Volleying Day 2 3 4
Volleying Day 2 3 4
Volleying Day 2 3 4
P) Students will be able to demonstrate how to properly volley by hitting the beach ball over the net to the
opposite team 4 times in a row by the end of class (National #(S1.E22.4) MACF: 2.2
C) Students will be able to name one the skill cues of volleying and how teamwork helps you succeed at
the closure of the lesson (National #(S1.E22.4) MACF: 2.2
A) Students will respect others abilities by encouraging and cheering on others 100% of the class
(National # (S4.E4.4a) MACF: 5.1
During the lesson, the teacher will continue to learn names to help him give effective feedback.
Activity 1:
5 min Modified Volleyball SSS SS SS
(group volley) CCC CCC CCC
-Teacher will split students SSS SS SS
into groups of 2-3 X X
-Traffic cones will be laid
out as the “net” on the
-Teammates can hit it as
many times as they need
to, to get it over the cones
-If the ball hits the ground
you have to pick it up,
make sure everyone is
ready and hit it over (serve)
-There will be a hot spot on
the ground so the students
know where to serve from
Activity 2:
Modified Volleyball The beach ball kept on going
11 -Teacher will split students into the other games that
min into groups of 2-3 were going on. I stopped the
-Traffic cones will be laded music and told the class to
out as the “net” on the X T X wait until the point ends to
court SSS SS SS get their beach ball because
-Teammates can hit it as CCC CCC CCC it was disrupting the games
many times as they need SSS SS SS when they ran through it.
too to get it over the cones X X Students were also kicking
-If the ball hits the ground the ball to get it out of their
then it is the other teams way and I had to tell them to
point stop kicking the ball as well.
-If the ball hits the ground Also, I had to warn the
you have to pick it up, students to stop arguing
make sure everyone is about the score because we
ready and hit it over (serve) stress that it is just a game!!!
-3 minute games I said if they cannot handle
-There will be a hot spot on keeping score then we will
the ground so students go back to the first activity
know where to serve from
*Focus on teamwork and
hitting the ball with flat
3 min Closure:
-What did you learn today?
-What is important during