Lewis Dustinjohnson 1
Lewis Dustinjohnson 1
Lewis Dustinjohnson 1
Group Assignment Confirmation Form: I confirm that I am aware of the entire contents
of this group assignment and that I have reviewed all group members’ contributions to
the assignment. I also acknowledge that each group member will be awarded the same
mark for this group assignment.
IPP Template
Administrative Information
Alberta Special Education Code: 54 (Learning Disability) and 44 (Severe Medical Disability)
School Year Current IPP is Active For: September, 2014 to June, 2015
Primary/Homeroom Classroom Teacher for Current IPP: Mr. Hoppins
Special Education Coordinator: Mrs. Lesley
School History
Student Strengths
• Energetic
• Great sense of Humor
• Interest in sports and outdoors
• Helpful around the classroom
• Sensitive to the needs of others
• Enjoys helping
• Works hard to follow school rules
Student Areas of Need
• Student currently requires several verbal reminders to follow school rules and routines
• Student could improve with various components of writing including letter formation, spacing, spelling, and use of
proper capitalization and punctuation
• Student could improve at reading
• Student could develop relaxation techniques to focus and feel less restless in class
• Student could benefit independent work periods
Required Classroom Accommodations .
• Benefits from being given jobs that involve motor components
• Responds well to motor breaks and verbal cues built into the regular routine
• Given extra time to complete written tasks
• Allowed to complete fewer practice questions
• Student is evaluated orally frequently
• Student has access to a scribe
• Student has access to a fidget tool
Long-Term Goal #1:
Dustin will improve his grammar and punctuation skills to a satisfactory grade 5 level by June 30, 2015
By the end of first semester Dustin Teacher verification of assignments. December 30, 2015
will be able to begin all of his written
sentences with capital letters and
finish them with the appropriate
Dustin will be able to write Teacher grading and verification of March 30, 2015
paragraphs with no more than three assignments.
punctuation or grammatical errors in
a single sentence.
Dustin will be able to complete Teacher grading and verification of June 30, 2015
IPP Assignment Template
written assignments with an average assignments.
of less than one grammar or
punctuation error per sentence.
Year-End Summary
*IPP template modified from Alberta Education (2006). Alberta Education (2006).
Individualized program planning (IPP) ECS to grade 12: Working through the IPP