Executive Summary
Executive Summary
Executive Summary
Establishing sensible eating habits from young is essential in shaping food preferences later in life. An
adequate diet is essential for child and adolescent growth but exactly how much an individual needs
varies with size and build, growth rate and level of physical activity. For any person to remain healthy and
avert acquiring any diseases, it is extremely important for the person to develop a proper eating habit.
It was the research objective of this market research study to evaluate consumer
interest in meatless food. Primary target markets explored include vegetarians,
vegetarian-inclined consumers. Nutrition may be defined as the science of food
and its relationship to health. It is concerned primarily with the part played by
nutrients in body growth, development and maintenance .
Vegetarian nutrition means “maintaining a nutritional status that enables us to
grow well and enjoy good health.”
Good nourishment is the secret of a healthy and happy life. Without maintaining a healthy eating habit, it
is only a matter of time before one falls sick or develops serious medical life-threatening complications. A
healthy eating habit requires that the people have regular intake of nutrients like carbohydrates, fats,
proteins, vitamins, minerals, etc. One of the safest sources of all these nutrients is the vegetables, fruits,
etc., instead of eating Non-Vegetarian food.
The Vegan diet is one that excludes all animal products
from the diet. In many cases this will go as far as to not use
honey, wool or silk, because they all come from animals.
Most people who are vegan are for ethical reasons, along
with health reasons.
The vegan diet is a nutritional way to lead a healthy
life. Veganism is associated with decreased incidences of
certain health problems. Several forms of cancers and heart
disease are some of these health problems which are
The vegan diet is a low fat, high carbohydrate diet.
We are what we eat. Those delicious morsels of food we pop into our mouths eventually
develop every cell of our bodies and affect not only our physical health, but the way we think as
As we have seen, meat is not the natural or the most healthy diet for human beings. We
can survive on it, of course, but it prematurely wears out the human body and creates many
diseases. “A gasoline engine can operate on kerosene, but it will clog frequently, wear out
sooner, and break down faster than if it were run on gasoline.” And our bodies are not just
machines, but intricate and beautiful creations which are to serve us our entire lifetime. It
therefore stands to reason that they should be given the food which they were built to continue –
a natural diet of fruit, grains, nuts, legumes, vegetables, and dairy products.
It is no wonder, then, that countless studies have proved that vegetarians all over the
world are far healthier than those who eat meat.
"The closer a food is to its natural state, the greater its nutritional value."
The study will be conducted in various departments of Punjabi University, Patiala and the age of the
respondents will vary from 19 to 24 years. Both primary and secondary sources will be used for data
collection. The research will be an exploratory one as it involves exploring the idea of Eating habits of the
Young Generation.
Chapter 1
It is only when a person controls his diet and watches the food and drinks which go into the body that he
would be able to protect him from any of the diseases. . The age old curries and Vegetables or Idlis and
dosas are out of their preference, even though they have been brainwashed right through about their good
health effects. The varieties of meat products, pizzas, cheese alike are attracting their taste buds.
Good nourishment is the secret of a healthy and happy life. Without maintaining a healthy eating habit, it
is only a matter of time before one falls sick or develops serious medical life-threatening complications. A
healthy eating habit requires that the people have regular intake of nutrients like carbohydrates, fats,
proteins, vitamins, minerals, etc. One of the safest sources of all these nutrients is the vegetables, fruits,
etc., instead of eating Non-Vegetarian food.
From the beginnings of recorded history, we find that the vegetarian diet was regarded as the
natural diet of humanity.
The early Greeks, Egyptians, and Hebrews described human beings as fruit eaters. The wise
priests of ancient Egypt never ate meat. Many great Greek sages – including Plato, Socrates, and
Pythagoras – were strong advocates of the vegetarian diet. The great civilization of the Inca
Indians was based on a vegetarian diet. In India the Buddha urged his disciples not to eat flesh.
The Taoist saints and sages were vegetarians; and the early Christians and Jews were also. The
Bible clearly states: “And God said, ‘Behold, I have given you every herb-bearing seed, which
is upon the face of the earth, and every tree, in which are fruits; for you it shall be as meat.’
After much recent study and research, scientists have concluded that our early ancestors were
vegetarians who ate no meat except during periods of extreme crisis. It was only during the last
Ice Age, when their normal diet of fruits, nuts, and vegetables was unavailable, that the early
humans had to start eating animal flesh in order to survive. Unfortunately, the custom of eating
meat continued after the Ice Age, either by necessity (like the Eskimos and tribes who live in the
far north), or due to habit, conditioning, or lack of proper knowledge. However, throughout
history there have been many individuals and groups of people who have realized the importance
of a pure diet for health, mental clarity, or spiritual upliftment and have therefore remained
Scientists and naturalists, including the great evolutionist Charles Darwin, agree that
early humans were fruit and vegetable eaters and that throughout history our anatomy has not
changed. The Swedish scientist Von Linne states: “The structure of human beings, external and
internal, compared with that of the other animals, shows that fruit and succulent vegetables
constitute their natural food.”
The ancient Hindus in India always forbade the eating of meat. Manu, the first Hindu law-giver,
wrote, “Meat can never be obtained without injury to living creatures, and if one injures
conscious beings, one cannot attain heavenly bliss. Let all, therefore, shun meat.” The holy book
of Islam, the Koran, prohibits the eating of “dead animals, blood, and flesh. . .” One of the first
and foremost disciples of Mohammed, his own nephew, advised the higher disciples, “Do not
make your stomachs graves for animals.”
Chapter 2
Various studies found that Vegetarian Food among the Humans is extremely important.
1) Gacek M. (2010), analyzed certain lifestyle parameters and health condition indices among
people with traditional and vegetarian models of eating. The research conducted shows that
vegetarians present a higher level of caring about their health, which is expressed on a scale of
pro-health behaviors, than people with traditional model of eating. A higher percentage of them
take up physical activity in their free time (80% vs. 70%), additionally, they more seldom drink
alcohol and smoke cigarettes. Alcohol abstinence is declared by 75% of vegans, 25% of lacto-
ovo vegetarians and only 8% of people with traditional model of eating. Tobacco non-smoking is
declared by 94% of vegans, 74% of lacto-ovo vegetarians and 67% of traditional eating people.
It has also been shown that some psychosomatic health indices, especially concerning digestive
duct/system, remain varied in regard to the model of eating followed. The research has proven
that vegetarian model of eating influences other--non-eating--pro-health behaviors and in this
way it shapes healthy lifestyle of research subjects.
2) “The earth has enough for everyone’s need, but not enough for everyone’s
- Mahatma Gandhi
3) “Your foods shall be your remedies, and your remedies shall be your foods.”
This study aimed to provide a fuller picture of the vegan diet, encompassing both the nutrition
and health of the vegan diet as well as related ethical beliefs by studying scientific and popular
literature. Furthermore, the study aimed to provide an insider’s perspective of the vegan diet as a
means of making the diet more relatable/understandable to those who are not vegan.
This project will bring out regarding the Vegetarian food. "As a healthy mind stays in a healthy body", it
is very important to provide proper knowledge of Healthy and Nutritious Eating .Therefore the study will
point out what shortcomings are there in the humans diet and they should follow so as to lead a healthy
life. The project aims to educate the public regarding a diet and lifestyle that is often
4. To find out the penetration of „AMUL KOOL MILK‟ beverages products in the retail outlets
of Cochin with reference to retailers of such products.
5. To find out the factors that influences the stocking decision of retailers of kool milk
beverages product in Cochin.
There has been a drop in the percentage of retail outlets in Cochin where Amul had
penetration for its products, this study is intended to find out the percentage of outlets where
penetration of Amul products exists now and find out the factors that influence the buying
decision of retailers of beverage products.
In the branded snacks market, to get down to basics, Frito Lay commands a share
of 45%, followed by Haldiram’s at 27% and ITC at 16%. The rest is divided
between a handful of new entrants, wannabes and many regional players. Out of
these ITC’s Bingo is a new entrant in the market, which was launched in 2007. ITC
has launched Bingo in a wide variety of flavours and formats, ranging from potato
chips to finger snacks. Because of its different and catchy advertisements Bingo
has created a buzz in the market. Therefore, our aim was to find out the most
popular flavour of Bingo among all the offerings.
We began our analysis by dividing people into those who like to eat snacks and
those who don’t. We based our study on the survey of people who like to eat
snacks. This survey was conducted in Delhi. To collect the data we designed a
To analyze the reason for the popularity of the most preferred snack.
Research design is the basic framework which provides guidelines for the rest of
research process. It specifies the methods for data collection and data analysis .In
this research project we have used the survey method of data collection, to be
more specific questionnaire method. We conducted a survey in Delhi. Out of the
universe of 500 our sample size is 50. Respondents in the sample size were asked
to fill the questionnaires to gather the data
Primary sources
The primary data was collected through questionnaires. They were filled using the scheduled method
of data collection by the researcher.
Secondary sources
The secondary sources were used only for collecting information regarding the sample, they were
however not used for analysis.
A Research design specifies the methods and procedures for conducting a particular study. It is a map
(or) blue print to which the research is to be conducted. Descriptive research design has been
considered as a suitable methodology for present study and for data analysis.
The sampling design used was Convenience sampling, which is a non-probability sampling method.
The convenience factors were the availability and approachability of the respondents.
All types of outlets that stock and sell kool milk beverages products in the markets. The outlets have
been classified into as follows
Convenience stores : All kinds of shops including bakeries
Eateries : all kinds of eating joints
Groceries : all shops selling groceries
The study was conducted in the retail outlets in and around COCHIN in the following areas
i. Aluva
ii. Chembumukku
iii. Ernakulam
iv. Kakkanad
v. Kaloor
The research objective requires the researcher to find out the penetration of Amul kool milk
beverages products with reference to retailers of such products.
For this the following data relevant were collected
a. Amul product sold by the retailers
b. If sold, then which of the competitors complimentary products, has a higher penetration in that
c. Strategies adopted by the company and its distributors that influence the stocking decision for the
Quantitative analysis is performed using the data collected at each outlet to estimate the presence of
Amul products.
Tools Utilized
Percentage Analysis
Graph Chart