Alison Reid

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A project submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirement for

the award of the degree of




Katherine Jukic (Dietician)
Dr. Velencia Soutter (Paediatrician)
Dr. Robert Loblay (Director)
Dr. Anne Swain (Chief Dietician)


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October 2007

I would like to thank all the staff at the RPAH Allergy Unit for all their advice and
encouragement throughout my project. You have all contributed immensely, not only to my
project but my experience at RPAH.

A special thank you to Katherine, who was my primary source of stress and support
throughout my project. Your time and knowledge was invaluable to me throughout.

Thank you to Velencia and Rob for giving me the opportunity to work with individuals as
invaluable as yourselves, your knowledge and passion for your work is mind-blowing.

Many thanks to Anne for being so approachable and being the ‘glue’ when I became unstuck.
Your cheerful smile and encouragement throughout was never unnoticed.

Thank you to our lecturers Karen Walton and Kelly Lambert who have guided us through the
semester. I now have a sudden passion for research that I never had before.

A very special thank you also to my project partner Rachel, for all the laughs and fun. This
project would not have been the same without the great company.

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Abstract ………………………………………………………………………………………………. 1

Introduction ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 2 - 4

Methods …………………………………………………………………………………………….... 5

Results ……………………………………………………………………………………………..6 - 9

Discussion ……………………………………………………………………………………….10 - 14

Limitations ………………………………………………………………………………………15 - 16

Recommendations and Conclusion …………………………………………………………………. 17

Reference ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 18 - 20

Appendix 1 – Clinical features of Anaphylaxis …………………………………………………….. 21

Appendix 2 – Tables of Variables ……………………………………………………………… 22 - 25

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Introduction: The incidence of food allergy and occurrence of food-induced anaphylaxis is

increasing. Understanding the epidemiology of anaphylaxis has been challenged by
inconsistencies in definition, and lack of a universal grading system. This study defined
anaphylaxis as ‘a severe, life threatening allergic reaction, characterised by signs of
cutaneous, gastrointestinal, respiratory and cardiovascular compromise’. To date, literature
concerning anaphylaxis has primarily researched clinical symptoms, risk factors (typically
asthma) and management associated with the reaction. The primary aim of this study was to
determine risk factors associated with food-induced anaphylaxis, within an atopic population.

Methods: This retrospective case-control study was carried out at the RPAH Allergy Unit in
Sydney. Children were recruited if they were atopic and aged 0-5 years on presentation at the
Allergy Unit. The medical records of 672 subjects were reviewed and cases were identified,
that is, if the child had a history of anaphylaxis according to our definition (n=218). The
following variables were analysed: age and sex of the child, presence or history of eczema
and asthma, number of positive SPT’s to food and airborne allergens, and family size and
sibling order of the child. Binary logistic regression was used to determine risk factors
associated with anaphylaxis according to statistical significance (p<0.05).

Results: Age (p=0.033), eczema (p=0.036), positive SPT to more than one food allergen
(p=0.012) and presence of an airborne allergy (p=0.055) were all statistically associated with
risk of anaphylaxis. Other variables analysed did not show to be significant (p>0.05). Sibling
order and the number of food allergies were excluded as variables (p>0.8).

Conclusion: Establishment of a universal grading system would enable better comparison of

the results of this study with other studies. Future research within this population is required
to confirm statistical significance or non-significance of nominated variables, and to address
potential confounding variables related to determined risk factors.

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Recent studies suggest that the incidence of food allergy is increasing (Brown et al, 2006;
Sampson et al, 1992), possibly attributed to changes in the environment and human nutrition,
including an increase in novel foods and use of food proteins as ingredients (DunnGalvin et
al, 2006). The prevalence of food-induced anaphylaxis is also rising, especially among
children in their first 2 years of life (Wang and Sampson, 2007). Highly significant increases
in admissions for systemic allergic disease including anaphylaxis and food allergy in both
Australia (Brown, 2004) and internationally (Gupta et al, 2003; Sampson, 2003) almost
certainly reflect an increase in incidence.

Food allergy is the most common cause of anaphylaxis in children (Muraro et al, 2007). Food
reactions account for one-third of all anaphylactic reaction cases in emergency departments in
Australia (Brown, 2004) with similar results reported in the United States (Sampson, 2003),
and United Kingdom (Pumphrey, 2004). A three year retrospective case study in a Brisbane
hospital emergency department found that food (56%) was the principle cause of anaphylaxis
in children, with respiratory symptoms commonly reported (Braganza et al, 2006). A similar
study in Italy found that food caused 57% of anaphylaxis episodes in atopic children, 30%
attributed to fish (Novembre et al, 1998).

Understanding of the epidemiology of anaphylaxis has been challenged by inconsistencies in

definitions and minimal paediatric data available, leading to an underestimation of incidence
and difficulty in diagnosis (Muraro et al, 2007). To date, there have been no population-based
epidemiological studies examining the association between the prevalence of food-induced
anaphylaxis, nor sufficient studies which identify risk factors associated with anaphylaxis and
its potential reoccurrence.

The main aim of this study was to determine risk factors associated with food-induced
anaphylaxis. Doing so will help to establish clinical criteria which will enable physicians and
health professionals to distinguish between children who are sensitised to allergens known to
trigger anaphylaxis, and who are at increased risk of developing clinical manifestations
associated with anaphylaxis. The findings of this study should also improve our
understanding of the nature of anaphylaxis as well as develop research agenda for risk
assessment in anaphylaxis, leading to the development of an anaphylaxis registry.

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An extensive literature search was undertaken using Medline, Meditext, Synergy, Expanded
Academic and ProQuest databases with appropriate search terms (anaphylaxis, risk, food-
induced, epidemiology, prevention, hypersensitivity, children, prevalence and prevention).


Food induced anaphylaxis is a severe life-threatening allergic reaction in the form of an

immunoglobulin E (IgE) mediated hypersensitivity reaction, manifested by an abrupt onset of
symptoms resulting from exposure to an offending agent (Sampson, 2003). The ASCIA
Anaphylaxis Working Party (2004) defined anaphylaxis as a ‘rapidly evolving generalised
multi-system allergic reaction’. A number of severity grading systems have been described
throughout the literature, ranging from simple definition descriptions between generalised
allergic reactions and anaphylaxis (Braganza et al, 2006), to a ‘mild, moderate, severe’
grading system (Brown, 2004; Brown and McKinnon, 2001; Clark et al, 2007), ‘two or more’
ruled grading criteria (Muraro et al, 2007) or a five levelled grading system as proposed by
Sampson (2003). Lack of a universally accepted severity grading system for anaphylaxis has
impacted on the degree to which the condition can be successfully diagnosed and managed.

For the purpose of this study, anaphylaxis has been defined as a ‘severe, life threatening
allergic reaction, characterised by signs of cutaneous, gastrointestinal, respiratory and
cardiovascular compromise’.

Risk Factors for Anaphylaxis

Several factors may predispose an individual to anaphylaxis, including history of atopy

(Roberts et al, 2003; Sampson, 2003), presence and a history of poorly controlled asthma
(Sampson, 2003; Braganza et al, 2006; Brown et al, 2006), eczema (Lowe et al, 2007),
sibling order and family size (Emmett et al, 1999; Wahn and von Mutius, 2001), being female
(Brown, 2004), over four food allergies (Roberts et al, 2003), allergy specifically to peanut or
tree nut (Wang and Sampson, 2007; Clark et al, 2007), and delayed administration of
epinephrine (Wang and Sampson, 2007).

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Clinical Manifestations of Anaphylaxis

Anaphylaxis encompasses a variety of symptoms and often affects multi organ systems
including the skin, gastrointestinal tract, respiratory tract and cardiovascular system
(Sampson, 2003). [Refer to Appendix 1 for clinical features of anaphylaxis, where Wang and
Sampson (2007) list clinical observations associated with each body system].

Management of Anaphylaxis

Among individuals who are sensitised there are no completely reliable measures to determine
those who are clinically tolerant from those at risk of an anaphylactic episode. However most
frequently, clinical history, skin prick testing and IgE measures are taken to determine
individuals who are sensitised (Simons et al, 2007). Management includes education about
reading labels from commercial products, problems with cross-contamination with allergens
in restaurants and other settings, and issues arising in schools (Sicherer et al, 2003).
Emergency plans should be in place for treatment with medications, especially epinephrine in
the event of accidental ingestion. Intramuscular epinephrine (adrenaline) is the drug of choice
for treatment of anaphylaxis which should be prescribed to any individual at high risk of an
anaphylaxis in the form of an EpiPen (Sampson, 2003).

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Study Design, Setting and Recruitment

This retrospective case-control study was undertaken at the Royal Prince Alfred Hospital
(RPAH) Allergy Unit in Camperdown, Sydney. Subjects were recruited from a patient
database of Dr Velencia Soutter if they were aged 0-5 years on presentation at the Allergy
Unit, and if they were atopic. Of the initial study population of 904 patients, 672 subjects
were recruited based on these inclusion criteria. Subjects were excluded if they were beyond
5 years of age at presentation, were non-atopic, and/or if their clinical information was

The patient database included information on each case, including age and sex; history of
asthma, eczema and gastro-intestinal symptoms; family size and sibling order; number of
food allergies and presence of diagnosed food or airborne allergies. Patients’ files were then
referred to, to complete any missing information in the database, and to determine history of
anaphylaxis according to observation of the physician. Patients were considered to have had
an anaphylaxis if the physician had stated so, or if they met our definition of anaphylaxis,
which was a ‘severe, life threatening allergic reaction, characterised by signs of cutaneous,
gastrointestinal, respiratory and cardiovascular compromise.’ Subjects were therefore
categorised into two groups, (1) atopic children who have had an anaphylaxis or recurrent
anaphylactic reactions (cases), and (2) atopic children who had not had an anaphylaxis

Statistical Analysis

SPSS Software for Windows was used for statistical analysis (V12.0: 2000-5, SPSS Inc.,
Chicago II, USA). Variables including age, sex, asthma, eczema, gastro-intestinal symptoms,
family size, sibling order, number of food allergies, and presence of an airborne allergy, were
analysed using binary logistic regression models against cases and controls, to determine if
the association between such variables and anaphylaxis was statistically significant (p<0.05),
and therefore a risk factor. Results are reported as odds ratios and percentages based on a
95% confidence interval (CI).

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Of the 672 subjects in this study, there were 218 cases and 454 controls (OR 1:2.1). The
results in Table 1 specify the p-value and Exp (B) value for each variable, using history or no
history of anaphylaxis as the dependent variable.

Table 1. P-values and Exp (B) for each variable using binary logistic regression analysis for

Independent Variable p-value Exp (B)

Age 0.033* 1.423

Sex 0.501 0.894

Asthma 0.087 1.360

Eczema 0.036* 0.620

Gastro-intestinal symptoms 0.202 0.793

Family size 0.097

1 child 0.622 1.422

2 children 0.655 0.541

3 children 0.330 0.247

4 children 0.495 0.357

5 children 0.999 0.000

1 child vs. Multi-child family 0.355 0.849

Sibling order 0.937

1st child of n 1.000 0.000

2nd child of n 1.000 0.000

3rd child of n 1.000 0.000

4th child of n 1.000 0.000

5th child of n 0.999 0.000

6th child of n 1.000 0.998

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7th child of n 0.999 0.000

No. of food allergies 0.254

1 1.000 5.6E+008

2 1.000 7.8E+008

3 1.000 8.7E+008

4 1.000 8.7E+008

5 1.000 1.1E+009

6 1.000 6.2E+008

7 1.000 2.4E+009

8 1.000 1.2E+009

9 1.000 1.000

10 1.000 3.2E+009

11 0.999 2.6E+018

12 0.999 2.6E+018

13 1.000 1.000

1 vs. ≥ 2 food allergies 0.012* 1.582

No. of airborne allergies 0.366

1 0.837 0.907

2 0.551 1.321

3 0.655 1.243

4 0.485 1.457

≥1 airborne allergies 0.055 0.537

*p<0.05 indicates statistical significance

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On further analysis, the presence or history of asthma and eczema were used as dependent
variables against the presence of an airborne allergy. Refer to Table 2 which outlines these

Table 2. Statistical analysis using binary logistic regression, comparing the presence of
asthma and eczema against the presence of an airborne allergy.

Dependent Variable Independent Variable p-value Exp(B)

Asthma vs. Airborne allergies 0.000* 3.861

No Asthma

Eczema vs. Airborne allergies 0.002* 2.032

No Eczema
* p<0.05 indicates statistical significance

Refer to Appendix 2 in which the number of cases and controls within each variable is
expressed as a percentage of the group.

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The main findings of these results are:

 Approximately 55% of controls were aged between 0-2 years, and the same
percentage of cases were aged 2-5 years.

 There was no significant difference in the gender of subjects between case and control
groups. 58% of the case group were male, compared with 55% in the control group.
Likewise, females represented 42% of the case group and 44% of the control group.

 The prevalence of asthma in patients with anaphylaxis was 33%, compared to 26% in
the control group.

 The majority of atopic children within case and control groups had eczema (80-90%).

 The percentage of subjects with and without gastro-intestinal symptoms did not differ
statistically between the two groups.

 66% of the case group and 70% of the control group were from multi-child families,
i.e. two or more children.

 The majority of anaphylactic reactions (approximately 87%) occurred in families with

1 or 2 children.

 Half of anaphylactic reactions occurred in children who, at date seen, were the 1st
child in the family.

 Cases and controls had an average of 3.1 and 2.7 food allergies respectively, with the
majority of subjects having more than one food allergy (73% of cases; 64% of

 Overall, 69.2% of the study population had an airborne allergy, the majority being
dust mite (62.5%).

 Amongst cases and controls, the minority represented children with a history of
anaphylaxis, with no airborne allergy.

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This retrospective case-control study compared 218 children who had an anaphylactic
reaction or recurrent reactions, with 454 controls. Based on the results of binary logistic
regression, four variables significantly predicted risk of anaphylaxis – age, eczema, more
than one food allergy, and presence of an airborne allergen. Even though these risk factors
have been determined, there are no objective clinical markers of anaphylaxis in the paediatric

Prevalence of atopy in childhood in Australia rose dramatically from 1992 to 1997 (Downs et
al, 2001). Children with food-induced anaphylaxis are highly atopic, as previously reported
(Novembre et al, 1998). However, one scientific review identified that atopy does not
necessarily predispose individuals to an increased risk of anaphylaxis, but more predispose
them to a more severe reaction (Sampson, 2003).

Risk Factors for Anaphylaxis


The mean age of anaphylaxis occurrence within the case group (2.1 years) was consistent
with other studies. One report stated that 18% of allergic children reacted by the age of 1
year, and 56% by the age of 2 years (Emmett et al, 1999), with most children loosing
sensitivity to the most allergic foods between 3-5 years of age (Dowdee et al, 2007). In this
study, the association between age and history of anaphylaxis was statistically significant
(p=0.033), suggestive that age is indicative of anaphylaxis risk. However due to the
difference between the p-value and Exp (B) for this variable, we cannot exclude confounders.


Sex did not show to be a risk factor for anaphylaxis in this study (p=0.501). The incidence of
anaphylaxis was higher in males than females (OR 1.4:1), however, females were reportedly
found to suffer from more severe anaphylactic reactions than males (18% compared to 11%);
this is consistent with recent literature findings (DunnGalvin et al, 2006).

Literature regarding differences in sex, corresponding to the prevalence and incidence of

atopy and subsequent food allergy, has been inconsistent. Retrospective and prospective
studies have reported that food anaphylaxis is more prevalent in females, with a substantially
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higher prevalence of recurrence (Brown, 2004; Mullins, 2003; Webb and Lieberman, 2006).
The results of population-based studies differ. One particular study amoungst emergency
department paediatric patients reported a 1.7:1 male to female ratio (Braganza et al, 2006);
these findings are more consistent with the result of this study.


History of asthma was reported in 33% of anaphylaxis cases. This may be compared to the
36.8% prevalence of asthma reported in a recent retrospective case study of Australian
children (Braganza et al, 2006) and a background prevalence of 17.5% in school children
(Comino, 1993). One case-control study found that more than a third of children with food
allergies have asthma and 8% of asthmatic children have a food allergy (Roberts et al, 2003).

This study found no statistical association between asthma as a potential risk for the
development of anaphylaxis (p=0.087). Literature has suggested a direct relationship between
asthma and anaphylaxis, however most suggest that it is not the presence of asthma, but a
history of poorly controlled asthma or concurrent asthma that is a risk factor for anaphylaxis
(Braganza et al, 2006; Wang and Sampson, 2007).


The incidence of eczema is most commonly associated with allergic sensitisation (Lowe et al
2007). In this study, a positive relationship was found between eczema and risk of
anaphylaxis, with a statistically significant association reported (p=0.036). Eczema was noted
in 82% of anaphylaxis cases. However, these findings are not in agreement with previous
literature, reporting eczema prevalence as low as 50% (Novembre et al, 1998). Increased
prevalence found in this study may be due to the study population chosen, as all children had
a history of atopy, which can be related to eczema.

Gastro-intestinal symptoms

The association between the presence of gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms and history of
anaphylaxis was statistically non-significant (p=0.202). Most studies report that although the
gastrointestinal tract is usually the initial sight of food contact, allergic manifestations usually
spread rapidly, affecting other organs such as the skin, respiratory and cardiovascular systems
such that cutaneous symptoms occur in 80% of paediatric patients (Wang and Sampson,

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2007). Even though GI symptoms was not identified as a potential risk factor in this study, its
significance may have arisen through other organs affected during the anaphylactic episode,
and therefore reported symptoms.

Family size (One vs. Multi-child families)

The association between family size and history of anaphylaxis was found to be statistically
non-significant (p=0.097), although there was a decrease in anaphylaxis episodes in families
with two or more children, with the majority of anaphylactic reactions occurring in families
with two children (55%). Both the structure and size of the family may be influential in
regards to allergic sensitisation (Wahn and von Mutius, 2001). According to this study,
children born into families with older siblings are at reduced risk of allergic sensitisation and
asthma at school age. Other studies have reported otherwise, reporting that infants with a
family history of allergic disease are at greater risk of asthma and allergic rhinitis, causing
infants to become sensitised earlier in life, leading to a greater risk of allergic reactions
(Lowe et al, 2007).

Sibling order

The results showed that the statistical association between sibling order - the first, second,
third, fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh child of n children within the family - and history of
anaphylaxis, was not significant (p=0.937). As the p-value exceeded 0.8, this variable was
excluded as a potential risk factor following analysis. 50% of anaphylaxis cases occurred in
sibling one, with 40% occurring in sibling two. Although genetic predispositions are present
in regards to the development of food allergy, the findings of this study suggest that risk of
anaphylaxis in a child is not dependent on the size of their family, nor the number or order in
which they present within the family unit. However, one could assume that a second or third
child etc, would be less likely to have an anaphylaxis, due to increased awareness of food
allergy and its management. This study however, did not agree with such an assumption.

No. of food allergens (1 vs. >1 food allergy)

This study found that the majority (74%) of cases had more than one food allergy, and on
analysis, this was statistically associated with anaphylactic risk (p=0.012). However, the
strength of this statistical association was independent of the number of food allergies present
(p=0.254). One case-control study identified that sensitisation to four or more allergens was a
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significant risk factor for life-threatening asthma, directly correlating to severity of bronchial
hypersensitivity causing allergic reactions (Roberts et al, 2003). Positive skin prick tests (a
wheal diameter great than 3mm compared to a negative control), have been identified to
indicate sensitisation, but not necessarily a casual relationship or clinical reactivity (Simons
et al, 2007), with approximately 60% of individuals with detectable food-specific IgE levels
considered as non-clinically reactive, as they experience no signs or symptoms on exposure
to the offending allergen (Simons et al, 2007). According to the co-findings of this study
(Rachel Myhill, 2007) SPT results could not be used as a predictor of the severity of
anaphylaxis, as the median SPT (6-8mm) of both mild and moderate reactions, were similar
to those reported in severe reactions. Therefore based on these findings, the number of food
allergies a child has, and the SPT of the corresponding allergen, is not indicative of
anaphylaxis risk. This has implications on the clinical approach undertaken by health
professionals in identifying at-risk children, and educating their families regarding food
allergen avoidance and management of anaphylaxis.

Airborne allergens

The association between the presence of an airborne allergen and history of anaphylaxis, was
of borderline significance (p=0.055). 75% of the case group had an airborne allergy
compared with 66% of the control group. Within the anaphylaxis population, the most
prevalent airborne allergen was dust mite (57%), followed by cat (19%) and pollen (17%).
The findings of this study are consistent with existing literature, with one study reporting that
children sensitised under the age of 3 years have a more rapid loss of lung function on
exposure to dustmite, cat, dog and other airborne allergens, leading to development of
wheezing, eczema and asthma, preceeding and predicting allergic sensitisation (Lowe et al,
2007). On further analysis however, the number of airborne allergies was not statistically
associated with anaphylaxis risk (p=0.366), therefore indicating that children with an airborne
allergy are more likely to have an anaphylaxis, independent of how many airborne allergies
they actually have.

This study also addressed potential confounders, which may have contributed to the
significant and non-significant results found. Following analysis, a statistical association
between the presence of asthma and the presence of an airborne allergy, was found
(p=0.000). Consistent with the findings of this study, other studies have found associations

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between sensitivities to airborne allergens – dust mite, cat, dog and cockroach – and the
development of asthma in children (Dowdee et al, 2007; Wahn and von Mutius, 2001). 92%
of anaphylaxis cases within this study had a history of asthma, as well as one or more
airborne allergies.

Further to this, the association between the presence of eczema and the presence of an
airborne allergy was also found to be statistically significant (p=0.002). 75% of the case
group had both eczema and an airborne allergy compared with 69% in the control group. One
case-control study identified that increasing sensitisation to aeroallergens correlates to
eczema severity and atopy, and that children with atopic eczema had a greater risk of having
an airborne allergy (OR 2.5:1) compared to children with no history of eczema (Roberts et al,

Therefore, analysing the presence of asthma and eczema against the presence of an airborne
allergy has enabled us to identify potential confounders relating to the statistically significant
association observed between the presence of an airborne allergy and history of anaphylaxis.

Other study findings

Previous studies have identified other factors which may put individuals at greater risk of an
anaphylactic reaction, including allergy to peanuts and tree nuts, and delayed administration
of adrenaline/epinephrine. This study found that an allergy to peanut was present in 81% of
anaphylaxis cases. Studies have reported that tree nuts account for more than 90% of
anaphylactic reactions, and allergy to tree nut and increasingly an allergy to cashew nut, are
major risk factors for life-threatening anaphylaxis (Simons et al, 2007; Clarke et al, 2007).

Intramuscular adrenaline is the acknowledged first-line of therapy for anaphylaxis. According

to the co-findings of this study (Rachel Myhill, 2007), adrenaline was only administered in
9% (n=20) of anaphylaxis cases, which is lower than previously reported by Novembre and
colleagues (1998), in which 18% of anaphylactic children were administered adrenaline on
first sign of manifestation.

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Studies which attempt to research allergic reactions and anaphylaxis are limited by the lack of
a diagnostic gold standard definition of anaphylaxis and grading system. In some studies,
mild skin reactions may not have been considered to be an anaphylaxis, but rather a
generalised allergic reaction, and therefore this case study population may have been an
overestimation of the incidence of anaphylaxis. The cases identified to have a mild reaction
in this study may have been used as controls in other studies. Consequently, the results of
this study could therefore not be accurately compared to previous study findings, based on
the possible overestimation, or even underestimation of the results.

Other limitations may be related to misreporting and bias. This study relied on accurate and
complete medical records taken by a physician, and all data presented was collected
retrospectively and thus prone to reporting bias. We were unable to assess the accuracy of
anaphylaxis diagnosis. Furthermore, many reaction characteristics are likely to have been
undocumented, such as in severe reactions, mild skin involvement may have been missed or
epinephrine treatment may have altered subsequent development of other symptoms, which
may have affected the study findings.

This study included only patients who attended a single Allergy Unit, and therefore results
may not be able to be generalised to the population as a whole. In addition, this particular
study population may over-represent the incidence of food allergy, as all patients willingly
attended the clinic, where in most cases they had already had a reaction.

The primary research focus of this study was anaphylaxis in a paediatric population, and
therefore results may not be applicable to the adult population or to the general population.
Differences in food allergy have been previously noted in adults compared to paediatrics,
with food being the most common trigger of food allergy in children compared to drugs and
insect vemon in adults (Braganza et al, 2006; Wang and Sampson, 2007). Children were
often found to suffer from more respiratory symptoms, whereas adults were more frequently
affected by cardiovascular compromise, which may be due to their increased age. Some
studies believe the incidence of anaphylaxis is the same for both adults and children (Brown,
2004), other studies think otherwise (Braganza et al, 2006; Brown and McKinnon, 2001).
Further studies would need to examine the risk of anaphylaxis in an adult population.

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As previously reported, SPT results do not define clinical reactivity, and therefore these
results may not necessarily relate to prevalence and severity of the condition. Using SPT
results to assess severity of anaphylaxis is not a reliable biomarker. This study was limited as
we did not obtain plasma IgE levels or undertake food challenges, which may have provided
a more accurate diagnosis of the severity of anaphylactic episodes (Wickman et al, 2005).

Interpretation of these data also needs to take into consideration the retrospective nature of
the study, including confounding effects.

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Future studies should address risk factors associated with anaphylaxis in adulthood, and how
they are similar to or differ from results found in this study for anaphylaxis in childhood.
Future research should also focus on developing clinical biomarkers to distinguish between
atopic children at risk of anaphylaxis to those who are food allergic but not as risk of
anaphylaxis, and perhaps incorporate food challenges as a better predictor of risk. This report
should raise awareness of the importance in physicians taking careful and detailed clinical
histories of all children with allergic sensitisation, in order to monitor and manage
anaphylaxis risk. No studies have been conducted to determine optimal dose of epinephrine
in cases of anaphylaxis.

This research project was conducted with the aim of identifying risk factors associated with
food-induced anaphylaxis, so as to establish clinical criteria which will enable physicians and
health professionals to distinguish between children who are sensitised to allergens known to
trigger anaphylaxis, and who are at increased risk of developing clinical manifestations
associated with anaphylaxis.

Overall, it was found that the age of the child, history of eczema, more than one food allergy,
and presence of an airborne allergy was statistically associated with anaphylaxis risk in atopic
children aged 0-5 years. Currently there are no reliable indicators to predict who is more at
risk of an anaphylactic episode, therefore ensuring a detailed medical history, and periodic
follow-up with food allergy testing and food challenges would be appropriate, including
consideration of the presence of atopy and airborne allergy.

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1. ASCIA Epipen prescription guidelines 2004, Anaphylaxis Management Plan

[Brochure], ASCIA Anaphylaxis Working Party, Australia
2. Braganza, S Acworth, J McKinnon, D Peake, J & Brown, A 2006, ‘Paediatric
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Disease in Childhood, vol. 91, pp. 159-163
3. Brown S, 2004, ‘Clinical features and severity grading of anaphylaxis’, Journal of
Allergy and Clinical Immunology, vol. 114, pp. 371-376
4. Brown, A & McKinnon, D 2001, ‘Emergency department anaphylaxis: a review of
142 patients in a single year’, Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, vol. 108,
no. 5, pp. 861-866
5. Brown, S Mullins, R & Gold, M 2006 ‘Anaphylaxis: diagnosis and management’,
Medical Journal of Australia, vol. 185, no. 5, pp. 283-288
6. Clark, A Anagnostou, K & Ewan, P 2007, ‘Cashew nut causes more severe reactions
than peanut: case-matched comparison in 141 children’, Allergy, vol. 62, pp. 913-916
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Table 1. Clinical features of anaphylaxis


Cutaneous Urticaria, angioedema, flushing, rash,
Gastrointestinal Oedema of the lips/tongue, nausea, vomiting
Respiratory Upper airway – congestion, sneezing,
Lower airway – cough, wheeze, chest
Cardiovascular Tachycardia, arrhythmia, hypotension
Neurologic Anxiety, headache, seizure, loss of
Ocular Pruritus, conjunctival injection, lacrimation
Source: Wang and Sampson (2007)

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Table 1. Age of Subjects

n % n %
0 to 1 115 25.33 27 12.39
1 to 2 134 29.52 71 32.56
0 to 2 249 54.85 98 44.95
2 to 3 83 18.28 54 24.77
3 to 4 62 13.65 32 14.68
4 to 5 60 13.22 34 15.60
2 to 5 205 45.15 120 55.05
TOTAL 454 218

Table 2. Male/Female vs. Anaphylaxis/No Anaphylaxis

n % n %
Male 253 55.73 127 58.26
Female 201 44.27 91 41.74
TOTAL 454 218

Table 3. Asthma/No asthma vs. Anaphylaxis/No Anaphylaxis

n % n %
Asthma 119 26.21 72 33.03
No Asthma 335 73.79 146 66.97
TOTAL 454 218

Table 4. Eczema/No Eczema vs. Anaphylaxis/No Anaphylaxis

n % n %
Eczema 400 88.10 179 82.10
No Eczema 54 11.90 39 17.90
TOTAL 454 218

P a g e | 25
Table 5. Gastro-intestinal symptoms/No Gastro-intestinal symptoms vs. Anaphylaxis/No

n % n %
Gastro 147 32.38 60 27.52
No Gastro 307 67.62 158 72.48
TOTAL 454 218

Table 6. Multi-child family/Single child family vs. Anaphylaxis/No Anaphylaxis

n % n %
One child 136 29.95 73 33.49
Multi-child 318 70.05 145 66.51
TOTAL 454 218

Table 7. Family Number vs. Anaphylaxis/No Anaphylaxis

n % n %
1 137 30.17 73 33.48
2 219 48.24 119 54.59
3 81 17.85 20 9.17
4 14 3.08 5 2.30
5 2 0.44
7 1 0.22 1 0.46
TOTAL 454 218

Table 8. Sibling Order vs. Anaphylaxis/No Anaphylaxis

n % n %
Sibling 1 222 48.90 111 50.92
Sibling 2 173 38.10 87 39.90
Sibling 3 50 11.01 16 7.34
Sibling 4 7 1.55 3 1.38
Sibling 5 1 0.22
Sibling 6 1 0.46
Sibling 7 1 0.22
TOTAL 454 218

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Table 9. No. of food allergies vs. Anaphylaxis/No Anaphylaxis

n % n %
1 163 35.90 57 26.15
>1 291 64.10 161 73.85
TOTAL 454 218

Table 10. Airborne allergy/No airborne allergy vs. Anaphylaxis/No Anaphylaxis

n % n %
Airborne allergy 303 66.74 162 74.31
No airborne 151 33.26 56 25.69
TOTAL 454 218

Table 11. No. of Airborne allergies vs. Anaphylaxis/No Anaphylaxis

n % n %
0 151 33.26 56 25.69
1 172 37.89 92 42.20
2 86 18.94 44 20.18
3 30 6.61 19 8.72
≥4 15 3.30 7 3.21
≥2 131 28.85 70 32.11
TOTAL 454 218

Table 12. All airborne allergens vs. Anaphylaxis/No Anaphylaxis

n % n %
Dustmite 279 54.92 161 56.90
Cat 87 17.13 53 18.73
Mould 53 10.43 22 7.76
Pollen 89 17.52 47 16.61
TOTAL 508 283

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Table 13. Peanut/No peanut allergy vs. Anaphylaxis/No Anaphylaxis

n % n %
Peanut 329 72.47 178 81.65
No peanut allergy 125 27.53 40 18.35
TOTAL 454 218

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