Mapeh Least Learned Skills
Mapeh Least Learned Skills
Mapeh Least Learned Skills
1. Evaluates music and music performnces applying MU7LU- Ask assistance from a Music Teacher in
Music knowledge of musical elements and styles Ic- h-10 our school
2. Create appropriate movements or gestures to Ask help from the students who has the skill
accompany the music selection of the lowlands of MU7LU- in singingand dancing.
MPS:_70.06______Luzon. Ia_H-8
1. Mount an exhibit using completed Luzon A7PR - Ig-5 Exhibit is done during the Portfolio Day of
Art (highlands and lowlands) inspired arts and crafts every quarter
in an organized manner.
MPS: 74.78 2.Analyze elements and principles in art in the
production of one's art and craft
3.Reflect on and derive the mood idea or message A7pl-Ih-1 Do some research, you-tube, videos, cp
narrating from selected artifact and art object.
4. Trace the external and internal influences reflected i A7PL-Ih-4 Have an activity (group , individual)
reflected in the design with an artwork and in the
making of a craft or artifact.
Number of Skills Budgeted Number of Skills Percentage of Skills
in the Grading Period Developed
PE 1. Monitor periodically ones progress towards PE7PF-Id-h-28 Ask students to create/make a log /record of
MPS____________fitness goals. their daily/weekly exercises.
2. Perform appropriate irst aid for sports-related PE7PF-Id-30 Research, watch on videos or You-Tube
Number of Skills Budgeted Number of Skills Percentage of Skills
in the Grading Period Developed
Health 1. Demonstrate watch appraisal procedure during H7GD_Iij-27 Ask assistance from school Nurse.
MPS ___________ adolescence in order to achieve holistic health.
2. Analyze the interplay among the health dimen- H7GD-Ib-14 Group activity on how to develop holistic
sions in developing holistic health health.
3. Applies coping skills in dealing with health H7GD-Ii-j-25 Relate problems encountered at home.
concerns during adolescence.
Music 1. Perform available instruments from South Asia MU8-Ic-h7 Improvised instruments were used.
MPS___________ 2. Evaluates music and music performances
applying knowledge of musical elements and style MU8-Ic-h-8 Homework and Watch the You Tube
3.Explores and performs on available instruments MU8SE-Ic-h-7 Students were given the opportunity to perform
from Southeast Asian. in groups through singing music of Southeast
Asia with improvised instruments.
Number of Skills Budgeted Number of Skills Percentage of Skills
in the Grading Period Developed
Art 1. Mount exhibit using completed Southeast Asian A8PR-Ig-5 Show output in thePortfolio Day.
MPS: ___________inspired arts and crafts in an organized manner.
2. Apply different media techniques and process A8PR-Ih-4 Students made their own Art activity using
to communicate ideas, experiences and stories bond paper and other coloring materials with
showing the characteristics of arts of Southeast Southeast Asian inspired arts.
Number of Skills Budgeted Number of Skills Percentage of Skills
in the Grading Period Developed
Health 1. Assesses personal health attitudes that H8FH-Ic-d-20 Research in the internet with teenagers
MPS:___________ may influenced sexual behavior. health attitude that influenced sexual
Number of Skills Budgeted Number of Skills Percentage of Skills
in the Grading Period Developed
Department of Education
Region VIII (Eastern Visayas)
Government Center, Palo, Leyte
MPS: ___________1. Explore other arts and media that portray MU9MRB Students were given a chance to watch video
Midieval, Renaissance and Baroque elements Band performances.
Number of Skills Budgeted Number of Skills Percentage of Skills
in the Grading Period Developed
Art 1. Apply different media techniques to A(PR-Ic-e-3 Students have their individual art activity
MPS:___________ communicate ideas, experiences and stories using bond paper and coloring materials.
showing the characteristics of western
classical art traditions.
Number of Skills Budgeted Number of Skills Percentage of Skills
in the Grading Period Developed
MPS: ___________1. Performs appropriate first aid for injuries PE9PFId-10 Students conducted studies related to first
and emergency situations in physical aid.
activity and sports setting recognizes the
2. Recognizes the needs of others in real life and in me PE9PF-Ic-h-42
and in meaningful way
Number of Skills Budgeted Number of Skills Percentage of Skills
in the Grading Period Developed
Health 1. Participate in implementing an environ- H9CE-Ig-h-14 Students made a proposal on proper waste
MPS:___________ mental prtoject such as building and disposal.
maintaining a school garden or war on waste
campaign (depends on feasibility)
Number of Skills Budgeted Number of Skills Percentage of Skills
in the Grading Period Developed
Department of Education
Region VIII (Eastern Visayas)
Government Center, Palo, Leyte
Art 1. Apply different media techniques and A10PR- IC-e-3 Students have their individual drawing
MPS:___________ processes to communicate ideas, experiences activity using a long bond paper and coloring
and stories showing the characteristics of materials.
various art movements,(eg.silkscreen printing,
Number of Skills Budgeted Number of Skills Percentage of Skills
in the Grading Period Developed
PE n/A
MPS: ___________