Magento Business Intelligence Customer Presentation
Magento Business Intelligence Customer Presentation
Magento Business Intelligence Customer Presentation
5 Key Takeaways
6 Next Steps
Transform Your Commerce Data into an Evergreen Story
It needs to be transformed
into something useful
“Online revenue
Is up 15% from last month and shirts are selling well.”
“It looks like sales are growing.”
Digital Commerce Teams Insightful
are Empowered
• Cloud-based
• Customized
• Augmented data
• Democratized
Digital Commerce Teams
are Self-sufficient Proactive
• Direct access to data
• Automated
• Weekly / Daily access
Reflective • Flexible
Digital Commerce Teams
are Dependent Repetitive
• Limited access to data
• Manual processes
• Templated
Uninspired • Monthly cadence
Digital Commerce Teams
are In The Dark Informal
• Restricted data access
• Pre-defined reports
• Static
• Nonrecurring
©2020 Adobe. All Rights Reserved. Adobe Confidential.
Rich & Insightful Use of Commerce Data is Challenging
Better Decisions
Empowered Digital
Commerce Team
Accessible Data
• How do you calculate revenue? Do • Which products are leading to repeat • What is your customer lifetime
you filter out test orders? Cancelled orders? value? If a customer makes a return,
orders? Partial returns? does it impact LTV?
• What is the rolling average of units
• How do you calculate Average sold for our most popular • What percentage of first-time buyers
Order Value? Does it change by categories? use coupons? How does this impact
order number? AOV?
• Which products are returned the
• Is your growth coming from new or most? • What is the average time between a
repeat revenue? first and second order? Second and
Layer on ad spend data Layer on acquisition channel data Layer on support data
Is our CAC to LTV ratio healthy? Which channels drive the sales of If a shopper engages with customer
which products? service, does it impact retention?
If not, why? Ad spends ineffective? Amplify certain products on certain In a positive way -> Investigate ROI of
AOV is down? Repeat orders dropping? channels? increasing CTA’s to engage with support?
Start Fast
Prebuilt metrics, 47 reports organized
across 4 dashboards
Make it Yours
Customize everything within the
Stay in Control
Set how frequent data gets auto- It’s absolutely amazing... It’s easy to find different
updated reports, without having to make 50 different Excel
spreadsheets with pivot tables.”
Always Accessible
Browser based user interface Jeff Foster
Rebel Athletic
Make it Visual
Powerful report building tools with a
library of visualization options
Expected Lifetime Value Analysis (LTV) Included
Business Intelligence
Storefront Web-based Reporting Interface Adobe Analytics
data captured Facebook Ads
Managed MBI Data AdWords
Production Database data replication Pre-built
Commerce data is stored service Warehouse integrations
Centralized data for analysis Database
Auto checks for: connections Etc.
New, changed, or Import API
deleted records &
replicates into data
Merchandise Targeting
Show me how my Help me create better
merchandise is performing targeting to target a customer
across product lines, SKUs across channels
Promotions Segmentation
Show me how well my campaigns Help me know how to better
are running across the customer segment my customers based
journey PROMOTIONS SEGMENTATION of key data inputs
What are the benefits? the power
of Adobe
Ecommerce Sales Accuracy Analytics
Using ecommerce data can increase sales accuracy vs tag collected & MBI
order events that can be off 10%-30% with return rates
Lorem ipsum Lorem ipsum Lorem ipsum
dummy test dummy test dummy test
Lorem ipsum is simply dummy Lorem ipsum is simply Lorem ipsum is simply
test dummy test dummy test
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the
printing and typesetting industry. printing and typesetting industry. printing and typesetting industry.