to be combined as indicated on the report sheet. Mix the solutions in small test tubes
and record your observations on the report sheet. If there is no reaction, write N.R.
The reactions need not be carried out in the order listed. Congestion at the reagent shelf can be
avoided if everyone does not start with reagents for reaction 1.


Before beginning this experiment in the laboratory, you should be able to answer the
following questions:

1. Write molecular, ionic, and net ionic equations for the reactions that occur, if any, when
solutions of the following substances are mixed:
(a) nitric acid and barium carbonate
(b) zinc chloride and lead nitrate
(c) acetic acid and sodium hydroxide
(d) calcium nitrate and sodium carbonate
(e) ammonium chloride and potassium hydroxide

2. Which of the following are not water-soluble: Ba(NO3)2, FeCl3, CuCO3, CuSO4, ZnS,

3. Which of the following are strong electrolytes: BaCl2, AgNO3, HCl, HNO3, CH3COOH?

4. Which of the following aqueous solutions are weak electrolytes: HNO3, HF, HCl, NH3,

5. For each of the following water-soluble compounds, indicate the ions formed in an aqueous
solution: NaI, K2SO4, NaCN, Ba(OH)2, (NH4)2SO4.

6. Write a balanced chemical equation showing how you could prepare each of the following
salts from an acid-base reaction: NaNO3, KCl, BaSO4.

Lab Manual 42
CHE 1401

Experiment 7
Reactions in Aqueous Solutions:
Metathesis Reactions and Net Ionic Equations


Date Laboratory Instructor


1. Copper (II) sulfate + sodium carbonate


Molecular equation_______________________________________________________ Copper (II) : Cu2+

Sodium : Na+
Ionic equation___________________________________________________________ Sulfate : SO42-
Carbonate : CO32-
Net ionic equation________________________________________________________

2. Copper (II) sulfate + barium chloride

Copper (II) : Cu2+
Molecular equation_______________________________________________________ Barium : Ba2+
Sulfate : SO42-
Ionic equation___________________________________________________________ Chloride : Cl-

Net ionic equation________________________________________________________

3. Copper (II) sulfate + sodium phosphate


Molecular equation_______________________________________________________ Copper (II) : Cu2+

Sodium : Na+
Ionic equation___________________________________________________________ Sulfate : SO42-
Phosphate : PO43-
Net ionic equation________________________________________________________

4. Sodium carbonate + sulfuric acid


Molecular equation_______________________________________________________ Sodium : Na+

Hydrogen : H+
Ionic equation___________________________________________________________ Carbonate : CO32-
Sulfate : SO42-
Net ionic equation________________________________________________________

Lab Manual 43
CHE 1401

5. Sodium carbonate + hydrochloric acid


Molecular equation_______________________________________________________ Sodium : Na+

Hydrogen : H+
Ionic equation___________________________________________________________ Carbonate : CO32-
Chloride : Cl-
Net ionic equation________________________________________________________

6. Cadmium chloride + sodium hydroxide


Molecular equation_______________________________________________________ Cadmium : Cd2+

Sodium : Na+
Ionic equation___________________________________________________________ Chloride : Cl-
Hydroxyde : OH-
Net ionic equation________________________________________________________

7. Nickel chloride + silver nitrate


Molecular equation_______________________________________________________ Nickel : Ni2+

Silver: Ag+
Chloride : Cl-
Ionic equation___________________________________________________________
Nitrate : NO3-
Net ionic equation________________________________________________________

8. Nickel chloride + sodium carbonate


Molecular equation_______________________________________________________ Nickel : Ni2+

Sodium: Na+
Chloride : Cl-
Ionic equation___________________________________________________________ Carbonate : CO32-

Net ionic equation________________________________________________________

Lab Manual 44
CHE 1401

9. Hydrochloric acid + sodium hydroxide


Molecular equation_______________________________________________________ Hydrogen : H+

Sodium: Na+
Ionic equation___________________________________________________________ Chloride : Cl-
Hydroxyde : OH-
Net ionic equation________________________________________________________

10. Ammonium chloride + sodium hydroxide


Molecular equation_______________________________________________________ Ammonium : NH4+

Sodium: Na+
Chloride : Cl-
Ionic equation___________________________________________________________ Hydroxyde : OH-

Net ionic equation________________________________________________________

11. Sodium acetate + hydrochloric acid


Molecular equation______________________________________________________ Sodium : Na+

Hydrogen : H+
Acetate : CH3COO-
Ionic equation__________________________________________________________ Chloride : Cl-

Net ionic equation_______________________________________________________

12. Lead nitrate + sulfuric acid


Molecular equation_______________________________________________________ Lead: Pb2+

Hydrogen: H+
Nitrate : NO3-
Ionic equation___________________________________________________________ Sulfate : SO42-

Net ionic equation________________________________________________________

Lab Manual 45
CHE 1401

13. Potassium chloride + sodium nitrate


Molecular equation_______________________________________________________ Potassium: K+

Sodium: Na+
Ionic equation___________________________________________________________ Chloride : Cl-
Nitrate : NO3-
Net ionic equation________________________________________________________

14. Sodium sulfide + hydrochloric acid

Observations__DO NOT PERFORM THIS REACTION (sodium sulfide: foul-smelling chemical)___

Molecular equation_______________________________________________________ Sodium: Na+

Hydrogen : H+
Sulfide : S2-
Ionic equation___________________________________________________________ Chloride : Cl-

Net ionic equation________________________________________________________

15. Sodium sulfide + cadmium chloride

Observations__DO NOT PERFORM THIS REACTION (sodium sulfide: foul-smelling chemical)___

Molecular equation_______________________________________________________ Cadmium : Cd2+

Sodium : Na+
Ionic equation___________________________________________________________ Chloride : Cl-
Sulfide : S2-
Net ionic equation________________________________________________________

16. Sodium sulfide + lead nitrate

Observations__DO NOT PERFORM THIS REACTION (sodium sulfide: foul-smelling chemical)___

Molecular equation_______________________________________________________ Lead: Pb2+

Sodium: Na+
Ionic equation___________________________________________________________ Nitrate : NO3-
Sulfide : S2-
Net ionic equation________________________________________________________

Lab Manual 46
CHE 1401


Oxidation Reduction Titrations:

Analysis of Bleach

To show how redox reactions can be used to determine the amount of hypochlorite in
household bleach.

Relates to chapter 4 of “Chemistry the Central Science, 12th Ed.”.


500-mL Erlenmeyer flask 100-mL graduated cylinder
50-mL burets (2) 3 M H2SO4
250-mL Erlenmeyer flasks (3) 3 M KI
buret clamp 0.05 M Na2S2O3
ring stand starch indicator (freshly prepared)
balance 3% ammonium molybdate
wash bottle bleach unknown
6-in. test tubes (3)

Laundering white clothes to remove dirt and stains is an everyday chore and is usually
accomplished with the aid of bleach. The effectiveness of a bleach to whiten and remove stains
is related to its oxidizing (bleaching) strength. The use of detergents helps to remove grease by
an emulsification action, while agitation helps loosen grime and dirt. Most liquid “chlorine”
bleaches such as Javel contains the hypochlorite ion, ClO- as the oxidizing agent. Hypochlorite
is generally present as the sodium salt, NaOCl or the calcium salt, Ca(OCl)2. Nonchlorine
bleaches that are used in washing colored as well as white fabrics utilize the oxidative
properties of hydrogen peroxide.
This experiment illustrates how redox reactions can be used to quantitatively determine the
amount of oxidizing agent in liquid hypochlorite bleaches.
Two redox reactions are involved in this experiment in the analysis of the oxidizing capacity of
a liquid bleach. Initially you will add an excess of potassium iodide solution to the bleach. The
iodide ions, I-, are oxidized to iodine I2 after the solution has been acidified:
Mo catalyst
ClO- (aq) + 2 I- (aq) + 2 H+ (aq) I2 (aq) + Cl- (aq) + H2O (l) [1]
(NOTE: In the presence of a strong acid the hypochlorite ion is converted to hypochlorous
acid. Why?) The iodine that is formed is then titrated with a standardized sodium thiosulfate,
Na2S2O3 solution that quantitatively reduces the iodine to iodide as follows:
2 S2O32- (aq) + I2 (aq) 2 I- (aq) + S4O62- (aq) [2]
Starch is used as the indicator for this reaction; the starch solution is not added until the dark
brownish color, due to the iodine, has changed to a pale yellow. When the starch is added the
yellow color changes to a blue-black. The end point in the titration is reached when a drop of

Lab Manual 47
CHE 1401

the thiosulfate causes the solution to become colorless. Starch and iodine (actually the triodide
ion, I3-) form a blue-black complex and if the starch is added too soon in the titration, the
formation of the blue-black complex is not easily reversed making the end point very slow and
difficult to detect.
I3- + starch starch I3- complex (blue/black) [3]

Adding Equations [1] and [2] yields Equation [4] that shows for every mol of hypochlorite,
two moles of thiosulfate are required. Thus, from the volume of standardized thiosulfate that is
required to react with the liberated iodine and the weight of bleach we can calculate the
percentage oxidizing agent, by mass. We will assume the oxidizing agent to be NaOCl. This is
illustred in Example 9.1.
HOCl (aq) + 2 S2O32- (aq) + H+ (aq) Cl- (aq) + S4O62- (aq) + H2O (l) [4]

A 0.501 g sample of bleach was treated with an excess of KI. The iodine liberated required
10.21 mL of 0.0692 M Na2S2O3 for titration. What is the percentage NaOCl in the bleach?

SOLUTION: The number of moles of Na2S2O3 used in the titration is twice the number of
moles of hypochlorite; or alternatively, the number of moles of hypochlorite that react is one
half the number of moles as Na2S2O3.

1 1 1
n NaOCl   n Na2 S2O3   C Na2 S2O3  VNa2 S2O3   0.692  0.01021  3.53  10 4 mol
2 2 2

Changing this number of moles to grams:

mNaOCl  n NaOCl  M NaOCl  3.53  10 4  74.5  0.0263 g
And, the percentage of NaOCl is: % NaOCl  100  5.25 %

Lab Manual 48
CHE 1401


In this experiment you will use an already standardized sodium thiosulfate solution
(0.050 M) to analyze a liquid bleach.

Your Na2S2O3 solution used to titrate the I2 formed according to Equation [1] can be
standardized using potassium iodate KIO3 as the primary standard. As in the analysis of the
bleach solution described above, tow redox reactions, Equations [5] and [6] are involved in the
standardization. Notice in Equation [5] that IO3- plays an analogous oxidative role to HOCl in
Equation [1].

IO3- (aq) + 5 I- (aq) + 6 H+ (aq) 3 I2 (aq) + 3 H2O (l) [5]

3 I2 (aq) + 6 S2O32- (aq) 6 I- (aq) + 3 S4O62- (aq) [6]

The standardization procedure is similar to the procedure described above for the analysis of
bleach. An excess of KI is allowed to react with a known amount of KIO 3 in acidic solution.
The iodine formed according to Equation [5] will be titrated with your Na2S2O3 solution using
starch as the indicator. Once again, the starch is not added until the iodine solution has turned a
pale yellow. The end point in the titration is signaled by the disappearance of the blue-black
The stoichiometric relation between the primary standard KIO3 and Na2S2O3 can easily be seen
by adding Equations [5] and [6] to give Equation [7]. (NOTE: Equation [6] is obtained by
multiplying Equation [2] by the factor 3):

IO3- (aq) + 6 S2O32- (aq) + 6 H+ (aq) I- (aq) + 3 S4O62- (aq) + 3 H2O (l) [7]

Equation [7] shows that for each mole of KIO3 used in the titration 6 moles of Na2S2O3 are
required. Example 9.2 illustrates how the concentration of a Na2S2O3 solution can be
determined using KIO3 as the primary standard.

What is the concentration of a Na2S2O3 solution if 21.21 mL of the solution was required to
titrate the iodine formed from 20.95 mL of 0.0100 M KIO3 and excess KI?

SOLUTION: First determine the number of moles of KIO3 that react:

nKIO3  CKIO3 VKIO3  0.02095  0.0100  2.10 104 mol
According to Equation [7], the number of moles of Na2S2O3 that react is six times the number
of moles of KIO3:
nNa2 S2O3  6  nKIO3  6  2.10 104  1.26 103 mol

Hence, the molarity of the Na2S2O3 solution is:

n Na2 S2O3 1.26  10 3
C Na2 S2O3    0.0594 M
VNa2 S2O3 0.02121

Lab Manual 49
CHE 1401

It should be noted that solid iodine crystals may form during each titration, as the iodine
concentration exceeds the solubility product. All of the iodine must be redissolved and reacted
before the titration is complete. As the titration proceeds and the solution becomes pale yellow,
the flask should be swirled until all of the iodine is dissolved. Over time, the iodine will clump
together and become more and more difficult to dissolve. For this reason, the titrations should
be performed as rapidly as practical.

Determination of the Oxidizing Capacity of an Unknown Liquid Bleach

Liquid bleaches containing sodium hypochlorite are corrosive to the skin. Take care when
handling the liquid bleach not to get any on yourself. If you do, immediately wash the area with
a copious amount of water.

The oxidizing power of an unknown liquid bleach will be determined in the following way:
Place a clean test tube into a 100 mL beaker and weigh and record the weight. Add about
0.5 mL bleach to the test tube. Re-weigh and record the weight. The total mass of bleach
should be 0.4 - 0.6 g. Pour the bleach into a 250 mL titration flask and rinse the test tube
several times with distilled water to ensure that all of the bleach is transferred (the total volume
of water added to the flask should be about 25 mL, including the water used to rinse the test
tube). Add 3 mL of 3 M KI to the flask and swirl the flask. Add 2 mL of 3 M H2SO4 and swirl
the flask. Add 5 drops of 3% ammonium molybdate catalyst immediately after the acid is
added. The molybdate ion catalyses the reaction between the iodide and oxidizing agent. A
deep brown color should appear, indicating the presence of iodine. Fill a buret with 0.05 M
sodium thiosulfate. Record the initial and final reading of the buret to the nearest 0.02 mL.
After recording the initial buret reading, immediately* begin titration with the sodium
thiosulfate solution. As titrant is added, the color of the solution in the flask will fade to light
brown and then light yellow. When the solution has reached a light yellow, add 0.5 mL of
starch indicator and mix. The solution will turn a dark blue-black color. Slowly continue to add
titrant drop by drop. The dark-blue black color will fade and when the solution becomes a
transparent bright blue the end point is generally a drop or two away. The end point is the
transition from a blue to a colorless solution. Record the final buret reading. Perform two more
titrations. From the concentration and volume of the added sodium thiosulfate solution used to
titrate the bleach, calculate the weight of sodium hypochlorite, NaOCl, present. For each
titration, calculate the strength of the bleach as the effective percentage mass of the bleach that
is sodium hypochlorite. Report the average percentage mass of sodium hypochlorite in the
bleach. This is the oxidizing capacity of the bleach.

*Iodide is oxidized by oxygen in air:

4 I- (aq) + O2 (g) + H+ (aq) 2 I2 (aq) + 2 H2O (l)
The reaction is slow in neutral solution but is faster in acid and is accelerated by sunlight. After the solution has
been acidified it must be titrated immediately. Moreover, after reaching the end point the solution may darken on
standing for an extended length of time.

Lab Manual 50
CHE 1401


Before beginning this experiment in the laboratory, you should be able to answer the
following questions:

1. Write the formula for the salts that are oxidizing agents in chlorine bleaches.

2. Complete and balance the following equations

- +
(a) HOCl + I + H
(b) S2O3 + I2

3. Is the iodate ion, IO3- an oxidizing or reducing agent?

4. What is the colour of the iodate-iodide solution being titrated with Na2S2O3,
(a) before the starch solution is added?
(b) after the starch solution is added?
(c) at the end point?

5. How many moles of Na2S2O3 react with each mole of KIO3 used in the standardization?

6. If 16.92 mL of a Na2S2O3 solution were required to titrated the iodine formed from 20.95
mL of a 0.0111 M KIO3 solution and excess KI, what is the molarity of the Na2S2O3

7. What is meant by the term standard solution?

8. What are the oxidation states of

(a) chlorine in ClO-?
(b) sulfur in Na2S2O3?

Lab Manual 51
CHE 1401

Experiment 8

Oxidation Reduction Titration: Analysis of Bleach

Determination of the Oxidizing Capacity of an Unknown Liquid Bleach


Date Laboratory Instructor

Unknown no


Molarity of Na2S2O3: 0.050 M

Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3

Mass of beaker and test tube (g) ______ ______ ______

Mass of beaker, test tube and bleach (g) ______ ______ ______

Mass of unknown bleach (g) ______ ______ ______

Volume of Na2S2O3 (mL)  Final buret reading ______ ______ ______

 Initial buret reading 0 . 0 . 0 .

Mass of NaOCl (g) ______ ______ ______

Percent NaOC1 ______ ______ ______

 show calculations for Trial 1:

Lab Manual 52
CHE 1401


Bomb calorimetry

To understand what a bomb calorimeter is, how to use it, and why it is useful.
To determine the heat capacity of the calorimeter.
To determine the enthalpy of combustion of an oil sample.

Relates to Chapter 5, “Thermochemistry”, of “Chemistry the Central Science, 12th Ed.”.


Parr 1341 oxygen bomb calorimeter 19V firing mechanism
Parr 1108 oxygen bomb Amperemeter/Ohmmeter
Digital thermometer 5kg balance
Parr 45C10 nickel-chromium fuse wire Iron ring and stand
Oxygen cylinder, medical grade (99.99%)
Benzoic acid pellets, calorific grade

Heat released in a chemical reaction can be determined
experimentally by using an adiabatic calorimeter. The
reaction must proceed without any side reactions and
sufficiently fast that the heat exchange with the
surroundings is negligible. In an oxygen bomb
calorimeter, the combustion reaction occurs in a closed
container under constant volume (“bomb”). The bomb
is immersed in a weighed quantity of water and
surrounded by an adiabatic shield that serves as a heat
insulator (see Figure 9.1).
The bomb and the water bath, which are in direct
thermal contact, constitute an adiabatic bomb
calorimeter. Continuous stirring ensures that heat is
distributed evenly in the system. In this experiment an Figure 9.1 Adiabatic bomb calorimeter
oil sample is combusted and its heat of combustion is

The Parr bomb calorimeter (see Figure 9.2) is a self-contained instrument used in
determination of heats of combustion of certain fuels and pure organic substances. The results
obtained are sufficiently precise to make them of extreme importance in most commercial and
laboratory procedures concerned with heats of combustion.

Lab Manual 53
CHE 1401

Figure 9.2 Parts of the Parr 1341 oxygen bomb calorimeter

The combustion bomb, made of corrosion-resistant metal, holds the sample whose heat of
combustion is to be measured. The sample is held in a cup and an ignition wire, used to start
the combustion reaction, is attached to the electrodes (see Figure 9.3).

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 9.3 (a) Interior of the bomb vessel.

(b) Schematic of the sample support stand.
(c) Attachment of the nickel-chrome ignition wire.

After the sample and the wire have been properly placed in the bomb, it is charged with
oxygen gas from a commercial cylinder to the pressure of about 25 atm.

Lab Manual 54
CHE 1401

The assembled bomb is then placed in a bucket containing a specified quantity of water
(2000.00g). The temperature rise accompanying the combustion is read from a digital
thermometer. A stirrer insures an even distribution of the heat in water. The bucket in turn is
surrounded by an insulating air space, which prevents, as far as possible, heat leakage to the

First, it is necessary to obtain the heat capacity of the calorimeter system (C cal). This is the
number of calories necessary to raise the temperature of the entire calorimeter system by 1 °C.
This is found by burning a sample material of known heat of combustion. Benzoic acid of high
purity is usually employed. The temperature rise due to the sample is noted, and the number of
joules of heat released in the combustion is calculated. These two values enable one to
calculate the heat capacity of the calorimeter system Ccal, in kJ/°C or kcal/°C.

Knowing that qcal  Ccal  Tcal , then we can calculate the heat of combustion of the assigned

In an experiment, 1.50 g of sucrose (C12H22O11) is burned and causes the temperature of the
bomb calorimeter to rise from 25.00 °C to 27.88 °C. If the heat capacity of the bomb
calorimeter Ccal is 8.57 kJ/°C, calculate the enthalpy of combustion H comb , expressed in

Lab Manual 55
CHE 1401

 Ccal  Tcal   8.57  27.88  25.00

H comb ( sucrose)    5.63  103 kJ / mol
 msample   1.50 
     4.184
M   342.34 
 sample 
 1.35 10 kcal / mol


Experiment 1 – Determination of Ccal:

You will find an oxygen bomb calorimeter charged with 1.00 g benzoic acid pellet under an
oxygen atmosphere (P ≈ 25atm). When ready, stand back and let your instructor fire the bomb;
start recording the temperature at 30s intervals by reading the digital thermometer.
The bomb is fired by plugging the 19V battery for 5 seconds. A typical temperature increase
during the experiment will be in the range of 4°C.
Record the difference between the highest and lowest temperatures reached, ∆T.
Compute the heat capacity of the calorimeter Ccal.

Experiment 2 – Determination of H comb of an oil sample:

Then, the oxygen bomb calorimeter is emptied and charged with 1.00 g of oil sample
(Moil = 872.3 g/mol) under an oxygen atmosphere (P ≈ 25atm). When ready, stand back and
fire the bomb under the supervision of your lab instructor; start recording the temperature at
30s intervals by reading the digital thermometer.
A typical temperature increase during the experiment will be in the range of 4°C.
Record the difference between the highest and lowest temperatures reached, ∆T.
Compute H comb of this oil by using the value of Ccal previously determined in experiment 1.

In this experiment, several approximations are made to simplify the calculations of Ccal and
H comb . In a more rigorous procedure, several corrections would have to be applied:
- correction of the temperature rise ∆T
- correction for the heat of formation of HNO3 and H2SO4
- correction for the heat of combustion of the Nickel-chrome fuse wire
Moreover, it is recommended to perform 7 trials to get a representative mean value.

Lab Manual 56
CHE 1401

Experiment 9

Bomb calorimetry


Date Laboratory Instructor


1 - Determination of Ccal

mass of benzoic acid pellet = 1.00 g

Tinitial = ________________ °C
Tfinal = ________________ °C
∆T = ________________ °C
H comb (benzoic acid ) = - 26.434 kJ/g
Ccal = _______________ kJ /°C
= _______________ kcal /°C
 show calculations overleaf

2 - Determination of ∆Hcomb of an oil sample

mass of oil sample = ____________1.00 g

MW of oil sample = 872.3 g/mol
n of oil sample = _______________ mol

Tinitial = ________________ °C
Tfinal = ________________ °C
∆T = ________________ °C
Ccal = ________________ kJ /°C
H comb (oil ) = - kJ/mol
= - ___________ ____ kcal /mol
 show calculations overleaf

Lab Manual 57
CHE 1401

Flame Test
Identify unknown metal salts by means of the flame test.

Relates to chapter 6 of “Chemistry the Central Science, 12th Ed.”.

What is a flame test?

The flame test is used to visually determine the identity of an unknown metal of an ionic salt
based on the characteristic color emitted from the salt when exposed to a flame.

How is the test performed?

A small amount of a metal salt is placed on the tip of a spatula previously rinsed with HCl and
dried over the flame of a Bunsen burner. Then the spatula is exposed to the blue flame of the
Bunsen burner. Students will be able to see the brilliant characteristic colors of each metal ions.

What metals do colors indicate ?

Color Metal
Lithium compounds.

Yellowish-Orange: Sodium
yellow compounds, even in trace
White-Green: Zinc
Green Green: Copper compounds
Azure: Lead compounds
Greenish Blue: CuBr2
Violet Potassium compounds

N.B. The value of the flame test is limited by interference from other brighter colors and by
ambiguities where certain different metals cause the same flame color. Sodium, in particular, is
present in most compounds and will color the flame. Sometimes a colored glass is used to filter
out light from one metal. Cobalt glass is often used to filter out the yellow of sodium

1. Observe the colors emitted when you ignite a little amount of a metal salt held on a spatula
over a Bunsen burner.
The salts tests contain the following metals: calcium (Ca), sodium (Na), barium (Ba),
strontium (Sr), potassium (K), copper (Cu) and zink (Zn).

2. Identify the unknown salts

Lab Manual 58
CHE 1401

Experiment 10
Flame Test


Date Laboratory Instructor


1. What is the color emitted from each of the following substances?

Metal salt Color emitted

a) Calcium ____________

b) Sodium ____________

c) Barium ____________

d) Strontium ____________

e) Potassium ____________

f) Copper ____________

g) Zink ____________

2. Identify the unknown salts (A, B, and C)

A- ____________

B- ____________

C- ____________

3. Is the flame test enough to identify a given metal salt? Explain.

Lab Manual 59

Physical Properties of Some Common Laboratory Chemicals

Compound Density Melting point Boiling point Solubility

3 o o
(g/cm ) ( C) ( C) Water Ethanol Acetone Cyclohexane

Acetone 0.79 -95 56 s s s

Acetamide 1.00 82.3 221 s s - -
Acetanilide 1.22 114 304 - s s s
Anthracene 1.28 216 - - - s s
Benzamide 1.08 132 290 s s - s
Benzoic acid 1.07 122 249 - s s s
Benzoin 1.31 137 344 - s s -
2-Butanone 0.81 -86 80 s s s s
Cyclohexane 0.79 6.5 81 - s s
Cyclohexene 0.81 -104 83 - s s s
Ethanol 0.79 -117 79 s s s
Ethyl acetate 0.90 -84 77 s s s s
Heptane 0.68 -91 98 - s s s
n-Hexane 0.66 -95 69 - s - -
Methanol 0.79 -94 65 s s s s
Naphthalene 0.96 80.5 218 - s s s
1-Propanol 0.80 -127 97 s s s s
2-Propanol 0.79 -90 82 s s s s

Lab Manual 60
CHE 1401
Common polyatomic ions

Lab Manual 61
CHE 1401

Common ions

Lab Manual 62

Lab Manual 63

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