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Designing A One Way Ribbed Concrete Joist Floor System Per ACI
Code 318-11
{8 January 17,2007 Abdu seal Pe
einorced concrete design emo sa design a. one rbbed concrete lst oor stem per ACI Code 318-11, Wevil focus ou atention on tension.
“luted sectors one eco macho comlecrelsSMecfagn lect pha scan
‘The problem statement states,
‘uasign an interior re of a concrete joist aor system glven the following informasion:
‘oan of ria =20 simply supported
‘Uniform Dead Load (Excluding self weight) = 20 pst
Uniform Live Load =90 psf
Compressive Strength of Concrete, f¢=3 isl
Yile Strength of Reinforcement, y= 60 ksi
—— |
20” 4" 20"1. Slab design
Assume Clear spacing between ribs = Zo” 430
Aci Code 8.13.3
ACI Code 8.13.6-1
Slab Thickness = 2”
ivofth tae
he design thickress ofthe slab multiplied by the unit weignt of concrete. A
LUDL The self weight
equal to 150 bt
® Zz" «150 |b = 5 fF
self wight J stab = (Foye ay” 28
CET. Since we willbe cesigning a1 wide stip ofthe
Thisis based o
The third sep
tency of units in the flowing steps.
slob, v's a good
Asce 7
Wu - stab e L ZOOL + 1.6 LL
= 1220+259+ 16040) = 178 pst
148 Wb /i2" - 148 Ib
7 (=) fe
his wil serve asthe require strengt fer the slab, and our des'gn wil be based on
he fourth step is to determine the maximum factored moment
Ife conser ou trip fixed tothe ribs at both ends, the maximum moment will be equal to the
providing at ast his level af flexural
factored load divided by 12 times the clear spacing between ribs squaredLAS
wh V ve
fa ae
Slab assumed fix to rib
Ma- svab = Wa-stae) b slab) L* = (118 be (=. y
im a:
Musab = 45.833 |b-St
= .94583% k- fe
= 55 k-in
OMFlexurak Tensile Strenglt = 57f'e =f,
Me = PIVF%*
Ms 2 p51Fu fe"
T= bee = G2(a = Bm
12 12
ech: 2 4"
Zz zZ
M= 8 (0.55) 5 FHooe = },391. 402 lb-m
= 1.341 kem> Mu-stabShrinka ge Reinfor cement
Jj, - .oole lin") 2D = 0432 is
Act Code 7.12.2-1
oo 18
2" tranverse
try #3 bor @
and pore LLel
he seventh step isto find the total thickness ofthe rip heignt pls sl
he minimum thiceness of nonprestressed beams or ene-way slabs Fr th
‘than or equalte the span length divided by 20, To use this formula properly th
thickness minus the slab thickness.
Lead on rib Aci Code Table 15a
Minima Depth = £ = Zoniefte 12"
Zo Zo
rizortaltevies equal to the factored load cortriauton from the slab tmes the centerto-center
he tenth step isto
rib width @ bottom - 4"
ACL Code
[\ lo £ 3.5 (4%)
Top width - Yn 4 g/t» a - 9 2"
Average width = 47+ 63" = 4, 833”
Loe 3 50 Jb
Weight a rib = ( 4922") (= ai fe= 50.344 Ibs
Wenge 24" (146 psf) * 1-2 (50.344 a)
7 yse. 413 Ib
. 2
Muerib 2 (Wa-rib EO = (4 56.413 8) (2054)
Mu-rib = Z2B20.65 |b -Ft
Z2.82065 k-¥é
273.8486 k-in‘The welt step ste choose a reasonable bar type forthe rb reinforcement and compute the effective depth, ofthe rit and sb assembly. The eflactve
depth is equa tothe total slab depth minus the cover minus the reinforcement bar elameterdkidea by 2. The cover is equal 0 0.75" and 's based on ACI
Code 31811 Section 7.72
Desiqn oJ rib
Total Depth - 12” Lb
Assume 2 5 bar L ra
ad: l2z"- 2° - (4°) (>)
‘The thirteenth steps to find the moment stength of tre flanges, OM ofthe T-shaped nib bases on the assumption of tension controled sections. This
is based on the assumpvion thatthe T-section s behaving ikea rectanguler section where the depth of the Whitney stress block,“ is fess than or
‘equal to the slab thickness. the moment strength of the flange is
ker than or equal the maximum factored momento the rib, our assumption is
ial, and the rib must be designed as a
vali, the moment sirength ofthe ange is less tran tne maximum factored mement onthe rib, our assum
‘section=¢ , T-sectron behaves like
assume a
re chengii\ or Sectior
Moment Strength Js Flange
Mn (Slange) * i " - i
PMng (Slang ¢ (0.85) fic bb ld e)
= 4 C85) (4) C24") (2) (10.438" - =)
- \454. 643 K-in > Mua-erib
Rib acts as @ rect angular section
b= 24, azt
Mas pha = GAsty (4-4) = § Assy (d- At )
\.1$tcba. we - bx +o
Bi Ag - phd Ay tMe = O
4(bo* Agr — .4 (60) (10-438) Ag + 273-818 =O
4 (0
1.7 c4) Czy
14.85 3 Apt - 540.652 Ags 273.848 °°
Ag = HAN wn?
teenth step i to calculate the minimum
srr sig the following formula
4 choice of bar ypa = Achy = MI Go) =. 34g"4 EHR
0.85 f'cb BICLY(ZH)
use 2 * 5 bars
Ag: 2 Ay = 2.3m) = 2 GZ in?wt As z ~GLZin® s
S b2in ONT
bod 4.833") (10.438)
Pmin = 34s 3 200
= Aci Code
fy Fy lo.5.\
= 3 y4o00 = 200
60000 60000
OKMax As Act Code
0.855% [ (be budt + 03758, bud |
Max Ay =
= 0.85 (4) (ca -~4.633)(2> * (315 (B59) (4.823000
3.127 in? As s Nwax “ ¢ =0.4
‘The last step isto check the shear strergzh ofthe nib. The design shear strength othe slab, yj, per ACI Code 218-11 Secton 11.2.1. and 8.138 s equalto
the strength reduction factor times 2 times 1.1 times lamads times the square root ofthe compressive strength ofthe concrete times te average rb width
times the effective depth, The maximum shear force the slab needs tobe designes for, V's equalto te shear force ata distance equal o the eectve depth
away from the slab support per ACI Cade 318-11 Section 11.131, the design shear strength is greater than or equalto the maximum shear fo
ign is saistactory, the design shear strength is ess than the maximum shear force, the design is unsatisfactory. Depending upon project requirements,
‘there may be a need to incarporate stirrups even if the design shear strength is greater than the maximum shear force, Furthermore, iis also advisable 10
clude a transverse iv atthe midspan ofthe slab system which uns perpendicular tothe eirection ofthe man ibs but has the same reinforcement as main
‘ibs This will act a5 a flor steer and is recammendes ‘or systerns where the lve loa is greater than 60 psf, ane the span length is between 13 and 23,
feet.Shear in rib
Act Code W-2.1.4
rT 48! Code 8.13.8
av. = pt) 2ATs bed
Aci Code 8.6.1
TH AAYZ a.o)T4ooo (4.833) (10.93 8)
Ve = 5516.56H Ibs= 456.413 |b '
( WY C20 456.413 te /10.438°
FL =,
Zz (i)
: 414g cit tbs
OV. > Vu OK
Mini mun Stier upsSince LL? io re?
span of rib 13 4+ L + 23
franverse rib @ mids paw
add one
bo direction of ribs
perpendi cular
with Same reinforcement as main ribs
Andul Sia
‘Computing the Minimem Required Twe Woy Slab Thickness fr the interior and Corner Pats ofa Fla Plt Floor System
enforced Concrete Design of Twos Sab per ACI Code (tps/uwav.engineerngexamplesnet/computng-ninimurrequlred-wonnay-slab-thickness
Designing a Consinuous One Way Reinforced Contra Sab per ACI Coxe 318-1 tps vn engneeringexampesmet/ designing continuouone-tay
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