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They Who Sailed the Sea in Ships

ANTIPHON: Give thanks to the Lord, his love is everlasting

I. Can tor or Schola II. A II

I. P II. f

· r r

Give thanks _ to the Lord,_

his love _ is

ev - er - last - mg.


PSALM 107: 23-24. 25-26. 28·29. 30-31.

Cantor and Schola alternating


1. They who_

3. His corn-

5. They cried_ 7. They re

sailed the sea in ships,

mand raised up a storm - y wind

to the Lord in their dis - tress;

joiced that they were calmed;

1. earning their liv mg

3. which tossed its

5. he rescued them

7. he brought them safe - ly

on the waves __ on from __ their to their


high. plight. port.




2. saw what _

4. They mounted up to heaven;+ to _

6. He hushed the storm to _

8. Let them give thanks to the Lord for _

the Lord has done the depths they sank; a gen - tle breeze,

his kind ness

2. and his won - ders In_ the a - byss. Ant.
4. their hearts melted a - way_ in their plight. Ant.
6. and the billows of the sea L, were stilled. Ant.
8. and his wondrous deeds for the chil - dren of earth. Ant.

-- Optional Verses for SATE Choir*

2. 4. 6.

l 8.

ryf M ~:#

saw what the, Lord has done

They mounted up to heaven;l to the depths they sank;

He hushed the storm to a gen - tle breeze,

Let them give thanks to the Lord for his kind ness

2. and his won - ders In __ the a - byss. Ant.
4. their hearts melted a - way_ In their plight, Ant.
6. and the billows of the sea- were stilled, Ant,
8. and his wondrous deeds for the chil - dren of earth. Ant.
)J (_))) J * Psalm Tone in Alto Voice



Ps. 110

The Lord Says to My Lord

RESPONSE: You are a priest forever in the line of Melchizedek

,/ f>. 1+ I ~ I I
tJ l- I r ---- r
p The Lord says to my Lord: "Sit at my right L; hand.L, _
1------ 1 bJ ~ . .--.._~ bJ . Ped.1






f You are a priest.; for - ev - er




in the line of Mel - chiz - e - dek.

Cantor and Schola alternating

PSALM 110: L 2. 3a. 3b. 4.

Antiphonale Romanum (Adapted)

The Lord _ says to my Lord: "Sit at my _

Your pea pie will offer themselves _

5. The Lord _ has sworn and will not change _ his



1. till I put your enemies un - _

3. on the day you lead your host upon _

5. "You are a priest forever in the line of_

der your _ feet.'~ the sa - cred hills._ Mel - chiz - e - dek.'_' _

(c. The Lord .. Response .. All)



2. The Lord sends forth your mighty scepter from Si - on:

4. From the womb of the morn - ing

2. "Rule in the midst of your foes! '_' _ Response

4. like dew your youth will come __ to you. __ Response

Op tional Verses for SA TB Choir"

2. The Lord sends forth your mighty scepter from Si - on:

4. From the womb of the morn - ing

2. "Rule in the midst of your foes!". _ Response

4. like dew your youth will come __ to you. _ Response

* Psalm Tone in Alto Voice



Happy Are They Who Fear the Lord

ANTIPHONS: A The just one is a light in darkness to the upright B Happy are they who fear the Lord

C Happy are they who are merciful

A I. Cantor or Schola II. All B I. Cantor or Schola II. All


I. P The just one is II.!

I f\


v I.p II.f

jO ___

Hap -py are they who


a light in dark - ness to the up - right.







C I. Cantor or Schola II. All


+Ped. PSALM 112: 1-2. 3-4. 5-6. 7-8. 9-10.

Cantor and Schola alternating




1. Hap - py_ 3. Their gen - 5. Well for.L, 7. An e -

9. They give.L,


are they who fear the Lord,

erosity shall endure for - ev er;

them who are gra - cious and lend,

viI report they shall not fear;

to the poor lavishly;+

their generosity shall

endure for - ev

1. who greatly delight in his _ com mands.

3. wealth and riches shall be al - ways in their house.

S. who with justice con - duct _ their af - fairs.

7. trusting in the Lord, their_hearts are firm.

9. with honor they shall be exalt - ed and L.; glo - ri - fied.




2. Their posterity shall be mighty up - on the earth;

4. They dawn through the darkness, a light for the up - right.

6. The just shall be in everlasting re - mem - brance ,

8. Their hearts are steadfast; they shall not fear

10. The wicked shall see it and be vexed;+

they shall gnash their teeth __ and pine a - way;

2. the upright genera - tions shall_ be blessed. Ant.

4. they are gracious and just and __ mer - ci - ful. Ant.

6. they shall nev er be moved. Ant.

8. till they look down up - on __ their foes. Ant.

10. the desire of the wick - ed shall Li; come to nought. Ant.

Optional Verses for SATE Choir"

2. Their posterity shall be mighty up - on the earth;

4. They dawn through the darkness, a light for the up - right.

6. The just shall be in everlasting re - mem - brance,

8. Their hearts are steadfast; they shall not fear

10. The wicked shall see it and be vexed i/

they shall gnash their teeth and pine a - way;


2. the upright genera - tions shall_ be blessed. Ant.
4. They are gracious and just and_ mer - Cl - ful. Ant.
6. they shall nev er be moved. Ant.
8. till they look down up - on-- their foes. Ant.
10. the desire of the wick - ed shall.L; come to nought. Ant.
_l) (1i) 1 * Psalm Tone in Alto Voice


Ps. 113

Praise the Lord, You His Servants

ANTIPHONS: A Praise the Lord who lifts up the poor

B The Lord will give him a seat with the leaders of his people C Blessed be the name of the Lord forever

A I. Cantor or Schola II. All

l.p 1I.f

Praise __

the Lord

who lifts _ up _ the poor.



+ Ped.

B 1. Cantor or Schola II. All



r r

peo - ple.

1.p II.!

The Lord will give _ him a seat

with the lead - ers of his


C 1. Cantor or Schola II. All

,/ f\~ ,,_b. _!,,_ 1 1 1 ~ " I




I P II !


I - I


Bless - ed

r' i

for - ev er.




name _ of_ the Lord.L;





PSALM 113: 1-2. 4-6. 7-8.



Cantor and Schola alternating


1. Praise the..Lord, __ you his ser - vants, 3. The Lord.js high a - bove all na tions, S. He rais - es up the L, Iow -Iy from the dust;

praise the Lord's name.

his glory is above the, heav - ens. he lifts up the poor

from their., mis - er - y




2. Blessed be the Lord's name

4. Who is like the Lord, our God, who is en - throned on high

6. to seat them with princ es,

2. both now and for - ev er. Ant.
4. and looks down upon the heavens and the earth be - low? Ant.
6. with the princes of his own peo pie. Ant.
; Optional Verses for SATE Choir" .; ~,w.


v ~ ~ rP i

2. Blessed be the Lord's name

4. Who is like the Lord, our God, who is en - throned on high

6. to seat them with princ es,

~ h » .b (J), J

2. both now and for -

4. and looks down upon the heavens and the _

6. with the princes of his own _

ev er. Ant.

earth be - low? Ant. peo pie. Ant.

* Psalm Tone in Tenor Voice



Ps. 116 (I)

What Shall 1 Render to the Lord

ANTIPHONS: A Gracious is the Lord and just B I will take the cup of salvation

A I. Cantor or Schola II. All

/fI.~+t _ ~,,~ l. I I r-"'1 " ~

J. Gerald Phillips


I.p II. !




Gra - cious is _ the

-1-----' Lord _ and just,

J. J.

;. .J

j. I
mer - ci - ful_
I j
I I r· .. r

IS _ our God.

J. I

-, (' + Ped. I 1 I

B I. Cantor or Schola II. All

,/1 ~+t ,..._, '" ~ t\ t\ ,....., I ," r--, '" " ~

l. P I will take., the cup of sal - va - tion




- 1

r----r r

and call L, on the name_of the Lord.




(' + Ped.








PSALM 116: 12-17.

Cantor and Sclzola alternating


1. What_ shall _ ren

3. In _ the _ presence of all

5. I __ am _ your servant, the_ son

der to the Lord,

his pea - ple

of your hand - maid;


1. for all he has glv - en

3. I will fulfill my vows to

5. you have laos - €d

to the my

me? Lord.Li, bonds.L;


2. I will take the cup of sal - va tion
4. Great price in the eyes of the Lord
6. I will offer the sac ri - fice of praise r

Lord.L, Ant.

ones.- Ant. Lord.L, Ant.

2. and invoke the _

4. has the _

6. and call on the _

name of the

death of his faith - ful

name of the

Optional Verses for SA TB Choir" -'" .. ~

V V ~ I) 'V I
cup of sal - va tion
eyes of the Lord
sac n - fice of praise
1l 1))1 )J Jl _j..D_l ; IV lUI

2. I will take the _

4. Great price in the _

6. I will offer the _

2. and invoke the name

4. has the death of

6. and call on the name


of the

his faith - ful of the


Lord. _ Ant.

ones._ Ant. Lord._ Ant.

* Psalm Tone in Tenor Voice



Ps.116 (IT)

I Love the Lord

ANTIPHONS: A The cup of blessing

B I shall walk before the Lord

A I. Cantor or Schola II. All

/11..101 .,.-, I It..."" r-1 t...

"! r-r-r---r· r

IS a shar - ing in the




blood _ of erst.

I. P The II.!

cup- of

bless - ing

j:--- J-J.







B I. Cantor or Schola II. All /11. .101

......, t... I I




.. "! r'


I.p II.!


I shall walk _ be - fore _ the Lord m the land _ of the liv




f' I +Ped.







PSALM 116: 1-2. 5. 9. 12-13. 14. 17.

Cantor and Schola alternating


B 1. I love.L; the Lord because he has
heard my voice in sup pli - ca tion,
B 3. Gra - cious IS the Lord and just;
A 5. What shall _ ren - der to the Lord
AB 7. Pre - CIOUS_ in the eyes of the Lord
AB 9. To you __ will I offer the sacri - fice of thanks-giv mg,
~ J r· r

called __ him. __

mer - ci - ful. __ done _ for me? __ faith - ful ones. __ Lord's __ name._


1. because he has inclined his ear to me on the


3. yes, our God IS

5. for all the good he has

7. is the death of his

9. I will call up - on the


2. The cords of _

4. For he has _

6. I will take the _

8. 0 Lord, I am your servant, the __

10. My vows to the _


death freed cup of son of Lord

en - com-passed me, my soul from death,

sal - va tion

your hand - maid,

I will pay



2. and I called upon the name

of the Lord, _ "0 Lord, save _ my

4. my eyes from tears, my feet from sturn

6. and call up - on the Lord's __

8. you have loos - ed my _

10. in the presence of all his peo


life.", _ Ant. B bling. _ Ant. B name. _ Ant. A bonds. _ Alit. A B pIe. __ Ant. A B

Optional Verses for SATB Choir"
fl;J, r'I 10. t\ t\ .... I
@ r r
B 2. The cords of death en - com - passed me,
B 4. For he has freed my soul from death,
A 6. I will take the cup of sal - va tion
AB 8. o Lord, I am your servant, the_ son of your hand maid,
AB 10. My vows to the Lord I will pay
B )) (~\ j) b.b r1J, 1 2. and I called upon the name

of the Lord.Li,

4. my eyes from tears, my _

6. and call up -

8. you have _

10. in the presence of _

"0 Lord, save _ my feet from sturn

on the. Lords Lc, loos-ed my __ all his peo


Ant. B life.'_' _ Ant. B bling. _ Ant. A name._Ant. A B bonds. _Ant. A B pie. _Ant. A B

* Psalm Tone in Alto, Tenor and Bass Voices



Ps. 117 (I)

All You Nations, Praise the Lord

AL'l"TIPHON: Go out to all the world I. Cantor or Schola II. All


r· ."

Good _ News.


+ Ped.

Cantor and Schola alternating

*PSALM 117: 1-2.


1. All you

2. For stead

na - tions, praise the Lord; fast IS his __ kind - ness to - ward us



1. glorify him, all you peo - pes! Ant.

2. and the fidelity of the Lord en - dures for - ev er. Ant.

~ ---;

Optional Verses for SATB Choir"

1. All you _

2. For steadfast IS his _

1. glorify him, -------_____ you peo

2. and the fidelity of the Lord en - dures for - ev


- pIes! Ant. er. Ant.


* Listed as Ps. 116 in Latin psalter

** Psalm Tone in Tenor and Bass Voices



ANTIPHON: Alleluia

I. Cantor or Schola II.All

Ps. 117 (II) Laudate Dominum


Gregorian Chant

I.p 11.[


Al - Ie - Iii - ia,


Ie - Iii - Ia, __

al - Ie


*PSALM 117: 1-2.

Cantor and Schola alternating

"f1» ~

DOX. Glo- ri -

te Dominurn, 0 -

_____ Ouoniam confirmara est super nos misericordi

a Patri, _

______ Sicut erat in principio, et nunc,


"" T.6
mnes gen tes.
a e JUS:
et FI- u - a,
et sem per,
d I' II

1. Lau -da - 2.


1. laud ate eum, .... Ii.
a - mnes_ pa - pu -
2. et veritas Domini manet In ae ter num. Ant.
et Spirf - tu - i Sane to.
et in saecula saecu - 16 - rum. __ A men. Ant.
~ Optional Verses [or SATB Choir**

/1l~ ~ 1'\ I

~ ri 1\ I

u .... r I

2. Quoniam confirmata est

super nos misericordi - a e - JUs:

et veritas Domini

manet _in ae - ter-num.Ant.

Sicut erat in pnnciplo,

et nunc, __ et sem-per,

et in saecula saecu -

16 - rum.i A - men.Ant.

j)bJ:l }JJ


:* Listed as Ps. 116 in Latin psalter. For translation, see No. 446.

Psalm Tone in Alto Voice




Ps. 117 (ill)

Laudate Dominum, Omnes Gentes

ANTIPHONS: A Adoremus in aeternum B Attends, Domine

A I. Cantor or Schola II. All


Ad - 0 - re - mus - III ae - ter - num


Gregorian Chant

f----f·--- r

sarr-ctis - si - mum.z Sa - era-men -tum.

Tr. Let us adore the Most Blessed Sacrament forever.

B I. Cantor or Schola II. All

Gregorian Chant


- re - re



qUI - a pec - ca - vi - mus ti

r hi.

Tr. Hear us, 0 Lord, and have mercy, for we have sinned against thee.

* PSALM 117: 1-2.

1. 2.

DOX. GI6" - ri


Lau - da - te Dominum, omnes -:;- _

Quoniam confirmata est super nos misericordia _

- ~ Patri, e~ __ . ---:,,~. _

SICUt erat III pnnclplO, et nunc, et _


gen tes:

e JUs:

Fl - Ii - 0,

sem per,


1. laudate eum, 0 mnes p§ - pu - Ii.
2. et veritas Domini manet III ae - ter num. Ant.
et Spi - n - tu - i Sanc to.
et III saecula saecu - 16 rum. A men. Ant.
--- ............ ~/ * Listed as Ps. 116 in Latin psalter. For translation, see No. 446.


Ps. 117 (IV)

Laudate Dominum, Omnes Gentes


ANTIPHONS: A Rorate caeli B Cor Jesu

A I. Cantor or Schola II. All

. '\ _ h .t\ ~ _L

Gregorian Chant

I .I. ....

V""'- -I

I. P Ro - ra II.f

te, cae - li, de

- su - per,_

et nu - bes plu - ant JU - stum.

; ~.J.








Tr. Drop down dew, ye heavens, from above, and let the clouds rain down the just one.

B I. Cantor or Schola II. All

,/ fI. .1..1. _L J.,.-


Gregorian Chant

tJ "

I.p Cor 11./

i---- i ---- r:. ~i---- i......____..,r:_·

Je - su sa - era - tIs - si - mum, mi - se - re

r r
re no - bis.
1 I
T.lD I


I Tr. Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us.


* PSALM 117: 1-2.


1. Lau - M - 2.

DOX. GI6 - ri -

te Dorninum, 0 - mnesgen - tes:

____ Quaniam confirmata est super nos miseri car - di -a e jus:

a Pa - tri et Fl- Ii - 0,

---_ Sicut erat in principio, et nunc, et sem - per,

1. laud ate eum, _

2. et veritas Domini manet __ et Spiri" -

et in saecula saecu -

0- mnes po in ae - ter tu - i San la - rum. A

- pu - Ii. _

num. _

cto. _

men. _



* Listed as Psalm 116 in Latin psalter. For translation, see No. 446.


450 Ps. 118 (I)

Give Thanks to the Lord for He Is Good


B Give thanks to the Lord for he is good C The stone rejected by the builders

D This is the day the Lord has made

A I. Cantor or Schola II. All

W. H. Monk, + 1889


ia, al - le

ia, al - le - lu






N. B. For Soprano descant see Alleluia No. 91

B l. Cantor or Schola II. All

r~r·~r r

love _ is ev - er - last - mg:

I. P Give thanks to the Lord i.for he is good, his II.!

F r

has _ be-come the cor-ner-stone.

I. P The stone _ re - ject - ed by the build - ers

II.! 1.


+ Ped.
D I. Cantor or Schola II. All
~ I.p This is the
~. 1.
+ Ped. day..; the Lord_has made; let us re - joice i and be glad.





PSALM 118: 1-2. 16-17. 22-23.

Cantor and Schola alternating


thanks right stone

to the Lord for _

hand of the Lord has _

which the builders re -

he IS good,
struck with power;
ject ed
J r
dures for - ev er.
Lord is ex - alt ed.
come the cor - ner - stone.
<, ./ 1. for his mercy en -

3. the right hand of the _

5. has be -


"His mercy en - dures for- ever." Ant.

and declare the works of the Lord. Ant.

it is won-der-ful in our eyes. Ant.

2. Let the house of Is -rael say, 4. I shall not _ die, but live, 6. By the Lord has this been done;

~- ---J

Optional Verses for SATE Choir"

'" 1'> J

iV I' II I

2. Let the house of Is -rael say, 4. I shall not_ die, but live, 6. By the Lord has this been done;

,. rvl" VI

"His mercy en - dures for - ev - er." Ant.

and declare the works of the Lord. Ant.

it is won-der-ful in our eyes. Ant.

l ..

* Psalm Tone in Alto Voice


451 Ps. 118(II)

Give Thanks to the Lord for He Is Good

ANTIPHON: This is the day the Lord has made

PSALM 118: 1-2.16-17.22-23.

I. Cantor or Schola II. All


is the day the Lord _ has made;

let us re-


11. 112. ,Sop .
and be glad. Give
11. :>





ev - er. " _

r· -(


All This IS







let us re


and be

glad. _

Bass! The

. Ped.'



right hand of the Lord


struck with

pow'r, _




right hand of the Lord _ IS ex - alt

ed. _

and de -



Lord L, has


let us




glad. _


a cappella

Sop. mf

The mf

stone which the

build - ers re


ed _

has be-

stone which the

build - ers re

ject ~

ed_-== __


has be-


come the cor ner - stone. By thl: Lord L, has this been
IV -......__:: ::.....-' I
IV I '--- ---- I
come the cor - ner - stone. By the Lord L has this been
1!;;- ... ..
I I -'1\ _.--
done; __ it is won-der-ful in _ our eyes.
IV I • • • ~, ... • .z>

_/\ ~
iV r I I
done; __ it IS won-der-ful m_ our eyes.
IV >-
~ ~ 1-
'\ 704


a tempo > >

Lord __ has




re -



and be glad. _ rit.

__. ---- -- -
~J J J.~.--




glad. ~----


J.~. J.~.









Ps. 119 (I)

How Blessed Are They

ANTIPHON: How blessed are they who walk in the law of the Lord

I. Cantor or Scliola II. All


~ t-..11I\_ii"Io..ITl

- -


I.p II.!


r r




U ~'--I ~I

How.Lblessed _ are they



who walk.; in the law __ of __




J. ---..... J------ J.

(' I




PSALM 119: 1-7. 17-18. 34.

Cantor and Schola alternating

1'1 I r--1

10.. l I


tJ r
1. How blessed_ are they who.L treas - ure his man - dates,
2. Not doing __ what is e vii
4. Oh, that __ my ways were laid straight
5. Then need 1_ not be a - shamed
7. Grant your ser - vant the grace to live
8. 0 pen my eyes fI I




r l~

1. who seek him with ali __ their hearts,
2. but walk - mg in his ways!
4. toward ob serv - mg your_ de - crees.
5. in studying your com - mand ments.
7. and I will keep __ your word;
8. to consider the won - ders of __ your law. ---

bJ.) ---------J

~r·1 r "



3. You have giv - en your pre cepts

6. I will give you thanks with a true heart

9. Give me understanding that __ I may keep your law

3. to be guard - ed with_ all care. Ant.
6. for teaching me the edicts of your JUs tice. Ant.
9. and observe it with all_ my heart. Ant.
..-.. b~)-----J Optional Verses for SATB Choir* ,/ '\ I


3 h ~ '''' ~ ~ ,'" I

. You ave grv - en your pre cepts

6. I will give you thanks with a true heart

9. Give me understanding that I may keep your law

3. to be _

6. for teaching me the edicts _

9. and observe _

guard - ed with __ all care. Ant. of your jus tice. Ant. it with all __ my heart. Ant.

* Psalm Tone in Tenor Voice



Ps. 119 (II)

How Blessed Are They

ANTIPHON: I love your commands, 0 Lord, my God

1. Cantor or Schola II. All

I.p IL!


I __ love _ your com - mands, _ 0 _ Lord, __ my God.




PSALM 119: 1-2. 57. 72. 76-77. 127-128. 129-130.

Cantor and Schola alternating


1. How blessed are they who walk in the
3. You are
5. Let your
7. For I
9. Your de - law of the Lord, all I want, 0 Lord, _____________ kind-ness com -fort me

______________ love your com - mands, crees are won - der- ful,

1. whose way IS blame less.
3. I promise to 0 - bey_ your laws.
5. according to your promise to your ser vants.
7. more than the fin est gold.
9. I obey them with all _ my heart.

~ ~J.)----"""J 708

2. Blessed are they who ob -

4. The law of your mouth is to me more pre ClOUS

6. Let your compassion come to me that I may live,

8. For I go forward in all your pre cepts;

10. The revelation of your words sheds light,


serve his



2. who seek him with all_ their hearts. Ant.
4. than thousands of gold and sil - ver piec es. Ant.
6. for your law is my- de - light. Ant.
8. I hate ev - 'ry false L, way. Ant.
10. glvmg understanding to the sim pie. Ant.
...-.. ~ J.)------- J Optional Verses for SATE Choir" "',.. I


2. Blessed are they who ob -

4. The law of your mouth is to me more pre

6. Let your compassion come to me that I

8. For I go forward in all your pre

10. The revelation of your words sheds

II ~

serve his



crees, cious may live,

cepts; light,

~J) 1> .~ ,ll) J

2. who seek him with all -- their hearts. Ant.
4. than thousands of gold and sil - ver plec es. Ant.
6. for your law IS my __ de - light. Ant.
8. I hate ev - 'ry false- way. Ant.
10. giving understanding to the sim pIe. Ant. .. Psalm Tone in Tenor Voice




I Lift Up My Eyes Toward the Mountains

ANTIPHON: Our help is from the Lord who made heav'n and earth

1. Cantor or Schola II. All

I.p Our belp.,., from _ the Lord_


r r r r

who made., heav'n _ and earth._

PSALM 121: 1-2. 3-4. 5-6. 7-8.

Cantor and Schola alternating



1. I lift _ 3. May he- 5. The Lord , 7. Frorn all L;

my eyes toward the moun - tains,

not suf - fer your foot to slip;

is your guardian; the L, Lord is your shade;

evil the Lord will guard you;

~ J


1. whence shall

3. may he who guards

5. he is beside you at

7. he

help_ slum - ber right _ guard_your


come? _

not: _

hand. _

life. _

my you your will


2. My help IS from the Lord,
4. indeed he neither slum bers nor sleeps,
6. The sun shall not harm you by day,
8. He will guard your com - ing and go mg,

jq J---- i
2. who made heav'n.; and earth. Ant.
4. the guard - ian of Is ra - el. Ant.
6. nor the moon.L by night. Ant.
8. both now and for - ev er. Ant.
-... ~J.) Optional Verses for SATE Choir*

2. My help IS from the Lord,
4. indeed he neither slum bers nor sleeps,
6. The sun shall not harm you by day,
8. He will guard your com - mg and go ing,
j) .D )J ~j) 11 .; ---------
2. who made heav'n_ and earth. Ant.
4. the guard - Ian of Is ra - el. Ant.
6. nor the moon_ by night. Ant.
8. both now and for - ev er. Ant.
~ • Psalm Tone in Alto, Tenor and Bass Voices




I Rejoiced Because They Said to Me

RESPONSE: We will go up to the house of the Lord

Cantor or Schola

re - joiced_


be - cause they said _




- Ped.


"We will

to the house __

of_ the Lord."

+ Ped.

PSALM 122: 1-9.

Cantor and Schola alternating


1. now we have set foot with In your gates,
3. To it the tribes of the Lord go up
5. Pray for the peace of J e - ru - sa - lem!
7. Be - cause of my relatives and friends I will d'
~ ----------------------~--~-----~

1. 0 Je - ru - sa -lem.

3. to give thanks to the name of the Lord

according to the de -

cree for Is - ra - el.

5. May those who love you pros - per I

7. "Peace be with-in you!"


2. Jerusalem, built as a cit

4. In it are set up judg - ment

6. May peace be with - in your

8. Because of the house of the Lord, our


seats, walls, God,

m -


ty. Response id. Response ings. Response

pray. Cantor: I rejoiced ..

Response - All

2. with com -

4. seats for the house

6. prosperity m

8. for your good

pact u-

of Dav

your build

I will

Alternate Verses for SATE Choir"

2. Jerusalem, built as a _

4. In it are set up _

6. May peace be with -

8. Because of the house of the _

cit y

judg - ment seats, in your walls, Lord, our God,

J> ~ ;

1\ 1\ "
,.. V r' V.
com - pact u - ni
house of Dav
m your build
good I will
h j) b 1.))1
713 1


- ty. Response id. Response ings. Response

pray. Cantor: I rejoiced .. ~ Response - All

2. with _

4. seats for the _

6. prosperity _

8. for your _


* Psalm Tone in Alto Voice


To Y ou I Lift Up My Eyes

ANTIPHON: Our eyes are fixed on the Lord, pleading for his mercy

1. Cantor or Schola II. All


I. P Our eyes _ are fixed on the Lord.L, II.!

r r

plead - ing for _ his mer - cy.


+ Ped.


PSALM 123: 1-4.

Cantor and Schola alternating


1. To you I lift up my eyes
3. As the eyes of a maid
5. Have mer - cy on us, o Lord, have mer cy, 1. who are enthroned In

3. are on the hands of her

s. for we are more than sat - ed

heav mis with



con - tempt;


2. Behold, as the eyes of the _

4. so our eyes are on the _

6. our souls are more than sated

with the mockery of the _

ser vants
Lord, our God,
ar - ro - gant, ---

jq r
2. are on the hands of their mas - ters, Ant.
4. till he have pit- y on us. Ant.
6. with the contempt of the proud. Alit.
\ / Optional Verses for SATB Choir"

2. Behold, as the eyes of the _

4. so our eyes are on the _

6. our souls are more than sated

with the mockery of the _

ser Lord,

vants our God,

ar - ro - gant,


2. are on the hands _

4. till he have pit-

6. with the contempt _

of their mas - ters. Ant.

y on us. Ant.

of the proud. Ant.

* Psalm Tone in Tenor Voice




If It Had Not Been the Lord

ANTIPHON: Our soul has escaped like a bird from the hunter's net

I. Cantor or Schola II. All

Our soul_ has __ es - caped _ like_ a bird L from the hunt-er's net.


PSALM 124: 2-3.4-5. 7b-S.

Cantor and Schola alternating


1. If it

3. Then the 5. The snare

had not been the Lord who was _

flood would have swept _

is ___

on us bra

our a -

side, way, ken,

1. when enemies rase up a - gainst us,

3. the torrent would have gone a - ver us;

5. and we have es caped!




2. then they would have swallowed us up a - live,

4. the raging wa ters

6. Our help is in the name of the Lord,

~ r
2. when their anger was kindled a - gainst us. Ant.
4. would then have gone 0 - ver us. Ant.
6. who made heav - en and earth. Ant.
-, / Optional Verses for SATE Choir"

2. then they would have swallowed us up a - live,

4. the raging wa ters

6. Our help is in the name of the Lord,

2. when their anger was kindled a - gainst us. Ant.

4. would then have gone 0 - ver us. Ant.

6. who made heav - en and earth. Ant.

* Psalm Tone in Tenor Voice




When the Lord Brought Back the Captives

ANTIPHONS: A The Lord has done great things for us

B Those who sow in tears shall reap in joy

A I. Cantor or Schola II. All



II. f

The Lord has done great things for

filled_ with JOY.

us; we


B I. Cantor or Schola II. All - 1\
fl. .. - ~ I ~ j" I
It.) t... "'-r . I r
I.p Those who sow __ in tears shall reap_ in JOY·
II. f
1 J. bJ· J. J
I PSALM 126: 1-6.

Cantor and Schola alternating


1. When the__ Lord brought back the captives __ of Si - on,

3. Then they_ said among the na - tions,

5. 0 Lord,_ restore our for - tunes,

7. Al - rhougb .; they go forth weep-ing,

1. we were like those_ in a dream.
3. "The Lord has done great _ things for them."
5. like the torrents in the south - ern __ des ert.
7. carrying the seed __ to be sown, 718

2. Then our mouth was filled with laugh ter
4. The Lord has done great things for us;
6. Those who sow in tears
8. they shall come back re - joic ing,
J.) 2. and our tongue with shouts __ of joy. Ant.
4. we are glad __ III - deed. Ant.
6. shall reap ___ III JOY· Ant.
8. car - ry - ing their sheaves. Ant.
;. Optional Verses for SA TB Choir"

2. Then our mouth was filled with laugh ter
4. The Lord has done great things for us;
6. Those who sow in tears
8. they shall come back re - joic ing,
1> )) 2. and our tongue with shouts of joy. Ant.
4. we are glad __ in - deed. Ant.
6. shall reap __ III JOY· Ant.
8. car - ry ing ___ their sheaves. Ant.
)J ; ,. Psalm Tone in Alto Voice




Happy Are You Who Fear the Lord

ANTIPHONS: A Happy are you who fear the Lord

B May the Lord bless us all the days of our lives

A I. Cantor or Schola II. All

I.p II.!

Hap - py are you who fear Lz the Lord,

who walk _ In his ways.

B I. Cantor or Schola

r r

all_ the days of our _ lives.

I. P May the

II.! ;

Lord_ bless __ us __



PSALM 128: 1-6.

Cantor and Schola alternating


1. Hap - py.,., are you who fear the Lord,

3. Your.wife.shall be like a fruitful vine in the.i, re - cess - es of your home;

5. The., Lord bless you from Zi on:

1. who walk in his ways! _

3. your children around your ta - ble like 01 - ive plants.L

5. may you see the prosperity of Jerusalem all the days of your life; __


2. For you shall eat the fruit of your hand - 1 - work;
4. Behold, thus 1S the man blessed
6. may you see your chil dren's chil dren. 2. favored and hap py shall you

4. who fears the

6. Peace be up - on Is - ra -

be._ Lord.

el! __

Ant. Ant. Ant.

Optional Verses for SATE Choir"

2 .. For you shall eat the fruit of your hand - i - work;
4. Behold, thus 1S the man blessed
6. may you see your chil dren's chil dren.
)J 2. favored and hap


6. Peace be

shall fears Is -

you be. __ Ant.

the Lord. __ Allt.

ra - el! Ant.

py who up - on

* Psalm Tone in Tenor Voice




Out of the Depths I Cry to You

ANTIPHONS: A With the Lord there is mercy

B I hope in the Lord and I trust in his word

A I. Cantor or Schola II. All

r r

and full- ness of re - demp -tion.

Lord , there is mer - cy

B I. Cantor or Schola II. All

I.p II.!

hope_ m




trust_ ill

PSALM 130: 1-2.3-4.4-6. 7-8.

Cantor and Schola alternating


1. Out Lc; of the depths cry to you, a Lord;
3. If __ you, o Lord, will mark ill - iq - Ul - ties,
5. I trust ill the Lord;
7. For __ with the Lord 1S kind ness,
~/ r
1. Lord, hear my . ,
3. Lord, who can stand?_
5. my soul trusts in his word.Lc;
7. and fullness of redemption 1S with him. _ 722


2. Let your ears be at - ten

4. But with you IS for - give

6. My soul waits for the Lord+ more than senti -nels wait .for the 8. And Is - ra - el he will

tive ness, dawn.

re - deem

2. to my call for help. __ Ant.
4. that you may be re - vered. __ Ant.
6. Let Israel wait for the Lord. __ Ant.
8. from all their Sin - ful ways. __ Ant. Optional Verses for SATB Choir"

2. Let your ears be

4. But with you

6. My soul waits for the Lord / more than senti - nels

8. And Is - ra -

at - ten tive

for - give ness,

for the dawn.

he will re - deem

2. to my call for Ant.
4. that you may be re - Ant.
6. Let Israel wait for the Ant.
8. from all their Sin - ful ways._ Ant. « Psalm Tone in Tenor Voice




My Heart Is N at Proud, 0 Lord

ANTIPHON: In you, 0 Lord, I have found my peace

1. Cantor or Schola II. All

l.p In_ you,_ 0 Lord,_ have found
II.! ,
J :------- my peace.

+ Ped.

PSALM 131: 1. 2. 3.

Cantor and Schola alternating

Graduale Simplex

1. My heart is not _

3. Nay rather, I have quieted and _

5. Hope in the Lord, 0 _

proud, 0 stilled my Is - ra -

Lord, soul el,

1. nor _

3. __

5. both now _

haugh - ty are my eyes;

like a weaned child.

and for - ev er. Ant.


2. [ busy not myself with great

4. Like a weaned child on its moth - er 's

things, lap,

2. nor with things too

4. so is my soul

sub - lime

with In


me. me.

Ant. Ant.

Optional Verses for SATB Choir*

2. [ busy not myself with _

4. Like a weaned child on its _


moth - er's


things, lap,

/fl b.
IV ~ ~ y r
2. nor with things too sub - lime for me. Ant.
4. so IS my soul with In me. Ant.
~ )1 1> 1'> (..b) ;
r II I
* Reciting Tone in Alto Voice
725 462


Lo, We Heard of It in Ephrathah

ANTIPHONS: A Lord, go up to the place of your rest

B God will give him the throne of David, his father

A I. Cantor or Schola II. All

/ fI. I

I.p II.!



I i r I r r--r

Lord.go up_ to the placeof your rest,_ you and the ark_of your ho-li-ness.

,.J J .J-J----J ;





e- + Ped.

B I. Cantor or Schola II. All







Da - vid, his


fa - ther.

I.p II.!

God _ will gIve _ him the

throne Lof

PSALM 132: 6. 7. 9. 10. 11. 13. 14. 17. 18.

Cantor and Schola alternating



A 1. Lo, _ we _ heard of it

A 3. Let _ thy_ priests be clothed

B S. The _ Lord _ swore to Da - vid

A B 7. For_ the _ Lord has cho

B 9. "There , will _ I make a hom to _ sprout


....__...... in Eph - ra - thah ,

with right-eous-ness,

a sure oath

sen Zi on;

for Da vid,

we found it the fields r
1. In of Ja ar. __
3. and let thy saints shout for JOY·_
S. from which he will not turn back:_
7. he has desired it for his dwell- ing place. _
9. for my anointed I have pre - pared a lamp.L.; 726

A 2. "Let us go to his dwell - ing place;
A 4. For thy ser vant Da - vid's sake
B 6. "One of the sons of your bod y
AB 8. "Forever this is my rest - ing place;
B 10. His enemies I will clothe with shame,
~ r

feet.t'L, Ant. A

one._ Ant. A

2. 4. 6. 8.


- ship at his a- noint - ed

on your

will I dwell." _ Ant. A B

up - on him - self.'_' _ Ant. B

let us wor

do not turn away the face of thy

I will set

for I have desired it, here

but his crown will shed its Ius - ter

throne.L Ant. B

Alternate Verses for SATE Choir"

A 2. "Let us go to his dwell- ing place;
A 4. For thy ser vant Da - vid's sake
B 6. "One of the sons of your bod y
AB 8. "Forever this is my rest - ing place;
B 10. His enemies I will clothe with shame,
)) ----r

2. let us war - ship at his feet." _ Ant. A

4. do not turn away the face of -- thy a-noint - ed one. _ Ant. A

6. I will set on your throne.l, Ant. B

8. for I have desired it, here will I dwell." . An t. A B

10. but his crown will shed its Ius - ter up - on him - self.'_' _ Ant. B


• Psalm Tone in Tenor Voice



Ps. 136 (I)

Give Thanks to the Lord for He Is Good

REFRAINS: His love is everlasting

For his mercy endures forever

REFRAIN Cantort s)


r ~ ....___r--r f-r

love., is ev - er - last ing. His

love., is

ev - er - last - mg.

PSALM 136: 1-9. 24-26.

1. Contorts)



p i

1. Give thanks to the Lord for he.c, is

2. Give thanks to the God , of

3. Give thanks to the Lord _ of

f good, For his gods, For his lords, For his


mer - cy en - dures, for - ev er.

mer - cy en - dures, for - ev er.

mer - cy en - dures, for - ever.


+ Ped .

. Ped.

2. Cantoris)


4. _ Great wonders does _ he.c; a - lone, For his

5. By whose wisdom the __ heav'nswere made,F or his

6. On the waters he spread.i.out j rhe earth,Forhis


mer-cy en - duresfor - ever. mer-cy en - dures.for - ever. mer-cy en - dures_for - ever.



3. Contorts)




7. The heav'n's greaL lightshe

8. The sun to __ rule.L by 9. Moon and stars to __ rule_ by


made, For his day, For his night, For his


mer - cy en - dures_for - ev - er. mer-cy en - dures_for - ev - er. mer - cy en - durescfor - ev - er.



4. Cantor (s)


+ Ped.

pI i
10. And freed us __ from.our foes, For his mer-cy en
11. Who to all food, For his mer-cy en
12. Give thanks to the God., of heav'n, For his mer-cy en J.

- dures for - ev er.

- dures.for - ev er.

- dures.for - ev er.


+ Ped.

- Ped.

REFRAIN Soprano Descant

[ His





love IS

ev - er - last - ing. His

love_ is rit.

ev - er - last - mg.

love IS rit.

ev - er - last - mg.



Ps. 136 (II)

Give Thanks to the Lord for He Is Good

REFRAINS: His love is everlasting

For his mercy endures forever

REFRAIN Call tort s)



r~ ~r---r f I

pI His

love., is

ev - er - last - ing. His

love_ is

ev - er - last - mg.

PSALM 136: 1. 3. 16. 21-26.

1. Cantorts)

1. __ Give thanks to the

Lord for __ he_ is good, For his

2. __ Give thanks to the _ Lord, of lords, For his 3. Who led his people thro' the_wil - der - ness, For his


mer - cy en - dures_ for - ev - er. mer - cy en - dures, for - ev - er. mer-cyen - dures.for - ev - er.


+ Ped.

- Ped.

2. Cantort s)


4. __ And made their

land a _ her - 1 - tage, For his

5. __ The heritage of

his servant _ Is - ra - el, For his 6. In our ab - jection he re - mem-bered us, For his


- Ped.


mer- cy en - dures for - ev er.

mer- cy en - dures_for - ever. mer- cy en - dures_for - ev er.




3. Contorts)




7. _And freed us __ fromour foes, For his

8. Who to all L, food, For his

9. _Give thanks to the God.i.of heav'n For his

mer-cy en - dures for ev er. mer-cy en - dures for - ever. mer-cy en - dures_for - ev er.



- Ped.

+ Ped.

REFRAIN Soprano Descant

fR Iove L is ev - er - last mg.
i r------ ----r----r i r
His love_ is ev - er - last - mg. His love.Lis ev - er - last mg.
rit. ·Ped.




By the Streams of Babylon

ANTIPHON: Let my tongue be silenced

I. Cantor or Schola II.All

r r

for - get __ you!

Let _ my tongue be




lenced, if

ev - er I


+ Ped.

PSALM 137: 1-2.3-4.5-6.

Cantor and Schola alternating


------- 1. By the.L; streams of Baby - Ion we sat and _ wept

3. Though there our captors asked of us the _ lyr - ics of our _ songs,

5. Je - ru - salem, if I for -get _ you,


1. when we remembered you, Zi - on.

3. and our despoilers urged us to be joyous:

"Sing for us a song of Zi - on!"

5. may my right hand be for - got - ten!




2. On the as - pens of that _land

4. How could we sing the Lord's_song

6. May my tongue cleave to my palate if I re - mem ber you_ not,

2. we hung up our harps. Ant.
4. III a for - eign land? Ant.
6. if I place not Jerusalem ahead of my JOY· Ant.
J Optional Verses for SATB Choir" ,/fI.

It) -I r ,.. "" W r

2. On the as - pens of that Lland

4. How could we sing the Lord' 6. May my tongue cleave to my palate if I re - mem - ber you _ not,

j, ,J'l\ l> JJ 1_

2. we hung

4. in a

6. if I place not Jerusalem ahead of

our harps. Ant. - eign land? Ant.

JOY. Ant.

* Psalm Tone in Tenor Voice



Ps. 138 (I)

1 Will Give Thanks to You

ANTIPHONS: A Lord, I thank you for your faithfulness and love B In the sight of the angels

A I. Cantor or Schola II. All

fI. I ,....., ~ ~ L

4 -- "! ro I jO ____ i r - r
I. p Lord, thank _ you for your faith - ful - ness_ and _ love.
II. f
I I 1 J I J-J J
e- + Ped. I I r r
B I. Cantor or Schola II: All r

gels will sing _ your prais - es, Lord.

PSALM 138: 1-5. 7-8.

Cantor and Schola alternating





3. I

will give thanks to you, 0 Lord, with _

will worship at your holy temple and give thanks to your name,+ because of your truth and your cc, kind - ness; 5. All the kings of the earth shall give thanks to._____ you, 0 Lord,

7. Your right hand saves me.

all my heart,



things. mouth;


1. for you have heard the words of my

3. for you have made your name and your promise great a - hove all

5. when they hear the words of your

7. The Lord will complete what he has done for


2. in the presence of the an gels

4. When I called you an - swered me;

6. and of the ways of the Lord they shall sing:

8. your kindness, 0 Lord, endures for -



2. will sing your praIse. Ant.
4. you built up strength with - in me. Ant.
6. "Great is the glo - ry of the Lord." Ant.
8. forsake not the work of your hands. Ant.

.----._ Optional Verses for SATB Choir"

2. in the presence of the an gels

4. When I called you an - swered me:

6. and of the ways of the Lord they shall sing;

8. your kindness, 0 Lord, endures for -



lil " '" '"
I~ ~ V P '~ I i
2. I will sing your praise. Ant.
4. you built up strength with - In me. Ant.
6. "Great is the glo -ry of the Lord." Ant.
8. forsake not the work of your hands. Ant.
In! h J) h " I
r' r
* Psalm Tone in Tenor Voice
735 467

Ps. 138 (II)

I Will Give Thanks to You

ANTIPHONS: A Lord, your love is eternal

B Lord, on the day I called for help

A 1. Cantor or Schola II. All

1.p II.!

Lord,your love.; is



do not _ for - sake _ the work of your hands.

e - ter - nal,



B 1. Cantor or Schola II. All

1. P II. !

Lord,_ on the day L,

called., for help,


you an - swered me.

PSALM 138: 1-2.2-3.6-7.7-8.

Cantor and Schola alternating



1. will give thanks to you, 0 Lord, with all

3. will worship at your holy temple and give thanks to

your name, + because of your truth and your_ kind

s. The Lord is exalted, yet he sees the low

7. You stretch out your hand and save

my heart,

ness; ly, me.



all things. far. for me.

1. for you have heard the _

3. for you have made your name and your promise ,.,

s. and the proud he _

7. The Lord will complete what _

words of my great a - bove knows from a

he has done


2. in the presence of the _

4. When I called, you _

6. Though I walk amid distress, you pre -

8. your kindness, 0 Lord, endures for-

an gels

an - swered me;

serve me;

ev er:


your praise. Ant.

me. Ant.

e - mies. Ant. hands. Ant.

2. will sing

4. you built up strength with - in

6. you raise your hand against the anger __ of my en- 8. do not forsake the work of your

Optional Verses for SATE Choir"

2. in the presence of the _

4. When I called, you _

6. Though I walk amid distress, you pre -

8. your kindness, 0 Lord, endures for -

an gels an - swered me;

serve me;

ev er:


"- " " I
~ ~ P \~ r
will sing your praise. Ant.
strength with - in me. Ant.
anger __ of my en - e - mles. Ant.
work of your hands. Ant.
h J) ~ t\ I
r r 2. __

4. you built up 6. you raise your hand against the

8. do not forsake the _

* Psalm Tone in Tenor Voice




o Lord, You Have Probed Me

ANTIPHONS: A I give you thanks

B Guide me, 0 Lord, along the everlasting way

A I. Cantor or Schola II. All

I.p II.t

give you


thanks that

~ r

am won - der - ful - ly made.

B I. Cantor or Schola II. All

Guide_ me, __ 0 Lord,


a - long _ the ev - er - last - mg way.

I.p II.!

+ Ped.

*PSALM 139: 1. 2. 7-10. 13. 14.

Cantor and Schola alternating




1. 0 Lord, you have probed me and you know me.+ you know when I sit and

3. If I go up to the heavens, _

5. Tru - ly, you have formed my inmost _

when you be

I stand; are there; m;


1. from afar you un - der - stand my thoughts.

3. if I sink to the nether world, you are pres - ent there.

5. you knit me in my moth - er's womb.

* These psalm verses may also be sung with the Antiphon Lord, I thank you for your faithfulness and love, No. 466.



2. Where can I go from your _

4. If I take the wings of dawn, + if I settle at the

farthest limits of the sea,

6. I give you thanks that I am fearfully, wonderfully made;

spir - it?

can flee? Ant.
hold me fast. Ant.
are your works. Ant. 2. From your pres - ence where

4. even there your hand shall guide me,

and your.i.right hand

6. won - der - ful


Optional Verses for SATB Choir"

2. Where can I go from your _

4. If I take the wings of dawn,! if I settle at the

farthest limits of the _

6. I give you thanks that I am fearfully, wonderfully _

SpIT - it?

sea, made;


./ II. I " "'- "'- L
V ~ V p ~ r
2. From your pres - ence where can flee? Ant.
4. even there your hand shall guide me,
and YOUL right hand hold me fast. Ant.
6. won - der - ful are your works. Ant.
In! h _.b_ D_ _b. 1 '* Psalm Tone in Tenor Voice



Ps. 145 (I)

I Will Extol You, 0 My God and King

RESPONSES: A You open your hand to feed us, Lord B The Lord is compassionate

C The Lord is Near to those who call on him

Call tor or Scliola

~ r t I l±Ji-H )
1. I will ex - tol you, 0 my Cod L, and ___ F=;J II







You 0 - pen your hand - to feed us, Lord, and an - swer all_ our needs.


The Lord _ is com - pas - sian - ate

to all_ his crea


+ Ped.









near Lc;

to those who call __ on


+ Ped.

PSALM 145: 2.3. 8. 9. 15-18.

Cantor or Schola

Graduale Simplex

B 2. Every day 1 will _

B 3. Great is the Lord and highly to be _

A B 4. The Lord is gracious and _

A B 5. The Lord is _

A 6. The eyes of all look hopefully to _

A 7. You open your _

A B 8. The Lord is just in

A B 9. The Lord is near to all who _

bless you,
mer - CI - ful,
good to all
all his ways
call on him,
------ and forever 1 will praise L, your

unsearchable is the great - ness of__ the

slow to anger and abounding in stead fast

and compassionate toward all__ his

and in due season you give them _ their

and satisfy the desire of ev - 'ry liv 109

and holy 10 all__ his

to all who call up - on him _ 10

B 2. B 3.

A B 4. A B S.

A 6.

A 7.

A B 8. A B 9.

name.L, Response B Lord._ Response B love._ Response A B works.L, Response A B food. _ Response A thing.Lc, Response A works.L, Response A B truth.Lc, Cantor: "I

will exto 1. ."

All: Response A B



Ps. 145 (II)

I Will Extol You, 0 My God and King

ANTIPHONS: A I will praise your name forever

B Your friends tell the glory of your kingship, Lord

A L Cantor or Schola II. All

.If1J,1, L. L. _

r I 1



I. P I will

II. f


pra1se_ your


name_ for - ev



r-r· ~

Kingt., and _ my lad.

1.--1 1

+Ped. I

B I. Cantor or Schola II. All








r· r

king - ship, Lord.

PSALM 145: 1-2.8-13.17.18.

Cantor and Schola alternating


A 1. I __ will_

A 3. The _ Lord L;

A B 5. All_ your_ A B 7. To __ make i,

B 9. The_ Lord L

extol you, 0 my God and King,

1S gra - cious and mer - ci - ful,

works shall give __ thanks to you, 0 Lord,

known to all peo - ple your might -y deeds,

1S just in all his wa s

1. and forever and ever will bless your name.
3. slow to anger and a - bound -ing ill stead-fast Iove.L.,
5. and all your saints shall bless you.Lc,
7. and the glorious splendor of the_ king dom that is yours.c,
9. and ho - Iy ill -all his works.c, 742

A 2. Every day will bless you,
A 4. The Lord is good to all,
AB 6. Of the glory of the k~ng dom they shall speak,
AB 8. Your kingdom IS e _ ter nal,
B 10. The Lord is near to those who call on him, 2. and forever and ever I will praise your name. _ Ant. A
4. and his compassion is over all that he has made. _ Ant. A
6. and tell of your power., Ant. A B
8. and for _ ev er you are king. _ Ant. A B
10. to all who call up _ on him In truth._ Ant. B Optional Verses for SATE Choir" '/"ltt


It) A _p 'V' ~ P 'P' I

A 2. Every day I will bless you,

A 4. The Lord is good to all,

A B 6. Of the glory of the king dom they shall speak,

A B 8. Your kingdom IS e _ ter nal,

B 10. The Lord is near to those who call on him,

) (») 1> .b (J» J

II \v' II II I

2. and forever and ever I will praise your name._Ant. A
4. and his compassion IS over all that he has made._Ant. A
6. and tell of your power.c Axz. A B
8. and for _ ev er you are king._Ant. A B
10. to all who call up _ on him In truth._Ant. B • Psalm Tone in Tenor Voice




Forever the Lord God Keeps His Faith

ANTIPHONS: A Lord, come and save us

B Praise the Lord, 0 my soul C Happy the poor in spirit

A I. Cantor or Schola II. All

,/ 1'1 lo+ +t r-1 r1 L.


r' f

I. P Lord.i, come.and save _ us.

II. f



<, + Ped. I

C I. Cantor or Schola II. All



B I. Cantor or Schola II. All

1'1 ~ +t .-., t'l rn

I r f

I~:j Praise.the Lord.L O_my soul!

J-J~J. I



+ Ped.

I.p II.!

Hap - py the poor_ In spir - it,

r' r

the king- dom of heav - en IS theirs.

PSALM 146: 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.


1. For - ev - er the Lord God keeps faith,

3. The Lord gives sight to the blind;

5. The fa - therless and widows he sus - tains,

~ rl


1. secures justice for the op - pressed;

3. the Lord raises up those that were bowed down;

5. but the way of the wick ed he thwarts.


2. gives food to the hun gry.

4. the Lord loves the just;

6. The Lord shall reign for - ev er ,


2. The Lord sets cap - tives free. Ant.

4. the Lord pro - tects stran gers. Ant.

6. your God, 0 Sion, through_ all gen - er - a tions. Ant.

Optional Verses for SATE Choir"

2. gives food to the hun gry.
4. the Lord loves the just;
6. The Lord shall reign for - ev er ,
; ) (1) ) J
!}f# P r I
~ P ""f'I~tt 1\ t'I. 1\ " ... I
It.. r Io" 1.1 "" II I
2. The Lord sets cap - tives free. Ant.
4. the Lord pro - tects stran gers. Ant.
6. your God, 0 Sion, through L. all gen - er - a tions. Ant.
h ;»\ 1> h {1>\ J * Psalm Tone in Alto Voice



Ps. 147 (I)

Praise the Lord for He Is Good

ANTIPHONS: A The Word of God became man and lived among us B Praise the Lord, Jerusalem

A 1. Cantor or Schola II. All

B 1. Cantor or Schola II. All


Praise the Lord, Je - ru - sa -Iern.


mong L us.

and lived L, a

Schola alone after last repetition of

Antiphon B r.'\

Praise the Lord, J e - ru - sa - lern.

1>; 1> )J;

PSALM 147: 1. 13. 14-15. 19-20.


l. Praise the Lord for he IS good;
3. He has granted peace in your bar ders,
5. He has proclaimed his word to Ja cob,
~ 1. sing praise to our God for _

3. with the best of _

5. his statutes and his ordinan -

he .r
IS gra ClaUS.
wheat he fills you.
ces to Is - ra - el. 746

2. For he has strengthened the bars of your 4. He sends forth his command to the

6. He has not done thus for any other _

gates; earth;

na - tion ,

2. he has blessed your chil - dren with - III you. Ant.
4. 'J' swift - ly runs his word! Ant.
6. his ordinances he has not made known to them. Ant. Optional Verses for SATE Choir"

2. For he has strengthened the bars of your _

4. He sends forth his command to the

6. He has not done thus for any other _

gates; earth;

na - tion ,

~ r

dren with - in you. Ant.

swift -!y runs his word! Ant. not made known to them. Ant.

2. he has blessed your chi! - 4.

6. his ordinances he has _

* Psalm Tone in Tenor Voice



Ps. 147 (II)

Praise the Lord for He Is Good

ANTIPHON: Praise the Lord who heals the broken-hearted

1. Cantor or Schola II. All


I.p II.f

Praise _

the Lord who heals _ the bro - ken - heart




PSALM 147: 1-2.3-4. 5-6.

Cantor and Schola alternating



1. Praise the Lord for he is good;+ sing praise
to our God, for he IS __ gra - cious.
3. He heals the broken - heart - ed
5. Great IS our Lord and mighty in pow - er,

!! J 1. it is fit - ting to

3. and binds up

5. there IS no limit to his

praise him. their wounds. wis - dom.


ru stars; low

sa - lem,

2. The Lord rebuilds Je - 4. He tells the number of 6. The Lord sustains the



2. he gathers the dis -

4. he _

6. the wicked he _

persed of calls each

casts to

Is - ra - el. Ant.

by name. Ant.

the ground. Ant.

Op tional Verses for SA TB Choir"

2. The Lord rebuilds J e - ru - sa - lern,
4. He tells the number of stars;
6. The Lord sustains the low ly ,
j) )l J 2. he gathers the dis - persed of

4. he calls each

6. the wicked he casts to

Is - ra - el.

by name.

the ground.

Ant. Ant. Ant .

• Psalm Tone in Alto Voice


474 Exodus 15

My Strength and My Courage Is the Lord

ANTIPHONS: A I will sing to the Lord

B Pharaoh's chariots he has cast into the sea

I. Cantor or Schola II. All

,/ '" I r-'"'I '" r"1 " ~ t l_

_h__h_lll ~

I 1------- I----Vl

I _ will sing _ to the Lord for he IS


r glo

r I

rious -Iy tri - urn - phant.

I.p II.!




I +Ped.






Phar - aoh's_char - i - ots

he has cast _

in - to

the sea.

EXODUS 15: 2 -6. 17. 18.

Can tor and / or Schola

Flex +


1. My_ strength and my cour-age IS the Lord,

2. He _ is __ my God, I praise him;+ the God of

my father.L, 1 ex-tol him.

1. and he has _

2. The Lord is a warrior, _

been my say - ior. __

Lord is his name .. .':_

Antiphon next page "I will sing .. "



Optional Verse for SATB Voices"

,.. I I

to.. I
r ~ r 1I I
the God of my father, ex - tol him.
: )J)J), J
D D D F l tJ r"l i

2. He is my God, I praisc.L; him;

*Psalm Tone in Tenor Voice

2. The Lord is a warrior, _

Lord IS

j) ),

p p

his name. _ Ant. below,

~ "] will sing ... "

~ r=r I


I _ will sing _ to

for he IS glo - rious -ly tri - urn - phant.

l~~~-.~·· ~i ~~~~F ~.~~~7 r~~

+ Ped. F

Cantor and / or Schola

3. Phar - 4.

aoh's _ chariots and army he __ hurled in - to the sea;

The flood wa - ters coy - ered them,

; ; J


3. the elite of his officers were submerged _ in the Red Sea. __

4. they sank into the depths like a stone.Li,

@!. Ant. p. 752 "Phara~'s chariots ... "


Optional Verse for SATB Voices *

.-' fI I 1\



IV ~ D IJ ~ Ii ~ I

4. The flood wa - ters cov - ered them,

they sank into

the c, depths like a stone.L Antiphon below, "Pharaoh's chariot ... "

r r r

* Psalm Tone in Tenor Voice



the sea.

Phar - aoh's..char _ i _ ots

he has cast ~

in _ to


Cantor and/or Sclzola


5. Your.; right.; hand, 0 Lord, magnifi - cent In pow _ er,

6. You brought in the people you redeemed +

and planted them on the mountain of _ your in _ her _ i _ tance.

>_ Your right hand has shattered the en _ e _ my, 0 Lord. __

6. Forever and ev _ er the Lord will reIgn. __

Antiphons below, "I will sing ... " and "Pharaoh's chariots .. '.'



Optional Verse for SATB Voices /f\. I



r ro

6. You brought in the and planted them on the

people you re-deemed/ mountain of

your in - her - i - tance.

)J jJ)J jJJ


6. Forever and ev - er

the Lord will reign._

Antiphons below. "I will sing ... " and "Pharaoh's chariots ... "


I'll ~ '" i1 " ",L I -" ~ ,- T l '" '" ril
u I 1 ______ I -~"-1 r I r 1
I_ will Sll1g _ to the Lord for he is glo rious - ly tri - urn - phant.
J---.L----rJ J. J rJ ------.J -- J J I






I the sea.

Phar - aoh's i.char - i - ots

he has cast _




Daniel 3

Blessed Are You, 0 Lord

RESPONSE: Glory and praise forever!

Cantor or Schola


Blessed __ are you, _ 0 Lord.


Glo - ry and praise_for - ev - er!



DANIEL 3: 52a. 52b. 53. 54. 55. 56.

Cantor or Schola

Graduale Simplex

1. Blessed are you, 0 Lord, the God of our fa thers,
2. and blessed is your holy and glo nous name,
3. Blessed are you in the temple of your holy glo ry,
4. Blessed are you on the throne of your king dom,
5. Blessed are you who look into the depths from
your throne upon the cher - u - bim,
6. Blessed are you in the firmament of heav en, jq r
1. praiseworthy and exalted above all for - ev er , Resp.
2. praiseworthy and exalted above all for all a ges.Resp.
3. praiseworthy and glorious above all for - ev er. Resp.
4. praiseworthy and exalted above all for - ev er. Resp.
5. praiseworthy and exalted above all for - ev er. Resp.
6. praiseworthy and gIo - rious for - ev er. Resp. 754

Alternate Setting for SATB Choir"

1. Blessed are you, 0 Lord, the God of our fa thers,
2. and blessed is your holy and glo nous name,
3. Blessed are you in the temple of your holy glo rv
, '
4. Blessed are you on the throne of your king dam.
5. Blessed are you who look into the depths from
your throne upon the cher u - bim,
6. Blessed are you in the firmament of heav en,
Io! 1. prasieworthy and exalted above er , Resp.
2. praiseworthy and exalted above for a ges.Resp.
3. praiseworthy and glorious above for - ev er. Resp.
4. praiseworthy and exalted above for - ev er. Resp.
5. praiseworthy and exalted above for - ev er. Resp.
6. praiseworthy and - nous for - ev er. Resp.
Response below
A ; * Chanting Formula in Alto Voice

Optional eliding following Verse 6

Soprano Descan t

Glo - ry and praise_ for - ev - er!

Call tor or Scliola

~1 J JcJ

II~ l l )
Jl Jl II

Blessed __

P; ..J..

~., r r·

are you, _ 0 Lord.

Glo - ry and f


II~ ~.

praise ; for - e\' er '



+ Ped.



Isaiah 12

Behold, God Is My Salvation

ANTIPHONS: A With joy you will draw water

B In your midst is the great and Holy One of Israel

A I.CantororSchola Il.All

I.p With JOY_ you will draw wa - ter from the wells_ of sal - va tion.
II. f J J ~~--J
;Ere d~~ J~r-'~
<F -- r> ~
r r B 1. Cantor or Schola II. All



your midst is the great and ~

Ho - ly One .-------


ISAIAH 12: 2-6.

Cantor and Schola alternating



1. Be - hold.i; God is my

3. With joy_ you will draw water

from the., wells 5. Sing prais - es to the Lord, for_ he



tion ,

of sal - va tion.

has done glo - rious - ly,

+ Ped.

1. I will trust and will not be

3. Give thanks to the Lord, call ~p - on

5. let this be known ill all

a - fraidr.L; his name.Lc, the earth.L;


2. For the Lord is my strength and my_ song,
4. Among the nations make known his L; deeds,
6. Inhabitants of Sian, shout and smg for L, JOY,
; 2. and he has been my say - mg Lord..., Ant.
4. proclaim how exalt ed IS his name.i, Ant.
6. for great in your midst is the Holy One __ of Is - ra - el. __ Alit.
J Optional Verses for SATB Choir

G. P. da Palestrina, + 1594. (Adapt.)

and my song,


2. For the Lord is my __ strength.L and my song,
4. Among the nations __ make __ known his deeds,
6. Inhabitants of Sian, _ shout and sing for JOY,
~ ; .0. 0 *

2. and he has been L, my_ say - mg Lord.(ing Lord.) Alit.
4. proclaim how ex alt ed _ IS his name. (his name .)A II t.
6. For great in your midst
is the L; Ho - ly One of Is ra el. (ra - el.) Alit.
PI ;~; J _d_ * Last syllable at the measure bar is sung by Sopranos and Basses; Altos and Tenors sing last syllables as shown ill parentheses.


Luke 1

My Soul Magnifies the Lord

Mary's Canticle - Magnificat ANTIPHONS: A Hail Mary, full of grace

B My soul rejoices in my God


I. Cantor or Schola II. All


l.p II.!


- y, full of grace, blessed

a - mong


LUKE 1: 46-55.

Canticle verses - Cantor and Schola alternating

f\ I ~

T.8 Sol.



1. My ___

2. for he_ has L, regarded the lowliness _

3. For he.L, who., is mighty _

4. And his L, mer - cy is _

5. He has_ shown strength with his arm,+

he has confused the __ proud in _ their in - most thoughts;

6. he has L, filled.; the hun - gry_ with good _ things

7. He has L, helped Is - ra - el.,., his ser vant,

8. as he_ prom - ised.; to L our fa thers,

DOX.: Glo- ry be_ to the Fa - ther., and toc., the Son,

As it_ was.L in the beginning, is now, and L ev - er shall L; be,

soul , mag - ni - fies., the Lord of_ his- hand-maid - en; has.L done great things for me,

on_ those who fear him

f\ I



I _ I



i r I



I -I



1. and my spmt rejoices in God, my Say lor,
2. for behold, henceforth all generations will ___ call me bless ed. Ant.
3. and ho - ly IS his name.
4. from generation to gen - er - a tion. Ant.
5. he has put down the mighty from their thrones/
and exalted., those of low de - gree;
6. and the rich he has sent emp - ty a way. Ant.
7. in remembrance of his mer cy;
8. to Abraham and his seed for - ev er. Ant.
and to the Ho - ly Spir it.
world with - out end. A- men. Ant. i

Optional Verses for SATE Choir

2. for he has regarded the low - li -

4. And his mercy IS

6. he has filled the

8. as he

DOX.; As it was in the beginning, _ IS

ness _ of his on _those who hun - gry with prom-ised to our now and ev - er


en; him things thers,


hand - maid

fear _

good __ fore - fa more shall

,.., fI I l.J 1'> .h -- t\ I I I _.h.1 _l J ..l!!!!!a
V 2. for behold, r r I r I I I r I I I
henceforth all gen - er - a tions will call me bless - ed. Ant.
4. from gen - er - a tion to gen er a tion. Ant.
6. and the rich _ he has sent _ emp ty a way. Ant.
8. to A - bra - ham _ and his seed for - ev er. Ant.
world _ with-out end. A men. Ant.
In! »j) ~:--)1 J J. ~ .J ;
r r 1'-1 __. A through-composed setting of My Soul Magnifies the Lord for Congregation, SATB Voices and Organ. will be found all the pages that follow. The Antiphon is the same as at No. 477 above.


Luke 1

My Soul Magnifies the Lord

Mary's Canticle - Magnificat ANTIPHONS: A Hail Mary, full of grace

B My soul rejoices in my God


LUKE 1: 46-55.

I. Cantor or Schola II. All



Mar - y, full of grace, blessed are

soul re

you a - mong.,

J01C - es


worn - my_


I r ---",r, ---Sop.

1. 2. m





soul _ mag - ni - fies the Lord and my spir - it re-


- Ped.

God, my Say



he has re - gard - ed the




- ness of his _ hand - maid


for be -

1\ .. I I __l
It) I I I I I I I I
hold, hence - forth all gen -er - a - tions will
It 1\ .. I J I~ J---l ; J 1 ~ 4 J
It) I~II r i r I I I I (' I I I I I
D. .0· _._ --.. I .. -

rit. e dim.


call _


me _ bless


ed. _

t II




a tempo

T. and B.


Mar-y, full of grace , blessed are you a - mong_wom - en.

soul . re joic - es in _ my_ God.

r r


I ._ I
he who 1S might - y-- has done_ great things for me, and
v II of
tJ mp r ... ~. -4-. r ~ i • u:
r r 9- ~
I 1 I I
- Ped. I I I r r r I I ho - ly

is his name.

And his mer - cy 1S on _ those who



·L: !..o. d_-J J I I J I~ I I I I -
I I I I I - 1 r r r ~ ~
fear him_ from gen-er - a - tion __ to gen-er - a tion.
"l~ I I
, 1 I - o-~r -- r rr;tr 0-
~; 1 ~ J } I I r~t. I I I I
1 &_______.r r ~.
f a tempo
1\ ..
it... -_./ ---......::_ __ v I I '--
A Hail.:..... Mar-y,full of grace,blessed are you a - mong_wom - en.
B My_ soul re joic - es in __my_ God.
~ 1\ ~ I I I I
,tJ Col ~~~r ~ ~ ~ d~~·J ~ ~ S mf r__Gr
f a tempo ...
t' I
"- 'I ~------r I I I I r .I 1\ .. [ill Vigorously
I I I .......-. I
t. S. A. f He has shown I I I I I
strength. with his arm;
T. B. f>- >- ~ ~ ~
He has con - fused the
V _I\ ~ I I I J I I I
tJ r I. ~ r , , , 1 , 1 r----
------- 1 1 J 1 ~ J J ; 1 1 Jl J.~
. Ped. ,-----
763 ,/ r. ;;- I I I
he has put down - the might - y
." • r:» ._ ...l
proud in their In - most thoughts; he has put down the might
v I\. of I I l I 1 1 1 ...l ...l
tJ --~, -r' &_ .;r r r . r

----- J ; J J"----"'_
'-"I 1 I I I I rit.
I\. ~ I I"" J 1 I I I --
It) I I I I I I I r I r r r· r
from their thrones;
~~_.- -
Y and ex -alt - ed those _ of low de - gree;
1I1\. of I I j rit. tJ ill I I ---, r 1 .. r. ~:

b. d • ~ : I~. J <>0~ J J J I F r ? I, ; i

-, + Ped. r



a tempo


" fl. .. I 11"1 j _d J I I I ~l 1 -
t) I I I~ I 1- ___ I I I I~I r f-...--:

he_ has filled _ the hun - gry with good_ things.
a tempo
-.......... • 1!' • ? --. ---
r-- He has filled the hun - gry, and.; the_
1I '" .. I J I
It) 1 I I I • I I • r~
fJ I I .,. :lempo J .J I J ~ J ~ J 1
· .
1 I I r r I I I I r

"' ... n.
_---.... -- rit. P I r.'\ PP,
t' I I 1 I - I OLJI ~
rich _ he_ has_ sent emp - ty a - way.
"' ... r.'\
If.) -f, jm.
I rit. ~---J j
J I 1 1 1 I I I J r.'\
-, r I I I I I I I I i .,. I r ~ All I r.'\
f.) .. ___.. -..........:::. - _C#I - 1 1 --.:
A Hail_ Mar - y,full of grace,blessed are you a - mong_ worn - en.
B My_ soul re JOIC - es In _rny_ God. I



1'" r .... 1.t I I r

I J J J J ~; J J 1 oJ





r r r r I





W Slower
S. A. 1 ~ 1 1 1 1
./fllot I I I I I L 1 1 1 J I
V mp 1 1 1 1 1 1 r j'--r ~ I I I 1 '-r I
He has helped Is - ra - el,_ his ser - vant, _ In_ re - mem-brance of _ his
fI lot· ..-...... I _l -= ~ mp I

He has helped Is - ra - el, _ his



ser - vant,_




re - mem-brance of _ his ~...._ ..-.




rit. ~J
,/fllot I I J 1 1 -rr-. 1 ~
Iv 1--1 1'-1 I I I I I I I I I
mer - cy; __ as he prom ised to our fa thers, _
fllot - I - -
mer - cy; as _ he prom ised_ to our fa thers. _
>- >- >-. >- >- >-
I I I he prom ised our fa thers,
as - to - seed for - ev er.
r.» 1,-...1 I I I I I I I I"="
V ~ I r--!.,..../I I r r r j'~r 1 I
to_ A bra - ham and his seed for - ev - er.

fllot ~ I"="
~ I I I I -- I I
to_ A bra - ham and his seed_ for - ev er.
I I I I - I"="
to A bra - ham and his seed for ev er.
766 DOXOLOGY Optional

to the Fa - ther, and to _ the Son,

in the beginning, is now.i, and ev - er shall_ be,

j") r r


ANTIPHON Last time

and to the __ Ho - ly Spir - it.

world with - out end. A - men.

Hail __ My __

Mar - y, full of

soul _



Soprano descant Hail, full of grace.
r-. Fine
a - mong.L. worn en.
es in __ my_ God.

J 1 J &.
v 767

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