Naturopathy Standard
Naturopathy Standard
Naturopathy Standard
1 TO 10 BEDS,
11 TO 25 BEDS,
26 TO 50 BEDS,
51 TO 100 BEDS,
A Introduction
A.1 General
A.2 Scope
B. Functions
B.1 Core functions (Clinical services)
B.2 Auxiliary Functions (support services for ex – diagnostic)
C. Physical Facilities
C.1 Space requirement
C.1.1 Minimum area
C.1.2 Functional space
C.1.3 Dimensions of the sub areas
C.1.4 Basic signage
C.1.5 Others
C.2 Furniture & Fixtures
C.2.1 Furniture/Fixture Requirements
C.2.2 Sundry Articles
C.2.3 Others
C.3 Engineering Services Requirements
C.3.1 Electrical Requirements
C.3.2 Plumbing Requirements
C.3.3 Civil Requirements
C.3.4 HVAC / AC / Ventilation / Cross Ventilation Requirements
C.3.5 Others*
C.4 Public Utilities
C.4.1 Potable drinking water
C.4.2 Sanitary Requirements
D. Equipments /instruments
D.1 Therapeutic equipments
D.2 Surgical equipments
D.3 Diagnostic equipments
D.4 Emergency equipments
D.5 Sterilizing Equipments
E. Manpower
E.1 Medical practitioners
E.2 Therapists
E.3 Paramedics
E.4 Nurses
E.5 Administrative staff
F. Drugs
F.1 Anaesthetics drugs
F.2 Emergency drugs
F.3 General Drugs
G. Consumables
G.1 Surgical
G.2 Dressing Material
G.3 Disinfectants
G.4 Tubing
G.5 Linen
G.6 Stationary
G.7 Adhesives and gels
G.8 Others*
H. Licenses
I. Basic Processes
I.1 Registration
I.2 Assessment
I.3 Infection Control
I.4 Safety considerations
I.5 Clinical Treatment Records
J. References/Bibliography
K. Appendix/Annexure
L. Abbreviations
M. List of Contributors
A Introduction
A.1 General
The standards thus framed are on account of the minimum requirement of this category of
healthcare provider. There are no exclusions. They are dependent on the basic functions of the
unit/hospital/provider. All sections mentioned are mandatory and include both structure and
basic processes.
A.2 Scope
This includes the services being provided by the facility to which the standards will be applicable
(For example common minimum standards framed for a polyclinic are applicable to a polyclinic
only and not to a single specialty hospital)
Health Care facility with 1 to 10 beds for indoor care and ability to
monitor and treat patients requiring an overnight stay. Care is
1 to 10 beds provided by Naturopathy Physician trained in the concerned system
of medicine having graduate or preferably postgraduate
Health Care facility with 11 to 25 beds for indoor care and ability to
monitor and treat patients requiring an overnight stay. Care is
11 to 25
provided by Naturopathy Physician trained in the concerned system
of medicine having graduate or preferably postgraduate
Health Care facility with 26 to 50 beds for indoor care and ability to
monitor and treat patients requiring an overnight stay. Care is
26 to 50
provided by Naturopathy Physician trained in the concerned system
of medicine having graduate or preferably postgraduate
Health Care facility with 51 to 100 beds for indoor care and ability
to monitor and treat patients requiring an overnight stay. Care is
51 to 100
provided by Naturopathy Physician trained in the concerned system
of medicine having graduate or preferably postgraduate
Health Care facility with 101 to 200 beds for indoor care and ability
to monitor and treat patients requiring an overnight stay. Care is
101 Beds
provided by Naturopathy Physician trained in the concerned system
and above/
of medicine having graduate or preferably postgraduate
qualifications. In teaching hospitals student, patient bed ratio
should be 1:2. For 50 students intake 100 bed capacity should be
B. Functions
This section includes the basic services provided by facilities. It is subdivided into two parts
4. Mud Bath Optional Mud Bath Mud Bath Mud Bath Mud Bath Mud Bath
11. Diet Centre Optional Diet Centre Diet Centre Diet Centre Diet Centre Diet Centre
Indoor patient’s facilities:
The indoor department of the hospital shall have separate male and female wards and
distribution of beds at the rate of 65 sq. ft. area per bed with the following facilities:-
In 101 and
In 1 to 10 In 11 to 25 In 26 to 50 In 51 to 100
Sr.No. above/teachi
beds beds beds beds
ng hospitals
5. Colour Colour
Colour /Chromo
/Chromo /Chromo Colour Colour
Therapy Therapy Therapy Therapy
Optional Optional
7. Steam Bath Steam Bath Steam Bath Steam Bath Steam Bath
9. Air Therapy
Air Therapy Air Therapy Air Therapy Air Therapy
25. Yoga therapy Yoga therapy Yoga therapy Yoga therapy Yoga therapy
26. Diet center Diet center Diet center Diet center Diet center
B.2 Auxiliary Functions (support services for ex – diagnostic)
a. There shall be a laboratory in the hospital complex of more than 100 beds with
proper infrastructure and manpower for carrying out routine, pathological,
biochemical and hematological investigations on the patients referred from outdoor
and indoor departments of the hospital.
b. In the absence of the above facility the hospital should have collaboration with a
well- equipped laboratory for all the purposes given above.
Support Services:
1. Accounting
2. Ambulance services
3. Billing
4. Dietary services/ Canteen
5. Essential commodities like water supply, electric supply etc.
6. Finance
7. Financial accounting and auditing
8. Housekeeping and Sanitation
9. Inventory Management
10. Laundry services
11. Medical records
12. Preparation area
13. Office Management (Provision should be made for computerized medical records
with anti-virus facilities whereas alternate records should also be maintained)
14. Personnel Department
15. Purchase
16. Reception,
17. Security services
18. Stores
19. Waste management Housekeeping/ sanitation,
C.Physical Facilities
1. Treatment rooms:
a. Maximum 15 Treatments/Day/Treatment Room.
b. Number of treatments will depend on type & nature of treatments.
4. Entrance hall with reception area, enquiry counter, cash counter and
record area
a. Preferably 100 sq. ft per 25 beds
8. Therapist Quarters:
a. Minimum 1 room with attached bathroom & WC, per 2 doctors with
separate rooms for male & females with separated sleeping facility with
ceiling fan, drinking water facility, intercom, mattress, pillows, blankets,
bed sheets. Cupboards/ wardrobes.
d. In the absence of the above facility the hospital should have collaboration
with a well- equipped laboratory for all the purposes given above
11. Laundry (optional)
a. Laundry services can be outsourced or can be optional.
b. If it is provided in house, it should have necessary facilities for drying,
pressing and storage of soiled and cleaned linens.
c. If outsourced, disinfection of linen is carried out by the hospital before
handing over the linen to the out-sourced organization.
12. House-Keeping:
a. Housekeeping services should be made available for effective cleanliness.
b. Housekeeping services can be outsourced.
c. Designated areas within functional areas for housekeeping materials has
to be in hospital of more than 30 beds
a. Diet Centre to cater to the Diet Therapy; Minimum 50 chairs and dining table
or wooden long bench on the floor to accommodate patients.
C.1.3 Dimensions of the sub areas of the facility, including the flow of the processes
which in turn will give a layout of the department /unit.
1. A signage within or outside the facility should be made available containing the
following information.
2. *All signage meant for patients and visitors shall be bilingual – Local language
and Hindi / English.
1. Name of organization.
2. Display of Registration under clinical establishment act
C.1.4.4Services provided
This will entail the details about the furniture and sundry items commensurate to the service
delivery requirements.
C.2.1Furniture/Fixture Requirements:
1. Adequate wall or 2 2
steel Cupboards 2 4 8
2. Arm Board Adult 2 2 2 4 8
3. Back rest 2 2 2 4 8
4. Bain marie trolley 1 per floor 1 per floor 1 per floor 1 per floor 1 per floor
stainless steel 1
per floor
5. Bed side cabinets As needed As needed As needed As needed As needed
6. Bed side Screen 1 per ward 1 per ward 1 per ward 1 per ward 1 per ward or full
or full length or full or full or full length length curtains
curtains length length curtains between the beds
between the curtains curtains between the
beds between between beds
the beds the beds
7. As per As per 6
requirement requirement
Bucket Plastic 12 24
8. Ceiling Fans As per As per As per As per As per
requirement requirement requirement requirement requirement
9. Clock 1per ward 1 per ward 1 per ward 1 per ward 1 per ward 1 per ward
10. Containers for As needed As needed As needed As needed As needed
11. Doctor’s chair for As needed As needed As needed As needed As needed
OP & ward,
12. Doctor’s or Office As per As per As per
table requirement requirement requirement
3 10
13. Dressing trolley-1 As per As per As per
per floor/ ward requirement requirement requirement
depending on
layout 4 8
14. Dust bins in each 3 6
ward &
consultation room 3 6 12
15. Duty table for As per As per 4
nurses requirement requirement
8 20
16. Emergency 1 per floor 1 per floor 1 per floor 1 per floor 1 per floor
resuscitation kit
17. Enema Set 1 2 4 4 8
18. Fire extinguisher – ABC 1 per ABC 1 per ABC 1 per ABC 1 per ABC 1 per ward/
ward/ floor ward/ floor ward/ floor ward/ floor floor based on
based on based on based on based on layout
layout layout layout layout
19. Foot stools 4 8 8 16 25
20. Fridge 1 Per Area/ 1 Per Area/ 1 Per Area/ 1 Per Area/ 1 Per Area/ Ward
Ward Ward Ward Ward
21. Heavy duty Torch 1 per ward 1 per ward 1 per ward 1 per ward 1 per ward
22. Hospital Cots 10 + 10 % 25+ 10 % 50+ 10 % 100+ 10 %
of the of the of the of the 100 & above + 10
capacity in capacity in capacity in capacity in % of the capacity
reserve reserve reserve reserve in reserve
23. Hospital Cots As per As per
Pediatric As per requirement requirement
requirement 10 30
24. Hot Water Bags 2 2 per ward 2 per ward 2 per ward 2 per ward 2 per ward
per ward
25. Hot Water geyser 2 per ward 2 per ward 2 per ward 2 per ward 2 per ward
26. I V Stands - 1 per 1 3
20 beds 1 5 10
27. Infra-Red lamp 1 2 3 5 10
28. Intercom System 2 per ward 2 per ward 2 per ward 2 per ward 2 per ward
29. Kidney Trays1 per 2 5
10 beds 1 10 20
30. Kitchen utensils, Adequate Adequate Adequate Adequate Adequate
31. Massage table of One per One per One per One per
7ft. x 2.5ft (wood procedure procedure procedure procedure room
or fibre) room room room
32. Medicine trolley Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional
1. Arm chair One per One per One per One per One per One per
service service service service service service
room room room room room room
2. Footstool One per One per One per One per One per One per
service service service service service service
room room room room room room
3. Gas/Stove One per One per One per One per One per One per
service service service service service service
room room room room room room
4. hamox stretchers / One per One per One per One per One per One per
Stretchers with wheels service service service service service service
room room room room room room
5. Heating facilities One per One per One per One per One per One per
service service service service service service
room room room room room room
6. Hot water bath One per One per One per One per One per One per
service service service service service service
room room room room room room
7. IV stands One per One per One per One per One per One per
service service service service service service
room room room room room room
8. Massage table of 7ft. x One per One per One per One per One per One per
2.5ft (wood or fibre) service service service service service service
room room room room room room
9. One per One per One per One per One per One per
service service service service service service
Mixture/Grinder/Churner room room room room room room
10. Plastic aprons, gloves One per One per One per One per One per One per
and mask service service service service service service
room room room room room room
11. Stool One per One per One per One per One per One per
service service service service service service
room room room room room room
12. Sufficient light and One per One per One per One per One per One per
ventilation service service service service service service
room room room room room room
13. One per One per One per One per One per One per
Steam bath chamber service service service service service service
room room room room room room
14. Wheel chairs One per One per One per One per One per One per
service service service service service service
room room room room room room
C.2.2Sundry Articles Requirement
Furniture/Fixture Requirements
Sr. Name of the Clinic 1 to 10 11 to 25 26 to 50 51-100 101 beds
No. Equipment bedded and above/
bedded bedded bedded Hospita teaching
l hospital
C.3.1Electrical Requirements
1. At least 3 hours backup or generator for critical areas
2. Primary electrical Supply is available as provided by the local utility provider.
Lighting back up for at least 1 hour covering all functional areas must be
available during the functioning time.
3. Primary electrical Supply as supplied by utility provider. Emergency backup
for at least 3 hours backup for electricity & for lighting and critical equipment
must be available during the functioning time. Take over time must be less
than 30 seconds. Electric supply to lighting will be backed up with UPS/
Inverter/ Battery.
4. The illumination in the hospital is provided as per the prescribed standards.
5. Shadow less lights should be provided in operation theatres and delivery
6. Emergency portable light units should be provided in the wards and
C.3.2Plumbing Requirements
c. No. of bathrooms
i. Minimum1 bathroom per 6 beds/ one for each ward rooms
ii. Minimum1 bathroom per 6 beds/ one for each therapy rooms
d. WC
i. Minimum 1 WC per 6 beds/ one for each Male & Female wards
ii. Average size of toilet : 810 mm X 1800mm with grab bars
iii. Minimum 1 WC per 6 beds/ one for each Male & Female wards
iv. At least one wheel chair friendly toilet of dimensions 2200mm X
1800mm must be provided.
C.3.3Civil Requirements
C.3.5 Others
1. Air coolers or hot air convectors may be provided for the comfort of patients and
staff depending on the local needs.
1. Round the clock availability of safe drinking water for patients, staff and visitors.
2. Hospital should be provided with water coolers and refrigerator in wards and
departments depending upon the local needs.
1. Arrangement should be made for round the clock piped water supply
along with an overhead water storage tank with pumping and boosting
2. Approximately 10000 liters of potable water per day is required for a 100
bedded hospital.
3. Separate provision for firefighting should be available.
4. Water softening plant should be considered where hardness of water is a
major problem.
D. Equipments /instruments
This includes the type, number, minimum specification & functionality of equipments
required in the facility under the following headings
Sr. Name of the Clinic 1 to 10 11-25 26- 50- 51 -100 101 beds
No. Equipment bedded 200 and
Hospital bedded bedded bedded above/
Hospital hospital hospital teaching
4. Back rest 2 2 2 4 8
5. Bain marie trolley 1 1 1 2 4
stainless steel 1 per
6. Bed pans, 1 per 5 4 10
patients 2 20 50
7. Biomedical waste Each per Each per Each per Each per Each per
colour coded bins floor floor floor floor floor
8. Cheatle forceps Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional
assorted sizes
9. 1 per 1 per 1 per ward 1 per ward 1 per
Clock per ward
ward ward ward
10. Containers for kitchen As As As required As As
required required required required
11. Dressing trolley-1 per 1 per 1 per 1 per ward 1 per ward 1 per
floor/ ward depending ward ward ward
on layout
12. Dust bins in each ward 1 per 1 per 1 per ward 1 per ward 1 per
& consultation room ward ward ward
13. Emergency 1 per floor 1 per 1 per floor 1 per floor 1 per floor
resuscitation kit floor
14. As As As required As As
Enema Set required required required required
15. Fridge As As As required As As
required required required required
16. Heavy duty Torch light 1 per 1 per 1 per ward 1 per ward 1 per
– 1 per ward ward ward ward
17. Hot Water Bags 2 per 2 per 1 per 1 per ward 2 per ward 2 per
ward ward ward ward
18. I V Stands - 1 per 20 1 per 20 1 per 20 1 per 20 1 per 20 1 per 20
beds beds beds beds beds beds
26. Acu Needle disposer – 1 per 1 per 1 per ward 1 per ward 1 per
1 per ward ward ward ward
27. Non mercury 1 per 1 per 1 per ward 1 per ward 1 per
Thermometer clinical – ward ward ward
1 per ward
28. O2 cylinder with 1 per 1 per 1 per ward 1 per ward 1 per
spanner – 1 per ward ward ward ward
29. Patients examination 1 per 1 per 1 per ward 1 per ward 1 per
table– 1 per ward/ ward ward ward
floor a per the profile
of patients & layout of
30. Sphygmomanometers- 1 per 1 per 1 per ward 1 per ward 1 per
Stand Type 1& ward ward ward
Portable (aneroid or
Digital) Type X 1 – 1
per ward
31. Stretcher/ Patient 1 per 1 per 1 per ward 1 per ward 1 per
trolley – 1 per ward ward ward ward
32. Weighing Machine – 1 1 per 1 per 1 per ward 1 per ward 1 per
per ward ward ward ward
33. X-ray viewer – one per 1 per 1 per 1 per ward 1 per ward 1 per
ward ward ward ward
3: Naturopathy Therapy Section
14. One per One per One per One per One per One per
Kettle service service service service service service
room room room room room room
15. One per One per One per One per One per One per
Thermoleum service service service service service service
room room room room room room
Not Applicable
D.3Diagnostic equipments
1: Laboratory Equipments
Alarm clock Optional 1 Per Area/ 1 Per 1 Per 1 Per 1 Per Area/
Ward Area/ Area/ Area/ Ward
Ward Ward Ward
Automatic cell Optional Optional Optional Minimum 1 Optional Minimum 1
2. counter
Auto analyzer/ Semi Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional
3. auto analyzer
Binocular Minimum 1 Minimum 1 Minimum 1 Minimum 1 Minimum 1 Minimum 1
4. Microscope
Chemical Balances Minimum 1 Minimum 1 Minimum 1 Minimum 1 Minimum 1 Minimum 1
Counting chamber Minimum 1 Minimum 1 Minimum 1 Minimum 1 Minimum 1 Minimum 1
Electric Colorimeter Minimum 1 Minimum 1 Minimum 1 Minimum 1 Minimum 1 Minimum 1
Electricentrifuge, Minimum 1 Minimum 1 Minimum 1 Minimum 1 Minimum 1 Minimum 1
8. table top
ESR stand with Minimum 1 Minimum 1 Minimum 1 Minimum 1 Minimum 1 Minimum 1
9. tubes
Flame photometer Minimum 1 Minimum 1 Minimum 1 Minimum 1 Minimum 1 Minimum 1
Glucometer 1 Per Area/ 1 Per Area/ 1 Per 1 Per 1 Per 1 Per Area/
Ward Ward Area/ Area/ Area/ Ward
Ward Ward Ward
Hemoglobinometer Minimum 1 Minimum 1 Minimum 1 Minimum 1 Minimum 1 Minimum 1
Hot air oven As As needed As As As As
13. needed needed needed needed needed
14. Hot plates As needed As needed As needed As needed As needed As needed
15. Lab Incubator* As needed As needed As needed As needed As needed As needed
Laboratory Auto As needed As needed As needed As needed As needed As needed
16. Claves
Micro pipette of As needed As needed As needed As needed As needed As needed
17. different volumes
18. PH meter As needed As needed As needed As needed As needed As needed
Refrigerator Minimum 1 Minimum 1 Minimum 1 Minimum 1 Minimum 1 Minimum 1
Rotor / Shaker Minimum 1 Minimum 1 Minimum 1 Minimum 1 Minimum 1 Minimum 1
Simple balances Minimum 1 Minimum 1 Minimum 1 Minimum 1 Minimum 1 Minimum 1
Spirit lamp Minimum 1 Minimum 1 Minimum 1 Minimum 1 Minimum 1 Minimum 1
TCDC count As needed As needed As needed As needed As needed As needed
23. apparatus
24. Test tube holders As needed As needed As needed As needed As needed As needed
25. Test tube rack As needed As needed As needed As needed As needed As needed
26. Test tube stands As needed As needed As needed As needed As needed As needed
27. Timer stop watch As needed As needed As needed As needed As needed As needed
28. Water bath As needed As needed As needed As needed As needed As needed
D.4Emergency equipments
Emergency equipments
Sr. Name of the Clinic 1 to 50 11-25 26-50 51- 100 101 beds
No. Equipment bedded bedded bedded bedded and
Hospital Hospital hospital hospital above/
Not Applicable
E. Manpower
This includes the Designation, minimum qualification & number of people required in the
E.1Medical practitioners
1. - - Optional Optional 1 1
2. Naturopathy 1 1 1+ as 2+ as 3+ as 5+ as
Physician per need per need per need per need
1. Category:Naturopathy Therapist
2. Minimum Qualifications: Certificate Course in Naturopathy
3. Registration: (if applicable): state or central council of Indian Medicine
4. Trained / skilled: Trained
1. Naturopathy Therapist- 1 1 1 3 4 6+
2. Naturopathy 1 1 1 3 4 6+
3. Naturopathy - - 1 3 4 6+
4. Naturopathy - - 1 3 4 6+
TherapyAssistant Male
1. Category:Paramedics
2. Minimum Qualifications: (diploma/degree from recognized university by Central
Government or State government of Indian Medicine.)
3. Registration with the concerned council(if applicable): state or central council
4. Trained / skilled: Trained
4. If exists, Diploma - 1 1
in Electrical
Electrician 1 2 2
5. Eight standard - 1 2
Hospital worker
completed 1 5 10
6. Ability to read 1 2 2
national or local 1 2 3
7. Kitchen Servant As per As per As per As per As per As per
(if food is require requirem requirem requirem requirem requiremen
cooked in- ment ent ent ent ent t
8. Laboratory _ As per As per As per
Ability to read
Attendant requirem requirem requirem
national or local 2 6
(Hospital ent ent ent
(if lab is in-
9. Laboratory Qualified _ As per As per As per As per
As per requirem requirem
Technician Laboratory requirem requiremen
requirem ent ent
(if Lab is in- Technician ent t
10. If exists, Diploma _ As per As per
Maintenance in Electrical requirem requirem
1 1 2
person Engineering. ent ent
1. Category:Nursing
2. Minimum Qualifications: NDNYT/TATC/ Government approved Nursing
programs in Naturopathy
3. Registration: State Nursing Council of where hospital is located (if applicable)
4. Trained / skilled: Trained
Nurses to Beds Ratio: 1 per 10 beds
Sr. no Nursing Staff Clinic 1 to 10 bedded 11 to 25 26 to 50 51-100 101 beds
Hospital bedded bedded bedded and above/
Hospital Hospital Hospital teaching
2. Matron - - 1 1 1 2
E.5 Administrative staff: The number would vary as per requirement and may be
Administrative staff
Sr. no Administrative Clinic 1 to 10 11 to 25 26 to 50 51-100 101 beds
staff bedded bedded bedded bedded and above/
Hospital Hospital Hospital Hospital teaching
F. Drugs
This segment includes the minimum essential drug which needs to be maintained in the facility.
Not Applicable
Category:Emergency Drugs
Sr. no. Name of the Drug Strength Minimum Quantity
This includes the minimum quantity of the commonly used consumables in the facility
which should be made available.
G.1 Surgical
Not Applicable
G.2Dressing Material
Sr. no Disinfectants
1. Hypochlorite 4%-6%
2. Ortho-phthalaldehyde (OPA)
3. 70% ethanol plus10ppm Bitrex
4. Formaldehyde solutions (1%–2%)
5. Glutaraldehyde
6. Hydrogen peroxide
7. Quaternary ammonium compounds
8. Phenolic germicides
Sr. no Tubing
1. Connecting tubing’s for oxygen delivery
2. Oxygen catheters
3. Oxygen masks
4. Foley catheters
5. Urinary catheters
6. Others
G.6 Stationary
Sr. no. Items
1. Consents Forms
2. Continuation Sheets for IPD
3. Continuation sheets for OPD
4. Diet Cards
5. Diet Sheets
6. Discharge cards
7. Indoor Admission Form & Case Sheets
8. Intake Output Charts
9. Nursing Monitoring Forms
10. OPD Forms
11. Pathological Books
12. Registers
13. Registration Card
14. Sentinel Event Form
15. Supplementary Sheets
16. Temperature Charts
17. Treatment Cards
18. White Papers
19. X-ray Forms
I. Basic Processes
I.1 Registration (This will help in developing a database at State / Central level).
1. Name,
2. Age,
3. Gender ,
4. Address with PIN code,
5. Marital Status,
6. Contact Number,
7. Type of Diet (Veg, Non-veg),
8. OP/ IP Number,
9. Date & Time of visit for OP/ admission for IP,
10. Name of Treating Doctor
I.2 Assessment
I.4Safety considerations
(Surgical safety, infection control, biomedical waste, first aid & basic life support,
disaster preparedness)
1. AERB safety rules shall be followed in Radiology and other radiation areas.
2. All areas where a physical hazards may occur, like near DG set, transformer,
Cylinder storage, electric panels, steep slope etc. shall be provided with safety
signage and safety instructions
3. All balconies and opening on higher floors shall have grills
4. All bottles containing acids or alkalis shall be stored on cupboards at height
below the shoulder level to prevent them from falling while taking out. It shall
never be stored on height above the head level
5. All electric panels shall be enclosed in insulated and nonflammable box and shall
be kept locked
6. All entry doors, windows and furniture shall be maintained in good maintained
7. All equipments, furniture awaiting condemnation shall be stored in separate
condemnation area
8. All stretchers and wheelchairs shall have safety belts for fastening the patient
9. Anti-skid mats shall be placed on entrance of bathrooms
10. Boundary wall of the hospital’s campus shall be of sufficient height with metal
fencing on top. Entire boundary wall shall be kept in intact condition
11. Corridors and passages shall not be blocked by chairs, tables or equipments
12. Displays of ‘floor is wet’ or ‘under repair’ or similar precautions in required areas
and time shall be available with the hospital
13. Doors height shall be at least of 8 feet
14. Electric rooms shall not be used as store room or for any other purpose
15. Emergency exit routes shall be kept clear all the times
16. Hospitals ground shall be properly maintained. There shall be no openings, or
pits in the ground. The surfaces shall be kept even
17. Lab shall be provided with safety equipments like eye wash cups
18. Material safety data sheet shall be available for all hazardous materials
19. No door shall open towards public areas like crowded lobby etc. (the door shall
preferably open towards the inside of room)
20. No inflammable materials like, diesel, LPG, acids etc. shall be stored near
electrical panel
21. Personal protective gears shall be available everywhere and in adequate
quantity. These include gears like, gloves, masks, gowns, boots, caps, goggles
etc. Earplugs shall be provided to staff in areas where there is continuous noise,
like AC plant.
22. Protection from stray dogs and other animals shall be ensured in the hospital
23. Rubber matting shall be placed on the floors below electric panels
24. Seepage shall not be allowed in areas where electric panels or wires are present
25. Terrace should have side walls of at least 4 feet height
26. The beds shall have provision for providing side guardrails.
27. There should be no losing of electrical wiring. All electrical wiring shall be
concealed and kept intact
2. Infection control:
1. Biological safety assessment is done for all areas of patient care and risks
defined for the same.
a. Needle Stick Injury and related Transmissions
b. Patient to staff, patient to patient and staff to patient risk of transmission of
diseases is addressed and preventive measures are instituted.
c. Procedure site and surgical site infections are monitored.
2. Preventive measures and remedies for correction are kept available wherever
such risk exists.
3. Hand washing practices as per WHO recommended criteria are followed and
monitored regularly.
4. Facility and consumables for hand washing are available tat convenient locations
in the healthcare facility.
5. Adequate equipment and disposables related to personal safety for infection
transmission are available to staff and patients in the organization. E.g.
equipment like fogging machine, UV sterilizers, Insect Killer Machines and
consumables such as Gloves, hand washing materials/ hand gels, surgical
Masks, N95 Masks, industrial gloves, etc.
3. Biomedical waste:
1. Biomedical waste is collected, segregated, packed, transported and disposed
according to the regulatory guidelines.
2. Biological Waste Management is monitored on regular basis.
3. Biomedical waste disposal is a part of infection control activities.
Sr. no Records
1. OPD/ IPD Records
2. Treatment Orders
3. Medication Records
4. Procedure Records
5. Nursing Monitoring Records
6. Nursing Treatment Records
7. Reports of investigations
Consents: General Consent at admission, Procedure consents
I.6 Discharge
J. References/Bibliography
K. Appendix/Annexure
Various Tools
L. Abbreviations