Natural Home Remedies Beauty Care Ebook Sample PDF

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The document discusses natural home remedies for various ailments and health conditions.

The document recommends making healthy food choices, staying hydrated, exercising daily, developing a social support system, and setting aside time for rest.

The document states that exercise not only helps maintain a healthy weight but also allows the mind to release stress and can lower cortisol levels in the body.

Natural Home Remedies

Table of Contents
Introduction .........................................................3 Diabetes and Sugar....................................... 33
Diarrhea ........................................................34
Part 1 Digestive Disorders and Food Poisoning ..... 35
Acidity and Heartburns................................... 4 Dryness, Chapped Lips and Stretch Marks ... 36
Acne, Pimples and Skin Problems .................. 5 Eczema Treatment and Cure ......................... 37
Aging and Wrinkles ........................................ 6 Eye Care and Dark Circles ............................. 38
Alcoholism, Smoking, and Drug Addiction .... 7 Female Menopause ...................................... 39
Allergies ..........................................................8 Flu .................................................................40
Alzheimer’s and Memory Problems ................. 9 Gastritis and Bowel Syndrome ...................... 41
Anemia ......................................................... 10 Gout..............................................................42
Anxiety and Panic Disorders ......................... 11 Hair Care .......................................................43
Arthritis, Joint and Back Pains ....................... 12 Hair Loss Remedies that Really Work................. 44
Asthma.......................................................... 13 Hair Removal.................................................45
Athlete's Foot ............................................... 14 Hand and Foot Care ..................................... 46
Baby and Child Care ..................................... 15 Headaches and Migraines ............................. 47
Beauty Tips ................................................... 16 Hearing Loss .................................................48
Beauty, Skin Care and Facial Glow................ 17 Heart Attacks and Heart Diseases ................ 49
Bites and Stings ............................................ 18 Hemorrhoids .................................................50
Blemishes and Black Heads........................... 19 High Blood Pressure and Cholesterol ............... 51
Body Odor and Body Care ........................... 20 Influenza and Pneumonia .............................. 52
Beautiful Breasts ........................................... 21 Jaundice .......................................................53
Bronchitis ...................................................... 22 Kidney and Renal Stones .............................. 54
Burns and Bruises.......................................... 23 Leg Pain ........................................................55
Cancers and Tumors ..................................... 24 Liver Diseases ...............................................56
Celiac Disease............................................... 25 Malaria ..........................................................57
Cellulitis, Boils, and Ringworm ...................... 26 Measles and Rubella ..................................... 58
Cold, Cough and Sore Throat ....................... 27 Men's Skin Care ............................................ 59
Conjunctivitis and Eye Problems ................... 28 Moles, Warts, and Skin Tags ......................... 60
Constipation ................................................. 29 Muscle Sprain................................................ 61
Dandruff and Head Lice ................................ 30 Nail Care and Dark Armpits .......................... 62
Dental Care and Bad Breath ......................... 31 Nose Bleeding and Ear Care ......................... 63
Depression and Sadness ............................... 32 Osteoporosis ................................................ 64
Parkinson's Disease ....................................... 65 Page 1 of 92
Natural Home Remedies

Poliomyelitis (Polio) ....................................... 66 Stress, Hypertension and Anger .................... 74

Pregnancy ..................................................... 67 Strokes ..........................................................75
Prostate Disease ........................................... 68 Sun Burn and Sun Care ................................. 76
Pulmonary Disease ........................................ 69 Thyroid Diseases ........................................... 77
Sexual Problems – Mens ............................... 70 Toothache .....................................................78
Sexual Problems – Womens .......................... 71 Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases ................... 79
Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD) ............. 72 Weight Loss and Obesity .............................. 80
Sleep Disorders............................................. 73

Part 2
10 Healthy Eating Habits ......................... 81 Fasting - Relevance and Importance
of Fasting ......................................................87
5 Simple Steps to Maintaining
Healthy Habits .............................................. 82 How to Start Living a Stress-Free
Healthy Life .............................................. 88
Better Sex through Yoga .......................... 83
Health Benefits of Natural Herbal Teas ......... 90
Chyavanprash - An Immune Boosting
Energy Health Supplement............................. 84 Yoga for Seniors............................................ 91
Easy Meditation Techniques for Everyone ... 86 Yoga On-the-Go for Busy People.................. 92

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Natural Home Remedies

Historically, men and women have looked to the wonderful world of nature to provide for their most
pressing needs. While modern medicine and manufactured products are now used more predominantly,
some of the simple natural remedies of the past are still the most inexpensive and effective methods for
caring for the human body.

At, our endeavor is to bring you the best tried and tested remedies from all generations
for a healthy living. These amazing home remedies can be especially valuable in all of the following areas:

• For quick pain relief • For enhancing appearance

• To build immunity • To increase energy
• To fight infections • For personal hygiene
• For treating skin diseases

Quick & Handy

In this eBook, the miraculous benefits provided by natural home remedies are just a click away. The table
of contents is formatted to take the reader straight to incredible treatments for each condition, and a link
back to the table of contents is conveniently displayed on each page. This will allow the reader to move
easily from one topic to another.

While the startlingly useful natural remedies and medical tips in this book have not been tested by us,
generations of people have found them to be helpful.

Important Note to Readers

This book is not a substitute for the medical advice or
care of a physician or other health care professional.
People, especially with chronic health problems or
those currently taking prescription medications
should consult with their own doctors before
beginning any new treatment.

Unlike prescription drugs and manufactured beauty

products, these astonishing natural remedies rarely
have side effects. Medical attention should be sought
immediately, however, if any new symptoms appear.
© Page 3 of 92
Natural Home Remedies

Part 1

Acidity and Heartburns

Part 1

Sometimes the gastric glands in the stomach are • Try a cup of chamomile tea for heart burn.
over productive in secreting the hydrochloric acid • Try to reduce events that cause a stressful
which is necessary to break down the food that is reaction and use meditation or deep breathing
eaten. When this happens, acidity and heartburn to relax.
often develop.
• Always sleep with the head much higher than
This can cause a painful burning sensation which the rest of the body to relieve the pressure
may be the result of chronic acid reflux. The pain that causes acid reflux to be more severe.
can be very disturbing because people often • Drink a glass of green tea sweetened with
confuse it for a heart attack. molasses to neutralize acids.
• Eat six small meals, rather than three large
Natural Home Remedies one, because a overeating aggravates acid
Many home remedies work well to neutralize reflux.
stomach acid and prevent damage to the • Chew gum until the heartburn disappears.
esophagus and intestinal tract. The following
• Eat a stick of raw celery to end heartburn
suggestions may prevent acidity and heartburn
from becoming disruptive:

• Combine equal parts apple cider vinegar and Some of these remedies will work better for one
honey with a cup of water and drink just prior person than another depending on the cause of
to each meal to control acidity. the acidity or heartburn.

• Eliminate spices and fruits that have not yet Pregnant women seem to have excellent results
ripened from the diet. from chewing gum while cider vinegar sometimes
• Drink a glass of milk with each meal. works better for those under stress.

• Eat a cup of yogurt as a snack between meals.

• Chew food longer and slow the eating process
by putting down the fork between bites.
• Add watermelon, bananas, and cucumber to
the diet to cool heartburn. Page 4 of 92
Natural Home Remedies

Acne, Pimples and Skin Problems

Generally, acne, pimples and skin problems are
associated with the hormonal changes which occur Simple Home Remedies
during puberty, but teenagers are not the only Depending on your age and skin type, some of
age group to suffer from these problems. Young these suggestions may prove useful:
adults, menopausal women, and people who work
in certain unhealthy environments are also prone • Make a paste of turmeric and cinnamon with a
to develop trouble with their skin. drop or two of water, and gently rub face
Though a dermatologist may be helpful, doctors
• Use heat to zap bacteria by boiling water in a
can also be expensive. It might be prudent to try
coffee mug, pouring it out, and rolling the
some of these natural home remedies first to clear
heated cup over the face while it is still fairly
your pores and save significant amounts of time
hot. Be sure to test cup heat with fingers first
and money.
to avoid burns.
• Rub fresh fenugreek leaves, which contain
Embrace Healthy Lifestyle bioactive ingredients, into problem areas each
Since skin problems can actually be related to the night; leave on for ten minutes and rinse with
health of the entire body, it is best to concentrate lukewarm water.
on a healthy lifestyle first. Try to develop these
• Squeeze the pulp from tomatoes and apply to
rules into daily habits:
the affected area for sixty minutes each night.
• Drink large quantities of filtered water or green Rinse thoroughly before retiring.
tea. • Ground turmeric added to mint juice may be
• Eat several raw foods, such as radishes, smoothed onto the face for twenty minutes to
romaine, carrots, and tomatoes each day. treat breakouts; rinse completely after
• Include foods containing probiotics, such as
yogurt, to prevent yeast from developing. • Purchase a soap containing neem for daily
• Get enough fiber in the diet to keep the body
free of bacteria and toxins. • Make a mixture containing equal parts of rose
water and fresh lemon to use once a day after
• Use olive oil to get omega 3’s into the diet.
cleansing. Leave on the skin for thirty minutes
• Take a daily vitamin supplement containing and rinse.
zinc, chromium, copper, and vitamins A and B
complex. Meditation, deep breathing and exercise are also
beneficial in preventing acne, pimples, and skin
problems because they are excellent ways to
reduce stress. Page 5 of 92
Natural Home Remedies

Aging and Wrinkles

Although aging is a process inevitable for all of us, • Eliminate these substances from the diet:
some natural home remedies may help to slow its chemicals, artificial flavors, dyes, and
effect on the skin and body. preservatives.

While wrinkles and other signs of aging can be the • Make a cooling face mask using grated
product of weight loss, lack of moisture, poor diet, cucumber; apply for ten minutes and rinse.
heredity, sun exposure, environmental pollutants, • Habitually apply the gel from an aloe plant to
or a combination of these factors, Nature has the face, especially after sun exposure.
given us some wonderful tools to guard against • To enhance moisture, rub almond oil, ghee, or
them. coconut oil into the skin each night.
• Take an anti-aging herb such as Shilajit for
Avoiding Dark Pigmentation, whole body rejuvenation.
the Natural Way
• The following ideas are a good place to start Skin Care Routine to Prevent
to keep dark pigmentation from becoming Early Wrinkling
If your skin does not respond to these treatments,
• Combine basil leaves with water, and apply to you might consider adding one of the following to
the darkening areas of skin each night. your skin care routine to prevent early wrinkling:
• Mash a papaya, and rub this pulp on the
• Start you day with a pinch of ginger mixed into
darker patches of skin.
a tablespoon of raw honey.
• Mix equal parts of turmeric and ground
• Mix pineapple juice with apple juice, and apply
sesame seeds and rub on the discolorations.
to the skin daily to soften and brighten.
• Combine one teaspoon of cream with several
• Boil rosemary leaves in sixteen ounces of
ground almonds; leave on the skin of the face
purified water; remove from heat and add four
and neck for fifteen minutes, and rinse.
ounces of brandy. Use this on the face
morning and night.
Herbal Products and Dietary
• Mix the juice squeezed from sugarcane with a
Changes half teaspoonful of turmeric. Apply to wrinkled
Aging brings about hormonal changes in both skin daily.
men and women, but these can be mitigated It is important to drink plenty of water, and reduce
somewhat through the use of herbal products and sun exposure as much as possible. Eating a variety
dietary changes. The following ideas have worked of fresh fruits and vegetables can also provide
for many people throughout the years: important antioxidants to keep the skin healthy. Page 6 of 92
Natural Home Remedies

Part 2

10 Healthy Eating Habits


Good eating habits may take a while to develop, • Cook with spices, onions, and peppers to help

but the body’s response to good food choices will limit the amount of salt that is added to foods.
be positive reinforcement for continuing to make Lemon juice or orange juice marinades will
healthy food choices. A healthy diet can affect also give flavor without adding extra sodium,
almost every part of the body, including the which can cause blood pressure problems.
condition of the hair and skin. • Eliminate frying altogether or use non-stick
Healthy eating habits can also prolong life by sprays to sauté foods.
giving the organs and systems of the body the fuel • Begin the day with breakfast and eat several
they need to remain strong and function properly. other smaller meals throughout the day.

One method of eating suggests choosing healthy • Keep water conveniently located throughout
foods by color, incorporating reds, greens, the day and consume frequently.
yellows, and oranges as often as possible. The • Learn to recognize the signals that indicate the
color of a fruit or vegetable often denotes specific body is full and to stop eating even if food
beneficial nutrients in the contents, and science remains on the plate.
backs up this plan as being useful when one is • When eating out, split the entrée with a
working toward making better food choices. companion or have half of it boxed to take
The following ten healthy eating habits are also home for another meal. Most restaurants are
recommended by researchers as being important notorious for serving super-sized portions.
in strengthening the immune system and • A single glass of red wine each day may be
prolonging a good quality of life: part of a healthy diet, but other alcohol should
be severely limited.
• Always eat meals and snacks in a designated
place to prevent mindless eating. These tips will take time to become second
• Eat with a companion whenever possible nature, but they will all contribute to better mental
because conversation slows the eating process and physical health, and healthy food will keep the
and relieves stress. body stronger and more resilient.
• Create healthy recipes from personal favorites The antioxidants, nutrients, fiber, vitamins and
by substituting ingredients. For example, use minerals that the body needs can all be found in
egg whites instead of whole eggs, substitute natural food choices, but even these can cause
applesauce for some of the oil, and use olive problems when consumed in excessive amounts.
oil to replace other less healthy alternative fats. Page 81 of 92
Natural Home Remedies

Better Sex through Yoga

When looking for ways to spice up a stale sex life, • Mula Bandha: This yoga move is similar to the
some people turn to food, pills, toys, or lingerie, but Kegel exercises prescribed by modern sex
a better way to infuse some steamy action back into therapists. Either in a seated position or while
the bedroom may be the ancient art of yoga. standing upright, squeeze the pubococcygeus
muscle and hold for a count of ten. Then,
Though yoga, meditation, and fasting were originally
release. The beauty of this yoga move is that it
intended to take the mind away from carnal
may be practiced anywhere throughout the day.
pleasures in order to dwell on spiritual elements,
research has shown the positions and stretches The third yoga move which can change boring sex
involved in yoga can actually enhance sexual into bedroom chills and thrills is intended to
pleasure and make it easier to achieve satisfaction. improve stamina and endurance. The longer a
sexual adventure lasts, the more pleasure is
Even if going through all of the exotic sexual
derived from it so everyone wants to be able to go
positions in Karma Sutra are not in your sexual
the distance. Try this yoga move to provide that
plans, researchers agree that a pliant body is
staying power:
important to sexual pleasure. To keep your body
pliable and ready for the next hot sexual • Yoga Pushups: Begin this move as you would
encounter, try this yoga position: a regular pushup, but before reaching the
floor, pull the elbows in and hold the position.
• Bound Angle: While sitting on the floor or
Take five inhalations and exhalations before
mat, place the hands on the ankles and put the
lowering the body to the floor. Just five yoga
bottom of the feet together. Allow the knees
pushups a day can give you the power needed
to drop toward the floor, and bend forward,
for great sex at any time.
keeping the back as straight as possible. The
pull should be felt from the hips, which gives Yoga move number four is a yoga exercise
more openness and easier movement in the involving breathing which will heighten sensations
lower extremities of the body. This allows the and help you learn to stay in the moment:
sexual organs greater access to stimulation.
• Sit quietly with feet together and hands resting
Yoga can amplify the sensations felt during sex by on the abdomen. Take short quick breaths
training the muscles of the pelvic area to support through the nose only. Once you have
sexual activity. One of the yoga positions which practiced this, you can incorporate this type of
give more muscular control during sex is the breathing during sexual play to heighten
following: climax or achieve a more powerful orgasm. Page 83 of 92
Natural Home Remedies

How to Start Living a Stress-Free

Healthy Life
Because modern society seems to move at the When all of these elements have been become
speed of lightening, it seems that everyone is habitual, the mind and body can relax, and the
desirous of living a low-stress healthy life. In order immune system will begin to function at top
to attain this goal, several key issues must be efficiency.
addressed. These include the following:

• Making healthy food choices Making Healthy Food Choices

• Keeping the body hydrated First, living a stress free healthy life requires
• Incorporating exercise into the day fuelling the body with the nutrients that it needs
• Developing a social support system for energy and growth. Incorporating fruits and
vegetables into the daily diet is a great beginning.
• Setting aside time for rest
At least five daily servings are recommended. Page 88 of 92
Natural Home Remedies

Protein is also an important building block for a If life really becomes stressful, one should not only
healthy body, and calcium is needed for the teeth practice some form of aerobic exercise and weight
and bones to remain strong. If this is difficult, training but should also add a form of meditative
vitamin and mineral supplements may help to exercise such as yoga. Exercise can lower the
bridge the gap, but whole foods are always better. cortisol levels in the body which are so damaging
to the heart.
Keeping the Body Hydrated
Since the body is composed of large quantities of
Developing a Social
water, it needs liquid to function properly. Water Support System
keeps the kidneys functioning and the cells of the
A social support system is also an important
body full and healthy.
component in living a low-stress healthy life. Friends
Scientists now say that most liquids can count and relatives can give support and encouragement
toward a daily consumption quota, but good clean when stress becomes unbearable.
water energizes the body and helps it release
Talking is therapeutic and allows for a release of
toxins better than any other fluid for those keen
burdens. If friends and relatives are not close, a
on living a low-stress healthy life.
social network may be developed through civic or
religious organizations.
Incorporating Exercise into
the Day Setting Aside Time for Rest
Low stress healthy living is almost impossible Finally, living a low-stress healthy life is impossible
without exercise. Exercise not only keeps the body without getting enough rest. When nightly sleep is
at a healthy weight by burning calories, it also impossible, incorporate cat naps throughout the
allows the mind to release stress. day. The body rebels with illness when it is forced
to work long periods without enough rest. Page 89 of 92

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