Animal Diversity - I (Non-Chordates) : Protozoa Dr. (MRS.) Hardeep Kaur
Animal Diversity - I (Non-Chordates) : Protozoa Dr. (MRS.) Hardeep Kaur
Animal Diversity - I (Non-Chordates) : Protozoa Dr. (MRS.) Hardeep Kaur
Dr. (Mrs.) Hardeep Kaur
53D, DDA Flats,
Masjid Moth- Phase 2,
Greater Kailash-III, Delhi
Classification of Protozoa
General Characters of Protozoa
Type study of Euglena
Type study of Paramecium
Life history, transmission, pathogenicity and control of Entamoeba
Life history, transmission, pathogenicity and control of Plasmodium
Life history, transmission, pathogenicity and control of Trypanosoma
Life history, transmission, pathogenicity and control of Leishmania
Protists are a heterogeneous group of living things, comprising those organisms that
are one-celled or acellular. Some protistans are plant-like in that they have chlorophyll
or some other pigment for photosynthesis, and may have a cellulose wall, and are so
called Protophyta. Others are animal-like, having no chlorophyll or cellulose wall, and
feed on organic matter and are so called Protozoa.
Protozoa (in Greek proto = first and zoa = animal) is a diverse assemblage of some
80,000 single-cell organisms that show some characteristics usually associated with
animals, most notably mobility and heterotrophy. They possess typical eukaryotic
membrane-bound cellular organelles and are ubiquitous or cosmoplitan, the species
occuring throughout the earth. The protozoans exhibit all types of symmetry, a great
range of structural complexity, and adaptations for all types of environmental
conditions. Most protozoans are too small to be seen with the naked eye but can easily
be found under a microscope (most are around 0.01-0.05 mm, although forms up to 0.5
mm are still fairly common). They play an important role in their ecology. Protozoa
occupy a range of trophic levels. As predators upon unicellular or filamentous algae,
bacteria, and microfungi, protozoa play a role both as herbivores and as consumers in
the decomposer link of the food chain. They also play a vital role in controlling
bacteria population and biomass. As components of the micro- and meiofauna,
protozoa are an important food source for microinvertebrates. Thus, the ecological role
of protozoa in the transfer of bacterial and algal production to successive trophic levels
is important. Protozoa are also important as parasites and symbionts of multicellular
Protozoa may occur singly or in colonies (e.g. Volvox); may swim freely or be in
contact with a substratum or be sedentary; may be housed in a shell (lorica) (e.g.
foraminiferas), clothed in scales or other adhering matter, or be naked; they may or
may not be pigmented. They may be parasitic (e.g. Trypanosoma) or symbiotic living
attached to or inside other organisms (e.g. Joenia), even inside their cells. Free living
protozoa occur wherever moisture is present-in the sea, in all types of fresh water, and
in soil.
The protozoan possesses all the typical cellular structures and performs all the basic
cellular processes. The body is usually bounded by a cell membrane. Below the cell
membrane is present a cytoskeleton which is composed of slender filamentous
proteins, microtubules or vesicles. Distinct organ or tissues are absent but certain
specialized structures such as cilia, flagella, contractile vacuoles, myonemes etc.,
usually occur to perform certain special functions. These structures which are parts of a
single cell are termed organelles or organoides or organites, in contrast to the
multicellular organs of Metazoa.
Asexual reproduction by mitosis is most common mode of reproduction in Protozoans.
Division of the organism into two or more progeny cells by binary fission or multiple
fission takes place. However, when one progeny cell is smaller than the other, the
process is called budding. The protozoans reproduce sexually by conjugation of the
adults or by fusion of gametes.
Encystment is the characteristic feature of many protozoans, including the majority of
fresh water species. It commonly occurs to help in dispersal as well as to resist
unfavorable conditions of food, temperature and moisture.
As all other organisms, protozoa also require nutrients for the building up its body and
for getting energy necessary for all vital activities. The organism can be autotrophic,
synthesizing organic substances from the supply of inorganic nutrients utilizing
chemical energy (chemiautotrophs) or radiant energy (phototrophs). They could also
be totally heterotrophs, where they require ready-made food material from other
sources or could be amphitrophs and can switch to any of the two modes (auto- or
hetero-) as required. Besides these modes, the protozoans could also have saprozoic
mode of nutrition in which they obtain nutrition by diffusion through general body
surface or could also be parasitic in which they live in the body of some other living
being and get nourished at the expense of the host.
Locomotion or movement in protozoa is performed by specialized locomotory organs.
Based on locomotion, protozoa are grouped into:
Flagella are extremely fine, delicate and highly vibratile thread like extensions of
protoplasm, which are used for swimming and for creating food currents. Pseudopodia
are the motile organs of temporary nature that are extruded out from body protoplasm
of those protozoans that are devoid of tough pellicle. Cilia are slender, fine and short
hair like processes of ectoplasm. They help in locomotion and food capturing. They are
much shorter than flagellum and are present in far greater number.
Classification of Protozoa (from Barnes-fifth edition)
Kingdom -
Subphylum -
Subphylum -
Subphylum -
Order –
e.g. Synura
Order –
Order –
e.g. Dictyocha
e.g. Proterospongia
Order –
Order –
e.g. Coccolithus
e.g. Dimorpha
Order –
Order –
e.g. Heterochloris
e.g. Leishmania,
Order – T
Order –
e.g. Chilomonas
e.g. Chilomastix
Order –
Dinoflagellida Order –
e.g. Ceratium Diplomonadida
e.g. Giardia
Order – Ebriida
e.g. Ebria Order –
e.g. Oxymonas
Order – Euglenida
e.g. Euglena Order –
e.g. Trichomonas
Order –
Chloromonadida Order –
e.g. Gonyostomum Hypermastigida
e.g. Lophomonas
Order – Volvocida
e.g. Chlamydomonas
Subphylum -
Superclass - Superclass -
Rhizopoda Actinopoda
Order –
e.g. Globigerina
Order –
e.g. Vampyrella
Order –
e.g. Euglypha Class – Acantharia
Subclass – Subclass – e.g. Acanthometra
Testacealobosa Gymnamoeba
Class –
Order – Arcellinida e.g. Thalassicola
e.g. Arcella
Class – Phaeodaria
e.g. Aulacantha
Phylum -
Subclass – Order –
Vestibulifera Odontostomatida
e.g. Balantidium e.g. Saprodinium
Subclass – Order –
Hypostomata Oligotrichida
e.g. Nasula e.g. Codonella
Plasmodium belongs to class Sporozoa. It lives in vertebrate tissue and blood cells and
are transmitted by an insect vector. Schizogony occurs in vertebrate host, where as
sporogony occurs in insect. Hence life cycle involves alteration of generation. No
special organ of locomotion like flagella or cilia is present.
Over 100 species of Plasmodium parasitize a wide range of vertebrates, including
birds, reptiles and mammals; however four are known to infect man causing different
kinds of malaria. These are
P. malariae
P. vivax
P. falciparum
P. oval
Of all the diseases of mankind, malaria is one of the most widespread, best known and
most devastating. It played a key role in the history of civilization because many areas
of earth have been subjected to its ill effects leading to destruction and death caused by
the parasite. Transmission of malaria takes place by female Anopheles mosquito (Fig.
13) and was first discovered by Sir Ronald Ross, an English army physician who was
awarded Nobel Prize in 1902 for this discovery.
P. vivax is digenetic. It lives in the RBCs and parenchyma cells of liver of man, its
primary host and in the alimentary canal and salivary glands of mosquito, its secondary
or intermediate host (Fig. 14).
Asexual Reproduction of P. vivax in Man:
The human invasion begins as follows:
Infection: When sporozoites are introduced into the blood of man with the bite of an
infected female Anopheles mosquito, a series of cycle begins that involves different
cells and tissues. While feeding mosquito punctures the skin by its beak like proboscis
and injects some saliva which has anticoagulant. Along with this, thousands of
sporozoites are also introduced into human blood at a single bite. This begins asexual
phase of the parasite in man.
Sporozoites: These are minute slightly curved sickle shaped organism tapering at two
ends and represent the infective stage of the parasite. They are 14 µ long and 1 µ broad
and move with vibratory and gliding movements.
Liver Schizogony: Sporozoites disappear from blood stream and promptly enter
reticulo-endothelial cells lining sinusoid or liver capillaries where they undergo
schizogony that includes two phases
Pre erythrocyte phase: Inside liver cells it becomes a spherical & non pigmented
trophozoite called cryptozoite. Its nucleus divides many times and in 8-9 days it grows
into multinucleate schizont which ruptures to liberate tiny uninucleate
cryptomerozoites into the liver space. They may either pass into blood to attack RBCs
or enter fresh liver cells to continue exo-erythrocytic cycle. The duration between
initial sporozoite infection and first appearance of parasite in blood is Pre-patent period
Exo-erythrocyte phase: After reentering a liver cell each cryptomerozoite is called
metacryptozoites which undergoes schizogony to produce several thousand
metacryptomerozoites. The smaller sized ones re-enter RBCs to start erythrocyte cycle
This reentering of cryptomerozoites does not occur in the cycle of Plasmodium
falciparum and recrudescence is absent in falciparum malaria.
Erythrocyte Schizogony: When either pre-erythrocyte or exo-erythrocytic cryptozoite
or crypto-merozoite attacks the RBC, the erythrocytic phase starts. Each merozoite
burrows in a RBC and assumes a rounded disc like shape with a single large nucleus.
Soon a vacuole appears in the parasite that pushes the nucleus to one side. In stained
smears, the nucleus appears red, with ring-shaped blue cytoplasm, hence the name
“signet-ring” given to the parasite at this stage. This trophozoite stage grows at the
expense of hemoglobin of RBC of host which gets decomposed into aminoacids and
hematin which are used by the parasite to synthesize its own proteins. The ring
configuration alters as the plasmodia begin to grow within the blood cells. Corpuscles
becomes larger, double its original size and slightly paler due to loss of hemoglobin.
Full grown mature trophozoite almost completely fills the enlarged corpuscle and now
becomes a schizont, ready to multiply asexually by a process called erythrocytic
schizogony or merogony. The nucleus of schizont divides by multiple fission to form
daughter nuclei and many small uninucleate cells termed the erythrocytic merozoite or
schizoites are formed, arranged like the petals of rose flower or cluster of grapes and
this stage is called rosette stage. After sometimes, the cell membrane of RBC bursts
and merozoites with toxic products are set free in blood plasma which reinfect RBC.
Destruction of RBC eventually causes the patient to become anemic. Fever occur every
48-72 hrs corresponding with fresh release of merozoites in blood.
Incubation Period: The interval between mosquito bite or introduction of sporozoites in
human blood and first appearance of malarial symptoms is called “incubation period”
and it ranges from 8-40 days.
Formation of gametocytes: After repeated schizogony, parasite number increases so
much that they either lead to acute anemia or death of host. However food shortage or
host immunity could cut short the existence of parasite. Consequently, schizogony is
replaced by sexual phase with the production of gametocytes or gamonts. Some of the
merozoites in the blood cells develop into sexual forms that grow into male
microgametocytes or female macrogametocytes. When a mosquito bites man at this
stage of the life cycle, the gametocytes are taken into the insect’s stomach where they
mature into male and female gametes.
Sexual Reproduction of P. vivax in mosquito:
Following the transfer of gametocytes into mosquito, the process of gametogony or
gametogenesis starts. If the mosquito is female Anopheles, the gametocytes alone resist
the action of digestive juices and survive while all other accompanying stages get
digested. The rupture of RBCs in mosquito’s stomach sets free the gametocytes which
develop into gametes which are of two types-
Microgametes: Liberated microgametes are very active. The nucleus divides
mitotically into 6-8 haploid fragments. At the same time 6-8 flagellums like long
threads of cytoplasm pushout from the surface of gametocytes into which each
daughter nuclei passes. These are male gametes or microgametes. Their formation is
called exflagellation. The detached microgametes behave like the sperm cells of higher
animals. By their lashing movements, they swim in the blood in stomach of mosquito
to meet female gamete.
Macrogamete: They undergo slight reorganization to turn into female gametes, which
are ready for fertilization.
Following attraction of male gametes to female gametes, they undergo fertilization to
form a zygote. Zygote after sometimes becomes elongated and motile and perform
writhing and gliding movement and is called vermicule or ookinete. It pierces through
the epithelial lining of mosquito stomach and comes to lie against the basement
membrane. Encystment of zygote ensues. Encysted zygote is called oocyst or sporont.
Oocyst is diploid. It enters asexual multiplication known as sporogony. This sporogony
phase of the life cycle requires 7 to 10 days and during this time, the infectivity of
sporozoites increases more than 10,000 times. Sporozoites invade the entire mosquito-
many of them enter the salivary glands and are in favorable position to infect next host
(man) when mosquito feeds on its blood and cycle starts again.
Plasmodium is non-pathogenic in mosquito. Despite utilizing host’s nutritive
resources, it does not bring harm to the mosquito. However, in man infection with
Plasmodium leads to malaria. Clinical signs and symptoms associated with several
human plasmodial infections are similar but may differ as regards the intensity. One
characteristic response of human hosts is the paroxysm, which begins with chills
followed by a gradually mounting fever that may reach 41ºC (106ºF). Profuse
perspiration may last a few hours as the temperature subsides. The entire paroxysm
lasts from 6 to 10 hours and occurs every third day in P. vivax, P. falciparum and P.
ovale infections. Paroxysms associated with malariae malaria are quartan because they
occur every 72 hrs; with forth day chills and fever are thought to be triggered by the
release of pyrogenic agents during the sporulation process. Falciparum malaria is the
most pathogenic of all the malarias due to pernicious malaria and blackwater fever
caused by it. It is commonly fatal, especially in children and elderly. Symptoms
include uncontrollable shivering, high fever and finally profuse sweating. Other
symptoms include headache, bone and muscle pains, malaise, anxiety, mental
confusion and ever delirium. Severe anemia and leucopenia are common.
In chronic malaria infections, liver and spleen become enlarged and jaundice may
One could not however explain the ethnic differences in malaria. White people are
more susceptible to malaria and blacks have greater tolerance. An abnormal condition
in man called “sickle cell anemia” provides protection against Falciparum malaria.
In spite of the tremendous advances in malaria research made over the past decade,
many basic problems are still unsolved. Masses of people in tropic and semi tropic
countries lack economic resources to combat the mosquito menace or to treat the
affected patients. There is shortage of well-trained specialists in epidemiology and
entomology who understand malaria. To add to the woes, mosquitoes are increasingly
becoming resistant to insecticides. The need of the hour is therefore to control the
occurrence of malaria which can be achieved by
Destruction of Anopheles mosquito
Prophylaxis or Prevention of infection
Treatment of infection
Destruction of Anopheles’ larvae can be achieved by eradicating the breeding places of
mosquito which include the stagnant water such as ponds, pits, puddles, gutters, drains,
tin cans, cisterns, barrels or old tyres etc. Wherever or whenever it is not possible to
remove water, a thin film of oil can be sprayed on the water surface. The insect larvae
could also be destroyed by chemical treatment or by biological methods using larvicide
fishes like Gambusia. The adult mosquito could be killed by fumigation using sulphur,
pyrethrum, cresol, tercamphor etc or by spraying insecticides including DDT,
gammexane, pyrethrum, malathion etc.
Prophylaxis or prevention of infection can be achieved by putting screens on all the
doors, windows and ventilators of the houses. One can use mosquito-nets to prevent
mosquito-biting during night. Use of mosquito repellent creams as well as repellent
mats, coils etc help in protection against mosquito bites. One should maintain good
hygienic surroundings as well as eat healthy food to maintain a healthy body which
minimizes chances of infections.
Treatment of Malaria is by synthetic drugs like Quinine, Camoquin, Chloroquin,
Pentaquine etc. Quinine is a natural alkaloid extracted from the bark of the cinchona
tree grown in Java, Peru, Sri Lanka and India. It had been used effectively to combat
malaria for the last 300 years. Several synthetic derivatives of the drug are currently in
use and have been successful in combating malaria to an extent. Therapy with a
particular drug is generally done, keeping certain aims in mind. In order to allevate
symptoms, chloroquine, quinine, pyrimethamine etc. are given; to prevent relapses,
primaquine is given; to prevent the gametocyte’s spread, primaquine is given for P.
falciparum and chloroquine for all other species.
This group of flagellates consists of mostly symbiotic (commensal, parasitic or
mutualistic) while some are free living as well. The group is a large and varied
assemblage of flagellates.
Of all the parasitic Kinetoplastids, the most notorious belong to the genus
Trypanosoma. These are blood parasites of vertebrates, but most of them are
transmitted by invertebrate vectors. Multiplication of the flagellates takes place in the
digestive tract of the vectors. Man has three species of trypanosomas as parasites-
Trypanosoma gambiense, T. rhodesiense and T. cruzi. In case of T. rhodesiense and T.
gambiense causing African sleeping sickness, the Tsetse flies, Glossina palpalis, serve
as vectors injecting the infective stage when they bite (Fig. 15). T. cruzi causes
Chagas’ disease in tropical America, bugs transmitting the disease by leaving the
flagellates with fecal material near the punctures they make. If the flagellates get into
the wound or penetrate a mucous membrane of the eye, a new infection may get
Trypanosoma gambiense is unicellular, microscopic, slender, leaf-like,
flattened, colorless and actively wriggling flagellate (Fig. 16). It measures 10-40µ in
length and 2.5-10µ in width. The spindle-shaped body remains spirally twisted and
pointed at both the ends. The parasite migrates through the body by way of the blood.
Normal habitats are the blood plasma, cerebrospinal fluid, lymph nodes and spleen.
Mouth is lacking in Trypanosoma which obtains its nourishment by osmosis
from blood plasma. Gaseous exchange in respiration and elimination of excretory
products also occur by diffusion through the body surface. Sexual reproduction is
totally absent.
All mammalian leishmania can infect man. Leishmania tropica, L. mexicana, and L.
braziliensis, predominantly leads to cutaneous leishmaniasis, an infection of
reticuloendothelial cells of the skin or of mucosae of mouth and nose, while L.
donovani causes visceral leishmaniasis, a killing disease. Infection occurs primarily in
spleen and liver and secondarily in bone marrow, intestinal villi and other areas. The
disease is called Kala-azar or dum dum fever.
L. tropica mainly attacks adults in North Africa, Asia including India, Russia, Europia
and Australia. It causes long running superficial cutaneous ulcers called “Oriental
L. braziliensis is present in most parts of tropic and subtropics regions of the New
World, ranging at least from Panama to Argentina. The most severe form of this
infection called “espundia” is endemic in the jungles of Brazil, Bolivia, and Peru etc.
The clinical form frequently involves mucous membranes of mouth, nose and pharynx
and may result in complete destruction of these tissues and associated cartilage. The
lesions are resistant to treatment.
L. mexicana occurs in some countries of Central and South America, principally
Mexico and Guyana. It causes a cutaneous lesion and does not spread to mucous areas.
Ear lesions are known as chiclero ulcers.
L. donovani lives as an intracellular parasite in leucocytes or cells of liver, spleen, bone
marrow, lymphatic glands etc. of men in east India, Assam, the Mediterranean areas,
southern Russia, north Africa, central Asia, northest Brazil, Colombia, Argentina,
Paraguay, El Salvador, Guatemala and Mexico. It causes kala-azar or dum dum fever,
which is a rural disease with reservoirs of infection in dogs, foxes, rodents and other
mammals. The disease is characterized by a lengthy incubation period, an insidious
onset and a chronic course attended by irregular fever, increasing enlargement of the
spleen and of the liver, leucopenia, anemia and progressive wasting. The mortality is
high; death occurs in 2 months to 2 years. The most obvious physical signs are
progressive enlargement of the spleen and to some extent of liver. About two years
after the acute stage of Kala-azar occurs in the viscera, post kala-azar leishmaniasis
may appear, which are in the form of dispigmented areas of skin (so the name Kala-
black or fatal, azar-sickness) or modular lesions. Vector in this case is the sand fly,
Phlebotomus argentipes. The strain in children is sometimes called L. infantum.
The control revolves around treatment of disease along with prophylactic measures.
Positive diagnosis relies on discovery of the parasite in infected tissues. For the
treatment of Leishmaniasis the currently used drugs are limited to four. The first line
compounds are the two pentavalent antimonials, sodium stibogluconate (Pentostam)
and meglumine antimoniate (Glucantime). If these drugs are not effective, the second
line compounds of pentamidine (Lomidine) and amphotericine B (Fungizone) are used.
Prophylaxis includes elimination of reservoir hosts. Stray dogs should be eliminated.
Insecticides should be used to control the sand flies.
Autotrophic: Type of nutrition in which organic compounds used in metabolism are
obtained by synthesis from inorganic compounds.
Axopodium: Fine, needle-like pseudopodium that has a central bundle of microtubules.
Axoneme: Microtubules and other proteins that compose the inner core of flagella and
Basal body: An organelle equivalent to a centriole at the base of flagellum and cilia.
Binary fission: Asexual division that produces two similar individuals.
Body ciliature: Cilia distributed over the general body surface of ciliates.
Calcareous: Composed of calcium carbonate.
Centriole: Microscopic cylindrical structure, composed of microtubules, which is
situated at each pole of the mitotic spindle and is distributed during mitosis. There it
may function as a basal body and give rise to a flagellum or cilium.
Centrosome: Structure from which bundles of microtubules radiate outwards.
Cilium: Characteristic of many protozoan and metazoan cells, a motile outgrowth of
the cell surface that is typically short and its effective stroke is stiff and oar-like.
Conjugant: One of a pair of fused ciliates in the process of exchanging genetic
Contractile vacuole: Large spherical vesicle responsible for osmoregulation in
protozoans and some sponge cells.
Cytostome: Cell mouth
Cyst: A parasite surrounded by a resistant wall or membrane (the wall or membrane
constitutes the cyst)
Disease: A specific morbid process that has a characteristic set of symptoms, and that
may affect either the entire body or any part of the body.
Ectoparasite: A parasite that lives on the outside of its host.
Encystment: Forming resistant cysts in response to unfavorable conditions such as lack
of food or desiccation.
Endoparasite: A parasite that lives within its host.
Endoral membrane: Ciliate undulating membrane that runs transversely along the right
wall and marks the junction of the vestibule and buccal cavity.
Exconjugant: Ciliates that have separated after sexual reproduction.
Filopodium: Pseudopodium that is slender, clear and sometimes branched.
Filter feeding: A type of suspension feeding in which particles (plankton and detritus)
are removed from a water current by a filter.
Flagellum: A characteristic of many protozoan and metazoan cells; it is typically long
and its motion is a complex whip-like undulation.
Heterotrophic: Refers to the type of nutrition in which organic compounds used in
metabolism are obtained by consuming the bodies or products of other organisms.
Host: Living animal or plant harboring or affording subsistence to a parasite; also a cell
in which a parasite lodges.
Infraciliary system: The entire assemblage of ciliary basal bodies, or kinetosomes, and
the fibres that link them together in the cell cortex of ciliates.
Kinetosome: A ciliary or flagellar basal body.
Kinety: One row of cilia, kinetosomes, and kinetodesmata of ciliates.
Lobopodium: A pseudopodium that is rather wide with rounded or blunt tips, is
commonly tubular, and is composed of both ectoplasm and endoplasm.
Lorica: A girdle-like skeleton.
Macronucleus: Large, usually polyploidy, ciliate nucleus concerned with the synthesis
of RNA, as well as DNA, and therefore directly responsible for the phenotype of the
Membranelle: Type of ciliary organelle derived from two or three short rows of cilia,
all of which adhere to form a more or less triangular or fan-shaped plate.
Merozoites: Individuals produced by multiple fission of sporozoan trophozoites.
Metachrony: Wave pattern that results from the sequential coordinated action of cilia
or flagella over the surface of a cell or organism.
Micronucleus: Small, usually diploid, ciliate nucleus concerned primarily with the
synthesis of DNA. It undergoes meiosis before functioning in sexual reproduction.
Mutualism: An association whereby two species live together in such a manner that
their activities benefit each other.
Osmoregulation: The maintenance of internal body fluids at a different osmotic
pressure (usually higher) than that of the external aqueous environment.
Parapodium: Lateral, fleshy, paddle-like appendage on polychaete annelids.
Parasitism: An association between two specifically distinct organisms in which the
dependence of the parasite on its host is metabolic and involves mutual exchange of
substances; this dependence is the result of a loss of genetic information by the
Pellicle: Protozoan “body wall” composed of cell membrane, cytoskeleton, and other
Primary host: The host for the adult stage of a parasite. Definitive host.
Proboscis: Any tubular process of the head or anterior part of the gut, usually used in
feeding and often extensible.
Schizogony: Asexual reproduction by multiple or binary fission.
Siliceous: Composed of silica.
Sporogony: The production of sporoblasts by schizogony (in Sporozoa, Microspora,
Symbiosis: The living together of different species of organisms.
Symmetrogenic: Producing mirror-image daughter cells as a result of fission.
Synkaryon: Zygotic nucleus of ciliates.
Trophozoite: The motile stage of Protozoa.
Undulating membrane: Type of ciliary organelle that is a row of adhering cilia forming
a sheet.
Vector: An essential intermediate host, usually an arthropod, in which the parasite
undergoes a significant change.
Vegetative nucleus: Macronucleus.
Vestibules: Preoral chamber.
Barnes, B.D. (1987). Invertebrate Zoology. 5th Edition, Saunders College Publishing.
Kotpal, R. L. (1988). Protozoa. Rastogi Publications
Marshall, A.J. and Williams, W.D. (1979). Text Book of Zoology Vol. I-Invertebrates,
Noble, E. R. and Noble, G. A. (1982). Parasitology-The Biology of Animal Parasites,
Lea and Febiger, Philadelphia.
Ruppert, E.E. and Barnes, R.D. (1994). Invertebrate Zoology. 6th Edition, Saunders
College Publishing.
Webb, J.E., Wallwork, J.A. and Elgood, J. H. (1981). Guide to Invertebrate Animals,
English Language Book Society and Macmillan.
contractile vacuole
nucleus chloroplast
paramylon granules
contractile vacuole
Food vacuole
macro nucleus
micro nucleus
alveolar cavity
basal body
peripheral microfibre
inner sheath
basal body
dorsal peniculus
ventral peniculus
food vacuole
Oral groove
amitotic division
of macronucleus mitotic division
of micronucleus Newly formed
oral groove
anterior contractile
micronucleus contractile daughter paramecia
posterior contractile
1 2 3 4 5 6
Fig.10 – Sexual Reproduction / Conjugation in Paramecium caudatum
food vacuole
ingested RBC
ingested bacteria
Fig.12 – Life Cycle of Entamoeba histolytica
a) Trophozoite in lumen and mucosa of colon
b) Precystic stage
c) Cystic stage
d) Excystment in lower ileum
13 15
11 18
Schizogony 21
6 Cycle in
Cycle in 22
Man Mosquito
5 Salivary glands
RBC 10
infection 23
cryptomerozoite 24
3 schizont 1 cell
Liver 2
undulating membrane
in human
metacyclic form
(20th day)
crithidial form
(after 15th day)
in mid gut
after 48 hours
newly arrived form
(about 12th day)
forms in
salivary glands
amastigote /
leishmanial form
Leucocytes of man
basal body
promastigote /
leptomonad form