Sport & Friendship Huai'An

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DEC Editors: Mark Horton & Brian Senior • Layout Editor & Photos: Francesca Canali
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Full Schedule
p. 2
Photo: IMSA Officials open the 2nd IMSA Elite Mind Games
Welcome Message
Gianarrigo Rona, p. 3
Welcome Message by Chen Zelan, IMSA President
First Board
Brian Senior, p. 4 Distinguished organizers, guests and media friends,
2017 IMSA Elite Mind Games will be held from 9th to 15th December 2017 in
Dawn Patrol
Mark Horton, p. 6 Huai’an, China. On behalf of International Mind Sports Association, I would like to
extend warm welcome to all guests, athletes, coaches and media friends!
Round 2 - Open Teams
Brian Senior, p. 10 It is a great pleasure for IMSA to cooperate together with Board and Card Games
The day will dawn Administrative Center of the General Administration of Sport of China, Huai’an Go-
Mark Horton, p. 14 vernment and Jiangsu Sports Bureau to organize this spectacular top-level internatio-
nal mind sports event. We have noted that many working staff have endeavored great
Results efforts to guarantee the smooth progress in preparing this event, I would like to give
p. 17 my utmost sincere to them!
Huai’an will once again attract the attention of mind sports fans all over the world. I
09.00 RR 3 sincerely wish all players play best and show wonderful skills to all people who love
11.40 RR 4 mind games in the world!
15.00 RR 5
17.40 RR 6 I wish all players good luck! Thank you!
2017 IMSA Elite Mind Games - Huai’an, December 9th -17th



09.00 Captains Meeting TEAMS
09.30 Double Round Robin 1 (16 boards)
12.10 Double Round Robin 2 (16 boards)
16.00 Opening Ceremony


09.00 Double Round Robin 3 (16 boards) TEAMS
11.40 Double Round Robin 4 (16 boards)
15.00 Double Round Robin 5 (16 boards)
17.40 Double Round Robin 6 (16 boards)


10.30 Final & Playoff (16 boards) TEAMS
14.00 Final & Playoff (16 boards)
16.50 Final & Playoff (16 boards)
20.00 Prize Giving Teams


10.30 Session 1 (22 boards) PAIRS
16.30 Session 2 (22 boards)


10.30 Session 3 (22 boards) PAIRS
16.30 Session 4 (22 boards)
20.00 Prize Giving Pairs


10.30 Session 1 (24 boards) INDIVIDUAL
16.30 Session 2 (24 boards)


9.30 Session 3 (21 boards) INDIVIDUAL
Prize Giving Individual & Closing Ceremony t.b.d.

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2017 IMSA Elite Mind Games - Huai’an, December 9th -17th

by Gianarrigo Rona, WBF President

It’s my great pleasure to welcome, both on behalf of the World Bridge Federation and personally, the parti-
cipants to the 2nd IMSA Elite Games.

For the second time, under the flag of IMSA, we will celebrate in Huai’An a marvellous event which gives
the opportunity to the athletes of the Mind Sports, Bridge, Chess, Draughts, Go and Xianqi to enjoy a great
event and to deliver, as well as the respective International Federations, their positive image everywhere in
the world.

I want to express our gratitude to the General Administration of Sports of China as well as to the City of
Huai’An, the LOC and IMSA for this new opportunity. I am confident that the event will be very successful,
rewarding the tremendous effort done by them with generosity, dedication and professionalism.

I am sure that once again China an Huai’An will live up to their reputation, tradition, history and culture in
offering a great welcome and a warm hospitality to all the participants and I am sure that these Games will
again celebrate a great sports event, renewing a great tradition of friendship and solidarity without discrimi-
nation and barriers, exalting the true values of Sport.

Enjoy your stay and your play.

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2017 IMSA Elite Mind Games - Huai’an, December 9th -17th

by Br
n Se

The 2nd IMSA Elite Mind Games began with a bang Shan Huang showed spade preference and Zhao
in the Open series with a huge swing on the very first doubled, ending the auction.
deal. Zhao led a heart. Huang won dummy’s ace and
attempted to cash the ace and king of diamonds.
Board 1. Dealer North. None Vul. Zhao ruffed the {K and cashed the rest of his spades
[9 before playing a second heart to the jack, queen and
] Q 10 8 5 4 king. With only two trumps as entries to dummy and
{ Q 10 9 2 two defensive diamond winners to knock out, Huang
}AQ2 could make only the two trumps so was down five for
[ 10 7 6 4 3 [ J82 –1100.
]AJ ] K76 For USA, Justin Lall opened the North hand at the
{AKJ543 { 87 one level. The 2} response was game-forcing and
}– } J 10 9 5 3 when Lixin Yang now made a simple overcall that
[AKQ5 meant that Lall’s double was for penalty.
]932 Lall led the four of hearts round to declarer’s jack.
{6 Yang cashed the ace of diamonds then played a spade.
}K8764 Brad Moss won the [Q and returned a heart to the
ace and Yang played a second spade. The defence
China v USA could only come to two diamonds and three spades so
Yang was home with eight tricks for +180 and a huge
West North East South 15 IMPs to China.
Dwyer Chen Huang Zhao
– 2] Pass Pass Bulgaria v France
4{ Pass 4[ Dble
All Pass West North East South
Aronov Bessis Damianova Lorenzini
West North East South – Pass Pass 1}
Yang Lall Dai Moss 1{ Dble Pass 1]
– 1] Pass 2} 2[ Dble Pass 3}
2{ Dble All Pass 3{ 3] 3[ Dble
All Pass
For China, Gang Chen could open the North hand
with 2] to show a weak hand with five hearts plus West North East South
a four-card or longer minor. Jack Zhao did not raise Rombaut Karakolev Reess Mihov
on the South cards and when 2] came round to – 1] Pass 1[
Kevin Dwyer he jumped to 4{, Leaping Michaels 2{ Pass Pass 3]
and showing at least five-five in diamonds and spades. Pass 4] All Pass

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2017 IMSA Elite Mind Games - Huai’an, December 9th -17th

For France, Thomas Bessis did not open the North opponent, Jerome Rombaut simply overcalled 2{.
hand. Cedric Lorenzini opened 1} in third seat and When that came back to Mihov he jumped to 3]
Victor Aronov started with a simple overcall on the and Karakolev went on to game. Presumably, given
West cards then jumped in spades at his next turn. Karakolev’s misfitting minimum, he read 3] as forcing
When Bessis’s second take-out double saw the French (as it was surely intended), expecting Mihov to have
pair compete to the three level, Aronov had one more made an immediate heart raise with an invitational
go with the West cards and that proved to be sufficient hand rather than introduce the spades.
to convince Diana Damianova to compete with 3[ Vanessa Reess led the eight of diamonds to
over 3]. Lorenzini now doubled for penalty and that Rombaut’s king and he continued with the {A.
was that. Karakolev ruffed and led a heart, Rombaut rising with
Bessis was looking at a useful diamond holding over the ace to lead a third diamond. Karakolev put in the
declarer’s side-suit so led his trump to cut down on ruffs ten and now Reess needed to ruff and give her partner
in the dummy. Lorenzini won the queen and, not being a club ruff to beat the contract. However, she did not
concerned about such ruffs, switched to a club to shorten see the possibility and discarded so Karakolev crossed
declarer’s trumps. Aronov duly ruffed and cashed a top to the ace of spades to lead a second heart and when
diamond then led the jack of hearts to the king to lead the jack appeared had only to lose to the ]K then
the second diamond from dummy. Lorenzini discarded a claim the rest for +420 and 8 IMPs to Bulgaria.
heart on this trick so Aronov won the king of diamonds And if Rombaut had switched to ace then jack of
and ruffed a diamond with the [J. Lorenzini did not hearts at tricks two and three? Reess could have won
over-ruff, instead discarding his remaining heart. Aronov the ]K and played a third round, preventing any ruffs
ruffed a club then took a second diamond ruff with the in the dummy. Superficially, that leaves declarer with
[8. This time Lorenzini did over-ruff and returned a only nine winners, but see what happens if he cashes
club. Aronov discarded so Bessis won the ace and gave the three club winners followed by the two remaining
his partner a heart ruff for down one; –100. hearts. Rombaut needs to keep four spades plus the
At the other table, Georgi Karakolev, for Bulgaria, ace of diamonds in his last four cards and that is, of
opened the North hand with 1] and Vladimir Mihov course, impossible. The squeeze provides the tenth
responded 1[. With one of his suits bid by an trick and the contract is once again successful.

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2017 IMSA Elite Mind Games - Huai’an, December 9th -17th

by Ma
rk H
or ton

The Dawn Patrol is an American war film, based At this point I will add a spoiler alert: there were
on the short story, ‘The Flight Commander’ by John massive Internet problems at the start of the event
Monk Saunders. The film, stars Errol Flynn, Basil and some of the BBO tables kept vanishing. So, this
Rathbone and David Niven as Royal Flying Corps report is somewhat disjointed and mildly unusual for
fighter pilots in World War I. Of the several films that a team match in so far as you may not always get a
Flynn and Rathbone appeared in together, it is the comparison of the scores.
only one in which their characters are on the same
side. Although sparring as in their other roles, their
characters are fast friends and comrades in danger. Board 1. Dealer North. None Vul.
The Dawn Patrol’s story romanticizes many aspects [9
of the World War I aviation experience that have ] Q 10 8 5 4
since become clichés: white scarves, hard-drinking { Q 10 9 2
fatalism by doomed pilots, chivalry in the air between }AQ2
combatants, the short life expectancy of new pilots, [ 10 7 6 4 3 [ J82
and the legend of the ‘Red Baron’. However, The ]AJ ] K76
Dawn Patrol also has a deeper and more timeless {AKJ543 { 87
theme in the severe emotional scarring on a military }— } J 10 9 5 3
commander who must constantly order men to their [AKQ5
deaths. This theme underlies every scene in The ]932
Dawn Patrol. {6
Why, you might ask, have I chosen this as my }K8764
It might be because the players have to get under Open Room
way at 09.30, but there is a more subtle reason. I West North East South
am working from the (relative) comfort of my office Smith Lu Godfrey Liu
in Sutton Benger, but the time is a tad earlier – just — 1] Pass 1[
01.30. Like the players, I’m hoping the early deals 2{ Pass Pass 4]
won’t be too testing. Right, here we go! All Pass
I’m concentrating on the women and the first
round saw England face China, while the USA was East led the eight of diamonds and West won with
opposed by Sweden. Any hopes of a quiet start were the king and exited with the six of spades, declarer
immediately dispelled. winning with the ace and playing a heart. West went
up with the ace and could now have ensured the
defeat of the contract by playing the jack of hearts,
when East can overtake and play a third round when
declarer must lose a fourth trick.
When she exited with the ten of spades declarer
won with the king and cashed the queen of spades,
pitching a diamond. She attempted to get to dummy
with a club, but West ruffed and East’s king of hearts
was the setting trick.
Have you spotted the winning line?
After winning the second round of spades declarer
must ruff a spade. She then ruffs a diamond and plays
a heart for the jack, queen and king. East, down to just
one heart and five clubs, has no good move.
Alas, for the moment I have no idea what happened
at the other table.

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2017 IMSA Elite Mind Games - Huai’an, December 9th -17th

Open Room Keep in mind that I can’t guarantee that the

West North East South auctions will be accurate. Here I’m guessing that 2]
Bertheau Sokolow Larsson S.-Molson was 10-13 (Kathrine Bertheau played that with Pia
— Pass Pass 1} Andersson in Lyon).
1{ 1] Pass 1[ South led the eight of spades and declarer won with
2{ 2NT Pass 3] the ten and played a heart to the nine and a heart,
Pass 3NT All Pass not being hard pressed to collect ten tricks, +170.
I have no idea what happened in the other room,
East led the eight of diamonds and West won with but imagine you were in 4], North having mentioned
the king and switched to the seven of spades. Declarer her clubs. I spotted a neat possibility. South leads a
won with the ace and played a heart, West taking the diamond and declarer wins and plays a heart. South
ace and exiting with the jack. East allowed declarer’s wins and plays a second diamond and now the threat
queen to win, won the next heart and exited with a of a diamond ruff is clear. To avoid it declarer must
spade. Declarer was up to nine tricks, +400. play a spade to the ace and then take the spade
finesse. Two more rounds of spades pitching a club
Closed Room execute a neat example of the scissors coup, declarer
West North East South losing only two hearts and a spade.
Weingold Rimstedt Cappelletti Gronkvist While I was typing this, the Closed Room in China
— Pass Pass 1} v England put in an appearance. To compensate its
1{ Dble (i) Pass 2] counterpart in the other match vanished, but was
2[ 4] All Pass almost instantly restored.

(i) Hearts Board 7. Dealer South. All Vul.

West cashed the king of diamonds and continued ] K 10 8
with the three, declarer winning with dummy’s queen {J75
(she pitched a club) playing a spade to the ace and }KQJ542
cashing the king of spades. At this point the BBO [Q5 [ A J 10 8 7 4
record stops, reporting that declarer took 12 tricks! I ]Q65432 ] J7
think not. Say declarer pitches dummy’s last diamond {K2 { 10 8 3
on the queen of spades and plays a heart. West wins } A 10 7 } 86
and plays a spade, East ruffing with the king of hearts [K632
and returning a club for West to ruff for one down. ]A9
Board 2. Dealer East. N/S Vul. }93
]2 Open Room
{ 10 6 4 West North East South
}AKJ9654 Smith Lu Godfrey Liu
[KJ42 [ A 10 6 — — — 1NT (i)
]93 ] Q J 10 8 6 4 2] 3NT All Pass
{KQ983 { A75
} 10 2 } 8 (i) 13-16 balanced, 5]/[ or 6}/{ OK
]AK75 West led the four of hearts and declarer took East’s
{J2 jack with the ace and played on clubs, West winning
} Q 73 the third round and returning the queen of spades.
East took the ace and played the jack, but declarer
Open Room could win and play a heart to the ten for ten tricks,
West North East South +630.
Bertheau Sokolow Larsson S.-Molson
— — 2] All Pass

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2017 IMSA Elite Mind Games - Huai’an, December 9th -17th

Closed Room finesse lost she was one down, -50.

West North East South Declarer was unlucky to find the hearts 5-0; if she
Shen Brown Wang Brock had played a diamond at trick three she would have
— — — 1{ won with the king and played a heart and South’s
1] 3} Pass 3{ discard would have made it relatively straightforward
Pass Pass 3[ All Pass for declare to come to ten tricks by eventually
endplaying South to lead into the }AKJ.
1{ promised at least four and so I think 3} implied
at least some diamond support. Closed Room
South led the nine of clubs and the defenders took West North East South
a club, two hearts, a spade and a diamond for one Shen Brown Wang Brock
down, –50 but that represented a loss of 11 IMPs. — — — Pass
1] Pass 2NT Pass
Board 11. Dealer South. None Vul. 3[ Pass 4] Pass
[ K 10 7 4 Pass Dble 4NT Dble
] J 10 7 4 2 All Pass
}1 10
08 South led the four of clubs for the nine, ten and jack
[A65 [J98 and declarer made the natural looking play of a heart,
]AKQ863 ]95 winning with dummy’s ace when South pitched a
{652 { K Q 10 9 club. A diamond saw North take the ace and return a
}9 }AKJ6 club, but declarer won with the ace, played a heart to
[Q32 the king and a spade. North went in with the king and
]— switched to a diamond, but declarer won, cashed the
{J743 king of clubs and played a spade. South had been in
}Q75432 trouble and had pitched a spade, so when the queen
appeared declarer was up to ten tricks, +610 and 12
Open Room IMPs.
West North East South There is a winning defence, but it is hard to see.
Smith Lu Godfrey Liu After taking the ace of diamonds North must return a
— — — Pass diamond. Declarer can win, cross to dummy and play
1] Pass 2{ Pass a spade, but North can duck and the defenders are
2] Pass 3} Pass in control. North can also duck the first diamond and
3{ Pass 3NT All Pass then switch to a club when she gets in with the ace –
there are still only nine tricks.
South led the two of spades and North won with However, that is not quite the end of the story.
the king and returned the four, declarer taking South’s Suppose declarer, knowing that the hearts are not
king with dummy’s ace and playing a low heart. North going to behave, makes the strange looking play of
won with the ten and South’s discard of the three of cashing a second club pitching a spade from dummy
spades must have been a nasty surprise. Declarer won and then ducks a heart to North’s ten. On a spade
the spade return and played the king of diamonds, return South’s queen is taken by dummy’s ace and a
North winning, cashing a spade and exiting with the diamond played to the king. If declarer now guesses
ten of clubs. Declarer won and cashed three hearts to play a low diamond North’s ace beats thin air and
coming down to {Q10 }K. When the diamond she has ten tricks.

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2017 IMSA Elite Mind Games - Huai’an, December 9th -17th

Open Room Open Room

West North East South West North East South
Bertheau Sokolow Larsson S.-Molson Smith Lu Godfrey Liu
— — — Pass — Pass Pass 2] (i)
1] Pass 2} Pass Dble 4[ Pass Pass
3] Pass 4} (i) Pass 5} Pass Pass 5[
4] All Pass Dble All Pass

(i) Cue bid (i) Weak with both majors, 5-4+

North led the ace of diamonds and switched to the As you can see, there was no way to prevent eleven
four of spades for the eight, queen and ace. When tricks, +850.
South discarded the two of clubs on the ace of hearts
declarer tried a club to the jack, so she was two down, Closed Room
-100. West North East South
Shen Brown Wang Brock
Closed Room — 1{ Pass 1[
West North East South Dble 2[ Pass 4[
Weingold Rimstedt Cappelletti Gronkvist 5} Pass Pass 5[
— — — 3} Pass Pass 5NT (i) Pass
3] Pass 3NT All Pass 6} Dble All Pass

South led the two of spades and North won with the (i) Red suits and club tolerance
king and switched to the ten of clubs. Declarer won
with the ace and played a heart to the ace. I don’t North led the jack of hearts and declarer won with
know what happened next (declarer surely played a the ace, cashed the ace of clubs and played the ten of
diamond) but declarer did make at least nine tricks. hearts. North ruffed, played the king of spades and
exited with the six. Declarer ruffed high, crossed to
Board 13. Dealer North. All Vul. the ten of clubs, pitched a diamond on the ]K and
[KQ63 played a diamond, going two down, -300.
]J The clock has advanced to 04.30 and play will be
{ A 10 9 8 2 under way in Round 2.
}985 I’m about to log in to see what is happening – wish
[4 [ 92 me luck.
] A 10 ] K9852
{KJ3 { 7654
}AKQJ642 } 10 3
[ A J 10 8 7 5

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2017 IMSA Elite Mind Games - Huai’an, December 9th -17th


by Br
n Se

France had begun their campaign with a solid win down one; –50 and 5 IMPs to USA.
over Bulgaria, while USA had suffered a defeat against
China. However, it was USA who struck first in this Board 20. Dealer West. All Vul.
Round Two match. [J2
Board 17. Dealer North. None Vul. {AJ3
[7 }A94
]96 [4 [ 10 9 7 3
{ 10 8 7 3 2 ] Q J 10 9 7 6 5 ] 4
}AK1 10043 { Q 10 7 { K942
[ A 10 8 5 2 [ KQ4 } 10 5 } KJ87
]A4 ] Q J 10 5 3 2 [AKQ865
{QJ5 { 9 ]–
}Q85 } J96 {865
[J963 }Q632
{AK64 West North East South
}72 Vinciguerra Pszczola Bompis Sakr
3{ 3NT Pass 4[
West North East South All Pass
Vinciguerra Pszczola Bompis Sakr
– Pass Pass 1{ West North East South
1[ 4} 4] Pass Dwyer Bessis Huang Lorenzini
4[ All Pass 3] Pass Pass 3[
Pass 4] Pass 4[
West North East South All Pass
Dwyer Bessis Huang Lorenzini
– Pass 2] All Pass Vinciguerra opened with a transfer pre-empt and
Pszczola overcalled 3NT. With such a good spade
For USA, Shan Huang opened with a weak 2] suit, Sakr converted that to 4[ and played there.
and was left to play there. Cedric Lorenzini cashed Taking no chances, she won the diamond lead and
the ace of diamonds but, on seeing a discouraging played safely for 11 tricks, drawing trumps, pitching
card from partner, Thomas Bessis, switched to a club. diamonds on the top hearts and leading towards the
Bessis won and played two more rounds of clubs for }Q; +650.
Lorenzini to ruff. He tried the king of diamonds now Kevin Dwyer opened with a natural pre-empt so,
but Huang ruffed, took the heart finesse and had nine with hopes of a reopening double from partner,
tricks for +140. Bessis passed the North hand. Lorenzini did not have
For France, Marc Bompis did not open the East hand a double but he did have an overcall and over 3[
so May Sakr was able to open 1{ as South. When Bessis bid 4] to show a hand too good for a simple
Herve Vinciguerra overcalled 1[, Jacek Pszczola spade raise. Lorenzini, of course, had only a bare
made a fit jump of 4}, showing clubs but also diamond minimum overcall so signed off in 4[ and Bessis let
support and an offensive raise to the four level. That him play there. Here the lead was the ten of clubs.
was not sufficient to shut out Bompis, whose 4] also Lorenzini won the ace, drew trumps and cashed the
indicated both the bid suit and support for partner’s hearts before leading a club towards the queen and he
spades. Having put their opponents under pressure too had 11 painless tricks for a flat board at +650.
and having no side-suit fit, the American pair were
happy to defend 4[. Pszczola led three rounds of
clubs, Sakr ruffing and cashing a diamond for a quick

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2017 IMSA Elite Mind Games - Huai’an, December 9th -17th

Board 21. Dealer North. N/S Vul. ace of spades and a spade to the nine, ruffed a club and
[ Q 10 9 5 4 cashed the king of spades before ducking a heart. She
]93 made 11 tricks for +650 but 1 IMP to France.
}1 10
083 Board 22. Dealer East. E/W Vul.
[– [ 872 [754
]Q72 ] K 10 6 5 ]QJ2
{QJ64 { 10 8 3 {A92
}KJ9532 } Q76 }AKJ5
[AKJ63 [ A Q 10 2 [ KJ9863
]AJ84 ]64 ] A3
{K72 {KJ73 { Q 10
}A }Q86 } 972
West North East South ] K 10 9 8 7 5
Vinciguerra Pszczola Bompis Sakr {8654
– Pass Pass 1[ } 10 4 3
2} 2[ 3} 4[
5} 5[ All Pass West North East South
Vinciguerra Pszczola Bompis Sakr
West North East South Dwyer Bessis Huang Lorenzini
Dwyer Bessis Huang Lorenzini – – 2[ Pass
– Pass Pass 1[ 4[ All Pass
2} 3[ Pass 4}
Pass 4{ Pass 4] North/South are cold for 4] or, rather obscurely,
Pass 4[ All Pass 5}, but the weak two bid and game raise shut them
out completely and both Easts declared 4[ on the
The North hand looks like a book example of a lead of the ten of hearts. Both won the ace and drew
vulnerable pre-emptive raise to 3[ after West’s trumps. Bompis won the third spade in dummy and
overcall, and 3[ was indeed the bid chosen by Bessis. led a low diamond towards his hand. Pszczola took
That silenced Bompis and now Lorenzini cuebid twice the ace and cashed the king of clubs before playing
before accepting Bessis’s sign-off in game. He won the ]J. Sakr understood what her partner intended
the diamond lead in hand, drew trumps and led the and overtook with the king to lead the ten of clubs
three of hearts to the eight and queen. Back came the through so Pszczola took two more of those for down
queen of diamonds. Lorenzini won the ace and led two and –200.
the nine of hearts to the ten and jack and when that Huang won the third spade in hand then led the ten
scored he had a pitch for dummy’s diamond loser so of diamonds. Bessis too won the ace, cashed the }K
12 tricks in all for +680. and switched to the jack of hearts. Lorenzini overtook
Pszczola bid only 2[ and that left room for Huang and led a club through for the same down two and a
to support his partner’s clubs. When Sakr now jumped push board.
to 4[, Dwyer took the save in 5}. With extra spade Hd either declarer ducked at trick one, South would
length, Pszczola took the push to 5[ and that ended the have had to find the club switch immediately or the
auction. The lead was a club. Sakr won the ace, played contract would have been down only one.

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2017 IMSA Elite Mind Games - Huai’an, December 9th -17th

Board 25. Dealer North. E/W Vul. overcalled to show the minors. After a pass from
[K98542 Dwyer, Bessis leaped to 5{ and was left to play
]3 there. He won the diamond lead, cashed the other
{A9762 top diamond and played on spades and soon had 11
}4 tricks for +400 but 7 IMPs to USA.
[63 [ AJ7
] Q 10 8 7 6 4 2 ] KJ9 Board 27. Dealer South. None Vul.
{ 10 8 { QJ [84
}J2 } AQ853 ] 10 6 5
[ Q 10 { K 10 9 5 4 3
]A5 }84
{K543 [ A Q 10 9 [K652
} K 10 9 7 6 ]AQ83 ]K
{A8 {Q7
West North East South }AJ9 } K Q 10 7 6 2
Vinciguerra Pszczola Bompis Sakr [J73
– 3[ 3NT Pass ]J9742
4{ Dble 4] 4[ {J62
Pass Pass Dble All Pass }53

West North East South West North East South

Dwyer Bessis Huang Lorenzini Vinciguerra Pszczola Bompis Sakr
– Pass 1} 1NT – – – Pass
Pass 5{ All Pass 2] Pass 2[ Pass
2NT Pass 3{ Pass
Pszczola opened a slightly off-centre pre-empt with 3NT Pass 4[ Pass
the North hand, judging that the six-five shape would 6} All Pass
compensate for the poor spades. Bompis overcalled
3NT and Vinciguerra transferred to hearts, Pszczola West North East South
taking the opportunity to double the transfer to Dwyer Bessis Huang Lorenzini
show his second suit. When Bompis completed the – – – Pass
transfer, Sakr took the save in 4[ on the strength 1} 2{ 3} 3{
of her diamond fit. Bompis doubled and led the king Pass Pass 3[ Pass
of hearts. Pszczola won the ace of hearts and ruffed a 4{ Pass 4NT Pass
heart to get to hand to lead a spade to the ten. When 7[ All Pass
that scored he continued with the queen of spades to
Bompis’s ace. Pszczola ruffed the heart return, drew the What the French auction meant I don’t know. Two
outstanding trump and played on diamonds. The even Hearts obviously included a strong balanced hand in
diamond split meant he had an overtrick for +690. its options and 2[ was presumably a relay with 2NT
Huang opened with a strong club and Lorenzini showing the balanced hand. From there all we can
say is that the auction didn’t get the job done. There
are 13 tricks in any one of three denominations.
Vinciguerra duly made 13 tricks but his +940 looked
inadequate and proved to be so.
Dwyer opened a strong club and Huang showed a
natural positive with 3} over the weak jump overcall.
When Lorenzini supported diamonds, largely to take
away a 3{ asking bid from his opponents, Dwyer
passed to see what his partner could do. Three Spades
sounded good to Dwyer, who bid 4{ to show a good
spade raise. When Huang could use RKCB, Dwyer bid
the final contract – how could four aces and the trump
queen not be good enough? With spades three-two there
was nothing to the play; +1510 and 11 IMPs to USA.

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Board 28. Dealer West. N/S Vul. West North East South
[J Vinciguerra Pszczola Bompis Sakr
] K 10 7 2 – – – Pass
{ Q 10 8 2NT Pass 3] Pass
}AQ852 3NT Pass 4[ Pass
[ Q 10 5 4 3 [ K7 5} All Pass
]Q8 ] J953
{A9543 { K76 West North East South
}3 } KJ96 Dwyer Bessis Huang Lorenzini
[A9862 – – – Pass
]A64 3{ Pass 3] Pass
{J2 3NT All Pass
} 10 7 4
Vinciguerra had a toy for the West hand, 2NT being
West North East South weak with both minors. Again, we don’t have the
Vinciguerra Pszczola Bompis Sakr details of the French system, but Vinciguerra became
Pass 1} Pass 1[ declarer in a perfectly playable club game. Pszczola
Pass 1NT All Pass cashed the ace of diamonds then switched to a club
for the king and ace. Sakr could not give her partner
West North East South a diamond ruff because, of course, dummy was over-
Dwyer Bessis Huang Lorenzini ruffing, so she returned the nine of clubs. Declarer
2[ Dble All Pass won the jack, crossed to the king of hearts and tried to
ruff a diamond. When Pszczola ruffed in with the }10
Pszczola was down one in 1NT after a heart lead to the contract was down one for –50.
the queen and king; –100. Dwyer opened the West Vinciguerra could have succeeded by winning the
hand with 2[, weak with spades and a minor, and club return with the queen, cashing the ]K and [J,
Bessis doubled for take-out and left in by Lorenzini. then crossing to the jack of clubs to cash the four
Bessis led the eight of diamonds to the jack and ace major-suit winners to get rid of all his small diamonds.
and Dwyer led his club up. Bessis grabbed the ace and Presumably he simply miscounted his tricks.
led a heart. Lorenzini won the ace and continued with Dwyer did not have the two-suited opening at his
a second heart, Bessis winning the king and cashing disposal but opened with a natural pre-empt instead.
the {Q before switching to the jack of spades. That He couldn’t show his second suit over the 3] response
ran to Dwyer’s queen but Lorenzini had three trump as 4} would have been a good heart raise, so had to
tricks to come so the contract was down two for –300 rebid 3NT instead, and Huang left him to play there,
and 9 IMPs to France. happy to hold so many high-card values in the unbid
suits. Bessis led a spade, Dwyer winning the bare jack
Board 31. Dealer South. N/S Vul. and playing a diamond. Bessis won the ace and led
[ 10 8 7 5 4 2 a second spade, so Dwyer won the ace and played
] 10 8 6 the king of clubs. Lorenzini ducked so Dwyer cashed
{A one more spade for a diamond pitch then led the jack
} 10 7 5 of clubs. Lorenzini won and returned a diamond and
[J [ AKQ9 Dwyer won and cashed his winners, overtaking the
]K ] AJ975 ]K to get at the last spade. He had an overtrick for
{K87542 { Q +430 and 10 IMPs to USA.
}Q8632 } KJ4 That helped USA to a 34-11 IMP, 15.56-4.44 VP,
[63 win. The short first day ended with USA in second,
]Q432 narrowly ahead of France in third. China led by
{ J 10 9 6 3 around 6 VPs.

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2017 IMSA Elite Mind Games - Huai’an, December 9th -17th


by Ma
rk H
or ton

The Day Will Dawn, released in the US as The Closed Room

Avengers, is a war film set in Norway during World West North East South
War II. It stars Ralph Richardson, Deborah Kerr, Hugh Rimstedt Lu Clementsson Liu
Williams and Griffith Jones. The music was composed 3] 3NT Pass 4] (i)
by Richard Addinsell (who wrote the Warsaw Concerto Pass 4[ Pass 5]
for the film Dangerous Moonlight). Pass 6} Pass 6[
By my estimation this report on Round 2 will be All Pass
completed just as dawn breaks in England.
It is unlikely to include much about the match (i) Transfer
between USA and England, as the Closed Room
appeared to vanish into the ether at an early stage The higher level pre-empt gave NS less room to
of the match, making only spasmodic appearances manoeuvre and as a result they pushed to the slam.
thereafter. East led the three of spades and declarer won with
It was one of those matches that offered up a number the jack, drew trumps, played a club to the ace, cashed
of deals where you might be tempted to bid a slam. the ace of diamonds, pitched two diamonds on the
top hearts and played a club to the queen. When West
Board 20. Dealer West. All Vul. discarded on the next club declarer was one down,
[J2 –100 and 13 IMPs for Sweden.
{AJ3 Board 21. Dealer South. N/S Vul.
}A94 [ Q 10 9 5 4
[4 [ 10 9 7 3 ]93
] Q J 10 9 7 6 5 ] 4 {A95
{ Q 10 7 { K942 }1 10
} 10 5 } KJ87 [— [ 872
[AKQ865 ]Q72 ] K 10 6 5
]— {QJ64 { 10 8 3
{865 }KJ9542 } Q76
}Q632 [AKJ63
Open Room {K72
West North East South }A
Huang Rimstedt Wang Gronkvist
2] 2NT Pass 3] (i) Open Room
Pass 3[ Pass 4] (ii) West North East South
Pass 4[ All Pass Weingold Senior Cappelletti Draper
— Pass Pass 1[
(i) Transfer Pass 3[ Pass 4}
(ii) Cue bid Dble 4[ All Pass

Although she had very good controls, North’s spade What do you make of North’s 4[? She might have
support was modest and she might have had a little bid 4{,when I suspect South would have driven to
more for her overcall. 6[, which happens to make.
Declarer won the heart lead and drew trumps. She West led the queen of diamonds and declarer
played a club to the nine and took eleven tricks, +650. won in hand, took two rounds of trumps ending in
dummy and ran the nine of hearts. West won with
the queen and played the four of diamonds. Declarer
won with dummy’s ace, cashed the queen of spades

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and played a heart to the eight, +480. Closed Room

West North East South
Open Room Rimstedt Lu Clementsson Liu
West North East South — — 2[ Pass
Huang Rimstedt Wang Gronkvist 4[ All Pass
— Pass Pass 1[
Pass 3[ Pass 4}* South led the five of diamonds and North put in the
Pass 4{* Pass 4[ nine, declarer winning with the queen and promptly
All Pass returning the ten. North won, cashed the king of clubs
and switched to a heart, but declarer could win, draw
Here West led the two of hearts for the king and ace trumps and pitch two clubs on dummy’s diamonds,
and declarer drew trumps ending in dummy and ran +620 and 14 IMPs for Sweden.
the nine of hearts, +680.
Board 23. Dealer South. All Vul.
Closed Room [ 10 9
West North East South ]K62
Rimstedt Lu Clementsson Liu {Q97
— Pass Pass 1}* }AQ853
3} Pass Pass Dble [6432 [ KJ87
Pass 4[ All Pass ]9874 ] AQ
{ 10 4 2 { J8
Declarer won the club lead with dummy’s ace, drew }K2 } J 109 7 4
trumps and ran the nine of hearts. She then played to [AQ5
try and ruff out the king of hearts so +650. ] J 10 5 3
It was the sort of slam you don’t mind missing – until {AK653
you see that it can be made. }6

Board 22. Dealer East. EW Vul. Open Room

[754 West North East South
]QJ2 Huang Rimstedt Wang Gronkvist
{A92 — — — 1{
}AKJ5 Pass 1NT (i) Pass 2}*
[ A Q 10 2 [ KJ9863 Pass 2{ Pass 3}*
]64 ] A3 Pass 3NT All Pass
{KJ73 { Q 10
}Q86 } 972 (i) Game forcing relay, usually balanced or 5+}
] K 10 9 8 7 5 East led the jack of clubs and declarer won with the
{8654 queen and played the two of hearts, East winning with
} 10 4 3 the ace and continuing with the four of clubs for the
king and ace. Declarer played a diamond to the ace,
Open Room cashed the king, returned to hand with the queen and
West North East South played the king of hearts. East could win and cash two
Huang Rimstedt Wang Gronkvist clubs, but declare had the rest, +600.
— — 2[ Pass
3[ Dble Pass 4] Closed Room
All Pass West North East South
Rimstedt Lu Clementsson Liu
Declarer ruffed the spade lead and knocked out the — — — 1{
ace of hearts. She ducked a diamond and eventually Pass 1NT All Pass
took the club finesse for +420.
Here too East led the jack of clubs and declarer won
with the queen, crossed to the ace of diamonds and
ran the jack of hearts. She ducked the club return
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2017 IMSA Elite Mind Games - Huai’an, December 9th -17th

to West’s king, won the spade switch with dummy’s to be in 7NT (or 7}) just in case the spades were
queen and played a heart to the king and ace, for unfriendly, +1510.
+180 but another 9 IMPs to Sweden, who were
already way ahead, 40-2. Closed Room
West North East South
Board 27. Dealer South. None Vul. Rimstedt Lu Clementsson Liu
[84 — — — Pass
] 10 6 5 2}* Pass 2{* Pass
{ K 10 9 5 4 3 2NT Pass 3}* Pass
}84 3] Pass 4} Pass
[ A Q 10 9 [K652 4{ Pass 4NT Pass
]AQ83 ]K 5} Pass 7} All Pass
{A8 {Q7
}AJ9 } K Q 10 7 6 2 Plus 1440 meant China had doubled their score to
[J73 4 IMPs.
]J9742 In the other match the target was missed in the
{J62 Open Room:
Open Room
Open Room West North East South
West North East South Weingold Senior Cappelletti Draper
Huang Rimstedt Wang Gronkvist — — — Pass
— — — Pass 2NT Pass 3}* Pass
2NT Pass 3}* Pass 3] Pass 4} Pass
3{ Pass 3]* Pass 4{ Dble Pass Pass
3[ Pass 4}* Pass 6] Pass 6NT All Pass
4{* Pass 4NT* Pass
5}* Pass 5{* Pass That was an undistinguished +1020.
5NT* Pass 7} Pass
7[ All Pass
Play finished at 06.25 Greenwich mean time – let’s
That looks like a Puppet auction plus a few cue bids hope that by tomorrow the Internet problems have
and a dash of RKCB. Of course you would prefer been solved.

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1. C
6 63
CHINA 14.60 - 5.40 USA Chen Yunlong Dai Jianming
(43 - 25 IMP) Li Jianwei Yang Lixin
Zhang Bangxiang Zhao Jie
Wang Jianxin (npc) Chen Gang (coach)
FRANCE 15.92 - 4.08 BULGARIA
(48 - 23 IMP)
2. USA 20.96
Kevin Dwyer Shan Huang
OPEN, ROUND ROBIN 2 Justin Lall Brad Moss
Jacek Pszczola May Sakr

BULGARIA 7.97 - 12.03 CHINA

(33 - 40 IMP) 3. FRANCE 20.36
Thomas Bessis Marc Bompis
Cedric Lorenzini Vanessa Réess
USA 15.56 - 4.44 FRANCE Jérome Rombaut Hervé Vinciguerra
(34 - 11 IMP)

4. BULGARIA 12.05
Victor Aronov Dania Damianova
Georgi Karakolev Vladimir Mihov
Ivan Nanev Julian Stefanov
Marta Nikolova (coach)



1. S
N 27
CHINA 20.00 - 0.00 ENGLAND
Kathrine Bertheau Sanna Clementsson
(74 - 13 IMP)
Ida Gronkvist Jessica Larsson
Cecilia Rimstedt Sandra Rimstedt

USA 9.09 - 10.91 SWEDEN

(30 - 33 IMP)
2. CHINA 22.97
Huang Yan Liu Yan
Wang Nan Wang Wenfei
Wang Jianxin (npc) Wang Xiaojing (coach)

SWEDEN 17.03 - 2.97 CHINA

(45 - 13 IMP) 3. USA 17.33
Shannon Cappelletti Disa Eythorsdottir
Kerri Sanborn Janice S.-Molson
ENGLAND 11.76 - 8.24 USA Tobi Sokolow Joanne Weingold
(30 - 24 IMP)

4. ENGLAND 11.76
Sally Brock Fiona Brown
Catherina Draper Lizzie Godfrey
Nevena Senior Nicola Smith

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