Nursing Handoffs A Systematic Review of The.26
Nursing Handoffs A Systematic Review of The.26
Nursing Handoffs A Systematic Review of The.26
Continuing Education
original research
By Lee Ann Riesenberg, PhD, RN, Jessica Leitzsch, BS, and Janet M. Cunningham, MHA, RN, NEA-BC, CENP
Nursing Handoffs:
andoffs are an integral part of clinical practice. Theyre so important that the Joint Commission has seen fit to define them: standardized handoff communi cation is a process in which information about patient/client/resident care is communicated in a consistent manner from one health care provider to another.1 And theyre certainly common enough nursing handoffs typically occur at change of shift, and shifts change two, three, or more times daily, seven days a week. But nurses receive little formal training in this critical responsibility. Moreover, nurses may be found legally liable for failing to report necessary information during handoffs.2 Clearly its essential that effective handoff procedures be developed and that nurses be adequately trained in them. Yet clinicians handoffs are known to be vulnerable to communication failures, and inadequate commu nication is an oftencited factor contributing to medical errors. In an Australian study of more than 14,000 ad missions, 17% were associated with an adverse event; in 11% of those events, communication problems were found to be a contributing factor.3 And in 2005 the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (now the Joint Commission) report edly found in reviewing a decades worth of data that breakdowns in communication [were] implicated in twothirds of all types of sentinel events.4 Simply put, as one expert said, errors in communication give rise to substantial clinical morbidity and mortality.5 Researchers exploring the nature and causes of human errors in the intensive care setting found that verbal communication between physicians and nurses was cited as a factor in 37% of errors.6 Among their recommendations was formalizing . . . the content and
309 articles identified from search 151 additional articles identified by hand search of references 460 articles retrieved for evaluation
361 articles excluded: 76 resident or attending physician handoffs 285 not relevant
95 articles included in review: 59 anecdotal 15 intervention without a control group 5 abstract 5 review 3 cross-sectional 3 editorial 2 commentary 1 qualitative 1 cohort 1 letter
mode of information transfer during shift changes. And although it didnt specifically look at handoffs, another study conducted in two EDs found that 31% of communication events were interruptive in nature; the researchers warned that interruptions combined with multitasking could produce clinical errors.7 In deed, the verbal style of handoffs, whether between nurses or nurses and other clinicians, has been char acterized as partial, cryptic,8 and remarkably hap hazard.9 Variability in handoff procedures may also intro duce error. In one experimental study, researchers var ied handoff style (taskcentered versus patientcentered)
and content (consistent versus inconsistent) to test recall.10 They reported low recall rates ranging from 20% to 34% at best. In one quasiexperimental study, researchers tested three handoff styles (solely written, solely verbal, and a combination of these); although the combination style yielded good recall rates (96% or higher), the solely verbal and written styles did not, with rates varying from 0% to 58% at best.11 And Ebright and colleagues studied novice nurses near misses and adverse events and found that in seven of eight cases, inadequate handoffs characterized by either a lack of information or confusionwere involved.12
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Many clinicians recognize that current handoff practices are inadequate. In a 2009 Agency for Health care Research and Quality survey, almost half (49%) of the 176,811 hospital staff respondents reported that important patient care information is often lost dur ing shift changes.13 Bernstam and colleagues studied afterhours calls made by nurses to physicians and
concluded that tailoring handoff procedures to address common problems (such as the need for orders clari fication) would improve handoff quality and result in fewer such afterhours calls.14 Numerous national patient safety organizations, including the Institute for Healthcare Communica tion (, have focused on
Barrier Categories
Communication barriers General communication problems Omissions (missing or incomplete information) Errors (incorrect, extraneous, duplicate, or irrelevant information) Miscommunication (misunderstood information) Inaccurate recall of information Inability to contact handoff nurse if follow-up questions arise Failure to communicate the importance of certain items Failure to understand which information is essential Report becomes too routine; attention lapses occur Disorganized report Report relies only on documentation; patients current status isnt shared Report includes judgmental statements Staff members interrupt each other Idle chatting during handoffs Illegible handwriting Social and hierarchical problems Relational problems (such as those caused by a lack of peer support, a lack of mutual respect) Problems associated with the hierarchical structure of the health care team A culture of blame that inhibits questioning Confusion about roles and responsibilities of team members Problems communicating with physicians Cultural issues Language barriers (difficulty understanding each other; culturally different uses of a word or phrase) Ethnic barriers (ethnic differences in communication patterns) Problems associated with standardization Lack of standardization (for example, forms in use arent standardized; shifts or units use different forms, processes, or documentation systems) Problems with the standardized tools or systems used Lack of adequate policies and procedures relevant to handoffs System in use isnt clearly defined or understood Staff resistance to changes in handoff system Lack of handoffs research and of data to support best practices Lack of financial resources to implement recommended changes Lack of leadership support
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Problems associated with mnemonics (more than one handoff mnemonic in use; inadequate training in or reinforcement for using the mnemonic) Equipment issues Limitations associated with the communication medium (telephone, e-mail, paper, computerized system, audio- or videotape) Environmental issues Interruptions Distractions Multitasking during report Chaotic environment where report is given Too much noise Poor lighting A lack of privacy; difficulty ensuring confidentiality A lack of or misuse of time Time constraints (insufficient time allotted for handoffs) Process used is too time consuming Report is too long Difficulties related to complexity of cases or high caseloads High-acuity patients or those with severe illnesses (more complex handoffs) Too many patients (less time for handoffs) Increasing volume of patient information Increasingly complex care environment Workforce structure doesnt support adequate handoffs Emergent patient condition occurs during handoff A lack of training or education Staff receives inadequate or no training in handoffs Human factors Too few nurses on a shift or unit Stressful or overlong shifts (can cause fatigue, forgetfulness) Shift changes are busy times; reports may be rushed Human limitations (such as the limits of human memory) High nursing turnover, resulting in less stable or less cohesive teams, poor team dynamics Quality of information can be affected by emotion (such as feeling overwhelmed) Sensory and information overload
improving health care communication. In 2006 the Joint Commission named a new National Patient Safety Goal for hospitals: implementing a standard ized approach to hand off communications, includ ing an opportunity to ask and respond to questions.15 As of 2009 that goal remains unchanged, although in 2008 the Joint Commission elaborated on it, adding five elements of performance by which hospitals could achieve it.16
of barriers to and strategies for effective handoffs and for identification of handoff mnemonics. Using an iterative process, an abstraction form was devel oped to confirm eligibility for full review, assess article characteristics, and extract data relevant to the study questions. This iterative process started with an initial form, which was used by two reviewers (JL and LAR) independently to abstract data from five articles. The reviewers then met to discuss whether the abstraction
We set out to identify features of structured handoffs that have been shown to be effective.
We set out to review the literature on nursing han doffs and to identify features of structured handoffs that have been shown to be effective. To that purpose, we sought to identify all articles on nursing handoffs in the United States, conduct a systematic review of research studies, identify the mnemonics used, and conduct a qualitative review of barriers to and strate gies for effective handoffs that were mentioned in any of the articles. METHODS We conducted a systematic literature search for Englishlanguage articles published on the subject of handoffs, using Ovid MEDLINE, Ovid MEDLINE In Process & Other NonIndexed Citations, CINAHL, HealthSTAR, and Christiana Care Full Text Journals@ Ovid (January 1, 1987, to August 4, 2008). The search terms used were handoff$, handoff$, signout$, sign out$, signout$, handover$, handover$, signover$, signover$, intershift report, and shift report. (The wildcard character $ ensured that the search also yielded articles containing plurals of these terms.) A total of 2,649 articles were identified. All titles were reviewed for possible inclusion and 460 articles were obtained for further review (Figure 1). Reference sec tions of all obtained articles were reviewed for addi tional articles. Inclusion criteria. Articles meeting the following criteria were eligible for review of barriers to and stra tegies for effective handoffs and for identification of handoff mnemonics: they were in English; were in dexed in OVID, PubMed, or both; were published between January 1, 1987, and August 4, 2008; and focused on nursing handoffs in the United States. Articles included in the systematic review could have any research design. Published abstracts were not in cluded in the systematic review. Trained reviewers (JL and LAR) determined that 95 articles met the inclusion criteria for the initial review
form served to collect all relevant data. A second, more detailed abstraction form was then created. Two reviewers (JL and JMC) independently abstracted all data from the 95 articles. A third reviewer (LAR) re solved abstraction disagreements, which were minor and occurred infrequently. Development of the Quality Scoring System. In 1998 Downs and Black created a valid and reliable scale designed to assess both experimental and obser vational studies.17 Since then two systematic reviews of published systems (scales and checklists) designed to assess study quality have ranked their scale as one of the best.18, 19 Both reviews went on to suggest that some modifications might be useful, depending on the specific topic and study designs. We developed a qual ity assessment formthe Quality Scoring System using the original Downs and Black scale as a starting point, with revised and added items that seemed most relevant to our study. We used the Quality Scoring System in an earlier study of residents and attending physicians handoffs.20 For the current study, we modi fied one item on the form, revising the description of participants from one relevant to physicians to one relevant to nurses. The Quality Scoring System yields scores ranging from 1 to 16, with 16 being the highest score. The form contains two items related to study type and sample size, five items related to reporting, and five items related to internal validity. To view the form used in this study, see Figure 2 online: http://links.lww. com/AJN/A6. Quality scores were independently obtained from two reviewers (JL and LAR). The interrater reliabil ity (agreement between two or more reviewers) was assessed for all identified research studies (n = 20). The overall agreement was 97.5%; Cohens (another measure of interrater reliability) was 0.95, P < 0.001. All differences were resolved through discussion to yield a final quality score for each study.
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Qualitative analysis of barriers to and strategies for effective handoffs. Conventional content analysis is a qualitative research technique used when exist ing theories on the phenomenon of interest are either limited or absent.21 Such analysis involves an iterative process that allows themes and patterns to arise from the data. Researchers immerse themselves in the data to allow new insights to emerge.21
initiative projects. The majority of the research studies (17 of 20 studies; 85%) received quality scores at or below 8, with nine receiving scores between 2 and 5, and eight receiving scores between 6 and 8. Only three studies achieved quality scores above 10, with scores of 10.5, 11, and 12. Just 10 of the 20 research studies identified features of handoffs that have been shown to be effective.96, 98,
Among the barriers to effective handoffs, communication barriers were noted most frequently.
Using this technique and working independently, two of us (JL and LAR) identified all references to the barriers to and strategies for effective handoffs in the reviewed articles and listed them in phrase format in two lists, one for strategies and another for barriers. The two of us then met to compare lists and, through discussion, agree on the final contents. In our previous study of residents and attending physicians hand offs, we used an inductive iterative process to create categories of barriers and strategies.20 For the current study we used the same category labels, moving each phrase to the appropriate category or subcategory. The final, categorized lists were reviewed by the third author (JMC) for coherence and consistency. RESULTS Ninetyfive articles describing nursing handoffs were identified. Fiftyfive (58%) were published between 2006 and 2008. Five articles were excluded because they were abstracts2226; 59 because they presented anecdotal data4, 2784; six because they were letters, commentaries, or editorials8590; and five because they provided circumscribed reviews.9195 The remaining 20 articles described research studies on nursing handoffs and were analyzed in depth.96115 For details, see Table 1 online: Thirtythree (35%) articles included the use of a handoffs mnemonic. Fourteen different mnemonics were identified, with SBAR (for Situation, Background, Assessment, Recommendation) cited most frequently (25 of 33 articles; 76%; for details, see Table 2 on line24, 29, 30, 33, 3538, 4548, 51, 56, 5860, 62, 63, 65, 66, 71, 7477, 84, 86, 88, 90, 103, 104, 109: identification of barriers to effective handoffs in eight major categories (see Barriers to Effective Handoffs) and of strategies for effective handoffs in seven major categories (see Strategies for Effective Handoffs). Quality assessment scores for the 20 research studies ranged from 2 to 12 (possible range, 1 to 16). Many, though not all, of the studies concerned quality
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At one childrens hospital, parents reported that participating in bedside shift reports helped them understand their childs condition and needs.99 At another hospital, walking rounds that invited patient participation replaced tape recorded and oral shift reports; the adult patients interviewed said they felt very positive about nurses coming to their rooms at the start of shift to introduce themselves and explain planned care.110 Various studies also found that over time decreased in association with the implementa tion of walking rounds,110 bedside shift reports,96 or a customized telephonebased system.109 In a study by Richard, the investigator listened to taped and facetoface shift reports and checked the actual condition of patients, then analyzed the data for congruence, omissions, and omissions leading to incongruence.112 (An omission was defined as infor mation that if left out of shift report could increase inefficiency; incongruence was defined as occurring when information given during report was dif ferent from the actual condition and the difference could have medicolegal consequences.) The taped reports were significantly more likely than faceto face reports to produce omissions, although taped reports were less likely to produce incongruence. In another study, Barbera and colleagues eliminated taped reports and instituted a system whereby all relevant information for each patient was recorded in a binder located directly outside her or his room.98 Comparing the old system with the new one, the inves tigators demonstrated that the recording of medical histories improved from 55% to 100%, compliance with flowsheet documentation increased from 45% to 100%, and the recording of iv catheter insertion dates improved from 75% to 95%. An initiative at one hospital replaced telephoned reports with written reports for patients transferring from the ED to a unit; this yielded a 95% success rate for process completion and accuracy in the first year and a 97% success rate in the second.101 Admission
99, 101, 109114
Strategy Categories
Communication skills General communication Maintain patient and family confidentiality Be concise but thorough in conveying essential information Convey information clearly; ask questions if something isnt clear Keep report patient centered Preparation Manage your time so that youre prepared to give report Gather necessary materials (such as patient charts, your own shift notes) Transfer of responsibility Verify that the person receiving report understands and accepts transfer of responsibility Delay such transfer if there are concerns about patient status or stability Language Speak clearly and at a moderate pace Use clear, specific language Keep all remarks objective; avoid judgmental statements Avoid the use of jargon, acronyms, or abbreviations Standardization strategies Standardize the process Provide opportunity to ask and respond to questions Develop guidelines, tools (templates, forms, checklists, scripts), policies, and procedures Use a tool to ensure that essential information is consistently included Tailor report tools as appropriate for different areas or situations (such as change of shift, patient transfer between units) Report information in the same order every time Use a verification process (such as reading back) to ensure that information is both received and understood Develop a teamwork contract and have team members sign it Use a mnemonic During face-to-face communication Use interactive questioning During walking rounds or bedside report Check equipment Check for missing information or ask additional questions Include patient and family in discussion of plans and goals Monitor, evaluate, or audit the process Create an evaluation tool Use spot checks Provide direct feedback as soon as possible Modify the process as needed Focus on system problems
Technologic solutions Use an electronic (computerized) handoff system Give report in front of computer (makes it easy to look up relevant information) Use an audio- or videotaped report Plan ahead what you want to say Report information in the same order every time Stop the recorder when necessary to cut out distractions Listen to your taped reports occasionally to identify areas for improvement Ask a respected colleague to critique your report Use a telephone-based voice technology system Environmental strategies Limit interruptions and distractions Create a specific place for report thats well lit and quiet Maintain patient and family privacy Allow sufficient time Training and education Use real-life examples (scenarios, stories) in class and what-if scenarios during practice Use role-playing to teach effective handoff skills Teach assertiveness and listening skills Address hierarchical and social issues (for example, by discussing how to communicate effectively with those above and below you in the hierarchy, how social and cultural norms affect communication) Discuss and address human factors (such as stress, fatigue, sensory or information overload) Provide adequate refresher training or education Create posters, pocket cards, Web-based resources, and other tools to reinforce handoff skills Staff involvement Involve staff in the development of guidelines, tools (templates, forms, checklists, scripts), policies, and procedures Involve staff in the development of a training program Leadership Have consistent expectations for compliance Facilitate nursephysician dialogue to identify problems and find solutions Allow adequate time to plan an implementation strategy for a new handoff process Find early adopters and champions to help demonstrate effectiveness Link the shift handoff process to performance evaluation
delays related to telephone report were eliminated, and inpatient surveys showed a 20% improvement in satisfaction regarding speed of admission. At an other hospital, researchers found that using a stan dardized, written report for patients transferring from the ED to the telemetry unit yielded increased staff and patient satisfaction, improved compliance with documentation of essential information, and saved nurses time.113 In a demonstration project at a third facility, oral shift reports were replaced with a written, problemoriented report form.111 After four months, 94% of staff reported that shift reports were more concise and 92% felt that they were using time pre viously spent on report more effectively.
be effective. Although American hospitals have long provided patient care and nursing handoffs have long been a part of that process, theres little empirical evidence delineating what constitutes best handoff practices. Ten (50%) of the research studies included some outcome measure that might be linked to effec tiveness. In evaluating handoffs, several studies considered the format. For example, two studies noted that bed side shift reports or walking rounds were viewed positively by patients.99, 110 And the use of bedside shift reports, walking rounds, or a customized telephone based system109 was shown to decrease overtime. But although patient satisfaction and decreased over
The Joint Commission is calling for structured handoffs; yet we found very little evidence to support the use of any specific structure, protocol, or method.
And in another study, researchers gave nurses access to medical residents electronic signouts; participants reported improved physiciannurse communication, increased knowledge of essential patient data (such as reason for admission, known drug allergies, and active clinical problems), and improved nurses ability to identify anticipated clinical status changes.114 DISCUSSION We identified 95 articles describing nursing handoffs in the United States. Of those, 20 (21%) described re search studies, none of which was a randomized con trolled trial. Fifteen (75%) of the research studies involved an intervention,9698, 100104, 107, 109111, 113115 four (20%) were crosssectional,99, 105, 108, 112 and one (5%) was qualitative.106 Seven research studies didnt pro vide sample sizes, and 11 had sample sizes that were relatively small, ranging from 10 to 54. Two studies reviewed shift report accuracy, involving 262115 and 584112 patient reports, respectively. More than half (55; 58%) of the 95 articles were published recentlybetween January 1, 2006, and August 4, 2008which isnt surprising in light of the Joint Commissions creation of the National Patient Safety Goal on handoffs, first issued in 2006. However, as the quality scores demonstrate, theres a remarkable lack of highquality studies of nursing handoff outcomes. Indeed, the three studies with the best quality scores achieved scores of just 10.5, 11, and 12, respectively, out of a possible 16. One purpose of the current study was to identify features of nursing handoffs that have been shown to
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time are important outcomes, its not clear to what degree those are features of more effective handoffs. In the study that compared taped with facetoface shift reports, the taped reports were found to produce more omissions but were less likely to produce incon gruence.112 Therefore, neither format was shown to be completely accurate. While the use of a written, problemoriented form was found to be more concise and to save nurses time,111 the accuracy of the content was not measured. In comparison with taped shift reports, having nurses record all relevant information in a binder located di rectly outside each patients room resulted in increased compliance with the recording of predetermined ele ments.98 But such compliance, though valuable, isnt necessarily indicative of an effective handoff. The use of a standardized written report for trans fers of patients from the ED to a unit was shown to yield greater accuracy,101, 113 increase patients and nurses satisfaction,101, 113 and save nurses time.113 Considered together, these results seem to indicate that a standard ized format will increase compliance and might result in greater accuracy. But its also likely that no one for mat will suffice across all units in a facility or across all facilities. Rather, the format and its requisite elements will have to be adapted for each nursing area. Barriers to effective handoffs. We identified nu merous barriers to effective handoffs that could be organized into eight major categories (see Barriers to Effective Handoffs). Of these categories, communica tion barriers were noted most frequently, with general communication problems including such things as
lapses in communication or failures to communicate, lengthy or irrelevant content, and inaccurate recall of communicated information. Because effective com munication is an essential component of effective handoffs, this is an important finding. Other commu nication problems included language barriers, illegi ble handwriting, and poor communication between nurses and physicians. Communication barriers re lated to social structures and hierarchies constituted a less intuitive grouping. Here we included such things as a lack of supportive behaviors among nurses and poor peer relationships. An understanding of the com plex social structures and hierarchies in which nurses work, as well as the unwritten rules that govern hand off of patient responsibilities, will be required to im prove the quality of handoffs. Strategies for effective handoffs. We identified nu merous strategies that could be organized into seven major categories (see Strategies for Effective Handoffs). Of these, strategies for standardization were noted most frequently. Technologic strategies, such as the use of computerized handoff systems, constituted the next most frequently mentioned group. Communica tion strategies included addressing hierarchical issues and those associated with organizational culture that were noted as barriers. Providing training or educa tion and addressing environmental problems such as poor lighting and excessive noise make intuitive sense and were readily identified. A less obvious strategy was that of ensuring recognition that a transfer of responsibility had occurred. (For the raw data on bar riers and strategies, please contact Lee Ann Riesen berg: Limitations and strengths. Handoffs were studied in a variety of health care environments. Information
about barriers to and strategies for effective hand offs might not apply to every handoff situation; a strategy thats effective on a medicalsurgical unit might not serve in the fasterpaced, chaotic ED set ting. We abstracted data on barriers and strategies from all sections of articles, including introductions. This might have resulted in an overemphasis on some bar riers or strategies. In addition, all of these barriers and strategies were described anecdotally, and our interpretation was dependent on the authors views and use of repetition. The current study was also limited by the search strategy, in that our search terms might not have in cluded all relevant terms. We improved the likelihood that we would identify all articles meeting inclusion criteria by also reviewing the reference sections of all obtained articles. Although that strategy minimized the likelihood that we would miss germane studies, it didnt eliminate that possibility. Another issue is publication bias. Because publica tion tends to favor studies with positive results, its possible that highquality studies with negative re sults havent been published. Davidoff and Batalden observed that the results of many quality improve ment projects arent published.116 Furthermore, we noted that the results of some quality improvement projects are announced in newsletters but are not subsequently submitted to peerreviewed journals. So there may be studies of nursing handoff outcomes that havent been published in the peerreviewed literature. These limitations notwithstanding, the explicit search strategy, clear inclusion criteria, and systematic pro cesses used to identify and evaluate articles strength ened the quality of this review.
Our Quality Scoring System was based on a vali dated methodology developed to assess both experi mental and observational studies. It had high interrater reliability, and reviewers of various educational back grounds and experience found it straightforward and easy to use. The Quality Scoring System also provides a reproducible template for the assessment of hand offs articles. But our system hasnt been validated across multiple settings or with other investigators. Further, the relative weightings on the Quality Scoring System may require refinement and there may prove to be additional relevant categories. Recommendations. Evidencebased practice is practice informed by highquality research. Yet, as we stated earlier, theres little empirical evidence for what constitutes best nursing handoff practices. Our re search on physicians handoffs demonstrated a similar dearth.20 And there are risks involved in implementing interventions for which evidence of effectiveness is lacking: valuable resources can be wasted, clinicians might become reluctant to implement other measures. Winters and colleagues, studying the use of rapid response teams, found that such teams were being widely implemented despite a lack of highquality evidence for their effectiveness; they cautioned that [n]ational efforts to improve patient safety should be supported by sufficiently strong evidence to warrant such a commitment of resources.117 Recently, publication guidelines on research on patient safety and quality improvement initiatives have been developed. The Standards for Quality Im provement Reporting Excellence (SQUIRE) guide lines ( establish a framework for reporting studies that formally as sess the nature and effectiveness of interventions de signed to improve the quality and safety of care.118 And as Stevens observed, by extension having such guidelines should also improve study design119; they would have improved many of the studies reviewed here. We recommend that, in the future, researchers conducting and reporting on handoffs studies follow the SQUIRE guidelines. The Joint Commission is calling for structured handoffs; yet we found very little evidence to support the use of any specific structure, protocol, or method. Based on our review of the U.S. nursing handoffs literature, we have developed a list of areas for fur ther research, grouped into the content domains of knowledge, attitudes, skills, process outcomes, and clinical outcomes (see Areas for Further Nursing Hand offs Research). Highquality outcomes studies that focus on sys tems factors, human performance, and the effective ness of protocols and interventions are urgently needed. We call for rigorous outcomes studies that are designed to assess the effectiveness of nursing handoffs, determine which elements lead to improved patient outcomes, and identify the best implementation
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strategies. We also recommend that these studies be reported using the SQUIRE guidelines. For 39 additional continuing nursing educa tion articles on research topics, go to www.
Lee Ann Riesenberg is director of Medical Education Research and Outcomes, Academic Affairs, Christiana Care Health System, Newark, Delaware, and research assistant professor, Jefferson School of Population Health, Thomas Jefferson Uni versity, Philadelphia. Jessica Leitzsch is research assistant, Academic Affairs, and Janet M. Cunningham is vice president professional excellence and associate chief nursing officer, both at Christiana Care Health System. The authors acknowledge Ellen M. Justice, MLIS, AHIP, medical librarian of the Lewis B. Flinn Medical Library, Christiana Care Health System, for conducting literature searches; Dolores Ann Moran and Janice Evans, each a medical library assistant II, for assistance in locat ing articles; and Donald Riesenberg, MD, for reviewing the manuscript. Contact author: Lee Ann Riesenberg, lriesenberg@ The authors have disclosed that they have no financial interests in any commercial company related to this educational activity.
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