CVR Sports Club
CVR Sports Club
CVR Sports Club
The Principal
Respected Ma’am,
Based on the interests of the student body particularly in the field of sports, this letter is a proposal to
form a new sports club for CVR College of Engineering. The main goal of the club is to broaden the
horizons for young talent and shape up the skills of students. As such, we the club’s members would like
to walk you through the idea of sports club and why its establishment is important.
-A sports club basically is an organization recognized by the athletic department ,formed by the student
body with the idea of cultivating common interest and building a sense of camaraderie through the
language of competitive physical activity.
-The purpose of a club is to strengthen the athletic abilities of students and to create an environment
that allows them to interact, socialize, challenge their own limits and go beyond.
-Chartering our sports club provides us with many benefits such as:
*Students gain a confidence boost to their personality and attitude by blending in and interacting with
peers in their area of expertise, thereby improving their teamwork capability .
*Kindly allow other college teams to play practice matches in presence of our physical directors.
It is our humble request that our idea be taken into consideration. We hope that our proposal shall be
Thanks Regards,
Planned Activities:
-The activities related to sports like Academic or Annual Sports day, Sports fest will be organized by the
Sports Club.
-Also the 5k Run as the part of our College Fest CIENCIA will be organized by our Sports Club.
The Students playing any sport and representing CVRCE must follow the following Norms:
Note: If any student having more than 2 backlogs and Attendance less than 70% must get a request
letter from their guardians and must take permission from college Principal/Vice-Principal.
-If any Team/Student want to participate in any of the tournaments must take permission from our
Respected Principal/Vice-Principal forwarded by our Physical Directors.
Club President
Vice-President Vice-President
Sport Coordinators (For Each Sport like Basketball, Badminton, Cricket..) Treasurer Manager
Captains for Sport like Basketball, Cricket, Football, Kabbadi, Throw ball and Volleyball ……