Qualitative Research
Qualitative Research
Qualitative Research
A primer…
Research purpose
The purpose of this ___________(biographical, phenomenological,
grounded theory, case study, ethnographic) study is to
____________ (understand, describe, develop, discover) the
__________ (central focus for the study) for ________(the unit of
analysis: person, process, groups, site). At this stage in the
research, the _________(central focus being studied) will be
generally defined as ____________(provide a general definition of
the concept).
Research questions
Observations/field research
Audiovisual materials
V. Analyzing qualitative data
Consists of describing information and developing
Involves inductive data analysis
Theories and hypotheses evolve from the data.
Data analysis is on going; begins with specific observations ad
builds towards general patterns.
Involves immersion in the details and specifics of the data to
discover important categories, dimensions, and interrelationships
– not testing of theoretically derived hypotheses.
Could derive theory or provide insight on an existing theory
Involves winnowing of data
Data analysis steps
• Step 1: Organize and prepare the data for analysis.
• Step 2: Read through all the data to obtain a general sense of the information
and to reflect on its overall meaning.
• Step 3: Begin detailed analysis with a coding process. Coding is the process of
taking text data or pictures, segmenting sentences (or paragraphs) or images
into categories, and labeling these categories with a term, often a term based on
the actual language of the participant.
• Step 4: Use the codes to generate a description of the setting or people as well
as categories or themes for analysis. Description involves a detailed rendering
of information about people, place, or events in a setting. Researchers can
generate codes for this description.
• Step 5: Advance how the descriptions and themes will be represented in the
qualitative narrative.
• Step 6: Evaluate the lessons learned from the data and make interpretations (or
meaning) of data.
VI. Determining quality of data
Verification, rather than internal validity. -Triangulation of data
Are findings accurate from the -Member checks
standpoint of the researcher, the -Rich, thick description
participants, or the readers of an -Clarification of researcher stance and preparation
account? -Negative or discrepant information
-Prolonged time in the field
-Collaborations: of peers, using external auditor and peer
Transferability, rather than -Rich, thick description
generalizability: Lincoln and Guba -Triangulation to strengthen study’s usefulness for other settings
propose that is up to the reader, rather -Use peer debriefer to review and ask questions about the study so
than the original investigator, to that the account will resonate with people other than the
determine if the findings can be researcher
transferred or applied to another setting.
Dependability (Marshall & Rossman, 1995). Dependability comes from capturing the changing conditions that
Dependability of the researcher’s occur in the setting and the study design in response to this
account of the changes inherent in any reality
setting as well as changes to the
research design as learning unfolded.
Confirmability (Marshall & Rossman, Checks to control for bias in interpretation
1995). Confirmability deals with -Check and recheck data and search for rival hypotheses
whether another researcher outside of -Bracket researcher assumptions, personal values and beliefs
the study could independently confirm -Conduct an audit of the data collection and analytic strategies
the findings.
VII. Reporting qualitative findings
1. Note patterns and themes
2. See plausibility – make initial, intuitive sense
3. Cluster by conceptual grouping – group things that seem similar
4. Make metaphors – a kind of figurative grouping of data and to achieve more integration
among diverse pieces of data
5. Count – see what’s there and keep oneself honest
6. Make contrasts and comparisons – by clustering and distinguishing observations
7. Partition variables – to unbundled variables that have been prematurely grouped
8. Subsume particulars into the general, shuttling back and forth between first-level data
and more general categories.
9. Factor – reduce the number of variables, similar to grouping variables by a category or
10. Note relationships between variables
11. Find intervening variables
12. Build a logical change of evidence – integrating categories, subcategories, themes into a
logical, coherent whole
13. Make conceptual/theoretical coherence
FAQ about Qualitative Research
Are qualitative findings generalizable? Qualitative researchers are not as concerned about the
generalizability or transferability of their findings to other contexts and people. Qualitative researchers
recognize that each setting is unique and that the perspectives captured are uniquely tied to that setting.
While, most often, generalizability is left to the end-user to determine if the study is applicable to their
setting of interest, the qualitative researchers assists the reader by providing rich, description, grounding
the study in theory, and using multiple sources of data.
What about the researchers’ opinions, prejudices, and other biases, and their effect on the data?
These are considered part of the richness of qualitative data. The researcher is the instrument for data
collection and through which information flows. The researcher is trained to guard against values
judgments, to report biases in their memos, to provide findings that are trustworthy–detailed record
keeping, and methods such as member checking, triangulation of data sources, confirming and
disconfirming evidence to check the validity of the data.
Doesn’t the presence of the researcher change the behavior of the people he or she is trying to study?
Yes, all forms of research have the potential to change what is being studied. Qualitative researchers are
in the field for prolonged periods of time, interacting with participants in their natural environments after
having gained their trust. Data collection then takes on a mutual exchange of information between
trusted parties.
Will two researchers independently studying the same setting or subject come up with the same
findings? This question really gets to whether the study is reliable. That is, would the same findings
happen in the same way at a different point and time? Qualitative researchers are not really concerned
about reliability in the traditional quantitative sense. Instead, researchers are interested in the accuracy
and comprehensiveness of their data, so that there is a match between what occurs in the setting under
study and what they record as data.
Can qualitative and quantitative approaches be used together? Yes, although is best to have training
and experience in both methodologies before choosing to combine them. Again, as in choosing any
research design, it depends on the research problem and the personal experiences of the researcher.
Is qualitative research really scientific? Yes, qualitative research meets the standards of scientific
research: rigorous and systematic empirical inquiry that is data based.