04 - Part A - Track
04 - Part A - Track
04 - Part A - Track
1.1 SCOPE:
1.1.1 This specification deals with the requirements for the manufacture,
supply, assembly, installation, testing and commissioning of Permanent
Way Works.
1.1.2 The successful tenderer shall be required to interface closely with the
Employer, Engineer, other contractors and other officials of Indian
1.1.3 Permanent Way works involved for the proposed double line can briefly
be described as under:
(a) Setting out the line and level of track for the proposed line
and establishing working, bench marks and alignment
references, taking the details from bench marks and
alignment references established by the Employer / by the
same or other Contractor earlier in main lines, and in
station yards including for loops, turnouts, cross over roads,
derailing switches, sand humps etc.
(b) Supply of ballast along the track in mid section and in yards
and running out this ballast to the top of formation and
compacting of ballast with mechanical means.
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(d) Supply of rails for item (d) above, and all rail & sleeper
fastenings required for the above works and for installation
of track in main lines and yards.
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(r) All other miscellaneous works.
(s) Making and supply of „As Built‟ drawings for the new assets
Note: (1) The above are not an exhaustive list comprising of all
works to be done under this contract. Major works only
have been listed for guidance.
2.0 Standards:
2.1 Permanent Way components and assemblies should comply with the
requirements and Standards given in the latest Drawings and
Specifications of RDSO. It shall be the responsibility of the contractor to
adopt the latest version of the technical specifications with all correction
slips issued by RDSO / LKO from time to time.
Trackwork Abbreviations
CWR Continuously Welded Rail
EVA Ethyl Vinyl Acetate
FC Flange way Clearance
HDPE High Density Polyethylene
HH Head Hardened
GIRJ Glued Insulated Rail Joint
LWR Long Welded Rail
SEJ Switch Expansion Joint
P&C Point & Crossing
Standards Abbreviations
UIC International Union of Railways
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Other Abbreviations
HTS High Tensile Strength
RDSO Research Design and Standards
ETU Electric traction unit
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4. European Standards (EN)
EN 1561 Founding – Grey Cast Iron
EN 1562 Founding – Malleable Cast Irons
EN 1563 Founding – Spheroidal Graphite Cast Irons
5. German Standard (DIN)
DIN 53455 Testing of Plastics – Tensile Test
DIN 53479 Testing of Plastics and Elastomers –
Determination of Density
DIN 53508 Testing of rubber - Accelerated ageing
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Standard Specifications – Manuals
2.2.1 The works shall be carried out as per the Standard Specifications laid
down for each item read with provisions made in the above manuals and
2.2.2 The relevant technical specifications and manuals etc. of Indian Railways
have been mentioned in clause 2.1 above. However, it shall be the
responsibility of the contractor to adopt the latest revision of relevant
technical specification/manuals with all correction slips and alterations.
The contractor shall be responsible for collecting the relevant technical
specifications from Indian Railways at his own cost and shall submit them
to the Engineer for his approval before starting of work.
2.2.3 The relevant RDSO‟s Specifications and Drawings for each of the
Permanent Way Component and Assembly shall be followed for the
Permanent Way works. It shall be the responsibility of the contractor to
adopt latest RDSO Drawings and Specifications with all correction slips
and alterations. The contractor shall be responsible for collecting the
relevant Specification and drawings for each of the Permanent Way
component and assembly from RDSO at his own cost and submit them to
the Engineer for his approval before starting of work.
2.2.4 For the supply of goods or material or performing any work or test, when
reference is made in the contract to a specific standard(s),
specification(s) or code(s), the provisions of the latest current edition or
revision of the relevant standard(s), specification(s) and code(s) in effect
shall apply, unless otherwise expressly stated in the Contract. Where
such standard(s), specification(s) or the code(s) are notional, or relate to
a particular country or region, other authoritative standards which ensure
an equal or higher quality than the standards and codes specified will be
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Specifications RVNL
accepted subject to the Engineer‟s prior review and written approval.
Differences between the standards specified and the proposed
alternative standards must be fully described in writing by the contractor
and submitted to the Engineer at least 28 days prior to the date when the
contractor desires the Engineer‟s approval. In the event the Engineer
determines that such proposed deviation does not ensure equal or higher
quality or does not serve the requirements, the contractor shall comply
with the standards specified in the documents.
Particulars Details
1 Gauge 1676 mm (B.G)
2. Standard of loading Modified B.G -1987
3. (A) Rail profile- Main Line 60 Kg 1st quality, 880 UTS rails
or 52 Kg. 1st quality 880 UTS
rails depending upon the route.
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Employer free of cost.
3. Rails required for
manufacture of turnouts
including lead rails, SEJs,
derailing switches, glued rail
joints shall be procured by the
Contractor at his cost.
4. Type of sleeper Mono block 60 kg. PSC sleepers
for track.
On ballasted decks of bridges
and bridge approaches, Mono
Block 60 kg. PSC sleepers with
arrangements for fixing guard
At level crossings Mono Block
60 kg. PSC sleepers with
arrangements for fixing Check
5. Sleeper density Main line – As per Para No.244
(3) (a) of IRPWM
Loop line – 1310 nos./km
6. Ballast cushion Main line – 300 mm
Loop line – 250 mm
7. Rail lengths and rail end fittings. Free 13 m / 26 m long rails for
Fish plated track.
SWR of 3 x 13 m rail panels with
fish plates at ends.
LWR 1 km. long panel with
switch expansion joints at ends.
CWR 3 km. long panel with
switch expansion joints at ends.
8. Maximum cant 165 mm
9. Maximum cant deficiency Generally 75 mm
For nominated stock 100 mm
10 Maximum cant excess Generally 75 mm
For nominated stock 100 mm
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Interfaces are required to ensure that work is done in a sound manner
without affecting or being affected by requirements of other consultants /
contractors and railway operations.
2.4.2 The contractor shall strictly adhere to the work plan made for works
requiring interfacing. Any delay either on his part or on the part of other
agencies and other bottlenecks that could affect the pace of works shall
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Specifications RVNL
be informed to the Engineer in time so as to enable him to take corrective
2.4.3 If, in the opinion of Engineer, the delay in execution of works requiring
interfacing is on account of failures of the contractor, and the contractor is
not taking adequate steps to the satisfaction of Engineer for smooth
execution of such works, then the Engineer shall have the right to take
necessary steps to organize and streamline such works, including
excluding the requisite portion of work from the scope of the contractor
and getting the same executed by other agencies, at the risk and cost of
the contractor, in the over all interest of completion of project.
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8. The Contractor shall ensure that all areas of work are sufficiently
illuminated for the works to be undertaken and that a safe system of
work is employed for all activities.
9. The contractor shall operate a suitable system for the control of
persons entering or working on the site. The system shall include as a
minimum -
Register of all employees
Register of all visitors
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Production of the calculation sheets and installation drawings for site
Procurement, handling, storage of materials, Permanent Way
components and assemblies and there further transport to the sites as
required including all handling.
Installation in accordance with the finalised installation drawings.
Co-ordination with other designated contractors.
Submission of the installation reports and records.
Testing and commissioning as per finalised protocol and programme.
Production of as built drawings, documents, calculation sheets, and
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trains and passengers, contractor should adhere to all the safety
related instructions issued to him directly or through the Engineer /
Employer, or South Central Railway Personnel from time to time.
Contractor should take immediate action in implementing these
instructions. No extra payment will be made for such works
undertaken by the Contractor.
3.1.6 Quality Management: The Contractor shall adopt an appropriate quality management
system to ensure that the System performance requirements as
specified in this Particular Specification are achieved. The Contractor shall provide sufficient number of suitably experienced
supervisors and skilled workers to ensure that the progress and
quality of the work, both on site and in the Contractor‟s workshops,
are maintained to the satisfaction of the Engineer. Key Supervisors shall have a minimum of three years previous
experience in a supervisory capacity on similar projects. The supervisors shall work on a full time basis during the entire
installation process. The Engineer may undertake, at any time, checks on the proficiency
of the Contractor's staff, their licensing and all associated
documentation. Should any of the Contractor‟s staff be found
incompetent by the Engineer or unlicensed, they shall be removed
from the site till their competence has been established.
3.1.7 Workmanship: The style and procedure of workmanship shall be appropriate and
consistent throughout the works. Unless otherwise specified, the Engineer shall decide the final colours
for all paintwork and other finishes to be applied to any part of the
works, which shall confirm to the practice of Indian Railways.
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3.2.2. Partial completion of track work to provide shared access for the
works of other agencies. Completion of track work, which can be,
completed without non-interlocking of the station yards.
3.2.3 Completion of track works jointly with Signalling work and Facility
works for additions and alterations to station Yards with or without
non-interlocked working after CRS sanction in Phases.
3.2.4. Completion of Acceptance tests after completing necessary testing
and integrated testing in phases.
3.2.5. Commissioning of works after meeting all the requirements of
operation and maintenance. (In Phases) Final commissioning of the system.
4.1.1 This Materials and Workmanship Specification for Track works shall be
read in conjunction with all the documents forming part of the Contract.
4.1.2 No permanent Works shall be carried out until all methods and
materials have been approved by the Engineer in charge.
4.1.3 Unless noted otherwise in the Contract, all components and materials
shall be handled, transported and stored, in accordance with the
manufacturer‟s recommendations with prior approval of Engineer.
4.1.4 The test results of each test to be carried out as per Employer‟s
requirement shall be recorded and submitted in a format approved by
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Specifications RVNL
the Engineer and shall include graphical presentation of results as well
as numerical base data wherever required.
4.1.5 Drawings, records, reports, documents, proforma etc. shall be
submitted in both hard copy and electronic copy.
4.2.1 Abbreviations, Standards, have already been dealt under Sub paras of
Para No 2.1 above. Subsequently, before use for installation, all the materials and
components shall be inspected by the Engineer.
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Specifications RVNL
5.1.1 Rail Sections
Rail sections shall comply with Table below:-
Item Rail type Rail profile
Standard rails on main line, all UIC 60, IRS T-12-96, UIC 861-3
SEJs, glued insulated joints, all 880 Grade
turnouts and derailing switches on
main lines.
Standard rails on loop lines and 52Kg., IRS T-12-96, IRS 52Kg
sidings, all SEJs, glued insulated 72UTS/ 90UTS.
joints, all turnouts and derailing (1st or 2nd quality)
switches on loops and sidings.
Check rails at level crossings and 52Kg., IRS T-12-96, IRS 52Kg
guard rails on bridges and bridge 72UTS/ 90UTS.
approaches (1st or 2nd quality)
Note: Released 52 Kg
rails, if available, can
also be used. Rails will be supplied by the Employer only for laying in track in mid
sections and yards for main lines and loops, including for laying in
between turnouts in crossovers ( between heels of crossings), check
rails for Level crossings and guard rails for bridges. In case the
Contractor proposes to use PQRS method for installation of track,
free rails for a maximum length of 2KM only will be issued free of
cost. The contractor shall plan to use these service rails ultimately in
permanent works.
Rails will not be supplied for fabrication of turn outs including lead
rails, SEJs and glued insulated joints. The contractor should obtain
rails of appropriate specifications.
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Specifications RVNL For accountal of rails , recovery for shortages etc., refer to Part II
(Employer‟s Requirements) of Bidding Document.
All plain track sleepers and sleepers for special locations like SEJs, turn
outs, Level crossings etc., required shall be arranged by the Contractor.
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At locations shown on the Drawings, and/or specified, signalling and / or
traction return rail bonds are to be attached to the rail through holes,
brazing or any other suitable technique by designated contractors as
approved by Engineer.
6.1.1 General
This para details the requirements for manufactured items for the
6.1.2 Approved Manufacturers
1) The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer for each item or
component to be manufactured, full details of the previous relevant
experience of the proposed manufacturer in the production of that
item, and also his previous experience of manufacturing similar
products for the Railway industry. The major items that require
particular and specific previous manufacturing expertise and
require prior approval of the Employer are as follows :
(a) Switches, Derailing Switches, Switch Expansion Joints and
Glued Insulated joints.
(b) Cast manganese steel crossings;
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2) All turnouts and derailing switches shall be provided on PSC sleepers.
3) The contractor shall adhere to standard layouts of Indian Railways. He
shall supply all fittings, fastenings, fixtures, various blocks, base
plates, check rails, switches, crossing, stretcher bars, etc. complete
based on basic geometry as provided in relevant drawings with
approval of Engineer.
4) The turnouts and derailing switches shall be manufactured as per the
approved layout drawings so that the provisions of base plate fixation,
other fixtures and their positioning are interfaced to ensure full
5) The contractor shall be responsible to make provisions on PSC
sleepers for fixation of point driving machines, double pull
arrangement and any other arrangement required for fixation of S&T
6) Turnouts on main lines and other lines shall be suitable to take the
LWR through turnouts, if required.
7) At all turnouts, and derailing switches, on main lines and other lines
rails shall be fixed vertical (i.e. without cant). The transition between
approach tracks laid with 1 in 20 rail slope and the turnout laid with
vertical rails shall be suitably designed and achieved during
installation with prior approval of Engineer. Use of approach and exit
sleepers of RDSO design affords this facility automatically.
8) Machining/manufacturing tolerances of the turnouts, and derailing
switches shall be as shown on relevant drawings.
2) For ballasted turnouts and derailing switches on main lines and other
lines, rail clips shall be ERC MKIII as for the plain track PSC sleeper.
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Specifications RVNL
6.2.3 Switches General
1) All switches on main lines as well as on loop lines and sidings ,
shall be manufactured from ultrasonically tested 60 / 52 kg. rails to
IRS Specification T 12. The switch rail shall be in one piece with
no joint within the switch rail length.
2) All switches with slide chairs and other components shall confirm
to relevant RDSO drawing and IRS Specification as mentioned in
clause 2.1.2 (7).
3) Switches shall provide adequate flange way clearance between
the stock rail and the switch rail with the switch rail in the open
position at JOH. General
1) The crossings for use in main lines shall be cast manganese
steel crossing.
2) The cast manganese steel - crossings shall be manufactured
from Austenitic Manganese steel as defined in UIC Code 866
and as per relevant technical specification of Indian Railways
for CMS x‟ings as mentioned in clause 2.1.2 (7) and as per
RDSO Drawings.
3) The wheel load transfer surfaces of all CMS crossings shall be
artificially hardened by explosive hardening to achieve
hardness of about 350 BHN before installation.
4) All crossings shall conform to RDSO Drawings and IRS
6.2.5 Check rails
1) Check rails in all turnouts & diamond crossings shall have facility for
adjustment of check rail clearances up to 10 mm over and above the
initial designed clearance. Each check rail end shall be flared by
2) Height of check rail above running rail & the lengths and positions of
the check rail shall provide safety and be compatible with the overall
track layout and Schedule of Standard Dimensions (BG) 2004.
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Specifications RVNL
1) Switch expansion joints shall be manufactured to suit the rail and
supporting structure movements indicated on the Drawings.
2) Switch expansion joints shall be as per relevant approved drawing
of Indian Railway.
3) SEJ on ballasted track shall be laid on PSC sleepers.
4) SEJ shall be supplied with all fittings, fastenings, fixtures, various
blocks, base plates etc. complete as per RDSO Drawing.
5) The fixation of switch expansion joints on PSC sleepers shall be
through base plates.
6) The switch expansion joints shall be manufactured strictly as per
the specified drawings so that the provisions of base plate fixation,
other fixtures and their positioning are interfaced so as to ensure
full compatibility.
Buffer Stops / Dead ends shall comprise of a structure made out of rails
fixed to the running rail by bolts and nuts etc. Rails required for buffer
stops will be issued by the Employer. Buffer beam and two buffer stops
shall be provided at buffer level to counter the impact of rolling stock.
Dead end shall be painted with two coats of black bitumastic paint, buffer
beam painted white and buffer stops painted red.
The design of the dead end shall be submitted by the contractor for
Engineer‟s approval. The contractor shall interface with the Engineer for
the details required for the design of stops.
7.1 The setting out of longitudinal and vertical alignment for track
construction and for laying curves, turnouts etc. shall be the
responsibility of the contractor; the following principles shall be
adopted for setting out and execution.
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Specifications RVNL
7.2.1 The planning, organisation and process of surveys for transferring the
alignment for track construction on finished road bed /bridges/stations
shall be the sole responsibility of the Contractor. He shall at all times
maintain common survey interface with others.
7.2.2 Survey and setting out of works shall be carried out by surveyors of
appropriate experience and qualification.
7.2.3 The Engineer may carry out checks to verify the accuracy of the
setting out and Contractor‟s compliance of the completed works with
given alignment and the specifications. Provisions and arrangement
shall be made by the Contractor to facilitate the checks. However, full
responsibility lies with the Contractor for the accuracy of line and level
of the tracks
7.3 Survey Controls in General and setting out
7.31 As a part of the Survey on site and review of the technical
requirements shown in this specification and the Employer‟s drawings
mentioned above, the following work shall be done by the Contractor
at his cost.
7.3.3 The successful tenderer shall take action for verification of the details
of the established bench marks and alignment references,
establishment of working bench marks, working alignment references
etc., and getting them approved by the Engineer before
commencement of work.
7.3.5 Based on these reference markers, the entire work shall be carried
out by the Contractor.
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7.3.6 The contractor should fix reference markers on both the cesses at
intervals of not more than 200 m on straight and 20 m on curves to
indicate the centre line of track. On these reference markers, marks
should also be made to indicate the levels of bottom of the sleeper
and the rail levels. The rail level so fixed should be the inner rail level
in the case of curves.
7.3.7 These reference markers which also indicate the bottom level of the
sleepers and the rail levels should be got checked and approved by
the Engineer.
7.3.8 The track setting marks for the centre of the track shall be shown by
plates or nails fixed to the bridge spans, on the upper surface of the
slab or as approved by the Engineer. The track setting marks for the
vertical setting of the track running surface shall be shown by angle
plates sealed onto the bridge side walls. They shall be referenced
with respect to the theoretical track level as approved by the
7.3.9 The part of the works detailed from Para 7.3.1 to 7.3.7 above should
be done before the start of any work related to installation of track.
7.3.10 It shall be the contractor‟s responsibility to protect and preserve all
the markers mentioned in the above Paras. In the event of any
damage to the alignment markers or to the bench marks, the
contractor shall replace the same and re-establish the points at his
own cost to the satisfaction of the Engineer.
7.4.1 Survey instruments used and the methodology adopted shall be
appropriate to the intended measurement task and accuracy
specifications. Test measurements and instrument calibration shall be
carried under local field conditions.
7.4.2 It is essential that before starting any initial surveys, and at frequent
intervals all measuring equipment should be tested for their accuracy.
7.4.3 All instruments deployed in the Contract shall be in good condition
and properly calibrated. Calibration certificates and / or statements of
services by local authorised instrument agents of not more than
twelve months shall be the proof that the instruments are in good
service conditions.
7.4.4 Notwithstanding the above, instruments shall again be checked to
ensure good condition before the Contractor proceeds to carry out a
critical survey task. Any error causing superfluous work will have to be
rectified by the contractor at his own cost.
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7.5.1 The Contractor shall ensure that critical dimensions laid down for the
project are met. Regular checking should be carried out during the
construction stages to ensure that the specified permissible deviations
are not exceeded.
7.5.2 The Contractor shall ensure that all survey and setting out points shall
be established on Site to required accuracy. He shall also be
responsible for each stage of the setting out work and for verifying
compliance before construction starts.
The contractor should propose a suitable survey monument and get it
approved from Engineer.
7.7.1 The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer, for acceptance a separate
quality plan related specifically to survey matters. The plan shall
address for following:
Identification of the Contractor‟s key survey staff and the lines of
Scope of the surveying section including interface and designated
List of proposed surveying equipment & computer hard/software;
List of surveying procedures;
List of detailed method statements for all critical surveying
Survey test and inspection plan;
Control of survey data and records;
8.1.2 General
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Specifications RVNL The proposed method statements, installation procedures and
installation plans for the Works shall be submitted for the approval of
the Engineer in accordance with this Chapter. These submissions
shall be summarised and detailed in the Contractor‟s Submission
Schedule (CSS). The documents forming the submissions shall use a
standard format which shall be submitted by the Contractor for the
approval of the Engineer Notwithstanding the nominal track to supporting structure dimensions
indicated on the Drawings, the as constructed dimensions may vary
subject to the allowable tolerances. In addition the supporting
structure may contain ramps, steps, channels, drains, anchor bolts,
manholes, upstands and the like. The methods of construction shall
accommodate these constraints. All temporary/service tracks required for track work on main lines and
yard lines shall be arranged & laid by the contractor with prior
approval of the Engineer. The contractor shall remove these
temporary/service tracks after completing the track work as approved
by Engineer. The rails released from temporary/service track may be
used on yard lines, if the condition of rails is within specified
tolerances and approved by Engineer.
8.2.1 Method statements Method statements detailing the proposed methods of working and
incorporating all temporary works required shall be submitted to
Engineer for his approval. No Permanent Work shall commence until
the Engineer approves the method statements. Method statements for track laying shall, as a minimum ,cover the
following items, where ever applicable:
(a) shipping
(b) handling & transport
(c) stacking
(d) pre-assembly/assembly
(e) delivery
(f) surveying
(g) setting out
(h) assembly
(i) ballasting
(j) track installation
(k) welding
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(l) tamping
(m)lining & levelling
(n) stabilisation
(o) as-constructed records
(p) cleaning
(q) final fastening down Method statements shall, as a minimum, incorporate hold points,
tolerances, finishes required, temporary works, test and inspection
plans, and shall include all the environmental, health, safety and
quality control requirements for each activity. Method statements are also required as a minimum for the following
production or installation activities :
(a) Dismantling of existing track where required and stacking &
handing over of released materials.
(b) Slewing of existing track wherever required
(c) Dismantling of existing turnouts, derailing switches wherever
required and stacking & handing over of released materials.
(d) Dismantling of existing Signalling gear and stacking & handing
over of released materials.
(e) Each track form
(f) Turnouts, crossovers, and derailing switches
(g) Switch expansion Joints
(h) Glued insulated joints
(i) Fish plated insulated joints
(j) Level crossings
(k) Guard rail on bridges
(l) Rail welding
(m)Buffer Stops & dead ends
(n) Surveying
(o) Tests on Completion for the design speed. Method Statements shall be prepared and submitted in a standard
format as described in Clause 8.2.1 with descriptions under the
following minimum headings :
(a) Safety
(b) Environment
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(c) Plant, Equipment & Tools
(d) Construction Method
(e) Protection to existing running tracks , drainage facilities, cast-in
items, etc.
(f) Tolerances & finishes
(g) Hold Points
(h) Test and Inspection Plans
(i) Appendices
(j) Sketches
(k) Proforma / check sheets
(l) False works / Formwork
(m)Temporary Works
(n) Calculations
(o) Reference Drawings
(p) Reference Documents/Clauses In all main line & yard line track, (excluding turnouts, crossovers,
diamond crossings and derailing switches) rails shall be laid with -
1:20 inward rail slope. The Contractor shall take due cognisance of his proposed rail jointing
system and the rail fastening assembly spacing in the selection of the
appropriate length of welded rail panels. Rails shorter than the
minimum length shall only be permitted in the following locations:
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Specifications RVNL contractor shall lay the bridge approach sleepers with appropriate
sleeper of the correct RDSO number and at specified spacings. If this
is not done, the flaring end of the guard rails cannot be fitted with
specified fittings. In such an eventuality , the Contractor should make
his own arrangements for either locating the correct sleepers and
replacing or drilling requisite holes in the laid sleepers and fixing the
specified dowels at his own cost. Nothing extra will be paid for this.
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Specifications RVNL
8.3.4 Long Welded Rails
Long welded rail panels (LWR) shall generally be a minimum of about
130 m. Shorter panels shall only be permitted when dictated by site
conditions / site constraints and as approved by the Engineer.
8.3.5 Fish-plated Rail Joints Standard and Insulated fish-plated joints wherever required in plain
track shall be square. Standard and insulated fish-plated joints shall be installed centrally
between two adjacent fastenings and shall be manufactured and
installed to permit the use of standard rail fastening assemblies. All fish-plated joints shall be fitted with the nuts on the inside of the
8.3.6 Glued Insulated Rail Joints All glued insulated rail joints shall be shop manufactured using
minimum 6 m long rails. Site fabricated glued insulated joints shall be
provided only with the prior approval of the Engineer, Except in the case of glued insulated joints in the turnout zone, the
positioning of the glued insulated joint with respect to the approach
shall be such as to keep a minimum distance of 6.00 m from an
existing weld in the rail.
8.3.7 Switch Expansion Joints Particular attention shall be given to ensure that rail expansion joints
are assembled and installed in accordance with the Drawings and
correctly located with relation to the type of SEJ and the direction of
traffic. Immediately prior to completion of installation of track of a section, all
sliding surfaces of rail expansion joint shall be cleaned and greased.
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Specifications RVNL
(g) GFN liner
(i) SGCI inserts (cast in PSC sleeper) The completed track shall have the following minimum ballast
cushion under the sleeper or bearer:
(a) Ballast cushion : (Measured from underside of sleeper to the
- Main lines (under lower rail) As per Para 263
(2) (a) of IRPWM.
- Loop lines and Sidings (under lower rail) 250 mm
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Specifications RVNL
8.4.2 Bottom Ballast Bottom ballast shall be laid directly on the prepared support structure
(formation) using methods that avoid road traffic over the support
structure and also avoiding damage to the cable ducts/trenches
already provided for signalling and electrical cables on the sides of
embankment. The formation would have been properly dressed and
well compacted to true profile and levels before running ballast on to
the formation. The bottom ballast shall then be laid in layers of loose
ballast layers of maximum of 100 mm each, each layer being
compacted by a minimum of 4 passes of a smooth vibrating roller,
with a minimum static load of 4 kN per 100 mm of width or similar as
approved by Engineer. The bottom ballast shall be laid to a maximum level of 200-mm (+0, -
20 mm) above the supporting structure. . On completion of the bottom ballast a survey shall be undertaken to
demonstrate the acceptability of the bottom ballast for track laying.
The survey shall include graphical plotting of cross-sections and
computing quantities of ballast. The bottom ballast survey shall be undertaken on a longitudinal grid of
30 metres along the line of the ends of the sleepers and at the
extremities of the specified profile. On completion and acceptance of the bottom ballast for track laying,
no vehicle of any type shall be permitted to run over the bottom
ballast. The use of vehicles on the completed bottom ballast will result in the
rejection of the bottom ballast in that particular length where the
vehicle has been used. In such a length all contaminated ballast
should be removed and replaced with new ballast. Re-grading and
rolling of such line should be done to the satisfaction of the Engineer.
No further track laying operation shall be done until the bottom ballast
has been re-inspected and approved by the Engineer.
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The track laying system shall be such that no wheeled vehicles
shall travel directly over the bottom ballast during the track laying
In case the top surface of the ballast gets disturbed, the same
shall be repaired/re-compacted to prescribed levels, to the
satisfaction of the Engineer.
The sleepers shall then be laid out on the bottom ballast at the
specified spacings. The sleepers shall be correctly aligned and
Alternatively, pre-assembled panels may be laid directly onto the
prepared bottom ballast for installation of track by utilisation of
PQRS or by any other method, which should have prior approval
of the Engineer.
Sleeper shoulder then shall be adequately ballasted and
compacted to obtain enough lateral resistance of track.
The rail panels shall then be laid on the sleepers and fastened to
the sleepers.
After a suitable length of track has been laid, but before any
movement of rail mounted Construction Plant or equipment on that
track, the laid sleepers shall be levelled and tamped by
mechanical means, approved by the Engineer, to ensure the final
lines and levels of the resulting track are within acceptable
tolerances as approved by Engineer. However the contractor shall
be responsible for safety of track after Engineer‟s inspection &
approval and track components damaged due to running of rail
mounted construction plant and equipment or any other reason
shall be replaced by the contractor to the Engineer‟s satisfaction
Track markers, bonding, etc shall not be installed until the track is
aligned to final line and level, and the final fastening down
operation has been completed. Top ballasting, tamping & lining
(i) Prior to the placing of top ballast the track shall be marked in
preparation for tamping and lining operations with the
following information:
All horizontal and vertical tangent points
Transition curve details
Circular curve details
Cant details
Vertical curve details
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(ii) The tamping parameters such as the rate of tamping, number
of passes, number of insertions per sleeper, depth of
insertion, length of tamping and optimum frequency of
vibration for the tamping, squeezing pressure and tamping
cycle shall be submitted for the approval of Engineer.
(iii) Once the top ballast is adequately regulated the track shall be
lifted, levelled and aligned as required, using on-track
tamping / lining machine to be arranged by the Contractor.
The top ballasting, regulating, tamping and lining shall be
repeated in stages of a lift of upto 50 mm at a time, until the
track is at the designed horizontal and vertical alignment
(iv) Generally when the work of lining and tamping of track with
heavy on track tampers is done, the track becomes fit for
different speeds of operations, as mentioned below:
First round of packing .. 50 kmph
Second round of packing .. 75 kmph
Third round of packing .. 100 kmph
Attempt should be made to obtain this standard of track for
different rounds of packing. If such standards are not
achieved, additional rounds of packing at the cost of the
Contractor will become necessary.
(v) It will be preferable to use on-line tampers similar to Plassers
Duomatic 8-Series of machines, which have been specially
built for tamping at constructions sites.
(vi) Concurrent with the tamping and lining, the ballast shoulders
and the sleeper cribs shall be compacted with suitable
equipment as approved by the Engineer.
(vii) The completely tamped track with designed line and levels
and with designed ballast profile having compacted shoulder
and crib ballast shall be distressed after formation of
8.4.4 Drainage
The contractor shall be responsible for installation of track drainage
system and its connection to main drainage system, if any, provided.
Details of the final connection to the main drainage shall be provided
by the Contractor with the prior approval of Engineer.
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Specifications RVNL
8.5.1 General-
The moveable length of a switch rail shall be securely strapped to
the stock rail during all handling and transportation. In any case,
before installation of switch the prevailing camber due to pre-
curving should be checked. If the switch or stock rail has lost
camber, pre-curving should be redone by cold bending with jim-
crow to the satisfaction of the Engineer.
Check rails shall be set and checked to the correct clearance by
using the running edge of the crossing as the datum.
The assembly sequence of turnouts, diamond crossings, derailing
switches and rail expansion joints shall be submitted for
Engineer‟s Approval as part of the overall method statement for
pre-assembly, handling, storage, transportation, unloading and
On completion of a turnout, the Contractor shall immediately
scotch the switches with a purpose made hardwood timber scotch
and securely clamp the switches as directed by the Engineer with
an appropriate clamp as approved by the Engineer. The clamp
shall be capable of being padlocked with the switch in the closed
No on-track Constructional Plant, equipment and machinery shall
be allowed to operate over a turnout until it has been inspected
and approved by the Engineer.
The contractor at this time shall interface and ensure the designed
switch opening while fixing the first stretcher bar.
All stretcher bars for switches shall be supplied and installed by
the Contractor and approved by the Engineer.
After thoroughly cleaning a completed turnout, all bolted
components (except Glued Insulated Rail Joints) shall be, cleaned
and an approved lubricant applied to the threads before the nuts are
re-torqued. Pre-assembly of Turnouts, Crossovers, Derailing Switches and
Switch Expansion Joints
All turnouts, crossovers, derailing switches and switch expansion
joints shall be pre-assembled for the inspection and approval of
the Engineer, prior to installation in the Works.
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Specifications RVNL
The contractor shall provide all gauges and measuring equipment
and labour necessary to completely check the pre-assembled
turnouts, crossovers and switch expansion joints. Installation
The turnouts, crossovers, derailing switches and switch expansion
joints shall be laid on bottom ballast prepared as described in clause
8.4.2 - Bottom Ballast. They shall be installed in accordance with the
approved method mentioned in the methods statement and
temporarily jointed.
The installation of turnouts on the prepared ballast bed and
further packing and lining of the turnouts should be done by
Mechanical means only. The required machines should be obtained
by the Contractor.
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Specifications RVNL
8.7.2 Track on level crossings shall be laid on PSC sleepers with provision
for check rails as per RDSO drawing no. T-4148 mentioned in clause
5.2.5 complete with check rails, MS brackets, distance blocks, flare of
check rails, all fittings and fixtures complete as shown on the plan.
8.7.3 Joints should be avoided in check rails and on the running rails within
the level crossings and a further 3 meters on either side. In the case of
SWR, the short welded panel may be continued through the level
crossing, avoiding fish plated joint on the level crossings and within 6
meters from the end of level crossing. The level crossing should not
fall within the breathing length of LWR as per the provisions contained
in LWR Manual.
8.7.4 Level crossings beyond the outermost stop signals of the station /
block hut shall be under the control of the Engineering Department of
Railways and shall be termed as Engineering Gates.
At all Gates which are unmanned, the contractor shall provide rail
posts in the new locations. At all manned gates, the contractor shall
shift the lifting barriers / gate leaves complete with associated
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Specifications RVNL
equipment like winches and locking arrangements to the new
locations and re-fix on new foundations.
8.7.6 All road signs and level crossing indicators shall be shifted by the
Contractor to appropriate locations as permanent markers as per para
916 of IRPWM.
8.7.7 Rails and fastenings in contact with the road shall be thoroughly
cleaned with wire brush and a coat of anti corrosive paint applied.
8.7.9 Flange way clearances, cross level, gauge and alignment should be
checked and corrected as necessary, fittings and fastenings properly
fixed and tightened and the track packed thoroughly before laying the
road surfacing or pavement between the gates.
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Specifications RVNL
8.8.3 Guard rail should be provided on all girder bridges (including Pre-stressed
concrete girder bridges without deck slab) whether major or minor.
Guard rails should also be provided on all major and important ballasted
deck bridges and also on such other minor bridges where derailment may
cause serious damages.
On all flat top, arch and PRC girder bridges with deck slab, where
guard rails are not provided, the whole width of the bridge between the
parapet walls shall be filled with ballast upto the top of sleeper level.
8.8.4 Sleepers: On Steel girder bridges steel channel sleepers as per RDSO
Drawing No. B-1636 and B-1636/1, and on ballasted deck bridges and
bridge approaches PSC sleepers as per RDSO Drg. No. RDSO/T-4089
to 4097, shall be provided to accommodate the guard rails.
ii) The guard rails should be splayed; ends of guard rails should be
bent vertically and buried ; and a block of timber fixed at the end.
Fixing of guard rails to the sleepers shall be as shown in RDSO
plans for steel channel sleepers (for steel girder bridges) and PSC
sleepers (for ballasted deck bridges and all bridge approaches).
iii) The top table of the guard rail should not be lower than that of the
running rail by more than 25 mm. In the case of bridges on curves
with super-elevated track, the difference should be measured with
reference to a straight line connecting the running tables of inner
and outer rails.
8.8.6 General
v) Uniform and correct distance between the running rail and guard
rail should be maintained as per the prescribed dimensions.
vi) Where switch expansion joints are provided on the girder bridge,
free movement of the switch should be ensured.
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Specifications RVNL
vii) On small span girder bridges, where foot paths are not provided,
walkways should be provided in the centre of track over sleepers
to help staff cross the bridge during their inspection.
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Specifications RVNL All welds shall be indelibly marked with an individual number that
clearly identifies the welder and the weld. This weld number shall be
painted on the rail web. The number, once painted on the rail, shall be
maintained until taking over the works. The weld identification shall
contain a maximum of five characters.
8.9.2 Flash-butt welding General
The Flash Butt Welding of rail joints shall be undertaken in
accordance with the relevant Indian Railway Manual for Flash Butt
Welding of rail mentioned in Clause 2.1.2 (7) and further
supplemented below.
Rails with ends which are outside the required end straightness
tolerance shall not be welded; the rail end can be cut to bring it to
within the specified tolerances or the rail shall be removed from
the site. Rail ends that are out of tolerance for straightness after
welding may be straightened by the use of a purpose made rail
end straightener approved by Engineer which does not cause
damage/indentation to the rails, Alternatively the executed weld
may be cut and re-welded.
The Contractor shall make arrangement for the measurement of
residual stresses on the test welds on both side of rail and weld. Welder qualification
All flash butt welding machine operators shall be trained and
certified either by the manufacturer of the Flash Butt Welding
machine or by an independent Institution(s) approved by the
Engineer. Flash Butt Welding quality control
Depending upon the cause for defective welds, it may become
necessary to test some of the welds from the previous shift
production, treating them as samples, as directed by the Engineer.
The necessary tests, as instructed by the Engineer, shall be at the
contractors expenses. If any of these welds fail in testing, welding
shall immediately stop until the cause is identified and rectified.
After rectification it shall be demonstrated by the Contractor to the
satisfaction of the Engineer that all similarly affected welds have
been removed from the track. Flash Butt welding plant
The flash butt welding machine shall be of mobile type capable
of welding long strings of rails.
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Specifications RVNL
The welding clamps of rail shall provide contact area along the
entire web of rail and shall be fitted with spring loaded balls for
optimum alignment of rails ends.
The welding head shall be equipped with an integrated
shearing device for shearing the excess upset metal of the
weld seam automatically, immediately after welding has been
A recorder system shall be provided for the simultaneous
recording of butting pressure, upset, and magnitude of current
and duration of welding.
8.9.3 Alumino-thermic welds General
An alumino-thermic short pre-heat period welding process,
approved as per Indian Railway practices shall be used for the
welding of rail joints. The process of welding, testing and supply of
portions, qualifying the welder shall be in accordance with the
relevant technical specification T 19 mentioned in clause 2.1.2 (7)
Where rails of dissimilar rail steel grade are to be welded together
the weld portion to be used shall be that of the higher grade rail. Qualification of welders for alumino-thermic welds
All alumino-thermic welders shall have competency certificate issued
by RDSO/ LKO and approved by the Engineer.
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Specifications RVNL
(j) Whistle Boards,
(k) Warning Boards,
(l) Jurisdiction Boards etc.
(m) Permanent restricted speed indication and its termination
8.10.2 All permanent marker plates/boards including colour scheme and
fixation arrangement shall be as per practice of Indian Railways and
shall have prior approval of Engineer.
8.10.3 All information to be marked on the markers shall be submitted by the
contractor for Engineer‟s approval.
8.10.4 All markers required to be painted on rail for curves, turnouts and
SEJs etc. shall be paint marked by the contractor, the scheme for
which shall be submitted by the contractor for Engineer‟s approval.
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Specifications RVNL
Railways and advise the contractor. The contractor should
nevertheless, arrange to plan and ensure completion of his
operations of work well within the allotted time as per agreed
schedule and to the satisfaction of the Engineer.
8.13 Dismantling
8.13.1 Scope:
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Specifications RVNL
8.13.3 a) A foot by foot inspection of the proposed portion to be dismantled
shall be carried out jointly by the representatives of the contractor,
Railway and Engineer and a record of inventory of existing
materials should be made .
8.13.4 a) The released rail panels (if any) shall be cut into lengths of 11m to
13m by using gas cut/flame. The rails shall be cut in plumb
without any structural damage. The length of each rail shall be
measured and written at the end of rail in white paint.
d) Each rail end should be marked with the length in metres to two
decimal places, in white on black painted back ground on the web.
e) For each lot of stacked rails, there shall be a board of steel plate of
20 cm x 20 cm with welded angle of 50 x 5 mm and height of 90
cm above ground level and encased in concrete foundation. This
display board shall indicate lot no., type of rail, total number of rails
and total length.
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Specifications RVNL
8.13.2 Disposal of released materials
Curves Twist on transition portion of 0.5 mm / m
curve(over designed value)
Turn- Stock rail joint (longitudinal location) + 15 mm
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Specifications RVNL
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Specifications RVNL The versine shall be measured at the centre of a 20m chord on
moving forward at 10 m intervals. The versines shall be measured on
the inside running edge of the outside rail in curves, and either rail in
straight tracks, at a level of 14mm below top of rails. Where a
recording changes its measuring rail there shall be a minimum overlap
of readings for 60 meters. The as-built recordings of rail level and horizontal alignment along
longitudinal direction with respect to the designed level and alignment
shall be obtained by the use of appropriate electronic survey
instruments as directed by the Engineer. Horizontal location readings
shall be presented as co-ordinates. Deviation from designed co-
ordinates shall also be shown. The vertical and horizontal rail location readings shall be taken at
coincidental kilometrages.
The recordings of rail level and horizontal location shall be taken at
the intervals as proposed by the Contractor and Approved by the
Engineer. Longitudinal locations shall additionally include, but not be limited to,
switch and crossings locations.
8.15.1 It shall be ensured that all track laying confirms to the prescribed
8.15.2 A track laying register shall be maintained at site by the contractor. In
this register he shall arrange concurrent recording of relevant data
including the approved longitudinal section, programme of work,
requirement and availability of materials, position and performance of
tools, equipment, track machines, daily labour position and output,
position and the condition of the finished track both structural as well
as geometrical.
8.15.3 After the completion of the track laying, sleeper by sleeper inspection
shall be done by the contractor who will record in the track laying
register the followings;
(a) All structural differences with respect to the prescribed standards.
b) Track geometry achieved as compared to the standards
recommended for track laying. The deficiencies should be made
up and the final condition again recorded in the register.
8.16.1 Throughout construction generally and immediately after installation of
the track, the rails, rail fastenings, the track base, including ducts, cross
track drains and any exposed support structure shall be made clean.
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Specifications RVNL
This cleaning may also include the use of air/water pressure jetting and
vacuum cleaners as necessary.
9.1.1 Laboratory testing
All materials, components and assemblies shall, unless otherwise noted,
be tested by an approved certified independent testing facility as
approved by Engineer on case to case basis to demonstrate that they
satisfy the Employer‟s requirements, when tested in accordance with the
specified procedures. Where no procedure is specified, the Contractor
shall propose suitable standard or procedures for adoption for Engineer's
Approval. All costs in this respect shall be borne by the contractor.
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Specifications RVNL
5. Confirmation of date of a test or inspection shall be presented on an
Approved Proforma, not less than 21 Days prior to the date for test /
6. No material, component or assembly shall be shipped until the
clearance for this has been obtained from the Engineer.
7. Should the items to be tested or inspected fail to meet the
requirements of this Specification, necessitating additional visits to the
laboratories or works for retesting or inspection the costs of these
additional visits shall be at the expense of the Contractor.
8. Periodically, during the progress of work the Engineer may conduct
inspections of manufacturing activities at the premises of the
Contractor and those of his suppliers and subcontractors. Such
inspections shall include quality procedure checks, witness
inspections, both routine and prototype, and shall also be for the
purpose of monitoring progress. During each inspection suitably
qualified staff shall be provided by the Contractor.
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Specifications RVNL
(b) Main line and loop line turnouts, crossovers, derailing switches
and switch expansion joints.
(c) Rail insulation tests.
(d) Holding down assembly tests
(e) Site weld quality tests.
9.2.4. Test on Completion
(a) All the tests and inspections specified
9.2.5. The site tests and commissioning tests may be duplicated / repeated
by the Contractor as necessary to ensure the commissioning is
completed to the satisfaction of the Engineer.
1. In addition to the requirements of the present Specification, all
materials shall be tested in accordance with all specifically listed
Codes and Standards and any Code, Standard or procedure
submitted by the Contractor and Approved by Engineer.
2. The Contractor shall submit the test and inspection proforma for
approval of the Engineer for any test or inspection.
10.1.1 Rail
All rails shall be tested/inspected in accordance with/IRS-T-12-96. All
the rails shall be ultrasonically tested for any flaws. Defective rails, if
any shall be rejected and removed.
10.1.2 ERC MK III, GFN Liner, SGCI insert and Grooved Rubber sole
ERC MK III, GFN Liner and grooved rubber sole plate rail pad for
ballasted track on PSC sleeper shall be inspected and tested in
accordance with the relevant technical specification of Indian
Railways as mentioned in clause 2.1.2 (7)
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Specifications RVNL
10.1.3 Standard fishplates and fish-bolts
Standard fishplates and fish-bolts for UIC 60 kg and IRS 52 kg rail
section shall be tested and inspected in accordance with relevant
technical specification of Indian Railway mentioned in clause 2.1.2(7).
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Specifications RVNL
10.1.7 Electrical insulation test
Short pieces of clean rail shall be fitted to an assembly using the
complete rail fastening system as specified by the Engineer. The
complete assembly shall then be immersed in distilled water for
minimum of 6 hours. Within 1 hour of removal from the water a DC
10-volt potential shall be applied across the two rails for a period of
15 minutes. If the rails become rusty or contain mill scale, the
contact points shall be cleaned .The current flow in amperes shall
be read using a DC ammeter and the resistance determined by
dividing the voltage (10 v) by the current flow in amperes. The
requirement of the test shall have been met only when a
resistance in excess of 20,000 ohms is recorded.
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Specifications RVNL
(f) The switch rails over their free length are not twisted / bent.
5. The switch toes shall not be out of square beyond specified
6. Crossings shall bear evenly on all base plates.
7. Approved templates shall be used to check the nose profile.
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Specifications RVNL
attended and rectified by the contractor to the entire
satisfaction of the Engineer.
(b) For commissioning of the line ( as a whole or in phases).,C.R.S
sanction shall be obtained by the Engineer / Employer /
Railway under rules for opening of the Railways for public
carriage of passengers. The Engineer will co-ordinate with the
Railways and finalise the day –to-day programme and arrange
for inspection by the C.R.S. After the C.R.S has inspected and
granted sanction and permitted the final alterations to be done
,the Engineer shall advise the contractor and finalise a joint
programme in consultation with the contractor and the Railways
for carrying out the alterations and commissioning the work to
traffic. The contractor shall arrange to carry out the work as per
approved plan to the entire satisfaction of the Engineer within
the agreed schedule under sanctioned traffic blocks.
(c) On commissioning of the line, the Engineer may arrange to
carryout recording of track parameters by running Track
Recording Car (TRRC). The recording should show the track
to be within the following limits of track geometry.
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Specifications RVNL
Recording unit traces of versine, gauge, twist,
cant/cross level and rail top longitudinal profiles
Junctions including location, gauge, cross level, level,
alignment, clearances, dimensions and operation of
movable parts.
Weld record plan
All weld test results.
De-stressing records
Electrical insulation tests
Distance in kilometres, co-ordinates, offsets of all
permanent track markers
Rail Inclination records
Clip toe loads records
(c) The results and reports of all tests and materials, assemblies
and items /components.
(d) The results of all Tests on Completion shall be submitted in
hard copy and electronic format in accordance with Clause
2.1.2 (7)
10.3.1 Insulation test of sleepers-
All Monobock PSC sleepers in the track circuited lengths shall be
tested for individual sleepers impedence, which shall be not less than
500 ohms.
10.3.2 Ballast resistance test
1. A ballast resistance test shall be undertaken on all track circuited
lengths over 50 metres as a check on the leakage of current
through the track base and rail fastening system from one rail to
the other.
2. The ballasted track base resistance test shall be undertaken after
the track has been completed and cleaned but before it is finally
formed into a continuous length and all the bonds are attached.
3. The testing procedure and the minimum resistance shall comply
with the requirements proposed by interfacing with designated
E&M and as approved by Engineer.
4. Generally the minimum ballast resistance in the station yard shall
be 2 ohms/ Km and in the block section it shall be not less than 4
ohms /Km.
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Specifications RVNL
10.3.3 Switch operation
The switches shall be thrown in both directions a minimum of ten times
and the peak force required to throw the switches recorded. The peak
force recorded for each direction shall not exceed the maximum specified
peak force .
Should the force required exceed the maximum permitted, the causes
shall be investigated and all necessary modifications/repairs undertaken
as approved by the Engineer, before repeating the test.
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Specifications RVNL
2.1.1 Basic Quality: Ballast should be hard durable and as far as possible
angular along edges/corners, free from weathered portions of parent
rock, organic impurities and inorganic residues.
2.2.2 The “Water Absorption” tested as per IS2386 Pt-III 1963 following the
procedure given in Annexure 3 should not be more than 1%.
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Specifications RVNL
i) The Screen for sieving the ballast shall be of square mesh and
shall not be less than 100 cm in length 70 cm in breadth and 10
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Specifications RVNL
cm in height on sides. The following tolerances in the size of holes
for 65 mm and 20 mm sieve shall be permitted.
ii) While carrying out sieve analysis, the screen shall not be kept
inclined, but held horizontally and shaken vigorously. The pieces
of ballast retained on the screen can be turned with hand to see if
they pass through but should not be pushed through the sieve.
3.1 Each tenderer at the time of tendering shall submit the test report of
Impact Value, Abrasion Value, Water Absorption Value from approved
Stacking shall be done on a neat, plain and firm ground with good
drainage. The height of stack shall not be less than 1 m except in hilly
areas where it may be 0.5m. Top width of stack shall not be less than 1.0
m. Top of stack shall be kept parallel to the ground plane. The side
slopes of stack should not be flatter than 1.5:1 (Horizontal:Vertical).
Cubical content of each stack shall normally be not less than 30 cum in
plain areas and 15 cum in hilly areas.
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Specifications RVNL
4.2.2 In addition to painted line, mentioned in para 4.2.1, short pieces of flats
(cut pieces of tie bars or other wise) shall be welded at the centre of all
the four sides as permanent reference.
5.1 A minimum of 3 samples of ballast for sieve analysis shall be taken for
measurement done on any particular date even if the numbers of stacks
to be measured are less than three.
5.2 The tests viz., determination of Abrasion Value, Impact Value and Water
Absorption should be got done through approved laboratories or
contractor‟s own laboratory in the presence of the Engineer.
5.3 In order to ensure supply of uniform quality of ballast, the following norms
shall be followed in respect of sampling, testing and acceptance.
5.3.1 On supply of the first 100 cum, the tests for size, gradation, Abrasion
value, Impact value and water absorption (if prescribed) shall be carried
out by the Contractror in the presence of the Engineer. Further supply
shall be accepted only after this ballast satisfies the specifications for
these tests.
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Specifications RVNL
5.3.2 Subsequent tests shall be carried out as follows:
b) Abrasion Value
Impact Value and
Water Absorption test
@ Testing Frequency One test every 2000 cum
@ These tests shall be done for the purpose of monitoring quality during
supply. In case of the test results not being as per the prescribed
specifications at any stage, further supplies shall be suspended till suitable
corrective action is taken and supplies ensured as per specifications.
The above tests may be carried out more frequently if warranted at the
discretion of the Engineer.
5.5.3 All tests for Abrasion value, Impact value and water absorption shall be
done at the cost of the contractor.
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Specifications RVNL
1. Apparatus
1.1 The abrasion test for track ballast shall be carried out using Los-Angeles
1.2 The abrasive charge shall consist of 12 nos. cast iron or steel spheres
approx 48 mm dia and each weighing between 390 and 445 ensuring
total weight of charge as 5,000 25 gm.
1.3 IS sieves of sizes 50 mm, 40mm, 25 mm and 1.70 mm.
1.4 Drying Oven
2. Test Sample
2.1 The test sample of 10,000 gm shall consist of clean ballast conforming to
the following grading.
Passsing 50 mm and retained on
40 mm square mesh sieve 5,000 gm@
Passing 40 mm and retained on
25 mm square mesh sieve 5,000 gm@
@ tolerance of 2% permitted.
2.2 The sample shall be dried in oven at 100-1100C to a constant weight and
weighted (Weight „A‟).
3. Test Procedure
The test sample and the abrasive charge shall be placed in the Los-
Angeles abrasion testing machine and the machine rotated at a speed of
20–33 revolutions/minute for 1000 revolutions. At the completion of test
the material shall be discharged and sieved through 1.70 mm IS sieve.
4.2 The proportion of loss between Weight „A” and Weight „B” of the test
sample shall be expressed as a percentage of the original weight of the
test sample. This value shall be reported as
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Specifications RVNL
1. Apparatus
2. Test Sample
2.1 The test sample shall be prepared out of track ballast so as to conform to
following grading.
2.2 The sample shall be oven dried for 4 Hours at a temperature of 100-
1100C and cooled.
2.3 The measure shall be filled about one-third full with the prepared
aggregate and tamped with 25 strokes of the tamping rod. A further
similar quantity of aggregate shall be added and a further tamping of 25
strokes given. The measure shall finally be filled to overflowing, tamped
25 times and the surplus aggregate struck off, using a tamping rod as a
straight edge. The net weight of the aggregate in the measure shall be
determined to the nearest gm. (weight „A‟).
3. Test Procedure
3.1 The cup of impact testing machine shall be fixed firmly in the position on
the base of the machine and the whole of the test sample placed in it and
compacted by 25 strokes of the tamping rod.
3.2 The hammer shall be raised 380 mm above the upper surface of the
aggregate in the cup and allowed to fall freely on to the aggregate. The
test sample shall be subjected to a total of 15 such blows each being
delivered at an interval of not less than one second.
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Specifications RVNL
4.1 The sample shall be removed and sieved through 2.36 mm IS sieve. The
fraction passing through shall be weighed (Weight “B”). The fraction
retained on the sieve shall also be weighed (Weight „ C ‟) and if the total
weight ( B + C ) is less than the initial weight ( weight “A” ) by more than
one gm, the result shall be discarded and a fresh test made.
4.2 The ratio of the weight of the fines formed to the total sample weight shall
be expressed as a percentage.
4.2 Two such tests shall be carried out and the mean of the results shall be
reported to the nearest whole number as the Aggregate Impact Value of
the tested material.
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Specifications RVNL
(Based on IS 2386 Part III –1963)
1. Apparatus
The apparatus shall consist of the following
3. Test procedure
3.1 The sample shall be thoroughly washed to remove finer particle and dust,
drained and then placed in the wire basket and immersed in distilled
water at a temperature between 22-320C.
3.2 After immersion the entrapped air shall be removed by lifting the basket
and allowing it to drop 25 times in 25 seconds. The basket and sample
shall remain immersed for a period of 24 ½ hours afterwards.
3.3 The basket and aggregate shall then be removed from the water, allowed
to drain for few minutes, after which the aggregate shall be gently
emptied from the basket on to one of dry clothes and gently surface dried
with the cloth transferring it to second dry cloth when the first will remove
no further moisture. The stone aggregate shall be spread on the second
cloth and exposed to atmosphere (away from direct sunlight) until it
appears to be completely surface dry. The aggregate then shall be
weighed (weight „A”).
Two such tests shall be made and individual and mean results shall be reported.
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Specifications RVNL
This specification is issued under the fixed serial No. T-19. This was originally
adopted in 1961 and was revised in 1965 and 1984. This third revision is
necessitated to include current technological improvements in the process. In
this revised specification, test requirements of 90 UTS, 110 UTS and Head
Hardened rails have been incorporated, acceptable percentage of porosity,
tapping time and transverse breaking load requirements have been revised.
1.2 The quantity of the „ MIXTURE „ required for welding one rail joint shall
be called a „ portion „
1.5 Except for welds executed for laboratory evaluation and acceptance test,
all welds shall be executed under the supervision of personal possessing
valid competency certificate From RDSO or from Termit Portion Plant,
Northern Railway, Lucknow.
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Specifications RVNL
2. SCOPE :
3.1 The „ portion shall be submitted for acceptance batch wise. A batch shall
consist of 300 portions or part thereof manufactured from similarly and
simultaneously treated raw materials. Batch numbering shall be given
year wise in a six digit code, whose first two digits will indicate two digits
of the year of manufacture and the balance 4 digits, the serial number of
the batch. The batch number at the beginning of each year shall
therefore, commence from 0001.
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Specifications RVNL
3.2 Every portion shall be packed in a moisture proof bag of polythene to IS :
9738, “ Indian Standard Specification for Polyethylene bags for general
purposes “ Grade HM HDPE of 150 micron thickness which should be
sealed so as to make it air tight. The Polyethylene bag should then be
packed in a heavy duty bag made of New cloth to IS: 187.The open end
of the cloth bag shall be stitched and sealed in such a manner that there
is no access to the „ portion „ without damaging the bag or breaking its
i) Batch No.
v) Welding Technique.
The insignia of the firm and rail type should be printed on the exterior of
the cloth bag as per the under mentioned, colour scheme :
1. 72 UTS Red
2. 90 UTS Green
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Specifications RVNL
Brinell hardness test shall be carried out at the welded zone, heat affected
zones and parent metal of the rails in accordance with IS:1500, “ Method for
Brinell Hardness test for steel “. The test shall be done on the top surface of the
head of the test weld with a ball of 10 mm dia and a test load of 3000 kg
maintained for 10 secs.
The average hardness values of different rail chemistry is given in Table 1 A for
Table – 1 A
The average hardness number ( of two readings ) determined for the weld metal
( WM ) heat affected zone ( HAZ ) and parent metal ( PM ) at location shown as
„W‟ „H‟ & „P‟ respectively in fig. 1 shall be as per table – 1B given below.
Note :
i) For 25 mm gap SKV welding & for any preheating device used ( Air-
petrol / Compressed Air Petrol / Oxy – LPG )
X = 40 mm
Y = 100 mm
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Specifications RVNL
ii) For 50 mm gap combination joint welding & for any preheating device
X = 60 mm
Y = 120 mm
iii) For 75 mm wide gap welding & for any preheating device used.
X = 80 mm
Y = 150 mm
Table 1 B
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Specifications RVNL
Type of rail 72 UTS rail 90 UTS rail UIC Cr-Mn or Cr-V alloy Head
Steel rail Hardened Rail
Hardness 230 265 310 365
( BHN )
4.2.3. Transverse breaking load test
The test weld shall withstand a minimum load and show corresponding
minimum deflection as stipulated in Table – 2 for different sections and
types of rails.
Rail type Rail Section Min. transverse Min. deflection
breaking load in mm at the center .
In tonnes centre at the load
In col.3
1 2 3 4
75 UTS to
IRS T-12 60 R 50 15
- do – 75 R 60 15
- do – 90 R 70 15
- do – 52 Kg 85 18
- do 60 Kg 95 18
90 UTS to IRS 75 R 65 15
T-12/ UIC 860-0 90 R 85 15
Or equivalent 52 Kg 90 15
Alloy Steel 60 Kg 115 15
(Cr-Mn or 52 Kg 95 10
Cr-V type 120 UTS 60 Kg 115 10
Head Hardened rails.60 Kg 115 15
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Specifications RVNL
A 75 UTS to IRS T- 60 R 50 15
12 for normal gap 75 R 60 15
welding & wide gap 90 R 70 15
( 75 mm ) welding. 52 Kg 85 18
60 Kg 95 18
65 15
B 90 UTS to IRS T – 75 R 85 15
12/UIC 860-0 or 90 R 90 15
equivalent for 52 Kg 115 15
normal & wide gap 60 Kg 15
( 75 mm ) welding.
Alloy steel Cr-Mn
C or Cr-V type 110 52 Kg 95 10
UTS for normal 60 Kg 115 10
gap welding.
*52Kg ( 90 UTS 70 15
D Combination joint /90R ( 72 UTS )
( 50 mm gap) 60 Kg ( 90
UTS)/52 kg ( 90 90 15
Head Hardened
E Rails to IRS T 12 60 Kg 115 12
for normal gap
Volume I – Part A - Track 75of 93
Specifications RVNL If the fracture does not occur through weld, a slice shall be cut
transversely at the weld and etched in boiling 1:1 Hydrochloric acid
for about 20 minutes to determine casting defects, if any.
Rail Section Permissible total area of defect ( mm2 )
60 R 19.0
75 R 23.7
90 R 28.5
52 Kg. 33.0
60 Kg. 38.4
4.3 Re tests :
4.3.1. It the results of any of the tests referred to in clause 4.1 and 4.2 are found
to be unsatisfactory, the batch will stand rejected. However, retests can
be carried out at the manufacturer‟s request.. These retests shall be
carried out as per para 4.1 and 4.2 on twice the original sample size.
4.3.2 If the results of all the retest samples are satisfactory, the batch
represented by the sample portions shall be accepted. If any sample fails
to meet the requirement of any of the tests, the batch shall be rejected.
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Specifications RVNL
6.1. Acceptance shall be done batch wise. Every individual batch that
satisfies the conditions prescribed in this specification shall be accepted.
Each bag containing the portion shall be sealed by the manufacturers
and the container shall be suitably stamped / sealed by the Inspecting
Officer. The stamp / seal shall be such that it shall not be possible to
open the container without breaking stamp / seal.
6.2. The manufacturer shall dispatch the accepted portions to the consignee
preferably within 60 days from the date of acceptance.
The manufacturer shall, at his own expenses, supply all labour, materials,
consumables, rail pieces and appliances for testing both for initial tests
and retests as may be carried out in presence of the Inspecting Officer, in
his own premises or at any other acceptable place in accordance with
this specification.
The purchaser or the Inspecting Officer shall have free access to the
premises of the manufacturer at all reasonable times. They shall be at
liberty to inspect all the records and the manufacture of „ portions „ at any
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Specifications RVNL
11. For the purpose of approval, the following definitions shall apply :
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Specifications RVNL
13.2 The weld samples shall be tested in a recognized laboratory / test center
for which prior approval of RDSO shall be necessary.
13.3 Following scheme shall be followed for fatigue testing of thermit welded
rail joints :
ii) The weld sample shall be made with one meter long new rail
pieces to have an overall length of 2.0 m. The rail and joint shall
be ultrasonically tested.
13.4 Retest :
Incase of failure of not more than one joint in the above test, retest can
be carried out at the request of the portion manufacturer. For the
purpose of retest, three more weld samples shall be made in presence of
RDSO representative and subjected to the above test.
The technique shall be deemed to have passed the fatigue test, if all the
three retest samples pass the test.
14.1 Subject to the results of the tests in clause 12 and 13 being satisfactory,
service trials for a period of one year or till passage of 10 GMT traffic
over the joint, whichever is earlier, shall be undertaken on 50 to 100 trial
joints welded using the above batch of portion. For the purpose of field
trials, an order shall be placed by the nominated zonal Railway on the
manufacturer for supply of portions as well as welding of trial joints. The
trial joints shall be distinctly marked by painting letter “T” on the web of
the rail beyond 300 mm from the joints. During execution of trial welding
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Specifications RVNL
at site spoilt joints, if any, shall be cut and rewelded by the contractor at
his own expense.
14.2 All the trial joints shall be ultrasonically tested soon after welding as per
procedure at Annexure – 1 Up to a maximum of 5% defective welds,
shall be cut and rewelded by the manufacturer at his own expenses. If
more than 5% joints are found defective, the trial shall be discontinued
considering the technique to be unsatisfactory. All the defective joints
shall be removed from track by the manufacturer at his own expense.
14.3 Failure of more than 2% joints during service trial will render the
technique unacceptable.
15. The approving authority shall have free access to the premises of the
portion manufacturer at all reasonable times. The Portions Manufacturer
shall furnish all the technical data to the approving authority as and when
called for.
16.1 For the purpose of approval, the following definitions shall apply :
16.2. Competency certificates for welding supervisors and welders of the zonal
railways shall be issued by the Thermit portion Plant of Northern Railway
at Lucknow, Competency Certificates for welding supervisors and
welders of firms shall be issued by D.G. ( M & C ) R.D.S.O, Lucknow.
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Specifications RVNL
16.3. Test weld joints will be made using any rail section at the discretion of
the approving authority. Welding supervisors / welders found competent
shall be deemed to be fit for A. T. welding of all rail sections for the
particular category as per clause 16.1. For execution of test weld joints,
the welding supervisors / welder desires of obtaining approval shall have
to utilize his own welding team, rails, implements and „ portions „
procured from approved manufacturers.
16.4. The firm shall pay, in advance, charge for certification of supervisors /
welders as per the rates decided by RDSO for this purpose. Payment
should be made through demand draft drawn in favour of Director (
Finance ), RDSO, Manak Nagar, Lucknow 226011..
16.5. Six test welds shall be made by the welding supervisors / welders and his
team for the particular category of welding technique ( as per Clause
16.1 ) for which approval is sought. Following tests shall be carried out at
the sponsoring firm‟s works premises or at RDSO, LUCKNOW.
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Specifications RVNL
16.6.1 For the purpose of reassessment, the welding supervisor / welder shall
submit, to the approving authority, the following details duly
countersigned by the concerned Assistant Engineer of zonal Railway.
(a) A record of joints welded / supervised by him.
b) No. of joints failed in service.
16.6.2 Based on the above details and personal interview, the approving
authority will issue competency certificate. Fresh competency certificate
will have to be issued whenever there is a change in the process of
welding or when a person who has been earlier trained and issued with a
final competency certificate has not been executing welding for a period
of more than 2 years or the work done by him has been rated as
17.1 Alumino-thermic welding of rails shall be executed at site only under the
direct supervision of welding supervisor and by welder, both having valid
competency certificate issued by RDSO / TPP, Luck now (see Part„ C „)
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Specifications RVNL
17.2 All Alumino-thermic welding work shall be executed with the use of weld
Trimmer and Profile Grinder. Additionally, rail tensors shall be used
wherever work is done on welded rails.
All the finished welded joints shall be checked and ensure that the joint
geometry is within the following tolerances:-
The details of geometry of each joint shall be jointly signed by the firms
and railway‟s representative and kept as a record. Any joint found not
conforming to the above stipulations shall be cut and rewelded, free of
cost, by the firm.
All the joints shall be ultrasonically tested by the Railways as per the
procedure given at Annexure –1.
Where one bad joint is required to be replaced by the new joints, the
entire cost of both the joints shall be borne by the firm such rewelded
joints shall also be tested ultrasonically and if found defective, shall again
be cut and rewelded free of cost.
18.3 Sample test joint
One out of very 100 joints welded per batch shall be selected at random
by the purchaser or by the inspecting officer within one month of welding
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Specifications RVNL
and subjected to hardness and transverse test as per clause 4.2 and the
joint shall comply with the provisions laid down therein.
18.3.1 In the event of the failure of sample test joint in any of the requirements of
this specification, the Railway will be at liberty to suspend further welding.
However, two more ramdomnly selected joints from the same lot of 100
joints shall be subjected to retests as per clause 4.2. Both the joints
should clear all the tests. IF the report is also not satisfactory, further
welding of joints shall be suspended until the firm has examined the
welding technique and satisfies the requirements of Clause 4 by welding
one test joint. The clearance for recommend of welding shall be given by
19.1 Rail joints welded by a firm shall be guaranteed against failure for a
period of two years from the date of welding the joints in track or from the
date such welded joints made in cess are inserted in the track. Any such
welded joint within fails within the guarantee period shall be rewelded free
of cost by firm as per stipulations of clause 18.2
19.2 In case of failure of sample test joints ( refer Clause 18.3 ), the period of
guarantee for 100 joints represented by the sample joint shall be
extended for a further period of one year. In case of failure of joints or
joints exhibiting signs of failure by cracking within extended period of
guarantee. All joints shall be welded free of cost by the supplier as per
stipulations of Clause 18.2.
19.3 The welded joints with the extended period of guarantee shall be marked
„X‟ with yellow paint on the outer side of the web of the rail near the joint
in addition to the markings prescribed in Clause 20. Such marked joints
shall be kept under careful observation by the purchaser.
Each joint shall have a distinctive mark indicating month, year, welder‟s
code and weld number on the web of the rail in the vicinity of the welded
joint in the following manner :
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Specifications RVNL
approximately 300 mm from the joint. The agency and Specific person
number ( for welder ) shall be as per clause.
20.1 The welded joints shall be serially numbered in a Kilometer. Repair welds
/ additional welds done at a later date may be given continuing weld
number in that Kilometer. For example, the last thermit weld number in a
particular kilometer was 88 and subsequently a thermit weld has been
executed, it shall be numbered 85 irrespective of its location in that
The approving authority can delete the name of any portion Manufacturer /
Welding Supervisor / Welder from the approved list based on complaints
regarding the performance.
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Specifications RVNL
1. Para - 4.
Two portions shall be randomly selected per batch and weight of each
portion shall be verified with the approved weight and recorded by the
a) Reaction test.
One portion shall be utilized for conducting reaction test as per clause 4.1
and other portion shall be used for execution of test weld. The test weld
shall be subjected to ultrasonic test as per Annexure – 1 and checked for
weld metal dimensions with the approved weld metal dimensions of that
particular welding technique and if found satisfactory the test joint shall
be subjected to Mechanical and Metallurgical tests as per clause 4.2”.
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Specifications RVNL
“ 20. MARKING. :
Each joint shall have a distinctive mark indicating month, year of welding,
agency, welder‟s code and weld number on web of the rail in the vicinity
of the welded joints in the following manner.
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Specifications RVNL
IV. Para 5.1 of Annexure – I of the manual shall be reworded as
under :
“ Till such time more exhaustive studies are carried out for strengthening
the initial testing of AT welds, any flaw signal obtained by normal probe
in the head of 40% height or more shall be treated as defective AT
welded joint. Any flaw signal of 10% height or more obtained from the
normal probe either from web or the foot location shall also be a cause of
rejection of the AT weld. “
c) Reaction test.
For this purpose, one portion shall be randomly selected per batch for
tests as per Clause 4.1 and 4.2. The weight of each portion shall be
recorded by the Inspector.
4.1.1. Reaction test shall be carried out on one of the selected portions.
4.1.3 A transverse section shall be cut from the middle third portion of the bar
of Alumino-thermic steel obtained from reaction test as laid down in
Clause 4.1.2. Aluminium content of the steel shall be determined
spectrosopically at two points located at the mid-radius of the cross
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Specifications RVNL
section. The Aluminium content at both the points shall be between
0.15% to 0.65%.
4.2.1 Two new rail pieces of same section` and grade, each approximately 750
mm long, shall be used to make test weld joint. The welded joint
shall be made as per the technique offered by the manufacturer. The rail
table and sides of rail head shall be finished to the geometrical tolerance
specified in Clause 18.1.
Brinell hardness test shall be carried out at the welded zone, heat
affected zones and parent metal of the rails in accordance with IS: 1500,
“ Method for Brinell Hardness test for steel “. The test shall be done on
the top surface of the head of the test weld with a ball of 10 mm dia and a
test load of 3000 kg maintained for 10 secs. The average hardness
number ( of two readings ) determined for the weld metal at locations
shown as „ A „ in Fig. 1 shall be within +20_ 0 HB of the hardness values
of rail as shown in table – 1. The average hardness number ( of two
readings ) on each heat affected zone at locations shown as „ B “ and „ C
„ in Fig. 1 shall be within ( - ) 20 HB for locations B and ( + ) 20 HB for
locations C of the actual hardness of the parent rail.
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Specifications RVNL
1. Scope
After execution of the AT weld, the welded zone shall be dressed properly
to facilitate placement of probes and to avoid incidence of spurious
signals on the CRT. The head surface shall be dressed to obtain
reasonably flat and smooth surface. The flange of the web up to a
distance of 200 mm on either side of the weld collar shall be thoroughly
cleaned with a wire brush to ensure freedom from dust, dirt, surface
unevenner etc.
2.2 Couplant
2.3 Sensitivity.
The equipment sensitivity shall be set for normal 70 and 80 probes in
accordance with the procedure laid down in para 4. The sensitivity so
adjusted shall be considered as normal gain sensitivity and shall be
utilized during ATW testing. The sensitivity level not be altered during the
course of testing.
3. Apparatus required.
3.1 Equipment
Any RDSO approved model of rail tester shall be considered suitable for
testing of AT welded rail joints.
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Specifications RVNL
3.2 Probes
a) Normal ( 0 ) , 4 MHz
b) 70 , 2 MHz
c) 80 , 1.25 MHz
3.3 Cable
One co-axial of suitable length for connecting 80 probe to flaw detector
shall be used. The length should not exceed more than 5 m.
4.1 Calibration.
The sensitivity of the ultrasonic equipment shall be set with the help of a
standard AT welded rail piece of 1.5 m length having a simulated flaw at
standard locations as shown in fig. 1.
The alignment of normal and 70 probes fitted with the trolley may be
checked by placing the rail on the test rail using water / soil as a couplant
and ensuring that the probes travel along the axis of the rail.
4.4.1. Place the trolley on the test rails shown in Fig. 1 keep the switches of all
the probes in off positions and turn the potentiometer knobs of all the
probes to 50% of their highest working range.
4.4.2 Switch on only 70 forward probe move the equipment towards the
drilled holes in the rail head. When the probe is just in the reflecting
range, a pulse corresponding to the hole shall appear on the screen
which during onward traveling shall show higher amplitude. The pulse
shall appear moving from right to left. The equipment should be
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Specifications RVNL
progressively moved forward till maximum height of the pulse is obtained.
At this location the height of the pulse shall be adjusted to 60% of full
screen height by suitably manipulation of the gain knob.
4.4.3 The forward probe shall be switched off and the 70% backward probe,
shall now be switched on. In this case a flaw signal shall appear moving
from left to right. The signal height in this position shall also be adjusted
to 60% of full screen height. This can be accomplished through suitable
manipulation of relevant potentiometer.
4.4.4 The sensitivity setting for the normal probe has to be done while keeping
all other probes in off position. Switch on only the normal probe and
bring it above 3 mm dia hole of the test rail. Manipulate the
potentiometer control knob to obtain echo height of 60% of full screen
height at 1.0 division horizontal scale.
4.4.5 80 probe shall be connected to the socket available in the ultrasonic
equipment. The selectors which may be set to single crystal mode.
Move the probe towards the 3 mm dia hole drilled in the AT weld and
manipulate knobs to obtain a 60% full screen height on the CRT.
5.1 Any flaw signal obtained by normal probe of 40% height or more shall be
more treated as a defective AT welded joint. Any flaw signal obtained
from the normal probe either from the web or the foot location shall also
be a cause for rejection of the AT weld.
5.2 In the case of lack of fusion, inclusion, blow holes etc. in the rail head,
moving signal shall be obtained while testing the 70 probe. The position
of one set of the signal and its corresponding range on the horizontal
screen as well as their maximum amplitude shall be recorded.
A welded joint showing the moving signal of 40% or more of the full
screen height shall be considered as a defective welded joint.
5.3 80 probe shall be place4d on the flange at a suitable distance ( 1mm
approx. ) corresponding to position „ L „ in Fig. 2 such that ultrasonic
waves are directed towards the weld. The probe shall thereafter be
moved slowly in a zigzag pattern towards the weld. A welded joint
showing a flaw echo of 40% vertical height or more with the stipulated
gain setting shall be treated as a defective welded joint. Similar testing
shall be carried out from „ C „ region as shown in Fig. 2. In these cases
also the criteria for rejection shall remain the same.
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Specifications RVNL
6. The defective joints based on the criteria mentioned at clause –5 shall not
be allowed to remain in service and cropped, re-welded and tested again.
This execution shall be done by the contractor free of cost. The re-
welded joints shall be scanned ultrasonically again with the same set of
acceptance criteria to ensure freedom from any harmful defects.
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