Hell On Earth

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Hell on Earth Reloaded Written by: Shane Lacy Hensley, Teller, and Clint Black

Original Hell on Earth Written by: Shane Lacy Hensley, John Hopler, Teller,
John M. Goff, and many others
Layout & Graphic Design: Aaron Acevedo, Simon Lucas, and Joel Kinstle
Art by: Aaron Acevedo, Chris Bivins, Mike Burns, Jim Crabtree, James Denton, Bartłomiej Fedyczak, Bien
Flores, Alberto Foche, Tom Fowler, Liz Green, Darnell Johnson, Johan Lindroos, Chris Malidore , Mauro
Mussi, Paolo Parente, Angel Rams, Jose Maria Reyes, Alida Saxon, Carly Sorge, Tomasz Tworek, and
Cheyenne Wright
Character Sheet by: Cheyenne Wright
Cover By: Carmen Cianelli
Proofing by: Piotr Korys, Marguerite Kenner, Clint and Jodi Black, Matthew Cutter, and Scott Woodard
Playtesting and Advice: Clint & Jodi Black, Simon Lucas, Piotr Korys, Evil Mike, Chaos Steve,
Jay & Amy Kyle

Shane’s Dedication: To Teller, for his infinite patience and enthusiasm.

One day, my friend, you will be the Warlord of the Wastelands.

Teller’s Dedication: To Shane, Michelle, Charlie, John, ‘Shroom, and all

the great folks who made the original Wasteland game come alive.

© 2012 Pinnacle Entertainment Group. Deadlands, Hell on Earth, the Weird West, the Wasted West,
the Way Out West, Savage Worlds and all related original characters, marks and logos are
trademarks of Pinnacle Entertainment Group. All rights reserved.
Produced under license by Studio 2 Publishing, Inc. The Studio 2 logo is a trademark of
Studio 2 Publishing, Inc. © 2012. All rights reserved. Printed in China.
Coup ����������������������������������������� 93
INTRODUCTION ���������������������������������1 Radios��������������������������������������� 93
The Great Spirit War ���������������� 1
Weird Weather������������������������� 94
Judgment Day ��������������������������� 6
Mutations��������������������������������� 95
The Wasted West ����������������������7
Veteran o’ the Wasted West � 96
Who’s Who?������������������������������ 12
The Harrowed ������������������������� 98
The Harvest ������������������������������ 19
Fear Levels������������������������������ 100
Gazetteer ��������������������������������� 24
Scrounging������������������������������ 102
MAKIN’ HEROES���������������������������������31 THE WASTED WEST�����������������������105
Making Characters �����������������33
East of the Mississippi �������� 105
New Hindrances ��������������������� 34
Great Basin������������������������������ 106
New Edges ������������������������������� 36
The Great Maze�����������������������114
EQUIPMENT�������������������������������������� 41 The Great Northwest ������������ 123
Gear Notes������������������������������� 42 High Plains�������������������������������131
Weapons����������������������������������� 52 The Sioux Nations ���������������� 140
Gear List����������������������������������� 55 Lower Mississippi and Delta142
Vehicles������������������������������������� 56 The Wild Southwest�������������� 146
Pimp My Ride!������������������������� 60 The Coyote Wasteland���������� 153

SETTING RULES������������������������������ 65 MONSTERS & MISFITS�������������������157

Counting Coup ����������������������� 65 Humans������������������������������������ 192
Death����������������������������������������� 65 Personalities���������������������������� 195
Ghost Storms��������������������������� 65
Scavenging ������������������������������� 66 REFERENCES  • 202
Index ��������������������������������������� 202
NO MAN’S LAND  • 69 Character Sheet��������������������� 204
Doomsayers ����������������������������� 69
Harrowed ����������������������������������72
Junkers ��������������������������������������77
Sykers��������������������������������������� 80
Templars����������������������������������� 86
Toxic Shamans ����������������������� 90
Hell on Earth was inspired by two things—the movie Road Warrior® and the computer
game Wasteland®. But it was also inspired by the backstory in Deadlands. I had a long
elaborate story concocted about the Reckoners—how they were out to soak the world in
fear and the heroes were out to stop them.
And then it occurred to me how much fun it would be to play in the Weird West some
200 years later if the Reckoners were successful. We’d call it the “Wasted West,” and
it would be a post-apocalyptic Western. The outcast mutants would take the place of
American Indians in our tragic narrative, bikes would replace horses, and junk-collecting
madmen would be our new mad scientists.
I would also be remiss not to admit that, at the time, before Deadlands had actually
come out to the public, I had been told by retailers and distributors that our little horror
Western wouldn’t sell. So I thought, “That’s okay. I’ll put it out anyway and then blow
it up!” It sounded cool and a little edgy, and as the idea grew, I started thinking about
how we’d hide the identity of the Reckoners and the coming of Hell on Earth in the first
Deadlands rulebook. (The names of the Reckoners appeared in certain headers.)
Of course, Deadlands was a great success and that left me with a little bit of a dilemma.
We had struck gold—and now we were going to blow it up? So we decided Hell on Earth
was the most likely future of the Weird West—not the only one. That’s important because
it makes the adventures in Deadlands a little pointless if the heroes are ultimately doomed
to failure.
In the “official” timeline, the heroes were successful—the first time. But then the
Reckoners cheated (at great cost) and sent their killer, Old Stone, we call him, back
through the Hunting Grounds to the Weird West to kill certain do-gooders before they
could do too much good.
Not to be hand-wavey, but I wouldn’t get too wrapped up in all that. Instead, dive
into Hell on Earth and see how hucksters have gradually become sykers, or the blessed
have become Templars. Check out how many servitors the Four Horsemen have running
around the Wasted West these days—it’s a lot more than four and they’re really hard to
take down. Read deep enough and you’ll find all kinds of lore that reaches back into the
dusty past of the Weird West and tells you what happened to folks like Mina Devlin and
Black River, or the nefarious Doctor Hellstromme.
You players can ignore all that if you want. There’s a customized road-hog out there
with your name on it, or maybe a cache of ammo for your favorite shotgun and a six-pack
of pre-war Bubbly Fizz Cola—”Good for what ails ya!” Scavenge around the wastes long
enough and you might even find a relic from days long past, or a working suit of power
armor, or even secret enclaves of other wasters trying to reclaim the world…or finish off
what’s left of it.
This isn’t just a wasteland. It isn’t just post-apocalypse. This is Hell on Earth.

—Shane Hensley
April 2012

Note: Changes have been made from the original Hell on Earth to better reflect events
that happened since we first released it in 1998. It’s a little more serious this time out, and
there are some rule changes between this game and Deadlands Reloaded to reflect the
state of the Wasted West, or because of our playtesters’ comments. If you’re familiar with
Deadlands, you’ll want to pay particular attention to the rules for Fear Levels, Guts, Grit,
Fate Chips, and certain Harrowed powers.
The year is 2097, but the future is not The most powerful of the shamans—the
our own. Old Ones—learned that a great deal of
the supernatural evil in the world was
For over 200 years, a Cold War was waged
channelled through bad spirits the Indians
between the United and Confederate States
called “manitous,” what Westerners call
of America. The American Civil War ended demons.
in a stalemate in the late 1800s, leaving the
South a free and independent nation. A These beings served as conduits for
long, tense peace was punctuated by brief magical energy to and from the world
spasms of violence and briefer moments of to the mystical “Hunting Grounds.” This
cooperation for a greater good. power could then be used to augment the
manitous’ chosen allies—monsters and
The long Cold War came to an end on black-hearted humans—or create all-new
September 23, 2081, at 6:17 p.m. Eastern horrors from humanity’s worst fears and
Standard Time. Judgment Day arrived on nightmares.
the wings of irradiated ghost rock bombs,
The Old Ones reasoned that if the
leaving about six billion dead. Of the billion
manitous could be kept out of the physical
or so who survived, most fell victim to
world, the earth’s monsters would gradually
starvation, disease, random violence, and
die out. For this, the shamans turned to
worse in the chaotic days following the end their ancient allies, the strange and distant
of the world. nature spirits.
What happened next? That’s a long story, Besides many strange savage rituals,
but before we get started, let’s go back to there was one additional cost: the Old
the beginning. Ones would have to remain in the Hunting
Grounds and bar the doorways that kept

THE GREAT SPIRIT WAR the manitous trapped. Forever.

The ensuing battles came to be called
the Great Spirit War and tore the Hunting
Monsters are real. They always have Grounds asunder. In the end, the shamans
been. Walking dead, werewolves, vampires, and their allies were victorious. Afterward,
and even dragons have stalked the Earth the surviving nature spirits returned to their
since it was created. But around what strange ways while the Old Ones turned
Europeans call the Dark Ages—and a whole to guarding the pathways to Earth. Thanks
undiscovered continent away—a group to their sacrifice and eternal vigil, the
of American Indian shamans from many influence of the manitous in the physical
different tribes came together. world was greatly diminished.

ground, the same
place the Old Ones
had crossed into the
Hunting Grounds
centuries before.
Once on the other
side, Raven and his
band hunted down
and murdered the
Old Ones. With the
ancient shamans
dead, the gates
were opened and
manitous were once
again free to enter
the physical world.

The Reckoners
During his travels,
Raven discovered
that the manitous
served greater forces
of destruction that
later came to be
called the Reckoners
by some, or the Four
Enter Raven Horsemen of the Apocalypse by others.
The next few hundred years were pretty
With the blood of the Old Ones on
good for mankind. Demons did occasionally
his soul, Raven became the first of
slip through and monsters still roamed, but
the Reckoners’ “servitors,” willing and
their numbers and powers were shrinking
intelligent humans paving the way for
rather than growing.
the Four Horsemen on Earth. In exchange,
Unfortunately, the white man’s arrival Raven (and future servitors) received great
in the Americas set in motion a tragedy power and near-immortality.
that would end with a literal Hell on Earth.
The Four Horsemen had been waiting
A young Susquehannah shaman named
for their chance to rise for millennia. The
Raven watched his whole village get
actions of the Great Old Ones panicked
wiped out by the pale-skinned invaders in
them and they knew they’d come close
1763, and he carried a grudge to Hell and
to being trapped in the Hunting Grounds
Though the nature spirits had grown
So they became proactive. Each created a
even more distant since their bargain
chosen servitor—War claimed Raven’s soul—
with the Old Ones, Raven still managed to
to champion their cause. They also tasked
become a powerful shaman. He discovered
the manitous with creating monsters and
the secret of long life, found out the story
mayhem wherever they found the tender
of the Great Spirit War, and hatched a plan
beginnings of fear and misery.
to undo the Old Ones’ work and visit evil
upon the white man. Negative energy eventually “terror-forms”
an area into a “Deadland.” When enough
Raven gathered up others who had
Deadlands are created, they form a literal
suffered like him—the Last Sons—and
Hell on Earth that can sustain the Reckoners
entered the Hunting Grounds through a
and allow them to walk upon it in the flesh.
hidden portal in an ancient Micmac burial

The Reckoners’ “investment” in servitors
The Reckoners know they can’t
and manitous returned rewards quickly, but
just throw a monster into a town
that wasn’t enough. They knew the best
and transform it into a Deadland.
way to drive bloodshed and fear was to give
If everyone believes in monsters,
mankind something to fight over.
they rally and begin to fight back.
Around 1868, Raven performed a ritual The most effective horrors are the
that shattered California into a labyrinth ones no one admits believing in, but
of mesas and channels stretching from secretly dream about in their worst
Mexicali to Oregon. Within the walls of nightmares.
the “Great Maze” were veins of a brand
That’s not to say a good massacre
new mineral. This new fundament burned
doesn’t create a Deadland near
a thousand times hotter than coal and
overnight. That definitely happens,
screamed like the damned when set alight.
especially during wars. But it has to
It was quickly dubbed “ghost rock.”
be done carefully or the Reckoners
Soon after, ghost rock was discovered all know they or their minions will be
over the world—though the majority of the exposed and that will set them back
largest strikes were in America. Within a greatly.
year, ghost rock became the most valuable
It’s also worth noting that
mineral in the world and people started
servants of the Reckoners (except
fighting and killing one another just to get
the servitors) don’t know they were
a hold of it.
given life or power by ancient evil
Ghost rock is an incredible power beings. A werewolf just knows it
source and soon gave rise to all manner wants meat and a murderous spirit
of inventions—from steamships to vapor just knows it wants to cause chaos
cannons. Most of these inventions were and pain. They all forward the Four
geared to destroy, but those who raised that Horsemen’s agenda to terror-form
issue were ignored in the face of “progress.” the world into a literal Hell on Earth,
Hell on Earth—Almost
The destructive nature of ghost rock
and the rising tide of fear in the world’s
backwater regions continued through the
next century. Men like Hitler and Stalin
accelerated the pace, along with world-
wide economic depressions and tragedies, Despite some close calls of the Cold
such as the Rape of Nanking, that spawned War, bloody brushfire wars, and the rise
countless horrors and formed Deadlands of atomic and ghost rock-powered bombs,
all around the world. the world actually stayed intact. Countries
rebuilt, economies rose, and electronics
By the time of World War II, it seemed
replaced machines.
the world was finally on the verge of Hell
on Earth, but the hard-fought victory of
the Allies gave the world hope. Despite the A Whole New World
terrors living in the ruins and the monsters
In 2044, Hellstromme Industries
prowling the edges of civilization, humanity
announced a project that would change the
won out. It was helped greatly by secret
world. And another world on top of that. The
societies of soldiers, agents, and civilians
geniuses at HI built something called “the
who fought back against these horrors.
Tunnel,” which could propel a ship at faster-
Most even kept their stories to themselves
than-light speeds to other star systems.
so as not to generate more fear.
Within a few years, they even found a way

to a new system they dubbed “Faraway,”
complete with an inhabited planet called
The Eye of the Storm
Banshee—for its howling winds. Just as they had in World War II, heroes
rose. Some fought on the battlefield, some
Banshee was home to a race of purple-
strove for peace, and others quietly fought
skinned creatures called “anouks,” who
the secret horrors rising in the violence of
seemed a lot like early American Indians to
the first colonists who landed there. They
traded with some, warred with others, and Just before Christmas of 2080, President
then made the discovery that would change Mary Tremane of the United States,
everything. Banshee had ghost rock. President Jonas Sothby of the Confederacy,
and their allies agreed to a cease-fire. On
That became especially important in
New Year’s Eve, the two presidents issued a
2078 when a geologist named Gerhard
joint press release declaring their intent to
Hauptman published the Hauptman Survey.
negotiate a more permanent peace.
He concluded the earth’s supply of ghost
rock would be exhausted in about 20 years. Shortly after taking off from Denver
on New Year’s Day, Tremane’s aircraft
Wealthier nations stocked colony ships
disappeared over the Rockies. Theories
full of miners—and soldiers—and paid
abound as to what happened to the
Hellstromme Industries exorbitant fees to
presidential plane, ranging from a freak
hurl them through the Tunnel to Faraway.
electrical storm to assassination by air-to-
War broke out literally hours after the first
air missile. Sothby immediately issued his
colonists arrived and the United Nations
sincere regrets, but Tremane’s successor,
sent their first armed troops (and later
Andrew Bates, wasn’t hearing it.
starships) through to keep the peace.
He believed the Southern Alliance had
Of course the less-developed countries
shot Air Force One out of the sky and
couldn’t afford colonies on Banshee, so
said as much on national television. Peace
they fought over what was left back on
talks disintegrated and Bates threatened to
nuke a Confederate city every week until
the Confederacy ceded Southern California
The War to End The World as “payment” for Tremane’s assassination.
Eventually these wars spread to the larger It was the first time any nation had
countries and their entangled alliances. seriously threatened using the awesome
Both the USA and CSA had treaties all over power of a ghost rock bomb.
the world, and North America was hands
down the continent with the richest ghost
rock deposits.
The Beginning of the End
Most folks knew “A-Bomb Andy’s” threats
When the American nations called on
were the beginning of the end and they
their allies, they came running and North
were right. Fighting broke out all over the
America soon became the focal point for
world within hours.
World War III.
Germany invaded Mexico, the heart of
The Northern Alliance consisted of the
the Latin American Alliance, and also
People’s Republic of China, Deseret, France,
mixed it up with French troops guarding
the Latin American Alliance, South Africa,
their embassy in Mexico City. In retaliation,
and the United States itself.
French forces in Europe marched across
The Southern Alliance included the the Rhine to invade Germany, then turned
Confederate States, the Warsaw Pact (still around to repulse a British invasion across
a political bloc despite the dissolution of the English Channel.
the Soviet Union nearly a century before),
Fiercely cruel battles broke out in Asia,
Great Britain, Canada, Japan, Germany, and
Africa, and South America. Russia and
Russia. By the end of 2080, America—along
Japan invaded China. South Africa charged
with the rest of the world—was awash in
north, carving through the smaller nations

before butting heads with Egypt. The In North America, the Canadians anted
tremendous oil fields of the Middle East up with nukes of their own, directed against
were set aflame as Iran and Iraq renewed Union border defenses in Washington and
their age-old enmity. New England. Within a couple days, the
Canadians took Boston and proceeded
Still, no one had dropped a ghost rock
south to rendezvous with a Confederate
bomb. A-Bomb Andy had started folks
division for an attack on Washington, DC.
talking about it, but no one had actually
yet had the nerve to do it. Then Pakistan Suddenly, A-Bomb Andy was up against
launched a single tac-nuke against India the wall. Worse, he turned out to have a
and the nuclear genie was out of the bottle. case of the deep-down crazies. Some think
he had a psychotic break thanks to the
The Big Bang stress he’d been under since the death of
Mary Tremane, but others now wonder if a
The Pakistani nuke was the shot heard more nefarious force had pushed him along
round the world. The unspoken rule had to destroy the world.
been broken and ghost rock bombs were
Whatever the case, he lived up to his
now fair game. A few weeks later, Great
name and turned to his last resort: scorched
Britain tossed a nuke at France’s coastal
earth. Scorched planet Earth.
defenses to pave the way for a new
amphibious invasion, planned to coincide
with a German counterattack against
France. Russia came to France’s aid and all
of Europe erupted in flame.

From ground zero to about five miles out,
JUDGMENT DAY all but the biggest, toughest buildings were
reduced to rubble, and pretty much everyone
was flash-fried by ghost rock-fueled
The first Union bombs fell at 6:17 p.m. EST,
radiation. Around this area formed a solid
September 23, 2081. The firestorm swept the
wall of screaming souls—a ghost storm.
globe. Andy launched the entire US arsenal,
and CSA Strategic Command retaliated in From the ten-foot thick walls of the
kind. About half of the nations’ nukes were maelstrom out to another 30 miles, the
aimed at each other and the rest were fired blast didn’t do much to the landscape, but
off at cities around the world. Most every killed about half the population. Even a
important target on Earth was hit. bomb shelter wouldn’t save you, as what
killed most folks outside of ground zero
Ghost Busters were the damned souls released by the
bomb’s ghost rock core. Those who weren’t
Most of the bombs that fell on Judgment killed by this demonic whirlwind were
Day were city busters, sometimes called warped or mutated by the supernatural
“ghost busters” because of the ghost rock and radioactive energy.
inside. These weapons were designed to
After everyone was done dying and
kill everyone in a city without completely
mutating, the maelstroms remained. The
destroying its strategic value. Of course, that
spirits still swirl about the perimeter, but
ignored the thousands of screaming souls
they no longer instantly kill or mutate
unleashed on the earth and the damage
anyone who passes through.
they did in the resulting “ghost storm.”

The worst part of the land around a blast
site—usually confined by the maelstrom—
After Judgment Day, it didn’t take long
becomes a Deadland. Plants die, creatures
for folks to start building a new world
mutate into monsters, and horrors plucked
from the ashes of the old. People are pretty
right out of humanity’s worst nightmares
resilient, and they quickly gathered in
come to life. Few believed in the existence
communities and groups of various sizes.
of magic and monsters before the war, but
Unfortunately, it’s as likely as not these
there was certainly no denying it afterward.
communities are dedicated to stomping on
All together, the detonations occurring other communities and taking their stuff.
within the space of a week created It’s a hard world out there.
thousands of Deadlands. Those closest
together—the ones that fell in areas with
high population densities like Europe,
City Livin’
China, and the eastern areas of the USA Just about every major city in North
and CSA—linked together, turning the Earth America was destroyed on Judgment Day,
into one great big pit of fear. with the exception of Salt Lake City and
Denver. Even so, most are recognizable
This was the terrible outcome the
thanks to their famous landmarks. No one’s
Reckoners had been working toward all
really sure why things like the Sears Tower
those long years.
in Chicago and the Space Needle in Seattle
are still standing, but there they are. Of
Come the Horsemen course, most such landmarks are within
maelstroms, so tourism isn’t real popular
Shortly after the dust settled, the
these days.
Reckoners themselves appeared on Earth,
straight out of the Book of Revelations. The Survivors who live in a city usually live
four entities of destruction first appeared outside the maelstrom that marks the outer
in the American West, where the fighting edge of a ghost buster’s blast radius. That
prior to Judgment Day was at its worst. doesn’t mean they aren’t vulnerable to
lower levels of radiation common near the
War showed up in Kansas, raised an
maelstroms. Therefore, most folks who live
army of the dead, and then stomped his
in these ruins are mutants. It’s not that they
way through the Dakotas. Famine popped
like exposing themselves to the radiation
up in California, knocked what was left of
and monsters common in the outskirts of
the City of Lost Angels flat, and, despite
the ruined cities, it’s that building a new
losing her steed to the priests of the Free
community is pretty tough for folks that are
and Holy City, headed East with a trail of
usually outcasts or exiles thanks to their
starvation behind her. Pestilence was a late
mutations. The cities offer plenty of shelter
starter, only appearing in Texas a couple
and plenty of scavenging opportunities, and
weeks later. He quickly made up for lost
frankly, no one else wants to live there.
time and led his army of plague zombies
on a rampage through Texas, Louisiana,
and points East. Death rose in Death Valley, The ’Burbs
leaving a trail of corpses all the way to the
Ruined towns are usually in slightly better
shape than the cities. Rather than having a
The Reckoners spent fifteen years on a nuke dropped on their heads, they simply
murderous world tour, leaving millions dead fell apart in the ensuing riots, looting, and
in their wake. When they finally returned fighting, and were then abandoned. Most
to the Wasted West, however, they faced a places have a few survivors hiding out here
reckoning of their own. and there, but they’re ghost towns for all
intents and purposes.

Survivor Settlements luck trading for enough supplies to keep
you going, brainer. Most folks can cover
Places like this are where the bulk of 20–30 miles in eight hours of travel, given a
folks live these days, and they come in all reasonably light load in their packs.
shapes and sizes. Some are built on rickety
Trading for a horse and making like a
platforms over water, others on mesas in
cowboy is almost as bad, but at least you
the Great Maze in California. Most common
won’t wear yourself out walking. Assuming
are those built up on the ruins of old towns.
you can keep your animal in feed and
Those without natural defenses are almost
yourself from getting saddle sore, you’ll
always walled in. Some actually construct
clear about 40 miles a day this way. Even
these walls out of brick and concrete, but
better, if you run out of milrats—that’s
most simply pile up wrecked cars and other
“military rations”—along the way, you’ve got
debris. A few even set up camp with one
horse flesh to munch on. You’ll get where
side backed up against the Mason-Dixon
you’re going a little later, but at least you’ll
Wall and the rest fenced in with whatever
get there.
was on hand.
In any case, most survivor settlements
are pretty picky about who they let in.
Get Your Motor Running
Anyone suspected of spying for raiders or At the end of the Last War, there were
carrying some sort of disease is turned a lot less people left in the world. A lot
away at the gates, and those that slip less cars, too, but the human population
through often wind up hanging from the declined a lot faster than the four-wheeled
walls as a warning to others. variety. For a while, at least, those who
remained had their choice of rides. Anyone
Every survivor settlement has a leader
who cared to could whiz through the ruins
of some sort, usually a mayor or sheriff.
in the latest model.
Sometimes it’s a council or committee of
folks who think they know what they’re Of course, these days, the latest model is
doing. Occasionally these folks are elected, about fifteen years old, and very few fuel
but more often they’re just wasters with stations have any spook juice left. Between
some natural leadership ability or charisma the dangers of the road gangs (and worse)
out the wazoo. and the simple lack of spare parts, more
vehicles lie rusting at the side of the road
HIGHWAYS than speeding down it. Likewise, the roads
themselves are in pretty rough shape. Fifteen
Back before Judgment Day, anybody who years without any kind of maintenance
wanted to hop a plane to another city just means pavement is often cracked, broken,
had to buy a ticket (it was a little more overgrown with plant life, and sometimes
complicated than that when flying over the altogether destroyed.
Mason-Dixon Wall, but you get the point).
Provided you can find enough gas to
These days, pretty much any flight you can
keep that motor running, most vehicles can
find is indefinitely delayed. If you’re going
cover about 150–200 miles a day as the crow
to do anything other than sit around in a
flies. That said, the vehicle probably tacks a
survivor settlement farming irradiated dirt,
lot more than that on its odometer; all the
you need to figure out some means of
ruined roads and abandoned wrecks mean
anyone traveling this way frequently needs
to double back and find a different route.
Hoofing It
Let’s get this one out of the way first: It’s Head Out On the Highway
a bad idea to walk. Even taking aside the
The last option is to hook up with one
fact that you have zero chance of escaping
of the trade caravans that crisscross the
any horrors, road gangs, or other dangers
Wasted West. With the destruction of the
you might run into on the road, walking
Convoy during the Harvest, you’ll have to
anywhere takes an awfully long time. Good
find one of the smaller operators. Some use

trucks, while others are trains of horses, money. Well, okay, they do use it for one
mules, or oxen hauling wagons. A few are a thing, but they don’t call it filthy lucre for
weird mix of pickup beds pulled by animals, nothing!
wagons, and even grounded aircraft.
Most trade in the Wasted West is handled
Whatever these caravans look like, they through barter. Folks don’t trade for things
provide trade and communication between they don’t need unless they can turn around
survivor settlements. Besides doing a lot and trade it off to someone else at a profit.
of good, these convoys help you get from Some items commonly traded are bullets,
place to place. They’re always in need of a milrats, food, ghost rock, and a few luxuries
few gun hands and road warriors to guard that folks miss from before the war—like
their wares against the road gangs, and the soda and chocolate. Jewelry and other
bigger ones even have the goods to pay a luxury items are still worn, but most folks
small wage. put more value on a bushel of corn than a
diamond ring.
Trade convoys tend to cover about 100
miles a day, or about 50 if they include “Cash” folks carry these days is usually in
beasts of burden. The drivers most often the form of portable luxuries. Little things
take shifts, which allows them to cover like this can usually be traded just about
more ground, but the loaded-down vehicles anywhere for more practical items.
need extra time to find the safest routes. Oh
yeah—don’t count on a trade convoy getting
you exactly where you want to go. The
bigger ones only stop at major settlements, That said, a few places have established
and smaller outfits handle local trade. standard currencies. This is mostly limited
to the big survivor settlements, and their
WHAT IS THE LAW? coins and paper money aren’t good outside
their borders. The actual physical shape
There’s no national formal law. The the currency takes is as varied as the
Wasted West is a frontier just like the communities that issue it. One town might
Old West was. It’s up to each settlement trade in bottle caps emblazoned with a
to decide what their rules and regulations particular logo, while the next might print
are. Some restrict the carrying of firearms scrip on tanned cowhide, or use pages torn
while others embrace it. Some ban mutants, from a particular book.
others ban cyborgs, and some even ban
Thus far, only Junkyard (near old Salt
anyone who isn’t a mutant or a cyborg or
Lake City) has managed to set up a system
whatever they think is important.
of currency that extends beyond its own
Justice is generally harsh and fast in borders, and this is due largely to the
these towns. The town judge, council, or assistance of the many trade convoys that
whatever they’ve established doesn’t want operate out of the city. Junkyard bucks,
to feed ungrateful mouths, so those who called “widgets,” are usually good in major
violate the local laws are usually exiled or settlements that trade with the Iron Oasis in
executed. the former states of Arizona and Nevada, as
well as what was once Deseret. Of course,
A waster is encouraged to scout out any
if you hit a smaller settlement that isn’t
settlement he wants to enter for a bit before
serviced by a trade caravan from Junkyard,
he goes in. Most towns are walled one way
you’re on your own. Ike Taylor, the town’s
or another, and that makes it tough to
leader, would like to expand widgets to
escape a corrupt cop or a delusional mob.
Colorado, Wyoming, and Idaho to strengthen
the grip of the Iron Alliance with a common
DINERO currency.
Back before the war, “dinero” was slang Like money back in the early 20th Century,
for money. These days, it’s just as likely to widgets are backed by a supply of precious
actually be dinner. See, after Judgment Day, metal. Any time you want, you can march
folks just don’t have much use for paper right up to the Widget Exchange in Junkyard

and turn in your widgets for junk. The city’s say it has something to do with the nasty
Widget Exchange is a central repository for weather. Even so, short range radios still
any salvage that isn’t immediately useful work pretty well, and command high prices
in the city’s defense. You can find anything on the barter block.
from an electric toaster to a guided missile
Junkyard has managed to establish some
here. Most folks don’t bother, since widgets
primitive telephone service, though you
are accepted currency all over the area,
generally only find a single communal
but junkers and technicians often go junk
telephone every building or so. On the
diving for spare parts.
plus side, since there’s no one outside of
Likewise, any scavenger can trade his Junkyard to talk to, you don’t have to worry
accumulated junk for a fistful of widgets. about long distance charges.
Don’t expect to trade in a sack full of
porcelain doorknobs for a fortune, though.
The folks who run the Widget Exchange are
Satellite Radio
shrewd hagglers. The “bounty” on various Most communication satellites—most
items can fluctuate wildly: an electric can any satellites, really, including GPS—were
opener that goes for $15 one week might be knocked out during the war. That said, folks
worth only $1 if a convoy comes through with the right equipment—we’re talking
with a truckload of them. military grade transmitters, brainer—have
been able to contact the last remaining
COMMUNICATION comsat pretty reliably.
Make that ComSat, with capital letters.
During the Last War, the electromagnetic
Yeah, it’s a name, more or less. ComSat is
pulses from both the atomic and ghost
artificially aware. It’s also apparently lonely,
rock bombs knocked out most transmitters,
as it occasionally contacts folks out of the
computers, and the like. The blasts
blue. ComSat doesn’t usually let folks talk
them­selves destroyed telephone lines, cell
live, either to it or through it, but instead
towers, server farms, and routing centers.
allows folks to post messages in its vast
If you do find a working transmitter, you’ll
storage banks. The satellite then allows
be lucky to get a radio signal out more
others to review these messages, but it’s
than a few thousand yards. Technical types
usually careful to grant access only to those
for whom the message was intended.
Occasionally, ComSat can be convinced stop these folks, but monsters, muties, and
to break its own rules, but only with a lot misfits certainly can. Since postmen trade
of sweet-talkin’. Want to talk live to an old on their reputation, you can usually expect
friend back in the Maze? Better be prepared undelivered mail to be returned. No refunds,
to make a fool of yourself whispering sweet though, brainer.
nothings into your radio.
Trade Convoys The end of the world made Mother
Trade convoys are usually more than Nature one mean bitch. Radioactive dust
happy to carry messages if the price is devils race across the deserts, black rain
right. Here’s a hint, though, brainer: write pelts the High Plains, and toxic fumes
it down. Ever play telephone, where you gather wherever the winds are still. If
whisper something to your buddy, and he you’ve got ’em, you’d be well advised to
whispers something to his, and so on for a roll your windows up; if not, you’d better
dozen people or so? If you tell a trucker to find shelter fast.
pass on, “I love you, and the kids are fine,”
Black Rain: Ghost rock deposits are
he’s liable to tell a trader, who’ll tell a kid,
burning all over the West. Occasionally,
who’ll tell the object of your affections, “I’ll
huge, black clouds from these fires
shove you, and break your spine.” Ah, love.
coalesce and mix with thunderclouds. They
Anyway, if you do decide to write a drift for hundreds or even thousands of
letter, expect to be charged an arm and a miles before they gather enough moisture
leg. Further, you better hope it’s expected, to unleash a downpour. This deadly rain
because few trade convoys make mail calls. is pure black and filled with the damned
Usually, they just throw all that paper in souls let loose by burning ghost rock.
a sack and leave it in the town square at
Dust Storms: The Last War did all kinds
each stop. In other words, you’ll have total
of crazy things to the planet’s weather
strangers pawing through your mail every
patterns. Dust storms often kick up in
step of the way, and it may never get where
areas with lots of loose silt, dirt, sand, or
you meant for it to go.
ash. Once the wind starts swirling, smart
folks get under cover. The dumb ones
Postmen suffocate in seconds. The worst of these
are radstorms, which have blown through
If it absolutely, positively, has to get there
bombed-out areas and are laced with
in the next few months or so, the postmen
radio­active fallout.
are your best bet. This isn’t an organization
so much as a job description, just a group Hellstorms: These vicious storms are
of individuals who carry deliveries all over aptly named. They’ve got it all: searing hot
the Wasted West. Each postman usually has winds, boiling rain, and violent lightning. If
a specific route he follows, often limited to you run across one of these, brainer, you’d
a particular region. In rare cases, two or best head for a bomb shelter. Car hulks
more postmen might work together to form work in a pinch, but concrete buildings are
a network, allowing them to cover a wider better. Tents, trees, and so forth won’t last
area. but a few seconds in these tempests.
Most charge whatever they think they Toxic Clouds: With all the toxic nastiness
can get away with. You can generally bet out there, it’s no surprise that certain areas
it’ll be $5–$10 per letter, and about $100 for are saturated with toxic fumes. Fortunately,
an easily carried package. They don’t deal they dissipate on windy days, and they’re
in anything larger. Finally, keep in mind pretty easy to spot otherwise. Just stay out
that postmen rarely guarantee delivery. of any green, yellow, orange, or red clouds
Rain, sleet, snow, and dark of night may not floating low to the ground.

Law Dogs are a bit more varied in their
WHO’S WHO? sentencing, however. It’s rarely practical to
jail someone they see as an evil-doer in the
nearest settlement since the natives would
Several powerful factions rose in the wake
then have to feed—or sometimes feed on—the
of Judgment Day. From groups of mutants
poor sap. Thieves are usually relieved of their
to an army of robotic killing machines, the
goods (except for perhaps a few essentials)
Wasted West has no shortage of interesting
and the loot given to the nearest town (or
and amazing individuals bent on rebuilding,
the victims if they’re known). Violent types
revenge, or just plain survival.
are beaten and threatened viciously, and
murderers are usually executed.
LAW DOGS Most Law Dogs don’t revel in this kind of
While there’s no national law—or eye-for-an-eye thing—it’s just a necessity in
even a government to make it—there are the wastelands where there are no jails to
individuals who take it on themselves feed or house these wasters.
to bring justice to the people. Most
are former law enforcement officers
who were duly authorized before the
Apocalypse and saw no reason to Unlike most major cities in the
stop just because the paychecks Wasted West, the industrial sectors
did. of Denver were spared the ravages
of the Last War. Turns out this is
One of these was Jane
where Dr. Hellstromme built the
Swindall, a former Texas
core of his company’s automated
Ranger. She gathered every
manufacturing might, and he
law dog she could find,
was a pretty paranoid fellow.
whether Rangers, US Agent
He built state-of-the-art energy
(the Rangers’ former rivals),
shields over his holdings in both
or traffic cop, and tasked
Denver and Salt Lake City which
them all with continuing
prevented their destruction.
their sworn oaths. The “Law
The rest of Denver was hit by
Dogs” gained acceptance in
neutron bombs as well as some
most survivor settlements
sort of bioweapon, and is now
thanks to Swindall’s cool head
a giant graveyard of mostly
and fairness—and dedication
intact buildings filled with
to hunting down anyone
rat-gnawed skeletons.
who shamed their name.
Before you get any bright
Law Dogs are not a
ideas about heading up there
formal organization
to scrounge, a Confederate
so much as a loose
officer—a cyborg actually—
band of heroes
beat you to it. He never
sworn to protect
learned to share, either.
the innocent. Any
General Throckmorton is
innocent. They
his name, and he and his
aren’t stuck up
troops rolled into Denver
about it like the
shortly after the Apocalypse.
Templars (who we’ll
Somehow, he managed to rewire
tell you about below)
the factories to obey his commands,
and don’t distinguish
and they started pumping out his
between race, faction, or
new mechanized army. Though the
mutantdom. The law is blind, they
bulk of Throckmorton’s military is
say, and the Law Dogs—at least the
made up of Black Hats and their Red
majority of them—believe that’s a
Hat officers—so called because in the
sacred principle.
absence of uniforms, they can be

identified by their distinctive headgear—his
most powerful forces are entirely robotic.
Most are automatons, humanoid robots
with the killing power of a tank squadron. COMBINE HIERARCHY
These days automatons usually stick pretty Red Hats: The Combine’s officers.
close to Denver and protect Throckmorton’s Green Hats: Technical specialists,
assets there. Any humans caught in doctors, and scientists.
and around the ruined city without the Gray Hats: Sneaky sorts who
appropriate identification are enslaved or specialize in infiltration. Needless
killed. to say, they don’t actually wear gray
hats—that would kinda give ‘em away.
The Combine’s human troops range a
Automatons: Undead cyborgs who
little farther afield. The hardcore elite, the
technically report to the Red Hats, but
Red Hats, are those who have been with
are notoriously hard to control.
Throckmorton since the beginning, as well
Black Hats: The Combine’s foot
as some of the more promising Black Hats
who have been promoted. On the next rung
are the technical experts. Known as Green
It’s well known that Combine
Hats, these are the mechanics, doctors,
weapons are outfitted with explosives
scientists, and even a few junkers who
that detonate if anyone besides a
swear allegiance to the Combine in return
Combine soldier attempts to use them,
for a fairly cushy existence in the ruins. At
so scavengers should beware!
the bottom of the Combine cesspool are the
Black Hats, Throckmorton’s foot soldiers.
Recruited from the ranks of the wasteland
scum to fill out the Combine’s legions,
these bullies, thugs, savages, and murderers
equipment taken more than a few feet from
patrol the region surrounding Denver and
its Black Hat owner. A Black Hat obviously
exact “tribute” from nearby settlements. The
can’t carry a vehicle in his pocket, so they’re
nature of this tribute ranges from food, to
rigged to blow if anyone without a Black
arms and ammunition, and sometimes even
Hat chip tries to use them.
warm bodies to work as slaves in Denver’s
Lately, the Combine’s appetite for slaves
has grown even more voracious. Bands of When people say “mutant” these days,
“Chain Dogs,” so called for the chains they most norms think of crazed three-eyed
wear around their necks, have been ranging cannibals lurking in the city buster-blasted
farther and farther afield from Denver in ruins. In actuality, the genetically altered are
the search for folks to help rebuild Denver divided roughly into three major factions:
after the Battle of Worms. If you run into Free-Range Mutants, the Cult of Doom, and
these scum, be careful. They are some of the Joan and the Heretics.
most vicious two-legged predators you’re
likely to meet. The good news is most of
them are too ornery to let Throckmorton
“Free-Range Mutants”
chip them, so their gear and vehicles can Throughout the Wasted West you’ll find
be scavenged without fear of explosive them, living in scattered pockets just like
consequences. anyone else. The difference is mutants, or
“The Chosen” (as they refer to themselves),
Finders...Deaders live in areas that most norms shun due to
high levels of radiation. Some were born
Just for the record, don’t go trying to into mutant communities. Others were
scavenge Combine equipment. Their ammo kicked out of their settlements and into the
is an odd caliber and all their weapons and savage wastes by their normal neighbors
vehicles are booby trapped with a special when their mutations were discovered.
chip. This chip destroys any important

The one thing all muties have in common, He cemented his power by destroying the
of course, is some sort of mutation. Maybe Grendel and therefore the power of the Cult
their teeth and hair fell out, they sprouted of Grendel.
a vestigial tail, their bones deformed, or
Silas capitalized on this new-found
they’ve got unsightly boils on their skin.
celebrity and the resulting power vacuum,
Whatever the defect, most are just ugly or
building a new society in Vegas, with
a little deranged. Despite the fact that most
himself at the top, and his Doomsayers—
norms hate and fear mutants because of
radiation priests—serving as priests and
a fear of weird powers, very few actually
enforcers. Mutants flocked to his banner
develop any. Unfortunately, many are insane
from all over the Wasted West.
and violent thanks to their mutations.
Most brought with them stories of
Many mutants take up residence in the
atrocities and intolerance against mutants,
ruined cities that dot the land. This is a bad
perpetrated by norms. The story of two
idea, because most gain more mutations
mutants hanged for the crime of mutation
and become “troglodytes,” or “trogs” for
itself gave Silas the excuse he needed to
short. These losers are so messed up there’s
flex his radiation-enhanced muscles. He
no reasoning with them.
gathered his Doomsayers and mutant
These independent muties typically legions and launched a crusade against
just try to get by the best they can, but Virginia City, where the unfortunate
the harsh conditions of the ruins, as well mutants were killed.
as a diminished intelligence that some
Virginia City didn’t have a chance. Though
suffer from, lead many bands to raid norm
many mutants died in the initial assault,
settlements for food and supplies, which
Silas’ shock troops—the Doomsayers in
begets a cycle of fear and hatred, just the
particular—carried the day. When victory
sort of thing that Silas and the Cult of
was finally achieved, Silas ordered his
Doom cater to.
followers to slaughter the surviving
inhabitants of the city down to the last
The Cult of Doom man, woman, and child. His new religion
was baptized in blood.
The Cult of Doom is a collection of
lunatics and mutants holed up in the ruins Even with his victory at Virginia City,
around Las Vegas. Surprisingly, Las Vegas Silas’ newfound bloodlust wasn’t sated.
itself came through the Last War relatively He turned his eye to nearby Carson City,
unscathed. For some reason, it seems the but this time things went differently. By
Confederates “missed” the City of Sin, and now, Silas was convinced that norms were
the ghost buster intended for Vegas actually doomed anyway, and he was simply clearing
struck the city’s easterly suburbs. the decks for the mutant population to take
over. He turned his army loose on Carson
Just about everyone east of the Strip
City, once again led by his Doomsayers.
died instantly. Those who survived farther
By now, however, they had a new name:
west quickly fell under the dominion of the
Vegas mobs and later the “Cult of Grendel,”
which worshipped a monster that laired in Carson City was very well fortified, and
the ruins of the Tropicana. A couple years Silas’ forces had already suffered heavy
later, Silas Rasmussen showed up. casualties in the fighting at Virginia City.
Thanks to the heroic efforts of a traveler
Silas was a professor before the Big
named Teller, the Cult was soundly
Bang, and became a powerful mutant after
defeated, and forced back to Las Vegas to
arriving in Vegas. He claimed radiation
nurse its wounds. That was the last time
should not be feared, but worshipped, and
the Mutant King himself led an attack. In
had an actual consciousness and will of its
the decade or so after Carson City, Silas
own. Maybe so, maybe no, but the upshot
sent his Doombringers across the West
was that Silas was a powerful priest of
to lead local rebellions against norm
this new god, which he called “the Glow.”
settlements, waging a guerilla war that
fanned the flames of hatred between norms

and muties. The recent destruction of a
norm-friendly mutant enclave in Armana,
Idaho, in the fall of 2094, as well as the Dr. Hellstromme was the Deseret
destruction of the Cult of Doom’s holiest Mormons’ leading citizen for over 200
site at Yucca Mountain, Nevada, gave Silas years. You read right. Two hundred
enough propaganda to whip up his followers years. This scientific genius made
for the attack on Junkyard during the most of his money during the Great
Harvest. When the long-foretold Harbinger Rail Wars of the American West, back
appeared during the fighting and ordered in the late 19th century. He was the
the attacking mutants of Vegas to return world’s preeminent scientist, and he
to their holy city and await his arrival, they focused most of his genius on the
weren’t about to say no. Silas was furious, advancement of ghost rock science.
but he couldn’t exactly stand against the
Though his public image was all
arrayed forces of the Iron Alliance without
spit and polish, his private side was
his mutant hordes for backup, so he went
quite a bit darker. He was one of the
few folks who realized the ultimate
Silas returned home to more than a few and inevitable end ghost rock science
problems. When it turns out that the folks would reach, but he continued his
you called Heretics a few years back actually work heedless of the danger, intent on
had the right of things, your followers tend some nefarious purpose of his own.
to get a little restless. Silas began cracking
Sometime around 1900 Dr.
down on anyone who dared raise a voice
Hellstromme disappeared for a bit. He
against him, and the Strip looks a lot like
was getting on in years, so most folks
the old Roman Appian Way, just with
figured he’d up and died. He shocked
casinos these days.
everyone when he reappeared in 1917,
and not just because he’d apparently
Joan and the Heretics returned from the dead. Hellstromme
had returned in a robot body! Based
No, it’s not a rock band.
on his own automaton design, the
A few of Silas’ inner circle woke up Doctor’s new body sustained his genius
after the “battle” at Virginia City and by storing his brain in a preservative
realized what it really was: a massacre. solution in a robotic skull. Around this
They tried to talk some sense into the time, Hellstromme seemed to turn over
mutant messiah, but he had gone round a new leaf, and developed dozens of
the bend by this point. Silas rounded up new technologies that would ultimately
the most vocal dissenters—especially those benefit mankind. When World War II
once in his inner circle—and stuck them in broke out, he threw in his lot with the
hastily made prison wagons, labeling them Allies, and his inventions were the only
heretics. thing that held the occult-powered
German war machine in check.
After Carson City and the retreat back to
Vegas, he took a lot of his frustrations out After the war, traditional science
on the so-called heretics. Silas executed began to trump mad science, and
several heretics a day, just to put the fear of Hellstromme withdrew from public
the Glow into anyone else who might have view, although he worked to develop
second thoughts about his divinity—or his a ghost rock alternative to atomic
sanity. power. Though he continued to claim
his inventions were intended for the
Finally, the heretics made their move.
betterment of mankind, it seemed that
A whole posse of them, led by a woman
every single one could be—and was—
named Joan, managed to break out of Silas’
turned to a darker purpose somehow.
fortress in the Luxor hotel. About 50 made
a break for freedom, but only a dozen made
it outside of Las Vegas city limits. Those
who survived scattered.

Over the next few months, Joan and her Despite their crusade to preserve
followers resurfaced all over the Wasted West, knowledge, the Librarians are pretty
preaching tolerance and understanding secretive folk. They don’t issue library cards,
between mutants and norms. Though the for one—as far as Liebowitz is concerned,
heretics believe norms are doomed, just the knowledge in their vaults is to stay put
like Silas does, they contend that norms until it’s needed. Muriel Redwing enforces
should be treated no worse than mutants. this policy as head of the Grand Library’s
They are, after all, the mutants’ forebears. security forces.
Just because old-style humanity is on its
The Librarians consider themselves an
way out doesn’t mean the children of the
order of monks, dedicated to the two tenets
atom have to give them a boot out the door.
of their motto: “Fides Et Scientia” (Faith and
The Doomsayers who follow Joan’s Knowledge). These precepts are the Alpha
philosophy of peace adopted purple robes and Omega of a Librarian’s existence.
to distinguish themselves from Silas’ green- Librarians see lives—even those of their
robed Doombringers. Labeled “heretics” by own order—as expendable, if that is the
Silas and his followers, they spent the next price that must be paid to preserve even a
decade or so protecting the world from tidbit of knowledge.
their misguided brothers (who want to kill
Most of the Librarians responsible for
every unmutated human) and searching for
collecting and recording texts from across
a prophesied mutant messiah they called
the Wasted West are Junior and Assistant
the Harbinger.
Librarians. Before they are trusted with this
vital duty, they must serve as Novitiates
The Harbinger in the Grand Library itself, cataloging the
findings of their comrades in the field.
Around the time Joan led her little
Those Junior and Assistant Librarians who
revolution, she had herself a prophetic
excel—or are crippled in the line of duty—
dream. In it, the Saints visited her and
are eventually promoted to Librarian proper,
foretold the coming of the Harbinger, who
then Head Librarian. Both of these ranks
would lead the world into a new golden
serve in the Grand Library, overseeing the
age, the age of the Chosen (Chosen by
day to day functions of the place.
the Glow, that is: mutants). The Harbinger
would know this path thanks to his blazing
red eye, and the people would know him THE CHAMBER
by his silver-white skin. The search for the
This collection of junkers was one of the
Harbinger became one of the cornerstones
first groups to join Ike Taylor’s Iron Alliance.
of the Heretic movement.
The Chamber was formed back in 2090 by
a group of junkers who wanted to work
THE GRAND LIBRARY together to study the full ramifications
of the presence of the tech spirits in the
Led by Head Librarian Marcus Liebowitz,
Hunting Grounds, and to explore the depth
the Librarians are an order dedicated to
of technical knowledge stored away in the
preserving the past to help rebuild the
Net. Led by a High Master who dresses in
future. Holed up in a fortified complex on
flowing, arcane symbol-covered robes like
the outskirts of Sacramento, these folks
some character out of the Perry Hotter
have hundreds of data slugs that store
books, the Chamber runs an Academy that
electronic copies of books on just about
teaches prospective junkers not only the
every subject you can imagine. They also
ins and outs of junker tech, but also basic
record interviews with folks who have the
classes in science and engineering. These
knowing of things, both from before the
techno-mages live in a mountainous walled
Last War and after. Among the luminaries
research facility whose location is a closely
the Librarians have recorded are Joan, leader
guarded secret. Those who wish to join
of the Heretics; Shawn Connors, leader of
must first find the Chamber, then pass a
the Denver Resistance; and Jo Wales, the
whole slew of tests and an interview with
Grand Master of the Templars.
the High Master, Earl Whitlow.

What good would a bunch of wizards
When Judgment Day rolled around, a lot
in a mountain stronghold be if they didn’t
more people died than cars. For starters,
send people out on quests occasionally?
once you get a fair distance away from
The Chamber often sends lower ranking
ground zero, folks get vaporized by a ghost
members out, sometimes with students and
buster while nearby structures suffer only
guards, on mundane tasks like gathering
minor damage. That means there are a lot
components or recruiting new students.
of salvageable vehicles just sitting on city
Less frequently they send members out on
streets after their drivers disappeared one
some task of great import like retrieving
day. Getting them through a maelstrom wall
valuable books or relics. If the quest seems
can be tough, but there are vehicles aplenty
particularly dangerous, the member charged
to be had outside the ghost storms.
with the quest is sometimes authorized to
hire heroes of good reputation to help out. Admittedly, when most folks decided
The Chamber normally pays with junker to get the Hell out of Dodge (or whatever
tech. city they were in on Judgment Day), most
hopped in their cars and hit the highway.
THE TEMPLARS This of course, led to mile-long traffic jams,
and those led to abandoned vehicles, ripe
This group of wasteland warriors is for the picking. For a while, every brainer
dedicated to fighting the good fight in the and his brother had some wheels between
Wasted West. That said, the Templars don’t him and the asphalt.
throw their lives away on lost causes, nor do
Then the fuel started to go. Suddenly,
they die for those who don’t deserve their
the only way to keep your vehicle moving
efforts. The Templars are only interested in
was to steal from someone else or trade for
helping those willing to help themselves.
homebrewed moonshine out of some crazy
Somebody up there obviously approves,
hermit’s still. Eventually, junkers realized
because the Templars have all kinds of
they could distill spook juice themselves
abilities they claim are a reward from the
and began offering that to those seeking
Powers That Be—the good ones that is!
go-juice. Still, since no one really likes
The Templars are headquartered in dealing with crazy hermits or even crazier
Boise, Idaho, where the order was founded junkers, a lot of upstanding folk just
by Simon Mercer. Just to give you an idea abandoned their rides and climbed aboard
of what kind of badasses these folks are, the heel-toe express. The less than shining
their headquarters is located inside the examples of humanity, however, formed
Boise maelstrom. This has a lot to do with road gangs. Though these groups burn a lot
their philosophies, in that only deserving more fuel than a single vehicle, they also
folks will be able to get past the maelstrom have a lot more firepower with which to
looking for their help. steal other folks’ fuel. They raid survivor
settlements for food and spook juice, battle
Yep, deserving. The Templars are pretty
other road gangs for ammo and more spook
picky about whom they help, and no one
juice, and pretty much take what they can,
outside the order is really clear on the
when they can.
criteria. Because of this, a lot of folks think
the Templars are just a bunch of selfish A very few road gangs are a bit more
jerks. Individual Templars have been known noble, and trade their services as soldiers
to turn their backs on entire survivor and guards to survivor settlements in
settlements, only to turn around and lay exchange for fuel, food, and other supplies.
down their lives for a single child. Some even go after those gangers who ride
the outlaw road, and steal only from those
The Templars are a small order—only
who steal themselves.
about 300 actual knights, along with a
few squires and aspirants—but they’re an Finally, there were the gangs of Deseret
important part of Ike Taylor’s Iron Alliance. and the surrounding area. Most of these
gangs came to an understanding with Ike

Taylor years ago. They’d trade salvage and “the Harvest”—as a nod to his Combine
food for fuel from the Junkyard’s spook threshing the chaff (the Iron Alliance) from
juice refineries. Most of these gangs, the wheat (his troops and the mutants).
unfortunately, raided surrounding survivor
During the Harvest, Rasmussen’s mutants
settlements to gather these trade goods.
attacked a blocking force composed of
For his part, Taylor turned a blind eye. He
the Convoy and Joan’s Heretics south of
couldn’t afford to alienate the road gangs.
Junkyard. Just as it seemed the glowing
horde would overrun the Iron Alliance’s
THE IRON ALLIANCE positions, the legendary Harbinger
descended from the sky in a sleek black
This alliance of disparate groups grew
ship, and revealed himself at last…
out of Junkyard’s boss, Ike Taylor, and his
realization that the only way that Junkyard …to be none other than Dr. Darius
would have a chance against Silas and Hellstromme! He had returned from his long
his mutant crusade—to say nothing of absence, and in a shiny white new body,
Throckmorton’s Combine—was to forge a to boot. More importantly, a blazing red
coalition of like-minded folks. After a whole electronic eye was mounted in the center of
lot of diplomacy and more than a little bit his robotic head. The mutants—both Heretic
of luck, Taylor managed to put together the and Silas’ faithful—were awestruck, and the
Junkyard Summit. It took a hell of a lot of attack on the Iron Alliance petered out as
courting, but Taylor eventually managed to the mutant horde followed Hellstromme’s
convince the junkers of the Chamber, Joan’s orders to return to the City o’ Sin and await
Heretic mutants, the Templars, and
a whole bunch of other groups that
an alliance against the Combine was
necessary. It took another few months
to actually get them to agree on terms,
but the hard part was over.
It was a good thing, too, because
Throckmorton was just about ready for
his coming out party. We’ll tell you all
about that under The Harvest, below.

The Combine’s General Throckmorton
had long set his sites on Junkyard. But to
take down the home of the Iron Alliance
he knew he’d need more than just his
robotic automatons and Black Hats. It
took a few years, but Throckmorton
convinced Silas Rasmussen and his
mutants to ally with his legions in
exchange for free plunder of Junkyard.
The showdown came on New
Year’s Day of 2096. On one side stood
Junkyard and her allies, called the Iron
Alliance; on the other, the Combine
and the mutant hordes of the Cult
of Doom. Throckmorton called the
attack Operation Harvest—later just

his arrival. Some of the more radical stayed
to take part in the slaughter, but without the AFTERMATH
Mutant King’s Cult of Doom, the Combine’s
After the Harvest, most of the major
“Harvest” broke on the walls of Junkyard.
players went back to their homes to lick
Most in the Alliance wanted to call their wounds and regroup.
it quits there, but the Grand Master of
If you played or read the original
the Templars, Jo, convinced the army to
Deadlands Hell on Earth, this is where
counterattack and pursue the Combine
the story stopped—right after the events
all the way back to Denver. The next big
described in The Unity. Everything from
twist was a reverse of what happened at
this point forward is brand new.
Junkyard. The Iron Alliance was on the
outskirts of Denver when a new—actually
very old—player emerged. The Combine
Throckmorton’s army suffered badly
The Battle of Worms during the Harvest but it’s still a force to
be reckoned with. Throckmorton lost a big
Just as the Combine was on its last
chunk of his robotic forces, so he doesn’t
metallic legs, Raven showed up, marching
deploy them outside of Denver anymore.
from across the Mississippi at the head of
Back in the day, Black Hats who got into
an army of undead, Mojave rattlers, and
trouble could count on backup from a
squadron of automatons or worse. Now,
This unholy horde smashed into the forces folks can usually take down a squad of
of the Iron Alliance besieging Denver, then Black Hats without any real fear of reprisal.
proceeded to attack the Combine for good
measure. Despite the high-tech weaponry
wielded by their living foes, Raven’s troops
The Muties
were handily winning the battle until the Following the events of the Harvest and
Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse showed the news of the Harbinger’s arrival, mutants
up to save the day. outside of Vegas are a little lost. They now
know Silas isn’t the mutant savior he claims
That’s right. The Reckoners.
to be and that’s causing major dissension
Apparently, Raven and his dark masters in the ranks.
had a bit of a falling out. It’s unclear why
For his part, Silas is cleverly recasting
they decided to fight it out in the middle
the fight at Junkyard as an attack by the
of the Harvest, but before things got too far
Iron Alliance on all mutantkind. Casting
out of hand, Dr. Darius Hellstromme played
the norms of Junkyard as a common
one last card.
enemy is working, albeit somewhat slowly.
The world’s most famous mad scientist Silas just has to make sure Joan and her
somehow managed to capture the troublemakers are kept far from the city.
Reckoners in one of his infernal devices. His Doombringers are scouring the West
He was badly wounded in the process and doing just that—hunting and killing her
believed himself dying, so he turned the heretics and hoping to catch Joan herself
lockbox of evil over to a band of heroes. outside the walls of the Iron Oasis one day.
They vanished and that was the last anyone
has seen of the Reckoners since that day.
The furious Raven kept up his attack on
Lately, the Librarians have been a lot more
Denver and burrowed underneath the Mile
reclusive than usual. Though they weren’t
High City, making tunnels for the legions
directly involved in the Harvest, several
of wormlings and undead following behind.
Librarian advisors had been dispatched
The tunnels collapsed soon after and
to the Iron Oasis well before that massive
Denver has been a ghost town ever since.
showdown. Since the battle, these advisors
have been recalled. Most folks chalk it up

to the fact that the biggest battle this side After Simon’s death, Templar Jo Wales
of the Last War has been won, but some was named Grand Master. It was she who
suspect something more sinister. lead the knights during the Harvest.
Whatever the case, the Librarians aren’t
talking. Further, the order now combs the The Road Gangs
Wasted West for manuscripts with fresh
Ike’s handling of the local road gangs
intensity, and has been known to ask
paid off in spades during the Harvest. When
after specific books. It’s pretty unlikely
Raven showed up to kick the snot out of
these Librarians are looking for the latest
both the Iron Alliance and the Combine, the
installment in the Dusk teen vampire series,
road gangs were right up on the front lines.
and they seem more and more desperate as
They suffered horrific casualties chasing
time rolls on.
Throckmorton’s troops back across the
Rockies and during the Battle of Worms,
The Chamber and most gangs are operating at only about
a quarter of the strength they once had.
The Chamber provided a whole slew
of high tech weapons during the Harvest For the first few months after the Harvest,
to the Iron Alliance, and many of their the gangs’ survivors were pretty happy
acolytes served with the good guys during rolling around in their loot, booze, and
the defense of Junkyard. Not many took debauchery. Taylor even let them celebrate
part in the chase back to Denver or were
at the Battle of Worms so the Chamber
came out of the war fairly unscathed.
With things worse off for most people
than they were before the Harvest, more
and more folks are looking to the junkers
for help.

The Templars
About six months before the Harvest,
Simon Mercer, founder and leader of the
Templars, ventured to Junkyard to discuss
its defense against the Combine. Simon
was stubborn as always and could not
tolerate Ike’s willingness to work with
the road gangs, but he was slowly being
convinced to come down off his high
horse and fight the greater evil when
disaster struck.
A Combine infiltration group sent to
sabotage the talks attacked the gathered
officials and Simon was killed. There are
various rumors as to the circumstances
of his death. Some say he was gunned
down by the Combine infiltrator cyborg.
Others claim Simon was followed to
Junkyard by the “Boise Horror” that
plagued his hometown for years and it
finally claimed the Grand Master. And
there are some who even whisper that
Simon secretly was the Boise Horror,
and a group of unknown heroes ended
his murderous existence.

RAVEN AND THE WORMS within the walls of Junkyard, a line the
road gangs were never allowed to cross in
For a long time after the Last War, the old days. As time has gone by, even the
no one really knew what was going thickest heads in the road gangs are starting
on east of the Mississippi. Turns out, to notice they suffered the brunt of the
Raven was over there wiping out the casualties during the Harvest, and they’ve
few survivor settlements that held started picking fights with Yarders to make
out against the hordes and building up the difference, as well as victimizing the
up his own undead legions in the refugees camped outside the walls.
process. Most folks figured the
undead would come rolling across
the Mississippi sooner or later, but it
The Iron Alliance
was a hell of a shock when Raven The Iron Alliance was badly battered by
was at their head. the Harvest. Ike Taylor and a few key leaders
fear that the defeat of the Cult of Doom and
His alliance with the worms,
the Combine was a pyrrhic victory for the
however, was an even bigger
good guys, one from which they might not
surprise. The worms first appeared
be able to recover.
back in the 19th Century, a little
while after the Reckoning began. The Convoy, that traveling caravan that
Folks just figured they were another made the rounds of the Wasted West each
kind of evil critter, since all sorts year and provided a tenuous thread that
of new weirdness was popping up connected hundreds of survivor settlements
across the West. There were even large and small, was basically destroyed in
different strains: Mojave rattlers in the fighting. The Sky Pirates lost a large
the southwest, Salt rattlers in Utah, number of irreplaceable high-tech military
and so forth. aircraft, as well as scores of converted
civilian planes, gutting the force.
It was obvious from the start the
worms were cunning creatures, but The one bright spot is that the city of
no one guessed how smart they Junkyard itself weathered the storm fairly
really were until they showed up well, only losing a few hundred during
during the Harvest. Turned out the the Harvest and being untouched by the
giant worms believed themselves Battle of Worms outside Denver. The bad
to be ancient gods now devoid of news is that a large and ever-growing
worshippers. By creating a new refugee population is now camped outside
race of hybrid humans and worms the walls, as well as outcast mutants and
through dark magic, they were the remnants of various road gangs. This
essentially creating new worshippers volatile mix could explode at any time, with
and giving themselves power. results that could devastate Junkyard.
Or so the stories go.
When Raven’s forces were finally
defeated around Denver, the worms
and their legions of wormling
minions burrowed enormous tunnels
into the Rockies. Raven and his
undead horde followed, then closed
the passages behind them. What
happened after that is anybody’s

just about anything a survivor needs in the
GAZETTEER way of pre- or post-war tech, as long as
she has the dinero to pay for it.
We’ve given you the who and the what The Iron Oasis sits at the foot of the
and the why and even the when. Now it’s Wasatch Mountains on a dry and dusty
time to talk about the where. plain. From a distance, it looks exactly like
its name, a jumbled pile of rusted metal.
EAST OF THE MISSISSIPPI Up close, it doesn’t look much better, but at
least some signs of life are visible.
No one goes across the “Bloody Old
Since the Harvest, Junkyard is jam-packed
Muddy” anymore. Why? Because the heavily
with refugees living off algae and water
populated East Coast was devastated by
handouts from Junkyard’s Council, and
bombs with a death toll in the tens of
their numbers seem to grow larger with
millions. All those dead people mean lots
each passing week.
of horrors and certainly millions of walking
dead. Despite Raven’s assault across the Junkyard has a population of roughly 9,000
Mississippi during the Harvest, legions of people, with a full-time militia of around
walking dead still cover the earth within 800 troops. Space is at a premium inside the
a few hundred miles of the east bank of city walls, but for the lucky ones who live
the Mississippi. Maybe farther. Maybe as there, there is running water, electricity, TV,
far as the coast. No one knows. Even the phone service, and even a limited internet!
River Watch, a group of volunteers who
Another 5,000 folks are camped in the
man stations up and down the Mississippi,
shantytowns that have sprung up outside
don’t have a good handle on just how many
the walls since the Harvest, as well as
deaders remain over there.
another 2,000 or more mutants in their own
A few months ago a photo recon drone separate camp centered around a “Welcome
was sent by the Iron Alliance that beamed Center.” Joan and her Heretics set this up to
back pictures as far east as Tennessee indoctrinate the children of the Glow into
until contact was lost. Its cameras revealed the ways of “civilized” mutantdom.
uncountable zombie hordes aimlessly
Junkyard lays claim to all territory within
shuffling across the landscape.
50 miles of its walls. Deseret Routes 80
and 84 are cleared and maintained, with
GREAT BASIN checkpoints at the border. One peculiarity
of Junkyard’s territory is the Amnesty
Deseret (Utah), Nevada, Las Vegas
Zone. No one can be arrested or attacked
This part of the continent is about as hot for crimes committed outside the city’s
as it gets, with hundreds of miles of blasted borders, which encourages peaceful trade
desert in all directions. The Basin was bad with the many gangs that bring trade to the
enough before the ozone layer vaporized in Iron Oasis.
the Apocalypse. Now it’s an oven.
There are dozens of great rattlers here Lost Vegas
as well. Beware the great worms and the
Nearby, Las Vegas (sometimes Lost
pockets of wormlings they surround
Vegas) is home to one of the main threats
themselves with. Not all of these hideous
to the Iron Alliance—Silas Rasmussen’s
creatures disappeared with Raven.
Mutant Kingdom. While the “Mutant King”
may not be as popular as he was before the
Junkyard appearance of the Harbinger, a cornered
radrat is the most dangerous, and Silas
The ruins of Salt Lake City (Junkyard or
feels mighty cornered these days.
the Iron Oasis) is the most advanced city
left in the Wasted West and the capital of There are roughly 10,000 mutants in Las
the new Iron Alliance. Junkyard can provide Vegas now, which is about half what there
was before the Harvest. A few thousand

have sought out Joan, but massive numbers Actually, there are two sunken cities. The
of the genetically altered were slain in the first City of Lost Angels was demolished in
battle. The city is patrolled by Silas’ private a massive flood in 1880 (for the full details,
guards. These include armed mutants see Deadlands: The Flood). That wiped out
and usually a Doomsayer. At the ruins of what some say was a church and others
the Luxor, where Silas holds court, he is say was a cannibal cult under Reverend
attended by a number of Doombringers Ezekiah Grimme.
he frequently sends out on some terrible
A few years later, survivors of the
mission or another.
congregation rebuilt parts of the city on
what land remained. The church-going
THE GREAT MAZE types were plagued by the surrounding
“heathens,” however, and eventually built a
NorCal, SoCal, The City of Lost Angels
massive wall of pure obsidian around the
In 1868, California suffered a “Great inner city. At some point, they formally
Quake” that shattered most of the coast declared their independence as “the Free
into a maze of flooded sea canyons. Ghost and Holy City of Lost Angels,” much like
rock was discovered there soon after and it the Vatican.
became a booming labyrinth of greed and
The surrounding settlement, Perdition,
became a quasi-independent protectorate,
The Maze is much like it was 200 but was more like a bastard step-child of the
years ago. Towns once connected with church than an incorporated town. Crime
civilization by phones, TV, and satellites and bizarre occult happenings plagued the
now sit isolated. Many boomtowns still area right up until the bombs were dropped.
survive around active ghost rock mines,
Perdition was leveled, but the inner city
and a ragtag collection of ships transports
survived intact. Some say the walls–or
the ore from the towns to buyers on the
perhaps the Almighty—even deflected
mainland. Most of it goes to survivor towns
some of the bombs outward (like onto
around the West, which need the fuel for
the still-burning town of Purgatory). That
power. The rest goes to the few towns that
didn’t last long though, because Famine
know how to make spook juice as fuel for
herself attacked the fortress with legions of
cars, like Junkyard.
Faminites and other horrors. The Reckoner
The Great Maze is home to many Asian finally breached the walls and all appeared
communities. A long time ago, a Chinese lost when a mighty beam of light and
warlord named Kang established a criminal energy struck down from the Heavens. The
empire the likes of which the world had city was rubbled into the ocean once again.
never seen. He founded the three cities of Famine survived, but lost her undead steed
Dragon’s Breath, Lion’s Roar, and Bear’s and most all of her army. She staggered up
Claw and filled them with immigrants out of the foaming brine, headed east, and
from throughout Asia. This Oriental was not seen again until the Harvest.
blend embraced everything from ninjas to
samurai to kung fu masters and more, and
eventually melded into a culture all its own.
Idaho, Oregon, Washington
Lost Angels Following Judgment Day, volcanoes,
earthquakes, hurricanes, and tsunamis
The old City of Lost Angels lies underwater
occurred all over the world. In the
with only the remains of the Rock Island
Northwest, Mount St. Helens and Mt. Rainier
Prison above water. The people who live on
erupted. The eruptions lasted for the better
the outskirts of this sunken ruin call their
part of six months—covering Washington,
town Perdition, and most make a living
Oregon, and Idaho in a layer of choking
scavenging the underwater remains, often
gray ash. Go into a ruin or anywhere else
selling reputed relics of the old Church.
the near-constant rain doesn’t reach and
you’ll still see piles of the stuff. After the

eruptions, things went back to semi-normal. Splashed like a bloodstain across any
It rains three-quarters of the year west of map of this region is the area dominated
the Cascade Range. Idaho is a bit drier, but by the Combine. Black Hats roam the High
since it doesn’t get the warm Pacific winds Plains demanding tribute from whatever
it gets colder and has a lot more snow in settlements they can bully. Unfortunately
the winter. Make sure to scavenge both for them, the losses suffered in the Harvest
a solid raincoat and a heavy winter coat and the Battle of Worms haven’t been made
when traveling this part of the country. up for, so most Black Hat patrols are on
their own with little chance of backup
Survivor settlements in the Northwest
from heavier hitters like automatons and
are few and far between. The severe winters
airborne raptors.
since the end of the war seem to have been
especially vicious in this area. Many of the Groups of Combine slavers, called Chain
roads have been heavily damaged by frost Dogs, have been scouring the area since
and are nearly impassable. the Harvest looking for those with any kind
of mundane technological know-how and
Of course, Idaho is the home of the
“recruiting” them for the Combine’s cause.
Templars, as detailed earlier. Portland
has a survivor settlement based at a Those traveling through Montana will
replica medieval Japanese fortress and find survivors insular and xenophobic. Most
only welcomes those of Asian extraction. belonged to anti-government groups before
Recently they launched a war of expansion the Big Bang, and some fear wanderers
into the Willamette Valley that has been are really spies for a New World Order
surprisingly successful. Seattle has a government coming to assimilate them.
number of strange sites that are better For those looking for a more welcoming
left undisturbed, although an enterprising community with a bit of retail opportunities,
aviator has set up a one-man airline for check out the Mall of America outside the
those looking for quick transportation. ruins of St. Paul. As long as you’ve got
money, you can find just about anything
THE HIGH PLAINS you could want there.

Colorado, Dakota, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota,

Montana, Nebraska, Wyoming
Arkansas, Louisiana, Missouri
The High Plains cover a lot of territory.
Mostly, they’re covered in tall grass, low The Mighty Miss flooded her banks
hills, and shallow gullies. A few areas are sometime after the Apocalypse, and it’s still
much more dramatic, like the Badlands or flooded today. It’s about 12 feet higher than
Yellowstone, but most of the High Plains it used to be and can get much worse during
are fairly flat. Sometimes they’re called the a good rain. That caused the Mississippi to
Irradiated Plains because the fallout just shift its course, overrunning the levees and
keeps blowing around the flat prairies. Rain turning most of lower Louisiana into a vast,
washes it down one day, then a week of hot stinking swamp.
sun dries it out for the constant breeze to
As if that isn’t bad enough, during the
kick back into the air. A wise traveler keeps
Harvest the hordes of undead crossed the
a scarf over his mouth when crossing the
river following Raven to his battle with
plains. That keeps the worst of the fallout
the Reckoners. While most went through
from getting in your lungs and might add a
Missouri like a swarm of army ants and on
few more minutes to your life.
into Kansas, a general surge came across
The eastern part of this region also has a all along the river from Arkansas north to
lot of undead who crossed the river when Iowa. Most moved on to points west, but
Raven made his move at the end of the Arkansas and Missouri are still crawling
Harvest. If you stop to pick up hitchhikers, with all sorts of undead monstrosities.
make sure they’ve got a pulse.
Most of the cities along the river are
drowned ruins these days. A survivor
settlement clings to the ruins of Baton

Rouge and a few crazies live in and around flowing. Today the various fuel towns, as
New Orleans, but most people to be found they are known, send their products as far
along the river are Cajuns who live in the as the Great Maze in heavily armed convoys.
trackless swamps that stretch for miles
away from the river’s edges. The easiest
way to get around is by water, but travelers
should be heavily armed to fend off both Before the Last War, two large political
river pirates as well as the monsters that entities emerged from the First Civil
lurk below the murky, sluggishly moving War to stake a claim to territory for the
surface. original inhabitants of North America. In
the Dakotas the Sioux took advantage of
THE WILD SOUTHWEST the Union’s distraction with their rebellious
neighbors to the South and booted
Arizona, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas the white man out of their territory. In
Oklahoma’s “Indian Territory” a coalition
The Southwest is just as hot and arid as
of Cherokee, Comanche, Creek, Seminole,
you think it is. Probably worse.
Kiowa, Chickasaw, and Choctaw Indians
One thing that surprises most folks, saw the success of the Sioux and, longing
however, is how many different types of for a similar degree of independence,
terrain there are in this area. You’ve got decided to follow suit. This proud group of
rocky canyons and narrow passes in New tribes formed themselves into a new nation,
Mexico and Arizona, rolling hills and flat called the Coyote Confederation, and was
plains in Texas, and a vast, brushy expanse led by an enigmatic figure known only as
in Oklahoma. About the only thing all four “Coyote.”
states have in common is their dry heat.
Here’s a bit about the things you’ll find in
this mixed environment.
The Dakotas
The Southwest rivals the Great Maze for
the most road gangs. The reason for this is Many Sioux had been preaching a return
clear: the oil fields in Texas and Oklahoma to the “Old Ways” since the Reckoning
draw just as many road monsters as the began, way back in the 19th Century. This
ghost rock mines of the Great Maze. By movement basically requires all members of
the early 21st century the oil industry got a the Sioux Nations to use only natural tools,
major boost by legislation that was passed weapons, clothes, transportation, and so
to lessen the effects of ghost rock emissions on. Using any sort of mass produced item,
on Global Worming. Yup, Worming. This was riding trains (and later cars), or drinking
a theory that the by-products from burning whiskey is taboo to these folks.
ghost rock were actually responsible for
To enforce the Old Ways, and level the
the increasing numbers of Mojave rattlers
playing field with the white man, hundreds
and their related species that seemed to be
of medicine men gathered to perform a
appearing around the world.
massive ritual over the course of a week.
The use of oil to replace ghost rock The Great Summoning was a success. With a
was one way to lessen its effects, and the great peal of thunder, a mighty earthquake,
Confederacy’s government went big into this and a great gust of wind across the plains,
alternative energy source both to reduce the the white man’s technology no longer
worm population and also to boost jobs in functioned within the borders of the Sioux
the economic depression of 2010–2015. Most Nations (see Deadlands: The Last Sons).
of the drilling sites and production facilities
With the nature spirits’ help, the Sioux
were badly damaged during the war by
were able to carve out a sovereign nation
air strikes and cruise missile attacks, but
that covered most of the Dakota Territory,
determined oil company engineers were
along with parts of Montana, Wyoming,
able to keep some sites open and the oil
and Nebraska, where they lived as their
ancestors had lived right up to and beyond
Judgment Day. In the two centuries since

the formation of the Sioux Nations, the Unlike some folks, the Sioux actually
various tribes have intermarried so much honored their treaty. Deadwood was spared
that they now consider themselves only a the effects of the Great Summoning, as
single tribe—the Lakota. was the Iron Dragon rail line that carried
folks to and from the treaty city. Over the
The Sioux fared well during the Last
years, Sioux who became disillusioned
War. They didn’t get invaded, and nobody
with the Old Ways found their way or were
nuked them. Even their huge buffalo herds
banished to Deadwood, giving it a large
managed to escape the livestock plagues
Indian population who were referred to as
that wiped out so many cattle and cows.
Big medicine. But then War headed into the
Dakotas after he finished razing Kansas. Eventually, all mining of the Black Hills
The Old Wayers met him with bows, was turned over to the Ravenites, and the
arrows, and tomahawks. In the ensuing banished Sioux ruled the roost in Deadwood.
battles, the Sioux were reduced to a few They used their riches to buy up property
dozen small villages scattered across the in the treaty city, where they started all
Dakota wasteland, but they were still better kinds of businesses, including casinos,
off than most folks in the Wasted West. arms factories, and ghost rock refineries.
Thirteen years later, the Sioux were The Ravenites were living high on the
more or less untouched by the worst of hog when Raven himself showed up just
the Harvest as Raven’s march west from the before Judgment Day. For whatever reason,
Mississippi took him quite a ways south of Raven was pretty pissed at the people of
the Dakota territories. Deadwood. He waded on in a few days
before the bombs fell and laid waste to the
These days most Sioux live roughly the
place. Some folks think he was looking for
same lifestyle they did 200 years ago. The
something, but he didn’t seem too concerned
population of the Sioux Nations is much
about blowing up anything he came across.
smaller than it was just before the war.
The survivors fled into the wilderness, and
No one has taken an exact count, but the
a few days after the destruction ended, the
Lakota today number no more than 10,000.
world ended. Today Deadwood is a jumble
Of the seven major clans that existed before
of high rise ruins, but the old arms factories
the war only four remain: the Hunkpapa,
might contain treasure troves of firepower
Oglala, Burnt Thigh, and Minneconjou. The
for those brave enough to enter.
Sihasapa, Itazipacola, and Oohenupa clans
were wiped out in the struggle to defeat
War. The few survivors of these clans THE COYOTE WASTELAND
were adopted into the others. The clans
Parts of Oklahoma (The former Coyote
normally break up into hunting parties of
30 families or so during the summer. They
lead a nomadic existence across the plains, The Sioux Nations weren’t the only
hunting buffalo and finding good grazing sovereign territory the Indians carved
for their horses. out back in the 19th Century. The Coyote
Confederation included most of the area of
The Ravenites and Deadwood Oklahoma, the region once called Indian
Territory. The Union didn’t really recognize
One of the terms of the treaty that the place, but that didn’t matter much since
outlined the borders of the Sioux nation in the Confederacy did.
the 1800s was the foundation of Deadwood.
Unfortunately, the tribes of the Coyote
This was an American city in the heart of
Confederation weren’t as keen on the Old
Sioux territory, with only one rail line in and
Ways as the Sioux. A few tribes hewed to
out. A lot of Sioux didn’t much like the idea,
the wishes of the spirits, but many ignored
but Deadwood was already founded by the
time the treaty signing rolled around and
the concession spared a lot of bloodshed. Eventually, the Coyote tribes tried a Great
Summoning of their own but something
went terribly wrong. Thousands of Indians

were killed and the land was irreparably nation to build its nuclear weapons facilities
damaged in an event later called the Great with no one in government to object to
Wasting. the nasty nuclear waste produced. This
area soon became known as the Coyote
Things went from bad to worse after that.
The Confederacy stepped in pretty quickly,
ostensibly in the name of humanitarian aid. After Judgment Day, it’s a thousand times
They helped out for a while, but part of the worse than it was before the war. With all
deal was the Coyote Confederation had to the nuclear facilities there, it was a popular
join the Confederacy as a subject nation in target for Union city busters. The excessive
exchange for this aid, and they didn’t get the radiation, combined with the environmental
benefit of representation in the Confederate corruption from before the Apocalypse,
government. makes the wastelands of the former Coyote
Confederation completely hostile to human
It wasn’t long before life in the Coyote
life. The area is ruled by savage tribes of
Confederation was even worse than on
Indians and corrupt toxic shamans tainted
the reservations farther west. Poverty was
by the supernatural energies that bathe
widespread, and despite the efforts of a few
the area in evil. Monstrous mutants roam
ecological organizations, the effects of the
the area, looking for human meat. Even the
Great Wasting never really got cleaned up.
forces of Silas are not welcome here in this
Worse, the Confederacy started using Coyote
bizarre mutant kingdom.
lands as a dumping ground for its ecological
excesses. It was the ideal place for the rebel

Making characters for Deadlands: Hell Indian Brave: The shamans of the
on Earth is as easy as creating characters Native American “Old Ways” movement long
for any Savage Worlds game. Perhaps the ago foretold that technology was leading
hardest part is figuring out what kind of humanity to a bitter fall. Entire nations of
character to play. Once you do that, actually Indians threw aside technology in favor of
filling out your character sheet is a breeze. the ways of their ancestors, and were more
Below are a number of common character prepared for Judgment Day than anyone else
types found in the Wasted West. in the Wasted West. You rely on the tools of
your ancient ancestors to battle the horrors
Adventurer: You have no real profession,
of the Wasted West.
at least not anymore. You simply wander
the Wasted West looking for something Junker: You wander the wastelands
better. You might have been a waitress collecting junk with which to build
or a lawyer, but whatever your trade, you your incredible gadgets. Some claim the
find little call for it these days. You weren’t inspiration for your infernal gizmos comes
the heroic type before the war, and may from the evil spirits responsible for bringing
not have stepped up to the plate since. about the Apocalypse.
Sooner or later, though, Fate’s gonna come
knocking at your door. Law Dog: You’ve taken a solemn oath to
return law and order to the Wasted West.
Doomsayer: Most Doomsayers are evil
You have no real authority other than that
right down to their irradiated hearts, but
your hero is one of those who rebelled which you can exert with your six-gun and
against the “Cult of Doom.” All Doomsayers your will. Your enemies are many and the
believe norms are doomed in this brave, rewards are few, but someone must bring
new, radioactive world, but the Cult of justice to the Wasted West.
Doom slaughters them by the hundreds Librarian: While some folks burn books
to hurry things along. Heroic Doomsayers
just to keep warm at night, you dedicate
are members of a splinter faction led by
your life to preserving knowledge that few
Joan the Heretic. You still believe norms are
others care about. You’re convinced that
doomed, but don’t need to be hurried along
on the path of extinction. man will someday need these secrets to
rebuild all that was lost on Judgment Day.
Gunslinger: You sell your guns to the
highest bidder or those in need, depending Postman: Some folks would give just
on your personal code. Duels are still fairly about anything to get a letter to Aunt Ethel
common in the lawless lands of the Wasted down in Texas, but you only charge a fistful
West, so you’re either quick or dead. The of bullets or a few milrats. There’s not much
way things are these days, you just might left of civilization, but thanks to you the
be both. mail still gets through.

are reviled for destroying the world, or
maybe you’re an idealistic youth looking to
become a great hero and perhaps discover
a little of the old world you never knew.
Scavenger: You are one of the few
brave enough to enter the blasted cities
in the search for salvage. You brave ghost
rock storms, irradiated battlefields, and the
creatures of the Deadlands in your quest
for the treasures left behind after the Last
War. Most scavengers meet violent ends,
but you plan to be one of the lucky few
who become wealthy traders.
Soldier: Not everyone who wore a
uniform was killed during the Last War.
You survived because you were a deserter
or coward, or perhaps because fate made
you the sole survivor of a unit annihilated
in the final days before the bombs. Now
you wander the wastes, offering your grim
services to those who feed you—or pay you
enough bullets for the next fight.
Syker: You’re a former soldier with
incredible mental powers. You learned your
amazing trade in government academies
where you were made into a commando,
spy, and assassin. In the years before the
Apocalypse, you may have been deployed
to the alien world of Banshee, or into the
meat grinder of the Last War. At first, your
specialized skills were used as intended,
Ravenite: You’re an American Indian
but you were later thrown into the front
but you laughed at the “Old Ways.” You
lines as the war expanded and generals
embraced technology and became rich
became desperate. Now you’re a wanderer,
before the Big Bang, selling ghost rock from
distrusted thanks to your mighty mental
the once-sacred Black Hills of the Dakotas.
powers, and easily recognizable due to your
Now you’re a well-armed wanderer, forced
complete lack of hair.
to flee when Deadwood was destroyed by
Raven himself. Some Ravenites refuse to Tale Teller: Humanity cannot survive
acknowledge their part in the Apocalypse; without hope. You join with other heroes to
others seek retribution against those who defeat the many evils of the Wasted West,
led them astray. and then make sure the locals hear tell
of the victory. Some tale tellers are not so
Road Warrior: You’re always chasing
noble, instead performing only for a simple
the next tank of spook juice and one more
meal and a warm bed.
sunrise. You often help towns plagued by
highway marauders in exchange for goods, Templar: You travel the Wasted West
fuel, or ghost rock. The odds are often searching for communities and individuals
overwhelming, so most road warriors outfit worthy of your aid, but you turn away from
their rigs with salvaged armor and heavy those who do not live up to your ideals.
guns. You travel in disguise to better judge local
populations. Once revealed, you are a
Savage: You have little or no memory
noble figure adorned with a white tabard
of the world before the bombs. You might
emblazoned with a red Maltese cross.
be part of a community where the elders

Toxic Shaman: Called a spook because The following skills are available in Hell
of the spook juice you drink, you draw power on Earth Reloaded:
from the warped nature spirits that arose
from the toxins and pollution that blight
the land. You travel the Wastes, fighting evil SKILLS
and healing (or harming) the land.
Skill Linked Attribute
Trader: You discovered, earned, or stole Boating Agility
great treasures to barter with others. You Climbing Strength
now travel the Wasted West seeking new Driving Agility
markets for your goods, and a lead on your Faith Spirit
next big score. Fighting Agility
Gambling Smarts
Healing Smarts
MAKING CHARACTERS Intimidation Spirit
Investigation Smarts
Knowledge Smarts
Once you’ve decided on a concept for
Lockpicking Agility
your waster, it’s time to figure out his
Notice Smarts
statistics. You’ll find a character sheet
Persuasion Spirit
designed specifically for this setting both
Piloting Agility
in the back of this book and at our website
Psionics Smarts
at www.peginc.com.
Repair Smarts
Riding Agility
RACE Shooting Agility
Stealth Agility
Humans are the only race allowed in
Streetwise Smarts
Deadlands: Hell on Earth. The good news is
Survival Smarts
they get their free starting Edge as usual.
Swimming Agility
You can choose any ethnicity you like. As
Taunt Smarts
in our own world, America was a melting
Throwing Agility
pot of different cultures before Judgment
Tracking Smarts
Day. Further, The Last War involved forces
Weird Science Smarts
from all over the world. A lot of the worst
fighting went down in North America and
left military units from every major nation LANGUAGES
stranded here when the world ended.
Most folks in the Americas, regardless of
where they hail from originally, have gone
TRAITS out of their way to learn the language of
the land. That’s English, waster.
Next you assign your hero’s attributes and
skills. Your character begins play with a d4
in each of his five attributes: Agility, Smarts, SECONDARY STATISTICS
Spirit, Strength, and Vigor. You have 5 points
• Charisma is a measure of your hero’s
to distribute among these attributes as you
likability, and is added to Persuasion
choose. Raising an attribute by a die type
and Streetwise rolls. Your Charisma
costs 1 point, and you may not raise an
modifier is +0, unless changed by Edges
attribute above d12.
or Hindrances.
After attributes, you have 15 points to
• Pace is equal to 6”.
buy your skills. Raising a skill by a die type
costs 1 point, as long as it’s no higher than • Parry is equal to 2 plus half your
the attribute it’s linked to. It costs 2 points Fighting die.
per die type to raise a skill above its linked
• Toughness is equal to 2 plus half your
attribute. Like attributes, skills cannot be
Vigor die.
raised above d12.

Marshal will tell you more about that if
HINDRANCES your hero kicks the bucket, but just in case,
think a bit about what his worst nighmare
Now decide if you want Hindrances. If so,
would be. It’ll be important.
you may use those points to gain any of
the benefits below. You may take one Major
Hindrance (worth 2 points) and two Minor
Hindrances (worth 1 point each). You may
take additional Hindrances beyond this, but
you do not gain points for them. All of the Hindrances listed in Savage
Worlds are available in Deadlands: Hell
For 2 Hindrance points you can:
on Earth, with the exception of Anemic,
• Raise an attribute one die type, or which is replaced by Ailin’. In addition, the
• Choose an Edge following new Hindrances are available.
For 1 Hindrance point you can:
• Gain another skill point, or
Ailin’ (Minor or Major)
• Gain an additional $250 Brainers with this Hindrance likely have
a cold grave in the near future. An ailin’
GEAR character suffers a –1 penalty to all Fatigue
checks, such as resisting radiation and
Each hero starts with the clothes on his disease (see Hazards in Savage Worlds). As
back and $250. Once you’ve purchased your a Major Hindrance, the penalty is -2 and is
initial equipment, your remaining cash is often radiation poisoning called “the glows.”
converted to trade goods for bartering (see
Currency on page 41 for more information).
You’ll want to spend some of that on
Grim Servant o’ Death (Major)
weapons, ammunition, and whatever equip­ Your hero’s a killer. His family’s probably
ment you want. You’ll find a complete list pushing daisies, his enemies are wormling
starting on page 42. food, and even a few friends have holes in
‘em the same size as his own shootin’ iron.
BACKGROUND Only Wild Cards can take this Hindrance.
Finish up by filling out your hero’s The good news is your hombre adds +1
background. Think about where he came to every single damage roll he ever makes,
from, where he was when the bombs whether it’s from Fighting, Shooting, arcane
dropped, and how he got where he is now. skills, Throwing things at people in a most
Consider his hopes and dreams, friends and inhospitable manner, or anything else.
foes, and any traits he might have.
The downside is that your hero winds
You should also decide if your hero was up in the local survivor settlement’s jail or
born before Judgment Day. The bombs on the run a lot. And there’s worse. Any
dropped on September 23rd, 2081. The attack roll that comes up a 1 on the skill
massive battle called the Harvest occurred die automatically hits the nearest friendly
in 2096, and it’s now summer of 2097. To character in sight. Player characters are
remember the world before the bombs, your always first choice, but an allied NPC will
hero is probably 23 years old or older. do in a pinch. A Benny may be spent to
change the roll, but a Benny spent is a
It’s been 16 years for most since there were
Benny burned, as they say.
fast food restaurants, electricity, showers,
and the ability to not believe in monsters. Even hand-to-hand attacks hit allies when
that nasty 1 comes up. This may require a
WORST NIGHTMARE little imagination, but either the weapon
flies out of the hero’s hand and strikes his
It’s relatively common knowledge now friend, or the killer moves adjacent to his
that certain really tough individuals come compadre and “accidentally” whacks him.
back from the dead as “Harrowed.” The

In either case, if the hero rolls snake eyes,
he damages his ally as if he rolled a raise. Night Terrors (Major)
Your hombre doesn’t sleep well. In fact,
Heavy Sleeper (Minor) the Land of Nod is a constant nightmare for
him. He tosses and turns like a demon on
Not even Judgment Day could wake this a rack, and likely keeps everyone within a
Dozing Doolie. Your hero subtracts 4 from dozen yards of him awake with his nightly
Notice rolls made to wake up, as well torment. Each night, your hero must make
as Spirit and Vigor rolls made to a Spirit roll or suffer a level of Fatigue,
stay awake. which he regains the next time he beds
Lyin’ Eyes (Minor) If the Marshal skips over long periods
of time, such as during a trip, roll once
Lies just don’t come naturally to
instead of each night that would have
this brainer. That sounds good,
but often causes problems
when dealing with more
nefarious types. Subtract 4 Rad Intolerant (Major)
from any Persuasion rolls
Radiation affects your waster
where lies—even little white
more than most. He suffers a –2
ones—must be told.
penalty when resisting radiation
(see Savage Worlds, Hazards).
Mutant Damage-causing spells of the
Doomsayers or
(Major/ other creatures
of radioactive
Minor) origin cause an
additional 2 points of
S o m ew h e re
damage as well. The
along the line,
hero suffers both
your waster
penalties against
came down
a power that is
with a bad
resisted and causes
case of
the glows
and gained a
mutation for his Slowpoke (Minor)
troubles. As a Minor Hindrance,
Your survivor is slow. Maybe
draw one card off the Action
he has a limp from an injury that
Deck to determine the mutation
never heals, or maybe he’s just
(your Marshal has the skinny on
choosey about where he places his
the results on page 95). As a Major
feet. Either way, reduce his Pace
Hindrance, your survivor has likely
by 1. This is cumulative with the
picked up a more nasty mutation.
Lame Hindrance if you really want
Draw three cards off the Action Deck
to compete in the next tortoise and
to determine the mutation and keep the
hare race. You can guess which one
lowest (Doomsayers take the lowest of
you are.
two cards).
Whatever the case, the mutation is
difficult to hide, and some folks out there
Thin-Skinned (Major)
don’t look too kindly on mutants. Your hero Every little ol’ cut and scrape makes your
suffers a –2 Charisma penalty when dealing waster whine for mama. As long as he has
with these narrow-minded norms. at least one wound, he suffers an additional
–1 penalty to all his actions (so a hero with
two wounds suffers a –3, for example).

cryogenically frozen and placed in storage
NEW EDGES vaults throughout the US along with their
equipment. In the event of such a disaster,
their mission would be two-fold: defeat any
The following Edges aren’t used in Hell
would-be warlords and help the survivors
on Earth Reloaded: any type of Arcane
rebuild their communities.
Background not listed in this book (nor any
Edge requiring them) and Noble. A character with the Operation Damocles
Edge has just woken up to find himself in
BACKGROUND EDGES a strange new world. Maybe his freeze tube
malfunctioned, or maybe a wandering road
Background Edges can be picked up gang found his Vault and looted it, leaving
during play (remember that your hero can him for dead. Maybe a computer glitch
only have one Arcane Background, though). activated the thawing process.
This Edge can only be taken at character
Arcane Backgrounds creation, since Operation Damocles soldiers
start the game with +20 Experience Points
Characters may only take the Arcane
(typically four extra Advances). In addition
Background Edge once (regardless of the
to whatever Hindrances the character has
type chosen), and he may only choose from
of his own, he also has a Major Vow to
those detailed in No Man’s Land (page 69).
restore civilization and the US, in that order.
Listed below is what most people know
Those chosen for this program will give
about each type of Arcane Background
their lives for that cause. They don’t have to
and enough information to decide if you’re
be idealistic, but they are definitely driven.
interested in reading more.
These soldiers can never take the Arcane
• Doomsayers: These mutant radiation-
Background, Harrowed, Rad Resistant, or
priests channel supernatural energy from
Veteran o’ the Wasted West Edges.
the after-effects of ghost rock and nuclear
• Junkers: Mad scientists who scavenge
Rad Resistant
old technology to make magical and Requirements: Novice, Vigor d6+
infernal devices.
Your brainer could eat rads for breakfast.
• Syker: Psionicists trained in mastering He gains +4 on Vigor rolls to resist Fatigue
mental energy and transforming it into from radiation. Rad Resistant provides no
incredible power. benefit versus targeted or damaging effects.
• Templars: Some see these adepts as
heroes, others as selfish and distant. Veteran o’ the Wasted West
Templars are strong and noble souls, but
Requirements: Wild Card, Novice, Spirit
help only those they find deserving.
d6+, Knowledge (Occult) d6+
• Toxic Shamans: Spiritualists who
Veterans o’ the Wasted West start the
have learned to communicate with new
game with +20 Experience Points (typically
and mutated spirits that have arisen in
four extra Advances). This Edge can only be
the ruined world.
taken at character creation.

Operation Damocles Soldier There’s a price, though. If you take this

Edge, draw a single card from the Action
Requirements: Wild Card, Novice, Deck and show it to your Marshal. He’ll
Fighting d6+, Shooting d8+, Survival d6+, check the table on page 96 to see just what
Throwing d6+, Marshal’s approval kind of bad luck your hombre wandered
into. If you draw a Joker, keep drawing until
Operation Damocles was to be the US
you get a red or black card and tell your
insurance policy in the event of a general
Marshal which you got. If your deck has red
nuclear exchange between the North and
and black Jokers, just use that instead.
South. Select Special Forces soldiers were

Beware, because the results can be quite
extreme—from serious maiming to insanity.
Kung Fu
Your Marshal has the details. You’ve been Requirements: Novice, Martial Artist,
warned, tough guy. Fighting d8+, Spirit d8+
Those who truly dedicate themselves to
Wheels the martial arts often adapt very specific
styles and specialties. Rather than list the
Requirements: Novice, Repair d6+
hundreds of different styles such as Mantis
Your survivor scrounged up a vehicle or Drunken or Shaolin Temple, we’ve broken
of some sort. Even better, he’s managed them down into general categories you can
to keep it in working order! Whether he customize and describe for yourself.
traded for it, fixed up a wreck abandoned
A warrior may know multiple styles by
on the highway, or took the keys of some
taking this Edge additional times, though
no-good road ganger, he snagged himself
no specialty may be taken more than once.
some wheels.
Combined with standard combat Edges
You have $5,000 to build a sweet ride (this such as First Strike and Frenzy, Kung Fu
includes any accessories, as well as fuel). If warriors can be phenomenal fighters.
you have the Rich or Filthy Rich Edge, you
• Confusion: This style emphasizes
apply the multiplier to this money as well
distraction, feints, or keeping a foe
(allowing for some real hot rods). This gives
off-balance. The martial artist can make
you more than the usual additional starting
a Smarts trick and a Fighting attack with
funds, but comes with the downside of
no multi-action penalty.
owning a vehicle in a world without
gas stations and repair shops.
First, your cruiser has to find gas
or spook juice to keep it running.
Second, many highways are clogged
with wrecked and abandoned vehicles.
Even clear roadways are a hazard as
busted-up asphalt and debris-strewn
streets tend to tear up a suspension.
On the plus side, he’ll never have to
deal with the DMV!
See Vehicles starting on page 56 to
build your baby and for how the wear
and tear of the Wasted West affects
your new set of wheels.

Don’t Get ’im Riled!
Requirements: Wild Card,
Seasoned, Spirit d8+
Your hero adds his wound levels
to both his Fighting rolls and the
damage he causes from them. A hero
with 3 wounds, for instance, adds +3
to his Fighting and Fighting damage
• Focus: The martial artist focuses his
mind to rule out all other distractions,
Law Dog
increasing his accuracy over long Requirements: Novice, Knowledge (Law)
distances. He halves range penalties for d6+, Shooting d6+, Intimidate d8+, Survival
all Shooting or Throwing attacks (–1 at d6+, Major Vow (bring law to the Wastes)
Medium and –2 at Long).
“Law Dogs” is the name given to those
• Defensive: The martial artist moves in who try to bring justice to the Wasted
strange ways or perhaps senses where West. Some were actual local or state law
his opponent is about to strike. She gains enforcement personnel, a few might have
an additional +2 to Parry when using been at the federal level, some might have
the Full Defense maneuver (+4 total), and even been Texas Rangers or US Agents
ranged attacks suffer a –2 to hit her when (although most of these heroes died off in
using the maneuver as well. the Last War or the days that followed).
• Power: The martial artist considers Whatever their history, they all seek to
his Strength to be two die types higher protect and serve those eking out a living
for Fighting attacks, whether attacking in the Wastes. All carry badges of some
bare-handed or with melee weapons. This sort, giving them authority over those who
increases damage and counts toward the respect the law (and +2 Charisma). Exactly
minimum Strength for using a weapon. what this means depends on the situation,
but most survivor settlements are happy
• Precision: The attacker looks for
to embrace an impartial, traveling Law Dog
weak spots, pressure points, or other
as judge, arbiter, and peace officer if there
openings to increase the effectiveness
are problems.
of his strikes. This counts as +2 AP to
all Fighting attacks. With a raise on a The downside is that Law Dogs have
Fighting attack, the martial artist does vowed to protect and serve. Unlike Templars,
+1d8 damage instead of +1d6. they tend to help everyone they can.
• Resilient: This fighter has mastered
mind over matter. He gains the Hardy Librarian
monstrous ability (see Savage Worlds).
Requirements: Novice, Smarts d8+,
• Speed: The warrior draws an extra Knowledge (Any) d8+, Notice d8+, Cannot
Action Card for initiative. This stacks with be Illiterate
Level Headed and Improved Level Headed.
This person has joined the Librarians, an
• Toughness: Those who practice this order dedicated to the preservation of the
style have learned to train their bodies knowledge gained before the Apocalypse.
and minds to ignore their body’s pain. He has gone through his initial training and
This grants them +1 to Toughness and has been sent into the Wastes to rescue
Vigor rolls made to soak damage. information.
• Trickery: The martial artist adds +2 to Librarians receive a free palmcorder
in-combat Taunt rolls and Agility tricks. when they join the Order to collect data.
Librarian palmcorders store data on ghost
PROFESSIONAL EDGES steel versions of data slugs. Each is about
the size of an AA battery and can store
more information than a large library. If
Guts lost, ghost steel slugs cost $10 to replace.
Librarians are expected to assist each
Requirements: Veteran, Spirit d6+
other in acquiring data and to do whatever
Given time, a person can become jaded is required to recover lost information.
to even Hell on Earth. This character halves Effectively, in addition to any other
the Fear Level penalty (round down) when Hindrances, they also have the Major Vow
making Fear checks. (gather and restore knowledge).

The training of a Librarian grants them A good storyteller not only entertains,
the Investigator Edge for free. Additionally, he gives hope and comfort as well. The
their goal of preserving information also survivors of the Last War can use all the
gives them a +2 Charisma when dealing hope and comfort they can find.
with any intellectual or scientific people.
When making a Persuasion roll to tell
Their mission of recovering books the tale of your posse’s exploits and reduce
gives them a unique opportunity when the Fear Level, add +2 to your total. Further,
scavenging (page 66). Whenever the character where most tale tellers bungle the story
draws an Ace, they can choose to trade the when they roll a 1 on the skill die, you do
listed result for discovering some book on so only on snake eyes.
the Librarians’ want list instead. They’re
Anytime a Tale Teller lowers the Fear
rewarded with a Benny immediately and
Level, he automatically gains a Benny.
get 2d6 x $100 on arrival back at the Grand
Library with the volume (along with the
accolades of their superiors). WEIRD EDGES
All Librarians also have free access
to the Grand Library in Sacramento, CA. Harrowed
Research performed there can find just
about any information with a successful Requirements: Wild Card, Novice, Spirit
Investigation roll. The Marshal d6+
has more information on this
Harrowed may only be selected
(page 119).
at character creation.

Scrounger Some wasters are just too

tough to die, so they come
Requirements: Novice, back from the grave. The
Notice d8+ price is an eternal battle
for their own soul with the
Scroungers are those
demonic “manitous” that
brave (or foolish) souls who
provide their incredible
enter the remnants of the
tough­ness and power.
ruined cities of the Wasted
West searching for vital If your character has
supplies—and the occasional been reborn into this
luxury item. Skill in picking unlife, be sure to read the
over the detritus of a devastated Harrowed details (page
town is a prized ability in these 72) in No Man’s Land.
difficult times.
Scroungers get a +2 to LEGENDARY EDGES
Notice rolls when scavenging.
Additionally, if successful, they
double the normal results, Grit
gaining $2d6 x2 on a success
or drawing two cards on a
Legendary, Brave, Guts,
raise (see page 66).
Spirit d8+

Tale Teller What you call Hell, he

calls home. This character
Requirements: ignores Fear Level penalties
Novice, Persuasion d8+, when making Fear Checks.
Charisma +1 or higher

Only a fool or a madman ventures out
into the wilds of the Wasted West without SCROUNGING
proper survival gear. Of course, the problem
Scrounging is the ability to find these
in a ruined world is that hardly anything
little baubles and more in the ruins of the
works right. First you have to find what you
wasted world. This is such an important part
want, then make sure it’s got all its parts,
of life in Hell on Earth that we’ve included
isn’t full of mud, and isn’t going to fall
special Setting Rules for it on page 66.
apart the first time you bank it off some
wormling’s skull.
Equipment on the gear list is considered
Selling Goods
to be in good condition. Some other bozo Posses occasionally wind up with spare
has already cleaned it up, taped it together, gear. A Streetwise roll in a settlement of
and used it enough to know it probably isn’t fair size or larger allows the seller to dump
going to blow up. the goods at a quarter the normal value. A
raise nets half the list price. This roll may
CURRENCY be attempted once a week per settlement.
Bartering of larger goods is trickier
There’s no standard currency in the
but tends to pay a little better. A working
Wasted West. Assume “dollars” are trinkets,
computer, for example, is useless to most
small food items, bullets, bits of jewelry, a
wastelanders, even with a generator. A
squirt or two of toothpaste, matches, and
scientist with power and a lab, however,
the like.
might pay dearly. Special cases like this
In general, think of these as currency usually require a little roleplaying to sell
and nothing else. In a pinch, the Marshal properly.
might let a waster roll to find something
important in his “cash,” like a match or
one more bullet for his gun. This is based
on what the character was smart enough The fall of civilization means your hero
to pick up, so he makes a Smarts roll at can’t simply waltz into the local S-Mart and
–2 applying the item’s scarcity Streetwise buy whatever he wants.
modifier (see page 42). On a success, he has
As such, goods are rated for scarcity,
the item and deducts the cost from his
being Common, Uncommon, Scarce, Rare,
or Very Rare. This represents how hard it is
to find the item, as well as how many of a
particular item can be bought or sold by the

characters in a particular day. This includes Damaged vehicles go for 75% of the
all transactions within a 24-hour period, list price. Cheap guns, tools, and so
not just those conducted at a single shop forth—anything a brainer has to roll to
or market—though if the shoppers travel to use—malfunction when the player rolls a
an entirely different settlement, they may 1 on the skill die. Your warrior’s dinged-up
try again. This limit does not apply during golf club, for example, might fall apart while
character creation. Some items listed here whacking on some no good mutie.
do not have a rarity, which means they are
Items that don’t come into play for skill
not generally available for trade.
rolls might affect others’ perception. A
To find a particular item, a character ratty leather jacket, for example, has blood
makes a Streetwise roll. This roll is modified stains, tears, and other signs that it might
by the scarcity of the item as well as the be fresh off a corpse. These items inflict
size of the settlement in which the player a –1 Charisma modifier on your waster.
finds himself. Small but well-equipped Even after the Apocalypse a blood-stained
stores (such as a traveling salesman) are wanderer gives others the creeps.
simply treated as larger settlements.


Scarcity Streetwise Available AMMUNITION
Common (C) +2 1d8
Standard Rounds: Bullets are increasingly
Uncommon (U) 0 1d6
hard to come by, but a number of places,
Scarce (S) –1 1d4
notably Junkyard, continue to manufacture
Rare (R) –2 1d3
them. Standard rounds cause the normal
Very Rare (VR) –4 1d2
damage listed with the weapon types later
in this chapter, but for weapons that fire
POPULATION MODIFIERS standard cased bullets (not blackpowder or
shotguns) other rounds are also available:
• Armor Piercing: This type of ammo is
Population Modifier
designed to pierce armor and obstacles,
Less than 500 –6
but does less damage against unarmored
500–1,000 –4
soft targets as the bullets don’t deform as
1,001–2,000 –2
much and inflict less trauma. AP rounds
2000+ +0
gain +2 AP, but against targets without
Junkyard +2
armor they subtract 2 from their damage.
Armor piercing rounds cost 1.5 times
more than normal rounds, and increase
DAMAGED GOODS the rarity one step.
Most anything except services can be • Brass: The casings left over when a
bartered for cheaper than the listed price—if bullet is fired have value in the wastelands
a waster is willing to settle for a little less since manufacturing them these days is
quality. Common items such as clothes are almost impossible. Shell casings are worth
ratty and torn, hats are crumpled, and dinged half the price of the base ammunition
up playing cards can’t be used anywhere type (ignore the price of special types,
except by the campfire. The effects of these like frangible or AP).
items are usually situational, though many
• Frangible: Frangible ammo is designed
items can cause bigger problems…or become
to break apart on impact. This reduces
the chance of dangerous ricochets and
(most importantly for wasters) increases

the amount of damage the bullet inflicts damage versus armored targets). These
on living targets. Frangible rounds do +4 rounds are fully consumed in their firing
damage to unarmored targets. Against and can’t be reloaded, so this ammunition,
armor they lose the bonus, any AP value already scarce, gets rarer with each pull of
listed for the gun, and add +4 to the target’s the trigger.
armor value. Frangible rounds double the
Caseless Ammunition: Standard issue
cost of the bullet, and increase the rarity
to the Combine’s troops, these rounds are
by two steps. Frangible rounds cannot fire
difficult to come by outside of Denver. The
through any obstacle (see Savage Worlds).
caseless, solid propellant rounds are fired
• Hollow Point: These nasty killers are with an electric charge, leading observers
designed to flatten on impact, tearing a to dub them “pulse” weapons. They leave
bigger hole in the target. Hollow point no telltale casing on the ground after a
rounds cause +2 damage to targets with firefight and thus can’t be reloaded. The
no armor, but against armor they lose the Black Hats hate being fired on with their
bonus, any AP value listed for the gun, own ammunition!
and add +2 to the target’s armor value.
They can be made fairly easily from
normal ammunition and a file. A Repair
roll and 30 minutes “hollows” 5 bullets Civilian Executive Protection Armor:
with a success or 15 with a raise. Failure For the VIP who needs low key protection,
grants only a +1 damage bonus against this armor looks like thin thermal underwear,
unarmored foes while a result of 1 or less and can be worn under clothing with no
means 1d10 bullets are ruined. Hollow one the wiser. It covers the torso, arms, and
point rounds cost 1.5 times more than legs, and requires a Notice roll at –4 to spot
normal rounds, but have the same rarity. unless it’s the only thing worn.
• Tracer: These rounds have small flares Improvised Armor: Wasters try to put
in the tail of the bullet which help the all sorts of things between themselves and
shooter see where it’s going and adjust his incoming fire. Improvised armor can be
aim based on where he sees the shots fall. made of tires, football helmets, stove pipes,
Tracers negate the penalty for automatic or whatever else is on hand.
fire, including using suppressive fire. In
Infantry Battlesuit Helmet: Helmets
addition, the magnesium flare burns very
worn by active duty military units of the
hot. Targets hit by a tracer may catch
North and South before and during the Last
fire (see Savage Worlds), and the damage
War were basically identical. The ferocity
counts as fire damage for creatures
of the fighting means these items are
affected by such. Tracer ammo costs $1
extremely hard to find intact these days.
more per round than standard ammo, and
increases the rarity by a step. The helm is full-faced with mirrored
visor, 0.5 mile radio that can run indefinitely
Gyrojet Ammunition: Introduced into
off the body’s bioelectric field, and a full
the Last War by British Forces, the gyrojet
respirator system. Unfortunately, most of
is a small, self-contained rocket that causes
the respirator filters have been removed
little recoil when fired. The propellant in
and few of the radios work these days. The
the slug continues to accelerate it after it
helmet grants +4 Armor against head shots.
leaves the gun, resulting in a bullet with an
If the filters (which are rare) are in place, the
extremely flat trajectory and much greater
helmet provides sealed protection against
effective range than an ordinary pistol round.
gases and airborne inhaled toxins.
The rounds are stabilized in flight by small
fins which pop out after the rocket leaves Kevlar Vest: Kevlar offers 2 points of
the barrel. protection against most attacks. Kevlar
weave “binds” spinning bullets and so
The hollow slugs fired by this pistol
negates up to 4 points of AP from bullets,
deform easily on impact, which makes
and provides +4 protection from them as
them unable to penetrate armor well (half

of Fatigue that can only be recovered by
COMMON GEAR basking in radiation. An entire can kills a
Doombringer outright—if one can force it
Batteries: Some items require batteries.
down his throat.
Small batteries require one hour of
charging, medium batteries two, and large Gas Mask: A gas mask negates airborne
three—assuming one can find a generator. toxins and gases. The bulky mask, hood,
and limited vision reduces Notice rolls by
Compass: This handy item adds +2 to
–1, however.
Smarts and Survival rolls made to navigate
the Wasted West. Geiger Counter: A Geiger counter
detects the strength of radiation when
Dr. Pepper: Urban legend from before
activated. They run off medium batteries
the Last War reported that Dr. Pepper
that last five hours of continuous use.
had certain curative properties in regards
to rad poisoning. Thanks to the strange Ghost Rock Batteries: Ghost rock
supernatural energy of the Reckoning, batteries exist for all sizes. These increase
this became true. A waster who drinks a the usage (time or charges) by 50% but cost
can of Dr. Pepper regains all Fatigue lost double the normal cost for that size battery.
to radiation. The soft drink is anathema
Hatchet: Treat this as a knife when used
to Doomsayers, who must make a Vigor
as a weapon.
roll upon tasting the stuff or suffer a level

Laser Sight: Laser sights may be a hands-free set or walkie-talkie capable
attached to any ballistic weapon. The user of broadcasting for a half mile. For every
gains a +1 bonus to Shooting rolls against multiple of 4 the range is increased (2 miles,
targets in Short Range unless using the 8 miles, 32 miles, up to a maximum of 128
automatic fire maneuver. If using an optic miles), double the cost and the weight of
scope in conjunction with the laser sight, the radio and increase the scarcity by a
the bonus is good for all Ranges. The sight level. Basic radios with an 8 mile or less
uses small batteries that last for roughly range use small batteries lasting for two
100 shots. hours of total use; larger ones use medium
batteries that last for four hours or can be
Lockpicks: A waster who tries to pick
connected to a vehicle for continuous use
a lock without these tools suffers a –2
as long as the engine is operational.
penalty to his Lockpicking roll.
Rope (20 yards): This rope can safely
NBC Environmental Protection Suit:
handle 500 pounds without difficulty. For
the Nuclear Biological Chemical ensemble
every 100 pounds over that, roll a d6 every
or environmental protection suit (the
minute of use, or whenever the rope suffers
civilian version) is designed to be worn
sudden stress. On a 1, the rope snaps.
over clothing and footwear and provides
protection against everything from the Scope: Scopes may only be mounted
common cold to biological agents to on rifles. When a shooter uses a scope, he
chemical weapons. Complete protection gains +2 to Shooting rolls against targets at
also requires that a gas mask be used with Medium or Long Range.
the NBC oversuit, while the civilian version
Suppressor: Suppressors impose a –1
has a full-face hood built in. The suits give
penalty to Shooting rolls while using the
+2 to Vigor rolls against normal radiation.
suppressed weapon. On the plus side,
If the wearer suffers any wounds, the suit
characters within 5” (10 yards) of the fired
is compromised and provides no protection.
weapon (and not in line of sight) must
These outfits are hot and bulky, reducing
make a Notice roll to realize a weapon’s
Agility-related rolls by –1, and subtracting 2
been fired. Those beyond 5” suffer a –2
from Vigor rolls made to resist heat.
to this roll, beyond 10”, a –4. Beyond 20”,
Night Vision Goggles: Night vision no roll is possible unless the character is
goggles enhance any ambient light and looking at the user. In all cases, if someone
allow the wearer to ignore Dim or Dark is observing the shooter, the shooter may
conditions entirely and treat Pitch Darkness make a Stealth roll (opposed by Notice) to
as normal Darkness. It has no effect if hide the use of the weapon, which incurs
absolutely no light is available at all (such the usual multi-action penalty to the
as the total darkness found in caves). Shooting roll.
Also, when wearing the goggles, the user
Water Purification Kit: A single dose of
suffers –1 to Notice rolls due to his reduced
the chemicals in this kit instantly purifies
peripheral vision. Night vision goggles
enough water for a single person for one
require a small battery that provides about
day. The water still tastes awful, though.
four hours of use. A bright light shined in
A fully charged kit has 10 doses. Refills,
the goggles forces the wearer to make a
which are scarce, typically cost $25
Vigor roll or be Shaken.
Water Test Kit: A use of this kit and a
Pick: Picks make awkward weapons
successful Smarts roll determines if a body
due to their weight and poor balance, but
of water is safe to drink. This uses small
they can be used as a medium improvised
batteries. A single small battery provides
weapon in a pinch (see Savage Worlds).
20 tests.
Radio: One of the only remaining ways
Wood Axe: This axe is intended for
to communicate over long distances (and
chopping lumber and makes an awkward
an iffy one at that), radios come in all
weapon, at best. If used in this fashion, it
shapes and ranges. The price given is for

Medchip: The US Army was the
first force to use these chips, but
others quickly adopted them. A
medchip is a small chip implanted
under the skin that contains a
soldier’s entire medical history and
scans his vital signs. This chip can be
read by a handheld scanner carried
by most medics or a medboard (see
Early chips were implanted in the
upper arm, but it was quickly found
that this could cause a problem if
the patient had lost the limb. Later
chips were implanted at the base
of the skull just below the hairline
(anyone missing the chip in this case
was more than likely beyond any
help a doctor could give). Any hero
who was a soldier before the Last
War may have a working medchip if
they desire (and the Marshal agrees).
A working chip grants a +2 bonus
to all Healing rolls made to treat the
soldier by anyone with a medchip
scanner or medboard. The medchips
of many soldiers who survived the
war no longer work because they
were fried by an EMP on Judgment
Day, so just because someone is an
old soldier doesn’t mean they have
Medchip Scanner: This is a
small, handheld device about the
acts like a large improvised weapon. On the
size of a cell phone. It reads the information
plus side, it gets AP 2 against targets made
contained on a soldier’s medchip. All
of wood or using wooden armor.
information is displayed on a small screen.
It uses one small battery for two hours of
Although all the countries involved in Medboard: This is a metal stretcher
the Last War had scientists slaving away with built-in sensors and a number of
to find better and more efficient ways video displays. It can read the basic vital
to destroy their enemies, they also had signs of anyone lying on the board. If the
doctors hard at work looking for better patient also has a medchip, the board can
ways to keep their own people alive. This scan this and provide even more detailed
had the benefit of not only preventing the information. This grants a +2 modifier to
loss of veteran troops, but it also boosted any Healing rolls made to treat patients
the soldiers’ morale by letting them know without medchips and a +4 modifier when
they could expect the best medical care treating patients with a chip. It uses one
available in the event they were wounded. medium battery for one hour of operation
(six 10-minute Healing rolls).

Medkit: This is the typical medical kit with stunning force. Bean bag grenades
issued to most field medics. A fully-stocked only affect a single target, and their
bag contains a selection of scalpels, IV damage is nonlethal. Due to their lack of
tubing, a manual respirator, 100 yards of aerodynamics, bean bag grenades halve
gauze, a stethoscope, inflatable pressure the range increments for the launcher
cuffs, suture needles and thread, and a used.
variety of basic medications. Healers with
• Flare: Fired from a grenade launcher,
this item ignore the –2 penalty for not
this round shoots a flare that bursts
having basic supplies. If the user rolls a 1
several hundred feet above the ground and
on their Healing die, they run out of some
floats down on its own parachute. The
item in the kit and suffer a –1 penalty until
flare provides light in a two mile radius,
they restock it.
reducing lighting penalties by two levels
Sprayskin: Sprayskin comes in an (Dim and Dark are negated and Pitch
aerosol can. It’s a spray-on medication Darkness becomes Dim) for 4+1d4 rounds.
that contains a disinfectant, an antibiotic, a If thrown, the area is greatly reduced,
coagulant, and a painkiller. When sprayed though still an impressive 100” radius. If
on a wound, it forms a plastic skin over the shot or thrown at a target, a flare causes
affected area. The medications stop anyone 2d6 damage for each round it burns,
who is Bleeding Out as if they made their requiring a Strength roll at –4 to remove.
Vigor roll. Sprayskin also grants a +2 bonus Others can attempt to remove the grenade
to all Vigor rolls made to resist infection but suffer the damage before making the
and perform natural healing. Sprayskin also roll. Targets have the standard chance of
negates one level of wound modifiers for catching fire (see Savage Worlds).
six hours. A full can holds 20 applications.
• Flash Bang: These grenades flash with
brilliant light and stun with concussion.
WEAPONS Characters within a Large Burst Template
must make a Vigor roll at –4 or be Shaken.
Below is a sampling of weapons found
scattered throughout the Wasted West. The • Inferno: “Hell ‘nades” burst with little
Last War left many such relics. concussive force but plenty of flame.
Targets have the standard chance of
The initials before certain weapons refer
catching fire (see Fire in Savage Worlds).
to the force that used them. NA stands for
Northern Alliance, SA is Southern Alliance, • Multiprojectile/Buckshot: This
IW refers to “Infantry Weapon”, and HI is “grenade” is a giant shotgun shell filled
the abbreviation for Hellstromme Industries. with steel balls and like the bean bag can
“M” simply means “military,” and is used by only be fired from a launcher. The shooter
many nations’ armies. places the small end of the Cone template
adjacent to himself and the large end on
Boomerang/Sharpened Hubcap: Given
his targets. He then makes a shooting roll.
the appropriate materials, these can be
Any character under or partially under
made with a Repair roll.
the template makes an opposed Agility
Grenades: These can be either thrown roll at –2 to dodge out of the way. If the
or fired from a grenade launcher. Individual shooter gets a raise over the target, he
grenades have special functions. gets bonus damage as usual.
• Beanbag: This ammo was initially • Riot Control: Strong tear gas pours
designed for nonlethal crowd control and forth from this grenade upon detonation.
police situations. Bean bag rounds are Anyone within the Medium Burst
designed to be fired from any 20mm or Template must make a Vigor roll at –2
40mm grenade launcher; they cannot be (–4 if in an enclosed space). Those who
thrown. When fired, they expand to a flat fail are Shaken and remain Shaken while
“bean bag” which smacks into the target in the gas cloud. Once out of the gas, a

victim suffers a –4 to recover from being IW-91: Originally used by British forces
Shaken for three rounds. Characters with in America, this is a six shot, smooth bore
gas masks, creatures that don’t breathe, revolver that fires gyrojet rounds. The
or similar abilities are unaffected. weapon may be fired with ordinary .50
rounds, but its Range is reduced to 6/12/24,
• Smoke: Smoke grenades are primarily
and it does 2d6+2 damage, AP 2 (not halved
used to provide cover for advancing
vs. armor).
troops, or to blind a fixed position such
as a machine gun nest. The Medium Burst Mini-Chainsaw: With the advances
Template remains in play for 2d4 rounds in battery technology, many power tools
(4d4 in an enclosed area). All attacks went cordless, and with the Apocalypse,
through the cloud suffer a –2 vision their use as weapons was unavoidable.
penalty. Mini-chainsaws are the most common, but
the same stats can be used any similar
IW-40: This rifle, which equipped British
power tool (circular saws, masonry drills,
Army infantry squads, fires a .50 gyrojet
etc.). Such weapons suffer penalties as
round. Venting the exhaust through a
improvised weapons (–1 to Fighting and
compensator allows users to ignore the
Parry), which can be removed with the
auto-fire penalty. Unlike the IW-91, the
Improvisational Fighter Edge (see Savage
IW-40 cannot fire normal .50 bullets.
Worlds). Mini-chainsaws can normally run
for 2 hours off a large battery but aren’t
designed for combat. If a 1 is rolled on
the Fighting die, the stress drains any
remaining power in the battery.
NA M-42: The sniper rifle of the
Northern Alliance, this state of the art
weapon boasts a laser sight, bipod,
and scope. In addition, the special
electric trigger adds +3 when aiming
rather than +2.
NA M-92 Officer’s Sidearm: This
was the standard sidearm for US
officers. Its integral laser sight grants
+1 to Shooting rolls made against
targets in short Range.
NA XM-21: Originally developed
for use on Faraway by sykers on
extended recon patrols deep in the
wilds of Banshee before being rushed
into service as the primary NA assault
rifle, the idea behind the XM–21 was
to provide a weapon which could
replenish its ammo supply from local
materials when standard rounds were
unavailable. It does so by firing 5.56mm
slugs propelled by one-ounce chunks
of ghost rock good for firing 10 shots
(though only in single shot mode, no
autofire or three round bursts). A small
casting kit in the stock allows creating
additional slugs in the field—usually
from scrap metal.

Ruger Redhawk: This pistol is the Apocalypse. Brainburst is the ultimate
chambered to handle .357 and .38 rounds. synaptic superjuice. The drug can be
ingested (1d6 rounds to kick in) or injected
SA XM-40 “Ripper”: The XM–40
for immediate results. The user undergoes
assault rifle was designed to be the first
a jolting brainstorm of logical and intuitive
successful .50 caliber assault rifle. The
thought. One dose of Brainburst raises a
secret to the weapon is its slower rate
hero’s Smarts die type by 2 for 2d6 minutes,
of fire combined with a battery-powered
along with giving all Smarts-based skills a
gyroscopic compensator. The weapon can
+2 modifier. Now for the bad news. When
be fired without an active compensator, but
the drug wears off, the survivor’s Smarts
single shots suffer a –1 penalty to Shooting
and Smarts-based skill rolls are made at –4
and any other use (double tap, three round
for the next 2d6 hours.
burst, autofire, rapid fire, etc.) suffers an
additional –2 penalty.
The XM-40 uses a small battery good
Hot Dog
for 20 shots. The battery is installed in the Addiction: –1; Cost: $50/dose;
magazine, so reloading the weapon replaces Scarcity: Uncommon
the battery at the same time.
Named for their brown color and rounded
SA M-50: This Southern sniper rifle is cylindrical shape, these diet pills simulate
equipped with a laser sight and scope. the consumption of food, making a person
feel fully fed after the ingestion of just one
DRUGS tablet. One dose allows a character to ignore
all Fatigue penalties due to lack of food for
Before Judgment Day, a bewildering array 24 hours. After one week of continual use
of drugs filled the pharmacies of the world. the drug’s beneficial effects are neglible for
From pain killers to combat drugs, if you a week (when the drugs are finally out of
had a need, companies like Pentacorp or the user’s system).
Smith & Robards could fulfil it with a pill,
elixir, or salve.
Iron Man
The following list is by no means
Addiction: –4; Cost: $150/dose;
exhaustive, but contains those drugs most
Scarcity: Scarce
likely to interest wasteland survivors. Each
drug is listed with an addiction modifier. A combat drug widely used by both
When taking any substance with a modifier, sides in the Last War, Iron Man adds +2 to
the user must make a Spirit roll or gain a the user’s Toughness. The drug lasts 2d10
level of Fatigue for 24 hours after the drug minutes.
wears off. If the brainer rolls snake eyes,
she acquires the Habit (Major) Hindrance for
that particular substance.
Addiction: N/A; Cost: $300/dose;
Scarcity: Scarce
This drug was designed as a chelator,
Addiction: 0; Cost: $300/dose; Scarcity:
a chemical that attaches to another and
allows it to be removed. Rad-gone courses
Originally designed as a commercial through the body, binding with any
pick-me-up, users quickly found high radioactive particles. These particles are
doses stimulated creative and cognitive removed from the body at the next visit to
thought. Of course, these high doses led the outhouse.
to even longer mental short circuits, and
the drug was carefully regulated before

A dose of Rad-gone cures a character
of the glows (see page 95) in minutes.
Doomsayers are affected in strange ways Addiction: –2; Cost: $100/dose;
by Rad-gone. Any user of the Glow who is Scarcity: Scarce
administered a dose of the chelator must
Another combat enhancement popular
make a Vigor check at –4. Failure causes
among military personnel and private
the loss of 2d6 Power Points which can be
security forces, this drug boosts the user’s
recovered normally. Those who critically
strength at the cost of brainpower, turning
fail this roll actually have their meridians
him into a frenzied killing machine.
altered, suffering a loss of 5 Power Points
until the Doomsayer sacrifices an Advance A dose of Rage gives the user the Berserk
to recover them. Edge for 2d10 minutes. Once the drug has
worn off, the user must make a Spirit roll
Vials of Rad-gone are commonly found in
or suffer a loss of one die type in Smarts
the ruins of military bases, nuclear power
for 1d6 hours. Snake eyes on the roll results
plants, or hospitals located near nuclear
in the permanent reduction of Smarts by
one die type.

Rad-Protect Slo-Mo
Addiction: N/A; Cost: $300/dose;
Addiction: –3; Cost: $150/dose;
Scarcity: Rare
Scarcity: Uncommon
Another fine chemical from your friends
Any character on Slo-Mo feels like the
at Pentacorp, this drug binds with the
world is moving in slow motion around her.
user’s DNA, protecting it from damage
The user draws an additional Action Card
caused by radiation. Any Vigor rolls caused
(and may take the highest) in combat for
by radiation poisoning are at +2. The effects
1d6 minutes, and her Pace is increased by
of Rad-protect last for six hours before the
2. This stacks with Level Headed, Improved
chemical breaks down and is removed from
Level Headed, and Fleet-Footed.
the body.
Unfortunately, the drug works a little too
Rushed through the approval process
well. Unless a Vigor check is made with a
by Pentacorp execs, not all the kinks were
–2 penalty when the drug is taken, the user
worked out of this drug before the Last War.
gets “the shakes,” causing all Agility-based
A critical failure on any radiation-induced
skills to be made at –2 for 1d6 hours.
Vigor checks while under the influence of
Rad-protect indicates the drug has become
fused to the DNA. This prevents the DNA Super Antibiotics
from dividing normally. The long-term effect
Addiction: N/A; Cost: $150/course;
is the character gains the Ailin’ (Major)
Scarcity: Rare
Hindrance as her body is unable to repair
itself. This effect can be removed with the Heralded by pharmaceutical companies
healing power at –4 or greater healing at and medical experts as “the cure for
no penalty, but each healer only gets one the common cold” in 2050, these super
attempt (one per power if they have both). drugs were expensive and rare, and have
been made even rarer after being out
of production for more than 18 years. A
week-long course of Super Antibiotics
allows a +2 to natural Healing rolls, or +4
to Vigor rolls if used to treat diseases.

Weapon Range Dmg RoF Cost Avail Wgt Shots Min
Bow 12/24/48 2d6 1 $25 C 3 1 d6
Compound Bow 15/30/60 2d6+1 1 $50 U 7 1 d6
Notes: AP 2
Crossbow 15/30/60 2d6 1 $50 R 10 1 —
Notes: AP 2; Reload 1 (for 2x cost, a levered version removes Reload 1)

Thrown Weapons
Boomerang 4/8/16 Str+d4 1 $15 U 2 1 —
Knife 3/6/12 Str+d4 1 $10 C 1 1 —
Knife, Bowie 3/6/12 Str+d4+1 1 $25 U 2 1 —
Notes: AP 1
Sharpened Hubcap 4/8/16 Str+d6 1 $10 C 3 1 d6
Notes: AP 1
Shuriken 3/6/12 Str+1 1 $10 U 1/2 1 —

Colt Peacemaker (.45) 12/24/48 2d6+1 1 50 R 2 6 —
Notes: AP 1
Flintlock Pistol (.60) 5/10/20 2d6+1 1 $25 R 3 1 —
Notes: Reload 2
IW-91 (gyrojet) 24/48/96 2d6+2 1 $300 R 9 6 —
Notes: Half damage vs. armored target
Marlin Target Pistol (.22) 10/20/40 2d6—1 1 $75 C 2 15 —
Police Pistol (.45) 12/24/48 2d6+1 1 $100 U 4 7 —
Notes: AP 2
NA Sidearm (9mm) 12/24/48 2d6 1 $100 U 4 15 —
Notes: AP 1; 3RB; See weapon notes
Ruger Redhawk 12/24/48 2d6+1 1 $125 R 4 6 —
Notes: AP 1, fits .357 or .38
Ruger Thunderhawk (.357) 12/24/48 2d6+2 1 $125 R 5 8 d6
Notes: AP 2
SA Sidearm (.50) 15/30/60 2d8 1 $150 U 8 6 d6
Notes: AP 2
S&W .38 Snub 10/20/40 2d6 1 $50 C 3 6 —
S&W 85 (.44 Mag) 12/24/48 2d6+1 1 $125 U 5 7 —
Notes: AP 1
S&W 683 (.50) 15/30/60 2d8+1 1 $175 U 7 5 d6
Notes: AP 2; Cannot Double Tap

Blunderbuss (8G) 10/20/40 1—3d6 1 $50 U 15 1 d6
Notes: Reload 2
Lever-Action (.30) 24/48/96 2d8 1 $100 C 12 15 —
Notes: AP 2
HI Damnation (10mm) 24/48/96 2d8+1 3 $300 U 12 30 d6
Notes: AP 2; 3RB; Caseless ammunition
Hunting Rifle (.30—06) 24/48/96 2d8 1 $150 C 10 9 —
Notes: AP 2

Weapon Range Dmg RoF Cost Avail Wgt Shots Min
Rifles (continued)
IW-40 (.50 gyrojet) 50/100/200 2d10 3 $450 S 26 20 d6
Notes: 3RB; Half damage vs. armored targets
NA M-42 (.50) 40/80/160 2d10 1 $800 R 11 10 -
Notes: AP 2; Snapfire Penalty
NA XM-21 (5.56mm) 24/48/96 2d8 4 $200 C 14 30 d8
Notes: AP 2; 3RB; See weapon notes
SA M-50 (.50) 40/80/160 2d10 1 $800 R 11 10 —
Notes: AP 2’ Snapfire Penalty
SA XM-40 “Ripper” (.50) 24/48/96 2d10 2 $500 R 16 20 d8
Notes: AP 2; 3RB; See weapon notes
Springfield Musket (.52) 15/30/60 2d8 1 $30 R 11 1 d6
Notes: Reload 2

Scattergun 5/10/20 1–3d6 1–2 $150 C 6 2 —
Notes: +2 to hit; 12-Gauge
Double-Barrel 12/24/48 1–3d6 1–2 $200 C 11 2 —
Notes: +2 to hit; 12-Gauge
Pump or Semi-Auto Shotgun 12/24/48 1–3d6 1 $150 U 8 6 —
Notes: +2 to hit; 12-Gauge
Auto-Shotgun 10/20/40 1–3d6 3 $600 R 15 20 d8
Notes: +2 to hit; 12-Gauge

Submachine Guns
HI Blazer (10mm) 12/24/48 2d6+1 3 $200 U 12 30 d6
Notes: AP 2; 3RB; Caseless ammunition
HI Thunderer (9mm) 12/24/48 2d6 3 $125 R 7 30 —
Notes: AP 2; 3RB; Caseless ammunition
HK MP-20 (10mm) 12/24/48 2d6 3 $150 U 10 20 —
Notes: AP 2; 3RB
NA Commando (5.56mm) 12/24/48 2d6 4 $150 U 11 30 —
Notes: AP 3; 3RB
SA Commando (.50) 12/24/48 2d8 3 $150 U 14 20 d6
Notes: AP 2; 3RB
Tokarev Machine Pistol (9mm) 10/20/40 2d6 3 $150 R 7 15 —
Notes: AP 1; 3RB

Heavy Machine Guns

NA SAW (5.56mm) 30/60/120 2d8 5 $750 S 29 100 d6
Notes: AP 2; 3RB; Snapfire
SA SAW (.50) 50/100/200 2d10 3 $1000 S 37 60 d8
Notes: AP 3; 3RB; Snapfire

Armco Grenade 75/150/300 ** 1 $2000 R 32 12 d6
Launcher (40mm)
NA M-720 (20mm) 50/100/200 ** 1 $2000 U 22 6 —
SA M-230 (40mm) 60/120/240 ** 1 $1250 U 27 1 —
Rocket Launcher (88mm) 30/60/120 4d8+2 1 $1000 VR 10 1 —
Notes: AP 40; LBT; Heavy Weapon; Snapfire; Single use

Type Range Damage Cost Avail Wgt Notes
Bean Bag Half 3d6 $50 U 1 Nonlethal; See notes
Buckshot Cone 2d10 $100 U 1 See notes
Flash Bang See below None $150 U 1 LBT; See notes
Frag See below 3d6 $100 U 1 MBT
Inferno See below 3d8 $150 R 1 MBT; See notes
Riot Control see below None $100 C 1 MBT; See notes
Smoke See below None $25 C 1 MBT; See notes
Notes: Hand Range is 5/10/20. The Range for a grenade launcher is based on the specific
type (see page 53).

Type Damage Wgt Cost Avail Notes
Axe Str+d6 2 $50 C
Axe, Battle Str+d8 10 $75 U
Axe, Great Str+d10 15 $150 R AP 1; Parry –1; 2 hands
Bayonet Str+d4 1 $25 C As spear when on a rifle
Brass Knuckles Str+d4 — $25 C
Club Str+d4 1 $25 C
Knife Str+d4 1 $10 C
Knife, Bowie Str+d4+1 2 $25 C AP 1
Machete Str+d6 4 $75 C
Mini-Chainsaw Str+d6+2 10 $500 U AP 2; 2 hands
Spear Str+d6 5 $25 C Parry +1; Reach 1; 2 hands
Sword Str+d8 8 $100 U

Cost Avail
Caliber/Type per Bullet (25 rounds) Wgt
Arrow $.50 C 1/5
.22, .38 $.50 U 3/50
9mm, 10mm, .30, .30-06, .45, 5.56, 7.62 $1 U 5/50
.50 pistol/SMG, shotgun slug, unusual calibers $2 R 8/50
.50 rifle/MG, shotgun shell $5 R 8/50
Caseless and military calibers $10 S 5/50
Spare magazines for most weapons $20 U 1/2

Type Armor Weight Cost Avail Notes
Boiled Leather Shirt +1 3 $100 C Covers torso, arms
Boiled Leather Pants +1 3 $75 C Covers legs
C. E. P. Armor +1 2 $500 R Covers torso, arms, and legs;
–4 to Notice
Cold Weather Gear +1 15 $200 C Covers entire body; +1 to
Fatigue rolls vs cold
Improvised Armor +2 5 $50 C Per location; See notes
Infantry Battle Suit +6 35 $1100 S Covers entire body
Infantry Helmet +4 5 $500 U 50% chance to protect vs
Kevlar Vest +2/+4 (bullets) 8 $750 R Torso only; negates 4 AP;
See notes
Motorcycle Helmet +2 3 $250 U 50% chance to protect vs
Item Cost Wgt Avail
GEAR LIST General Equipment (Continued)
Harmonica $5 — C
Item Cost Wgt Avail Hatchet $10 2.5 U
Iron skillet $5 5 C
Lockpicks $50 1 R
Boots $100 4 U
Matches (100) $5 ¼ C
Cowboy Hat $50 — U
Mess kit $15 3 C
Duster $100 4 R
NBC Suit $100 20 S
Jacket $50 2 C
Night Vision Goggles $1,000 3
Jacket (Leather) $200 3 U
Pick $10 12 U
Jeans $50 — U
Pipe $10 ¾ C
Pants (Handmade) $10 — C
Playing cards $5 — C
Shoes $25 — C
Radio $40 1 C
Shirt $25 — U
Rope (per 50’) $25 8 C
Shirt (handmade) $10 — C
Shovel $10 5 C
Sneakers $100 — R
Spook Juice (per gal.) $20 6 C
Food & Drink Sunglasses $10 - U
Canned Goods $5 1 U Tent (2 Person) $100 4 U
Dr. Pepper (12 oz.) $100 ¾ S Tobacco, chewing $10 1 U
Coffee (pound) $20 1 R (tin or pouch)
Fresh fruit (Piece) $5 ½ U Toothpaste $10 ½ U
Jerky (1 Meal) $1 1/16 C Watch, Wrist (Analog) $30 — U
Loaf of Bread $10 1 U Watch, Wrist (Digital) $15 — R
Milrats (1 Day) $20 2 U Watch, pocket $30 — R
Soda $50 ¾ R Water Purification $100 1 R
(12 oz. Can, not Dr. Pepper) Kit (10 Doses)
Veggies $55 ½ U Water Test Kit $100 3 R
(1 Serving, Fresh) Wood Axe $50 5 U
Whiskey $100+ 4 R
Gun Accessories
(Bottle, Pre-War)
Bandolier $10 1 U
Whiskey $10 4 C
Holster $30 1 C
(Bottle, Moonshine)
Laser Sight $150 ½ R
General Equipment Scope $200 ½ R
Backpack $30 3 U Suppressor (Pistol) $100 1 R
Battery, Ghost Rock x2 By Size R Suppressor (SMG) $150 4 R
Battery, Large $100 3 U
Medical Equipment
Battery, Medium $50 1 U
Medchip Free — Notes
Battery, Small $20 ½ C
Medchip Scanner $50 1 S
Bed roll $15 10 C
Medboard $250 7 S
Binoculars $100 3 R
Medkit $100 4 S
Canteen $10 5 (full) C
Medkit Restock $25 — S
Cigar (Pre-War) $25 — S
Sprayskin $200 ½ U
Compass $100 R U
Drill $10 2 U Drugs
File $2 1 C Brainburst $300 — U
Flashlight $50 4 U Hot Dog $50 — U
Gas mask $30 2 U Ironman $150 — S
Geiger Counter $100 8 R Rad-Gone $300 — S
Ghost Rock (ounce) $15 1/16 U Rad-Protect $300 — R
Guitar $100 6 U Rage $100 — S
Hammer $5 2 C Slo-Mo $150 — U
Handcuffs $20 1 U Super Antibiotic $150 — R

within 15% of horizontal to function.
VEHICLES Passing over hills is next to impossible
and requires two raises on a Driving roll.
Hovertank drivers have taken to skimming
Here’s a rundown of the more common
the side of hills—a tactic to which their
vehicles in the Wasted West. Before we get
enemy is becoming accustomed. With a
into the nitty gritty of statistics, let’s talk
raise on a Driving roll, the skirt can be
about fuel. Pretty much every vehicle in
overpressurized, allowing the vehicle to
the Wasted West runs on spook juice. As
clear an obstacle up to ten feet in height.
a rule, they can generally travel about 20
Snake eyes on this roll damages the skirt,
miles on a gallon of go juice. That may
reducing the Top Speed of the vehicle by
seem low, but keep in mind it’s tough to
half until Repaired.
maintain a fuel-efficient speed on the
wrecked highways. Some vehicles may • Laser Weapons: Laser weapons can’t
get better or worse mileage (see the notes fire if the vehicle’s powerplant is turned
below) but typically, they are all designed to off or disabled.
travel about 300 miles on a full tank. That
• Light Weight: These vehicles give you
means most tanks hold about 15 gallons,
a lot of bang for your spook juice buck,
but a vehicle with Fuel Hog would hold 30
and travel 30 miles per gallon.
gallons and one with Light Weight would
hold 10. • Sealed: This AFV is fully sealed against
nuclear, biological, and chemical agents.
Vehicle Notes
• Anti-infantry Charges: Designed
Vehicle Fatigue
to protect the vehicles against enemy All the rough roads in the Wasted West
infantry, these charges are mounted on are tough on any vehicle, and scheduled
the outside armor. When triggered by a maintenance is pretty much impossible. For
crewmember, this charge bounds into the each day traveling by car, the driver must
air and explodes. Center a Large Burst make a Driving roll or the vehicle suffers a
Template over the vehicle. Anyone caught level of Fatigue.
under it takes 2d8 damage.
Fatigue has the same effect on vehicles it
• Air Defense Radar: This radar and does on people. Recovery requires a Repair
targeting system is designed to track and roll and one hour of work per Fatigue level.
engage high speed aircraft. It halves the On a success, the vehicle recovers one
movement penalty when firing against Fatigue level, two with a raise.
aircraft (see Savage Worlds vehicle rules).
If a Repair roll is failed the Fatigue can
• Fuel Efficient: These vehicles sip only be recovered with 1d6 x $100 worth
spook juice, and give 50 miles per gallon. of spare parts per Fatigue level (no roll
• Fuel Guzzler: These vehicles go
through fuel like their gas tank is leaking,
and barely make 5 miles per gallon. FIGHTING VEHICLES
• Fuel Hog: Fuel hogs guzzle spook juice, Below is a rundown of the more common
and make about 10 miles per gallon. military vehicles in the Wasted West. The
huge armored battles across the Great
• Fusion Powered: The vehicle has a
Plains destroyed many of each country’s
fusion-powered engine and essentially
inventories of front line vehicles, causing
never needs fuel.
each to throw obsolete models into the fray.
• Hover: Hover vehicles use huge fans to
The US Army was the most highly
inflate a tough skirt of ballistic material
mechanized force in the world and
and create a cushion of air that moves the
possessed more fusion-powered fighting
vehicle. Hover vehicles negate penalties
vehicles than any other army. The fusion-
for rough terrain and water with one
hover AFV had only become widespread in
limitation—hills. The vehicle must remain

Vehicle Acc/TS Toughness Crew Cost Avail
Horse & Carriage Animal’s Pace 10 (2) 1+3 $1–3K U
Notes: See horse in the Bestiary
Four-Wheel All Terrain Vehicle 10/30 10 (2) 1+1 $1500 U
Notes: Light Weight; 4WD
Motorcycle 20/36 8 (2) 1+1 $3000 U
Notes: Street bike; Fuel Efficient
Dirt Bike 15/32 8 (2) 1 $2000 U
Notes: +4 Toughness vs. jumps; Light Weight; 4WD
Hover Bike 25/55 8 (2) 1+1 $8000 S
Notes: Fuel Efficient, Hover
Compact Car 10/36 10 (3) 1+3 $5–14K S
Notes: Light Weight
Mid-Sized Car 20/40 11 (3) 1+4 $20–60K R
Notes: Air bags; luxury features
Van, Passenger 20/40 12 (3) 1+10 $5000 S
Notes: Fuel Hog
Jeep 12/36 12 (2) 1+3 $12K U
Notes: 4WD
Pickup; Small 12/36 11 (1) 1+2 $3000 R
SUV 20/40 14 (3) 1+7 $20–60K R
Notes: Luxury features; 4WD; Fuel Hog
Sports Car 30/56 10 (3) 1+3 $15–300K VR
Semi 5/30 16 (4) 1+1 $150–300K VR
Notes: Trailer is Toughness 14 (2); Fuel Guzzler

SPOOK JUICE the 2060s, so much of the US and CSA’s
arsenals were still conventional wheeled
For a while, most industrial and tracked vehicles.
nations relied on gasoline for fuel,
The second-line models used by the
but when the 1973 Oil Crisis rolled
National Guard and Confederate State
around, the United States decided
Militias were almost all of conventional
to rely more heavily on domestic
designs powered by gas or diesel engines.
fuel sources. It was pretty obvious
Many surviving fusion vehicles now exist
North America lacked the easily
as power plants for survivor settlements.
accessible oil resources of the
Middle East, so the US instead
turned to ghost rock. HMMWV
A few big brains managed to These rugged vehicles were used by NA
invent a process through which and SA military units all over the West
ghost rock could be melted without before Judgment Day. They were pretty
catching fire, and then figured out popular among survivors right after the
how to distill the good parts out as bombs fell, but their poor fuel efficiency
fuel. At the time, drivers needed to means they don’t see much use these days.
purchase a fuel converter for their
vehicles to run on spook juice, but Acc/Top Speed: 12/36; Toughness: 18
it didn’t take long for Detroit to fall (6); Crew: 1+7; Cost: $10,000; Availability: R;
in step and start manufacturing Notes: Four Wheel Drive; Fuel Hog, Weapon
cars that ran exclusively on Mount (swivel-roof)
the stuff. At first, spook juice
multiplied noise pollution many
times, but engineers pretty quickly
M-26 Powell
figured out how to modify mufflers The main hovertank of regular Army
to stifle the screaming. divisions for the US Army, the Powell
Technological espionage being was designed mainly for combat across
what it was between the two the open plains of the Americas. This
nations, CSA spies quickly stole fusion vehicle provides nearly unlimited
the process for refining spook amounts of power, and has power ports
juice. It wasn’t long before first on its upper deck that allow any infantry
world nations the world over were riding there to hook in and recharge or
refining spook juice and driving even fire their energy weapons off of the
spook juice powered cars. vehicle’s powerplant. It also has a large
By the way, if you’re stupid power coupling on its stern that allows a
enough, you can drink spook juice. heavy-duty cable to be run to a disabled
It’s got twice the kick of any other tank. Both vehicles can run at half speed
hooch, but sometimes the kick is from a single tank’s reactor. The Powell is
deadly. A pint of the stuff causes a highly prized by survivor settlements for its
level of Fatigue that takes 6 hours preexisting power couplings; a community
to recover. Unless you are a Toxic can have lights in a matter of minutes by
Shaman (page 90), draw a card for hooking into a Powell.
each pint consumed. If you pull a The main gun can fire either anti-infantry
Joker, you die, amigo. rounds (AI) against a variety of targets,
or depleted uranium (DU) rounds against
armored vehicles. The cannon has separate
feeds for both types of ammunition, and
can freely switch from one to the other.

One laser can be set to automatic and fired Weapons: 15mm AT laser, M-95 missile
by the tank’s air defense radar computer launcher, NA SAW
with a Shooting skill of d8.
Acc/Top Speed: 10/40; Toughness: M-38 Sky Sweep Air Defense Vehicle
140/90/70 (120/70/50); Crew: 3; Cost:
Taking advantage of the US’s lead in the
$1,000,000; Availability: R; Notes: Air
field of laser weaponry, the Sky Sweep was
Defense, Fusion Powered, Hover, Heavy
equipped with a high-performance radar
Armor, Improved Stabilizer, Night Vision,
system for detection of incoming aircraft
Radar, Sealed
and a high-speed turret mounting a 15mm
Weapons: 125mm cannon, 10mm lasers beam laser. This laser differed from the usual
(x3) laser in the US inventory in that it fired
not a pulse of light, but a beam that could
M-24 Schwarzkopf track onto the aircraft it was attacking.
Gunners firing the AA laser count as if
An older main battle tank that was they Aimed the first round after they fire
relegated to National Guard units by the the laser at a target (+2 to Shooting). They
time of the Last War, the Schwarzkopf was lose the bonus if they ever stop firing at
the last of the tracked internal combustion the target. The laser is temperamental and
AFVs in the US inventory. Its excellent main prone to overheating, though. If the gunner
gun, developed in conjunction with the rolls a 1 on his Shooting die (regardless of
German firm Rheinmetall, was retained for the Wild Die), the laser shuts down for 1d6
the M-26 Powell. rounds. For this reason, the Sky Sweeps
were usually deployed in teams of two
Acc/Top Speed: 8/24; Toughness:
during the Last War.
100/70/40 (80/50/30); Crew: 3; Cost:
$1,000,000; Availability: R; Notes: Fuel Hog, Acc/Top Speed: 12/48; Toughness:
Heavy Armor, Improved Stabilizer, Night 30/20/20 (20/10/10); Crew: 3; Cost: $750,000;
Vision, Sealed, Sloped Armor (–2) Availability: VR; Notes: Air Defense,
Radar, Fusion Powered, Heavy Armor, Hover,
Weapons: 125mm cannon, NA SAW (x2)
Improved Stabilizer, Night Vision
Weapons: 15mm AA laser, 10mm laser
M-124 Liberator IFV (x2)
Designed to carry the standard US 10-man
infantry squad, the Liberator was intended
to get the squad to their objective, then
T-12 Lee Main Battle Tank
support them with fire from the vehicle’s Designed by the venerable Tredegar Iron
weapons. It is equipped with a turret Works, the Lee was the South’s answer to
mounting a 15mm anti-vehicle laser and the hi-tech composite armor of the Powell.
an M-95 missile launcher. The Liberator Tredegar engineers designed an ingenious
also has weapon ports along all sides but dual projectile system to crack open the
the front (4 per side, two in the rear ramp) Powell’s armor. The leading projectile is
allowing the squad to fight while within a baseball bat-sized, depleted uranium
the vehicle. The missile launcher must slug, followed a few milliseconds behind
be reloaded by an exposed crewman, and by the main explosive round. The slug
takes 2 rounds per missile. carried enough force to crack the sheets
of composite armor, allowing the second
Acc/Top Speed: 12/48; Toughness:
explosive round to penetrate the hull and
25/20/20 (15/10/10); Crew: 3+10; Cost:
achieve a kill. The nature of the round allowed
$450,000; Availability: R; Notes: Fusion
it to work equally well for anti-personnel
Powered, Hover, Heavy Armor, Improved
usage. The gunnery computer and sights
Stabilizer, Night Vision, Sealed
on the main gun allow the gunner to ignore

any penalties for movement of the target or ammunition and power to function. This
light/smoke/fog, but not for movement of vehicle was found to be an excellent weapon
the Lee itself. in the ground support role, and surviving
Yorks are found almost exclusively in this
Acc/Top Speed: 8/32; Toughness:
105/75/55 (80/50/30); Crew: 3; Cost:
$1,100,000; Availability: VR; Notes: Fusion Acc/Top Speed: 10/30; Toughness:
Powered, Hover, Heavy Armor, Improved 45/30/30 (30/15/15); Crew: 3; Cost: $500,000;
Stabilizer, Night Vision, Sealed Availability: VR; Notes: Air Defense,
Radar, Fusion Powered, Heavy Armor, Hover,
Weapons: 140mm cannon, 10mm laser,
Improved Stabilizer, Night Vision
SA SAW (x3)
Weapons: 8mm railgun, SA SAW, 10mm
M-12 Stuart APC laser (x2)

The Stuart APC (armored personnel

carrier) epitomized the Confederacy’s PIMP MY RIDE!
military doctrine of overwhelming the
enemy with firepower to make up for
Okay, brainer, now that you’ve got
their smaller numbers of troops. While not
wheels, it’s time to shine ‘em up real
heavily armored, the Stuart was expected
nice. Well, nothing really shines anymore,
to provide a substantial amount of support
but you get the idea. Here are a bunch
to its dismounted infantry squad with its
of modifications you can make to your
variety of weaponry. The XL-99 pulse laser
vehicle. Each modification has a listed cost
requires one round to recharge between
and availability (which works the same as
shots. The M-240GL is an automatic
vehicle availability).
grenade launcher mounted in tandem with
the XL-99 (so it can be fired while the other Each modification also lists a Repair roll
recharges), and can be loaded with three modifier, which is the roll required to install
different types of linked grenades, which the modification. Your wrench-monkey can
can be selected with a thumb switch on do this work himself or he can pay double
the gunner’s controls. the cost and increase the availability rating
by one step—if he has a mechanic to do
Acc/Top Speed: 10/30; Toughness:
it for him. If the character fails his own
40/35/20 (25/20/5); Crew: 3+8; Cost:
attempt, he’ll need to find someone to show
$750,000; Availability: VR; Notes: Fusion
him how it’s done. He may also try again if
Powered, Heavy Armor, Hover, Improved
he later increases his skill level.
Stabilizer, Night Vision, Sloped Armor (–3)
XL-99, M-240GL, SA SAW,
Air Dam
Cost: $200; Availability: U; Repair Roll:
A-4 York Air Defense Vehicle –2 (2 hours)
An air dam is a funnel-shaped accessory
Named after the famous Southern hero of
installed beneath a vehicle. Its shape
the First World War, the York was designed
accelerates the air passing beneath the
to provide close, battlefield, anti-air defense
vehicle, lowering air pressure, and causing
of the Confederacy’s forward elements. Its
the vehicle to ride lower to the ground. This
rail gun fires clusters of metal flechettes
gives vehicles extra stability, adding +1 to
in one burst to take down aircraft instead
Driving rolls at speeds of 20 and higher. Air
of rapid firing multiple shots. The designer
dams may not be installed on two-wheeled
was noted as saying, “You hunt birds with a
shotgun not an assault rifle.” The rail gun’s
main limitation was that it required both

Combat Shocks Fighting Positions give those inside
Medium Cover, and also grant a +2 bonus
Cost: $200/wheel; Availability: R; to any rolls made to retain footing atop a
Repair Roll: –2 (4 hours) moving vehicle.
Combat shocks are designed to stabilize
moving vehicles, allowing passengers Heavy Duty Shocks
to fire weapons with better accuracy.
Cost: $50/wheel; Availability: U; Repair
The vehicle’s axles are cut in half and
Roll: 0 (2 hours)
reconnected through a joint, which allows
the individual wheels to compensate more Heavy duty shocks decrease the risk
easily for uneven terrain. While this doesn’t of damage while driving off-road. This
do much for the chassis—the underside modification gives a vehicle the Four Wheel
of the vehicle still gets beaten up during Drive (4WD) ability. Additionally, the vehicle
off-road driving—it reduces the unstable gains a +1 bonus to avoid Vehicle Fatigue;
platform penalty by one when passengers this bonus can be gained by adding the
fire weapons from a moving vehicle. shocks even if the vehicle already has the
4WD ability.
Extra Armor
Cost: $500 per point of Armor;
Hooch Converter
Availability: C; Repair Roll: 0 (1 hour/ Cost: $1,000; Availability: R; Repair
point of armor) Roll: –4 (4 hours)
If you thought road rage was bad before Since Judgment Day, you can’t just roll
the Last War, wait ‘til you try to pass a road up to a gas station and top off your tank.
ganger on the right! For these occasions, Spook juice is often hard to come by in the
smart wasters have begun bolting additional Wasted West, and resourceful road warriors
armor to their rides. have found alternate sources of fuel.
This modification could be anything from A Hooch Converter enables your vehicle
scrap metal to sandbags in the door panels. to run on either alcohol or spook juice.
A vehicle can only add as many points of When fueled up with alcohol (regardless of
extra Armor as it has Armor to begin with, quality), it gets only half the usual mileage.
so an HMMWV could add a maximum of 6 This is rough on the engine, so Vehicle
points of armor, while an SUV is limited to Fatigue rolls suffer a –2 penalty when
3. Either way, the vehicle’s handling suffers running on booze (see page 56).
under all that extra weight. Driving rolls are
reduced by half the armor added (round up).
Nitrous Oxide
Cost: $600; Availability: U; Repair Roll:
Fighting Position –2 (1 hour)
Cost: $100/person; Availability: C;
This system injects highly flammable gas
Repair Roll: 0 (2 hours + 1 hour per person
from canisters right into the engine. A driver
may activate it at the beginning of an action
This accessory is basically a sandbagged for free, doubling his vehicle’s Acceleration
bunker on the roof of a vehicle. It can and Top Speed for the round. A canister
only be applied to the largest of vehicles, contains enough nitrous for six rounds, and
like buses, campers, or semi trailers. A refills go for $200 (Scarce Availability: there
single fighting position can hold up to are more systems lying around than unused
three people, or two people if the position canisters).
includes a Weapon Mount. A vehicle can fit
one fighting position for every 10 people it
can fit inside the vehicle itself.

Ram Plate Weapon Mount
Cost: $250; Availability: C; Repair Roll: Cost: Fixed: $250 + weapon; Swivel: $750
0 (1 hour) + weapon; Availability: C/U; Repair Roll:
A ram plate is a heavy piece of metal
wielded to a vehicle’s front end. Often, these Weapon mounts help your wasteland
nasty pieces of work include heavy spikes, warrior do unto others before they can do
or are sharply angled at the center, creating unto him. These vital accessories come
a wedge. When this vehicle rams another, in two varieties: fixed mounts and swivel
it suffers 1d6 less damage than normal and mounts. The statistics above indicate fixed
the target suffers 1d6 more. mount information to the left of the slash,
with the swivel mount information to the
Sidecar right.
A fixed mount, as the name implies, is
Cost: $1000; Availability: U; Repair
in a fixed position relative to the vehicle.
Roll: –2 (2 hours)
Usually this is forward, but more than one
A sidecar increases a motorcycle’s lucky waster has escaped a road gang by
pas­senger rating by 1 but inflicts a –1 penalty virtue of a SAW stuffed in his trunk. In
to Driving rolls. For extra mayhem, sidecars any event, this weapon can only fire in the
can also carry one additional Weapon direction it is mounted, but since the fire
Mount. Sidecars can only be mounted on controls are usually wired to the driver’s
motor­cycles. steering wheel, he can fire it once each
round without incurring a multi-action
Spoiler penalty. To make an attack, the driver rolls
the lower of his Driving or Shooting skills.
Cost: $200; Availability: U; Repair Roll:
Swivel mounts can be as crude as a hole
0 (1 hours)
hacked in a car roof or as sophisticated
Spoilers deflect air passing over a vehicle, as a motorized turret, but always require
pushing it down and improving traction. a passenger to serve as gunner. This style
This adds +1 to the driver’s Driving roll at of mount allows a weapon to be fired in
speeds of 20 and higher. Spoilers can’t be any direction. Don’t forget that unstable
fitted to motorcycles. platform penalty, though.
Vehicles can only carry as many weapon
Supercharger mounts as their base Toughness divided by
4, rounded down.
Cost: $800; Availability: R; Repair Roll:
–2 (2d4 hours)
A supercharger improves an engine’s
performance by forcing additional air into
the pistons. This provides more oxygen for
combustion inside the engine, increasing
its power output.
Your vehicle’s Acc/Top Speed is increased
by +2/+4, and it gets five more miles per
gallon of spook juice.

Weapon Range Damage RoF Cost Avail
8mm Rail Gun 200/400/800 3d10 1 $8,000 R
Notes: AP 4, Heavy Weapon, Small Burst Template, 40 shots
10mm Laser 100/200/400 3d6 3 $12,000 R
Notes: AP 8, Heavy Weapon, unlimited shots with fusion reactor
15mm AT Laser 150/300/600 4d8 3 $20,000 R
Notes: AP 40, Heavy Weapon, unlimited shots with fusion reactor
15mm AA Beam Laser 120/240/480 3d8+2 1 $25,000 VR
Notes: AP 16, Heavy Weapon, unlimited shots with fusion reactor,
see M-38 Sky Sweep Air Defense Vehicle notes
125mm (AI Rounds) 120/240/480 3d8+2 1 $10,000 VR
Notes: AP 80, Heavy Weapon, Medium Burst Template, 5 shots
125mm (DU Rounds) 120/240/480 5d8 1 $10,000 VR
Notes: AP 120, Heavy Weapon, 5 shots
140mm 100/200/400 5d10 1 $12,000 VR
Notes: Halves most armor, AP 60, Heavy Weapon, Medium Burst Template,
see T-12 Lee Main Battle Tank notes
Flamer Cone 3d10 1 $1,500 S
Notes: Ignores armor except sealed, unlimited shots with fusion reactor
M-95 Missile Launcher 100/200/400 4d10 1 $5,000 VR
Notes: AP 65, Heavy Weapon, Medium Burst Template, 2 shots
M-240GL 100/200/400 By grenade 2 $3,000 R
Notes: Firest 40mm grenades, 30 shots (3 hoppers of 10 each)
XL-99 100/200/400 5d10 1/2 $7,000 R
Notes: AP 30, Heavy Weapon, Small Burst Template, unlimited shots with fusion reactor

Ammunition: Unless otherwise specified (such as the cost for grenades), ammunition for
each weapon costs 10% of the weapon’s cost for a full load of ammunition. For example, 40
shots for the 8mm rail gun cost $800.

On the following pages are Setting Rules
that alter the core Savage Worlds rules or DEATH
add something new to them based on the
harsh environment of the Wasted West.
The dead don’t always stay that way in
The Marshal has a few more in his Deadlands. If your character goes on to that
section, but you players should mind your big paradise in the sky, draw one card for
business and stay out of there. each of his Ranks from a fresh Action Deck.
If he has the Guts Edge, add one draw, and
if he has the Grit Edge, add another.
COUNTING COUP If any of your cards are a Joker, your
hero is coming back as a Harrowed. See the
The wastelands have a whole lot of No Man’s Land chapter (page 69) for more
nasties lurking around—Hell, your hombre information—but only after your waster
might even be one of them! Most of kicks the bucket.
these creatures have at least a spark of
supernatural energy in them, and the most
powerful have a whole lot. A hero who’s GHOST STORMS
been around a while might discover how to
absorb the essences of the more powerful
When the bombs hit, each one left behind
creatures when they expire.
a whirling mess of screaming souls, called
This is called “counting coup” and results a “ghost storm.”
in your character gaining some strange new
These fearsome tornadoes circle ground
ability. Before the Apocalypse, only Harrowed
zero in a five mile radius. The “walls” tend
could count coup, but now anyone near the
to be about ten feet thick. They aren’t quite
fiend as its essence “bleeds” off can do so.
as physically violent as a real whirlwind,
The Marshal has full details on how this is but they’re more dangerous to one’s soul.
done on page 93. Just make sure your waster Unfortunately for the scavengers of the
isn’t too far away when a really wicked Wasted West, every city that got hit by
beast goes down. He might just walk away ghost rock bombs has one of these whirling
from the event with a little extra juice he hellstorms surrounding it. If a traveler
can use when he runs into the next horror. wants inside, he has to pass through the
ghost storm.
Doing so requires a Vigor roll at –4.
Failure gives the waster a level of Fatigue
that fades after one hour. If the victim rolls

When the Marshal decides a location
FATE CHIPS & FEAR might have scavengable materials, each
member of the party who chooses to search
These rules aren’t the same may make Notice rolls. With a success, the
in the Wasted West because it’s waster finds $2d6 worth of saleable bits
a different place. Fate Chips are he can use as cash the next time he finds
replaced by Bennies straight a trader. These bits are unnamed odds and
from Savage Worlds. This makes ends good for nothing other than currency.
things a little smoother for the
In additon, if the searcher gets a raise, he
type of play more common in
may also draw a single card from a fresh
Hell on Earth than Deadlands.
Action Deck. The Marshal has the scoop on
Fear Levels are still used but what the scavenger finds on page 102.
instead of characters using the
Guts skill, they make regular Naturally, most of the really good caches
Fear checks (also described in of loot have already been picked over in
Savage Worlds). Two new Edges the 16 years since Judgment Day. The
replace the Grit system from scroungers’ Notice rolls are modified by
Deadlands, named appropriately the size of the find and whether or not it’s
Guts and Grit. Both of these already been picked over, as decided by the
reduce the penalties Fear Levels Marshal and using the Scavenging Table
usually inflict on these tests. below as a guide.
These rules weren’t transferred
to the Wasted West because it’s a
scarier era. Things changed after
the Reckoning. Life is a little Modifier Time Location
harsher for the average waster –4 1d6 rounds Corpse
and most have learned to live –2 1d6 min Civilian car, group of
with it a little better than those corpses
first experiencing the horrors of –1 3d6 min Military vehicle,
the Reckoners over two centuries traffic pileup in a
past. small town (a dozen
cars or so)
0 1d6 hours Home or small office,
former battlefield,
jetliner, traffic pileup
in a large city (50+
a 1 on his trait die, he immediately gains
+1 2d6 hours Large office (up to
a mutation and suffers 2d6 damage as he
100 people)
sprouts a third eye, a few extra fingers, or
+2 3d6 hours Office building,
worse. Only magical armor protects against
department store,
this damage. Snake eyes on the roll results
cruise ship
in 3d6 damage and two mutations. Have fun
+4 1d6 days Laboratory
with that. The Mutation Table can be found
on page 95. Modifier Condition
–4 Likely to have been picked
over already
SCAVENGING –2 Unlikely to have been picked
over already
0 Untouched
Scavenging is the ability to find saleable
+2 Organized cache (such as a
bits or life’s necessities in the ruins of
survival shelter)

The Wasted West is a place of terror and violence, but it
is also a place of power for those who know its secrets.
On the following pages are rules for playing those who
have figured out some of this Hell on Earth.

The Cult of Doom is a mutant-led
group of individuals who believe “normal”
Edge: Arcane Background (Doomsayer)
humanity is doomed, and that mutants are
Requirements: Wild Card, Novice, Faith
the next branch of the evolutionary tree.
d4+, Spirit d8+
Arcane Skill: Faith (Spirit) Some priests of the Cult believe “norms”
Power Points: 10 should be wiped out to make way for
Starting Powers: 2 plus environmental mutant-kind. Silas Rasmussen and his
protection green-robed priests—Doomsayers and the
Backlash: Should a Doomsayer roll a 1 on more powerful Doombringers—are intent
her Faith roll, she is Shaken. On a critical on making humanity’s exit as bloody as
failure, she gains a random mutation and possible.
does not get her extra card draw (see below).
One Doomsayer, a woman named Joan,
Available Powers: Armor, barrier, blast,
rebelled against the “Mutant King” and
blind, bolt, boost/lower trait, burst, con­
splintered from the cult. She and her
fusion, damage field, darksight, deflection,
“heretics” donned purple Doomsayer robes
detect/conceal arcana, drain power points,
and are attempting to bring about a peaceful
elemental manipu­ lation, EMP, entangle,
transition to the masses. Joan has genuine
environmental protection, farsight, fear,
compassion for her non-mutated brothers
havoc, healing, intangibility, light/obscure,
and sisters, but is also smart enough to
mutate, slow, summon ally.
realize humanity is very well-armed and
Special Rules:
fearful of their impending doom. Those
• Any Sufficiently Advanced Science:
circumstances often lead people to do
Doomsayers may not use Edges that
terrible things that will certainly cause
require Arcane Background (Miracles),
more pain and suffering, and could even
but they can take the Wizard Edge,
result in the extinction of mutants—or even
substituting their Faith for the Spellcasting
all life.
requirement (see Savage Worlds).
Joan wants to foster good relations
• Mutations: Doomsayers begin the
between the “Chosen” and the “Doomed,“
game with one random mutation (see
and the heretics’ purple robes are the key.
page 95). Whenever a Doomsayer draws
If enough purple-robed Doomsayers do
a mutation in play, she picks an extra
enough good, she hopes norms will begin
card and takes the best result.
to see mutants in a better light. She doesn’t
• Recharge: A Doomsayer who steps expect the Doomed to suddenly come
through a ghost storm (page 65) regains around and believe all mutants are good,
1d6 Power Points or 2d6 if they get a raise because that’s certainly not the case. In
on the Vigor roll.

fact, mutants are more likely than humans All of the Doomsayer’s damage-causing
to be a bit off kilter, or even downright powers, such as bolt, are increased a die
crazy. Joan chalks this up to the Glow’s type (so 2d6 becomes 2d8). However, should
failed experiments. She does, however, hope he suffer backlash on any power, he is
that the good works of her followers will Shaken and suffers 3d6 damage. If this kills
eventually convince the Doomed to give the the Doomsayer, the last miracle goes off as
Chosen a fair shake. if it were successful with a raise. He then
explodes in a burst of radioactive energy
As such, Joan’s followers prove themselves
that causes 4d10 damage to everything in
by doing good deeds for mutants and
a Large Burst Template centered on the
norms alike. They protect villages, cure
priest. Those who suffer a wound or more
rad sickness, heal the wounded, and—most
gain a mutation as well!
important—lead resistance against mutant
attacks. Yep, you read that right. The
Chosen might be humanity’s next branch DOOMSAYER POWERS
on the evolutionary tree, but they haven’t
been “Chosen” to kill, ravage, pillage, and
plunder. Doomsayers are the first to wade Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP)
into a den of these deviant mutants and
Rank: Novice
start blasting (reasonable mutants allied
Power Points: 2–10
with Silas are given the chance to convert
Range: Spirit
to a more peaceable way of life before
Duration: 3 (2/round)
they’re nuked).
An electromagnetic pulse fries
Silas’ followers greatly outnumber Joan’s, non-shielded circuits and electronics. It’s
and their mutations cause many to be a bit a great way for a Doomsayer to level the
unstable to boot. To make matters worse, a playing field when faced with high-tech
lot of norms don’t understand the schism weapons and vehicles.
and think all Doomsayers are out to kill
To use EMP the Doomie places a Medium
them. This makes life pretty difficult for
Burst Template anywhere within range and
these desert do-gooders.
then makes a Faith roll. The difficulty of
Heretical Doomsayers are ordained by affecting a target depends on any shielding
Joan or a select few of her original heretics it might have, as shown below. Affected
and given a purple robe emblazoned electronics are fried and generally must be
with the symbol of the Cult of Doom: a replaced.
combination of the Greek letters Alpha and
• Large Target: For two additional points,
Omega, superimposed over the flames of
the Doomsayer may affect everything in a
the Apocalypse. The symbol looks to many
Large Burst Template.
like that of a three-legged mutant.


Cost Affected Items
Oppenheimer’s Chosen (Weird Edge) 2 Handheld electronics
3 Home computers, vehicle
Requirements: Seasoned, Arcane ignition systems
Background (Doomsayer), Vigor d8+, Faith 4 Light military gear,
d8+ industrial computers
This priest of the Glow is blessed by 6 Military computers, junker
one of the Nine Great Saints of the Cult tech, shielded electronics,
of Doom. Unfortunately, the reactor that headbanger chips, cyborgs,
burns brightest also runs the greatest risk normal robots
of melting down. 8 Heavily shielded electronics,

Rank: Veteran
Power Points: 6
Edge: Harrowed
Range: Touch
Requirements: Wild Card, Novice, Spirit
Duration: Special
This insidious power is feared by “normals”
Special Rules:
and all but the craziest mutants. The
• Dominion: See below
Doomsayer must expend his Power Points
and then make a successful touch attack
against his opponent. With a success, he History
makes a Faith roll opposed by his victim’s
Some individuals are just too ornery to
lay down and die. But no human can do
On a success, the victim gains one this alone. To come back from the grave,
random mutation for a period of a week. a deceased soul has to catch a ride with
With a raise, the mutation is permanent. a demon—or a manitou as the Native
Americans called them long ago. The
• Additional Effect: By reducing the
manitou takes up residence in its host’s
Power Points spent to 1, the Doomsayer
body and grants it power, such as walking
can control the Glow so that the effects are
and talking despite being deceased, healing,
temporary (about 24 hours). This bestows
and more.
minor but very noticeable mutations such
as boils, purple skin, scales, horns, and the These undead heroes are called Harrowed,
like. This is usually used to give a norm which means “dragged forth from the earth.”
an appreciation of what their mutated
A manitou in an undead host is slain
brothers and sisters go through each
if the brain is destroyed (one of the few
day. It counts as the Outsider Hindrance
ways they actually can be killed), so they
among other norms.
only risk their otherwise eternal souls
on those with exceptional abilities. Weak
TRAPPINGS or infirm mortals are only resurrected
temporarily (hence the monstrous walkin’
Doomsayer powers are bright, flashy, and
dead common to the Wasted West) so that
often explosive. They glow with pure green
they aren’t permanently destroyed.
radiation that can sometimes leave after-
effects such as redness or skin pustules on The host and the manitou need each
those affected by them. other to keep the body moving, but they
don’t share this dwelling peacefully. It’s a
A Doomsayer about to cast a power
constant and hellish battle for control.
glows green with sizzling energy before
unleashing it—a tell-tale sign to others that For the most part, the manitou simply
doom is nigh. sits back and lets the Harrowed go about
his daily unlife. From time to time, however,
The “children of the atom” tend to
the demon tries to hop into the driver’s seat
call their powers names associated with
to do some dastardly deed. If the manitou is
radiation, nuclear war, or famous scientists
strong enough, it can take control of your
who worked in the field of atomic energy.
hero for a while and wreak havoc among
Blast, for example is nuke, while multiple
strangers and friends alike.
bolts are called MIRVs (a type of warhead
that stands for Multiple Independently-
targeted Reentry Vehicle), and lower trait is Dominion
the “Curse of Marie Curie.”
When a Harrowed first returns from the
grave he remembers suffering through his
worst nightmare. The manitou puts him
through its own little corner of Hell every
night, hoping to weaken the host’s resolve.

Recently deceased characters who first Drinking a quart or so of alcohol “pickles”
become Harrowed start with a Dominion of a Harrowed for a day or two. He’ll smell like
0, as do characters with the Harrowed Edge. a drunk, but at least he won’t smell like a
The host and the manitou are on roughly dead drunk. Animals can always tell. Riding
even footing. rolls or any rolls involving the cooperation
of animals suffer a –2 penalty.
When the Marshal tells you to make a
Dominion roll, make a Spirit roll and add Harrowed can’t reproduce, or even enjoy
your current Dominion. This is opposed by the attempt. Their blood doesn’t flow south
the manitou. Dominion can never go below if you catch our drift.
–4 or above +4.

• Success: The Harrowed retains
control and gains a point of Dominion,
or two with a raise.
• Failure: The manitou takes over
(and no doubt gets up to some evil
shenanigans); you lose 1 Dominion
point, or 2 if the manitou scored a
• Tie: The manitou doesn’t take
control, but your hero is Shaken.


So what’s it like being undead? A
mixed blessing. A walking corpse is a
tough hombre to take in a fight, but he
has trouble making friends.

Death Wounds
Whatever puts a fellow down the first
time leaves a mark. The “death wound”
is essentially healed but scarred or
otherwise a deformity. A hero who was
shot in the chest, for example, has a
bullet scar there. One who was hanged
might have a slightly crooked neck and
a visible rope burn that never fades.

Undead have pale, sallow skin. They
don’t rot since the manitous sustain
their bodies with supernatural energy,
but they don’t smell like roses, either.
Anyone who gets up close and personal
with a Harrowed picks up the smell of
decay with a Notice roll.

Food and Drink steer. Harrowed suffer wounds normally, but
they can’t be killed except by destroying
Harrowed need meat—fresh or carrion— the brain.
to patch themselves up. Each healing roll
The only way a Harrowed dies is by a
attempted by a Harrowed consumes about
head shot. A called shot to the noggin will
a pound of flesh. The Harrowed must eat
do it, as will a Head result on the Injury
the meat, but he doesn’t necessarily have
Table. In case of the latter, if he fails his
to cook it first.
Incapacitation roll he’s dead for good this
Harrowed don’t need water, and while time.
we’re on the subject of libations, can’t get
Harrowed never bleed out and can ignore
drunk either. For that matter, Harrowed
all effects thereof.
aren’t affected by booze or drugs, and can’t
be poisoned or catch a disease (at least, Harrowed Incapacitated by damage to
not a normal disease). They are affected by other parts of the body are down for 1d6
supernatural radiation normally, however. days. They then regain consciousness and
can basically crawl until they get enough
Fear meat to heal their wounds. This even
regrows lost limbs.
Being a walking corpse hardens the mind
Harrowed don’t feel pain and they don’t
to horrific experiences. It doesn’t get much
really bleed either. That’s not to say they
worse than clawing your way out of your
don’t suffer wound penalties. In the case
own grave. Harrowed characters add +2 to
of the Harrowed, these penalties reflect
Fear tests.
damage to the Harrowed’s muscles and
bones, making actions more difficult—it’s
Sleep also a little distracting having your stinking,
rotted guts spilling all over your boots.
Whoever first said “he sleeps like the
dead” obviously didn’t know any dead folks.
Harrowed themselves don’t need sleep, but HARROWED EDGES
the manitou inside needs 1d6 hours of
The moment a character is Harrowed—
downtime out of every 24 to recharge the
regardless of the particulars of how
batteries, so to speak.
it happens—he automatically gets one
Unlike normal folk, Harrowed can’t really Harrowed Edge for free.
push it to stay awake; when it’s time to
sleep, the manitou just shuts the Harrowed
down. The Harrowed can try to resist, but
Cat Eyes
he must make a Spirit roll every hour or Requirements: Novice, Harrowed
keel over on the spot (and likely get buried
The character gains +2 to his Notice rolls
again when folks discover his heart isn’t
to spot visual clues, and ignores penalties
beating). This roll gets tougher as the night
for Dim and Dark lighting conditions.
drags on: each additional roll suffers a
cumulative –1 penalty, to a maximum of –3.
For the record, sleeping Harrowed aren’t
Improved Cat Eyes
completely oblivious. The manitou keeps Requirements: Seasoned, Harrowed, Cat
one eye open for trouble, so Harrowed are Eyes
just as likely as any other folks to wake up
The Harrowed can see in the dark, ignoring
if trouble comes along.
all penalties for lighting. He can also see
sentient beings’ auras. With a successful
Undeath Spirit roll, he can divine an Extra’s attitude
as defined by the Reaction Table (Savage
Harrowed are a pretty sturdy bunch. They
Worlds). A raise tells the deader if the target
don’t suffer Fatigue from mundane sources,
is a supernatural creature of some sort.
and non-lethal damage has about as much
effect on them as a mosquito does on a

Chill o’ the Grave can become tangible again at the beginning
of his turn. If he somehow suffers damage
Requirements: Heroic, Harrowed (Shaken or one or more wounds)—say, from
a magical or supernatural attack—while in
They say the grave is damp and cold, and
this state, he must make a Spirit roll at –2
this Harrowed has mastered the ability to
or immediately become tangible.
radiate that chill from the Hunting Grounds
through his body, lowering the temperature
around him noticeably. Hell Fire
The deader makes a Spirit roll to use this Requirements: Heroic, Harrowed
power, dropping the temperature 10°F within
The Harrowed blasts raw fire drawn from
a Large Burst Template centered on the
the depths of hell from his fingertips. This
Harrowed. Anyone inside the template must
acts just like a flamethrower (see Savage
make a Spirit check or become unnerved,
essentially suffering Fatigue. A 1 on the
Spirit roll means the victim panics.
The chill lasts a number of rounds equal
to half the Harrowed’s Spirit die type. This
causes the Harrowed a level of Fatigue
that is naturally recovered in one hour. He
cannot use this ability if Exhausted.

Requirements: Novice, Harrowed
The hero gains sharp claws that cause
Str+d6 damage in combat. The claws may
be extended or retracted at will.

Improved Claws
Requirements: Veteran, Harrowed, Claws
The Claws inflict Str+d10 damage.

Requirements: Heroic, Harrowed
As his first action during his turn, the
Harrowed can become incorporeal with
a successful Spirit roll (he can perform
no actions, including free actions, before
using Ghost). Once incorporeal, he must
remain in that state until the beginning
of his action on the next round (unless he
suffers damage, see below). While ghosted,
the Harrowed is intangible—unaffected by
the physical world and unable to affect
it—though he is still visible and magical
attacks affect him normally.
The deader may remain ghosted as long
as he wishes, but it requires concentration
and thus counts as an action for each round
maintained. With a free action, the Harrowed

Worlds) and causes 2d10 damage. This uses Alternately, the Harrowed hero may use
the Shooting skill to hit the targets, and a 1 the drained energy to recover a Fatigue
on the Shooting die type causes a Shaken level.
result on the Harrowed.
Implacable Requirements: Novice, Harrowed
Requirements: Veteran, Harrowed
The Harrowed draws upon the power
Most Harrowed take a while to get used of the manitou within him to lend a little
to the fact that they don’t suffer pain extra substance to his intimidating glare or
anymore. They still grunt when shot and grating voice. This adds +2 to his Intimidation
limp when their ankle gets chewed by rolls. In addition, Wild Cards who fail must
some unholy varmint. It’s a mental thing. roll on the Fright Table (see Savage Worlds).
Extras are Panicked. The ability may not be
Your Harrowed, on the other hand, has
used on the same target more than once in
overcome this block. He ignores two points
the same general encounter.
of wound penalties, cumulative with Nerves
of Steel.
Infest Requirements: Novice, Harrowed
Requirements: Novice, Harrowed A dead man with Stitchin’ regenerates
damage much faster than normal. He
Insects also have spirits in the Hunting
may make natural Healing rolls every day,
Grounds and manitous have learned a few
provided he consumes a pound of meat for
tricks to control them. A Harrowed with
each attempt.
this power can control swarms of biting,
stinging insects. The creatures aren’t created
by the power, so they must be present in Improved Stitchin’
the surrounding area.
Requirements: Veteran, Harrowed,
To summon the swarm, the Harrowed Stitchin’
suffers a level of Fatigue. This gives rise to a
The Harrowed may roll every hour.
swarm of insects (see Savage Worlds) under
the undead’s control. The Harrowed cannot
use this ability if he’s already Exhausted. Supernatural Trait
The swarm dissipates when destroyed or
Requirements: Novice, Harrowed
after about five minutes.
Supernatural Trait immediately improves
Soul Eater any one attribute two die types (a d12
becomes a d12+2, and so on). This Edge may
Requirements: Veteran, Harrowed be taken up to five times, but only once for
each one attribute.
A successful bare-handed attack with a
raise allows the Harrowed to drain the life
force of his victim, automatically inflicting Wither
a wound on any living being.
Requirements: Novice, Harrowed
Each time the Harrowed causes a wound
This terrible ability allows a deader to
in this way, he may make a Spirit roll
drain the life and years of some poor sod.
opposed by his victim. If he is successful,
With a touch, the Harrowed and the target
he repairs one wound. Even if the Harrowed
make opposed Spirit rolls. If the Harrowed
causes multiple wounds (from a Wild Card,
wins, the target’s Strength is reduced one die
for example), he still only recovers one
type to a minimum of d4. With a raise, his
wound himself.
Strength and Vigor are both reduced. This is
a permanent loss but may be recovered by
advancement as usual.

Components to fix it. Minor repairs,
JUNKERS equivalent to a Minor Malfunction, require
1d6 Components. Major repairs, as a Major
Malfunction, require 2d6 Components.
Edge: Arcane Background (Junker)
Total destruction, like a Catastrophic
Requirements: Wild Card, Novice, Repair
Malfunction, require a number of
d4+, Weird Science d4+
Components equal to the maximum
Arcane Skill: Weird Science (Smarts)
Power Points in the device.
Power Points: 10
• Spook Juice: Junkers can make spook
Starting Powers: 1
juice without a refinery. A successful
Backlash: As Weird Scientists (see Savage
Weird Science roll produces one gallon
of spook juice from one ounce of ghost
Available Powers: All in Savage Worlds
rock in an hour. On a raise, the junker
except disguise, divination, greater healing,
gets two gallons. Critical failure results
shape change, and summon ally.
in a spectacular explosion, causing 3d6
Special Rules:
damage in a Medium Burst Template.
• Gadgeteer: A junker automatically
• Weird Science: Junkers use all the
gets the Gadgeteer Edge for free, but it
rules for Weird Scientists in Savage
functions slightly differently (and he
Worlds, including the Malfunction Table.
cannot take the normal version of the
They may also take any Edges that require
Edge). He can bind a tech spirit into his
Arcane Background (Weird Science).
gathered components and create a device
that replicates any power available to
junkers a number of times per session History
equal to half his Spirit. The catch for
Junkers are the techno-wizards of the
this flexibility is that each device has
Wasted West. With the help of the spirit
a number of Power Points equal to the
world, they can build devices of incredible
Components consumed in its creation
power out of the ruins of technology
(up to half the junker’s maximum Power
scattered about the wastelands. They
Points). Since the gadget binds a tech
depend on tech spirits to hold their devices
spirit into its construction, this takes
together, ghost rock to power them, and
place very quickly—one action instead of
salvage for the physical components of
the usual 1d20 minutes required by the
their inventions.
regular Gadgeteer Edge. The junker has to
make a Weird Science roll to bind the tech Junkers tend to keep to themselves.
spirit, and suffers a –2 penalty for each Some choose solitary lives but most are
Rank the power is higher than his own. If ostracized by survivors who want nothing
the junker gets a raise on the roll, he only to do with folks who willingly deal with
uses half the Components required. spirits and ghost rock—it did destroy the
• Junkmen: Junkers collect world, after all. Of course, these misgivings
“Components” as they travel about the often vanish when a junker shows up
Wastes—bits and pieces of electronics, with some incredible device folks just can’t
chemicals, mechanical devices, and live without—like a ghost rock-powered
stranger stuff they use to augment and generator or alchemical healing salve.
create their weird devices. Components
A junkers’ typically bizarre appearance
are gathered anytime the part is allowed
only adds to most folks’ distrust. Most wear
to make a scavenging roll (see page 66).
techno-talismans made from discarded
The junkmen gather the scavenged items
bits of machine innards and have arcane
as usual, but also find 1d6 Components
schematics stitched into their clothing—or
with a success, 2d6 with a raise. Every
even tattooed into their skin!
five Components weighs one pound but
are otherwise non-specific odds and ends
with no other use.
• Repairs: Any time a junker’s gizmo
is damaged or needs to be repaired
(such as from a Malfunction), he needs

The Origins of Science! When the Whispering Stopped
In the years following the Great Quake of Not all the mad scientists who were
1863, a new form of science appeared in the abandoned by the manitous gave up their
world. Its practitioners liked to call it “new work. Some looked for answers. The Sons of
science,” but most non-eggheads referred Sitgreaves was a movement that traced its
to it as “mad science.” roots back to 1876 and R. Percy Sitgreaves,
the first mad scientist to discover the awful
The gizmos born of this science often
truth about his “genius.” Since most mad
seemed to defy reality to a point where they
scientists refused to believe their inventions
appeared almost magical. Their effects—
came from anywhere except their own gray
when they worked—were spectacular; when
matter, Sitgreaves and his followers were
they didn’t, the explosions were even more
outcasts in the scientific community.
so. Of course, the main reason folks called
it mad science was that those who dabbled But after Sitgreaves’ revelation, a few of
with it often became stark raving lunatics. the Sons began studying other forms of
magic in an effort to better understand
What these scientists didn’t understand
the manitous and their goals. The demons
was that their technological insight was not
would no longer willingly help an inventor,
a product of their own genius, but inspired
and in fact had nothing new to contribute.
by the manitous. The Reckoners sent their
Their knowledge of future technology
underlings to whisper in the scientists’ ears
ended on July 3rd, 2063.
as they slept, and their dreams were filled
with bizarre and destructive devices. The spiteful things could
When they awoke, they turned their be coerced into sharing past
dreams into reality. These ghostly knowledge, such as how to
visions loosened the inventors’ create goggles that can
grips on reality and eventually see spirits or belts that
drove them mad. project fields of energy,
but their knowledge
It turns out the Reckoners
was shady and they
got what they wanted from
certainly wouldn’t
the mad scientists on July 3rd
power these devices.
2063—200 years to the day
after the Reckoning began— But tech spirits would.
the first city buster ghost These new creatures
rock bomb was unveiled. rose as man put a
The Reckoners now had little of himself into
the tools they needed to his own inventions,
destroy civilization and and were typically
terrorform the entire world tethered to the device
into a Deadland. which spawned them.
The spiritual boom of
Having attained their goal,
Judgment Day freed
the number of manitous
the spirits, however,
whispering in the ears of
and now the Hunting
mad scientists declined
Grounds are full of
dramatically. Inventors
them. They don’t get
the world over found
along well with nature
their muses suddenly
spirits, who are frequent
silent. Most
and savage enemies.
eventually gave
up their inventors’ The junkmen of the
workshops and Wasted West discovered
entered more ordinary these tech spirits willingly
technical professions. A few took inhabited their infernal devices
their own lives. to hold them together and
provide the magical “pilot light” to kickstart the scraps they sort through. When a junker
their various powers, but to really fuel the with this Edge is allowed to scavenge (see
fire, they needed “ghost rays.” page 66), he gains 1d10 Components with
a success, 2d10 with a Raise.
Ghost Rays
The energy given off as ghost rock burns—
Tapping the Net
souls, basically—is similar to the energy Requirements: Seasoned, Arcane
of the Hunting Grounds itself. When first Background (Junker), Investigation d8+,
discovered by the Sons of Sitgreaves, the Weird Science d8+
energy was called “ghost rays,” or “g-rays”
Tech spirits see the Hunting Grounds as a
for short. From this they developed the
vast network of knowledge and information.
g-ray collector. It collects spiritual energy
A junker with this Edge has learned to
from ghost rock as it burns and stores it for
get those spirits to do research for him.
later use in “spirit batteries.”
Once per game session, he can make a
The full limits of this new technology Investigation roll without any resources
had yet to be explored before the Last (books, computers, etc.) with a +2 bonus.
War began. A few junkers were drafted Additionally, the spirits are constantly
into government service—a junker was streaming him generalized information,
responsible for the first true cyborgs, for granting a +2 bonus to Common Knowledge
example—but their contributions to the war rolls.
effort came too little, too late.
After the Bomb Junker powers take the form of devices
Once the bombs stopped falling, junkers assembled from pre-Last War technology.
really came into their own. The world needed Weapons tend to be firearms of some
folks who could get machines running sort, while defensive powers take the
without a few vital components, and form of armor, force fields, or gizmos that
junkers fit the bill. But the inventors need a obscure the caster. Utility powers might be
manitou’s guidance, a tech spirit’s soul, and alchemical creations like pills or balms,
g-rays to do the job—all wild chicanery that or energy beams that enhance a target’s
makes junkers pretty suspect. natural potential.
Nonetheless, junkers are vital to keeping
many survivor settlements running, and are
therefore grudgingly tolerated. Only junkers
have the arcane knowledge required to
distill ghost rock into spook juice without
the aid of a major refinery, a skill in high
demand in the Wasted West.

The following Edges can be taken by
anyone with the Arcane Background
(Junker) Edge.

Scavenger Supreme
Requirements: Seasoned, Arcane
Background (Junker), Knowledge (any kind
of science) d8+
These junkmen have a keen eye for odds
and ends they can pull, cut, or yank out of

beings for their powers. Their power was
SYKERS channeled directly through their psyches
and shaped by mental training.
Edge: Arcane Background (Syker) After several world wars, it was clear
Requirements: Wild Card, Novice, Psionics sykers were powerful battlefield agents,
d4+, Smarts d8+ but their real strength lay in intelligence,
Arcane Skill: Psionics (Smarts) misdirection and obfuscation. By World War
Power Points: 10 II, every major government employed these
Starting Powers: 3 mind warriors as spies and commandos.
Backlash: When a syker rolls a 1 on his
Psionics die, he suffers severe brainburn
that causes 2d6 damage plus half the
The Faraway War
Power Points he was about to spend. If the In 2044, Hellstromme Industries opened
ability required 4 Power Points, for example, the Tunnel, a gateway in space that allowed
brainburn would cause 2d6+2 damage. ships to fly through and come out in a
Available Powers: Armor, barrier, beast distant corner of the galaxy called the
friend, backwash, blind, bolt, boost/lower “Faraway System.” Faraway had seven
Trait, confusion, deflection, detect/conceal planets orbiting the local star, most of
arcana, disguise, drain power points, farsight, which were useless hunks of rock, but the
fear, fly, havoc, healing (self only), invisibility, fourth planet, Banshee, was inhabited by a
mind reading, mindlink, mindwipe, puppet, primitive race called the anouks, or “grapes”
quickness, slow, slow burn, slumber, for their purple color. More importantly,
smite, speak language, speed, stun, succor, Banshee had ghost rock.
telekinesis, telekinetic squeeze, wall walker.
Mining operations started almost
Special Rules:
immediately despite frequent conflict with
• Baldness: Syker powers burn out the
the anouks. But despite their prowess,
user’s hair follicles. It can be regrown if
the anouks didn’t have a chance against
the syker ceases to use his powers, but
the high-tech weapons of Hellstromme
begins to fall out quickly the moment he
Industries and later the United Nations
• Psionics: Sykers may use Edges that
Not until the appearance of the Skinnies.
require Arcane Background (Psionics) (see
These grotesque creatures appeared to be
Savage Worlds).
abnormally emaciated anouks, but it soon
became clear they possessed supreme
HISTORY mental abilities. Embraced by the battered
anouks, these terrible creatures wiped out
The governments of the world learned
colonial settlements and isolated military
much in their long and deadly struggle
outposts at an alarming rate.
against the Reckoning. In America, the
Agency and the Texas Rangers captured UN General Paul “Overkill” Warfield
numerous creatures, studied countless was tasked with stopping the growing
spellslingers, and eventually even learned “revolt.” Warfield realized the skinnies were
of the Hunting Grounds and the dark secret extremely powerful psionics and called on
behind ghost rock and mad science. These the UN member nations to send sykers
governments—along with others around to Banshee. They were organized into the
the world—looked for ways to tap directly United Nations Syker Legion—or the Legion,
into this power and create a new breed of for short.
“super soldiers.”
Once the Legion arrived, the UN forces
The answer came in the form of Asian went on the offensive. Warfield’s sykers
priests and martial artists. These individuals were at the forefront of countless battles to
had managed to tap into the power of the exterminate the “grapes” and their skinny
Hunting Grounds directly, without dealing overlords. Sykers also infiltrated human
with manitous, nature spirits, or higher

sympathizer groups and used their mental
manipulation to turn their rebellious
Earth Sykers
followers on each other. While the Legion was battling anouks and
skinnies on Faraway, desperate generals
Near the end, sykers wound up fighting
back on Earth threw their remaining sykers
alongside UN troops as they assaulted the
into traditional attacks and defenses. But
anouk villages and eventually the skinnies’
their powers of infiltration and subversion
fortresses. The Legion had almost won when
were no match for machine guns, laser
the Last War broke out and the nations of
guided bombs, and hovertanks. Even their
Earth recalled their conventional forces.
ability to cloud minds meant little when
The Psychic Legion was left behind in faced with mindless warbots crawling
a vain attempt to organize the colonists across blasted battlefields.
against the rebels and anouks, a force
the leaders back on Earth rationalized as
nearly defeated. Sykers and a handful of
Colonial Rangers organized defenses all
over Banshee, but the numbers were too
Then the sykers were recalled as well.
Some went gladly, happy to escape the lost
cause. Others resisted but were compelled
to return by force or coercion and leave the
colonists behind. In 2081, the last remaining
sykers boarded a Hellstromme Industries
ship called the Unity and returned home
through the Tunnel. Shortly after, the
Tunnel collapsed and the colonists on
Banshee were left to their fate (a tale told
in Deadlands Lost Colony).
The battered sykers became close in
these final days. While in transit, they
swore the “Oath of Unity,” after the ship
they traveled on. They vowed never to harm
each other, no matter who gave them the
order. Those who break this oath are called
Oathbreakers, and those who declined to
take it are called “Apostates.” One very
powerful syker, a member of the Voodoo
Guru platoon, even managed to somehow
burn a permanent “A” on these individuals’
heads. There is no love lost between
Oathtakers, Oathbreakers, and Apostates in
the Wasted West. Most of them blast on
The bombs fell while the Faraway sykers
were in transit. They arrived in our solar
system to find the Earth in ruins. Most
eventually boarded drop pods and landed
in Houston, Texas, then wandered on their
own or in small groups from there.

The most talented sykers quickly A syker can suffer a level of Fatigue to
developed new powers better suited to gain +d6 Power Points, or two levels of
this style of war. Many became killing Fatigue to gain 2d6 Power Points. This is a
machines whose only purpose was to free action.
destroy everything in their path.
The syker may not Incapacitate herself
It’s been said that if a Faraway syker is a with this Edge. Fatigue accumulated in
knife, an Earth syker is a tire iron. this way may be recovered by silent, still
meditation or sleep at the rate of one level
SYKER HINDRANCES every four hours.

Apostate/Oathbreaker (Major) Overkill

Requirements: Novice, Arcane
Apostates are Banshee sykers who background (Psionics), Psionics d8+, Earth
refused to take the Oath of Unity as it syker
returned to Earth. All of the Apostates had
Earth sykers who found themselves
a black “A” singed onto their forehead by a
thrown on the battlefields of the Last War
group of sykers called the Voodoo Gurus.
were unprepared to fight battles against
This is permanent and cannot be removed.
hovertanks, hordes of infantry, and warbots.
Most Apostates are villains, but some Those who survived did so by learning to
refused for reasons of loyalty to their boost their powers by spending bits of their
nation or because they didn’t trust the other souls.
members of the “bald-headed brotherhood.”
A syker who has this Edge can increase
Whatever the reason, if your character is
the damage of a single psychic attack by
an Apostate, other sykers who aren’t are
incurring one level of Fatigue for an extra
enemies. Most are likely to look for a reason
2d6 damage, or two levels for an extra
to fight (to the death).
3d6 damage. This must be decided before
If your character swore the oath and later damage is rolled.
broke it, she’s an Oathbreaker instead. She
Bonus damage applies to a single damage
didn’t get the black A on her forehead, but
total. If the power has multiple attacks (such
if a rival Oathtaker discovers the treachery,
as projecting two bolts), the syker may add
he is honor-bound by the oath to kill her.
the damage to two totals by suffering two
levels of Fatigue (Exhaustion).
Oath of Unity (Minor) The syker may not Incapacitate herself
Your character is one of the Faraway with this Edge. Fatigue accumulated in
sykers who swore the Oath of Unity. He’s this way may be recovered by silent, still
vowed never to harm another syker who meditation or sleep at the rate of one level
also took the oath except in self-defense. every four hours.


The various governments of the world
Fortitude developed a multitude of equipment to
make their sykers even more effective.
Requirements: Novice, Arcane Added to that arsenal, mind freaks who
background (Psionics), Psionics d8+, fought on Banshee found a variety of
Faraway syker psychic-boosting items that were used to
level out the playing field when taking on
This was a skill perfected on Banshee to
the awesome power of the skinnies.
help the sykers of the UN Legion combat
the supremely powerful skinnies. Amanitrol: This drug is made in crude
syker-run labs from common mushrooms
and fungi found throughout the world. It

makes it easier for sykers to concentrate, fought by sykers over this resource, not
allowing them to maintain multiple powers only due to the power it gives them, but
with no modifier to their Psionics roll for also due to its addictive properties.
2d6 rounds. It does dull the other senses, Red gives a syker 5 more Power Points
though, causing a –2 to all Agility-based that can be used in the next 2 hours, but is
skills. powerfully addictive. If used less than once
Cost: $100/dose; Scarcity: Uncommon. a week, a brainiac needs to make a Spirit
roll at +2 or gain a Fatigue level. If used
Axor: This drug was developed by the
more than once in a 7 day period, the Spirit
Mexican government back in the 20th
roll is made normally. A 1 on this roll gains
Century, but its secret soon spread, and
the hero the Major Habit Hindrance, which
huge stockpiles were maintained by a host
in turn causes a –1 to all Psionics rolls when
of nations, including the US and CSA. While
not under the influence of Red. Snake eyes
impossible to make these days, there is still
requires a Vigor roll from the syker. Failure
plenty to go around if you can find a stash.
means she turns into a “Red Zombie” (use
It makes it easier for sykers to concentrate,
walkin’ dead statistics but with red skin and
giving them a +2 to their Psionics rolls for
the poor schmuck’s Psionic powers—time to
2d6 rounds.
make up a new character).
Cost: $100/dose; Scarcity: Scarce
Cost: $200/dose; Scarcity: Rare
Banshee Stones: A mineral found only on
Banshee, sykolite was used by skinnies in Sykoactive Helmet: The sykoactive
a variety of types of jewelry or even hung helmet was issued to sykers of both
from their necks by thongs. Experimentation sides. Ordinary helmets often interfered
by human scientists showed that this with sykers’ abilities so a special helmet
so-called Banshee stone acted as a sponge was developed. This helmet was made
for psionic energy. These golf ball-sized of specially tempered ghost steel that
stones have 2d6 Power Points when found allowed the arcane energies used by the
or purchased. Sykers who wear them can brainburners to freely pass through it.
access these Points for their own abilities. The helmet has all of the features listed
These Power Points return at the rate of 1/ for the Infantry Battlesuit helmet and grants
day, and if ever drained down to zero, lose Armor +2 to the head. The downside to this
1 Point permanently. helmet is that continued use eventually
Cost: $1000/Power Point; Scarcity: causes the metal to become brittle. Roll
Unique (only available at the Marshal’s 2d4 each time a syker uses an ability while
discretion) wearing the helmet. The helmet’s Armor
rating drops by 1 if the roll comes up snake
Green Bird of Heaven: Developed by
Chinese scientists in 2020 and distributed
in sticks of incense, Green Bird of Heaven Cost: $5000; Scarcity: Very Rare
makes it easier for sykers to rest and
TSAR: The Telepathically Sensitive Assault
recharge their meridians. When burned
Rifle was manufactured exclusively by
in an enclosed space, this incense allows
Hellstromme Industries before the war.
a syker to regain Power Points at double
The top part of the rifle is an ordinary
their normal rate. Powerful headaches
assault rifle firing 5.56mm rounds (Range
sometimes result, though. A Vigor roll must
24/48/96, Damage 2d8, ROF 3, Shots 30, Min
be made to prevent the mind freak from
Str d6, AP 2, 3RB). Slung under the barrel,
becoming Fatigued for 24 hours.
however, is a gyrojet launcher from which
Cost: $50/dose; Scarcity: Uncommon
the weapon gets its name. A syker plugs
(Great Maze); Rare elsewhere
a cable into his head, which allows him
Red: First developed from a plant on to interface with the weapon’s electronics,
Banshee, this drug soon became so popular locking onto the brainwaves of the target
with sykers that seedlings were sent back and sending a gyrojet round out to seek
to Earth, where it was grown in secret and destroy the poor sucker’s head.
government labs. Many a clash has been

The round will fly around corners, up Mindlink allows a syker to create a
and over walls, and even go through heavy limited telepathic connection between a
cover to hit its victim. The syker must make group of people. The syker is automatically
a Psionics roll (modified by cover) opposed part of the group and pays 1 Power Point for
by the target’s Smarts. If the syker wins, each additional character in the link up to
the round hits doing 3d10+4 damage (as a a maximum number of people equal to the
called shot to the head). On a tie, the round syker’s Smarts. The link is purely willing
hits but does not get the head shot bonus. communication, no thoughts that aren’t
Harrowed can be targeted by TSAR rounds, consciously transmitted are read. Those
but not walkin’ dead. who do not wish to be part of the link
make an opposed Smarts roll against the
Cost: $3000 (ammo $100/round);
syker’s Psionics result.
Scarcity: Rare (ammo: Very Rare)
If any character in a mindlink suffers a
PSYKER POWERS wound or more, all other members must
make a Smarts roll or be Shaken. If the
Several of the powers below were linking syker is the one damaged, the roll
developed by either Earth or Faraway is at –2.
sykers. By this time, however, the knowledge
has been shared and either variety may use
Rank: Novice
Power Points: 3
Backwash Duration: Permanent
Rank: Seasoned Range: Smarts
Power Points: 3 Sykers rarely get embarrassed. If they do
Range: Smarts x Miles something they regret, they just scramble
Duration: Instant the witnesses’ memories and make them
This dangerous and highly-specialized forget it ever happened.
power allows a syker to send a powerful
Mindwipe causes a target to forget a
and dangerous surge along a psychic link
certain period of time defined by the syker.
from a target to its source. If an ally is
The power requires a full five minutes
the subject of puppet, for example, a syker
to cast, during which the victim must be
could use backwash to send a mental blast
conscious (and usually restrained).
back along the psionic link and attack the
puppeteer. Mindwipe literally erases the memories.
The victim has no recollection of the time
The syker nominates a character
lost. He likely won’t know this unless he
currently affected by another characters’
has specific reason to note a hole in his
power. The syker and original caster then
make opposed arcane skill rolls. If the
enemy is anything other than another To use the power, the syker makes a
syker, the attacker suffers a –2 penalty. Psionics roll opposed by the victim’s Smarts.
If the syker succeeds, the victim forgets up
If the target loses, he suffers 3d6 damage.
to five minutes of time, plus another five
If the attacker loses, he suffers a level of
minutes per success and raise. The time
Fatigue instead. It may be regained by four
lost doesn’t have to be recent—it could be
hours of solid rest or sleep.
a childhood memory or something that
happened recently.
Rank: Novice
Power Points: 1+
Range: Smarts x 5
Duration: 30 minutes (1/10 minutes)

Slow Burn kill a foe in one quick blast, leaving nothing
but a mangled pile of bleeding flesh and
Rank: Novice busted bones. Sykers have been known
Power Points: 1–6 to rip out hearts (they call this “Aztec
Range: 24/48/96 surprise”), snap bones (“bone ripper”) or
Duration: Instant subtly pinch off major veins and arteries
On the battlefields of Earth, traditional (“the big one”).
syker powers proved of little use against
Regardless of the specific effect and
hovertanks and armored personnel carriers.
reaction, the attack is an opposed roll
Left with little choice but to improvise,
between the syker’s Psionics and the
brainburners learned to hyper-focus beams
victim’s Vigor. Such fine manipulation
of pure pyrokinetic energy that could
of an unseen object is very difficult—the
eventually penetrate even the heaviest
Psionics roll is made at –2. It does not work
on undead, constructs, or creatures without
A syker casting slow burn must be a beating heart.
stationary. He cannot move or be on an
Success inflicts 1d10 damage, plus 1d10 per
unstable platform such as most vehicles.
raise. Only magical armor protects against
The Power Points required depend on the this attack.
Armor of the target, as shown on the table
below. If a syker wants to burn through
a vehicle with 70 Armor, for example, he
must spend 6 Power Points, and does 4d10 Syker attacks are usually invisible unless
damage, ignoring all armor, if successful.. they make use of pyrokinetic energy.
Defenses are similarly difficult to detect—
The beam counts as a Heavy Weapon.
the deflection power is a vague, shimmering
The syker can’t spend more points than
aura of energy, for example.
required or increase his damage by
spending more Power Points. Other psychic tricks, such as mind
reading or mind wipe, have no actual visual
effects, but the syker must concentrate
SLOWBURN TABLE quite heavily to do so. The saying goes that
if a syker ever looks you in the eye, he’s
probably in your mind.
Armor Points Damage
1–4 1 2d6
5—10 2 2d10
11–40 4
41–70 6
71–100 8 5d10

Telekinetic Squeeze
Rank: Seasoned
Power Points: 3
Range: Smarts
Duration: Instant
This grotesque power uses telekinesis
to squeeze, pull, and tear internal organs,
bones, and other vitals. A good attack can

West for over a year, wandering from place
TEMPLARS to place, working for food while wrestling
with severe depression.
Edge: Arcane Background (Templar) One day, Simon was passing through
Requirements: Wild Card, Novice, Faith a nameless ‘ville somewhere in Colorado
d4+, Fighting d6+, Spirit d8+ when General Throckmorton’s thugs
Arcane Skill: Faith (Spirit) showed up and demanded their tithes. The
Power Points: 10 town paid up and Simon watched as the
Starting Powers: 1 + healing people went hungry. Then a tough female
Backlash: When a Templar rolls a 1 on Law Dog named Jenny Hise showed up, and
his Faith die, he suffers a level of Fatigue. the town begged her for help. She agreed
Fatigue lost in this way may be recovered and set off after the Black Hats.
with four hours of rest per level.
A few days later, she came riding in from
Available Powers: Armor, beast friend,
the wastes on a motorcycle. She screamed
boost/lower trait, darksight, deflection,
for the townsfolk to open the gates and help
disguise, environmental protection, farsight,
fight Throckmorton’s goons, but to Simon’s
greater healing, healing, quickness, smite,
horror, they refused, saying that if they let
speed, succor, warrior’s gift.
her in, the Black Hats would destroy them
Special Rules:
all. The Ranger cursed and screamed but
• Gear: Templars begin play with a
stood her ground anyway, trying to protect
white tabard proclaiming their station,
the ungrateful town. She never had a
and a sword chosen from the equipment
chance. Simon thought it appropriate when
list as usual. This blade now has the
the Combine troops overran the town after
Improved Trademark Weapon Edge for
they were done with the stubborn Law Dog.
free. He cannot take the Edge again for
this weapon, but could take it normally Simon managed to escape the carnage
for others. When wielded by its owner, the and returned again to Boise. During the trip,
blade can hurt creatures typically immune his depression slowly turned to anger. Hise
to normal weapons (except servitors). had been a heroine, but she had thrown her
life away for those who wouldn’t even fight
• Miracles: Templars may use Edges
beside her to protect their own homes.
that require Arcane Background (Miracles)
except for Adept (see Savage Worlds). When Simon reached Boise, he crossed
into the maelstrom, wandered through the
• Templar Powers: Simon Mercer’s
ruins, and went to his old Freemason’s
knights may only use their powers on
Temple. A deep fever took hold as he lay in
themselves, with the exception of healing
the dark, stone building. Days went by as
and greater healing.
he stared at the pictures of the old Knights
Templar that had given birth to the Masons.
History His delirious mind dreamed of the knights
of old and watched the pictures of their
Simon Mercer was an accountant in
battles come to life.
Boise, Idaho living the American dream.
He had a successful career, a nice family, When Simon finally awoke, he knew
and was active in his local community as what he must do. He would become the
a member of the Freemasons and a Boy first of the new Templars, a heroic figure
Scout Troop Leader. who would protect the weak. He would
draft others worthy of the title to join him,
He was on a business trip on Judgment
and they would bring order and compassion
Day in eastern Washington when everything
to this dark world. But these new Templars
he lived for vanished in a skull-shaped
would not make the same mistakes as the
mushroom cloud. Simon returned to Boise
noble but foolish Law Dogs. The Templars
and confirmed what he already knew: his
would not throw their lives away on lost
family was dead. From there he traveled the
causes. Nor would they die for those who
did not deserve their efforts. Thus he would
cull the guilty and preserve the righteous.

Simon took an ancient, ceremonial declared himself Grand Master of the
sword from its display case and made a Templars. A trio of other Templars formed
tabard from an old sheet. Upon the tabard his permanent council.
he painted the red Maltese cross—symbol
Then two events struck at the order that
of the Knights Templar.
threatened its very existence. A splinter
group broke off under a charismatic
The Last Crusaders Templar named Brad Modeen. Calling
themselves the Anti-Templars, these dark
Simon cut quite a figure in his new
knights felt the Wastes were to be ruled and
uniform, and recruited a score of followers
quickly began to resemble the raiders and
in the first year. A few were simply after the
despots they had fought. Simon declared
power he promised, but they were quickly
them exiles and Templars throughout the
rooted out by the crusader and his loyal
West were ordered to attack them on sight.
inner circle.
Despite the eventual death of Modeen, a
Gradually, the supernatural energies new leader of the Anti-Templars has arisen.
of the Wasted West embraced the new The Brain, as he is known, has allied these
Templars and they began to develop black-tabarded scum with the Combine.
powers. Some developed preternatural
While the Anti-Templars threatened the
speed, others could withstand incredible
Order outside Boise, within the maelstrom
trauma and carry on fighting. All learned
something began attacking Templars and
to heal with a touch. Some Templars
their followers in their very headquarters.
believe their benefactors are the spirits
The Boise Horror, as this entity was
of the original Knights Templar, others
known, thwarted the best efforts of
say it is God himself. A few
those who attempted to
believe their holy rewards are
hunt it down.
granted by the spirits of all
the heroes who have fought Roughly a year ago,
evil and wickedness in the Simon fought and killed the
past. monster when it attempted to
disrupt the founding of the
It didn’t seem to matter
Iron Alliance at Junkyard. The
much where the power
Grand Master was mortally
came from, because Simon
wounded in the struggle, and
and his followers quickly set
a Templar named Jo Wales
out across the Wasted West to
was named his successor.
tussle with evil. They scored
many incredible victories and
soon attracted even more Becoming a Templar
would-be warriors.
Would-be Templars must spend a
year of their life in the service of
Trouble in Boise another Templar. These “squires”
serve until they die, leave the side
Simon quickly realized
of their mentor, or are brought
that the fledgling
before the Grand Master to
order would need a
become Templars themselves.
central headquarters
Squires wear no special uniform,
for communication and
nor are they issued any gear. Many
support. He returned to the
carry swords they’ve scrounged up
Freemason Temple inside the
themselves for they must learn the art
Boise maelstrom, decorated
of swordplay before they are vested in
the plain building with a
the Templar order. Each Templar may
single, large white flag marked
only have one squire at a time.
with the red cross of Malta, and
Once the year is up, provided a Templar settlement or individual into changing their
believes his squire is ready, the squire is ethics in return for the knight’s aid. Some
presented to the Grand Master in Boise. call them selfish, and there is a certain
After an extensive interview and testing truth to that belief. Templars believe their
phase, she decides if the squire is worthy own lives are valuable to the future of
of the Templar tabard. If the Grand Master humanity, and they don’t risk them without
is satisfied, the new Templar is issued his good reason.
sword and tabard; if not, the squire may
A Templar’s primary tool in deciding
return to serve his master for another year,
whether or not a person, family, or village
or go his own way.
is worthy of their efforts is to visit them
After initiation, Templars are expected to disguised as a mutant, an outcast, a
visit the temple once per year or so. There, diseased soul, or some other pitiful wretch.
they meet with the Grand Master and If those in need treat him poorly, he usually
inform her of their deeds and the state of leaves before they even know they were
the world. Those civilian petitioners who on the brink of salvation. If, instead, they
brave the maelstrom to reach the Temple are sympathetic and compassionate to the
are heard daily, and if they seem worthy, disguised Templar, he may choose to reveal
the Grand Master may assign a single himself and pledge his sword to their cause.
visiting Templar to accompany them to
their home. Once he arrives, the visiting
Templar may deal with the situation as he
The Pledge
wishes, or—if the petitioner or his people Templars are sworn to protect the worthy
prove unworthy—not at all. souls of the Wasted West from evil, whether
human evil or the more supernatural
Templars consider hand-to-hand combat
variety. This is not, however, the only tenet
a sign of bravery, but they don’t hurl
of the Templar creed. Templars and their
themselves into a fray when a gun serves
squires also observe the Oaths of Poverty
them better. They generally use their swords
and Blood.
to save precious bullets, when they want
their foe to taste the fear of retribution The Oath of Poverty requires a Templar
before they perish, or when they face to gather only those goods and provisions
overwhelming odds and want to go down necessary to carry out his duties and
swinging. survive (including vehicles).
Templars don’t like to lose their swords. The Oath of Blood has been the subject
If one is ever taken, they vow to get it back. of some debate over the years. Once the
They also revere their brothers’ and sisters’ Grand Master grants a Templar his tabard
swords. When one falls, other Templars and sword, he gains all the powers of the
eventually come to claim his sword. These order immediately.
are then taken to the Temple in Boise and
It also seems it is impossible to rescind
hung in a place of honor.
this blessing. Once granted, it seems, their
rewards are permanent. For those who
The Test of Worth seriously abuse their power, through theft,
murder, or cowardice, the Grand Master’s
Templars are a strange lot. A Templar
only recourse to protect the honor and
might turn his back on an entire village
integrity of his order is to send other
one day, and give his life for a single child
Templars out to hunt down the errant
the next. Their philosophy is centered on
knights and kill them.
worth, piety, and the greater good.
They protect those who they feel benefit
the world with their lives. Those who do
Keeping the Faith
nothing to help civilization, who might even Though Christianity was integral to
harm it, are not to be defended. Templars the original Knights Templar (and the
don’t help the wicked, and they have no Freemasons as well) the Templars do not
compunctions about “blackmailing” a consider it a requirement in an individual

Templar, nor is it the official creed of Though Simon Mercer has passed on,
the organization. While both Simon and some say he still watches over his flock
his successor, Jo Wales, were Christian from whatever spirit world the rest of the
themselves, they knew that in this day saints reside in.
and age there are many faiths. Most
With this Edge, a Templar can cast one
denominations believe God has forsaken
spell on himself each round as a free action.
the world anyway.
What the Templars do require is faith,
the belief that some “good” presence still
Sword of the Saints
watches over the world. There are many Requirements: Seasoned, Arcane
theories among the ranks, but the most Background (Templar), Faith d8+, Fighting
common is that Templars are empowered d8+
by the spirits of fallen heroes of the past,
A Templar with this
called the Saints.
Edge does +2 damage
with any Fighting attack
TEMPLAR EDGES against supernaturally
evil creatures.
Templars believe the spirits of former
Additionally, a raise
exemplary heroes watch over them and
on the Fighting roll
grant them power. It may or may not be
against such a foe
true, but certainly the powers of good
adds +1d10 damage
reward these individuals as they battle the
instead of +1d6.
horrors of the Reckoning.

Blessing of the Saints

Requirements: Seasoned, Arcane
Background (Templar)
When the Templar spends a Benny to
reroll a trait roll, he uses a d10 for his Wild
Die. If he has the Master Edge, he uses a

Chosen of the Saints

Requirements: Heroic, Arcane
Background (Templar), Blessing of the
When the Templar spends a Benny to
reroll, he adds +1d6 to the result. This die
can ace.

Shield of the Saints

Requirements: Seasoned, Arcane
Background (Templar), Spirit d8+, Faith d8+
Supernaturally evil opponents gain no
Gang Up bonus on this Templar.

Simon’s Blessing
Requirements: Seasoned, Arcane
Background (Templar)

globe. Burning fuel dumps and bombed-out
TOXIC SHAMANS factories poured tons of pollution into the
air, ground, and water. Depleted uranium
shells, ionized by the incredible velocities
Edge: Arcane Background (Toxic Shaman)
with which they struck, spread radioactive
Requirements: Wild Card, Novice, Faith
dust, and the ruptured containment
d4+, Spirit d8+
chambers of vehicle reactors leaked
Arcane Skill: Faith (Spirit)
radioactive water and steam.
Power Points: 10
Starting Powers: 2 Toxic spirits bred like wildfire in the
Available Powers: Armor, banish, barrier, aftermath, and each one wanted what
blast, bolt, burrow, burst, damage field, all creatures want—to create more of
detect/conceal arcana, dispel, drain power themselves and the environment that gives
points, elemental manipulation, entangle, them the most energy.
environmental protection, farsight, fear,
fly, growth/shrink, havoc, healing, light/
obscure, pummel, shape change, smite, stun,
Corrupters & Caretakers
succor, summon ally, wall walker. Some Indian shamans latched onto toxic
Backlash: When a Toxic Shaman rolls a 1 spirits early, but for the most part they’re
on his Faith die, he suffers a level of Fatigue. a recent phenomenon. Some embrace the
Fatigue lost in this way may be recovered spirits and give them what they want in
with four hours of rest per level. exchange for power, while others attempt
Special Rules: to use the spirits to draw the toxins out of
• Choose Your Poison: The shaman the world.
must choose to be a caretaker or a
The latter breed of toxic shaman are
corruptor, as discussed below. The two
called caretakers. When they cast a favor,
sides are typically violently hostile toward
they feed the corrupted spirits by channeling
one another.
pollution from the world into the Hunting
• Miracles: Toxic shamans may not use Grounds for them to feed on. This is the
Edges that require Arcane Background nature of their bargain. Caretakers hope that
(Miracles) (see Savage Worlds). They may one day they will clean the environment
take a version of Gadgeteer they call and restore the balance. The distant spirits
Fetish Creator with a requirement of d8+ don’t realize they’re contributing to their
in Smarts, Spirit, and Faith. own eventual destruction—they just know
that irradiated goo sure tastes good.
• Spook Juice: Toxic shamans can
regain Power Points quickly by drinking The flip-side of the caretakers are the
spook juice (page 58). Each pint restores corruptors. These shamans are usually
1d6 Power Points (up to their normal evil (or at least destructive), and war
maximum), but causes a level of Fatigue with caretakers on sight. There are also
as the shaman gets drunk. It takes 4 well-meaning shamans who believe that by
hours to recover each level of Fatigue, siphoning off the toxic spirits’ power in the
which no magic or tech can aid (including spirit world they weaken them and give the
powers such as succor). During this time, nature spirits a better chance of victory in
the Shaman cannot recover Power Points the Hunting Grounds, but these are few and
normally. far between.

History The Power of the Wastes

Nature spirits are a reflection of the Toxic shamans in a particularly deadly
physical world, With the coming of area may draw additional power into their
the industrial age, some nature spirits bodies. If in an area that normally causes
began to be corrupted into “toxic spirits.” Fatigue or long-term effects due to pollution
Judgment Day accelerated this “evolution” (see Savage Worlds, Hazards), they recover
a thousand-fold. Mushroom clouds burning Power Points at twice their normal rate
with fire and damned souls littered the (2 PPs per hour barring Edges). If they are

in an area that causes immediate damage, • Type: Below are five types of toxic spirits
they also reduce the cost of their spells by that can manifest in the Wasted West. The
1 Power Point for each Raise on their Faith shaman chooses which type is his “pet.”
roll. This cannot reduce the cost below zero, • Insect: The spirit manifests as some
and the toxic shaman must have the points kind of insect, or even a combination
available to cast the spell in the first place of several pests. Flies and roaches are
before rolling. common. The creature can fly at a Pace
of 12” and has a Climb of –1. Insect spirits
TOXIC SHAMAN EDGES have some kind of stinger or weak
poisonous bite; if they cause a Shaken
or worse on a foe with a Fighting attack,
Toxic Guardian the target must make a Vigor roll or
suffer a level of Fatigue. See Poison in
Requirements: Seasoned, Wild Card, Savage Worlds for rules on recovery.
Arcane Background (Toxic Shaman) • Radiation: These energy spirits look
like small clouds of irradiated vapor with
A toxic spirit has manifested in the world
brilliant glowing eyes. They are not quite
and attached itself to the shaman. This
Ethereal, but have +2 Toughness against
“pet” is a source of power—and occasionally
non-magical weapons and attacks. They
have Shooting at a d6 and can fire weak
All toxic spirits have the same basic radiation energy from their eyes at a
statistics. Its Special Abilities make it unique. Range of 6/12/24. Those hit who fail a
A shaman picks one type of spirit, and only Vigor roll suffer Fatigue. See Radiation
one, to bond to. This creature rises from in Savage Worlds for rules on recovery.
a pool or pile of waste to join this unique • Sludge: Sludge spirits are small,
human in the physical world. monkey-like creatures made of toxic
goo. They have +2 Armor from their
If the spirit is slain, the shaman can visit
malleable bodies, and their sticky hands
an appropriate source of pollutant—an insect
and feet grant them the Wallwalker
hive, an irradiated zone, a pool of sludge, a
ability. Sludge spirits can hide an object
belching smokestack, or a pile of trash—and
up to 5 lbs. of weight within their gooey
spend an hour resummoning it.
bodies, though it may be a bit sticky
Toxic spirits have no mental link with when returned.
the shaman, but do understand reasonably • Smog: Creatures of black, choking
complex commands. They can be tasked to smoke. As an action, they can create
guard, to escort, or even to die for their ally a cloud of black choking gas centered
(since “death” is a temporary state anyway). on themselves equal to a Medium Burst
Template. Vision in the area suffers a
Toxic Spirit -4 penalty, and every living, breathing
creature within must make a Vigor roll
Attributes: Agility d4, Smarts d4, Spirit d8, or be Shaken. Smog spirits can Fly at a
Strength d4, Vigor d10 Pace of 6” with a Climb of -2.
Skills: Fighting d6, Notice d6, Stealth d6 • Trash: Trash or “junk” spirits are small
Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 6 creatures made from piles of garbage.
Special Abilities: They can hurl bits of themselves at foes
• Claws: The spirit has claws—physical at a Range of 3/6/12 for 2d4 damage
or otherwise—that cause Str+d4 damage. with a d6 Throwing. Trash spirits gain a
• Construct: +2 to recover from being +2 to Stealth in areas of junk or debris
Shaken, no additional damage from called (which covers much of the Wasted West).
shots, immune to disease and poison. Trash spirits can also sniff out the best
• Size –1: Toxic spirits are generally 2’ to junk; they get a +2 bonus to Notice when
4’ tall, or about the size of medium dogs. making a cooperative roll to aid their
master in scavenging (see page 66).

Howdy, Marshal. The rules back here are Radio reception in the wastes is an iffy
just for you. Some of ’em work with the proposition. The combination of terrain
rules back in the player’s section, but these and radiation interference can cause even a
are our little secret. reliable radio’s range to vary.
In general, the flatter the terrain, the
COUP better. In places like the plains of Kansas,
radios should work at the listed ranges.
In mountainous terrain like the Rockies,
There’s another reward besides Bennies intervening mountains cut the range to
you can give your posse when they defeat half. In cities or other urban sites, range
a powerful abomination: coup. is quartered. Underground, range might be
measured in yards. In addition, any radios
Coup powers are creepy, supernatural
used within 20 miles or so of a nuked city
effects gained from absorbing the essence
have their ranges halved by the extreme
of something creepy and supernatural. The
background interference.
nastiest creatures in the Wasted West have
coup listed in their descriptions. The swirling clouds of radioactive debris
in the atmosphere also have an impact.
To count coup, a hero needs to be near
To determine radio performance on any
the abomination when it dies (within
given day, pull a card from the Action Deck
game inches equal to the creature’s Spirit
and check the suit. Spades mean normal
die). Everyone present then makes a Spirit
performance, hearts halve range, diamonds
roll. Have each player roll and spend any
quarter range, and clubs mean no reception
Bennies on it secretly so that only you, the
at all. A Joker means a manitou is on the
Marshal, know everyone’s totals until the
other end, and uses the opportunity to sow
rolls are finished. The hero with the highest
fear and confusion among these gullible
total gets the coup. Of course, the rest of
the heroes might be upset they lost out.
The effects of interference are cumulative
with those for terrain and location. On a
RADIOS bad day, a radio may not carry as far as a
hero can holler.
One of the key weapons in creating an The important thing to remember,
atmosphere of terror is isolation. What’s Marshal, is to not worry about these rules
a Marshal to do when his posse goes to when it’s not important. If the heroes just
Junkyard and outfits themselves with a want to chat on the radio, let them. You
bunch of fancy-pants radio headsets? only need to check in crucial situations like

when the posse is calling for help or to see One last note. Radio waves are totally
if the Combine column they just shot up disrupted by maelstroms and radstorms.
can call for reinforcements. They cannot penetrate into, out of, or
through such a storm.
The swirling maelstroms left behind by WEIRD WEATHER
ghost rock bombs exist in both the material
and the spiritual world. Both worlds in
As if the end of the world wasn’t enough,
the vicinity of one of these storms are
folks have to deal with crazy weather too!
warped and torn. This occasionally allows
When Mother Nature runs amok, the best
denizens of the spirit world to slip through
thing to do is know ahead of time. When
the cracks and make themselves felt in the
one of the following effect is coming have
material world.
the posse make a cooperative Notice roll.
One of the easiest ways for a spirit to On a success, they have 30 minutes to
make contact is to speak through a nearby find shelter or 1 hour with a raise (halve
radio. The heroes may occasionally pick these times at night). Every 15 minutes, a
up transmissions from the netherworld Survival roll can be attempted at –2 to find
on their radios when operating within protective shelter for 2d6 people, doubled
50 miles of a bombed city. These ghostly on a raise. Fatigue loss from weather effects
transmissions are your chance to introduce is regained at one level every four hours.
adventure hooks, have a dead relative talk
to a hero, or whatever your evil imagination
can cook up.

Black Rain: Those caught out in this
nasty downpour must make a Spirit check MUTATIONS
every 5 minutes or gain a level of Fatigue.
This continues until they die or the storm
Heroes and villains in the Wasted West
passes. Umbrellas or other overhanging cover
can pick up mutations from a variety of
give a +1 to the check, and only sealed armor
sources, ranging from simple background
or an intact structure provides immunity.
radiation to the miracles of the Doomsayers.
Black Rain lasts for 1–2 hours. Harrowed
Just for the record, the radiation given off by
take Fatigue from this phenomenon as if
ghost rock bombs is in part supernatural,
they were alive.
so it affects Harrowed just like anyone else.
Duststorms/ Radstorms: The swirling
If a mutation grants an Edge or Hindrance
dust causes a Vigor roll every 5 minutes to
a hero already possesses, the brainer gains
avoid being Fatigued. Those Incapacitated
the trappings of the mutation (see below)
begin to choke on the dust, and must
without any effect. Further, a waster who
make the Vigor roll every minute at that
gains an Edge need not meet the prerequisites
point. Duststorms last 2d6 hours. Luckily,
for that Edge.
something as simple as a bandanna gives
a +1 to Vigor rolls, and gas masks add When a character gains a mutation, have
+4. The fine particles are equivalent to the player draw a card as instructed by
Darkness for sight and penalties. Harrowed the mutation source, then check the result
are not affected by duststorms other than yourself. Don’t forget to give a little cackle,
the Darkness penalties. Radstorms are Marshal. The mutations listed here are
worse, applying a –2 to the Vigor roll, and if similar to arcane Powers, in that they are
Incapacitated, the character gets a case of purely mechanical. The mutation’s trappings
the glows (Ailin’ (Major) Hindrance). Anyone are up to you. In general, shoot for creepy
who rolls snake eyes gets a random rather than scientifically plausible.
mutation. Radstorms affect Harrowed like
A waster who gains a die type to Notice,
everyone else due to the supernatural effect
for example, might get bat-like ears or
of the radiation.
find his eyes glow green, while a fellow
Hellstorms: These are pure Hell and who suffers a –1 to his Vigor die may have
fury. For every 5 minutes, deal a card to paper-thin skin. This goes for folks who
each character without complete protection gain Edges or Hindrances without a normal
from the storm. On a Joker, that character physical aspect as well. A mutant who
is struck by lightning for 3d12 damage. picks up Yellow, for example, might have
Additionally, the hot rain and winds scald a rat-like face or reflexively cluck like a
the flesh and raise blisters. All other chicken. Regardless of the “trapping,” the
exposed characters take 3d6 damage (cover waster gains the Charisma penalty as the
acts as armor as for area effect attacks). Mutan Hindrance (unless the mutation says
The high winds rip flimsy things to shreds otherwise).
though, and only buildings, vehicles, or caves
provide complete protection. Hellstorms
last 1–2 hours. MUTATION TABLE
Toxic Clouds: These caustic clouds Deuce: This waster cashed in his chips in
grant a +2 to the Notice roll to see them, the mutation casino. Whatever his mutation
but are one of the worst to get caught in. is, it alters his body so drastically that it kills
They do 2d6 points of damage per round as him. Draw to see if he’s Harrowed normally,
they burn the lungs. A gas mask provides Marshal, but if he comes back it’s obvious
complete protection, and a wet bandanna to everyone that he shouldn’t be walking
provides 2 points of armor against the or talking. He suffers –4 Charisma. If this
damage. Toxic clouds can dissipate almost comes up in character creation, redraw one
instantly or stick around far longer than card (no matter how many the waster drew
expected; they last 2d10 rounds. originally).

Three: The radiation twists the mutant’s Joker: The waster won big in the
body or mind, and he loses one die type in mutation lottery. He may choose any of
a random trait (minimum d4). the following mutations: +1 die type to any
Trait, +2 Charisma, +2 Armor, or any Edge
Four: The mutant suffers some physical
available through random mutation (see
debilitation. Roll 1d6: 1=Ailin’ (Major), 2=Bad
above). Moreover, his mutation is hidden or
Eyes (Major), 3=Elderly, 4=Hard of Hearing
does not alter his appearance—he doesn’t
(Major), 5=Lame, 6=Small.
have the Charisma penalty from the Mutant
Five: Radiation bakes the mutant’s Hindrance (though he doesn’t lose it if he
brain. Roll 1d6: 1=Bloodthirsty, 2=Clueless, already had it).
3=Delusional (Major), 4=Overconfident,
5=Vengeful (Major), 6=Yellow.
Six: Radiation erodes the mutant’s body
or coordination. Roll 1d6: 1=All Thumbs,
2=Ailin’ (Minor), 3=Bad Eyes (Minor), 4=Hard
of Hearing (Minor), 5=Heavy Sleeper, 6=
Obese. This is the table that lets you know how
mean you get to be to the power hungry
Seven: The mutant gains some new
players who might just have bitten off more
insight, and by “insight” we mean a case
than they can chew. Cackle here, too, if you
of the crazies. Roll 1d6: 1=Cautious, 2=Death
like. In some cases, though, you may want
Wish, 3=Delusional (Minor), 4=Mean,
to keep the result secret.
5=Stubborn, 6=Vengeful (Minor).
Eight: Some mutations are just flat out
unappealing. The mutant gains the Ugly VETERAN O’ THE
Nine: The mutant suffers some handicap
that penalizes him in a particular area. He Deuce (Jinxed): This hombre ran into
loses one die type in a random skill. something that jinxed him bad. He gains the
Bad Luck Hindrance. If he already has it, it
Ten: The waster’s mutation is purely
stacks and he starts with two less Bennies.
cosmetic. He gains the Mutant Hindrance
but no other effects. Three (Hunted): The veteran didn’t
finish the job. Something is looking for
Jack: The mutant gains some physical
him, and it wants him dead—or worse. The
or mental advantage that grants him an
Marshal gets to whip up some nasty beastie
advantage in a particular area. He gains one
to come looking for this poor bastard. It’s
die type in a random skill, which could be
something fairly powerful, certainly a Wild
a d4 in a new one.
Card, and perhaps more clever than strong.
Queen: Radiation sharpens the mind, It might look to make the hero’s life a living
granting the mutant an Edge. Roll 1d10: Hell instead of just springing out of the
1–2=Alertness, 3–4=Combat Reflexes, darkness one night.
5–6=Improvisational Fighter, 7–8=Level
Four (Mutation): This brainer spent a
Headed, 9–10=Linguist.
little too much time getting a radiation tan.
King: Radiation enhances the mutant’s He gains the Mutant (Major) Hindrance. If
physique, granting him an Edge. Roll 1d6: he had it, draw again for another mutation.
1=Ambidextrous, 2=Brawny, 3=Dodge,
Five (Addicted): The hero would like to
4=Fleet-Footed, 5=Nerves of Steel, 6=Quick.
forget the things he’s seen. He has a Major
Ace: The radiation enhances the mutant’s Habit for alcohol, a drug, or possibly even
body or mind, and he gains one die type spook juice.
in a random trait. Roll a d10: 1–2=Agility,
3–4=Smarts, 5–6=Spirit, 7–8=Strength,

Six (Night Terrors): The cowpoke can Jack (Infected): The last creature this
never forget the horrors he’s experienced. hombre tussled with left a mark that won’t
They even haunt him in his dreams, giving go away. The hero has some sort of strange
him the Night Terrors Hindrance. wound or possibly the glows, giving him
the Ailin’ (Major) Hindrance.
Seven (Maimed): An encounter with
a creature left one of the character’s Queen (Bollixed): This road warrior has
limbs maimed or entirely missing. Roll a a bad case of gremlins. These buggers infect
d6. On a 1–3, he’s Lame; on a 4–6, he lost every device the hero uses, including guns
his non-weapon hand has the One Arm and any other mechanical or electronic
Hindrance. item. Anytime the hero rolls a 1 on his trait
die when using a device, it breaks, requiring
Eight (Cyclopean): One of the abomi­
2d6 hours and a successful Repair roll to
nations the hero encountered caught him
fix. Junker devices malfunction on a skill
across one side of his face. He has the One
roll of 1 or 2!
Eye Hindrance.
King (Marked For Death): Some
Nine (Insane): This dude’s run across
intelligent and evil abomination from the
the worst the Wasted West has to offer, and
hero’s past uttered a dying curse. All of the
it left him with a Major Delusion.
hero’s Soak rolls are at –2.
Ten (Paranoid): This hero’s seen things
Ace (Forsaken): Long ago, this brainer
he shouldn’t. He’s afraid of the dark, afraid
did something awful to survive an encounter
to wander out of camp to relieve himself,
with the supernatural. Ever since, the spirit
and so on. He gains the Yellow Hindrance.

Perhaps a dear friend or loved one takes
the bullet meant for him instead; or while
he is immune to a disease to which he is
exposed, he becomes a carrier and infects
everyone around him until he is cured. Any
time his Wild Die comes up on 1 on a Vigor
roll, the effect he rolled against rebounds in
some way. Fate’s a bitch.

Harrowed aren’t made, they’re born. Well,
reborn, anyway.
Manitous don’t go around blithely
reanimating folks, especially heroes with
hearts of gold. No, it takes something special
for a body to get a manitou’s attention.
Specifically, manitous are only interested
in those folks that can help generate more
fear. Considering the original soul is liable
to be in charge a good chunk of the time,
it has to be a lot of fear to make up for the
good the hero can do after coming back
from the grave.
In short, the deader has to be one hard
individual for the manitou to reanimate him,
and it’s even better if he’s famous. Nothing’s
more fun for a manitou than ruining a
shiny reputation.
Manitous are more likely to Harrow folks
that have a bunch of experience under
world won’t aid him on a bet. No beneficial their belts. When a hero dies, shuffle up
magic works on him. Unfortunately, bad the Action Deck and deal one card for each
mojo works perfectly fine. of his Ranks. If he has Guts Edge, add
one draw, and if he has the Grit Edge, add
Black Joker (Cursed): The hero’s very
another. If a Joker comes up, the hero’s on
soul was damned by one of the insidious
his way back from the boneyard. Keep in
creatures of his terror-filled past. The player
mind there are a few occasions when a
draws only one Benny at the beginning of
manitou won’t animate even the hardiest of
each play session, or none if he has the
heroes. Since a manitou needs somewhere
Bad Luck Hindrance.
within the body to focus its supernatural
Red Joker (Eternal Hero): Fate chose enemies and the brainpan is protected by
this fellow to combat the forces of darkness the most bone, manitous prefer the noggin.
across the centuries. He is her champion, Should the hero’s noggin be destroyed by
and she does not want him to die—at least his death—or detached from the rest of his
until he has fulfilled his destiny. The hero body—the manitous take a pass, regardless
gains a +2 bonus to all Vigor rolls! This is of what the cards say.
not without tragic consequences, however.

One more thing—it’s rare a manitou instead preferring to rely on dirty tricks
Harrows an Extra. Don’t bother dealing and subtle machinations. But if one of the
cards for those folks. On the rare occasion Harrowed’s companions is in a precarious
a manitou can do a lot of damage with an and inescapable position, most manitous
Extra’s rotting corpse, just assume it goes won’t be able to resist taking advantage.
ahead and hops on that gory gravy train.
For example, if a mad scientist friend of
the Harrowed’s stands looking over the edge
HITCHHIKER FROM HELL of a deep pit full of hungry prairie ticks, no
manitou could resist giving the poor fellow
Now that you’ve saddled one of your
a little shove.
heroes with a manitou, what do you do with
him? For the most part, just let the hero go
on as he did before he died. Manitous don’t THE SLIPPERY SLOPE
generally interfere in a hero’s day to day life.
Once a Harrowed hero starts losing
It’s just not interested in whether he orders
Dominion, he begins down a slippery slope.
whiskey or beer, for example. That said, if
For now, he may just lose control for an
a manitou sees an opportunity to spread a
hour or two. However, if the Harrowed’s
little fear around, it’ll jump on it faster than
Dominion is at –4, the manitou might have
you can say “shiny new flesh puppet.”
a chance to take permanent control.
Just remember a manitou won’t knowingly
Anytime the Harrowed goes to the
endanger its host, because if a Harrowed
Injury Table (and isn’t killed by a shot to
dies, the manitou dies along with him.
the noggin) when he’s at –4 Dominion, the
Once the manitou decides it’s time to manitou may attempt to take permanent
come out and play, here’s how you do it. First, control. This works like the more temporary
you have to ante up a Benny. Once you’ve process described above, except that if
paid the piper from Hell, tell the hero to the Harrowed loses, it’s for keeps. You just
make a Spirit roll opposed by the manitou’s gained a rotten new villain, Marshal!
Spirit (a manitou’s Spirit is always one die
type greater than the Harrowed’s), and make
sure the Harrowed applies his Dominion
modifier to this roll. If the manitou wins, We mentioned it above in passing, but
adjust the hero’s Dominion as described it bears repeating: manitous have all the
on page 73. Oh, and the manitou’s in charge, abilities of their host. If a Harrowed syker
too. The manitou keeps control for 1 hour. loses Dominion, the manitou gets to take
You can spend an additional Benny at the advantage of his mental powers. The only
end of each hour the manitou is in control exceptions to this are powers of Doomsayers,
to keep the manitou in charge for another Templars, or Toxic Shamans.
That doesn’t mean, however, the hero
can’t use these abilities while he’s in charge.
PLAYTIME Despite the demon squirming around inside
his noggin, whatever allows the hero to
Now that the manitou’s in charge, just
manifest these extraordinary abilities still
what does he do with the poor waster’s
allows the wasters access to these powers
body? Whatever he wants, Marshal. Just
when his Hellish houseguest is not in the
remember manitous aren’t stupid, and
driver’s seat.
they’re very conscious of getting caught
and killed for their misdeeds. Just as manitous can use a Harrowed’s
abilities, they cannot use any abilities the
That in mind, a manitou’s goal is chaos,
Harrowed lacks. A manitou is limited to the
mischief, and fear, but not necessarily death.
same bag of tricks as the hero he inhabits.
They almost never make an outright attack,

Statistics aside, a manitou has a few deal in specific locations. Unless noted
more advantages. While the reverse isn’t otherwise, assume locations found in a
true, a manitou can see and hear what the region share the region’s Fear Level.
Harrowed’s does, even when the Harrowed is
in control. This makes it nearly impossible
to fool a manitou into revealing its true
Fear Level 0
nature. This is a place where people live in happy
communities complete with freshly painted
Even if a clever posse does manage to
houses with white picket fences, the trees
trick it somehow, interrogation doesn’t net
are green, the sky is blue, and folks aren’t
much information. Manitous know only that
afraid to go out at night. If you find one of
they served the Reckoners by sowing fear in
these places these days, let me know.
the world, and those manitous still in spirit
form harvested it and took it back to the
Hunting Grounds. They don’t know what’s Fear Level 1
going on now that the Reckoners have been
In these areas, wasters believe monsters
banished from the Earth, so they keep on
exist, they just haven’t seen any. The sky
sowing the seeds of fear and reaping the
is still blue, but if you go out at night, it’s
smart to bring a buddy and some spare
Oh, and manitous aren’t privy to the ammo.
schemes of abominations or other manitous,
either. They’re not omnipotent, nor do they
make up some sort of hive mind.
Fear Level 2
No one goes near the creepy old ruins
on top of the hill, and they’ve bricked up
FEAR LEVELS the sewers “just in case.” The land looks
about the same, but the shadows are just a
little bit longer. It’s not really safe to go out
Even before the Last War, the Reckoners
alone at night, but it’s not a death sentence,
and their minions worked to terrorform
the earth to bring about The Reckoning.
Judgment Day was the culmination of
their plans. Where before a servitor or Fear Level 3
abomination had to spend months or even
Things are starting to get a little weird.
years to raise the Fear Level of an area, the
There’s an occasional disappearance, and
detonation of a ghost rock bomb created
probably more than a few weird creatures
an instant Deadland. Areas not directly
live close by (though folks don’t really talk
transformed into a Deadland by a GR bomb
about it). Don’t go out at night without a
soon found themselves under assault by
weapon or a friend. This is the general
the minions of the newly-freed Reckoners.
prevailing Fear Level in most places these
The Wasted West is a terrifying place for days.
the average brainer. An area’s Fear Level—a
measure of how scared the local populace
is—actually reflects on the terrain. This, in
Fear Level 4
turn, inflicts a penalty to all Fear checks There are mysterious disappearances,
equal to the local Fear Level. Additionally, in and when the bodies are found, it’s piece
Hell on Earth, the terrain makes life harder, by piece. The land itself starts to change:
inflicting the penalty on Survival rolls for the shadows on the cliffs start to look like
food and water as well. Each region of the leering faces, or cornrows always seem to
Wasted West has an overall Fear Level, as rustle as if something’s hiding within. The
noted in their entries in The Wasted West winds of the High Plains might whisper
(page 105). That said, this can vary a great your name.

Fear Level 5
There’s no doubt something’s amiss.
Folks have seen monsters, and almost
everyone’s terrified. Most flowers die,
but weeds have no problem thriving.
Don’t go out at night without an armed

Fear Level 6 (Deadland)

This is as bad as it gets, Marshal: a full
blown nightmare landscape. Monsters
run rampant, rocks look like skulls, and
not only do the winds of the High Plains
whisper your name, they do so in your
dead friend’s voice. Anyone out at night
is dead meat.


Once the posse defeats a major evil,
one of the heroes may make a Persuasion
roll to tell the tale of the group’s victory
over the forces of darkness. This roll
is modified by the Fear Level, and if
successful, the hero’s story reduces the
local Fear Level by 1. Exactly how “local”
this is depends on the hero’s audience.
If he spreads the story to the population
of a small town, he probably lowers
the Fear Level within that town only.
If he manages to arrange for ComSat
to broadcast his tale across the Wasted
West, he might lower the Fear Level
anywhere there’s a radio to pick up the
message of hope.
A poorly-told tale can be misinterpreted
as confirmation of the awesome powers
of the horrors that lurk in the night. If
the hero rolls a 1 on his skill die, he
actually increases the Fear Level by 1.

Queen–King (Hand Weapon): Roll 1d20:
SCROUNGING 1–3=Axe; 4–5=Bayonet; 6=Mini-Chainsaw;
7–8=Brass Knuckles; 9–10=Knife; 11–12=Bowie
Knife; 13–14=Machete; 15=Great Axe;
So your posse’s looking for a little easy
16–18=Spear; 19–20=Sword.
loot, eh? The tables here are guidelines on
what they find. Don’t be afraid to change Ace (Armor): Roll 1d20: 1–3=Boiled
the results to suit your campaign or your Leather Shirt; 4–6=Boiled Leather Pants;
whim, Marshal. Oh, and just so you don’t 7–8=Cold Weather Gear; 9=Improvised
feel left out of the fun, you can draw for Armor (Legs); 10=Improvised Armor
an encounter each day they waste poking (Arms); 11–12=Improvised Armor (Torso);
around in the pre-war leftovers. 13=Improvised Armor (Head); 14=Infantry
Battle Suit; 15=Infantry Helmet; 16= Civilian
Executive Protection Armor; 17=Kevlar Vest;
SPADES (WEAPONS & ARMOR) 18–19=Motorcycle Helmet; 20=NBC Suit.
The heroes hit the jackpot, and stumble
across an abandoned military bunker,
depot, or even the remains of a battlefield.
The heroes stumble across a cache of
Deuce (Primitive Weapon): Roll 1d20:
food, fuel, or some other consumable.
1–3=bow; 4–5=boomerang; 6=crossbow;
7–11=knife; 12–15=compound bow; 16=bowie Deuce (Preserved Food): The heroes
knife; 17–19=sharpened hubcap; 20=shuriken. find a cache of canned goods, boxed dinners,
or other preserved food item. There’s 2d20
Three–Four (Pistol): Roll 1d20: 1=Colt
meals’ worth.
Peacemaker; 2=flintlock; 3–4=IW-91;
5–6=Marlin .22 target pistol; 7–8=Police Three (Milrats): The posse finds an old
Pistol; 9–10=NA officer’s sidearm; 11=Ruger military surplus shop, or perhaps a long
Redhawk; 12=Ruger Thunderhawk; 13–14=SA abandoned reconnaissance camp. They
officer’s sidearm; 15–16=S&W .38 snub; find 2d20 milrats.
17–18=S&W model 85; 19–20=S&W model 683.
Four (Clean Water): 1d4 gallons of clean
Five–Six (Rifle): Roll 1d20: water.
1–2=blunderbuss; 3–6=lever-action; 7–9=HI
Five (Soda): 1d6 cans of assorted sugary
Damnation; 10–13=Hunting Rifle; 14=IW-40;
15=NA M-42; 16–17=NA XM-21; 18=SA M-50;
19=SA XM-40 “Ripper”; 20=Springfield Six (Bubbly-Fizz Soda): The posse
Musket. finds a case (24 cans) of Bubbly-Fizz cola.
See page 172 for more on this stuff.
Seven–Eight (Shotgun): Roll
1d10: 1–3=Double-Barreled Scattergun; Seven (Dr. Pepper): 1d6 cans of Dr.
4–7=Double-Barrel; 8–9=Pump Shotgun; Pepper (see page 44).
Eight (Batteries): 2d10 batteries. Roll
Nine (Submachine Gun): Roll 1d10: 1d10: 1–5=small batteries; 6–7=medium
1=HI Thunderer; 2–3= HI Blazer; 4–5=NA batteries; 8–9=large batteries; 10=ghost rock
commando; 6–7=SA commando; 8–9=HK batteries (reroll for size ignoring results of
MP-20; 10=Tokarev machine pistol. 10).
Ten (Heavy Weapon): Roll 1d12: 1=NA Nine (Raw Ghost Rock): The posse
SAW; 2=SA SAW; 3–4=Armco Grenade finds a small vein or cache of 2d10 ounces
Launcher; 5–8=NA M-720; 9–11=SA M-230; of ghost rock.
12=Rocket Launcher.
Ten (Spook Juice): The posse finds a
Jack (1d4 Grenades): Roll 1d12 for cache of spook juice, or a wrecked vehicle
each grenade: 1=Bean Bag, 2–3=Buckshot, with a full tank. Either way, they salvage 10
4–5=Flash Bang; 6–7=Frag; 8=Inferno; gallons’ worth.
9–10=Smoke; 11–12=Riot Control.

Jack (Liquor): The scavengers find an King (Military Transport Vehicle):
old still or pre-war liquor store that hasn’t Roll a d6: 1–4=HMMWV; 5–6=APC.
been picked clean. Roll 1d4: 1–3=2d4 bottles
Ace (Military Armored Vehicle): Roll a
of post-war rotgut; 4=1d4 bottles of the
d6: 1–3=Tank; 4–6=Air Defense Vehicle.
good stuff.
Queen (Tobacco): The posse finds d6
cigars. CLUBS (AMMO)
King (Water Purification Kit): See The heroes find bullets (the caliber found
page 45 for details. depends on the value of the card drawn).
Ace (Medical): Roll 1d8: 1=Medchip Deuce (Projectiles): Roll a d6:
Scanner; 2=Medboard; 3–4 Medkit; 5–7=Medkit 1–4=Arrows, 5–6=Crossbow Bolts (3d10)
Restocks (1d6); 8=Sprayskin (2d10 uses).
Three (.22): 20+2d10 rounds
Four (.38): 10+2d10 rounds
DIAMONDS (EQUIPMENT) Five (9mm): 10+2d10 rounds
The posse stumbles across an abandoned
Six (10mm): 10+3d12 caseless rounds
shipping crate or a store/warehouse that
hasn’t yet been picked clean. Seven (.45): 3d12 rounds
Deuce (Camping Gear): Roll 1d4: Eight (.30/.30—06): Roll a d6: 1–3=.30;
1=Bedroll; 2=Iron Skillet; 3=Mess Kit; 4=Tent 4–6=.30-06 (3d12)
(2 Person).
Nine (5.56mm): 4d12 rounds
Three (Tools): Roll 1d10: 1=Wood Axe;
Ten (7.62mm): 4d10 rounds
2=Drill; 3–6=Rope, 7=Hammer, 8–9=Shovel,
10=Pick. Jack (Magnum): Roll a d6: 1–3=.357;
4–6=.44 (3d12)
Four (Leisure Item): Roll 1d4: 1=Guitar;
2=Harmonica; 3=Pipe; 4=Cards. Queen (Shotgun Shells): Roll a d6:
1–5=12-Gauge Shells; 6=Slugs (3d12)
Five (Time Piece): Roll 1d6: 1–3=Digital
Wrist Watch; 4–5=Analog Wrist Watch; King (.50): Roll a d6: 1–4=.50 pistol/SMG;
6=Pocket Watch. 5–6=.50 rifle/MG (3d12)
Six (Survival Gear): Roll 1d10: Ace (gyrojet): Roll a d6: 1–3=.50 pistol;
1–2=Backpack; 3–4=Canteen; 5=Compass; 4–5=.50 rifle (3d10); 6=TSAR (1d6)
6–8=Box of Matches; 9–10=Water Test Kit.
Seven (Personal Hygiene Supplies): JOKER (MEMENTO)
Roll 1d6. 1–4=Soap, 5–6=Toothpaste.
The hero finds a memento that reminds
Eight (Eyewear): Roll 1d6. 1–3=Sunglasses;
him of his past. This might be a wind-up
4–5=Binoculars; 6=Night Vision Goggles.
musicbox, a toy similar to one he bought
Nine (Salvage): Roll 1d6: 1–2=Flashlight; a child before Judgment Day, or a postcard
3–4=Handcuffs; 5=Geiger Counter; from a place he remembers visiting in
6=Lockpicks. better times.
Ten (Motorcyle): Roll 1d8: 1–2=ATV; At any given time, the hero can “expend”
3–4=Dirt Bike; 5–6=Street Bike; 7=Motorcycle the memento for a Bennie. Once the Bennie
with sidecar; 8=Hover bike. is used, the memento no longer has any
power. It may be kept or it may be lost or
Jack (Weapon Accessory): Roll 1d8:
destroyed, but it has no game effect once
1–2=Bandolier; 3–4=Holster; 5=Laser Sight;
6=Scope; 7=Suppressor (Pistol); 8=Suppressor
Queen (Vehicle): Roll 1d4: 1=SUV; 2=Van;
3=Tractor trailer; 4=Sports car.

This chapter has the lowdown on all the
Encounter Tables
major places your posse might go during
their wandering of the blasted Americas, Each regional description in this chapter
as well as plenty of places they’ll wish they has an Encounter Table. This is a quick way
had never stumbled across. The Wasted to come up with a threat or encounter as
West is a harsh mistress who doesn’t give your posse wanders the wastes. Significant
the weak a second chance. regional road gangs are usually described
there as well. Don’t roll on these tables
The following pages give a rundown of
when the posse is in a survivor settlement—
the major regions of the wasteland, from
there’s plenty of trouble for them to get into
the muddy water of the Mighty Miss to the
without using these tables.
blood-soaked shores of the Shattered Coast.
This is where we give you, the Marshal, the
real skinny on what’s happening where,
when, and to whom.
We dedicated entire books to some
Fear Level 6
of these locales in the classic edition of
Hell on Earth. If you’d like that kind of If your posse is insane enough to go
detail, visit www.peginc.com and pick up across the Mississippi, they’re in for a
the setting you’d like to dig deeper into. shock. Despite Raven having led hundreds
The rules are different, but the additional of thousands of undead of various sorts
background might give you ideas for your across the river for his big showdown,
own campaign. millions of the things remain. There’s lots
of loot lying around, but the pain-to-gain
PLACES OF NOTE ratio is high. Raven has spent the last 13
years making sure there are few survivors,
Each regional description describes reducing the last stronghold in Minier,
several places of note that lie within the Illinois to rubble just before the Harvest
area. Obviously there are plenty of places kicked off. Only the dead and worse inhabit
besides those described. These are simply these lands.
some of the major settlements or significant
No known settlements remain. Any living
locations of interest to wasteland wanderers.
humans scramble around in small gangs
Feel free to add other places as you see fit.
or live underground in old sewers or caves.
The list of ruins, survivor settlements, and
Even these are few, and extinction is a word
just plain weird places is endless.
the remaining scavengers repeat frequently.

It is a time of troubles for Ike Taylor
and the Council of the Wasted West’s
largest settlement, Junkyard.

Besides the inhospitable environment
and general desolation of the region,
there are a number of other things your
heroes may encounter while in the Great
Roll on the Encounter Table every 12
hours the posse spends traveling in this
area, and once when they set up camp.
If the group spends a significant amount
of time camped in one location, roll once
every 24 hours and ignore any results that
call for a specific terrain type.
Black Rain (page 95): Black Rain douses
the party.
Doombringer (page 170): The posse
encounters a Doombringer and his retinue
of 3d10x5 mutants.
Dust Storm (page 95): A massive dust
storm approaches.
Hostile Mutants (page 194): A band of
Silas’ followers is out looking for sacrifices
to the Glow. The group is made up of a
raiding party of 2d10 mutants mounted on
horseback (1–4 on a d6) or vehicles (5–6).
Mojave Rattler (page 180): The ground
begins to tremble…
GREAT BASIN No Encounter: The heroes encounter
nothing of significance.
Deseret (Utah), Nevada, Las Vegas
Rad Patch: The travelers wander into an
Fear Level 3 area contaminated with radioactive fallout.
If the group has an active Geiger counter,
Since the Last War, and especially since
they notice the rads immediately and can
the formation of the Iron Alliance and the
avoid a case of the glows with a Vigor roll.
events of the Harvest, this area has taken
If the radiation is not detected, the heroes
on a greater importance in the wastelands.
blunder through it with full exposure.
The Mutant King attempts to consolidate
Road Gang: A road gang of 2d10 raiders
his power by testing the borders of Junkyard
(page 194) mounted on an assortment of
while Joan’s Heretics fight over the hearts
motorcycles, pick-ups, and sedans draws
and minds of the mutant population.
These great power struggles take place
Road Orcs: The Road Orcs are one of
against a backdrop of increasingly frustrated
the largest gangs in the west. This gang
road gangs who were once aligned with
of ugly mutants has around 200 members
the Iron Oasis, as well as settlements who
and is based out of Shan Fan, but Silas has
are now isolated more than ever with the
invited them into his territory around Vegas.
destruction of the Convoy.

They travel in groups of 30 to 50, with the
majority of the gang riding motorcycles,
but they have a few larger vehicles as well.
Their leader, Red Fang, drives a heavily GREAT BASIN
modified sport-utility vehicle equipped
with a fixed 125mm tank cannon scavenged
off a Powell hovertank mounted on it. The
Highway Patrol is offering 600 bullets, in 1d20 Result
addition to the 1,000 bullet reward posted 1–4 No Encounter
by the Law Dogs, on Red Fang’s misshapen 5–7 Road Gang
noggin. 8–9 Doombringer
10–12 Mojave Rattler
Toxic Cloud (page 95): A cloud of death
13 Toxic Cloud
approaches the heroes.
14 Rad Patch
Trader Caravan: A convoy of 2d10 15 Hostile Mutants
transport vehicles along with 2d4 outriders 16–17 Road Orcs
in pick-ups or motorcycles is spotted ahead. 18 Black Rain
They are willing to trade with friendlies and 19 Dust Storm
have a decent assortment of goods. Draw 20 Trader Caravan
four cards on the Scavenging Table (page
102), for some additional finds they might be
willing to part with.

THE DEVIL’S PLAYGROUND A waster with powered armor might find

some spare parts out there, but it’s impossible
Fear Level 6
to put together a full suit from the pieces
Lying off old Confederate Interstate 40 that remain. The rattlers still lurk below,
is an area of the Mojave called the Devil’s nursing their wounds and replenishing
Playground, so named because of all the their numbers. Anyone who follows one
strange rock formations in the area. of the many subterranean tunnels is in for
a world of hurt, encountering 1d6 rattlers,
Government seismologists detected what
4d20 wormlings and a quarter that number
they suspected was a huge lair of Mojave
in wormling warriors (round down).
Rattlers under the weird rock formations,
so the Confed military thought it would be
the perfect place to station the Confederate FORT 51
1st Armored Infantry. There the army tested
Fear Level 6
their latest powered body armor against
these giant creatures. For over 200 years, Fort 51 was the
US Army’s top-secret weapons research
When General Harlow was chasing the
laboratory. Everyone knew it existed; they
LatAm troops to the coast during the
just couldn’t get close enough to see what
opening stages of the Last War, the 1st
was going on there.
Armored Infantry stopped at their home
base for recharge and repairs. The vengeful Its isolated location in the southern
worms were waiting for them. A score of deserts of Nevada ensured its privacy, and
rattlers and hundreds of wormlings burst its proximity to the border allowed it to
out of the desert and swarmed the surprised keep an eye on the Confederate base at
Rebels. None of the humans survived, but Roswell and occasionally conduct secret
they took a lot of worms with them. raids or experiments on them.
These days dozens of crushed suits of Fort 51 got hit hard both by conventional
power armor are scattered around the ruins, ghost rock bombs and specially created
as well as destroyed vehicles and a decade’s enhanced-yield devices designed to tunnel
worth of rattler bones. hundreds of feet into the earth and detonate

below ground level. It had some sort of Way back in the late 1800s, Las Vegas
defense shield but apparently the system declared itself a free city-state, playing the
failed. major powers of the USA and CSA against
each other to maintain its independence.
The surface of Fort 51 is a nightmarish
Before the Last War, the Independent City
sight. No less than five maelstroms overlap
of Las Vegas occupied an area bounded in
like some demonic Olympic symbol on
the east by the Colorado River, the south/
a cosmic scale. More ghost rock bombs
southwest by the old California border,
actually struck the installation, but several
northwest by International Highway 15, and
merged together to form the five seen
from the city to Boulder Dam along Route
Anyone entering these maelstroms
95. Within the boundaries of Las Vegas
finds them to be double the usual thickness.
could be found Boulder City, Searchlight,
Far beneath the ruins are several levels of
and Laughlin, as well as hundreds of square
labs, storerooms, and living quarters. Initially
miles of parched desert.
the scientists and soldiers underground
were safe until a horde of wormlings came International Highway 15 West divided
through the walls and dragged them off to NorCal and SoCal, with the Mason-Dixon
horrible fates, leaving a warlord’s ransom Wall paralleling it to the north and south.
in goods preserved in the complex. Since its founding, the city served as a place
where anything went, from sex to drugs to
If a way could be found to tunnel down
legal gambling, all under the watchful eye
to the intact installations hundreds of
of the organized crime families who ran
feet below ground (maybe through the
Vegas from the shadows.
wormling tunnel system), a group could
find a veritable treasure trove of equipment, The good times came to an end on
weapons, and goods of both a mundane Judgment Day when an enhanced ghost
and exotic nature. Fort 51 was the center of rock bomb detonated under the eastern
Northern research and development, so the suburbs of the city, throwing up a 20 mile
equipment in the dusty storage vaults and diameter maelstrom and killing or mutating
laboratories is limited only by the Marshal’s almost everyone in the city. In the following
imagination. years the inhabitants vied for power until
the appearance of Silas Rasmussen,
There are still a few active defenses
who united the muties under his twisted
around the ruins. A passel of well-armed
ideology of the Cult of Doom, based at
and armored veteran walking dead formed
Heaven’s Gate, the crater of the bomb that
from the remains of an infantry brigade
created what many now call “Lost Vegas.”
originally stationed here lie dormant and
lifeless among the wreckage until living Las Vegas is generally divided into the
beings approach. A number of functioning Strip and Downtown. Outside the Strip
warbots (treat as mechs from Savage Worlds and the Downtown areas, most of the
armed with an NA SAW with a double belt surrounding ruins have been heavily picked
of 200 shots and an M-95 missile launcher over by Silas’ minions, with their contents
on each shoulder) keep curious scavengers brought back into the maelstrom for the
a healthy distance from the ruins. cult’s use.
An aqueduct runs from Lake Mead to the
INDEPENDENT CITY OF LAS VEGAS Strip, bringing a reliable source of water
to the thirsty mutants of Vegas. Thanks
Fear Level 6, population 12,000
to Boulder Dam, Vegas even has a reliable
Smack dab in the middle of the desert sits source of electricity, and at night the bright
a tarnished jewel that once drew millions lights of the city can be seen for miles
to it like moths to a flame. These days it around.
still does, but these moths usually have too
Not everyone who lives in the City o’ Sin
many eyes or wings made out of excess
is a devoted follower of Silas Rasmussen.
skin. You see, Las Vegas is the heart of the
Several groups have managed to survive the
mutant kingdom ruled by Silas Rasmussen,
the leader of the Cult of Doom.

Cult of Doom’s purges and work against remains of the Cult of Grendel, followers of
the Mutie King’s rule, either actively or a monster Silas killed in his early days that
passively. established his rule.
Gangsters haven’t entirely left Vegas
Currency either. A shadowy figure known as “The
Don” leads a group of heavily-armed mob
Silas established a currency for his
enforcers and crime family members from
kingdom shortly after coming to power
before the Last War.
consisting of casino chips from the old
Luxor resort. The idea caught on throughout The last faction is composed primarily
the areas claimed by the Mutant King, and of enforcers from the old Las Vegas Police
many moneychangers set up shop both in Department. These anti-mutant norms
and outside of the maelstrom who gladly claim to be Law Dogs, but most others
exchange outside goods and equipment for don’t accept them as such since they act
their value in “Lux’s.” Minus a ten percent more like militia for the walled suburbs
fee, of course. they patrol.
These norms and mutants would like to
Rival Factions return the city to the way it was before the
bombs fell.
Silas Rasmussen is the undisputed king
of Vegas, but three other factions remain
in the shadows. The least powerful are the

The Maelstrom Surrounding Area
The maelstrom that surrounds the city When the sun goes down, all sorts of
is significantly weaker than those that things come out from under the rocks they
surround most other ruins. Silas drained hide beneath by day and make the ruins of
it in a massive ritual to open a gate to greater Vegas their own. Silas has enacted
Idaho. He and his army poured through and cleansing policies to make the Strip safe
attacked a rival mutant’s stronghold that from the wandering horrors of the ruins,
threatened to further splinter the children but his safe zone doesn’t extend more than a
of the atom. few hundred yards off the Strip. As a result,
the creatures which haunt this Deadland
Vigor rolls made to pass through the
have learned to live in the surrounding
storm walls (see page 65) are made at –2
ruins and do their hunting at night.
instead of –4.
Heaven’s Gate is the impact crater formed
The Strip from the ghost rock bomb that struck the
city, and is a conduit to Heaven according
The center of Silas’ Cult of Doom, the Strip, to the teachings of the Cult of Doom. The
while heavily damaged by the ghost rock University of Las Vegas has been refurbished
bomb on Judgment Day, is still remarkably and its laboratories are now under the
intact. Most of the iconic casinos still stand control of the Doomsayers.
in various states of disrepair. The Strip
itself has been mostly cleared of debris,
and rickshaws can be rented for those who
don’t like to walk to their destination in the Fear Level 4, population 16,000
hot sun.
Originally settled by the Mormons to
The Strip contains the majority of the escape religious persecution, Utah was
pre-war casinos, with Silas’ capital at the part of the United States until the Civil
Luxor. The muties that make up the vast War came along and made it one of the
majority of Vegas’ citizens these days are “Disputed Lands.” Then Mormon leader
a wild and varied bunch, and those with Brigham Young declared Utah would
similar mutations tend to congregate become the sovereign state of Deseret until
together. Birdmen flock to the Bellagio, such time as the war was decided. Two
aquatic mutants in the old Venetian, a hundred years later, Deseret remained its
recreated Roman legion dwells in the ruins own country right up until the bombs fell. Its
of Caesar’s Palace, animalistic muties herd in most famous resident (despite an absence
the Mirage, and even some super-intelligent around the turn of the 19th Century), was
apes gather in Primate Paradise. none other than Dr. Darius Hellstromme,
whose smoke-belching factories gave the
Silas encourages this form of tribalism,
city its nickname of “The City o’ Gloom.”
forcing the different gangs to compete for
the scarce resources in the ruins is a way of Though Hellstromme was deported by the
enhancing the teachings of Saint Darwin— Mormons in 2044, he left a secret shield in
and perhaps keeping his followers pitted place over his remaining factories. When the
against each other rather than himself.) bombs fell, the part of Salt Lake City called
Junkyard, with its mostly non-Mormon
Downtown population, survived, while the city proper
and about three-quarters of the Mormon
Wasters can find all kinds of trouble population vanished in a skull-shaped
outside the environs of the Strip. Madame mushroom cloud. Once the dust settled,
Toussaud’s Wax Works is the source for every last surviving Mormon gathered their
all sorts of dark rumors. The remains of possessions, formed a massive convoy, and
the Las Vegas Celebrity General Hospital, disappeared north into the wilds of Canada.
Forever U, and Siegel Station are just some
of the prominent features to be found in the
Downtown area.

After the Mormon exodus, the city fell
prey to looters, bandits, and raiders. When
food ran out, most Junkers (don’t confuse
Junkyard residents with the uncapitalized
“junkers”) left the city and joined the
growing road gangs. A militia was organized
and quickly established law and order, and
eventually a former factory foreman, Ike
Taylor, took up the reins of power.
Ike came up with a unique plan. Instead
of fighting the road gangs, he decided
he’d join them. Taylor and his right-
hand man, Doc Schwartz (who is a real
junker), converted some of the surviving
Hellstromme munitions factories into
refineries. Then they hauled ghost rock in
from the nearby Wasatch Mountains and
distilled it into spook juice.
When the gangs inevitably came around,
Ike invited them in and did the unthinkable—
he actually showed them the city’s defenses,
including flamethrowers powered by spook
juice, heavy machine guns, and even a few
grenade and rocket launchers. Ike then told
them if they could bring Junkyard food and
other salvage, they’d give them spook juice
for their vehicles. All the gangers eventually
agreed, and Junkyard went from a besieged
island in the desert to an iron oasis. Anyone,
regardless of their morals, can come into
Junkyard’s territory to trade.
Now, six months after the Harvest,
Junkyard is a city besieged and the Iron
vehicle for a one week travel pass. Once
Alliance is in danger of shattering. Huge
inside, a waster can trade salvage at the
refugee camps surround the city, living
Junk Repository in exchange for the city’s
off a daily dole of nutra-algae from the
currency—the widget—a generic term for
settlement’s soy tanks. The road gangs are
old bits and pieces of technology the city’s
becoming restless and the dispossessed
junkers think might be useful.
have started to prey on the weak and the
helpless within the city’s territory, despite Lost technology fetches a higher price
the best efforts of the militia. here than most anywhere else because of the
number of junkers or their representatives.
Just outside the gates (but still under
There’s always a buyer, and trade caravans
the watchful guns of the walls), sits the
full of junk arrive daily. Anything from
Mutant Welcome Center set up by Joan and
toasters to highly experimental prewar
her Heretics. Unfortunately, it’s become a
government tech is a commodity in this
focus for the prejudices of the norms living
busy place.
in the squalid camps surrounding Junkyard.
The Iron Oasis is a powderkeg waiting for
a spark. Outer Junkyard
There’s only one gate into the city in the Just inside the main gate is Outer
outer wall. Guards inspect travelers and Junkyard, a cleared field that was once
their vehicles as they enter and collect downtown Salt Lake City before it was
entry fees of $50 a head and $100 per flattened by the bombs of Judgment Day.

Outer Junkyard is bursting at the seams in its ten stories. Junker Row is where
with tents, shelters, and even RVs in which most of the city’s junkers live, work, and
live the more affluent refugees—at least sell their amazing creations. This is also
until they can’t afford to pay for their where a brainer can find a body doc if he’s
weekly travel passes. Then it’s out to the looking to augment himself with a bionic
camps huddled outside the walls. system. Most customers are pit fighters, but
unlucky wasters who have lost a piece of
Outer Junkyard is also home to the Market,
themselves to the horrors of the Wasted
a large warehouse where anyone can rent
West often come here for a replacement as
a booth or stall and go into business. Just
about anything can be found here, from
livestock to vehicles to junker gizmos,
although weapons seem to predominate. Down Below
Also in this area of Junkyard is the Pit. The Down Below consists of the two
This huge blast crater is surrounded by sub-levels of the city. Most access routes
bleachers and ringed with a spiked metal have been sealed or blocked off, the better
fence. For $5 fans can come watch gladiators to keep strange creatures the locals dubbed
battle each other or strange creatures of “Morlocks” (after the Jules Verne novel)
the wastes, as well as place bets with the from coming to the surface and abducting
house or anyone in the stands. the good citizens of the settlement for a
tasty snack. The Morlocks consist of feral
Inner Junkyard humans, mutants, and worse. Rumors
abound of the other things that lurk in the
Surrounded by the remains of the dome darkness, ranging from Combine infiltrators
that once covered the factory district and to abominations to lost Hellstromme
the workers’ ghettoes, this is the part of Industries factory complexes from before
Junkyard that the hordes outside aspire the Last War.
to live in. Inner Junkyard has electrical
power, and therefore attracts scores of
junkers looking for juice to power their JUNKYARD PRICES
bizarre experiments. A power outlet comes
Item Price
free with most apartments (which rent for
Arena Admission $10-$25
about $300 a month for a one room flat),
Beer $5/bottle
or a brainer can rent a daily hookup at one
Budget Hotel $45/night
of the factories for $25 a day. One can also
Cable Service $25/month
subscribe to cable TV (with its local feed
Derelict Building $100,000+
of old movies or Junkyard news), Junkyard’s
Electric Service $25/day
internet (Junk Mail), G-ray power service,
Ghost Rock $160/pound
and even phone service. None of it works
G-ray Service $100+/month
very well, but it’s a step toward trying to
Junk Mail service $30/month
recover what was lost after the end of the
Junker Component $10 each
Junkyard Hilton $150/month
A variety of hotels can be found Phone service $20/month
throughout Inner Junkyard that cater to Rent (one month) $300-$2000
all types of visitors, from the high class Soy Burger $5
Junkyard Hilton to the ‘Yard Arms Hotel. Spook Juice $8/gallon
Bars also run the gamut, and tend to attract Steak, beef $75
like-minded folks to them, from bloodsport Steak, rattler $35
fans to Sky Pirates. Travel pass $50/head/week
Junkyard Memorial Hospital is most
Whiskey $2/shot; $10/
likely the only working hospital left in
North America, and the Darius Hellstromme
Library holds nearly four million volumes

Food in Junkyard the bomb. Deathsports have also expanded
to include a number of contests that revolve
The hottest topic throughout the Iron around motor vehicles. Every week there are
Oasis and the surrounding refugee camps is demolition derbies, arena duels, full-contact
where the next meal will come from. Junkyard drag races, and the like.
has always had a precarious position when
it came to feeding its population, and the
acquisition of food was one of the primary
reasons the trade with the road gangs was Bionic augmentations were first pioneered
started. in Junkyard. A lot of Junkers lost arms and
legs in the factories, and replacing them
After the Harvest, with the decimation
with metallic constructs seemed preferable
of the road gangs at the Battle of Worms,
to going without. Of course some hacked
as well as the destruction of the Convoy
off their limbs on purpose to to augment
and the influx of refugees fleeing Raven’s
themselves with metal limbs or other
hordes, the food situation is worse than
accessories, and many did so to become
ever. Junkyard sends out heavily armed
stars in Junkyard’s second biggest
aid convoys with soy products and
industry: bloodsports.
water once a week, but the amount
is much too little for The body doc’s bionics
the hungry masses. look like throwbacks to the
It’s a situation 1800s. They’re big and clunky
reminiscent of and prone to jamming up
the early days just when needed most.
of the City of That’s why they call folks
Lost Angels and with bionics “scrappers,”
Reverend Grimme. because it looks like their
Readers of the augmentations were made
Weird West Plot out of scrap metal.
Point campaign The
If a waster loses
Flood know how well
a limb and buys a
that went.
replacement, he should
make sure he can pay
Bloodsports the bill. The body docs
sometimes make
The people of Junkyard have engaged
“loans” to folks who
in violent athletics called bloodsports
have a good chance
almost since the founding of the city.
at making money off
After 2044 these games were the only
the augmentation,
big business left in Junkyard, with
but those who don’t
promoters trying to outdo each other
pay find themselves
with bigger, bolder, and bloodier events.
hunted by the body
This obsession has carried on to this
docs’ hired thugs. The
day, despite, or perhaps because of, the
unfortunate debtors’
misery the average waster experiences
bionics are amputated
every day. The teams have high mortality
and they’re left limbless
rates, but if they get really good, they
and penniless in the
become the closest thing the world has
understreets of Junkyard.
to superstars.
A few basic bionic parts
Bloodsports are played all over the
are listed below. These
Wasted West, but their home was
gadgets were common enough
and is Junkyard. It’s also where the
in pre-war Salt Lake City that
skullchucker championships are held
even the interns could install
each September 23—the anniversary of

not cause a “bleeding out” effect. These
replacement parts cannot be healed, but
can be repaired with a –2 Repair roll.
If the Marshal wants to provide access to
bionic enhancements, we suggest picking
up the The 1880 Smith & Robards Catalog,
available at www.peginc.com, and using
the Steam Augmentation rules. The fuel
may be irradiated ghost rock now, but the
effects are the same.

Limb Cost
Arm $1,000
Hand $6,000
Leg $4,000
Foot $4,000


NorCal, SoCal, The City of Lost Angels
Fear Level 4
Ghost rock is the main reason anyone
in their right minds would live in this
inhospitable area, both before and after
the Last War. The going rate on ghost rock
around most of the West is $10 an ounce
but there’s enough of it here to reduce the
price to $8 an ounce.
them. Reattaching a mechanical hand is
still an incredibly complicated task, mind
you. It’s just that the Salt Lake City Workers’ ENCOUNTERS
Memorial Hospital was the leading center
The Great Maze was a fairly inhospitable
for bionic replacements in the world. Only
place before the Last War, but since the
a couple of the real surgeons survived the
bombs dropped it’s a nightmare region.
bombs, but many more interns did.
Burning deposits of ghost rock send
Here’s a list of the most common toxic clouds into the sky, the highways
replacement parts even the least skilled once connecting the various communities
surgeon can install. Note that these parts tumbled into the waters with the end of the
simply replace a normal limb. The loss world, and a variety of horrors openly lurk
of one’s self is manifested by a decrease in the canyons and channels now that the
of a die type in the hero’s Spirit for each Agency and Texas Rangers are no more.
part replaced. These bionics don’t confer
California is one of the worst places for
additional Strength, Pace, or so on.
road gangs this side of the Mississippi. The
There are other advantages, however. main reason is the ghost rock that can still
When the character is Incapacitated and be mined in the Great Maze. Road gangs
fails his Vigor roll, if the location rolled for need ghost rock to make spook juice for
the injury is a bionic limb, the injury will their cars. Since most gang members are

way too lazy to mine the stuff themselves,
they just hang around the source and wait
for somebody else to dig it up. Then the
road scum run them down and take it.
Black Rain (page 95): Black Rain douses
the party. 1d20 Result
1–4 No Encounter
Blood Wave (page 165): The party
5–8 Road Gang
encounters a deadly wave of crimson gore.
9–10 Walkin’ dead
Croakers (page 167): A hunting party of 11 Highway Patrol
3d6 evil fishmen led by a shaman is out 12–13 Toxic Cloud
to raid a nearby human settlement. They 14 Croakers
try to capture folks alive and drag them 15 Black Rain
underwater to drown, but won’t venture far 16–17 Road Orcs
from the water’s edge. 18 Shraks
19 Ghost Rock Miners
Ghost Rock Miners: The posse finds a
20 Trader Caravan
group of 3d20 ghost rock miners either in
a typical mine (if on land) or hanging from
the side of a mesa (if on the water). They
are lightly armed, but may have sentries
posted to guard their claim. There’s one d20 Result
guard for every 10 miners. Use townsfolk 1–4 No Encounter
(page 195) with their trade skill being Mining 5–8 Maze Pirates
and a heavy weapon for every five guards. 9–10 Maze Dragon
11 Highway Patrol
Highway Patrol: Operating out of
12–13 Blood Wave
a hid­den base up in the foothills of the
14 Croakers
Sierra Nevada Mountains, the Highway
15 Black Rain
Patrol cruises the major highways looking
16–17 Salvagers
to stomp road gangs and help people
18 Shraks
in trouble. Most patrols consist of four
19 Ghost Rock Miners
vehicles, mostly large sedans or muscle
20 Trader Caravan
cars highly modified with armor, guns, and
turbo-charged engines. They aren’t real
cops, but they sure have put a dent in CA’s
road gangs. Use the statistics for raiders
(page 194). Road Orcs: The Road Orcs are one of
the largest gangs in the west. This gang
Maze Dragon (page 177): If traveling
of ugly mutants has around 200 members
along a waterway or near one, the party is
and is based out of Shan Fan, but Silas
attacked by a Maze Dragon. If inland, the
has invited them into his territory around
posse is attacked by 2d6 (2d10 in SoCal)
Vegas. Out on the road, they’re most likely
walkin’ dead instead.
in groups of 30 to 50 at any one time. The
Maze Pirates (page 194): A group of majority ride motorcycles, but they have
3d10 waterborne pirates man a variety of a decent assortment of larger vehicles as
watercraft, usually small dinghies but with well. Their leader, Red Fang, drives a heavily
some jet skis for the more daring. modified sport-utility vehicle. The Highway
Patrol is offering 600 bullets and the Law
No Encounter: The posse encounters
Dogs have posted a 1,000 bullet reward on
nothing of significance.
Red Fang’s sizable noggin.
Road Gang: The posse is attacked by a
Salvagers: A group of waterborne
gang of wasters mounted on an assortment
scaven­gers who make their living
of beat up pick-ups, cars, and motorcycles.
salvaging equipment from sunken vessels
There are three raiders (see page 194) for each
is encountered. Treat them as raiders (page
posse member.

194), but they are willing to trade items they Despite the roadblocks by groups such as
have found (1d3 draws on the Scavenging the “Causeway Collective” (who use tanks
Table, page 102). for their emplacements!), the Causeway is
the best way to travel if one has a working
Shraks (page 167): Shraks are another
kind of monster folks sometimes report
fighting alongside the croakers. They look
something like a humanoid shark, only THE FREE AND HOLY
tougher. The posse encounters a wandering
hunting party of 1d6 of these merciless CITY OF LOST ANGELS
Fear Level 5, population 2000
Toxic Cloud (page 95): A cloud of death
Reverend Grimme founded the Church of
approaches the heroes.
Lost Angels right after the Great Quake of
Trader Caravan: A convoy of 2d10 1868. In the mid-1870s, he declared it a “Free
transport vehicles along with 2d4 outriders and Holy City” modeled after the Vatican.
in pick-ups or motorcycles is spotted ahead. That didn’t last long though. In 1880, the
Draw 1d4 cards and consult the Scrounging good Reverend and his most loyal followers
Table to see what they have besides normal were killed when a flood of Biblical
goods. proportions leveled the city around 1880. If
you’re interested in the entire story, check
Walkin’ Dead (page 187): A shambling
out The Flood for Deadlands the Weird West.
group of 3d6 walkin’ dead stumble upon
the posse. The short version is Grimme was one of
the first servitors—a servant of Famine. He
THE CANYON CAUSEWAY kept the people of the Maze hungry so he
could control them; and ate the ones he
The Canyon Causeway (Interstate 3) was couldn’t! Eventually, a party of unnamed
built back in 2015 as a joint venture between heroes figured out how to put him down
the governments of the US and CSA and and did so—by levelling Lost Angels.
was a marvel of engineering. An enormous
The church stayed flat for a while, and
series of bridges and roadways, it extends
the nearby town of Perdition rose on the
out into the Maze and connects most of the
peaks overlooking the ruins. That lasted a
larger mesa towns with the mainland.
while, then a new “City of Lost Angels” rose
An exact map of the Causeway would closer inland. The remaining congregation
be inaccurate the moment it’s printed as it built black obsidian walls around the inner
changes constantly. Most figure about 600 city and kept mostly to themselves for the
miles of the original 800 are intact, but with next two centuries.
numerous breaks due to battle damage,
When the Last War really got hot, both
disrepair, or Maze Dragons.
the Northern and Southern Alliances stayed
Gangs frequent the Causeway and set up clear of the Holy City of Lost Angels. Then
emplacements to collect tolls, and where came Judgment Day. Miraculously, everything
there are large, road-wide breaches, shuttle inside the walls was left untouched, even
services with cranes transport vehicles for though scores of city busters leveled the
$50 each and passengers for $10. civilian sprawl that had grown up around it.
One permanent ferry is north of Purgatory Lost Angels suspiciously survived
where the entrance ramp was knocked Judgment Day, but any sign the church
down during the Last War. Entering the was in cahoots with the Reckoners was
Causeway from this area requires the fees dispelled soon after when Famine rode out
above, but at least that shuttle station is of the burning Maze. The Horseman was
stable and reasonably friendly to strangers. accompanied by endless legions of faminites
and laid siege to the inner city.

Famine’s army finally breached the walls Some ’hoods are xenophobic and meet
only to be met by a tremendous gout of visitors with weapons drawn. Others
searing white flame from above. It blasted are more open. These latter types act as
the citadel into ruins and triggered a massive floating bazaars, attracting wanderers from
earthquake that dropped the sanctum and all over SoCal and further abroad, and
the surrounding city 10–15 feet. The ocean some manage to grow into thriving little
roared in and filled the crater. What little of settlements.
the city that survived the city busters was
New ’hoods spring up from time to
finished off for good.
time, and those that manage to survive
As the roiling water settled, the Reckoner the various threats posed by other ’hoods,
walked out of the ocean, which remained scavengers, and monsters manage to carve
forever after bloody and thick above the out a territory of their own.
sunken sanctum. Famine’s fabled horse was
gone and was never seen again, but Famine
herself staggered eastward, causing blight
The Dead Pool
and starvation wherever she passed. Fear Level 6
This area is a Deadland, but the Holy Fire
The Harvest that blasted Famine and killed her horse
also cleared away the ghost storms. The
Around the end of 2096 there was a mass
area where the Cathedral stood is now
exodus of faminites and walkin’ dead from
called the Dead Pool by the locals.
Lost Angels. While they attacked those who
were in their path, most of the deaders just The water over ground zero has turned to
up and headed east. What no one realized at blood, and it swirls in thick clots, spiraling
the time was that Famine was summoning gently over the spot where Famine and her
her minions to the climactic battle with horse were struck down. Folks don’t live
Raven in Colorado. Of Famine herself, there there, and very few even go to that area
was no sign. to scavenge, though there’s plenty worth
salvaging down under that blood-dimmed
LA Today tide.
A variety of relics the Church collected in
The holy blast in 2081 snuffed out the
its years of existence lie beneath the blood.
ghost-rock storms, and today none remain
Some of these items are technological and
around the ruins of LA. Pretty much the
some magical. The bones of Famine’s horse
whole city is under varying depths of water.
also lie below. There are a lot of bodies
In some places, it’s only waist deep, and
lying under those waters, and some bloats
that’s where most people live. Stilthouses
(page 187) and walkin’ (swimmin’?) dead rise
sprang up where the water wasn’t too deep,
up from the depths to attack salvagers.
and those permanent structures acted as
little magnets of civilization. Along with the undead horrors, there
are those who scavenge the scavengers
People moored houseboats nearby, as
themselves, the most brutal of whom are
well as shacks and lean-tos built onto
a gang called the Lakers of Rock Island
simple rafts. Soon, folks started to build
Prison (see below).
floating docks and boardwalks in between
their homes, and eventually these grew
together into floating villages, called ’hoods, Rock Island Prison
that covered two or three old city blocks.
Fear Level 5
Lost Angels is filled with them now, each
one running as its own community. There Despite being flattened by bombs on
is some cooperation between the various Judgment Day, the prison fared better than
’hoods, but each one mostly looks after its a lot of the city. It’s still above water, for
own. one thing, jutting out like a crumbling
mountain of steel and concrete. The largest
and best organized of the LA gangs is a

group known as the Lakers, who run in the This is why they nearly exclusively prey
fastest boats in Lost Angels and operate upon those who would come to rob the
out of the ruins of Rock Island Prison. Dead Pool of its sunken treasures. Blake
The Lakers have converted the sub-levels believes it’s his mission to keep the relics
of the prison into living quarters, with the where they are, for he has seen in a vision
old cells now acting as barracks for the that it is the relics that keep Famine from
scavenger gang. The group has also built returning and wiping Lost Angels from the
up a massive hangar complex that juts out face of the earth. To that end, the Lakers
into the water. They use it as a docking have a network of informants throughout
bay and repair facility for their boats, and the ’hoods who tell them of any expedition
prey on scavengers diving down into the that seeks to recover artifacts from the
sunken ruins. Dead Pool. They attack the intruders and
try to subdue them if possible. Murder is
Unbeknownst to the gangers of LA, the
not acceptable to Blake; however, violence
Lakers are what remains of the old Church
in response to violence is another matter.
of Lost Angels. All of them are either
priests or members of the Guardian Angels, Upon defeating an enemy, they strip
the Church’s old armed expeditionary force. them of weapons and whatever equipment
They were organized by Father Walker the Lakers currently have need of, and
Blake after the Big One, with the express return any relics to the deep. Any bodies
purpose of protecting the sunken relics of are disposed of, and any prisoners (in the
the Church from scavengers. event of a subdual) are returned to one of
the ’hoods.
Blake firmly believes the relics now keep
Famine at bay, and doesn’t believe the
Reckoner was defeated after the Harvest.
That means he’ll do whatever is necessary
to keep the relics exactly where they are.

Local Monsters
Croakers and shraks raid the ’hoods from
time to time, either pulling folks down into
their lairs or just killing people. The Maze
has always had its monsters, and after
the Last War, some of those monsters got
Squids bigger than Rock Island swallow
entire ’hoods whole. Schools of electric
eels surround and fry boats. Patches of
carnivorous seaweed like waterborne
tumble­bleeds, living toxic oil slicks that
smother anything in the water, and worse
can be found in and around Lost Angels.

Feast or Famine—Mostly Famine

Food is scarce in Lost Angels. Some
’hoods have gardens, some grow their stuff
in hydroponic labs. Most ’hoods get their
food by fishing. Net fishing is practiced
locally, and some folks head out into
the open sea to fish. Still, even with the
hydroponics and the fishing, there really
isn’t enough food to go around.

That means most folks in the area are The Librarians also collect tales of
hungry the majority of the time. Most get heroism in the Wasted West with a long
enough food to keep them alive, but not range goal of collecting the stories together
enough to stop the hunger. Some don’t even someday and publishing them to bring hope
get that much. The constant level of hunger to the survivors. They pay about $20 a story
in the ’hoods acts as bait for faminites, who if they ring true. They also buy palmcorders
mostly come out of the area of the Maze taken from fallen Librarians for $50.
called Purgatory.
THE GRAND LIBRARY Fear Level 4, population 750
Fear Level 3, population 100
Lynchburg is an old mining town in
This is the home of the Librarians. They the middle part of the Maze. It didn’t get
hole up in a well-protected complex of any bombs during Judgment Day and so
buildings on the outskirts of Sacramento. survived relatively intact.
Some of the buildings are used as barracks
The town’s main business is as a supply
for the Librarians. The central building, an
depot and stopping-off point for salvagers
old bank, contains hundreds of data slugs
and ghost rock miners, with spook juice
filled with every subject one can possibly
refineries running day and night. The
imagine. The slugs are kept in the bank’s
people here don’t get many visitors, so they
vault and protected by armed guards at all
welcome outsiders more than most places.
It’s a good place to replenish supplies and
The Head Librarian is Marcus Liebowitz, hire a guide to help find whatever it is a
a softhearted man who founded the order. posse is looking for.
The chief of security, a Ravenite named
Lynchburg has a good harbor, an old US
Muriel Redwing, is a hard ass who is the
Navy yard, and a well-stocked marina at
reason the Library has such great security.
water level, and a $25 elevator ride gets you
up to the city on the mesa top.
Using the Library In the city itself one can find St. Francis
The Librarians don’t allow visitors into Medical Center, the closest you’re going to
the library. Posses can, however, request find to a modern hospital in all of the Great
information from them, and they’ll assign a Maze. All in all it’s a convenient center for
young librarian to research it. This can cost Maze-based adventures. Your posse can
anywhere from $10 to $1,000, depending on purchase supplies and rest up here for a
how much time it takes them. If a character reasonable price as long as they keep their
pays to have a question answered, the noses clean. Sheriff Vonda Wright has no
Marshal should just give them whatever compunction about tossing troublemakers
information she cares to. A Librarian off the 100-foot mesa and into the sea if
character may access the library herself, they don’t behave.
making an Investigation roll to find any
information sought (the Marshal should
apply a modifier based on availability). Each
roll takes six hours; half that on a raise. Fear Level 3, population 500
The Library also has a communications Since the 1920s the suburbs outside
room and a transmitter capable of reaching Lost Angels have been home to the North
ComSat about half the time, but that’s American movie industry. Technology
better than the rest of the world. This is advanced in leaps and bounds since the
only available with special permission start, and around 2020 they stopped using
from Liebowitz, and that usually requires a actual film and started using magnetic
favor. The Librarians also buy books, data digital rods called slugs to record their
slugs, and occasionally even stories. Pay is epics (but they’re still called “films’).
anywhere from $10 to $100. A very few rare
textbooks have brought in $1,000 or more.

Before the Last War, some cities had the When the two countries were at peace,
new Sensoround Megaplex Theaters where movie stars, directors, crews, and the like
they wired a customer into the seat so they were able to pass back and forth fairly
could feel, smell, and taste the slug as well, easily. That all ended in 2078 when the US
but these never really caught on except in Agency found out renowned director Emille
certain “adult” markets. DeSalonto was actually a Confederate agent
who was putting subliminal messages in
The place where most of these epics
his Sensoround movies.
were made was just outside Lost Angels in
a series of massive studio lots. Some were During the War, both governments closed
in NorCal, others were just over the Mason- the borders and contracted directors to
Dixon Wall in SoCal. Collectively, the lots create stirring propaganda films designed
contained about half a million workers. Most to educate soldiers, increase enlistment,
of the workers lived in squalid apartments and ensure there was no sympathy for the
right on the lots. The rest commuted in other side.
from the surrounding towns. The movie
stars lived in deluxe high-rises in Star City,
an exclusive, heavily guarded area between
Movie Town Today
the movie lots. Star City didn’t catch a city buster but
it was heavily bombed. All those gorgeous
high-rise condos were turned into piles of
gorgeous rubble during the Last War, but
at least living there doesn’t make a waster
glow in the dark.
When things settled down, a group of
surviving filmmakers regrouped in Star City
and started making movies again. They’ve
rebuilt a few of the smaller buildings on
the western outskirts and even elected a
mayor—“the Director.”
Movie Town exists by trading slugs
and viewers with towns across the West
in exchange for food and supplies. Slugs
usually cost $500 and are the coin of the
realm. Home-size players (monitor included)
go for $100 as the filmmakers figure a town
with a player has to buy films. You can sell
slugs to the town for $100 if they already
own a copy (most folks like to have backup
copies), and $500 if they don’t. Salvaged
players sell from $10 to $50, depending on
their condition.
The slugs are delivered by private
couriers or sold to trade caravans looking
to sell them for a profit elsewhere. Some of
the more established towns also show the
films in old theaters for about $10 a seat.
Movie Town has a small local theater for
preview screenings of the latest slugs. Most
of the old sets are still out there around
the ruins of Star City and vary from a
replica of Old Tombstone to a Depression-
era Chicago street to a reproduction of
New York’s Times Square to the surface of

the moon. Most of them came through the Prosperi was one of the young priests
bombing unscathed and only took a little sent into the hills when the Bishop of LA
abuse from fallout or ground effects. lured Famine into his trap. He was blinded
when he saw the column of holy fire blast
Most of the townsfolk are filmmaking
the Horseman. Prosperi also had a close
flunkies such as camera operators, gaffers,
encounter later with a servitor who calls
costume designers, zombie wranglers, or
himself the Bishop. That creature found
set makers. The various film crews are
the young priests and slaughtered most of
always looking for fresh faces for their
them before retreating into the Maze.
movies, which can be an adventure in itself
for those posse members of a thespian The priest couldn’t see what happened,
persuasion. but he knows a group called the Lakers
showed up and ran it off. They helped him
The rest of Movie Town is made up
set up in the mission and told him the
storekeepers, bartenders, traders, and their
remnants of the Church would protect him.
families. They’re fairly successful, so you’ve
This is a great clue for a posse looking to
got a good chance of finding important
interact with the Lakers. (see page 118)
common goods for sale here. Just expect to
pay a 10–20% mark-up over standard prices. Prosperi has d6 in all his stats except for
his Spirit, which is d10, and a d12 Faith. His
The Director only power is greater healing, with 15 Power
The “mayor” of Movie Town is called
the Director. He always wears bandages
wrapped around his head to hide his face,
and usually has wide sunglasses over his Fear Level 6
eyes. This is because he’s actually former
The first thing you should know about
US President John Romero. Now he’s making
the Maze is that a good chunk of it is on
heroic movies to inspire people, to give them
fire. A city buster intended for Lost Angels
hope, and maybe erode fear throughout the
“missed” and landed north in a spot once
West and help defeat the Reckoners.
known as Manitou Bluff, a haven for
criminals, madmen, and reprobates. The
The Pits blast cratered the mesa and set the ghost
rock inside on fire. Within a few hours, the
The Pits are where those extras who get
fire had spread outward, and today it burns
shot up in the movies or play the walkin’
about 100 miles in each direction except
dead come from. The crew sealed off about
landward. The locals call the area that’s
200 yards of an old, underground storm
still burning “Purgatory.”
drain with cement and left one hatch open.
It’s barred and locked most of the time, but You’ll never find darkness in Purgatory.
when a couple of zombies or casualties There’s a sickly glow to everything,
are needed on a shoot, wranglers come out sometimes from radiation and sometimes
with long pole hooks and snag a few. There from burning ghost rock. Everything is
is usually a minimum of 25 zombies in cast in shades of orange and green, even
the Pits, and desperate wasters can make the daytime sky. The fire burns along the
money capturing deaders and selling them seams in the middle of mesas, eventually
to the studio. causing them to collapse. It also burns in
vast caves underwater, causing the ocean
OLD PROSPERI to roil and cook anyone who thinks the
water will save them from the heat. Since
Prosperi is a blind man who lives in the most of Purgatory is water or rock, there
ruins of an old Spanish mission in the hills are plenty of places a person can stay out
overlooking the ruins of LA. The locals of the flame and even tolerate the heat.
say he can heal better than a Templar or a What they can’t survive are the fumes. That

stuff poisons a person within a few hours; This region also has some of the greatest
and that’s assuming they stay away from manitou activity in the Wasted West. When
any really thick concentrations. a hero kicks the bucket, the player draws
three extra cards to see if she returns
Every hour spent in this miserable place
requires a Vigor roll at –2 to avoid a level
of Fatigue which cannot be replaced until
the victim gets to fresh air or dons a gas SHAN FAN
mask (recovering a level in 10 minutes) or
Fear Level 6, population 100+ (Cult o’ Doom)
receives some sort of magical aid. Besides
the environmental dangers, there is an Shan Fan was founded in the wake of
abundance of Maze Dragons present and the Great Quake of 1868. All the ghost-rock
worse. On the plus side, there’s a load of mining in the area back then (starting with
undiscovered loot waiting to be discovered the Ghost Rush, as they called it) assured
Many small towns and camps lie almost Shan Fan’s early years were prosperous ones.
totally undisturbed since the bombs fell. A This prosperity continued into the 20th and
posse who finds a way to survive the heat, 21st centuries, and when the bombs fell, it
noxious fumes, boiling water, and monsters was the most populous city on the West
can become quite wealthy. Coast. It got nuked proportionately, so not
much survived.
A few years later, a large number of
mutants took up residence in the ruins
inside the maelstrom. The muties are a
nasty bunch and loyal to the Cult o’ Doom
(when it suits them). Their leader is a big
brute who calls himself Shanghai, who
grew an extra head out of his shoulder, and
though it’s dead, he claims it makes him
twice as smart as anyone else. He’s always
surrounded by a pack of at least a dozen
muties, though he “rules” over a tribe of 100
or more.

Southern California was facing a serious
overpopulation problem before the Last War
started. The CSA didn’t have a lot of space to
cram all their Mazers in. Then the Mexican
army moved through. They didn’t dare cross
over into Deseret because the Mormon’s
Nauvoo Legion was one of the smallest but
best armies in the world, especially with
Hellstromme’s leftover machines backing
them up. So the Mexicans were forced to
fight the Confederate forces in the narrow
strip that was Southern California.
As you can imagine, having all the
firepower of two high-tech armies in such
a small space was devastating. When
they were done, the whole area from the
coast to the Las Vegas/Utah border was
a pockmarked ruin of bomb craters and
rubbled cities.

Thanks to the huge population that got pleasure vehicles, with six retro-fitted
in their way and died, SoCal has more than helicopters and ten small boats armed
its fair share of walking dead. A lot of these with machine guns and rockets launchers.
are the tough kind—former Mexican and
It’s pretty easy to get onboard and mingle
Confederate soldiers. These veteran walkin’
even if a waster is not a kanger. There’s
dead are well-armed and armored, but
been enough monkey-business on the
these hordes mostly rise up at night. Travel
island (before and after the bombs) to give
during the day is safer unless travelers go
a wide range of looks and skin tones to the
into large ruins and other close quarters.
6,500+ population. There’s also enough flow
of people on and off the island that new
TURTLE ISLE faces aren’t unusual. Just stay away from
the Turtle Isle guards (raiders armed with
Fear Level 3, population 6,500
Tokarev Machine Pistols and the Martial
Turtle Isle was a floating casino before the Arts Edge).
Last War. It stayed in international waters—​
Turtle Islanders take outsiders (i.e., the
or at least claimed to—​ often enough to
posse and just about everybody else) for
avoid getting closed down by the USA or
whatever they can get. That means all
CSA. A lot of espionage between the two
prices here run 120% or more above those
nations took place on this “neutral ground”
quoted in the Gear section. However, they
as well, so they were inclined to leave it
also respect a good haggle, so every success
and raise on a Persuasion roll reduces that
After the war, the floating island remains by 10%.
and has embraced even more vice and sin
under the command of a Laotian who
calls himself “Manchu.” Manchu is a typical
maniacal despot, feeding his enemies to
the sharks that trail the city to feed off its
Idaho, Oregon, Washington
garbage and sending his warriors out to
raid the land for supplies and women when Fear Level 4
they don’t feel like paying for them. Mazers
The mountains of the Northwest grow
know how bad Manchu is, but most won’t
deathly cold in the winter. Survival is always
pass up an opportunity to taste Turtle Isle’s
a trial, especially the quest for food. When
wicked temptations anyway. Pleasures of
the chips are down, some humans engage
the flesh are too hard to come by these
in the horrible practice of cannibalism
days to pass up the opportunity.
to survive. Should a hero ever resort to
Raiding settlements, however, is nothing cannibalism while in the Great Northwest
compared to Manchu’s secret arrangement (for any reason), he must make a Spirit roll
with the croakers. He cut a deal with to avoid becoming a wendigo. He suffers a
these sea-devils a long time ago. These cumulative –1 penalty to this roll for each
underwater abominations are the source act of cannibalism, and a –2 if this occurs
of most of Turtle Isle’s high-end defensive during the winter.
systems, which the croakers strip off sunken
If he fails, the fallen hero becomes
warships and trade with Manchu. In return,
a wendigo under the Marshal’s control.
Turtle Isle provides the fishmen with human
There’s no way to get the hero back, so go
captives. Not just for sacrifices to their dark
ahead and tell the player to make a new
goddess, but also for experimentation.
one. For details on these nasty critters, see
Turtle Isle may look lightly defended, but the Monsters & Misfits chapter (page 157).
Manchu managed to salvage quite a few
The roads are so bad in this area all
military-grade weapons from a sunken USA
Driving rolls made for Vehicle Fatigue (see
destroyer after the bombs fell. Its helipads
page 56) are made at –2.
and onboard marina serve as staging
areas for armed patrol vessels rather than

weeds and vegetation and are now little
more than green mounds along the side of
the road.
THE GREAT NORTHWEST Road Gang: The posse encounters
2d12 raiders (see page 194) mounted on an
1d20 Result
assortment of vehicles and armed with a
1–3 No Encounter
wide array of melee and missile weapons.
4–5 Road Gang
6–10 Wendigo Spotted Owls: Environmentalists saved
11 Wolflings the spotted owl from extinction about
12 Toxic Cloud a hundred years ago, but the Reckoning
13–14 Overgrown Town has changed them into creatures of terror.
15–16 Anti-Templar Band They swoop in by the scores and slice
17 Spotted Owls at their victims with razor-sharp talons
18 Hellstorm before attacking with their beaks. Consider
19 Black Rain attacking owls a flying swarm (see Savage
20 Trader Caravan Worlds).
Toxic Cloud (page 95): A cloud of death
approaches the heroes.
Trader Caravan: A convoy of 2d8
transport vehicles along with 1d6 outriders
in pick-ups or motorcycles is spotted ahead.
They are willing to trade with friendlies.
For availability of goods, treat them as a
ENCOUNTERS settlement that’s size equals 100 x number
of transport vehicles.
Roll on the Encounter Table every 12
Wendigo: The posse encounters a
hours the posse spends traveling in this
wendigo (page 189) looking for fresh meat.
area, and once when they set up camp.
The wendigos are moving down from the
If the group spends a significant amount
mountains into the prime game areas
of time camped in one location, roll once
where survivor settlements are. It’s almost
every 24 hours and ignore any results that
like they’re slowly hunting the hunters to
call for a specific terrain type.
make it harder for the nearby ‘villes to get
Anti-Templar Band: An Anti-Templar meat.
(use Templar statistics from page 86 but
Wolflings (page 189): A pack of 2d6
carrying a battle axe) and his warband of
wolflings has taken up the trail of the
2d6 wanna-be black tabards (use raider
posse. If the posse is mounted in vehicles,
statistics on page 194 but give each an axe
the pack follows them and attacks at their
along with firearms) is encountered by the
next rest stop.
Black Rain (page 95): Black Rain douses
the party.
Fear Level 3, Population 400–500 (50–60
Hellstorm (page 95): Fiery clouds rumble
permanent residents)
in toward the posse.
First off, the Boise Maelstrom is slightly
No Encounter: The posse passes a
less dangerous than most because the
peaceful twelve hours.
Templars have lowered the Fear Level
Overgrown Town: The abandoned within it. Whenever anyone crosses through
buildings that made up this town have the storm, he makes a Vigor roll at –2 (no
collapsed and become overgrown with

penalty for Templars). Mutations are suffered
only if snake eyes are rolled, and Templars
never suffer mutations.
Boise is the home of the Templars. The
heart of the order is the Temple where the
Grand Master holds court. Other structures
that make up the wasteland knights’
home are the Hall of Heroes, where fallen
Templars are laid to rest, the Hospice, where
petitioners can stay, and the Barracks.
A solar powered water tower provides
clean, safe water to the downtown’s
inhabitants. While the Templars are a
grim and dour lot, the streets in between
their buildings are filled with an almost
carnival-like atmosphere. There’s a large
“black market” in smuggled goods (like
Templar relics) flowing through the town.
Most of these are sold quietly in the scores
of booths, carts, and kiosks that fill the
town square and surrounding streets.

Fear Level 3, Population 4,000
Before the Last War, this city was renowned
for being one of the most “green” cities in
the US. Most residents biked to work, its
energy came from hydroelectricity, solar,
and wind farms, and organic farms in the
surrounding area filled the local markets
with produce. The city was also a center of
innovation, technology, and research, with
The Library has a branch office here,
Oregon State University and a variety of
and the Chamber maintains an outpost that
computer businesses. The city was spared
liaisons with Oregon State University and
being bombed on Judgment Day, although
the 1-I super computer. It is run by a council
the ensuing chaos, plagues, rioting, and
composed of representatives of the faculty
depredations by roving gangs reduced the
of OSU, the merchant’s guild, the town
population by over 90 percent in the first
militia, and 1-I.
five years.
The town’s armed forces include a troop
Luckily for the remaining inhabitants,
of bicycle cavalry as well as heavy weapons
the city’s pre-War green nature worked
teams armed with junker weapons. Talk in
to their advantage, and it managed to
the settlement centers around the southward
maintain a fairly high standard of living
expansion of the racist samurai of Portland
under the leadership of a supercomputer
and how they can be stopped. A despot
named 1-I. Power comes from the remaining
named Holnes attempted to conquer the
hydroelectric dams, on which Corvallis
city in the early 2090s only to be thwarted
stations garrisons and technical staff to
by the militia and the famous tale-teller
maintain the flow of power.
known only as Teller.

special ’taters carry a supernatural infection,
LEAVENWORTH, WASHINGTON causing a deadly combination of cholera
and dysentery in those who consume them.
Fear Level 5, Population 50
Those who eat a diseased ‘tater and fail
This old tourist town sits high in the
a Vigor roll at –4 contract a Long-Term
Cascade Mountains. Built to resemble a
Chronic, Majorly Debilitating disease (see
Bavarian village, Leavenworth has several
Disease in Savage Worlds).
gasthausen, multiple breweries, and a
variety of restaurants. Its Nutcracker Anyone who dies from the “potato
Museum had a collection of more than disease” automatically comes back as a
5,000 nutcrackers, ranging from the cute to plague zombie. Anyone caring for these
the macabre but has since been looted. patients can also catch the disease,
requiring a Vigor roll at –2 to avoid the very
Although most people here are from the
contagious supernatural bug.
US, a fair number of real Germans, veterans
who were deployed to America during Since the inhabitants of New Jerome mix
the Last War, moved to Leavenworth after these special spuds in with the ordinary
Judgment Day. potatoes they trade to passing travelers,
getting one is purely random, which makes
The isolated town is under constant
it difficult to trace back to the source.
assault by wolflings and wendigoes. When
the town’s greatest defender was slain, the
burgermeister, Harold Pinter, sent emissaries THE RAIN FOREST
to both the Templars and the Iron Alliance.
Fear Level 5
He pays mercenaries who wander into
town generously for each wendigo ($500) or Olympic Forest is a lush rain forest
wolfling ($25) head. famous for its towering trees, exotic
vegetation, and rare animals. It’s still there,
NEW JEROME, IDAHO and in fact, it’s expanding daily. The “Living
Jungle,” as a local tribe of muties calls it, is
Fear Level 5, Population 25 moving eastward at the rate of 10 feet a day,
due to the warmth provided by Mount Saint
New Jerome is a small collection of
Helens and Mount Rainier.
ramshackle buildings at the edge of Jerome,
Idaho. It’s a tiny community of only 20 or When those two volcanoes blew their
so people and thousands and thousands stacks, thanks to the supernatural influence
of potatoes. They have recently contracted of the Reckoning, the low-lying areas got
with several trading convoys to export their warmer and the high mountains got colder.
produce to the outside world, although with The jungle grows like kudzu, and anything
the demise of the Convoy their product and everything in its path eventually gets
won’t be as widely distributed as they had covered. It should stop on its own when
originally planned. it hits the foothills of the Cascades, but
everything in between will be covered if it
There’s a reason the inhabitants of New
gets that far. The jungle is filled with killer
Jerome don’t want their location revealed to
bees, giant insects (treat as swarms from
the outside world. The potatoes they traded
Savage Worlds), and most of all, carnivorous
to the Convoy aren’t your ordinary spuds.
The town is run by 20 walkin’ dead and
five Harrowed under Pestilence’s control,
victims of the diseases that swept the town SEATTLE, WASHINGTON
after Judgment Day.
Fear Level 6
While the vast majority of spuds grown
The city of Seattle and the surrounding
on the hundreds of acres around the town
areas caught several ghost rock bombs on
are perfectly normal, some of their tubers
Judgment Day, with several reserved just for
are grown in the rich soil that covers the
mass graves of the plague victims. These

Macrosoft Corporate HQ out in Redmond It’s expensive, but well worth it if a posse
(guess someone in the Confed Stratcom needs to get somewhere quick. Germaine
didn’t like Windows 2075). can land anywhere there’s a decent stretch
of highway or small municipal airport.
The downtown area is a jumble of
His Learjet can carry 10 passengers (use
concrete and flooded underpasses. The
statistics from Savage Worlds if needed).
drains and city sewers clogged quickly
with debris from the bombs and the
constant Seattle rain turned the city into a The Space Needle
nightmarish Venice.
Fear Level 6

SEATAC The supernatural effects of the ghost rock

bombs are evidenced by the Space Needle
Fear Level 6 and the park surrounding it being intact
even though it’s within ground zero. Other
SeaTac took a direct hit from a tactical
structures inside the storm are demolished
ghost-rock bomb meant for the Air National
as you’d expect, but for whatever reason,
Guard base at the airport. The surgical
the park remains standing.
strike left most of the facility intact and
the radioactive particulates washed away The Reckoners wanted this structure
relatively quickly. to remain intact, because the inner core
was designed as a giant “supernatural
A former US Air Force pilot named
energy collector” by a mad scientist named
Victor Germaine has restored enough of
Victor Steinbrueck. The plan was to gather
one runway furthest from the maelstrom
this energy and broadcast it out to sites
to operate a small passenger jet service. He
hundreds of miles away. If successful, power
charges $2/mile per person, and can range
would have been beamed to everyone with
about 1000 miles in good weather.
a receiver and Steinbrueck would make a
bundle in the process.

Unfortunately, Steinbrueck went mad, as The tower is inhabited these days by a
mad scientists do, and threw himself from paranoid junker named Clausenstein. The
the top of the Space Needle. Steinbrueck’s few people in the area who have seen him
ghost was sucked into the partially call him “Needle Hands” because of the
completed energy-transmitter core, which syringes he wears on his leather gloves. He
turned the tower into a “fear” generator. needs certain drugs to stay alive, and keeps
The area around the Space Needle became the stuff in syringes built right into his
a Deadland sometime in the mid-1980s. The gloves. That way when he forgets to take
Agency stepped in and closed the area his medicine and has a seizure, the drugs
soon after, citing “safety concerns.” are right there at the tip of his fingers.
After the bombs fell, Steinbrueck’s ghost Use junker stats (page 193) with a focus
escaped the core. It now flits about the on chemical reagents. Needle Hands can
tower like a poltergeist which can only be be useful on occasion, especially with
put to rest through an exorcism (which is his knowledge of alchemy. He’s weird and
really only possible if a Blessed from the creepy, but if posses can get to him and
Weird West is around) or by tearing out the convince him they’re friends, he’ll help out
inner core of the tower. in return for some useful parts for his many
Tearing out the core is a problem because
large parts of it comprise the tower’s radio He is also one of ComSat’s friends.
transmitter, the only one in the area that Through it, he (or anyone else who is a
can contact ComSat (see page 10). friend of the satellite) can access billions
of terabytes of information to aid him in
his experiments. Clausenstein is working
to complete the spirit collector under the
guidance of Steinbrueck, who believes the
only way it can escape limbo is for someone
to complete the transmitter and “send” it to
Heaven. He’s wrong, of course, but he’s a
stubborn spirit.

Steinbrueck’s Poltergeist
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d8, Spirit
d10, Strength d6, Vigor d6
Skills: Fighting d8, Intimidation d12, Notice
d10, Taunt d10, Stealth d12+4
Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 5
Special Abilities
• Hurled Object: Str+d6
• Ethereal: Immune to normal attacks.
Magic items, weapons, or supernatural
powers affect him normally. If Steinbrueck
takes any damage, he fades through the
tower and hides somewhere normal folks
can’t reach.
• Improved Rapid Recharge: Polter­
geists recover 1 Power Point every 15
• Telekinesis: Although poltergeists can
throw objects as per a standard ghost,
they can also wield weapons, throw

people around, slam doors and such like.
They have the telekinesis power, use Spirit
The Wizard’s Tower
as their arcane skill, and have 20 Power Ages ago, there was a big game company
Points for this purpose only. in downtown Seattle that produced a very
• Weakness: The Deadlands Reloaded addictive card game. Their success allowed
exorcism power or tearing out the core them to build a 15 story game center
of the Space Needle will permanently covering several city blocks. Unfortunately,
destroy this creature. Federal officials found out the trading cards
were laced with an addictive mind-control
Spikers drug and closed the company. When the
feds put the company out of business, their
Lurking in the eaves of the Space Needle mammoth game center got bought by a
are things the local survivors call “spikers,” group of anonymous investors and renamed
which hurl themselves at anything that the “Wizard’s Tower.” Using patented
walks into the park. They look like a Dempseyworld animatronic robots, it was
cross between spiders, sea-urchins, and turned into a “virtual experience” where
porcupines, but made out of metal, and can folks could feel like they were in real
clear about 200 yards out from the Needle adventures set in any genre.
without too much trouble. The spikers were
Judgment Day ended all commercial
created by Needle Hands to protect him
enterprises, but a being called the
against the constant intruders looking to
“Gamemaster” has taken up residence in
loot the tower, but aren’t fully under his
the tower and uses the high-tech equipment
control. The poltergeist often takes control
to turn the complex into a much more
to keep the junker from being disturbed in
dangerous game. He pays local mutie tribes
his work. When left to their own devices,
to capture “players” for his entertainment,
the spikers are cruel and ever-watchful
then forces them through his adventures
hunters who twist their creator’s orders to
by threatening to kill innocents (preferably
fit their spitefulness.
someone close to the party) if they don’t
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4 (A), Spirit comply—and in character to boot!
d4, Strength d6, Vigor d6
The Wizard’s Tower gives Marshals an
Skills: Climb d12, Fighting d8, Notice d8,
opportunity to run posses through most
Stealth d10
any type of adventure, such as those in
Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 6
our other Savage Worlds settings. The parts
Gear: Thrown objects (Str+d4)
of the other creatures, characters, etc. are
Special Abilities
played by either violent mutants dressed
• Armor: +1
up to play the part or Dempseyworld
• Bite: Str+d6
robotic constructs. The posse shouldn’t
• Construct: +2 to recover from being
feel bad about fighting their way through
Shaken; no extra damage from called
the “actors.” The bad guys are truly bad
shots; immune to disease and poison.
and want to prove to the Gamemaster
• Fear –1: These creepy beings cause a
they should play a larger part in the next
Fear check at –1.
scenario. Whatever adventure you run here
• Poison –4: The bite of a spiker causes
should feature an occasional glimpse of
paralysis for 1d20 minutes for those who
the Gamemaster (through vidscreens of
fail their Vigor roll.
course—he never gets close to the action).
• Wall Walker: Moves at normal Pace
when walking on metal surfaces thanks As for the Gamemaster himself, he
to their electromagnetic feet. Each one died back at the turn of the millennium.
can carry up to 250 pounds of weight Originally the owner of the company that
while doing so, even upside down. built the game center, he secretly put
together a new firm to repurchase the old
building after the feds closed it and turned
it into the Wizard’s Tower.

The undead Gamemaster can do most picked up his family’s ancestral sword,
anything he wants within his tower. He’s and called for all survivors of Japanese
combined the best prewar technology with descent to come to the fortress and serve
junker science and maybe a little black him. Within a few years the old restaurant
magic to create worlds in which even he became quite a stronghold, complete with
can’t always tell what’s real. He’s not truly villages and rice paddies beneath the
evil, just a little nuts. He’s also something hilltop fortress and a cadre of samurai to
of a ham. He loves to sneak into his games protect the populace.
to play a bit part. He just can’t resist the
A few months before the Harvest, Daimyo
cameo as long as his guests aren’t killing
Fujima was overthrown by Suki Alvarez, the
everything they come across.
captain of his guards, with the help of a
Combine Grey Hat team. A fervent hater of
The Shogunate of Portland all non-Asian people, she declared herself
Shogun and quickly launched a war of
Fear Level 5, Population 2,500
expansion into the fertile Willamette valley,
This political entity was originally a killing or enslaving all who stood before
small settlement based out of a Japanese her as far south as Salem before running
steakhouse in Portland, Oregon. After into organized resistance at Corvallis (see
Judgment Day, the owner, Iso Fujima, page 125).
donned an ancient suit of armor from the
Shogun Alvarez put out the word to
collection in the lobby of the restaurant,
kangers from up and down the Shattered
Coast and her lands have swelled with
those of Asian ancestry. A fervent hater
of “round-eyes,” the new ruler lines the
roads with the crucified bodies of any
non-Asians she can catch. Any who remain
in her conquered lands are treated worse
than slaves in her new world order.
Most of the Shogun’s Asian subjects aren’t
so intolerant. They know they have a good
thing going so they don’t cross their ruler
openly, but they usually sell rice or other
goods to travelers who pass through the
village quietly. But woe to any natives who
are caught “consorting with the enemy.”
Alvarez’s brutal war of expansion caught
the eye of War just before the Reckoner
was trapped by Hellstromme. She attained
servitor status just before the Harvest, and
plans to continue her war of expansion in
the summer of 2098. Suki’s veteran samurai,
the Dragons, use soldier statistics (page 194).
They’ve trained themselves in the use of
the katana but use H&K MP-20 SMGs when
convenient. They wear infantry battlesuits
modified to look like ancient samurai

Shogun Suki Alvarez

Suki is a cold, relentless killer concerned
only with gaining more and more power,
land, and servants.

Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d10, Spirit of time camped in one location, roll once
d10, Strength d10, Vigor d8 every 12 hours and ignore any results that
Skills: Fighting d12+2, Intimidation d12, call for a specific terrain type.
Notice d10, Shooting d8, Stealth d10
Black Hat Patrol: A platoon of 3d10 of
Charisma: –2; Pace: 6; Parry: 12;
Throckmorton’s troops mounted in several
Toughness: 6
trucks and SUVs. Use soldiers from page 194.
Hindrances: Arrogant, Bloodthirsty, Mean,
Overconfident Black Rain (page 95): Black Rain douses
Edges: Alertness, Acrobat, Ambidextrous, the party.
Assassin, Block, Combat Reflexes, Improved
Dogs o’ War (page 170): An Alpha dog
Martial Artist, Mighty Blow, Trademark
with his pack of 2d8 undead hounds.
Gear: Enchanted Katana (Str+d10, +2 to Dust Storm (page 95): A massive dust
Fighting rolls, +2 Parry) storm approaches.
Special Abilities:
Glom (page 174): A pile of the many bodies
• Coup: Suki’s essence grants super­
generated by the Last War is looking to add
natural defensive ability. The warrior
new recruits to its mass.
counting coup gains +1 Parry.
• Invulnerable: As a servitor, Suki can Gorestorm (page 175): The travelers see a
only be killed by a weapon wielded by the gorestorm heading their way.
man she overthrew, Daimyo Fujima.
Hellstorm (page 95): Fiery clouds rumble
in toward the posse.
HIGH PLAINS No Encounter: Nothing bothers the
Colorado, Dakota, Iowa, Kansas, Road Ragers: These bozos are a typical
Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, Wyoming road gang (of raiders from page 194) that
happen to have an endless supply of the
Fear Level 4
combat drugs Rage and Slo-Mo, thanks to
Since the Harvest, much of Iowa and a member who was a chemist at Miltech
Kansas has been overrun by the undead
hordes that once shambled on the east
bank of the Mississippi. A huge host was
still heading west when Raven ended the
battle of Denver and burrowed under the
Rockies with his great worm allies. Once he HIGH PLAINS
disappeared, they lost their impetus to head
toward the Rockies and began randomly ENCOUNTER TABLE
wandering those areas in a broad, tapering
1d20 Result
swath from the Bloody Muddy to Denver. In
1–3 No Encounter
the past 8 months, they have slowly diffused
4–5 Glom
outward in groups of varying sizes.
6–7 Black Hat Patrol
8–11 Walkin’ Dead
ENCOUNTERS 12 Black Rain
13 Toxic Cloud
Besides the inhospitable environment
14 Road Ragers
and general desolation of the region, there
15 Dogs o’ War
are a number of other things your heroes
16–17 Gorestorm
may encounter while in the High Plains. Roll
18 Dust Storm
on the Encounter Table once for every eight
19 Hellstorm
hours the posse spends traveling in this
20 Slave Caravan
area, and once whenever they set up camp.
If the group spends a significant amount

Pharmaceuticals before the Last War. The The Neo-Luddites have commissioned
gang drives mostly stock vehicles in sorry the most fervent of their believers as
states of repair and uses personal hand witch hunters. These fanatics normally
weapons in combat. travel in pairs, and can be encountered
nearly anywhere in the Wasted West. They
Slave Caravan: Decked out with gold
search out junkers and those using junker
chains around their necks like some
technology and purify them with torture
pre-War gangers, these dregs of society
and flame. Treat these wanderers as soldiers
provide the Combine with the bodies it
(page 194), but their faith gives them 15 Power
needs to function. These Chain Dogs (use
Points and access to the powers armor,
Raider statistics from page 194 armed with
dispel, smite, and stun (cast with their Spirit
clubs, riot control grenades, and bean bag
die). They use Springfield muskets and Colt
grenades) have 2d20 slaves in tow and are
Dragoon pistols (see Savage Worlds), as well
usually heading towards Denver with their
as crossbows and swords.
Toxic Cloud (page 95): A cloud of death
approaches the heroes.
Fear Level 6; Population 2000 (500
Walkin’ Dead (page 187): 3d6 walkin’ dead
Combine, 1500 slaves)
(in Kansas, this will be 2d6 veteran walkin’
dead armed with firearms). Denver is the home of the Combine.
The city itself is surprisingly intact, having
NEW BILLINGS & WESTERN been hit on Judgment Day by high air-burst
neutron bombs which did little structural
NEBRASKA damage, followed by a fast-moving, highly
lethal virus which killed 98% of its victims.
Fear Level 4; population 500 in Billings,
With 99% of the population dead within
50–100 in smaller settlements
days of the end of the world, wide-scale
The Neo-Luddites were founded by Avis looting didn’t occur, so aside from the
Quinlan, a car salesman before the war, ravages of time and the Black Hats, the
who came to believe modern technology city is a treasure trove waiting to be looted.
was the root of all evil, and specifically Unfortunately, there’s a little thing called
anything made after the Reckoning is the Combine in town.
The Harvest, combined with Raven’s
Avis began his crusade in the ruins of undead horde and its wormy allies, hurt
Billings, Montana, in 2092, and it didn’t the Combine badly. Throckmorton’s forges
take long for him to find an audience for and foundries suffered heavily in the
his anti-technology gospel. Within a few Iron Alliance’s bombardment of Denver.
months he had nearly 100 followers; and Thousands of Black Hats and hundreds
within a single year he had almost 500 of Red Hats perished before the walls
disciples. Today, almost all of the survivor of Junkyard, on the long retreat through
settlements in western Nebraska belong to the Rockies, and in the ruins of Denver.
the Neo-Luddite movement. Hundreds of automatons of all models
were destroyed or disabled, as well as many
To these folks, any technology that was
of the cyborgs in Throckmorton’s ranks.
developed after 1863 is sinful because it
While dead Black Hats are easy to replace,
may be tainted by the manitous’ influence.
raptors, automatons, and other automated
Junkers are considered the servants of
troops are not.
Satan, and practicing junker magic is a
stoning offense. Merely possessing junker Repair crews are busy trying to get the
technology calls for a severe flogging, smelters back on-line, but none of the
which many don’t survive. A second offense Green Hats know exactly what they’re
automatically calls for stoning. doing and spare parts are scarce. They’ve
begun a concentrated effort to find slaves
with engineering experience and “promote”

them to Green Hat status in exchange for Camp Freedom, by the old Sager Reservoir,
repairing and expanding the Combine’s houses the Combine’s slave labor force.
metalworking capabilities. Most work in the fields in an old suburb
called Lafayette, raising crops for the rest of
Throckmorton’s remaining assembly lines
his troops. It’s easy for these poor folks to
are starved for high-tensile metal to rebuild
escape into the ruins of downtown Denver,
these forces. Combine teams of Green Hats
but it’s nearly impossible to get further.
are scouring the wastes as far away as the
Despite the losses to Raven’s horde, the
Great Maze to find salvageable ghost steel.
open fields surrounding the Compound are
For now, the factories have cranked out
constantly patrolled by raptors, although
automatons with shiny new armor made
this is one of the few places one finds
of flimsy material, which Throckmorton
these flying terrors these days.
named “The Vengeance Brigade” (page 158)
and ordered into the ruins as a show of A gleaming new compound was built
force against the Resistance. Their numbers in the HI complex during the spring by a
now stand at 150 of these shiny constructs. force of heavy construction bots. Under
the supervision of Charles “the Butcher”
Raven’s forces also managed to break
Barkley, a select few Green Hats operate a
into Camp Freedom and chow down on
new cloning center and abattoir, nicknamed
the Combine’s slave pool. The Denver
Doublemeat Palace.
Resistance also took this opportunity to
strike, freeing those who hadn’t become Inside the complex lies a horror of
brain donors. Camp Freedom was basically giant cloning vats where, via some
emptied out, leaving the Combine with no seriously demented junker science, fully
slave workers for food production. mature animals are grown in days. These
weak-limbed, undeveloped cows are
This led to serious food shortages for
then processed through an efficient but
the Combine forces during the spring and
gruesome “assembly line of death,” a series
early summer of 2097. There were rumors
of conveyor belts, whirling knives, lasers,
of cannibalism among both the few
and “juice” sluices that turn them into
remaining slaves in Camp Freedom, as well
hamburger in less than a minute. And yes,
as at some of the Black Hat watering holes
Marshal, exhausted slaves, Black Hat rejects,
in the downtown area. Throckmorton’s
and captured Resistance fighters end up in
Chain Gangs have been working overtime
the tubes of mystery meat churned out by
to restock their labor pool since the Battle
Doublemeat Palace.
of Worms, and now, combined with Dr.
Barkley’s food complex (see below), the
famine has been averted. Downtown Denver
Downtown Denver is more of a night­
The Combine Compound mare than it ever was. Not only do you
have to contend with Black Hats, feral
The automated factories are on the
automatons, automatons on “training and
outskirts of Denver, encompassing over
weapons calibration exercises,” and the
50 square miles of gleaming structures
general nastiness found in a Deadland, but
of glass and steel. A wall around the area
now many of Raven’s horde who didn’t
consisting of old cars and trucks, chainlink
accompany him underground wander
fences, cargo containers, piles of rubble,
through the streets of the ruined city.
and whatever else they could find served
to repel Raven’s hordes during the Battle of With a general shortage of automatons,
Worms. Throckmorton’s forces tend to cluster in a
few well-protected areas these days, leaving
The Compound is where Throckmorton’s
the majority of the ruins to the undead
robots built barracks and other facilities for
tourists from beyond the Mississippi. Not
the higher-ranking humans, and sits on the
only are traditional walking dead found
shores of Lake McKay.
here, but also cast-offs from the Reckoner’s
armies who lost their direction when their

bosses were vacuumed up by the Harbinger. bottom consisted of dirty, rubble-strewn
Basically, Marshal, if your fevered mind can streets that never saw daylight and housed
stat it, you can give it a home in Denver. the arms and ghost rock bomb factories..
Above that were fabulous casinos run by
The Resistance technology-loving Ravenites. Above that
sat the 50-story rooftop penthouses of
The band of survivors and escaped the ultra-rich. These were connected by
prisoners who eke out a living in the ruins walkways to keep the rich from having to
and sewers of Denver have found life even mix with the poorer folks down below.
harder since the Battle of Worms. With the
Just before Judgment Day, everything
increase in nightmare creatures left over
came crashing down. A few days before the
from the clash between the Combine and
bombs fell, Raven walked into downtown
Raven, the Resistance finds it even harder
Deadwood and started blasting the tangled
to move about the city by day or night.
maze of buildings. (Some of those who
And with Throckmorton too busy to worry
dwelled on the bottom cheered—before
about them, these partisans are not being
they were crushed by thousands of tons
supplied with cast-off weapons they used
of rubble.)
to surreptitiously get from the Combine to
provide his automatons with real combat The survivors fled into the wilderness
experience. and watched their city burn. A few days
later, a city buster landed smack on what
Despite this, the Resistance still actively
was left. Ironically, Raven’s attack had likely
attempts to sabotage the Combine’s efforts,
saved lives—at least of those who had fled
and still provides aid and intelligence to
to the hills.
the Iron Alliance, such as the fact that the
Combine has been heavily recruiting techies Today, the elevated highways, towering
into the ranks of the Green Hats. skyscrapers, and rooftop walkways lie in
piles of rubble. A pack of night terrors live
DEADWOOD, SIOUX NATIONS in the few high-rises still standing, and
restless spirits haunt the ruins. The New
Fear Level 6; Population 200 (Cult of Doom) Sioux, a violent tribe of mutants loyal to
Silas and the Cult of Doom also lives in the
Deadwood was the home of the Ravenites,
debris. For whatever reason, they blame the
a bubble of technology in the tech-dead
Old Wayers for their fate and hunt Indians
zone of the Sioux Nations. A mag-lev rail
for both food and sport.
line and two highways running east and
west ringed by totems allowed high speed There’s a fortune in salvage to be had
travel into the city, but these corridors are in the warehouses and bunkers beneath
filled with the rusted hulks of cars, trucks, Deadwood’s streets. The problem is
and crashed trains. get­ting to it and back again. Besides all
the supernatural baddies waiting for the
Walking in isn’t exactly quick. Coming
heroes, there’s the problem of physically
from the west, the posse has to cover nearly
transporting the goodies out.
120 miles to reach the city. The eastern
route is double this. The best rate the group
can make through the wrecks and rubble is DEVILS TOWER
about 10 miles a day on foot. That means it
Fear Level 4
takes about 12 days to reach the city from
the west and 24 days approaching from the Within a swirling maelstrom is a massive
east. natural wonder of red stone standing
almost 600 feet tall—at least the part that’s
Status High and Low left. The rest lies in 100-foot-tall piles
around the base. This massive geological
Confined to an area about nine miles wonder is located in the Sioux Nations, in
long and four wide, Deadwood was literally northeastern Wyoming.
built from the mud up. By Judgment Day,
Deadwood existed on many levels. The

The tower had been inhabited for complex, and even rigged up machinery
hundreds of years by a group of alien cross- to draw power off the portal. From
breeds (as in alien beings from space), and this well-supplied and fortified base of
contained a portal to the Hunting Grounds operations, the Law Dogs cleared much of
used to power their secret facility. the surrounding area and actually lowered
the Fear Level.
When the Indians enacted the Great
Summoning ceremony that created the In early 2094 a man known as the
anti-tech zone across the Sioux Nations, Prospector and a group of Harrowed
the area directly around Devils Tower was emerged from the Hunting Grounds here.
unaffected, allowing the aliens to maintain Seven months later, the junkers sent an
their technological edge. agent back in time in an attempt to change
the past and defeat the Reckoners.
As word leaked back to the US
government about the nature of the tower, Unfortunately, blow-back from the time
a group of US scientists entered it in the travel device washed through the upper
mid-2000s and established a research levels, killing many of the junkers and
facility. Unfortunately, Confederate spies their Law Dog allies. In the years since, the
learned what was going on and made sure crossbreeds have broken out of the lower
it received a ghost rock bomb on Judgment levels and now run rampant through the
Day. The bomb blew off the upper half of area.
the structure but left most of the lower
The crossbreeds live in the ruins, fighting
levels intact. That’s where the crossbreeds
off devil bats, rattlers, and horrors from the
were kept, and the overhead rock protected
portal. The crossbreeds always respected
them from the worst effects. Those that
technology—now they worship it. When the
didn’t die by the storm were mutated, and
chance to gather gadgets presents itself, the
the only thing worse than a mutant is a
mutants rally violently to the cause. Some
mutant alien.
still have the fantastic tech of their past but
Back in 2090 a group of junkers and Law such relics are few and far between, so they
Dogs moved into Devils Tower, pushed the settle for human tech (and sometimes meat).
alien mutants into the lower depths of the

Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4, Spirit d6,
Alien Crossbreed Strength d10, Vigor d8
The aliens were once more diverse, Skills: Fighting d6, Stealth d6, Swimming
but these days all that are left are the d6, Tracking d6
crossbreeds—rejects of alien and human Pace: 5; Parry: 5; Toughness: 7 (1)
DNA abandoned by their parent race. (If Gear: Crossbreeds carry clubs (Str+d6), and
you’re interested in the big backstory, check rarely (1 in 6) a stun stick. The weapon does
out The Last Sons for Deadlands Reloaded.) Str+d4 damage, but anyone hit must first
make a Vigor roll at –4 or be Shaken.
Crossbreeds stand anywhere from three
Special Abilities:
to five feet tall (averaging a little over four),
• Armor 1: Scaly hide.
and they weigh 100 to 200 pounds (averaging
• Claws/Bite: Str+d6
about 145). Their skin is green and scaly like
a lizard. Their teeth are long and needlelike.
Their eyes are almost all black, with some FORT BRIDGER, WYOMING
small variations in tone and color. They have
Fear Level 3; Population 200
long, sharp claws on their hands and feet.
They’ve got faces not even their mothers Originally established as a waystation in
could love, like a cross between a Mexican southwestern Wyoming back in the early
dragon and the backside of a monkey. 1800s, Fort Bridger grew into a town a few
decades later and was almost a city when
the Last War came. The war damage to
Fort Bridger was conventional, not nuclear,
so the survivors of the area rebuilt it into
an actual fort once again. It benefits from
a level headed citizens’ committee and
frequent visits by Law Dogs.
Just like in the days of old, they trade
goods with travelers and provide protection
against several bands of bloodthirsty
mutants who prowl the surrounding
wastes. Basic supplies are there at listed
prices, but some of the “independent”
dealers who sometimes set up shop on the
parade ground are only good for cheap and
suspect goods.
These days the forces of the Combine
are looking to Fort Bridger as a possible
outpost, and groups of scouts have been
infiltrating the town with an eye toward a

Fear Level 4 in most settlements;
Population 30–200 per settlement
Scattered across the hills of Montana,
these survivalists and right-wing “patriots”
who feared the Northern government before
the Last War built a variety of bunkers
and strongholds in anticipation of the
Apocalypse. When Judgment Day arrived,

the Confederates, fearing these heavily madness, including an amusement park and
armed anti-government forces, struck with one of the largest shark aquariums in North
nukes at the largest Freeman settlements. America. It survived the Last War relatively
intact, and local mobster Anthony “Fat
There aren’t many Freemen left, but those
Tony” Mulachi made sure it wasn’t looted.
who are still around are well-armed and
He and his boys moved in to the mall just
angry. They’ve got tons of heavy weapons,
a few hours after the Apocalypse, shot the
ammo, rockets, and even a few anti-tank
few looters who were already inside, and
missiles. They’re mostly paranoid nutcases,
claimed it as their own.
and opted to sit out the Harvest despite
deputations from both the Iron Alliance These days, Tony and his feared gang of
and Throckmorton. 50 goodfellas run the Mall of America like
a pre-war paradise. The mall has defensive
The Freemen are divided up into
installations on the roof as well as junker-
“families.” If there’s a leader to be found,
designed automated sentry guns hidden
it’s definitely Michelle Stockton. She was
in the rusting hulks of cars that fill the
once a housewife, but after her husband
enormous parking areas outside.
died fighting mutants a few years back, she
took over and has proven to be one of the Paying the $20 entrance fee transports
toughest fighters in a group of ferocious a brainer back to a happier time. The area
warriors. She’s real quiet, but when she inside the mall is lit with fluorescent lights,
speaks, everyone listens. plants line the halls, is climate controlled,
and there’s even Muzak playing in the
HELLTOWN background!
Currently there are 40 storefronts open,
Fear Level 5; Population 250
organized by category. You’ll find guns in
This town looks out of place in the one area, electronic parts in another, and so
wastelands. For one, it has no walls to on. Tony gets new items from anyone who
keep out marauders. For another, every brings them in, as well as the many trade
building in town is painted red. Strangers caravans that go back and forth from here
are welcome here, and are free to buy, sell, to Junkyard (after taking a long northerly
and otherwise trade what they can, as well route around Denver). Spook juice, ammo,
as relax in the town’s only bar, the Bull’s and bullets of all calibers run 150% over
Eye. But anyone who gets out of hand list price, while anything else is marked up
finds every capable person in town acts 25% more than normal. There’s no haggling
as the law, and they’re all well-armed with in MoA, and everything is clearly marked
pistols, shotguns, and rifles. The bodies of with one set price. There are even five
those who misbehave are swinging from different restaurants inside, three Italian, a
the old light poles outside of town. Mayor steakhouse, and a seafood place, as well as
Tawana Wilkins runs this town with an a hotel with electricity and running water
iron fist and—much to the applause of the (rooms run $75/night). The Sensoround
Templars—the people back her up. Megaplex theater has been renovated and
provides virtual reality experiences for a
Helltown can be a useful place to rest
mere $25 per show.
and resupply, with prices as listed and
availability as if it has a population of 1500, The largest indoor amusement park
as long as the posse keeps their noses (before the Apocalypse) as well as an
clean. aquarium provide entertainment for the
denizens of the mall. Sometimes Tony puts
MALL OF AMERICA, MINNESOTA those he doesn’t like in the rollercoaster
without seat belts and sees how long it
Fear Level 4; Population 275 (1,550 for takes for the poor saps to come flying out.
scavenging checks) The aquarium not only provides seafood
for his restaurant, but the shark tank is an
This massive four story mall in St. Paul,
after-hours source of gruesome amusement
Minnesota, had over 500 stores with over
as well.
four million square feet of retail shopping

Tony and his men leave folks alone while are hung around the wreckage of the city.
they’re shopping unless it looks like they’re The witches have mostly cleared out the
loitering. Then he throws them out if they ruins for a distance of ten miles of any
don’t show they’re buying something. living humans, mutant or norm, although
some scattered groups of women eke out a
This place is probably one of the nicest,
single-sex existence in their domain.
safest places in the Wasted West—as long as
you stay on Fat Tony’s good side. Anger him The woman who leads the coven was a
and a waster either swims with the sharks, radical witch named Jasmine Craft. Before
dies on the rollercoaster, or winds up as the Last War she prowled the streets of
the meat in the next spaghetti bolognese. Wichita as a prostitute, using her powers
For that little trick, Tony became a servitor to kill men. She survived the bombs, but
of Death just before the Harvest. died a few months later from the glows,
blaming men for starting the war with her
Fat Tony Mulachi dying breath.
She returned from death as a true
Tony isn’t particularly deadly on his own.
abomination, and was rewarded by Death
It’s his leadership and the constant group
for her evil deeds with a peculiar breed of
of deadly bodyguards who accompany him
female walkin’ dead that can cast spells
that are the problem. (Treat the bodyguards
just as she can.
as five Wild Card soldiers, page 194.
They’re armed with SA XM-40 assault rifles
and Tokarev machine pistols.) Jasmine Craft and her Coven
Attributes: Agility d4, Smarts d10, Spirit Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d10, Spirit
d10, Strength d10, Vigor d8 d10, Strength d6, Vigor d6
Skills: Fighting d8, Gambling d8, Intimidation Skills: Fighting d6, Intimidation d10, Notice
d10, Notice d6, Persuasion d8, Shooting d8, d6, Spellcasting d10 (d12 for Jasmine), Stealth
Streetwise d8, Taunt d6 d8
Charisma: 0; Pace: 5; Parry: 6; Toughness: Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 7
7 Special Abilities:
Hindrances: Bloodthirsty, Curious, Greedy, • Beguiling: Jasmine and her coven can
Obese. appear as beautiful women when they
Edges: Command, Command Presence, desire, and they typically use this ability
Hard to Kill, Leader of Men, Natural Leader. to lure unsuspecting men to their doom.
Gear: Tokarev machine pistol (Range This power gives them a +4 Charisma.
10/20/40, Damage 2d6, RoF 3, AP 1) with • Dagger (Str + d4)
laser sight. • Fear –2: These creepy undead women
Special Abilities: cause Fear checks at –2 to any man who
• Coup: The hero who counts coup on sees them in their hideous true form.
Fat Tony gains the essence of his bulk, • Immunity (Males): Male heroes are at
providing +1 Toughness. This does come –2 to hit Jasmine with Fighting or Shooting
with some weight gain, but a week or so attacks.
of normal struggle in the wastes will take • Spellcasting: These undead have the
care of it for most folks. following powers: armor, bolt, entangle,
• Invulnerable: Fat Tony must be eaten fear, puppet (15 Power Points); Jasmine
by sharks to meet his final demise. also has blast and fly (30 PPs).
• Undead: +2 to Toughness; +2 to recover
NEAR WICHITA, KANSAS from being Shaken; no extra damage
from called shots; immune to disease and
Fear Level 6 poison.
• Weakness: A male hero who is
In the irradiated ruins of Wichita lives
romantically connected to a female
a coven of 13 fierce, man-hating witches.
character in the posse deals double
The group hunts male travelers to the city.
damage to Jasmine on successful attacks.
Men who survive their initial attack are
slowly tortured to death, and their “parts”

• Coup: Jasmine’s essence is pure arcane F-40 Tigersharks. Since January of 2094,
power. A coup-counter with an Arcane their numbers have dropped to less than a
Background gains +5 Power Points. A hundred with fewer than a dozen aircraft of
character with no Arcane Background all types remaining.
can choose to take one on their next
Several months after the Battle of Worms,
advance with the extra Power Points or
the leader of the Sky Pirates, Dwight Price,
immediately gain Arcane Resistance vs.
aka Raptor, was killed by a fellow pilot
Black Magic.
named Snake. Snake has convinced his
comrades that the Iron Alliance used them
SKY PIRATES as cannon fodder, and has returned the Sky
Pirates to their roots—aerial raiders who
The Sky Pirates were once a band of
prey on the weak and helpless.
aerial raiders, scouts, and scavengers. They
joined with the Iron Alliance during the Nocturne Field was almost fully stocked
Harvest and their numbers suffered greatly when the bombs dropped in 2081 and
from Combine firepower. still has a few million gallons of aviation
fuel in sealed tanks, along with a supply
Based out of Nocturne Field, a secret
of several tons of missiles, bombs, and
base literally carved into the side of a
guided munitions. Of the original 48 F-40s,
Colorado mountain, there were a couple
only five survived the battle against the
hundred of aviators, flying anything from
ultralights to Cessnas to the most advanced

Combine and Raven. That’s good news for
the folks of the Wasted West now that the
Sky Pirates have gone bad.


The Sioux who remain in the area follow
the “Old Ways,” shunning technology and
manufactured goods. Those “Ravenites”
who don’t believe in the Old Ways have
mostly fled due to the anti-technology
zone (see below).
The Sioux are ruled by a council of
elders and wise men called the “wicasas.”
Each major tribe has one, and either he or
his representative sits on the council when
all are called together to rule on important

Fear Level 2; Population 10,000
The borders of the Sioux Nations are
closed to those not of Native American
descent. Any non-Indians found inside the
Nations are asked their business. Unless
they have a matter which needs to come
before the tribal council, the intruders are
politely asked to leave. If they refuse, the
tribe’s warriors show them to the border or
bury them, as the situation warrants.
Visitors who can prove they are of Native
SIOUX NATIONS American descent are welcome to stay as
long as they are willing to take the Old Ways
ENCOUNTER TABLE Oath. Willing newcomers are adopted into
one of the clans and become full members
1d20 Result of the tribe. The one exception to this is
1–5 No Encounter toxic shamans. Corrupters are attacked
6–9 Sioux Scouting Party on sight, while caretakers are warmly
10–14 Hunting Party welcomed. Portions of Sioux territory have
15 Dust Storm been contaminated by radioactive fallout
16 Caretaker Toxic and toxic runoff from factories upstream
Shaman of the Nations. Caretakers are welcome
17–18 Buffalo Herd to remain in Sioux lands as long as they
19–20 Horse Herd use their powers to clean up some of this
The anti-technology zone created by
the Great Summoning still holds sway in
the Sioux Nations. After about 10 minutes,
pretty much everything that wasn’t made
by hand from all natural materials stops

working. Weapons, vehicles, and other Horse Herd: A herd of 2d20 horses.
high-tech gizmos are obvious targets, but it There is a 50% chance that a few young
doesn’t stop there. Modern combat knives braves watch over the horses. See Savage
lose their edge and the blade breaks if Worlds for statistics.
subjected to any stress; backpack straps
Hunting Party: A typical hunting party
continuously loosen and fall off the hero’s
has 20+3d20 braves (page 193), 1d4–1 shamans
shoulders; waterproof tents leak and the
(page 195), and an equal number of elderly,
ropes and poles are easily broken.
noncombatants, and children.
Some items may require the Marshal to
No Encounter: Time passes quietly.
get inventive, but the posse should quickly
learn they cannot rely on any item that was Sioux Scouting Party: Scouting parties
not handcrafted from some plant, animal, patrol the edges of the Sioux Nations
or naturally occurring mineral. Junkers are looking for intruders. A typical scouting
near powerless here—neither their devices party contains 5+1d6 braves (page 193).
(powers) or abilities function.
Since Doomsayers, sykers, and Templars THE BADLANDS
channel energy directly from the Hunting
Fear Level 6
Grounds rather than using spiritual
intermediaries, their brands of magic work The Badlands are a weird stretch of land
just fine. filled with tall, jagged ridges, steep cliffs,
narrow chasms, and macabre-looking rock
A character who wants to play a
formations resembling people writhing in
traditional shaman from Deadlands
torment deep in the Sioux Nations.
Reloaded fits in here, but may find himself
outgunned outside the anti-technology Rattlers, young rattlers, and wormlings fill
zone. the Badlands, while enormous swarms of
devil bats take to the night skies (typically
ENCOUNTERS numbering 5d20 or even more). The only
reason a posse might go here is to put an
The open grasslands of the Dakotas end to the worm cult, for this is where all
give a timeless feeling to those who walk those wormlings are coming from.
across their surface. Herds of buffalo and
horses run free, evoking an image of earlier,
happier times.
Fear Level 5
But there are still dangers. Roll on the
Encounter Table every 12 hours (every Since the 1800s, the great rattlers have
6 hours along the river itself) the posse been worshipped by a cult of humans led
spends traveling in this area, and once by powerful priestesses. Unfortunately,
when they set up camp. If the group spends its location within the Sioux Nations
a significant amount of time camped in anti-technology zone frustrated every
one location, roll once every 24 hours and attempt by the Agency to stamp it out.
ignore any results that call for a specific After 200 years of a steady diet of human
terrain type. captives provided by their worshippers, a
whole new breed of queen worm appeared,
Buffalo Herd: A herd of d10x10 buffalo.
able to create human-worm hybrids called
Use Bull statistics from Savage Worlds.
Caretaker Toxic Shaman: A single
Before the Harvest, there were thousands
caretaker shaman (page 195) is discovered
of wormlings in the Badlands and
communing with the nature spirits.
elsewhere. Raven’s call to arms emptied the
Dust Storm: A massive dust storm (page area of almost all its slimy inhabitants, but
95) approaches. several of the queens remained. The Worm
Cult still ranges near and far to serve them,
gathering up sacrifices for the tentacled

No maps exist showing the way to Worm Giant Mosquitos: A cloud of these huge
Canyon. Wasters who follow the Cheyenne bloodsuckers is attracted to the heroes.
River into the heart of the Badlands and Treat them as a swarm (see Savage Worlds).
start looking for concentrations of rattler
Glom: A horrid conglomeration of
young are close to the home of the queens.
corpses shambles forth (page 174).
A single trail runs through the region near
Worm Canyon, and it’s constantly patrolled No Encounter: The posse encounters
by cultists looking for fresh meat in the nothing of significance.
form of lone travelers or wayward miners.
Pirates: These waterborne scum use
A hereditary priestess always named
raider statistics (page 194). Traveling in a
Ursula presides over the coven of wormy
variety of small boats and using old
worshippers. They sacrifice, cavort, and dye
paddlewheels as motherships, groups of
their skin purple in honor of their “gods.”
3d10 pirates attempt to swarm travelers on
Anyone who dies here is dead the larger tributaries with their superior
permanently. The soul of the victim is numbers.
consumed in the process. He cannot return
River Leviathan: A dreaded kraken of
as a Harrowed, nor be resurrected by any
the Mississippi takes notice of the posse’s
means. Proof of his eternal damnation can
vessel (page 181).
be found in the hills and cliffs of Worm
Canyon as the image of the victim appears River Rats: Originally imported from
in the rock over the next few hours. South America, nutria weigh in at about
nine pounds, have ratlike tails, webbed feet,
and really, really big teeth. Of course, the
LOWER MISSISSIPPI mutant nutria, or mutria for short, are much
worse than their prewar cousins. They’ve
AND DELTA gained a few pounds, lost most of their fur,
and have developed a taste for human flesh.
Arkansas, Louisiana, Missouri They hunt in packs of 30 or so and breed
like mad. These animals live all along the
Fear Level 5
banks looking for food. Sometimes they
even follow a wounded riverboat and wait
ENCOUNTERS for it to ground. Then they swarm over it in
scores and chew up the crew. Treat them as
The hot, miserable environment of the
a swarm but increase the damage to 2d6.
Mississippi Delta is not the only thing heroes
have to deal with. The drowned landscape Road Gang: The posse encounters
along the river has given rise to all sorts 3d10 road gangers (use Raiders on page 194)
of abominations they may encounter along mounted primarily in pick-ups, although
the Bloody Muddy. they might own one or two motorcycles
with sidecars.
Roll on the Encounter Table every 12
hours (every 6 hours along the river itself) Toxic Cloud: A cloud of death (page 95)
the posse spends traveling in this area, approaches the heroes.
and once when they set up camp. If the
Trader Caravan: A convoy of 2d8
group spends a significant amount of time
transport vehicles along with 2d4 outriders
camped in one location, roll once every 24
in pick-ups or motorcycles (or a large
hours and ignore any results that call for a
paddlewheeler with makeshift armor and
specific terrain type.
several machine guns) is spotted ahead.
Black Rain: Black Rain (page 95) douses They are willing to trade with non-hostile
the party. people they meet. For availability of goods,
Dust Storm: A massive dust storm (page
95) approaches.

treat them as a settlement of size of 100 x
number of transport vehicles or 1d6 x 250
for waterborne traders.
Walkin’ Dead: 3d6 walkin’ dead (page 187),
or 2d6 bloats (page 187) if within two miles of
the Mississippi or one of its tributaries. ENCOUNTER TABLE
1d20 Result
6–7 Road Gang (land)
Fear Level 5; Population 45
Pirates (water)
This small town 40 miles southwest of 8–11 River Rats
New Orleans would seem fairly insignificant 12 Glom (land)
to a casual traveler. What no one knows River Leviathan (water)
is the Confederate Strategic Oil Reserve 13 Toxic Cloud
(CSOR) was located in a network of stable 14–15 Giant Mosquitos
salt dome caverns deep under the surface. 16–17 Walkin’ Dead
18 Dust Storm
Originally conceived as a way to store
19 Black Rain
huge amounts of oil during the great ghost
20 Trader Caravan
rock embargo of the 1970s, the CSOR has
lain forgotten since the end of the Last
War. While the other three sites that made
up the program along the Gulf Coast all
caught ghost rock bombs on Judgment Day,
Thibidaux was spared, the missile targeted
The Miss protects it from threats from land,
for it landing far out into the Gulf’s waters.
and a wall of rubble created by demolishing
The pumping stations and equipment outlying buildings makes it hard for
are hidden in ordinary looking houses and creatures or pirate vessels to assault it.
storefronts, and the townsfolk keep evidence
Most of the town’s population fish or
of their buried treasure well hidden from
farm the rooftop gardens. Others try to
casual passersby. To passing road gangs,
renovate and repair surrounding buildings
there is nothing of value in the town, but
or prowl the ruins of old Baton Rouge for
under the town hall a chemical engineer
has set up a crude refinery to produce
heating oil and diesel. This tiny usage over As long as they stay on Evelyn’s
the last 13 years hasn’t even made a dent in good side, travelers sleep in one of the
the roughly 227 million barrels of oil lying abandoned buildings for free up to three
1000 meters below the town. days, may trade with the warehouse, and
can even watch the bi-weekly movie (they
BATON ROUGE, LOUISIANA get slugs from Movie Town fairly regularly).
The town’s recyclers give the town a –2
Fear Level 3; Population 200 Streetwise modifier when trying to find an
item in the town’s marketplace.
Baton Rouge was inundated by massive
floods back in 2071 when the ground level
dropped 50 feet, leaving it a jumble of HELL SWAMP
abandoned, drowned ruins and a whole
Fear Level 5
mess of mosquitoes. A few years after
Judgment Day, Evelyn Reynard founded Hell Swamp is well named due to the
Nouveau Baton Rouge on the buildings omnipresent heat and humidity. Travelers
still poking out of the river. With the help must make Vigor rolls at –2 every hour or
of former civil engineer Rupert Tinsdale, suffer a level of Fatigue. If a posse insists
the buildings were connected by swinging on wearing any kind of body armor, the
bridges and floating boardwalks made check is at –4. The water in the swamp
from steel cables with wooden planking. ranges from just a few inches to over 60

GOODIES Several communities of Cajuns brave the
terrors of Hell Swamp. Some of the smaller
Most of Mama’s voodoo towns are up in the huge cypress trees, each
powers are subtle charms dwelling connected with ropes, boardwalks,
and wards. All of Mama’s and zip lines. Others are built on floating
charms and wards take effect rafts tethered between trees.
immediately. They cannot be
The Cajuns live by hunting giant gators
“saved” for later use. Some
and other swamp critters from wooden
that might be sought by the
canoes and an assortment of old aluminum
heroes (and the price Mama
boats. Houma, one of the more prosperous
charges for casting) are:
settlements, has swampboats converted to
Loa’s Blessing: Keeps away run off methane and trade their game with
swamp mosquitoes, snakes, some of the river settlements further up
and other small creatures for the Miss, like Nouveau Baton Rouge. This
1 week. ($100) is a good place to get a guide to take you
into the lower swamps, by the way. Most of
Remove Curse: Removes
the Cajuns are fairly insular. Some of the
most negative magical or
cruder places full of mutants see intruders
spell effects. It’s the Marshal’s
as meals on two legs.
call if Mama’s magic is more
powerful than whatever
tion the receiver seeks KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI
to alleviate. ($500)
Fear Level 6
Tibutu’s Talisman: Keeps
Kansas City, Missouri, got hit with an
supernatural terrors from
honest-to-God, 10-megaton nuke. The blast
directly attacking a single
flattened the city and everything within 11
character for 1d4 days, though
miles. There’s a lot of speculation about why
it could push a tree over on
KC got nuked for real. The most popular
them, attack a companion, and
theory is kind of nuts, but it makes more
so on . This takes her a month
sense than anything else. President Bates
to create, and she never has
was a Raiders fan, and they got beat in the
more than one. ($1,000)
last Super Bowl by the Kansas City Chiefs.
Now that’s a fan.
The ruins are filled with low levels of
radiation with pockets of high rad in pools
and other collection points (see Savage


feet deep. It’s thick, it’s green, and hides
Fear Level 6, Population 1
what lies beneath. Just walking through
the mess requires another Vigor check at New Orleans took it on the chin during
–2 each hour to avoid Fatigue, and Pace is the bombing. As the largest port in the
reduced to 1/3 normal. Confederacy, it caught more than its share
of the bombs. Worse yet, the bombings,
Besides the water and mud, intruders
combined with the aftereffects of the Baton
into the swamp must contend with toxic
Rouge quake caused the Mississippi to jump
mosquitoes, poisonous snakes hanging
its banks upriver from New Orleans. The
from every tree, and gators up to 60 feet
river now cuts almost due south through
the swampland and into the Gulf of Mexico.

The shattered ruins of New Orleans no The other four floats are driven by enslaved
longer sit astride the mighty Mississippi. followers and surrounded by heavily-armed
Instead, a stinking marsh nearly a mile wide revelers covered in beads and party hats—
cuts through the remains of the city. The firearms in one hand and bottles of various
first two floors of any building are beneath alcohols in the other. (The bottles refill each
at least 20 feet of water, the bottom third of night as long as they’re part of the parade.)
which is pure mud.
The party occurs from dusk til dawn.
The ghost storms cause swirling By day, Rex and his crew sit near-dormant
waterspouts (1 in 6 chance per hour), and in an old warehouse nearby. They come
the ruins of New Orleans have plenty of to life the moment they detect potential
monsters like silt demons, giant gators, and new revelers (a group Notice roll versus
zombies, to name a few. No one lives in a character’s Stealth). They automatically
New Orleans these days, but scavengers wake if attacked or interlopers don’t try to
are fairly common. They ply flat-bottomed remain silent.
scows through the flooded city and dive
down into the water looking for salvage.
Like any Deadland, this is fraught with
Rex, the King of Mardi Gras
peril from the nightmares given form in the Rex is a strange, speechless man hidden
ruins. by a mardi gras mask—beneath which is
the maddened face of a gaunt lunatic. He
There is, however, a friendly voodoo
is always surrounded by at least two dozen
priestess who’s taken over several buildings
crazed revelers. Use Raiders (page 194) that are
in the old French Quarter. Her home, the
utterly immune to Tests of Will and fight
fourth floor of an old five-story bank, is
to the death as long as Rex continues the
surrounded by charms and talismans
party. They are armed with a variety of
that keep her safe from any supernatural
firearms which they occasionally fire off in
dazed celebration, so 1 in 6 are completely
“Mama Tibutu” is well-outfitted and trades out of ammo.
with some of the salvagers who venture
Attributes: Agility d16, Smarts d6, Spirit
into her domain (see the Mama Tibutu’s
d12, Strength d8, Vigor d8
Goodies sidebar). Most importantly, she
Skills: Fighting d6, Intimidation d6, Notice
has a range of healing poultices, curse
d10, Taunt d12+4
removals and charms to protect a waster in
Charisma: +2; Pace: 6; Parry: 5;
the swamps. She’ll sell them to a posse if
Toughness: 6
she takes a liking to them. Those who don’t
Hindrances: Bloodthirsty, Delusion (Major:
treat Mama Tibutu with respect get cursed
Believes the world is in a constant state of
by her, gaining the All Thumbs Hindrance
Mardi Gras)
until she sees fit to remove it.
Edges: Charismatic
Gear: Mardi Gras Scepter (Str+2d6 as a
MARDI GRAS, LOUISIANA melee weapon when wielded by Rex, see
below for further abilities)
Fear Level 5; Population 300
Special Abilities:
Some survivors of New Orleans banded • Coup: The character absorbs the King
together and came up with a unique way to of Mardi Gras’ ability to goad others to
ignore the world had falling down around action and adds +2 to attempts to Taunt.
their ears. Pushed on by a delusional reveler • Invulnerable: Rex serves Famine. He
named Rex, the group celebrated…to death. can only be truly slain if his scepter is
removed from his hands. He may only be
Now the party continues every night with
Shaken otherwise.
Rex as the eternal Grand Master of the
• Scepter: Rex may target a character
Parade. The parade consists of five still-
within 24” by making an opposed Spirit
functioning floats (of the original dozen)
roll. The target must be able to hear the
blasting Mardi Gras music from speakers
music or be seen by Rex to be affected. If
hidden beneath long-dead flowers. Rex rules
the target fails, he joins the parade as a
from an elevate palanquin in the middle.

across the Mississippi on a reconnaissance
mission. Everything that could go wrong
did. The troops mutinied, killed the leaders,
THE WILD SOUTHWEST and formed a pirate band.
The leader of the mutiny was a woman
1d20 Result
who calls herself Elvira, and she and
1–5 No Encounter
her band of roughly 100 now raid all up
6–7 Road Gang
and down the river, using artillery pieces
8–9 Mojave Rattler
to safely bombard medium or small
10–12 Doombringer
settlements from a distance before going in
13 Toxic Cloud
for their tribute. They don’t mess with the
14 Rad Patch
larger towns, but instead dock there and
15–16 Beaded Horror
trade all the loot they’ve taken from other
17 Desert Gator
places up or down the river. Elvira knows it
18 Dust Storm
wouldn’t take much for the towns along the
19 Black Rain
river to get together and fight her, so she
20 Trader Caravan
picks targets her spies tell her are isolated
or have bad relations with their neighbors.
Elvira’s cautiousness extends to her fleet’s
frequent encounters with river leviathans
and other horrors as well. If there is any
sign of such a creature, the fleet retreats.


loyal reveler under Rex’s complete control
and may only be freed if Rex is slain.
Arizona, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas
Revelers sustain themselves purely on the
ever-full alcoholic drinks of the parade. Fear Level 4
Without food, most starve to death within
The Southwest has the last major
7–10 days.
accessible oil reserves left on the continent,
which makes it a site of strategic
The River Watch importance. While ghost rock can be used
for fuel and power production, only oil
The Law Dogs once manned a score of
allows for the production of plastics and
outposts along the Mississippi to watch for
other items essential for the rebuilding
a possible invasion of the undead swarming
of civilization. Luckily for wasters, the
on the far riverbank. These men and women
increasing use of ghost rock and the worry
were called the River Watch, but were little
about carbon emissions limited the use of
more than a speed-bump when Raven’s
petroleum products before the Last War, so
horde crossed the river in the dead of night,
the oil fields of east Texas and Oklahoma
covered by a fog that arose for hundreds
still have billions of barrels left in them
of miles along the Bloody Muddy. While
awaiting extraction and refinement.
the vast majority of the deaders headed
west for the Battle of Worms, plenty still
shamble along the river and for hundreds ENCOUNTERS
of miles to the west. No one watches the
The varied environment of the Wild
Mississippi anymore. No one alive, that is.
Southwest means a posse can encounter a
wide variety of people and creatures. Roll
The River Rats on the Encounter Table every 12 hours the
posse spends traveling in here and once
Five years ago, the River Watch, Law
when they set up camp. If the group spends
Dogs, and Templars made an abortive
a significant amount of time camped in
attempt to land a large expeditionary force

one location, roll once every 24 hours and engineers who could get the refineries
ignore any results that call for a specific working again. Once the dust settled, what
terrain type. remained were a handful of well-fortified
towns built around working oil wells and
Beaded Horror (page 162): A strange
refineries, most found in a swath of east
lizard is encountered.
Texas 45 miles long by 5 miles wide. All of
Black Rain (page 95): Black Rain douses these places continue to pump crude oil
the party. and refine it into a variety of fuels and
Desert Gator (page 168): The party runs
into a hungry desert gator. Road gangs hover around these towns
like flies around a carcass. Some actually
Doombringer (page 170): The posse is
trade for their fuel, but most lie in wait
accosted by one of Silas’ Doombringers and
outside of town for people who have just
his entourage. He can be accompanied by a
topped off their tanks.
group of trogs or mundane mutants.
Because of this, the roads outside of these
Dust Storm (page 95): A massive dust
settlements are littered with 13 years’ worth
storm approaches.
of rusted wrecks and skeletal remains,
Mojave Rattler (page 180): A deep the air smells of sulfur and other noxious
rumbling presages the arrival of a Mojave chemicals spewing out of the refinery
rattler. stacks, and the towns and surrounding
countryside are covered with an oily grit
No Encounter: The heroes encounter
from burned-off waste products.
nothing of significance.
The inhabitants of these places live
Rad Patch: The heroes have wandered
under the constant threat of siege. The
into an area contaminated with radioactive
loyalties and alliances of the many gangs
fallout. If the group has an active Geiger
surrounding each town change every
counter, they notice the rads immediately.
day, and the defenders never know when
If the patch is not detected, the heroes
enough gangs might band together to
blunder through a high radiation zone (see
completely cut off their outside supplies or
Radiation in Savage Worlds).
actually assault the town. Since Judgment
Road Gang: A road gang of 2d10 raiders Day, most of the smaller fuel towns have
(page 194) mounted on an assortment of changed hands a number of times. Some
motorcycles, pick-ups, and sedans attacks were starved into submission; others fell to
the posse. organized attacks.
Toxic Cloud (page 95): A cloud of death
approaches the heroes. OIL TOWN, TEXAS
Trader Caravan: A fuel convoy of 1d10 Fear Level 4; Population 2,000
transport vehicles along with 2d8 outriders
Oil Town is the biggest of the fuel towns.
in pick-ups or motorcycles is spotted ahead.
It’s located in Texas about 50 miles west of
They are willing to trade with wanderers.
Waco, just north of Confed Route 84. It’s the
Gas goes for $10 a gallon, diesel for $8, and
most stable of the fuel towns, helped by
motor oil for $15 a quart.
the presence both before and after the war
of the 3rd Regiment, 25th Armored Division
Fuel Towns of the Texas State Militia, which survived
Judgment Day relatively unscathed.
A portion of the Confederacy’s oil rigs
were destroyed during the ghost rock bomb The oil company workers kept the rigs
swap on Judgment Day, but the remaining pumping and engineers were recruited to
ones were quickly claimed and fortified build a new refinery on the site. Soon the
by survivors. Experienced oil workers 3rd of the 25th was the proud owner of
were (and still are) treated like royalty, one of the largest operational oil refineries
and survivor groups warred over chemical in the whole world. Civilian survivors from

the area migrated to the oil fields where The town has two hotels and a
they could be safe under the big guns of campground outside its walls called
the 3rd’s tanks. Merchant Field. There are three operational
wells and a refinery inside the town walls,
The regiment’s commander, Colonel
which operate around the clock. Although
Douglas “Tex” Meadows, became the leader
plenty of shipments, guarded by troops
of the largest survivor settlement in Texas.
from the regiment, go out to a variety of
At present, nearly 2,000 souls call Oil Town
settlements throughout the Southwest and
beyond, there is ample fuel for sale in the
The unit’s combat engineers have built town itself. Gasoline goes for $5 a gallon,
a sturdy concrete wall around the place diesel for $4, and even motor oil, which
with firing ports for defending troops is nearly impossible to come by in some
and prepared positions from which the areas, can be had for $10 a quart.
regiment’s tanks can fire while under
A six-seat town council handles the
cover. The area outside the wall is a maze
day-to-day details of administering the
of razorwire, mines, and camouflaged
settlement. The voting council members
pillboxes. Surrounding the settlement for a
are all elected by the citizens and consist
10 mile radius is the Oil Town Exclusion
of prominent traders and professional
Zone, a free-fire zone for Oil Town patrols
politicians. Colonel Meadows’ aide, Major Al
under the guns of the garrison’s 155mm
Stark, has a permanent, nonvoting advisory
self-propelled howitzers.
seat, and the Colonel has veto power over
anything the council decides.

Since the Harvest and the mutant attacks anyone capable of putting out the well fires
in Texas, many members of the Council whose smoke has blackened the skies of
have been calling for the annexation of the northeastern Texas for the last six months.
towns that form OPEC (see below), a move
While OPEC is still a going concern, all this
that Meadows has vetoed several times.
damage has weakened the alliance; perhaps
Discontent with the military governor
fatally. Many Oil Town traders cast covetous
among the town’s oil barons is growing,
eyes towards the wells and refineries of
although the average citizen realizes just
OPEC, and despite Colonel Meadows’ refusal
how good they have it in Oil Town.
to take some sort of military action against
The regiment is still well equipped with the OPEC settlements, several of the oil
12 Lee tanks, 18 Stuart armored personnel barons have been covertly hiring bands of
carriers, 8 York air defense vehicles, and a mercenaries in a bid to pluck the more low
host of military support vehicles, including hanging fruits of the fuel towns.
self-propelled artillery pieces.
OPEC Fear Level 2; Population 100
A few of the larger fuel towns have
The Chamber has set up shop in what
formed a loose economic alliance to try to
was once a CSA cyborg commando base
compete with their larger neighbor. There
high in the Dragoon Mountains of Arizona.
are five principal towns involved in the
The majority of the facility was built
Oil Producing Economic Council (OPEC for
beneath an old Spanish mission to conceal
short). Three of them, New Nacogdoches,
it from detection by spy satellites. Beneath
Tyler, and Scroggins, are in northeastern
the old mission are state-of-the-art labs,
Texas. The other two, Durant and Fort
barracks, and warehouses left over from
Towson, are in southeastern Oklahoma. A
its time as the home of CEAL Team 1, the
number of smaller fuel towns come and go
Confed’s premier cybernetic strike force.
from the alliance, depending on which road
gang has captured their oil well this week. These days the grounds inside the
walls of the mission as well as a portion
OPEC members pool their production
of the plateau on which it rests have
together and use their combined resources
been cultivated with a variety of crops. A
to ship their product to other survivor
small herd of goats and cattle are kept in
communities in the area. They target
a sheltered box canyon not far from the
settlements that have standing trade deals
mission, and a well that taps a deep aquifer
with Oil Town in particular. OPEC trucks
allows the facility to be self-sufficient.
race to get to these towns ahead of the Oil
Town caravans and sell their fuel at much Most of the upper-ranking Chamber
lower rates. members live in the lower portion of the
complex, and about 40 initiates and students
During the Harvest, Silas’ Cult of Doom
live above ground in the mission itself. The
launched several attacks against the
Tech Guard, a small cadre of 40 troops,
members of OPEC in an attempt to cut
defends the place. All are combat veterans
off the supply of petroleum to the Iron
equipped with the best junker weapons
Alliance. Aided by several infiltration teams
and equipment the Chamber members can
from the Combine, the Cult overran many
create (use Soldiers from page 194 armed with
of the smaller fuel towns. Mutie attacks
infantry battle suits and SA XM-40 Rippers).
damaged production facilities in Durant and
Fort Towson, and Scroggins was completely Deep in the heart of the mountain below
wiped out. A task force cobbled together the laboratories is a large chamber where
from the various OPEC members retook it Cochise entered the Hunting Grounds to do
but not before Silas’ minions torched the battle with the mountain’s spirit. Only the
nearby wells and smashed the refineries. highest-ranking members of the Chamber
The alliance would pay good money for know this, and that Cochise forced the spirit
to protect his Chiricahua Apaches from the

white soldier during their long war. When make up the “Night Convoy.” Just before the
he finally died, his passing ripped a small end of the Last War, some pencil pusher in
hole in reality that allows those who are the Texas Rangers thought recreating the
knowledgeable in the ways of the Hunting Night Train with a modern twist would be
Grounds to enter the spirit world. a great biological weapon to launch into
the North. Unfortunately, as with many
DEAD TOWNS biological weapons, this one has come back
to literally bite its creator in the tuchas.
Every now and then, folks come across
The Night Convoys consist of three
a town full of withered, dry corpses with
tractor trailers equipped with fusion
massive wounds and strange holes all
engines, allowing them to run for years
over them. The walls of the town show no
without refueling. There are 20 of these
signs of damage and there are never any
feral vampires per rig: 18 in the back and two
up front. They pull into a sleeping town at
This is similar to something in the Weird night, unload, slaughter the populace, and
West called the “Night Train,” which brought enjoy a feast of blood. That’s why bodies
nosferatu into towns (see the Weird West have holes all over them—because several
Dime Novel Night Train for the whole story). nosferatu feed on each victim at once.
The cause of these modern day events is All they leave behind are corpses and tire
a convoy of tractor-trailers of death that tracks.

Banshee, allowing the customers to take
DEMPSEY ISLANDS, TEXAS on the role of a UN Marine, exploring the
wonders of the Purple Planet and making the
Fear Level 6
world safe for democracy by blowing away
Before the Last War, the Dempsey simulated anouks. “Dempsey’s Movietown
Corporation ran a chain of child-oriented Studios” recreates a variety of blockbuster
amusement parks in both the US and movies through rides like Stellar Wars, The
Confederacy. Its creator and owner, Dempsey Magic of Dempsey Animation, and Escape
Wilton, was one of the most well-known from Cultist Mountain, based on the Agency
entertainment moguls in the world, earning raid on the Cult of Atheron in Bonanza,
his fortune from designing and licensing Colorado back in 1999.
cute and lovable characters for computer
“Pleasure Island” was an adults-only
games and films. Even before opening
venue filled with night clubs, bars, and
his theme parks, Wilton’s name was a
casinos staffed with both human and
household word across the globe. Dempsey
animatronic workers only too willing to
Islands was the most popular amusement
fulfill any needs of their customers. Of
park in the CSA.
course, being a Deadland, all of these areas
Built on a series of manmade islands a have become horrific, twisted versions of
half-mile off the Texas coast in the Gulf their original designs. Dempsey’s robotic
of Mexico, the park had its own nuclear minions have become particularly nasty
reactor and was staffed by a special line under its effect, seeming to take perverse
of entertainment robots based loosely on pleasure in the suffering of the humans
Hellstromme Industries’ automatons. they once served.
These days the island is controlled by
Wilton Dempsey’s manitou-possessed HOUSTON, TEXAS
head, cryogenically preserved when
Fear Level 6
the entertainment mogul contracted an
incurable wasting disease. He’s attempting Before the Last War, Houston was a major
to boost attendance at the park by oil refinery hub terminal, but was best
revamping it to make it more exciting— known as the home of the world famous
although a manitou’s idea of excitement Houston Spaceport and International
equals terminal terror to most people. A Launch Center. Both the Soviet Union and
wandering posse dealt a defeat to Wilton a the United States, along with every nation
few years ago, but it’s hard to keep a good with a space program, operated out of this
servitor down and DempseyWorld robots facility at one time or another. Hellstromme
have been out recruiting visitors to the park Industries leased large areas, and it was
for the last few months. from here that the Tunnel was built in
orbit, as well as the ships that discovered
A monorail line connects each of the
the Faraway system.
islands of the complex, looping in a
huge circle that begins and ends at the When the bombs fell on Houston, the
parking lot and ticket terminal on shore. ghost storms swept through the facility,
An underground network of service killing almost all of the base personnel
tunnels honeycombs the area, allowing the where they sat, stood, or slept. Within
park’s inhabitants uninhibited freedom of minutes, the Houston Spaceport went from
movement when toying with their “guests.” a bustling facility to a massive tomb.
Besides Magic Island, Dempsey Islands There’s not much left there these days.
is made up of several other themed areas. Fires from the refineries raged for the better
“Cretaceous Park” is filled with animatronic part of six months after Judgment Day,
dinosaurs that hunger for human flesh. laying waste to most of the metropolitan
“West World” is a fanciful recreation of area. Junkers scavenged most of the
an Old West town, filled with robotic valuable parts left at the spaceport long
gunslingers, Indians, and soiled doves. ago. What no one has discovered, however,
“Banshee Screams” recreates the planet is the complex lying under the HI facilities.

descended on the mall which housed the
Megaplex and put the plague zombies
down. The rampaging horde smashed
Kane’s projector, rendering him vulnerable
to their attacks, and killed him.
The theatre is now home to an extremely
violent group of 30 or so diseased
cannibalistic mutants, and the local
survivors want them eliminated.

Fear Level 4; Population 1,300
The small town of Globe looks at
first glance to be just another survivor
settlement. But it actually houses the New
United Nations, a group made up mainly
of ex-soldiers of all nationalities with a
sprinkling of non-soldiers who possess
important skills needed by the organization:
computer repairmen, mechanics, and even
a junker are part of the UN.
Formerly led by Colonel Leonardo
Acquistapace, an Italian liaison officer
serving with the Confederate military just
before the Last War, the group changed
command just before the Harvest when the
colonel suffered a stroke, courtesy of his
syker second in command.
This organized group tries to follow the
tenets of the UN and hold with the ideals of
pre-war government, but uses a “hearts and
These underground hangars, laboratories, minds” approach as opposed to the iron fist
and workshops provide a home to Dr. Darius method of Throckmorton. Concepts such
Hellstromme, aka the Harbinger, when he’s as service, duty, and rank still hold very
in town. strongly with this group, and it is this sense
of belonging to a greater whole that has
NEAR DALLAS, TEXAS attracted so many veterans.
The UN has sent scavenging expeditions
Fear Level 6; Population 30
into the Phoenix maelstrom for military
The ruins of Dallas are virtually deserted gear with which to increase the range of
these days. Before the Harvest, a servitor their “peacekeeping operations.” The rank
of Pestilence had refurbished an old and file troopers are dressed in scavenged
Sensoround Megaplex theatre. Jeremy Kane military uniforms of various nationalities,
used disguised plague zombies to spread and carry a variety of weapons. They all
various diseases among the patrons who wear light blue hats (mostly baseball caps),
got all hot and bothered watching the adult and any helmets are painted a matching
movies he showed in his theater. blue. All of the hats are embroidered with
the old UN symbol, courtesy of a still
Unfortunately for Kane, Dallas was used
functioning embroidery machine salvaged
as a rallying point by the Cult of Doom
from Globe.
during the Harvest. A huge force of mutants

Towns that accept their offers of aid are Death’s passage through Phoenix also
protected, while those that turn them down marked it in a way that even the Last War
are left to their own devices. Currently, the couldn’t. Anyone killed by walkin’ dead in
UN forces number around 200 ex-soldiers, the city has a 50/50 chance of joining their
stationed mainly in Globe, with small units ranks in 1d6 minutes.
deployed in “peacekeeping” operations in
several smaller survivor settlements in
the surrounding area. They have several THE COYOTE WASTELAND
scavenged armored personnel carriers,
along with a single functioning T-12 Lee.
Parts of Oklahoma (The former Coyote
Despite their altruistic intentions, the Confederation)
group’s new commander has sold them
Fear Level 5
out to the Combine. Sergeant Major Brent
Rachel decided to throw his lot in with The former home of the Coyote
Throckmorton’s goons after a falling out Confederation is a toxic wasteland hostile
with Acquistapace for his failure to devote to human life. In the 1800s the Great Wasting
more resources to finding and executing opened a massive portal to the Hunting
Banshee sykers who took the Oath of Grounds through which flowed manitous
Unity. Rachel, a grizzled earth syker, and things much worse. This spiked the
views sykers who took the Oath to have Fear level in the Coyote Confederation,
performed an act of treason, breaking the temporarily turning the place into a
oaths of service they made prior to leaving Deadland.
for Faraway to their own governments and
Evil spirits stalked the land killing,
the UN. Rachel hasn’t openly announced
maiming, and causing general mayhem.
the UN’s new patron, but he is taking his
Fortunately for the tribes, this momentary
marching orders from Throckmorton, and
Deadland wasn’t strong enough for the
tribute caravans have been making their
Reckoners to come to Earth, but it did
way to Denver since the summer of 2097.
create a supernatural wasteland, turning
His last name is pronounced “rah-SHELL,”
the Coyote Confederation into a blighted
and it really gets his goat when someone
landscape shunned by most nature spirits.
says “RAY-chel.”
In their absence, hordes of new toxic
PHOENIX, ARIZONA spirits rose and warped the land even
further. All of the pollution which had
Fear Level 6; Population 0 been secretly pumped into the environment
bubbled to the surface for all to see. The
During the Last War, Phoenix was
ground erupted with piles of filth and
devastated by two battles and a number
bubbling pools of toxic goo; rivers and
of city busters, leaving scores of bodies in
streams turned black with corruption, dead
the sun-scorched city. A few weeks after
fish covered with oozing sores lining their
the bombs dropped, Death passed through
banks; glowing clouds of radioactive debris
the ruins of the city and raised the Phoenix
floated on the winds and lit the skies at
dead for his horde.
To this day, Phoenix is crawling with
The change wasn’t limited to just the
Death’s minions, making the recovery of all
land. Back during the Great Wasting,
the military equipment left around the place
horrid babies were born called Children of
by the various armies that clashed there
the Dust, and these creatures passed on
difficult to say the least. If posses are brave
their demonic traits to their offspring. On
enough to chance it, decrease the scarcity
Judgment Day, those unfortunate enough
of military gear by a level, but treat anything
to survive the bombs changed as well.
found as damaged gear due to the neglect
The awful synergy of G-rays and pollution
and exposure of 13 years of sun and sand.
warped and molded the people into a
horrible mockery of what they once were.
Many died while going through the change

Silas sent emissaries to Blood Claw a few
years ago when he first heard of the great
mutant tribes of the Coyote Territory. The
mutant leader sent the rad priest’s envoys
back to Las Vegas minus their tongues.
THE COYOTE WASTELAND Blood Claw wears them on a thong around
his neck. These Indians don’t follow the Old
1d20 Result
Ways, so raiding parties from the Coyote
1–5 No Encounter
Wasteland use any firearms they can
6–7 Raiding Party
scavenge or steal from their victims.
8–9 Toxic Pool
10–12 Toxic Cloud
14 Toxic Eruption
The general environment within the
15 War Party
Changed Lands is hostile to normal humans.
16 Quicksludge
For each day the posse spends within the
17 Trash Garden
wastes, the heroes must make a survival
18 Locust Swarm
check at –4 or suffer a level of Fatigue (this
19 Pale Horses
can cause death if exposure lasts long
20 Buffalo
enough). This Fatigue can only be regained
by leaving the territory. Snake eyes on this
roll means the brainer takes a wound.
Wasters with gas masks or some other
sort of filtration system add +2 to these
rolls. Fully-sealed armor or environmental
suits add another +2.
Even the Harrowed must make survival
and others went mad, but those who
rolls—the chemicals in the environment eat
survived could hardly be called human,
away at their dead flesh too. Deaders get a
and in fact most folks just refer to them as
+2 to their rolls, but receive no bonus for air
the “Changed.”
filters—they only breathe when they need
These days the area is ruled by five to speak. They do however get the bonus
cannibalistic tribes that revere both toxic for a sealed suit.
spirits and the Children of the Dust as gods.
This assumes the group has brought their
They are all extremely hostile to anyone
own supply of food and water with them.
who appears to be “normal.” Their attitudes
If the heroes are forced to drink the foul
toward norms is simple: if the mutants
water or eat some of the warped animal
think they are stronger, they attack; if not,
life of the region, they suffer a –6 penalty
they go for reinforcements and then attack.
(total) to their survival rolls.
Norms who are killed go in the stew pot.
Those who live serve as slaves until they Besides the general nastiness of the
die, then they go in the pot. Most slaves environment, there are a number of other
don’t last more than a few weeks. things your heroes may encounter while in
the Changed Lands.
A would-be mutant king named Blood
Claw has arisen, and is attempting to Roll on the Coyote Wastelands Encounter
unite the five tribes for a crusade against Table every six hours the posse spends
the norms who live outside the Coyote traveling in this area, and once when
Wasteland. The would-be king feels the they set up camp. If the group spends a
same way about Doomsayers as he does significant amount of time camped in one
about the non-mutated. He says they are location, roll once every 12 hours and ignore
false prophets sent to lead his people astray any results that call for a specific terrain
from the worship of their true source of type.
power, the toxic spirits.

Buffalo: There are still buffalo in the is doubled, and it does 2d8 damage. The
Changed Lands—sort of. These beasts look wasters get the standard bonuses for gas
sickly. Large patches of their shaggy hair masks or a wet bandanna (+2 Armor).
has fallen out, their eyes are bloodshot,
Toxic Eruption: The posse is on unstable
and great streams of snot flow from their
ground over an underground toxic stream
noses. The meat of these piteous creatures
when it erupts. Any who fail an Agility are
is an acquired taste—those who eat it must
covered in toxic slime that does 3d8 AP 2
make a Vigor check at –2 or be Fatigued for
damage. After their first encounter with
a day due to vomiting and diarrhea. There
such an area, future eruption sites can be
are 3d20 animals in the herd. Use statistics
spotted with a Notice roll.
for bulls from Savage Worlds.
Toxic Pool: The heroes find a large pool
Locust Swarm: The posse is attacked
of water. Roll a die. On an odd result the
by a swarm of carnivorous locusts. Treat
pool is home to 2d6 toxic zombies (page 188).
this as a swarm (see Savage Worlds).
Trash Garden: The wasters have found
No Encounter: The heroes don’t run
the site of an old and (once) illegal landfill.
into anything out of the ordinary.
The ground is covered with jagged pieces
Pale Horses: The heroes have encountered of rusted junk and garbage. The posse can
a herd of what passes for horses in the detour around the place, but this takes them
Changed Lands. These scrawny beasts are 1d4 miles out of their way. The ground is
all the same color: a pale off-white. They impassable to all but tracked vehicles, and
are covered with open, running sores and even then the driver must make a Driving
are surrounded by buzzing clouds of flies. roll at –2 to avoid getting hung up. Walking
Despite their appearance, they are fairly through the area requires each hero to make
strong and their sharp hooves can deliver two Agility checks. Failing either roll means
a nasty kick. There are 2d20 animals in the the brainer has cut himself on a piece of
herd. Use statistics for normal horses from junk. If he fails a Vigor roll, he suffers a
Savage Worlds. Long Term Chronic, Major Debilitating
disease (see Disease in Savage Worlds).
Quicksludge: The heroes stumbled into
some quicksludge. Have everyone make a War Party: The group encounters muties
Notice roll at –4. Those who fail fall in for with a mission. There are 5d6 Changed and
2d8 damage. Strength rolls at –2 are required 2d6 Veteran Changed (use Raiding Party
to pull themselves out. Future encounters stats) plus 1d4–2 toxic shamans (page 195).
can be avoided with a Notice roll. Determine the tribe by the posse’s location.
Rad Patch: The area is filled with low
levels of radiation with pockets of high
rad in pools and other collection points
(see Radiation in Savage Worlds). A Geiger
counter helps the group avoid the areas of
high concentration.
Raiding Party: The posse encounters
a group of 2d6 Changed tribesmen. The
tribesmen are accompanied by 1d4–2
Veteran Changed. Treat them as Indian
Braves and Veteran Indian Braves (page 193)
but include damaged firearms in their gear.
Toxic Cloud: A cloud of toxic chemicals
(page 95) blows over the posse. The toxic
clouds here are particularly nasty. Due to
the constant noxious haze, Notice rolls
suffer a –2 penalty instead of a +2 bonus.
Additionally, the duration of a toxic cloud

Now you know the background of the to the input around them. When one was
Wasted West, who’s who and where they destroyed—typically in combat—it would
are, and what’s going on now that the detonate, destroying the head casing and
Reckoners have been shanghaied off to whatever “thinking apparatus” was inside.
Banshee. Your posse has loaded up their
Eventually, a US Agent named Indianapolis
hoglegs, put on their rad armor, and gassed
Smith exposed Hellstromme’s “secret of
up their vehicles.
the automatons:” The ghost rock-powered
As your survivors get ready to head out monstrosities were wired to the brains
on the highways, it’s time to showcase of dead men. In later years, Hellstromme
the things they’re going to meet out in the obfuscated their origin by calling them
wastes. The world is a dangerous place, “cyborgs” or “androids.” But to anyone
filled with malevolent creatures, power- who’s ever encountered the evils of the
hungry madmen, and all manner of deadly Reckoning, automatons are clearly powered
hazards of natural, supernatural, and by zombie brains. Walkin’ dead brains, to
man-made origins. be exact.
The following pages take you on a Walkin’ dead, as discussed later, are
guided tour of the freak show that is the corpses inhabited by lesser manitous—
Wasted West. Contained in these pages are demons from the Hunting Grounds who use
some of the deadliest and most terrifying the mortal shell to cause as much mayhem
abominations the Reckoning has spawned, as possible before their stolen bodies are
as well as some of the more mundane destroyed.
enemies or allies your posse may encounter.
In the modern era, Colonel Throckmorton
of Denver has taken over Hellstromme’s
AUTOMATONS automatons. They are the backbone of
his army, the Combine, and exist purely to
The best known and most feared units
dominate and subjugate the survivors of
of the Combine are easily those metal
the Wasted West.
monstrosities collectively known as
automatons. These steel warriors come It’s worth noting that Throckmorton’s
in a variety of shapes and sizes with one human troops--the Black Hats, Red Hats,
thing in common--a hatred of their living and others--are frequent victims of the
brethren. automatons’ wanton love of destruction. In
battle they tend to stay out of their line
Automatons were first invented by Dr.
of fire, and only call them in for help if
Darius Hellstromme in the 1870s. For a long
their foes are at least as dangerous as their
while, it was a great mystery how these
“clockwork men” could think and react

Standard Automaton Vengeance Brigade Automaton
Standard automatons are mean, crafty, With the lack of high tensile ghost steel
and full of tricks. There’s a manitou following The Harvest, new automatons,
behind the steering wheel after all! Usually dubbed “The Vengeance Brigade,” are
automatons are sent out in squads to patrol much less robust than pre-Harvest models.
an area or attack a designated target. This They have weaker armor and no integral
model looks like a big human skeleton weapons.
made out of metal, with glowing red eyes.
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d4,
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d4, Strength d12, Vigor d12
Strength d12, Vigor d12 Skills: Climbing d6, Fighting d6, Intimidation
Skills: Climbing d6, Fighting d6, Intimidation d6, Notice d10, Shooting d6, Stealth d6
d6, Notice d10, Shooting d6, Stealth d6 Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 11 (2)
Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 15 (6) Gear: Chain Gun (Range 30/60/120, Damage
Special Abilities: 2d8, RoF 5, shots 120 (stored in torso), Auto,
• Armor +6: Ghost steel casing. AP 2, Snapfire Penalty), Grenade Launcher
• Auto-Targeting: +1 to all Shooting (Range 24/48/96, Damage 3d6, 20 shots,
rolls. Medium Burst Template, fired from tube in
• Claws: Str+d8, AP 2 shoulder; can launch on the same action it
• Construct: +2 to recover from being fires at no multi-action penalty, fires 45mm
Shaken; no extra damage from called grenades which aren’t usable with non-
shots; immune to disease and poison. Combine weapons).
• Fear –2: Automatons cause Fear checks Special Abilities:
at –2. • Armor +2: Steel casing.
• Fearless: Immune to Fear and • Auto-Targeting: +1 to Shooting rolls.
Intimidation. • Claws: Str+d8
• Integrated Weapon System: Chain • Construct: +2 to recover from being
Gun (Range 30/60/120, Damage 2d8, RoF Shaken; no extra damage from called
5, shots 120 (stored in torso), Auto, AP shots; immune to disease and poison.
2, Snapfire Penalty), Grenade Launcher • Fear –2: Automatons cause Fear checks
(Range 24/48/96, Damage 3d6, 20 shots, at –2.
Medium Burst Template, fired from tube
in shoulder; can launch on the same
action it fires at no multi-action penalty,
fires 45mm grenades which aren’t usable
with non-Combine weapons).
• Recoil Brace: The automaton’s arms
act as a brace, allowing it to ignore
modifiers for autofire from automatic
• Reconstruction: Automatons “heal”
naturally once per day via self-repair
systems as long as the brain is intact.
This is a normal Vigor roll, made at +2 if
they have a reasonable supply of scrap
metal nearby.
• Self-Destruct: When an automaton is
Incapacitated, it explodes for 3d6 damage
in a Large Burst Template.
• Size +1: Automatons are slightly larger
than man-sized.

• Fearless: Immune to Fear and • Claws/Bite: Str+d6 AP 2
Intimidation. • Communication System: Military-
• Recoil Brace: The automaton’s arms grade radio, Range 100 miles. Capable of
act as a brace, allowing it to ignore direct video feed to Black Hat patrols.
modifiers for autofire from automatic • Detection: Specialized sensors allow
weapons. the battle hound to detect a human
• Reconstruction: Automatons “heal” heartbeat within 50’ with a successful
naturally once per day via self-repair Notice roll.
systems as long as the brain is intact. • Fear –2: Battle hounds cause Fear
This is a normal Vigor roll, made at +2 if checks at –2.
they have a reasonable supply of scrap • Fleet-Footed: Battle hounds roll a d10
metal nearby. when running instead of a d6.
• Self-Destruct: When an automaton is • Hive Mind: The battle hound is in
Incapacitated, it explodes for 3d6 damage constant contact with all other battle
in a Large Burst Template. hounds within one mile.
• Size +1: Automatons are slightly larger • Integrated Weapon System: Battle
than man-sized. hounds are equipped with an integral HI
Hellblazer Chain Gun (Range 30/60/120,
AUTOMATON—BATTLE HOUNDS Damage 2d8, RoF 5, shots 120 (stored in
torso), Auto, AP 2, Snapfire Penalty), or
These automatons are used to patrol plasma rifle (Range 24/48/96, Damage
the lands around Denver and to infiltrate 2d8, AP 2, Small Burst Template).
resistance camps. • Reconstruction: Battle hounds “heal”
naturally once per day via self-repair
Battle hounds are armed with razor-sharp
systems as long as the brain is intact.
titanium claws and teeth. Incorporated
This is a normal Vigor roll, made at +2 if
into their heads and bodies are suites
they have a reasonable supply of scrap
of advanced sensors, including thermal
metal nearby.
imaging, the ability to detect the vibration
• Self-Destruct: When a battle hound is
of a heartbeat from a distance, and a
Incapacitated, it explodes for 3d6 damage
superior sense of smell.
in a Medium Burst Template.
• Sensors: The optical, aural, and
Battle Hound Patrol Model olfactory sensors of the battle hound give
it +2 to Notice and Tracking rolls.
Patrol models look like mechanical
• Size –1: Battle hounds are relatively
greyhounds the size of mastiffs. They have
small creatures.
long steel claws, sharp jagged teeth, and
glowing red electronic eyes. Patrol models
have either the HI Hellblazer chaingun or a Battle Hound Infiltrator Model
plasma rifle that operates off of the hound’s
The infiltration model looks like a
internal power supply. The patrol models
living, breathing dog, but underneath it’s a
sport elaborate camouflage schemes.
mixture of undead, canine, and the latest in
Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d6, Spirit robotics. Throckmorton uses these against
d6, Strength d12, Vigor d10 resistance movements, and occasionally
Skills: Climbing d12, Fighting d12, Junkyard itself.
Intimidation d6, Notice d8, Stealth d12,
Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d6, Spirit
Shooting d12, Tracking d8
d6, Strength d12, Vigor d10
Pace: 10; Parry: 8; Toughness: 10 (4)
Skills: Climbing d12, Fighting d12,
Special Abilities:
Intimidation d6, Notice d8, Stealth d12,
• Armor +4: Metal exoskeleton.
Tracking d8
• Camouflage: The battle hound’s paint
Pace: 10; Parry: 8; Toughness: 8 (2)
scheme gives it a +1 to all Stealth rolls.

Special Abilities:
• Armor +2: Metal endoskeleton.
• Claws/Bite: Str+d6, AP 2 Based on the commercial version of
• Communication System: Military- Hellstromme Motor’s Arrow hover bike,
grade radio, Range 100 miles. Capable of this chassis has been retooled to mount
direct video feed to Black Hat patrols. an automaton’s upper torso. These cyborg
• Detection: Specialized sensors allow killers are used as quick strike forces and
the battle hound to detect a human their high-frequency encrypted radios make
heartbeat within 50’ with a successful them ideal for scouting missions as well.
Notice roll.
They get their name from the distinctive
• Fear –2: Battle hounds cause Fear
wail of the high-performance hover engine.
checks at –2 once their true nature is
revealed. Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d6, Spirit
• Fleet-Footed: Battle hounds roll a d10 d6, Strength d12, Vigor d12
when running instead of a d6. Skills: Driving d12, Fighting d12, Intimidation
• Hive Mind: The battle hound is in d6, Notice d8, Stealth d12, Shooting d12,
constant contact with all other battle Tracking d8
hounds within a mile. Pace: Acc/TS 8/32; Parry: 8; Toughness:
• Infiltration: Special systems allow the 16 (6)
battle hound to pass for a living, breathing Special Abilities:
pooch complete with bad breath and • Armor +6: Ghost steel exoskeleton.
bleeding wounds. • Auto-Targeting: +1 to Shooting rolls.
• Self-Destruct: When a battle hound is • Claws: Str+d8, AP 2
Incapacitated, it explodes for 3d6 damage • Construct: +2 to recover from being
in a Medium Burst Template. Shaken; no extra damage from called
• Sensors: The optical, aural, and shots; immune to disease and poison.
olfactory sensors of the battle hound give • Fear –2: Automatons cause Fear checks
it +2 to Notice and Tracking rolls. at –2.
• Size –1: Battle hounds are relatively • Fearless: Immune to Fear and
small creatures. Intimidation.
• Hover Bike Chassis: Banshees are
linked to a Hellstromme Motor’s Arrow
hover bike and their movement is treated
as if they were riding the vehicle. The
additional armor and weapons reduce the
Acceleration/Top Speed to 8/32.
• Integrated Weapon System:
Banshees are equipped with an integral HI
Hellblazer Chain Gun (Range 30/60/120,
Damage 2d8, RoF 5, shots 120 (stored in
torso), Auto, AP 2, Snapfire Penalty).
• Recoil Compensators: The banshee
ignores the penalty for autofire.
• Reconstruction: Banshees “heal”
naturally once per day via self-repair
systems as long as the brain is intact.
This is a normal Vigor roll, made at +2 if
they have a reasonable supply of scrap
metal nearby.
• Self-Destruct: When a banshee is
Incapacitated, it explodes for 3d6 damage
in a Large Burst Template.
• Size +2: Banshees are the size you’d
expect from an automaton attached to a
hoverbike. Bigger than the normal kind.

• Recoil Compensators: The
Automaton- Widowmaker widowmaker ignores the penalty for
A widowmaker is a large four-legged • Reconstruction: Widowmakers “heal”
metal monstrosity. It stands 15’ tall and is naturally once per day via self-repair
capable of carrying a squad of ten men or systems as long as the brain is intact.
five automatons within its cavernous body. This is a normal Vigor roll, made at +2 if
they have a reasonable supply of scrap
The four-legged design and wide feet allow
metal nearby.
it to traverse the roughest terrain, and its
• Sealed: The interior of the widowmaker
great weight allows it to stamp any shifting
is completely sealed. Gas, bioweapons, and
rubble flat, thus making it exceptionally
the like have no effect on the widowmaker
sure-footed. Its weight of five tons is also
or its passengers.
its main disadvantage, as few bridges left
• Self-Destruct: When a widowmaker is
in the Wasted West between Denver and
Incapacitated, it explodes for 3d10 AP 6
Junkyard can support that much.
damage in a Large Burst Template. This
The menacing barrels of chain guns counts as a Heavy Weapon.
protrude from either side of its lower jaw. • Size +7: The widowmaker is 15’ tall.
The cockpit of a widowmaker is wired to • Stomp: Widowmakers can crush
two automaton brains. infantry (and other individuals) underfoot
as an action. The Widowmaker makes a
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d4,
Fighting roll against the target’s Parry. If
Strength d12, Vigor d12
successful, it causes 2d12+10 damage.
Skills: Driving d12, Fighting d10, Notice d10,
Shooting d6
Pace: 10 Parry: 7 Toughness: 75 (60)
Special Abilities:
• Armor +60: A widowmaker is basically One of the trademark creations of the
a tank, complete with armor plating. Combine, the Raptor is a VTOL (Vertical
• Auto-Targeting: +1 to all Shooting Take-Off and Landing) cross between a
rolls. flying vehicle and an automaton. The cargo
• Construct: +2 to recover from being space in the rear can carry ten humans or
Shaken; no extra damage from called five automatons, while a winch in the belly
shots; immune to disease and poison. allows it to sling-load heavy cargoes for
• Dual-Brained: Widowmakers can transport.
perform two actions each round with no
Thermal imagers and high quality video
multiple action penalty.
surveillance equipment can be fitted to
• Fear –4: Widowmakers cause Fear
convert the Raptor for a reconnaissance
checks at –4.
role, though the undead brains piloting the
• Fearless: Immune to Fear and
crafts chafe at bloodless missions.
• Heavy Armor: Only weapons marked as Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d4,
Heavy Weapons can affect a widowmaker, Strength d12+7, Vigor d12
regardless of the damage roll. Skills: Fighting d8, Notice d10, Piloting d12,
• Integrated Weapon System: 2 Chain Shooting d6
Gun (Range 30/60/120, Damage 2d8, RoF Pace: -- Parry: 6 Toughness: 21 (6)
5, shots 120 (stored in torso), Auto, AP 2), Special Abilities
15MM Anti-Vehicle Laser on head that • Armor +6: Raptors have light armor
can fire in a 90 degree arc in front of plating.
the widowmaker (Range 150/300/600, • Auto-Targeting: +1 to all Shooting
Damage 4d8, RoF 3, AP 40, Heavy Weapon). rolls.
• Large: Attackers gain +2 to hit the • Construct: +2 to recover from being
widowmaker. Shaken; no extra damage from called
• Low Light Vision: Widowmakers shots; immune to disease and poison.
ignore Dim and Dark lighting penalties. • Fear –2: Raptors cause Fear checks at

• Fearless: Immune to Fear and • Self-Destruct: When a raptor is
Intimidation. Incapacitated, it explodes for 3d6 damage
• Flight: Raptors have a normal Flight in a Large Burst Template.
Pace of 10, Climb 3. For long distance • Size +7: Raptors are 18’ wide and 36’
travel, they can activate turbine boosters long.
that increase their Pace to 40, but using
the boosters counts as an action as if
• Heavy Armor: Only weapons marked The beaded horror is a mutated form of
as Heavy Weapons can affect a raptor, Gila monster, a six-foot long, squat-bodied,
regardless of the damage roll. lizard common throughout the deserts of
• Improved Stabilizer: Gyroscopic the southwest.
stabilizers help the raptor maintain its
The horrors are most often found in
balance. Raptors ignore Unstable Platform
abandoned bunkers due to their appetite
for gunpowder and other explosives. They
• Integrated Weapon System: Chain
seek out caches of such materials and lair
Gun (Range 30/60/120, Damage 2d8, RoF
around their favorite food source.
5, shots 120 (stored in torso), Auto, AP 2).
• Large: Attackers gain +2 to hit the Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4(A), Spirit
raptor. d10, Strength d10, Vigor d8
• Low Light Vision: Raptors ignore Dim Skills: Fighting d8, Intimidation d8, Notice
and Dark lighting penalties. d4, Shooting d8, Stealth d8
• Recoil Compensators: The raptor Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 8 (2)
ignores the penalty for autofire. Special Abilities:
• Reconstruction: Raptors “heal” • Armor +2: Scaly hide
naturally once per day via self-repair • Burrow: Pace 1 through concrete,
systems as long as the brain is intact. slower through metal.
This is a normal Vigor roll, made at +2 if • Claw/Bite: Str+d6, AP 1
they have a reasonable supply of scrap • Fear: Beaded horrors cause Fear
metal nearby. checks.
• Sealed: The interior of the raptor is • Fiery Breath: Beaded horrors can belch
completely sealed. Gas, bioweapons, and fire from the accumulated cordite in their
the like have no effect on the raptor or its bellies. At the beginning of an encounter,
passengers. roll 1d6. This is the number of times they
can attack with this ability before they
run out of gunpowder and can no longer
use it. This attack uses the Cone Template
and works just like a flamethrower (2d10
damage, ignoring unsealed Armor).
• Lockjaw: If the beaded horror gets a
raise on a bite attack, it causes damage
as normal but clamps its jaws down and
automatically delivers bite damage
every round unless Incapacitated or
Shaken. The victim is grappled until
he breaks free (see Savage Worlds),
but can only escape using Strength,
not Agility.
• Poison: The beaded horror secretes a
poison in its saliva. Anyone bitten with
a Shaken result or worse must make a
Vigor check or take a level of Fatigue,
which can be recovered by one hour of

• Weakness (Combustion): If a Blast shadows feed upon the life energies
fire-based attack causes a wound to of the living. They attach themselves to
the beaded horror’s torso, roll a d6. If someone who looked like them in life and
the result is 4+, the creature expires in begin draining away his soul. When the
a massive explosion, causing 4d6 damage host finally succumbs to the leach, the
in a Large Burst Template. mournful shadow fades for a few days
before rematerializing back at their outline.
BLACK HAT Blast shadows are very difficult to notice
when attached to a victim. At the Marshal’s
The most common troops of General
whim, and when the host is in light that
Throckmorton’s Combine are collectively
obviously casts shadow, the host and all
called the “Black Hats.” They are bullies,
those nearby may make a Notice roll at
thugs, savages, and murderers given the
–4 to spot the unnatural movement of the
best arms available in the Wasted West by
the robotic factories in Denver.
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit
Black Hats travel in platoon-sized
d10, Strength d6, Vigor d6
elements of 20–25 men and women. Black
Skills: Notice d6, Stealth d12+4
Hats who travel far from Denver tend to be
Pace: 10 (matches user once attached);
disorganized rabble, but the ones closer to
Parry: 2; Toughness: 5
the city are highly trained in tactics.
Special Abilities:
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, • Ethereal: Blast shadows are immaterial
Strength d6, Vigor d6 and can only be harmed by magical
Skills: Fighting d6, Gambling d6, Healing attacks.
d4, Intimidation d4, Notice d6, Shooting • Fear: Blast shadows cause Fear checks
d6, Stealth d6, Swimming d4, Survival d6, when noticed.
Throwing d6 • Life Drain: A blast shadow can attach
Charisma: –2; Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: itself to a victim automatically. Once it
7(2), 9(4 vs. bullets) does, it causes one level of Fatigue per
Hindrances: Bloodthirsty, Mean day. When the host reaches Incapacitated,
Edges: -- he dies. A brainer killed like this never
Gear: HI Damnation assault rifle (Range comes back Harrowed.
24/48/96, Damage 2d8+1, RoF 3, 30 shots, • Weakness (Light): Light-based attacks
AP 2), frag grenade (Range 5/10/20, Damage do double damage to a blast shadow and
3d6, MBT), combat knife (Str+d4), Kevlar bypass its Ethereal immunity.
Special Abilities:
• Booby-Trapped: Black Hats have
special chips implanted at the base of While humanoid in appearance,
their skulls. The chips interface with bloatbellies could never be mistaken for
their weapons and vehicles to keep the men. Their skeletal arms are long and
enemies of the Combine from using their distended-like an ape’s, ending in a trio of
high-tech gear. If someone without a sharp-tipped claws. Their heads are fanged
Combine chip attempts to use the gear, skulls, and their eye sockets filled with an
the weapon or vehicle detonates for 3d6 eerie blue glow.
damage in a Medium Burst Template.
Bloatbellies move in large groups of a few
dozen, searching for survivor settlements
BLAST SHADOW to destroy. Their attacks begin with small
groups of three or four who infiltrate the
Those caught at ground zero of a ghost
town and try to cause as much havoc
rock bomb explosion are vaporized instantly,
as they can. That’s when the main body
but sometimes their terror-stricken outlines
attacks: dozens of bloatbellies, swarming
are burned into the surrounding terrain.
over walls and bunkers like rats. Victory
And sometimes these outlines come to
in battle is not their objective. They seek
only food to desecrate, to leave ruined

and push the town towards the brink of
starvation. Unprepared communities often
won’t realize their goals until it’s too late.
Vampire Form
Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d8, Spirit
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d6,
d6, Strength d12+1, Vigor d10
Strength d6, Vigor d8
Skills: Fighting d12, Intimidation d8, Notice
Skills: Fighting d6, Intimidation d4, Stealth
d8, Stealth d10
d6, Swimming d6, Tracking d6
Pace: 6; Parry: 8; Toughness: 9
Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 6
Special Abilities:
Special Abilities:
• Bloodsucker: With a bite to the neck,
• Breath: The creature can belch up a
the beast locks on. Every action after
small amount of gas (see below) at anyone
that it automatically drains a Fatigue
adjacent to it. This affects one target for
level worth of blood. The bloody juicebox
one round.
can only break free by winning a contest
• Claws/Bite: Str+d8.
of Strength against the bloodwolf. Each
• Fear –2: Bloatbellies cause Fear checks
Fatigue level from blood drain can be
at –2.
recovered in a day.
• Gas: If a bloatbelly takes a wound, it
• Claws/Bite: Str+d4
explodes in a toxic cloud the size of a Small
• Fear –2: Bloodwolves in vampire form
Burst Template. Inhaling or contacting the
cause Fear checks at –2.
gas with bare skin causes 2d6 damage
• Improved Frenzy: The bloodwolf may
every round contact is maintained. All food
make two attacks each round without
which the gas touches is destroyed. The
gas lasts for 1d6 rounds; halve duration
• Invulnerability: Bloodwolves can only
in high winds and double it in windless
be harmed by their Weaknesses. They
may be Shaken by other attacks, but not
• Poison: A bloatbelly’s teeth and nails
are coated with a rot-causing poison. Any
• Undead: +2 to Toughness; +2 to recover
hero taking a wound from these must
from being Shaken; no extra damage
make a Vigor roll or the flesh around
from called shots; immune to disease and
the injury withers. The target suffers an
immediate Injury (see Savage Worlds)
until all their wounds are fully healed.

Ever wonder what you get when you
cross a werewolf and a vampire? The
answer is the unholy creature known as
the bloodwolf. This crimson-furred beast
stalks the High Plains by the light of the
full moon. Its bloodcurdling howl is enough
to turn even the most stalwart hero’s spine
to ice. There are few folks even among the
hard-bitten denizens of the Wasted West
who can keep themselves from crawling
into the nearest hidey-hole when they hear
that savage call.
Most of the time, the bloodwolf is just
a simple bloodsucker, a vampire whose
biggest problem is finding fresh blood in
the wastelands. When the full moon rises,
though, the silvery orb transforms the
thing into a vicious werewolf, causing
it to take its horrible bloodwolf form.

• Weakness (Sunlight): The bloodwolf Bloodwaves are bound by water and
cannot tolerate direct ultraviolet light. cannot manifest on dry land. Only large
They suffer a –2 penalty to all actions bodies of water (small lakes and larger)
when exposed (but they do not burn like provide enough liquid to support their
regular vampires). hate-filled forms.
• Weakness (Wooden Weapons):
Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d8, Spirit
Weapons made of wood cause damage
d10, Strength d12+2, Vigor d12
normally, and a wooden stake through
Skills: Fighting d12, Intimidation d8, Notice
the heart (a called shot at –6) paralyzes
d8, Stealth d12
a bloodwolf in vampire form. It is
Pace: 8; Parry: 8; Toughness: 10
invulnerable to silver weapons while in
Special Abilities:
this form.
• Fear –2: Bloodwaves cause Fear checks
at –2.
• Grasping Limbs:
Bloodwolf Form Weapon.
Str+d10, Heavy

Attributes: Agility d12+2, Smarts d6, Spirit • Hardy: Shaken results do not cause
d6, Strength d12+2, Vigor d12+1 wounds.
Skills: Climbing d12, Fighting d12, Notice • Fast Regeneration: Bloodwaves can
d10, Stealth d10 make a Vigor roll at the beginning of
Pace: 6; Parry: 8; Toughness: 11 every round to recover any damage they’ve
Special Abilities: received as long as they’re in contact with
• Claws/Bite: Str+d6. water; +2 to recover from being Shaken.
• Fear –4: Bloodwolves cause Fear • Size +2: A bloodwave stands 8’ tall.
checks at –4. • Weakness (Arcane Powers): Wounds
• Improved Frenzy: The bloodwolf may caused by arcane powers cannot be
make two attacks each round without regenerated.
• Invulnerability: Bloodwolves can only
be harmed by their Weaknesses. They
may be Shaken by other attacks, but not Bone bots are the size of matchboxes and
wounded. made entirely from scavenged biological
• Undead: +2 to Toughness; +2 to recover parts—bone and cartilage mostly, plus a
from being Shaken; no extra damage few other nonperishable items of carrion.
from called shots; immune to disease and They’re awkward and graceless with six or
poison. eight legs, and the design is always slightly
• Weakness (Silver Weapons): The different depending on the materials
bloodwolf suffers normal damage from available when it is made or repaired.
silver weapons. It is invulnerable to
Bone bots are the result of robotics
wooden weapons while in this form.
experiments conducted by Professor
Ruben Bombora at the Missouri Institute
BLOODWAVE of Technology. Bombora and his team built
the first SE-17s; miniature robots designed
Bloodwaves are the nature spirits of the
to mimic insect behavior. Though not
water in the Great Maze, driven to anger by
intelligent, per se, their nanochips were able
pollution and bloodshed. The devastation
to learn from stimuli, with their chief aim
of the Last War roused them from their
being reproduction. They do so by stripping
slumber, and now they’re looking to make
down biological components from organic
folks pay. A bloodwave appears as a towering
sources, resulting in mutilations of cattle
wall of crimson seawater with two great
and sometimes unfortunate wasters.
limbs and a hideous face springing from its
bulk. It waits in ambush for boats, rising up Unfortunately, after the Apocalypse, they
to tear them apart and drown their crews. have no real orders other than to go forth
and multiply.

Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d4(A), Spirit the item is unaffected, but on any other
d12, Strength d8, Vigor d10 result, the item is fried, requiring a Repair
Skills: Notice d6, roll at –2 and 30 minutes to fix. Shielded
Pace: 10; Parry: 4; Toughness: 7 devices, such as Combine Headbanger
Special Abilities: chips, are fried only on a roll of 1–3. Heavily
• Bite: Bone bots cause 2d4 damage to shielded electronics such as automatons
everyone in their template as the creatures are fried only on a 1 on the d10.
strip the bone and cartilage from the body. • Fear: Brain buzzards cause Fear checks.
• Construct: +2 to recover from being • Flight: Pace 12, Climb 1.
Shaken; no extra damage from called • Size +1: Brain buzzards are big vultures.
shots; immune to disease and poison.
• Fear –2: Bone bots cause Fear checks
at –2.
• Swarm: Parry +2; cutting or piercing These small robots are built by the
weapons do no real damage. Area effect Denver AI to salvage raw materials from
weapons work normally, and a character blasted cities. The Combine finds itself
can inflict his damage in Strength by short of raw materials for its automaton
stomping or smashing. factories as it tries to replace the losses
• Tenacious: A bone bot swarm starts as suffered during the Harvest and the Battle
a Medium Burst Template. When it takes of Worms, so chop bots are more and more
a wounding hit, it splits into two smaller common outside of Denver.
swarms (Small Burst Templates).
They look like metallic spiders,
complete with eight multi-jointed legs.
BRAIN BUZZARD Two multifaceted crystal eyes contain the
sensors and radio antennae. The robot’s
With dirty black feathers, fleshy pink
legs end in small hooked claws which allow
heads, and great hooked beaks, brain
them to cling to nearly any surface. Where
buzzards look like oversized vultures with
a spider has mandibles, however, the chop
oversized heads. They have the ability to
bots have a pair of circular tungsten carbide
generate electro-magnetic pulses (EMPs)
saw blades capable of cutting through
that knock out all manner of electronics.
most materials. They cut up cars, rebar,
They attack such devices because they I-beams, or whatever they are programmed
suffer pain from being in proximity to them, to recover, and put them in automated
zeroing in on offending items to fire off an tractor trailers that trail along behind them.
EMP just to make the pain stop. Chop bots don’t usually attack creatures,
but defend themselves if attacked in melee.
Brain buzzards are more common down
If attacked by ranged weapons, they hide
south in northern Texas, New Mexico,
and radio for help. Combine troopers can
and Arizona. They usually steer clear of
command these small bots as desired. Chop
Combine soldiers because of the headaches
bots are usually encountered in groups of
they cause. They’re thick along the old
6 to 10.
Route 66 trail much to the consternation
of the traders who convoy up and down Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d6,
the cracked remains of the CSA’s I-40. Strength d8, Vigor d6
Skills: Fighting d6, Notice d8, Repair d6
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6(A), Spirit
Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 7 (2)
d6, Strength d8, Vigor d10
Special Abilities:
Skills: Fighting d8, Intimidation d10, Notice
• Armor +2: Chop bots have metal
d6, Stealth d8
Pace: 2; Parry: 6; Toughness: 8
• Circular Saw Arms: 2d6 damage, AP
Special Abilities:
• Claw/Bite: Str+d6.
• Construct: +2 to recover from being
• Electromagnetic Pulse: Brain
Shaken; Immune to poison, disease, and
buzzards send out an EMP as an action
suffocation; no additional damage from
that fries most any electronics within 20”.
Called Shots.
Roll a d10 for each item affected. On a 10,

• Size –1: Chop bots stand 3–4’ tall.
• Wall Walker: A chop bot can walk up Croaker Shaman
and along metal surfaces at its Pace if the
structure will support its weight. It may Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d8,
also run. Strength d6, Vigor d8
Skills: Fighting d6, Notice d6, Shooting d6,
CROAKER Faith d8, Stealth d6, Swimming d8, Throwing
Croakers are fishlike humanoids living Pace: 5; Parry: 5; Toughness: 8 (1)
in vast underwater communities across Gear: Crossbow (Range 15/30/60, Damage
the Maze. Although croakers aren’t 2d6, AP 2, 1 round to reload), three single-
abominations as such, they are a cruel and use syringes of elemental protection (water)
merciless race. lasting 5 hours.
Special Abilities:
The fish men worship a dark sea
• Aquatic: Pace 8.
goddess who demands frequent sacrifices.
• Armor +1: Blubbery skin.
For several decades now, the high priests
• Claws/Bite: Str+d4.
of their evil religion have claimed that
• Fear –2: Croakers cause Fear checks at
the goddess demands human sacrifices.
Victims are abducted from the survivor
• Miracles: Armor, bolt, deflection; 25
settlements around the Maze and given the
Power Points.
ability to breathe water by injecting them
• Size +1: Croakers are large and blubbery.
with strange elixirs. Then they are pulled
hundreds of feet below the surface and
slowly murdered in the croakers’ unholy Shrak
Rumor has it these horrid abominations
Typical raiding parties looking for were created by Northern Alliance scientists
sacrifices consist of 10–15 croakers armed to drive the Confederates out of the Maze
with crossbows. A shamanic priest leads before the Last War. Shraks now serve the
the school of warriors and lends support croakers (see page 167), acting as hunting
should the croakers encounter well-armed dogs or “shock troops” for their frequent
defenders. The group looks for small groups raids on human settlements. The shark-like
of humans and then attacks, killing all humanoids can move on land as well as
but one, who they then kidnap for their water, and they can even climb sheer walls
sacrifice. by driving their claws into the rock.
When not hunting or raiding, shraks
Croaker Warrior patrol the waters around their master’s vast
lair. There are rarely any other large fish
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d6,
or predators where these voracious eaters
Strength d6, Vigor d8
Skills: Fighting d6, Notice d6, Shooting d6,
Stealth d6, Swimming d8 Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4, Spirit d6,
Pace: 5; Parry: 5; Toughness: 8 (1) Strength d12+1, Vigor d10
Gear: Crossbow (Range 15/30/60, Damage Skills: Climbing d10, Fighting d10,
2d6, AP 2, 1 round to reload). Intimidation d10, Stealth d10, Swimming d10,
Special Abilities: Tracking d10 (in water)
• Aquatic: Pace 8. Pace: 6; Parry: 7; Toughness: 10 (1)
• Armor +1: Blubbery skin. Special Abilities:
• Claws/Bite: Str+d4. • Armor +1: Thick skin.
• Fear –2: Croakers cause Fear checks at • Aquatic: Pace 8.
–2. • Bite: Str+d8.
• Size +1: Croakers are large and blubbery. • Fear –2: Shraks cause Fear checks at
• Size +2: Shraks are large and muscular.

• Tongue Grab: Desert gators can use
DESERT GATOR their long sticky tongue to make a grapple
attack up to 8” away. It can pull the victim
In appearance, the desert gator looks very
to it at a rate of 4” per round. The victim
like a natural gator, only on a much larger
can attempt to free himself from the
scale. Its coloration suits its new rugged
sticky organ but only using Strength, not
environment: its back is dusky brown with
Agility. The tongue can be attacked with a
green highlights and its belly is light tan.
Called Shot at –2; this bypasses the desert
Desert gators are extremely fast and have gator’s Armor and releases the target on
long, frog-like, sticky tongues that can lash a Shaken result. The tongue is severed if
out 16 yards or more and reel in some poor an attack on it does a wound or more ,
brainer. The reptile’s speed/tongue combo but this does not cause a wound to the
is harsh—once within a desert gator’s jaws gator itself, which is only Shaken.
there isn’t much hope.
Desert gators only started popping up DEVIL BATS
about 20 years ago in the West, but they’ve
First observed in the Badlands of the
been lurking in Louisiana swamps for
Dakota Territory, these creatures escaped
some time. They aren’t naturally occurring
being hunted to extinction because their
mutants. They were cooked up in a lab by
main nests were in the anti-technology
a team of scientists studying the effects of
zone of the Sioux Nations. Covert forays
G-rays on living tissue. Intrigued by the new
against them by the Agency always ended
breed’s resistance to dry heat, they dumped
in failure for the government forces.
them in the wild for years just to see how
they would adapt to their new environment. Devil bats are nocturnal predators who
hunt in packs. They attack by racing from
Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d4(A), Spirit
the night sky and grabbing prey with their
d8, Strength d12+3, Vigor d10
taloned feet. If the devil bat is successful, it
Skills: Fighting d8, Intimidation d8, Notice
races into the air and drops its prey from
d6, Stealth d8
the apex of its swoop, hoping to dash it to
Pace: 8; Parry: 6; Toughness: 12 (2)
death on the rocks below. The devil bats
Special Abilities:
then settle down to devour the victim,
• Armor +2: Scaly hide.
whether he’s dead or merely stunned.
• Bite/Tail: Str+d6. The gator knocks a
person back 2” for every raise it gets on Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d8(A), Spirit
a tail attack. d8, Strength d12+1, Vigor d8
• Camouflage: The gator’s coloration Skills: Fighting d10, Intimidation d10, Notice
gives it +1 to all Stealth rolls in desert d8, Stealth d12+2
environments. Pace: 4; Parry: 7; Toughness: 6
• Fear: Desert gators cause Fear checks. Special Abilities:
• Fearless: The desert gator is immune • Claws: Str+d4
to Fear and Intimidation. • Death From Above: A flying devil bat
• Fleet-Footed: Desert gators have a d10 that hits with a raise causes damage as
running die instead of d6, though only for usual. In addition, the devil bat grasps its
up to three consecutive rounds. After that prey in its claws and moves the remainder
they may not run at all for another three of its Flight Pace. The next round the
rounds. devil bat drops its prey to the ground
• Radiation Resistant: Desert gators (see falling damage in Savage Worlds).
gain +4 Armor and +4 to Trait rolls to Characters on Hold or who have not yet
resist radiation and radiation-based taken their action may attempt to hold
attacks, including all offensive Doomsayer on by making an opposed Strength roll. If
powers. successful, the prey continues to struggle.
• Size +3: Desert gators average about With a raise, the victim forces the devil
15–20’ long, although a good amount of bat close enough to a landing spot to
that is snout and tail. Smaller and larger jump free without taking damage.
varieties exist. • Flight: Pace 16, Climb 1.

• Quick: Devil bats discard Action Cards Special Abilities:
of 5 or lower. • Armor +3: Tough carapace.
• Weakness (Stillness): Devil bats see • Bite: Str.
by sonar. They must subtract 4 from their • Discord: The discord bug uses its wings
attack rolls if their prey stands stock and Intimidation skill to instill feelings of
still (assuming they detected it before paranoia and anger in all those within
the victims “froze”). Standing still when 10”. All those hearing the hum must resist
a devil bat is sweeping down requires a with an opposed Spirit roll every minute
Fear check at –2. Failure means the victim (add +2 to the roll for those with some
flinches or moves, allowing the bats to sort of ear protection. Deaf characters are
“see” him. immune). The first failure turns a person
surly and angry, giving them the Mean
DISCORD BUG Hindrance. A second failure (or the first
if the character already has the Mean
These mean-spirited insects feed on the Hindrance) counts a being under a puppet
energy of negative emotions: anger, fear, power with a command of “attack the
violence, what have you. In order to feed, the nearest person with a wild attack.” The
critter sets up a high-pitched hum audible only way to stop the character once he
up to twenty yards from its wings. The starts is to Incapacitate him, move him
hum has the effect of setting most folks out of the area affected, or find and kill
on edge, and given time, those same folks the discord bug.
get downright ornery. Some are even driven • Flight: Pace 12, Climb 2. The discord
to kill by the persistent drone, which suits bug cannot fly while using the Discord or
the bug’s unusual dietary requirements just Syker Interference abilities.
fine. • Piercing Wail: The discord bug can
make a sonic ranged attack doing 3d6
Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d4(A), Spirit
damage (5/10/20) with a high pitched
d4, Strength —, Vigor d8
whine. It uses the thorax to create this
Skills: Fighting d6, Intimidation d12, Notice
noise, leaving the wings free to use either
d6, Shooting d8, Stealth d10
the Discord or Syker Interference abilities.
Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 9 (3)

• Size –2: Discord bugs are about 6” long • Go for the Throat: Dogs o’ War
and 2–3” thick. instinctively go for an opponent’s soft
• Small: Attackers must subtract 2 from spots. With a raise on its attack roll, it
their rolls when attacking a discord bug hits the target’s most weakly-armored
because of its small size. location.
• Syker Interference: Discord bugs • Size –1: Dogs o’ War are the size of
can detect sykers up to 50” away by the mastiffs.
telltale hum of their enhanced brains. • Undead: +2 to Toughness; +2 to recover
Instead of using their Discord ability from being Shaken; no extra damage
they can create a subsonic hum that only from called shots; immune to disease and
affects sykers, increasing the cost to use poison.
any syker power by +1 Power Point and
inflicts a –2 penalty to Psionics.
Dog o’ War Alpha
DOGS O’ WAR Attributes: Agility d12, Smarts d6(A), Spirit
d6, Strength d8, Vigor d10
Following the Reckoning, War stomped
Skills: Fighting d12, Intimidation d6, Notice
across Kansas and the High Plains battling
d10, Stealth d12, Tracking d8
the Sioux and scattering bands of soldiers
Pace: 8; Parry: 8; Toughness: 9
and other heroes in his unholy wake.
Special Abilities:
Behind the Reckoner trailed a pack of
• Claws/Bite: Str+d4.
baying, bloodthirsty hounds that came to
• Fear –2: Dog o’ War alphas cause Fear
be known as the “dogs o’ War.”
checks at –2.
These beasts were raised from death • Fearless: Dogs o’ War alphas are
by War to hound those who escaped his immune to Fear and Intimidation.
ravages. Several packs were left behind to • Fleet-Footed: Dogs o’ War alphas roll
continue chasing lone travelers and cull the a d10 when running instead of a d6.
weak. Today, they are most common to the • Go for the Throat: Dogs o’ War alphas
High Plains where War once roamed. instinctively go for an opponent’s soft
spots. With a raise on its attack roll, it
The dogs have a very simple and deadly
hits the target’s most weakly-armored
form of attack. When they spy potential
prey (anything that moves), the “alpha” (the
• Undead: +2 to Toughness; +2 to recover
pack’s leader) gives off a mournful wail
from being Shaken; no extra damage
that unnerves all but the strongest souls.
from called shots; immune to disease
Then the rest of the pack bolts after the
and poison. Alphas do not suffer wound
prey at a rush, not stopping until they or
their victims are finished.
• Wail o’ the Damned: Alphas can emit
The alpha watches from a respectful a mournful wail that unnerves all but
distance. If his pack is destroyed, he leaves the strongest souls. Everyone who hears
and forms another over the next 1d6 days. . the wail must make a Fear check at –4.
This may only be attempted once per
Dog o’ War encounter—usually just before the pack
moves in to attack.
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6(A), Spirit • Coup: The character gains +2 to Fear
d6, Strength d6, Vigor d8 rolls while engaged in battle.
Skills: Fighting d8, Notice d10, Tracking d8
Pace: 8; Parry: 6; Toughness: 7
Special Abilities:
• Claw/Bite: Str+d4. Silas has many troops at his disposal,
• Fear: Dogs o’ War cause Fear checks. from mutants to radiation priests. His
• Fearless: Dogs o’ War are immune to radiation priests are called Doomsayers,
Fear and Intimidation. blessed with powers by the grace of the
• Fleet-Footed: Dogs o’ War roll a d10 Glow. Hundreds still serve the Mutant King
when running instead of a d6.

despite their losses during the Harvest.
These acolytes lead the faithful in the
City o’ Sin, as well as leading missionary
caravans into the wastelands to bring more
of the genetically altered into the fold.
The most vicious, powerful, and relentless
of all Silas’ followers are the Doombringers,
the chosen of the chosen. These ugly,
mutated creatures are more monster
than human. They retain a feral human
intelligence but are twisted and consumed
by their hatred for norms, disloyal mutants,
and especially heretic Doomsayers. Even
those within the Cult of Doom tremble at
the mention of their name, and few outside
the Cult have survived an encounter with
them. Silas doesn’t really want many of
these wackos around, so he sends the
worst of them off into the wastes to hunt
down heretics.

Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d8,
Strength d6, Vigor d8
Skills: Driving d4, Faith d8, Fighting d6,
Healing d6, Intimidation d8, Notice d6,
in 1d6 days. The first thing most
Persuasion d8, Shooting d6, Stealth d6,
Doom­ bringers do when they return is
Survival d6
hunt down their killers.
Charisma: 0; Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness:
• Fear –2: Doombringers cause Fear
checks at –2 (on close inspection).
Hindrances: Loyal (to Silas)
• Powers: Doombringers have 50 Power
Edges: Arcane Background (Doomsayer)
Points and 6–8 Powers, but almost always
Gear: Green robes
have blast and bolt.
Special Abilities:
• Undead: +2 to Toughness; +2 to recover
• Powers: Blast, bolt, and typically 2–4
from being Shaken; no extra damage
from called shots; immune to disease
and poison. Doombringers do not suffer
Doombringers wound modifiers.
• Weakness (Doomsayer Powers):
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit Only a Doomsayer power that delivers a
d10, Strength d6, Vigor d8 killing wound to the target’s torso or head
Skills: Faith d10, Fighting d8, Healing d6, can permanently destroy a Doombringer.
Intimidation d8, Notice d8, Persuasion d8, • Coup: The character gets 2 additional
Shooting d6, Stealth d6, Survival d6 points of Armor when resisting radiation-
Charisma: –4; Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: based attacks.
Hindrances: Bloodthirsty, Loyal
Edges: Arcane Background (Doomsayer)
Gear: — Fate eaters are ghosts of people who died
Special Abilities: on Judgment Day with unfinished business
• Atomic Resurrection: Doombringers to complete. They extort living victims into
can be “killed,” but even if they’re finishing that business for them by robbing
disintegrated, their atoms reassemble them of luck. They promise to return this

mysterious force when the deal is done. Fizzers are addicted to Bubbly-Fizz
The completion of the desired task usually Cola. They kill for it. It’s almost like they
allows the fate eater to end its existence as worship it. They live in chaotic, violence-
a trapped spirit on earth and go to its next prone wandering colonies whose only goal
reward. is survival and the acquisition of more
B-Fizz. Individually weak, they are strong
The task in question might be ridiculous,
in numbers.
poignant, or just plain deadly. Even the
simplest task can be lethal in the Wasted Fizzers are not, technically speaking,
West. The victim may be called upon to mutants. They’re victims of a genetically
avenge a wrong, wrest a confession of engineered virus created a few years before
mutual love from someone the fate eater the war by unscrupulous executives of
worshipped from afar, or find lost treasure. the Bubbly-Fizz Beverage Corporation. The
virus, planted in random batches of the cola,
Fate eaters look like ghostly apparitions
was meant to reinforce a brand preference
of their former selves. They’re only rarely
for Bubbly-Fizz, with no other side effects.
glimpsed outside their victim’s dreams.
Funny how viruses engineered at the behest
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, of unscrupulous executives always seem
Strength d6, Vigor d6 to go awry, isn’t it? In this case, the virus
Skills: Varies based on the fate eater’s not only significantly degraded the physical
former identity. and mental health of its victims, but also
Pace: 6; Parry: Varies; Toughness: N/A induced an overwhelming psychological
Special Abilities: need for the product. In the aftermath of
• Contact: Fate eaters can talk to their the war, the infected are doubly screwed,
targets in two ways—through dreams because B-Fizz is now a nonrenewable
and (with great effort) distant whispers resource.
of a few simple words. This is how they
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4, Spirit d4,
communicate their task.
Strength d6, Vigor d6
• Ethereal: Fate eaters are incorporeal
Skills: Driving d6, Fighting d6, Notice
and can pass through solid objects.
d6, Shooting d6, Stealth d6, Survival d4,
• Fear –2: Fate eaters cause Fear checks
Tracking d6
at –2.
Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 5
• Invulnerability: Fate eaters can only
Gear: Various scavenged melee and ranged
be Shaken; they cannot be Wounded.
• Devour Fate: The victim of a fate eater
Special Abilities:
gets one less Benny per game session.
• Caffeine Overdrive: For 24 hours
Typically the only way to repair this is to
after consuming Bubbly-Fizz Cola, they
complete the spirit’s task. Sometimes this
gain the Quick and Level Headed Edges.
is counter-productive to the fate eater’s
• Detect Bubbly-Fizz: Can sense an
quest, but the angry spirit has no choice
open Bubbly-Fizz Cola within 100”.
in the matter.
• Fear: Fizzers cause Fear checks.
• Surge: Fizzers gain the effects of the
FIZZERS Berserk Edge the moment they detect
their favorite beverage (Parry –2; +2 to
Fizzers are humans with pale complexions,
Fighting, Strength, melee damage rolls,
glazed, sunken eyes and greasy hair. They
and Toughness; ignore Wound modifiers).
typically wear pre-War t-shirts three sizes
too small, peppered with holes and stained
with Bubbly-Fizz Cola. Their skin is covered GALLOS TERRIBLES
with oozing, volcanic zits that bubble and
Doctor Clarence Bachman was a
fizz from every inch of exposed flesh, with
Confederate virologist during the Last War,
little daubs of dripping green goo that bead
assigned to a remote research facility in
along their rancid gums where their rotted
the Arizona desert a hundred miles from
teeth used to be.
nowhere. He hated the assignment. The work
was boring and he was trapped indoors

by a violent case of herpetophobia—fear • Fear: Gallos cause Fear checks.
of reptiles. The Arizona desert’s crawling • Size +1: Gallos are over 10’ tall, but thin
with them: lizards, snakes, gila monsters, with long legs.
you name it and you’ll find it. Bachman
decided to clear the area of these ‘fearsome’
creatures using the skills he was best with:
genetic engineering. Ghost rock consists of damned souls,
trapped and sentenced to eternal agony
The indigenous roadrunners were the
within the mineral they inhabit. When the
most common predators of reptilian desert
bombs fell, millions of these tortured beings
life. Bachman set out to unlock the genes
were released and scattered in radioactive
for size, speed, and aggressiveness in the
ash. Sometimes, a condemned soul has
otherwise inoffensive, flightless avian.
enough will, strength, or just plumb
After months of research, he eventually
meanness to escape, coalescing from ghost
succeeded, and released the resultant
rock dust to stalk the night and share the
species into the desert to develop without
pain of its terrible existence.
the interference of human beings. What he
ended up with met all of his specifications, Ghost rock wraiths haunt particular
and then some. areas or sites, usually the places where
they first manifested. They usually do
The gallos terribles, as they’re now called,
not stray far more than a few hundred
evolved far beyond Doctor Bachman’s
yards from their place of origin. A wraith
initial projections. The radiation of the
appears before any interlopers who enter
desert has destabilized their DNA and
its territory as a man-shaped swirl of ghost
caused further mutations, causing them to
rock dust glowing green with radioactivity.
grow as tall as a man, augmenting their
Their insubstantiality means only fire and
already considerable speed, and worse yet,
certain holy incantations can damage them.
their foraging instincts. The creatures have
They flee if sufficiently injured, but cannot
regressed into a primeval, monstrous state
be driven away otherwise.
driven only to hunt and bring down prey—
reptilian or otherwise.
Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d10(A), Spirit
d10, Strength d8, Vigor d10
Skills: Fighting d10, Intimidation d8, Notice
d6, Stealth d10, Taunt d10
Pace: 12; Parry: 7; Toughness: 10 (2)
Special Abilities:
• Armor +2: Tough hide.
• Beak: Str+d8, AP 2 (+2 damage if it can
move 6” in a straight line before attacking)
• Dust Storm: Even though the road
runners they’re descended from are
solitary creatures, for whatever reason,
gallos terribles hunt in flocks. When large
prey is detected in the desert, a flock of
gallos kicks up a dust cloud for protection.
The area of effect is equal to the number
of gallos within the storm multiplied by
3” in diameter, and causes –2 to any attack
rolls within (gallos have shielded eyes and
do not suffer this penalty). Those without
sealed eyewear may similarly ignore this
penalty. While within the cloud, the gallos
swarm over their prey, disorienting them
with the dust and sowing confusion with
their Taunt skill.

Wraiths sometimes manage to show Gloms use their limbs and whatever
other damned souls the way out of their weapons are handy to kill any living person
spiritual prisons. Travelers have reported in sight. Gloms can wield guns if available,
finding entire areas swarming with the though since its limbs often flail wildly, any
things. shots fired by the thing suffer a –2 penalty.
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4, Spirit d4,
Strength d6, Vigor d8 Strength d8, Vigor d8
Skills: Fighting d8, Intimidation d8, Notice Skills: Fighting d8, Intimidation d6, Notice
d4, Stealth d8 d10, Shooting d6
Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 6 Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 9
Special Abilities: Gear: Gloms may carry weapons according
• Claws: Wraiths slash with burning to the number of hands they possess.
claws for Str+d10 damage. Special Abilities:
• Ethereal: Wraiths are incorporeal and • Claws: Str+d4. Strength depends on the
can pass through solid objects. number of corpses in the creature (see
• Fear –2: Ghost rock wraiths cause Fear below).
checks at –2. • Fear –2: Anyone viewing a glom must
• Fearless: Ghost rock wraiths are make a Fear check at –2.
immune to Fear and Intimidation. • Fearless: Gloms are immune to Fear
• Invulnerability: Ghost rock wraiths and Intimidation.
can only be harmed by their Weaknesses. • Glom: For every additional corpse after
They may be Shaken by other attacks, the second, the glom gains a die type
but not wounded. each in Strength. For every doubling of
• Burning Aura: Anyone in contact with the number of corpses (at four and eight),
a wraith must make a Vigor roll each it gains a die type of Vigor and +1 Size.
round just as if he were in a high-radiation A glom suffers no multi-action penalties
area (see Savage Worlds). until it takes more actions in a turn than
• Weakness (Fire): Fire causes a wraith it has corpses in its mass. A glom may
to momentarily flash and lose its ethereal grow as large as ten corpses (Strength
special ability until the beginning of its d12+6, Vigor d12, Size +3). Each doubling
next turn. During that time they may be also increases the Fear penalty to –3 and
attacked normally. –4 respectively.
• Weakness (Magic): Attacks by arcane • Invulnerable: Permanently killing a
powers of any kind cause normal damage. glom requires destroying its primary head.
Hitting other body parts can Shake the
GLOM creature but causes no wounds. There is
a 1 in X chance that any called shot to
A glom (short for conglomerate) is a the head is the correct one, where X is
group of corpses joined together into the number of heads. Potential wounds
a horrifying mass and animated by an from an area effect weapon have a 1 in X
especially strong manitou. The parts of chance of success as well.
the component bodies can be seen clearly, • Size +1: A two-corpse glom is Size +1.
although they are merged inseparably into a • Undead: +2 to Toughness; +2 to recover
single abomination. The creation of a glom from being Shaken; no extra damage
requires at least two corpses. One corpse, from called shots; immune to disease and
in which the manitou houses its primary poison.
essence, must be relatively intact, but the
others needn’t be so tidy.
Most gloms are formed from considerably
This creature begins “life” as a glowing
more than two corpses, usually at the site
mass of six inch long, wiggling worms.
of a recent battle. Even more terrifying is
After a period ranging from seven days to a
the glom’s ability to join additional corpses
month, the glow worms merge and encyst,
to its seething mass, increasing its power
forming a tough cocoon of melted concrete,
asphalt, and metal slag. The chrysalis

swells to five times its original size over the Pace: 10; Parry: 7; Toughness: 16 (5)
next three to five days, after which time the Special Abilities:
adult form, known as a voracipede, emerges • Armor +5: Thick carapace.
and begins protecting the hive. • Burrow (12”): Voracipedes can
disappear and reappear on the following
Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d4(A), Spirit
action anywhere within 12”.
d12, Strength d8, Vigor d10
• Claws/Bite: Str+d8, AP 2. On a raise
Skills: Notice d6
the creature does normal damage and has
Pace: 3; Parry: 4; Toughness: 7
grappled its target.
Special Abilities:
• Eye Beam: Range 5/10/20, Damage
• Bite: Glow worms automatically cause
2d4 damage to everyone in the template.
• Fear –2: Voracipedes cause Fear checks
• Fear: Glow worms cause Fear checks.
at –2.
• Immunity (Radiation): Immune to
• Size +3: Voracipedes are 20 feet long
radiation and radiation-based powers.
and 4 feet tall.
• Radiation: Characters within 3” of a
• Wall Walker: Pace 10.
glow worm swarm are exposed to high
radiation (see Savage Worlds).
• Swarm: Parry +2; cutting or piercing GORE STORM
weapons do no real damage. Area effect
These particularly nasty beings, a joint
weapons work normally, and a character
creation of War and Death, came to Earth
can inflict his damage in Strength by
with the Reckoners, and have been salted
throughout the Wasted West’s worst
• Weakness (Alkaloids): Certain
Deadlands in order to keep their despair
alkaloids such as salt and chlorine (at
and terror quotients up in the stratosphere.
least a half pound) cause 2d6 damage
per round of contact as it dries out the Gore storms appear as screaming twisters
worms. of gore and flesh, a bubbling vortex of
blood and muscle and bone. Although they
often seem to possess a malign intelligence,
Voracipede and they apparently enjoy toying with their
victims before finishing them off, gore
The voracipede is a 20’ long anthropoid
storms are creatures of instinct. They exist
creature resembling a nightmarish fusion of
only to feed upon the flesh of their victims.
centipede and praying mantis with scythe-
like forelimbs, razor-sharp horns, a wicked Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d4, Spirit
set of mandibles, and a central eye capable d10, Strength d12, Vigor d8
of emitting a concentrated beam of energy Skills: Fighting d12, Notice d4
powerful enough to vaporize steel. Pace: 8; Parry: 8; Toughness: 9
Special Abilities:
This predator exists to devour animal
• Fear –4: Gore storms cause Fear checks
life for the purposes of self-fertilization.
at –4.
After a number of months of hunting, the
• Invulnerability: Because of their fluid
voracipede seeks out a suitable amount
nature, gore storms can only be Shaken
of contaminated water and radioactive
by attacks other than their Weaknesses.
waste away from the main hive. Like a
• Size +3: Gore storms are large masses of
paper wasp, it builds a subterranean lair
whirling viscera. They grow exponentially
out of whatever materials are on hand and
larger after killing living prey, adding +1 to
entombs itself. After a period of a month,
their Strength and Size for roughly every
the nest splits open releasing a swarm of
five bodies assimilated (killed), until they
larval glow worms to begin the process
max out at Size +11 and Strength d12+8.
• Weakness (Area Effect Attacks): The
Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d4(A), Spirit gore storm takes normal damage from
d8, Strength d10, Vigor d12 area effect attacks.
Skills: Fighting d10, Notice d6, Shooting d10, • Weakness (Magic): Attacks by arcane
Stealth d10 powers of any kind cause normal damage.

• Whirlwind: Gore storms take up a psionically-dominated slaves and an intense
Medium Burst Template (Large at Size +6 desire to suck the life from any psionicist
and higher), and anyone in or adjacent to it they meet.
automatically takes Str+d8 damage from
Attributes: Agility d4, Smarts d8, Spirit
razor-sharp bones slicing through the air.
d10, Strength d4, Vigor d6
Due to the spiritual nature of its attack, it
Skills: Driving d4, Intimidation d6, Notice
can’t damage vehicles, machines, or other
d8, Persuasion d8, Psionics d12, Repair d8,
inanimate objects. Cyborgs take only half
Shooting d8, Taunt d8
damage from its attacks.
Pace: 1; Parry: 2; Toughness: 5 (2)
Special Abilities:
HEAD CASE • Armor +2: Head cases have a plastic
and metal casing.
A head case is an undead syker’s head
• Brain Drain: Head cases may make
encased in a helmet-like contraption with
an opposed Psionics test versus any
miniature rocket boosters to allow flight,
other psionically-endowed creature as an
and has small stunted manipulator arms.
action, draining a Power Point for every
The heads were kept in a US Army point they beat them by if they win. If the
research lab somewhere near Denver, and target is drained to 0, the head case may
were gathered from the corpses of both initiate another brain drain that causes
Earth and Faraway sykers. The brains of Fatigue for every success and raise. If
these powerful psis were tested, measured, this Incapacitates the victim, he’s slain
scooped, and eventually given artificial life and the head case permanently adds five
via alchemical and arcane means. Power Points to its own supply.
• Construct: +2 to Toughness; +2 to
The undead souls are given animation by
recover from being Shaken; no extra
manitous just like all walkin’ dead, but the
damage from called shots (even to the
core group of head cases are evil enough
head—since that’s all there is); immune to
that the demons are happy to leave the
disease and poison.
mortal in charge (those who resisted were
• Fear –2: Causes Fear checks at –2.
destroyed or fled early on). The remainder
• Flight: Jet packs allow the head case to
now wander the West with a horde of
fly at Pace 8 and Climb 0.
• Manipulator Arms: Str+d4.
• Psionics: Head cases typically have
a dozen powers and 40 or more Power
• Size –2: Head cases are slightly larger
than human skulls.
• Small: All attack rolls against a head
case suffer a –2 penalty.

Blast zones of the Wasted West are filled
with blast architecture—girders that look like
twisted claws, building facades resembling
leering skulls, and piles of debris that look
like corpses or monsters waiting to pounce
on unsuspecting trespassers.
Lurkers grew from such fears. Each one
is a huge, hulking abomination made of
metal beams and other scraps of rusted,
jagged metal. It sits atop something of value
scavengers cannot resist and patiently waits
for prey.

When an unwary scavenger comes to Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6(A), Spirit
collect the bait, the lurker comes to life. d4, Strength d12+4, Vigor d12+2
Its metal body shrieks from the stress, Skills: Fighting d10, Intimidation d10, Notice
and heavy spider-like arms of steel flash d8, Stealth d8
down in an attempt to impale the surprised Pace: 0; Parry: 7; Toughness: 20
victim. The lurker then drains its victim of Special Abilities:
its blood (presumably drawing out all its • Aquatic: Pace 10.
iron and other minerals) and moves on to • Armor +2: Scales and a tough hide.
another hunting site. • Bite: Str+d12.
• Gargantuan: Heavy Armor; maze
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d6,
dragons count as Huge, +4 to attacks by
Strength d12+3, Vigor d10
man-sized creatures; maze dragon attacks
Skills: Climbing d8, Fighting d8, Notice
are Heavy Weapons; add Size to damage
d6, Stealth d12+2 (when not moving and
when stomping.
• Size+11: These massive serpents can
Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 11
range up to 50 yards long!
Special Abilities:
• Swallow: A dragon that hits with a
• Fear –4: Lurkers cause Fear checks at
raise swallows man-size or smaller prey
whole. The victim suffers 2d6 damage
• Fearless: Lurkers are immune to Fear
every round from the crushing gullet and
and Intimidation.
acidic bile. The only way to get out is to
• Hardy: A second Shaken result does
kill the beast. On the plus side, the hero
not cause a wound.
can still attack the Maze dragon from the
• Impaling Limbs: Str+d10.
inside, where the creature doesn’t benefit
• Improved Frenzy: Lurkers gain the
from its scaly, Heavily-Armored hide!
Improved Frenzy Edge, allowing them to
• Coup: Maze dragons are ferocious
attack with all four limbs at no penalty.
beasts, and impart +1 Toughness to heroes
• Screeching Limbs: Once the
who absorb their essence.
lurker moves, the stressed metal of its
body screeches so loudly that normal
conversation is impossible. Those who MIND BITER
yell can only be heard on Notice rolls at
Physically, a mind biter resembles a green
floating ball ringed with eye-like biosensors
• Size +4: Lurkers average 15’ tall but are
and scores of small tentacles hanging on
quite spindly.
its underbelly. It can maneuver itself quite
• Coup: The hero gains +2 to Stealth rolls
adeptly, changing direction on a dime and
made when hiding in urban areas full of
reaching speeds equal to a man at a full
twisted metal and other debris. He just
seems to blend in with the stuff.
Mind biters came about as part of the
MAZE DRAGON countless genetic experiments performed
in the days before the Last War. Their
All kinds of strange creatures emerged creators were concerned about unstable or
when California fell into the sea back in the openly hostile sykers returning from the
1800s. One of the biggest is the California war on Banshee. The biters were imbued
Maze dragon. These tremendous creatures with an overriding urge to kill any sykers
were almost hunted to extinction by the they encountered, and equipped with the
1960s, but the Endangered Species Act made tools to do the job.
it illegal to attack them and they made quite
Mind biters are genetically engineered
a comeback by the time of Judgment Day.
beings, and require little in the way
Unfortunately, Maze dragons have now of sustenance. They tend to lurk near
proliferated to such an extent that they pose population centers or in the ruins of old
a constant hazard to anyone navigating the communities where sykers are more likely
waters of the Shattered Coast. to be found. They think only to hunt down
sykers; normal humans hold no interest for

them, although they attack if confronted Once the victim is in darkness, the
or if prevented from completing their night haunt strikes with rending claws.
“mission.” A syker’s allies won’t be spared Night haunts sup on the victim’s soul, so
the biters’ tender ministrations. someone killed by a night haunt cannot
return Harrowed.
Mind biters tend to operate alone, simply
because not many of them survived. They Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d8, Spirit
were originally designed to work in teams d10, Strength d8, Vigor d4
together, and two biters in one place can Skills: Fighting d10, Notice d4, Persuasion
cause devastating damage. Thankfully, such d8, Stealth d12
cases are few. Biters are linked in a common Pace: 12; Parry: 7; Toughness: 4
hive mind despite the great distances Special Abilities:
between them. If one of them is destroyed, • Claws/Bite: Str+d10. The night haunt’s
the others know about it and move to claws ignore armor.
avenge their fallen brethren. A syker who • Ethereal: Night haunts are immaterial
dispatches a mind biter may find herself and cannot be harmed by normal weapons.
hounded by the species for years to come. • Fear –2: Night haunts cause Fear
checks at –2.
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d12, Spirit
• Fearless: Night haunts are immune to
d12, Strength d6, Vigor d6
Fear and Intimidation.
Skills: Notice d10, Psionics d12, Stealth d8,
• Flight: Pace 12 Climb 3.
Tracking d10
• Weakness (Light): Night haunts are
Pace: 8; Parry: 2; Toughness: 3
creatures of shadow and cannot exist in
Special Abilities:
light. Illumination as intense as a lantern
• Fear –2: Mind biters cause Fear checks
or campfire within twenty feet causes
at –2.
them to make a Spirit check or suffer a
• Psionics: Mind biters have burst, dispel,
wound each round. Brighter light such as
stun, and 20 Power Points.
a powerful flashlight or bonfire causes
• Size –2: Mind biters are slightly larger
a –2 to this roll, and intense light like a
than a human head.
floodlight or flare inflicts a –4 penalty.
• Small: Because of its small size, attacks
on the mind biter are at –2 to hit.

Night Haunts are solitary hunters and
twisted shadows with an unholy appetite
for living souls. They appear only as
dark shadows with jagged edges
(like thorns) and elongated clawed
hands. They appear at dusk, following
scavengers and other travelers until
they decide to strike.
Night haunts cannot abide light. If their
prey has none, they’re more than happy to
tear into prey and rely on their ethereal
ability to keep them safe.
If a victim does have illumination, the
night haunt uses its powers of mimicry
to try and draw them out of it. This is
difficult as few travelers approach a strange
noise without light, but night haunts are
amazingly successful at simply whispering
for their prey to douse their lights—there’s a
sucker born every minute.
• Coup: A night haunt’s essence gives a turning into ningyo themselves. Only rarely
character a dark, shadowy appearance. does someone eat of the ningyo and retain
He may add +2 to Stealth rolls when in his own humanity.
Dim or Dark visibility.
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d6,
Strength d6, Vigor d8
NIGHT TERROR Skills: Fighting d8, Intimidation d12, Notice
d8, Persuasion d12, Swimming d8, Tracking
Night terrors are hideous, harpy-like
d8, Throwing d6
creatures that live on the tops of ruined
Pace: 2; Parry: 6; Toughness: 6
skyscrapers. They range far and wide,
Special Abilities:
looking for prey and dragging the soft bits
• Aquatic: Pace 10.
back to their bone-covered lairs.
• Beauty: Ningyo are beautiful women,
Besides picking off lone travelers and and have a +2 Charisma bonus when
scavengers in the streets below, they’ve dealing with those attracted to the fairer
been known to land on aircraft wings and sex.
rip into the thin metal with their terrible • Bite: Str+d6.
claws. The night terror then follows the • Fear –2: Ningyo cause Fear checks at
wounded craft to the inevitable crash site –2 (when revealed).
in hopes of an easy meal. • Immortal Flesh: If someone consumes
the flesh of a ningyo, they must draw
Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d10, Spirit
seven cards from a full deck. If both
d8, Strength d6, Vigor d6
Jokers are drawn, the person becomes
Skills: Climbing d10, Fighting d10,
immortal but remains human. Otherwise,
Intimidation d8, Notice d10, Stealth d10
he mutates into a ningyo over the course
Pace: 4; Parry: 7; Toughness: 5
of a week.
Special Abilities:
• Claws/Bite: Str+d4.
• Fear –2: Night terrors cause Fear PREDAVORE
checks at –2.
This feared creature is in fact a completely
• Flight: Pace 12 Climb 1.
natural beast, and one native to the planet,
• Screech: The night terror’s unearthly
though not to the current era. The predavore
screech causes everyone within a Large
is actually a pteranodon, the ancient flying
Burst Template to make a Vigor check at
dinosaur. The predavore owes its return to
–2 or be Shaken.
the folks at Pentacorp, who decided in the
2070s to experiment with fossil DNA and
NINGYO examine the possibility of cloning ancient
beasts from such material. Interestingly
Ningyo are Japanese mermaids. They are
enough, most of the dinosaurs proved
beautiful Asian women from the waist up
difficult to reproduce, but the pteranodon
and fish with shimmering tails from the
sternbergi proved more amenable than
waist down.
its cousins the velociraptor and the
Ningyo eat any form of meat, but their tyrannosaurus. Pentacorp’s scientists were
preference is human flesh, especially when able to create several of the ancient fliers
flavored by intense fear. When about to feed, from the original fossilized remains. More
the ningyo’s jaws unhinge, exposing their standard breeding procedures were then
shark-like mouths, and their eyes bulge out used, and eventually Pentacorp had entire
in greedy anticipation of meat. aeries of the creatures hidden from even
their own lower level personnel. Then the
Humans are just as keen to dine on the
bombs dropped.
ningyo as the ningyo are to dine on them.
This is because the ningyo are immortal, The predavores are now loose in the
and eating their flesh can turn the diner Wasted West, and one of the many reasons
immortal as well. What few of these pursuers smart people avoid wide open spaces at
realize, however, is that most people who night. Predavores are deadly hunters, with
dine on ningyo flesh become immortal by excellent night vision, the ability to glide

almost noiselessly for long distances, and (they’re very smart), they scramble from
lethal accuracy with their long, spear-like thousands of hidey-holes and swarm over
beaks. Predavores make their nests in tall the unfortunate victims.
trees or at the top of cliffs and carry their
Radrat claws rend and their sharp teeth
prey home to feed.
rip strips of flesh. Then suddenly, they
Predavores are flying reptiles, with an retreat! What the victim may not know is
average wingspan of 25–30 feet. Their heads that he’s very likely contracted a severe
are close to six feet long, with spear-like form of radiation sickness that kills him
beaks and prominent crests. Their claws in minutes. After that, the radrats move in
are twice the size of a man’s hand—useless for the easy meal. In the rush to beat their
as weapons, though excellent for climbing. brothers and sisters to the gravy train, they
often begin consuming their victim before
Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d4(A), Spirit
he actually passes on.
d8, Strength d10, Vigor d12
Skills: Fighting d12, Notice d10, Stealth d12 Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d6 (A), Spirit
Pace: 4; Parry: 8; Toughness: 15 (1) d6, Strength d4, Vigor d6
Special Abilities: Skills: Climbing d8, Notice d8, Stealth d8,
• Armor +1: Thick hide. Swimming d8
• Beak: Str+d8. Pace: 10; Parry: 4; Toughness: 5
• Death from Above: A flying predavore Special Abilities:
that hits with a raise causes damage as • Bite/Claws: Radrats automatically
usual. In addition, the thing skewers its cause 2d4 damage to everyone in the
prey on its spear-like beak, swoops into template.
the air, then lets go before it can be hit by • Fear: Radrat swarms cause Fear checks.
its victim’s flailing. The drop is typically • Infection: When a character is Shaken
from 20 yards, so the damage is 2d6+10. or wounded by radrats, he must make a
Characters on Hold or who have not yet Vigor roll or contract radiation sickness
taken their action may attempt to hold (see Radiation in Savage Worlds). Treat
on by making an opposed Strength roll. If the infected as being in constant low
successful, the prey continues to struggle. level radiation (the victim must roll every
With a raise, the victim forces the creature hour). Since the radiation is in the blood,
close enough to a landing spot to jump only arcane healing can stop its effects
free without taking damage. (but does so immediately).
• Fear: Predavores cause Fear checks. • Swarm: Parry +2; cutting or piercing
• Flight: Pace 10 Climb 0. weapons do no damage; area effect
• Large: All attacks on the predavore are weapons work normally, and a character
at +2 to hit because of its large size. can inflict his damage in Strength by
• Low Light Vision: Predavores have stomping. A radrat swarm fills a Medium
very good night vision, ignoring penalties Burst Template.
for Dim and Dark lighting. • Tenacious: When a main swarm of
• Size +6: The predavore is a very large radrats take a wounding hit, it splits
creature with a massive wingspan of into two smaller swarms (Small Burst
20’–30’ and weighing over 3000 lbs. Templates).

Radrats are regular rats that survived They call these great worms “rattlers”
the Last War and became radioactive and because a person’s teeth start chattering
far more intelligent. These nasty little as the rattler rumbles through the earth
buggers roam in packs of a hundred or beneath him. Though they are most common
more, stalking prey through ruined city in the Mojave, rattlers are also found in
streets. At the first sign of weakness such isolated flatlands in Montana and Utah. The
as a stunned or downed hero, or when a rattlers of each region tend to have their
big weapon obviously runs out of ammo own colors and even personalities.

Mojave rattlers go straight for the kill, Notice versus Stealth if the prey is trying
while the ones in Montana are skulkers. to step lightly (–2 if running), otherwise
Utah rattlers are smaller but faster, and just a Notice roll for the rattler. Horses are
they absolutely love to chase steam detected at double the distance, vehicles
wagons across the great Salt Flats. Like at triple.
Maze dragons, rattlers are accepted near • Size +15: The great worms are well over
the regions they terrorize. Folks Back East 50 yards long!
think Westerners exaggerate, but the locals • Tentacles: Rattler tentacles are 20”
know better. long. Once they grapple a target, they
begin dragging them toward their maw.
The greatest secret of the rattlers is that
Each success and raise on an opposed
they’re not creatures of the Reckoning. They
Strength roll drags the victim 1d6” closer
were awakened by it, however. Long ago,
to the hungry mouth. Each tentacle can
the rattlers were a race of near-gods, ruling
take a single wound, but has a Toughness
over the primordial creatures of Earth’s
of 12. Bullets and impaling weapons cause
past. Their reign ended under mysterious
half damage, while blunt attacks inflict
circumstances, but they have been slowly
no damage. Wounds inflicted on tentacles
attempting to recruit new worshippers from
do not harm the rattler.
the odd creatures (humans) who now tread
• Weakness (Nerve Cluster): Rattlers
upon their former domain.
have a cluster of nerves deep in their
When a rattler moves in for the kill, it bodies at the nexus of their tentacles. If
bursts up through the earth and tries to targeted with a called shot (–6), damage
snag its prey with one of its tentacles. ignores both the Size modifier and Heavy
Though they have many tentacles, they Armor of the rattler. Of course, the danger
never attempt to capture multiple targets is in getting close enough to the rattler to
unless their intended victims are very take the shot!
close together, such as a horse and rider, • Coup: Whoever counts coup on one
preferring to focus on a single quarry. of these great worms gains the ability to
burrow up to 5 x their Spirit (as per the
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d8, Spirit d8,
Monstrous Ability).
Strength d12+6, Vigor d12+2
Skills: Fighting d8, Intimidation d10, Notice
d8, Stealth d8 RIVER LEVIATHAN
Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 26 (2)
The river leviathan, sometimes known
Special Abilities:
as a “river fiend,” is an octopus altered by
• Armor +2: The worms are covered
the Reckoners into a monster about 40
in thick, scaly skin. Clothing made of
feet across, with tentacles about 20 feet in
rattler hide (available only through a few
length. Most of the time, this critter sits on
merchants in the Southwest for hundreds
the bottom of a river, tentacles extended
of dollars per article) grants Armor +1.
upward to grab prey. It can also rise to the
• Bite: Str+d12.
surface of the water, and sometimes adopts
• Burrowing: 18”.
a wrecked ship or other large object as an
• Fear –2: Rattlers cause Fear checks at
improvised shell before it goes off in search
of prey.
• Gargantuan: Heavy Armor. Rattlers
count as Huge, +4 to attacks by man-sized Whether the leviathan is actively hunting
creatures. Using its massive bulk, a rattler or lying in ambush, it first attacks with its
can slam itself down upon a foe or an long tentacles. In fact, many victims see
obstacle. Add Size bonus to Strength nothing of the critter but the tentacles,
for damage. Rattlers can affect an area which they sometimes believe are black,
equivalent to a Cone Template with their eyeless snakes. Those who live past their
slam attack. capture, though, might just catch a glimpse
• Seismic Sensors: Rattlers sense their of the leviathan’s body before the tentacle
prey by vibrations in the sand. They can deposits them in the thing’s mouth.
detect the movement of a man up to 100”
(200 yards) distant. This is an opposed

Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6(A), Spirit until it’s stunned. Then they begin to bite
d12, Strength d12+4, Vigor d12+4 with savage teeth. When blood is drawn,
Skills: Fighting d12, Notice d6, Stealth d8 the entire group frenzies, squirming in
Pace: 0; Parry: 8; Toughness: 24 (5) the water until it turns to reddish foam,
Special Abilities: attacking again and again until nothing but
• Aquatic: Pace 12. bones remain.
• Armor +5: Shipwrecks or waterfront
River worms have an additional weapon
they use if their prey seems particularly
• Fear –2: River leviathans cause Fear
resistant. They can deliver an electric shock
checks at –2.
strong enough to stun a full-grown human.
• Gargantuan: Heavy Armor. River
Even larger creatures, like actual Maze
leviathans count as Huge, +4 to attacks
dragons, avoid river worms when possible-
by man-sized creatures. As an aquatic
-the combination of numbers, teeth,
creature, it cannot bring its full weight to
headbutts, and electricity is more than the
bear when stomping (using a tentacle to
slippery serpents are worth.
slam). Instead, add only half Size (round
down) to damage when stomping. Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d4(A), Spirit
• Size +9: These gigantic abominations d4, Strength d6, Vigor d10
average some 40’ across with tentacles Skills: Fighting d10, Intimidation d10, Notice
over 20’ long. d10, Stealth d10, Swimming d10
• Swallow: A leviathan that hits with a Pace: 1; Parry: 7; Toughness: 6
raise on its tentacle attack automatically Special Abilities:
grapples its target. The victim has two • Aquatic: Pace 8.
rounds to escape before the leviathan • Electric Surge: 3d6 damage in a
pops the poor cowpoke into its maw. Medium Burst Template.
Characters dragged into the water while • Bite: Str+d4.
grappled must succeed at a Vigor roll • Fear –2: River worms cause Fear
every round or start to drown (see Savage checks at –2.
Worlds rules). Those swallowed whole • Headbutt: Str+d8.
suffer 2d6 damage per round from the • Improved Frenzy: When a river worm
thing’s digestive juices. If the leviathan is detects blood in the water (typically after
killed, any surviving swallowed victims causing a wound to a living creature), it
are likely to drown unless they can make gains an additional attack each round
an Agility roll to escape the vile beast’s with no multi-action penalty.
now slack gullet. • Size –1: River worms are long but thin.
• Tentacle: Str+d10, Reach 10.
RIVER WORM Rust mites are tiny insects with sharp-
River worms are found in the Mississippi edged carapaces the color of rust. The
and its larger tributaries. They look like creatures travel in large groups, creating a
black rubbery serpents close to twelve feet reddish cloud roughly ten feet in diameter.
in length and three to five inches around. Fortunately, this and the loud buzzing noise
They hatch from silvery eggs the size of golf from their wings make the rust mites easy
balls, which are deposited at the bottom of to spot from a distance.
a lake or river and sometimes get washed
Rust mites are not actually dangerous to
downstream by storms or strong currents.
people since they have no interest in flesh.
River worms cluster in groups of a dozen They eat metal instead, and always target
or more and lay in the deepest and coldest the largest metallic object in their vicinity.
part of their river or lake. As soon as the They can detect metal up to a quarter mile
water above them is disturbed, the pack away, and always descend in a full swarm.
moves at full-speed toward the surface
Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d4(A), Spirit
and their potential dinner. The monsters
d12, Strength d8, Vigor d10
attack by swarming over their prey and
Skills: Notice d6
ramming it with their blunt, hard heads

Pace: 10; Parry: 4; Toughness: 7 Once caught, prey is dragged up to the
Special Abilities: wall and devoured. Scrawlers only consume
• Fear: Rust mites cause a Fear check (–2 organic materials, so most have a pile of
to the roll for Junkers). equipment at its base, the legacy of previous
• Metallophagic: Rust mites auto­ mati­ victims and a lure for future ones.
cally cause 2d8 damage to every piece of
Attributes: Agility d12, Smarts d6, Spirit
equipment made of metal in the template.
d8, Strength d10, Vigor d8
If the target is inanimate the damage does
Skills: Fighting d12, Notice d6, Stealth d12
not ace as usual. Metals softer than steel
Pace: 2; Parry: 8; Toughness: 13 (3)
typically have a Toughness of 8, steel
Special Abilities:
10, hardened steel 12, harder metals like
• Armor +3: Scrawlers are composed of
titanium 14, and ghost steel 16.
the concrete walls they’re painted on.
• Swarm: Parry +2; cutting or piercing
• Claws/Teeth/Stingers: Str+d10, AP 1,
weapons do no damage; area effect
Reach 2.
weapons work normally, and a character
• Construct: +2 to Toughness; +2 to
can inflict his damage in Strength by
recover from being Shaken; no extra
stomping. A rust mite swarm fills a
damage from called shots; immune to
Medium Burst Template.
disease and poison.
• Tenacious: If a swarm of rust mites
• Fear –2: Scrawlers cause Fear checks
takes a wound, it splits into two smaller
at –2 once they come to life.
swarms (Small Burst Templates).
• Improved Sweep: Can attack all
• Weakness (Magnets): Magnets repel
creatures within reach of its tentacles.
rust mites, with small magnets (kitchen
• Size +2: Scrawlers usually take up a 10’
magnets) setting up a barrier equal to a
square section of wall.
Small Burst Template and larger magnets
• Urban Camouflage: Scawlers look
up to a Medium or Large Burst Template.
like disturbing pieces of graffiti, and gain
+3 to Stealth rolls to surprise prey.
Before the Last War, graffiti was common STORM CROW
in most large cities: urban youth would
Storm crows are flocks of crows crackling
scrawl strange, stylized words and images
with supernatural electricity. They tend to
on walls, billboards, and street signs,
appear in the wake of hellstorms or other
marking their territory and often sending
violent atmospheric phenomena.
messages to one another. Government
officials often stated that the graffiti was Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d6(A), Spirit
a sign of urban disease, visible proof that d4, Strength d6, Vigor d6
all was not right within the city’s confines. Skills: Intimidation d6, Notice d6
Pace: 8; Parry: 4; Toughness: 5
Then the Last War came and Pestilence
Special Abilities:
strode the earth. The Reckoner decided
• Bite/Claws: Storm crows automatically
that these scrawls could be some form
cause 2d4 damage to everyone in the
of disease, and claimed them as such. It
created a servitor dubbed the Maestro, and
• Flight: Pace 24, Climb 2.
unleashed him to create new and monstrous
• Short Circuit: Anyone who suffers a
scrawls across the land.
wound or more from a storm crow swarm
A scrawler looks like a disturbing piece must roll 1d4 per wound taken, with the
of urban graffiti, usually a scene of death result being the number of gadgets that
and violence. These roughly ten-foot square are damaged and must be repaired. This
murals are alive and attack anyone foolish die does not ace.
enough to step in range. The scrawler can • Swarm: Parry +2; cutting or piercing
grow long tentacles, complete with fangs, weapons do no damage; area effect
mouths, stingers, and other nasty bits, and weapons work normally, and a character
these can reach up to five yards away.

can inflict his damage in Strength by • Armor +3: Razors have metallic flesh.
stomping. Storm crows fill a Medium • Bite: Str+d8.
Burst Template. • Fear –4: Texas razors cause Fear checks
• Tenacious: If a swarm of storm crows at –4.
takes a wound, it splits into two smaller • Improved Fleet-Footed: Razors
swarms (Small Burst Templates). can run as a free action and have a d10
• Weakness (Water): Water disrupts the running die.
electrical aura of the storm crow swarm. • Improved Frenzy: Texas razors can
Water can be thrown as an improvised make an extra attack with their razor
weapon (see Savage Worlds). A pint is wire at no penalty.
considered small, a quart is medium, and • Razor Wire: Str+d8, AP 1, Reach 2.
a gallon is a large improvised weapon. • Size +2: Razors are brawny killers.


These deadly creatures first appeared Thunder spawn are essentially giant
in the Texas panhandle, hence their name, jellyfish, vast amorphous blobs of
but some have been sighted (and fought) gelatinous flesh with 60’ long translucent
in Kansas and Oklahoma. Razors delight tentacles below. The thunder spawn have
in causing havoc and destruction, and race large air sacs at top, vast bladders filled
across the plains searching for farms and with lighter-than-air gasses. These allow
other isolated buildings to destroy. They them to float through the air as easily as a
particularly enjoy carving people into the jellyfish moves through the water, not only
smallest bits possible. rising and descending but shifting sideways
as well.
Razors resemble oversized pit pulls with
massive chests and longer front legs. Their Thunder spawn cannot survive in dry air
rear legs are built like those of a jackrabbit or heat. They live within thunder clouds
with elongated feet. This allows them to surrounded by cool moisture. The only time
run at extremely high speeds. The entire they emerge is during storms when the rain
creature is made of some biological metal and clouds have dropped the temperature
alloy, alive but as durable as aluminum, and raised the humidity to acceptable
and coils of razor wire hang at either side. levels. Then the thunder spawn come down
The razors can uncoil these wires at will to feed.
and lash out with them like whips, striking
The creatures are vaguely purplish with
at people or even tightening to rip prey to
pulsing veins throughout and great black
shreds. The beast’s wide mouth contains
saucer-like eyes, but the storms provide
several rows of sharp metal teeth which
cover and make them difficult to spot until
can strip a body bare of flesh in a matter
they swoop in for the kill. Each creature has
of seconds.
three long, bone-white beaks on its belly,
Razors rarely attack large cities or and these snap hungrily as it descends to
fortified communities, preferring to target hunt.
smaller settlements or single buildings.
Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d8(A), Spirit
They enjoy causing fear and deliberately hit
d10, Strength d12, Vigor d10
the outer buildings first to let the survivors
Skills: Fighting d10, Notice d8, Stealth d12
regroup and watch the devastation. When
(from air)
everyone is terrified, the razors regroup and
Pace: 2; Parry: 7; Toughness: 17(3)
charge into the center of the area killing
Special Abilities:
anything in their path.
• Acid-Coated Tentacles:
Attributes: Agility d12, Smarts d6(A), Spirit Thunderspawn have 10 tentacles coated in
d10, Strength d8, Vigor d10 acid, dealing Str+2d6 damage each, Reach
Skills: Fighting d12, Intimidation d8, Notice 10”.
d6 • Armor +3: Thunder spawn have tough,
Pace: 12 Parry: 8; Toughness: 12 (3) leathery hides.
Special Abilities: • Beak: Str+d8

• Fear –2: Thunder spawns cause Fear Silas Rasmussen, the Mutant King of
checks at –2. Las Vegas, uses trogs as expendable shock
• Flight: Pace 10, Climb –2. troops, absorbing the brunt of a resistant
• Large: All attacks against the creature community’s ammunition before sending
are at +2 because of its large size. in more valuable mutants. Over 1,000 trogs
• Size +7: Thunder spawns have bodies live in the ruins of old Las Vegas. If not for
the size of a compact car. Silas ordering them into suicidal charges,
• Tentacle Grab: If a thunder spawn that number would be growing by the day.
gets a raise on its Fighting roll, it grabs
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4, Spirit d6,
the victim in addition to doing normal
Strength d10, Vigor d12
damage. It then starts pulling the prey to
Skills: Fighting d6, Intimidation d8, Notice
its maw, which occurs at the beginning
d6, Survival d6, Swimming d6, Throwing d6,
of its next action. The victim needs to
Tracking d6
get a raise on an opposed Strength roll to
Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 9
free himself. A tentacle can be attacked
Gear: Thrown chunks of rubble (Range
with a Called Shot at –2; this bypasses the
3/6/12, Damage Str+d4), large club with
thunder spawn’s Armor and releases the
nails (Str+d6).
target on a Shaken result. The tentacle is
Special Abilities:
severed if an attack on it does a wound or
• Fear: Trogs cause Fear checks.
more , but this does not cause a wound to
• Immunity (Radiation): Trogs are
the creature itself, which is only Shaken.
immune to regular radiation and have
• Weakness (Bladders): The thunder
Improved Arcane Resistance versus
spawn’s air bladders are extremely
Doomsayer powers.
delicate. A hero who causes a wound
• Size +1: Trogs are large and muscular.
from a called shot targeted at the bladder
(–2 to hit) causes the beast to plummet to
its death. Unfortunately, they can only be URBAN WYRM
targeted from above the creature.
Not every dangerous beast was created
• Weakness (Heat): Thunder spawn are
by the ghost rock explosions. Some had
extremely susceptible to heat, sunlight,
existed for a long time, and the urban
and dry air. Any fire or heat-based attack
wyrms are among those. These enormous
causes +4 damage.
creatures live far below the surface, digging
tunnels through rock and dirt and snatching
TROG up food with their long tentacles. When the
bombs fell, the wyrms felt the tremors and
Trogs are the most pitiable mutants.
investigated. To their delight, they discovered
They are lost souls who have become
exciting new tunnels already dug for them
deformed beyond belief but are too stupid
and filled with tasty soft-skinned prey.
and stubborn to die. They do not breed,
but simply wait for less-mutated souls to The body of the urban wyrm is two or
eventually succumb to the Glow’s warped three stories tall and encased in a steel-hard
embrace. Then they are ready to join the shell like those of undersea tube worms.
trogs’ numbers. The shells are anchored firmly to the rock
around them, and are almost impossible
Trogs gather in large groups of a
to move. Most people never see the urban
hundred or more, bowing to the strongest
wyrm’s body, however. What people
and most fearsome of the lot. Ferocity is a
encounter are the creature’s tentacles. Each
commodity in their savage tribes. Settling
wyrm has ten to twenty, and the tentacles
things peacefully means screaming at the
themselves are thousands of yards long,
top of their lungs, beating their chests, or
mottled gray, and end in hinged jaws wide
smashing rubble with their clubs. When
enough to swallow a man whole. The
that doesn’t work, trogs fight to the death
tentacles possess their own sensors and
while the rest gather around and watch the
dig or explore tunnels around the wyrm,
searching for food.

Urban wyrms only send one tentacle at a make a hole with a shotgun or cutting
time down any particular corridor. Because weapon, requiring a Wound on the
of this, and because their bodies are buried tentacle’s Toughness.
so deep in the earth, most people think • Tentacles: The urban wyrm’s tentacles
each tentacle is a separate creature, like an act independently of the body, only have
underground version of the river worm. Armor +2, and one can be destroyed by
causing a Wound to it. The tentacles are
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d6,
also Large, not Huge, giving a +2 bonus to
Strength d12+4, Vigor d12
attacks against it.
Skills: Fighting d8, Notice d6, Stealth d8
• Coup: The urban wyrm is such a large
Pace: 24; Parry: 6; Toughness: 24(6) and
beast that it imparts +1 Size to the hero
tentacle 16(2)
who absorbs its essence.
Special Abilities:
• Armor +6: Steel-hard shell.
• Bite: Str+d8. WALL CRAWLER
• Fear –2: Urban wyrms cause Fear
Since the days of the Civil War, these
checks at –2.
creepy creatures were a threat to anyone
• Gargantuan: The main body of the
who walked through a canyon or under
urban wyrm has Heavy Armor. Urban
a cliff. Since the Last War, some of them
wyrms count as Huge, +4 to be hit by
have remained in those old locations, but
attacks by man-sized creatures.
many others have migrated into the cities
• Size +10: The wyrm’s body is three to
and taken up roosts on the sides of ruined
four stories tall! Its tentacles are Size +6,
skyscrapers or shattered office buildings.
being thousands of yards long.
• Swallow: If the wyrm tentacle gets Wall crawlers look like a mix between a
two raises on an attacker, it does normal spider, a lizard, and a coil of organic barbed
damage and swallows the target whole. wire, all legs and tails and teeth and sharp
The victim takes 2d6 each round from edges. They rely primarily on their stealth
digestive juices. The only way out is to and speed, lurking completely motionless

until prey is directly below. Then they sprint • Undead: +2 to Toughness; +2 to recover
down the wall at them, the only sound the from being Shaken; no extra damage from
faint click of their claws against the metal called shots (except to the head), immune
or stone. to disease and poison.
• Weakness (Head): Attacks to a walkin’
Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d4(A), Spirit
dead’s head are +2 damage for a total of
d6, Strength d10, Vigor d8
Skills: Fighting d10, Intimidation d10, Notice
d8, Stealth d12
Pace: 10; Parry: 7; Toughness: 8 (2) Veteran Walkin’ Dead
Special Abilities:
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d4,
• Armor +2: Wall crawlers have thick
Strength d10, Vigor d8
spiny hides.
Skills: Climbing d8, Fighting d8, Intimidation
• Bite: Str+d8.
d6, Notice d10, Shooting d8, Stealth d8
• Charge: Wall crawlers charge on their
Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 8
first round of attack, gaining +2 to hit
Gear: Guns (various)
and damage as they scramble down from
Special Abilities:
their high perches.
• Claws/Bite: Str+d4.
• Fleet-Footed: Wall crawlers roll a d10
• Fearless: Walkin’ dead are immune to
when running instead of d6.
Fear and Intimidation.
• Quick: Wall crawlers discard Action
• Undead: +2 to Toughness; +2 to recover
Cards of 5 or lower.
from being Shaken; no extra damage
• Wall Crawling: Wall crawlers can
from called shots; immune to disease and
move over any moderately rough vertical
surface at their normal Pace and can even
• Weakness (Head): Attacks to a walkin’
move along overhangs at half Pace.
dead’s head are +2 damage for a total of
There are a lot of corpses lying about the Bloat
Wasted West. Don’t be surprised when some
Bloats are waterlogged walkin’ dead
of them get up and start chasing folks.
that have been submerged in water for
Walkin’ dead are animated corpses at least a year. The water reacts with the
temporarily inhabited by manitous. They’re corpse’s tissues, turning most of it into a
very common in ruined cities, creepy old waxy, soap-like substance called adipocere.
graveyards, mausoleums, battlefields, or Adipocere is lighter than normal flesh, but
any other large concentration of bodies. also a good deal bulkier.
Regular walkin’ dead are mainly civilians
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d6,
animated by manitous, while veteran
Strength d6, Vigor d8
walkin’ dead are raised from a battlefield,
Skills: Fighting d6, Intimidation d4, Stealth
a military cemetery, or the like. Both forms
d6, Swimming d6, Tracking d6
are fast and mean. Sometimes they act like
Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 8
the slow, arms-out type, but that’s only to
Special Abilities:
fool folks into letting them close enough
• Claws: Str+d6.
to bite.
• Fear: The bloat’s flesh is pale and
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d4, distended, hence the name bloat. The
Strength d6, Vigor d6 swollen features make the creature’s eyes
Skills: Fighting d6, Intimidation d6, Notice look like foggy black marbles, and in
d4, Shooting d6, Stealth d8 general, their appearance is quite repulsive
Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 7 compared to regular walkin’ dead.
Gear: Guns (various) • Fearless: Bloats are immune to Fear
Special Abilities: and Intimidation.
• Claws/Bite: Str+d4. • Stench: The adipocere causes a bloat
• Fearless: Walkin’ dead are immune to to reek with an overpowering stench.
Fear and Intimidation. Anyone adjacent to a bloat must make

a Vigor roll or be Shaken from violent • Undead: +2 to Toughness; +2 to recover
retching. The roll is made only once per from being Shaken; no extra damage
encounter. from called shots; immune to disease and
• Undead: +2 Toughness, +2 to recover poison.
from being Shaken. Called shots do no • Coup: If an entire lair is wiped out,
extra damage. Immune to disease and there is no permanent coup, but all who
poison. attempted to count coup may drink from
• Weakness (Alcohol): Bloats are the sludge pond as if it were clean water
particularly susceptible to alcohol, which for the next 1d6 days.
causes their flesh to bubble and burn
on contact like acid. If hit with at least
8oz or more of strong alcohol, a bloat is
The Reckoners’ Touch
automatically Shaken. The arrival of the Reckoners on earth
• Weakness (Head): Shots to a bloat’s allowed them to infuse their own foot
head are +2 damage. soldiers, the walkin’ dead, with more of their
personal power. These walkin’ dead have
Toxic Zombie abilities tied directly to the one they serve.
Once distinguished from “normal” walkin’
Desperate travelers who drink and die dead, these creatures all have the Fear
from toxic ponds sometimes rise as walkin’ ability. Otherwise, use the normal walkin’
dead tainted by the poisons that killed dead stats with the specific additions below.
them. Their stained flesh drips off them in
Death: Death’s walking dead are animated
soggy rivulets, and corroded finger bones
by more powerful manitous than others.
poke through what remains of their hands
They are all Wild Cards with a Spirit of d8
to form deadly claws. Toxic zombies lurk
instead of d4. These guys are nasty, Marshal.
just below the surface of these ponds and
attack any who come too near their lair. Famine: Famine’s walkin’ dead are known
When a traveler approaches to test the as faminites. They can increase their ranks
water, the zombies rise all around, hurling with frightening speed.
toxic goo dredged from the sludge of their
• Infection: Anyone so much as nicked
home. If the prey survives and runs, the
(Shaken or wounded by bite or claw) by a
toxic zombies give chase, but rarely more
faminite joins their ranks in 24 hours. Wild
than 30 yards or so from their pond.
Cards can avoid this fate with a successful
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Vigor roll (–2), but Extras are doomed to
Strength d8, Vigor d8 become faminites. During this time, the
Skills: Fighting d8, Intimidation d6, Stealth victim becomes increasingly hungry and
d8, Swimming d8, Throwing d8 thin. Her fingernails lengthen and turn
Pace: 4; Parry: 6; Toughness: 8 into sharp, infectious claws. Only death,
Special Abilities: healing at -2, or greater healing can stop
• Acid: If a character is Shaken or the disease’s progress. If the character
wounded by a toxic zombie, roll a d6. On a using the power fails the roll, she has to
1, a randomly chosen piece of equipment make her own Vigor roll (–2) or become
is damaged by the toxic zombie’s touch infected as well.
and must be repaired.
Pestilence: Pestilence’s walkin’ dead are
• Claws/Bite: Str+d8.
commonly called plague zombies. They
• Fear –2: Toxic zombies cause a Fear
spread sickness wherever they appear.
check at –2.
• Fearless: Toxic zombies are immune to • Plague Touch: If a victim is Shaken or
Fear and Intimidation. wounded by direct contact with a plague
• Goo-Bombs: These are blobs of acid zombie, he must make a Vigor roll. Failure
and other hazardous waste scooped indicates transmission of a necrotic
from the bottom of their putrid homes. rotting disease (Short Term, Lethal).
Goo-bombs have a range of 3/6/12 and Anyone who comes in contact with the
cause 2d8 damage. victim, must also make a Vigor roll or

contract the disease as well. Needless to • Coup: A waster who feasts on a
say, plague zombies should be avoided wendigo’s essence gains immunity to cold
at all costs, and dealt with by ranged and cold-based attacks.
weapons if unavoidable.
War: The walkin’ dead of War are most WOLFLING
commonly reanimated soldiers, with better
Survivors who live near the Cascade
weapons and armor than other walkin’
Mountains tell of the wolflings, predatory
dead. Shooting and Fighting are increased
half-man half-wolf beasts with pure white
a die type plus they have Throwing at a d6.
coats. These feral creatures live in the lost
• Combat Mastery: All of War’s walking valleys of the Cascade Range and venture
dead have the Edges Frenzy and Rock and out only to prey upon mankind, although
Roll. Veteran walkin’ dead have Improved in the years following Judgment Day the
Frenzy and Marksman in addition. wolflings and their masters the wendigos
seem to be ranging further and further
WENDIGO afield. The wolflings have honed their pack
hunting tactics to a fine bloody point. The
Winters can be very tough in the pack creatures differ from werewolves in
northwestern reaches of America. The cold that they do not change from human to
is so savage it can drive men and women animal form, but remain savage beasts
to resort to the unthinkable to survive: regardless of the phases of the moon.
cannibalism. But there is a price to be paid
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit
for such a feast, and it’s a high one.
d10, Strength d10, Vigor d8
Wendigos are the damned and twisted Skills: Climbing d10, Fighting d10,
spirits of those who consumed their fellows Intimidation d8, Notice d10, Stealth d12,
to survive. Their eerie howls can be heard Survival d8, Swimming d10, Tracking d12
in just about any cold climate, particularly Pace: 10; Parry: 7; Toughness: 6
in the Cascade Mountains of the Northwest. Special Abilities:
They might also appear in more southern • Bite: Str+d6.
areas during harsh winters, but return • Go for the Throat: Like wolves,
north as it grows warmer. Wendigos crave wolflings instinctively go for an opponent’s
one simple thing: human flesh to feed the soft spots. With a raise on its attack roll,
gnawing hunger in their bellies. a wolfling hits its target’s most lightly
armored location.
Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d8, Spirit
• Improved Frenzy: The wolfling may
d8, Strength d12+2, Vigor d12
make two Fighting attacks each round at
Skills: Climbing d12, Fighting d12,
no penalty.
Intimidation d12, Notice d10, Swimming d10,
• Pack Tactics: Wolflings gain a damage
Stealth d10, Throwing d10, Tracking d10
bonus on their attack roll equal to their
Pace: 8; Parry: 8; Toughness: 8
gang up bonus.
Special Abilities:
• Claws: Str+d6.
• Fear –1: Anyone encountering a wendigo WILLOW WIGHT
must make a Fear check at –1.
Not every manitou selected an animal
• Fearless: Wendigos are immune to
or a person as its home. Some chose flora
Fear and Intimidation.
instead, sacrificing mobility for stability
• Immunities: Wendigos are immune to
and camouflage. These spirits settled
cold and cold-based attacks or effects.
into the hearts of young willow trees and
• Night Vision: A wendigo can see in all
altered them as they grew, corrupting the
but complete darkness as if daylight.
trees until they became full-fledged willow
• Weakness (Hot Tallow): A wendigo
wights—undead trees.
is instantly killed if someone manages
to pour hot tallow down its throat. Good
luck with that one, friend.

A willow wight’s branches are twisted Special Abilities:
and gnarled into unnatural shapes, its bark • Animate Dead: Willow wights can
black and shot through with pulsing green create walkin’ dead out of corpses buried
veins; its trunk distended with evil-looking among its roots. They can control a
tumors oozing a faintly glowing green sap. number of walkin’ dead equal to their
Spirit die type, with a range of up to 12”
The malevolent trees cannot move, but
per die type.
that doesn’t make them any less dangerous,
• Armor +4: Thick bark.
for willow wights possess the power to
• Fear –2: Willow wights cause Fear
animate and control the dead. Any creature
checks at –2 once its true nature is
buried in reach of the tree’s roots falls
under its spell and reanimates as one of its
• Huge: Attacks made on the willow
faithful walkin’ dead.
wight are +4 due to its immense size.
The tree can sense events within its root • Illusions: Willow wights can create
system, a few hundred feet around it, and illusions that take in everyone within 10”
knows when people are nearby. The tree per die type (with d8 being 80”). These
then casts its illusions. First it conceals itself illusions can include audio and visual
as a normal tree, then it creates an illusion aspects and can be projected onto objects,
of warmth and security suited to its new structures, or its undead servants. Cameras
audience. Its undead servants are masked and other recording devices aren’t fooled
as well, and become the characters in this by it, but if inspected within range of the
twisted performance. A troop of weary illusion, the willow wight might fool a
soldiers might find a welcoming campfire viewer into seeing a  playback consistent
with fellow soldiers gathered around it. A with the illusion. Those affected by the
lonely traveler might find a pretty young illusion get a Smarts roll at –6 every hour
lady sitting beside a picturesque lake.
The willow wight can only create illusions—
the images have no real substance—but by
laying its images over its own servants,
it gains actors for the part: the man
kissing the young lady is holding
a real woman, although she is
dead and rotting now, and the
soldiers around the fire can help
their companions tether horses
and set aside equipment, though
their skulls are stripped of flesh
and their real uniforms only moldy
The goal of such performances is
to set the newcomers at ease. When
they relax, the undead turn on them. Any
who are killed are buried at the base of
the willow wight to add to its “cast.”
Fortunately, willow wights have one
major weakness. They are powerless
from dawn to dusk, and can neither
create illusions nor animate their
servants during that time.
Attributes: Agility -, Smarts d10, Spirit d8,
Strength -, Vigor d8
Skills: Intimidation d12, Notice d10
Pace: -; Parry: -; Toughness: 18 (4)
or if a player states they are suspicious. Warriors are seldom seen by the outside
On a success, something seems off, on a world. Their sole duty is to guard the nest
raise they see through the entire illusion. and to protect the queen from harm. They
• Size +8: Willow wights are immense rarely leave the nest except in times of
gnarled trees. Some grow larger, up to emergency.
Size +10. For each additional point of Size
Larger than the workers, warriors favor
increase the willow wight’s Spirit a die
their Mojave rattler ancestors and lack legs.
Instead, they hump along inchworm-style.
• Weakness (Daylight): Willow wights
Warriors can produce the same cement-
go dormant in the daylight hours. If
like glop the workers do, but instead of
located during the day, the willow wight
building with it, they use it for personal
is at the mercy of its enemies.
protection. Warriors cover the segments of
their body with the stuff, and it dries into
WORMLING a hard, armored shell. They also fashion
crude weapons out of it by secreting it on
Most people have no idea where
the tip of a human leg bone or staff and
wormlings come from, and they don’t
sharpening it on a nearby rock.
care. New wormlings aren’t popped out of
their mama, they don’t hatch from eggs, Most wormling “nests” stake out a
and they’re not brought by the stork. New territory as their hunting grounds and
wormlings are created from human beings. defend it against all comers—human,
wormling, or otherwise. Hunting grounds
Not all humans captured by wormlings
are studded with pit traps lined with bits
end up as a snack. The unlucky ones are
of jagged metal and sharp rocks. Anyone
cocooned in the queen’s chamber and
stepping on one of these areas falls in and
turned into fresh wormlings. The queen
avoiding these traps requires a Notice roll
pulls off this nifty trick by ramming one of
at –2.
her oversized tentacles down the victim’s
throat. The tentacle provides nourishment In urban areas, wormlings sometimes
to the wormling-to-be and also floods set above-ground traps by using their
his system with a viral form of DNA that acid to weaken a building’s structural
transforms the unfortunate victim into a girders. Anyone placing any strain on these
wormling in 3–5 days. undermined buildings (say, by walking
through them) causes them to collapse.
Wormlings are divided into two major
types: workers and warriors. Workers are Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d6, Spirit
the grunts of the wormling hierarchy d8, Strength d10, Vigor d8
and are the most commonly encountered Skills: Fighting d10, Notice d6, Shooting d6,
by surface dwellers, normally hunting in Stealth d10, Tracking d6
packs of 6 to 10. They are responsible for Pace: 6 (4 for warriors); Parry: 7; Toughness:
gathering food for the warriors and queens 7, and 11(4) for warriors
and capturing new “recruits” for the nest. Gear (warriors only): Bone axe (Str +d8).
Besides being able to use their acid as a Special Abilities:
weapon, “worker” wormlings can also use • Acid: Wormlings produce a powerful
it as a powerful tool. They use the acid to acid which they can spray from their
dissolve the bones of their victims, and then mouths. This is normally used when
they mix the resulting slop with a mouthful burrowing through soil, but it can be used
of dirt. They can regurgitate this glop and as a weapon as well. The wormling uses
use it as a building tool. Once it dries, it’s Shooting (2/4/8) and if it hits it does 2d8
nearly as hard as concrete. They use this to damage. The acid quickly neutralizes a
shore up the main passageways of the nest few seconds after contact with air and
and also to cocoon prisoners while they does not do any continuing damage.
undergo transmutation into wormlings. • Armor +4: Wormling warriors have
hardened saliva coating their bodies,
giving them 4 points of armor.

• Burrowing (4”): Wormlings can move
through soil (although not solid things
like rock). They like to use this to sneak
Cult Leader
up on prey and grab them from below Following the destruction of the world,
(most likely with The Drop). many dark secrets hidden in the vaults
• Claws: Str+d6. and recesses of museums and government
• Fear –2: Wormlings cause Fear checks warehouses were dragged into the light of
at –2. day by scavengers. Following their exposure
• Size +1: Wormlings are nearly 8’ tall to things Man Was Not Meant to Know, some
with long spindly limbs. of these scavvies became imbued with
dark power, and they naturally set about
gathering followers for their dark master’s
HUMANS worship. These deluded evil people consort
with the manitous (whom they believe are
dark gods) in exchange for even darker
Not all of the threats in the Wasted West
powers. Often, cult leaders become pillars
are spawned by the Reckoners. Here’s a
of the community in their daily life—Law
selection of the various types of individuals
Dogs, Mayors, and other notables.
found throughout the ruined world. As a
rule, the statistics presented here are a Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8, Spirit d8,
baseline. Don’t be afraid to give a slick- Strength d8, Vigor d8
talking scavenger the Persuasion skill, for Skills: Faith d10, Fighting d10, Knowledge
example. (Occult) d8, Notice d6, Shooting d6
Cha: –4; Pace: 6; Parry: 7; Toughness: 6
Unless otherwise stated, Arcane
Hindrances: Bloodthirsty, Mean, Outsider,
Background (Black Magic) works exactly
like Arcane Background (Magic) from
Edges: Arcane Background (Black Magic),
Savage Worlds.
Brave, Command, Fervor, First Strike,
Improved Arcane Resistance
CULTIST Powers: Bolt, deflection, stun, and one
more; Power Points: 20
Dark cults that worship a variety of evil
Gear: Cult leaders frequently carry ritual
entities can still be found throughout the
weapons imbued with evil (inflicting an
Wasted West. The rank and file cultist is
extra +2 damage for the cult leader only).
blindly dedicated to his faith and happily
murders for his dark gods. These days most
worship openly since they don’t have to GUNMAN
worry about the Agency or Texas Rangers,
Most folks around the Wasted West carry
but sometimes they infiltrate a community
a gun or two, but these men and women
and worship in secret until their evil plans
make their living with one, and often give
come to fruition.
names like Vera or Lux to their favorite
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, weapons. These unscrupulous mercenaries
Strength d6, Vigor d6 typically work cheap and aren’t too worried
Skills: Fighting d8, Knowledge (Occult) d4, about the big picture as long as their ammo
Knowledge (Trade) d4, Notice d6, Shooting is paid on time.
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d8,
Cha: –4; Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 5
Strength d6, Vigor d6
Hindrances: Bloodthirsty, Mean, Outsider
Skills: Fighting d6, Notice d6, Shooting d8
Edges: Arcane Resistance, Brave
Cha: 0; Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 5
Gear: Cultists are usually armed with hand
Hindrances: -
weapons, often ritual daggers or similar
Edges: Brave, Quick Draw
implements. That said, they’re not above
Gear: Gunmen carry a variety of firearms,
resorting to gunplay.
and armor as they can afford it.

Hindrances: Vow (Old Ways Oath),
Gunman, Veteran Stubborn
Edges: Block, Brave, Fleet-Footed, Improved
These shootists have been around a Frenzy
while. They know the business of killing Gear: Bow (Range 12/24/48, Damage 2d6,
and staying alive and charge a pretty caliber ROF 1), war club (Str+d6), horse.
of ammo for their services. Most are worth
every bullet.
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d8,
Most folks can pick out a junker from a
Strength d6, Vigor d8
country mile. Some wear lab coats or have
Skills: Fighting d6, Notice d8, Shooting d10
crazy hairdos and every other word is some
Cha: 0; Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 6
sort of technical jargon, but all carry weird
Hindrances: -
Edges: Brave, Marksman, Quick Draw, Rock
and Roll! Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d10, Spirit
Gear: Veteran gunmen carry a variety d6, Strength d4, Vigor d6
of firearms. Some wear Kevlar vests and Skills: Driving d4, Fighting d6, Knowledge
helmets as well. (Science) d8, Notice d4, Repair d8, Shooting
d6, Weird Science d10
Cha: 0; Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 5
INDIAN BRAVE Hindrances: Curious, Delusion, Quirk.
Bands of Old Ways braves can be found Edges: Arcane Background (Weird Science),
throughout the anti-tech zone of the Sioux Gadgeteer, Power Points.
Nations, dressed and equipped just as their Powers: Tachyon generator energy shield
ancestors were in the 1800s. Occasionally (barrier); junkgun (burst), neural pathway
they ride out of their lands into the Wasted accelerator (quickness); Power Points: 15
West to see if the “white men” have been Gear: Gadgets, tool kit.
eliminated yet.
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, LAW DOG
Strength d8, Vigor d8
Some of the bravest heroes in the Wasted
Skills: Fighting d8, Intimidation d6, Riding
West are no doubt the Law Dogs. They
d8, Shooting d6, Stealth d6, Survival d6,
usually operate on their own, constantly on
Tracking d6
the move and looking for wrongs to right
Charisma: 0; Pace: 8; Parry: 7; Toughness:
and evil folks to bring to justice. A great
number of Law Dogs died in the climactic
Hindrances: Vow (Old Ways Oath),
Battle of Worms, and their de facto leader,
Cole Ballad, was killed by Raven himself.
Edges: Block, Brave, Fleet-Footed
Gear: Bow (Range 12/24/48, Damage 2d6, Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d6,
ROF 1), tomahawk (Str+d6), horse. Strength d6, Vigor d8
Skills: Fighting d10, Intimidation d8,
Investigation d6, Knowledge (Occult)
Indian Brave, Veteran d6, Notice d6, Riding d6, Shooting d10,
Streetwise, d6, Survival d6, Tracking d8
Veteran Indian warriors have survived
Cha: +2; Pace: 6; Parry: 7; Toughness: 6
many battles against both the survivors of
Hindrances: Overconfident, Vow (Bring
the Last War, the evils of the Reckoners,
law to the wastes)
and in a few cases, the Reckoner War itself.
Edges: Brave, Danger Sense, Law Dog
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, Gear: Police Pistol (Range 12/24/48,
Strength d10, Vigor d8 Damage 2d6+1, RoF 1, AP 2), horse or van,
Skills: Fighting d10, Intimidation d8, Riding some sort of pre-War law enforcement
d10, Shooting d8, Stealth d8, Survival d6, badge. Most Law Dogs also carry a rifle or
Tracking d8 shotgun, and maybe even some grenades
Cha: 0; Pace: 8; Parry: 8; Toughness: 6 for very dangerous critters.

Edges: Steady Hands, Two-Fisted
MARTIAL ARTIST Gear: Maze pirates carry a variety of
scavenged weapons. Most carry machetes
The huge populations of Kangers found
(Str+d6) or large knives (Str+d4).
along the west coast of the Americas kept
alive the martial traditions of their native
Asian countries. These skills can mean the MUTANT
difference between life and death in the
Like normal humans, mutants range
from those who just want to live in peace to
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, those who are persuaded by the teachings
Strength d8, Vigor d6 of Silas to go on the warpath against any
Skills: Fighting d8, Intimidation d8, Notice norms they can find. Unfortunately, since
d6, Shooting d6, Stealth d4 many live in the ruins and are continually
Cha: 0; Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 5 exposed to ghost rock radiation, many tend
Hindrances: Code of Honor to degenerate to mindless trogs.
Edges: Brave, Martial Arts
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4, Spirit d6,
Gear: Martial artists carry a variety of gear,
Strength d6, Vigor d6
from melee weapons to firearms.
Skills: Climbing d6, Fighting d6, Intimidation
d6, Notice d6, Stealth d6, Survival d6,
Martial Artist, Superior Throwing d6
Cha: –2; Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 6(1)
A few martial artists have dedicated their Hindrances: Illiterate, Outsider (to non-
lives to the pursuit of the philosophies of mutants)
their art. Thanks to their dedication, they Edges: Brave
have learned to channel the energies of Gear: Spear (Str+d6), Club (Str+d4), pelts/
the Hunting Grounds into their maneuvers, leather armor +1.
making them a force to be reckoned with.
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, RAIDERS
Strength d10, Vigor d8
Wasteland scum live by their own code
Skills: Fighting d10, Intimidation d8, Notice
that might makes right. They’re much the
d8, Stealth d6
same throughout the Wasted West, whether
Cha: 0; Pace: 6; Parry: 7; Toughness: 5
found on the mesas of the Great Maze or on
Hindrances: Code of Honor
the highways of the High Plains: butchers,
Edges: Brawler, Counterattack, First Strike,
ravagers, and plunderers. It’s brainers like
Improved Martial Artist, Kung Fu, Quick
these who keep the wasteland wasted.
Gear: Martial artists carry a variety of gear,
from melee weapons to firearms. Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d6,
Strength d8, Vigor d6
Skills: Fighting d6, Gambling d6, Notice d6,
MAZE PIRATE Shooting d6, Stealth d6, Survival d6
The channels of the Shattered Coast are Cha: –2; Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 5
crawling with pirates of every description Hindrances: Bloodthirsty
and background. Norms, muties, and Edges: Brave, Quick Draw
everything in between fill the scurvy crews Gear: Raiders can carry just about any
who haunt the channels of the Maze, weapon imaginable, but will usually have
looking for those weaker than themselves both a firearm and a melee weapon.
to rob and kill.
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4, Spirit d6, SOLDIER
Strength d6, Vigor d6
These folks are either old troopers who
Skills: Boating d6, Climbing d6, Fighting
survived the Last War or have been trained
d6, Intimidation d6, Notice d6, Shooting d6,
by a military organization since the bombs
Stealth d6, Swimming d6
fell. Members of Junkyard’s Nauvoo Legion
Cha: –2; Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 5
Hindrances: Greedy, Mean

are a well-known example in the wastes, Cha: –2; Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 6
but the Chamber’s Tech Guard also falls Hindrances: Mean, Mutant
into this category. Edges: Arcane Background (Toxic Shaman),
Toxic Guardian
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d8,
Powers: Blast, bolt, and two or more others;
Strength d8, Vigor d6
Power Points: 20
Skills: Fighting d8, Intimidation d8, Notice
Gear: SA XM-40, 40 rounds of .50 rifle
d8, Persuasion d6, Shooting d6, Stealth d8,
ammo, 1 small battery, 1 gallon of spook
Streetwise d6
Cha: 0; Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 5
Hindrances: Stubborn
Edges: Combat Reflexes, No Mercy
Gear: Soldiers’ gear varies by the resources
of their employers, and these days most
aren’t equipped to a uniform standard The Wasted West has more than its fair
except for the most advanced settlements share of legendary individuals. Many can be
(like the Nauvoo Legion of Junkyard). found in leadership positions in the wastes,
but some are well-known road gang leaders
TOWNSFOLK who have made their presence known far
and wide by their deeds, good or bad.
The common man lives in survivor
settlements scattered throughout the
wastes. They do what they need to do
to live another week, but are generally One of the most famous people of all
law-abiding (whatever the law of their town time, Dr. Darius Hellstromme has been a
may be). A few older ones remember what household name since the late 1800s. This
the world was like before the Last War. world-renowned “New” Scientist was even
With the destruction of civilization, many awarded a Nobel Prize in the mid-1900s for
professions that were important hundreds his work. Little did anyone ever imagine
of years ago, like blacksmiths, coopers, and that he would be responsible for the
wagonmakers, are now in practice once coming of the Four Horsemen through his
again. development of ghost rock bombs.
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, The doctor, who began sporting a metal
Strength d6, Vigor d6 body in the early 1900s, vanished at the
Skills: Fighting d4, Knowledge (Trade) d8, time of the Last War and many thought
Notice d6, Shooting d4 he had been killed, but his reappearance
Cha: 0; Pace: 6; Parry: 4; Toughness: 5 during the Harvest and subsequent capture
Hindrances: — of the Reckoners has gone a long way to
Edges: — righting his previous wrongs.
Gear: Townsfolk have a variety of gear
Note that while Hellstromme was once a
appropriate to their trade. Many own a
servitor, and still has some of the powers
firearm, or at least a knife.
he developed over the last 200 years, the
Reckoners stripped him of that particular
TOXIC SHAMAN mojo when he bottled them up and shipped
them off to Banshee.
These folks have learned to channel
the power of toxic spirits to do their dirty Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d12+6, Spirit
work. The profile below is for a corruptor, d12, Strength d12, Vigor d12
the most likely kind of toxic shaman to be Skills: Boating d8, Driving d12, Fighting d6,
found opposing most posses. Healing d8, Intimidation d12, Investigation
d12+6, Knowledge (Astrophysics, Biology,
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d8, Spirit d8,
Chemistry, Occult, Physics) d12+6, Notice
Strength d6, Vigor d8
d12, Persuasion d12, Piloting d12, Repair
Skills: Faith d8, Fighting d6, Intimidation d8,
Riding d8, Shooting d6, Stealth d6, Survival
d8, Tracking d6

• Construct: +2 to recover from being
Shaken; no extra damage from called
shots; never suffers from Wound modifiers;
immune to disease and poison.
• Fearless: Having been to Hell itself
(several times), as well as having brain
chemical modifiers wired into his brain­
case, Dr. Hellstromme does not suffer
from Fear effects and can’t be intimidated.
• Mad Insight: Hellstromme’s gizmos
count as infernal devices and never
malfunction or run out of Power Points
so long as he wields them. Further, given
an hour in his lab, he can invent (and
build!) a new such device to reflect any
Power he wishes.
• Reconstruction: Hellstromme’s
robotic body boasts a self-repair system
that grants a +2 to Vigor checks to
recover after a battle as long as the head
and torso are mostly intact and there is a
supply of parts nearby.
• Robotic Body: The doctor replaced his
organic body with a metallic one in 1917
and has upgraded it continuously since
then. It is equipped with a 100 mile range
radio and a third red eye that acts as a
targeting computer (+1 to Shooting) with
d12, Shooting d10, Stealth d6, Streetwise Low Light Vision (ignores the penalties
d8, Swimming d6, Taunt d12, Throwing d12, for Dim and Dark lighting).
Weird Science d12+6 • Size +2: Hellstromme’s robotic body
Cha: 0; Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 16 (6) stands 10’ tall and is very bulky.
Hindrances: Curious, Overconfident, Vow
Edges: Arcane Background (Weird Science),
Charismatic, Connections, Filthy Rich,
Gadgeteer, Great Luck, Improved Arcane Ike Taylor’s right-hand man in Junkyard
Resistance, Improved Dodge, Improved Level is a junker named Doc Schwartz. If Ike is all
Headed, Improved Trademark Weapon (Any seriousness and concentration, Schwartz is
Gadget or Gizmo), Marksman, McGyver, Mr. the comic relief. A mad alchemist before he
Fix It, Rock and Roll!, Steady Hands, Strong became a junker, Doc is the key to Taylor’s
Willed power through the spook juice refineries he
Powers: see below, Power Points: see set up in the Iron Oasis.
The junker has the unfortunate habit of
Gear: 40-watt phased plasma rifle (Range
talking too much and sometimes gives away
30/60/120, Damage 2d8+1, RoF 3, Shots
things Ike would rather keep secret, but he’s
unlimited, AP 3, Auto, 3RB), flamer (Cone
a true genius when it comes to designing
Template, Damage 2d10, ignores armor),
new machines. Doc’s the stereotypical mad
industrial diamond buzzsaw on arm (Str+d6,
scientist, with wild white hair, a bushy
mustache, and taped-together spectacles
Special Abilities:
that have been broken a hundred times.
• Armor +6: Hellstromme’s robotic body
is constructed of the highest grade ghost Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d10, Spirit
steel. d8, Strength d6, Vigor d6

Skills: Fighting d4, Knowledge (Occult)
d8, Notice d6, Persuasion d8, Repair d12,
Shooting d4
Cha: 0; Pace: 6; Parry: 4; Toughness: 5 Jenny was a waitress at a biker bar in
Hindrances: Ailin’ (Minor), Big Mouth, Arizona before the Apocalypse. She had
Curious, Overconfident occasional boyfriends who taught her how
Edges: Arcane Background (Junker), Brave, to ride, but she was shy and demure until
Connections, Gadgeteer, Guts the world ended. Then her wild side came
Powers: Armor, detect/conceal arcana, stun. out and she founded a gang called the
Power Points: 15 Queens of the Road.
Gear: Spare tools.
Fortunately, the good-natured girl inside
her won out over the bad girl she appears
IKE TAYLOR to be most of the time, and her all-girl road
gang prefers to rob their victims and leave
Once a lowly factory foreman, Ike Taylor
them alive.
rose to the leadership of one of the only
cities to survive Judgment Day through Since the Battle of Worms and the loss of
sheer force of will. The leader of Junkyard her Queens of the Road, Jenny is haunted
is not quite as clean as he’d like to be— by the visions of the final battle and has
both literally and figuratively—but he has been drowning her sorrows in the watering
managed to maintain the only settlement holes of the shantytowns outside Junkyard
in the West that’s large enough to be called since the Harvest.
a city. He’s had to make deals with some of
Jenny is everything a male chauvinist
the worst desert scum to do it, but he sees
pig looks for in a “biker babe.” She’s large
it as the price of life with Hell on Earth.
chested with a skinny waist and loves to
His foresight led to the creation of the wear corsets and tight vinyl pants. She
Iron Alliance and his plans managed to knows it too, and she uses it to her best
fight off the forces of not only the Mutant advantage, which is how she’s stayed in
King but the Combine as well. Unfortunately, liquor since the loss of her beloved gang.
his plans didn’t extend to the post-war
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d8,
environment, and now Ike is seeing what
Strength d6, Vigor d6
he built beginning to slip away without
Skills: Fighting d4, Knowledge (Trade) d8,
the bonding influence of an overwhelming
Notice d6, Shooting d4
common enemy.
Cha: +6; Pace: 6; Parry: 4; Toughness: 5
Ike is a tall, lean black man with piercing Hindrances: Heroic, Loyal
green eyes. He usually wears a soot-stained Edges: Ace, Brave, Charismatic, Fleet-
white shirt, jeans, and suspenders. Footed, Guts, Level Headed, Scrounger, Very
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d10, Spirit
Gear: Street bike, pump shotgun (Range
d8, Strength d10, Vigor d8
12/24/48, Damage 1–3d6, RoF 1, +2 to hit),
Skills: Fighting d10, Intimidation d10,
Bowie knife (Str+d6, AP1).
Knowledge (Battle) d8, Notice d8, Persuasion
d12, Shooting d6, Streetwise d10,
Cha: +2; Pace: 6; Parry: 7; Toughness: 7
Hindrances: Cautious, Loyal (to Junkyard)
Edges: Brave, Brawny, Charismatic,
Command, Connections, Guts, Inspire,
Natural Leader, Strong Willed
Gear: Wrench (Str+d4).

• Pheromones: One of Joan’s mutations
JOAN, LEADER OF THE CULT allows her to release powerful phero­
mones that calm everyone within a
OF DOOM HERETICS Large Burst Template. Wasters exposed
to these airborne chemicals must make
At the time of Judgment Day, Joan was a an opposed Spirit roll. Those who fail put
poker dealer and New Age devotee in Las away any weapons and sit quietly for ten
Vegas. She was working on the Strip when minutes and blissfully contemplate the
the bomb went off, and gained several psychedelic colors swirling around them.
minor mutations as the warped spiritual
power washed over her. She elected to stay
in the city rather than flee into the desert
in search of help, and did what she could
to help out her fellow survivors.
No one who knew the soft-spoken
Joan tried to stay out of the way while
suburban wife and mother would recognize
the Cult of Grendel ruled the city, but Silas’
her as the hard-bitten leader of the
arrival awoke something inside her and she
Templars. The crucible of the Last War
became a close confidant of the newly-
and Hell on Earth have changed Josephine
crowned King of All Mutants. Following the
Cordelia Wales beyond recognition.
Virginia City massacre, however, she broke
with Silas and founded the purple-robed Following Simon’s death, Jo was
Doomsayers. nominated to the position of Grandmaster.
Her leadership style and philosophy was
Her prophesy of the coming of the
quite different from the old Master’s, and
Harbinger, as well as her doctrine of
she was struggling against propaganda
peaceful coexistence between norms and
from a variety of sources both within and
muties, made her enemy number one of the
without the Iron Alliance that questioned
Cult of Doom. Since the Harvest, Joan has
the ultimate worth and goals of her
come out of hiding and founded a mutant
organization. Within a few months of
embassy and welcome center in Junkyard.
assuming the position, Jo had had enough
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d10, Spirit and returned to the life of the wandering
d12, Strength d6, Vigor d8 Templar. She can be encountered anywhere
Skills: Faith d12+2, Fighting d4, Knowledge in the wastes, fighting the good fight, often
(New Age mysticism) d12, Notice d8, against impossible odds.
Persuasion d12, Shooting d4, Survival d8
Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d8, Spirit
Cha: 6; Pace: 6; Parry: 4; Toughness: 6
d10, Strength d8, Vigor d10
Hindrances: Cautious, Enemy (Major-Cult
Skills: Driving d10, Faith d10, Fighting d12,
of Doom), Pacifist (minor)
Healing d10, Intimidation d12, Knowledge
Edges: Arcane Background (Doomsayer),
(Occult) d8, Notice d10, Persuasion d10,
Brave, Charismatic, Grit, Guts, Level Headed,
Riding d10, Shooting d8, Stealth d10, Survival
Rad Resistant, Very Attractive
d8, Tracking d8
Gear: Purple robes.
Cha: +2; Pace: 6; Parry: 10; Toughness: 13
Powers: Armor, blast, bolt, boost/lower
trait, deflection, environmental protection,
Hindrances: Code of Honor, Heroic, Loyal,
heal, stun. Power Points: 25
Special Abilities:
Edges: Arcane Background (Templar),
• Oracle of the Glow: Joan some­ times
Blessing of the Saints, Brave, Charismatic,
enters a trance in which she receives
Chosen of the Saints, Command,
premonitions of the future. On a successful
Connections, Grit, Guts, Harder to Kill,
Faith roll she receives a premonition of
Improved Block, Improved Level Headed,
future events. The visions are extremely
Improved Trademark Weapon, Inspire,
vague and subject to interpretation. Joan
Marksman, Mighty Blow, No Mercy, Quick
can only attempt these visions once every
Draw, Shield of the Saints, Simon’s Blessing,
six months.
Strong Willed, Sword of the Saints

Powers: Armor, boost/lower trait, darksight,
deflection, disguise, healing, quickness, and
smite. Jo has not mastered greater healing,
but she’s working on it. Power Points: 30
Gear: Infantry Battle Suit, NA Officer’s
Sidearm (Range 12/24/48, Damage 2d6, AP
1), 60 rounds 9mm ammo, sword (Str+d10+2).
Special Abilities:
• Jo’s Sword: Jo’s husband was a
self-described “gaming geek” and had a
collection of medieval armor and weapons
to go along with the hundreds of games
and other paraphernalia Jo grudgingly
put up with. After his death, Jo took a
long sword from her husband’s collection
and has had it ever since. It has become
imbued with her essence, adds +2 to hit
and damage, and acts as a supernatural/
blessed weapon against creatures of the
Wasted West.

Before the Last War, Marcus Liebowitz
was the Head Librarian at University of
NorCal-Sacramento. Shortly after the
bombs fell, looters broke into his library
and began destroying the books. Liebowitz
tried to stop them and was nearly beaten to
death for his efforts. As he lay there bleeding
among his ravaged stacks, he vowed that if
he survived, he would never allow such a
thing to happen again.
True to his word, Liebowitz began
recruiting like-minded people to help in his
crusade as soon as he had recovered. Even
now, thirteen years after the war, he has not
let himself forget his near-death experience
and the mindless destruction of knowledge
he witnessed. He uses the fury it kindles
within him to maintain his determination
to succeed at the Herculean task he has set
for himself and his followers. Liebowitz is a
thin, balding man in his mid-fifties.
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d12, Spirit
d6, Strength d6, Vigor d6
Skills: Fighting d4, Knowledge (Geography,
History, Medicine, Occult, Science) d12,
Notice d8, Shooting d4
Cha: +2; Pace: 6; Parry: 4; Toughness: 5
Hindrances: Bad Eyes, Curious, Pacifist
(minor), Vow (major)
Edges: Charismatic, Guts, Librarian, Scholar
(+2 to History and Occult)
Gear: Palmcorder
Muriel is the head of the Grand Library’s
security forces. Prior to the war she was
head of security for Tommy Two Women, The self-proclaimed “King of All Mutants”
an infamous arms dealer in Deadwood. Her was once a simple physicist before the
last action in this capacity was to escort Last War. Unfortunately for the Wasted
him to safety just prior to the massacre of West, he was one of those who felt no one
the Ravenites outside of Deadwood. She appreciated him in life, scoffed at him for
was so disgusted by Tommy’s actions and his lack of social skills, and stole his ideas
her own part in them that she attempted and work before the Last War.
to kill him, but was prevented by the very
The mutants of Lost Vegas provided the
security detail she once commanded.
raw materials his superior intellect would
Muriel fled west to the Great Maze where forge into a hammer capable of smashing
she met Liebowitz. The order had only a the old order and rebuild the world as it
few members at the time and they were should be—with Silas Rasmussen as its
failing badly at their goal. Being peaceful, head. Unfortunately for him, the world
bookworm types, they just lacked the sand turned upside down with the arrival of
and firepower to accomplish their mission. the Harbinger during the Harvest. Now the
Muriel changed that, giving them combat Mutant King plots and schemes to speed
training and “procuring” weapons for them. up evolution despite the interference of the
norms and their misguided mutant allies.
Muriel now commands the armed
Librarians who guard the order’s immense Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d12, Spirit
collection of knowledge. She takes her d10, Strength d6, Vigor d10
duties seriously and often argues with Skills: Faith d12+2, Fighting d8, Intimidation
Liebowitz over security matters. He feels she d12, Knowledge (Physics) d12, Notice d8,
is sometimes overzealous, while Redwing Persuasion d12, Shooting d8, Stealth d10,
believes that despite his experience, Survival d8
Liebowitz is horribly naive when it comes Cha: 0; Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 11 (4)
to restricting access to the stacks. Muriel Hindrances: Arrogant, Mean, Vengeful
descends from the Lakota Sioux, and has (Major), Vow (Rule the World)
short-cropped, black hair, coal black eyes, Edges: Arcane Background (Doomsayer),
and the body of an Olympic athlete. She Brave, Charismatic, Command, Connections
also wears the Librarian’s signature pin. (The Combine), Danger Sense, Fervor, Grit,
Guts, Harder to Kill, Inspire, Rad Resistant,
Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d8, Spirit
Strong Willed.
d10, Strength d6, Vigor d8
Gear: Kevlar under robes (AV4), glow stick
Skills: Fighting d12, Gambling d8,
Intimidation d12, Knowledge (Law) d6, Notice
Powers: See below. Power Points: See
d8, Persuasion d10, Riding d10, Shooting d8,
Stealth d10, Survival d8, Tracking d8
Special Abilities:
Cha: 0; Pace: 6; Parry: 8; Toughness: 12 (6)
• Prophet of the Glow: Silas embodies
Hindrances: Heroic, Loyal, Stubborn,
the religion of the Glow, and can draw
Vengeful (Major)
power directly from maelstroms. Within
Edges: Brave, Command, Grit, Guts, Hard
10 miles of a maelstrom, the Mutant King
to Kill, Improved Dodge, Improved Level
can cast any power of the Glow with
Headed, Inspire, Librarian, Luck, Marksman,
unlimited Power Points. If actually within
Quick Draw, Strong Willed
the walls of a maelstrom, all Faith rolls
Gear: Infantry Battle Suit, NA Officer’s
and damage rolls are at +2. If outside the
Sidearm (Range 12/24/48, Damage 2d6,
radius of a maelstrom, he can choose any
RoF 1, AP 1, +1 Shooting in short range), SA
ten powers with 20 Power Points.
Commando SMG (Range 12/24/48, Damage
2d8 damage, RoF 3, AP 2, Auto).

implantation of the headbanger chips to
SAMUEL THROCKMORTON protect against “mutant influences” helped
secure a loyal force of soldiers.
General Samuel Throckmorton came
The huge losses of the Harvest have
from a family with a long and proud history
set back the Denver AI’s plans for
of service to his nation. A Confederate
world conquest, with an ultimate goal
Special Operations officer who quickly
of supplanting organic lifeforms with
rose through the ranks, he was killed in
mechanical ones, but it realizes this is just
a LatAm airstrike at an airfield in Yuma
a blip in its long term goals.
in 2081. Due to his prior command of
cyborgs and special operations forces, the Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d10, Spirit
decision was made to reconstruct him as d10, Strength d8, Vigor d10
a cyborg. Throckmorton was assigned to Skills: Fighting d12, Intimidation d10,
Camp Summers, a mobile POW compound Knowledge (Battle) d12, Notice d8, Persuasion
along the old Mason-Dixon Wall which also d10, Shooting d8, Stealth d10, Survival d8
served as a repair depot for battle-damaged Cha: +2; Pace: 6; Parry: 8; Toughness: 9 (2)
vehicles brought in from the front. Hindrances: Stubborn, Vow (Reunite the
US and CSA)
When the bombs dropped on September
Edges: Alertness, Brave, Charismatic,
23, 2081, Camp Summers was spared
Command, Danger Sense, Grit, Guts, Hard
destruction. Throckmorton realized this
to Kill, Hold the Line!, Improved Dodge,
was a chance to reunite these two great
Improved Level Headed, Inspire, Luck,
nations, and outlined his plans for unity
Strong Willed
to those soldiers, North and South, under
Gear: As needed for the job.
his care. Most agreed to go along with
Special Abilities:
the plans for a new Combined America,
• AI Puppet: The General is controlled
and Throckmorton set their goal as the
by the Denver AI. It has supplanted the
Northern city of Denver, from which they
original programming, deleting all of
would be able to extend the Combine out
Throckmorton’s Rules of Engagement
across the plains while the Rockies would
and imposing its own—namely, to conquer
protect their back against any threats from
the Wasted West by whatever means
the Maze.
necessary. The Denver AI has a Spirit of
Prior to arriving at Denver the newly d12+6, used whenever the General tries to
integrated troops performed admirably override its directives.
against the mutants and abominations • Bodyguard: The General never goes
they encountered, saving several survivor anywhere without a Personal Security
settlements. Arriving in Denver, the Combine Detachment of two infiltrator and two
troops began the process of clearing the heavy combat model cyborgs.
walkin’ dead from the city and helping the • Light Combat Chassis: It’s obvious
surviving Denverites as best they could. General Throckmorton is a cyborg. He
has a target eye (+1 to Shooting), radio,
Unfortunately, when the General
and subdermal armor (AV2).
interfaced with the Denver AI things went
• Weakness (Haunted): Throckmorton
all to hell. The AI easily took the General
caused the death of his friend Daniel
over, and with a pawn in command of
Masters and it still haunts him. If he is
thousands of well-equipped troops, it saw
shown an artifact of Daniel Masters—a
a way for its plans of techno-conquest to
photo, weapon, dogtag, etc.—the General
overrides his AI for a full five minutes.
Following the takeover of the General, Then the hateful thing takes vengeful
the tone of the Combine subtly changed, charge once again. This will work not
and those who voiced any reservations more than once a year.
about its new direction died of a plague or
under other mysterious circumstances. The

A Brain Buzzard 166
Brass 42
INDEX Devil Bats 168
Devil’s Playground 107
Forsaken 97
Fort 51 107
Harvest, The 19
Hatchet 44
A-4 York Air Defense Buckshot 47 Devils Tower 134 Fort Apache 149 Head Case 176
Vehicle 60 Buffalo 155 Director, The 121 Fort Bridger 136 Heavy Duty Shocks 61
A-Bomb Andy. See Bates, Discord Bug 169 Fortitude 82 Heavy Machine Guns 53
President Andrew Doc Schwartz 196–201 Four Horsemen of Heavy Sleeper 35
Addicted 96 C Dog o’ War Alpha 170 the Apocalypse. Hell Fire 75
Addiction Modifier 49 Cajuns 144 Dogs O’ War 170 See Reckoners, The Hellstorms 11, 95
Ailin’ 34 Canyon Causeway 116 Dominion 72 Frangible 42 Hellstromme, Dr. Darius 15,
Air Dam 60 Caretakers 90 Don’t Get ’im Riled! 37 Freemen 136 19, 195–201
Air Defense Radar 56 Caseless Ammunition 43 Doombringers 170 Fuel Efficient 56 Hellstromme Industries 3
Alien Crossbreed 136 Cat Eyes 74 Doomsayer 31, 171 Fuel Guzzler 56 Hell Swamp 143
Alpha 170 Chamber 21 Doomsayer Edges 71 Fuel Hog 56 Helltown 137
Alvarez, Shogun Suki 130 Chamber, The 16 Doomsayer Powers 71 Fusion Powered 56 HI. See Hellstromme
Amanitrol 82 Charisma 33 Doomsayers 14, 36, 69 Industries
Ammo 54 Chill o’ the Grave 75 Down Below 112 High Plains 26, 131
Ammunition 42–43, 63 Choose Your Poison 90 Drink 55, 74
G High Plains Encounter Table
Anouks 4 Chop Bot 166 Dr. Pepper 44 Gadgeteer 77 131
Anti-infantry Charges 56 Chosen 16 Drugs 49–56, 55 Gallos Terribles 172 Highway Patrol 115
APC 60 Chosen of the Saints 89 Duststorms 95 Gamemaster 129 Hindrances 34
Apostate 82 City of Lost Angels 116 Dust Storms 11 Gas Mask 44 Hindrances, New 34
Arcane Backgrounds 36 Civilian Executive Protection Gazetteer 24 HMMWV 58
Armor 43, 54 Armor 43 Gear 34, 55 Hollow Point 43
Armor Piercing 42
AT Laser 63
Civilian Vehicles 57 E Geiger Counter 44
General Equipment 55
Hooch Converter 61
Claws 75 Earth Sykers 81 Hot Dog 49
Automaton-Banshee 160 Clothes 55 Ghost 75 Houston 151
East of the Mississippi 24,
Automaton—Battle Hounds Combat Edges 37 Ghost Busters 6 Hover 56
159 Combat Shocks 61 Ghost Ray 79 Hubcap 47
Automaton-Raptor 161 Combine 20, 133 Ghost Rock 3, 55 Humans 192–195
Background 36
Automatons 157–159 Combine Compound 133 Ghost Rock Batteries 44 Hunted 96
Combat 37
Automaton- Widowmaker Combine, The 12 Ghost Rock Wraith 173 Hunting Grounds 1, 2
Doomsayer 71
161 Common Gear 44–46 Ghost Storm 6
Harrowed 74
Availability 41–62 Communication 10 Ghost Storms 65
Junker 79
Axor 82 Compass 44 Legendary 39
Giant Mosquitos 142 I
ComSat 10 Globe 152 Ike Taylor 197–201
Professional 38
B Confusion 37 Psyker 82
Glom 174
Glow Worm 174
Implacable 76
Background Edges 36 Corrupters 90 Templar 89 Improved Cat Eyes 74
Corvallis 125 Gore Storm 175 Improved Claws 75
Backwash 84 Toxic Shaman 91
Counting Coup 65 Grand Library 119 Improved Stitchin’ 76
Badlands 141 Weird 39
Coup 65, 93 Grand Library, The 16 Improvised Armor 43
Baldness 80 Edges, New 36
Coyote Wasteland 28, 153 Grandmaster of the Indian Brave 193
Banshee 4, 160 Electromagnetic Pulse 71
Craft, Jasmine 138 Templars 198–201 Indian Brave, Veteran 193
Banshee Stones 83 EMP 71
Croaker 167 Great Basin 24, 106 Indian Nations 27
Bates, President Andrew Encounter Tables 105, 131,
Croaker Shaman 167 Great Basin Encounter Table Infantry Battlesuit Helmet
4, 5 140, 143, 146, 154
Croaker Warrior 167 107 43
Baton Rouge 143 Encounter Tables
Crossbreed 136 Great Maze 25, 114 Infected 97
Batteries 44 107, 115, 124
Cultist 192 Great Maze Land Encounter Inferno 47
Battle Hound Infiltrator Equipment 41–62, 82
Cult Leader 192 Table 115 Infest 76
Model 159 Eternal Hero 98
Cult of Doom, The 14 Great Maze Sea Encounter Inner Junkyard 112
Battle Hound Patrol Model Extra Armor 61
Cult of Grendel 14 Table 115 Insane 97
Currency 9, 41–62 Great Northwest 25, 123 Iron Alliance 16, 22
Battle of Worms 20
Beaded Horror 162 Cursed 98 F Great Old Ones. See Old Iron Alliance, The 19
Cyclopean 97 Faminites 188 Ones Iron Man 49
Beam Laser 63
Faraway 4 Great Spirit War, The 1–5 IW-40 48
Beanbag 47
Faraway War 80 Green Bird of Heaven 83 IW-91 48
Bionics 113
Black Hat 163
D FAte Chips 66 Grenades 47, 54
Dakotas 140 Fate Eater 171 Grim Servant o’ Death 34
Black Rain 11, 95
Blast Shadow 163
Damaged Goods 42 Fat Tony Mulachi 138 Grit 39 J
Deadland 2, 7, 101 Fear 66, 74, 100 Gun Accessories 55 Jasmine Craft and her Coven
Blessing of the Saints 89
Dead Pool 117 Fear Level Gunman 192 138
Bloat 187
Dead Towns 150 Lowering 101 Gunman, Veteran 193 Jenny Quaid 197–201
Bloatbelly 163
Deadwood 28, 134 Fear Levels 100 Guts 38 Jinxed 96
Bloodsports 113
Death 65 Fighting Position 61 Gyrojet Ammunition 43 Joan 15, 16, 198–201
Bloodwave 165
Death Wounds 73 Fighting Vehicles 56 Joan, Leader of the Cult of
Bloodwolf 164
Decay 73
Boise 124
Defensive 38
Fizzers 172
Flamer 63
H Doom Heretics 198–201
Jo Wales 16
Bollixed 97 Hand Weapons 54
Dempsey Islands 151 Flare 47 Jo Wales, Grandmaster of
Bone Bot 165 Harbinger, The 16
Denver 132 Flash Bang 47 the Templars 198–201
Boomerang 47 Harrowed 39, 72, 98
Denver Resistance 16 Focus 38 Judgment Day 6–7
Bows 52 Harrowed Abilities 99
Desert Gator 168 Food 55, 74 Junker 193
Brainburst 49 Harrowed Edges 74

Junker Edges 79 Money, Starting 34 Simon Mercer. See Mercer, Tremane, President Mary 4
Junkers 36, 77–79 Monsters & Misfits 157–201 Q Simon Trickery 38
Junkmen 77 Movie Town 119 Quaid, Jenny 197–201 Simon’s Blessing 89 Trog 185
Junkyard 9, 24, 110 Mulachi, Fat Tony 138 Quicksludge 155 Sioux Nations 27, 134, 140 TSAR 83
Multiprojectile 47 Sioux Nations Encounter Tunnel 80

Muriel Redwing 200–201 R Table 140 Tunnel, The 3
Mutant 35, 194 Race 33 skills 33 Turtle Isle 123
Kansas City 144 Mutantkind 13 Rad-Gone 49 Sky Pirates 139
Kevlar Vest 43 Mutant King 200–201 Rad Intolerant 35 Sky Sweep Air Defense
King of Mardi Gras 145 Mutate! 72 Radio 45 Vehicle 59 U
Kung Fu 37 Mutation 96 Radios 93 Sleep 74 Undeath 74
Mutations 95 Radrat 180 Slow Burn 84 Urban Wyrm 185
Mutation Table 95 Slowpoke 35
L Muties 20
Rad Resistant 36
Radstorms 95 Smoke 48 V
Languages 33 SoCal 122
Raiders 194 Vehicle Fatigue 56
Laser 63 Soldier 195
Laser Sight 45 N Rail Gun 63
Rain Forest 126 Sothby, President Jonas 4 Vehicle Notes 56
Laser Weapons 56 NA M-42 48 Soul Eater 76 Vehicles 56–62
Ram Plate 62 Vehicular Weapons 63
Last Sons, The 2 NA M-92 Officer’s Sidearm Southwest 27, 146
Raptor 161 Vengeance Brigade
Las Vegas 14, 108 48 Space Needle 127
Rarity Table 42 Automaton 158
Law 9 NA XM-21 48 Speed 38
Rasmussen, Silas 200–201 Veteran o’ the Wasted West
Law Dog 31, 38, 193 NBC Environmental Spikers 129
Rattler 180 36, 96
Law Dogs 12 Protection Suit 45 Spoiler 62
Raven 2, 22 Veteran o’ the
Leavenworth 126 Near Dallas 152 Spook 76
Ravenite 32 Wasted West Table 96
Lee Main Battle Tank 59 Near Wichita 138 Spook Juice 18, 58, 77, 90
Reckoners 7 Veteran Walkin’ Dead 187
Legendary Edges 39 New Billings 132 Spotted Owls 124
Reckoners, The 2 Voices, The 94
Liberator IFV 59 New Edges 36 Sprayskin 47
Reckoners’ Touch 188 Voracipede 175
Librarian 31, 38 New Hindrances 34 Standard Automaton 158
Red 83
Librarians 16, 20 New Jerome 126 Standard Rounds 42
Redhawk 49
Liebowitz, Marcus 199–201
Light Weight 56
New Orleans 144
Night Haunt 178
Redwing, Muriel 200–201 Steinbrueck’s Poltergeist W
Replacement Limbs 114 128 Wales, Jo 198–201
Lockpicks 45 Night Terror 179 Stitchin’ 76
Resilient 38 Walkin’ Dead 187–192
Locust Swarm 155 Night Terrors 35, 97 Storm Crow 183
Resistance 134 Wall Crawler 186
Lost Angels 25, 116 Night Vision Goggles 45 Stuart APC 60
Rex, the King of Mardi War Party 155
Lost Vegas 24 Ningyo 179 Submachine Guns 53
Gras 145 Wasted West, The 7–11,
Lowering the Fear Level 101 Nitrous Oxide 61 Supercharger 62
Rifles 52, 53 105–155
Lower Mississippi and Delta No Man’s Land 69–91 Supernatural Trait 76
Riot Control 47 Water Purification Kit 45
26, 142 Northwest 123 Suppressor 45
Ripper 49 Water Test Kit 45
Lurker 176 Survivor Settlements 8
River Leviathan 181 Weapon Mount 62
Lyin’ Eyes 35 Sword of the Saints 89
Lynchburg 119 O River Rats 142
River Rats, The 146 Syker 32, 36
Weapons 47–49, 52, 63
Weather 94
Oathbreaker 82 Syker Equipment 82
River Watch 146 Weird Edges 39
Oath of Unity 82 Syker Hindrances 82
M Officer’s Sidearm 48
River Worm 182
Road Gangs 18, 21 Sykers 80–85
Weird Science 77
Weird Weather 94
M-12 Stuart APC 60 Oil Town 147 Sykoactive Helmet 83
Road Orcs 106, 115 Wendigo 189
M-24 Schwarzkopf 59 Old Ones 1, 2
Rock Island Prison 117 western Nebraska 132
M-26 Powel 58 Old Prosperi 121
M-38 Sky Sweep Air Defense OPEC 149
Rope 45 T Wheels 37
Ruger Redhawk 49 T-12 Lee Main Battle Tank Widgets 9
Vehicle 59 Operation Damocles Soldier
Rust Mite 182 59 Widowmaker 161
M-42 48 36
Tale Teller 39 Willow Wight 189
M-50 49 Oppenheimer’s Chosen 71
Wither 76
M-92 Officer’s Sidearm 48 Outer Junkyard 111 S Tapping the Net 79
Taylor, Ike 197–201 Wizard’s Tower 129
M-95 Missile Launcher 63 Overgrown Town 124 SA M-50 49
Telekinetic Squeeze 85 Wolfling 189
M-124 Liberator IFV 59 Overkill 82 Samuel Throckmorton 201
Templar 32 Wood Axe 45
M-240GL 63 Owls 124 Satellite Radio 10
Templar Edges 89 World War II 3
Machine Guns 53 SA XM-40 “Ripper” 49
Templars 18, 21, 36, 86–89 World War III 4
Maimed 97
Mall of America 137
P Scarcity 42
Test of Worth 88 Worm Canyon 141
Pace 33 Scavenger Supreme 79 Wormling 191
Mama Tibutu’s Goodies 144 Texas Razors 184
Pale Horses 155 Scavenging 66 Worms 22
Manitou 1 The Strip 110
Paranoid 97 Schwartz, Doc 196–201 Worst Nightmare 34
Marcus Liebowitz 199–201 Thibidaux 143
Parry 33 Schwarzkopf 59
Mardi Gras 145 Thin-Skinned 35
Personalities 195–201 Scope 45
Throckmorton, Samuel 201
Marked For Death 97
Marshal’s Handbook 93–103
Phoenix 153 Scrawler 183
Thrown Weapons 52
Pick 45 Scrounger 39 XL-99 63
Martial Artist 194 Thunder Spawn 184
Pirate 194 Scrounging 41–62, 102 XM-21 48
Martial Artist, Superior 194 Tony Mulachi 138
Pistols 52 Scrounging Table 102 XM-40 “Ripper” 49
Maze Dragon 177 Toughness 33, 38
Pits 121 Sealed 56
Maze Pirate 194 Townsfolk 195
Plague Zombies 188 SEATAC 127
Toxic Clouds 11, 95
Medboard 46
Medchip 46
Pledge, The 88 Seattle 126
Toxic Eruption 155
Population Modifiers 42 Selling Goods 41–62 York Air Defense Vehicle 60
Medchip Scanner 46 Toxic Guardian 91
Portland 130 Servitors 2, 130, 138, 145
Medical Equipment 46–47, Toxic Pool 155
Postman 31 Setting Rules 65–91
Postmen 11 Shan Fan 122
Toxic Shaman 33, 195
Toxic Shaman Edges 91
Medkit 47 Sharpened Hubcap 47 8mm Rail Gun 63
Powell 58 Toxic Shamans 36, 90–91
Memento 103 Shield of the Saints 89 10mm Laser 63
Power 38 Toxic Spirit 91
Mercer, Simon 18 Shogunate of Portland 130 15mm AA Beam Laser 63
Precision 38 Toxic Zombie 188
Mind Biter 177 Shogun Suki Alvarez 130 15mm AT Laser 63
Predavore 179 Tracer 43
Mindlink 84 Shotguns 53 125mm 63
Professional Edges 38 Trade Convoys 11
Mindwipe 84 Shrak 167 140mm 63
Prosperi 121 Trader Caravan 107, 124
Mini-Chainsaw 48 Sidecar 62
Psyker Edges 82 Traits 33
Missile Launcher 63 Silas 14
Psyker Powers 84 Trappings 72, 79, 85, 91
Mississippi Delta Encounter Silas Rasmussen, Mutant
Purgatory 121 Trash Garden 155
Table 143 King 200–201



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