Government of Kerala Backward Communities Development Department Beneficiaries List/Aquittance of OEC Lumpsum Grant 2017-18
Government of Kerala Backward Communities Development Department Beneficiaries List/Aquittance of OEC Lumpsum Grant 2017-18
Government of Kerala Backward Communities Development Department Beneficiaries List/Aquittance of OEC Lumpsum Grant 2017-18
Bank and Branch: CANARA BANK, NADAPURAM Payee Name: HM GUPS NADAPURAM Account Number: 0828101042488
Sl. Application Signature Signature Date of
Name Class Is Repeater Caste Amount of class
No Id of student of parent disbursement
Signature of Head Master
Note : For repeaters (in same class) distribute half of the amount. Balance amount shall be refunded in title of 2225-03-277-98-12 (NP) (ROP) and keep chalan receipt also.