HP-UX Storage Indication Provider
HP-UX Storage Indication Provider
HP-UX Storage Indication Provider
Provider Overview
Web-Based Enterprise Management (WBEM) is an industry wide initiative to unify the management of system,
Description networks, and applications across multiple and diverse vendor environments. It enables WBEM
clients to subscribe to indications, and indication consumers to receive indications. HP-Storage Indication
Provider is a Common Information Model (CIM) indication provider. It works in the Web-Based Enterprise
Management (WBEM) environment. This provider generates indications whenever the events of interest
occur in the storage subsystems.
HP WBEM Services
The storage devices supported by the HP-UX Storage CIM Provider are DS2500 storage enclosure, MSA 60
Supported managed and MSA 70 storage enclosures, HP StorageWorks Modular Array 1000, HP StorageWorks Modular SAN
resources Array 30, HP StorageWorks Modular SAN Array 1500, and all supported disk drives.
Monitor Client Configuration File for EMS to WBEM Wrapper Provider (.clcfg)
Special Requirements and
Dependencies /opt/dasprovider/conf/wbem_provider_disk_em.clcfg
<Severity> MILESTONE </Severity> <!-- Possible Values are MILESTONE,INFORMATIONAL,
<Target> /var/opt/dasprovider/log/dasprovider.log </Target>
<FileSize> 20480 </FileSize> <!-- sets the max. file size in KB. Min allowed value 2KB, Max allowed
value , 1048576 KB (1 GB) -->
<NBackupFiles> 3 </NBackupFiles> <!-- Number of files to roll over. Min allowed value 1, Max
allowed value 10 -->
In order to change the logging configuration, the following steps are to be followed:
1. Edit the configuration file to change the threshold logging level
and/or target.
a) Threshold: Possible values are (in increasing severity)
Table 1: HP_DeviceIndication and base classes’ supported properties. Properties that are not supported are not mentioned.)
Table 1 describes the properties of the HP_DeviceIndication and base classes’ . It has three columns. The first is the property name (including type
and units), the second lists the property inheritance (indicating which class or super class defines the property), and the third discusses the property
and its value. Each row describes a property. Note: while some properties in the table are marked with the “Write” qualifier (based on their
designation in the DMTF CIM schema), all properties are in fact read-only for this version of the HP-UX Storage Provider.
Properties of CIM_Indication
String IndicationIdentifier Inherited from CIM_Indication A unique identifier for the indication similar to a key
value that can be used for identification.
For example for HPUXStorageNativeProviderModule,
_eventNumber+ Operating System Timestamp
datetime IndicationTime Inherited from CIM_Indication The time and date when the indication was created.
Properties of CIM_AlertIndication
String Description Inherited from CIM_AlertIndication A short description of the indication. This property
corresponds to “Description of Error” field in the event
String AlertingManagedElement Inherited from CIM_AlertIndication The identifying information of the entity (ie, the instance)
for which this Indication is generated. The property
contains the path of an instance, encoded as a string
parameter - if the instance is modeled in the CIM
Schema. If it is not a CIM instance, the property contains
some identifying string that names the entity for which
the Alert is generated.
For example,
"value", property="value”
uint16 PerceivedSeverity Inherited from CIM_AlertIndication An enumerated value that describes the severity of the
Alert Indication from the notifier's point of view.
(0 - Unknown, 1 - Other, 2 - Information, 3 -
Degraded/Warning, 4 - Minor, 5 - Major, 6 - Critical, 7
- Fatal/NonRecoverable)
uint16 ProbableCause Inherited from CIM_AlertIndication An enumerated value that describes the probable cause
of the situation that resulted in the AlertIndication.
string ProbableCauseDescription Inherited from CIM_AlertIndication Provides additional information related to the
ProbableCause. This property corresponds to the first
sub-section of the “Probable Cause/Recommended
Action” field in the EMS event notification.
string[] RecommendedActions Inherited from CIM_AlertIndication Free form descriptions of the recommended actions to
take to resolve the cause of the notification. This property
corresponds to the sub-sections following the first sub-
section in the “Probable Cause/Recommended Action”
field in the EMS event notification.
string EventID Inherited from CIM_AlertIndication An instrumentation or provider specific value that
describes the underlying "real-world" event represented
by the Indication.
For example, 8
datetime EventTime Inherited from CIM_AlertIndication The time and date when the underlying event was first
detected. This property corresponds to the field “Event
time” in the EMS event notification.
string SystemCreationClassName Inherited from CIM_AlertIndication The scoping System's CreationClassName for the
Provider generating this Indication.
string SystemName Inherited from CIM_AlertIndication The scoping System's Name for the Provider that
generates this Indication. This property corresponds to
the “System” field of the EMS event notification.
For example, “xxx.india.hp.com”
string ProviderName Inherited from CIM_AlertIndication The name of the Provider that generates this Indication.
Properties of HP_AlertIndication
string Summary Inherited from HP_AlertIndication Short description of the reason for the indication. This
property corresponds to the “Summary” field in the EMS
event notification.
uint32 EventCategory Inherited from HP_AlertIndication Category for the event. This is a value map which is
intended to be used by the consumer to group events.
For example, 11-“I/O Adapter”
uint32 ActualEventThreshold Inherited from HP_AlertIndication Identifies the number of indications that have occurred to
meet the internal provider throttling configured for this
event. This property corresponds to the “Number of
Events” field, if present, in the EMS Event notification.
Boolean ClusterWideEvent Inherited from HP_AlertIndication Indicates whether this event is of interest to all cluster
For example, false
string ProviderVersion Inherited from HP_AlertIndication The version of the provider that generates this indication.
string InformationURL Inherited from HP_AlertIndication URL where the user should go for the latest information
related to this indication. This property corresponds to
the “Latest information on this event” field in the EMS
event notification.
uint16 OSType Inherited from HP_AlertIndication The type of OS on the system that generates the
indication as a value-map.
For example, 8-“HP-UX”
string OSVersion Inherited from HP_AlertIndication Version of the OS on the system that generates the
indication. This property corresponds to the “OS
Version” field in the EMS event notification.
For example, “B.11.23”
string[] NetworkAddresses Inherited from HP_AlertIndication Array of ALL the network addresses of the system
generating the indication.
For example., “”
string SystemFirmwareVersion Inherited from HP_AlertIndication Array of versions of firmware on the system that
generates the indication. This property corresponds to
the “System Firmware Version” field in the EMS event
For example,”NA”-for HP 9000 platform, “02.31”-for
IPF platform
string SystemSerialNumber Inherited from HP_AlertIndication Serial number of the system that generates the indication.
This property corresponds to the “System Serial Number”
field in the EMS event notification.
string SystemModel Inherited from HP_AlertIndication Model of the system that generates the indication. This
property corresponds to the “System Model Number”
field in the EMS event notification.
uint16 AlertingElementFormat Inherited from HP_AlertIndication The format of the AlertingManagedElement property is
interpretable based upon the value of this property.
(0 – Unknown, 1 – Other, 2 – CIMObjectPath)
Properties of HP_HardwareIndication
string HWPartNumber* Inherited from HP_HardwareIndication Part number for the hardware that generates the
For example, “A6795-62002”
string[] HWFirmwareVersion Inherited from HP_HardwareIndication Array of versions of firmware for the hardware
associated with the indication. This property corresponds
to the “Firmware Version” field in the EMS event
string HWManufacturer Inherited from HP_HardwareIndication Manufacturer of the hardware associated with the
indication. This property corresponds to the “Inquiry
Vendor ID” field in the EMS event notification.
For example., “0x0000103C”
string[] HWLogicalLocation Inherited from HP_HardwareIndication Array of ALL the logical locations of the hardware
associated with the indication. This property corresponds
to the “Physical Device Path” field in the EMS event
For example., “0/4/1/0”
string[] HWSerialNumber Inherited from HP_HardwareIndication Array of all the serial numbers of the hardware
associated with the indication. This property corresponds
to the “Serial Number” field in the EMS event
For example, “A56A00295354”
Properties of HP_DeviceIndication
string DevicePermanentName Local to HP_DeviceIndication The permanent, system unique, name of the device,
encoded as a string parameter. The name string is
formatted per the DevicePermanentNameFormat
property. This property corresponds to the “World Wide
Name” field in the EMS event notification.
Support contacts
The HP-Storage Indication Provider is supported as part of HP-UX.
For additional information on HP products and services, visit us at
HP Support Services are governed by Exhibit SS5 and the HP Terms and Conditions
of Sale and Service, HP Business Terms or HP Global Agreement.