Sesek NORA Paper 2003

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Spencer K. Reese, University of Utah

Richard F. Sesek, University of Utah
Robert P. Tuckett, University of Utah
Donald S. Bloswick, University of Utah


Pressure on the median nerve at the wrist can lead to decreased tactile sensitivity
in the fingertips. People with carpal tunnel syndrome may often experience
numbness, tingling, and decreased sensitivity in their finger tips. Compared to a
control group, subjects symptomatic of carpal tunnel syndrome had a greater
mean shift (decrease) in tactile sensitivity than the control group when exposed to
certain ergonomic risk factors. These factors include wrist flexion, direct
pressure on the transverse carpal ligament area of the wrist, and tendon loading.
Additionally, the effect of slight venous occlusion in the forearm was studied.
Inability to show significance between the groups and provocations at this time is
likely due to high variance and low sample size in the symptomatic group. There
is an increase in threshold during the recovery period after each provocation.


Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is caused by compression of the median nerve within the carpal
tunnel. It is much more common (three times) in women than in men. It has been attributed to
many conditions including anatomical anomalies, fractures, repetitive action, induced trauma,
nerve sheath tumors, ganglions, circulatory disturbances, and others (Pećina et al., 2001). Due
to its prevalence in occupations requiring repetitive motion, especially at high force or in
awkward wrist postures, it is of interest to those studying ergonomics.

If diagnosed and treated early, permanent damage to the nerve may be avoided. Treatment may
include immobilizing the wrist with a splint, discontinuing repetitive motion, use of anti-
inflammatory medication, and corticosteroid injections. If symptoms continue, the transverse
carpal ligament may be sectioned to allow for more space (hence less pressure) within the carpal
tunnel (Pećina et al., 2001).

Several common diagnostic procedures exist. Tapping on transverse carpal ligament (Tinel’s
sign), placing the wrist in flexion (Phalen’s sign), or use of a tourniquet may cause paresthesia
within a subject (Gilliat, 1953). Direct pressure on the carpal tunnel has also been suggested
(Durkan, 1991).

Additionally, nerve conduction studies are often used in the diagnosis of CTS. These require
electrically stimulating nerves or muscles and using surface or imbedded electrodes to monitor
nerve or muscle response. Conduction velocity is either sensory or motor. Sensory studies seek
to find the velocity of conduction of the compound action potential within the nerve, while
motor studies seek to measure the recruitment of muscle fibers to a given stimulus (a twitch in
the muscle). In diagnosing CTS, sensory studies are preferable (Pećina et al. 2001, 6).

The purpose of the current research is to assess the effect of several ergonomic risk factors
applied to the wrist. The effect is measured using the tactile sensitivity of the finger tips, as
sensory deficit is an indicator of nerve compression. These mechanosensory threshold studies
test the difference between the minimum distinguishable amplitude of vibration in the absence
of the risk factors and the amplitude when these factors are present. Also, we hope to show a
significant difference between how normal nerves react as opposed to those subjected to CTS
and other peripheral neuropathys.

The current research compares four modes of provocation: prolonged wrist flexion, prolonged
wrist flexion with tendon loading on the index and ring fingers, prolonged wrist flexion with
direct pressure on the carpal tunnel region, and prolonged wrist flexion with venous occlusion at
the forearm.

Improvements over nerve conduction studies may include improved accuracy (statistical
sensitivity, selectivity, specificity) while causing less discomfort (physical and psychological)
and the ability to monitor changes in the sensory transmission of the median nerve over time.
Vibrotactile studies may also require less expertise to perform, though variance in results
between examiners is beyond the scope of this study.


Subjects were recruited by word of mouth and through flyers posted at medical clinics. Most of
the test subjects to date were recruited by word of mouth. The control group consisted of 4
males and 6 females with a mean age of 29 years and a range of 21 to 60 years. Six
symptomatic subjects have been recruited with a mean age of 45 and a range of 28 to 62. No
subjects were excluded from the study, and none discontinued participation voluntarily. The
study was approved by the University of Utah Institutional Review Board (IRB), and subjects
read and signed a consent form.

Subject Screening

Common diagnostic procedures. Each subject completed a questionnaire. This requested

information regarding current CTS symptoms, risk factors, and related injuries. They were also
tested using Phalen’s sign (maximum wrist flexion for 60 seconds) and Tinel’s sign (gently
tapping on the transverse carpal ligament area of the wrist/hand. None of the control subjects
tested positive to either Phalen’s sign or Tinel’s. Four of the symptomatic subjects (67%) tested
Phalen’s sign positive, while two (33%) tested Tinel’s sign positive.

Nerve conduction studies. Antidromic sensory nerve conduction latency was tested on each of
the subjects using surface electrodes (Brevio manufactured by NeuMed, Inc., Pennington, NJ).
This nerve conduction instrument reports whether the latency is within the normal range, but
requires a 14 cm distance between the active electrode (placed on the middle finger) and the
stimulator cathode. Since some subjects have longer hands, a longer distance was used and the
instrument’s report was not used. Instead, sensory nerve conduction velocity (sNCV) was found
by dividing the distance by the latency. This value was compared to 41.26 m/sec (Oh, 1993).

Several factors can affect conduction velocity including age and temperature. It is suggested
that a 2 m/sec per decade over 60 years allowance be given for subjects over 60 years old (Oh,
1993). However, the signal amplitude for the only subject over 60 (symptomatic) was not high
enough to record the latency, so no age correction was used.

Some of the subjects, despite washing in warm water, had less than the recommended (31 to 34
C) skin temperature. For these people, the nerve conduction velocity was corrected using a
correlation suggested by DeJesus: Vcorrected = Vmeasured.e0.0419∆T, where ∆T is the difference
between the desired skin temperature and the temperature at the time of the measurement (Oh,

Two of the control group subjects had low temperature and low conduction velocities, but
exceeded the 41.26 m/sec limit when temperature was corrected to 32 0C. The rest of the
control group had velocities in the normal range. Two of the six symptomatic subjects exceeded
this limit; one without correction, and one correction to 32 0C. Thus all control subjects and two
symptomatic subjects were sNCV negative.

Test hand selection. The test hand for the control group was the least symptomatic (or non-
dominant if both were equally asymptomatic). For the symptomatic group, the most
symptomatic (or dominant if both were equally symptomatic) hand was chosen unless there
were previous injuries on this hand unrelated to CTS.

Vibrotactile Studies

Mechanical sensitivity of the middle finger is measured using a computer-controlled vibrometer.

The timing of probe vibration, amplitude, and duration between stimuli (50 Hz) were controlled
by the computer. The subject pressed a button when a stimulus was sensed. The amplitude was
decreased to find the smallest vibration sensed. This smallest vibration is the vibrotactile

The vibrotactile threshold was tested during four separate sessions with at least 24 hours
between visits. At each session, a baseline threshold was found with the wrist in neutral posture
(see Fig. 1). Then the threshold measurement was begun at the start of flexion (time 0) and at
each 2.5 min interval while the wrist was placed in one of four provocations for 15 minutes.
Following the measurement at 15 min, the subject was instructed to massage, shake, or
otherwise relieve pressure and numbness for one minute. Three recovery measurements were
then taken at 2.5 min intervals with the wrist in a neutral posture.

Figure 1. Baseline measurement with wrist in Figure 2. Test A: Wrist flexion
neutral posture

The four provocations, presented to the subject in randomized order, were A) wrist flexion (Fig.
2), B) wrist flexion with direct pressure on the carpal tunnel (Fig. 3), C) wrist flexion with
tendon loading (Fig. 5), and D) wrist flexion with venous occlusion (Fig. 6).

Figure 3. Test B: Wrist flexion with direct pressure Figure 4. Durkan Gauge in fixture

Figure 5. Test C: Wrist flexion with Figure 6. Test D: Wrist flexion with venous
tendon loading occlusion

Test A: Wrist flexion. One of the provocations was simply placing the wrist in flexion. The
vibrometer was elevated and the elbow was supported by a foam pad (see Fig. 2). This has been
studied in previous research (Khalighi, 2001; Sesek et al., submitted). Flexion of the wrist
increases the pressure within the carpal tunnel, especially in the region of swelling in CTS
subjects (Gelberman, 1981; Phalen, 1972). The result is decreased sensation within the region
of the hand innervated by the median nerve,
often in the tip of the middle finger. Hence, Phalen suggested wrist flexion as a diagnostic
procedure (Phalen, 1972).

Test B: Wrist flexion with direct pressure. Another provocation combined wrist flexion with
the application of pressure directly on the carpal tunnel region (see Fig. 3). Pressure was
applied with a rounded (approx. 2cm diameter) probe on a Durkan Gauge (Gorge Medical;
Hood River, OR; see Fig. 4). A gauge reading of 9 psi (this assumes a certain surface contact
area; a 9 psi gauge reading was found to correspond to about 16.8 N or 3.8 lbf) was maintained
throughout the 15 min of testing. Direct pressure is hypothesized to increase the interstitial
pressure on the median nerve above that of flexion alone, much as edema.

Test C: Wrist flexion with tendon loading. Kempe studied the effect of tendon loading on
fingertip sensory deficit (Kempe, 2002). In this test, however, tendon loading was coupled with
wrist flexion. Loops were placed on the middle segment of the index and ring fingers. These
loops were connected by a system of strings and pulleys to weights (see Fig. 5). The force was
intended to increase tension on the tendons running through the carpal tunnel, thereby increasing
the pressure on the median nerve.

Test D: Wrist flexion with venous occlusion. Understanding the effect of decreased blood flow
on nerves is important, and is thought to be part of the reason that people with CTS experience
pain at night (Sesek, submitted). It may be important also in distinguishing between CTS and
other peripheral neuropathies such as that caused by diabetes. In this test, the wrist was place in
flexion as before and a pressure cuff was placed on the forearm. The pressure was raised to 15
mm Hg to slightly occlude the veins (see Fig. 6), causing hypoxia.


Figure 7 shows the trend in the data with error bars representing the standard error of the mean
at each time. A generally increasing trend was seen among both groups during the fifteen
minutes of provocation. This was followed by a reduction at the first recovery point then
another general increase in threshold over the last two recovery points.

None of the control group thresholds exceeded 39 µm on any test. However, several in the
symptomatic group exceeded the limit of the machine (over 400 µm). This contributed to large
variance in the symptomatic group data. While this prevents demonstrating statistical
significance, it shows the expected trend.

The data were adjusted such that thresholds above 50 µm were set equal to 50. This accounts
for 21 observations, all among symptomatic subjects. The data plots (see Fig. 8) show the same
trend, but the variance in the symptomatic group is reduced.

Some threshold measurements took much longer than 2.5 min to run. When this occurred, the
next measurement was skipped so that the following one could be started on time. This
occurred twice at the 12.5 min period among symptomatic subjects (with particularly high
thresholds) during Test B. Exclusion of these points caused the mean threshold to drop
drastically between the 10 and 15 min means, so a valley appeared on the plot at 12.5min.
Because of this, the Test B data for these two subjects were excluded from the plots.

The data were compared to see if the differences in the means at each time were significant.
Repeated measures ANOVA showed that there was significant difference in the normal data (for
A, C, and D p < 0.0001, for B p = 0.0036). The symptomatic data were compared using a
nonparametric ANOVA because of the significant differences in variance among the groups.
The difference between times in each test was once again significant (p < 0.03 for each).

Further, for each test, the mean threshold at each time was compared to the baseline. The values
of these comparisons are shown in Tables 1-4. Then the mean threshold at each time was
compared to the threshold for the previous time. Because all groups of data (for each test at
each time within each study group) passed normality tests, paired t-tests were performed when
making comparisons within study groups.

Comparing the mean threshold at each time to the baseline showed significant difference at all
times for each test except for test B at 0 (p = 0.2889), 2.5 (p = 0.0969), 7.5 (p = 0.051), and 12.5
min (p = 0.1048) for the control group. In the symptomatic group, few comparisons were

Provocation A Provocation B

350 40
300 35
Threshold (microns)

Threshold (microns)
250 30
100 10
50 5
0 0
Base 0 2.5 5 7.5 10 12.5 15 17.5 20 22.5 -5 Base 0 2.5 5 7.5 10 12.5 15 17.5 20 22.5

Tim e (m inutes) Tim e (m inutes)

Provocation C Provocation D

Threshold (microns)

200 70

Threshold (microns)
50 20
0 0
Base 0 2.5 5 7.5 10 12.5 15 17.5 20 22.5 Base 0 2.5 5 7.5 10 12.5 15 17.5 20 22.5
Tim e (m inutes) Tim e (m inutes)

Figure 7. Threshold vs. time for each provocation. Symptomatic

data are represented by the top line.
Provocation A Provocation B

45 30
Threshold (microns)

Threshold (microns)

30 20
25 15
15 10
10 5
Base 0 2.5 5 7.5 10 12.5 15 17.5 20 22.5
Base 0 2.5 5 7.5 10 12.5 15 17.5 20 22.5 -5
Tim e (m inutes) Tim e (m inutes)

Provocation C Provocation D

30 30
Threshold (microns)

Threshold (microns)

25 25

20 20

15 15

10 10

5 5
0 0
Base 0 2.5 5 7.5 10 12.5 15 17.5 20 22.5 Base 0 2.5 5 7.5 10 12.5 15 17.5 20 22.5
Tim e (m inutes) Tim e (m inutes)

Figure 8. Adjusted data. Values over 50 were assigned a value of 50. The top line
in each represents the symptomatic group.

Table 1. Threshold relative to baseline: Flexion.
Control Group Symptomatic Group
Time (min) Difference (µm ± SEM) P - Value Difference (µm ± SEM) P - Value
0.0 3.19 ± 1.11 0.0184 0.7167 ± 1.44 0.6404
2.5 5.22 ± 0.71 <.0001 3.45 ± 1.51 0.0709
5.0 6.3 ± 0.85 <.0001 5.6 ± 1.31 0.0078
7.5 6.44 ± 1.02 0.0001 6.55 ± 1.62 0.01
10.0 6.58 ± 1.49 0.0017 20.95 ± 11.29 0.1226
12.5 8.67 ± 1.65 0.0005 136.78 ± 124.16 0.3324
15.0 9.71 ± 2.23 0.0018 235.75 ± 126.55 0.1215
17.5 2.93 ± 1.09 0.0251 1.417 ± 1.93 0.4959
20.0 3.86 ± 0.96 0.003 3.6 ± 1.42 0.0519
22.5 6.08 ± 1.4 0.0019 4.75 ± 1.12 0.0082

Table 2. Threshold relative to baseline: Flexion and direct pressure.

Control Group Symptomatic Group
Time (min) Difference (µm ± SEM) P - Value Difference (µm ± SEM) P - Value
0.0 0.74 ± 0.66 0.2889 3.75 ± 3.82 0.3709
2.5 2.37 ± 1.28 0.0969 3.317 ± 4.35 0.4776
5.0 3.72 ± 1.01 0.005 7.333 ± 4.88 0.1932
7.5 3.35 ± 1.49 0.051 13.367 ± 6.07 0.0787
10.0 6.05 ± 1.47 0.0026 123.6 ± 101.66 0.2783
12.5 4.29 ± 2.38 0.1048 17.375 ± 6.54 0.0743
15.0 8.65 ± 3.5 0.0356 132.82 ± 99.88 0.241
17.5 3.11 ± 0.72 0.002 8.35 ± 2.52 0.0211
20.0 3.85 ± 0.85 0.0014 5.833 ± 1.53 0.0124
22.5 4.36 ± 1.28 0.0077 6.4 ± 2.67 0.062

Table 3. Threshold relative to baseline: Flexion and tendon loading.

Control Group Symptomatic Group
Time (min) Difference (µm ± SEM) P - Value Difference (µm ± SEM) P - Value
0.0 2.77 ± 0.95 0.0168 1.52 ± 1.51 0.3716
2.5 3.44 ± 1.09 0.0118 5.34 ± 2.43 0.093
5.0 4.7 ± 0.67 <.0001 38.2 ± 27.74 0.2405
7.5 8.18 ± 1.84 0.0016 67.38 ± 57.54 0.3066
10.0 8.14 ± 2.07 0.0035 133.4 ± 122.57 0.3376
12.5 7.09 ± 1.56 0.0014 133.28 ± 122.59 0.3381
15.0 9.15 ± 2.01 0.0014 148.98 ± 119.16 0.2793
17.5 6.04 ± 1.4 0.0019 7.58 ± 0.4 < 0.0001
20.0 6.38 ± 0.6 <.0001 41.84 ± 36.52 0.3159
22.5 7.83 ± 1.54 0.0007 128.58 ± 123.76 0.3575

Table 4. Threshold relative to baseline: Flexion and venous occlusion.
Control Group Symptomatic Group
Time (min) Difference (µm ± SEM) P - Value Difference (µm ± SEM) P - Value
0.0 2.99 ± 0.62 0.001 3.76 ± 3.73 0.3705
2.5 3.60 ± 1.37 0.0271 7.88 ± 3.36 0.0791
5.0 5.57 ± 1.11 0.0007 15.46 ± 8.53 0.1442
7.5 5.11 ± 1.35 0.0043 26.28 ± 19.44 0.2478
10.0 5.84 ± 1.48 0.0033 18.58 ± 6.56 0.0472
12.5 8.28 ± 2.58 0.0107 52.42 ± 35.84 0.2174
15.0 8.45 ± 2.19 0.0039 56.06 ± 40.08 0.2344
17.5 5.15 ± 0.84 0.0002 12.02 ± 3.73 0.0323
20.0 5.00 ± 0.59 <.0001 8.78 ± 2.61 0.0281
22.5 6.53 ± 1.04 0.0001 13.28 ± 5.89 0.0872

When mean thresholds at each time were compared to the threshold at the time before,
significant difference was seen in test A between 0 and 2.5 min and 15 and 17.5 min and in test
C between 5 and 7.5 five min for the control group. For the symptomatic group, significant
difference was seen in test C between 0 and 2.5 min and in test D between 0 and 2.5 min.

Between each test (provocation), the mean thresholds were compared at each time. Significant
difference was seen between tests A and C at 2.5 and 20 min, and between B and C at 7.5 min.
This does not statistically demonstrate that adding other risk factors to flexion causes a
substantial change in the effect on the median nerve.

Control data for each provocation were compared to symptomatic data at each time interval.
Comparisons were made using unpaired t-tests, allowing for unequal variance. The results are
tabulated in Table 5. Though there are large differences between the groups at many of the time
intervals during provocation, statistical tests do not show significance in these differences. This
may also be attributed to the large variance in symptomatic data.

As discussed above, comparing within subject groups (symptomatic or control), there was not a
significant difference between provocations at each time. Likewise, there is not a significant
difference when comparing mean thresholds between groups for each provocation at each time,
potentially because of the small sample size and large variance in symptomatic data. However,
there does appear to be a difference between tests when comparing symptomatic mean
thresholds to control thresholds for each test (see Table 5). For instance, at the 5 min
measurement, the mean difference between symptomatic and control (symptomatic minus
control) is 0.9003 µm for Test A, 3.504 µm for Test B, 35.778 µm for Test C, and 11.558 µm
for Test D. This indicates that adding risk factors to flexion causes a greater separation between
symptomatic and control data. We hope that increasing the symptomatic sample size will allow
this to be statistically demonstrated.

Table 5. Threshold Comparisons: Symptomatic minus control
Flexion + Direct Flexion + Tendon Flexion + Venous
Pressure Loading Occlusion
Time Difference P- Difference P- Difference P- Difference P-
(min) (µm) Value (µm) Value (µm) Value (µm) Value
Baseline 1.6 0.1082 -0.1097 0.9602 2.278 0.5216 1.668 0.4121
0.0 -0.873 0.6906 2.9 0.3984 1.028 0.7594 2.438 0.4494
2.5 -0.1697 0.9291 3.54 0.467 4.178 0.2738 4.851 0.1419
5.0 0.9003 0.6815 3.504 0.4609 35.778 0.3037 11.558 0.2365
7.5 1.71 0.4602 8.749 0.2178 61.478 0.3645 22.838 0.2976
10.0 15.97 0.23 117.44 0.3073 127.54 0.3659 14.408 0.0968
12.5 129.43 0.3585 8.523 0.3171 128.47 0.3628 44.191 0.2819
15.0 227.64 0.1335 124.06 0.2767 142.11 0.3084 49.278 0.2828
17.5 0.087 0.972 5.13 0.0507 3.818 0.2926 8.538 0.1272
20.0 1.34 0.4538 1.874 0.3126 37.738 0.3894 5.448 0.0469
22.5 0.2703 0.8936 1.93 0.4903 123.03 0.3853 8.418 0.1888

An unexpected but noteworthy trend occurred during recovery. The 17.5 min interval data show
a decrease in tactile threshold from the 15 min threshold, though not statistically significant.
However, the 20 and 22.5 data show a trend of increasing thresholds, and the mean thresholds at
these times are significantly different from baseline in each test for the control group and for
tests A at 22.5 min, B at 20 min, and D at 20 min for the symptomatic group. This may be
caused by reactive hyperemia, and may have importance when considering work/rest cycles.


While the data show the expected trend during provocation—that the tactile threshold gradually
increases but more for symptomatic subjects—statistical significance cannot be shown between
the study groups because of extreme variance among the symptomatic subjects. With an
increased sample size, better comparisons may be made.

It appears from the data collected thus far that the most effective risk factor in compromising
tactile sensitivity in the fingertips is wrist flexion. This may be concluded because of lack of
significance in most comparisons between each provocation at each time. Perhaps the data will
show significance between provocations when more symptomatic subjects are tested.

The trend of increasing tactile thresholds during recovery may be due to reactive effects. It is
more pronounced in some of the provocation, but is common to both control and symptomatic
data. Without extending recovery measurements, it is unknown how long the trend will
continue before the thresholds again approach the baseline.

We hope that testing more symptomatic subjects will also show which combination of risk
factors will cause the greatest difference in tactile threshold shift between study groups.


Because of the unexpected trend in recovery data, future tests will extend the recovery threshold
measurements until the threshold approaches baseline or level off. This data may help us
understand the effects of the various ergonomic risk factors beyond during the period of
provocation or exposure.

As part of this study, subjects with diabetic neuropathy are also being tested to see if these
ergonomic risk factors affect these subjects differently than CTS-symptomatic subjects and the
normal subjects. To date, only two subjects with diabetic neuropathy have been tested.

Wrist extension has been shown to have greater effect on carpal tunnel pressure than extension,
but may not be as effective at provoking symptoms of CTS as flexion (Gelberman, 1981;
Phalen, 1972). To understand the effect of wrist posture on the median nerve, extension should
also be studied, though this posture will require a different vibrometer configuration.


This research was supported in part by a pilot project research training grant from the Rocky
Mountain Center for Occupational and Environmental Health at the University of Utah. The
Rocky Mountain Center for Occupational and Environmental Health, an Education and
Research Center, is supported by Training Grant No. T42/CCT810426 from the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention/National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. The
contents are solely the responsibility of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official
views of the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health.


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Sesek, R. F., Tuckett, R. P., Bloswick, D. S., and Khalighi, M. (Submitted). Effects of prolonged Wrist
flexion on transmission of sensory information in carpal tunnel syndrome. Submitted to Journal of Hand


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