Subnetting Guide 1492364023
Subnetting Guide 1492364023
Subnetting Guide 1492364023
Here we have it, folks. The guide you’ve all been waiting for! The guide on subnetting! This is a three-
part guide with the first part giving you a brief introduction to binary and finishing with some basic easy
subnetting. The second guide will be more advanced subnetting and VLSM. So take a deep breath and
let’s get to it!
People are always advertising fancy tricks, tips, magic, etc. to make subnetting “easier”. The fact is,
subnetting is only as difficult as you make it. The best way to learn subnetting is just to do it! Before
long, it will become second nature.
Let’s start with binary. As you know, the entire internet communicates with electrical, light, or radio
signals. These signals are nothing more than a series of waves, pulses, or lights (depending on the
medium) that indicate either “on” or “off”. For instance, if the medium is fiber optics, these are
essentially blinking lights. They are blinking MUCH faster than we can percieve, but they are blinking.
Each time the light is “on”, it signifies a 1 and when the light is “off”, it signifies a “0”. Each 1 or 0 is
called a “bit”. These bits stream together to form binary code. “Binary” stands for “2”, which represents
the 2 possible digits, 0 and 1. These signals are grouped together in predetermined lengths to indicate
when the message stops and starts.
Fiber Fiber
An IP address is 4 Bytes (4B) or 4 blocks of 8 bits (8b). Keep in mind that when abbreviating bits and
Bytes, a Capital “B” signifies “Bytes” and a lowercase “b” signifies “bits.” I will capitalize Bytes
throughout this guide to remind you of that fact. An example of the IP address in bit form is:
Each Byte in an IP address is also called an “octet”. The “oct” in octet refers to 8. Think octagon, octave,
Still with me? Good! Think of this as a much more advanced Morse Code, where the dots are 0s and the
dashes are 1s.
Alright, now you know what bits and Bytes are, let’s discuss how to put them together to get larger
numbers out of a series of 0s and 1s. In each Byte, each of the 8 bits represents a placeholder for a
power of 2. It starts on the left, in the 8th position, at 27 and continues to the right to the last bit which is
20. Remember, everything in networking starts with “0”. So, the full byte looks like this:
st nd rd
1 bit 2 bit 3 bit 4 bit 5th bit
6th bit 7th bit 8th bit
27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20
128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1
In this table, you can see that each bit represents a power of 2. So the first bit on the left is 7 2s
multipled together: 2*2*2*2*2*2*2 = 128 Or 27. Here is an example of all bits being “on” or set to 1 to
equal 255:
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11111111
27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 27 + 26 + 25 + 24 + 23 + 22 + 21 + 20
128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 128 + 64 + 32 + 16 + 8 +4 + 2 + 1 = 255
As you can see, we add all of the values together to form 255. That is the highest number that can be
used in an IPv4 address. Here is an example of all bits turned “off” to form 0:
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00000000
27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 0
128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 0
Since every bit is a 0, we don’t add any numbers and just leave it at 0.
Now that we’ve done that, let’s break the IP address into binary!
First, we have the 192. Only the first 2 bits are on, which means we add 27(128) and 26(64) which gives
us 192.
1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 10101000
27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 27 + 26
128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 128 + 64 = 192
168 has a few more bits that are on. For 168, we add 27 + 25 + 23.
1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 10101000
27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 27 + 25 + 2 3
128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 128 + 32 + 8 = 168
Here is our 0, which has all bits set to 0, or off. There is nothing to add here.
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00000000
27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 0
128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 0
And finally, our 15. For 15, we need to add 23 + 22 + 21 + 20 like so:
0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 00001111
27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 21 + 20
128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 8 + 4 + 2 + 1 = 15
These four bytes of 0s and 1s come together to form the 4 octets that make up our IP address:
192 168 0 15
11000000 10101000 00000000 00001111
Try a few of your own until you get the hang of it! You will definitely want to be able to do this easily for
the next section. There are binary calculators available as well as charts, but try your best to do this
without referencing these things as it will help you in the long run. the guide.)
It might look difficult at first, but with lots of practice, binary will make perfect sense! Join me in my next
guide and we will start subnetting!
IP Conversion Solutions
What is a Network?
I’m sure you have all heard of networks and understand that they exist and that they are comprised of
your, or your company’s, devices. You may have also noticed that they typically all have the same IP
addressing scheme, at least the first numbers. Most smaller networks (less than 254 hosts; there’s a
reason for this that I’ll explain later) only change the last octet of their IP address. For instance, in your
home network, you may have as your router’s IP. Your computer might be and
your phone might be If you are at home now, go ahead and find your IP addresses on your
devices, or login to your router to obtain them from there. Unfortunately, I won’t be able to assist you
with this as I don’t know what devices you have, but look around online to see if you can figure out how
to find them.
As you can see by the above example, each IP address has 3 octets that match: 192.168.1 and one that
doesn’t: 1, 2, and 99 respectively in this example. The first 3 octets are known as the “network” portion
of the address and the last octet is known as the “host” portion:
192 168 1 99
Network Network Network Host
Remember that an octet can only be a number from 0 – 255, so that leaves 256 possibilities for that last
number. I mentioned earlier that there are only 254 possibilities for a host, so what happened to the
other 2 addresses?! The addresses and are reserved for the network. The
first address of any network, in this case, is reserved for the “network address”. This
address is used to identify your network for other routers or devices to use. If you need to setup a VPN
to your company, that company’s network will need to know how to get to yours, so it will use as the address to route to. The last address of the network,, is the
“broadcast” address. This address is used to send “broadcasts” to every host on the network. For
instance, if a computer on a network doesn’t know the IP address of a computer named “Bob”, it might
send a message to in order to “broadcast” the message to every other device on the
network asking “what IP address does “Bob” have?” If the router on the network knows “Bob”, it will
reply with Bob’s address. These concepts are outside the scope of this document, but the primary
takeaway you need to know is that the first and last IP addresses of a network are reserved and cannot
be given to hosts. So you will almost always subtract 2 from the available hosts on your network.
Classful Networking
We are finally starting to get closer to full subnetting! Now that we understand the network and host
portion of a network, let’s discuss how we can determine how many hosts we can have in a particular
network. In our previous example, we used the network which has 1 network and a
possibility of 254 hosts. How do we determine this for other networks? In the past, there was a concept
of “network classes”. These classes made it very easy to tell how many hosts and networks could be
created from one address. The primary Network classes are as follows:
But what about the addresses from and above? These are reserved for special cases and are
beyond the scope of this guide.
The purpose of these “classes” was to make it easier to determine what address to use based on how
many hosts and networks you require. Class A networks can support up to 16 MILLION hosts, so that
would be used for very large networks. Class B networks can support about 65,000, and a Class C (which
most of you currently use at home) can support 254 hosts. This was a very easy way of doing things, but
as networking became more complicated, so did the requirements for creating networks. This led to
“Classless Inter-Domain Routing” or CIDR. With CIDR, the range the IP address falls into doesn’t matter
anymore. Any IP address can be in any “class”.
So how do we determine how many networks and hosts are available now? And why do we care? Let’s
say you have three departments in your organization. These three departments need to be separated
from eachother in a way that allows you to control who has access to each department’s respective
resources. The easiest way is to put them on different networks that can’t talk to eachother by design
(unless you allow it.) These networks are called “subnetworks” or “subnets” for short.
A subnet allows us to divide networks into smaller networks to more efficiently allocate IP addresses to
logical business units. Ok, that explanation might have been a little long, so let’s use an example:
Most guides would use Finance, Management, and Marketing, but I think we can do something more
entertaining than that. Let’s use The Avengers, The Superfriends, and The Justice League.
Let’s say the three departments all use a network. This makes things easy, but they can only
have 254 hosts! So what happens if The Avengers adds 150 employees and The Superfriends adds 150?
That isn’t going to work! So that’s one reason why this network won’t work. Assuming all three
organizations don’t add too many hosts, the next issue is the ability to access eachother’s resources. If
they are all on the same network, it is easy for Clark Kent in the Justice League to be able to access a
computer that Tony Stark at The Avengers office wants to keep secure! You may also want to ensure
The Superfriends aren’t able to access Youtube while still allowing The Justice League to look up all the
cat videos they want. These are all reasons to “subnet” your network!
Now, let’s say The Avengers gets addresses –, the Justice League gets –, and The Superfriends gets – That gives all
three of them 254 addresses to use and puts them on different networks (Remember, the network in
this case is the first 3 octets.) This allows for security, scalability, and administration!
So how do we know how large this network is? Why can’t this network just start at – like a class B network? This is where “Classless Inter-Domain Routing” or “CIDR
notation” comes into play!
If you have been in IT for any amount of time, you have probably seen the “/” slash following an IP
address with a number after it. Such as: This /24 shows us that 24 bits are dedicated to
the network. Remember bits and Bytes? We are back to those again! So, if 24 bits (3 Bytes) are
dedicated to the network, we get 8 bits (or 1 Byte) dedicated for hosts. If we have 8 bits to use for hosts,
that means in the last octet, all of the bits are set to 1. So, if we have 8 bits set to 1, that is 255. Here is
the table for a refresher:
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11111111
27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 27 + 26 + 25 + 24 + 23 + 22 + 21 + 20
128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 128 + 64 + 32 + 16 + 8 +4 + 2 + 1 = 255
In an IP address, you have a portion dedicated to the network and a portion of the address dedicated to
the hosts. In a /24 network, that means the first 3 octets are for the network. In this example, those
three octets are 192.168.1. If you write that out in binary, that is 24 bits (3 * 8). If the subnet mask is 24,
that means the first 3 octets can’t change, but the last octet (the 8 that are left) can!
In decimal, this is: This should look familiar if you have ever setup a static IP address.
This allows us to use an address range of –, which is the network we are used
to. To find the number of hosts available, we just take the number of 0s and raise 2 to that power and
subtract 2. The equation is as follows:
See how the first 24 bits are set to 1 and the last 8 are set to 0? This means that the first 3 octets cannot
be used for hosts. The “subnet mask” tells the host “you can only change the last number if you want to
be on my network.” If you were to set your address to, you would not be able to
communicate on the network since you have changed the 3rd octet. If you wanted to be able to use the
3rd octet, you would have to use a /16 mask, or, which can be expressed as:
This allows you to change the 3rd and 4th octets, which means the number of hosts we can have is 216 -2
= 65,534 hosts!
Another common example is a /8, this means only the first octet is reserved for the network and the last
3 octets are for hosts, which gives us a lot of hosts!
Wow, that’s a lot of information! The best way to really understand basic subnetting is to practice,
practice, practice! Let’s go over a few of the concepts: means that the last 3 octets can be used for IP addresses (hosts). The first octet cannot
change, or you will be on a different network. This can also be expressed as with a subnet
mask of means that the last 2 octets can be used for hosts. The first 2 octets cannot be changed
as they are used for the network. This can also be written as subnet mask means that the last octet can be used for hosts. The first 3 octets cannot be changed as
they are used for the network. This can also be written as subnet mask means that NO octets can be used for hosts! This address is the ONLY address allowed.
This is used for specifying an individual IP address for a policy. This can be written as subnet
mask You will never use this to create networks, only to specify hosts for use in
networking policies such as firewall whitelists.
Join me for the next guide where I will walk you through more advanced subnetting concepts!
Welcome back to the gentle guide to subnetting! This is the third and final part of this guide and will
cover more advanced subnetting topics including “IP summarization”. Please make sure you fully
understand the first two guides before continuing with this one as these are more advanced topics.
More CIDRs!
In the previous guide, we went over the subnet masks /8, /16, /24, and /32. These are some of the most
common subnet masks as they represent the now deprecated class system and are easy to calculate.
But a well designed network will rarely use those subnets as it’s very rare that those are the exact
requirements. Unless your organization is going to never have more than 254 devices, a /24 is probably
not the best choice. A /16 provides 65,536 hosts, so that wouldn’t make much sense for a department
with only 300 employees. This means we need to start using more specific subnets masks! Let’s take a
look at the /24 in binary again. Remember, a /24 has 3 octets for the network and 1 octet for hosts:
Let’s say you have a business with 15 departments. You need a scheme that will allow you to create 15
subnets with 14 host addresses in each subnet. How can you tell how many subnets you can create?
First, find the number of 1s in the hosts section. We will call these bits “subnet bits” then we raise 2 to
that power. It is similar to the hosts equation, only you are using the number of 1s instead of the
number of 0s and you are not subtracting 2 from this number. Let’s look at an example with a /27:
1111111 11111111 11111111 11110000
255 255 255 240
nnnnnnnn nnnnnnnn nnnnnnnn sssshhhh
n = network bit; s = subnet bit; h = host bit
As you can see, there are 28 network bits set to “on”. So there are 28 1s and 4 0s. This allows for a total
of 14 hosts, so let’s see how many subnets this gives us. The last octet is still considered the host octet,
but 4 of those 0s have been changed to 1s. These 1s in the host section allow us to create subnetworks
to further divide the hosts. In a /24, you can only create 1 subnet, or 20, but in a /28, you can get 16, or
24, subnets since you borrow some of the host bits to use as subnet bits.
I know this is a lot of information, but bear with me! Let’s do another example:
Let’s say you are the network manager of a very large organization. We will call it Stark Industries. You
have a lot of employees and a lot of devices. You also have a lot of departments. Your boss, Mr. Stark,
instructs you to design a new network since your current one is very poorly designed. He asks you to
create separate subnets for 64 departments. You are also required to create enough IP space for around
1000 hosts per department. That should allow for all of the devices and gadgets that the employees are
using to connect to the network without a problem. Let’s do this step by step:
1. you need to create 64 subnets. 64 is 26. So you need 6 subnet bits (bits set to 1 in the host
2. So, let’s take a look and see what our possibilities are:
I. You could use a /26, which looks like this:
1111111 11111111 11111111 11111100
255 255 255 252
nnnnnnnn nnnnnnnn nnnnnnnn sssssshh
n = network bit; s = subnet bit; h = host bit
II. This is great for the networks requirement, that’s 26 which gives us 64 subnets! But,
wait a minute! What about the number of hosts per subnet? A /26 provides only 2
host bits! That’s only 4 hosts! That is not even close to our 1000 host requirement!
So we need to rethink this. We have 6 subnet bits, but we also need at least 10 host
bits to get our 1000 hosts: 210 – 2 = 1022. So let’s try again, this time, let’s change
bits right right to left from 1 to 0 until we get enough host bits. So we change all of
the 1s to 0s until we have 10 0s:
1111111 11111111 11111100 00000000
255 255 252 0
nnnnnnnn nnnnnnnn sssssshh hhhhhhhh
n = network bit; s = subnet bit; h = host bit
III. This looks better! Here, we have 22 bits masked for the network and 6 of those are
in the host octet, so those are used for the subnets. So we have 26 = 64 subnet bits
and (210 -2) = 1022 for the host bits! That meets our requirements!
Ok, let’s try another one! This time, you’re the IT manager for LexCorp. LexCorp has become a
worldwide operation with thousands of workers all over the world. These workers all need to be able to
connect to the VPN to perform their jobs securely. This means that they must use 30 very large VPN
subnets. Each VPN supports a different region that you cover, so you will need at least 30 networks with
3,000 hosts for each network. So let’s see how we would create that.
1. First, you need to find out how many host bits you need. For 3,000 hosts that’s going to be 212 -2
= 4094. So, let’s create our chart with 12 bits set to 0 for the hosts:
1111111 11111111 11110000 00000000
255 255 240 0
nnnnnnnn nnnnnnnn sssshhhh hhhhhhhh
n = network bit; s = subnet bit; h = host bit
2. Ok, we have figured out how many host bits we need, but that’s only 24 = 16 subnets! If we
move another bit to the subnet portion, we can’t meet our 3,000 host goal. We need to find a
way to to get 25 = 32 subnets. So let’s try by working with the 2nd octet instead of the 3rd:
1111111 11111000 00000000 00000000
255 248 0 0
nnnnnnnn ssssshhh hhhhhhhh hhhhhhhh
n = network bit; s = subnet bit; h = host bit
Ok, now we know how to arrange the bits in the mask to create networks of a particular size, what
exactly do these networks look like? Let’s do a network starting with that requires 4 subnets
with 62 hosts in each and see what that looks like:
1. For our 62 hosts, we will need 6 host bits since (26 -2) = 62.
2. For our subnets, we need only 2 subnet bits since 22 = 4.
3. Let’s create this below in our table:
1111111 11111111 11111111 11000000
255 255 255 192
nnnnnnnn hhhhhhhh hhhhhhhh sshhhhhh
n = network bit; s = subnet bit; h = host bit
4. Great! So our network is ( So what subnets does this actually
give us?
a. Subnet 1: –
b. Subnet 2: –
c. Subnet 3: –
d. Subnet 4: –
5. As you can see, each subnet is 64 hosts, so this network can be divided up 4 times to create 4
Let’s do one more that’s a little more complicated. Let’s do 32 subnets with 2000 hosts per subnet:
1. We have a network that needs 2000 hosts, so we will do (211 – 2) = 2046. So we need
11 bits for the host.
2. We need 32 subnets, so we need room for 5 subnet bits.
1111111 11111111 11111000 00000000
255 255 248 0
nnnnnnnn nnnnnnnn ssssshhh hhhhhhhh
n = network bit; s = subnet bit; h = host bit
3. Ok, so we have our 11 host bits and our 5 subnet bits. Let’s take a look at some of the subnets
we can create with this network.
Subnet 1: –
Subnet 2: –
Subnet 3: –
Subnet 32: –
Whoa! How did I find that? Well, we have 32 subnets of 2048 hosts that are possible. So we need to
figure out how large our subnets are to find the range. There are several equations out there that might
help, The easiest way to do this is to take the octet containing subnet bits, the third octet in this case,
and subtract its decimal form from 256. The 3rd octet is 248, so we will subtract that from 256 and we
will get 8 addresses available for hosts in that octet. The last octet is all 0s, so that will have 0 – 255
available. So, this means our first usable address is, followed by, all the way to There are 8 blocks of 255 addresses using this subnet mask. 8 * 256 = 2048, which is the
number of hosts we have specified!
1111111 11100000 00000000 00000000
255 224 0 0
nnnnnnnn ssshhhhh hhhhhhhh hhhhhhhh
n = network bit; s = subnet bit; h = host bit
Alright, so the octet containing the subnet bits is the 2nd octet. There are 3 subnet bits and 5 host bits.
So let’s find the number by which we will increment the 2nd octet:
(256 – 224) = increments of 32 with 221 = 2,097,152 addresses in each. Let’s list some of them: – –
This is another concept that you must practice, practice, and practice some more until it becomes easy.
Invent your own scenarios. Perhaps create a network that allows 5 hosts and 10,000 subnets and see
how you do!
Another common scenario you may encounter is finding the network boundaries for a particular
address. This comes in handy when dealing with large address pools that are required to be on the same
For instance, I was once given an address of and was not told what other addresses
were usable. I knew I needed another 3 addresses that were part of that network, but which ones could
I use? Let’s take a look at this subnet mask:
1111111 11111111 11111111 11100000
255 255 255 240
nnnnnnnn nnnnnnnn nnnnnnnn sssshhhh
Alright, so the octet that contains the host bits is the last octet. It is a 224, so 256 – 224 = 32. Each
subnet will have 32 addresses (30 for hosts after you disregard the network and broadcast addresses.) - is the first subnet. As you recall, I cannot use because it is the
broadcast address. I cannot use because it is the network address. This leaves me with – as usable addresses! The next subnet is –, so if I
use any addresses from that range, they will be on a different network and won’t work. That was easy!
Let’s try one that’s a little bit harder.
1111111 11111100 00000000 00000000
255 252 0 0
nnnnnnnn sssssshh hhhhhhhh hhhhhhhh
Alright, so we take 256 – 252 to get the block size of our 3rd octet, which is 4, and we create our
networks: – Is our first subnet. As you can see, there is no in that network as it
only goes to – is our second network. Great! That one contains! So, if you wish to
address hosts that can communicate with, you can use any address between –!
1111111 11111100 10000000 00000000
255 255 128 0
nnnnnnnn nnnnnnnn shhhhhhh hhhhhhhh
Ok, so our blocks in the 3rd octet will be 256 – 128 = 128. So let’s see what we have: – –
Which one of these two networks contains If you guessed the second network, you are
right! We can use any address from – to address hosts on that network. is the network address and is the broadcast address.
Route Summarization
Ok, now that we have gone through the harder parts of subnetting, it’s time to discuss another topic:
“supernetting”. Supernetting, also called “Route Summarization”, allows us to take multiple subnets and
consolidate them into one larger subnet. This enables us to create routing tables and policies with fewer
networks listed which helps keep them cleaner and easier to manage. Let’s say you have 2 networks: and You wish to create a route that will forward traffic from your router
to both of these networks, but you don’t want to create two separate routes. Let’s break these masks
down to binary and see how we can do this:
192 168 1 0
11000000 10101000 00000001 00000000
192 168 2 0
11000000 10101000 00000010 00000000
The goal of route summarization is to create a network using the bits the two addresses share in
common. In this case, the first 22 bits are shared by these two networks!
As you can see, the first bit that differs is the 22nd bit. So if we create a new mask to mask out the first 22
bits, we can create a network that contains both networks. This network is:
In this case, the 3rd octet is changed to a 0 and the mask is changed to accommodate both networks.
Let’s do one that’s a little more difficult: /10
In this example, the first bit that differs is the 14th bit. This makes the supernet, which
encompasses all 3 networks!
This is a fairly simple, but very important concept. You will find questions like this on many exams and it
will also allow you to have the cleanest network infrastructure in your company!
Alright! You did it! You made it through subnetting! We have been solving real world problems and, with
practice, you can be a networking master! Keep practicing and let me know if you have any questions!