The Perfect Biology Lab Report
The Perfect Biology Lab Report
The Perfect Biology Lab Report
Number of Values
If you are looking for a
5. Plan and write a method/procedure
correlation, at least 5
Planning a Method
different values are
Aspect 3 of Design assesses your ability to collect sufficient needed (the more the
relevant data. The following considerations are important to better).
ensure that you collect enough data and that the data will help to If you are comparing
answer your Aim- two different
Biology Lab Report Guide situations, 2 values will
be sufficient.
a) What values of the independent variable
should you test? Range of Values
i. How many values should you test? You may need to do some research to help you
Decide how many values will be needed decide.
to show any trend or pattern. Plan for e.g. if testing an enzyme that works in the
an ideal situation – worry about time human body then you would want to test values
around 37C. If you are investigating similar
constraints later.
enzymes in bacteria that live in hot springs it
ii.What is an appropriate range of values?
would be more appropriate to test around 80C.
Table 1: The relationship between temperature and water uptake
in a leafy shoot of a geranium (Geranium carolinianum)
c) Headings
a. Columns should be clearly annotated with a heading, units (in heading not body), and
an indication of uncertainty
b. Headings should indicate what the data is in the column below
c. Headings are likely to be the name of a variable
e) Uncertainties
a. All measurements have uncertainties and you must indicate them in your data tables.
Uncertainties should be associated with all raw data and an attempt should always be
made to quantify uncertainties. In IB Biology the instrument limit of error is usually
taken to be equal to HALF the smallest unit of measurement. Plus or minus () this
value is what you should record as your uncertainty.
b. Remember that only measurements obtained with a measuring instrument have
uncertainties. e.g. Counts do not have an uncertainty
c. Uncertainties should appear with the units in the column heading
For the degrees of precision, the simplest rule is that the degree of precision is plus or minus (±) the smallest
division on the instrument (the least count). This is true for rulers and instruments with digital displays.
The instrument limit of error is usually no greater than the least count and is often a fraction of the least count
value. For example, a burette or a mercury thermometer is often read to half of the least count division. This
would mean that a burette value of 34.1 cm3 becomes 34.10 cm3 (± 0.05 cm3). Note that the volume value is now
cited to one extra decimal place so as to be consistent with the uncertainty.
The estimated uncertainty takes into account the concepts of least count and instrument limit of error, but also,
where relevant, higher levels of uncertainty as indicated by an instrument manufacturer, or qualitative
considerations such as parallax problems in reading a thermometer scale, reaction time in starting and stopping a
timer, or random fluctuation in an electronic balance read-out. Students should do their best to quantify
these observations into the estimated uncertainty.
f) Precision of data
a. There is no variation in the precision of raw data; the same number of decimal places
(significant figures) should be used.
g) Anomalous results – any results that are particularly different from the others need to be
excluded from any processing.
iii. Rate
Final Initial
o Rate is a measure of how quickly a variable changes Rate
Biology Lab Report Guide 6
iv. Mean and Standard Deviation
o Whenever you have multiple trials in an experiment, it is good practice to calculate
the mean and standard deviation.
o Using the mean as opposed to individual values helps to minimize the error in your
o Standard deviation also helps to indicate the spread of your values around the mean.
A smaller standard deviation indicates that the values are clustered closely around
the mean (and therefore possibly more reliable); a larger standard deviation
indicates a wider spread (values are possibly less reliable).
v. t-test
o Deduce the significance of any difference between two sets of data using calculated
values for t and the appropriate tables. Your sample size should be at least 10.
Remember that the t-test shows that two sets of data are significantly different
(possibly due to your independent variable) if the p-value is 0.05
o Always include degrees of freedom in your write-up.
o Usually used with continuous data.
o See your notes for details on how to perform a t-test.
viii.Percentage deviation
o A measure of precision when a theoretical Percentage deviation value
is not known. This informs how reproducible 100 your
experiment is. Mean
d) Treatment of Uncertainties
i) The uncertainties associated with the raw data must be taken into account.
ii) It is possible (although not necessary for IB Biology) to calculate numerical
uncertainties for processed data values. If you are adding measured volumes each with
an uncertainty of 0.05, then you should add the uncertainties.
iii) Mean and SD are acceptable ways of showing this in graphs with error bars. The mean
should be the plotted point or height of the bar. For each point an error bar can be
drawn that extends above the point/bar 1 SD and below the point/bar 1 SD. The size of
the error bar is also an indication of the reliability of you data (and therefore any
conclusion you draw from it)
iv) The treatment of uncertainties in graphical analysis (scatter plots) requires the
construction of appropriate best-fit lines.
Further information on processing techniques (when and how to use them) can be found at:
b) Significant Figures
i) Inclusion of metric/SI units is expected for final derived quantities, which should be
expressed to the correct number of significant figures. Your processed data should not
have more significant figures (or decimal places) that the raw data you collected
c) Treatment of Uncertainties
The uncertainties associated with the raw data must be taken into account.
i. It is possible (although not necessary for IB Biology) to calculate numerical
uncertainties for processed data values. If you are adding measured volumes each with
an uncertainty of 0.05, then you should add the uncertainties.
ii. Mean and SD are acceptable ways of showing this in graphs with error bars. The mean
should be the plotted point or height of the bar. For each point an error bar can be
drawn that extends above the point/bar 1 SD and below the point/bar 1 SD. The size of
the error bar is also an indication of the reliability of you data (and therefore any
conclusion you draw from it)
iii. The treatment of uncertainties in graphical analysis (scatter plots) requires the
construction of appropriate best-fit lines.
viii.Think about why you are drawing your graph …. It should be a visual representation of
the data hat allows you to answer the Aim. Therefore it should look like
variable/ units
ix. Graphs can be drawn by hand or using graphing software such as Excel (as long as you
have had to make the decisions on the format, axes, scale etc). However, an inability to
manipulate the program to show the necessary elements is not an excuse for failing to
include them!
x. Graphs must have the following:
Title. The same expectations apply as for table (see section on Recording Raw Data). Graphs will be
labelled as figures. Figures should be numbered for reference and be placed below the figure it
Appropriate scales; if you are measuring temperatures between 30 and 40 degrees, your graph
should not begin and end at 0 and 100 respectively. Your units must be appropriate as well. If you
Biology Lab Report Guide 10
are measuring in mm, you shouldn’t have meters marked on your graph. Think of a graph like a
microscope; you want to see as much detail as possible.
Labeled axes with units; axes should be labeled similarly to your table headings.
Accurately plotted data points should be clearly shown
A suitable best-fit line, trend line or curve is drawn (for a line graph or scatter plot)
A one-sentence explanation as to what the particular processing method shows would not hurt.
In some cases it would be a good idea to include a concluding statement about the results, though
you should deal with its significance in your lab in your conclusion.
A Chi-squared analysis was done to determine if the differences between the
observed data and the expected data are significant. The p-value was between .05
and .025 at 3 degrees of freedom, showing that the differences were significant.
Your conclusion is what is assessed for Aspect 1. This section should be one or more
paragraphs in which you draw conclusions from your results, and reflect on whether or not
they are reliable/trustworthy.
To achieve at the highest level for this aspect you should make sure that:
a) Conclusions are truthful and based on the data. Don’t try and twist your results to fit a
hypothesis or expected outcome.
b) The conclusion is clearly related to the Aim.
c) The conclusion provides a thorough description of any trends or patterns
Bad example
The results show that the concentration of sugar affects the rate of respiration. As the
sugar concentration increased so did the rate of respiration.
GOOD example
We can conclude that there is a positive, linear relationship between the concentration of
sugar and the rate of respiration. The correlation coefficient of 0.9 indicates that it is a
strong relationship.
b) List specific weaknesses in carrying out the procedure. You could look at
i. Use of equipment
ii. Management of time
iii. Human errors
iv. Other possible sources of error that were not addressed
Acceptable Example:
“Because the simple calorimeter we used was made from a tin can, some heat was lost to the
surroundings—metals conduct heat well. Therefore, the value we obtained for the heat gained by
the water in the calorimeter was lower than it should have been. The heat lost from the tin can
would not have been a lot in the time taken for the experiment so this probably did not have a
significant impact on the results”
Unacceptable Examples:
"The test tubes weren’t clean.” careless or poor performance does not make for a valid
“Human error.” a specific description of the type of human error would be required