Processability Theory

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Processability Theory (PT) proposes that learners can only produce linguistic forms that their current language processing abilities allow. It predicts developmental trajectories in L2 acquisition. PT addresses both the developmental problem of why learners follow universal stages and the logical problem of how learners know what they know without full representation in input.

The basic premises of the view on language production followed in PT are that processing components operate automatically and incrementally, output is linear though underlying meaning may not be, and grammatical processing has temporary memory.

The two separate problems that are crucial to address in understanding L2 acquisition according to PT are the developmental problem of why learners follow universal stages of acquisition and the logical problem of how learners come to know what they know if their knowledge is not represented in the input.

Van Patten and Williams, “Theories in Second Language Acquisition”

Chapter 9: Processability Theory (Manfred Pienemann and Anke Lenzing)

The Theory and Its Constructs

“The logic underlying PT is the following: At any stage of development the learner can
produce and comprehend only those second language (L2) linguistic forms which the
current state of the language processor can handle. It is therefore crucial to understand
the architecture of the language processor and the way in which it handles an L2. This
enables one to predict the course of development of L2 linguistic forms in language
production and comprehension across languages”.

“The architecture of the language processor accounts for language processing in real time
and within human psychological constraints such as word access and working memory”.

“The view on language production followed in PT is largely that described by Levelt (1989),
which overlaps to some extent with the computational model of Kempen and Hoenkamp
(1987) and Merrill Garrett’s work (e.g., Garrett, 1976, 1980, 1982). The basic premises of
that view are the following:

• Processing components operate largely automatically and are generally not consciously
controlled (i.e., the speaker does not need to be aware of the grammatical structures
he/she produces).

• Processing is incremental (i.e., the speaker can start producing an utterance without
having planned all of it).

• The output of the processor is linear, although it may not be mapped onto the
underlying meaning in a linear way (for instance, the idea produced first does not need to
occur first in natural events, e.g., ‘Before I drove off, I started the engine’).

• Grammatical processing has access to a temporary memory store that can hold
grammatical information (e.g., in the sentence ‘The little kid loves ice cream’, the
grammatical information “singular, third person” present in ‘the little kid’ is retained in
grammatical memory and it is used when the verb ‘loves’ is produced, which is marked for
third person) (see Pienemann, 1998, for details).

“PT is a universal framework that has the capacity to predict developmental trajectories
for any L2. The notion developmental trajectory implies a developmental dimension
known as staged development as well as a variational dimension accounting for individual
differences between developmental trajectories. […] In this paradigm, each stage
represents a set of grammatical rules that shares certain processing routines, and each
interlanguage variety represents a specific variant of the grammatical rules”.

Stage Structure Example

Stage 1 SVO question He live here?
Stage 2 WH+SVO Where he is?
Stage 3 Copula inversion Where is he?
Stage 4 Aux-second Where has he been?

“Learners attempting to produce ‘Aux-second’ at stage 3 (i.e., before they are ready for
this structure) have been found to produce interlanguage variants”

“In the course of L2 development, learners accumulate grammatical rules and their
variants, allowing them to develop individual developmental trajectories while adhering to
the overall developmental schedule. In this way, PT accounts for both universal stages of
development and individual variation within stages”.

“There are two separate problems that are crucial to address in understanding L2
acquisition. The original version of PT focused solely on what is known as the
developmental problem (i.e., why learners follow universal stages of acquisition). The
extended version of PT (Pienemann, DiBiase, & Kawaguchi, 2005) and recent
developments of the theory (Lenzing, 2013) also begin to address the so-called logical
problem (i.e., how do learners come to know what they know if their knowledge is not
represented in the input?)”.

“The developmental and the logical problem are the key issues of any theory of language
acquisition, and PT addresses these issues in a modular fashion. One module deals with
the developmental problem; a separate, but a connected module deals with the logical
problem. Both modules are based on Lexical-Functional Grammar (LFG) because LFG is
designed to account for linguistic knowledge in a way that is compatible with the
architecture of the language processor, and both these components are needed for PT to
address the developmental and the logical problem. The developmental problem is
addressed by describing the constraints the language processor places on development,
and the logical problem is addressed using specific components of LFG”.

“The basic claim of the original version of PT is that language development is constrained
by processability, the definition of which will emerge as the discussion progresses. This
affects first language (L1) and L2 development (albeit in different ways). It also affects
interlanguage variation and L1 transfer. In other words, both interlanguage variation and
L1 transfer are constrained by processability. The extended version of PT adds to this the
claim that the initial form of grammar in L2 acquisition is determined by the default
relationship between argument structure (i.e., who does what to whom) and the way they
are expressed by the grammatical forms of the target language”.

Processability Hierarchy -> In Pienemann (1998) the processability hierarchy is based on

the notion of transfer of grammatical information within and between the phrases of a

“In LFG and in Levelt’s model of language generation, it is assumed that the language
processor checks if the two parts of the sentence […] contain the same grammatical
information. To be able to carry out this matching operation, the procedures that build
phrases in language generation need to have developed in the L2 processing system. In
our example, learners need to have developed a procedure for building noun phrases such
as ‘Little Peter’ and verb phrases such as ‘goes home’. They also need to have developed a
procedure for putting these two phrases together to form a sentence. In Levelt’s model of
language generation, it is assumed that the grammatical information “third person
singular” needs to be stored in the procedures that build the phrases in which this
information is used and that the two sets of information are compared within the
procedure that puts the two phrases together to form a sentence. The learner of a
language needs to develop procedures that can handle the job of storing and comparing
grammatical information. This way, speakers learn to decide which sentences are
grammatically acceptable and which ones are not. For instance, in the sentence *‘Little
Peter go home’ the phrase ‘Little Peter’ is marked for “third person singular,” but the verb
is not. This will be detected by a competent speaker when the noun phrase and the verb
phrase are assembled to form a sentence. However, if the learner has not yet developed a
fully functioning sentence procedure, the mismatch will not be detected”.

“The same principle applies to grammatical information contained within phrases. For
instance, in the noun phrase ‘two kids’ the grammatical information “plural” is contained
in the numeral ‘two’ and in the noun ‘kids’. In language generation, these two bits of
information are compared when the noun phrase is assembled by the noun phrase-

“We can now see that in both examples grammatical information has to be matched
between parts of the sentence. In LFG, this process is called feature unification. In
nontechnical language we might describe this process as information matching. LFG uses
formal means to account for such processes. The fact that LFG has this capacity is one of
the key reasons why PT uses LFG to model these psycholinguistic processes”.

“[…] there is a time sequence involved in the matching of grammatical information, which
forms the basis of the original processability hierarchy. Noun phrases are assembled
before verb phrases, which are assembled before sentences. In addition, individual words
belong to categories such as “noun” and “verb,” and category procedures are the memory
stores that hold grammatical information such as “singular” or “past.” Therefore category
procedures appear before noun phrase procedures”.

The following is an overview of the original processability hierarchy, following Pienemann


1. no procedure (e.g., producing a simple word such as ‘yes’)

2. category procedure (e.g., adding a past tense morpheme to a verb as in ‘talked’ )

3. noun phrase procedure (e.g., matching plurality as in ‘two kids’)

4. verb phrase procedure (e.g., moving an adverb out of the verb phrase to the front of a
sentence ‘I went yesterday/yesterday I went’)

5. sentence procedure (e.g., subject-verb agreement as in ‘Peter sees a dog’)

6. subordinate clause procedure (e.g., use of subjunctive in subordinate clauses triggered

by information in a main clause as in ‘The doctor insisted that the patient be quiet’)

“The basic hypothesis underlying PT is that learners develop their grammatical inventory
following this hierarchy for two reasons: (a) the hierarchy is implicationally ordered, that
is, every procedure is a necessary prerequisite for the next procedure, and (b) the
hierarchy mirrors the time-course in language generation. Therefore the learner has no
choice but to develop along this hierarchy. Phrases cannot be assembled without words
being assigned to categories such as ‘noun’ and ‘verb’, and sentences cannot be
assembled without the phrases they contain and so forth. The fact that learners have no
choice in the path they take in the development of processing procedures follows from
the time-course of language generation and the design of processing procedures. This is
how the architecture of language generation constrains language development. So,
observed stages of development are a direct result of the stage of processing in which
learners find themselves”.

“As mentioned earlier, the original version of the processability hierarchy focuses on
information transfer within phrase structure. In the extended version of PT (Pienemann et
al., 2005) the processability hierarchy is extended to include further aspects of language
generation, in particular, the relationship between what is known as argument structure
and grammatical structure”.

Hypothesis Space -> “The processability hierarchy has been described as the sequence in
which the fundamental design of the language processor develops in L2 acquisition, and it has
been added that the learner is constrained to follow this sequence. At the same time, the
processing procedures developed at every stage of the hierarchy do allow for some degree of
leeway for the shape of the L2 grammar. Hypothesis space is created by the interplay between
the processability hierarchy and the leeway it generates at every level”.

Transfer of Grammatical Information and Feature Unification -> “As previously mentioned,
the original version of PT focused on phrase structure (which is called “constituent structure” in
LFG) and the transfer of grammatical information within it. This information transfer process is
modelled using feature unification. Every entry in the learner’s mental lexicon needs to be
annotated for the specific features of the target language”.

“In the design of PT, the point of unification is related to the hierarchy of Processability that
reflects the time course of real time processing. The hierarchy that results from a comparison
of the points of feature unification can be ordered as follows:

1. No exchange of grammatical information (= no unification of features),

2. Exchange of grammatical information within the phrase,

3. Exchange of grammatical information within the sentence.

Once one applies this hierarchy to ESL, the following developmental trajectory can be

1. past - ed will appear before

2. plural - s which in turn will appear before

3. third person - s .

“To appreciate the universal nature of PT, it is crucial to consider that the Processability
hierarchy is not language-specific and that, in principle, it applies to the transfer of grammatical
information in any language. In contrast, the examples that were given for ESL morphology
utilize this hierarchy and apply it to one specific target language. What the preceding
discussion suggests is that learners develop a lexically driven grammar; that is, the lexicon
stores grammatical information”.

Lexical-Functional Grammar -> “LFG has three independent and parallel levels of
representation: (a) argument structure (a-structure), (b) constituent structure (c-structure), and
(c) functional structure (f-structure). The three levels of linguistic representation are related to
each other by specific linking or mapping principles to unify the information that is encoded in
each of the three levels”.

“Argument structure is related to who does what to whom in a sentence. It contains the verb
and its corresponding arguments. Arguments take specific thematic roles (such as “agent,”
“experiencer,” “locative,” or “patient/theme”) that are ordered according to a universal hierarchy
of thematic roles . The arguments for each verb are listed in the lexical entry of the verb”.

“As previously mentioned, “constituent structure” is basically another name for “phrase
structure” and describes the structure of the parts of sentences. This component consists of
units that are constructed according on the basis of a universal core of constituent categories
(“verb,” “noun phrase,” etc.), but these are arranged in a way that is specific for every

“Functional structure consists of universal grammatical functions (such as SUBJECT or

OBJECT) that are related to constituent structure in a language-specific way. Functional
structure serves to connect argument structure and constituent structure”.

Lexical Mapping -> “this theory is a component of LFG (e.g., Bresnan, 2001). It specifies the
mapping processes from a-structure to f-structure, that is, from arguments to grammatical
functions. This design of LFG as a theory of language ensures that universal argument roles
can be expressed using a whole range of different grammatical forms”.

“[…] the relationship between argument structure and the other two levels of structure is
variable in a specific language and it also varies between languages. This variable relationship
between what is intended to be said (argument structure) and the way it is expressed using
grammatical forms (such as grammatical morphemes or word order) creates expressiveness in
language, but it also creates what Levelt (1981) calls the linearization problem . As mentioned
previously, the output of the processor is linear, but it may not be mapped onto the underlying
meaning in a linear way”.

“In the case of the active-passive alternation introduced earlier, the linearization problem
applies to the relation between argument structure and functional structure. The passive in the
preceding example deviates from a simple match between underlying meaning and
grammatical form, as the mapping of the theme to the subject function introduces a degree of
nonlinearity. In this context it is crucial to bear in mind that in LFG no linguistic material is
moved from one position to another throughout the sentence generation process. Instead, c-
structure is generated in one go without any intervening movement operations. The mapping
operations contained in LFG connect arguments, grammatical functions, and c-structure”.

Unmarked Alignment -> “Lexical Mapping Theory accounts for the mapping of argument
structure onto functional structure. In PT the default mapping principle is unmarked alignment,
which is based on the one-to-one mapping of argument roles onto grammatical functions. […]
But as we saw with passives, languages allow for a much wider range of relationships between
argument structure and functional structure and the ability to map these relationships develop
step-wise in L2 acquisition. Principles of lexical mapping can account for these developmental
processes. For L2 acquisition, unmarked alignment is the initial state of development and
results in canonical word order (i.e., the most typical word order for that language). For ESL
this is SVO. Unmarked alignment simplifies language processing for the learner who, at this
stage, will analyze the first noun phrase as the agent. This way, canonical word order avoids
any kind of transfer of grammatical information during language processing”.

“PT implies that L2 acquisition starts with an unmarked assignment of functional structure.
Subsequent changes of the relationship between arguments and functional structure will
require additional processing procedures that will be acquired later. Hence the unmarked
alignment hypothesis implies a developmental prediction for L2 structures affecting the
relationship between argument structure and functional structure”.
“These alterations of the relationship between argument roles and syntactic functions
constitute a deviation from unmarked alignment. In order for this type of marked alignment to
be possible, the function of a noun phrase (SUBJECT, OBJECT, or ADJUNCT, among others)
can be established only by assembling information about the constituents in the sentence
procedure, and this construction requires a procedure in the processability hierarchy higher
than the category procedure. Therefore PT predicts that in English the passive is acquired later
than active SVO sentences”.

The TOPIC Hypothesis -> “As mentioned earlier, Lexical Mapping Theory specifies the
relationship between argument structure and functional structure, and PT derives
developmental predictions from the language-specific relationship between argument structure
and functional structure using Lexical Mapping Theory. Similar predictions can also be derived
from the relationship between functional structure and constituent structure. One set of such
predictions is entailed in the TOPIC Hypothesis. To account for developmental dynamics in the
relationship between functional structure and constituent structure Pienemann et al. (2005)
propose the TOPIC hypothesis, which predicts that learners will initially not differentiate
between SUBJECT and other grammatical functions in sentence-initial position (e.g., TOPIC).
In this context it is important to note that in LFG TOPIC is a grammatical function. For instance,
in the sentence ‘Ann, he likes’, ‘Ann’ has two functions, OBJECT and TOPIC. In this case, the
TOPIC function is assigned to a constituent in sentence-initial position other than the
SUBJECT. This process is referred to as topicalization. When the learner is able to add a
constituent before the subject position, this will trigger the differentiation of the grammatical
functions TOPIC and SUBJECT”.

“The TOPIC hypothesis predicts that initially, the first noun phrase is mapped onto the SUBJ
function (as in 1), as the learner does not differentiate between the grammatical function
TOPIC and SUBJ (see also Chapter 7). At a later stage, the unmarked alignment between
constituents and grammatical functions is altered: The assignment of the TOPIC function to
nonargument functions results in the occurrence of adjuncts in sentence-initial position (as in
2). Finally, the TOPIC function is assigned to a core argument that is not the subject. This
applies for instance to the topicalization of objects (as in 3)”.

The Initial L2 Grammatical System -> “As pointed out earlier, PT is based on the assumption
that the IL grammar is constrained by the limited processing resources available to the learner.
This assumption materializes in form of hypothesis space, which delineates structural
hypotheses available to the learner at any given stage. Processing constraints also delineate
possible L1 transfer. PT predicts the initial state of syntax to follow canonical word order (SVO,
SOV etc.)”.

“Lenzing’s analysis revealed that the linguistic system of very early learners is highly
constrained in its constituent structure, its argument structure and lexicon. She concluded that
the unpredicted ‘chaotic’ structures shown in Table 9.1 are not generated by the learners’
grammatical system. Instead, these structures are based on lexical processes where the
arguments are mapped directly onto surface form. This implies that initially, no c-structure is
present. In some cases, the learners rely on formulaic units (such as ‘What’s’ or ‘She likes’)
and simply attach to this unit the lexical item(s) that best match the argument(s) they intend to
express. This process results in idiosyncratic question forms composed of a formulaic question
marker and one or more lexical items attached to it, as in ‘What’s the spaghetti?’”
“Initially, learners also fail to assign a lexical class to L2 words. For instance, in the question
*‘It’s a pink?’, the adjective ‘pink’ occurs in the wrong position in the sentence. Lenzing
concludes that the L2 constituent structure and argument structure need to be discovered step-
wise by the learner, and lexical classes need to be assigned gradually to new lexical entries.
As essential features and functions are underdeveloped or missing, feature unification and
mapping cannot be carried out at the initial state. Lenzing refers to these assumptions as the
Multiple Constraints Hypothesis (MCH)”.

“In PT the universal grammatical functions (SUBJ, OBJ, etc.) are assumed to be present in the
initial L2 mental grammatical system. The MCH makes the additional assumption that
grammatical functions are inaccessible at the initial state, as the mapping process from a- to f-
structure is blocked. The L2-specific c-structure is assumed to develop gradually in the
acquisition process following the predictions spelled out in PT. Its gradual development is
characterized by basic, flat-cstructures to more complex, hierarchical ones”.

“The MCH is illustrated in Figure 9.3 , which shows the direct mapping of a-structure onto c-
structure bypassing f-structure. Development of this initial learner system into the L2 is driven
by the gradual annotation of the lexicon, which permits the processor to map a- and c-
structure onto f-structure thus facilitating nonlinear mapping processes”.

What Counts as Evidence?

“Given the focus of PT on developmental dynamics, the most suitable research design is a
longitudinal or cross-sectional study with a large set of data relevant for the phenomena under
scrutiny. In such studies the researcher collects naturalistic or elicited speech data that form
the corpus on which the study is based. Relevant data do not necessarily imply a large data
set. The data need to be relevant to the point to be studied. For instance, the study of subject-
verb agreement marking requires a large set of contexts for subject-verb agreement marking.
This will allow the researcher to decide if the verbal marker is supplied or not. If no context
appears, no conclusion can be drawn. However, even the presence of a number of
morphological markers is no guarantee that these are based on productive interlanguage rules.
To exclude the use of formulae and chunks the researcher needs to check lexical and
morphological variation (i.e., same morpheme on different words and same word with different

“Apart from corpus data, reaction time experiments also constitute a valid basis of a test of PT.
As an example, a learner might be tested on subject-verb agreement. The learners reads two
sentences on a computer screen and must judge if the two sentences are identical or not by
pressing particular computer keys for “yes” and “no.” Some pairs of sentences are
grammatical, and some are not. The trick is that the sentences only appear briefly, say, for 300
milliseconds. What is measured is the time it takes the learner to make the judgment. The
prediction is that ungrammatical sentences take longer to process because the learner is
“checking for feature agreement.”

Common Misunderstandings -> “A major misunderstanding regarding PT is that it can be

applied to any language without first considering how particular features of a target language
are processed. For example, some scholars who have tried to apply PT to a new target
language have based their application on the developmental trajectories found for English and
German, the two key target languages in early research on PT. These researchers looked for
such things as agreement or word order phenomena that appeared similar to the
developmental stages found in English and German. But the grammars of individual languages
may vary considerably—as may the processes involved in producing specific structures”.

An Exemplary Study: Kawaguchi (2005) -> “Given that PT has been designed as a universal
theory of L2 development, it is important to demonstrate that it can be applied to typologically
distant languages and that the predictions for developmental trajectories derived from this
application are borne out by empirical studies. Kawaguchi’s (2005) study exemplifies the
applicability of PT to the acquisition of Japanese by deriving a developmental trajectory for the
acquisition of Japanese as a second language (JSL), which is supported by longitudinal data”.

“To appreciate Kawaguchi’s application of PT to JSL, it is crucial to consider some of the key
features of Japanese grammar that the predicted developmental trajectory is based on:
Japanese is a “head-last” language, and the verb is always in final position. However, syntactic
relations (such as SUBJECT, OBJECT) are not marked by word order (unlike in English).
Instead, syntactic relations are marked by nominal particles that follow the noun to be marked”.

“The TOPIC hypothesis predicts that initially SLA learners will not differentiate between TOPIC
and SUBJECT. This is reflected in the structure TOP SUBJ (O) V , where TOP SUBJ is si the
canonical word order that applies to Japanese (SOV). At the phrasal level TOPIC and
SUBJECT can be two different phrases (Topic + S(O)V) , and at the sentence level objects can
be in initial, that is, in topic position. The latter two steps are also predicted by the TOPIC
hypothesis, which states that the TOPIC function will first be applied to non-arguments (e.g.,
adjuncts) and only then to arguments (i.e., to OBJECTS in Kawaguchi’s study). Kawaguchi
demonstrates that these structures are related to the general levels of the Processability
hierarchy as shown above. It is this systematic linkage of the specific JSL structures with the
processability hierarchy that yields the crucial prediction of a JSL developmental trajectory”.

“The data analysis revealed that in Kawaguchi’s corpus, all structures included in her
hypotheses follow the predicted sequence: The verb appeared in the last position in every
sentence and every session right from the start. The structure TOP SUBJ (O)V appeared in a
clearly distinguishable next step, and this was followed by structures in which Topic and
SUBJECT are differentiated. Thus, the results support the predications made by PT involving
how processing constrains language development”.

Explanation of Observed Findings in SLA

“Observation 4: Learners’ output (speech) often follows predictable paths with predictable
stages in the acquisition of a given structure . Explaining this observation is one of the key
points of Processability Theory. PT has the capacity to predict stages of acquisition in
typologically diverse languages by locating grammatical structures of the L2 within the
processability hierarchy. These predictions can be universally applied because they are
specified within LFG”.

“Observation 5: Second language learning is variable in its outcome. Interlanguage variability is

generated by the leeway defined by hypothesis space at every stage of development. We
demonstrated above that every learning problem (i.e., every developmental structure) can be
solved in a limited number of different ways and that the range of solutions is defined by
hypothesis space. In the course of development, the learner thus accumulates different
variants of developmental structures. The accumulated choices made by the learner determine
the shape of the interlanguage variety of the learner. One class of choices made by learners
implies that the specific interlanguage rule cannot develop further. When learners accumulate
many of these choices the interlanguage stabilizes. Different degrees of “bad choices” made by
the learner determine the point in development at which the interlanguage system stabilizes.

Observation 7: There are limits on the effects of frequency on SLA. Given the hierarchical
nature of the processability hierarchy none of the processing procedure constraints in the
hierarchy can be skipped because every lower procedure constitutes a prerequisite for the next
higher one. Therefore frequency cannot override the constraints of the hierarchy.

Observation 8: There are limits on the effect of a learner’s first language on SLA . The key
assumption of PT is that L2 learners can produce only those linguistic forms for which they
have acquired the necessary processing procedures. Under this scenario, L1 features and
structures can only be transferred when the learner begins to process L2 features and
structures that are relevant to the L1. For example, learners cannot transfer knowledge or
abilities regarding L1 subject-verb agreement until they get to the stage where they can
process this kind of grammatical information in the L2. This claim is referred to as the
Developmentally Moderated Transfer Hypothesis (Pienemann, Di Biase, Kawaguchi, &
Håkansson, 2005).

Observation 9: There are limits on the effects of instruction on SLA . Given that every
processing procedure in that hierarchy forms a key prerequisite for the next higher stage, none
of the stages/prerequisites can be skipped. Therefore stages of acquisition cannot be skipped
through formal instruction. In other words, the effect of teaching is constrained by
processability. This was formerly referred to as the Teachability Hypothesis (Pienemann, 1984)
and has been subsumed under PT.

Observation 10: There are limits on the effects of output (learner production) on language
acquisition. Because output is constrained by processability, learners cannot produce
structures that are beyond their level of processing. Thus, practice does not make perfect in
language learning, and interaction in which learners may become aware of structures may not
lead to their being produced. Production of new features and structures reflects a change in
processing and is not the cause of it.

The Explicit/Implicit Debate -> “PT does not address the explicit/implicit debate directly.
Given that PT is based on Levelt’s approach to language generation, it shares Levelt’s
assumptions regarding the automaticity and implicit nature of several of the processing
components. The key component of Levelt’s approach utilized by PT is the Grammatical
Encoder, which is seen as a component that runs largely automatically and is based on implicit
knowledge. In the context of Levelt’s model, explicit knowledge comes into play through
monitoring, which is seen as highly constrained by the overall architecture of the language
generator. These assumptions allow for a very constrained interface between explicit and
implicit knowledge. What is more, PT is less concerned with how a grammar comes to be in a
learner’s mind/brain and instead focuses on the processes that make use of that grammar in
real time. To this end, PT would not take a stand on explicit/implicit learning as it is normally
discussed in the literature”.

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