JATMS Autumn 2016
JATMS Autumn 2016
JATMS Autumn 2016
is more than a buzz word
Towards a sustainable
model of health care
by Poor Rural
Victorian Consumers
Brief Interventions
for Clients with Drug and
Alcohol Issues
ISSN 1326-3390
“It doubled my client base within the rst 3 months and I haven’t looked back. VLA
has given me a tool that empowers clients. It allows me to create thorough care
plans and gives me a tool for education at every appointment to empower my
clients to be wellness based, rather than symptom based, in their thinking and living.”
Journal of the
Australian Traditional Medicine Society
Volume 22 | Number 1
05 32
Welcome to the first issue of the Journal continuing education points. I cannot on Twitter, please do so. Keep your eye
for 2016. The Board are back, refreshed stress enough the importance of keeping out for the Wise-n-Well during the year
after the holiday break, ready to these current, not only to maintain that will keep you up to date with all the
continue the work of our strategic plan. your membership with this professional marketing and PR campaigns that will be
association, but also to continue to happening this year.
We ended 2015 on a positive note with receive health fund rebates for your
the new CEO, Charles Wurf, taking the clients. The ATMS Board and CEO will Phase 1 of the Website and Database
reins just prior to the ATMS AGM day. be heavily involved with education is completed and the new format has
Thank you to over 200 members who decision-makers and key stakeholders for been well received. Phase 2 will be
attended and we look forward to seeing reform of education in our sector. implemented in the next three months
you all at the next. It was a worthwhile with enhancements to the Find a
day for many members. The theme of We will also be increasing our focus Practitioner section and the member
our presentations was skin. Patrick De on the five key strategic agendas. A site. I would like to thank our members
Permentier started the day by reminding working group, headed by our CEO, for their patience and we will certainly
us of the anatomy of the largest organ in Charles Wurf, has been set up to further keep you updated on our progress.
the body and continued by explaining enhance ATMS’s relationships with the
what could go wrong with it. Brad Health Funds. The Executive Directors If you have not transferred your
McEwen followed up with nutritional of ATMS are in communication with insurance to the ATMS preferred insurer
advice to keep the skin healthy and the Executive Directors of the other GSA, now is the time as they have a great
Denis Stewart finished the day by adding associations within our sector. The offer for our members - 14 months for
his own gems with regard to herbal calendar of events for the first half of the price of 12. Check out their ad in
medicine treatment of the skin. the year is available on the website. The this journal and make the change.
CEO and Directors are participating in
The end of the year also signalled the meetings and seminars with external The ATMS Board of Directors take
removal of the Advanced Diplomas of committees and government officials to seriously their role in representing
Naturopathy, Western Herbal Medicine, raise the profile of natural medicine, and our members and advocating for our
Nutritional Medicine and Homoeopathy our PR and marketing campaigns are in professions. We are committed to the
from the Health Training Package. full swing. strategy for the next two years and are
The potential of this change cannot be focussed on meeting the agendas set.
underestimated. It is a reminder to all Make sure you check out the CPE
members to ensure that they keep their events and review any gaps you have I am looking forward to a year filled with
membership up to date. This includes in your professional development and positive outcomes for our members.
renewing your membership by the choose an event that meets those needs.
due date, keeping your Professional Also, if you are not already one of our Betty Tannous
Indemnity Insurance and First Aid connections on LinkedIn, if you haven’t President
certificate current and completing your ‘liked’ us on Facebook, or followed us
Thank you for the and universities providing training to gained as a student, and the skills and
encouraging welcome! future practitioners. knowledge actually required in clinical
Thank you to members of ATMS for the practice.
warm and encouraging welcome that I The ongoing success and growth
have received since commencing in mid- of natural medicine will attract the The accrual of 20 CPE points is essential
November. attention and potential scrutiny of to maintain accredited status with ATMS,
government and health funds as the and is also an essential requirement to
There are challenges aplenty for ATMS and overall size of consumer spending remain recognised with health funds.
individual practitioners at this time, and continues to increase – this is
with those challenges come wonderful the opportunity for constructive As part of the maturing relationship
opportunities for natural medicine in the engagement with government and with the health funds, ATMS conducts
years ahead. There is a solid plan in place funding agencies to cement natural an internal sample audit of our CPE
to position ATMS and its members as the medicine as a natural partner of choice. program with Accredited Members and
leaders of the natural medicine industry. will do so again from 1 March. Our
This is a vision and an outcome that I am A key component of supporting sample audit process randomly selects
inspired by, and I look forward to working practitioners is to sustain and expand 5% of the total Accredited Members,
with the Board and members as we the research base underpinning practice and we track compliance with evidence
realise this ambition and confirm natural – and the Journal will continue to of successful completion of the 20
medicine as a natural partner of choice for support this essential task. CPE points. This audit assists ATMS
the health and wellness of all Australians. to fulfil our contractual obligations
Internal auditing of accreditation with the health funds, and assists us
Advocacy and Standards A key commitment of ATMS accredited in our ongoing advocacy on behalf of
At its core the strategic plan of ATMS practitioners is to accept the professional Accredited Members.
includes a solid operational plan to obligation to regularly update clinical
focus on advocacy for members based skills and professional knowledge. We look forward to working with the
on our professional standards. For ATMS This commitment is reflected in the selected members on the successful
to succeed, it must stand on the solid ATMS Continuing Education Policy, completion of the sample audit, on
foundation of the professional standards requiring that Accredited Members must behalf of all members of ATMS.
of our practitioners, and this is a key accumulate 20 CPE points per annum,
operational workload of ATMS. commencing and ending in the financial Supporting members in practice
year (1 July to 30 June). I look forward to working with the
In our relationships with the key Board and staff at ATMS through
stakeholders who regulate or fund or The Policy notes for all members: 2016, as we continue to focus on the
critique our industry, the key to our operational aspects of our Strategic
advocacy is to set, monitor and enforce The ATMS CPE Policy is designed Plan, all designed to sustain and support
the professional standards of accredited to ensure its accredited members Members in their practice of natural
members, across all modalities. This regularly update their clinical skills medicine.
includes great attention to detail in and professional knowledge. One of
the educational standards of existing the chief roles of CPE is to bridge the Charles Wurf
accredited members and the colleges gap between the skills and knowledge CEO
is more than
a buzz word:
Towards a sustainable
model of health care
Dr Michelle Mars PhD, MPhil | GradDipSocSci, BBS, Senior Lecturer Endeavour College of Natural Health
Meeghan Oliver | GradDipAppSci LIM, BA, Librarian Endeavour College of Natural Health
In this article the health benefits of mindfulness in the workplace, in education, and in the practice of natural
medicine are discussed. With reference to recent literature, mindfulness is located as a self-development tool in
the context of a rapidly changing and increasingly complex social environment. Mindfulness is a much used and
little understood concept. The discussion begins with a definition placing mindfulness in a contemporary health
context, leading into an examination of its workplace and educational applications and its potential benefits for
the sustainability of the health care system. The discussion is informed by the authors’ experience of working in
a College of Natural Health where weaving together the philosophy and practice of mindfulness is part of our
strategic plan.
the same time ageing and life style trends mean that chronic teaching, to practice, and in leadership training. Mindfulness is
illness will increase. The burden of chronic disease threatens now mainstream in the corporate world and the benefits of its
to overwhelm the health budget, the capacity of health services practice are readily observable.
and the health workforce.3 We will see increasing pressure on
the health care system and those who work in it. A sustainable Mindfulness in the workplace
health care system requires individual and systemic change. In Corporate Australia continues to embrace mindfulness, with
this article we argue that mindfulness practice has a part to play new techniques constantly emerging. Hewlett-Packard Co. and
in the creation of a sustainable health care system. GlaxoSmithKline PLC set up laughter yoga clubs in the early
2000’s and IBM Australia and New Zealand were early adopters
Definition of Mindfulness of programs teaching staff about mindfulness, meditation,
Mindfulness is the art of paying attention to the present moment clarity of thought and focus.11,12
with intention, openness and curiosity, and without judgment
– there is no good and there is no bad. It is a willingness to Mindfulness practice has been linked to emotional intelligence,
accept what is. It is experiencing each moment as it unfolds in productivity and innovation. Late Apple co-founder Steve Jobs
its purest form without judgment and without colouring it with introduced a 30-minute ‘meditate at work’ routine, providing
our own biases and perceptions – it’s letting go of past regrets classes on meditation and yoga on-site. Google has been working
and the worries of what the future might bring. It is learning hard to bring meditation into the workplace. One of Google’s
the practice of being in the present moment, consciously being original software engineers and now head of personal growth,
aware, and giving our full, focused attention without judging. Chade-Meng Tan, spearheaded a program at Google in 2007
The benefits are profound. With regular practice, mindfulness called ‘Search Inside Yourself’, which has helped more than 500
is a powerful tool that can help you improve your overall well- employees learn how to breathe mindfully, listen to their co-
being.4 workers, and improve their emotional intelligence.13
Mindfulness is more than a buzz word. It can be understood It’s not just the tech giants who are embracing the mindfulness
as a practice, a mental state, or a personal trait.5 As a practice trend. In 2012 management firm McKinsey & Co. started
it is distinct from meditation. In the Buddhist tradition embracing meditation as part of their HR strategy aimed at
mindfulness and meditation are two distinct limbs of the eight- keeping employees happy and healthy, developing meditation
fold path and anyone who has practised both can testify to and self-analysis programs not only for their own employees
the difference. However, the amount of time living mindfully but for other multi-million dollar corporations as well. In one
can be increased by meditation practice. Mindfulness may case, a meditation program developed by McKinsey for an
be, but is not necessarily, a religious or spiritual practice.6 As Australian client saved the business more than $20 million.14
a mental state there is receptive and open attention to present The program, designed to help staff find meaning in their work,
moment experience and awareness of bodily sensations and helped stem the attrition of customers who were picking up
mental states.7 As a trait it naturally varies in dispositional ‘bad vibes’ from the company staff.15
manner8 and is characterised by increased capacity in the brain
to regulate, learn and return to more positive mental states.9 Mindfulness can be cultivated through formal meditation.
Put simply, the evidence suggests that mindfulness practice However, formal meditation encompasses a range of practice:
increases our openness to the present moment and over time ‘it’s not really about sitting in the full lotus, like pretending
the neuroplasticity of the brain allows those who practise it to you’re a statue in a British museum … it’s about living your
interact more mindfully with others. life as if it really mattered, moment by moment by moment
by moment’.16 Mindfulness can be cultivated through simply
Mindfulness is a relatively new player in the western medical changing the focus of attention. Some simple practical
and psychological literature however, and over the past three suggestions include:
decades its popularity and a corresponding body of empirical
evidence has continued to grow. Over the past 15 years • Pay close attention to your breathing, especially when you’re
mindfulness has moved from the margins to the mainstream feeling intense emotions
and more recently GPs in the UK have begun prescribing
mindfulness meditation for a host of physical and mental ills.10 • Notice - really notice - what you’re sensing in a given moment,
the sights, sounds, and smells that ordinarily slip by without
Mindfulness is a technique often used by natural health care reaching your conscious awareness
practitioners. It is a practice that has the potential to effect
change in people’s ways of being in the world. In this article • Recognize that your thoughts and emotions are fleeting and
we argue the need to embed mindfulness practice throughout do not define you, an insight that can free you from negative
the natural health care environment, from the workplace to thought patterns
mindfulness meditation . It has been proved time and again 6. Grossman P, Van Dam NT. Mindfulness, by any other name…: trials and
that mindfulness meditation and stress reduction improve tribulations of sati in western psychology and science. Contemp Buddhism
wellbeing.16 [Internet]. 2011;12(1):219–39. Available from: http://www.tandfonline.com/
The population is ageing and at the same time obesity and a 7. Hardy S. Mindfulness: Enhancing physical and mental wellbeing.
host of lifestyle-related chronic diseases are on the rise. One 2015;26(9).
of the simplest and most effective changes we can make as 8. Baer RA et al. Kentucky Inventory of Mindfulness Skills. October.
a population toward future sustainability of health care is to 2006;11(October):80–1.
make wiser choices about our health and live healthier lives. 9. Krishnakumar S, Robinson MD. Maintaining an even keel: An affect-
But to facilitate change at the level of the individual systemic, mediated model of mindfulness and hostile work behavior. Emotion
cultural, and institutional change is required. This is where 2015;15(5):579–89.
mindfulness practice, embedded throughout the health care 10. Dimidjian S SZ. Prospects for a clinical science of mindfulness-based
environment from education to the workplace, to leadership intervention. Am Psychol. 2015;70(7):593–620.
and to practice has the potential to initiate change. Mindfulness 11. Voigt K. Companies’ Antidote to Workplace Stress: Yoga, Meditation,
can be understood as a vital component in the drive towards More Soothing Laughter. Wall Str J [Internet]. 2002 [cited 2015 Dec 8];1–6.
health care reform as it promotes lifestyle change, ‘leveraging Available from: http://www.wsj.com/articles/SB1014330982990372760
the body’s innate capacity to heal itself’, and may indeed be 12. Edwards V. How IBM , NAB and other companies are encouraging
‘the key to creating a sustainable healthcare system for the 21st mindfulness among staff. Aust. 2015;(March 15):1–4.
century’.25 13. Baer D. ‘Search Inside Yourself’ Google’s life changing Mindfulness course.
Bus Insid [Internet]. Business Insider; 2014 [cited 2015 Dec 8];8. Available
Conclusion from: http://www.businessinsider.com.au/search-inside-yourself-googles-
Years of working in the health professions makes one weary of life-changing-mindfulness-course-2014-8
the latest buzz words. Is mindfulness just a sticking plaster when 14. Onlinemba.com. 10 Big Companies That Promote Employee Meditation.
what we need is trauma counselling to deal with the savagery of Online MBA; 2012;2. Available from: http://www.onlinemba.com/blog/10-
life from the playground to corporate life? Perhaps the answer big-companies-that-promote-employee-meditation/
to that question is yes, but nonetheless mindfulness works 15. Voight K. Companies’ Antidote to Workplace Stress: Yoga, Meditation,
and it doesn’t need to be complicated. The old adage ‘take a More Soothing Laughter. Wall Streeet J [Internet]. 2002;February(22).
breath’ is a good clue to the fact that we know a pause, a breath Available from: http://www.wsj.com/articles/SB1014330982990372760
and a moment or two of silence can make a huge difference 16. Kabat-Zinn, Jon Williams JMG. Mindfulness: diverse perspectives on its
to our perception of something. Introducing mindfulness meaning, origins, and multiple applications at the intersection of science
practice to students, embedding it in workplace practice and and dharma. Contemp Buddhism. 2011;12(1):1–18.
training leaders in mindfulness practice has the potential to 17. Kabat-Zinn J. How can mindfulness change your life. YouTube. 2015.
engender a shift inside and outside the health care workplace. 18. Bush M. Mindfulness in higher education. Contemp Buddhism.
Mindfulness has hit the mainstream and it works. It opens up 2011;12(1):183–97.
real possibilities for sustainability and change and we ignore it at 19. Ricci C. Mindfulness very gently moving around the world’s classrooms.
our peril. The Age. 2015;
20. Goh ECL. Integrating Mindfulness and Reflection in the Teaching and
REFERENCES Learning of Listening Skills for Undergraduate Social Work Students in
1. Gable SL, Haidt J. What ( and Why ) Is Positive Psychology ? 2005;9(2):103– Singapore. 2012;31(5):587–604.
10. 21. OECD. How does Australia compare ? 2014;2012–4.
2. Statistics AB of. 3101 . 0 Australian Demographic Statistics , Jun 2014. Aust 22. Levy L, Carrol B. Aspiring to lead: hard-wired to manage. Univ Auckl Bus
Demogr Stat [Internet]. 2014;June:1–8. Available from: http://www.abs. Sch Rev. 2008;10(2):17–21.
gov.au/ausstats/abs@.nsf/0/1CD2B1952AFC5E7ACA257298000F2E76?Ope 23. Health Workforce Australia. Leadership for the Sustainability of the Health
nDocument# System. Part 1 - A Lit Rev. 2012;1–89.
3. Willcox S, Collaboration TAHP. Chronic diseases in Australia : the case for 24. Edwards V. Mindfulness: bringing your head and your heart into
changing course October 2014 Chronic diseases in Australia : the case for the office. The Australian [Internet]. Adelaide; 2015 Oct 10; Available
changing course Background and policy paper [Internet]. Policy paper No. from: http://www.theaustralian.com.au/business/mindfulness-
2014-02. 2014 [cited 2016 Jan 12]. Available from: https://www.vu.edu.au/ bringing-your-head-and-your-heart-into-the-office/news-story/
sites/default/files/AHPC/pdfs/Chronic-diseases-in-Australia-the-case-for- ede950691a0d2c3f32446e218391e305
changing-course-sharon-willcox.pdf 25. McCabe Ruff K, Mackenzie ER. The Role of Mindfulness in Healthcare
4. Krishna RM. Mindfulness: the untapped innate catalyst for healing, Reform: A Policy Paper. Explor J Sci Heal [Internet]. Elsevier Inc.;
happiness and health. J Oklahoma State Med Assoc [serial Internet]. 2009;5(6):313–23, pp.321 . Available from: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.
2014;107(12):649–51. explore.2009.10.002
5. Garland EL. Mindfulness research in social work: Conceptual and
methodological recommendations. Soc Work Res. 2013;37:439–48.
Acid Base
Balance in Health –
From Past to Present
Rachel Arthur | BHSc BNat (Hons)
uch has been made of the
mismatch between our modern
Much has been made of the diet and our stone age genes
mismatch between our modern diet which has resulted in a significant
and our stone age genes. However, amount of attention being awarded
to recreating a modern version of the
recurrent attempts to recreate the
Paleo Diet. Our current food, health
Paleo Diet in a time and food context and environmental contexts, however,
which bears little resemblance to that bear little resemblance to the Paleolithic
era appear fraught with problems era and therefore modern attempts at
imitation appear fraught with problems
and potential unintended outcomes.
and potential unintended outcomes.
Perhaps there is an argument instead Perhaps there is an argument instead
to consume a diet that attempts to to consume a diet that aligns as closely
align as closely as possible with the as possible with the actual nutritional
composition and subsequent physiological
actual nutritional composition and
norms characteristic of Paleolithic diets
subsequent physiological norms generally. One of the most consistent
characteristic of Paleolithic diets scientific findings in this regard is the
generally. One of the most consistent alkaline nature of most pre-agricultural
diets compared with the acid-producing
scientific findings in this regard is
modern diet.
the alkaline nature of most pre-
agricultural diets compared with the Personally I don’t subscribe to the
acid-producing modern diet. The currently popularised notion of the Paleo
Diet. The Paleo Diet purports to emulate
eating behaviours and food choices
a diet eaten by our ancestors, in spite of
that produced an alkaline dietary
load historically have been clearly
articulated, and current research
in this area suggests that the cost Pre-agricultural Diets
of a chronic dietary acid load is 85% Alkaline
substantial and may be implicated in
the aetiology of many chronic health Alkaline mineral rich plants:
conditions. Therefore it is arguable ↑ Potassium
that a more meaningful objective of ↑ Magnesium
modern dietary approaches would ↑ Calcium
be to ensure a net alkaline yield. ↑ HCO
Moderate Protein
↑ Chloride
82mEq/d.7 While the degree of alkalinity
varied significantly across the various
↓ Vegetable intake Paleolithic diets, this still contrasts
↑ Protein starkly with the standard American diet
↑ EDNP (energy-dense, nutrient-poor) (SAD), which has been consistently
shown to be net acid-producing.
dependent acid load, Paleolithic [corrected] 8. Sebastian A, Frassetto LA, Sellmeyer DE, Morris prevention and treatment of Western disease.
nutrition, and evolutionary health promotion. RC, Jr. The evolution-informed optimal dietary Am J Hum Biol. 2012;24(2):110-5.
Am J Clin Nutr. 2010;91(2):295-7.
4. Eaton SB, Eaton SB, 3rd. Paleolithic vs.
potassium intake of human beings greatly
exceeds current and recommended intakes.
14. Cordain L, Eaton SB, Miller JB, Mann N, Hill K.
The paradoxical nature of hunter-gatherer
modern diets--selected pathophysiological Semin Nephrol. 2006;26(6):447-53. diets: meat-based, yet non-atherogenic. Eur J
implications. Eur J Nutr. 2000;39(2):67-70. Clin Nutr. 2002;56 Suppl 1:S42-52.
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Dark Field
of Human Blood:
The history of dark field microscopy
in human blood analysis.
In 1916, Dr Gunter Enderlein began his by Dr Christopher Gerner, a biochemist meeting demonstrated that the Enderline
investigations of human blood under the at the University of Vienna, Austria, technique is strongly associated with
microscope using phase contrast and identified that many of the cellular forms biologic medicine. Yet many of the
dark field microscopy. These methods observed by Dr Enderlein were primarily adverse responses from the medical
enabled him to observe both stained composed of cellular debris from profession relating to live blood analysis
dried blood and live blood preparations degenerating red blood cells, and were in that have been reported in the media and
from healthy and sick animals and fact molecules of globulin and albumin.2 the internet have been directed mainly at
humans. His investigations identified the Enderlein method and other similar
numerous morphological objects in the The Enderlein method of Live Blood practices. This method of live blood
blood that he correlated to illnesses. Analysis is still being taught in Europe analysis does have some merit in its own
As he was a proponent of biological and the USA today, but it is important right; however, it is substantially different
pleomorphism he developed a theory of to differentiate this from other methods to the dark field examination of human
disease and a terminology that described of Live Blood Analysis using dark field blood practised in Australia and New
his observations in his live blood samples. microscopy that allow point-of-care Zealand by trained practitioners of the
Terms such as protits, symprotits, examination of a patient’s blood during a now unsupported Hemaview technique.
makrosymprotits and spermite were used complementary medicine consultation. At This method closely resembles standard
to described objects that supposedly the International Pleo-Sanum Conference, haematological blood film analysis and
identified the transformation of a viruses held in San Diego in February 2011, endeavours to interpret the same cellular
to bacteria or to fungi, and these all a number of Enderlein practitioners observations on the wet mount as seen in
originated in his observed live blood from around the world assembled to a stained blood film.3
cells. discuss Enderlein Live Blood Analysis.
They included Dr Thomas Rau MD, Various screening tests are currently used
Enderlein published his findings in a the Chief Medical Director and part- by complementary and alternative health
book entitled Bacterien Cyklogenie (The owner of the Paracelsus Klinik, Center practitioners in Australia. The analysis
Life Cycle of Bacteria) in 1925.1 Due to the for Paracelsus Biological Medicine and of wet prep blood using dark field
limited understanding of cell biology at Dentistry in Lustmuhle, Switzerland. Dr microscopy live blood analysis examines
the time it is not too surprising that many Rau is considered a leading expert in non-anticoagulant-treated capillary
of his observations were artefacts. In the Enderlein therapy, dark field microscopy, blood. This technique has been in use for
late 1990’s further research conducted and biologic tumour treatments. This more than 20 years under the name of
Issued by H.E.S.T. Australia Ltd ABN 66 006 818 695 AFSL 235249, the Trustee of Health Employees Superannuation
Trust Australia (HESTA) ABN 64 971 749 321. Investments may go up or down. Past performance is not a reliable
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CAM Use By
Poor Rural Victorian
Tass Holmes | PhD (Anthropology, University of Melbourne)
Following from previous JATMS papers,1,2 this article describes complementary and alternative medicine
(CAM) use among low-income consumers in a rural community in Victoria, Australia. It refers to ethnographic
documentation and interview narratives, using pseudonyms, from an anthropological research project in
the composite fictitious town, ‘Sephirah’. The particular focus is on differing CAMs selected, and experiential
aspects of CAM use. Consumer descriptions of their unconventional healthcare practices emphasise the
ongoing popularity and commonality of non-biomedical approaches to wellbeing. A diverse group of welfare
recipients consumed CAM, despite usually being unable to afford private-sector fees.
Formal or semi-formal CAM provider treatments and ‘folk healing’ methods were both favoured by those with
alternative worldviews or beliefs about the value of holism in health. A connection may be tentatively drawn
between a preference for CAM and the evolution of non-mainstream opinions and beliefs, or conversely,
between extant alternative viewpoints and development of a preference for CAM.
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A Brief Intervention (BI) is a short potential risks and problems associated NDSHS collected data from nearly
face-to-face conversation about alcohol with alcohol and other drug use and 24,000 people across Australia. The
and drug consumption, motivation associated practices, and motivate survey was conducted from 31 July
to change, and options for change behavioural change, thereby improving to 1 December 2013. Roy Morgan
which is provided during a window of health outcomes, by helping the person Research was commissioned to conduct
opportunity or an information-sharing to consider the reasons for change and the survey fieldwork.3 The following
moment with a health professional. the risks of not changing.1 statistics are taken from the NDSHS.
It is a technique or tool used to
initiate change in behaviours that are There is strong evidence for the Alcohol use
detrimental to health such as smoking, effectiveness of BIs in primary care • Compared to 2010, fewer people in
drug and alcohol consumption. It is settings for reducing alcohol and tobacco Australia drank alcohol in quantities
an opportunistic intervention that consumption, and growing evidence that exceeded the lifetime risk and
can occur in the assessment phase for such effectiveness in regard to other single occasion risk guidelines in
when treating patients for other health substances. (For the purpose of this article 2013.
concerns. An opportunistic intervention substance is defined as alcohol, over the
occurs at a critical moment in a person’s counter drugs (OTC), prescription drugs • Fewer 12–17 year olds are drinking
life, for example, when they are faced and illicit drugs.) BIs are low in cost and alcohol and the proportion abstaining
with other health concerns. A BI can be are effective across all levels of hazardous from alcohol increased significantly
undertaken in as little as a few minutes and harmful substance use and so are between 2010 and 2013 (from 64% to
and can be supported by written an ideal method of health promotion 72%).
information and self-help strategies. It is and disease prevention in primary care
evidence-based and can be very effective patients.2 • Almost five million people in
in assisting patients to self-monitor. Australia aged 14 or older (26%)
The National Drug Strategy reported being victims of an alcohol-
A BI can engage with people who may Household Survey (NDSHS) has related incident in 2013, although
not yet be ready for change, increase been conducted every two to this proportion had declined from
the person’s perception of real and three years since 1985. The 2013 29% in 2010.
Client has relapsed to drug use.
health Organisation. This tool can help
determine if a person is at risk of alcohol
abuse problems.6
Interpretating scores
The AUDIT alcohol consumption
questions (AUDIT-C) is a shortened
version of the 10 question AUDIT. It is a
Client recognizes problem
and is considering change.
three question screening test (see Figure TREATMENT
1). To score the AUDIT, point values of
each answer are summed. A score of 8
or more in men (7 in women) indicates
Client is adjusting to change and is
a strong likelihood of hazardous or practising new skills and behaviours to
harmful alcohol consumption. A score of sustain change.
2. How many standard drinks containing alcohol do you have on a typical day?
Step 3. Decide what stage of change the
a. 1 or 2
person is at by what they say.
b. 3 or 4
c. 5 or 6
d. 7 to 9 Step 4. Write down their stage of change
e. 10 or more and what advice you gave them. Next
time you see the person ask how they
3. How often do you have six or more drinks on one occasion? are and what changes they have made.
a. Never Reinforce any positive changes and do
b. Less than monthly another BI if necessary.8
c. Monthly
d. Weekly Stages of change
e. Daily or almost daily This transtheoretical model offers an
integrative framework for understanding
and intervening in intentional behaviour
Effective parameters and or other serious health issues. Do not change.9 There are six stages in this
precautions do a BI when the person does not wish model (see Figure 2):
The use of a BI will be beneficial in to participate or is intoxicated or is too
most circumstances. It is important sick or injured or is in a highly emotional 1. Pre-contemplation is when the patient
to ascertain the health status of the state. What you do depends on where the is not yet considering change or is
patient during assessment. A BI is not patient is in the process of changing. The unwilling. The practitioner’s task
usually as effective for patients with first step is to be able to identify where at this stage of change is to raise
chronic relapsing behaviours or those the patient is coming from. awareness.
with a co-morbid mental health issue
rinary tract infections or UTIs such as super-hydration (while avoiding present in the urine. Other indicators are
are one of the more common electrolyte deficiency), Cranberry and diarrhoea, chilliness, as well as weakness
conditions we see in clinical probiotics can be successful, but often fail or exhaustion. Symptoms are worse after
practice. The lifetime incidence rate for to halt an active UTI. midnight and from cold or cold drinks and
this illness for women is 50%, and 5% better for heat and warm drinks.
for men. Babies and the elderly form In my experience and that of several
two of the high risk groups for UTIs. noted authorities in this area,1-9 there are Equisetum
The more specific groups at higher risk a number of homoeopathic medicines The indicators here include a history of
of developing this disorder are sexually that have been found to be very effective urinary and faecal incontinence with dull
active women, diabetics, men with in the management of UTIs. Brief pain in the area of the bladder or right-
pre-existing prostate disease, those with discussions of these medicines follow, sided lumbar pain, and a feeling of fullness
urinary catheters, and babies born with and it should be noted that these appear or incomplete emptying of the bladder
anatomical disorders of the urinary tract here for educational purposes only, and that is not relieved by urination. The
that result in vesico-ureteric reflux. are not intended to replace the advice of a urine is normally albuminous and is only
qualified healthcare practitioner. produced drop by drop. There is often
UTI is a general term encompassing a frequent urge to urinate with strong
urethritis, cystitis and pyelonephritis. Cantharis burning urethral pain, particularly at the
The disease is usually associated with This is one of the most commonly end of urination. The UTI may coincide
a bacterial infection, and the organism used homoeopathic medicines in with pregnancy or may occur post-
most commonly implicated here is E.coli, UTIs. The primary symptom is intense partum. Symptoms are worse on the right
although infection with mycoplasma scalding or burning pain, either with or side, from motion, from sitting or pressure
or chlamydia, particularly in cases of without urination. Urine is passed by and are better in the afternoon and from
urethritis, may also be involved. The drops and each drop of urine passed is lying down.
symptoms reported for UTIs commonly often described as being like passing
include chills, fever, dysuria, haematuria, burning acid. There may also be Benzoic acid
urinary frequency, a feeling of fullness anxiety, restlessness, urinary tenesmus, The common guides to this remedy for
in the bladder after voiding urine, and haematuria, the urine may appear someone with a UTI are the colour and
suprapubic, back or loin pain. jelly-like or contain substances with the smell of their urine. It’s usually reported
appearance of scales. Severe urge to as being dark brown and having a strong
Failure to successfully manage UTIs urinate and cramping around the urinary and offensive ammoniacal odour. There
may result in the progression to a more bladder may be reported. Symptoms are may be a history of depression, asthma,
severe infection, and the development worse from drinking coffee, drinking or enuresis, cystitis, gout, cracking joints and
of hypertension as well as kidney failure. hearing running water and better from renal insufficiency. Sufferers may also have
Medically, UTIs are frequently treated cold applications, rubbing, and having an odour about them like urine. Symptoms
with antibiotics, but the rates of resistance completely voided the bladder. are worse from cold and motion and better
to these drugs, particularly the older from heat and profuse urination.
antibiotics, are rising significantly, leading Arsenicum album
to increased levels of UTI recurrence that The salient prescribing feature for Sepia
become harder and harder to manage. Arsenicum is burning pain. The sufferer This is often useful where there is
From a naturopathic perspective, may appear thirsty, anxious and restless. evidence of weakness, depression,
berberine-containing herbs, Cranberry, There’s often a frequent urge to urinate nocturnal enuresis or enuresis from
Buchul and Olive leaf are often helpful, that produces very little urine, and the coughing or sneezing, excessive
but patient compliance with regimes urine that is produced may be scanty, perspiration, a yellowish skin and a
employing these herbs can often be burning and albuminous. White cells, history of recurrent cystitis. The urine
problematic. Prevention, using things red cells, and epithelial cells may be may appear thick and offensive and there
Commemoration of
Simon Schot Legacy
Peter Lewis | ATMS 0178
About 36 years ago I experienced an industrial accident that It is with this understanding that the original ATMS logo
significantly damaged my respiratory tract, for which I had only conveys its message. This elegant synergy underpins traditional
limited assistance from orthodox medicine. During a time when naturopathic practice. Furthermore, represented within our
organics were in their infancy, I took it upon myself to rebuild original ATMS logo resides the primordial solvent, termed Vis
my health using organic products. A supposedly organic grower medicatrix naturae.
had sprayed their crop one morning with a copper-based poison.
Unfortunately I walked among that crop barefooted, which caused The staff in the emblem emphasises Vis medicatrix naturae,
my constitution to deteriorate rapidly. the primordial mystery of life, which we can observe by way of
bioplasm (living protoplasm). The emblem’s serpents emphasise
I had entered into shock by the time I reached Simon’s diametrically opposed metabolic processes, namely
clinic in Mapleton, Queensland. He took it on anabolism and catabolism. When these processes
himself to keep me under constant surveillance are favourable, natures’ gift is optimal vitality.
for 10 days in convalescence accommodation
attached to his clinic. Naturopathic I reflect upon Simon’s association of
convalescence with Simon gradually metabolic processes with our significant
facilitated health luminaries. The solar
recovery. Not long after orb he associated with
this, Simon invited me Vis, as it pertains to the
into phytotherapy and staff in our emblem.
naturopathy studies, Vis in naturopathic
knowing full well how practice governs the law of
precarious my crisis had been at the time. cure, inherent within the constitution.
My very close brush with constitutional Conservation of Vis occurs within
necrosis convinced him that I would evolve bioplasm, necrotic cells are incapable of Vis
into a notable clinician; currently I am co-owner conservation. The lunar orb phases are waxing,
of Rockhampton Health Options with my wife, which he associated with anabolism, while waning
Lynette. he associated with catabolism. Waxing and waning phases in
our emblem are connected with the serpents.
This brings me to a commemoration of my valued mentor Simon
Schot, whose legacy is conveyed in the fabric of our previous
ATMS logo. The creation of this emblem came to us through The creation of this emblem came to
Simon, who I know was involved with ATMS from its inception.
Importantly, for Simon the emblem represented collaboration of us through Simon, who I know was
the practitioner with Vis medicatrix naturae (The Healing Force
of Nature). involved with ATMS from its inception.
Simon understood that for an emblem to be useful it requires Importantly, for Simon the emblem
literal meaning, and must be a vehicle of a directly discernible
reality. The emblem is a convenient practical device acting to represented collaboration of
clearly represent complementary medicine essentials. Our scope
of complementary medicine comprises three therapeutic divisions, the practitioner with Vis medicatrix
physical medicine, natural medicine and the medicine of the
psyche. naturae (The Healing Force of Nature).
oils that we use - and the connection with the client through touch
can be a healing process for both the client and the therapist. The
other aspect of natural medicine is that we treat the individual,
which means that every treatment varies according to the needs
of the client. Dealing with people of all ages also helps me to
understand the processes of life.
How long have you been in practice? Anything else you would like to add?
After studying at Australasian College of Natural Therapies, gaining Government health policies are influenced by powerful
a Diploma and a Certificate Level 3 in Remedial Massage in 1998, organisations such as the medical profession, the health funds
I began my practice at my home in February 1998. In September and the pharmaceutical industry. It also comes down to cost. Our
1998 I joined the Care for the Carers Programme at Calvary association is as powerful as we make it, so it is vital that we support
Hospital, Kogarah, on a voluntary basis, and I am still involved in our association and our fellow members in their chosen professions:
this programme today. I also massage, on a pre-game basis, for the massage therapists, Bowen therapists, traditional Chinese medicine
Sutherland Sharks first grade and under 20's soccer teams in the practitioners, herbalists, nutritionists, educators, colleges etc,
NSW Premier League. Due to family commitments I no longer have to ensure that natural medicine continues to benefit the whole
a home clinic, but provide a fully mobile service to my clients and community.
sub-contract to Calvary Holistic Healing Centre, which is at Calvary
Hospital, Kogarah, and caters for all members of the community. Status and/or role of natural medicine in the broad
context of Australian health care
Major influences on your career The growing acceptance of the many modalities of natural medicine
I commenced my career in massage at the age of 43, because I felt my is great. I believe that natural medicine tends to prevent illness
current work in sales and marketing and my previous employment by strengthening our immune system by nutrition and manual
in accounts and personnel (Human Resources) were not satisfying or therapies, such as massage in all its forms. Herbalists use natural
of benefit to the community. My brother-in-law had suffered a neck remedies to boost health and cure illnesses, and their work is based
injury in a car accident and was in pain most of the time. We were at my on many thousands of years of research and practice. We treat the
in-laws’ home for Christmas, and I suggested to him that I massage his individual and this is of absolute importance.
neck to see if it relieved the pain. At this stage I was untrained and, using
some Tiger Balm, I massaged his neck gently for about 25 minutes. He Western medicine tries to cure illnesses with drugs (often derived
felt better and rang me a few days later advising me that he had not had from natural remedies) and surgery. The only concern I have is
any pain for three days, but that it had now returned. I had had several that western medicine focuses on the illness not the person. Both
massages, mainly due to stress, and had found them helpful. It was approaches complement each other, so let us work together to
these incidents that pushed me to making massage my new career. improve the health of our community.
What do you most like about being a natural The main concern to our community though is the cost of care. All
medicine practitioner? practitioners must make a living, but I am sure many people think
I think the fact that natural medicine uses the body's own self- twice about seeing specialists in western medicine because they can't
healing properties to bring healing is wonderful. The use of natural afford the cost. I am not advocating that we become charities but that
products - in the case of a massage therapist, the oils and essential we keep our rates to affordable levels to the community we serve.
01.pdf 1 29/02/2016 09:54:13
Health and
Emergency Plans
and Providing
First Aid
Ingrid Pagura | BA, LLB
In the next few issues I will review the workplace what they should do in an Emergency plans should be easy
work, health and safety issues emergency. According to the Safe Work to understand and tailored to your
Australia Emergency Plans Fact Sheet, workplace. You must always take into
in workplaces. In this issue I am
an emergency plan must include the account the sort of work you are doing,
focussing on the requirements of following: the size and location of your workplace
a 'person conducting a business or and the sorts of hazards you might find
undertaking' (PCBU) to prepare and • emergency procedures, including an in and around your workplace. Make
effective response to an emergency; sure your plan covers procedures for
maintain an emergency plan for the
fire, medical emergencies, bomb threats,
workplace and to provide first aid. • evacuation procedures; armed confrontations and workers going
offsite (e.g., to a client’s home).
To refresh our memories, the Work • notifying emergency service
Health and Safety Act 2011 (WHSA), organisations at the earliest So what should you include in
defines a PCBU ‘as a person who opportunity; your emergency plan?
conducts a business or undertaking • Emergency contact details for key
whether alone or with others and • medical treatment and assistance; personnel who have specific roles
whether or not for profit or gain’. or responsibilities, for example fire
This means individuals, partnerships, • effective communication between wardens and first aid officers;
companies and the self-employed are also the person authorised to coordinate
defined as PCBUs. the emergency response and all other • Contact details for local emergency
people at the workplace; services, for example police, fire
Duty to provide and maintain brigade and poison information centre;
an emergency plan • testing of the emergency procedures,
A PCBU must ensure that an emergency including the frequency of testing; and • Procedures to alert people at the
plan is prepared for the workplace, workplace to an emergency, for
including one for workers who may work • information, training and instruction example, siren or bell alarm;
at a number of workplaces. to relevant workers in relation
to implementing the emergency • Evacuation procedures, including
An emergency plan is a written set of procedures. arrangements for assisting disabled
instructions telling workers and others at workers and visitors;
• A map of the workplace clearly For a useful tool to make sure you haven’t Records
showing the location of fire forgotten anything, see the Safe Work Save as many records as possible if it is
extinguishers, emergency exits and Australia Emergency Plans Fact Sheet safe to do so.
assembly points; and found at www.safeworkaustralia.
gov.au/sites/SWA/about/ Head count
• How to advise neighbouring Publications/Documents/657/ Do a head count of all staff, contractors
businesses about emergencies. Emergency_plans_fact_sheet.pdf and visitors.
by a table of techniques that support it. Airdre Grant is an academic at Southern Iona, India and her native New Zealand,
As in Postural Assessment, clear and Cross University in northern New South all to meet the challenge of surviving
concise tables are an important tool Wales, where she completed a PhD in grief and in doing so to become
for summarising information. Parts the relationship between spirituality stronger. From this journey comes a
Two, Three and Four deal with the and health. Within a year she lost her book about the soul beginning to “turn
specific features of malalignment and twin brother, her dog and her father, in back toward the source of pain and the
correction in the spine, pelvis and that order. There is a particular bond slow, introspective work of facing up to
lower limb, and the shoulder and upper between twins: “Dear God, I miss my darkness, of working toward healing and
limb respectively. Each chapter opens twin”, says Grant. “ … For the first time eventual recovery.”
with a set of learning outcomes. The in my life I was really alone.” She cites
structure of each chapter is to assemble C.S.Lewis: “the death of a beloved is
under rubrics of the malalignments that an amputation.” This marvellous book THERE IS GREAT WISDOM
occur in each of the area it deals with a is an account of the inner and outward
description of the malalignment itself, journeys Grant undertook in trying to
with a photo illustration; an exposition find healing for this pain. As she says, DECLAMATORY. IT’S MODESTLY
of the effects on function of the “We view these events as painful and to
associated muscles, accompanied by a be avoided yet they are inevitable and
table; the appropriate treatments; and offer much to enrich the soul. They are EFFACINGLY, BUT PROFOUND
the exercises that therapists can advise not easy and occur in many forms. This
to their patients. Each treatment is also is a much under-recognised emotion that
illustrated with clear photos. can govern how a person operates in the
There is also an appendix that has
information of high importance for the There is great wisdom in this book, Grant’s wide learning adds a scholarly
great army of workers condemned to but it isn’t declamatory. It’s modestly dimension to the uplifting effect of
office work stations. presented, almost self-effacingly, but her book. She cites a diverse range of
profound for all that. Answers to the writers whose work has contributed
Professional therapists, teachers and hard questions put to all of us by grief to our understanding of loss, including
students should all find much of great emerge seemingly unbidden from the Emily Post, Plato, Elizabeth Barrett
value in this well-researched and well- gripping anecdotes of destiny that Grant Browning and Joan Didion. Perhaps it is
organised book. relates. That this happens is a measure Joseph Campbell who comes closest to
both of the writer’s craft and of her deft a summary of the fundamental wisdom
insight into the significant milestones of Stumbling Stones: “It is by going
along the roads of loss. With a seamless down into the abyss that we recover the
blend of cool observation and empathy treasures of life. Where you stumble,
Grant weaves her own odyssey – an there lies your treasure.”
analogy she herself employs late in
the book - in search of resolution into Stumbling Stones gives us a priceless
those of others similarly afflicted. This guide through the thin space which
is achieved in prose of unmannered in Celtic mythology describes the
elegance that makes the book no less liminal region between Heaven and
a joyful literary experience than it is Earth and which Grant sees as an
an instructive one. Grant introduces analogy for the space in which it may
us to a caravan of people traversing be possible to make the recovery from
landscapes of loss and grief – death, grief to acceptance. It will be of great
Stumbling Stones. A Path illness, separation, betrayal - whose value to any readers and particularly to
through Grief, Love and Loss sorrows evoke our empathy, and whose counsellors and practitioners helping
resolutions, and failures to achieve clients to emerge from the decay of
Reviewed by Stephen Clarke resolution, deepen our knowledge of hope and fulfilment where loss has
spiritual possibilities. imprisoned them.
Airdre Grant. ISBN
9781743790571. Hardie Grant
Books. 2016 Grant’s odyssey takes her to sacred
Price. AUD 24.99 places, among them the kitchens and
Available at info@hardiegrant.com.au verandas of the bereaved and betrayed,
the abode of a Tibetan oracular woman,
alternate medicine practitioners are all learning
Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine
Open Day: 23 July 2016 & 24 September 2016,10am to 2pm
Sydney Institute of
Chinese Medicine (SITCM)
Bachelor Degree of Traditional Chinese Medicine
(double modalities of acupuncture and Chinese
herbal medicine)
C O U R S E C O M M E N C E S : 16 F E B 2 015
Aproved by AUSTUDY
Recognized by major Health Funds
• 32 years since establishment with graduates successfully
practicing nationally and abroad
• National TCM registration
• Limited seat for international students
• 4 years visa for overseas students
Flexible Time and Practical Course
We are in the city: Level 5, 545 Kent St, Sydney NSW 2000
02 9261 2289 administration@sitcm.edu.au www.sitcm.edu.au
Acupuncture and TCM Conclusion: This systematic review Conclusions: Taken together, A1E can
showed positive but weak evidence of inhibit CSCs and reduce the expression
Xiangyong Y, Zhongsheng Y, Wenchao L, Hui D, EA-TCM for bone cancer pain because of of stemness markers. Treating CSCs with
Shuzhou Q, Gang C, XiaoHui W, Lian Z. the poor methodological quality and the A1E may be a potential therapy for cervical
small quantity of the included trials. Future cancer.
External application of traditional Chinese rigorously designed RCTs are required.
medicine in the treatment of bone cancer pain:
a meta-analysis. Supportive Care in Cancer 2016, Herbal Medicine
24(1):11-17. Kwon T, Bak Y, Ham S-Y, Yu D-Y, Yoon D-Y.
Leach MJ, Page AT.
Background: Bone cancer pain presents A1E reduces stemness and self-renewal in HPV
a clinical challenge with limitations of 16-positive cervical cancer stem cells. BMC Herbal medicine for insomnia: A systematic
current treatments. Many patients seek Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2016, review and meta-analysis. Sleep Medicine
additional therapies that may relieve pain. 16:42 DOI: 10.1186/s12906-016-1013-4 Reviews 2015, 24:1–12 doi:10.1016/j.
Many external applications of traditional smrv.2014.12.003
Chinese medicines (EAs-TCMs) have been Background: Cervical cancer is the
evaluated in clinical trials, but fewer are second most common cancer in females. Insomnia is a prevalent sleep disorder
known about them outside of China. The Recent reports have revealed the critical that can profoundly impact a person's
objective of this study is to assess the role of cervical cancer stem cells (CSCs) in health and wellbeing. Herbal medicine
efficacy for bone cancer pain. tumorigenicity and metastasis. Previously represents one of the most frequently
we demonstrated that A1E exerts an anti- used complementary and alternative
Methods: A systematic literature search proliferative action, which inhibits the treatments of insomnia. However, the
was conducted in seven databases until growth of cervical cancer cells. safety and efficacy of herbal medicine for
December 2014 to identify randomized the treatment of this disorder is currently
controlled trials (RCTs) about EAs-TCMs Methods: A1E is composed of 11 oriental uncertain.
in the treatment of bone cancer pain. medicinal herbs. Cervical cancer cell
The primary outcome was total pain culture, wund healing and invasion assay, In order to ascertain the evidence base
relief rate. The secondary outcomes were flow cytometry, sheroid formation assay, for herbal medicine for insomnia, we
adverse events at the end of treatment and wstern blot assays were performed systematically searched seventeen
course. The methodological quality in HPV 16-positive SiHa cell and HPV electronic databases and the reference
of RCTs was assessed independently 16-negative C33A cells. lists of included studies for relevant
using six-item criteria according to the randomised controlled trials (RCTs).
Cochrane Collaboration. All data were Results: A1E targets the E6 and E7 Fourteen RCTs, involving a total of 1602
analyzed using Review Manager 5.2.0. We oncogenes; thus, A1E significantly participants with insomnia, met the
included any RCTs evaluating an EA-TCM inhibited proliferation of human papilloma inclusion criteria. Four distinct orally
for the treatment of bone cancer pain. We virus (HPV) 16-positive SiHa cells, it did administered herbal monopreparations
conducted a meta-analysis. not inhibit the proliferation of HPV- were identified (i.e., valerian, chamomile,
negative C33A cells. Accordingly, we kava and wuling). There was no
Results: We included six RCTs with investigated whether A1E can regulate statistically significant difference between
534 patients. In general, the reporting of epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition any herbal medicine and placebo, or any
methodological issues was poor. Compared (EMT), CSC self-renewal, and stemness- herbal medicine and active control, for
with morphine sulfate sustained release related gene expression in cervical cancer any of the thirteen measures of clinical
tablets (MSSRTs) or radiotherapy or cells. Down regulation of cell migration, efficacy.
bisphosphonates, we analyzed data from cell invasion, and EMT was observed
five trials reporting on complete response in A1E-treated SiHa cells. Specifically, As for safety, a similar or smaller number
effect score (relative risk (RR) = 5.38, 95 A1E-treated SiHa cells showed significant of adverse events per person were
% confidence interval (CI) = 2.80–10.31, decreases in OCT-3/4 and Sox2 expression reported with kava, chamomile and
P < 0.00001) and partial response (RR = 1.18, levels and in sphere formation. Moreover, wuling when compared with placebo. By
95 % CI = 1.02–1.37, P = 0.02) and six trials CSCs makers ALDH+ and ALDH, CD133 contrast, a greater number of events per
reporting on total pain relief rate (RR = 1.49, double positive cell were significantly person were reported with valerian. While
95 % CI = 1.43–1.67, P < 0.00001). Six RCTs decreased in A1E-treated SiHa cells. there is insufficient evidence to support
showed significant effects of EA-TCM for However, A1E treatment did not down the use of herbal medicine for insomnia,
improving pain relief in patients with bone regulate ALDH+ expression and the there is a clear need for further research in
cancer pain. In addition, no severe adverse number of ALDH/CD133 double positive this area.
events were found. cells in C33A cells.
(Certificate IV)
Alexander Technique
Lymphatic Drainage
Remedial Massage
Remedial Massage
Remedial Therapies
Herbal Medicine
Sports Massage
Bowen Therapy
Remedial Massage
Health Fund
Australian Health Management 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Australian Regional Health Group
ACA Health Benefits Fund 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 u l l
Cessnock District Health 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 u l l
CUA Health (Credicare) 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 u l
Defence Health Partners 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 u l l
GMHBA (Geelong Medical) 3 3 3 3 3 u l l
Frank Health Fund 3 3 3 3 3 l l
Health Care Insurance Limited 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 u l l
Health.com.au 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 u l l
HIF (Health Insurance Fund of WA) 3 3 3 3 3 3 u l l
Latrobe Health Services 3 3 3 3 3 u l l
MDHF (Mildura District Hospital Fund) 3 3 3 l
Navy Health Fund 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 u l l
Onemedifund 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 u l l
Peoplecare Health Insurance 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 u l l
Phoenix Health Fund 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 u l l
Police Health Fund 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 u l l
Queensland Country Health 3 3 3 3 3 l
Railway and Transport 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 u l l
Reserve Bank Health Society 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 u l l
St Lukes 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 u l l
Teachers Health 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 u 3 l l
Teachers Union Health 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 u l l
Transport Health 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 u l l
Westfund 3 3 3 3 3 3 u l l
Australian Unity 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
BUPA 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
CBHS Health Fund 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Doctors Health Fund 3
GU Health (Grand United)* 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Health Partners 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
HBF 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
HCF 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Medibank Private 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
NIB 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
3 Therapy covered by Fund Please note that this table is only a guide to show what funds cover ATMS accredited modalities. If the modality that you are accredited for is not listed, this means that no health fund covers the modality. The only exceptions are Chiropractic and
Osteopathy. ATMS accreditation in a modality does not guarantee provider status as all funds have their individual set of strict eligibility requirements. Please see our website www.atms.com.au or contact our office for current requirements.
* Need to Apply directly to Fund Rebates do not usually cover medicines, only face to face consultations. For further rebate terms and conditions, patients should contact their health fund. Policies may change without prior notice.
u ARHG are only recognising Remedial Therapists who are accredited for this modality and were approved for ARHG Provider status under their old criteria.
l ARHG are recognising Chinese Massage, however the eligibility requirements and provider number is exactly the same as Remedial Massage. See ARHG Health Fund Information for further information.
Health Funds are sent to the applicable health funds member to use their provider details,
ATMS is a ‘professional organisation’ on their next available listing. The ATMS as this constitutes health fund fraud.
within the meaning of section 10 of the office will also forward your change of Misrepresenting the service(s) provided
Private Health Insurance Accreditation details, including clinic address details on the invoice also constitutes health
Rules 2011. This potentially allows ATMS to your approved health funds on their fund fraud. Health fund fraud is a
accredited members to be recognised as next available list. Please note that the criminal offence which may involve a
approved providers by the various private health funds can take up to one month police investigation and expulsion from
health funds. Approved health fund to process new providers and change of the ATMS Register of Members.
provider status is, however, subject to each details as we are only one of many health
individual health fund’s requirements. professions that they deal with.. It is of note that the health funds require
practitioners to be in private practice.
Consequently, membership of ATMS does Lapsed membership, insurance or Some health funds will not recognise
not automatically guarantee provider first aid will result in a member being claims where accommodation, facilities
status with all health funds. Please also removed from the health funds list. or services are provided or subsidised by
note that several health funds do not As health funds change their provider another party such as a public hospital
recognise courses done substantially eligibility requirements from time to or publicly funded facility. Rebates
by distance education, or qualifications time, upgrading qualifications may be are only claimable for the face to face
obtained overseas. necessary to be re-instated with some consultation (not the medicines or
health funds. remedies); however this does not extend
Additional requirements for recognition to mobile work including markets,
as a provider by health funds include: TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF corporate or hotels. Home visits are
• Clinic Address (Full Street Address PROVIDER STATUS eligible for rebates..
must be provided – Please note that Many of the Terms and Conditions of
some health funds may list your clinic Provider Status for the individual health ONLINE OR PHONE CONSULTATIONS
address on their public websites) funds are located on the ATMS website. ARE NOT RECOGNISED FOR HEALTH
• Current Senior First Aid For the Terms and Conditions for the FUND REBATES.
• Current Professional Indemnity other health funds, it will be necessary to
Insurance (some health funds require contact the health fund directly. Please be aware that whilst a health fund
specific minimum cover amounts. may indicate that they provide a rebate
Please refer to the individual health BEING A PROVIDER IMPLIES for specific modalities, this rebate may
fund terms and conditions for further ACCEPTANCE OF THE TERMS AND only be claimable if the client has the
information) CONDITIONS FOR THE HEALTH appropriate level of health cover with that
• Compliance with the ATMS Continuing FUNDS. fund and has not exceeded any limits on
Education Policy along with any how much they are eligible to claim back
additional continuing education Please note that whilst there is no law over a certain period of time.
requirements stipulated by the health or regulation requiring patient clinical
fund notes to be taken in English, many of the BEING A PROVIDER IMPLIES
• Current National Registration (where major health funds do require patient ACCEPTANCE OF THE TERMS AND
applicable) clinical notes to be taken in English. CONDITIONS FOR THE HEALTH
• Compliance with the Terms and Failure to do this will be a breach of FUNDS.
Conditions of Provider Status with the the Health Funds Terms and Conditions
individual health funds and may result in the practitioner being Australian Health Management
removed as a provider for that health (AHM)
ATMS must have current evidence of fund. Names of eligible ATMS members will
your first aid and insurance on file at be sent to AHM each month. AHM’s
all times. For health funds to rebate on the eligibility requirements are listed on the
services of Accredited members, it is ATMS website www.atms.com.au.
When you join or rejoin ATMS, or when important that a proper invoice be ATMS members can check their eligibility
you upgrade your qualifications, you issued to patients. The information by checking the ATMS website or by
will need to fill out the ATMS Health which must be included on an invoice contacting the ATMS Office on 1800
Fund Application and Declaration Form is also listed on the ATMS website. It 456 855. Your ATMS Number will be
available on the ATMS website. Once this is ATMS policy that only Accredited your provider number, unless you wish
is received, along with any other required members issue their own invoice. An to have online claiming. You will then
information for health fund eligibility Accredited member must never allow need to contact AHM directly for the new
assessment, details of eligible members another practitioner, student or staff provider number.
Australian Regional Health 3 Add the letter that corresponds to your or HLT50307 or a Diploma of Chinese
Group (ARHG) accredited modality at the end of the Remedial Massage HLT50102, HLT50107
This group consists of the following provider number; or HLT50112 are required to use the ‘M’ at
health funds: the end of their provider number.
• ACA Health Benefits Fund Ltd C CHINESE HERBAL MEDICINE *Members accredited for Remedial Therapies
• Cessnock District Health Benefits H HOMOEOPATHY and approved for ARHG for this modality
Fund N NATUROPATHY under their previous criteria will continue to
• CUA Health Limited^ O AROMATHERAPY be recognised under Remedial Therapy and
• Defence Health W WESTERN HERBAL MEDICINE will be fine to use the ‘R’ in their provider
• GMHBA (Including Frank Health number. Should members in this situation
Fund) If ATMS member 123 is accredited in lapse membership, first aid or insurance etc
• Health.com.au Western herbal medicine, the ARHG they will then be required to meet the current
• Health Care Insurance Limited# provider number will be AT00123W. ARHG criteria.
• Latrobe Health Services (Federation 4 If you are accredited in several CUA HEALTH– BOWEN
Health) modalities, you will need a THERAPY, KINESIOLOGY AND
• Mildura District Hospital Fund different provider number for each REFLEXOLOGY
• Navy Health Fund modality (e.g. if ATMS member 123 For the additional modalities that CUA
• Onemedifund is accredited for Western Herbal Health covers that are not listed above
• Peoplecare Health Insurance Medicine and Aromatherapy, including Bowen Therapy, Kinesiology
• Phoenix Health Fund the ARHG provider numbers are and Reflexology, eligible providers will
• Police Health Fund AT00123W and AT00123O. need to use the following to work out
• Queensland Country Health Fund your provider number:
• Railway and Transport Fund Ltd# AND CHINESE MASSAGE 1 Add the letters AT which will be the
• St Luke’s Health# Remedial Massage and Chinese Massage start of your provider number
• Teachers Health# therapists who graduated after March
• Teachers Union Health# 2002 must hold a Certificate IV or higher 2 Add the letter that corresponds to
• Transport Health# from a registered training organisation. your accredited modality at the end of
• Westfund the provider number;
Members who are accredited for
Details of eligible members, including Remedial Massage or Chinese Massage, B BOWEN THERAPY
member updates are sent to ARHG by will need to use the following letters. K KINESIOLOGY
ATMS monthly. The details sent to ARHG R REFLEXOLOGY
are your name, address, telephone and M MASSAGE THERAPY
accredited discipline(s). These details R REMEDIAL THERAPY 3 Then add your ATMS Number. If
will appear on the ARHG websites. If your ATMS number has five digits
you do not wish your details to be sent to The letter at the end of your provider your provider number will now be
ARHG, please advise the ATMS office on number will depend on your qualification, complete. If it has two, three or four
1800 456 855. not the modality in which you hold digits, you need to add enough zeros
accreditation*. All members who meet to the front to make it a five digit
The ARHG provider number is based the ARHG eligibility requirements, who number (e.g. 123 becomes 00123).
on your ATMS number with additional hold a Diploma of Remedial HLT50302 If ATMS member 123 is accredited in
lettering. To work out your ARHG provider or HLT50307 or a Diploma of Chinese Kinesiology, the CUA provider number
number please follow these steps: Remedial Massage HLT50102, HLT50107 or will be ATK00123.
HLT50112 will be able to use both the ‘M’
1 Add the letters AT to the front of your and ‘R’ letters. It is recommended to use 4 If you are accredited in several
ATMS member number the ‘R’ as often as possible, but as not all modalities, you will need a
health funds under ARHG cover ‘Remedial different provider number for each
2 If your ATMS number has five digits Therapy’, it will be necessary to use the modality (e.g. if ATMS member
go to step 3. If it has two, three or four ‘M’ at the end of the provider number 123 is accredited for Kinesiology
digits, you need to add enough zeros to for those funds only. All other eligible and Reflexology, the CUA provider
the front to make it a five digit number Remedial Massage Therapists who do not numbers are ATK00123 and
(e.g. 123 becomes 00123). hold the Diploma of Remedial HLT50302 ATR00123.
health fund. HBF will only generate a A ACUPUNCTURE on the ATMS website www.atms.
provider number after they receive the C CHINESE HERBAL MEDICINE com.au. NIB does accept overseas
first claim from your first HBF client. H HOMOEOPATHY Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal
At this time you will be required to M REMEDIAL MASSAGE Medicine qualifications which have
download and complete their Provider N NATUROPATHY been assessed as equivalent to the
Registration form located under their W WESTERN HERBAL MEDICINE required Australian qualification by
‘Just for Providers’ section of the HBF Vetassess. Your ATMS Number will
website www.hbf.com.au. If ATMS member 123 is accredited in be your provider number, unless
Western Herbal Medicine, the provider your client wishes to claim online.
HCF number will be AT00123W. Your client will need to contact NIB
Names and details of eligible ATMS directly or search by your surname and
members will be sent to HCF on a 4 If you are accredited in several postcode on the NIB website www.
weekly basis. The provider eligibility modalities, you will need a nib.com.au for your provider number
requirements for HCF are located different provider number for each for online claiming purposes.
on the ATMS website www.atms. modality (e.g. if ATMS member 123
com.au. HCF do not issue provider is accredited for Western Herbal HICAPS
numbers nor use your ATMS number Medicine and Aromatherapy, the ATMS members who wish to activate
as your provider number. They provider numbers are AT00123W these facilities need to register directly
do however require your ATMS and AT00123O. with HICAPS. HICAPS do not cover all
membership details, including your health funds and modalities. Please go
ATMS number, to be clearly indicated For all other modalities that Health to www.hicaps.com.au or call 1800
on all invoices and receipts issued. Partners cover that are not listed above 805 780 for further information.
including Alexander Technique, Bowen
Health Partners Therapy, Kinesiology and Reflexology,
Names and details of eligible ATMS eligible providers will need to use their
members will be sent to Health ATMS number.
Partners each month. The provider
eligibility requirements for Health Medibank Private
Partners are located on the ATMS Names and details of eligible ATMS
website www.atms.com.au. Health members will be sent to Medibank
Partners uses the same Provider Private on a monthly basis. The
number system as ARHG for certain provider eligibility requirements for
modalities and the ATMS number or Medibank Private are located on the
other modalities. ATMS website www.atms.com.au.
Medibank Private requires Clinical
The provider number is based on Records to be taken in English.
your ATMS number with additional Medibank Private generates Provider
lettering. To work out your Health Numbers after receiving the list of
Partners provider number please eligible practitioners from ATMS.
follow these steps: Medibank Private sends these provider
numbers directly to ATMS. ATMS will
1 Add the letters AT to the front of then forward this information to the
your ATMS member number provider. Please note that Medibank
has placed a restriction of up to a
2 If your ATMS number has five digits maximum 3 clinic addresses that will
go to step 3. If it has two, three or be recognised for Remedial Massage.
four digits, you need to add enough There are no restrictions on the
zeros to the front to make it a five number of recognised clinics for other
digit number (e.g. 123 becomes modalities.
3 Add the letter that corresponds to Names and details of eligible ATMS
your accredited modality at the end members will be sent to NIB on a
of the provider number; weekly basis. The provider eligibility
requirements for NIB are located
Anatomy of the 21st Century
By John Sharkey | MSc
Massage therapy is recognised as the Essentially, it is the fundamental and Understanding this model will provide
manual manipulation of the soft tissues, inter-related principles of geodesic you with the vocabulary and underlying
namely muscles, connective tissue geometry, close-packing and minimal- logic of “body architecture” that forms
(fascia), tendons, ligaments and joints. energy that lead to the formation of the context of therapeutic benefits.
Clinical massage helps alleviate the crystals and molecules, which thus
discomfort associated with daily living become the physical representations Biotensegrity will add to your
strains and overuse issues leading to of the invisible forces within them. confidence and ability to achieve those
pain conditions. Molecules, cells, tissues, organs, and therapeutic goals. A new era is dawning
organisms are all constructed on in our understanding of anatomy and
Massage schools usually teach human these tensegrity principles of enclosed living movement. That new anatomy
anatomy and Newtonian based geometric structures within enclosed and understanding of whole body
biomechanics. All this was in an geometries. structure is Biotensegrity.
effort to understand the mechanical
structure-function relationship. This The biological tensegrity systems John Sharkey, MSc is a Clinical
lever-based biomechanics and one (Biotensegrity) is a structural design Anatomist and Founder of the European
muscle one-movement philosophy has principle in biology that describes a Neuromuscular Therapy. He is working
long been at odds with what massage relationship between every part of an at the Department of Clinical
therapists intuitively feel and clinically organism and the mechanical system Sciences, University of Chester/NTC,
observe. In such a model the foot that integrates them into a complete Dublin, Ireland. He will be in Australia
has little relation to the wrist, the sub functional unit. from 2nd of June 2016, teaching
occipital structures work autonomously Biotensegrity. More details at www.
with no concern for the sacrum and Individual cells, which are self stressed, terrarosa.com.au
pain experienced in the shoulder would are poised and ready to receive
require massaging the shoulder and mechanical signals that are then
local soft tissues only. converted into biochemical expression.
In massage therapy we make contact
Massage therapists work directly with with that inner cellular network by
the cellular network. At the most basic touching the outermost reaches of the
level all structures are the result of same cellular network, the skin.
interactions between atomic forces,
and the orderly arrangements that they Biotensegrity is an essential model
settle into are governed by some basic for massage therapists and movement
rules of physics. practitioners of every stripe.
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in these advertorials are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of ATMS or its Directors.
Due to the concerns with Menopausal shown positive results for alleviating and tingling), insomnia, nervousness,
Hormone Therapy (MHT) use, it is some of the most common menopausal vertigo, fatigue, rheumatic pain,
understandable that the transition symptoms, including hot flushes, night melancholia, formication (sensation
into menopause is a time where many sweats, vaginal dryness, insomnia, of crawling on the skin) and vaginal
women may seek out complementary fatigue, mood changes, problems with dryness, compared to placebo.
and alternative medicines (CAM) to help memory and concentration, urinary
manage symptoms and improve their incontinence, joint and rheumatic pain EstroG-100® had no significant effect
quality of life. The holistic approach of and formication (crawling sensation on on body weight, BMI, serum oestradiol
course incorporates diet and lifestyle the skin).2-3 (E2) or follicle stimulating hormone
modifications to reduce weight, (FSH) levels, liver enzymes, or blood
guidance on weight bearing exercise to Centuries of wisdom, now lipids (LDL and HDL); all of which have
support healthy bones and lean muscle clinically trialled been previously observed with MHT.
mass, and mind-body techniques, such A randomised, double-blind, placebo- Furthermore, no adverse events were
as meditation to help manage stress, controlled trial, evaluated the clinical observed or reported by participants
mood changes and insomnia. efficacy of EstroG-100®, in 61 peri- who received EstroG-100® in this study.
and postmenopausal women aged
MHT is known to increase the risk of 42-70; from White Hispanic, White Similar results were seen in a 12 month
breast cancer, and is one of the most non-Hispanic and African American prospective, randomised, double-
important modifiable risk factors.1 backgrounds.2 Participants were blind, placebo-controlled clinical
As an alternative, herbal medicine divided into two groups to receive trial, which included peri menopausal
is a powerful modality that can be either EstroG-100® (n-29) or placebo Korean women (average age of 54);
used to ease many of the common (n-32), and were required to complete treatment group (n=19) and placebo
symptoms associated with menopause. an updated version of the Kupperman group (n=23).3 This study looked
The documented use of some herbal Menopause Index (KMI); a questionnaire at supplementation with Estromon®
medicines date back hundreds of years, which rates the severity of menopausal (257mg of Cynanchum wilfordii,
providing long-term safety and efficacy symptoms. The primary endpoint Phlomis umbrosa, and Angelica gigas)
assurance. assessed was the mean change in KMI plus vitamins, minerals and amino
score. acids including; vitamin B1, B2, B3,
Cynanchum wilfordii, Phlomis B6 and B12, vitamin A, vitamin E,
umbrosa, and Angelica gigas are three After 12 weeks, results revealed that vitamin C, vitamin D3, biotin, iron,
examples which have been used as 257mg of EstroG-100®, taken twice daily lysine and arginine. Taken twice daily,
herbal remedies for more than 400 (total daily dose of 514mg), showed this treatment resulted in statistically
hundred years in Korea. Research on statistically significant improvements significant improvements in various
the unique, standardised, proprietary in the following 10 menopause-related menopause-related symptoms when
blend of these three herbs; known symptoms; vasomotor (hot flush or compared to placebo. After 3 months,
as EstroG-100® and Estromon®, has cold sweat), paresthesia (numbness the Estromon® group showed statistically
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in these advertorials are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of ATMS or its Directors.
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in these advertorials are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of ATMS or its Directors.
Aluminium Toxicity?
By Jon Gamble | BA ND ADHom ATMS #1190
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in these advertorials are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of ATMS or its Directors.
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in these advertorials are those of the authors and
do not necessarily reflect the opinions of ATMS or its Directors.
Imagine if your uniforms were designed by a fellow Practitioner, someone who Bio-Practica believes in empowering Healthcare Professionals. Bio-Practica
knows what the uniform should perform like in an active job... Introducing 10 believes that natural healthcare practitioners should play a fundamental role
knots uniforms, designed by Practitioners for Practitioners. in preventative healthcare. We believe in a holistic methodology for medicine,
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• Ethically designed and manufactured in Australia, stock held on site, join your peers for upcoming seminars: Innovative Workshop Exposome Meets
no minimum order. Genome with Vanessa Hitch in April 2016 and Australia Wide National Summit
Feel the difference, from AM to PM appointments you will look and feel fresh. Advanced Understanding in Acid-Based Balance in June 2016. Please see our
… I designed your uniforms with a genuine desire to make a difference, website for more information.
aesthetically and practically.
Terra Rosa specialised in educational massage DVDs and books. It has the
Oligoscan Australasia largest collection of massage DVDs in Australia and the world, covering all
modalities from Anatomy, Swedish Massage, Reflexology, Sports Massage
jon@karunahealthcare.com.au | www.oligoscan.net.au | 02 4228 0977 to Myofascial Release and Structural Integration. We also provide the best in
continuing education with workshops by international presenters including
For practitioners of CAM to adequately treat patients with chronic diseases, it Orthopaedic Massage, Taping, Fascial Fitness and Myofascial Therapy.
is essential to have at your fingertips to investigative tools to give the answers
you need to create a viable treatment plan. Using the Oligoscan we can
detect in only a few minutes the patient’s heavy metal load in addition to the
bio-availability of their nutritive minerals. We can show patients why they have
their symptoms, and help them to see a way out and back to health. Oligoscan
is non-invasive, requires no tissue biopsy, and uses state of the art technology
called Spectrophotometry. For the next practitioner training day go to
Continuing Education
Continuing education (CE) is a • Collaborative processes between • Alexander K. Brief interventions
structured program of further education professional complementary medicine for clients with drug and alcohol
for practitioners in their professional associations, teaching institutions, issues
occupations. suppliers of therapeutic goods and
devices and government agencies • Medhurst R. A role for
The ATMS CE policy is designed to to offer members the widest homoeopathy in urinary tract
ensure its practitioners regularly update possible choice in CE activities infection
their clinical skills and professional
knowledge. One of the main aims of CE • Emphasis on consultation and co- • Pagura I. Work Health and Safety:
is to keep members abreast of current operation with ATMS members in the Emergency Plans and Providing
research and new developments which development and implementation of First Aid
inform contemporary clinical practice. the CE program
As part of your critical reflection and
The ATMS CE policy is based on the ATMS members can gain CE analysis, answer in approximately 100
following principles: points through a wide range of words the following questions for each
professional activities in accordance with of the three articles:
• Easily accessible to all members, the ATMS CE policy. CE
regardless of geographic location activities are described in the CE policy 1 What new information did I learn
document as well as the CE Record. from this article?
• Members should not be given broad These documents can be obtained from
latitude in the selection and design of the ATMS office (telephone 1800 456 2 In what ways will this information
their individual learning programs 855, fax (02) 9809 7570, or email info@ affect my clinical prescribing/
atms.com.au) or downloaded from the techniques and/or my understanding
• Applicable to not only the disciplines ATMS website at www.atms.com.au. of complementary medicine practice?
in which a member has ATMS
accreditation, but also to other It is a mandatory requirement of ATMS 3 In what ways has my attitude to this
practices that are relevant to clinical membership that members accumulate topic changed?
practice which ATMS does not 20 CE points per financial year. CE points
accredit (e.g. Ayurveda, yoga) can be gained by selecting any of the Record your answers clearly on paper
following articles, reading them carefully for each article. Date and sign the sheets
• Applicable to not only clinical and critically reflecting on how the and attach to your ATMS CE Record.
practice, but also to all activities information in the article may influence As a condition of membership, the CE
associated with managing your own practice and/or understanding Record must be kept in a safe place, and
a small business (e.g. book- of complementary medicine practice. be produced on request from ATMS.
keeping, advertising) You can gain one (1) CE point per article
to a maximum of three (3) CE points per
• Seminars, workshops and conferences journal from this activity:
that qualify for CE points must be
of a high standard and encompass • Mars M, Oliver M. Mindfulness is
both broad based topics as well as more that a buzz word
discipline-specific topics
• Arthur R. Acid base balance in
• Financially viable, so that costs will health from past to present.
not inhibit participation by members,
especially those in remote areas • Reilly W. Dark field microscopy of
human blood: history and practice
• Relevant to the learning needs of
practitioners, taking into account • Holmes T. CAM use by poor
different learning styles and needs Victorian consumers
The proposed seminar and webinar topics, dates and locations (for seminars) are subject to change.
Please keep an eye on the ATMS website www.atms.com.au for the latest information and to book online.