All of the Avaya Aura® products do provide a standard level of security hardening. The
commands described in this document invoke an additional set of hardening (hence the name
This document is designed to provide a basic introduction for the use of OS level CLI commands
that will invoke built in script programs in the Avaya Aura ® server application products for the
purpose of automatically providing the administration steps necessary to conform with the
security requirements of the Operating System STIGs (including Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7).
A summary of these command scripts is provided in this paper.
These enhanced OS-Hardening scripts are available in R7.1.2 for both commercial and
government customers.
a) The Communication Manager’s MUDG (Military Unique Deployment Guide) configuration
is nearly 60 pages in length and describes a series of manual steps which must be
executed with Root account permission. These OS-Hardening scripts provide an
automated means for providing this administration and helping to limit the net amount of
manual administration.
b) These scripts provide the commercial customer with the ability to harden his/her system
to an equivalent level as to what the government customers have historically deployed.
It should be noted that these OS-hardening scripts can be executed from a customer account
level and do not require the OS system to create a root account to support these administrative
Table of Contents
1 Reference Documentation ...................................................................................... 3
2 Document Change History...................................................................................... 3
3 Glossary ..................................................................................................................... 3
3.1 Terminology and Acronyms................................................................................. 3
4 Feature Overview ..................................................................................................... 6
4.1 Considerations Regarding Hardening and Running Security Scans .................... 6
5 Product Feature Support for Avaya Aura R7.1.2 Products ............................... 7
5.1 Communication Manager OS-Hardening Scripts ................................................ 7
5.1.1 setCMAuditd OS-Hardening Script .............................................................. 7
5.1.2 setCMSelinux OS-Hardening Script ............................................................. 7
5.1.3 MUDG_part1 OS-Hardening Script ............................................................. 7
5.1.4 Commands for use with AIDE Operation ..................................................... 8
5.1.5 Commands for use with clamav Anti-Virus Operation ................................ 8
5.1.6 Command for Enabling FIPSMode Operation ............................................. 9
5.2 Session Manager OS-Hardening Scripts ............................................................ 10
5.3 System Manager OS-Hardening Scripts ............................................................ 11
5.3.1 Commands for use with Commercial Grade Hardening ............................. 11
5.3.2 Commands for use with Military Grade Hardening ................................... 12
5.3.3 Optional Settings for Further Security Hardening ...................................... 12
5.4 AVP OS-Hardening Scripts ............................................................................... 13
5.4.1 AVP Host Hardening Script........................................................................ 13
5.4.2 Enable Out-of-Band Management (OOBM) .............................................. 13
5.4.3 Configure Access Control ........................................................................... 13
5.4.4 Configure Remote Logging ........................................................................ 14
5.4.5 AVP Hardening Status Check ..................................................................... 14
5.4.6 Check for Unauthorized Setuid and Setgid Files: ....................................... 14
5.5 Utility Services OS-Hardening Scripts .............................................................. 15
5.5.1 Enable FIPS Mode ...................................................................................... 15
5.5.2 Enable Out-of-BAND Management ........................................................... 15
5.5.3 Local Users Account Management ............................................................. 15
5.5.4 Configure Password Settings ...................................................................... 15
5.5.5 Configure Access Control List.................................................................... 16
5.5.6 Configure Remote Logging ........................................................................ 16
5.5.7 Configure LDAP ......................................................................................... 16
5.5.8 Configure EASG ......................................................................................... 16
5.5.9 Configure Serviceability Agent Certificates ............................................... 16
5.5.10 Configure the Login Banner ....................................................................... 16
5.5.11 Generate the AIDE Report .......................................................................... 16
5.5.12 Generate the Auditd Report ........................................................................ 16
6 Product Feature Support for Avaya Aura Pre-R7.1.2 Products ...................... 17
6.1 CMM R7.0.1 ...................................................................................................... 17
1 Reference Documentation
3 Glossary
Advanced Intrusion Detection Environment– This security
module creates a database from the regular expression rules
that it finds from the config file(s). Once this database is
initialized it can be used to verify the integrity of the files
going forward.
Avaya Communication Manager – The current name for
the Avaya Call Processing platform used on our call server
Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) – This is a
United States government specification that determines
which Cryptographic algorithms are to be supported, what
are the encryption key lengths, and what are the policies
that govern the use of these algorithms.
FIPS 140-2 Level 1 defines the commercial grade
passivation to provide secure protection of the
cryptographic algorithms for a give product module.
• Note that this is what the G430/G450 will support.
Levels 2, 3 and 4 specify tamper evident coating and
overall physical security in terms of not allowing access to
electrical part identification.
Joint Interoperability Test Command (US Government)
Kernel Virtual Machine
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol - This protocol
defines a standard manner of organizing directory
hierarchies and a standard interface for clients to access
directory servers.
MG Media Gateway – refers to a product that aggregates and
translates between various types of media sources for
example analog, DCP, and IP.
MUDG Military Unique Deployment Guide – refers to a product
configuration guide that is focused on the necessary OS
security administration steps required to provide the
operational governance for this product.
OVA Open Virtualization Appliance
SAR Self-Assessment Report – This is a detailed spreadsheet
that provides a Vendor’s response to the requirements
listed in the US Government’s Security Implementation
Guides. This is the second step in the submission of a
product for JTIC testing.
SDM Solution Deployment Manager – This is a functional
module that resides within System Manager. It provides an
administrative interface in support of OVA installation for
the Avaya Aura ™ server products. The SDM module may
be alternatively provided as a stand-alone client which
resides on a work station.
SELinux Security Enhanced Linux – This is a Linux kernel security
module that provides a mechanism for supporting access
control security policies, including United States
Department of Defense–style mandatory access controls
SM Avaya’s Session Manager – This product is responsible for
routing of SIP traffic in an enterprise network. This product
also manages the role of a SIP proxy registrar.
SMGR Avaya’s System Manager – This product is responsible for
serving as a central administrative manager and is a data
base manager for PPM profiles.. This product also serves
as a Certificate Authority and can provide the SCEP server
for automatic certificate signing for SIP & H.323 phones.
STIG Security Technical Implementation Guide – This is a series
of documents which provide implementation guidelines for
how to build a product which is conformant with the
United States DOD’s Unified Capabilities Requirements
(UCR) for various security feature areas.
US Utility Services – This product serves as a general purpose
server, providing DHCP services and an http server for the
Avaya clients.
4 Feature Overview
OS-Hardening involves a series of steps to configure OS-Security features in the Linux operating
system. Some of the Avaya Aura products employ the Red Hat Linux R7.x security management
module. Some of the Java-based products employ Bouncy Castle security management. Finally
some of the embedded products (media gateways and endpoints) support home grown security
management. For all of these products, OS-hardening entails providing the configurations as
specified in the RHEL-7 and Java-based Security Technical Implementation Guides (STIG).
A key summary of the configuration is listed below:
• Enablement of Auditd
• Enablement of Security Enhanced Linux (Selinux)
• Enablement of the AIDE intrusion detection software for data bases
• Enablement of the clamav intrusion detection software
• Configuration of the password policy rules
• Limitation of remote access (SSH) policies
• Configuration of privileged user accounts
• Disablement of certain services that operate with little or no security policy
• Configuration of the permissions for the file system.
In summary, it is difficult to apply a “universal” test vector without first inspecting the specific
vendor product specifications and the customer’s security administration policies. The results of a
security scan may need to be analyzed carefully to take these issues into fair consideration.
5 Product Feature Support for Avaya Aura R7.1.2 Products
o Use this command to enable or disable the operating system level auditing on the CM server.
o Note: Using this command will impact system performance. Initial tests show a performance
impact of 5 %. Run this command when the system’s performance is not fully utilized.
o Change default lock time for expired accounts to “immediate”.
o Set the maximum polling time for ntp to 1024 seconds.
o Start ntpd and verify that it is enabled to start at the next boot.
o Constrain modules and options used in web server directories.
o Use this command to generate a report every night for the modified system files.
o When you run this command, a cron job is set up that will run every night to check
the system state. Additionally, the initial AIDE database is created
o USeAIDE may be configured as “disabled” alternatively.
2. aideCheck command
o Use “aideCheck” to perform a file integrity check manually against the AIDE
o After the command is executed, a report is generated on the terminal.
3. aideDBUpdate command
o NOTE: AIDE must be enabled before running this command as a super-user
o Use this command to update the AIDE database when the following scenarios:
Patches are installed
Configurations are updated
o ClamavUpdate command
Run the following commands as a super-user:
sudo ClamavUpdate=<newvalue>
freshclam – robust and best mode to use.
Manual – used to disable the daily updates when there is no network connection.
o Use this command to scan the system every night for viruses and malware.
o clamscanDaily command
o When you run this command, a scan is initiated and the results appear after a few
o Use clamscanDaily to manually run a virus scan only when:
clamav is enabled.
Any 7.1 SSP greater than RHEL7.2ssp001 is installed.
5.2 Session Manager OS-Hardening Scripts
In order to provide the correct administration to accommodate STIG OS requirements, run the
following command
5.3 System Manager OS-Hardening Scripts
The complete description of these commands is contained in the customer document,
“Administering Avaya Aura® System Manager for Release 7.1.2”.
It should be noted that many of the OS-hardening tasks are already contained in the standard
hardening offer for System Manager.
Alternatively, for a government customer, they can seek the more restrictive mode by typing
setSecurityProfile enable_military _grade
With this mode, the user will be prompted to also?
• Enable or disable SELinux
• Enable or disable AIDE
5.3.2 Commands for use with Military Grade Hardening
The following command is helpful for displaying the system configuration with Military Grade
5.4 AVP OS-Hardening Scripts
The summary of OS_Hardening script commands is listed below:
Configure Host Hardening
Enabled Out-of-Band Management
Configure Access Control
Configure Remote Logging
Status Checks for Unauthorized Setuid and Setgid files
o Reboot is required
o Warning: Hardening cannot be undone. A new re-install is required to undo the
hardening administration.
o These configuration settings include
SSH settings
Session settings (including file permissions)
Web access virtual switch
Password policy
o This defines the allowed users and the allowed networks that can access the AVP
host remotely.
o WARNING: Access for Avaya Services requires the following network to be allowed,
this should be defined as an allowed network :
5.4.4 Configure Remote Logging
Use the following command script to enable remote logging:
esxcli system syslog config set --loghost
udp://,<transport protocol://site specific
syslog server address:port>
o Note: It is very important to ensure that the following setting is not removed as this is
used for AVP alarming functionality: udp://
o Check the hardening status for additional requirements applicable to the AVP host that
may require manual updates.
o Update manually if prompted and if applicable.
o The AVP hardening script baselines the devices, setuid and setgid files. It configures a
cron job to perform a weekly check for changes. You can check the results with these
5.5 Utility Services OS-Hardening Scripts
Avaya Aura® Utility Services only supports extended hardening when deployed in one of the
following modes:
• “Services Port Only” mode
• “Hardened Mode Services” Port Only mode
When FIPS mode is enabled on Utility Services, 3 party hosted certificates must be used for the
Serviceability Agent.
o Warning: Enablement of OOBM must be coordinated with all other Avaya Aura® product
components that form the enterprise solution.
5.5.5 Configure Access Control List
The following US command script is used to configure the Access Control List (ACL):
6 Product Feature Support for Avaya Aura Pre-R7.1.2 Products
There are situations in which an older product may be a component of an enterprise
solution which offers new security features that are not a standard part of that older
product. In order to prescribe a uniform security policy, this will require that each product
be administered in a careful manner to best meet the customer’s security needs. In some
cases, that older product may need to be replaced by a newer software release.
Technical Note: The CMM application and the CM application share a common OS security
platform. This is why the OS security configuration steps for the R7.0.1 MUDG apply to both the
CM and CMM products.