G-Code Machine Tool

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A CNC Turning Center

The abbreviation CNC stands for computer numerical control, and refers specifically to a computer "controller" that
reads G-code instructions and drives a machine tool, a powered mechanical device typically used to fabricate
components by the selective removal of material. CNC does numerically directed interpolation of a cutting tool in the
work envelope of a machine. The operating parameters of the CNC can be altered via software load program.

CNC was preceded by NC (Numerically Controlled) machines, which were hard wired and their operating parameters
could not be changed. NC was developed in the late 1940s and early 1950s by John T. Parsons in collaboration with the
MIT Servomechanisms Laboratory. The first CNC systems used NC style hardware, and the computer was used for the
tool compensation calculations and sometimes for editing.

Punched tape continued to be used as a medium for transferring G-codes into the controller for many decades after
1950, until it was eventually superseded by RS232 cables, floppy disks, and now is commonly tied directly into plant
networks. The files containing the G-codes to be interpreted by the controller are usually saved under the .NC
extension. Most shops have their own saving format that matches their ISO certification requirements.

The introduction of CNC machines radically changed the manufacturing industry. Curves are as easy to cut as straight
lines, complex 3-D structures are relatively easy to produce, and the number of machining steps that required human
action have been dramatically reduced.

With the increased automation of manufacturing processes with CNC machining, considerable improvements in
consistency and quality have been achieved. CNC automation reduced the frequency of errors and provided CNC
operators with time to perform additional tasks. CNC automation also allows for more flexibility in the way parts are
held in the manufacturing process and the time required to change the machine to produce different components.

In a production environment, a series of CNC machines may be combined into one station, commonly called a "cell", to
progressively machine a part requiring several operations. CNC machines today are controlled directly from files
created by CAM software packages, so that a part or assembly can go directly from design to manufacturing without
the need of producing a drafted paper drawing of the manufactured component. In a sense, the CNC machines represent
a special segment of industrial robot systems, as they are programmable to perform many kinds of machining
operations (within their designed physical limits, like other robotic systems). CNC machines can run over night and
over weekends without operator intervention. Error detection features have been developed, giving CNC machines the
ability to call the operator's mobile phone if it detects that a tool has broken. While the machine is awaiting replacement
on the tool, it would run other parts it is already loaded with up to that tool and wait for the operator. The ever changing
intelligence of CNC controllers has dramatically increased job shop cell production. Some machines might even make
1000 parts on a weekend with no operator, checking each part with lasers and sensors.

Types of instruction

A line in a G-code file can instruct the machine tool to do one of several things.

The most basic motion for a controller is to move the machine tool along a linear path from one point to another. Some
machine tools can only do this in XY, and have to accept changes in Z separately. Some have two further axes of
rotation to control the orientation of the cutter, and can move them simultaneously with the XYZ motion. Lately 4, and
5 axis machines have become popular. The 2 additional axies allow for the work surface or medium to be rotated
around X and Y. For example, a 4-axis machine can move the tool head in XY and Z directions, and also rotate the
medium around the X or Y axis, similar to a lathe.This is called the A or B axis in most cases.

All motions can be built from linear motions if they are short and there are enough of them. But most controllers can
interpolate horizontal circular arcs in XY.

Lately, some controllers have implemented the ability to follow an arbitrary (NURBS) curve, but these efforts have
been met with skepticism since, unlike circular arcs, their definitions are not natural and are too complicated to set up
by hand, and CAM software can already generate any motion using many short linear segments.

Tool changes

Originally there would be a G-code instruction telling the machine tool to stop so that a human operator could remove
the cutting tool from the chuck and insert a new one. Contemporary machine tools have a magazine of different tools
which they can change themselves pneumatically, hydraulically, and electromechanically.


A tool can be used to drill holes by pecking to let the swarf out. Using a special tapping tool and the ability to control
the exact rotational position of the tool with the depth of cut, it can be used to cut screw threads.

Drilling cycles

A drilling cycle is used to repeat drilling or tapping operations on a workpiece. The drilling cycle accepts a list of
parameters about the operation, such as depth and feed rate. To begin drilling any number of holes to the specifications
configured in the cycle, the only input required is a set of coordinates for hole location. The cycle takes care of depth,
feed rate, retraction, and other parameters that appear in more complex cycles. After the holes are completed, the
machine is given another command to cancel the cycle, and resumes operation.

Parametric programming

A more recent advancement in CNC interpreters is support of logical commands, known as parametric programming.
Parametric programs incorporate both G-code and these logical constructs to create a programming language and
syntax similar to BASIC. Various manufacturers refer to parametric programming in brand-specific ways. For instance,
Haas refers to parametric programs as macros. GE Fanuc refers to it as Custom Macro A & B, while Okuma refers to it
as User Task 2. The programmer can make if/then/else statements, loops, subprogram calls, perform various arithmetic,
and manipulate variables to create a large degree of freedom within one program. An entire product line of different
sizes can be programmed using logic and simple math to create and scale an entire range of parts, or create a stock part
that can be scaled to any size a customer demands.

Parametric programming also enables custom machining cycles, such as fixture creation and bolt circles. If a user
wishes to create additional fixture locations on a work holding device, the machine can be manually guided to the new
location and the fixture subroutine called. The machine will then drill and form the patterns required to mount
additional vices or clamps at that location. Parametric programs are also used to shorten long programs with
incremental or stepped passes. A loop can be created with variables for step values and other parameters, and in doing
so remove a large amount of repetition in the program body.

Because of these features, a parametric program is more efficient than using CAD/CAM software for large part runs.
The brevity of the program allows the CNC programmer to rapidly make performance adjustments to looped
commands, and tailor the program to the machine it is running on. Tool wear, breakage, and other system parameters
can be accessed and changed directly in the program, allowing extensions and modifications to the functionality of a
machine beyond what a manufacturer envisioned.
There are three types of variables used in CNC systems: Local variable, Common variable, and System variable. Local
variable is used to hold data after machine off preset value. Common variable is used to hold data if machine switch off
does not erase form data. The System variable this variable used system parameter this cannot use direct to convert the
common variable for example Tool radius, Tool length and tool height to be measured in mm or inches

Milling machine

Example of a CNC vertical milling center

A milling machine is a machine tool used for the complex shaping of metal and other solid materials. Its basic form is
that of a rotating cutter or endmill which rotates about the spindle axis (similar to a drill), and a movable table to which
the workpiece is affixed. That is to say, the cutting tool generally remains stationary (except for its rotation) while the
workpiece moves to accomplish the cutting action. Milling machines may be operated manually or under computer
numerical control (see CNC).

Milling machines can perform a vast number of complex operations, such as slot cutting, planing, drilling, rebating,
routing, etc.

Cutting fluid is often pumped to the cutting site to cool and lubricate the cut, and to sluice away the resulting swarf.

Types of milling machines

A miniature hobbyist mill plainly showing the basic parts of a mill.

There are two main types of mill: the vertical mill and the horizontal mill. In the vertical mill the spindle axis is
vertically oriented. Milling cutters are held in the spindle and rotate on its axis. The spindle can generally be extended
(or the table can be raised/lowered, giving the same effect), allowing plunge cuts and drilling. There are two
subcategories of vertical mills: the bedmill and the turret mill. Turret mills, like the ubiquitous Bridgeport, are generally
smaller than bedmills, and are considered by some to be more versatile. In a turret mill the spindle remains stationary
during cutting operations and the table is moved both perpendicular to and parallel to the spindle axis to accomplish
cutting. In the bedmill, however, the table moves only perpendicular to the spindle's axis, while the spindle itself moves
parallel to its own axis. Also of note is a lighter machine, called a mill-drill. It is quite popular with hobbyists, due to its
small size and lower price. These are frequently of lower quality than other types of machines, however.
A horizontal mill has the same sort of x–y table, but the cutters are mounted on a horizontal arbor across the table. A
majority of horizontal mills also feature a +15/-15 degree rotary table that allows milling at shallow angles. While
endmills and the other types of tools available to a vertical mill may be used in a horizontal mill, their real advantage
lies in arbor-mounted cutters, called side and face mills, which have a cross section rather like a circular saw, but are
generally wider and smaller in diameter. Because the cutters have good support from the arbor, quite heavy cuts can be
taken, enabling rapid material removal rates. These are used to mill grooves and slots. Plain mills are used to shape flat
surfaces. Several cutters may be ganged together on the arbor to mill a complex shape of slots and planes. Special
cutters can also cut grooves, bevels, radii, or indeed any section desired. These specialty cutters tend to be expensive.
Simplex mills have one spindle, and duplex mills have two. It is also easier to cut gears on a horizontal mill.

A more complex form of the milling machine is the Universal milling machine, in which the rotating cutter can be
oriented vertically or horizontally, increasing the flexibility of the machine tool. The table of the universal machine can
be swiveled through a small angle (up to about 15 degrees), enabling the axis of the spindle to coincide with the axis of
a helix to be milled with the use of a gear driven indexing attachment.

Milling machine variants

 Box or column mills are very basic hobbyist bench-mounted milling machines that feature a head riding up
and down on a column or box way.
 Turret or Vertical ram mills are more commonly referred to as bridgeport-type milling machines. The spindle
can be aligned in many different positions for a very versatile, if somewhat less rigid machine.
 C-Frame mills are larger, industrial production mills. They feature a knee and fixed spindle head that is only
mobile vertically. They are typically much more powerful than a turret mill, featuring a separate hydraulic
motor for integral hydraulic power feeds in all directions, and a twenty to fifty horsepower motor. Backlash
eliminators are almost standard equipment. They use large NMTB 40 or 50 tooling. The tables on C-frame
mills are usually 18" by 68" or larger, to allow multiple parts to be machined at the same time.
 Knee mill refers to any milling machine that has a vertically adjustable table.
 Bed mill refers to any milling machine where the spindle is on a pendant that moves up and down to move
the cutter into the work. These are generally more rigid than a knee mill.
 Ram type mill refers to a mill that has a swiveling cutting head mounted on a sliding ram. The spindle can be
oriented either vertically or horizontally, or anywhere in between. Van Norman specialized in ram type mills
through most of the 20th century, but since the advent of CNC machines ram type mills are no longer made.
 Jig borers are vertical mills that are built to bore holes, and very light slot or face milling. They are typically
bed mills with a long spindle throw. The beds are more accurate, and the handwheels are graduated down to .
0001" for precise hole placement.
 Horizontal boring mills are large, accurate bed horizontal mills that incorporate many features from various
machine tools. They are predominantly used to create large manufacturing jigs, or to modify large, high
precision parts. They have a spindle stroke of several (usually between four and six) feet, and many are
equipped with a tailstock to perform very long boring operations without losing accuracy as the bore
increases in depth. A typical bed would have X and Y travel, and be between three and four feet square with a
rotary table or a larger rectangle without said table. The pendant usually has between four and eight feet in
vertical movement. Some mills have a large (30" or more) intergal facing head. Right angle rotary tables and
vertical milling attachments are available to further increase productivity.

 Floor mills have a row of rotary tables, and a horizontal pendant spindle mounted on a set of tracks that runs
parallel to the table row. These mills have predominantly been converted to CNC, but some can still be found
(if one can even find a used machine available) under manual control. The spindle carriage moves to each
individual table, performs the machining operations, and moves to the next table while the previous table is
being set up for the next operation. Unlike any other kind of mill, floor mills have floor units that are entirely
movable. A crane will drop massive rotary tables , X-Y tables , and the like into position for machining,
allowing the largest and most complex custom milling operations to take place.

 Portical mills It has the spindle mounted in a T structure where 2 or 3 combined travels can be made
depending if the work table is static or cross moved; The choice for one type or other in this case depends
mostly on the part to be machined i.e. on its weight. Therefore the "ap" or "stepdown" needed on the average
work done, should be considered, to watch for the torque on the moving axis;
Computer numerical control

Thin wall milling of aluminum using a water based coolant on the milling cutter

Most CNC milling machines or machining centers are computer controlled vertical mills with the ability to move the
spindle vertically along the Z-axis. This extra degree of freedom permits their use in engraving applications, and also
allows to create 2.5D surfaces such as relief sculptures. When combined with the use of conical tools or a ball nose
cutter, it also significantly improves milling precision without impacting speed, providing a cost-efficient alternative to
most flat-surface hand-engraving work.

Five-axis machining center with rotating table and computer interface

CNC machines can exist in virtually any of the forms of manual machinery, like horizontal mills. The most advanced
CNC milling-machines, the 5-axis machines, add two more axes in addition to the three normal axes (XYZ). Horizontal
milling machines also have a C or Q axis, allowing the horizontally mounted workpiece to be rotated, essentially
allowing asymmetric and eccentric turning. The fifth axis(B-Axis) controls the tilt of the tool itself. When all of these
axes are used in conjunction with each other, extremely complicated geometries, even organic geometries such as a
human head can be made with relative ease with these machines. But the skill to program such geometries is beyond
that of most humans. Therefore, 5-axis milling machines are practically always programmed with CAM.

With the declining price of computers, free operating systems such as Linux, and open source CNC software, the entry
price of CNC machines has plummeted. For example, Sherline, Prazi, and others make desktop CNC milling machines
that are affordable by hobbyists.

High speed steel with cobalt endmills used for cutting operations in a milling machine.

Milling machine tooling

There is some degree of standardization of the tooling used with CNC Milling Machines and to a much lesser degree
with manual milling machines.

CNC Milling machines will nearly always use SK (or ISO), CAT, BT or HSK tooling. SK tooling is the most common
in Europe, while CAT tooling, sometimes called V-Flange Tooling, is the oldest variation and is probably still the most
common in the USA. CAT tooling was invented by Caterpillar Inc. of Peoria, Illinois in order to standardize the tooling
used on their machinery. CAT tooling comes in a range of sizes designated as CAT-30, CAT-40, CAT-50, etc. The
number refers to the NMTB Taper size of the tool.

CAT-40 Toolholder

An improvement on CAT Tooling is BT Tooling, which looks very similar and can easily be confused with CAT
tooling. Like CAT Tooling, BT Tooling comes in a range of sizes and uses the same NMTB body taper. However, BT
tooling is symmetrical about the spindle axis, which CAT tooling is not. This gives BT tooling greater stability and
balance at high speeds. One other subtle difference between these two toolholders is the thread used to hold the pull
stud. CAT Tooling is all Imperial thread and BT Tooling is all Metric thread. Note that this affects the pull stud only, it
does not affect the tool that they can hold, both types of tooling are sold to accept both Imperial and metric sized tools.

SK and HSK tooling, sometimes called "Hollow Shank Tooling", is much more common in Europe where it was
invented than it is in the United States. It is claimed that HSK tooling is even better than BT Tooling at high speeds.
The holding mechanism for HSK tooling is placed within the (hollow) body of the tool and, as spindle speed increases,
it expands, gripping the tool more tightly with increasing spindle speed. There is no pull stud with this type of tooling.

The situation is quite different for manual milling machines — there is little standardization. Newer and larger manual
machines usually use NMTB tooling. This tooling is somewhat similar to CAT tooling but requires a drawbar within
the milling machine. Furthermore, there are a number of variations with NMTB tooling that make interchangeability

Boring head on Morse Taper Shank

Two other tool holding systems for manual machines are worthy of note: They are the R8 collet and the Morse Taper #2
collet. Bridgeport Machines of Bridgeport Connecticut so dominated the milling machine market for such a long time
that their machine "The Bridgeport" is virtually synonymous with "Manual milling machine." The bulk of the machines
that Bridgeport made from about 1965 onward used an R8 collet system. Prior to that, the bulk of the machines used a
Morse Taper #2 collet system.

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