Handbook of Intelligent Vehicles
Handbook of Intelligent Vehicles
Handbook of Intelligent Vehicles
Handbook of Intelligent
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Intelligent transportation systems (ITS) are defined as systems that use computers, controls,
communications, and various automation technologies in order to enhance safety,
throughput, and efficiency of transportation while reducing energy consumption and
environmental impact. Although the scope of ITS is multimodal, road surface transporta-
tion has a major emphasis. Intelligent vehicles are obviously an integral part of ITS.
Although the term ‘‘intelligent’’ is loosely defined in this context, it refers to incorporating
a certain level of machine intelligence in the operation of a vehicle. The advancement of
electronics, sensors, microprocessors, software, and embedded and electromechanical
systems has enabled a significant level of automatic and autonomous functions in vehicles.
Some of these functions are totally transparent to the driver and are triggered automatically,
whereas others support the driver in the form of a driver assistance system.
The vehicle interacts with the driver, environment, and infrastructure. In intelligent
vehicles, these interactions are augmented by the use of sensing, information exchange,
and actuation of various primary or secondary driving tasks. These cover a broad range
of functions from simple information exchanges to complex autonomous functions.
The following are a few simple examples of existing systems or prototypes which improve
the safety and efficiency of driving. A warning for an icy road or fog zone ahead enhances
safety by providing timely information to the driver. This requires appropriate capacity to
sense the environment by an ITS system and proper infrastructure to vehicle communi-
cations. In another example, a vehicle can sense the hazardous situation at hand and react
automatically by enhancing the braking (e.g., in BAS) or traction and stability control to
maintain its safe intended course within a lane. A radar- or vision-based collision
avoidance system can sense obstacles ahead and prevent an imminent crash by automat-
ically braking when the driver fails to do so. Vehicles’ energy consumption can be
improved by increased knowledge of terrain and some intelligent shifting of transmission,
or even through optimized trip planning using a smart navigation system. At another
extreme, driverless vehicles can be driven autonomously to complete an entire trip from
origin to destination while avoiding obstacles and obeying traffic laws.
Intelligent vehicles, as has been shown, cover a large and diverse range of technologies
that span from dynamics of vehicles to information, communications, electronics,
automation, human factors, etc. As such, research, development, and design of intelligent
vehicles requires expertise and knowledge of various disciplines. Fortunately there are
resources available within different scientific journals, conferences, and engineering
professional societies that cover some aspects of intelligent vehicles, but they are very
much field focused. For example, some journals cover control systems or vehicular
dynamics. Other journals focus on communications or human factors, etc. Among
engineering societies, IEEE (Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineers) and
viii Preface
SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers) have specific divisions, conferences, and trans-
actions that cover intelligent transportation systems and intelligent vehicles. There are also
a few other journals dedicated to this topic. However, the scientific articles are typically
focused on very specific problems and do not necessarily provide a broader picture or
comprehensive coverage of large topics such as ‘‘intelligent vehicles.’’ There has been a lot
of progress in the development of intelligent vehicles. Many systems are already on the
market as high-end options in vehicles, and many other prototypes have been demon-
strated in laboratory settings. Meanwhile, the development of intelligent vehicles is
progressing rapidly. As consumers, intelligent vehicles, whether at their present state or
at a future more autonomous state, affect our mobility and touch our everyday lives. Thus
it is imperative that the cognizant scientific community provides the knowledge base and
resources necessary for further developments.
Due to the diversity of technologies involved in intelligent vehicles, there aren’t any
up-to-date books or references that provide the necessary coverage of this interesting
topic. This handbook is intended to cover this gap. It should also be noted that due to the
proprietary nature of developments in the industry, there is very little material in open
literature with in-depth coverage of the science and methods underlying actual
implemented technologies. An international team of editors and authors, each
a recognized authority in his/her respective field of specialty, has been gathered to write
about the most up-to-date topics concerning intelligent vehicles. Most authors of this
handbook have conducted state-of-the-art research in each topic presented and hence
provide the latest discoveries and methods.
The handbook is organized in an appropriate format to cover both the depth and
breadth of this subject in 11 sections. Each section includes multiple chapters to cover
each subject area. To the best of the editors’ knowledge, there are no other current
resources with this depth and breadth available on the subject of intelligent vehicles.
This handbook serves vehicle engineers, scientists, researchers, students, and technical
managers who are interested in the study, design, and development of intelligent vehicles.
It is hoped that this handbook will serve the engineering, R&D, and academic community
as a prominent resource for the foreseeable future. It is also hoped that it will be accepted
by colleagues and students, helping them in their independent investigation of the topic.
Azim Eskandarian
Washington, DC, USA
January 2012
I would like to thank all Section Editors for their extensive efforts, dedication, flexibility,
and valuable feedback in shaping and organizing this handbook. Each one of them is truly
a distinguished expert in his/her field of specialty. In addition to their editorial services,
many of them also authored or co-authored chapters, and thus added so much value to
this Handbook.
My gratitude is especially extended to all authors for their contributions. They have
selected and written some of the best material in their respective fields of specializations,
unmatched anywhere in contemporary literature. The substance of their contributions
has made this Handbook a truly unique resource for all readers.
I also would like to extend my sincere appreciations to all editorial and administrative
staff at Springer for their hard work, steadfastness, and dedication to support authors and
editors and for keeping production on schedule. Their diligent and unyielding efforts have
made the timely production of this Handbook possible.
Last but not least, I would like to thank Springer-Verlag London Ltd. for approaching
us to undertake this voluminous but worthy project.
With earnest hope that this Handbook will serve the R&D and engineering commu-
nity well.
Azim Eskandarian
Dynamic Systems and Control Division. He is the associate editor and editorial board
member of five journals (including IEEE Transactions on ITS and IMech E. Journal of
Multi-body Dynamics). In 2011, he was awarded the Distinguished Researcher Award of the
GWU School of Engineering and Applied Science.
Dr. Eskandarian has served on several committees, boards, and review panels includ-
ing DOT/NHTSA, NSF, NAC, TRB, and Canadian Centers of Excellence, and Canada
Foundation for Innovation, and consulted for industry and government. He has been a
member of ASME, IEEE, SAE, ITS America, and Sigma XI (2000–2003) professional
society, and Tau Beta Pi and PI Tau Sigma Engineering Honor societies. He received his
B.S. (with honors), M.S., and D.Sc. degrees in Mechanical Engineering from GWU,
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, and GWU, respectively.
List of Section Editors
Volume 1
11 Drive-By-Wire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235
Alfred Pruckner . Ralf Stroph . Peter Pfeffer
Volume 2
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1575