July 2006
Welcome to Nephrology at the University Health Network. The Division of Nephrology is one of
the largest Nephrology programs in the world, encompassing treatment of End Stage Renal
Disease (ESRD) with dialysis and transplantation, general nephrology, subspecialty clinics,
teaching and research. There are a large number of active staff nephrologists at the Toronto
General, Toronto Western and affiliated hospitals.
In-patient clinical services consist of the In-patient General Nephrology Ward, and the Multiorgan
Transplant Unit. The service is always very busy, therefore requires much organization and co-
ordination. This guidebook focuses on your rotation in General Nephrology and is a guide to
management of nephrology patients utilizing accepted protocols and useful suggestions.
It is hoped that this Guidebook will assist you in the management of your patients and in your
learning experience. In an effort continually improve our service; we welcome feedback on this
Guidebook Editor:
Diane Watson, Nurse Practitioner
(416) 340-4800 ext 8238
Betty Kelman, Nurse Practitioner
UHN Division of Nephrology
UHN Renal Pharmacists
UHN Nephrology Allied Health
INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................................................... 2
IN-PATIENT NEPHROLOGY PROGRAM.......................................................................................................................... 8
Medical Coverage
Red and Blue Teams “Acute Care Teams”:
• Acute Care Teams - acute problems, undiagnosed renal failure, or
renal pts for various other procedures e.g. biopsy, angioplasty.
• Attending Staffperson for the month - responsible for the team,
patients and ITER forms.
• Renal resident/fellow as team leader, co-ordinates the work of the
team, assists in teaching, and aware of all pts on team.
• Diane Watson, Nurse Practitioner ph 8238, pgr 790-7775 to
consult on new dialysis pts and assist with dialysis options,
focussing on Home dialysis, out pt HD spots, palliative mgmt.
• On call does consults at TGH, MSH, PMH. Covers ward issues in
evenings & weekends
Refer to Calendar of Weekly Rounds at end of Guidebook
• Mon - Fri 08:00 sharp 8N-828 Conference room. To co-ordinate
patient care for each day
• review prev days admissions, consults, dialysis, elective
admissions, vascular access
• very short (1 or 2 sentence) summary of admissions, consults and
ward problems - focus on major issues and dialysis needs
• weekends and holidays, meet with the nurses in charge of ward
and HD to plan the day.
• Red and Blue teams to notify Green Team of patients potentially
needing transfer to In-Patient Nephrology unit.
• All teams to notify renal coordinator of patients starting dialysis in
order to facilitate education and choice of dialysis modality.
Ward Rounds
• Staff nephrologists will schedule In Pt rounds with 13ES staff.
Kardex Rounds
Interdisciplinary Kardex rounds are held for Green Team each
Wednesday 09:00 in the 13ES Conference Room.
To discuss pts medical/social issues and discharge plan.
Teaching Rounds
Mon to Thurs, 08:30-09:00, teaching rounds in the 8N-828
conference room following Sign-In. Mon - Fluid & Electrolytes
Fri 08:30-09:30, Renal Rounds in Hugh Orr Conference Room
GW1-534. In summer, each team presents a topic on a rotating
basis. During year, staff and fellows prepare renal rounds.
On Call
• On-call schedule is posted on the ward and in the residents room.
• Intern or resident on first call with renal fellow on back-up call as
well as a staff nephrologist.
• New consult pts remain with the team of junior housestaff on call.
• Person on call is responsible for all in-patients and consults.
• Please date your consults, make your name legible and pager no.
• On-call room 12ES 402 – Don’t leave valuables in the room
• On call to ensure that at least 1 HD pt has orders for following
a.m. so HD nurse can start.
Nephrology Team
Nursing Staff
Catherine Cary, RN, MBA, Nurse Manager - 3841
• There is a nurse assigned to PD for each day pgr. 715-9232
Cecelia Cosma BHSc PT pgr. 719-3903
Aaron Hewitt PT Assistant 719-3869
Renal Pharmacist
Stephanie Ong, RMC,PD, In Pt: 6547 pgr 790-8466
Marisa Battistella, BSc Phm, Pharm D. Hemo: 3207 pgr 790-0793
Philip Lui: 6547 pgr 790-7790
13ES Pharmacist: 8106 pgr 790-7790
Vascular Access Coordinator
Cyndi Bhola RN, BScN, C Neph (C) - 3518 pgr. 790-5320
Sally Franca, Medical Secretary 6993
Hemodialysis Units
Hemo Unit EG - 4072 fax 3084 GG – 5707 fax 4892 Home HD 3736
Treva McCumber, MN (cand), Program Director - 4176
Deloris Beech, RN, BScN, C Neph (C), HD Coordinator EG 6049
Denise Williams, RN, BScN, C Neph (C), HD Coordinator EG 6305
Annellie Cristobal, RN, HD Coordinator, GG – 6908
Jean Flermont-Williams,RN, BScN, CNeph (C) HD Coord GG – 8502
Debra Appleton, RN, MSc. C Neph (C), Clinical Educator – 8726
Vanessa Godfrey, RN, MSc (cand), Clin Educator - 2051
1 Scholey Fenton
2 Pei Chan
3 Richardson Chan
1 Richardson Lok
2 Lok Oreopoulos
3 Jassal Bargman
Order one of the following Standard Diets: Ward Clerk will enter:
Protein PO4 Na K+
• It is imperative that discharges are well planned due to the
demand for nephrology beds.
• Ensure patients are ready for discharge - Homecare (CCAC)
arrangements, discharge orders and Rx’s.
• Patients must be discharged by 11:00 AM
• Complete on line Discharge Summary for all pts. (Found under
“Other” tab on Pt care screen). Notify Nephrologist who follows pt.
• Consult teams to prepare paper Discharge Summary to fax to
dialysis unit – Monica has them at morning report.
Microscope Rooms
• 12ES – 433, or 12 NU clinic. Microscope, centrifuge, slides,
sulphasalycilic acid etc to prepare and view urine. Please
DISPOSE of urine, slides and pipettes etc when finished, and
make an effort to keep this room clean for the next person.
• Because Nephrology patients are anemic, order only necessary
bloodwork, and remember to cancel orders for repeated BW
• HD pts can have bloodwork drawn in HD unit unless otherwise
indicated. This should be specified on the HD Orders form.
• Please remember to document allergies on Doctors Orders forms.
• Renal pts often require alterations in dosing of medications due to
renal failure and/or dialysis. Consult renal pharmacist if there are
questions re dosing beyond described in this Guidebook
• When admitting a patient, call the appropriate Hemo Unit or
HPDU to have them fax medication and dialysis orders.
• Remember to order Eprex/Aranesp and Venofer, HD pts may not
include these as meds that they are on, as they are given in HD
• All pts to be vaccinated for Pneumococcus, Influenza, Hepatitis
and Tetanus per protocols, documented in HD and PD charts.
• See sections "Common Drugs Used in ESRD" and "Drug Dosing
for HD, CAPD and CRRT".
Types of Coverage:
1) Cash
2) 3rd party insurance (through employment, Blue Cross, Liberty Health)
3) Ontario Drug Benefit (ODB)
What is covered?
–Formulary medications - Follow the Ontario Drug Benefit Formulary
–Limited Use Products - Covered when patient meets listed criteria
-Must put Limited Use code on actual prescription
–Section 8 approved meds (see below)
Section 8
A source of payment that can be applied for when no formulary alternative is available or
–Application requires Individual Clinical Review
–Meds that are not listed in ODB formulary or which fall under limited use criteria
–Physician is making “special request” for coverage
–Guided by DQTC and other expert medical advisers to review individual requests
Admissions Policy for Dialysis Patients
Patient Destination
Dialysis Access Issues
• Creation of access (PD or HD)
• Infection
• Thrombosis
• Radiologic/Surgical Revision
• Sepsis related to Access
Peritonitis (in PD patients)
Inadequacy of Dialysis
Urgent Dialysis
• Volume Overload
• Electrolyte Emergency i.e ↑ Potassium
• Overdose
Awaiting out-patient Dialysis spot
Dialysis patients admitted to other services who are palliative,
rehabilitating, or awaiting placement to long-term care facility.
Surgical bed, in the case of other non-renal issues. In the
absence of beds in the appropriate service the patient will
then be transported to the Emergency Department to be
admitted to the appropriate service and consulted on by
the Renal Team as needed.
Admissions from Toronto Western
The Basics
Eaton Ground (EG) Hemo: 4072.Gerrard Ground (GG) Hemo: 5707
• Hours 07:30-23:00 Mon-Sat, 3 “shifts” of pts each day.
• On-call nurses cover emergency HD at TG, TW, MSH and PMH
after hours and Sundays - reached through locating. Initiation of
a new hemo patient, whether acute or chronic must be in
consultation with a staff Nephrologist, with a catheter in place and
verified radiographically.
Ordering Hemodialysis:
• Use “Hemodialysis Unit - Hemodialysis Orders” Sheet. Write the
orders a day ahead if possible. Call the HD unit as soon as you
know that an inpatient will require dialysis.
2. Dialyzer
For acutes-order Exceltra 190. The standard for chronic HD pts is
F80 which is reused using heat reprocessing.
3. Method
"Conventional" refers to intermittent HD. HD time includes solute
removal + ultrafiltration (UF). Can also have isolated UF if pt very
volume overloaded - may permit a greater rate of fluid removal
with less hemodynamic compromise. Increase dialysis hours until
PRU (Percent Reduction of Urea) (adequacy) is >65%
PRU = Pre Urea - Post Urea x 100
Pre Urea
4. Dialysate
Sodium: standard is 140 mM. May order Na+ "Ramping" for pts
with a lot of fluid to remove, - e.g. Na 145 1st hr, 140 2nd hr, 135
3rd hr, 135 4th hr, ordered in consultation with fellow or staff.
6. Heparinization
Regular heparinization = 1000u bolus and 1000u/hr.
Tight = 0 bolus, 500 u/hr
No heparin = 0 bolus, 0 infusion, N/S flushes or Bioflow - use for
patients with bleeding, coagulopathy, or pre/post surgery. The
risk of tight or no heparinization is dialyser clotting (blood loss).
Need to balance risk of bleeding to risk of clotting system.
7. Blood Flow (Qb)
Standard is “Maximize at RN discretion”, up to 400 ml/min
Generally slower Qb's for first few runs to avoid dialysis
disequilibrium (e.g. 250 mL/min).
8. BP maintenance
Standard is saline; occasionally Albumin 25%. In some ICU pts
already on inotropes, dopamine may occasionally be used.
9. Bloodwork
“Monthly Routine” - only for chronic outpts; "other" includes any
blood tests to be done before or after dialysis. Blood is taken
from the dialysis access -thus saving a venipuncture. Only order
NECESSARY bloodwork, as dialysis pts are anemic.
Blood Transfusions
• Blood Transfusions – C&T prior to and give during HD to allow
removal of fluid volume and K+.
• Pts must sign a consent for blood transfusion, explained by
and signed by MD, try to get consent for 1 year.
IV Iron
• Either Iron Saccharate or Iron Dextran, may be given on HD.
Dose - IV Iron Sucrose (Venofer) - 100 mg IV with HD x 10
consecutive HD's. Maintenance dose 100 mg IV q1-2 weeks.
Dose - IV Iron Dextran - Test dose 25 mg IV with HD, with MD
present. If no problems, 75 mg IV then 100 mg x next 9 HD's
Have Benadryl 50 mg, Solumedrol 100 mg and Adrenalin
1:1000 .3-.5 ml on hand.
University Health Network
Toronto General Toronto Western PMH
ORDERED Sign Action Pharmacy
2. Dialyzer: _____________________________________
________________________ ___________________
Physician's Signature Date
Dialysis in the ICU and "off-unit" - CRRT
• Patients in the ICU, CCU and Off unit reviewed at AM report
ICU pts often hemodynamically unstable, with large obligate fluid
inputs, on inotropes, with co-morbid conditions, which complicate
their dialysis. Conventional HD can worsen hemodynamic instability
in this setting. Consider alternative methods which are slower and
gentler than conventional HD, collectively know as CRRT -
Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy.
Peritoneal Dialysis
• In patients with intact peritoneal cavities, PD is generally excellent
for critical care setting.
• General surgery is to be contacted to implant the peritoneal
catheter. Dr. Robinette also may be contacted. 3855 – fax
referral to 4500.
• ICU nurses carry out the dialysis - CAPD.
• ICU and ER nurses are also certified to initate PD peritonitis
Blood pump speed (200 ml/min), slow Dialysate flow (350 ml/min), using
Exceltra 150 dialyzer.
• Heparin anticoagulation as standard, may also do flushes.
• 1 liter/hour hemofiltration with saline
Orders for SLEDD
(Sustained Low Efficiency Daily Dialysis)
Time 8h x
Blood pump speed 200 ml/min x
Dialysate flow 350 ml/min x
Anticoagulation Heparin Saline flushes
Saline hemofiltration 1 L/h x
Dialyzer Exceltra 150 x
Sodium 140 x
Potassium 3 1,2,3
Calcium 1.5 1.25,1.5,1.75
Bicarbonate 35 30,35,40
May add to dialysate if
Phosphate 0
Pi < 1.0 mM
1. Modality :
CVVHD (Continuous Veno-Venous Hemodialysis).
CVVHDF (Continuous Veno-Venous Hemodiafiltration).
CVVH (Continuous Veno-Venous Hemofiltration).
2. Initial Blood Work:
aPTT, CBC Urea, Lytes, Creatinine, Phosphate, Bicarbonate,
Lactate, Magnesium, Albumin, if not drawn in last 24 hours.
3. Anticoagulation:
Heparin – 1000 units /mL at ___ units/h.(in multiples of 500
units)(0.5 ml) usual starting rate would be 500 units/hour.
No Heparin. Citrate: See protocol below
4. Dialysate Solutions: Select one of the following:
Hemosol BO (mix 250 mL 5.88% Na Bicarb + 4.75 L Hemosol BO
to equal bicarb 32 mmol/L, KCl 0 mmol/L, Calcium 1.75 mmol/L).
(*Note: does NOT contain K+, so may need to add)
5. Dialysate Additives: Add ___mEq KCl
NB: No solutions custom made by pharmacy are allowed
6. Replacement Solutions: Normal Saline. Other
Additives: Add _____ mEq KCl/L.
7. Flow Rates:
Blood Flow Rate: 100 mL/min.(usual), or may order other rate.
Ultrafiltration Rate : ____ mL/h. (consider ALL intake excluding
replacement solution). Dialysate Flow Rate: ____ mL/hour
(Standard- 20 mL/kg/ hour). Replacement Flow Rate: ____ mL/h.
8. Additional Bloodwork to be ordered:
• aPTT 6 hours after the start of Heparin Infusion & 6 hr after any
change in Heparin Rate. Target aPTT 60-90 seconds.
• Call Nephrology if outside range.
Citrate Anticoagulation
Citrate is used to anticoagulate the extracorporeal blood circuit during
CRRT by binding with calcium, rendering it unavailable to the clotting
cascade. When the blood returns to the patient, the pts serum
calcium mixes with the blood and neutralizes the anticoagulation
effect. Calcium is administered to the pt to replete calcium stores lost
as a result of citrate binding. Citrate Anticoagulant Citrate Dextrose
Solution USP (ACD) Formula A is supplied in 500 and 1000 mL IV
bags by Stores and is ward stock on the Hemo Unit. The citrate
infusion is administered via infusion pump.
Use “CRRT with Citrate Anticoagulaton ICU” – Doctors Order Sheet
Indications for Use:
Citrate is useful for the anticoagulation of an extra corporeal circuit
when bleeding is a concern and heparin is contraindicated:
Citrate Protocol
Citrate Dextrose Solution USP ACD Formula A in access port
@starting rate of 200 ml/h. Titrate per Post-filter Ionized Ca
Required Bloodwork:
Upon start of treatment: baseline Ionized Ca++ post filter and
systemic; lytes, bicarb, urea, creat, PO4, Lactate, Mg, alb
During Treatment: Post filter Ionized Ca, Systemic Ionized Ca
• At 1 hour
• Q4h x12 hr then q 12h and prn (if no changes to infusion rates)
• Repeat bloodwork 4 hours after each rate change.
Write order to initiate citrate infusion and the calcium gluconate infusion
at specified rates of infusion. Daily evaluation of coagulation status
Nurses have been educated to notify MD for the following
• systemic ionized Ca < 0.85 or as specified with MD’s orders
• when citrate rate is >200 mL / hour
• if patient has gross metabolic alkalosis (HC03 > 35)
Sliding Scales for Citrate Anticoagulation Infusion Rates
Citrate Infusion: Adjust rates as soon as bloodwork results are available,based on normalized
Ionized Ca results (corrected to pH 7.4). (suggested starting rate at 200 mL/h)
Anticoagulation Citrate Infusion based on post-filter ionized Calcium results:
Post –filter Ionized Ca++ (mmol/L) Change Citrate Infusion Rate :
Use PRISMA Venous Port
< 0.25 ↓ present rate by 10 mL/h
0.25-0.35 (target) no change
0.36-0.45 ↑ present rate by 10 mL/h
> 0.46 ↑ present rate by 20 mL/h
notify Nephrologist when citrate rate is > 250mL/h
Central Line Infusion: Calcium Gluconate 24.3g in 1L D5W (suggested starting rate at 50 mL/h)
Systemic Ionized Calcium Change Calcium Gluconate Infusion Rate :
(Use Patient Arterial line)
< 0.75 mmol/L ↑present rate by 20 ml/h and notify Nephrologist
.75 - .94 ↑ present rate by 20 ml/h
.95-1.10 ↑ present rate by 10 ml/h
1.11 – 1.20 (target) no change to present rate
>1.20 ↓ present rate by 10 ml/h
Vascular Access For Hemodialysis
AV graft
• Connects artery to a vein using synthetic plastic (PTFE “Gortex”),
implanted by vascular surgeon in forearm, upper arm or thigh.
• Can be used ~ 2-4 weeks after surgery.
• Should auscultate a bruit but may not feel a thrill.
AV fistula
• Anastamosis of patients own artery to vein, created by vascular
• Requires ~6 weeks to “mature”.
• Should feel a thrill and auscultate a bruit.
“Uldall-Cook” “U/C” “Vascath Optiflow” "ASH split catheter"
"Medcomp", "Vaxel" “CardioMed”
Polysporin Triple
Infection Guidelines for Vascular Access
Permanent (Tunnelled) Hemodialysis Catheter Infection
If a patient with a catheter develops signs and symptoms of sepsis,
always suspect a central hemodialysis catheter as a source!
Look for Redness, pain, discharge at the exit site or over catheter tunnel.
Fever (remember not all renal pts will mount a fever). Other s/s of Sepsis
(nausea, vomiting, malaise etc.)
• Swab from exit site for C&S if discharge.
• Decide on type of Catheter Infection (see Table 2).
• Advise Hemodialysis Infection Control Subcommittee via Cyndi x 3518
per algorithm below.
• Start empiric antibiotic treatment as advised.
• Ancef 2 gm IV & Tobramycin 2 mg/kg loading then 1mg/kg post each HD
until C&S known
• If allergic to Ancef, Vancomycin 1 gm post q 2nd HD
• For Nocturnal dialysis patients, Ancef 1.5 gm loading dose, then 1gm
daily, and Tobramycin, 1 mg/kg q 2nd HD.
• If drainage from exit site, or pt unstable, remove line ASAP.
• U/C line removal or change over wire arranged through Angio or by
certified renal fellow or nurse practitioner. If removal, leave catheter out for
48-72 hours before new U/C
• Arrange re-insertion by Angio, put order in computer. Under Nephrology
Order set:: Diagnostics → “Abd/Thoracic Angio”. Enter comment if
• If stable and no pus at exit site, continue antibiotic until blood cultures
available and adjust antibiotics accordingly.
Table 1. Culture and Sensitivity Follow-up
Culture results Continue or add Discontinu Catheter
Coag neg staph Ancef 2 gm IV over last hr Tobramycin Leave in unless pt
of HD x 3 wks (if unstable.
organism sens to Ancef).
If resistant to Ancef, use
Vancomycin 1 g every
second dialysis for 3
For Nocturnal pts, Ancef
1 gm IV daily x 3 wks.
Gram negative Tobramycin 1mg/kg post Ancef If pt clinically stable, leave
HD x 3 wks. line in. If fever or other
For Nocturnal pts, 1 S/S of infection recur after
mg/kg q 2 HD x 3wks 48 hours, or if recurrent
infection with the same
organism, remove and
replace line.
Staph aureus Ancef x 4 weeks. Tobra If no other source
If SBE, treat for 6 weeks. suspected, remove line.
Contact ID re ? starting
Rifampin 600 mg po od x If discharge from exit site,
4 weeks. Check LFT's remove line.
when on Rifampin
If MRSA, contact ID, start
Vancomycin 15-20 mg/kg Ancef &
every 2nd HD**. Contact Tobra
ID re Rifampin.
Enterococci Vancomycin 1 gm q 2nd Ancef & Remove line if resistance
HD** x 4 weeks or Tobra to aminoglycoside.
Ampicillin 2 gm q 12 h x 7
days, if In-Pt. (accdg to
Fungus ID consult. Ancef & Remove line, replace
Fluconazole 200-400 mg Tobra after 48-72 hr
po/IV loading dose, then
100-400 mg po/IV post
Or Amphotericin B 0.5-
1.0 mg/kg IV q 24h
** Vancomycin – Ask Pharmacist re dosing (ie q HD dosing option)
AV Graft Infection
Infection in an AV graft is a medical emergency.
Suspect Central Venous Catheter Related
Patient Patient
Hemodynamically Hemodynamically
Unstable Stable
Remove line by
guidewire exchange at Remove line and Salvage line +
the same site. re-site after 48 hr. Antibiotic lock.
Antibiotic Prophylaxis for Hemodialysis Patients
Any HD patient with a central line or PTFE (gortex) graft must have
antibiotic prophylaxis prior to any invasive procedure and any dental
procedure as follows.
Cystoscopy /GI
Not generally used for upper GI procedures unless suspected liver or
gallbladder infection
Amoxicillin 2.0 gm po 1 hour pre procedure
Ampicillin 2.0 gm IM or IV 30 mins pre procedure
Dental Procedures
• For all dental procedures, including cleaning.
Amoxicillin 2.0 grams po 1 hour pre procedure.
Or Ampicillin 2.0 gm IM or IV 30 mins pre procedure
If allergic to Penicillin: Clindamycin 600 mg po 1 hr pre procedure or
600 mg IV 30 min pre procedure
Or Cephalexin or cefadroxil 2.0 gm po 1 hour pre procedure
Or Azithromycin or clarithromycin 500 mg po 1 hour pre
Thrombosis Guidelines for Vascular Access
Temporary Catheters:
• If catheter functions poorly during HD, assess fully, including CXR
for proper placement
• Try rotating catheter within the hub. If no improvement, change
over a guide wire.
• Try pulling back a fraction of a cm, and re-suture – Never push a
catheter back in once pulled back.
• May need to insert new cath in new site
• Generally don’t use tPA on a temp cath unless the pt has a history
of difficult line insertions.
Permanent Catheters:
• If poorly functioning, check placement on CXR, if good
placement, trial of tPA is reasonable
Accessing HD Catheters
Catheters should ONLY be accessed for IV or blood sampling under
emergency circumstances, as this is the patients lifeline. Refer to
Hemodialysis Manual, under "Departments" in UHN Intranet. Policy
numbers: 18.70.001 Accessing Central Line for Hemodialysis /
18.60.010 Central Venous Line - to Attach an IV / 18.60.011 To
Disconnect a Central Catheter with Heparin/Citrate / 18.60.013
Clearing a Thrombus - Hemodialysis rtPA Protocol
If drawing blood sample, attach 20 ml syringe, draw out 20 ml blood,
set aside with tip on sterile field, attach another syringe, draw
appropriate amt of blood, then re-attach 20 ml syringe and return 20
ml of blood. (This serves to ensure that blood sample does not
contain saline or heparin). Remember to clamp before and after
each step.
Catheter should be re-flushed and anticoagulated after use, using
appropriate anticoagulant (heparin or citrate).
Cathflow (tPA)
• tPA may be instilled using aseptic technique per Protocol “To
clear an indwelling intravascular catheter with fibrinolytic agent –
Cathflow (rtPA)", Hemodialysis Policy & Procedure Manual.
• tPA provided as Cathflow, reconstitute per package, use within 8
hours (very expensive, do not waste)
• Clean catheter and ports with chlorohexidine swabs, ensure
clamps are closed, and with patient flat, attach empty 5 ml
syringe, open clamp and aspirate heparin and/or clots. Clamp
catheter and remove syringe.
• Use 1 syringe tPA for each blocked lumen. Draw up tPA to the
volume of the catheter lumen. Attach syringe, open clamp and
instill slowly and gently, using push-pull motion until total volume
• If unable to instill entire contents, leave syringe attached, wait
several minutes and try again. This attempt can be repeated
several times
• Leave tPA in for at least 1 hour. If still clotted, leave for 2 hour, if
still clotted repeat with another syringe of tPA -leave longer (max
overnight) If still no results, arrange line change.
• If patency restored, aspirate 3-6 ml blood to assure removal of all
drug and clot residue. Flush with 10 ml N/S.
Removal of Tunnelled cuffed hemodialysis catheter
To be carried out only by certified Renal Fellow or ACNP.
Insure INR is <1.50, no ASA, coumadin etc.
Explain to pt it takes ~ 45 min, and they will have to stay lying down
for 30 min afterward.
Mask on.
Prepare tray with scalpel blade, needle, syringes, dressing*, 4x4’s**,
suture, steri-strips,
* If dressing is in sterile package, open on to tray, if not sterile
ie, mepore, cut appropriate length and put on side of table.)
** Put 2 4x4’s off to the side of your sterile tray for cleaning solution.
Pour cleaning solution on to 2 of the 4x4’s.
With procedure gloves, Remove old dressing and tape from caps.
Landmark for cuff (NB to landmark as may not feel cuff after
Clean skin area from cuff site outwards.
Clean external catheter, catheter clamps and caps. Drape – 1under,
1 covering neck, face – have pt turn head away.
Ensure catheter lumens are clamped.
Insert needle with 10 cc syringe into rubber port on cap. Open clamp
on that lumen and draw back ~5 ml of heparin and blood. (This
removes the heparin and allows lumen to fill with blood in case of
accidental puncture of catheter during freezing, you would know you
are in the catheter.) Clamp lumen and withdraw needle.
Repeat with other lumen. Set blood filled syringe aside for disposal.
Fill other 10cc syringe with 10cc Xylocaine using needle on syringe
then change to small 25g needle for freezing.
Prepare scalpel blade on handle. Prepare suture. Set aside for use
2 curved Kelly forceps, 2 probes, 1 pair scissors, scalpel, thumb
Stretch skin and make fairly shallow incision over (or just to the side
of) length of cuff plus ~ ½ cm distal and proximal to cuff. Incision is
usually ~ 2-2 ½ cm long. Be sure not to cut cuff.
With curved Kelly’s, blunt dissect tissue to the sides and below cuff,
freeing up the cuff. (Usually takes ~ 20+ min).
If you can, clamp on the cuff full thickness of the catheter to help lift it
away. Next try to remove tissue from the actual catheter, distal and
proximal to the cuff. Try using the gauze as an “abrasive” to remove
the fibrous tissue. May have to carefully pinch and tear with the
thumb forceps. Do NOT use scalpel when this close to the catheter.
Remember that the other end of the catheter is in the person’s right
atrium, and a small nick could cause a huge bleed, or an air
When cuff and distal and proximal catheter is clear, clamp catheter
above cuff. Cut catheter distal to cuff and pull distal portion thru the
tunnel. Discard.
Suture incision line. Steri strips over exit site. Modified pressure
dressing (roll up gauze and cover tightly with Mepore or Mefix
Native AV Fistulae:
• Usually last for several years and are by far the preferred method
of chronic vascular access.
• One drawback is that when they thrombose, there is usually no
effective treatment.
• Do not usually require admission for thrombosis. Instead, instruct
pt to come early for next HD so that a temporary catheter can be
• Vascular Access Coordinator to be informed so pt is put on the
list for creation of a new permanent vascular access.
AV Grafts (PTFE):
Management of Intoxication
All poisonings should be managed with the supervision of renal
fellow and staff Nephrologist.
• For solutes that have low MW, not protein bound, water soluble
• Concurrent: renal failure, acid-base disturbance, electrolyte or volume
abnormality correctable by dialysis
• Requires vascular access (ideally 2) and anticoagulation
• Industrrial solvent/ windshield washer fluid, antifreeze
• T1/2 variable: 12-20 hrs, minmum lethal dose 50-100 ml
• Metabolism – oxidation to 1) formaldehyde and 2) formic acid
• Clinical manifestations
Early Stage (< 6 hrs): non-specific, mild or transient:
inebriation, drowsiness
Delayed Stage (6-30 hrs): Vertigo/N/V abdo pain
• Restless, dyspneic (Kussmaul breathing)
• Blurred vision(papilledema, disc hyperemia)→ blindness
• Seizures, opisthotonus, coma → death
• Lab findings: AGMA, osmolar gap, ↑ formate level, ↑ lactate level,
↑ amylase (pancreatitis)
• Hemodialysis and Ethanol
• Ethanol is given as an antidote - orally or by IV. Aim for a blood
level of 100 mg% (20-25 mmol/L). The alcohols are distributed
across total body water.
• Oral Ethanol
• loading dose of 40 gm ethanol. (Absolute or 95% ethanol has
SG of 0.8 gm/mL.) This works out to 50 mL of absolute
ethanol or 120 mL of 40% ethanol like scotch. The
maintenance dose is 12 mL of absolute or 30 mL (1 oz) of
whisky per hour with frequent measurements to ensure levels
as above.
• IV Ethanol
• Begin with IV bolus of 0.5 gm ethanol/ Kg
• Aim for plasma ethanol concentration of 20-25 mmol/L
• NOTE: Must be diluted to a 15% solution or less to be non
toxic. Mix 72 mL absolute ethanol in 500 mL D5W or NS to
give a solution of 10 gm/100 mL i.e. 100 gm/L. A 70 Kg
man gets 350 mL of this solution or 35 gm. This is followed
by a maintenance of 10 gm (100 ml) per hour. Continue
infusion even if dialysis is in progress to make up for
metabolized ethanol.
• Fomepizole
• for acute management of methanol or ethylene glycol
intoxication at peripheral hospital until pt is stable for
transport (very costly)
• Not for routine use at UHN
• Hemodialysis
• Hemodialysis indicated for serum methanol levels > 10
mmol/L, or even at lower levels if anion gap metabolic acidosis
is present.
• Insert 2 catheters – in separate venous sites, use F80 (lge
surface area) dialyzer and dialyze at Qb of 300 or more
• Dialysis nurse to add ethanol to dialysate 320 mL of absolute
ethanol (95%) to 5L of acid concentrate (this is to avoid blood
ethanol from being dialyzed out).
• Dialysis often needed for > 10 hours. Change dialyzer q 6 hr.
• Continue to dialyze to methanol level < 5 mmol/L. By the time
this result is back, actual level will be much lower. D/C dialysis
and send final methanol level.
• PD is less effective but may be of some use in those who
cannot be hemodialyzed. Add ethanol to the PD fluid.
• Follow the blood levels of ethanol and methanol q 3-4 hourly
with the aid of a chart.
Ethylene Glycol
• Component of antifreeze and solvents. Dialysis indicated for level
> 6 mmol/L or lower levels with anion gap met acidosis
• T 1/2 is 3 hours
• Lethal dose ~ 100 mL.
• S/S - neurological– drunkenness to coma, tachypnea, pulmonary
edema, flank pain and RF
• Classically, but not always, crystalluria (needle shaped or
envelope shaped crystals)
• Management is same as methanol intoxication, i.e. ethanol +
• Therapeutic range: 0.4-1.3 mEq/L
• Toxic manifestations may appear >1.5 mEq/L
• Clinical manifestations:
• Acute intoxication: N/V, neuromuscular irritability, coarse tremor,
ataxia, slurred speech,
• confusion, fever, stupor, coma, CV collapse
• Chronic intoxication: polyuria & NDI, renal acidification defects,
CIN, thyromegaly
• Lab manifestations: leukocytosis; ECG: flattened T's, AV blocks,
QT prolongation
• Well hemodialyzable
• Hemodialysis for 8-12 hours
Indications: Li level > 3.5 mEq/L
Li level >2.5 mEq/L if symptomatic or renal insufficiency
Goal: sustained level 1 meq/L 8 hrs post HD
• Dialyze 8-12 hours and monitor post plasma Li levels q4h for 36
• Monitor for post HD rebound as slow equilibration between extra
and intracellular lithium May require repeated HD treatments
• Aspirin, oil of wintergreen (topically)
• Minimum lethal dose 10 g ASA; levels useful 6 hrs post ingestion
• Acute ingestion: 1 tab/kg = severe (1 tab = 325 mg)
• Metabolism – ASA hydrolyzed to salicylic acid → glycinated to
salicyluric acid in liver→ excreted via kidneys; urine pH > 7.0
enhances excretion
• Clinical manifestations
• Chronic ingesters : HA, tinnitus, ↓hearing, dizziness, weakness,
N/V, ↑RR, confusion
• Acute/severe intoxications: above + fever, seizures, coma, ARDS
• Acid base disturbances:
• Respiratory alkalosis → resp alk + AG metabolic acidosis →
metabolic acidosis
• Systemic and urine alkalinzation urine: goal urine PH >7.5
• Hemodialysis
Indications: Salicylate level > 7 mmol/L
Severe metabolic acidosis, esp. with RF
Non-cardiogenic pulmonary edema
Esp if elderly, smoker, acute on chronic
AKF Nephrology Letter 10:1-20, 1993
Brady & Wilcox. Therapy in Nephrology & Hypertension, Chapter 89,
pg 675-680 Washington Manual
AM I___I___I___I_________ PM
• 4 – 5 exchanges/ day with long dwell overnight.
• Dwell times average 4 – 6 hours during day and 8 – 10 hours
• TW includes the volume of the exchange.
• Patients with diabetes have the option of intraperitoneal (IP) insulin or
s.c. insulin. (see section Insulin therapy in CAPD)
• Patients with diabetes require an order for the frequency of blood
glucose monitoring. This usually coincides with PD exchanges but may
be less frequent in stable patients.
AM I____(I)*____I_I_I_I_I_I_ PM
• 3 – 6 exchanges/ night with long day dwell. Exchanges are delivered
overnight utilizing a machine with last fill exchange of >500 mls. The
last fill is left indwelling during the day for 12 – 16 hours. Patient
reconnects to machine at night to drain and resume overnight
• *Enhanced CCPD is similar to CCPD except the patient does a day
time exchange(s) to interrupt the long day dwell (i.e. fluid exchanged
manually at 1400 or at most convenient time)
• Overnight exchange volume and day volume may differ. If patient has
back pain/herniae, he/she may tolerate larger exchange volume at
night with smaller volume during day.
• TW includes the volume of day exchange.
• Patients with diabetes require an order for the frequency of blood
glucose monitoring. Patients new to CCPD should check BG’s 5 x daily
(recommended at 0800,1200,1800,2200 and 0200).
• Patients with diabetes are generally managed with 2 doses of s.c.
Insulin, one prior to dialysis on the night cycler and one in the morning
post dialysis. The patient may require the larger dose at night.
AM ___________I_I_I_I_I_I_ PM
• While it is preferable to have a day dwell, the dry day may be used for
patients who do not tolerate day exchanges (i.e. back pain/herniae,
recent abd surgery or increased fluid absorption)
• Target weight is generally an empty weight unless patient has a small
day dwell.
• Patients with diabetes require an order for the frequency of blood
glucose monitoring. Patients new to NIPD should check BG’s 5 x daily
(recommended at 0800,1200,1800,2200 and 0200).
• Patients with diabetes are generally managed with 2 doses of s.c.
Insulin, one prior to dialysis on the night cycler and one in the morning
post dialysis. The patient may require the larger dose at night.
Pre-Op: Hold calcium and iron for 1 week preop, as well as ASA and
anticoagulants; a vigorous bowel preparation pre-catheter insertion is
extremely important 1-litre colyte x2 days, clear fluids 24 hours before O.R.
NPO after midnight. The surgeon gives IV cefazolin or vancomycin (if
penicillin allergic) perioperatively.
Post-Op: Colyte comes in 4 L and is good for 30 days in fridge; therefore the
patient should take 250 ml of Colyte every day post-op until we know the
catheter works well. If the patient objects to taking Colyte, order Senokot 1
bid; if ineffective, 2 bid; if still ineffective, 3 bid.
Out patients: PD catheters are not normally flushed post-op, but are flushed
weekly for 3 weeks and prior to first IPD, and assessed in PDU until PD
training is commenced. Flushes are arranged by the Renal Co-ordinator.
If a pt urgently requires dialysis, IPD may be started with small volume exch
750 – 1000 ml, then volume gradually increased over a 2-week period to 2 L.
Note: UHN has been using the Swan Neck curled 2-cuff catheter since
August 2005 for surgical insertions. Prior to Aug 2005, UHN used the TWH
peritoneal catheter with double cuffs. The double-cuffed spiral tenchkoff
catheter, used for radiological insertion, is only used in rare and exceptional
University Health Network
Toronto General Toronto Western PMH
___________________________ __________________________
Physicians Signature Date
Post- Op Catheter Complications
(in or out)
•inflow ≥ 200 mL/min
•outflow < 180mL/min • Flush with 1 litre
•combined inflow/outflow x 3 exchanges
failure Irrigate with N/S and
heparin (nursing
related to
• If uremic, consider
Management of PD Leaks
Intra-Abdominal Leak/Hernia
Occasionally PD fluid may leak internally and present with swelling in the
genitalia or abdominal tissues. Patients may present with evidence of hernia.
In these cases, it may be necessary to a CT Scan, and possibly have a
Surgical consult and temporarily hold Home PD.
When surgical repair is indicated, or until the leak resolves on its own, the
patient is usually maintained on IPD because intra-abdominal pressure is
lower on IPD, which decreases risk of further leak. When Home PD is
resumed, dialysis volumes are usually decreased, then very gradually
increased. Some patients on cyclers may be able to continue dialysis at
home by reducing volumes and remaining dry during the day. If patients on
CAPD undergo more than one hernia repair and develop a subsequent
hernia, it is usually recommended that the patient change to an APD regimen
with lower abdominal pressure.
Peritoneal Dialysis Systems and Connectology
A PD transfer set/catheter adapter remains connected to the end of the PD
catheter to allow the connection of dialysate bags and Cycler tubing. A PD
nurse changes this transfer set/catheter adaptor approximately every six
The training nurse will determine the best connectology for each patient during
training – considering the patient's abilities/disabilities, comfort/discomfort with
pulsatile inflow, and individual needs.
Manual System
A Manual system is used for inpatients, which uses a “Y” tubing with a drip
chamber. It is used to do flushes to assess inflow and outflow times and for
PD in the ICU.
Peritoneal Dialysis Solutions
Standard Solutions
• Glucose concentrations: 0.5%, 1.5%, 2.5% and 4.25%. Osmolality
increases with the increases in glucose concentration. Dianeal® and
Delflex® are glucose-based solutions.
• Volume: 1.5L, 2L, 2.5L, 3L, 5L. Not all solutions are available in all
Specialty Solutions
• Nutrineal : An amino acid based solution used for patients with
malnutrition secondary to poor oral intake. Recommend for one 6-hour
exchange during the day coinciding with a meal. Consider Nutrineal®
equivalent to 1.5% dextrose solution for insulin dosing, although there is
no glucose in this solution, thus monitor insulin requirements carefully.
• Extraneal (Icodextrin): A glucose polymer (7.5% solution) based
solution that metabolizes to maltose, for patients with ultrafiltration
problems. Recommended for one 8 to 12-hour dwell per day. Consider
Extraneal® equivalent to 2.5% dextrose solution for insulin dosing,
although there is no glucose in this solution, therefore monitor insulin
requirements carefully***.
***NOTE: Patients with diabetes using Extraneal should check their capillary
blood glucose using ONLY a Precision® blood glucose monitor (Precision
PCX®, Precision QID® or Precision XTRA®), as there is a risk of hypoglycemia
if the blood glucose is measured using a device that does not differentiate
maltose from glucose. There is also a risk of allergic skin reactions with
Extraneal® so patients should be advised. Additionally, it should be
avoided in those allergic to corn or cornstarch.
If using Extraneal only use "Precision QID®" "Precision
Xtra®"or "Precision PCX®“ glucose monitoring machines as
others will give false high readings
• Physioneal : A pH - neutral solution for patients with intractible
abdominal pain after all other options have failed (i.e. trying tidal
volume, analgesics, or adding xylocaine. For these individuals, it is
used in lieu of other solutions for all PD exchanges.
® ® ®
• Extraneal , Nutrineal and Physioneal are only available from Baxter.
If patients using another system require these solutions, they should
convert to Baxter or use a universal adaptor.
• Indicated for gastroparesis
• 200 mg IP in one bag daily
Maxeran (metoclopramide hydrochloride)
• 5 mg/L IP for control of nausea or diabetic gastroparesis if oral route not
Potassium Chloride
• 2 - 4 mmol/L for hypokalemic patients in-hospital (this level will limit
removal of serum K, but not supplement patient)
• for severe hypokalemia, can use maximum dose of 10 mmol/L
• oral supplementation preferred for patients on home dialysis
• For inpatients, if predialysis K< 3.0 mmol/L or if dialysis is to be
prolonged (>12 hours) KCL should be added to supplement.
• IP KCl not usually added for CAPD unless in hospital and oral
supplements and diet not sufficient.
• Please note, KCl is not available as ward stock and must be ordered
each day to be dispensed from the Pharmacy. It is no longer provided
in ampoules, rather it comes in minibags 20mmol/50ml
• Generally, if pt on s/c insulin, continue the s.c. dose for both dialysis and
non-dialysis days.
• Supplemental insulin may be given IP and usually requires 3-4 sessions
to determine baseline requirements. The sliding scale may be used.
• IP insulin should be D/C’d for the last 3 exchanges to avoid post dialysis
• Dose: I.e. of initial baseline IP dose for new patients:
1 unit insulin per litre 1.5%
2 units insulin per litre 2.5%
3 units insulin per litre 4.25%
Sliding Scale:
BS Result Change of insulin per litre
< 4 no insulin to be added, call MD
4.1 - 7 subtract 3 units per litre, call MD
7.1 - 9 no change from baseline
9.1 - 11 add 1 unit insulin per litre
11.1 - 17 add 2 units insulin per litre
17.1 - 27 add 3 units insulin per litre
> 27 add 4 units insulin per litre, call MD
Insulin Therapy in CAPD
Converting from s.c. insulin to intraperitoneal insulin
• One advantage of CAPD is that the pt with diabetes may receive insulin
IP rather than S/C.
• To switch from subcutaneous insulin to the IP route:
Total usual S/C dose x 2 (to account for 50% IP absorption) and divide
into 4 doses, 1 per exchange. The night exchange should have 20-30%
less insulin than the daytime exchanges.
• Insulin must be adjusted for glucose concentrations. Increase the
calculated amount by 2 units/L for a 2.5% bag and 4 units/L for a 4.25%
bag, and decrease by 2 units/L for a 0.5% bag. This calculation will
represent the basal dose requirements.
• When pt is undergoing an acute illness, may order sliding scale, and
adjust based on BS’s ordered with each exchange. The basal dose
should then be adjusted.
May order sliding scale to adjust basal dose insulin when assessing patient’s
insulin requirements on CAPD
Sliding Scale:
BS Result Change of insulin per Bag (regardless of bag volume)
<2 Drain immediately, Instill 2.5% without Insulin Call MD
2 - 3.9 subtract 4 u insulin per bag
4 - 7.9 subtract 2 u insulin per bag
8 – 13.9 No change
14 – 17.9 add 2 u insulin per bag
18 – 21.9 add 4 u insulin per bag
22 – 44 add 6 u insulin per bag. Call MD
Peritonitis Guidelines
Peritonitis generally managed as outpatients unless severe or patients unable
to manage at home. Diagnosis requires 2 of the following 3:
• abdominal pain
• cloudy dialysate fluid
• positive culture of dialysate fluid
A PD effluent cell count with WBC >100 cells/µL or >50% neutrophils with or
without positive cultures in addition to the above symptoms is diagnostic for
PD peritonitis.
Patients are instructed to bring the first bag noted to have cloudy fluid to the
dialysis centre. If not possible, drained dialysate from patient is sent for C&S,
Gram stain, and cell count with differential.
Initial Assessment
Clinical examination of abdomen for s/s of peritoneal inflammation and
PD catheter exit site/tunnel; send exit site swab for C&S if drainage present.
Send first dialysate effluent for C&S and gram stain and cell count with
differential. If pt does not have indwelling effluent (IPD or NIPD) fill with min
1L and allow to dwell for minimum 2 hrs before sending sample.
Gram stain can be helpful, eg. if yeast is noted, but continue empiric
antibiotics until culture results available.
Send blood for CBC, diff, lytes, Cr, urea, Ca, PO4, alb, total protein for
In-pts or ER pts.
Empiric antibiotic therapy:
IF wt > 50 Kg, Cefazolin 1.5 g in ONE exch/day plus Ceftazidime 1.5 g in ONE
exch/day plus Heparin 1000 units/L in EACH exchange. Use heparin until
effluent clear.
Vancomycin is also to be used as initial therapy for those with known MRSA
exit site infections, previous MRSA peritonitis, or those who have recently
come from a unit with high incidence of MRSA.
Table 2. Culture and Sensitivity Follow-up
Culture results Continue or add Discontinue Frequency (F) and duration (D)
No growth in 2-3 days Cefazolin 1.5 g (1 g if <50 kg) Discontinue F: 1 exchange/DAY
tobra/ceftaz D: Continue for 2 weeks. Note:
If no improvement in 5 days,
consider cath removal,
continue Cefazolin 2 gm IV
qHD when cath is out. Ask lab
re. TB or yeast.
Gram Positive Coag Cefazolin 1.5 g (1g if <50 kg) Discontinue F: 1 exchange/DAY
Negative Staphylococcus tobra/ceftaz D: Continue for 2 weeks
Gram Positive Methicillin Vancomycin 2g IP (1g if <50 kg) Discontinue F: 1 exchange/WEEK
Resistant Coag Negative cefazolin and D: Continue for 3 weeks.
Staphylococcus (MRSE) tobramycin/ceft NOTE: If residual renal function
azidime (RRF),(i.e. urine >100
ml/24hr) give: 1 exchange/ 5
days cont. for 3 weeks
Gram Positive Cefazolin 1.5 g (1g if <50 kg) and Discontinue F: 1 exchange/DAY
Staphylococcus aureus consider rifampin 300 mg po BID for the tobra/ceftaz D: Continue for 3 weeks
first week of therapy
Gram Positive Methicillin Vancomycin 2g IP (1 g if < 50kg) PLUS Discontinue F: 1 exchange/WEEK *
resistant Staphylococcus rifampin 300 mg po BID for the first 2 cefazolin and D: Continue for 3 weeks
aureus (MRSA) weeks of therapy. tobramycin/ *NOTE: If RRF (urine >100
ceftazidime ml/24hr) give Vanco in 1
exchange q 5 days and
continue for 3 weeks.
Enterococci Ampicillin 125 mg/L q exchange (If Discontinue F: Ampicillin EACH exchange,
ampicillin resistant, may change to cephalosporins Tobramycin 1 exchange/DAY.
Vancomycin 2 g one exch q 7 days (1g if Vancomycin 1 exch/WEEK.
<50 kg) (q 5 days if RRF) For VRE, consider quinupristin/
dalfopristin (Synercid) –
Consider gentamicin 20 mg/L IP in one Consult ID.
exchange for synergy D: Continue for 4 weeks
Streptococci (Gram +) Cefazolin 1.5 g. F: Cefazolin 1 exch/day. OR
OR Penicillin G 50,000 u /L loading dose Penicillin In each exchange
then 25,000 u/L D: Continue for 2 weeks
Gram Negative (e coli, Tobramycin 60 mg (40 mg if <50 kg) if no Discontinue F: 1 exchange/DAY
Klebsiella, proteus, RRF, OR cefazolin D: Continue for 3 weeks
serratia) Ceftazidime 1.5 g (1g if <50 kg) if RRF
Polymicrobial Tobramycin 60 mg (40 mg if <50 kg ) if no Discontinue F: Ampicillin in each exchange
RRF cefazolin Tobramycin in 1 exchange/day
OR D: Continue for 4 weeks.
Ceftazidime 1.5 g (1g if <50 kg) AND Continue 1 week post catheter
Ampicillin 125 mg/L if RRF, removal, minimum treatment 4
AND metronidazole 500 mg IV/po q8h If any organism is gram neg,
Get surgical consult consider bowel perforation.
Pseudomonas/ Tobramycin 60 mg (40 mg if < 50 kg) if no Discontinue F: 1 exchange/day
Stenotrophomonas RRF, OR cefazolin D: Continue for 4 weeks if cath
Ceftazidime 1.5 g (1.g if <50 kg) if RRF is in, or for 2 weeks following
AND Anti-pseudomonas or anti- cath removal.
stenotrophomonas (see Table 2 or 3).
Recommended to use 2 antibiotics – may
use oral quinolone plus alternate.
Fungal / Yeast While catheter is STILL IN: fluconazole Discontinue When catheter is OUT and
200 mg in 1 bag IP (dwell x 8 hr) q48h cefazolin and patient is on HD: fluconazole
OR amphotericin B 0.5-1.0 mg/kg mg IV tobramycin/ 200 mg po daily for additional 2
q24h. If >1 mg/kg needed, contact ID. ceftazidime weeks OR itraconazole 100
OR itraconazole 100 mg po q12h. mg po q12h for 2 weeks.
Arrange for urgent PD catheter removal.
Mycobacteria Rifampin (RIF) 600 mg po daily, D: Rifampicin and isoniazid 12
Isoniazid (INH) 300 mg po daily. mo.
Pyrazinamide (PZA) 1.5 g po daily. Pyrazinamide 3 mo.
Pyridoxine 100 mg po/day to avoid INH
induced neurotoxicity. Monitor LFT’s. Arrange for Catheter removal
(NOTE: Do not use ethambutol except
under unusual circumstances because of
the risk of ocular toxicity)
Consult ID re sensitivities
All organisms Nystatin 500,000 u 5 ml swish and F: qid
swallow qid for duration of peritonitis D: Continue for one week after
treatment plus one week, as prophylaxis cessation of antibiotics.
against fungal peritonitis.
Table 3. Antibiotics with anti-pseudomonas activity
Antibiotic Dosage/administration
Ceftazidime 125 mg/L IP IN EACH exchange
Piperacillin-Tazobactam 3.375 g IV q12h
Ciprofloxacin 500 mg po BID
Cefepime 1gm IP in 1 exchange per day
Antibiotic Dosage/administration
Trimethoprim / Loading dose: 320 mg/ 1600 mg (20 ml) IP
sulfamethoxazole Maintenance dose: 40 mg/ 200 mg (2.5 ml)
IP in one exchange per day
When oral antibiotics are given, consider holding all phosphate binders (e.g.
calcium carbonate, aluminum hydroxide) and iron supplements.
NOTE: Oral therapy should NOT be considered for initial therapy
Refractory Peritonitis
• If no decrease in cell counts in 3 days or if count fell initially and
then increased, repeat culture and consider possibility of
secondary peritonitis due to ischemic bowel, cholecystitis
diverticulitis or appendicitis
• Refractory peritonitis is defined as failure to respond to
appropriate antibiotics within 5 days.
• Consider temporary discontinuation of PD - arrange for temp HD
• Consider conversion to IPD, if suspected microperforation of
bowel. IPD allows bowel to rest between treatments.
• Catheter removal - required for virtually all fungal peritonitis, and
for serious refractory bacterial peritonitis.
Notify HD unit, and arrange U/C line for hemodialysis through
Vascular Access Co-ordinator or Angio.
• If UF failure with peritonitis (weight gain/ECFV overload), alter
regimen (ie., shorten dwells, hypertonic bags,
Icodextrin/Extraneal™ more frequent exchanges, IPD ).
• Note that Icodextrin is compatable with antibiotics, so can be put
into Icodextrin exchange.
• Stable pts may be discharged and continue therapy at home.
Consult HPDU to assess pts ability to administer meds.
Antibiotic Prophylaxis and Procedure Prep for PD Patients
Abdominal Ultrasound
Patient should be drained ("empty") prior to test.
Patient should be drained ("empty") prior to test.
Colonoscopy (Sigmoidoscopy/Proctoscopy)
Bowel prep is required for colonoscopy, sigmoidoscopy or proctoscopy.
Mag Citrate 1 bottle (600 ml) and 4 Dulcolax® (20 mg) hs pre procedure.
**Bowel prep caution: Colyte only used for pts going for initial PD cath
insertion. Once cath is in situ, Colyte may contribute to gram-neg peritonitis.
Never use regular Fleet enema because of risk of increased PO4
Cystoscopy /Upper GI
Bowel prep as per radiology request except do not use Colyte. (see under
Antibiotic Prophylaxis not generally used for upper GI procedures unless
suspected liver or gallbladder infection. If infection:
Amoxicillin 2 gm po 1 hour pre procedure or Ampicillin 2 gm IM or IV 30
minutes pre procedure. If allergic to Penicillin: Clindamycin 600 mg po 1
hour pre or 600 mg IV 30 min pre procedure
Patient should be drained ("empty") prior to procedure.
Dental Procedures
Amoxicillin 2 gm po 1 hr pre or Ampicillin 2gm IM or IV 30 min pre procedure.
If allergic to Penicillin: Clindamycin 600 mg po 1hour pre or 600 mg IV 30 min
pre procedure
OR Cephalexin or cefadroxil 2.0 gm po 1 hour pre
OR Azithromycin or clarithromycin 500 mg po 1 hour pre procedure
Patient should be drained ("empty") prior to test.
Patient should be drained ("empty") prior to procedure.
Gynecological procedures
(Invasive procedures i.e. Uterine biopsy and D&C. NOT for routine PAP)
Iliac Dopplers
Patient should be drained ("empty") prior to test.
Stress Test
Patient should be drained ("empty") prior to test.
Wet Contamination
Contamination when the tubing system is open or unclamped,
potential for organisms to enter the peritoneal cavity.
For pts < 50 kg: cefazolin (Ancef®) 1 gm IP for 6 hr dwell x 1 dose.
For pts > 50 kg: cefazolin 1.5 gm IP for 6-hour dwell x 1 dose.
If allergic to Cefazolin, use Vancomycin 1 gm IP for 6 hr dwell x 1 dose.
May clear with flushes as in post catheter implantation. Add heparin 500 u/L to
prevent catheter obstruction. Heparin not absorbed across peritoneal
membrane and will not have systemic effect on anticoagulation.
To perform PET:
• Drain overnight effluent, send sample for Cr, Urea, Glucose, volume
• instill 2.5% dialysis solution
• At 0 hours send effluent sample for Cr, Urea and Glucose
• At 2 hours send effluent and blood samples for Cr, Urea and Glucose, to
blood tests
• At 4 hrs send complete effluent for Cr, Urea, Glucose and Volume.
Iron Management in Peritoneal Dialysis
Iron Saccharate - No test dose, maximum 300 mg IV in 250 to 500 mL
normal saline over 2 hours
Post Biopsy:
• Pts monitored closely for complications, usually apparent in the
first few hours.
• The patient is on bed rest for 12-24 hours if admitted. Usually
D/C'd next am.
• Vital signs are done frequently and urine is observed for gross
• If a complication occurs, notify the biopsying radiologist.
• Most complications are managed expectantly. For a serious
complication, consult urology, and/or interventional radiology if
consideration of an ablative procedure is warranted.
• If the patient is stable the next morning, they are discharged and
an appointment for follow up should be made with the referring
staff nephrologist in ~ 2 weeks time to discuss dx and Rx.
• Advise pt to carry out light activities only for 48 hrs post
discharge. No heavy lifting or strenuous exercise for 2 weeks. It
takes ~ 6 weeks to heal completely, after the first 2 weeks, they
can carry out routine activity and moderate exercise.
• Prepare pts case for presentation at biopsy rounds, focussing on
indications for the biopsy.
Transplant Assessment
• All pts should be screened for transplant eligibility when CrCl <30
ml/min. Include willingness, risk factors, potential living donor.
• A following is needed to initiate transplant assessment::
• the patient’s blood group.
• current medication records.
• Bloodwork: CBC, lytes, Ca, PO4, LFT's, HIV, HBsAg & Ab,
Hep C, CMV IgG & EBV.
• cardiac status: ECG, 2D Echo and Persantine Stress Test
(within the last year if available).
• the type of dialysis, date of initiation, unit, days and shift if HD
• the patient’s height and weight.
• the referring staff physician.
• a social work assessment completed within one yr of referral.
• any significant information e.g. disabilities, language barrier,
family/social support, substance abuse, nursing concerns.
Withdrawal of Steroids:
• Consult Transplant Nephrology fellow or staff
• rapid reduction to 15 mg/day (if no acute problem)
2 weeks later reduce to 12.5 mg/day
2 weeks later reduce to 10 mg/day
further taper over 1/4 total duration of steroid treatment
eg. 4 years of steroids, taper over 1 year to zero
• patients on steroids > 10 years may not recover adrenal function.
Suggest maintain on 7.5 mg/day permanently or until next
Renal palliative care works best with a team approach. The staff
nephrologist, who knows the patient best, should be involved in the
terminal care. The renal Social Workers usually know the patients
well, and have a lot of experience with end of life care. They can
provide support to the families, and also be an excellent source of
support for house staff and nurses. Additionally, the Nurse
Practitioners, nephrology nurses come to know our patients
extremely well. Other members of the team may be involved
including, dietitians, physical and occupational therapists, dialysis
nurses, chaplains, and others.
Creatinine Clearance (CrCl) (ml/s) =
(140- Age) x Lean body wt (kg) (x.85 for females) (x60 for ml/min)
Creatinine x 50
Approach to Acute Renal Failure (ARF)
Anatomical Functional
prostatic hypertrophy DM
cervical Ca anticholinergic meds
strictures Neurogenic bladder
external compression eg. colon ca
stones, clots, sloughed papillae
retroperitoneal tumours/fibrosis
• accelerated HTN
• scleroderma
• cholesterol or atheroembolic disease
• thrombotic microangiopathy eg. HUS/TTP
• Polycystic Kidney Disease, Multiple Myeloma
Endogenous Exogenous
Ca++ Antibx eg. AMGs, Ampho B
Uric acid Contrast dye
Hemoglobinuria ChemoRx (esp. cisplatin, MTX)
Myoglobinuria Cyclosporin A
(rhabdo) Acyclovir
• Idiopathic
• Drugs: • Antibx: penicillin, methicillin, amp, rifampin, sulpha, cipro,
• NSAIDs (and other antiinflamm other than prednisone)
• Diuretics: thiazides, lasix, bumetanide (sulpha derivatives)
• Cimetidine, dilantin, allopurinol, cyclopsorin A, tacrolimus
• Therapeutic and environmental agents, e.g. analgesics, lithium,
heavy metals (lead, cadmium)
• Immunologic conditions, e.g. sickle cell disease,
lymphoproliferative diseases
• Metabolic disorders, e.g. uric acid nephropathy, cystinosis
• Infections - systemic or local
Focal Proliferative
3) Membranous
3) Cryoglobulinemia
4) SLE
5) RPGNs
ImmunofluorescenceDisease Rx
• lumps/bumps SLE Immunosuppressants
• linear Anti GBM Cytotoxic drugs
eg. cyclophosphamide
Goodpasteur’s Plasmapheresis
• none ANCA associated Ds. Cyclophosphamide
(pauci-immune) No plasmapheresis
Urine Sediment in DDX of ARF
Normal or few RBC or WBC
Prerenal azotemia
Arterial thrombosis or embolism
Preglomerular vasculitis
Scleroderma crisis
Postrenal azotemia
Granular casts
ATN (muddy casts)
Glomerulonephritis or vasculitis
Interstitial nephritis
RBC casts
GN or vasculitis
Malignant HTN
Rarely IN
WBC casts
AIN or exudative GN
Severe pyelonephritis
Marked leukemic or lymphomatous infiltration
Eosinophiluria (>5%)
Allergic IN (Antibx>NSAIDs)
Atheroembolic disease
Acute urate nephropathy
Calcium oxalate (ethylene glycol toxicity)
Radiocontrast agents
Contrast Nephropathy
Proportional rise in creatinine (25-50%) within 48-72 hrs of receiving
radiocontrast medium - other causes ruled out
Creatinine peak 4-5 days, with return to baseline 7-10 days
Usually non-oliguric
Low FeNa
UA – mild protein; Micro – bland or granular casts
Risk Factors
• Pre-existing renal insufficiency (CRI)
• Diabetes
-No CRI risk is similar to non-diabetics
-With CRI risk = 2x CRI alone
-Often oliguric, requiring dialysis
• CHF- related ECFV↓ +/- renal vasoconstriction
• MM - related ECFV↓ +/- CRI
• Contrast agent
-High volume
-High osmotic>low osmotic medium (LOCM)
• Avoid contrast
• Low contrast volumes
• LOCM (vs. HOCM) in CRI
• ECFV repletion/hydration
• Measure renal function before, 48h and 72 hrs after contrast
• Assess clinical circumstances and ensure adequate hydration
- NS 1cc/kg/hr 6-12hrs before and 12-24 hrs after
- D/C diuretics x 24 hrs
• Acetylcysteine 600 mg BID on the day before and day of procedure, along
with hydration
• Avoid nephrotoxins, e.g. NSAIDS
• Careful with renally excreted meds. E.g. Metformin
Focal Segmental Glomerular Sclerosis (FSGS)
Glomerular Interstitium Variants
• Focal lesions - Tubular atrophy Classic
• Segmental scarring - Fibrosis - Tip
• Adhesions - Hypercellular
• Intracapillary foam cells - Collapsing
Natural History
• 3-15% of all biopsies 7-12% of all proteinuria
• Most common progressive type in children & black population (all ages)
• Increasing frequency in past decade
• Children M:F = 1:1
• Adults M:F = 2:1
• Nephrotic 70% children, 50% adults
• Asymptomatic proteinuria 30-50%
Associated Findings
• Hypertension 25% children, 50% adults
• Impaired GFR 20-40%
• Microhematuria 40-60%
• Spontaneous complete remission 5-8%
• Rapid progressive renal failure 10-15%
• Slowly progressive renal failure 40-60%
• Persistent proteinuria 20-30%
Prognostic Factors
Good Bad
• Complete remission Interstitial fibrosis
• Steroid responsive Impaired GFR
Persistent high grade proteinuria
• Establish diagnosis is primary
• Symptomatic Rx
• Rx of co-morbid condition e.g. hyperlipidemia
• Nephrotic patients: Prednisone 1 mg/kg/day x 3-6 mos
If no response: cyclophosphamide 1-1.5 mg/kg x 3-6 mos* or
Cyclosporine 4-6 mg/kg x 6 mos
• Subnephrotic/stable GFR: limit Rx to steroids or observation only
1) Initial - prednisone 0.5-1 mg/kg x 6 mos (grade C)
2) Resistant/dependent: cyclosporine 3-5 mg/kg x 4-12 mos (Grade D) or
Cyclophosphamide 2.5 mg/kg x 3 mos*
Membranous GN
• Diffuse, uniform thickening of GBM
• Minimal mesangial cell proliferation
• “Staging” dependent on position of deposits on EM
Natural History
• 5-10% of all biopsies
• 10-20% of all proteinurias
• common cause of adult nephrotic syndrome
• rare in children (<1% under age 16 - usually d/t maligancy)
• secondary causes 20-30% of cases, malignancy ↑ with age
• Nephrotic 60-70%
• Asymptomatic proteinuria 30-40%
Associated finding
• Renal insufficiency 10%
• Hypertension 10-20%
• Microhematuria 40-60%
• Renal vein thrombosis 5-30%
Course (1 only)
• Spontaneous remission 20-30%
• Persistent proteinuria 30-40%
• Progressive renal failure 20-30%
Prognostic Factors
• Complete remission
• Low level proteinuira (<3.5g/d)
• Female sex
• Persistent high grade proteinuria
• Renal insufficiency
• Hypertension
• Male sex
• Low risk = chlorambucil/prednisone routine (Grade A)
• High risk = a) cyclosporine 4-5 mg/kg x 6-12 mos +/- prednisone (A/B)
b) chlorambucil/prednisone routine (A/B)
c) cyclophosphamide 2 mg/kg x 4-12 mos +/- prednisone (C/D)*
• Mod/high risk = aggressive Rx of HTN, hyperlipidemia, thrombotic risk
Membranoproliferative GN (MPGN)
• Glomerular
- mesangial cell proliferation
- matrix expansion (tram tracks)
• Variants
Type I - subendothelial (+/- mesangial) deposits - most common
Type II - dense deposits - abnormal material in GBM - rare
Type III - mixed - subendothelial + subepithelial - rare
Natural History
• Uncommon - 1-3% of all biopsies, 3-5% of all proteinuria
• ↓ing frequency in past 2 yrs (vs. 2ndary ↑ng, esp Hep B & C)
• Children - predominance of type II vs. adult type
• Predominantly Caucasians affected
• Nephrotic 40-60%
• Asymptomatic 20-40%
• Acute nephritic syndrome 10-30%
Associated Findings
• Hypertension 30%
• Microhematuria 60-70%
• Impaired GFR 30-50%
• Hypocomplementemia 80-90%
• Type I - classic pathway C3↓ C4↓
• Type II (III) - alt pathway C3↓ C4N
• Spontaneous remission 20-30%
• Slowly preogressive renal failure 40-50%
• Persistent proteinuria 20-30%
Prognostic Factors
Good Bad
Spontaneous remission Persistent heavy proteinuria
Interstitial fibrosis
• All ages with N GFR, subnephrotic proteinuria
no specific Rx (Grade B/C)
IgA Nephropathy
• Mesangium cell proliferation (focal or diffuse)
• Mesangium matrix expansion
• IgA in mesangium on IF
Natural History
• 10-25% of all biopsies
• 5-15% of all proteinuria
• Most common glomerular pathology
• Uncommon in children
• Rare in blacks
• Family history 10-20%
• Secondary causes 10-20% of cases
• Microscopic hematuria 70-95%
• Macroscopic hematuria 15-40%
• Asymtomatic proteinuria 5-25%
• Acute renal failure 2-15%
• Nephrotic syndrome 2-10%
Associated Findings
• Hypertension 10-20%
• Renal insufficiency 10-25%
• Spontaneous remission 10-15%
• Progressive renal failure
Slow 10-50%
Rapid 5-10%
• Persistent microhematuria 30-50%
• Persistent proteinuria 15-30%
Prognostic Factors
Good Bad
Microhematuria alone Hypertension
Recurrent macrohematuria alone Moderate proteinuria (1-4 g/d)
Renal insufficiency
Age >35
• No adverse profile - ACEI
• Adverse profile - ACEI + a) Fish oil b) Prednisone OD x 1-2 years
• Unstable - IV IG x 3 mos and IM IG x 6 mos
Pregnancy & HTN
Treatment: aim for reducing BP over at least 24 hrs (be careful not to let the
BP plummet, as there is no placental autoregulation)
for chronic HTN BP <170/110 (nadir at 20 wks)
Bleeding Complications
• Platelet dysfunction in the uremic environment contributes to bleeding
• Before invasive procedures, advisable to use FFP’s or DDAVP
o DDAVP dosing: 0.3 ug/kg/hr to max 20 ug
o Max 20 ug in 100 ml N/S over 20 min
• To stop bleeding, apply direct pressure for prolonged period of time.
o may require Gelfoam
o Never use Thrombostat (high incidence of anaphylaxis in HD pts)
• Decreased erythropoietin (EPO) production in renal failure contributes to
• Most patients require EPO supplementation +/- IV or po iron
• Iron should be given prior to EPO if ferritin is < 100 and/or iron sat is <20%
• Erythropoietin (Eprex™) dosing guidelines: start 100-200 U/kg 1-3x/week.
e.g. 4000 U 3x/wk. Allow 2-6 wks to see a response to EPO therapy
• Darbepoietin (Aranesp™) guidelines: 0.45 mcg/kg s.c. or IV once weekly
• For those on chronic HD at TGH, Aranesp is given Tuesdays and Fridays.
• Because of very rare pure red cell aplasia seen with some EPO recipients,
pts on HD are to receive IV Eprex, and PD/pre-dialysis patients to receive
subcutaneous Eprex only from a multi-dose vial, or Aranesp.
• The patient may experience an increase in blood pressure; therefore, BP
should be well controlled prior to initiating EPO, and monitored following.
• Goal hemoglobin: 110-120
® ®
Conversion Factors Eprex to Aranesp
Eprex Dose Hemoglobin
U/week <120 g/L ≥120 g/L
<15,000 5x 4x
≥15,000 4x 3x
Remember to fill out registration form for new Aranesp® therapy and
send to Dr. Richardsons office (8NU-861).
5. For inpatients at TGH, TWH, MSH or PMH being registered for EPO for the first time
• After completing the registration form make a copy of the top page
• Order Eprex/Aranesp in Mysis; give a copy of the registration form to the ward
• Send the registration form to Dr. Richardson’s office
6. For inpatients at TGH, TWH, MSH or PMH who are receiving erythropoietin at other
dialysis centers and are transferred here temporarily for care and require
• Write an order for erythropoietin in the chart
• Add a statement to the effect that the patient is registered for erythropoietin at
another center
• Do NOT fill out a registration form for these patients
7. Note that if a patient comes to the outpatient pharmacy with a prescription for EPO who is
not on the registration list or who does not have a photocopy of the registration form,
the patient will be asked to return to their nephrologist’s office or clinic to be properly
registered, or if they go to an outside pharmacy, they will be charged the cost of the
meds. Revised July 2002
1) IV iron. Two forms used are iron dextran and iron saccharate. Please
refer to the sections on IV iron
2) Oral iron. The recommended oral iron therapy is 200 mg elemental iron
OD or Ferrous gluconate 600 mg TID or Ferrous fumarate 300 mg BID
Note: most patients can only tolerate ferrous gluconate 300 mg po TID
How to advise patients on how to take iron po:
• Absorbed best on empty stomach,either 1 hr before or 2 hrs after meals
• Iron and phosphate binders (calcium & aluminum) bind together so they
should be taken 1 -2 hrs apart
• Separate other drugs that interact with iron such as cipro, L-Thyroxine,
Vitamin deficiency
• Replavite (or Diavite) 1 tab daily, a water soluble vitamin that contains B
vitamins, vitamin C and folic acid
• Other multivitamins may contain fat soluble vitamins which may
accumulate and cause toxicity and should not be substituted
• Calcium carbonate is used as a phosphate binder given with meals
• Tums Extra Strength = CaCO3 750 mg = 300 mg Ca++
• Oscal = CaC03 1250 mg = 500 mg Ca++
• For severe hyperphosphatemia with hypercalcemia, aluminum
hydoroxide can be used short term e.g. Amphogel 15-30 ml TID with
meals x 5 days then reassess
• Renagel - a Ca-free PO4 binder - useful for pts with both
hyperphosphatemia and hypercalemia - expensive and as yet not
covered by ODB - requires Section 8 form from pharmacist.
• May use Fleet PO4 enema in Acid concentrate of dialysate, use 30,60 or
90 ml with HD until corrected. Hold PO4 binders.
Hypocalcemia/ ↑PTH
• The kidneys' production of 1,25 dihydroxy Vitamin D3 (the active form of
vitamin D) declines in ESRD; therefore, calcium absorption from the GI
tract is also diminished leading to hypocalcemia and hyperparathyroidism
• May use Calcium carbonate between meals as calcium supplement.
• Calcitriol=Rocaltriol = the pharmacological replacement of active vit D3
which increases gut absorption of Ca++ (and PO4) and suppresses PTH
• Dose of rocaltriol ranges from 0.25 ug 3x/wk to 1.0 ug OD (may be given
po, or IV pulse with HD)
• Sensipar (Calcinet) is a new calcimimetic, which is available, however is
not covered by insurance as yet, and is very costly. Payment needs to be
determined before prescribing this medication.
• Goal PTH = 20-30 pmol/L (normal 7-8); normalization may be a risk factor
for adynamic bone disease
Initial monitoring and diagnosis
1. Perform 12-lead ECG unless pt undergoing continuous ECG monitoring
2. Hyperkalemia is not always associated with ECG changes; but no ECG
changes does not mean that potential for arrhythmia does not exist.
3. Transfer to monitored setting or arrange for telemetry if K+ > 7 mmol/L
or if ECG changes attributable to hyperkalemia present independent of
K+ level
4. Measure blood levels of creatinine, bicarbonate, calcium and
glucose. Note that with restoration of normal blood sugar the K+ may
shift back into cells
5. Discontinue K+ administration (including IP KCl) or meds contributing to
hyperkalemia (eg ramipril)
For treatment:
Shifting potassium into cells and protecting the heart:
1. Give one amp of calcium gluconate unless the patient is
2. Give 20 units regular insulin intravenously as a bolus; if the patient is
not hyperglycemic give 50 ml intravenously of 50% glucose in water.
3. Give 2-3 puffs of albuterol (Ventolin) with MDI or inhalation treatment
by RT.
4. If the serum bicarbonate is < 20 mmol/L and the patient is not volume
overloaded, give 1-2 amps (44-88 mEq) of sodium bicarbonate.
Follow up
• Repeat K determination within 2 hr of initial exam (unless pt on
• Repeat ECG if any changes on the first ECG
• Continue appropriate therapy and continue monitoring q 2-4 hr until K
< / = 5.5 mmol/L
• Magnesium containing products (MOM, Mag citrate)
• Bulk forming laxatives in fluid restricted patients e.g. Metamucil or Prodiem
• Fleet enemas d/t high phosphate content (may use Fleet Mineral Oil)
• Docusate sodium, Lactulose, senna
• Stimulant laxatives (bisacodyl, cascara)
• Glycerin suppositories prn
• Tap water or mineral oil enemas for severe constipation
• Colyte for bowel preps (not for PD patients) or lower dose (250-500 ml) for
very severe constipation.
Opioid Analgesic Comparison Chart
Doses Equivalent Brand Name Consideration in CKD
to Morphine 10 mg IM or SC Duration of
Opioid IM or Oral Conversion Analgesia Caution Dialyzability
SC ** ** Injection to
Meperidine 75 mg 300 4 Demerol® 2 to 3 h AVOID: metabolite No (HD)
mg normeperidine can Unlikely (PD)
precipitate seizures
Codeine 120 mg 200 1.5 Codeine tablet/syrup 3 to 4h Caution: consider No data (HD)
mg Compounds (Tylenol #1, #2, #3) 3 to 4h decrease starting dose Unlikely (PD)
to 50% due to
prolonged half life
Codeine Contin CR 12 h
Morphine 10 mg 30 mg 3 Morphine tablet/syrup (MS-IR ® / 3 to 4h Metabolite morphine 6 Yes (HD)
Statex®) glucoronide has No (PD)
M- Eslon® capsule 12 h narcotic activity
MS Contin® SR tablet 12 h increase risk of side
Oxycodone NA 15 mg NA Oxy-IR® 3 to 4 h Caution Yes (HD)
Oxycontin® CR 12 h No data (PD)
Percocet® (oxycodone + 3 to 4 h
Hydromorph 1.5 mg 7.5 5 Diluadid® 3 to 4 h Caution due high No data (HD)
one mg Hydromorphone Contin 12 h potency narcotic No data (PD)
Fentanyl 100 ug NA NA Duragesic® Patch 72 hours Decrease starting No (HD)
dose by 50% No data (PD)
* Opiods are in order of increasing potency
** All above dose equivalencies are compared to 10 mg of injectable morphine. For example, Codeine 120 mg IM = Morphine 10 mg IM = Hydromorphone 1.5 mg IM
Other Considerations:
• It is easier to keep pts out of pain than to get them out of pain, consider
standing analgesia with breakthrough as needed.
• Acetaminophen (Tylenol) +/- codeine – max 4 gm acetaminophen/day
• NSAIDs - remember pts are at a higher risk of GI bleed therefore,
misoprostal or a proton pump inhibitor should be added for prophylaxis
• All opioids – start at small doses and titrate up for pain relief as excessive
sedation may occur
HS Sedation
• Chloral hydrate as the active metabolite may accumulate and cause
excessive sedation
• Benzodiazepines such as lorazepam and oxazepam are hepatically
metabolized and safer.
Anti-seizure medications
• Carbamazepine, diazepam, phenobarbital, valproic acid are hepatically
metabolized and do not require dose adjustment
• Phenytoin dosing is unchanged but blood levels require careful
Corrected blood dilantin level: measured level (.48)(.9) (alb/40)
Drug Dosing for HD, CAPD and CRRT
Drug Method Renal Failure dose Dose after HD Dose during CAPD Dose during CRRT
D = Decrease Dose I = Prolonged Interval NA = Not Available
Bopindolol D 100% None None 100%
Drug Method Renal Failure dose Dose after HD Dose during CAPD Dose during CRRT
D = Decrease Dose I = Prolonged Interval NA = Not Available
Drug Method Renal Failure dose Dose after HD Dose during CAPD Dose during CRRT
D = Decrease Dose I = Prolonged Interval NA = Not Available
Lamivudine D,I 25 mg/d (50mg 1 dose) Yes Dose for RF 50-150 mg/d (full
1 dose)
Lamotrigine D 100% Unknown Unknown 100%
Lansoprazole D 100% Unknown Unknown Unknown
L-dopa D 100% Unknown Unknown 100%
Levofloxacin D See UHN Guide See UHN Guide Dose for RF 50%
Lidocaine D 100% None None 100%
Lincomycin I q12-24h None None NA
Linexolid See UHN Guide See UHN Guide
Lisinopril D 25-50% 20% None 50-75%
Lispro insulin D 50% None None None
Lithium carbonate D 25-50% Yes None 50-75%
Lomefloxacin D 50% Dose for RF Dose for RF NA
Loracarbef I q3-5d Yes Dose for RF q24h
Lorazepam D 100% None Unknown 100%
Losartan D 100% Unknown Unknown 100%
Lovastatin D 100% Unknown Unknown 100%
LMW heparin D 50% Unknown Unknown 100%
Maprotiline D 100% Unknown Unknown NA
Meclofenamic acid D 100% None None 100%
Mefenamic acid D 100% None None 100%
Mefloquine -- 100% None None Unknown
Melphalan D 50% Unknown Unknown 75%
Meperidine D 50% Avoid None Avoid
Meprobamate I q12-18h None Unknown NA
Meropenem D,I 250-500 mg q24h See UHN Guide Dose for RF 250-500 mg q12h
Metaproterenol D 100% Unknown Unknown 100%
Metformin D Avoid Unknown Unknown Avoid
Methadone D 50-75% None None NA
Methenamine D Avoid NA NA NA
Methicillin I q8-12h None None q6-8h
Methimazole D 100% Unknown Unknown 100%
Methotrexate D Avoid None None 50%
Methyldopa I q12-24h 250 mg None q8-12h
Methyl prednisolone D 100% Yes Unknown 100%
Metoclopramide D 50% None Unknown 50-75%
Metocurine D 50% Unknown Unknown 50%
Metolazone D 100% None None NA
Metoprolol D 100% 50 mg None 100%
Metronidazole D See UHN Guide See UHN Guide See UHN Guide 100%
Mexiletine D 50-75% None None None
Mezlocillin I q8h None None q6-8h
Miconazole D 100% None None None
Midazolam D 50% NA NA NA
Midodrine -- Unknown 5mg q8h Unknown 5-10 mg q8h
Miglitol D Avoid Unknown Unknown Avoid
Milrinone D 50-75% Unknown Unknown 100%
Drug Method Renal Failure dose Dose after HD Dose during CAPD Dose during CRRT
D = Decrease Dose I = Prolonged Interval NA = Not Available
Drug Method Renal Failure dose Dose after HD Dose during CAPD Dose during CRRT
D = Decrease Dose I = Prolonged Interval NA = Not Available
Arnoff, G.R. in Manual of Nephrology, Fifth Edition, Edited by Robert W. Schriver, Lippincott
Williams & Wilkins Press 2000. ISBN 0-7817-2172-5
UHN 2003 Guidelines for Antimicrobial Use. The University Health Network, Toronto, Ont.
Antibiotic Dosing Guidelines in Renal Impairment
Table 1: Dose Adjustment of Select Medications Based on Calculated
Creatinine Clearance (CrCl)
Creatinine Clearance (CrCl) in mL/min
Drug > 50 25-49 10-24 < 10
cephalexin 250-500 mg q6h CrCl < 40** 250-500 50% dose q12-24h
250-500 mg q8- mg q8-12h
ciprofloxacin 500-750 mg q12h CrCl < 30** 500-750 500-750 mg q24h
(PO) 500-750 mg q24h mg q24h
ciprofloxacin 400 mg q12h CrCl < 30** 400 mg 400 mg q24h
(IV) 400 mg q24h q24h
clarithromycin 250-500 mg q12h CrCl < 30** 50% dose 50% dose q12h
50% dose q12h q12h
No adjustments required
No adjustments required
cotrimoxazole 8-10 mg/kg in CrCl < 30** 50% dose in 2- Not recommendedg
(IV) 2-4 divided 50% dose in 2-4 4 divided
doses daily divided doses doses daily
PCP 15-20 mg/kg in CrCl < 30** 50% dose in 2- Not recommendedg
pneumonia 2-4 divided 50% dose in 2-4 4 divided
doses daily divided doses doses daily
cotrimoxazole 1DS bid 1DS q24h 1DS q24h Not recommendedg
(DS = trimethoprim
160 mg,
sulfamthoxazole 800
erythromycin 500-1000 mg 500-1000 mg q6h 500-1000 mg 50-70% dose q6h
q6h q6h
famciclovir CrCl < 40** CrCl < 20
genital herpes 250 mg q12h 125 mg q12h 125 mg daily 125 mg daily
varicella zoster CrCl > 60 CrCl < 40** CrCl < 20 500 mg q48h
500 mg tid 500 mg q24h 500 mg q48h
CrCl > 50
500 mg q12h
fluconazole 50-400 mg q24h 50% dose q24h 50% dose 25% dose q24h
ganciclovir (IV) CrCl > 70
5 mg/kg q12h
Treatment 2.5 mg/kg q24h 1.25 mg/kg
CrCl 50-69 q24h
2.5 mg/kg q12h
Creatinine Clearance (CrCl) in mL/min
Drug > 50 25-49 10-24 < 10
Maintenance CrCl > 70 2.5 mg/kg q24h 0.625 mg/kg
5 mg/kg q24h q24h
CrCl 50-69
2.5 mg/kg q24h
gentamicin CrCl > 60 CrCl 40-59 CrCl 20-39 CrCl < 20
(initial dosing, 5 mg/kg q24h 5 mg/kg q36h 5 mg/kg q48h Not recommendedg
once daily
gentamicin CrCl > 50 CrCl 15-49 CrCl < 15
(initial dosing, 1.5-2 mg/kg 1.5-2 mg/kg
traditional load, then 1.5-2 mg/kg load, then
dosing) 1.25 mg/kg IV load, then 0.5-1 mg/kg IV
q8h 1 mg/kg IV q12h q24h
imipenem/cilista 500 mg q6h CrCl < 30 500 mg q12h 500 mg q12h
tin 500 mg q8-12h (<1 g/day);
CrCl < 5
Not recommended
unless on
intraconazole No adjustments required
ketoconazole No adjustments required
linezolid No adjustments required
metronidazole No adjustments required
moxifloxacin No adjustments required
penicillin G 1-4 MU q4-6h 1-4 MU q8-12h 1-4 MU q8-12h 1-4 MU q12h
piperacillin/ 4.5 g q8h CrCl < 40 CrCl < 20: 3.375 g q12h
tazobactam 3.375 g q8h 3.375 g q12h
tobramycin CrCl > 60 CrCl 40-59 CrCl 20-39 CrCl < 20
(initial dosing, 5 mg/kg q24h 5 mg/kg q36h 5 mg/kg q48h Not recommendedg
once daily
tobramycin 1.5-2 mg/kg CrCl 15-49 < 15
(initial dosing, load, then 1.25 1.5-2 mg/kg load, 1.5-2 mg/kg load, then
traditional mg/kg IV q8h then 1 mg/kg IV q12h 0.5-1 mg/kg IV q24h
valganciclovir 450 mg q12hr 450 mg q24h 450 mg Not recommendedg
Induction every 2 days
Maintenance 450 mg q24h 450 mg every 2 450 mg Not recommendedg
days 2x/week
Creatinine Clearance (CrCl) in mL/min
Drug > 50 25-49 10-24 < 10
vancomycin CrCl ≥ 65 CrCl 21-34 CrCl ≤ 20
1 g q12h or 1 g q48h 15-20 mg/kg loading
15 mg/kg q12h dose
CrCl 50-64
1 g q24h
Adjust dose based on serum drug levels
voriconazole 6 mg/kg q12h x Not recommended due to diluentg
(IV) 24h, then
4 mg/kg IV q12h
voriconazole No adjustments required
** Discuss dosing with Pharmacist.
Pharmacist to discuss therapeutic alternatives with physician
1. McEvoy GK, ed. AHFS Drug Information. Bethesda, MD; American Society of Health-
System Pharmacists, Inc. 2002.
2. Aronoff GR, Bennett WB, Berns JS, et al. Drug Prescribing in Renal Failure: Dosing
Guidelines for Adults, Fourth Edition. Philadelphia, PA; American College of
Physicians. 2002.
Updated by: Carmen Ma, BScPhm, Staff Pharmacist, Nephrology – October, 2002
Revised by: Michael Wong - 2005
Antibiotic Dosing Guidelines in Hemodialysis
When making a dosage schedule for patients on hemodialysis, the dose
adjustment for the degree of renal function must be determined first, and
then the effect of dialysis on the total body clearance of the drug must be
taken into account.
Note: A LONG t1⁄2 will be one which allows for a dosing interval of 24 hours
or more.
Drugs for which the recommended dosing interval is every 8 to 18 hours and
which are hemodialyzable result in the most complex dosing schedule. The
time interval from the end of dialysis when serum levels are low, until the
next dose, could be between 4 and 14 hours and would therefore be of
clinical importance. In addition, the amount of additional antibiotic needed at
the end of dialysis would be dependent on how close the previous dose was
to the start of dialysis, and this could change from day to day. Therefore, the
doses suggested have sometimes been modified from those in the literature
to avoid q8h-q18h dosage. A q6h interval with the same total daily dose may
be given. In this way, there is never more than a couple of hours with low
(subtherapeutic) serum levels.
The usual recommended trough concentrations of drugs are not applicable
in patients with severe renal impairment. Because of the extended t1⁄2 of
drugs in these patients, the usual trough concentrations are not achievable
without an extended period of subtherapeutic concentrations.
Drug Recommended Dose for IHD Do Recommended Dose for
ceftazidime 1 g IV q24h or yes 1-2 g IV q12-24h
1-2 g post hemodialysis*
ceftriaxone 1-2 g IV q24h no 1-2 g IV q12-24h
cefuroxime axetil 250-500 mg PO q12h or yes 250-500 mg PO q12h
(PO) 500 mg PO q24h (liquid available)
cephalexin 250-500 mg PO q12h yes 250-500 mg PO q12h
(liquid available)
chloramphenicol 0.25-1 g IV q6h (12.5 no -
mg/kg q6h)
chloroquine 500 mg PO x 1 dose, then no -
250 mg PO weekly (malaria)
Drug Recommended Dose for IHD Do Recommended Dose for
ganciclovir (IV) Treatment: 1.25 mg/kg IV post yes 2.5 mg/kg IV q24h
hemodialysis* (treatment and maintenance)
Maintenance: 0.625 mg/kg IV
post hemodialysis*
gentamicin 2 mg/kg IV loading dose, then yes 1.5-2 mg/kg load, then
1 mg/kg IV post hemodialysis* 1 mg/kg IV q12h
Adjust dose based on Adjust dose based on trough
trough levels (see Table 3) levels (see Table 3)
Imipenem / 250-500 mg IV q12h yes 500mg IV q6-8h
isoniazid 300 mg PO daily yes 300 mg PO daily
itraconazole (PO) 100-200 mg PO q12h no 100-200 mg PO q12h
(Take tablets with food; take (liquid available)
solution on empty stomach)
ketoconazole 200-400 mg PO daily no 200-400 mg PO daily
linezolid 600 mg PO/IV q12h yes 600 mg PO/IV q12h
meropenem 500 mg IV q24h yes 250-500 mg IV q12h
metronidazole 500 mg IV/PO q12h yes 500 mg IV/PO q12h
C. difficile: 500 mg PO q8h C. difficile: 500 mg PO q8h
minocycline 200 mg PO x 1 dose, then no 200 mg PO x 1 dose, then
100 mg PO q12h 100 mg PO q12h
moxifloxacin 400 mg IV/PO q24h no 400 mg IV/PO q24h
No adjustment necessary No adjustment necessary
nalidixic acid Not recommended in N/A Not recommendedg
patients with GFR <10
(Metabolites accumulate)
nitrofurantoin Not recommended in patients N/A Not recommendedg
with GFR < 30 mL/ming
penicillin G 1 Million Units (MU) IV q8-12h yes 0.5-3 MU IV q6h
(Maximum dose = 10 MU/day)
penicillin VK 300 mg PO q6h yes 300 mg PO q6h
pentamidine 3-4 mg/kg IV q24h no 4 mg/kg IV q24h
piperacillin/ 3.375 mg IV q12h yes 3.375 mg IV q6-8h
pyrazinamide 40 mg/kg PO 3x/week no 25-30 mg/kg q24h
(Give 24 hours before the
start of each hemodialysis)
rifampin 300-600 mg PO q24h no 300-600 mg PO q24h
Drug Recommended Dose for IHD Do Recommended Dose for
streptomycin 15 mg/kg IV loading dose, yes 15mg/kg q24-72h
9 mg/kg IV post hemodialysis*
tetracycline 250-500 mg PO q24h yes 250-500 mg q12h
(Note: doxycycline is
tobramycin 2 mg/kg IV loading dose, then yes 1.5-2 mg/kg load, then 1 mg/kg
1 mg/kg IV post hemodialysis* IV q12h
Adjust dose based on Adjust dose based on trough
trough levels (see Table 3) levels (see Table 3)
valganciclovir Not recommended in N/A Induction: 450 mg PO q24h
hemodialysisg Maintenance: 450 mg PO q48h
vancomycin Consult renal pharmacist Consult renal pharmacist
voriconazole (IV) Not recommended in patients N/A Not recommended due to
with GFR < 50 mL/min due to vehicle for IV preparationg
vehicle for IV preparation
voriconazole (PO) 400 mg PO q12h x 2 days, N/A 400 mg PO q12h x 2 days, then
then 200 gm PO q12h 200 gm PO q12h
* Only give on hemodialysis days.
Pharmacist to discuss therapeutic alternatives with physician.
** Discuss dosing with Pharmacist.
Note: The above dosage recommendations for antimicrobials are not intended for treatment
of endocarditis or meningitis.
1. Aronoff GR, Bennett WB, Berns JS, et al. Drug Prescribing in Renal Failure: Dosing
Guidelines for Adults, Fourth Edition. Philadelphia, PA; American College of Physicians.
2. Aweeka FT, Jacobson MA, Martin-Munley S, et al. Effect of renal disease and
hemodialysis on foscarnet pharmacokinetics and dosing recommendations. J Acquire
Immune Defic Syndr Hum retrovirol 1999;20:350-357.
3. McEvoy GK, ed. AHFS Drug Information 2000. Bethesda, MD; American Society of
Health-System Pharmacists, Inc. 2002.
4. Welbanks L, ed. Compendium of Pharmaceuticals and Specialties, 37th Ed. Ottawa, ON;
Canadian Pharmacists Association 2002.
Bayer Inc.
Hoffmann-LaRoche Limited
Janssen-Ortho Inc.
AstraZeneca Pharma Inc.
Updated by: Carmen Ma, BScPhm, Staff Pharmacist, Nephrology – October,
Revised by: Marisa Battistella - May, 2006.
Drug Classification Drug Name and Indications Absolute Contraindications Special Considerations
Dosage Range
(It is given that Known DZ= Dialyzable
(IP=Intraperitoneal) Allergy is an absolute
contraindication for all) PD= Peritoneal Dialysis
HD= Hemodialysis
sl=slightly mod=moderately
ACE Inhibitors Captopril 12.5 - 75 Hypertension, LVH Refractory hyperkalemia in With all ACE-I's:
mg/day p.o. b.i.d.-t.i.d. individuals with residual renal Monitor for hyperkalemia.
Enalapril 2.5 - 20 mg/d function Monitor for cough.
p.o. once or b.i.d. Monitor for post HD rise in
Lisinopril 5-30 mg/d B/P (renin).
p.o. Not used with Potassium (K+)
Ramipril 1.25-10 mg/d sparing diuretics
p.o.once-b.i.d. Mod DZ in HD, sl DZ in PD .
Alpha Blockers Prazosin 0.5 - 10 mg Hypertension - mild- Known syncopal attacks Insuff data re DZ, probably
p.o. b.i.d. mod not DZ
Monitor for postural
Dose range represents lower
dose in CRF
Terazosin** 1 - 20 mg Hypertension - mild-
p.o. once daily mod **If used for other indication
(eg BPH) not ordered by
Drug Classification Drug Name and Indications Contraindications Special Considerations
Dosage Range
Fentanyl 25-75 mcg/h Chronic pain i.e. Acute or post-operative pain. Dose adjusted for renal
transdermal wounds, calciphylaxis, failure.
Analgesic/anti- Celecoxib 200 mg a Pain management Active GI bleed , active peptic No data re DZ. Highly protein
inflammatory day in divided doses particularly arthritic or of ulcers, known bronchial, bound (>97%), likely not DZ.
p.o. joint/bone origin asthmatic or anaphylactic To be avoided in pts with
reaction to ASA, other residual renal function,
NSAID's, sulphonamides. asthma.
Monitor for hyperkalemia. Not
in severe hepatic impairment.
Clarify reaction to ASA &
NSAIDS, i.e.
bronchoconstrictive asthma-
like or anaphylaxis.
Ibuprofen 200-400 mg Pain management Active GI bleed, active peptic Risk of gastric ulceration
q4-6h p.o. prn ulcers, known allergies to increases with dose. Caution
ASA, other NSAID's , hepatic in PD patients with residual
failure renal function, SLE. Not DZ.
Drug Classification Drug Name and Indications Contraindications Special Considerations
Dosage Range
Analgesics (cont) *Morphine 2-10 mg Moderate to severe Paralytic ileus, respiratory May cause respiratory
*Note: MD’s, not p.o. /s.c./i.v. q3-4h+ pain, palliative depression depression.
ACNP’s to order breakthrough dose of management for pain
controlled 1/2 standing dose q2h control
*Hydromorphone 1-2 Moderate to severe Respiratory depression Less accumulation of
mg sub q or po q 4-6 pain, palliative metabolites. Good choice for
hours management for pain renal patients.
Dosage Range
Drug Classification Drug Name and Indications Contraindications Special Considerations
Dosage Range
Anti-anemia (cont) Ferrous Gluconate 300 Low iron stores Iron overload Maintain ferritin > 100 and
mg po b.i.d. -t.i.d. Iron saturation > 0.20
Fe Sulphate 300 mg Low iron stores
po b.i.d. -t.i.d Low iron stores Anemia not associated with Oral iron of limited value for
Fe fumarate 300mg po refractory to oral iron iron deficiency. HD patients.
once daily supplementation Liver failure Patient may not tolerate
G.I.side effects of tid dosing.
Drug Classification Drug Name and Indications Contraindications Special Considerations
Dosage Range
Antibiotics/Antifung Amoxicillin Drug ranges for specific Allergies to specific antibiotics. DZ per "Dosing Guidelines in
al Agents Ampicillin indications - refer to Hemodialysis", UHN
Azithromycin Housestaff/ACNP Guidelines for Antimicrobial
Cephalexin Guidebook use".
Cefazolin Other indications per Refer to UHN Guidelines for
Ceftazidime UHN Guidelines for Vancomycin.
Ciprofloxacin Antimicrobial Use Refer to Nephrology
Clindamycin Housestaff/ACNP Guidebook
Co-trimoxazole Empiric therapy until culture
Fluconazole and sensitivity are known.
Metronidazole If pt unstable, must be
Nystatin reviewed with MD.
Tobramycin Aminoglycoside dosing
Rifampin altered if residual renal
Vancomycin function (see Guidebook)
Anticoagulant/ Warfarin - dose to Prophylactic High Fall risk Hold 3 days prior to surgical
Thrombolytic maintain therapeutic anticoagulation for Active bleeding procedures. Education of pt
Agents INR central HD lines if risk Necrosis r/t warfarin re bleeding.
for clotting
Warfarin 0.5 -10 mg Atrial fibrillation, Active bleeding Consultation with MD for
p.o. once daily mechanical heart valve Necrosis r/t warfarin established target INR
Heparin IV 500-1000 Anticoagulation during Active bleeding, HIT Hold pre/post surgical
units/hr HD procedure
Heparin IP 250 - 1000 Prevention of fibrin in
units/L PD Does not cross peritoneal
Alteplase - local, 2 mg To clear HD Active bleeding Per HD Manual Protocol.
per lumen intravascular catheter Adjust for lumen volume.
Drug Classification Drug Name and Indications Contraindications Special Considerations
Dosage Range
Drug Classification Drug Name and Indications Contraindications Special Considerations
Dosage Range
Beta Blockers Atenolol 25 mg p.o. Hypertension, IHD Severe COPD, asthma. Mod DZ. HD removal of
once daily Sinus Bradycardia metabolites, give after HD
Care with diabetics, PVD, Hx
Metoprolol 6.25 - 100 Hypertension, IHD of heart failure. Severe heart
mg b.i.d. p.o. failure. Do not stop abruptly if
used for angina.
Bronchodilators Salbutamol puffer 100 Treat and prevent When a patient is admitted on
mcg/puff. 2 puffs q.i.d. bronchospasm bronchodilator other than
& PRN those listed, the ACNP may
Salbutamol 5 mg/ml - order the specific
1ml in 2 ml Normal bronchodilator at the patient's
Saline - inhalation 1-4h prescribed dose.
prn If pt has glaucoma, CV
disease, hypokalemia, review
with MD
Calcium Channel Amlodipine 5 - 10 mg/d Hypertension, angina All CCBs:
Blockers p.o. No data re DZ, but highly
Diltiazem HCl CD protein bound (90-99%), likely
once daily 120-240 poorly DZ
mg/d p.o. Caution with aortic stenosis,
Felodipine 2.5 - 10 severve LV dysfunction,
mg/d p.o. hepatic dysfunction, elderly.
Nifedipine PA20-60 May need dose adjustment
mg/d p.o.(b.i.d-t.i.d) with ranitidine.
Nifedipine XL 30 -60
mg p.o. (once daily)
Verapamil 80-160 mg
t.i.d. p.o. Monitor LFT's. Not DZ.
Verapamil SR 180-240 Caution with digoxin
mg po once daily
Drug Classification Drug Name and Indications Contraindications Special Considerations
Dosage Range
Aluminum Hydroxide Hyperphosphatemia Known Aluminum bone Use for short course, if Ca++
300-600 mg p.o. w/ disease and PO4 increased - risk of
meals alum bone disease in renal
x 3-5 days pts w/ long term use.
Dosage Range
Hypoglycemic Regular Diabetes Type 1 and 2 Severe hypoglycemia. Consider type of surgery,
agents (cont) Continuous IV infusion Going for surgery Poorly controlled diabetics to dialysis, diabetes, anaesthetic
be managed in consultation
Glyburide 1.25-7.5 mg Diabetes Type 2 with MD No data re DZ, likely not DZ
p.o. once daily - bid Dose range reflects renal
dosing. Metformin to be
avoided in renal failure.
H2 Receptor Ranitidine 150 mg p.o. Gastroesophageal Dose adjusted for renal failure
Blockers/ Mucosal once daily reflux
Protective agent
Misoprostol 200 mcg Prophylaxis in NSAID Monitor for diarrhea
b.i.d.-q.i..d induced GI bleed
Laxatives Sodium Docusate 100 Stool softening For all laxatives: Decreased fibre in dialysis
- 400 mg/d p.o. GI hemorrhage appendicitis. diets
Senokot tabs, 1-4 tabs Constipation Assess that pt does NOT have
p.o.once daily- bid signs or symptoms of ileus or
Bisacodyl 5-10 mg Constipation
p.o.once daily, 10 mg
p.r. once daily
Drug Classification Drug Name and Indications Contraindications Special Considerations
Dosage Range
Laxatives (cont) Colonic washout Bowel prep Does not cross GI wall, no
solution (Colyte) 1 - 4 L ECFV effect. Avoid Golytely
p.o as bowel prep in PD
(increased risk of peritonitis)
Tunnelled HD catheter
removal 1-10 ml s.c. Local infiltration for
excision of catheter
Lipid lowering Atorvastatin 10-80 mg Hypercholesterolemia Impaired liver function Fibrates should be avoided in
agents po qhs renal failure.
Pravastatin 10-40 mg
po qhs
Monitor for rhabdomyolysis
Simvastatin 5-40 mg (proximal weakness, muscle
po qhs pain, hyperkalemia, elevated
CK). Monitor LFT's
Dosage Range
Nitrates Isorbide Dinitrate 5 - Angina Hypotension (SBP < 90) All nitrates: Hold before HD -
40 mg t.i.d. on qid vasodilation.
schedule Nitrate-free interval of 12 - 14
Nitrogylcerin ointment hours.
1 - 2" t.i.d. on q.i.d.
schedule; patch 0.2-
0.8 mg/h; spray 0.4
mg/spray, 1 spray
q5min x 3 prn;
sublingual tablets 0.3 -
0.6 mg q5min x 3 s.l.
Potassium binders Sodium polystyrene Hyperkalemia Obstructive bowel disease Consider sodium load.
15-30 g 1-3 x/day in Preferentially use Calcium
Sorbitol 70% or other resonium unless
liquid 30-50 ml. p.o. Hypercalcemia, obstructive hypercalcemic.
Calcium resonium 15- bowel disease Ensure that patient is passing
30 g 1-3 x/day in stools.
Sorbitol as above
Potassium Slow K 8mEq tab once Hypokalemia Hyperkalemia Monitor K+ closely.
replacements daily - tid
K Elixer 20 mEq/15 ml,
once - bid
K Dur 20 mEq/tab,
once - bid
KCl 2 - 10 mmol/L IP q IP dose does not replace K+
exch loss, but reduces peritoneal
Proton Pump Omeprazole 20-40 mg GERD, prevention Limited for 8-12 weeks for
Inhibitor p.o. once daily-b.i.d. NSAID induced ulcer, confirmed GERD
esophagitis For failure of ranitidine.
duodenal, gastric ulcers Per UHN Guidelines
Rectal Protectant Anusol ® Cream 1" p.r. Hemorrhoid pain relief
daily to q.i.d. prn
Topical agents Urea emollient Pruritis First choice after education
(i.e.Uremol®) 10-20% re: emollients, phosphate
once daily - tid control
A535 cream top.od- tid Muscle aches Active GI bleed , active peptic If known GI bleed, limit use to
ulcers,anaphylactic reaction to 1-2 days, ~15% absorption of
ASA, other NSAID's. methyl salicylate.
Vaccines Hepatitis B Vaccine 40 Hepatitis Vaccine for Severe febrile infections. Nephrology Hep B consent
mcg i.m. per protocol HepB Ag/Ab negativity and documentation form
Delay if s/s infection.
Pneumococcal For all dialysis patients. Consent. Monitor conversion
Vaccine 0.5 mL i.m. q Prevention of of Hep B Ag/Ab status.
5 years pneumococcal
Influenza Vaccine 1 Influenza vaccine Hypersensitivity to eggs. Consent. Monitor & educate
mL i.m. annually Sept - re effects
Emerg TG 14-3947
TW 13-2777
Angio 3370
Chiropodist - Tracy Oliver 6007 pgr. 790-6771
Fracture Clinic TW 13-5858
Hemodialysis Unit EG 4072
Hemodialysis Unit GG 5707
Hemodialysis Unit TRI 597-3422 ext 3801
Home Peritoneal Dialysis 12ES 5672 fax 4169
Home Hemodialysis 3736
Interventional Radiology 4260
Inpatient Nephrology Unit 13ES 3860 fax 4867
Kidney Foundation: Roselyn 3821, 445-0373 x 244
Labs 5898
Rapid Response 3542
Micro 2526
NP’s: Betty Kelman 790-7758
Diane Watson 790-7775
O’Neill Centre 536-1116 fax ext 250
Psych Consult 4451
Pathology – Dr. Andrew Herzenberg 14-4560
Renal Coordination Office -
Evie 3588 Maria 6053
Monica 3056 Geraldine 6389
Dietitians: Holly Dickinson 6530
Karla Dawdy (In Pt) 4625
Social Workers: Michael Gaglione 3618 pgr 719-2876
Christine Smith 6047 pgr 719-3731
Michelle Veridirame 3983 pgr 719-2812
Translation Services 13-6400
Transplant Unit 5163
Vascular Access Coordinator- Cyndi 3518
Vascular Lab 3589
Nephrologists (Assistant) Address Office Pager
Toronto & Area Nephrology
CREDIT VALLEY Mississauga HD 905-813-1100 x7488 PD 905-813-4230
Arturo Wadgymar 905-820-8770 Gordon Wong 905-820-8770
Don Kim 905-857-4772 George Wu 905-820-8770
Claire Williams 705- 750-1786 Eliot Beaubien 705- 750-1786
Vincent Cheung 705- 750-1786 Srinu Kammila 705- 750-1786
Sandra Donnelly 867-7467 fax 363-9338 Marc Goldstein 864-5290 fax 3042
Phil McFarlane 867-3702 Mitchell Halperin 864-5292
Kamel Kamel 867-7479 Phil Marsden 978-2441
Ramesh Prasad 867-3722 Susan Quaggin 586-8266
Jordan Weinstein 978-2645 Jeff Zaltzman 867-7444
Martin Schreiber 867-7454
DMC Markham
Sheppard Centre Self Care Dialysis
Sussex Centre Self Care Dialysis
Book Anaesthesia consult: Fax 3698 or email to
AnesthesiaORSecretary@uhn.on.ca Pls include name, MRN, DOB, diagnosis,
location, planned OR, staff MD.
0800 Sign In Rounds Sign In Rounds Sign In Rounds Sign In Rounds Sign In Rounds
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8N-828 Conf Room Room Room GW 1-534
0830 Room Hugh Orr Conf
Kardex Rounds Room
0900 13ES Conf Room
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1200 Club – 8N-828
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1400 Nephrology
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1500 Curriculum
NCSB 11 Conf
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1600 Resident Rounds City Wide Rounds
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1630 Renal Biopsy
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