Art of Warfare: All Purpose Interactive Campaign System

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Art of Warfare

All Purpose Interactive Campaign System

By Nikolaj P. P.

v1.5, August 1, 2002 (updated July 30. 2009)


 Disclaimer

 Introduction

 Glossary

 The Game Sequence

 The Turn Sequence

 The Rules

 The Program

 Main Screen

 Player Menu Screen

 Report Screen

 Map Screen

 Urban Screen

 Detachment Screen

 Squad Screen

 Stronghold Screen

 Battle Screen

 Rules Changes

 How to...

o Create a new campaign / start a new game

o Start playing a new campaign


 That's all


Note that all Warhammer 40K and Warhammer Fantasy products are © Games Workshop Ltd. All
names are registered trademarks. All rights are reserved Games Workshop Ltd.
No challenge is implied or intended in any way. This game and the rules used are unofficial and
meant as a supplement only.

Armybuilder is 1998-2009 © Lone Wolf Developments, and all rights are reserved Lone Wolf


This is the help file for the Art of Warfare - All Purpose Interactive Campaign System software.
Note that it is possible to play this game without Warhammer 40K/Warhammer Fantasy
miniatures/rules etc. or without Armybuilder, but it is recommend that these are used as a part of
this game. WH40K is produced by Games workshop ( A free
demo version of Armybuilder can be downloaded at
The game and the rules used are created for playing minature battles (such as Warhammer 40K,
Epic 40K, Warhammer Fantasy, Warmaster, etc.) as a campaign. I have got inspiration from other
suggestions for campaigns at the internet and from different strategy games, but basically this is my
own ideas and my own work.
Please post any comments or suggestions at either the WH40K campaign discussion forum:
or the WHF campaign discussion forum:

The main idea of the campaign is that it can be played by multiple players (this version supports a
maximum ten players). The players give orders to their armies simultaneously, and the orders are
carried out simultaneously, so the standard 'player 1 takes a turn, then player 2 a turn, then ...'
structure is avoided. Thus a large number of players can play against each other without having to
wait for each player to move his armies etc.

In the game this works by each players giving his movement orders, that are saved in a file, which
is then e-mailed to a 'Game Master' (GM). He runs the program which carries out the movement
orders (secretly) and saves the results in files, that are returned to the players. They are then able to
see the status of the game, and which battles they have to fight. The players then have to meet and
fight the battles as minature battles, and mail the results to the host. Alternatively the computer can
generate the results, if it is inconvenient to play a 'real' battle, or if the game is played as a pure
strategy game, without any miniature battles. When all battles have been fought, the GM mails
result files to the players, and a new turn begins.

I am very interested in any feedback regarding the game, rules, questions etc. This is discussed at
the forums mentioned above.

This is a freeeware game, and intended to be free for all to use. I mainly wrote it for fun, and
because I like the idea of a minature battles campaign with some strategic aspects, instead of the
normal narrative campaigns. It has been a lot of work (much more than I expected when I began - it
has taken more than two years to complete; the program itself amounts to nearly 30,000 lines of
handwritten code...), but I think that it has been worth it (after all, it was great fun to do...).

Updates and new versions of the program will be announced at the above mentioned campaign
discussion e-groups.

The program, as well as updates etc. can be downloaded from

Note: the screenshots in the text below are from v1.1. This means that the current program screens
may vary slightly from the ones shown. This should not cause any problems, though.

I hope you'll enjoy it!

Nikolaj P. P., August 1. 2002


A lot of specific terms are used in the following. This list is intended as a reference:

 BP - Build Points. Points used to pay the cost to build, upgrade and repair
detachments, garrisons, Urban Hexes etc. Urban hexes and convoys can store BP. 1 BP = 1
(WH40K/WHF) point of cost for models.

 Buildings - A number of different buildings can be built in an urban hex, including

barracks, factories etc.

 Capital - Each player has one urban hex, which is his capital. When the first player
loses his capital the game ends and the player automatically loses. The winner is the player
with the most VP.

 City – (also referred to as ‘Urban Hex’) A hex with an urban settlement. 4 size
categories: Village, Town, City or Metropolis. Can store BP. A hex cannot be both an urban
hex and a resource hex (i.e.. cannot contain both city and resource).

 Complexity - An indicator of how long time it takes to built a specific detachment. A

lot of troops/core regiments give low complexity, while a lot of other choices (Elite/Special,
etc.) increases it.

 Controlled hex - A hex is controlled by a player when he has claimed it ( i.e. he

'owns' it).

 Convoy - A unit that moves BP. Can be created in any urban hex. No build cost. In
fantasy settings called ‘Baggage Trains’

 Detachment - A WH40K standard detachment. In fantasy settings called ‘Armies’

 DXP - Detachment Experience Points. Gained by a detachment when it fights in a

battle. Used to determine the Rank of a detachment.

 Fortification – (also referred to as a ‘Stronghold’) Defensive constructions in a hex. 3

size categories: Camp, Fortification and Fortress. A player can only build a fortress in the
hex where his Capital is located.

 Garrison - A small force assigned to a Fortification.

 GM - Game Master. The person who 'runs' the game (i.e. acts as a 'host').

 MV - Movement Rate. Indicates how many movement points a unit has. Normally
between 4 and 8.

 phase - game phase. Each game turn has four phases: build, movement, battle order
and battle-resolvement. The game-resolvement-phase is only used if battles are fought as
WH40K battles (otherwise the computer generate the battle results).

 plr-file - player file. The file created when a player gives orders (i.e. 'does his game
phase'). The GM receives a plr-file from each player, and he can then proceed to the next
game phase (thereby creating a turndata-file). The name of a plr-file include the players no.
in the game and the no. of the plr-file, as follows: pl{player no.}-[{file no.}].plr (ie. plr-file
no. 11 from player no. 2 is called: 'pl2-[11].plr').

 Rank - A detachment can have one of five ranks, depending on the DXP earned:
Green, Veteran, Hardened Veteran, Elite and Ultra Elite. The rank determines the max. size
of the Detachment.

 Rare - Some special units, models or items are considered 'rare'. Each player can have
no more than one of each 'rare' unit, model etc. in his entire army (for instance a Dark Eldar
player can have a max. of one Shadow Field in his army) for each 5 detachments or cities of

size 3 or higher (whichever is lower). Should not be confused with Warhammer Fantasy
'Rare' choices

 Resource Hex - A hex containing valuable resources, such as minerals etc. 6 size
categories: Tiny, Small, Medium, Large, Huge and Abundant. Produces a number of BP each
turn (100-250, depending on size). A hex cannot be both an urban hex and a resource hex
(i.e.. cannot contain both city and resource).

 turndata-file - file created by the GM each game phase (so the name is actually a bit
misleading) and distributed to each player. The name of the file is 'turndata.g-m'.

 Urban Hex – other name for ‘City’ (see above)

 Stronghold – other name for ‘Fortification’ (see above)

 Very Rare - Some special units, models or items are considered 'very rare'. Each
player can have no more than one of each 'very rare' unit, model etc. in his entire army. If a
'very rare' unit etc. is lost, then a new one cannot be built in the next 2 turns (i.e. a new one
can first be built after 3 turns). Should not be confused with 'rare' (see above).

 VP - Campaign Victory Points. Each player gets VP for winning battles. Note: VP are
not the same as the victory points used to determine the winner of a minature battle.

 ZOC - Zone Of Control. An army's zone of control is the hex it occupies, and all
adjacent hexes, except adjacent hexes that are occupied by an enemy army. Detachments
and garrisons have a ZOC and blocks ZOC in the hex they occupy. Convoys, Resource
Hexes and Urban Hexes alone does not exert ZOC.

The Game Sequence

The Game Sequence is as follows:

1. The GM runs Campaign.exe and checks if he can proceed to next game phase (i.e.. if
he has received all the plr-files he needs. Note: the plr-files must be in the correct game
directory). He then proceeds to the next phase, thereby creating a turndata-file. This file is
distributed to all players (an easy way is to zip it and send it by e-mail, or upload it to an
Internet site, so the players can get it there).

2. Each player receives a copy of the turndata-file (containing the results of the orders of
all the players given in the previous phase) and move it to the relevant game directory. He
then runs Campaign.exe and gives his orders, thereby creating a plr-file. This file is then
sent to the GM.

The Turn Sequence

Each game turn consist of the following:

1. Build phase - Orders for new constructions are given by the players. This include
build/upgrade urban hexes or strongholds, and construction of new detachments, garrisons
and convoys. Note that the orders are not carried out until the GM creates a turndata file.

2. Movement phase - Movement orders are given to units (i.e. detachments and
convoys) by the players. Note that the orders are not carried out until the GM creates a
turndata file.

3. GM receives plr-files and creates a new turndata file, which is distributed to each

4. Battle order phase - Battle orders are given to the detachments by the players. Note
that the orders are not carried out until the GM creates a turndata file. This phase is
sometimes omitted if here is no possibility for any battles to occur (normally if no
detachments are adjacent to any enemy units) to speed up the game (i.e.. the players don't
have to give any battle orders which have no effect anyway).

5. GM receives plr-files and creates a new turndata file, which is distributed to each

6. Battle resolvement phase - Only if one or more battles occur as a result of the battle
orders. The involved players fight the battles as WH40K battles and enter the results in the
game. Alternatively, the computer can generate the battle results. If this is the case, then this
phase is omitted.

7. GM receives plr-files and creates a new turndata file, which is distributed to each

8. A new turn begins.

The Rules

The rules of the campaign game is explained in the

Campaign Rules.rtf file

Note that all dice rolls will be done by the computer. The only exception is dice rolls in a WH40K
battle fought between players.

The program itself, as well as the game mechanics, will be explained below.

The Program

In the following the main screens encountered during the game will be discussed.
Most af the explanations will be short (there it is quite a bit to write for me, after all...), and the best
way to learn the game mechanics is to do it through the game anyway. But as some of the aspects of
the game are a bit complicated, I have included the following explanations with screen shots.
Especially the Examples included below should be read, as they often explain some very important

Main Screen

This is the startup screen.

Click here to view screenshot: pic\main_screen.jpg

Current Campaign Directory.(not 'Current Game Directory' as stated above) It is possible to play
in multiple campaigns simultaneously (for instance one campaign where all battles are fought as
minature battles by the players, which result in a somewhat slow campaign, best suited for a small
map, and another campaign, where the computer takes care of all battles, thus allowing a larger map
and a faster progress). Each campaign must have a corresponding sub directory. By selecting a
directory from the list, the corresponding campaign is chosen.

Delete Dir. Delete the current Campaign Directory from the list. Note that this only delete it from
the list in the program. You can always add it again later. If you wish the directory with its files
'really' deleted, then you have to do it with Windows commands etc.

Add Dir. Adds a new directory to the list of available Campaign Directories.

Continue Campaign. Continue playing the campaign selected by 'Current Campaign Directory'.

Create New Campaign. This button creates a new campaign. Note: this is only used when the GM
wants to create an entirely new campaign, it is not used when a player starts playing a new
campaign (see example below).

GameMaster. Used by GM when its time to proceed to the next phase.

Exit. Closes the program.

To start as a player in a new campaign. Let's assume the WH40Kcampaign program is located in the
First, click on the ‘Add Dir’ button. Then enter the name of the new subdirectory (the campaign dir
- in this example called 'newcampaign') corresponding to the new campaign. The name of the
campaign dir is provided by the GM (it must be the same folder name as he has used when he
created the campaign). Note that only the folder name is entered - not the full path (in this example
only ‘newcampaign’ is entered).
The folder C:\games\40Kcampaign\newcampaign\ is now created, and 'newcampaign' is added to
the directory list next to 'Current Campaign Directory'.

(Note: All turndata-files for this campaign received from the GM must be copied to this directory.
Similarly, all plr-files the GM need for this campaign is found in this directory.)
'newcampaign' can now be selected by 'Current Game Directory', and by hitting 'Continue
Campaign', the game is on.

Player Menu Screen

You come to this screen when 'Continue Campaign' is selected.

Click here to view screenshot: pic\player_menu.jpg

To start giving orders, first enter your password (if you have any), and then select your name in the
player list.
'Clear' clears the password text.
After each players name is shown how many VP the player has scored so far.
'(Plr-file exists)' indicate, that the player already has given orders for the current phase. It is possible
to give new orders (i.e. create a new plr-file). This cancels all previous orders (i.e. you start all over
on the phase). However, in the the battle phase (see below), you have the option to load the old plr-
file, and continue with the battle results already given. Note, however, that when the GM has
received your plr-file, you cannot change your orders anymore.

Report Screen

Information from the processing of the previous phase.

Click here to view screenshot: pic\report.jpg

Shows the result of the orders given, as they are carried out, as well as other information from the
result process of the GM.
It is well worth it to quickly read through the messages before you start a new phase.

If you get a message saying that your plr-file is not needed by the GM, then it means that he can go
to the next phase and create a new turndata file without having to get a plr file from you first. This
often happens if for instance 3 players play a campaign, and only two of them have adjacent units in
the battle order phase. Then the 3rd players plr file (containing his battle orders) is not needed, as he
has no chance to get in battle anyway.

Map Screen

The main screen during play (note that the map graphics have since been improved :-). It consists of
three windows: The Map Window to the left, the Message window at the top to the right, and the
'Mapkey' Window below the Message Window.

Click here to view screenshot: pic\map_small.jpg

The Map Window: The left window shows the map. It consists of hexes, each with a different type
of terrain.
Right clicking with the mouse centers the map on the hex clicked on.
Left clicking moves the cursor to the hex clicked on. If the position of the cursor is the hex already ,
then by clicking it is possible to select units, cities etc. in the hex (i.e. click through all units etc. in
the hex, selecting them in turn). If a unit is being given a movement-order (see later), and you click
in an adjacent hex, then the unit moves to that hex.

Units: Their pics have solid (black) symbols when they are 'unused' (i.e. no orders yet), and
'transparent' (grey) when they have been given orders.
Detachments: The pics varies with the different types. A small, red line at the bottom of the pic
indicates the current strength.
Urban hexes: 'transparent' pics in the build phase, if something has been built here. Solid otherwise.
Resource hexes: 'transparent' pics in the movement phase, if a transport route has been assigned.
Solid otherwise.
Strongholds: 'transparent' pics in the build phase, if not all defence slots have been used. Solid
Strongholds with garrisons are marked by a small flag.

Message Window: Messages is shown here (including messages created during order-giving, for
instance error-messages).

The 'MapKey' Window:

Click here to view screenshot: pic\map_keys.jpg

N, NW, NE, SW, SE and S: Can be used to move the cursor around instead of the mouse.

Movement/Battle Order: (depending on phase). Give the current unit orders.

Note on Movement Orders: A Resource hex can be assigned a transport route (max. 10 hexes). All
convoys created in the resource hex will then automatically be given the movement order 'path',
following the transport route (so you don't have to manually give all your resource hex convoys a
movement order each turn).

Target: Is used whenever an action (such as an order) requires a target, including a 'target hex'. For
instance, when a detachment wish to attack an enemy, or when the capital is placed at the start of
the game (although 'deployment' or something like that might have been a better word in the last

Next in hex: 'cycle' through all units, cities etc. in hex (same as left click with the mouse on the hex,
see above).

View: Specific Information/Orders on selected unit/urban hex/stronghold etc. Also used to 'enter' a
stronghold or urban hex (i.e. select what to build here etc.).

Options: Player options

Info: Info about special rules for your armlets, your units, game settings etc.

Next phase: Normally the game move on to a new phase only when the GM creates a new turndata-
file. However, after a player has completed his building phase, he has to continue right away with
the movement order phase, by using this button. (So both the building orders and the movement
orders are written in the same plr-file).

Orbit: Some army lists (mostly Space Marines) have detachments able to make drop pod attacks
from orbit. A players units which have moved to orbit can be accessed here.

Finish: Finish the phase for the player and creates a plr-file to be sent to the GM.

- Shortcut Keys: a number of shortcuts are available:

Movement Orders:
<p> or <m>: path (standard move)
<r>:reserve movement
<a>:claim area
<c>:mov and claim
<7>,<8>,<9>,<4>,<5>,<6>: direction move (1 hex)
Battle Orders:
<a>:attack hex
<A>:planned attack hex
<r>:raid hex
<R>:planned raid hex
<n>:select next in hex

Urban Screen

This is the screen concerning urban hexes. It is accessed by the 'view' button, when an urban hex is

Click here to view screenshot: pic\urban.jpg

Upgrade: Upgrades the urban hex to the next size category (i.e. Town to City etc.).

The BP values shown:

Storage: # BP currently in the Urban Hex (above: 572)
Generation: # BP generated by the urban hex itself (above: 100)
Expected arrivals: # BP expected to arrive from resource hexes next turn (above 0). If two BP
values shown (in the capital only, as above): The second value: # BP expected to arrive as
reinforcements from space next turn + # BP expected to arrive as income from controlled hexes
(above 254).
Maintenance: # BP spend for the urban hex's buildings maintenance (above 110). If two BP values
shown (in the capital only, as above): The second value: # BP spent on upkeep on the detachments.

Build Road: Order a road to be build between two adjacent hexes (use the target button on the
mapscreen to select the hexes).

Build Tunnels/Mines: Order tunnels/mines to be build between two adjacent hexes (use the target
button on the mapscreen to select the hexes).

Create Convoy: Creates a convoy containing the #BP shown (these are taken from the BP in the
urban hex)

Build New Detachment: Builds a new detachment.

Reinforce Detachment: Reinforce (i.e. replace killed/destroyed models) or modify (upgrade or

change) a detachment located in the hex, or a garrison (can be reinforced from any hex).

Deployment Priority: Priority for deployment of new detachments. A hex can only contain one
detachment. If new detachments are built in the urban hex, they are placed in the hex itself or, if it is
occupied, in an adjacent hex, according to the priority.

Special: Some races have special rules, for instance Dark Eldar can move their capital using this

Available: Shows all models that can be produced in the hex.

Unavailable: Shows all models that cannot be produced in the hex.

Buildings: List of the buildings available to be built in the hex.

Build: Build the selected building.

Detachment Screen

The screen concerning detachments. Accessed via 'Build New Detachment' and 'Reinforce
Detachment' from the Urban Screen, via 'View' when a detachment is selected on the Map Screen,
or via 'Garrison' on the Stronghold Screen.

Click here to view screenshot: pic\detachment.jpg

Detachment No.: The number. The arrow buttons are used to cycle through the different

The text next to the Detachment No. (above: 'Inf-1500p-Std') is the name of the Army Builder file
(see 'Load Data' below) with the data of the current detachment.

Detachment type: Each army list have a number of different detachment types (explained later).
When a new detachment is built, the type can be determined here.

All the different data concerning the detachment are explained later in the rules.

The various squads and their 'slot-type' (HQ, Troop etc.) are shown, followed by # models in the
squad that are ready / wounded or damaged / lost or destroyed.
By clicking on a squad name, the squad are shown on the Squad Screen.

Load Data: To built a new detachment, the detachment has to be created either by using the
program Army Builder ( and saved as either a roster (.rst) file (if using
Army Builder v.3.0 to 3.4.b) or a Text Summary file (Army Builder v.1 or v.2; or v.3.4.c or later as
Tournament Format), or by using the in-program editor and save as a text file. The file is then
loaded using this button.
If you don't have Armybuilder or don't want to use it, a number of pre-made detachment roster files
is included with the game, located in the 'Rosters' folder.

Build: When a text summary file is loaded, and the right detachment type is selected, the
detachment can be built using this button, if all conditions are ok (i.e. the buildings needed, enough
BP, etc.).

Full Strength: All destroyed/lost models are replaced, if they can be produced in the urban hex, and
there is enough BP to pay for it.

Force Pool Check: reports of the status of the required models in the Force Pool

Disband: Disband the detachment.

List specials: list all the special models in the detachment (Scouts etc.)

Status / Print (not shown above): Shows the status of all units in the detachment. This status can be
printed (useful when 40K miniature battles are to be fought).

Example: A WH40K Imperial Guard player wants to produce a new armoured detachment:
He constructs the detachment with Armybuilder (this can be done while the campaign computer
game is still running and the detachment screen open), within the restrictions given in the campaign
rules for armoured detachments (excactly which units/models that is allowed, can be seen via the
'Info'-button in the 'MapKey'-window). Note that this creates a roster that is not validated by
Armybuilder. He saves the roster as html, 'Armoured1.html', and as text summary, 'Armoured1.txt' .

He then use the 'Load Data' button, and loads 'Armoured1.txt'. The Detachment type is set to
'Armoured' (remember to set the type every time a new detachment is constructed, it is easy to
forget), and the construction is begun with the 'Build' button.

A Create New Roster button have since been added. It allows for creating rosters which can be
saved in text summary format, thus rosters can be created without the requirement of Army Builder
(though it is still recommended to use that software)

Squad Screen

Info and options for the individual squad.

Click here to view screenshot: pic\squad.jpg

The number of models ready, wounded/damaged ad lost are shown for each model type.
These numbers can be changed manually by the player as a result of reinforcements or battle loses.
The Full Strength button is a quick way to get all lost models replaced.

Stronghold Screen

Information about and construction orders for Strongholds.

Click here to view screenshot: pic\stronghold.jpg

Upgrade: upgrades to the next size category (i.e. Camp to Fortification etc.)

Build: Order to build the selected defence type (i.e. Weapon Tower etc.)

Destroy: Destroys one piece of the selected defence type.

Garrison: Views the garrison on the Detachment screen.

The numbers down to the left shows the used/available slots for the various defence types.

To the right is shown the specific defences of the stronghold.

Battle Screen

This screen is used if a battle is fought as WH40K. If a battle occurs in the 'Battle Phase' then the
hex where it is located can be seen on the map, indicated by yellow. If this hex is left clicked on,
then the battle screen is entered.

Click here to view screenshot: pic\battle.jpg

The type of battle ('attack' or 'raid') and the terrain is noted.

The attackers and defenders forces are listed in the following way:
Name (U <Unit no.>) <Battle Order> [<Primary/Secondary>] {file: <filename>}
In the piture above:
Name: '2nd Infantry Company'
Unit no.: 6
Battle Order: 'Raid hex'
Primary attacker
Filename: 'file1' (i.e. the roster file is called 'file1.rst' and the text summary file 'file1.txt')
In addition to participating detachments, any strongholds and its defences in the hex are listed as

Fight battle as Tabletop Click on this button if you have fought a minature battle (all information
necessary to fight the battle can be found either at the battle screen or by selecting the participating
detachments on the map screen and 'view' them (to see which models are wounded or lost in
previous battles etc.) - specific rules concerning the battle are found in The Rules, above).
You have to click on all available 'apply'-buttons (attacker: 4, defender: 2 available) before you are
allowed to click on the 'done'-button (to make sure that you have the correct winner, have applied
battle casualties etc.)

Apply Winner: Select the winner (attacker or defender). Note, that both the participating players
have to select the same winner in their respective plr-files. Otherwise the GM will be notified, when
he makes the turndata-file, and he can let the computer will determine the result instead (this is done
to prevent cheating from the losing player)

Apply Changes: Apply the models dead and the models damaged/wounded as a result of the battle
to your detachments. Note: you should make your 'casualty-roll' (determine which lost models are
dead, wounded etc.) before applying the results here.

Apply Points: The attacker only: The winners total number of points used in the battle (i.e. the total
'size' of his force) minus the losers total number of points must be entered here.

Apply BP loss: The attacker only: The total number of points the loser lost in the battle must be
entered here. This is the point-cost of all the losing players models, that were lost in the battle (i.e.
this is calculated before the 'casualty-roll').

How to...

Create a new campaign / start a new game

One person has to be the GM, the one 'responsible' for the game. He is the one who creates the new
turndata files and receives the plr-files from the players. The GM can participate in the campaign as
a player without any problems.
To create a new campaign, the GM does the following:

1. Run Campaign.exe-file.

2. Click on the 'Start new campaign' button

3. The program now asks you for the name of the folder in which the new campaign files
will be saved (henceforth called the campaign-dir). Enter an appropriate name (e.g. Game02,
or whatever you like)

4. Then it asks for game system - select the one you want to play.

5. Select the map file you want to use for the campaign. At the moment there are a
number of maps available to choose from. New ones can be created by the map editor,
which allows you to create your own maps (if you want to take a look at the different maps
first they can be opened and viewed in the map editor program (you can also make your own
map beforehand if you prefer).
The name of a map file indicates the max. number of players allowed and the relative size
(or the size in hexes, horizontal-vertical). If you want to play the battles as minature battles
you should use the smaller maps (initially, anyway) - if the map is to large there is often a lot
of detachments, resulting in to many minature battles to allow any real progress in the game.
If you choose the larger maps, it is best to let the computer generate the battle results.

6. Select the data for the first player: name, password (remember to let the player know it
if you enter a password! Often it is not necessary to enter a password here, as the players can
do it themselves during the game ), army list, start BP, extra Urban hexes, extra strongholds
and resource hexes. In addition to this all players start with a Capital and a Fortress in their
Capital. Normally all players should have the same starting conditions (number of BP, urban
hexes etc.).

7. When all data is selected, press the 'Create Player'-button. Note that a player is not
'created' until this button is pressed, so it is not enough to enter the data and press 'Done'.

8. Repeat for all the participating players.

9. When the last player is 'Created' press the 'Done'-button.

10. Set the game settings for the game (if applicable - these can be changed later. The
most importants are):

o Tabletop battles disabled: if this option is selected, then the computer

generates all battle results (thus the game becomes a standard computer strategy
game, without the use of any models and miniature battles).

o Special Detachments disabled: if this option is selected, then it is not

possible for the players to build any special detachments. Thus only 'standard'-
detachments and garrisons can be built.

o External Income: if this option is selected, then the computer reads how
many BP the players get as reinforcements from ‘abroad’/’space’ from the file text
file 'SpaceBP.txt' in the campaign dir, instead of using the standard values. Thus it is
possible to combine a WH40K campaign game with a Battle Fleet Gothic campaign,

etc. The BFG campaign can be handled in any way the players and GM wish, and by
setting this option, the GM can manually change the text file to reflect the situation
of the BFG campaign, and thus let the BFG campaign have influence on the WH40K
campaign. To change the BP income of a player, just open the text file and change
the value directly below the players name. Note: The line must consist only of the BP
value, and no other characters, so be careful not to enter any other characters, space

o Encrypt files: if this option is selected, then all turndata and plr files will
be encrypted (written in code). Otherwise they will be written as plain text.
Encrypted files are a bit larger than non-encrypted files, but they prevent the players
(or anyone else) from altering the data in the files (and thus prevent cheating).

o GM password: the password required to access the GM options of the

campaign (such as proceeding to next phase, change game settings etc.)

11. Press the 'Done' button.

12. When the new campaign is created, then a file called 'gmdata.dat' is created in the
campaign dir. This file is necessary to access the GM options, and thus necessary to proceed
to next phase etc. So if you want to do this on another computer be sure to copy this file. As
the players don't have this file, it is impossible for them to access the GM options (even if
they know the GM password).

13. A new turndata file is now generated in the campaign dir, ready to be sent to the

14. Each player receive a copy of 'turndata.g-m' from the campaign dir. If sent by e-mail
the turndata file must be compressed (for instance using zip), as it will be corrupted
otherwise. When the players create their campaign dir it must have the same name as the
campaign dir used by the GM.
If all players play on the same computer there is no need to send any file. The 'turndata.g-m'
is already located at the right place.

Start playing a new campaign

To start playing a new campaign, a player do the following (note that there is a slight difference in
what you have to do depending on whether you play on your own computer (ie. not on the GM's
host computer) or on the host computer (for example if you are playing the game on a single

1. If you are playing on your own computer:

Create a new campaign-dir by clicking on the ‘Add Folder’ button. This creates an empty
folder/directory (henceforth called the campaign-dir) in the directory where the game is
located (henceforth called the game-dir). The name of the campaign-dir must be same as the
name of the campaign-dir created by the GM on his computer (see above). There must be a
campaign dir for each campaign game. If an old campaign dir is used (a dir used as a

campaign dir in a previous campaign game), then all files in that dir must be deleted.
If you are playing on the host computer:
Don not create a new directory. The campaign-dir is already created by the GM.

2. Unpack/unzip the turndata file received from the GM if necessary, and copy it to the
campaign dir.
This step is not necessary if you are playing on the host computer, as the file is already ready
to be used.

3. Set the 'Current Game Directory' to the campaign dir name, if this is not so already.

4. Press the 'Continue Campaign' button

5. If you have a password, enter it in the white box below the player list.

6. Select your player name

7. You are now ready to give your orders:

o You must select where you will deploy your capital, urban hexes,
resource hexes and strongholds. The placement has certain restrictions (see The
Rules - Start - Placement ). Use the 'Target' button to select the hexes.

o When the initial deployment is finished, you should build some new
detachments (See Detachment Screen - example above), and perhaps road(s) etc.

o When you have finished giving build-orders press the 'Next Phase'-
button. You are now ready to give your units movement orders. But since this is the
first turn you probably don't have any units yet (unless you have created some
convoys), so just press the 'Finish'-button.

8. A plr-file is generated. It is located in the campaign dir. It must be sent to the GM

before the game can proceed. If sent by e-mail the file must be compressed (for instance
using zip), as it will be corrupted otherwise.
If you are playing on the host computer this step is not necessary, as the file is already
located at the right place.

When a new turndata file is received from the GM, repeat the procedure above, but exclude step 1
and 4.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Is this an official GW product?

No! (... as you probably can tell by looking at the layout...). This is an unofficial product, meant as a
suplement to W40K/WHF etc. only.

Which Army Builder 40K Data files are supported, and where do I find them?

We will try to support any new WH40K Data files (links to new data files can be found at All updates will be announced on the e-group WH40KCampaign

Armybuilder v.3.1 and text summary files are supported. Some support are done for Armybuilder
v.2 - please ask at the e-groups mentioned below.

What are the system requirements?

Windows 95, or higher

20 MB RAM is required. This is excluding the RAM needed for Windows to run properly.
The program will run on almost any processor, although an 80486 or higher is recommended for
larger maps.

Is there an e-group where I can discuss/get info about this game?

Yes, the e-groups WH40Kcampaign and WHF_Campaign. You can find them at

Where can I find some advice on the strategy of this game?

Well, click here: look at the other file(s) in the Help folder

What about any new GW releases (new codex' etc.)?

I'll try to update the program to include new products. Updates will be available at the download
All updates will be announced at the relevant e-groups (WH40Kcampaign / WHF_Campaign).

Army Builder Text Summary File load error

Q: I get an error when I try to load a text summary file to build a detachment.

A:The most common reason for this is that you have to specify a maximum roster size (if you create
a roster of 'unlimited size' you will get an error).
It can also be because you use a new Army Builder data file, that is not supported by the program.
You might want to check for a patch or an update of the program, that takes care of this. If this
doesn't help, please report the bug at the e-groups mentioned above.

What about... / why haven't you.../I've got this problem...?

All comments, ideas, questions and general discussion are very welcome. Please post at the e-
groups mentioned above

That's all

Well, that's all. I hope you will enjoy playing the game just as much as I have enjoyed creating it!

Nikolaj P. P.


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