Visit 4 Treatment Plan
Visit 4 Treatment Plan
Visit 4 Treatment Plan
Copy/paste one LTG and the matching STG from your evaluation SOAP note. This will be the goal set around which you design your treatment session.
For this and all subsequent weeks, please answer the following questions before designing your treatment plan for the next week. If you were unable to see
your client the past week, you do not need to answer these questions. Answer the questions based on the treatment that you implemented:
What went well with your treatment? Did things go as you planned or not? Explain. What will you do differently with this next treatment plan?
We used activities that she seemed to enjoy that also gave us a better idea of what to work on with her. It mostly went as planned, but even with grading up
there were still aspects of some of the activities that were too easy for her. This week, I want to provide a more appropriate challenge for her across tasks.
Long-Term Goal: In 5 weeks, client will use strategies to independently manage medications
Short-Term Goal: In 3 weeks, client will independently sort medications using pill organizer